#RPS palms floors
v-albion · 4 months
Campfire Confrontation
((Rearranged and cleaned up Cabin 14's RP thread)) @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
Marco walks to the middle of Cabin 14’s main hangout area. He pulled out a clipboard and began to flip through the first few pages. He sighed, irritated. Guess he has to do his camp counselor duties now. 
“So uh…We have an attendance sheet I need to fill out, so let’s see if everyone is here…uh, True Color kids check… Ghostly kids check…Uh-“ he squinted through his goggles. Yes, he’s supposed to have glasses, does he wear them? No. Reason being? He thinks they look stupid. “Uhh Mike-hail? Mikeehail? Mikhail? Covert Au?“
The rumble of a quiet hum was the only response provided at the utterance of the name. The source stood behind Marco, a thumb hooked through a belt loop, the other unoccupied hand tapping idly by his side, his tapetum lucidem shining through the shadows granted by his hood. After a brief assessment of the layout and present individuals, the figure tipped his head.
“It is Mikhail. The rest of my team is preoccupied at the moment.”
Spirit tilted his head at the turtle “This is camp, what’s there to be preoccupied with?” Mika silently shushed Spirit, the vibes he got from the older turtle were kinda spooking him.
”Hm, Fair enough. You can go ahead and pick a bed for yourself and your brothers.” It’s odd to see a Mikey that isn’t so “cheery”
ICE walked over to stand beside Mikhail, standing on his toes to peer over Marco's shoulder at the list. The newest cabin members were quite interesting, to say the least. A foot clan-themed Donnie? A military-grade Mikey? "you can put me on the list, I suppose. That way we have written proof that I exist."
Marco pulled a knife from his pocket and impaled the attendance sheet on the wall. “There. Write yourself in.”
ICE hesitantly approached the paper, and after glancing at Mikhail, wrote his name down "I want a knife too."
”Hm, fine. Just don’t stab yourself with it. I’m not responsible for any injuries you inflict.” Marco pulled out a small kunai and handed it over. ICE's eyes light up as he holds the knife. He smiled as he walked back and contentedly sat down on his bed, staring at his new weapon.
Spirit pouted and looked away, mumbling, “If I wasn’t dead and a ghost I’d want a knife too” A small bead of sweat rolled down Mika’s temple but he did his best to pay no heed to Spirit’s remark.
The commotion downstairs even drew the attention of the people on the second floor. A few heads peaked down from the railings, watching the proceedings below. 
The Foot Captain noticed the name of his AU mentioned and made his way to the railings. The curtains here provided shadows so he could keep an eye on the ground below while hiding from view. The older turtle talking to Lee before was holding a clipboard. It seemed that the activities were about to begin. He puts a finger to his lips and signals his brothers to quiet down. 
Flicking his screen on, he slowly scans each turtle to gather information. Their appearances, muscle mass, although that one can be deceiving, any weapons, and their gait and posture. Even if they’re in a ‘summer camp’ you can never be safe with so many people around.
He rested his chin on his palm, drawn on brows furrowing as he made note of individuals with threat potential. His lookalike and the child seemed fine but the older turtles seemed dangerous.
Marco squinted at another page, and he sighed "According to the schedule I was handed, we are supposed to have a. .uh. . ‘fireplace bonding’” He didn’t sound too thrilled about the activity.
Spirit bounced on his toes hearing about the campfire activities. His brother Mika was equally excited to hear stories about his cabin mates.
"What are they talking about?" Angelo whispered as he approached his brother. He sits on the chair closest to the railing, looking down at the commotion below. 
"New activity. Fireplace bonding" Foot Captain saved the data and closed his screen. "Is it mandatory?"
Angelo squinted at him, knowing that he would skip if given the chance. "You're joining," he said with a smile.
Donnie clicked his tongue and averted his eyes. "Fine"
Scout looked down at all of the new people excitedly, then back at Hunter. "Can we go with them, please?"
Hunter sighed. "Fine. But we leave when I say so."
"YES!" Scout dragged Hunter behind him down the stairs, grinning like an idiot the whole way. "HI! Sorry I wasn't awake earlier, I'm Scout! Hunter already told me who you guys all are, it's nice to meet you!"
ICE set his knife down and reached out his hand to shake Scout's "So nice to meet you! I and Hunter are already well acquainted..."
"Really? That's perfect! I'm so glad he's making friends! I hope I can too." Scout grinned as he vigorously shook ICE’s hand up and down. 
Mika muffled a snicker by covering his mouth as Spirit floated up to the two to introduce himself. “Nice to meet you, Scout! I’m Spirit.” He pointed behind him. “That’s my brother, Mika. I hope we can get along!”
"Oooh, you're shiny..." Scout raised his hand as if to touch Spirit before stopping himself.
“Come on! They’re gathering downstairs!” Angelo looks back to his two remaining brothers. “They’re gonna leave without us if we don’t hurry!” He vaulted over the railings and slowly floated down to the first floor, his brothers choosing the more sane way of taking the stairs. “Hello everyone!” 
“Take a good look at this adorable face, you’re going to be seeing it more” Spirit teased before seeing Angelo and waving at him eagerly “Hi Angelo!”
“Hi, again Spirit! Sorry for taking off so suddenly before, but we finally got settled in. You should come see it later.”
“All’s good! Oh a tour, sounds fun!” Spirit squealed, floating towards Marco who’s started to open the door, muttering about making s’mores.
Grabbing his phone, ICE follows, slipping in behind Spirit and Mika. “Yay, marshmallow.” 
"I don't know what s’mores are, but sure!" Scout grabs Hunter's arm again, who has been scowling the whole time, and runs to the door.
“Hmm? What’s s’mores” Angelo asked the floating child beside him. 
Spirit dramatically gasped “Only the most, supposedly, delicious camping snack ever!” Mika nodded enthusiastically in agreement. “You guys have no childhood huh?” Spirit remarked, Mika flinched and shot a glare at his disrespectful brother. 
Scout skipped, not exactly knowing where he was going but following the general group. "Well, we've never been to a 'camp' before! And We used to never eat human food, only trash and stuff, and-"
"And that's enough outta you, pipsqueak." Hunter gently held his hand over Scout's mouth. 
“Huh.” Spirit pondered how different each universe turtle’s life was at those responses “Well in that case, you guys are going to enjoy s’mores, they’re basically crackers with a heated-up marshmallow in the middle along with a chocolate bar to make it more sweet, it kinda resembles a hamburger and it’s delicious!” Mika rambled, clearly passionate about food.
"Oooh! Cool!" Scout leaned over to his brother and whispered, "What's a marshmallow?" Hunter shrugged.
“Oh, its a kind of dessert then. I cant wait to try them!” Angelo grinned. “Human foods are really interesting. I don’t have many chances to try them so this will be fun.”
Spirit nodded. “Enjoy them for me! Sadly I lost my taste buds when I became a Divine being-” “Ghost,” Mika interrupted only to be shushed, “so I can’t eat anything.” Spirit said dramatically, wiping a fake tear from his eye.
Meanwhile towards the back of the group, Cerulean walked along the rest of his brothers, still keeping an eye on Angelo as he chatted his way to the center of the group. He scanned the surroundings. The tall walls of the caves stretched up so far that he couldn’t see the cave ceiling. He counted the number of people in the group, they’re missing a few it seems.
The group made their way to their assigned campfire area, Marco frowned as he saw no fire lit in the pit. “...uhm, Angelo? Could ya maybe light the pit?”
“Sure thing” A small flame lit up Angelo’s finger before crawling down his palm and wrist. He touched a wood and watched as it was quickly engulfed by flames. He put the wood down into the fire pit,carefully controlling the fire as it grew bigger.
”Thank you. Alright, so what do we need for this “s’mores”?” Marco tilted his head, what an odd word-
Spirit popped next to Marco holding a bunch of sticks “Sticks!” He chirped, holding them out a bit too excitedly, Mika had a bit of a concerned look on his face. Spirit shot a grin at him.
”...uh, we are eating sticks. .?” Marco took a step back from the pile of sticks shoved in front of his face.
“No! The sticks are for roasting the marshmallows! You stick a marshmallow on the tip of the stick and hold it over the fire so it can be roasted!” Spirit explained, handing the sticks to Marco, getting tired of the hesitation. “After the marshmallow is nice and toasty you grab a cracker and place a piece of chocolate on it, then you put the marshmallow and then place another cracker on top. That’s how you make a s’more!”
ICE snickered at Marco as he placed two marshmallows on a stick and proceeded to set them on fire. "Pro tip, make sure to get them so roasted you get heartburn afterward."
”Hm, I see. Well since most of us are here, how about we get to know each other? So I know what I’m dealing with.”
Having just arrived in time to overhear, Mike bounced over. Baby Dee and Baby Lee rested on each of his shoulders, curled up against the crook of his neck. He had Baby El pressed against his plastron, and Baby Angie resting in his hand. If any of these babies were any bigger, he probably would need to learn to juggle one-handed or something. That was a joke, for legal reasons.
He settled down close to the fire, stretching out his legs, slowly dropping all the children into his lap, where they huddled together and gazed out at the fire with rapt attention. This was probably their first time seeing an open flame. "Getting to know each other! Sounds like fun. Twenty questions? Never have I ever? Or, hey, we're by a campfire - why don't we tell some stories?" He rubbed the top of El's head affectionately. El blinked, leaning into the touch. "Just... if you've got anything real graphic coming up, can you let me know so I can cover this little guy's ears? I don't think anyone here wants to be dealing with a two-year-old with nightmares tonight."
