#kraang corps
leilanising · 1 day
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made this in honor of the last week of @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
I love you guys! <3
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v-albion · 2 months
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Beach day! What’s more fun than smashing watermelons?? You can even eat them later!
Putting the ask here too @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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languajix · 3 months
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“Greetings from Cabin 11, I have come to inform you about how to correctly create a S’more”
Donnie will NOT tolerate any burnt marshmallows
From where he was sitting by the fire, three baby turtles in his lap and one only slightly less baby turtle at his side, Mike hummed. "This is no four star Michelin restaurant, but I can certainly take that under advisement," he lied. He took the paper, holding it up to read and squinting at it to pretend like he was committing it all to memory.
Unfortunately, as he did so, it came in range of El's grabby hands.
It was too late. The paper had gone down the hatch.
"...guess he's hungry?" Mike said. He huffed as a sudden thought struck him. "Hey, I know you've probably got a lot of people to lecture - I mean, uh, coach? - about the perfect s'more making process, but if you wanna stick around for a little bit and take a load off... I'm sure my nephew here would love to try a correctly made s'more, and you seem to be a world renowned s'more chef. He's never had one before and he deserves the best."
Mike was perfectly fine with munching on clumsily half-burnt marshmallows, no chocolate required, but he didn't want that to be El's first s'more and he did not have the patience to sit there and wait for a marshmallow to turn a nice gentle golden brown... he was not opposed to outsourcing, though.
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Hello! The Mikeys LEOS from Cabins 14 and 15 are going to prank the counselors by rick-rolling them! They wanted to know if there were any other songs that your character(s) would like the Leos to play for the counselors too!
In other words: Give @justalittleobsessed and @languajix your best, meme-iest, most annoying songs to serenade our beloved counselors with 💕 🎶
“I have found that playing any song on the kazoo is almost always either hilarious or pisses people off,” Smokey says wisely. The way he says this gives you the distinct impression he has done this to people. Your suspicion is increased when he pulls a kazoo out of nowhere and offers, “I can play My Heart Will Go On, or Never Gonna Give You Up if you want to get ‘em twice.”
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craftypeaceturtle · 9 months
Something stupid...
I recently rewatched tmnt 2012 and thought... wow, there's loads of fully rendered and designed shops in the background. Has anyone ever listed them all for reference?
I didn't even check the fandom wikia so maybe someone has. But hey ho. I've done it now.
So here's all the shops and comics shown in the TMNT 2012 series, for your reference fellow writers and other insane people.
Comic books seen throughout the series:
'From the Sewer' (S1 E1, 08:09)
'Martial Pain' (S1 E4, 09:00)
'Famous Creatures of […] Town' (S1 E7, 22:49) **couldn't make out one of the words, sorry!
'Corps Cadares: The Dead Will Save the Earth' (S1 E11, 04:08)
'The Timely Times' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Diabolical Dead' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Barbarian' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Space Heroes' (S1 E23, 10:08) -- Leo collects.
'Tales from the Cosmos' (S2 E2, 00:46)
'Dude' (S2 E4, 10:04)
'Modern Ninja Magazine' (S2 E7, 00:50) --Raph collects.
'Shock Techno' (S2 E10, 00:19)
'Weekly Weird News' (S2 E14, 28:17)
'Green with Envy' (S2 E16, 10:17)
'Split' (S3 E5, 05:45)
'Wingnut' (S4 E19, 00:12)
'Arachnid Man' (S4 E19, 00:27)
'Superb Man' (verbal, not physically shown- S4 E19, 00:29)
'Fantastic Four Food Groups' (S4 E19, 00:31) --heavily associated with Raph.
'Dracula's Castle' (S5 E17, 07:19) -- heavily associated with Mikey.
'Vampire Hunter' (S5 E17, 07:18) --heavily associated with Mikey.
Shops seen throughout the series: Book Store (S1 E1, 10:28)
Second Time About (S1 E1, 13:21) -- April stayed with her Aunt above this shop.
