#Pyrrha had one job
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superiorsturgeon Ā· 2 years ago
Rookie-Angel!Pyrrha: wow. Theres so much to being a guardian angel.
Angel: yup. Dont worry, you have the heart and spirit. You'll get there in no time.
RA!Pyrrha: Thank- hey, what's that commotion?
Angel: oh, that? Well, some Valkyrie and Angels are having a free for all to see who gets to collect the soul of the Rusted Knight. He's apparenly about to fall off a tree mid-battle soon.
RA!Pyrrha: oh ny! The Rusted Knight is real? That's Grand! I remember my mother reading me that story.... w-wait. He didnt die when he drank the poison? A-and he's about to d-die? And they're all....
Angel: Fighting over his soul, yeah. The Valkyrie claim their "little sis" on Remnant called dibs already, but we Angels know the Knight, his family has fought our fight for generations and he's even fought at the side of the God of Light's champion.
RA!Pyrrha: ooo-oh, wow! The truth is stranger than any legend. Still, i hope someone who will be kind to him wins..... dying in the line of duty still hurts.....
Angel: oh, they'll be 'kind' alright. This group is mostly just thirsty thots looking to score with a new arrival. Bah, i say we should just send a reaper spirit for this Arc dude, plenty of time to make a pass on him later.
RA!Pyrrha: *twitch* what.
Angel: oh yeah, that wasn't in the legend, right? His real name is Jaune Arc or something. I read the file; some time travel bullshit and a stable time loop happened. It's kinda-
RA!Pyrrha: It's a free for all, correct? (Hard eyes)
Angel: uh
RA!Pyrrha: And the heavenly blacksmith is over there, right?!? (Flexing muscles, swords rattling in the distance)
Angel: uhhhhhhhhh
RA!Pyrrha: And im ALLOWED TO GUIDE SOULS AS WELL, CORRECT? (Wings extend, a circle of floating swords forming a halo)
Angel: y-es? (Sweating)
Angel-Of-War!Pyrrha: (sweetly) oh good!
(Her eyes narrow)
AoW!Pyrrha: word of advice. Don't get in my way-HEY, I HAVE A PRIOR CLAIM, THOTS. BACK OFF!!!!!!
Angel: *gulps*
Jaune: *blinking, lying on the ground where he fell* Oooohhhhhhā€¦I donā€™t think my aura will save me this timeā€¦
????: Itā€™s okayā€¦Iā€™ve got youā€¦
Jaune: *blinks and squints* Pā€¦Pyrrhaā€¦? Is that youā€¦?
Pyrrha: *cradling Jaune in her lap and tenting her red-feathered wings over him* Hello again, Jaune! You had quite a nasty fall!
Jaune: *looks around and sees piles of beaten/bruised angels and loose feathers everywhere* Whaā€¦what happenedā€¦? Am I dead?
Pyrrha: *brushes Jauneā€™s long hair back* It was close, but I saved you just in time!
Jaune: What happened to all the other angels?
Pyrrha: Oh, wellā€¦it turns out sometimes thereā€™sā€¦competitionā€¦when it comes to being a guardian angel! šŸ˜”
Pyrrha: Luckily I was able to convince everyone else that I was the one for you! ā˜ŗļø
Jaune: *looks back up into Pyrrhaā€™s eyes and reaches up to touch her cheek* I canā€™t believe I get to see you againā€¦! šŸ„¹
Jaune: I like your horns and black wings!
Pyrrha: ā€¦my whatā€¦?
Pyrrha: *looks at her wings which have turned black* šŸ˜§
Pyrrha: *feels for her halo and finds two curving horns* šŸ˜Ø
Pyrrha: ā€¦Uh-ohā€¦!
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gideonisms Ā· 8 months ago
we don't think enough about the fact that pyrrha dve had to get up every day and go to her construction job. She was mourning the last polycule while starting the next one (btw everyone in both polycules was doomed to die including pyrrha herself) but she literally still had to get up and go to her shifts... she was on that minimum wage grind the whole time... however much credit we give her we don't give her enough
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howi99 Ā· 6 days ago
From the Nest 4
_ during the night _
Nora: A memento?
Jaune: *showing her Crocea Mors* Yeah, it was my ancestor sword. The sheath was made during the great war, but the sword is a lot older. They aren't suited to my fighting style, but a sword is a sword, right?
Ren: *grilling some marshmallows over the fire* As long as it does the job.
Nora: *tilting her head* Huh, so you are more the agile type?
Jaune: *pensive* Hm... I'm nowhere near my master's level. I can't jump around extremely fast and all that. But i'm confident in my footwork and my dexterity. *Smirk* I'm quite the dancer after all.
Nora: *rolling her eyes* Urgh, i tried learning from Ren and it was a nightmare!
Ren: *extinguishing the marshmallow* It wasn't rocket science, you just lacked patience.
Blake: *continuing to read her smut her book* ...
Jaune: *looking at her* By the way, you do realize your bow twitch every time you get excited, right?