“Oh that sounds like fun!” spirit squealed, doing a little loopy loop in the air.
Scout patted at his knees. "Oh, we have stories! Can I tell a story?"
"Don't think you'd be the best person for that, pipsqueak," Hunter said simply.
Scout pushed his face forward as if he was pouting, but his smile returned quickly enough. "I'm great at stories! Like, that one time you killed that raccoon-" Hunter lightly slapped his shoulder. "Kids. Right there."
"What do you meeean? What's wrong with that?" Hunter smacked his forehead in response.
ICE grinned at Hunter "Well why don't you tell a story then?"
Hunter squinted. "What do you want from me."
Scout flopped over his brother. "Maybe you should tell a story if you hate mine so much even though it totally happened when we were kids so it would be fiiine."
"It wouldn't be fine. You don't talk about death in front of kids. Especially when its about animals. I thought I knew less about society than you did." Hunter shook his head. "Spirit over there was right. We didn't have a 'childhood'. Not too many happy stories and the happy ones ain't interesting."
Scout crossed his arms. "The one about the raccoon was happy."
"It wasn't happy. I was a scared kid, hunting on my own for the first time. You're just glad you got food out of it." Hunter growled.
"You were proud of yourself, though!" Scout justified.
Hunter sighed. "Sure, yeah. But I don't think killing giant raccoons is a good story."
Spirit sweated nervously as Mika glared at him for the previous mention of his old comment, he sighed and twiddled his thumbs, begrudgingly opening his mouth to speak. “Um… when Mikey was little, like, 6 or 7, I would mess with the lights and make them flicker a lot and Mikey would blame me to Dad. He was right but no one believed him so he was sent on time out by Raph.” Mika glared harder at him as the memory resurfaced. “Can’t believe I was sent on time out for telling the truth.” he pouted. Spirit stuck his tongue out in a silly form of apology.
Scout leaned over. "Why wouldn't they blame you? You're bright blue, you're hard to miss!"
“Haha, that’s the thing. I’m not visible to anyone but Mika where I live.” Spirit said.  “I’m… gone,” he coughed nervously, “so anytime Mika blamed or even talked about me it would make everyone… uncomfortable.”
"Gone? But you're right-"
"He's dead, Scout," Hunter said bluntly. "I'm sorta jealous, though. It'd be a lot easier to pull pranks on our big brother like that."
ICE looked up in surprise "You're not the oldest? I could've sworn.."
Hunter settled back, looking much more relaxed now. "Nah, that honor goes to Protector. Or, whatever he wants to be called."
“Yeah not gonna lie I also thought you were the oldest,” Spirit nods in agreement. “Not gonna lie, spirit pulled plenty of pranks back in our world,” Mika said, nodding at all the resurfacing memories of his brother’s total confusion over his pranks. Spirit grinned at that. “Oh yeah! Like that one time, I kept moving that Miss’s cuddles plushy from its original spot so now Raph is absolutely terrified of that rabbit! He thought it was haunted and possessed to the point where he threw it away,” Spirit said, grinning ear to ear at the recollection of his brother’s terrified face.
Hunter rolled his eyes. "Ugh, hate rabbits."
"Oh, you guys will LOVE Protector! He's HUGE, and he gives such good hugs, and he always listens when you want to talk and-"
"Uh huh, they get it." Hunter softly pushed Scout's head down into his shell as he continued to ramble.
ICE smiled "He sounds like my Raph. Say, who wants to hear about how I lost my arm?"
"Sure, why not." Hunter smiled.
Spirit sat in his seat giddily, patting his thighs in anticipation.
ICE sat forward eagerly, his grin nearing a crazed gleam "WELL. It happened two years ago. It was a cold morning when we headed out. One of the villains, I forget which, possibly the wrestler tho.. well, he was committing crimes. So, we arrived just in time, and boy did we show him... But then, my oldest brother got the bright idea to throw him into a building, one of which I was in direct line with. To cut a long story short, it crashed down on me, and I was trapped for at least 30 minutes or so before they could safely dig me out. by then, I was pretty frozen stiff, not to mention my arm was still trapped beneath frozen rubble. They were on a time crunch, and cutting my arm off was the safest choice available. ICE chuckles sadistically "should probably mention they also tried to ‘bring me back to life’ with CPR. None of them were trained by the way, and so I also ended up with this sick scar on my neck. Pretty cool, right?”
"Woah! That's so cool!" Scout leaned forward and grinned. "I've got scars too! Check it!" He showed the marks on his wrists and ankles where the skin looked nearly rubbed raw, and a hunk of scar tissue on his leg. "Hunter's got tons of sick scars too!"
"That I will not be sharing." Hunter huffed.
“Oh we sharing scars?! I have one too!” Spirit said, pulling up his shirt to show a large thin darker blue scar that ran straight down his plastron and reflected itself on his shell.
ICE chuckled nervously "Wow, spirit, that’s a really cool scar..." So that was the scar that showed how Spirit died…
“I know right!” Spirit said cheerfully, not paying any mind to their reaction.
Hunter hissed through his teeth at Spirit's scar. "I would ask for the story, but I don't think I want to know."
Spirit pulled his shirt down. “There’s no story, even I don’t know how I got it.” He grinned, but it turned sour before he brightened up. “Not that it matters anyways, what’s happened has happened, there’s no need to worry about it now.” He shrugged.
Marco didn’t pay much attention, he sometimes caught himself staring off into space. He didn’t want to talk about his scars, he had too many scars with too many stories.
Angelo smiled, remembering the many scars littering his body, each bullet wound and scrapes marking his effort in completing his missions. 
"That's a... nice thought." Hunter couldn't help but cringe as he glanced over everyone's scars, especially lingering on the ones on his brother's wrists.
Scout, completely oblivious to his brother's inner conflict, stayed cheery. "Well, I think all your scars are cool. It means you lived through something, right? Even if you don't know what that something is."
“Yeah! Exactly!” Spirit agreed, even though his situation can’t exactly comply with it.
"You know, you're real happy despite your... situation." Hunter said to Spirit awkwardly. "It's cool."
“Ah thanks!” Spirit said, though his demeanor fell for a split second. “Stay this way for 11 years you learn a few things.” He said, he straightened himself up though and whipped out a smile, “but it’s ok! At least I still get to be with my family!”
Raphael winced as he saw spirit, looking like he couldn't be more than 3, showing a gnarly scar running through his plastron. He can't help imagining that happening to his brother. What if Lee actually died before they met each other again? What if he lost his brother and he doesn't even know? He shook his head, getting rid of the thought. It's ok. It's fine. They're all here now, and he'll make sure they stay that way.
He can't help but glance at ICE, particularly his severed arm, imagining how painful it was to have it gone. He rubs his own arms in a self soothing gesture
Cerulean noticed how Raph had started to shrink back, rubbing his arm and staring at ICE in particular. He moved closer and leaned into Raphs arm, offering comfort without a word.
Mika noticed the growing discomfort within the group and decided there was a need to quickly change the subject “Ummmm who wants to play 20 questions? I’ll go first! What is everyone’s favorite show? Personally, Jupiter Jim is an all-time classic, don’t tell dad that though.” Mika said, hoping to lighten the mood.
"Ain't never watched shows," Hunter said bluntly. 
"Scav's still trying to get us proper TV!" Scout added.
Angelo shrugged, “I don't really watch shows. Not sure if we even have TVs in the labs honestly. I like to hang out at the Nexus though! Its good entertainment.”
Spirit let out a boo but Mika quickly shushed him with another question. “ favorite food? It’s definitely pizza for me.”
Scout's eyes brightened. "Bugs! Any bugs! Worms, shrimp are good, CJ brings me crickets all the time..."
“Oh! I love roast simurghs! Especially if you char it right, you get that salty-sweet flavor” Angelo added.
“What an interesting pallet everyone has,” Mika noted, making a mental note to remember that. “Anyone else got any questions?”
”. . Hm, how about what’s your universe like?” Marco shrugged, yes so far he himself had skipped questions. 
Scout turned over to Hunter for approval, who nodded reluctantly. "Well, we live in New York, which is like this BIG city with a lot if cool stuff. And we live in the sewers with our dad, who's a rat, not a turtle, and we've got tons of human friends! Like April, and CJ, and I've heard Cassie's voice before even though I've never seen her, but April likes her a lot so she must be nice! And Miss Irma, who fixed my leg, and Protector's shell when it got all ripped open and stuff- and Mister Murakami! He doesn't know we're turtles, but he gives us food! And, uh, Dad's teaching us how to do ninja stuff like his old owner did, because he says we need to defend ourselves from mean people. Like this REALLY mean guy, Dr. Ax-"
"Aaand shuttin' it down." Hunter put a hand over Scout's beak. "We live in the sewers, always have, and we have human friends."
” Hm, interesting…Haven’t seen my April for a while…” Marco mumbled. 
A figure excitedly skipped up to the fire pit “ HELLLLLOoooo! Wowie! Hello new friends! What an interesting bunch!” he had a wide manic smile spread across his face, his red and blue eyes flicking to each turtle at the pit. Marco jumped slightly at his brother’s sudden appearance “Jesus-“
Raph could feel Lee tense up against his arm, he glanced at his brother, face still serene as usual. He kept his eye on the newcomer.
