greenflamedwriter · 6 months
Vampire Au | JiuYuan
Okay so, both Shen Jiu and Wu Yanzi come across an abandoned hut on the side of a river, the river is also violent and not shallow so it's the perfect dumping spot for bodies. So when both Demonic cultivator and disciple come across a man sleeping in the shade it was obvious Wu Yanzi planned on mugging him then using the body for demonic cultivation-
So after Shen Jiu waits outside as look out, acting bored. It was normal for the screams to begin that was usual.
"Shen Jiu! Help this Master!"
The fact that it was his Master screaming in pain? not usual?
Shen Jiu ran forward to the doorway in time to see the sleeping man, with a demonic face bite into Wu Yanzi savagaly, blood gushing from his neck then the demon? Threw his master on the floor and spat-
"Not only do you have the nerve to attack this one- you don't even have the decency to be a filling meal!"
A-a Jiangshi!
Wu Yanzi was dead on the floor and the Jiangshi gazed at him, raising his clawed hands gestured.
"you. Come here."
Shen Jiu wanted to run but suddenly his feet was moving forward, the man sliced open his finger then raised it. "Swallow."
Shen Jiu face twitched in disgust, as the finger pushed and rubbed against his tongue then withdraw as he swallowed. "Now you are my servant, dispose of this trash and guard me while I sleep during the day."
Shen Jiu scowled but did as he was told, not before pilfering Wu Yanzi's items before dumping the body in the river. It seemed he had some freedom within his orders.
And it appeared he traded one master for another.
When the sunlight set, the man immedietly groaned as he arched his back. "That was the worst fucking nap of my entire unlife- oh you're still here."
"Obviously." Shen Jiu sneered, and the man rolled his eyes. "Great- well this should work out for me. The night is short, and this humble master never wants to be out in te sunlight."
Telling Shen Jiu his weakness? Either he was stupid, unlikely or he was testing Shen Jiu with this knowledge. Wu Yanzi wasn't so different.
When they journeyed to a local village, luckily close to the rampaging rivers, the Jiangshi gave Shen Jiu money. "Go find a nice inn for us, and buy something for yourself after."
Shen Jiu scowled, as the man vanished and Shen Jiu walked away, he couldn't run even when he tried to...although stopping outside a brothel and was able to enter and purchase some rooms.
...Guess he did have some freedom with how the command is worded.
He was able to go to a blacksmiths and buy some blades. Small knifes were the most affordable- and easy to hide and steal.
It was better to pay for something and seen as a customer, then leave suspiciously. But when he found his new master, and took him to their 'inn' he scowled at the relief. "Ah good- I was worried since I forgot to mention I needed something to eat." Shen Jiu scowled, to think he put these women in danger-!
As soon as they entered, Shen Jiu with a dark scowl, and the man beaming and looking way to comfortable-
pov switch:
Not realising that it was all bravado, when he was alone he had no shame but now he had a kid and got he was only fourteen for christ sake! Shen Yuan transmigrating as a freakin Jiangshi in PIDW had to be a cosmic joke! "Hellow young masters!" The host spoke jovially, "May we interest you in some refreshments, one lady or two?" He glanced at Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan cleared his throat.
"Hmm, just one would do, and if you could..."
He placed the coins on the table, "A room with food and drink and a young man would suit me just fine." Shen Yuan smiled bashfully. And he was met with different reactions. The host nodded, probably not surprised. But Shen Jiu looked at him like he was an alien.
And yeah- then there was the feeding- okay he didn't need to sleep with them, but he had this whole routine thing and having someone watch, a kid at that- if he could blush he would but he's not ashamed! It's not wrong it's just food!
When the man came in, Shen Yuan would usually be more blunt, but felt that he had to be nice about it. "I uh, I prefer doing it myself, you just get comfortable," Shen Yuan took the mans waist leading him to the bed "And relax."