Vlad's Repo Depot (S1 E1, 19:31)
Kingfisher Antique/Rare Buy.Sell Jewelry (S1 E1, 21:30)
Fortune Cookie (S1 E3, 14:32) --Purple Dragon base
Rock Bottom Boxing Club (S1 E4, 10:27)
Old Chinatown Tattoo Company (S1 E4, 10:27)
Downtown Athletic Club (S1 E4, 16:08)
Futua-noid Electronics (S1 E5, 17:38)
Pet Supplies (S1 E5, 17:38) -- right next to an alleyway, so I would guess that this the pet store the turtles were bought from.
Mad Wax Records (S1 E5, 17:46)
Everything Store (S1 E5, 17:47)
Dim Sum Then Sum (S1 E7, 12:24)
Laundromat (S1 E7, 13:03)
The Olympia Diner (S1 E8, 02:35)
Tidal Wave Fresh Fish (S1 E8 09:24)
Balzac Chateau du Beuf (S1 E9, 00:32)
Pocket full of Rosies (S1 E9, 00:43)
Wolf Hotel (S1 E9, 13:48) --first met Shredder.
Chinese Herbs and Health (S1 E10, 15:28)
Antonio's Pizza-Rama (S1 E13, 04:53)
Produce City (S1 E16)
(Closed down) Maramba … Shop (S1 E14, 00:35)
Chilly Chillkins Refrigeration company (S1 E14, 21:03)
Roosevelt High School (S1 E15, 09:05)
Comics (S1 E15, 09:05)
Worldwide Genome Project (WGP) (S1 E15, 15:13) --used as Kraang base.
Sweet Dreams Ice Cream (S1 E17 00:27)
Madam Alahazam Fortune Teller (S1 E17 00:27)
Wam-Bam-Pow Comics (S1 E17 00:25)
D.W Yatt Apothecary Est.1875 (S1 E16)
Magic Middleton's Tricks and Costumes (S1 E21, 13:09)
Ziga's Transmission Allignment Collision Tune-Up Autobody (S1 E24, 11:46) --used as Kraang base.
Argosy Theatre (S2 E1, 01:19)
Newstand (S2 E4, 10:04)
Midtown Ice Rink (S2 E6, 06:29)
Barber Shop (S2 E8, 00:11)
Lox Schmear & Java (S2 E19, 17:21)
Bernie's General (S3 E5, 04:44)
Comet Cleaners (S3 E11, 03:29)
Play Pier (S3 E11, 09:03)
Auman Chemicals (S3 E14, 14:53)
Channel 6 (S4 E10, 07:40)
AMAS: Allied Martial Arts Supply (S4 E15, 13:24) -- Used to hold Shredder/Foot Clan's weapons.
Cowabunga Skates (S4 E17, 05:20)
Run Jump Kick (S4 E17, 05:20)
Dell Abate Ristorante (S4 E18, 06:25) -- Don Vizioso's restaurant.
Felipe's (S4 E18, 16:27)
Hicnight Hotel (S4 E18, 17:16) --Don Vizioso's base.
Mini Mart (S5 E3, 16:19)
Friendly Jack's Loans (S5 E3, 17:43)
Wan Dingo's House of Curiosities and Oddities (S5 E5, 13:28)
Shanghai Sternn's Stir Fry (S5 E10, 12:04)
The episode timestamps might not be totally accurate since I was watching this on a... ahem... legal website.
The timestamps are from when you could clearly and obviously see the shop signs. Like, Ziga's is visible from like episode one but couldn't be clearly read.
Some of the comics were just in shop windows and not really associated with a character so be careful. That is not a list of every comic the turtles have read. Like the Timely Times has only been in the background, not read by a particular turtle.
There were LOADS of shops where the shop name was in Chinese (or Japanese, I don't know) and so I couldn't list. Most of the shops by the Chinatown arch weren't in english. That's why even Murakami's shop isn't listed here. Because the actual shop name wasn't in english.
Thanks for reading through this. Hopefully this was useful for... anyone out there.