Hunter squinted at the figure’s lab coat, wrapping a possessive arm around his brother.
ICE looked up from his burning marshmallow "AHA! A like-minded fellow! Here, there is a free seat beside me!!" 
“ICE, ICE, I think your marshmallow is burnt enough” He winces as another part of the marshmallow melted off. “Is that how you’re supposed to eat it?” He looked at his own speared marshmallow, shrugging before he held it towards the fire.
ICE looked down at his marshmallow, before shaking his head "Alas, it has not reached its full potential yet. But soon..."
The newcomer zips around to Foot Captain “Whoaaaaaa! Nice battleshell! Did you build it yourself?! Wait, you’re a Donnie of course you did! Marco! You got yourself awesome friends!!” He twirled around Captain. 
Foot Captain glanced the new turtle up and down. Is this…. His counterpart? He seems a bit… eccentric, to say the least. He nodded. “Of course, I built it myself. Top-of-the-line Genius Built brand. Patent pending” he muttered the last part to himself. “So… you’re future me?” His eyes move from the lab coat to the mismatched goggles, trying to catalog as much as possible.
” Mmmhm! And you’re younger me!! Wow! You’re in Foot clan gear!! My Draxum told me alllllllll about it!”He couldn’t stay still.
Hunter's arm wrapped tighter at Draxum's name, causing Scout to squeak.
“How does Baron Draxum factor into this?” He resisted the urge to look towards Angelo.
”Well my good ol pops, told me all about how foot clan is run! I had a brother who used to be in the Foot Clan! Pretty sure he was sold to him-“ He giggled, deciding to keep Marco’s name out of it. 
“Well, someone has to make ends meet i guess.” He busies himself by stabbing a new marshmallow on his stick, not quite sure how to continue the conversation and frankly getting more and more uncomfortable the longer FE!Donnie stares at him. “Do you need anything else, or….”
Scout leaned to Hunter and whispered, not very quietly, "Why does that name sorta sound like-"
"I dunno," Hunter replied, not whispering at all. "I still don't understand any of this universe bull, and egghead didn't explain it well enough when we got here. But if I see him here, somebody's getting their head bashed in."
Marco quickly walked over and proceeded to drag Donnie over to a seat next to him, ignoring his brother’s whines of protest about him ruining his fun. “Apologies.”
Hunter stuck his neck out at Donnie. "Yeah, real fun." He huffed, baring his teeth.
"Hey, be nice!" Scout whined. "I'm Scout, this is Hunter, it's nice to meet you!" With a bit of a struggle due to his entanglement with his brother, Scout got an arm out to wave.
Mika stared at this alternate older version of his brother, it slightly unnerved him how unhinged he was compared to his Donnie, although it was still Donnie. Spirit quickly hid behind Mika, the sudden appearance of another person spooked him.
” PSYSTT- Marco, Marco Marco-“ Donnie poked Marco’s cheek repeatedly as he loudly whispered. 
”You should totallyyy become friends with other me! He’s from the Foot too!!” He still whispered loudly, which was not hard to listen in.
Marco’s eyebrow twitched. “Donnie-“
”Oop- Sorrryyy- couldn’t help myself!!” Donnie giggled as he looked around the campfire. All of a sudden he stopped. A mystic gun materialized in his hand.
Marco shot an alarmed look at the gun. “Uh, Donnie? Hey buddy?”
He peers over to what Donnie is looking at, trying to figure out what got him spooked. 
Spirit peered over Mika’s shoulder and spotted the gun, his eyes widened and he quickly moved in front of Mika in a sad attempt to protect him.
Hunter hunched over Scout and full-on growled. "What is your deal, man?"
ICE finished eating his s'more, before complaining "I want a gun too."
FE!Donnie’s breathing was quick he stood up and lifted the gun right in Angelo’s direction. He kept a wide smile, his red and blue pupils shrank slightly with insanity.
Angelo's instinct flared as he felt a murderous intent directed at him. Years of being attacked randomly caused him to snap his head from his conversation with ICE, immediately seeing the barrel of a gun pointing at him. His eyes and hands glowed, ready to summon his chains the second the gun fired. He didn’t want to be the first to spill blood here without reason. His dad may call that a weakness, but he's here to make friends, not enemies.
However, before anyone could do anything, a figure emerges behind the gun-wielding turtle. Tall, hooded, *silent*. He quickly brought a gloved hand over the gunner's beak, muttering something too low for him to hear. A purple mist began to spread from his hand, and after a quick struggle, the gun dissolved into purple pixels and the gunner slumped to the ground unconscious.
A flurry of movements around the campfire. Marco, It's Marco, right? summoned a large mystic bow, an arrow pointed at the figure. "... What the hell did you do to my brother" he growled, the string of his bow tensing as it was pulled back. 
A snicker sounded from beside him as ICE called out, "NGL, your brother was about to shoot someone". 
Hunter, who's sitting on the other side of him holding his brother Scout like a plushie, glared over at ICE. " You're way too chill about this." 
ICE leans over and whispers, a slightly crazed grin on his face, "Coffee in the morning, coffee at lunch, and coffee for dinner makes the brain cells go away." 
Hunter's snout scrunched. He looked down at his brother. "Scout, I don't like it here, they're usin' too many human words."
"Oh come on, you remember what coffee is!"
"Not really."
The figure tilted his head agreeing with ICE's comment. He flexes his fingers, displaying purple reflexive nodes on the tips of his digits, trailing to the core at the center of his wrist. The purple mist from before retreated down the tubings as soon as he curled his fingers. 
"A sedative appropriate for this situation. He will remain stable and will awaken in approximately 12 hours after the relaxant works through his system". He eyed the weapon aimed at him, raising a brow. "I do hope for your sake that's not for me"
A quiet spread for a bit. Foot Captain gripped his currently collapsed tech scythe, ready to bring it out when a fight broke. He couldn’t believe someone pulled a gun on his brother again. He glared at the unconscious figure on the ground. He knew there was something weird about him. He would have to do some research before he can plan out a revenge. 
The silence broke as Marco releases the tension in his bow. "Hm, apologies. I was taught to always be vigilant and besides, unless you don't want to be on the ground having a nightmare I wouldn't threaten me." He shrugs, nonchalant. He gestured with his bow, "Interesting technology. I do favor combining technology with medical science." He opened his hands as the bow disappeared into pink mystic strings, he sighed as he rubbed his forehead, his goggles reflected the light of the campfire, hiding his eyes from view.
The silent newcomer, he really should find out his name, clicked his tongue and shrugged, taking a seat closer to the campfire, but still a ways away from everyone else. Foot Captain sees how the figure moving caused Angelo to clench his fist, eyes and hands glowing and expression closed off. No smile in sight for the first time since they arrived at camp. It appears that he's in mission mode now. Great. Now none of his family will sleep tonight. Well, perhaps Raph, but the rest of his brothers will keep watch so Raph can sleep if he'd like. 
The figure continued when he sat down. "It's not so much a threat as it is an invitation. Besides..." *The canisters of his respirator clocked inwards, a muffled inhale audible amongst the sidebar conversations and crackles from the fire. He rolled his shoulders before settling back into his former position, exhaling slowly as the next words rumbled from his mask.
“Nightmares aren’t such a dreadful thing...”
A rustling sounded as Hunter sniffed sharply and started to stand. 'Yeah, no, we ain't stickin' around for this." He grips his brother tighter.
"What? Why?" Scout, still smiling, asked, "He didn't even say his name yet!"
"Uh, excuse me? 'Nightmares aren't such a...' whatever he said?!"
Spirit slowly dropped his floating position and decided just to sit next to Mika, a nervous look on both of them but Spirit seemed more worried about the unconscious turtle on the ground.
Scout noticed Spirit's worried expression. "Don't worry, Spirit! If he's just like me, he should feel fine when he wakes up! All my brothers were alright when we got... uh... sedated?"
Hunter sighed. "Y'know, at this point, I just can't stop you."
The comment about all of Scout’s brothers being sedated probably made Spirit more concerned, but he didn’t let that show as he smiled, “Thanks, Scout.”
”You are bold to be quick to say that. Everyone is afraid of something, it can be themselves if I want to.“ Marco muttered that last part to himself as he rubbed the scars on the back of his neck, covering the weird Kraang symbols marking it.
Campfire. Dark. Avoidance. Hesitation. Fear. Based on his prior research, everything seemed in order. He watched as FE! Marco touches a place on the back of his neck. A remnant or ‘call’, sourced by this individual’s fears, perhaps. Nevertheless, he wasn’t here to prey on these individuals, despite his contradictory appearance. His canisters clocked inward once again and he took another breath.
“I can’t say that I have a habit of absconding from suffering, whether it manifests by the hand of fear or otherwise. No… I’m rather curious to see…” He paused to breathe again, only for his vocals to return with a rasp.
“…If you can show me something that hasn't already been revealed to me....But I digress for now. Everything has its place and order in due season.” He tips his head to the other campers. “...You may refer to me as ‘Donovan’.”
Marco raised his eyebrow, ”I would prefer to not use my power, but nice to meet you, Donovan. Unique name.”
Hunter cringed. "If there's this many Donnie's, I think I'm gonna hate it here." His answer was a loud snore from the Donnie currently face down on the ground
ICE walked over from his spot and held out his hand to shake Donovan's "All this excitement aside, I don't think we were properly introduced. My name is ICE." 
