#Progressed Moon Phases
averycanadianfilm · 2 years
The Water Trio dives into progressed Moon Phases
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Phases of the Moon Pt. 1
Remus steadily eased the door to their dorm shut, returning from another one of his late-night searches through the library’s restricted area.
“Find anything interesting?” Lily asked from her seat on the couch.
“No, on either side, no way to make me feel like a girl, no way to make me look like a boy,” 
“Remus, I agreed to cover for you so you could look for ways to be you, not change who you are,” Lily said sternly.
“But if there’s a way to fix me, I should be looking for that option too, no?” There was a genuine question in his voice, but the sorrow, the years it took for him to even acknowledge himself for who he was, hid deep in the same statement. 
“Moon, you don’t need to be fixed, at all. You’re perfect just as you are, and the only goal of this search should be to make you more comfortable.”
Moony sat with that statement, letting his thoughts envelop him. 
As Lily heard someone stumbling into the corridor, she called, “Not it!” snapping Remus out of his thoughts.
She briskly retreated to her room, passing the duty of answering the door to Remus.
“C’mon Lils, I answered last time!” he called to her, eliciting only a chuckle in response. 
In the meantime, Sirius tripped his way up the stairs, disoriented and drunk.
“Prongs! Let me in, you idiot!” he hollered, banging on their door.
“Wrong room, love!” a call came through the door.
“Awww, Moony, you can let me in, can’t you? I’ll explain to McGonagall if we get caught!”
“Sirius, just go back to your own room!” Remus said sharply.
“Moons,” he drawled, “just let me in, I promise, it’ll be fine.”
Slowly, the door between them eased open, but neither of them had touched it. Remus turned around to find Lily, with her wand pointed at the door. 
“I was sick of you two yelling for everyone to hear,” Remus glared at her as she moved towards him.
“It’s time to tell him,” she whispered in his ear, heading to the kitchen.
“You trying to steal my lover, Evans?” Sirius growled, stepping into the dorm.
“Of course not, Pads, they’re all yours!” She pours herself a mug of tea and retreats to her room.
“Moons!” Sirius grinned at his lover, going in for a kiss.
Remus dodged him, resisting Sirius’ smile, no matter how impossible it was. He had different things to worry about right now, like how to tell his lover, his star, something that could change everything. 
“You should really be in your own room,” Remus groaned at Sirius, attempting to distract from the matter at hand.
“Oh, it's quite nice to see you too, Moony,” Sirius said sarcastically.
“You know that’s not what I meant, but this is the girls' dorm, and, well, how did you even get up here?”
“You know me, I have my ways, now are we gonna keep bickering, or are you going to kiss me?” 
“Did you really come here just to kiss me? At 2 am?” Sirius ignored the question, instead taking in Moony’s outfit, trailing his eyes up and down Remus, in an oversized shirt and what Sirius could only assume were boxers.
His heart skipped a beat and then sank. Who’s boxers would Moony be wearing? Why would they be wearing anyone’s boxers? Why wasn’t Moony in Sirius’ boxers? 
Sirius tried to say anything else, to answer the question, tell Moony why he was actually here, anything but ask about the boxers, but he just couldn’t. Moony was in someone else's boxers, he had to know who’s. 
“Where’d you get the boxers?” Sirius asked, the anger seeping into his gravelly pitch.
“Don’t remember, I’ve had them for a while,”  this is not how Remus had pictured this conversation.
“Has this really been going on for a while?” Sirius practically screamed, air quoting the last part.
“What?” Remus asked, his brows furrowed. 
“You know exactly what!” Sirius shouted, pacing the room.
“I really don’t!” Moony warned, anxiety building in his chest.
“Just tell me who you’re shagging!” Sirius cracked, lunging towards Remus, towering over him.
“I’m not shagging anyone- I’m really not-” Remus staggered backwards, tears streaming down his face, breath coming in shallow sobs.
“Okay, if you’re not fucking anyone, then who’s boxers are those?” 
“It’s not what you think!” Remus shouted back, his voice shaking.
“So who is it? One of the Slytherins?” he uttered the last word in disgust. 
Remus’ thoughts spun, wondering what could make his lover think such a thing.
“No, Sirius, they’re mine!” Moony yelled, seeing Sirius cock his head in confusion, he continued “They’re my boxers! Okay?”
Remus broke down in tears, blubbering. He sank to the floor, his back pressed against the counter.