All it took was a few kisses and nibbles, and the man was defiently playing it up, moaning like his life depended on it. Shen Yuan hovered over him, if the man noticed a certain...lack of reaction he'll tense up and be suspicious-
Shen Yuan bit down, and now that was a real moan, even the mans hips thrusted up, sometimes that happened. Shen Yuan fed as much as he could then stopped, just enough to make them tired enough to believe this was just a client being too rough.
Shen Yuan licked the wound clean watching it heal, then pulled back gazing at the mans eyes who relaxed, pupils wide and droopy under his thrall.
"Now, you'll leave this room disapointed but unsurprised that this was the worst client you have ever had the misfortune of laying with. So bad you want to erase the whole ebarrising thing from your memory."
The man left and Shen Yuan slumped back into the bed, just enough for another day he could lay low here for a while and when he notices how tired the patrons are he'll hop skip and jump to the next town no problem-
Shen Jiu shifted and Shen Yuan turned forgetting he was there. "Why not lie? Why make him believe it was a lousy lay?"
"Why not? More incentive to never think of this Master and become suspicious." Shen Yuan shrugged. Now he was stuck with Shen Jiu, he could send the boy out to find him a nice little hovel to sleep in then dismiss him. Then again he seemed decent with cultivation- but if he lets him go what chances are he would come back to kill him?
"Boy, tell me. What am I?"
Shen Jiu's eyes narrowed, maybe from being called boy. "A Jiangshi." Shen Yuan blinked surprised, huh. "I'm not stupid and my names is Shen Jiu." He bit, oh okay. "How do you kill a Ghost Head Spider?" "Strike the temple before it releases its baby like cries to alert others."
hmmm, so Shen Yuan began to quiz Shen Jiu, the other still stiff and answering every one like his life depended on it. Shen Yuan sighed, moving over to the table and brightening to see food- he forgot about that.
"Shen Jiu come dig in!" He spoke, sitting down and pilling his own food onto a plate, Shen Jiu moved over cautiously.
"I thought you didn't need food?"
Shen Yuan smiled, "Ah but it's a form of nutrients, if a Jiangshi has a restrictive diet then they need other things to keep it going. I only fed a little so this is to make up the rest. Most Jiangshi don't need food if they drain a person kinda like Inedia to a cultivator- ah you don't have to eat if you don't want to."
Shen Jiu was physically trembling with the chopsticks showing he was fighting back.
Shen Yuan sighed, "Sorry it's been a while since I've last had a companion."
"Companion?" Shen Jiu snapped, "More like a slave! There is no point acting like the domesticated monster if I have to find you victims to feed on to stay alive. So don't pretend."
Shen Yuan blinked, then continued eating. Of course, that was probably what the other man did.
"Hmm, this one was rudely inturupted in his sleep being attacked and had defended himself, being half starved I wasn't in the right mind, it doesn't excuse it. My ire was towards that master of yours and he payed that with his life. You on the other hand I have no such animosity towards. But disrupting my sleep as well as tainting my home so I had to relocate? That was a debt that had to be payed." He pointed his chipsticks his way "You payed that. And now, we're near a cultivation sect Zhao hao temple, you're a bit too...excitable to being a monk but if needs must-"
"No it has to be Cang Qiong."
Shen Yuan blinked, food stuffed in his mouth, "Hmm?"
Shen Jiu wasn't looking at him.
"It has to be Cang Qiong,"
...really? Shen Yuan sighed dropping his food and scrubbing his hand across his face, "Need I ask why?" He whined, if a Jiangshi went to Cang Qiong he was beyond undead!
"No don't answer- ugh fine. I'll escort you then you can hop skip and jump the rest of the way. Alright?"
Shen Jiu scowled "Why can't you let me go now?"
Shen Yuan leaned back tilting his head to the side, "If you leave now, chances are a mass of cultivators will break down these doors and kill me. On the road in the middle of the night only trapped to go in one direction or have someone kill me? I want to live thanks. And you're a bright kid can defiently go the rest of the way by yourself and not find yourself in trouble."