”Marco. your camp counselor. aka babysitter.” He rubbed his head and his mask, his goggles had been irritating to wear for a while. He knew it wouldn’t be wise to take them off.
Scout leaned forward cheerily again, only to be pulled back by Hunter. "I'm Scout, this is Hunter! He's being weird right now."
Maintaining 'goggle-to-goggle contact' with Marco, Donovan didn’t budge. Instead, another gloved hand claimed his place, gripping ICE firmly. Blue fabric dangled in front of their face, trailing up to the owner of the smug, close-lipped smile hovering above them. Crimson crescents illuminated slightly, complimenting his blood-red pupils. He held the hand at bay for a little longer than comfort would dictate before claiming his hand to his side, making his way over to his brother. Both of them simultaneously nodded at Scout and Hunter’s introduction thereafter.
Marco growled slightly underneath his breath, he had the stinging feeling that Donovan was onto him or knew about his eyes. He didn’t pay any attention to the new “Leo”.
He decided to look down at his holographic computer that appeared from his watch, swiping through it.
ICE chuckled nervously, before quietly retiring to his seat and eating a marshmallow like a normal person. He now understood Hunter's wish to leave and head back to the cabin, and would probably join him if he actually ended up doing so.
Hunter couldn't help but grin and stretch his neck in ICE's direction. "Not so chill now, huh, shrimp?"
ICE glared in his direction as he took another bite of his normal s'more. "Shut it" he muttered irritably
"You first." Hunter's grin widened. To his surprise, ICE did indeed 'shut it'
Foot Captain bristled as more and more people started to appear, he felt Raph put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a concerned look. he shook his head, telling his brother "I'm fine".
"Maybe we should go. I don't like how that guy pointed a gun at Angelo before." Raph frowned, preparing to stand up. 
Spirit wasn’t sure whether he should be terrified or amazed and these new turtles so he just sat still in his seat and fiddled with the end of one of his mask tails while shooting glances at them
The blue-clad newcomer maneuvered his mask tails between his fingers, shooting a glance at Spirit, the smile never leaving his face. He hadn’t blinked since he’d arrived. Not once.
Spirit shivered in his spot and quickly hid behind Mika who smiled warily at the scarier version of his blue brother
”Well tea time is over for me. I'll see you all later.” He got up, he seemed a bit panicked. He didn’t even really say anything about himself.
Hunter looked to be visibly worried at the departing Marco. Meanwhile, Scout kept smiling. "Aw, see you later Marco!"
The blue-clothed figure ticked his head up, his eyes briefly giving off an orange glint, a smile dissipating in tandem. Donovan didn’t have to look to get the hint. Getting up from his seat, he followed his brother into the dark. They wouldn’t be seen again for the rest of the night.
Angelo felt a tap on his shoulder. He tore his eye from FE!Donnie and the disappearing Donovan. He looked back to see his brothers standing behind him. Raph smiled and mouthed 'wanna go?' He nodded, adrenaline still high even if there was no fight occurring. he summoned his cloak and kusarigama as a precaution as they left. He doesn't feel safe anymore. He saw that Donnie already held his bo, knuckles white where it gripped the metal. 
Silence settles down on the campfire again. Distant sounds of the other campfire's conversation and laughter sounded. However, over here, it was tense, the crackling sounds of the fire the only thing filling the silence. 
ICE silently got up, and got himself some more marshmallows, before sitting back down to roast them.
Hunter watches the spot where Marco left. "Huh. So, uh, who's bringin' weirdo's brother's body back to the cabin? Or are we leavin it here?"
Said brother rises as if he was in a coffin. “Nah! I’m good!”, making a few people jump in surprise. 
Hunter grabs Scout defensively. "Shell, man. You don't just do that."
ICE stood up and looked at everyone else "Well! I think it would be a great idea for all of us to head back to the cabin, like right now!"
"Sounds great to me." Hunter swung his neck around to pop it as he stood up, grabbing Scout's arm to head back toward the cabin.
FE!Donnie kicks his feet around. “You guys go ahead!! I’m not even from this cabin!!” he giggled.
True Colors by me
Fear’s Embrace by @karonkar
Covert AU by@chessman-protocol
Hold Every Memory by @languajix
Ghost of the Past by @wandering-ghost
Starry Tmnt by @just-another-tired-gay-artist
It’s a Complicated Equation by @leilanising-vault-of-knowledge
Tmnt: Second Shot Crew by @twignotstick
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silkkorchid · 5 months
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
Covers 4/6 - 4/12
Naming this week “Sebek’s life cannot get any worse”.
People are throwing tomatoes at Mrs. Rosehearts.
The NRC Prophet is loosing their cool for Kalim since he always ask them to read his palm at parties.
NRC Fashion advice account is spraying Lucius. That won’t end well…
There is now a Book Club in NRC.
There is now a daily announcement what goes around NRC account.
A dance club member got their privacy violated by their friend.
Crowley hit someone mom, get that crow in a cage immediately!
Crowley’s hair is thinning, WHICH HE WILL BE BALD!
Lucius made an account, and this week can’t get any weirder that THE CAT FROM MAGIC HISTORY CAN SOMEHOW FUDGING- [🍮.exe has crashed]
Lucius got a brother name, Luciciu…
Lucius join the dance club. Don’t ask how though.
Lucius got a secret stash of catnip from the NRC Staff.
Diasomnia is playing Mario Kart and according to Silver. Malleus, Lilia, and Sebek is all screaming.
Ain got an allergy reaction after someone threw blueberries at them.
Ain ate the rocks from the Monstro Lounge again.
Someone point out that Sebek and Silver kinda acts like Papyrus and Sans from Undertale.
Sebek got a crazy stalker that happens to be his older brother ex.
That Valarie person mess up the wrong family the moment she kidnapped Sebek, also the Diasomnia future children has join in the manhunt, wonderful.
Idia is willing to do a fist fight with Valarie, she pissed off the wrong person.
Ruggie join in the fight to rescue Sebek for fun.
Valarie is now dead after being shot by Yuu. I presume…
Sebek got a bird that looks like Sebek..?
Ignihyde blew their budget fixing the second floor, Idia is in disbelief about it.
Verdis got kicked out from his own dorm for insulting Idia.
Idia now knows what is like being a father, while his future children are hugging him.
Idia is afraid of the Leech Twins, I’m not surprised at all since everyone knows that the twins are damn terrifying.
Idia is being bullied by someone he can easily beat.
Deuce got turn into an egg… HOW THE HECK DOES THAT LOGIC WORKS!?
Deuce became a rainbow. Can we petition to stop bullying deuce?
The reason why Deuce got onto Tumblr was a bet from Ace, in which made Deuce strained his ankle.
Deuce now realizes that Lucius got an account.
Cater meets his future child, welcome to the You Are Now a Dad Club.
Tsum Cater is at it with the phone, but got captured by Althea.
Ruggie knocked out someone with a magift disc as they were laughing too hard to the point they felt like they were dying..? Also WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS AT PRACTICE RUGGIE BUCCHI!?
Someone made Cheka cried. And Leona is out for blood along with several others.
Cheka said the f word, welp here we go again. Rip quartz
Azul Mom made a tumblr account, TIME TO ASK WHAT WAS AZUL LIKE!!!
Mrs. Ashengrotto now know the existence of her grandchild. This is gonna be a interesting family drama.
Mrs. Ashengrotto sent baby pictures of Azul.
There is two Kalim, rip Jamil Viper.
Someone traumatized Kalim.
Mrs. Rosehearts is in denial about her way of raising a child.
Mrs. Rosehearts is at it again complaining about her treatment at NRC. She brought it upon herself.
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questforrp · 7 months
꧁༺ 𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓐𝓵𝓵 ༻꧂
This is my RP masterpost!!
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If you're interested in starting an rp with me, please read this!
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꧁༺ some things about me ༻꧂
I'm 25 years old and prefer to only RP with adults
I live in the U.S. on EST
I only use Discord to RP
I write lit/novel style only
I only RP MLM and CC x CC (I'll experiment with OCs some day!)
I work a 9am-5pm job so I wont always be active unfortunately
I don't necessarily have a word requirement, I just hope you'll be able to make short responses engaging as well!
꧁༺who Im looking for༻꧂
Someone who writes in third person and preferably in past tense
Someone who writes lit/novel style
Someone who writes as close to their character's cannon personality
Someone who is comfortable exploring themes that may be triggering in a manor that isn't fetishizing. (I'm truly not looking for dead dove, my apologies)
Someone who is comfortable with engaging in writing sex scenes
Someone who is preferably 21+ but I will settle for 18+
(and ships) " characters in green and bolded are characters I'd prefer to write as " " ships with a red star * are ships I'm very excited to RP "
Shikamaru x Neji (bottom Neji)
Shikamaru x Naruto (bottom Shikamaru) *******
Attack On Titan
Eren x Armin (bottom Armin)
Eren x Reiner (bottom Reiner)
Levi x Erwin (bottom Levi) ***************
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sokka x Zuko (bottom Zuko) **
Sakusa x Atsumu (no preference) ****
Kageyama x Suga (bottom Suga)
Hunter x Hunter
Leorio x Kurapika (bottom Kurapika)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru x Suguru (switch/bottom Suguru) **********
꧁༺favored tropes༻꧂
" tropes with a red star * are tropes I'm very excited to RP "
Omegaverse/mpreg ***************************
arranged marriage ****
modern AUs *************
single father
coming of age
canon divergent
꧁༺writing samples༻꧂
1 The acrid smell of isopropyl alcohol singes the inside of Leorio’s nose. Pietro doesn’t stay still long enough for him to clean the ulcers that have opened on the undersides of his arm- shivering with imaginary chills amidst the summer heat that blankets New York City. He’s rewet the old rag that sits on his forehead below the fringe that’s started to mat together but it offers no help to the burning boy. At some point, he loses the ability to designate who’s shaking. Him, or Pietro. It’s when Pietro gives another chest-rattling cough that Leorio lets himself accept the fact that his friend is going to die. Despite the coins he scraped together to get the supplies needed to tend to his friend, despite the begging for rich women’s handkerchiefs, despite his efforts- Pietro is going to die.