Blake: !? T-that's- How did you-
Jaune: *shrug* I don't think anyone here cares about your origins. *Looking at Nora and Ren* Right?
Nora: *eating Ren's marshmallow* W'y woul'- *gulp* Ah~. Why would we?
Ren: *frowning at his stolen marshmallow then sigh* Honestly, i thought it was a stylistic choice on your part.
Blake: ...
Jaune: *crossing his arms behind his head* And where i'm from, we don't really care what your gender or race is. As long as you are strong enough to survive, that's the only thing that matters.
Blake: *mumbling* I thought i was hiding it well...
Jaune: *chuckle* You were, but we all lived in the wilderness. Spotting details is important.
Blake: *Sigh with a small smile* I know... But could that stay between us?
Nora: *thumbs up* Sure!
Ren: *grilling another marshmallow* If that's what you want.
Jaune: *shrug* I ain't no snitch.
Blake: *relieved* Thank you.
_ morning _
Blake: *smelling something appetising, slowly waking up* Mhgn fish....
Jaune: *grilling some fish over the fire* Good morning.
Blake: *stretching, looking around* They already left?
Jaune: *shrug* Apparently, Nora was fixated on eating pancakes... Whatever that is.
Blake: *surprised* You never had pancakes?
Jaune: My food for the last 12 years has been whatever i could forage, hunt or trap. *Chuckle* Sugar wasn't really something i could afford.
Blake: *wince* Sounds like a rough childhood.
Jaune: *shrug* It made me stronger, that's what's important. *Seeing the cat faunus staring at the fish* You want some?
Blake: *drooling, but not wanting to impose herself* N-nyoes?
Jaune: *laugh* Hey, don't worry, i got more-
Blake: *stars in her eyes* THEN YES!
_ later _
Jaune: *searching his locker, seeing the child Weiss talking with someone else* Hm? *Walk to them* Oi!
Weiss: *groaning* Not him...
Jaune: *smirk* Hey now, i'm just here to ask some-
Weiss: *annoyed* Can't you see i was talking to Pyrrha?
Jaune: *looking at the red haired girl* Guess that's your name?
Pyrrha: *tilting her head, genuinely surprised* You never heard of me?
Jaune: *rolling his eyes* Again? First the pipsqueak and now you?
Weiss: *angrily* STOP MOCKING ME!
Jaune: *smile deviously* Start growing up.
Weiss: *vibrating with anger* YOU- YOU-
Jaune: *more nicely* You know you can fire back, right? I don't mind a well thought insult or two.
Weiss: ... Giant oaf...
Jaune: *genuine smile* Need more work, but it's a start. *Looking at Pyrrha* Buy yeah, i got no idea who you are.
Pyrrha: Really?
Jaune: *shrug* nope. *Examining her arms* But from what i can see, you seem to train yourself hard. *Nod* That's good.
Weiss: *nodding along* Of course she trains hard, she's the 4 times Mistralean fighting tournament champion.
Jaune: *pensive* Hm... I think my sister said something about living in the same city as you, now that i think about it. *Shaking his head* But anyway, does one of you know where i can find my locker? *Scratching his head* This place is a complete maze to me.
Pyrrha: *smiling* It would be my pleasure.
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rachetmath Ā· 8 days ago
Nora: Jaune, what is your relationship with your sisters like?
Jaune: Horrible.
Nora: Say what now?
Jaune: The fact that I was willing to sacrifice my sister in law's job to get to Atlas, I think that proves that I didn't give a damn about them.
Nora: ā€¦
Yang: Hold on, what about Adrian? Your nephew.
Jaune: Nope.
Yang: What the hell?
Nora: Jaune I don't understand.
Jaune: Bet. I really didn't want to see my sister at all. In fact I was embarrassed the moment I saw her. Basically I would have rather slept in the snow than be near her.
Yang: Oh my god is it because she is a -
Jaune: No. Sexuality has nothing to with it. Have none of you seen the photo with me calling for "help"?
Nora: But you were a kid.
Jaune: Okay remember that camping story I told you about.
Nora: Yeah.
Jaune: I was eight.
Nora: Oh. Oh my God your mom and dad made you sleep by yourself with-
Jaune: Yeah, I described Grimm as monsters so what did that imply?
Nora and Yang:....
Jaune: And remember those bullying situations? None of my family helped me with that shit. At all. Friends were fake as hell so they could get near my sisters and when they couldn't they stopped talking to me.
Yang: Okay you can not blame-
Jaune: Okay so why is it that I always have to support my sisters needs, dreams and goals but when I wanted to be a hunter for some fucking reason I was shunned for that?
Yang: ā€¦ ā€¦
Jaune: So my relationship with my folks is down fucking low. Like seriously if Pyrrha fucking Nikkos can see the potential in me more than anyone else in this world including my family, yeah my family can eat a dick. Especially promises no one keeps.
Nora: ā€¦ ā€¦. ā€¦.
Yang: ā€¦ ā€¦. ā€¦.
Jaune: Later.