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an0n-1o1 · 2 years
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I drew this when the ROTTMNT movie came out and I saw that scene of kraang 1 sitting in the chair and my brain had ideas, but I peaked at sketching him am I'm afraid to line this, anyways Adrian Vaughan or Neat Corp if you see this no you didnt
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rayman-25 · 7 years
Raphaël Hamato
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Genre masculin
Age : 15
Nationalité : Américaine
Lieu de résidence: New York
Parents : Splinter (Père adoptif)
Frères et sœurs : Leonardo, Donatello et Michelangelo (Frères) April O n’eil (Sœur adoptif
Amis : Lincoln, Marc, Mousse, Irving, Dipper Mabel et les sœurs de Lincoln.
Ennemis : Shredder, Albert, Jean, Thomas, Lucas, Wendy, Robbie, Tambry, Thompson Fishface, Razhar, Baxter Stockman, Tiger Claw et Jeremy
Du premier numéro : "Prologue"
Dernière Apparence : "?"
Exprimé par : Sean Astin (Arc 1 à 5) Ben Diskin (Arc 6 et Aujourd’hui) VO Frédéric Popovic VF
Raphaël fait partie des personnages principaux qu’il n’apparaît que dans tous les épisodes de la série des tortue ninjas 2012 et Podcast 2017. Avec Leonardo, Lincoln Loud, Donatello, Dipper et Mabel. Il n'apparait ni dans le Chapitre de Dark Jean, ni dans le chapitre d’Albert, ni dans les Ending de quelque personnages.
 Date de naissance : 29 septembre 1997 (jour de la mutation)
Histoire : Raphael est la tête brûlée de l’équipe, celui qui fonce dans le tas et fait parler ses muscles, et ses sais. Dans l’épisode Caractère de tortue (S1 E3), Raphael se retrouve écarté du groupe à cause de son comportement, et Splinter cherche à l’aider pour qu’il apprenne à se maitriser. Mais même si Raphael est un grand solitaire, l’un de ses meilleurs amis est Spike, une tortue de terre qui vit avec lui dans les égouts. Il se confie à lui, et se montre très protecteur envers son semblable, jusqu’à ce qu’il mute à son tour… Grand amateur de castagne, il ne pouvait dans le fond que s’entendre avec Casey Jones. Comme le dit Donatello, ce sont les deux mêmes et passent leur temps libre ensemble à combattre les petits criminels de New York. Cela ne les empêche pas de se disputer fréquemment, notamment quand Casey, qui fonce tête baissée contre les ennemis, manque à plusieurs reprises de se faire tuer, et sauvé de justesse par Raphael (Le retour du Tritonateur, S2 E17).
Malheureusement pour lui, il arrive que ce caractère insouciant le vaille de gros problèmes, comme dans l’épisode Plan 10 (S2 E21), où il tente de détruire les kraangs, qui expérimentaient une machine pour échanger l’esprit de deux individus. Ils comptaient prendre le contrôle des hauts dirigeants de la Terre pour la contrôler. Raphael maladroitement endommage la machine et se retrouve dans le corps d’un kraang, et l’un des extraterrestre prend le contrôle du corps de la tortue. Heureusement il parvient avec l’aide de ses frères à retrouver son corps d’origine et détruire la machine.
 Il porte des cicatrices sur son plastron et sa carapace, comme s’il avait reçu un coup précis. Apparemment cette blessure aurait été causée avant sa mutation. Dans l’Apparition des tortues (S1 E1) lorsque le bocal des tortues se brise, on peut déjà voir ces cicatrices sur son corps, avant même qu’il ne soit un mutant. Cependant la production évoque un épisode de la saison 3 qui devra expliquer le caractère de la tortue et l’origine de ses cicatrices. On peut donc imaginer qu’officiellement il aura ses blessures après sa mutation pour le bien de l’épisode.
 Raphael manie principalement une paire de sais, mais il peut également lancer des shurikens, et pratique le tir à l’arc. Lorsque Splinter demande aux tortues d’échanger leurs armes, Raphael se voit attribué les nunchakus de Michelangelo. Il a énormément de mal à les maitriser, on pourrait même dire que ce sont les nunchakus qui le maitrisent.
Il tient une collection de comics sur les arts martiaux.