2 “Oi, get back on the court and stop canoodling with Shimizu-san.” A looming voice says from the court and Suga narrows his gaze on Daichi.“If anyone canoodles with Kiyoko-san, it's me.” Tanaka declares, thumb pressed to his puffed out chest.“What’s ‘canoodle’ mean?” Hinata questions from the net.“Canned soup.” Kageyama says and Hinata nods, content.From the corner of his eye, he sees Tsukishima place his face into his palm and wants to follow in suit. 
3 Sokka never would’ve guessed that when he started college, he would soon get very aquatinted with his dorm room’s floor. The cheap stick-on tile placed diagonally with those yellow and red squares peppered throughout them. Sometimes, he was on his hands and knees feeling around under his twin bed for his headphones that always somehow managed to end up in the farthest, dustiest corner. Sometimes he was kicking empty beer cans to that same corner while the floor’s absolutely nuts RA dropped in for her umpteenth hygiene check. But lately, he was with Zuko. Zuko was fictional. He had to be. Or at least that’s what he thought when his roommate first unlocked their door and paused in the doorway when they’d met for the first time. There was no way in hell that it was even remotely fair to Zuko to look the way he did– even with a gnarly burn wound blooming across the left of his face– wisps of dark hair curling where it met the collar of his shirt. He was the embodiment of every tortured, panty dropper, heartthrob he’d ever read about in his ex-girlfriend’s books (although Suki claimed to never know where they came from) and at that moment, Sokka felt as if his body had plummeted through the earth’s core and was shooting out the ass-end of the planet and somewhere into the stratosphere because holy shit he’s never seen a guy more attractive in his life.
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aching-tummies · 1 year
Responding to: "Ugh...nnngh...I...uhm...I think I...ate too much..."
"What did you eat?" I ask curiously. I want to know what's inside your big, bloated belly right now.
I wait for you to respond. "Oh you really did eat a lot...Didn't you?"
You complain that your tummy hurts.
"Come here," I say. "I'll make it feel better,"
I start rubbing your tummy with gentle circles at first.
But soon I start kneading your full tummy with my hands. I'm being quite rough now, poking and patting at your stomach and digging my fingers and thumb into the tight flesh.
Thank you so much! One of the most descriptive RP-Asks I've ever received ^^ I hope I did it justice! This one's actually got some kernels of truth to it. Pretty much everything but the imagined partner here actually happened to me today and my belly is still ridiculously bloated from eating too much and lugging around 2L of food and broth around inside of me up a hill. Living vicariously through fiction, I guess. I wish I had someone like the partner described here.
The sun's rays are blinding as I slowly trudge my way up the hill to our building-complex. I pause, my right foot in front of me. My stomach sloshes audibly and I groan, palpitating my stomach as it continues to burble.
The bus driver on the way home was a new driver and hadn't yet learned to stop when the passengers hit the stop button. There's a bus stop about seven blocks from our condo-complex near the top of the hill. I usually get off there, despite it being on the other side of the crest of the hill, because the alternative is a stop about three blocks away...at the bottom of the hill. I hit the button for my usual stop and tried signalling the driver that I was getting off, but the driver stubbornly insisted on flooring it...all the way down the hill.
I finally managed to get off at the bottom of the hill, after myself and five other passengers yelled to get the driver's attention. After much grumbling from everyone that had intended to get off at some point prior to winding up at the bottom, we finally managed to leave the bus.
It's “only” three blocks, but it's three blocks uphill and with some nasty curves thrown in there just for fun. This is the kind of slope low-riding cars have trouble getting up in the winter. This is the kind of hill that has a road-sign prohibiting tobogganing down it in the winter because it's that much of a problem. This is the kind of slope that makes exhausted people lose hope when they realize the last leg of their journey home is this incline.
I had a shorter shift at my workplace today, but it was an intense one. We were more busy than the boss anticipated and we were down two staff members so I ended up doing an extra hour for them. I was debating grabbing food the whole way home...and the novice driver made my decision for me. There's a Vietnamese noodle joint at the bottom of the hill. Because it's at the bottom of the hill, I rarely find myself in the area. I made a beeline for the place after getting off of the bus, hungry as I was.
As I cradle my sloshing tummy, I'm regretting my choice to grab food. I was definitely running on fumes before getting to the restaurant and would have likely had to pause halfway up the hill due to lack of energy...but my current state isn't much more desirable.
My stomach is firm between my hands. I forgot that this restaurant specializes on large portions. We usually split a single bowl between the two of us when we make time to go to this location. Roughly 1.75 litres of noodles, broth, and beef is sloshing around between my palms at this moment. I say 1.75 because I don't want to imagine two or more litres worth of anything inside of me at any given time, but honestly, it feels like over two litres if I'm being honest and if we include the large glass of ice water that I had with the meal, then easily more than two litres of stuff is in my belly right this second.
After quelling the worst of the stretch, I start to walk again, this time bracing my engorged stomach with a hand as I continue my way up the hill. I have to pause every ten or fifteen steps or so because my stomach cramps harshly around the sheer glut of food, protesting all the movement. You never realize how much the simple act of walking actually jostles your stomach until you're bloated like a waterballoon and trying desperately not to burst or puke as you go.
At last, I finally see the crest of the hill. I've got a palm on the crest of my belly and the irony isn't lost on my. I bite back a few moans as another wave of painful cramps ripples through my belly.
I can see our condo-complex coming into view and the sight is a small relief. I pat my churning belly, having been mentally berating and pleading with it to not ache until I got home.
Beep! Beep!
I turn around as the hood of your car comes into view and I curse my luck.
“Hey! Get in!”
I get in, settling into the passenger seat of your car with a sigh. I wince as the movement as well as the shift in position pushes my bloated belly into my diaphragm. I can't help but groan and squeeze my tummy, desperately pleading with it not to make me throw up.
“Whoa! You okay?” You've noticed my discomfort. Honestly, you thought something was strange based on how I was paused going up the hill.
“Mmmmngggh...I...ugh...It's fine...nnngh...j-just...oooh...I...uhm...I think I...I ate too much.” A blush floods my cheeks. A little late for embarrassment now though. With that thought in mind, I recline the seat, giving my swollen belly more room as I lie back. I massage my stuffed belly. No use hiding it anyway—you're bound to find out—especially if it continues to be so audible.
“Oh my! What did you eat?” You stare at my belly, eyes full of wonder and curiosity.
“Nnngh...t-that noodle place down the hill. Bus driver ignored requests to stop until we got down there.” The latest cramp begins to fade, giving me a brief respite. “Y'know...the place with the huge servings?”
“Oh! Wow...yeah, I remember. You ate all of that?!”
I nod, my expression the picture of 'regret'. You reach over, placing a palm gingerly over my belly, hidden beneath my baggy T-shirt. As your palm makes contact with the crest of my belly, your eyes widen, shocked at how taut my stomach feels beneath the fabric. Despite your intent of it being a gentle touch, the contact of your palm on the tightest part of my stomach triggers a painful, aborted hiccup to roll through me. My diaphragm doesn't have enough space to properly convulse in a full hiccup, so what happens is a pitiful jolting of my bloated guts that leaves me gasping.
“Oh, poor thing. You really did eat a lot, didn't you?” You hear the aborted hiccup and the way my stomach grumbles angrily at your touch.
I nod again, moaning as my stomach aches in earnest. “M-My...my tummy hurts...nnngh...so full.”
“Aww. C'mere. I'll make it feel better.” I can't exactly go over to you in our current positions with the centre console in the way, but you park the car, turn off the ignition, and undo your seatbelt, turning yourself 90 degrees to face me head-on as your reach out with both of your hands to my achy belly.
A wet burble and a pitiful groan are wrenched from me as your palms make contact with my overburdened stomach. You start with gentle circles, causing the mess in my guts to swirl pitifully around inside of me. I feel sicker by the minute, feeling my stomach's contents moving at an accelerated pace. My stomach begins to cramp again in another attempt to digest the sheer glut of food.
You feel the beginnings of the cramp and you grin. Pressing your thumbs above my navel and a bit to the left, you knead into my bloated gut with all the strength you can muster
“Hlk!” My eyes snap open wide as I feel you digging your thumbs into my belly. My shock and the green tinge that seems to darken at your actions spurs you to continue.
You continue to squeeze my belly, pushing your fingers deep into my angry guts. I can't help but whimper as you abuse my bloated belly. Trying to smack your hands away isn't having much effect and anything more than that would require sitting up—something I desperately do not want to do right now with how stuffed my tummy feels right now. Every time I try to use my words, your actions steal my words with a sharp hiccup or by encouraging a painful cramp. More than a few times, I've clamped my mouth shut out of fear that the burning feeling simmering away at the base of my esophagus will rise and come out.