Nora: Rat-
Me: I meanā€¦ the fact that he just left and never said goodbye to his family kind of shows me he doesn't care about them. And the fact that his mom and dad had zero faith in him to say ā€œdon't be ashamed to come homeā€, proves they don't know their son. Nor bothered to contact him and see if he is okay. So yeah Jaune's parents might actually be the worst. Especially if his father was a trained soldier. It makes no sense that he's not prepared for this line of work. I get I'm stretching it but come on. Also the fact that Sapphron wanted to leave the house as quickly as possible proves something's going on in the Arc household.
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n1ghtwr1ter Ā· 10 months ago
At the end of my latest TLT reread and itā€™s been physically painful attempting to read the last 40+ pages of Nona. Like, the short shrift that Gideon/Kiriona gets given by the people in the storyā€¦the theoretical good guys who honestly only see her as a thing, as a means to an end with an inconvenient dead soul attached to itā€¦ It makes me want to rip my own heart out of my chest.
Nobody has cared about Gideon her whole life. Most people, in fact, if they remembered about her at all, went out of their way to tell her how much they wished she didnā€™t exist. In the final chapters of Gideon, she finally gets the thing sheā€™s been desperate for her whole life: somebody telling her that they need her, they care that she exists, and they badly want her to go on doing it. This allows her to make peace with the prospect that at the ripe old age of 18, she needs to die so that that person can go on living and living and living, using the castrated remnants of her soul as fuel to do so. Not a great way to go, but at least Gideon would get to be useful to somebody, would get to be remembered for something.
And then she wakes up in the wrong body, and finds out that her sacrifice - her attempt to be useful in the most selfless way possible, in that her self will no longer exist - has been rejected. And not only that, but the person she tried to give herself to - the one who was supposed to care about her - went to extreme lengths to make completely sure that she no longer remembered about Gideon.
She literally cut Gideon out of her brain.
And now, drifting along in the worst sort of half life where sheā€™s inhabiting her body but itā€™s no longer really hers, in very obvious fashion - thereā€™s holes in it, her heart is missing, and itā€™s got her shitty fatherā€™s handprints all over it (not even touching how much of a violation that is), indelibly - she finally meets back up with the small group of people who could theoretically be relied upon to be glad to see her again.
But then the one who was supposed to care about her most tries to kiss her (massively OOC for Harrow), and turns out to not even be there - itā€™s some weird baby inhabiting her body, and doing a really shit job of it too. The rest of them wonā€™t stop talking about how they need her to break into the Tomb - as if she was just another key, same as the ones they worked together to acquire in Canaan House, just bigger and more inconvenient - and/or how they both fucked and killed her mom, who also (surprise, surprise) wished that Gideon had never existed, but saw her as a thing that needed to be done for the good of the mission.
Ultimately, they all make it abundantly clear - Palamedes, Camilla, Pyrrha, and especially Nona, all these people who are supposed to be kind and good and right - that they would prefer she wasnā€™t there. That it just be her body, with no Gideon attached - at least not Gideon the way she is now, broken and rejected and miserable. They would all far have preferred that she not have her own inconvenient thoughts and feelings and desires and impulses - that she just be inanimate and let the important people, the grown ups, get things done.
They wish she didnā€™t exist. Same as everybody else in her life, save one, and now sheā€™s left wondering whether Harrow really meant it at all. Because if she did, she wouldnā€™t have left Gideon to Kirionaā€™s fate.
And honestly? Really, truly? I know everybody in the fandom loves Pal and Cam and Nona and Pyrrha, but in the end I couldnā€™t give less of a shit about them. They are fucking side characters, and as intriguing as Nona has been from a worldbuilding standpoint, I ultimately resent having been forced to read 400+ pages of filler bullshit about fucking side characters. I am a butch, and Iā€™m here for my sarcastic, loving, angry, vulnerable, forgiving, and yes, inconvenient sword butch. Iā€™m here for Gideon. But Gideon has been fridged for the last two books of the series in which she is supposed to be a, if not the, main character.
And it feels like almost nobody else in the fandom feels the same way, which, fine. Iā€™m used to that. Iā€™m also used to being told Iā€™m projecting; and Iā€™m used to being told that Iā€™m inconvenient too, in my thoughts and my opinions and the mere fact of my existence. I spent the first eighteen years of my life being told I was inconvenient. Yet another point of overidentification with Gideon.
But in case anybody still thinks that Nona proves that Gideon was an asshole all along, think about all of the above. Think about how it would make you feel to come back from not just death but from the erasure of your existence, something you chose in order to save the life of someone you loved, and be told that youā€™re inconvenient. Think about how youā€™d feel if youā€™d been told all your life that it would be better for everyone if you didnā€™t exist. And then tell me that Kiriona isnā€™t in the right and that I should give a ratā€™s ass what happens to literally anybody else.
Itā€™s Kiriona Hours up in this House, butches. Weā€™ve spent long enough caring about people who would prefer we werenā€™t around. For once in our entire lives we were told we were important; we were told we mattered; we were told we were the main character. We were going to, if not get the girl and save the world, at least get to do something real, something important, something like being the hero.
