#Eret tickle
aticklishmonarch · 2 years
Welcome to the blog!
This is a rp tickle blog for Eret, I can also do regular rp but not on this blog lmao. I can do C!Eret or CC!Eret
DISCLAIMER! I am not Eret and I am in no way trying to impersonate them
-This blog is sfw! No nsfw, If you try to make it nsfw you will be blocked
-Unless I say that it’s out of character, then assume that I’m in character
-The asks are always open, They can be to rp or just to send in teases or such
-I can do bondage and tickle tools, I really don’t mind as far as that goes
-Please tell me if you wanna make the relationship between Eret and someone romantic, I will most likely be alright with it, As long as it’s not illegal or anything, But I might just not ship two characters
-Please don’t use ocs, I won’t know how the relations and etc works, My apologies
-Let me know if there’s any topics that you ain’t comfy with role playing, Please voice your concerns!
-My dms are always open
General head canons
-They use he/they/she pronouns
-C!Eret genuinely feels bad for betraying L’manberg and harbors a whole lot of guilt for that, She misses those times and would give anything to go back
-You wouldn’t think it, but they can get extremely clingy with the people their close too
-C!Eret has a difficult time letting others in
-Has dark brown curly hair that goes too their shoulders
-They love experimenting with hair styles
-Their a tall queen
-They are a fashionista and adores any kind of shiny clothes
-They wear a whole lot of dresses and corsets
-They also just have a closets worth of platforms and boots
-Their a gentle and soft ler believe it or not
-She is still rly enjoys teasing though, She may be gentle, but their still ruthless. She likes to ask the obvious like “Oh does this tickle?” and loves to act as if they don’t know what their doing and like they ain’t doing anything
-They will make the Lee answer their questions and he will make the lee ask for tickles
-They’ll just strike up conversation with the lee or anyone else in the room just to tease the lee even more
-They will use tickles as punishment or revenge, and that’s that
-Their always checking up on the lee and making sure the lee is okay
-He cannot take what she dishes out
-She can actually keep herself from laughing for a little while, but once their laughing, they can’t stop
-They can actually say tickle, they will straight up ask you to tickle them
-They love to be teased, although they’ll never admit it
-They giggle quietly before it turns into belly laughs
-He loves intense tickles, they just want to be tickled ruthlessly damnit!
-They will provoke and be a bratty lee
-They cannot stand anticipation, they’ll start to silently squirm around
-Their a squealer and they get loud, rly, rly, loud
Tickle spots
Hips: 7/10 Their ribs are actually quite ticklish, it’ll have them melted on the floor in quiet giggles
Ribs: 8/10 They hate the rib counting game or anything on the ribs, they can’t stand the teasing it brings
Sides: 10/10 Don’t mess there unless you want them to collapse on themselves immediately in full on giggles
Neck: 8/10 They will scrunch up their neck and not let you get there point blank period
Underarms: 7/10 Pretty ticklish there, will start the quiet giggles
Stomach: 5/10 They can tolerate there, it’s a good warm up spot
Feet: 9/10 They will start kicking, In the early times of the war for L’manberg Wilbur was tickling them there, they kicked him in the nose and Wilbur’s nose was bleeding lmao
Back: 7/10 Light tickles there, They love for the ler to just run their finger down the back lightly and slowly
Behind the knees: 8/10 Will make them kick wildly and scream, that’s that
Thighs: 6/10 Their thighs are actually kinda ticklish, not really, a good warm up spot
Shoulders: 4/10 Their not the most ticklish there but sometimes light tickles on their will get them sometimes
Palms: 8/10 You wouldn’t think it but their palms are rly ticklish
Ears: 6/10 Blow on their ears a bit and they’ll erupt in giggles
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koala-fluff · 2 years
Hello everyone! Here is a fic for the wonderful @hotshot624 that they requested. In November...
I hope you enjoy, and I'm sorry if it's bad. Writing something that is not related to the bonds if my hyperfixation can be quite difficult...
But it came out ok, so I will be proud of my creation!
The Greatest Dragon Rider Trapper Alive
When the Twins reveal Snotlout's methods are outdated, Eret seeks revenge. And once Astrid reveals a weakness of Snotlout's... Well, he just has to take advantage of it, doesn't he?
Original Request (shortened): Hi! I was wondering if I could request a How to train your dragon fic (as you can see that's what I'm hyper fixating on rn lol) anyway if you could, could you write one with maybe Lee!Snotlout and Ler!Eret, where it's set in-between httyd 2 and 3 and Snotlout is being super obnoxious, rude, and just plain annoying to Eret, so decides to take him down a notch and wrecks him with tickles and it's just super fluffy and cute at the end.