Lily emerged from her room, sternly eyeing Sirius as she poured a glass of water for Moony.
“You really couldn’t have handled that any better?” she says to Sirius, handing the glass to Remus.
“Well, they’re wearing boxers! What was I supposed to think?”
“You’re supposed to trust the person you’re with and be able to discuss things in a calm manner. And, while sober, preferably.”
“I was calm and slightly sober,” he seemed to take in what he said, “that’s a lie.” 
“You should go,” Lily said quickly, before glancing at Moony, “that alright with you, love?”
Remus stayed still for a few moments before nodding.
Sirius stalks over to the door before looking back at Remus, sorrow flashes across his eyes, rapidly replaced by unease. He quickly turned around, slamming the door behind him. 
As soon as Sirius was out the door, Remus sank further into the floor, banging the back of his head on the counter.
“I just thought he’d get it, Lils! I didn’t think he’d accuse me of cheating!” he bawled, pushing his fists into his eyes. “Do I really seem like a cheater? Someone who would shag a Slytherin?” 
“Of course not, Moon. Now stop hurting yourself and come sit with me.”
Remus makes his way to the couch, tears still clouding his vision, fury shaking his palms. 
“He doesn’t deserve you,” Lily said quietly, laying a blanket on the two of them.
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photoobservatory · 1 year
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Moon picture progress part: II
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penumbramewtwos · 1 year
Well, after all this time, I finally made a 'Twosona/pokesona: Penumbra, or Penny
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Her features are: She's mostly always in perpetual darkness, yes, even during the day bright yellow irises with a purple ring around the outside
Bow down before your intersex queen
(I stole the nickname idea from a green baby) heh heh heh
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julianova44 · 8 months
This needs to be routed out but this octahedral piece of cherry is going to be a box to store dice in. Working with a friend at a small TTRPG gaming company called Games Unbound
We’re currently experimenting a bit with order of operations, but I think for the next one we’ll probably do the routing first
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chososcamgirl · 25 days
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(she’s) just a phase - m. fushiguro
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he’s a guitarist that listens to puma blue, she’s having her brat summer and hooking up left and right, what could go wrong when the pair suddenly find themselves amidst of a dilemma containing a certain popular music app.
main masterlist
pairing: megumi x f!reader
status: ongoing
tags/warnings: reader is a party girl, megumi is in a band, modern au, characters are aged up, enemies to lovers, opposites attract, smau, alcohol/drinking, language, slightly suggestive, smoking, arguments, very slight angst buried under humor, probably will be out of character, please note warnings may change as story progresses, and to check each chapter for individual warnings
taglist: OPEN
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yn style guide | megumi style guide
megumi’s playlist | maneater station | tridant’s set list
INTRODUCTIONS: 365 party GIRLS💚 | bandmates (derogatory)
CHAPTER ONE: soundmates
CHAPTER TWO: babadook
CHAPTER THREE: lesbian digresser
CHAPTER FOUR: holy waters
CHAPTER FIVE: moon undah water
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just-a-ghost00 · 29 days
Predictions for the next 3 months
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Pick your group based on your sun sign’s element. As a reminder, water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Earth signs are Virgo Taurus Capricorn. Fire signs are Aries Leo Sagittarius and Air signs are Gemini Libra Aquarius.
Water signs
Predictions | White Numen, Queen of cups, 9 of cups, ace of cups, The Moon, 2 of wands
Well, water babies, it is safe to say that during the upcoming 3 months, you will be in your element. And that might be because Scorpio season is approaching. If you are a Scorpio sun, this time of the year will definitely be a good time for you. You will be going through a very creative and inspiring phase of your life and embody your highest divine feminine potential. Guided by your intuition and your dreams, you may be manifesting great opportunities, especially when it comes to partnerships. Information will be revealed to you during night time. You will be receiving downloads from your guides during this period to help you successfully plan your future. The energies look very positive for you. If you were struggling in your relationships lately, the energies will be soothed and you may enjoy your time with loved ones more. If you're in a romantic relationship, expect your partner to be more in tune with your needs and showing more affection. If you're single, you may be meeting a new romantic interest or receiving a romantic offer from someone you already met. Regarding your career, the energies seem to be working in your favor. You are going to move forward with a very soothing and nurturing energy, an assured step and creative mindset that will enable you to be efficient and well liked by your coworkers and audience. This is a very beneficial time for you, especially if you are a mother or are seeking to conceive a child, if you work with children, if your job involves being creative or nurturing others. Your positive attitude and motherly nature will work like a charm on others. During these months, self care is the master word. Though you may sometimes feel triggered or challenged, you will be able to astutely and skillfully manoeuvre your way through or around any obstacle, like a beautiful and powerful river.