I want to cry. My stomach is agonizingly full, feeling like it's going to rupture—and here you are, seemingly intent on bursting me like a waterballoon.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
I’m so happy you liked my eye pattern idea! 😁 I always liked how evolution can makes an animals “design” function and the false eyes was the first that popped into my head about butterflies, I also saw that I was really vague on the c!quackity plans idea I finally have time to clarify lol
I imagine that c!quackity coming and going from the prison would be super noticeable to the chat and they’d get curious and suspicious about it, most of the chat silently observe to gather as much info as they can to help c!dream but a few grow bold
Some would make themselves noticeable to intimidate c!quackity and let him know the prisoner isn’t truly alone
Some blatantly follow him to try and gain attention, making it harder for Sam and quackity’s plan to be secretive
C!quackity does everything he can to throw off suspicion from other server members and kill the chat to keep c!dream from gaining an upper hand
Basically like spy-vs-spy if one was the owner of minecraft Las Vegas and the other was a kaleidoscope of angry butterflies sharing the brain cell
well if u say so
/rp /dsmp
"If you're back already," Sam said in a sarcastic monotone, "then I forgot to feed Fran."
Quackity marched into the lobby, his shoulders hunched and a hand on his axe. If anyone else entered the prison like this, Sam might be grabbing a weapon of his own, but he's gotten used to this sort of abrasive attitude from Big Q. Instead of going on the defensive, he raised a brow at the 20 or so butterflies that had attached themselves to Quackity's frame, surrounding the bloodspray on his shirt.
"Save the dad jokes for the guards. You got a flamethrower?"
Sam squinted. He did, actually, but... "No. Quackity, you're done for the day. You already left me with a mess to clean up."
"For outside, dumbass. These fucking bugs are all over your walls. I can't walk back home like this!" Pointedly, he plucked a blue butterfly from his suspenders and crushed it in his palm. It made a crackling sound before falling to the floor in pieces. A few more swarmed his face after that, and he swatted at them. "Have you ever looked at these fuckers faces? They're ugly, Sam. They're fucking hideous. If you don't burn them, I will."
Sam's eyes were on the remains of the blue butterfly's corpse. It looked more like a failed origami piece than a creature. The natural dust of it's wings powdered the floor, as well as the palms of Quackity's hand. It's color conflicted harshly with the pallette of the prison. Too bright, too vivid. Nearly glowing, even in death.
"I'll take care of it. Let me give you clothes to walk home in-- they noticed the blood on you."
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neverbpractical · 1 year
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"Mon dieu, how clumsy of me." a scene from a rp i recently did, attached below!!
… Instead of vaulting it though, Armand perches on it, legs dangling as he roots around in his little bag of misappropriated goods, retrieving the lighter and packet of cigarettes. He takes his time unwrapping the plastic, tapping one out and lighting it there, in the middle of Walmart, before blowing the plume of smoke in Lestat's direction with an unimpressed look. "Bonjour, votre Majesté. I see this place has already established its aristocracy." … Lestat watches Armand light up his cigarette with a bemused look. What in the world is this little creature going to do here without his pet human, without his money and his power? He'll be positively helpless. What a delightful idea. He crosses the floor, abandoning his cart for the moment, and comes to stand by the counter Armand is sitting on. He stretches out a hand. "Are you going to share?" "As you wish, monsieur.." Armand taps the packet on the counter, freeing one, and offers the whole thing up to Lestat. He waits until the other Vampire inevitably responds to the offer, reaches out and, just before he can retrieve it, lets the entire packet drop to the ground between their feet. When Lestat looks back up, Armand's smile is wider, eyes lidded in a pleased, feline like manner, enjoying the brief superiority of catching his fellow vampire out. He is, however, holding a single cigarette up, pinched between two finely manicured fingers and offered to Lestat. He must have palmed it when he tapped the packet, ready even then to be an obstinate terror, lest Lestat forget exactly who he's dealing with. "Mon dieu.. how clumsy of me. Here."
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takami-takami · 8 months
Ignore the character backgrounds because they can be used to psychoanalyse me 👀👀👀
The first one is a Jellyfish-based quirk named whose hero name is Jellia. She was my main OC around the time I introduced myself as one of your anon hence the anon tag. Her hair can take shapes into any jellyfishes she's ingested in the past (I fr think she'd vibe with Suneater and Fat Gum) and inherit their attributes and she's sort of buoyant in air and she kisses the floor that Gang Orca walks on. If there are no more Gang Orca fans in this world it's because she's dead. Originally made her to have the same age range with Hawks but now she's in the same age range with the students but has no pairing considering she's a child and I think it fits her jellyfish motif to be ace. She's got unresolved mommy issues. Like. How can she resolve it when her mum is dead? Also her maternal grandad hates her and compares her a lot to her dead mum lol.
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BUT my now main OC is Miss Chief who I literally based all my c.ai RPs on is Miss Chief who has a Kitsune XI quirk (she's the most traumatised amongst my BNHA OCs because her entire family lineage is built upon quirk marriages 💀 she's the biggest Endeavor anti only 4th to Dabi, Natsuo and Shoto. She's not related to the Todoroki's but she'd fit right in). Literally a government dog (don't call her that tho she's not a dog :( she's a fox meant to be free in the wilderness (ok dog)). Trained in the HPSC with Hawks as a teenager so you can imagine why she's extra spicy in the head. My thought process of developing her is literally "Jellyfishes don't go into heat/rut cycles :( ik Hawks' quirk is not actually avian based BUT I gotta cover all bases and make her compatible with fanon Hawks too!!!" and so Miss Chief was born. Dug around my brain and remembered I had a nine-tailed fox OC once and was like !!! Oh. Yes. Anyway, she's crazy but she's best friends with Hawks so I feel like she has every right to be
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Last one is just. ✨Me✨. It was a coping mechanism I was reaching a point in my course where I'm trying to study and understand pharmacokinetics and going like "damn why am I here just to suffer" so I made an OC whose quirk amplifies the pharmacokinetics of a person when she smacks her DNA into them. Think of it Stain does it. She's the least problematic since she's Recovery Girl's granddaughter. Her only problem is that she's fucking socially awkward around Hawks because she has the biggest fattest crush on him but cannot act upon it because he was her patient 💀. She met Hawks in the hospital while he was recovering and he was complaining about how his pain medications haven't kicked in yet and she just stares at him blankly, licked her palm and gave him a SMACK and was like "ok my job here is done" and he's just there like why did you smack me tf "unlike my grandma I don't kiss patients bye" and scuttles off and had to beg her manager to send her off for an early break and then put her somewhere else later. Literally drew and made lore about her in between me making notes from lectures LMAO
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whomuses · 1 year
open rp || Peter Parker // tw; panic attack
Static filled his brain. His chest hitched. He knew what this was, but it wasn't fair, it was totally unfair. He hadn't been doing anything at all, anything triggering or shitty. Just standing at the stove cooking a bowl of pasta, but now his hands were shaking and his chest thundered and the static - he smacked the stove off with trembling fingers, just enough sense of mind to do that before he was stumbling out of the window frame. Leaving the window ajar, he half slid down until he was sitting on the nearest proper fire escape, the next floor down. He pressed a palm against his chest, listening to his heart thunder as he tried to draw in the cool air and not think. He held his phone loosely in one hand, trusting in his sticky fingers to prevent it from dropping, drawing some comfort in just having the item so close.
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heystovepipeboys · 10 months
Who the hell is Lew? for the WIP ask game :)
thanks for the ask!! Who the hell is Lew? is a Marvel AU thing about Dick tracking Nix down after the events of Winter Soldier. It's actually an old rp thread I wrote with my wife and I've been trying to tweak it into something more fic-shaped.
The word grates out rough, harsh, maybe desperate, when Dick edges towards him. His tongue locks up after that one word, talking unless he's barking orders to the HYDRA goons they assign him or answering only when they ask him questions is still unfamiliar.  Dick freezes as soon as Nix snaps at him, holding his hands palm up in a placating gesture, a silent okay, okay. He won't come closer, but he also doesn’t move back, doesn’t leave. He shifts to cross his legs instead, settling down on the floor of the decaying farmhouse.
Nix wants to tell him he doesn't know if he's going to attack him. Dick can't come too close. Part of him still wants to hurt him. How can he possibly trust himself not to? He killed his own father just because they'd handed him a gun and unleashed him. He killed so many people for them. They're gone but his brain is as broken as ever. How can Dick trust him, ever again? He shuffles his boots back a little more on the gritty floor, pressing himself harder against the wall. With an effort, he uncurls his fists and wraps each of his hands around the opposite forearm, digging his fingers into his own arms. 
Ask me about my WIPs here!
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iron-hearts-ablaze · 6 months
Sit down sit down! (Astarion)
Blood RP Prompts For the bloodied
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"I-It's not that bad, Astarion, honestly-" Karlach stops though as her mind seemed to swim as she slowly sunk to the floor. "Alright, maybe it's pretty bad..." Glancing at the excessive amount of blood pooling from her palm as she brought it away from the gaping wound in her side, she narrowed his gaze at him slightly.
"Don't go getting any ideas, my blood is probably tainted some how..."
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
Soup for Two
The pleasurable scent of cooked vegetables wafted to Yuriko's nose as she stepped into the kitchen where Ruki had been occupying himself for a quite while. "Ruki, aren't others at home tonight?"