"Are you sure this will help me ride Skull Crusher?" Eret asked, looking very skeptical.
Snotlout scoffed, hiding a grin unbeknownst to the larger viking. "Of course I'm sure! This is how Astrid taught everyone on the A Team."
"I have no idea what the A Team is, but I do know this is humiliating." Eret groaned, continuing the exercise.
What was this exercise exactly? Run in circles with a broom between your legs like a witch.
"Just trust me." Snotlout stifled a chuckle. "You'll be high in the sky in no time."
Eret cheered up a tiny bit at that. Oh, how he wanted to just fly and touch the clouds. To do cool tricks like the other dragon riders on the back of those magnificent beasts.
He'd do anything. Which apparently included hobbling about on a broom as his cocky teacher hovered above him on Hookfang.
"You're doing great, Son of Eret."
"You know, the more you quip like that the more I believe this is just a joke, Son of Spite." Eret snapped back, huffing grumpily.
"What are you doing over here, Snotlout?"
The twins flew in on their two headed dragon, Barf and Belch. As soon as they saw Eret, they needed no explanation. Both fell into boisterous fits of laughter as they watched him waddle around in circles.
"Aha prank wohorthy of Lohoki himself!" Ruffnit shouted, almost sliding off her saddle. "Gohood one, Snohot!"
"Indeed, sister." Tuffnut giggled, clutching his sides. "Unlehess our dear friehend doesn't remember thahat Hiccup dubbed this exercise useless a fehew months agoho."
Eret stopped moving. Snotlout froze as his icy glare reached up to them.
"Did he now?" He asked, his voice terrifyingly calm. "It seems my mentor has forgotten to mention this fact."
Snotlout grinned. "What can I say? You were too gullible to let it pass by."
"I may be gullible, but I will not be made into a fool."
"You already do that to yourself anyway."
"I would choose your next words very carefully, Son of Spite."
"And if I don't?"
Both twins stopped laughing and grinned as they looked between the two vikings, holding their breaths as they waited to see what would happen next.
"Our hotheaded friend seems to have sealed his fate." Tuffnut whispered to his sister. "Mayhaps we assist Eret today?"
"Mayhaps we shall, brother." Ruffnut answered, grinning deviously. "It has been a good long while since someone has shown him his place."
"Excluding us?"
"Of course."
"Hookfang!" Tuffnut yelled, shocking the other two vikings. "Would you come assist us with house repairs?"
The Monstrous Nightmare seemed to grin deviously as well. He huffed and nodded before tossing Snotlout off his head.
The cocky viking screamed as he fell. He hit the ground and immediately stood back up, fury written all over his face.
"Hookfang!" He yelled, throwing his hands up. "What was that?"
"Your dragon has volunteered to assist us while you pay for your crimes, Snotlout." Ruffnut announced dramatically.
"You will be sorely missed!" Tuffnut added as they flew away.
Hookfang only looked back, his large mouth pulled back into a smirk. Soon enough, the four (five?) traitors had disappeared from view.
Snotlout opened his mouth, most likely to shout some obscenities, and a yelp shot out as a heavy force knocked him over. He fell on his face, but was quick to sweep around and grapple with Eret.
"You tricked me!" Eret growled, kneeing his opponent in the gut.
"You shouldn't make it so easy!" Snotlout gasped, grabbing the larger viking's shirt and throwing him to the ground. Eret was quick to grab Snotlout's ankle and drag him down as well.
The two rolled around the arena, cursing and attempting to overpower each other. Any vikings that flew by only watched for a moment before chuckling and going back to work.
It wasn't long until Hiccup was notified of the fight and he obviously sent the most feared Viking to take care of it.
"Hey, Meatheads!" Astrid shouted from above them. "Why in Odin's name are you fighting like children?"
"He's just salty cause I'm smarter than him!" Snotlout hissed, twisting Eret's arm.
Astrid raised her eyebrow.
"He tricked me into riding a broom around in circles!" Eret yelled, finally trapping Snotlout in a headlock. "Made me look like a fool!"
"Oh." Astrid fought down a smile. "I see…"
The two continued their scuffle for a few moments until Astrid spoke again.
"Well, we need everyone in top shape for repairs, so stop fighting!"
"Yeah, Eret." Snotlout chuckled, kicking his opponent away. "Stop attacking me!"
