morieli · 1 month
“Tu es comme les vautours qui attendent la faiblesse.”
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ehhgg-art · 4 months
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mercutio sketches for nostalgia’s sake (+ his brother and the prince). always thought it was a shame nobody drew valentine, but i’m a mercutio enthusiast so it’s no surprise i care about the details of his life lol
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blackfangedhellhound · 10 months
no actor will be able to fully encapsulate romeo montague without being a weird delicate guy who has some social currency but is still so so starved for affection. like i would i were your bird lol. please kill me with such cherishing
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queerhamlet · 1 year
I have a theory that the majority of people who're incredibly adamant that characters (ie. Romeo and Hamlet) are adults are the same idiots who think Shakespeare is some complex enigma that only professional scholars should ever even look at.( Because what teenager could EVER TRULY understand what death is. or something). idk. just something about elitism. even though most of his original audience was illiterate. this is a huge stretch but maybe thats why The Winter's Tale isn't as popular, because both Perdita and Florizel are both very explicitly 16 but maybe thats just me.
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sea-owl · 2 years
I feel like this isn't discussed enough but the four of the five people who died in Romeo and Juliet were teens and victims of the Capulet and Montague feud. Shakespeare basically almost killed off an entire Verona generation.
Mercutio: He's the first to die and he's not even from either house, he's actually related to the prince. Mercutio's death is where comedy turns to tragedy, and he dies cursing the two houses who let their feud not only destroy each other but Verona too.
Tybalt: He's the example of letting the feud consume you and letting it dictate your every action. He was so consumed by the curse of the feud that he hunted down Romeo for just showing up to a Capulet party. Rember, he had no idea that Romeo secretly married Juliet, and per Lord Capulet Romeo actually had a good reputation around town. That's how lost Tybalt was.
Romeo and Juliet: Our lead couple who tried to bridge their houses through love after several generations of hatred. They didn't want anything to do with the feud, they were just sadly born into it. Which is demonstrated by Romeo's and Tybalt's fight, Romeo never wanted to fight but that didn't mean he couldn't. In the end the couple succeeded stopping the feud but at the cost of their own lives.
It's sad that all of these authority figures, the Capulets, the Montegues, and the Prince (yes, he's included), failed so badly they lost a generation. By the end of the play the only two left of their generation that we know of is Rosaline Capulet, and Benvolio Montague.
Maybe they were left to cross the bridge their cousins built.
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tybaltstan · 2 years
Paris: You’re receiving a ticket for having two people on one motorcycle.
Mercutio: Shit.
Benvolio: Wait, two?
Paris: Yeah?
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subtle-knife · 1 month
thinking abt benvolio starting the play as part of a trio and ending it alone
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rozsesandart · 2 years
Lyanna Stark pre-during Robert’s Rebellion
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Art made by me @rozsesandart
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tybaltcapuletslove · 2 years
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My favorite Prozac taker <3
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carfuckerlynch · 2 years
my chemical romeo and juliet
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mityenka · 1 year
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romeo + juliet inspired fashion mb
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chandajaan · 2 years
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Callum Linnane and Sharni Spencer in the Australian Ballet production of Romeo and Juliet.
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superconfusedcoryn · 2 years
Idk why but benvolio seems like the kind of guy who runs around wearing cargo shorts all year, even if there's a literal fucking blizzard outside or something like that
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sea-owl · 2 years
Oh no Tybalt is very much as complex a character as the other teens in this play and is as much of a victim of society as his cousins.
But if I'm ever in a room with that yapping chihuahua it's on sight!
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itsbaditsgood · 2 years
Tbh Juliet Capulet has the right idea because if someone said that I taught the torches to burn bright and that the sun was envious of my beauty I’d die for him too
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subtle-knife · 21 days
me when benvolio tried so so SO hard to be the peacemaker and to help and to protect the two people that mattered more than anything else to him but in helping romeo and telling him to go to the party he lead him RIGHT TO the girl that (inadvertently) caused his suicide. and he tried to warn mercutio and to convince him to go home before that fight but he LET mercutio joke around and distract him and stay outside and then get into the fight that killed him. and then he has to be the one to carry mercutio away, to be with him when he died, to tell romeo that mercutio is dead. then he disappears. and the next time he’s seen it’s next to romeo’s dead body. and he has NOTHING left aside from an aunt and an uncle he doesn’t seem very connected with and the entirety of the montague house falling onto HIS shoulders as the next in line heir after romeo. and the kicker is he doesn’t even seem to CARE about the feud. and then it destroyed everything he loved. he tried so hard to stop it all and to give everything he had for romeo and mercutio but in the end his world fell apart and he was left standing even though he no longer has any reason to go on.
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