Advice | Sodalite Deepen your intuition, Astrophyllite Unlock your highest potential, Larimar Slow your roll
You can work with the energies of the crystals mentioned above to help you navigate through the upcoming months. Most of them are of a blueish color. It is safe to say that wearing blue could also be beneficial to you as it will soothe your mind and heart, help clear your throat chakra and convey a feeling of trustworthyness to your partners. You are encouraged to deepen your intuitive skills through meditation or any other mean that gets you to look inward, like praying or doing a physical activity, going out in nature and so on. The energy of Sodalite will help you if you are planning for a project or if you are a producer. It is best used when you have a hard time decision making. Larimar will help you with anger management, especially when you feel like people's issues become yours. It is best advised if you tend to be hot tempered. Finally, Astrophyllite will be good if you need an extra dose of energy to work toward your divine purpose. It is mainly meant to boost your energy. During this time, you are encouraged to be kind to yourself and take time to slow down once in a while. It is important that you don't overwork yourself to keep a cool and sharp mind.
Group 2 - Earth signs
Predictions | 9 of cups, knight of cups, Hierophant, The Fool, The Moon, 2 of swords
Ooh Earth signs, love is in the air for you. That would be true especially if you are a Taurus sun. Are you planning on asking someone out? Or even proposing to someone? If that is your case, though you may feel anxious about it, I see a positive outcome to this situation. In general, I see a significant progress in romantic relationships for Earth sun signs. If you've been frequently day dreaming about a person, wishing to get closer to them, wondering if you should make a step forward and let your intentions be known, this is your sign to make a move. Career wise, I feel like the energies are overall in your favor. You will be taking a new turn in your career, especially if your passions and dreams are involved. This new phase may be a bit intimidating and confusing, for you are not sure where the path will lead. But your positive outlook on things and your passion and dedication will be your best assets in such a time. Your intuition will be a powerfool tool to help you navigate shallow and uncertain waters in all areas of your life. If you were hesitating on changing something regarding your work, this is your sign to do it confidently. You may often times find yourself caught up in your head and have a hard time translating your thoughts and visions into actions. In such times, a mentor figure could be helping you in seeing things from a new perspective. You can definitely count on your superiors or more experienced people around you, whether they are family members, coworkers or friends. Even strangers could be of help in some type of way. Have faith in your dreams, no matter how crazy they may sound. You have what it takes to get there.
Advice | Ametrine Make your big dreams your big life, Moldavite Transform your life on Earth, Barite Get answers to your biggest questions
Working with these crystals is one way that you can best face the energies of the upcoming months. Wearing earthly colors such as green, reds and browns, yellows and oranges could also boost your energy and help you ground yourself should you feel distracted or all over the place. You are encouraged to embrace your dreams fully and make positive changes in your daily life that can help you get closer to those dreams. To give you a very simple example, I am considering getting back to learning Japanese and Korean. One thing that I could do is studying for a short period of time each day when I am in public transport. Or I could stick post it notes on different objects in my house to help me remember vocabulary. You are also encouraged to consider other options and paths if what you're currently doing doesn't fulfill you. Same goes for relationships. If something in general doesn't feel right, you are called to do something about it. Ametrine will work best whenever you need to respect a deadline or you are feeling undecisive. Moldavite is advised for spiritual seekers or people that feel like their life lacks a touch of magic. It's best used when you feel like you are disconnected from spirit or too deeply rooted in your routine. Barite will work best for those of you that are feeling like where they're at isn't where they're supposed to be and feel called to move toward their destiny. If you struggle with saying no to things that you don't enjoy or resonate with, this crystal will help you with setting boundaries.