Eret growled. "Then how am I supposed to take my revenge?" He asked, looking up at Astrid.
"Snotlout's ticklish. Use that."
Snotlout froze. She did not just…
"Oh, really." Eret turned towards him, a terrifying smirk replacing what was once an angry scowl. "Thank you, Astrid. I will use that."
"Cool. Just try not to murder him!" Astrid called out as she flew away with a massive grin on her face.
"How dare you, you-"
Eret tackled Snotlout to the ground, cutting off his insult. As soon as they hit the ground, Eret dug his fingers into Snotlout's sides.
The man instantly shrieked and flailed about in his opponent's grasp. Loud, gruff laughter soon filled the arena as Eret wriggled his fingers up towards his armpits.
"So Astrid was telling the truth." Eret chuckled, hooking his leg under Snotlout's so he wouldn't get kicked. "You are very ticklish."
"GEHET OHOHOFF MEHEHE!" Snotlout snorted, curling away as his ribs were squeezed.
"Absolutely not!" Eret gasped, using one hand to scratch his hip. "You made me out as a fool! And I, Eret son of Eret, the best dragon rider trapper alive, will not have it!"
And with that, he shoved both hands under Snotlout's arms and relished in the high-pitched scream that answered his attack.
Snotlout fell into an inescapable pit of desperate laughter. He tried to get away from the madding feeling, but it was useless. All he could do was thrash as Eret switched targets at the speed of a Speed Stinger.
"Does this tickle? How about this? And this?" Eret asked as he clawed at his stomach, then hips, then back.
Snotlout started to wheeze and fell completely limp when the attack was targeted under his arms again. Eret got the message and stopped. He continued to pin Snotlout against him as the dragon rider calmed down.
Soon enough, Snotlout recovered enough to say:
"I'm not tutoring you anymore."
Eret cackled at that announcement. "Whahat makes you thihink I'd want to be tuhutored by you after today?"
Snotlout huffed and struggled to his feet. He scowled down at the giggling man and his face softened slightly.
"Yeah, well, Astrid would be the next to teach you, and she is not easygoing." Snotlout countered, a cocky grin returning to his face.
Eret pursed his lips. "You do have a good point there, Son of Spite." He stood up as well and held out his hand. "I will allow you to continue to tutor me, as long as you take it seriously."
Snotlout scoffed. "I'm pretty sure I was the one who rejected you first."
Eret's eyes hardened and he took a step forward. "Must I use tickling to get you to agree?"
Snotlout's face turned red and he quickly shook Eret's hand. "No need! I will take it very seriously from now on."
"Great! What now, sir?" Eret asked, crossing his arms.
Snotlout sighed. "Unfortunately, young pupil, we must postpone my magnificent lessons, for my dragon has decided to fly away."
Eret nodded seriously. "That is quite unfortunate indeed."
They both stayed solemn faced for about ten seconds. Then they burst into giggles, like the dorks they were.
"Alright, Snotlout." Eret started walking towards the exit of the arena. "Let us go locate your missing dragon."
Snotlout grinned and followed the taller man out. Eret may be way more gullible than the others, he conceded, but he'd fit right in with the dragon riders.
I hope everyone enjoyed! Sorry for the shorter tickle scene...
Next up: a super secret fic...
I hope you have a fabulous day/night and don't prank the great Eret son of Eret!
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hotshot624 · 2 years
So like I know I have some stuff to write in my drafts rn, but unfortunately I'm no longer hyper fixating on stranger things but like I wanna write some more. And not just about agere but also some cute fluffy tickle stuff too. Specifically How To Train Your Dragon stuff. Either with the characters and reader or just the characters. I have some headcanons and fics that I'd like to make but I'm afraid that 1.) Other people not in either of those communities will judge me for it and 2.) People in those communities won't be interested in it and won't read it. Idk what do y'all think I should do? I think I may just write it but I still wanna know y'alls opinions. Ight that's all love y'all 😘💜💜💜
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violet-moonstone · 1 year
Headcanons and opinions on Httyd/Rtte relationships
Hiccup and Astrid are in an open marriage. Hiccup also dates Dagur and Astrid dates Heather. Dagur and Mala are either not together or it's a political thing, idk. Tbh I don't think about that pairing very often. Nothing against Mala, I just don't see them together at all. I think Mala would be better with someone less intense and probably more shy and sensitive.