But thatā€™s over now; weā€™re back to being wrong and bad and inconvenient thanks to the simple fact of our existence. So itā€™s time to embrace it. Letā€™s be a little shit. Letā€™s be kind of a dick. Letā€™s have our own agenda, letā€™s play our cards close to our heartless chest, letā€™s allow our circle of empathy to contract to ourselves and maybe one more person. Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at right now. And I donā€™t see that changing anytime soon.
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kazzettes Ā· 1 year ago
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Ladybug Week 2023 Day 1, Oct. 23rd: College AU
With a Freezerburn guest appearance.
This one's for all my fellow Ladybug fans. (All, like, 2 of them).
When I sat down to draw this my brain went on a tangent and created its own full-on fanfiction, lol.
Basically, Ruby is this super talented freshman in the engineering department who's been gaining the attention of all the professors since she enrolled. She singlehandedly became the lead of the Science and Technology committee, which both she and her buddy Penny attend.
Yang is on a sport scholarship and is part of the Volleyball team together with Blake. She and her buddy Pyrrha are the aces of the team. She's very talented at the sport despite not seeming to have any aspirations to pursue it as a careerā€¦? Like Ruby she's also enrolled in engineering.
Blake is the Visa student- her parents saved money their entire lives to send her to a good university in a first world country. She joined the volleyball team with the goal to save money with a scholarship, but ended up enjoying being part of the team. She's chronically broke and isn't legally allowed to work due to her Visa status, but her buddy Sun hooks her up with some shady jobs that she takes from time to time to earn some cash. She met Ruby through Yang, who started inviting her out for lunch to discuss their shared favorite books series. Blake only agreed at first for the free food but eventually ended up enjoying and seeking out Ruby's company.
Weiss is this turbo-preppy model student and the president of the Student Organization's Committees. She had some friction with Ruby at first due to their clashing personalities but they eventually grew to respect each other. She met Yang through Ruby and was immediately smitten. She's suspicious of Blake and thinks she and her buddy Sun are bad influences on Ruby.
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freeusemuses Ā· 23 days ago
A bunny club.
Rowanā€™s eye twitched as he stared up at the sign, even as Eryx threw his arm over his shoulders and began dragging him in. Of course he would lead him hereā€”of course! Ten years since graduation, and Team EMBRā€™s leader was just as careless and cavalier as heā€™d ever been. He had half a mind to shove him away and storm offā€¦but heā€™d already accepted the mission. And 50,000 lien was a hard paycheck to refuse.
Fortunatelyā€”or unfortunately, he wasnā€™t quite sure which just yetā€”his former partner didnā€™t hang around long, just shoving him to get a table as he hurried off to try flirting with the local beauties. Rowan rolled his eyes and huffed, bristling a bit at the loud music, the loud voices, the loud outfitsā€”shaking his head as he dropped into a booth with a heavy groan. This was going to be the worst job of his lifeā€”and he was a teacher!
"You seem troubled, sir..." One of the patrons. A drop-dead gorgeous woman with red hair vibrant enough to put Pyrrhaā€™s to shame. Wearing the same uniform as the other beauties who worked in the establishment positioned herself on the table Rowan was sitting at.
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howlingday Ā· 5 months ago
Ruby: ...
Ruby: ...
Ruby: ...
Jaune: Ruby, we've been walking for five hours-
Yang: Damn, Ruby! Harness your inner Weiss and chill!
Jaune: Yeah, Ruby! You've been walking just as long as we have, so don't go snapping at us!
Ruby: Well, I'M sorry, Jaune, but it's bad enough that Zwei took my spot in the front, but I'm still on edge after reliving that HORRIBLE NIGHT AT BEACON!
Jaune: Oh, right, the horrible night you had where PYRRHA DIED!
Ruby: Hey, Pyrrha died in front of me, Jaune. You don't get to play that card.
Ruby: Cinder. Dark hair. Fire powers. Killed Pyrrha. Taking her mom's body to the promised land.
Yang: ...Oh my god, why am I following you guys?
Zwei: Actually, you're following me. I can smell Seen-der and that Say-lem body. She's in desperate need of multiple bath times... They're about an hour ahead~!
Zwei: I meant dog hours.
Penny: It's fine, guys! Besides, time is weird. Like, how can a quarter be past seven?
Jaune: Oh my god, there is something wrong with you...
Ruby: Jaune! There is nothing wrong with Penny!
Jaune: Except denial! Because little miss perfect here doesn't believe she's OBVIOUSLY A MAIDEN!
Penny: (Gasps) YOU THINK I'M PERFECT~?!
Jaune: Oh my fucking god...
Zwei: We're here!
Ruby: Thaaank you~!
Zwei: We just have to cross THESE RUINS...
Ruby: ...Well, that doesn't sound so bad-
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Penny: What's your name~?
Jaune: NOT NOW!
Ruby: Don't worry, guys~! I've got this~!
Jaune: Ruby, you don't got this.