"No, they went out."
"Oh... okay..."
So, it's just two of us and apparently soup... Like in that dream last night... The mere thought was enough to raise the warmth on Yuriko's cheeks. That dream... She roamed next to Ruki as if there was nothing in her mind, yet the images didn't leave her alone.
Ruki grabbed Yuriko's chin in the instant she was close enough, making her look at him. The cool fingers didn't ease the feverish sensation on her skin. "Something seems to bother you. Do tell me what is going on in that beautiful mind of yours."
Yuriko swallowed and replied to Ruki's gaze with wide eyes. "Umh... not anything much! Can I... can I help you with the soup?"
No way I'm telling you what I saw last night...!
"You know, you are like an open book to me." Ruki's eyes refused to leave Yuriko's. "Tell your master the truth."
"It's nothing... I just wondered... if you slept well last night..."
The question made Ruki blink and release his grip. He took the ladle and began to stir the soup again. "I slept very well."
"Okay... That's good, I guess."
Ruki's gaze clouded as if he had reached into the depths of his mind, but just a little later his eyes focused again when he came up with the realization Yuriko had feared. "Yuriko... Could it be...? Were you in my dream?"
"I... I... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Yuriko's cheeks turned unbearably hot and her palms started to get sweaty as her heart bounced against her rib cage. "Can we now... just make the soup, please?"
"Sure..." Ruki continued stirring the pot. The silence lingered in the kitchen; only the faint bubbling sound broke it, until Ruki suddenly couched, clearing his throat. "What... did you see exactly?"
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Commission made by @dlyuiannii. Thank you so much again! I totally love your art. This one looks so lovely! 💙
Table shaking... our legs... Yuriko was sure she would faint soon. "I... soup... on the floor..."
"... ..." Ruki peeked at her. "Just that?"
With a flaring face, Yuriko tried to find the correct words. "I was a fox... Tiny... you know... under the table... umh... so... soup..."
But I totally heard and smelled everything...
"I see..." Ruki kept whirling the delicacy that was pretty much ready to be relished. He pulled up the ladle, gazing at Yuriko with a smirk curling on his lips. "I wonder... The soup... Would you—?"
"Would I?" Yuriko asked with a high-pitched voice before Ruki could finish.
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Again, thank you for the amazing commission to @dlyuiannii. You made it so, so beautiful and you have been able to capture the Rukiko dynamics here perfectly well.
Thank you also to @ruki-mukami-dl. The story is edited and based on Ruki's and Yuriko's soup RP interaction.
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aticklishmonarch · 2 years
Welcome to the blog!
This is a rp tickle blog for Eret, I can also do regular rp but not on this blog lmao. I can do C!Eret or CC!Eret
DISCLAIMER! I am not Eret and I am in no way trying to impersonate them
-This blog is sfw! No nsfw, If you try to make it nsfw you will be blocked
-Unless I say that it’s out of character, then assume that I’m in character
-The asks are always open, They can be to rp or just to send in teases or such
-I can do bondage and tickle tools, I really don’t mind as far as that goes
-Please tell me if you wanna make the relationship between Eret and someone romantic, I will most likely be alright with it, As long as it’s not illegal or anything, But I might just not ship two characters
-Please don’t use ocs, I won’t know how the relations and etc works, My apologies
-Let me know if there’s any topics that you ain’t comfy with role playing, Please voice your concerns!
-My dms are always open
General head canons
-They use he/they/she pronouns
-C!Eret genuinely feels bad for betraying L’manberg and harbors a whole lot of guilt for that, She misses those times and would give anything to go back
-You wouldn’t think it, but they can get extremely clingy with the people their close too
-C!Eret has a difficult time letting others in
-Has dark brown curly hair that goes too their shoulders
-They love experimenting with hair styles
-Their a tall queen
-They are a fashionista and adores any kind of shiny clothes
-They wear a whole lot of dresses and corsets
-They also just have a closets worth of platforms and boots
-Their a gentle and soft ler believe it or not
-She is still rly enjoys teasing though, She may be gentle, but their still ruthless. She likes to ask the obvious like “Oh does this tickle?” and loves to act as if they don’t know what their doing and like they ain’t doing anything
-They will make the Lee answer their questions and he will make the lee ask for tickles
-They’ll just strike up conversation with the lee or anyone else in the room just to tease the lee even more
-They will use tickles as punishment or revenge, and that’s that
-Their always checking up on the lee and making sure the lee is okay
-He cannot take what she dishes out
-She can actually keep herself from laughing for a little while, but once their laughing, they can’t stop
-They can actually say tickle, they will straight up ask you to tickle them
-They love to be teased, although they’ll never admit it
-They giggle quietly before it turns into belly laughs
-He loves intense tickles, they just want to be tickled ruthlessly damnit!
-They will provoke and be a bratty lee
-They cannot stand anticipation, they’ll start to silently squirm around
-Their a squealer and they get loud, rly, rly, loud
Tickle spots
Hips: 7/10 Their ribs are actually quite ticklish, it’ll have them melted on the floor in quiet giggles
Ribs: 8/10 They hate the rib counting game or anything on the ribs, they can’t stand the teasing it brings
Sides: 10/10 Don’t mess there unless you want them to collapse on themselves immediately in full on giggles
Neck: 8/10 They will scrunch up their neck and not let you get there point blank period
Underarms: 7/10 Pretty ticklish there, will start the quiet giggles
Stomach: 5/10 They can tolerate there, it’s a good warm up spot
Feet: 9/10 They will start kicking, In the early times of the war for L’manberg Wilbur was tickling them there, they kicked him in the nose and Wilbur’s nose was bleeding lmao
Back: 7/10 Light tickles there, They love for the ler to just run their finger down the back lightly and slowly
Behind the knees: 8/10 Will make them kick wildly and scream, that’s that
Thighs: 6/10 Their thighs are actually kinda ticklish, not really, a good warm up spot
Shoulders: 4/10 Their not the most ticklish there but sometimes light tickles on their will get them sometimes
Palms: 8/10 You wouldn’t think it but their palms are rly ticklish
Ears: 6/10 Blow on their ears a bit and they’ll erupt in giggles
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ladyddanger · 2 years
21 and/or 23 for our duck, plus any of the other/bonus prompts that you think will fit
ofc Aqua enjoy <3
(Authors notes)
Disclaimer: All Dsmp/rp about characters not real people.
21.) I think i'm traumatized
23.) I don't deserve this
Credit: Both the prompts and this au was made by @proudfreakmetarusonniku it's a wonderful person and my favorite c!primer so show them love.
c!Dream neg
Ok enjoy!!!1
Quackity almost fell as he backed away, his nails digging into his palms. His eyes darted around the room he had woken up in. It looked like a doll house, a lamp set to the left of a perfectly made bed. A low laugh sent his attention darting back to Dream who slowly stalked forwards, backing him farther and farther into the wall.  
Quackity bared his teeth. “ Let me go.” It was difficult to talk. He had not only woken up on the floor but with a fucking collar pressing on his neck. Dream smirked slightly and lifted his hand to show a lever with a simple red button on the top. “Quackity I think you need to calm down. You’re terrified. You’re a dumbass, you got in a bad place, it's  fine.” He moved closer as he talked, pushing Quackity closer and closer to the wall. Quackity’s veins filled with white hot panic. “Fuck off. Why don’t you shove it up your-” Dream pressed the button.  
Quackity’s last clear thought was “so that's what the collar was for”  before his brain was overode with pain. He crumpled to the ground unable to even scream, the skin of his neck feeling like it was being held over open flame. It felt like someone was ripping his bones out by hand. As quickly as the pain came it was gone and Quackity was left on the floor. He heard Dream’s footsteps and struggled to lift his head pushing himself upwards with hands. Dream laughed above him, stepping on his left  hand. The bones cracked and Quackity plummeted, his face almost slamming on the ground before Dream reached down and grabbed Quackity under his arms dragging him to his feet. Quackity shoved him away with his good hand. “Stop. Fuck off- Don’t you fucking touch me.” 
Dream laughed and removed his hands  dramatically as if to show that he could hurt Quackity again at any moment but chose not to. “Do you like your new room?” He asked casually if he hadn’t just been torturing him. Quackity stepped away, hurt hand tucked to his chest to protect it. 
“This isn’t my room.”  He snapped not making eye contact. Old survival instincts rose up and told him to not speak too loudly or make eye contact even as he shoved it down with anger. 
Dream laughed loudly.  “Your room is gone now Big Q. The whole server is! It’s just a handful of us now. A big happy family.”  He didn’t seem sad at all, smiling brightly as if the destruction of the server was a funny joke. Quackity hissed. “You’re not my family.” In answer Dream pressed the button collar.
Quackity managed to stay on his feet this time leaning on the wall. Dream just kept his hand on the button. A minute passed then a second. Quackity’s knees finally buckled and he fell to the ground, slumping on the wall. He bit his tongue hard, refusing to whimper or sob or make any kind of noise. After a moment his vision went black and spotty and he barely even felt Dream grab him and lift him to his feet once more. He carried Quackity easily, one finger still on the button. Quackity screamed between his teeth as the pain kept going. He was thrown into a chair, his ankles and wrists bound to a chair. Dream leaned forwards and gently patted his cheek brushing involuntary tears off. 