I think Hiccup and Dagur spend long amounts of time away from each other doing their own thing, but when they finally meet up again, it gets *intense*. They all need to plan carefully though because Heather and Dagur do NOT want to run into each other while with their partners. Also, I think "Aunt Heather" and "Uncle Dagur" would be adorable af with Zephyr and Nuffink. Heather is especially good with Nuffink, who is very nervous. Zephyr absolutely adores Dagur and loves getting tossed in the air, play fighting, etc, but Nuffink is a little intimidated by him for a couple years. Dagur learns to be more gentle and play with Nuffink without scaring him.
I'm surprised by this (because I generally dislike most characterization in THW) but I'm actually good with Ruffnut and Fishlegs together. I'm a sucker for any relationship where one is a chaos goblin and the other is a nervous wreck. This may or may not be the dynamic of my own relationship. (I am the nervous one).
Snotlout's "rivalry" with Eret was a cover for his huge crush on him and at some point, they start dating. Snotlout learns to be more vulnerable and realizes that his constant desire to be masculine played out in performatively hitting on women. (He's literally Mac from Always Sunny, you can't convince me otherwise). He hates the height difference at first (Eret is almost an entire foot taller, jfc) but genuinely enjoys that Eret can just hoist him up over his shoulder and carry him around, tease him by holding things over his head, hold him down and tickle him, etc. And honestly, same. Nothing wrong with being smol and portable.
Tuffnut is asexual. Also very big uncle energy with the kids. He shows them how to pull pranks and Hiccup and Astrid watch with growing concern as their children (especially Zephyr) become absolute menaces under Tuffnut's tutelage.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
A Christmas Special: What spending Christmas w/ the DSMP is like
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, Philza, Technoblade Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Disclaimer: Tommy is only mentioned. This is in no way a Tommy × Reader
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Dream Team: A Traditional Christmas
It's always fun to do anything with these three, but Christmas w/ them definitely feels more special and fun
Sapnap ans George are the ones who wake you up first thing in the morning, cause it's Christmas lol, while you and Dream try to get some more sleep in
They go to Dream first, so they can annoy him to no end, then they decide to gang up on you
Screaming, tickling, pillows thrown at you, anything you can imagine them doing to wake you up lmao
After waking up, and openings presents you brought eachother, you all decide to start cooking for lunch
George and Sapnap are in charge of the appetizers and desert
You and Dream get the rest, because Dream doesn't trust George or Sapnap with cooking
Even while eating you three will keep on a very good conversation, filled with laughs and jokes
One of you probably ends up spitting some food out from laughing, definetly not pointing fingers at a certain someone
Then the rest of the day is spent playing random games or watching movies, ending the night with a good 'ol cuddle pile on the couch
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Skephalo: A Virtual Christmas
Since these two absolutely refuse to meet up, more like Bad refuses to take an airplane while you and Skeppy have been begging him for years now, you decide to have a virtual Christmas on discord
You three spent the whole day on discord togheter doing what you usually would do on Christmas day
Beforehand you brought and sent eachother gifts, so you'd take the time to open them on call
Skeppy's gifts sometimes being trolls or things about himself
Like I imagine Skeppy gifting you and Bad plushies with his face on them, so "I can always be with you" he says
You play Minecraft, without filming for once, among other multiplayer games
You played Mario Kart, bad idea, cause Bad kept on losing and got salty
Online Uno was the next, but Skeppy kept on giving Bad "+2's" and +4's"
Golf with Friends was another one you played, but you kept on pushing the other two off track yet somehow still winning
But, no matter how much you bickered over these stupid games, you three had one of the most fun Christmases ever
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Karlity & Himbros: A Snowy Christmas
Quackity came to visit America for a while, so you and the other four decided to just spend Christmas togheter
I imagine the day of Christmas being a very snowy day, so much that you 5 decided to go out and "play" a little
Karl and Foolish kept on putting snow in the other three's coats, which would just end up with a chasing game
Punz and you randomly decided to make a snow fort and start a snowball battle against the other three
You two obviously won
Then you made a snow man and named him Antonio Banderas, you even gave him a little goatee and all
After tiring yourself out, you proceeded to go inside and make hot choco for everyone
In the end you all attached yourself to Foolish, cause man's jacked and therefore has more body heat
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SBI: A Memorable Christmas
You five met up the day after Christmas actually, wanting to spend the actual day with your family and/or loved one(s)
So you brought whatever food you could from the previous day and all met up at Phil's house
Most of the day was spent talking, playing and getting annoyed by Tommy and his loud nature
Tristin had, so kindly, brought all of you sweaters with your name initial in the front and "SBI" written on the back
You all took many pictures and took little funny videos like you were modeling new merch
All of you, including Tristin, also took family style Christmas pictures that you all got framed to remember this amazing day
Tommy and you also took advantage of the situation to film some tik toks with the other three
You tried your best to get Techno to do one dance, he mostly refused, until you somehow managed to make him do one
Wilbur, on the other hand, was happy to do a silly little dance with you even if it wasn't perfect
At one point you decided to make ginger bread cookies, and try to create eachother
Which didn't end well because Wilbur and Tommy started throwing icing around and it turned into a food fight
Phil and Tristin just watched from the side as you and Tommy were mixing flower into Wilbur and Techno's hair
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ticklishavian · 2 years
(From @aticklishmonarch ooc: I think I figured out a decent starter, might be a bit cliché tho, I’ve never done a tickle rp before lmao)
Eret was walking on the outskirts of the greater smp, humming a tune to themselves and wandering around. Their train of thought was interrupted by seeing a winged figure. Was that Phil? Not many people come around this area…. Oh well. She walked up to him, attempting to make conversation “Hello Phil” She greeted with a grin
Phil turned his head, looking back at Eret with a smile. “Hey mate.”
