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sungshard · 2 hours ago
ignoring for a second this assumption that fictional characters are or SHOULD be aware of what genre they're in, because what,
i feel it's not necessarily indicative of people's indifference to suffering, although the case can be made, but rather a very cynical attitude that has lately (past decade-ish) become prevalent in english-speaking circles when engaging with media, movies and shows specifically.
because yes. we aaaall like feeling smart by predicting the plot through tropes. we all like getting the gotcha over the literal team of writers and directors. and wanting to do that with a whole genre is not like. the most evil thing. but it speaks volumes about how superficial and irony-poisoned everything has become. suspense of disbelief is dead on the operating table and hollywood screenwriters seem absolutely paralyzed with fear at the idea of writing anything earnest. every villain monologue will be interrupted with a snarky remark from the hero. every character taking itself too seriously will be mocked and every joke will be apologized for. every magic system will be explained in sickening detail and background flavour will be retroactively explained for fear that it will be called a plothole.
cinema sins and 2016 youtube-brand skepticism have been, to me, a disaster for the way people engage with media. we've taken trashy nitpicking and called it media literacy. now, is it all YouTube Channel CinemaSins's fault specifically? obviously not. but by god does it help people who make these types of criticisms think they're so smart
people are so mean about horror movie victims like. sorry but if i had gone to a cabin in the woods with my friends as a teenager you couldn't have stopped us from reading aloud from the evil tome. how were they supposed to know the ancient curse was real they're like 17
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splatoonpolls · 9 hours ago
”you’re so good! I can only draw a stick figure!” People when they learn the artist they just ”complimented” could at one point also only draw a stick figure
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shmooseee · 1 month ago
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Jason stray/catlad au
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months ago
I've been seeing some bad faith critcisms on separatism lately, but I will say I don't think it's entirely for no reason. for one, most radblr users don't read theory. it's not unique to radblr. It's just internet culture. most people just reblog quotes. So not only do we have a lot of radblr users that are unfamiliar with radical feminism as an actual theory, but you have a lot who simply don't know how to conceptualize separatism.
I'll be honest, separatism as a subject is confusing. It has many forms, many iterations and interpretations, and it makes sense that many feminists from all sorts of backgrounds get hung up on the details.
So all I'm going to do is clarify my stance in relation to Marilyn Frye's work:
There is no pure separatism. Not in feminist discourse, at least. Separatism as a concept is ALLOWED to be varied. Not marrying a man is separatism. Not living with one is separatism. Not listening to male musicians is separatism. Many feminists can and will disagree.
HOWEVER, I examine the use of separatism, like all other feminist actions, based on how it tackles the primary modes of female oppression by male persons: reproductive, sexual and domestic exploitation. In short, how effective is this strategy in limiting or eradicating men's reproductive, sexual, economic and domestic control over women? This is also what Marilyn Frye is talking about when she defines "sexual access" as the ultimate form of male dominance and patriarchal power. Sexual relations is the primary medium for male brutality and control. Understanding that is KEY to understanding female oppression.
Marriage is historically and institutionally a primary mode of women's exploitation. Just like prostitution and motherhood. Women are disenfranchised, disempowered and de-radicalized in marriages. They are more easily exploited (sexually, reproductively and domestically) and isolated (especially due to imbalance in domestic labor).
I also examine the effectiveness of feminist strategy not only by how it disempowers male dominance and control, but how it empowers female agency. Things that empower female agency are: same-sex spaces and programs, female solidarity, judicial and legislative power, economic power, etc.
By these two metrics, I argue that separatism, that is divesting from male hegemony in any way and centering female solidarity in any way, IS useful feminist action AND a worthwhile strategy BUT NOT a cure-all.
I get a little annoyed when non/anti-separatists discuss separatism as worthless or unserious because it cannot be done in total or even because it is difficult. All activism is brave and difficult because it goes against the status quo.
