#RWBY 7 spoilers
clementinecloudz · 3 months
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Long live pyrrha (she died 7 seasons ago but it's okay nothing bad ever happened)
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zexapher · 8 months
The Best Laid Schemes
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The best laid schemes go oft astray. Poor Weiss, bet she’d been practicing lines in her head all day. And speaking of, Jaune certainly wasn’t too quick to recruit everyone else for his little trip, once he saw Weiss was onboard. Wouldn’t be surprised if he went through a line or two on the way over as well.
Even if they are now somewhat overshadowed by the immaculate story we’ve been blessed with in Volume 9, pre-Volume 9 White Knight moments are still very good. They’ll always have a place in my heart.
Some of you may have noticed me sneak in a not-so-subtle little Parks and Recreation Reference there. Love that show, and I quite like the idea of Weiss taking on a bit of a Leslie Knope edge while she tries to rebuild Atlas and Mantle, which makes Ruby Ann Perkins.
Hope you all enjoy this little comic I threw together yesterday!
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foxaoxarts · 2 years
BEE KISS TOMORR- *dead* /j
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If anyone wants to watch me drawing this like a little victorian child then the timelapse is below the cut 🤣
(FLICKER WARNING. It's all through out so be careful!👍 )
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i do find it interesting that ruby stepping back from crescent rose was INCREDIBLY concerning for everybody, but as soon as the town floods and Jaune screams out every single member of WBY goes to comfort him. because his pain is louder than ruby’s. like they literally immediately disregarded ruby’s incoming breakdown and concerning behaviour. They try to make jaune feel better by pretty much asking ruby to say something inspirational or optimistic. but she can’t because she literally just had a panic attack mid battle and refuses to use her very cherished weapon
im not saying this to hate on WBY because I know they’re going through it as well, I just thought this was interesting writing
I will be a Ruby defender until the day i die
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hadesisqueer · 2 years
Go on. Say her blush is because of the cold again, fuckers. Say it.
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marnma · 2 years
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so I’m sure I’m not the only one losing my mind over today’s episode, right?
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sunshine-dragon · 2 years
I keep telling myself that I can watch RWBY and be like super normal about it but then I see these mother fuckers being all flirty and shit
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And I just
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bonnibellexox · 4 months
Snippet from Privacy- Chapter 18: Secrets
Ruby x Jaune
“So, how did this happen?” Blake asks, holding an arm across Yang’s neck to hold her back as the others gather around.
Secret room, alcohol, s*x, s*x, threeways, Weiss-
“We hung out one night while everyone else was busy, and just kinda hit it off.” I reply, being as vague as possible.
“6 months ago.” Yang growls quietly, shooting me a look.
Sighing, I step towards her and pull her boiling frame into a hug. She pauses in shock, before rolling her eyes and accepting the embrace.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, it wasn’t personal. I just liked having a secret, nice thing that was mine. Keeping our relationship separate from everything else just… helped take my mind off things.” I explain softly, resting my chin on her shoulder.
We pull apart and Yang takes a deep breath, washing away her anger. And after a moment, she opens her eyes and smiles at me, and then him. But then her eyes narrow and she rocks to one side, crossing her arms with a look of suspicion.
“You two have just been holding hands, right?” She interrogates, looking Jaune up and down.
“Of course…” Jaune grits through his teeth, avoiding eye contact.
“Pft nup.” I laugh smugly, returning to his side and holding his arm, lacing my fingers through his.
“Ruby!” They both hiss at me.
“What? I’m an adult, I can do what I want.” I shrug with a smirk.
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yang-png · 2 years
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rwby-confess · 5 months
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Confession #54
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caroliby · 2 years
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guys i can’t stop listening to this it’s one of the best rwby songs period
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stardust948 · 1 year
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I have a weak spot for these type of kisses okay
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zexapher · 4 months
Art Imitates Life
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Had this idea in my back pocket for what must be a few months now, but after Akumu_Oukoku’s wonderful ‘Weiss is silly’ meme,  I thought I’d finally put this one together. That, and I wanted to make a little something to celebrate White Knight’s glorious victory in Ship Wars 8! The hordes of r/fnki well and truly descended upon the tournament, and all the better for White Knight!
I think there were a few folks on the regular sub that hadn’t quite realized just how popular White Knight had become within the community, but fnki itself has turned into something of a fortress for the ship, and the results of the tourney speak for themselves. White Knight really wound up dominating, becoming champion by an overwhelming margin, and with just Lancaster and Nuts & Dolts putting up strong competition in the previous rounds.
I’m impressed, and super stoked. It’s really something special seeing White Knight come out so strong after so many years treated as a pariah, having never before made it past the first round but now becoming the champion. The stars had aligned, really. The final round taking place on Weiss’ birthday, White Knight winning the championship being the perfect gift. Volume 9 had given the ship strong foundations to stand on. We can see that expressed in not only the various memes put out over time, but also in the A-Jaune-da alliance and numerous comments inundating the polls in order to promote the ship. White Knight shippers really had an incredibly strong messaging campaign this tournament, I might say no one else came close, and we always kept it positive. Everyone involved should feel proud.