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todoroklee · 7 months
(Red means important or I write alot about/like alot)
Hello, I thought as I did make this account quite recently due to my stupid actions I should create an introduction post! So here we are!
Todoroki pics b4 we start:
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Hii my name is Ruby and my main fandoms rn are my hero academia and jujutsu kaisen!!!
I am an SFW tickle blog!
My asks and requests are open!
Here are the peopl/characters I write for;
All other characters
DSMP ccs:
Jack manifold
(I would love to start writing for these again)
People who I will not write for;
Heros (pros)
DSMP ccs:
Pretty much all other dsmp ccs!
Wilbur stans/fans
NSFW accounts
Ppl who sexualise kids
Kink pages
Any type of sexual pages
Hazbin hotel fans!
Lgbtq+ people
Anyone else who doesn't apply to anything in the dni list!!!
My ask box etiquette
Can send sfw stuff
Can send teases
Can send fic requests
Can ask anything sfw!
Can ask questions
Followers/sfw blogs
Can send questions
Can send fic requests
Can send sfw stuff
Nsfw/random blogs
Kindly, no thank you.
Nothing in my asks plz
(By random, I mean no name, no bio, no posts, just blank pages or only having one post and it being nsfw or e.g a bot)
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emmadoodle · 1 year
30, 52, 53, and 54 with lee!Dream (or Punz if you're feelin wild) ler!Sapnap
Hi sleepy!! Thanks so much for the prompt this one seems very fun asflkadh. Just so you know during my haitus I kept some of your asks to me which I still plan on ansering <33 all of them have been so cute!
This takes place towards the beginning of the very first war between Lmanburg and Greater Dreamsmp, even before Eret's betrayal.
Sapnap sighed loudly in hopes of gaining his friend's attention. It didn't really work, not like it had the other five times he'd done so. Dream was currently marking things on several maps, making battle plans and crafting weapons and armor. This stupid war with the small little faction was fun at first, but now Sapnap was far from over it. But he knew Dream, and he knew that when Dream set his mind to something, it was all he could focus on for however long it took to finish.
Sapnap scooted closer to Dream at the desk they were currently working at, administering a poke to the older man's side as soon as he was close enough. The speedrunner let out a yelp and a small giggle before jumping away.
"Whahat the hell Sapnap, I'm trying to concentrate. We still don't know the time of day the enemy will attack!"
Sapnap only smiled back cheekily, "It's been forever since I've heard that laugh of yours. It's only been maniacal and full of malice lately."
Dream knew exactly what Sapnap was saying, and he was not having it, "Don't. You. Dare."
"Don't I dare what?" The younger played innocent.
"You wouldn't!" Dream scooted away slowly as much as he could in his chair, a smile tugging away at the corner of his lips.
Sapnap leaned forward into Dream's face, "Oh, I would."
With that, Sapnap dove at the man, forcing his hands under Dream's arms and pulling him into his chest, finger wiggling right in the center of both his armpits.
"Sahahahahap!! Wahahaihihit! "Not thehehehere!" Dream cackled with his head thrown back in dismay. With battle plans forgotten, and a new form of playfulness in the air, Sapnap tickled all of the stress from the poor masked man's thoughts.