And Shen Yuan whenever he thought, this was it. This was the village he'll abandon Shen Jiu in and leave him to it. And yet each night they rested up at a Brothel instead, as they kept getting closer Shen Yuan WAS going to leave he really was! But he needed to teach Shen Jiu so much stuff! Sure he learned how to write and read from Qui Jianlou, but academically especially for Cang Qiong- Shen Jiu was going to be behind with the lack of clan, or or fortune to back him up he would face bullying. But if he kept his head down, but still presented as a scholar and kept his head down? So Shen Yuan quized him, he even taught him how to spar in the way he knew how!
"Look, I'll be honest Shen Jiu, I can't teach you forms or how to wield a sword properly. BUT as a Jiangshi and a supernatural enemy I can help you hone your speed and strength! So from now on you will be doing a lot of heavy lifting." Shen Jiu scowled.
"You just want me to fill up your bath water and give the Jiejies a rest."
"Correct and it helps you gain strength, also your diet needs to change too. With the excessive workout you'll burn through so that way the ecsessive weight will become muscle."
Shen Jiu scowled "Fine."
And of course it showed results. Shen Jiu had to do push ups, pull ups, Shen Yuan even made him do handstand push ups. "Good work, you're doing well. Now do it with one hand." "You-"
He heard him fall over and sighed "You'll have to repeat that set."
Shen Jiu was gaining muscle and looks, especially from the Jiejies the next neighborhood they went to.
And on the road with no one around, Shen Yuan would attack Shen Jiu, little things like tripping him up, drawing on his face. If Shen Jiu failed then he would have to do more sets. Shen Jiu instincts was getting faster, and was even able to fight him for a solid 30's seconds. But of course, when Shen Jiu realised this he became cocky and slipped up.
"You're problem is you think too much. And that throws you off." Shen Jiu scowled down at the bonfire then nodded. "Yes, Master."
"Agh enough of that Master stuff it makes me feel creepy. Just Shen Yuan is fine."
Shen Jiu looked up at that, "Shen Yuan?"
"Not the same as yours. Shen for Wall." He corrected, then smiled as he leaned back. "But going through town we could say we're siblings. A-jiu my adorable little brother!" "No."
"aha- you're no fun."
Shen Jiu was on edge, assuming Shen Yuan would take him down the dark path in the middle of nowhere and just kill him. And yet Shen Yuan would glance at the forest with a firmed lip and keep walking. When they went to the brothel once that was one thing. The fact that he kept doing it, Shen Jiu never mentioned it, assuming if he called it out he would be punished. And yet, the closer they got to Cang Qiong. The fact that Shen Yuan fed him more and even made him do excersizes-
Shen Jiu assumed he wanted Shen Jiu tired on purprose so he couldn't run or escape. But when he saw he was getting stronger and gaining muscle he was honestly surprised. And when Shen Yuan quized him on plants, with each one they found on the road and telling him in depth about it's properties it didn't make sense to waste his time telling Shen Jiu this only to kill him off later on. He thought maybe Shen Yuan lied about taking him to Cang Qiong, but when he helped him hone his senses and have faster instincts...it just didn't make sense. "Hmm, Shen Jiu maybe we should go on a mission!" Shen Yuan spoke, after passing him a rented sword.
Shen Jiu almost missed what he said next too busy staring at the weapon in his hands! He could kill Shen Yuan right now-
"With a mission under your belt, that'll give you experience! Remember you're too old for the entrance exam SO you have to be good I mean really good that they couldn't dare pass you up to being plucked by another sect!"
And when Shen Yuan watched Shen Jiu on his mission, just observing and not helping at all, even observed as Shen Jiu took down the monster plauging the town.
Once he landed and looked at his Master for approval- then looked away why was he looking for his approval! Shen Yuan hummed nodding. "Very good, you were fast and efficient," He stepped closer and humed. "Now, is there anything on this beast worth salvaging?"
Shen Jiu froze, he was never taught that.