I won't speak for all separatists, because opinions will vary, but here's what I think:
When I call separatism or celibacy a preventative measure, I AM NOT equating it to being THE solution or THE ONLY solution. Separatism will not stop a woman from being raped BUT IT WILL REDUCE HER CHANCES OF DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL EXPLOITATION ENDEMIC TO THE SPHERE OF HET-MARRIAGE/DATING. The same way abstinence will not make your coochie immune to STD'S, just make the chances of encountering them less likely. All we can ever work with as humans is ODDS not CERTAINTIES. Decreasing the odds of being raped happens when you decrease the OPPORTUNITIES of being raped, and MOST RAPE IS DONE BY MEN WITH INTIMATE ACCESS TO WOMEN ESP IN MARRIAGE AND DATING.
Some of y'all straight up sound like that condescending ad for Bumble saying "You know celibacy is not the answer." It's AN ANSWER. One that works for very many women.
"But what about the women who can't?" Wherever they are, the conversation is clearly not about them. It's clearly about the women who can. No separatist is out here lecturing women and girls being forced into marriages about feminism to begin with. No separatist is blaming the women in Iran and Afghanistan for what the Taliban is doing to them.
Every woman and girl at some point knows that fear--when recognizing the ever-present threat of male violence--while a rational response, cannot be the solution. To live in fear will be akin to not living at all. It makes no sense to tell women to avoid every space a man may be in. Idk which separatist on here is saying that, but I would disagree with them. That would explicitly weaken other urgent feminist agendas such as acquiring economic and political power, so no I don’t think or support separatism in that sense. That is a decontexualized exaggeration of what most radblr separatists are saying. Fear should not control us but IT SHOULD INFORM US.
WE KNOW men are unavoidable. But the legally binding and socio-economically significant contract of MARRIAGE is avoidable for most of us, especially tumblrinas like let's be serious. WE KNOW that women do not choose whether or not they are victimized, but there are contexts and situations where your odds can increase or decrease. How safe a woman is when it comes to male violence is SIGNIFICANTLY dependent on HOW DEPENDENT SHE IS ON A MAN. Separatism is not, for me at least, a conversation on PROXIMITY but a conversation on DEPENDENCY. Something libfems and choicefems are NOTORIOUS for scapegoating. Women are likely to be endangered by a man if they are at his mercy at any given point and in any given sphere. So, the feminist's goal is to limit that dependence, in the work-force, government, and interpersonal dynamics.
The question of proximity is ALSO NOT (for me) about whether or not rubbing shoulders with a man on the bus will give me evil male cooties, but whether or not my female socialization will kick in and I will end up deferring to him and his needs instead of myself. THAT IS THE VULNERABILITY. Not that men exist, but that women so easily resort to fawning and pouring energy and effort into men for SIMPLY BEING THERE AS A MAN.
Women and girls need female-only spaces to combat female socialization. Without unlearning female socialization, female empowerment is moot. That's just the truth. You'll give a woman an education or a job, and she'll throw it all away for a man. We've all seen this happen. Separatism as a transitional phase is still vitally important.
To say that separatists are victim-blaming for suggesting that women DO have some say and some agency when it comes to protecting themselves is just ludicrous and absurd.
Not everyone can escape cancer. Sometimes it's genetic. Sometimes it's the air you breathe. You don't have total control, but YOU CAN REDUCE YOUR ODDS.
That is the point of a preventative measure. It is not a guarantee, it is just an extra safety net. Some men can and will cut through it, but to act like women can't do anything about it but try appease men, I find, on some level, insulting.
Because men are not these immovable or invulnerable creatures. Our freedom does not depend on their sympathy or moral sense. Case in point: history. Rehabilitating oppressors is not what got any marginalized group their freedom. Some of you sound like MRA's where the only chance women have is gonna come from convincing men and I'm just not sold on that idea like at all.
So am I saying we don't need male allies? Also no! I don't see why this has to be a fucking either or!
The primary fixation of separatist discourse should not be "abstinence" but "decentering." De-centering men in our lives, finances, decisions, etc. Because women are an important, perhaps the most important unit in the patriarchal machine. It is our loyalty to men, our worship of men, our efforts poured into men, that have facilitated the exploitation of our own sex. Being complicit doesn't mean we're any less victims. They are not exclusive in this case. When non/anti separatists deride “utopic separatists communes” that is also, to me, a distraction from the main argument. Men drain our resources in close proximity. Living in an apartment complex with only female residents doesn’t have to stop me from participating in the mixed-sex labor market or mixed-sex liberation movements. It just means that ultimately, whatever effort I am putting into either won’t jeapordize me because I am not going home to perform unpaid domestic labor or share my own wealth with a man. If anything, a female-only space empowers me more than not to effect change in the world.