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guesswho873 · 2 years
so.... i just had a thought (it's kinda stupid)
but like everyone can theses fics, and eret is in tumblr too, so what if the dream smp or like some members of it made a reaction video of "reading fanfics!!" and they read one of these tickle fanfics , what do you think will be their reaction? i am just intrested in hearing your thoughts 👀👁️👄👁️
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Heyyyy y’all! It’s been a while- mainly because I had school and also really bad depression for the longest time. Admittedly the depression is still here and school is in a week but heyyyyy at least I wrote something! So yeah addition to extermination au-
A Hat Unfit to Wear
Warnings: mentions of digestion, ambiguous ending, fear, definitely not safe vore, Wilbur back at it again
Eret squinted, trying to make out a face from the flesh colored blur of his attacker. Normally Fundy would’ve helped describe their surroundings, but he’d vanished about twenty minutes ago. So Eret was left on his own to navigate his environment. Normally it was empty. But today, apparently not.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” He asked, straining to see the owner of the warm hand he was caught in.
They only laughed, bringing Eret closer to their face, the mouth specifically, which turned up into a grin. “I’m the one they call to fix things. Things that you and your little friend and the rest of your kind ruin.”
“My friend? Fundy? You saw him?” Eret ignored what they’d said in favor of focusing on Fundy. She liked Fundy a lot. They were good friends. She’d like him back.
“Ohh. Fundy. Fun-dy. He was fun. I definitely saw him. I could..bring you to him.”
Eret perked up, ignoring a slight dribble of drool that slid near his face. “Yes! That would be so kind of you!” She beamed.
“I am kind, aren’t I? Fixing things for very little pay. Reuniting.. whatever you two were.” The giant scoffed.
Wilbur snapped his jaws over the borrower and slurped them up, shoving his tongue into their face. They didn’t react immediately like most, instead patting and feeling over it with their tiny hands. And then shrieking.
“No! Please! I just want to see him again!”
Wilbur only laughed, curling his tongue around the borrower and pulling them close to his throat. They were slower to struggle than most. It seemed they had to feel around first before struggling. Less fun than the other one. Though he could still feel the little hairs of their tail tickling the back of his throat. Wilbur brought his chin up and let the borrower slide into his throat with a cute little shriek.
He let them squirm for a bit, grinning at the desperate clutching for the back of his tongue. They’d caught on by now, what was going to happen to them. Took them long enough. Wilbur placed a hand over his throat and swallowed heavily, enjoying the familiar feeling of a lump moving down his throat. Job done.
Eret gasped for air, trying to press out at the esophageal walls so he could have even the slightest bit of space. The giant must have been lying. He clawed at the flesh. But she couldn’t avert her fate. With a groan she slid into the active stomach, landing in a puddle of… well she couldn’t tell. Eret scrambled up to a stand, squinting around. His eyesight was already somewhat testy. And now the darkness of the stomach wasn’t helping.
“Please.. please let me out.” Eret begged, pressing against the churning walls.
“I think not. Plus, you wanted to see your friend again. I think you’ll find him soon enough.” The giant cackled, jostling their stomach around.
Eret stumbled and slipped, once again splashing into the puddle. And something touched their hand. She grabbed it and held it up to her face. There were holes all throughout the fabric. It was barely held together by pieces of string. But even with his eyesight and the lack of any light source, Eret could tell what it was. It was Fundy’s hat.
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slimeylee · 2 years
I have 2 for cc!s but most of them are c!s
cc!Tommy tickling his friends for “ignoring their poor best friend” (I.e. when Ranboo first moved to the uk and he was tired and “ignored” Tommy, or Tubbo bc he’s so busy w Tubnet)
Whenever Lovejoy wants to hear Ash’s laughter, they all take turns poking him throughout the day
Ok now for c!s
Tubbo’s horns are ticklish. Like melt spot ticklish and everyone knows it
If Philza gets into a ler mood, he’ll say things like “I just wanna hug!” Then tickle the lees with his wings
Tommy has gotten tickled by Shroud. No he will not talk abt it.
Tommy teases revivebur abt his white streak, calling him an “old man”
Ghostboo tickled Michael to bed once bc he was very energetic and he was just being a good father /pos
Wilbur and Tommy relentlessly teased Techno abt having very ticklish ears
Sapnap has taken down both Quackity and Karl at the same time at least twice
Also I love the thought abt the hybrids making different noises when being tickled in a BAD spot: Ranboo(enderman chirps), Phil (bird chirps), Tubbo(bleats), Fundy(Fox noises) etc.