Group 3 - Fire signs
Predictions | Wheel of fortune, Hermit rx, 7 of pentacles rx, Ace of cups, King of cups, The Magician
For all of you beautiful fireworks, I feel like there's a major shift in your energy. You are tired of waiting for the tables to turn and for Fortune to be in your favor so you will take the reigns of your life and try your luck by spinning the wheel. That may be true especially for the Leos out there, as the Wheel of fortune is fixed sign energy. If you were previously in a snail like energy, not wanting to get out or mingle with people, not feeling super good about yourself and how your life is going, then this reading is for you. This time around you decide to kick yourself in the butt and have a more proactive energy in all areas of your life. You are done being the patient and snuggly little kitty that waits by the fire place. You now want to be the demanding and authoritative feline that hunts down its prey. You are tired of waiting for others to fill your cup and take care of you. You will now be your own man and number one fan. You are done waiting for your boss to magically notice how good of a business partner you are and grant you a promotion. You will get out of your seat and negotiate your pay because you damn well deserve it. The opportunity you wanted didn't show up? Well, it's about time you actively manifest it. Your desired partner is still MIA? Watch yourself putting yourself out there and being the hottest topic in town. You will let yourself be known and seen during the upcoming months and that is for the best. It is safe to say that fire signs, in the upcoming three months, are likely to get fired up. That can both be beneficial to you as it will give you the drive to reach your goals and express your full potential but it could also be an obstacle as you may rush into things or come off as provocative or aggressive toward others.
Advice | Amber Recharge your good vibes, Aquamarine Keep your cool, Chrysoprase Grow from your heart out
Working with these crystals could be beneficial to you during this period of time. Wearing colors such as soft blues or yellows/oranges could also be helpful. You are advised to temper yourself and surround yourself with things and people that make you feel good and uplift your spirits. I'm specifically picking up on music and your social media feed. You have to be surrounded by content that motivates you and inspires you. Anytime you are faced with a decision, make sure your choice is coming from your heart. Amber will be useful to boost your energy, deepen intimacy and help you be more confident when it is worn by the user. It can also help with cleansing the energy of a room if the crystal is placed in the center of it. Aquamarine is a good crystal for fire signs as it balances out their fiery nature with it's soothing watery vibe. It helps with communication and respiratory issues, also brings a sense of calmness. It is sometime advised to clean Aquamarine by submerging it in water. "If you’re an empath and get worn out by others’ feelings, chrysoprase can ease your mind and help you establish boundaries." This crystal can be linked to the heart chakra and can be used to get out of a phase of isolation and self-deprecation.
Group 4 - Air signs
Predictions | 4 of wands, 9 of pentacles, 2 of wands, knight of wands, King of wands, King of pentacles
The upcoming 3 months may be a period of transition for you. However, this heralds positive outcomes. When it comes to partnerships and love, you will feel safe and succesful in your union. You might want to explore new territories with your partner. Career wise, your efforts are paying off. I see you securing your position and being in a comfortable financial situation that allows you to explore other options and new projects. If you were considering taking on a new responsibility, finding a new home, taking things to the next level with your partner, you are encouraged to do so as you have all the tools and means at hand to be succesful in that endeavor. You may feel inspired and bold during this time. You will be confident about your ideas, your skills, your projects. You will look at the future with a peaceful heart because you believe in yourself and trust in your ability to turn dust into gold. Your innovative mind and open spirit will be your best assets, especially if you're in a position of authority. These three months will urge you to take a leadership position, whether it is in your personal or professional life. For those of you who are single, you may find yourself being attracted to a very independant and hardworking person, someone that is stable and succesful. This person will be very clear on their intentions and match your level. This is someone that is on the same wavelength as you when it comes to ideals and life projects, they could be in the same field of work or hold a position similar to yours. They could be a balanced mix of earth and fire energy. Overall the next three months look very promissing for you in all areas of your life.
Advice | Clear quartz, Tiger's eye, Celestite
Tiger's eye is often advised for spiritual protection as well as boosting one's self confidence. If you are feeling like you are being spiritually attacked or envious eyes are trying to set you off balance, you can definitely wear that stone as a piece of jewelry or place it in your space, at home or at work. Clear quartz brings clarity and cleansing. Whenever you feel like things are getting too much or you no longer see the bigger picture, you can meditate using that stone. As for Celestite, it can be used to enhance your psychic abilities, to ease your anxiety or clear any blockages regarding communication. If you ever feel like you can't express your truth properly, then definitely work with that stone. You can also wear colors that are close to that of these stones. So white, blues or shades of brown/orange.
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inbarfink · 5 months
Congratulations! You are now a Magic-User!!
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕬 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖐
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Shadow Work is a psychological and spiritual practice that involves exploring the unconscious or hidden parts of oneself, often referred to as the “shadow.” This concept, popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, refers to the aspects of our personality that we reject, deny, or are unaware of. These can include repressed emotions, desires, and impulses that we consider unacceptable or undesirable.
