dimalink · 20 days
Uzhik – little snake in a garden, 256 colors!
Uzhik. It is a game about a little grass snake. I pay more attention to the graphics. To Different colors. So, also, idea, is that lots of time go to select colors, certain colors. This time game is making in screen 13 mode with 256 colors. Big selection!
So, in game you will play as a little snake. Like a grass snake. It is green. And it is good and kind and funny. He smiles. Snake will crawl and eat strawberry. Strawberry – they are such balls. And it is all you need to get to next level.
Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro. With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.
Basic Pascal: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/packs/basicpascal/index_eng.html
Itchio: https://dimalink.itch.io/basic-pascal GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/BasicPascal/773385 Website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html
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mistfunk · 2 months
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Mistigram: Tapio of @unculturedgames has taken the smallscale #ANSIart aesthetic and extended it into an entire #QB64 #textmode #JRPG, #WhispersInTheMoss, available at most major PC game electronic storefronts. We included some scenes from the game, such as this conversation with a dragon, in the recent unthemed MIST0624 artpack collection.
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(Nah, it's just a drawing in QuickBASIC.)
SCREEN 12 LINE (150, 150)-(400, 400), 12, B LINE (0, 0)-(150, 150), 12 LINE (0, 480)-(150, 400), 7 LINE (640, 0)-(400, 150), 12 LINE (400, 400)-(640, 480), 7 LINE (225, 275)-(300, 400), 7, B
COLOR 14 PRINT "This alley, however, is a total washout." PRINT: PRINT PRINT ">"
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QBasic Tutorial #49 - Bouncing Balls Animation ...
Note: It only runs with QB64 ...
Post #308: YouTube, School Freeware, QBasic Tutorial, #49 Bouncing Balls Animation, 2024.
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loomworld · 1 year
PONG GAME IN QB64!! :D if you doo answer this tysm for always making codes!! your a life saver and like half the time I have noooo idea what my teach is saying in class.. thank you!!
haha thxx anon I get it code is tiring for me too, I'm glad to be able to help
to run this code, ull need a qb64 interpreter or an emulator that supports qb64. Save the code with a .BAS extension and run it using the interpreter.
This basic Pong game uses simple graphics commands to draw the game elements, and it handles keyboard input to move the player's paddle. The computer-controlled paddle automatically tracks the ball's movement. The game keeps score and declares a winner when a player reaches a score of 10. The game loop continuously updates the game logic, redraws the game screen, and checks for key presses to control the player's paddle.
COLOR 15, 0
' Set up the game variables
DIM SHARED AS INTEGER ballX, ballY, ballSize
DIM SHARED AS INTEGER playerX, playerY, playerWidth, playerHeight
DIM SHARED AS INTEGER computerX, computerY, computerWidth, computerHeight
DIM SHARED AS INTEGER playerScore, computerScore
' Initialize the game variables
SUB InitializeGame()
ballSize = 10
playerWidth = 10
playerHeight = 60
computerWidth = 10
computerHeight = 60
ballX = 320
ballY = 240
playerX = 10
playerY = 240 - (playerHeight / 2)
computerX = 620
computerY = 240 - (computerHeight / 2)
ballDirX = -1
ballDirY = -1
playerScore = 0
computerScore = 0
gameOver = ""
' Draw the game elements
SUB DrawGame()
' Draw the ball
CIRCLE (ballX, ballY), ballSize, 14
' Draw the player's paddle
LINE (playerX, playerY)-(playerX, playerY + playerHeight), 11
' Draw the computer's paddle
LINE (computerX, computerY)-(computerX, computerY + computerHeight), 12
' Display the scores
PRINT "Player: "; playerScore
PRINT "Computer: "; computerScore
' Display the game over message if the game is over
IF gameOver <> "" THEN
PRINT gameOver
PRINT "Press any key to play again"
' Move the player's paddle
SUB MovePlayerPaddle()
playerY = playerY - 10
playerY = playerY + 10
' Move the computer's paddle
SUB MoveComputerPaddle()
IF ballY < computerY + (computerHeight / 2) THEN
computerY = computerY - 5
ELSEIF ballY > computerY + (computerHeight / 2) THEN
computerY = computerY + 5
' Update the game logic
SUB UpdateGame()
' Move the ball
ballX = ballX + ballDirX
ballY = ballY + ballDirY
' Check collision with the player's paddle
IF ballX <= playerX + playerWidth AND ballY >= playerY AND ballY <= playerY + playerHeight THEN
ballDirX = -ballDirX
' Check collision with the computer's paddle
IF ballX >= computerX AND ballY >= computerY AND ballY <= computerY + computerHeight THEN
ballDirX = -ballDirX
' Check collision with the top and bottom walls
IF ballY <= 0 OR ballY >= 480 THEN
ballDirY = -ballDirY
' Check if the ball goes out of bounds on the left or right
IF ballX < 0 THEN
computerScore = computerScore + 1
ballX = 320
ballY = 240
ballDirX = -ballDirX
ELSEIF ballX > 640 THEN
playerScore = playerScore + 1
ballX = 320
ballY = 240
ballDirX = -ballDirX
' Check if the game is over
IF playerScore >= 10 OR computerScore >= 10 THEN
gameOver = "Game Over"
' Main game loop
LOOP UNTIL gameOver <> "" AND INKEY$ <> ""
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reviewgazette · 1 year
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Remembering Quick Basic 4.5 of yesteryear, maybe no longer be sold commercially or bundled with computers but there is another called QB64 a clone of Quick Basic, if you like me and love Quick Basic download it and start programming!!