Penny: Good job~! That's why you're my number one huntress~!
Ruby: Well, at ease, ma'am~.
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Penny: Uh-oh~! Looks like somebody's arms are broken~!
Penny: OUT OF AURA~.
Nuckelavee: (Groans)
Penny: Oh, Ruby! We should retreat!
Ruby: What, like a coward? BECAUSE A HUNTRESS NEVER RUNS FROM A FIGHT! Right, Jaune?! ...Jaune?
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linkman447 Ā· 1 year ago
Jaune Arc The Crossing Gaurd
Jaune: well come along kids lets have a safe and fun day.
Kids: yes Mr. Jaune.
after the kids cross one of their mothers comes over.
mom: so Jaune you still with that red headed slut woman.
Jaune: you mean my wife, yes.
mom: aw darn it.
back a home.
Jauen: you know pyrrha i didnt like this job at first but its been great.
Pyrrha pregnant: oh thats lovely jaune.
Jaune: ya the kids are nice and their mothers are real friendly.
Pyrrha visibly annoyed: oh really now.
Jaune: ya one of them jokingly asked if i was still with you, i think she was just concerned about the baby.
Pyrrha warping all the silverware in the kitchen: o-oh t-thats most likely the case dear (now i know i got pregnancy brain but i cant kill civilians).
Jaune: ya but when i was walking the kids home she was really insistent that i come inside for a drink, but i had my thermos you lovingly prepared for me this morning.
Pyrrha smiles kissing her husband: (shes so dead).
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ruins-of-tragedy Ā· 25 days ago
Started season two of RWBY. Episodes one to three are done and... dusted. (Way too proud of that pun)
Season 02, Episode 01: Best Day Ever
- Re-opening of the shop From Dust till Dawn... Is this going to be like the cabbage guy joke of ATLA?
- This lady! One of the bad peeps. Did she steal from the shopkeeper? Her friend is called Mercury?! The names in this show. Ugh. So good.
- The bad girl has a diamond symbol. Huh. Emerald. Master thief. Who is she supposed to be inspired by? Robin Hood?
- Can't figure out Mercury's inspiration. Could it be Hermes' Roman counterpart? The only other Mercury I can think of is available in thermometers...
- Tukson. Book store man claiming to sell every book under the sun. He should open up a branch near me... Faunus and now Wolverine. Got beat. Oooof.
- Blake's notebook is filled with such wonderful art! Cute!
- It's already a new semester? Oh my Gods. Blake is revising and Yang is being a doofus... Their love was fated. Of course they catch feelings. šŸ¤©šŸ˜‚
- Nora's catapulting food while Yang catches it with her mouth. I need to try this.
- For a second I was actually so confused about Ruby making a binder that big. Then I saw the cover and realised it's Weiss' doing. All is right with the world now.
- "Sisters. Friends. Weiss." šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ»
- Wait. Ruby says sisters... šŸ¤Ø. They were already setting up Bumbleby huh? āœØā¤ļøā€šŸ”„
- Ruby had a dream. Weiss wants to know if she stole her binder. Yang is still catching food, and doing a great job at it!
- She didn't just crack a dad joke... She cracked a Yang joke. šŸ«¶šŸ». I support this!!! That apple throw was unnecessary. People cannot get true art nowadays.
- Yes, Yang! Get them. Throw an apple back!
- Weiss wanted to make a point. She stood up. And was promptly hit by a pie missile. Nora might not make it to the end of the day...
- Sun is into Blake. He be talking all about it with his blue haired bud who has nice hair. And someone called Scarlet with whom he must share everyone's secrets. Cute!
- Did they actually highlight Sun's muscles and abs with black marker this time? To make sure they were apparent? šŸ˜†
- Food fight is occurring in the cafeteria... Truly the coolest people, these folks. I agree Sun.
- Jaune just hit the window right now. Is he also considered food?
- Sun and his friend have entered the food fight arena. Everyone else from Beacon who isn't Team JNPR and Team RWBY has left the premises. Nora is queen of the castle! šŸŽ¶
- Team JNPR wants to substitute Team RWBY'S heads with watermelons... Yang has new gauntlets. Or turkeys, I guess. Jaune is their casualty. Pyrrha and Blake are having a showdown with bread. The crust is crusty. Blake and Yang get hit!
- Ruby is trayboarding now. Pyrrha is down. Weiss weilds a stream of ketchup! Ren slides on it and tastes the floor. Nora turns a rod and a watermelon into her makeshift hammer. Ruby falls. Weiss is now using that fish with a pointed something as her weapon of choice... She hits a pillar and it's crumbling! Ruby gets her out of the way. Weiss may have died for this battle. Team leader is mourning the loss. Pillar also says bye-bye.
- Yang must avenge her teammate. Turkeys are back on! Ren is relying on pieces of celery! Ren down, Nora on the go. We lose a watermelon to Yang, and Yang to the ceiling.
- Blake does backflips and swings sausages at Nora. Fizzy drinks are grenades. Pyrrha uses her 'pole' powers to send Blake flying. Ruby is turning the tide! Literally, with her speed.