The Purpose of Shadow Work
The goal of shadow work is to bring these hidden aspects into the light of consciousness. By acknowledging and integrating these parts, individuals can achieve greater self-awareness, healing, and personal growth. This process can lead to improved relationships, reduced emotional reactivity, and a more balanced, authentic self.
Steps to Begin Shadow Work
Self-Reflection: Start by setting aside time for introspection. Journaling is a powerful tool for this. Write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, especially those that trigger strong emotional reactions.
Identify Triggers: Pay attention to situations and people that provoke intense emotions or reactions. These triggers often point to unresolved issues or aspects of your shadow self.
Meditation and Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness and meditation to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help you become more aware of your inner landscape and the patterns that arise.
Inner Dialogue: Engage in a dialogue with your shadow self. This can be done through journaling or visualization techniques. Ask questions and listen to what your shadow has to say. This helps in understanding its origins and messages.
Seek Guidance: Working with a therapist, counselor, or spiritual guide can provide support and insight. They can help you navigate the deeper aspects of shadow work and offer techniques tailored to your needs.
Creative Expression: Use art, music, or other creative outlets to express and explore your shadow. Creativity can be a safe way to bring unconscious material to the surface.
Incorporating Shadow Work into Spirituality and Witchcraft
1. Rituals and Ceremonies:
Moon Phases: The waning moon is an excellent time for shadow work, as it symbolizes release and letting go. Create a ritual where you write down aspects of your shadow you wish to address and burn the paper as an act of transformation.
Samhain: This Sabbat festival, marks a time when the veil between worlds is thin. It’s an ideal period for introspection and shadow work. Set up an altar with symbols representing your shadow aspects and meditate on them.
2. Divination:
Tarot and Oracle Cards: Use these tools to gain insights into your shadow self. Draw cards with the intention of uncovering hidden aspects or issues that need attention.
Scrying: Practice scrying with a mirror or a bowl of water to tap into your subconscious mind. This can reveal images or messages related to your shadow.
3. Spellwork:
Protection and Grounding: Perform spells for protection and grounding before engaging in deep shadow work. This ensures you are energetically protected and stable.
Shadow Integration Spells: Create spells designed to help you integrate your shadow aspects. This can involve using herbs, crystals, and symbols associated with healing and balance.
4. Journaling and Grimoire:
Keep a dedicated shadow work journal or section in your grimoire. Document your experiences, insights, and progress. This not only tracks your journey but also provides a reference for future work.
5. Working with Deities and Spirits:
Dark Goddesses: Invoke goddesses such as Hecate, Lilith, or the Morrigan, who are associated with the shadow and transformation. Ask for their guidance and support in your shadow work.
Spirit Guides and Ancestors: Call upon your spirit guides or ancestors for assistance. They can offer wisdom and protection as you navigate your shadow.
Benefits of Shadow Work in Spiritual Practice
Enhanced Self-Awareness: Understanding your shadow leads to a deeper awareness of your true self, fostering spiritual growth.
Emotional Healing: By addressing repressed emotions and traumas, shadow work promotes healing and emotional well-being.
Greater Empathy and Compassion: Integrating your shadow helps you become more empathetic and compassionate towards others, as you recognize similar struggles in them.
Empowerment and Authenticity: Embracing all parts of yourself, including the shadow, empowers you to live more authentically and confidently.
Shadow work is a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. By courageously facing and integrating the hidden aspects of yourself, you can achieve greater harmony and balance in your life. Incorporating shadow work into your spiritual and witchcraft practices can deepen your connection to yourself and the spiritual realm, fostering a richer, more authentic experience.
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kaidabakugou · 1 year
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WARNINGS: some graphic descriptions | mentions of death | cunnilingus | pubes | hint of body worship | nipple play | marking | biting | blood | blood drinking | spit | breeding kink | hint of dumbification | some hair pulling | overstimulation
A/N: proud to finally be able to share with you guys my submission for Touch of Divine Rush Collab by @dark-mnjiro, i love Norse Mythology and had lots of fun writing this one so i hope you enjoy my little knowledge dump plus my interpretation of what Vidar’s journey would look like after Ragnarök
i also made a GLOSSARY to help you understand some of the terms and old Nordic language used without the need of researching it yourselves, please enjoy and tysm for reading!