Now, as for this meme, I chose these six characters (and Weiss) because I found it rather appropriate that they have all to some extent shipped White Knight in canon. Jaune, of course, is an obvious one. The story is littered with examples for him all the way through. Similarly, Weiss has been growing fonder of Jaune throughout the show, but Volume 9 saw her interest revealed in a very pronounced manner. Nora has the most tenuous claim here, having shared few moments with Weiss. However, Nora has a moment in Volume 5 where she teases Weiss about liking Jaune’s nickname, going on to tease the Ice Queen about her thawed heart.
Oscar, of course, gets his absolutely stoked look that he throws at Jaune when Weiss accepts Jaune’s invitation to the movies. Like, Oscar is just so happy for his big bro. Blake has a moment or two over the course of the show, notably her happy little glance between Jaune and Weiss at the Argus reunion, her smug look at the ~mature~ line, and how she perks up at Weiss’ giggle with Jaune about his restored youth. No real surprise there, since Blake is actually Jaune’s offscreen super-secret best friend. Yang herself throws a little dating advice Jaune’s way, and gets her ‘one day’ line, when our boy was down in the dumps following a rejection or two. She points out to Weiss that her harshness rejecting Jaune is the sort of thing that earned her the Ice Queen nickname. And, like Blake, Yang gets her own smug look following the ~mature~ line. Then there’s my most controversial addition to this list, Pyrrha. After all, she did walk Jaune through how to ask Weiss to the dance.
Yes, this was all an excuse for me to make a post about every little scrap from the show suggesting the characters ship White Knight. If anyone can think of any more, feel free to share. Maybe Cindere killing Jaune’s rival love interests, yet her attempts on Weiss’ life seem to have only helped Jaune and Weiss grow closer, hmmm. Well, I hope you all enjoy, I had good fun making it!
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sarahshoots1st · 6 months
The most tragically ironic thing about Ironwood's fall is that Salem likely had very little to do with it, at least originally.
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His panic-induced breakdown is triggered by Cinder leaving the Black Queen on his desk - but Cinder was still a rogue agent at this point. She hadn't rejoined with Salem's forces after her near-death at the hands of Raven in V5. Her plan was to throw Ironwood into a panic, because she knew he would immediately respond by sending Winter to guard the Winter Maiden - and in so doing, leader Cinder right to her.
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Cinder is acting completely on her own here - nothing she does is at Salem's orders. The only reason Salem is able to jump into this scene is because Watts' bag - which Ironwood recovered after he defeated the rogue scientist - had a Seer in it, so he could stay in contact with Salem while he was in Atlas. When the Seer bursts open and Salem appears, she is quick to push on Ironwood's fears - but we're never given a reason to believe she specifically planned for this interaction to happen. She's extremely good at improvising on the spot, but that's because she's had thousands of years to learn how to play off of people's fears. The alternative is to believe that she intended for Watts to be captured just so she could get a Seer in his office, which just seems too convoluted to be true. Especially considering that Cinder's actions proved how easy it would have been to sneak the handbag into the office without having to lose one of her top agents in the process.
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In his state of panic, Ironwood ultimately out-thinks himself. He assumes his enemies are more coordinated and prepared than they actually are. He convinces himself that by protecting Mantle, he was playing right into Salem's hands - opening himself up to sleeper agents, tiring his forces thin trying to defend the citizens of Mantle, etc. But Salem never had any plans to capitalize on this. Her only plan was to send Watts and Tyrian to cause panic and fear in preparation for her arrival. If Ironwood had been more sound of mind at this point, he would have realized that going through with the evacuation made the most sense tactically. Concentrating his population in one area would have meant less ground for his forces to defend during the impending Siege of Atlas.
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There were no sleeper agents hiding in the populace of Mantel - but it didn't matter. Ironwood saw threats everywhere he looked, and he let his fears blind him from reality. He tried out-think Salem, plan for every possible scheme she might devise, and in so doing did her work for her. She didn't have to concoct elaborate plans - all she had to do was apply some pressure, and let humanity destroy itself. Just like she always has.
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In the end, the Tin Man was unable to find a heart - just like the Cowardly Lion was unable to find his courage.
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blackdagger456 · 1 year
Boy If You Don’t Get That Rusted/Crusty Ass Finger Out My Girls fucking Face I Swear To God—
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But On A Serious Note Jaunes entire reaction to Rubys breakdown and attack on everyone quite literally proves her point. They are both right and wrong in this situation but Jaune fully blaming Ruby for everything that has happened is WRONG.
Rubys entire point of her anger and rage and breakdown was that she has never had the opportunity to process anything that has happened to her following the fall of Beacon. It seemed like everyday she had to be positive and upbeat and the leader everyone had to follow.
When they failed it was on her, when bad thing happened SHE had to be the one to come up with the plan. She was ALWAYS the one coming up with the plan and even though it failed more than succeeded she was the one who came up with a solution. No one else stepped up, not Jaune, not Oscar, not Weiss, not Winter, not anyone.
It was RUBY who had step up. Every time it was up to her to step up and when things go sideways it was her fault too even though noone else was stepping up with her.
So Jaunes reaction stocking her anger enough to cause tears is both warranted and expected.
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It's NOT her fault things didn't go as planned, she has a RIGHT to feel the way she does. Everyone is trying to move on and be happy as if things aren't bad or they seem to be ignoring things are bad. She sees her sister and friend finding happiness and choosing now of all times to get into a relationship and she just can't process why.
She can't process why now of all times when everything has gone to shit and she can't handle it and her PTSD is at an all time high.
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