Only Foolish knows how ticklish Eret is, and the reason being is Foolish is the only one brave enough to tickle them (Eret my beloved)
Under Tommy’s chin is very sensitive
This one’s kinda common, but Ranboo’s stomach and hips are very ticklish. Like very very ticklish
Tommy steals everyone’s hoodies and gets punished for it (tickled**)
Wilbur was braiding techno’s hair once and his hand grazed techno’s lower back and he did not miss the sharp inhale
After the Revengers(™️), techno and eret tickled Tubbo to show him that they’re actually sorry for what they did to him
Ghostboo tickles Aimsey in the mansion and Aimsey just falls to the ground every time bc they can’t do anything abt it
That’s it 😭 there are so many I’m sorry— ❤️
i love these and like- eSPECIALLY especially the few lee techno ones and the ash one but lets not, yknow..
dont be sorry i love them ^v^ did i mention that i love them
thnxx <3/p hhh
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justdsmp1 · 2 years
⋆ 𝐌𝐂𝐂 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Pairing(s): Tommy x Reader
Pronouns: She/her
About:You and Tommy playing MCC and shouting at each other
Word count: 387
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"Tommy! Stop screaming!" I shouted through the thin wall that was between my twin and I.
"Says you, I think the whole street can hear you" Tommy retaliates. I scoff and look at my monitor again just before I was about to die, and I died by Tommy 
"This is why mum doesn't fucking love you!" I yell at him
"Take that bitch" Tommy says.
"Don't make me go next door, Tommy" I threaten. He laughs 
I take off my headphones, stand up from my desk chair, open my door and slam open his door. He screams in fright as I tackle him off the chair. You heard collective laughing through Tommy's headphones. You start tickling him instead. You heard a text-to-speech donation come through. You get off Tommy and put on his headphones and read it aloud as I had just missed it
"Are you and Y/n dating"I read aloud, Tommy and I gag in disgust.
"Of course we are, keeping it in the family"I joke, making everyone on the call with Tommy laugh
"I'm joking, Tommy and I are twins, "I tell
"Yeah I'm related to this idiot here," Tommy says
"Hey! I get better grades than you do in college " I expose him. He gasps, I smirk but both laugh. I go back to my setup.
"Sorry chat just had to take care of someone," I say, I look at chat's responses 
"No chat, I didn't murder anyone" I sigh. I hear Tommy scream again as it starts again
"Shut up! The whole universe can hear"I exclaim
We start screaming back and forth at each other as we played until my team won
"ha suck it Toms"I yell. Then it hits me
"I won my first MCC," I say, in realization. Tommy came running in and picked me up off my chair and spun me around in excitement
"You did it Y/n!"He exclaims. I sit back down in my chair, Tommy still in the background.
"Chat we did it, Ranboo, Eret, and Wilbur we did it," I say, cheering was heard through the VC
"Great job Y/n, you did well while also screaming at Tommy, a talent" Wilbur laughs.
"You did great, sis," Tommy says
"Thanks, Toms, "I say, he hugs me again as motherinnit stood in the doorway watching the two twins, taking a photo and then leaving.
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kasey-writes-stuff · 11 months
Creator tickle head canons
Random lers
Ler!Sapnap Ler!Punz
Ler!Jack Ler!Sapnap Ler!Punz
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Tickle Therapy AU:
Okay, so, Dream escapes soon after Sapnap’s visit.
Sapnap is angry and hurt, and his arrival is basically a big walking reminder of why he did this in the first place. (He wants his family back — he needs it so bad it hurts.) Sam comes in after Sapnap leaves and — for the first time in a while — Dream is kind of…unreadable. Just, blank. Something is clearly wrong but he doesn’t know what it is. He tries to help — coax out a smile, hug him and groom his hair, just be there and offer an ear, but none of it really works. He concludes that maybe Dream just needs to sleep it off and that they can talk more in the morning.
But (as per your suggestion) Dream has stolen one of Sam’s ender pearls. He just has to wait until the Warden is gone, and then it’s go time.
Sam returns early — maybe with some food or something to try and comfort him — but upon seeing an empty cell he freaks out and raises the alarm. But it’s too late. Dream’s hidden himself well, and in his efforts to rush through the prison to find him he accidentally lets him go.
(Sam isn’t just worried. He’s angry.) (Once his therapy patient is back under his control, he’s gonna be mean.)