- The tapestry of food looks so pretty!!! Reminds me of Spider-Man, the Miles Morales movies. I think he would like it.
- This episode was high on crack that was treated seriously. You want to know how I realised? No one ate any of the good food being flung around! Not one person.
- Sun loves these guys because he isn't drenched in food ammunition. His friend can't claim a similar fate.
- Who will pay for the repairs of the cafe?
- Madam Glynda is on the scene. Ahhh. That answers my last question. No money needed. They have magic. I forget that sometimes.
- "Do not play with your food." And Nora burps. Yang falls from the sky soon after.
- Call Professor Ozpin Elsa 'cause he be like, "Let it go."
- 'Playing' the parts of children... Is there anything more tragic.
- White Fang and the bad henchpeople. They killed Wolverine? Fuck.
- Listen. Cinder is a bombshell. (Pun intended?) I would have no problem obeying her orders. My brain isn't going to be working around her anyway.
- Torchwick is such a drama queen. Much appreciated... Is it bad that I want to be Roman just so Cinder would hold my face as well?
- LoLL! Emerald stole his lighter. Wait. Is she Aladdin?!
- Even though most of my brain was "Blah blah, proper name proper place"-ing throughout the exchange Cinder was a part of, I did notice one bit. They are moving to phase two of the plan. And just generally moving as well. Huh.
- New ending song! Oh my Gods. In the first season, when they would show Team JNPR, Pyrrha would be the one giving a physical token of support to Jaune. And now it's Jaune doing it for Pyrrha... šŸ„ŗšŸ’–
- I really like how the sketches are turning into animations in here. Nice touch.
- Sun's team looks good! We also see Velvet's team! Flashing by Penny being surrounded by men in white. And then there's Professor Ozpin and his colleagues.
- Bad folks' turn.
- OOOOOOooooooooh! Everyone's fighting. This music makes me want to join them!!!
- Holy hell. That animation at the end with members of RWBY transitioning into one another... Chef's kiss!!!!
Season 02, Episode 02: Welcome to Beacon!
- Last episode's ending is the new opening! Team RWBY is standing in order, in one frame. And their VA's are listed diagonally. Ugh. So GOOOOOOOOD!!!
- The animation has improved a lot already. The sky in this episode... Amazing!
- Ironwood is a headmaster and a general. Glynda don't care much for him. I like his style. Who is he inspired from? I have no ideas for this guy.
- Ozpin has extremely powerful friends. Diplomatic relations with them too. The Qrow of it all. When will I get to meet him?
- Ironwood. You forker. Am sure the children here will actually help. You currently aren't right now.
- "I hope they never have to." UGHHHHHHHHH. Ozpin's really hitting me in the feels. He is right though. Children shouldn't have to win wars. Or need to be trained to do so.
- Is Team RWBY playing their world's version of Monopoly? In the library?!
- The sister showdown... Yang won this time!
- Team JNPR is here as well. Nora is asleep on a book and dreaming about food. Ren is reading said book. Or trying to I guess. Jaune was looking at comics. Pyrrha gives him something more substantial while she takes them away and reads said comics. šŸ˜‚
- Ruby is a sore loser. Weiss doesn't know what's happening, but then she is perhaps three moves away from taking over Remnant. She has begun monologuing. However, Yang brings her forces down. Blake is out of it all.
- Much friendly banter. Team JNPR knows of Blake's Faunus status because of Weiss.
- Sun and his blue haired friend is here. Weiss is actually confused as to why people call her Ice Queen. šŸ˜†
- Ren wants peace. But no one around him will give him that.
- Ahhh. Blue haired guy is Neptune. His allusion could be the Roman version of Poseidon. Nothing else really rings a bell for me. And he is putting the moves on Weiss... Jaune cannot believe Neptune gets to use the nickname 'Snow Angel' without repercussions. Truly unfair.
- Awww. Blake is troubled over the Faunus of it all.
- She didn't even need to train at schools to be Beacon ready. Passed the entrance exams that takes people years to train for. Fucking hell. Survival truly is the best teacher. Blake is so badass.
- "I want people to see me for who I am... Not what I am." šŸ„ŗ
- Oh shikes. Professor Ozpin knows something. At least he is giving Blake the opportunity to tell him herself.
- Neptune won the board game. Yang is bitter about it. Relatable.
- Weiss knows something is up with Blake... Good Gods. She has become more dramatic. I love it!
- A callback to the events of Team RWBY'S trailers!
- Blake wants to do something about everything that's happening. Her friends are going to try and find out. Together. šŸ¤§šŸ’–šŸ„ŗ
- These children really will change the world. I just hope the world doesn't change them on the way.
- "None of you said aye." Awww, Ruby. Aye!
- Mercury, Emerald and Cinder are at Beacon?! Ending on Cinder's sinister smirk... šŸ¤©
- The music slaps so hard!!!