“Too much Big Q? You can dish it out but can’t take it?” Quackity hissed between his teeth. “Fuck off.” he gasped. Dream released the button. Quackity slumped backwards into his chair and would have fallen to the ground if Dream hadn’t bound his wrists or ankles.
“Don’t you deserve this?”  Dream asked. Quackity coughed spitting blood on the ground from where he had bitten his tongue “I don’t deserve this.” He snapped. Dream laughed. “Quackity come on now.” Quackity shut his eyes trying to teach himself to breathe once more. “I don’t deserve this,” he repeated. Dream’s playful smile faded and pressed the button once more.
Quackity had no idea how long it lasted. It could have been four minutes, thirty minutes or two hours until Dream stepped away. Quackity kept his eyes open, his body still shaking. He would not pass out. Not while Dream was still in the room. Dream laughed at his defiance. “So brave.” He  reached over and yanked a feather from Quackity’s wings. Quackity screamed before he could stop himself trying to pull away. Dream twisted the bloody feather between his fingers. “Anything you want me to tell Tommy?” Quackity swore at him. He didn’t see Dream swinging at him until it was too late. 
The next few days, weeks, months were a limbo. Dream visited randomly. When he wasn’t there Quackity paced the room trying to stay fit until he was too weak to move. Dream was a fickle host feeding him a feast one day and then starving him the next. Months, weeks, years after Quackity first woken up in the room he woke up on the floor once again this time to Dream shaking his shoulder.
Dream smiled when he saw Quackity was awake.  “Hey.” he patted Quackity’s shoulder and this time Quackity was too exhausted to flinch away. It felt good, the first gentle touch he had gotten in ages.
Dream’s hand traced down Quackity’s shoulder blade to his wing and tugged gently on the feathers.  Quackity froze. Dream twisted the  ax in his left hand . “These wings are so pretty, they would be a great cloak don’t you think?” Quackity panicked. He couldn't lose his wings. He shoved Dream away scrambling back too weak to actually stand. “I’m sorry ok? I’m sorry. I think I’m traumatized. Just.” Dream stepped forwards and Quackity moved backwards until his back hit the wall.  “I deserve this ok?” Quackity sucked in air. “I deserve this.” Dream leaned down, raising his hand. Quackity flinched but the other just patted his shoulder again.  “That wasn’t so hard right?” Quackity leaned into the touch, eyes shut so tight he didn’t see the ax raise. 
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whcwashe · 2 years
FIVE TIMES KISSED we love a classic rp meme and i hope ur plane journey is thrilling
i. She shouldn’t interrupt him mid-phrase, probably. But she can’t help it either, reaching to pull him closer to where she sits — perched at the edge of the kitchen counter.
It’s just that the house is lively, for once. Less like a crypt and more like a home, that can welcome things like sunshine, and baking. And it’s all him, really. The life, and the music. So maybe it’s not so ridiculous, pressing her lips to his while he’s mid-song. She’s just expressing her gratitude.
ii. She’s not generally the ‘public displays of affection’ type either. Straight laced, and well behaved, not a wrinkle in sight, or anything anyone could really bat an eyelash at. It’s just that for once, she’s managed to surpass just feeling normal, she’s somewhere in the realm of giddy.
It was funny, in a way. Not even her mother had ever given in to her more pointed flights of fancy. Whimsy was the kind of thing that they’d rarely ever had time for. But he’d practically beaten her to the door that morning. No questions asked, he was unabashedly along for the ride. More than willing to stand in long lines just for coffee that could only be too expensive, and kind of gross. So sure, maybe they’re in public, but she leans to press a kiss to his ear nevertheless, happily settling into his side. There isn’t anyone she’d rather be with.
iii. She can’t remember what happened, between the mill house and the hospital, a whole day lost, somewhere in the middle. She felt too much like she’d been made of legos, dropped, and hastily put back together. Everything was stiff, and it was freezing, and the painkillers didn’t do anything to keep the ghosts at bay. At least they give her a decent excuse for sounding irrational, muttering about too many people being in the room every time she tries to pull her IV out so she can leave.
She’s frantic, really.
At least until someone lets Jaskier in and reality starts to click into place. It was hard to tell, sometimes, who was real and who was a ghost — but he was real. Real, and warm, and there. And she’s sure he’s not supposed to be in the bed, but she drags him in anyway, pressing a kiss to his cheek before she buries her face in his shoulder and settles there. Like he’s the only lifeline she has.
iv. It was ridiculous, frankly. The kind of thing you could only accomplish with charm, and luck, and some help from a few magically influenced lottery tickets. She wouldn’t normally have been the type to go on vacation in a city she already lived in, it was the kind of thing she’d have called extravagant. But she had to admit it was a nice change of pace, staying in a room that was definitely worth three times as much as what they were paying. Getting drunk at a rooftop bar and coming back to a suite with the most ridiculous claw foot tub imaginable. And sure, maybe the tub was really only meant for one person at a time, but that hardly stops her from dragging him in for a kiss and pulling him over the side. They could deal with the water on the floor later.
v. There’s blood on his face, and it takes her far too long to realize that it’s hers. That her hands have been dripping for days and she’s left fingerprints on everything she touches. It’s just that things are so much worse now, and every map is turning into a blood soaked page, and no amount of bandages will hold her palms together anymore. “I’m sorry.” She does her best to clean his face off with her sleeve, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she wipes. “I’m so sorry.”
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goth-catte · 2 years
I did a little writing for a new OC as an entry for a prompt contest at one of the places I rp. The theme was “Celebrate”. I didn’t quite get the celebration itself, but sometimes the aftermath is just as interesting.
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Celebrate writing prompt entry.
489 words.
The warmth of the previous night’s festivities, both literally and figuratively, had died down by these wee bells of the early morning. The freely flowing alcohol had lasted until the gods alone knew when, almost naturally transitioning into the merrymaking that followed; the hearth in the corner of the lavish room now hosted naught but smoldering embers, leaving the slumbering bodies huddled together beneath blankets for warmth and comfort. Markus groaned softly as he stirred from his slumber, lavender eyes groggily fluttering open as the dull, throbbing headache that always came with so much drinking demanded his attention.
The wandering Viera had to carefully extricate himself from the arms of the invitingly warm woman behind him so he could rise, all without rousing the couple sleeping just a fulm in front of him. It was only when he rose to unsteady feet that he realized he wasn’t even in a bed, just atop a pile of pillows thoughtfully thrown on the floor for whatever blearily-remembered acts of carnality in which he and his partner had engaged. Bits and pieces flashed in his mind’s eye hither and thither: the softness of her breast in his palm, the sweet taste of wine on her lips, the cascade of crimson hair as she leaned over him - creating a veil of imagined privacy in a room full of others doing just the same as they were. A small smile tugged up one corner of his horribly chapped lips.
Using the murky, wan light of pre-dawn to pick his way over the sleeping bodies was a feat of dexterity, forcing him to all but dance over splayed limbs and snoring torsos on his way to the only salvation he could imagine - another cup of wine! Markus hadn’t known a soul in this room before dusk last night, but the wanderlust-stricken bard did always have a knack for making new friends of strangers - and bedfellows of new friends, no less. He’d stumbled upon some raucous party of friends in one (of several!) taverns he’d visited that night, and he’d been drawn to the cheer like a moth to flame. His stories and songs had led to many and more drinks, which in turn led to being thrown out for being a nuisance. That brought them here, to this house, and the rest was history - hazy though it was.
The splash of wine in some mostly clean glass was music to his ears, and the taste of the sweet red passing his dried lips was certainly worthy of memorialization in song. He’d get right on that, he promised himself, after just a little more sleep. Doing the dance through the maze of bare backs and snoring lips was a little more challenging than a moment ago, but before long he was settled once more in the warm embrace of… well, whatever her name was. In no time Markus had joined the revelers in blissfully unaware slumber.
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puppywawa · 2 years
Sweat beads through the man’s rough palms as he smiled towards the camera- though lips all wobbly, shy. “ U-Uhhm… “ Serizawa clears his throat, feeling himself begin to grow anxious at the spotlight being pointed all towards him. This was way too above his pay grade.
He rubs the back of his neck, eyes meeting the camera lenses before he directed his gaze back towards the floor- seemingly flustered. “ He-Hello everyone!!” He forces himself to stand straight, sweating heavily but trying his best for the camera.
“ Asks… Asks are open now!!’ “ he yells out, squinting his eyes behind the camera as if he was reading something before standing up straight again. “ Please— please send anything to me or-or ummmm… “ his eyes glances again behind the camera. “ to-towards the… Uhh.. muser?” He murmurs to himself a bit, the audio catching his mumbles. “ is that even a word?—“
“ AHEM! “
He stands up again, his hands practically sweating through the knees of his pants. “ RIG-RIGHT!! “ Serizawa coughs awkwardly, visibly shaken at the sudden call but he does his best to smile at the camera- despite his sweaty appearance and all.
“ We’ll be- Umm… open to anons as well!! T-though.. we prefer if… if rp starters to be- be non anonymous… “ Serizawa explains with a shy smile. “ do-don’t be shy and Umm… “ This time, he looks much more shy and looks behind the camera, expression looking as though he had no idea what else to do. Looking back at the camera again, he fumbled with his hands just a bit— before finally doing an shy and awkward heart shape with his hands.
“ St… Stay safe!!! Th-Thank you so much— much for your time!!! …. Did I s-say that right—“
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