#Q don't look
alliseaisfandom · 12 days
"AgathaRio is an age-gap ship because physically Agatha is visibly a lot older than Rio, and she's in her 300s so it's likely she's actually older"
Me: Ok that's hot
"AgathaRio is an age-gap ship because Rio is Lady Death and a fucking primordial entity and Agatha is barely in her 4th century of life."
Me: did. I. Fucking. Stutter.
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hrokkall · 11 months
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"Sad Cat Poem" by Spencer Madsen
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furiousfinnstan · 8 months
Crowdfunding yet again 🫠
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hello I will try to be brief,my sister is disabled and recently she got horrible news from her doctor that her reflexes have gotten worse,which means she will one day probably become paralyzed unless something is done(also her chronic pain is pretty severe rn which is another bad sign).now they want her to do a bunch of exams + physical therapy+ maybe new medication??we are looking at a bill close to 800€ tho honestly I dont know what's going to happen.the first paragraph you see is nothing but blood work and allegedly we will be able to get those for free so that's a relief.But I'm convinced thats not going to be all I'm scared for what's going to happen to her,I'm scared she will need to have surgery.also long covid is still fucking with me so yeah I'm don't think I will ever find work at this point🫠but who knows maybe I will be fine one day.I'm going to ask for 1200€ just to be safe tho dont be surprised if the amount rises or drops because I again I don't know what to expect with this,the extra money is in case we do need to pay for extra exams,blood work or bills etc
Goodbye for now 15.feb.2024
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royalarchivist · 2 years
For those who missed it, here’s Phil slam-dunking Quackity’s face into his birthday cake LMFAO, I love their friendship dynamic
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kathaynesart · 4 months
*after reading the latest update*
Wait...he can make the equivalent of an atomic bomb but he can't make himself a vape?
That is the most Donnie thing I've ever seen.
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Hahah sorry, a friend of mine gave that reason and it cracked me up!
Honestly though, your question is a very good one that needs addressing! The thing is, I strongly believe that there should still be limits to the turtle's ninpo abilities, as powerful as they are. Leo for example, requires some sort of metal to siphon his portals into existence.
While Donnie could indeed create a vape he would not know how to create the nicotine compound you place within it. Thus rendering the tool useless. If he could then there would be nothing stopping him from simply creating food, water, coffee and all the essentials needed to live well in the apocalypse. His focus has always been on energy and metal/plastic compounds. Now theoretically if he had spent all those years of training to learn and understand certain complex organic compounds to their very atomic core then PERHAPS he could have learned how to make such things. But that would be a completely different universe in which his weapons and bombs were not needed.
...Also he didn't start smoking until after the fall of the Central Park Colony where he loses his Ninpo, but that's beside the point haha. Hope that clears some thing up!
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infinitemilk · 21 days
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deliciousnecks · 10 months
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𝖜𝖜𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖘 + 𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖖𝖚𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘  ;;  4 / ∞
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fearandhatred · 4 months
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ok so idk if anyone remembers this sketch i posted of angel crowley a while back but i Also colourblocked it and since i will not be finishing it anytime soon i thought i might as well post it too. Here u go
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triple-pupil · 11 months
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Because I think he deserves both sides of the coin.
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
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It looks like the chapter 16 color spread was redone in occasion of the fourth volume publication
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bird-inacage · 8 months
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LOVE SEA | Intro: Behind the Scenes (Almost Kisses)
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hotasfahrenheit · 9 days
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the confidence that Min shows just for the fact that Q has invited him into this personal, private space, even before Q confirms his feelings verbally. he knows what this means, he knows where Q's heart is, he knows he can pull Q to him and Q will come happily.
they're going to make me insane, actually.
[kidnap 01.06]
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aru-art · 19 days
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t4t misery
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zimtlees · 30 days
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Hey guys, this is my...well this is me...that's it...I don't think I need to say anything else...
(Yeah, Paulie, Paul McCartney)
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Omg wait who are they??? I have no idea, like huh?
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pigeonneaux · 8 months
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Let him have a fucking break or whatever
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heaveniowa · 1 year
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we could cry a little! cry a lot!
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