Furthermore, foregoing marriage is NOT THE SAME as foregoing love. You can have a romantic relationship with a man and NOT COHABIT with him. You don't have to buy a house together or make yourself more vulnerable either financially or otherwise for the sake of proving your love or living up to this enforced ideal of what love ought to look like. You can have a fulfilling loving community and life OUTSIDE of romance, too! Like why tf are we still essentializing romance and gender in radblr???!!! Fucking frustrating! Like we're adults, y'all. We actually have to outgrow the Disney bs. Again, I'm not saying that liking romance is bad, but treating it as the end-all-be-all is literally for twelve-year-olds idc.
Instead of arguing with separatists about what makes a good separatist or not, encourage discussion on creative ways to live the rich life you want outside of patriarchal institutions. You can live with your sister and have a male partner. You can co-parent with your best friend instead of a husband. You can adopt instead of get pregnant or whatever. And if you create a bio child it can be a girl rather than a boy. Literally there's more options now than ever and I can't believe I have to keep explaining this to one of the whitest parts of the internet.
More than anything, I wish the separatist discussion would open up women's imaginations to LIFE OUTSIDE OF MEN. To focusing on WHAT THEY TRULY WANT instead of what they can or can't do. Loving a man doesn't mean you want to live with him or marry him. “Having a life” does not have to mean “living recklessly” and too many radblr users equate being in a romantic relationship with men as NECESSARY to having a life in the first place, which is part of the problem! Whether you’re attracted to them or not!
Use separatism and separatist discourse to de-center men from being these beings of ultimate fulfilment. Straight, bi, lesbian I DON'T CARE just make sure you're routinely in a space where you can TRUST that you are making decisions YOU WANT to make and that you are WARY of the way patriarchal society constantly coerces us into being in exploitative situations that benefit men more than us.
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chitra111goddess · 4 months ago
Astrology psychosis is so real like i mostly experienced that when I was heavily into western astrology and transits and hearing ppl talk about every full moon or some harsh transit like its the end of the world or sum sht
I don't even check transits anymore like yea I still think planets influence us or wtv but stfu about it it's all this fear mongering that makes it manifest
At the end of the day astrology doesn't define u like stop making it so ego-based , ppl who actually benifit the most from studying astrology are the ones who see it from a spiritual perspective and can also be detached on some level , it's a TOOL not a personality type
U rly think ur soul is a libra or a Scorpio? Ur soul doesn't have those labels it's just energy , ur chart just shows u the path and the tools to evolve
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phantom-shell · 6 months ago
Everytime I dare to get comfortable with the idea of my future being in the animation industry, I get hit with a wave of "fuck you" in the form of beautiful animated shows being removed from existence. I know it would absolutely break me if a beloved project of mine was treated like this.
There's no legal way of watching some of these anymore. What the hell. Why is this considered the norm now.
Why are there a bunch of showrunners, animators, writers and other various artists that need to pirate THEIR OWN SHOWS?? Y'know, the things that THEY made???
It breaks my heart that the only thing keeping these works of art from collecting dust in some corporate basement and eventually becoming lost media is pirating websites.
This is so frustrating, fuck
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cilil · 5 months ago
Ok, really not tryna vague or be shady, but I just gotta say: I do not and will never understand why there's so much drama around ships becoming canon or not.
Seriously, why do you care. Is your ship game that weak? Do you need a stamp of approval from other people for what you like and how you creatively express yourself? Because, sorry, but that's technically what that is and you don't need it.
C'mere. Come to auntie. Listen. I multiship like crazy and lots of weird and niche rare pairs too. Whenever any of my ships become canon that's pretty much an accident and a statistical outlier and because I just happened to like what the creators like for once. And then I usually think "oh that's nice" and go on with my madness. No getting smug and using it to put others down either!