Dans les Podcast Adventure, Raphael apparaît dans le prologue lorsque lui et ses frère on réussit à affronter des ados lorsqu’ils attaquent la famille Loud. Il apparaît dans le 1er chapitre de l’arc 1 Lorsque que lui et ses frère font des recherche sur les objets voler. April leur un journal Il y à écrit : “Concours de chasse aux monstres à Manhattan qui stipule que quiconque peut trouver des monstres remporte une récompense de 100 00 $”. Les tortues allèrent dans l’entrepôt pour attendre un des agresseur arriver. Mais Raph est tomber dans un camion à ordure.
Raphaël va dire des langages vulgaires dans cette série, à l’exception de Donatello et Mikey. Dans toutes les tortues ninjas, des dessins animé, Raphaël n’a jamais dit des gros mots sauf dans les films.
Raphaël dira des langages vulgaires avec son frère Léonardo.
Comme dans la série TMNT 2012 et TLH Raphael à était doubler par Sean Astin.
Contrairement à Squeezie et Leni Loud, Raphaël n’a pas de Phobie des Araignée, mais des cafards.
Il se lie amitié avec Moketo, Tambry, Lola, Lynn, Marc, Lucy et Robbie.
Il était prévu que Lui et Lincoln se battent pour April. Comme Dipper et Robbie qui se battaient pour Wendy
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v-albion · 1 month
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It seems cabin 14 is having mock battle sessions
So I’m drawing up some training outfits for the boys!! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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v-albion · 2 months
your Leo design reminds me of Furina from genshin for some reason-?
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I mean… I can see it
Also this probably also could count for @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
Masterpost || Commission
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v-albion · 10 days
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Weird…. Whats this piece of paper?
See you next time! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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v-albion · 1 month
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Cabin 14 and Cabin 15’s Collaborative Fashion Magazine!! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
This set is a collab between @languajix and I, involving both my True Colors AU and their Hold Every Memory Mike and his nibbles.
The cover is made by the amazing Cadoo @clawsandpaws-creativearchive
Don’t forget to check out the Next Page
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v-albion · 3 months
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Come down and socialize @chessman-protocol !
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v-albion · 4 months
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Guess who arrived at the cabin! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
Go Cabin 14: Kraang Corps!
Hoo boy lots of tags below
True Colors by me
Fear’s Embrace by @karonkar
Covert AU by@chessman-protocol
Hold Every Memory by @languajix
Ghost of the Past by @wandering-ghost
Starry Tmnt by @just-another-tired-gay-artist
It’s a Complicated Equation by @leilanising-vault-of-knowledge
Tmnt: Second Shot Crew by @twignotstick
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v-albion · 3 months
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Hey! This is TMNT: Children of the Sky Mikey and Leo from Cabin 16 with a survey: who's the most artistic member of your AU/iteration's family?
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It’s Mikey! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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v-albion · 4 months
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Welcome to the cabin
Beach day!!!
Fashion Magazine (collab)
Training outfits
Round 1: Campfire Stories
Snacks || Outfit? || Prank || Revenge
S’mores || Plushie || Campfire Confrontation
Proper way to make s’mores || Rat || Little thief
Round 2: Craft Fair
Socialize | Part 1 | Part 2
Bookmark || Trade || Tech bracelet
Bracelet workshop || Favourite song
Apples || Charm || Lantern
Round 3: Science Fair
Zombie || Crystals
Glitter || Jokes
Round 4: Beach Day
Beach Volleyball || Sunscreen || Surfing
Don || Water || Water polo || Go-kart
Prank || Revenge || Gift shop
Lemonade || Water samples
Round 5: Fashion Show
Photoshoot || Good luck || Trying designs
Outfit help || Supervillain || Sparky
Yukata || Heroes || Custom outfit
Makeup || Paparazzi
Round 6: Prank War!
Spraypaint || Crime || Music || Missing
Trick || Discount || Hugs || Threat
Head || Judging || Newcomers
<<< Back to TC Masterpost
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v-albion · 3 months
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[While you sit at the fire, a sneaky thief slowly grabs your marshmallows]
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Oops @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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