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For BASIC's 60th, three modern BASICs release new versions • The Register
Post 227: TheRegister.Com, For Basic's 60th, three modern BASICs release new versions, 2024.
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kennak · 9 months
Free Pascal と QB64 はどちらも維持され、比較的活発に開発が行われており、最新リリースは 2021 年に予定されています…しかし、最近ではほとんどの人が興味を持たない難解な言語を公開しているため、ほとんど無視されています。 「本物の」現代的なコンソール IDE には何が残されているのでしょうか? それでは、今日の現代 言語 最先端のものは、 Neovim 、 Doom Emacs 、さらには Helix のようです。 これらのエディタは非常に強力で、さまざまなプラグインのおかげで、合理的な IDE のようなエクスペリエンスを提供します。 とはいえ、私に言わせれば、これらは以前の Borland 製品が提供していたものと同じ種類のエクスペリエンスを提供するものではありません。インターフェイスはわかりにくく、多言語に対応しているため、ほとんどすべての機能で問題なく動作しますが、素晴らしいものではありません。何でも。 言うなれば「何でも屋、何の達人でもない」。 いずれにせよ、 microsoft/terminal#16440 の のようです 混乱した議論で私が観察した内容に基づくと、推奨される「シンプルな」TUI エディタは… GNU Nano … これはOK、動作しますが、第一に、これは IDE ではありません。第二に、私にはこれが WordStar のように見えます。 ええ、それが WordStar ではないことはわかっています。WordStar が必要な場合、最も近いものは Joe です。しかし、 Nano の外観は 、CP/M の時代にワード プロセッサを使った最初の経験を思い出させます。 ここで見てください:
30 年前にあった IDE...そして失われてしまった
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jezuk · 5 months
BASICally still alive: Classic language celebrates 60 years with new code and old quirks • The Register
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dimalinkrus · 7 months
Кб64 - один готов, второй начался
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Дневник разработчика
Вот по разработке. Сейчас по разработке на КуБэйсике. КБ 64 (QB64). В рамках набора Бэйсик Паскаль игр (Basic Pascal).
Уже готова игрушка Винтовки и Траншеи. Это игрушка как идейное продолжение игрушки Кресты и Стрельба. Там про стрельбу из укрытий. Волны врагов и ты стреляешь по врагам. В походовом режиме. Игрушка готова. Надо все оформить и выложить в сеть.
Но перед этим должно появиться видео. С пояснением игрового меню. Видео будет немного запоздалым. По видео игрушка как бы еще не готова. Так вот получилось с созданием видео.
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А также началась разработка новой игрушки. Это игра под рабочим названием – Мост. Это про то, как солдаты пересекают мост. Ты должен пересечь мост по клеткам. Много врагов. У всех автоматы. Есть укрытия на мосту в виде крестов (танковых). Игрушка в начальной стадии.
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Бэйсик Паскаль набор - целый набор игр и программ, написанный на бэйсике и паскале. Это ретро. По каждой игре и программе есть страница на сайте автора. Там есть дополнительная информация, описания, картинки, арты.
Бэйсик Паскаль: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/packs/basicpascal/index_rus.html
Итчио: https://dimalink.itch.io/basic-pascal ГеймДжолт: https://gamejolt.com/games/BasicPascal/773385 Сайт: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_rus.html
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dimalink · 2 months
Planet UFO – at the planet of the UFO
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I am a big fan of UFO sausages. They are such round and so interesting. And this is certain about UFO sausage. For this time, you are – it is a UFO sausage. Such round. And you are flying. Just like a three dimensional space. But as a real thing it is two dimensional. Now you are at the fantastic planet. Where UFO sausage is living. And you are flying!
Main theme for a game – it is effect of three dimensional space. Or it can be described as a point of view when you are fly. You are fly forward and avoid obstacles. Obstacles – are in form of objects - like rectangles. Square or circle.
One more interesting game feature. It is retro graphics style. In game it is in use something like CGA colors. And 4 colors. Two colors go for background.