(Maybe he even starts planning that session ahead of time, lol. Maybe he gets others involved, or prepares something like — I dunno — a machine?)
ok yep so we keep the power tripped warden part 😂 so now instead of being insistent on dream being in the cell so that he can continue his role as warden, he’s insistent on dream continuing his therapy so that he can fullfil his role has a tickle therapist fzyxyshs
(discussion belowwww)
and so mayyybbeee he goes a little insane when his patient escapes. perhaps he spends his time creating a tickle machine to quell his need to make progress on dream. perhaps he’s offended that dream would just run. maybe he felt that his work was actually meaningful
i’m kinda leaning towards then having the machine be used on himself? kinda like how he was thrown into prison in the canon lore?? so like eret tubbo and techno throwing sam back in prison because of micheal, and dream visiting and mocking him like in canon. only in this AU, sam isn’t alone in his cell, he’s actually in their with the tickle machine that he built for dream,,,
the idea of dream seeing the contraption and having a shudder travel up his spine at the idea of sam using that on him is feckin cute :(( but it also opens up an opportunity for dream to get revenge on sam?? like dream forcing sam to test out his own tickle machine fzyxyshs but also not really knowing how to use it properly and not being the type to wait for sam’s attempts at bartering before pressing the big green button in the top right corner of the remote
@emmadoodlewrites ,, tickle machine lover,, would love to hear your thoughts on this one 👀 /nf
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tubblee · 1 year
Hulllooooooo, I run a tickle blog for Eret? Curious if you wanted to rp sometime? I got some ideas (Mainly involving dsmp but ya know) :]]]]]] @aticklishmonarch
Hellooooo :3 yeah for sure I’d love that :D I haven’t used this blog in a while so I’d be happy to use it again ^v^
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batwritings · 2 years
Hi there^^
I’ve been following for a while, but it’s my first time requesting lol
Could we perhaps (and only If you want to, ofc!) get some of Eret with a trans!male reader, who just- doesn’t like their body-?
Only if you want!
(Also could I perhaps be 🇬🇧✨ anon?)
Hello friend! This one um...hits closer to home than I'd like to admit ^^; for a few different reasons actually. So, from personal experience: Enjoy~!
You couldn't help the loud sigh that escaped your lips as you looked yourself over in the fitting room mirror. Running your hands down your bound chest and across your waist only made your frown deepen. It felt like no matter what you did, your body was never to your liking. Curves in the wrong places, parts that couldn't be erased without literally cutting your skin up to fix it, not to mention the scars that followed.
"Did you not like the shirt I picked?" came a familiar voice from the doorway. You met Eret's gaze (or what you could assume was her gaze, damn sunglasses) in the mirror where she stood behind you with a few other options. "I thought that deeper red would really suit you."
"It's not the clothes Eret," you sighed, turning away from your reflection. "Or your phenomenal fashion taste." There was a brief smile on your face before your expression and eyes fell. "It's me. It's my body."
"Oh?" She mused, approaching you while tossing the formal shirts aside. "What about this lovely vessel of yours dearest?"
"That's just it," you huffed, turning back to the mirror. "Every time I look at myself I'm just...disgusted. Nothing looks right and it feels like every time I go to make the effort it's in vain. I know I shouldn't get caught up on vanity, but...I don't know."
Eret sighed before placing their hands on your shoulders. "You know, first and foremost that I'm not at all with you for your looks yes?" they asked softly. Soft yet calloused hands ran down your arms, resting on your hips. "You have this body for a reason. And it's perfect the way it is."
"It's curvy in the wrong places," you grumbled softly. Eret gently kneads into your sides. Slowly does the king turn you around, slipping off their sunglasses in the meantime.
Solid white irises meet yours with the softest expression you've seen on your royal partner to date. It's almost unnerving until an onslaught of kisses start to pepper your skin. At first, your immense dislike of your body leaves you with the urge to pull away, but it doesn't take long for Eret to find your ticklish spots.
"E-Eret!" you screech, laughter bursting from your throat almost unwilliningly. "St-stop it! Hahaha, what're you doing?" But she doesn't stop, kiss upon kiss landing on all the most sensitive spots on your body.
"There's that smile I love," he chuckles. Tears prick your eyes both from the tickles and your queen's words. "No matter what body you have, no matter what you look like, I will always love you my dear Y/N." Her calloused pinky links itself with yours. "And that's a promise."
You wanted so very much to burst into tears in her arms, but you simply locked your pinky tighter with his own.
"Thank you Eret."
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