I'm telling you this because I simply can't stress enough how much more chill and fun shipping is if you become deeply unbothered by what's canon, what the creators think and what other people approve of. Again, you need nobody's stamp of approval. And if people nag and bully you about what you like then these people suck and they have no right to demand explanations from you.
Make your case not to justify yourself to bullies - they won't be convinced anyway - but to get other people interested. Make your case through your art, your writing, your headcanons, your conversations with other fans. Make your case through passion.
And stop letting others tell you what you can and can't ship. Which goes both ways, just saying.
Ok, that's it, bye
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platypusundercover · 3 months ago
Datv is a great game.
It's got it all: dynamic gameplay, a strong story, great companions, immersive banter, awesome skill tree and companions skill, easy loadout management, narrative consequences and choices, visuals, fantastic character creator, new developing lore from previous games...
Sure some things could be improved, not every game is perfect and you can't please everyone. But tbh it's doing a lot more right than it's doing wrong. And for the chaos that production was, the devs did one hell of a good job.
I'm especially thinking about gameplay and the fighting mechanic which has improved SO MUCH. Do you remember playing mage in any other games??? you stay put and auto attack until you had enough mana to cast a big spell. That was it. Now?? 2 weapon choices, you can dodge, parry, combo?!! And it all feels amazing. I need people to realize it's insane and that must have taken a shit load of time to tweak and I am so grateful bioware chose that path. Dragon age isn't only the lore, narrative and romance. It's not a movie. It's not a book. It's not an interactive visual novel. It's an ACTION rpg. Action. And they did a damn good one. Shout out to the people in the back that are less in the spotlight but just as important to make a great game. Programmers, Testers, Game designers, level designers, animators. The ones that get into the thick of it to make the creatives' dream come true as best they can with the time they're given. They're the one in the trenches, and I appreciate their work so much.
Next time you play take time to notice the little things. How the camera feels when you move it, how your character moves and respond to your inputs, how the attacks chains depending on the direction you're aiming at. Notice the decor, the way the environment is shaped, how it feels to navigate it. Those things are really really hard and take years to perfect.
Dragon age the veilguard is an amazing game.
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turbent · 8 months ago
“This war between Zutara and kataang shippers has been going on for so long. Maybe all of you guys should calm down 🥺🥺🥺
Besides, zukka is the best ship and the solution to it all right?? 🥺🥺🥺”
Genuinely, please be quiet! And keep your BS out of the Zutara tag 😭
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local-redhead-bookworm · 1 year ago
Stop! Putting! The "I have crossed oceans of time to find you" quote on stuff and saying it's from Bram Stoker's novel Dracula!! It's not!!! It was invented for the 1992 movie where Mina is Drac's reincarnated wife!! The closest we have is Drac saying "When my brain says 'Come!' to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding" right after he's forced her to drink his blood!!! That's not romantic!!!! It's not even in the book!!
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once-and-future-loser · 1 month ago
Hot take, the fan art I see on Tumblr Dot Com is 5,000% better than the AI crap I see on Instagram.
I would rather see one of you sexy humans create art of Carlos and Charles sucking each other's faces than the perversion of technology where they go from a still image to making out. It looks terrible.
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the-alpha-doodle-dome · 8 months ago
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recently fought mitty with oomf for the 1st time
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goodbadhabit · 3 months ago
periodic reminder that pet names should be earned
whether it's terms of respect, like sir/mister/master (or obviously any other terms (m/f/x))
or terms of endearment (kitten/princess/puppy/whatever)
do NOT slide into my dm's calling yourself daddy/sir, I decide whether you deserve the respect to be called that
also do NOT send me any dick pics, accompanied by a message calling me kitten
I'm not your kitten or your princess unless we have agreed that you're allowed to call me any terms of endearment
and trust me, there's only a few people who have that kind of place in my heart, so I'm sure as hell that a random stranger hasn't earned that right
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crow2222 · 2 months ago
Isn't The Outsiders like huge. got a movie and broadway show
why does it only have 6k fics
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whitefeathers · 1 month ago
some squid game fans when they see fanfic authors writing dark fanfic about a dark show, with warnings and tagged appropriately so its easy to block/ignore (and not belittle author’s content/way of coping w trauma):
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