At the fantastic planet – all around is a fantastic too. Strange objects and strange surface. And you are for yourself - it is a ufo sausage. It is everything here in purple and pink. And strange things are grown or placed. So that’s why very important color - it is purple or pink.
Idea of fly across the strange planet. It is in the base of development.
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Program part
Game is with programming language QB64. And it is in use game screen number 7. It gives 320 at 200 resolution. And 16 colors. But I will use 4 colors, to have it more looks like IBM PC with CGA graphics. As a base I take a program code for game Voidtrix. To have development progress faster.
One more theme for previous game – Voidtrix – it is a making a program code, which it will be comfortable to use in new games.
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Development state
Now, development in the very beginning state. And it is already made a background. It is an imitation of flight. As idea – it is little squares. Which like in a chess are drawn with different colors. And in purpose – imitation of move - they change their colors.
Background is changing with certain speed. It is imitation of speed flight.
Everything else in this development – it will be programmed. For example, ufo sausage itself. It will be shown only its edge. So, like front side. And obstacles themselves. Form of one colored squares, rectangles and circles. Maybe some other game features.
 This game will be released in terms of new version Basic Pascal Pack games. This game and some more games will be in a new version Basic Pascal Pack. As soon as I will have several complete games. All of them will to be in a new version Basic Pascal Pack. And a new version Basic Pascal Pack will be published for download.
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Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro. With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.
Basic Pascal: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/packs/basicpascal/index_eng.html
Itchio: https://dimalink.itch.io/basic-pascal GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/BasicPascal/773385 Website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html
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mistfunk · 11 months
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Mistigram: @grymmjack 's monstrous #ANSIart screen seen here, long in the making, promotes a #QB64 adaptation of TSR's #Dungeon board game that he's been working on. This piece was included in the spooky new MIST1023 artpack collection.
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how do u code....you've intrigued me.....
in QB64, a BASIC dialect for the modern era. and please note that so-called "visual basic" is a dirty object-oriented (🤮) pretender to the rightful procedural oriented (😍) throne and a shame to the good name of Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
I always start arrays at 1 instead of 0, because the computer exists to help me, not the other way around. For the same reason I don't think there should be shame in using GOTO, where it makes logical human sense to.
I started making an intro to BASIC using 15.AI. [part 1, part 2]
a brief example of my own code under the cut. i'm not a professional programmer, but I think it's fun to write once in a while.
'RETURN HERE EVERY SPIN Start: IF Money% < 10 THEN GOTO Loser INPUT "Are you feeling lucky? (1 for yes)"; Choice% CLS IF Choice% <> 1 THEN GOTO Smart
'BEGIN SPINNING Money% = Money% - 10
FOR spin% = 1 TO 10 _DELAY 0.5 A% = (RND * 8) + 1 B% = (RND * 8) + 1 C% = (RND * 8) + 1 CLS PRINT "#############" PRINT "|"; A%; "|"; B%; "|"; C%; "|" PRINT "#############" PRINT "" NEXT
'PRIZES IF A% = B% = C% THEN PRINT "WIN!!!": Money% = Money% + 500 IF A% = B% THEN PRINT "Win!!": Money% = Money% + 50 IF B% = C% THEN PRINT "Win!!": Money% = Money% + 50 IF A% = C% THEN PRINT "Win!": Money% = Money% + 25
'Results PRINT "You have $"; Money%; " remaining." GOTO Start
Loser: PRINT "Completely broke, you're cursed to spend the rest of your days wandering Las Vegas as a homeless harmonica-player!" END
Smart: CLS PRINT "You walk away with a cool $"; Money%; " in your wallet!" IF Money% < 15 THEN PRINT "You're just glad you knew when to walk away," IF Money% > 15 THEN PRINT "It's enough for a large pizza," '~$15 for a large pizza in las vegas IF Money% > 45 THEN PRINT "WITH EVERYTHING ON IT!!! The taste is incredible," '~$30 for BBQ Chicken pizza at ceasars apparently IF Money% > 145 THEN PRINT "You have enough to pay for an extra night at the bargain hotel," '+$100 PRINT "and you leave Las Vegas with happy memories." END
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QBasic Tutorial #48 - Bouncing Ball Animation ...
Post #304: YouTube, School Freeware, QBasic Tutorial, #48 Bouncing Ball Animation in QB64, 2024.
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loomworld · 1 year
me trying to predict what language we're gna learn in the next school year ;-----; hopefully not anything becoz I can't handle learning another language!! died and came to life when I was learning c++, cried while learning html and almost threw my laptop learning python! we learnt abt qb64 like 2 years ago and ofc I had to learn every single thing about it
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queerandom · 2 years
congrats, i finished rewriting exactly 35 lines of stupidVM
the original is 2000 lines.... and it was written in qb64, so a C equivalent would be at least 1000 more lines..... :)
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