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The air felt thick as ash rained down upon the battle grounds, the remnants of the wrath from the towering flames of the fire giant evident all around as the silent god took in his surroundings. His foot still perched atop Fenrir’s fiery jaw as he looked down at the mangled wolf, a sharp pain making itself known on his palm when adrenaline started to subside from his body. Noticing one of Fenrir’s fangs pierced into his right hand where he held the beast’s jaw open seizing it before bracing his lower foot, adorned with his magical leather shoe, against its lower jaw and tearing it apart as the prophecy intended. Successfully avenging his father, Odin, after his journey ended being devoured by the foul monster.
Bakugou could barely see a few feet around him, the sky burned black as the flames reached all the way up to the stars, consuming them as not even the cosmos could evade their fate of being swallowed by the sea. Ragnarök, the final battle, had finally progressed to its final phase. And as the world burns in flames, Bakugou couldn't help but to inhale the stinging smoke around him, feeling it stain his lungs as he closed his eyes towards the black sky.
Clearing his head from the chaos that surrounds him, beginning to feel the icy touch of Helheim against his scorching skin as he calls upon the forces of nature whom he trusted the most to guide him through this new journey.
A small smile adorned the god’s features as he accepted his fate, although destined to survive the destruction, he found it hard to believe in prophecies when the rumbling of the ocean’s hunger was making the ground beneath his feet tremble as it started to sink into the depths of the unknown. But the silence in his ears reassured him that he will once again rule over a regenerated earth.
Silence had been Bakugou’s strongest companion, known as the silent god for he desired nothing more than to be left alone to rule the forests who were bound by close ties to him where nothing but solitude and deep silence reigned. And his desires would soon be answered as droplets of water began to slowly quench his stained skin, the god’s deep vermilion irises fluttering open as the skies poured down on him. The flames around him began to die down as the sea rumbled again and Bakugou mentally kicked himself for doubting the Norn’s prophecy as their words echoed in his head. 
“Early begun.” 
“Further spun.” 
“One day done.” 
“With joy once more won.”
Ragnarök wasn't the complete end of the world. Out of the sea, the earth started to rise again, new and filled with all shades of green where fields of grains soon began to grow without the hand of any god, human or elf to aid it. A new sun shined down upon the fresh world, and soon a new moon would follow suit as they both traveled the same path as their ancestors and returned to their old lawful regularity to keep earth from seeing the darkness of Ragnarök ever again. 
The surviving gods met at Ithavoll, once again a safe place for the gods to regather themselves as they built a new city and joined forces to bring earth back to its original splendor. But after a while, once the tasks at hand were complete and life on earth was once again restored, Bakugou left Ithavoll to take his throne in Landvidi, the wide lands. 
Where his glorious palace eagerly waits for his return, decorated with large green boughs and only the most delicate of flowers in the midst of an impenetrable primeval forest where he could peacefully reign among the silence of the trees. Where anyone who dared disturb his silence, will receive no mercy and awaken the same mighty god that tore Fenrir’s devilish jaws with his bare hands. Soon, everyone across the realm knew better than to enter the forests uninvited, for all who entered were never to be seen again.
All except one. 
Ever since you were a child, your mother would warn you to never go near the woods just off the threshold of Alfheim, the land of the elves. Hearing stories and tales of how those who had crossed were turned into corpses and left to rot by the border as a warning or were never to be heard from again.
Tales of giant man-eating beasts that would starve themselves and wait patiently for whatever ignorant soul dared set foot into their territory. Some would even say that the surviving dragons resided deep within the monstrous shadows of the tall trees, that reached so far up into the sky that no daylight could seep through. Blood-thirsty bees and spiders that would drain their victims of their blood to the very last drop, leaving them nothing but a mess of bones and dried flesh for the forest soil to consume. 
And those who managed to avoid such terrible fate and considered themselves lucky enough to reach deep within the forest to find the triumphant god’s palace in search of hidden treasures that only the remaining son of Odin could possess, would only be left wishing they would have died at the claws of the forests beasts, for they imagine their death would've been quicker compared to the merciless torture the retired god would greet them with before watering his rare carnivorous plants with their blood and feeding them their remains to keep them hungry for more. 
But you would argue the opposite.
The forest has always been kind to you, ever since you first stepped foot inside of it, back when you were just a small elf beginning to learn the elven ways of magic and strayed a little too far off the border in search of kalonji, a white-petaled flower that only grew near the thresholds of the forest and was a necessary component for brewing medicine due to the healing properties of its seeds. 