"Apologies Master, this one doesn't know how..."
Shen Yuan laughed, "Ah I forgot, well this is a learning experience! come here." And he taught him everything he needed to know.
When Shen Jiu was finally left alone and trusted to pay for their lodging, he asked the patron. "How far is Cang Qiong Mountain?" The man paused, "Hmm just a few towns North and you'll be there, this humble one see's you have a sword is your master a cultivator?" Shen Jiu eyes flickered "Not one from a popular sect, my Master is a rogue Cultivator." If this man thought they could triple the price he had another thing coming. "Ah,"
"Also he would prefer," Shen Jiu stared at him cooley, he wasn't embarresed "Male courtesans."
"Ah of course-"
"Preferably someone older than myself, he's not a fan of young ones." The man nodded again. Shen Jiu remembered that incident, Shen Yuan was in a pleasent mood but when he saw the thirteen year old it was like something snapped. He used his thrall to tell the prositute that he was way too young for this type of work and then brought in the owner and thralled them as well. Telling them that any worker under eighteen should work as cleaners or in the kitchens and be payed twice as much!
Shen Jiu stared as the owner nodded.
"M-Master why would you do that? That could ruin this mans buisness." Shen Yuans eyes were bloodshot as he glared after the man wobbling away. "Then it should rot for all I care."
Shen Jiu never understood it, wasn't it normal for both genders as long as someone was willing to pay. But Shen Yuan seemed deeply unnerved by that.
"Also what the fuck is a pint sized childs blood going to do for me? Men have more women and children less so!"
"...Why would women have less blood?"
Shen Yuan shrugged, "I don't know, periods maybe?"
Shen Jiu didn't ask what a period was, Shen Yuan was still pissed and more annoyed when no one came to their room! "You thralled him but didn't ask-" "Agh! Shen Jiu can you just, I'll break his neck if I talk to him again!"
And Shen Yuans eyes was red, his teeth extended and even his voice was a deep growl. Shen Jiu ran out like his ass was on fire, Shen Yuan faltered hand extended then covered his face with his hand.
He didn't mean to scare Shen Jiu...
Not realising that Shen Jiu collapsed against the wall, feeling weird. He wasn't a stranger to attraction he knew what it was...in theory. Thanks to the Jiejies being so nice and talking to him assuming his Master and He had that type of relationship especially when he requested those types at the Brothel.
They spoke ...in detail...and Shen Jiu only to be polite nodded, but now it all came back to him in detail-
He wonderd if maybe Shen Yuan wanted him that way...especially since he was getting older, would Shen Yuan on the road...ask that of Shen Jiu? Push him down in the woods in the dark? Both fumbling around in the damp dew grass-
Shen Jiu shook his head, forget that! He had to find Shen Yuan someone to feed on- His traitorius mind flashed with the image of Shen Yuan feeding on him. And the fact that he found a young man similair to his face well...
When Shen Jiu stood before Cang Qiong Mountain right at the foot of the staircase, with two disciples stationed at the gates, thats when Shen Yuan leaned down.
"Okay, so I attack you-"
"Shush, I attack you, call you a worthless servant and you say you're not going to give me innocents to feed on anymore-"
Wait what!? "And then you 'break' out my thrall, and when those two finally help, thats when I'll run away all "agh curses, Cang Qiong disciples ahh!" and you'll be taken in as a legendary strong cultivator who fought against a vampires thrall and won!"
There was stars in Shen Yuans eyes, he looked excited to 'act' and put on a show, but Shen Jiu couldn't- this was Cang Qiong there was a chance that they would hunt down Shen Yuan and kill him!
"N-no master this Shen Jiu doesn't think this is a-"
"Xiao Jiu!"
Both flinched and turned to see a party of returning Disciples probably coming from a mission and Shen Jiu's eyes widened to see-
"Qi-ge?" His voice broke, and Shen Yuan stood their awkwardly as the young disciple almost ran forward eyes shining in wonder.