- Awwwwwwwww! They featured fanart! šŸ’–
Season 02, Episode 03: A Minor Hiccup
- Silver eyes blinking as Ruby walks to Beacon... Hmmm.
- Peter Port's class. Jaune is trying to ask Weiss out? Spruce Willis?! šŸ˜‚
- Weiss heard Jaune and answered all of his questions accordingly! Poor Jaune though. No date. Consolation pats from Yang. Sweet of her!
- Wardrobe change for Team RWBY! They look good!!! And they have a plan.
- Sun and Neptune are here now... What is it with Sun and Co being able to wink while in motion? I can't even do it when I am stationary most times.
- Weiss wants to go with Neptune. Ruby doesn't get that cue. šŸ˜‚
- Ruby likes a tower. Atlas developed means of communication for the four kingdoms. Ruby's scroll falls on someone.
- Penny is here! And pretending not to know them. Of course Ruby wants to get to the bottom of this. Weiss has to go alone now.
- She is preparing herself by practicing smiles? Oooooof.
- Holy shikes. Weiss' family must be something else for her to not engage in conversation at all. Not even with her sister. Who is actually named Winter. Really on theme, LoLL! Weiss got what she came for at least.
- Weapons demonstration. Android warriors. Power Ranger Megazord that needs a human to drive it around. Return of fangirl Ruby!
- Penny doesn't want to be here. Two guards spot her and give chase. Ruby runs after Penny to help.
- Loads of leg workout. Ruby does the Naruto ninja run on a wall! šŸ˜‚
- She helps Penny escape. Penny saves Ruby from being overrun by the From Dust till Dawn truck. And of course the driver is that same shopkeeper... I now want a fanfic from the point of view of this man.
- "I am not a real girl." Penny's definitely Pinocchio.
- This ending theme song was so beautiful yet so sad.
- Another fanart! šŸ’–
(You spoil me, I turn into your life's scriptwriter and spoil it for you. Yes, I have a flair for the dramatic. Ciao!)
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sofipitch Ā· 2 years ago
One thing that was really fun about Nona was it's commitment to unreliable narration as seen through a child. Nona is perceptive and clues in on a lot more than others want her to know, yet there are hints of shit going on that Nona doesn't really get. Like some of it becomes plot relevant so you do get answers but I'm talking about the stuff we don't get to see again, like what all Camilla and Palamedes' night missions entailed. If they are trying to save necromancers, did they? And where would they put the escapees? I still wonder why Pyrrha had the job she did and if that was also something important. The fact that Pyrrha was maybe fucking Cam and Pal off screen. Same with a lot of details about New Rho, why was the building Nona lived in so bad, why shouldn't you leave the house without a jacket and mask, etc etc. New Rho itself is a bleak wasteland where you can't buy a lot of food but who cares bc Nona doesn't like most food anyways. I'm OBSESSED with the way we find out BOE is burning necromancers alive is through children who are attending public executions, debating if they helped kill someone the same way you might debate if someone actually did a cartwheel. These are all things Nona takes for granted, as long as her loved ones are safe, they don't register as noteworthy, that's just how things are, right? I have so many questions but Nona can answer none of them but she can tell me if Noodle was a good boy today
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superiorsturgeon Ā· 1 year ago
Dragon!Pyrrha: Guardian
Knight!Jaune: *skipping through a field of flowers* šŸ„°
Dragon!Pyrrha: *holding knightā€™s hand and skipping along* šŸ„°
Knight!Jaune: *pauses* šŸ«¤
Dragon!Pyrrha: Whatā€™s wrong, beloved?
Knight!Jaune: I just feel as if Iā€™m forgetting something importantā€¦šŸ˜•
Dragon!Pyrrha: ā€¦thatā€™s odd, I was thinking the same thing! šŸ¤”
Back at Dragon!Pyrrhaā€™s former lairā€¦
Princess!Weiss: Hello? Brave knight? Dragon kidnapper? Is anyone there?
Next: Renora
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gideonisms Ā· 3 months ago
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novankenn Ā· 6 months ago
He's a ... THE Super-Model!?!
Pyrrha and Weiss were sitting cat-walk side both looking rather bored as female and male models strutted about before them showing off the most recent "advances" in couture fashion, amid the barrage of camera flashes and polite clapping.
Pyrrha: (whispering) Remind me why we're here?
Weiss: (whispering) Our publicists decided we needed to be seen, so they chose this gala.
Pyrrha: (whispering) This is BORING. I would have preferred stayed in the dorms with Jaune...
Weiss: (whispering) Why didn't you? It's not like you HAD to be here.
Pyrrha: He had another "job" and I didn't feel like sitting around alone.
Weiss: Well thank you for being here. It's always more enjoyable to be at these types of events with a friend.
The room grew quiet, as the MC, dressed in a very fashionable black suit and tie stepped out onto the runway.
MC: Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for attending, and as a thank you we have arranged for a special showing of a single piece from the Adel Sensual Business Collection!
Weiss: Adel? You don't think...
Pyrrha: Who else could it be?