"You're alive!" He sounded so joyful, and almost took a step forward but his Shizun stopped him, eyes narrowed in Shen Yuans direction. "Yue Qingyuan who is this?"
Yue Qingyuan straightened. "This is a childhood friend of mine, Shen Jiu." "Hmm," Shen Yuan shivered seeing those intense eyes looking at him. Before he could open his mouth, Shen Jiu spoke before Shen Yuan decided to reveal what he was just to shove Shen Jiu into their arms. "This is my Master, Shen Yuan. He has been educating this Shen Jiu about cultivation." The Sect Leader hummed.
"Shen Jiu is truly the prodigy, but this lowly one has nothing else to teach him. Both of us were wondering if there was any vacancies."
The Sect Leaders eyebrow twitched, "You think we just take any random child of the street?"
Shen Yuan glanced at the disciples then back to the sect leader confused. "Yes, you have an entrance exam open to anyone of the public." "Yes, we don't accept all of them."
"You accept the students who pay. Or you pilfer off prodigies." Shen Jiu's hands twitched, he was NOT a prodigy what was Shen Yuan saying! "With the right guidance, Shen Jiu can be the the pride of Cang Qiong." The Sect Leader sighed, until Yue Qingyuan spoke, "Please Shizun! Shen Jiu is good enough to be a cultivator!" "Yes but he's too old even for some instruction-"
"Then see what he can do, place him in a peak and if he fails then kick him off the mountain. What are you really losing?"
The man openly glared at Shen Yuan and of course his Master had to needle him more. "Just see what he can do, then you can decide if he's worthy of Cang Qiong or not."
"You're not going to stop are you?" "No." "Very well."
Shen Jiu was surprised, when the Sect Leader nodded and a random disciple came forward drawing his sword, Shen Jiu followed suit. Fighting here? at the base of the mountain!?
He was going to get his ass kicked and it was all Shen Yuans fault, he glared at him and Shen Yuan had to the nerve to look offended in a "Who me?" gesture.
But when the signal fell and the disciple lunged, cocky smile on his face. Shen Jiu was surprised it ended so quickly. Thanks to endurance training and the his speed from Shen Yuan, he was able to dodge and move just as fast to disarm the disciple. "..."
Even Shen Jiu looked surprised, and was irritated by Shen Yuans proud grin.
"Your form is off, without the speed and agilty anyone could easily pulverise you into the ground." The sect leader spoke, not missing Shen Yuans scowl. "However, this has been inlightning. Very well. We'll see which Peak Lord will accept your prodigay, and you will be billed from the inconviniance." Shen Yuan sighed, "This Master had a feeling you would say that."
When Shen Yuan finally found a brothel ah he was so used to an assitant! Maybe he might thrall another young man and teach them everything he knew. Seeing Shen Jiu soak up all that knowledge made him prideful.
But when he returned after sending off the money, and then retired to his room paused outside the door knowing someone was inside already. Before he could run he took a step back into someones arms. "Don't run."
The man reached forward opening the door and pushing him inside his room, he gaped to see the Sect Leader standing inside, he turned scowling up at the man who pushed him in not recognising the uniform.
"Be nice shidi, this one has fangs."
The man huffed then stood at the door arms crossed, meanwhile the Sect Leader was covering the window. He was trapped. "Okay this one can't be in trouble with back-payments already-"
"It's nothing like that...Shen Yuan was it?" He nodded, glancing at the table with the teapot then back to the sect leader. "This one had heard some strange stories about a master and his disciple. Going to brothels." Shen Yuan pursed his lips, "Is this a...strange roundabout way of asking for a threesome? I'm flattered but neither of you are my type." "Why you-" The man at the door almost drew his sword and Shen Yuans face split into a smile- "Enough Shidi, you're too old to be goaded so easily. No tales of men having no memory after having one night with the Master. That the two travel at night," Shen Yuan couldn't sweat. But god was it a close thing. "And this Sect Leader detected it right away." Shen Yuan tilted his head, "What?" "What you are-" Shen Yuan didn't let him finish, grabbing the teapot and throwing it towards the Sect Leader even with his speed- these were two experienced Cultivating Masters! The an used his sword to parry the teapot, and Shen Yuan in the distraction dove past him out the window-
Then choked when something grabbed his robe, like holding the scruff of fur around a cats neck- he undid his sash and dropped, the Cultivator cursed as he watched Shen Yuan sprint across the tiled roof.
Shit, shit shit shit shit- well what a good unlife he had a shame it was so freakin short- The man guarding the door landed in front of him and Shen Yuan yelped swearing like a sailor and skidding to the left dropping down into the alley way but was slammed into the wall by the sect leader.
"Now now little Jiangshi, if this Master wanted you dead, you would be dead by now."
Shen Yuan fidgeted in his grasp, trying to get out then sighing. "What do you want?"
"A conversation with tea, but you decided to make it difficult-"
"What want me to nicely sit here and say 'please Master Cultivator kill me quickly' I'm a monster you're a cultivator of course I won't sit there nicely and take it!" Shen Yuan snapped his teeth lengthing. "Who said anything about killing you?"
Suddenly a tailsman was planted onto his back and Shen Yuan yelped falling like a ton of bricks face first into the ground.
"See, Shidi? look how weak he is." The Sect Leader sounded delighted, and Shen Yuan scrambled trying to get up it's like a fat buddha was sitting on him he couldn't move.
"Just because it hasn't fed in a while doesn't mean it's not dangerous-"
"Pick him up, we'll talk at Cang Qiong." Shen Yuan blinked when he was hefted up, this guy was stupidly strong!
Kidnapping aside, Shen Yuan didn't expect to being the resident pet of Qing Jing Peak. After seeing Shen Jiu's new Master and being forcefully put to work Shen Yuan did fear for his life. But with all the food he can eat, and the blood given to him by the doctors he was basically living a cushy life AND he can read all the tomes of the Qing Jing Peak library!
Ah things were looking up!
"Ah that's bad..." "How so?" "Just...bad, weird after taste." The doctors hummed when Shen Yuan tasted blood he was able to tell who was healthy or not. The cultivators weren't stupid they never gave him information like a guinie pig just gave him samples and wrote down his answers. He didn't think anything of it.
After learning the man who got him was the Peak Lord of Bai Zhan he avoided him like the plauge, Shen Yuan was polite to everyone even reluctently the Sect Leader after figuring out what the man wanted.
He was so impressed with Shen Jiu he wanted Shen Yuan to duplicate what he was teaching to their students! Shen Jiu besides his form in fighting was astounding in everything else. So now Shen Yuan was a reluctant hallmaster.
Of course when Shen Yuan was given someone to feed on he had to admit it was strange for Cang Qiong to allow such a thing- then immedietly spat out the blood once it hit his tongue.
"Oh my god ew! What was that!"
Cheng Liang scowled, the Bai Zhan brute. "Blood, you need it to survive draining innocents is a line we won't cross-"
"Draining? I've never feed more than I needed to! and I can't live on this...doing bad things taints the blood." "Well it's this or nothing." "Then I'll take nothing." -------------------------------------------------------
Of course the sect leader sent in Yue Qingyuan, and Shen Yuan raised an eyebrow. "What is this?" "Feed, you're looking worse for wear. Yue Qingyuan offered."
He doubted it. "Whats wrong with your blood?" "Finally admitting your motive to killing the Sect Leader of Cang Qiong?" "I never wanted to be here!" Shen Yuan sighed, then looked Yue Qingyuan in the eyes. "This won't hurt." He fed and sighed, it's been...a long time since he's had a good meal. Even so, no need to take more than he needed, as he pulled back licking the wound clean for it to heal he flinched at the hand suddenly cupping his head.
"That wasn't enough."