A few moments later Coco Adel the second year huntress-in-training and Beacon's resident fashionista stepped onto the runway, with a mic in hand. Stepping off to the left side on a raised platform making the cat-walk completely unobscructed.
Coco: So... Adel Fashions has a SPECIAL treat to close out this little semi-private showing. Showing off our selection of our "Sensual Seduction Office Line"... the Enigma...
Coco: The one and only JA!!!
As the music continued to play, out from behind the curtain stepped a figure that was WELL KNOWN to Pyrrha and Weiss...
Pyrrha / Weiss: JAUNE!!!!
Jaune strode down the catwalk with perfect poise. HIs outfit definitely bordered upon the feminine side. Dressed in a purple-black Blazer over top of an off-white-cream blouse with such a deep plunging neckline that it showed off his navel, which was tucked in to a pair of curve clinging purple-black business casual pants, cynched about his waist with a pair of entwined off-white-cream belts. the whole ensemble ended with a pair of gleaming black heelless ballerina boots.
Weiss: How??? He trips over his own feet in sneakers!!!
Pyrrha: ...
Jaune's features where flawlessly accentuated with make-up, and his normally wild blond mop was heavily gelled and slicked backwards. Pyrrha 's heart slammed with in her chest and unable to resist, she rose from her chair...
Weiss: PYRRHA!!! NO!!!
Weiss in desperate act to prevent the Four Time Mistralian Champion from causing a scene, grabbed her by the pony tail and yanked her backwards...
Pyrrha: But... but...
Weiss: I get it! I do! I want to do it as well...
Pyrrha glared at Weiss.
Weiss: ... BUT we are NOT Blake and Deery!!!
Jaune continued his confident and inspiring stroll along the catwalk with effortless ease and perfect poise.
Weiss: (whimpering) I wish you'd be open to share...
Pyrrha: (hissing) You had your chance...
(Master Episode List)
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ryuto12 Ā· 10 months ago
Sometimes I think itā€™s like a good thing Summer and Raven werenā€™t around to teach Ruby and Yang cause they were both already pretty cracked by the age of 17 and 15
Like weā€™ve never seen Summer fight and until last year didnā€™t even know her weapon and all weā€™ve seen from Tai was some sparring with his kid but like
Weā€™ve seen Qrow fight quite a bit, and weā€™ve seen in a whole total of TWO fights how broken Ravenā€™s abilities are
Like we just gotta assume Tai scales relative to Qrow and Raven and make the decent assumption Summer was relative as well if not better than the other three cause she had chosen one silver eyed plot armor and shit
Like Ruby at fifteen was out here competing with kids leagues ahead of her, like Blake the only one with real experience, Weiss the expert on Dust trained by an Atlesian Specialist and Pyrrha who was just a bad bitch consistently
And Yang at seventeen had not only proven capable of at least pretending to box Neo, fighting solo in the tournament, and fucking up some of the best Atlesian tech
Like if Summer and Raven were around than Yang and Ruby wouldā€™ve been beating ass daily they wouldā€™ve had Salem packed up in a day Pyrrha would not have been the talk of the school
Like two years from that point after gaining some real experience and basically learning on the job theyā€™ll kick the Ace-Ops asses who are supposed to be the best of the best but imagine if Summer and Raven had also been teaching them
Summer apparently died or got fucked or whatever fighting Salem enough so that Salem remembers her ass to the extent of ominously mentioning her and Yang like ten years later will titty punch Salem that shit is already a familial skill imagine if the moms never pulled their covert mission
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palaceofpassion Ā· 3 months ago
Household Arc.
The team dynamic was tense at the start. Are things better now? Are there any recreational activities the team likes to do together? Any activities they like to do with just Jaune?
"Uh, define better?" Jaune chuckled quietly to himself, a rag wrapped around his head while dressed in rather tight fit clothing. His hands held tightly around the broom he was currently using to sweep. "Well... everyone's getting a long better. Pyrrha doesn't seem to hate me? I think..." He wasn't sure, she was really hesitant to talk to him at first, but then things kind of evened out.
"Surprisingly, Weiss and I have been getting along better." Honestly, that had been the hardest part of everything, or at least what he thought would be. She'd warmed up to him pretty easily after he'd made tea for her a few times, and he'd just, well listened to her. It probably helped that he wasn't falling heads over heels for her, that would have definitely given her a horrible impression. After all, just be himself, as his mom always said. He could imagine, if he was a student instead, that he would have made an idiot of himself, but since it was a job he had to take it more seriously.
"May's coming around, she's more willing to talk now. And as for Jess? Uhm... yeah, I think things are getting better. For her though... I don't know if that's the right way of putting it. She has a hard time with others in general. May doesn't like crowds, and chooses to be quiet, but Jess, there is something there. And I'm not willing to pry into it." He shook his head.
"More importantly, Pyrrha's hit it off with Valkyrie. The boisterous girl couldn't just leave her alone, and since Ren and I always talk, she was bound to head over here one day." He laughed a little bit, before putting the broom away and dumping the excess dust in the trashcan.
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