Shen Yuan eyes narrowed, "Yes it was, now let go-"
"He can take it." Shen Yuan shoved both away almost falling over, "No he can't. This one is fine so-"
"You're weak, embarrsingly so, how can this mountain expect you to survive like this?" Shen Yuan looked at him in befudlement "I've been survivng pretty well so far."
asshole, he didn't say.
"You are wasting your potential, a Jiangshi can never be a cultivator, but can still get stronger-"
"Shouldn't you want the opposite? Isn't it better having a tamed Jiangshi?" Now the Sect Leader smirked, showing his real face that made Shen Yuan almost duck down but kept still instead. "On the contrary, this Master finds no purpose in keeping things that are weak."
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greenpanda-djg · 8 months
Just thought of something.
What if the Sytem was Shen Jiu? He ate Xuan Shu shards, and died what if his soul turned into the system, it would make sense for the story on why it was so hard on Shen Qingqiu using the whole donkey carrot stick but the carrot AND stick was both Bingh, for a romance story that didn't make sense. [using the same face of the one you love to hurt you?]
The system being Shen Jiu trying to manipulate the story so that Yue Qingyuan survives and lives? Like in SVSSS Yue Qingyuans alive, alone with Shen Jiu but alive. And thats when the system dips out and no longer gives/takes away points and is satisfied?
Also makes sense on why OG Binghe slipped into their world, and why it was the punishment from the system because it was OG QIngqius soul/system which made the gap for the OG to slip through.
But hey thats just a theory A GAME THEORY!
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The Scum Villain's Self Saving System
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Dear SVSSS fandom, I just had a thought...Sure Shen Qingqiu looks young but imagine, him having one of those old man line at his mouth. So which one A or B?
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thinkingnot · 1 year
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iconic tagging from svsss fandom slay
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double-m-b · 6 months
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MXTX protags my beloved. Prettyboy table for the win
Bonus page:
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archerdepartures116 · 18 days
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Ill post this au( inspired by tweet above) i started on my twt on Tumblr too
First part
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more comic panels below
Second part
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Third part
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Fourth part
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Shenanigans side extra
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this is currently an ongoing series, if this does well here, I will continue posting these in bulk (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
for more frequent uploads, you can follow my twitter at ArcherD116, feel free to ask me ab this au and give your suggestions!
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joker-ace · 2 months
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forgot to share my svsss doodles on here!! immediately just wanted to draw LBH first and foremost
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hxllo-hui · 8 months
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Just finished svsss - they’re so silly I love them all
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ravenpureforever · 24 days
I think part of the reason I’m so obsessed with MXTX’s works is the way that each story seems to hold you gently as say “Your kindness mattered. It didn’t alleviate the suffering, it did not undo the pain. But your kindness mattered.”
Kindness could not erase Luo Binghe’s abuse, but it changed the story into a kinder one.
Kindness did not stop Wei Wuxian’s death, but it did save a-Yuan.
Kindness did not undo Xie Lian’s suffering, but it renewed his sincerity to help others.
Kindness did not change the entire world, but it helped create a softer future.
Its such a nice message, that maybe kindness will not protect you, maybe you don’t see the outcome of it, but you should still try to be kind, and I love that honestly.
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slotheyes · 18 days
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This disciple may be a little clingy
[ID: A Scum Villain comic. First, Shen Qingqiu pats disciple Luo Binghe on the head. Luo Binghe happily exclaims "Shizun!" as Shen Qingqiu thinks, "I can fix him."
Then we see Luo Binghe as an adult, looming over Shen Qingqiu and crushing their faces together, lovingly exclaiming "Shizun" while manically smiling. Shen Qingqiu makes eye contact with a very tight smile and thinks while screaming and cursing, "I made him worse!!!" End ID]
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greenflamedwriter · 1 year
I want an everything everywhere all at once au of scum villain.
replace Joy, jobu tapaki with just Binghe.
So Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe modern au, but SY is dealing with his internlised homophobia and guilt over how anyone like Bingmei could like him both are going to anime convention and thats when shit gets weird.
Thats when Bingge travels all the known worlds to find the 'kind' shizun. So SY by accesing all his multiverse's personas to try to defeat Bingge who also has the face of his loved one. Seeing all alternate variety and then.
Bingmei his boyfriend who doesnt understand whats going on and who these people are and thinking that SY is pushing him away.
And how if the things dont change Bingmei will leave SY thinking he doesn't love him as SY is too different and unfeeling. So all the story of scum villain ecompased in EEAAO.
it sounds too big for me to write but GOD do I want that au, where his boyfriend acts all white lotus one moment then turns into Bingge the next and Bingmei being confused on why SY is freaking out.
[Input the heres JHONNY! the shinning scene with a screaming SY here}
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greenpanda-djg · 2 years
don't know if I'll write this prompt yet but-
IMAGINE- The abyss scene where Shen Qingqiu pushes Binghe down, gets upset and starts his widow mourning phase and THEN during this time he finds a CHILD just loitering around Qing Jing Peak and decides to take him in and help clean him up, the poor thing is injured! But looks startling familiar? But whatever, this angry thing needs some care.
As he takes the small thing around the sect holding his hand and treating his disciples warmly, he passes him over to Ning Yingying and goes to the Burial mound with the sword Zheng lang and sits before it he hears shuffling and see's the child staring at him then the burial site.
"Oh- did you get lost from Ning Yingying?" He asked scooping the small child up who was still staring at the burial mound.
"Do you have a place to go? You could stay here but your too young for cultivation I bet it'll get boring after a while."
He spoke- and the small child looked back up at him almost looking through him and Shen Qingqiu almost felt wary something wasn't rig-
"Shizun!" Ah the child was calling him that because thats what the other called him. Shen Qingqiu laughed "I'm not your Shizun, your not a disciple yet." He patted the others head. Maybe he needed a distraction but this kid reminded him so much of Luo Binghe. He had a sudden need to keep him. If the child was injured as he came over as he did then he'd need protection.
"What is your name?" He asked sitting comfortable with the kid in his lap.
"Hung-Chyun." Shen Qingqiu blinked down at him "Grand water spring...good name."
A/n: Okay so the kid is actually PIDW Luo Bingge who slipped into that world in a qi deviation that turned him into a child! and like wife plot # 54 pretending to be a sweet thing as the wife took care of him. So Shen Qingqiu stumbled into another wife plot and focuses all of his time taking care of Bingge, giving him Luo Binghes old room giving him a cultivation manual. "Just because you can't cultivate doesn't mean you can't learn." And both Ming fan and Ning yingying take care of him when Shizun isn't there and its different.
Luo Binghe life was so horrible that this feels like a fever dream, when he fell over Ming fan worried over him like a mother hen even cried out to see him bleeding and told Ning Yingying to keep him calm as Ming fan ran almost into a tree to get medicine Ning Yingying sighed.
"Oh he's hopeless. I can't imagine what type of husband he would be if he worries about a small cut like this."
Both were so different, his Ning-shijie was calmer and more mature than his own, and Ming fan wasn't a complete douchbag.
And Shen Qingqiu- he was kind!?
And seemed to mourn him? His Shen Qingqiu never made a buriel mound for him so what gives? Why was this world so much more different? Luo Binghe bided his time waiting to get his meridans back to normal then kill Shen Qingqiu and return to his world but now?
Now he found himself liking this world and wondering what was going to happen next...
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bishy437 · 8 months
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he won
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Guys What should I draw!!!!!! Give me suggestions!!!!
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What I have in mind so far is: Red: Luo Binghe. Orange: Gongyi Xiao Green: Shen Qingqiu. Blue: Shang Qinghua and darker blue as Mobei Jun [I want them together] Purple: Liu Qingge. Purple; Liu Mingyan and maybe I could make Sha Hualing share red with Binghe to put them together. {Also its sad that both SQQ and LBH aren't together on the wheel ;^;] But yeah before I start sketching any ideas?
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teamunee · 1 month
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