But by the time you finished collecting the rare flowers, you had already entered the forest and had no idea on how to return home. The warnings of your mother started to echo inside your head as panic began to settle in the more you looked around and the vast forest seemed to appear the same no matter which direction you faced. Sinking to your knees as tears started to cascade down your cheeks, dropping the basket of flowers beside you as you buried your face in your hands waiting for whatever horrid fate that would end your sorrows. 
Your choked sobs and sniffles were certain to attract one of the many beasts your mother had told you about, but when you started to hear the ruffling of leaves in steady steps getting closer, you never imagined coming face to face with one of the most beautiful creatures you had ever laid eyes on.
A white stag with the most piercing red eyes stared down at you warily. Large, majestic antlers adorned the sides of his head, resembling the leafless branches of the winter trees, as he cautiously smelled around you, taking in your scent while your cries died down in your throat as you stared up in awe at the towering giant. His large hooves were the size of your head, and his long legs were taller than you as you took in their size while he circled around you before settling on your opposite side.
Taking one last whiff of you before turning his snout towards your basket, inhaling the rich aroma of the kalonji before gently stealing one. Raising his head to stand tall in all his glory as he looks around whilst he eats it. You reached over and grabbed a flower as well, bringing it up to your nose to take in its bitter notes within its subtle floral fragrance before presenting it to the stag. To which he happily accepted as he lowered his neck towards you once again, taking your offering before beginning to walk past you and into the trees, stopping momentarily to look back at you only to find you already at his side as you two made your way through the extensive forest. 
You were unsure of where the stag was leading you, but you figured that sticking by his side would be better than waiting alone for the icy souls of Hel to take you. Taking in the vibrant colors of the forest as you found it hard to believe that so much beauty could hold such terrors, but you weren't going to remain present long enough to see it for yourself.
Along the way you encountered small white wood aster and yellow trout lilies that also possessed many medicinal benefits, taking some and putting them inside your basket for later while your started to carefully weave their small branches together, although your inexperienced hands were still clumsy, you still managed to keep all the flowers secure until finally closing it into a circlet. You've been so distracted with the flower crown in your hand that you hadn't noticed the stag had led you back to the threshold of the forest, being aware of your location once he stopped a few feet away from the treeline where you could see the busy city of Alfheim just past the bushes. 
Excited that you were going to be able to return home safely, you thank the stag as he looks down at you, giving you what felt like a nod before turning his body to leave. But stopping in his tracks when you ask him to wait as he gives you a confused look, watching as you walk up to him and offer him the crown you'd been building the whole path back. Those piercing vermilion eyes softening as he stares back down into your eager ones before lowering himself to your height, presenting you the top of his head while being careful not to hurt you with his antlers as you gently place the flower crown between them.
The different shades of yellow and green contrasting from his unique white fur beautifully as you feel his cold nose poke the side of your cheek before leaving a long wet lick on it, making you giggle before waving him off as you make your way down the hill and back to the city whilst he disappears back into the deep forest.
And ever since, each time you've gone to collect more kalonji, you'd find small and rather odd gifts near the flowers. Sometimes it would be random objects like polished stones and crystals, pretty feathers of all colors and sizes, and even sharp teeth that you could only imagine belonged to a creature far larger than those of these lands.
But mostly, you'd find only the rarest of flowers placed neatly upon the grass, looking so out of scenery as they wait for your arrival against the green fields. Flowers that you couldn't even begin to name since you'd never seen any others quite like them. Some would possess the most vibrant colors your eyes had ever seen, and others would have the most fragrant aromas to carry them despite their subdued appearance. Whatever the case, you'd always look forward to the little presents that awaited you on each journey to the border, and back then you were always so curious as to who could be leaving them for you to find at such opportune times. 
But now, nearly a vicennial of winters later, you still look forward to the same little surprises, only now you are well aware of who is responsible for leaving such treasures.
Making your way past the same threshold, you walk through the dense trees you've grown so accustomed to. Ever since that eventful day, the forest has always been kind and welcoming to you. Presenting you with an abundance of the same exotic flowers you would find when you were little, showing you paths filled with the same rare and delicate crystals you'd receive on occasions, and even the few animals you've had the fortune of meeting on your different journeys have grown a liking to you. 
But your reason to return to this forest always remained the same. 
Landvidi possessed only the most beautiful of landscapes, filled with the highest trees and tallest branches in the realm, lush vegetation and fresh flowers. Past the high grasslands, in the heart of the forest known as The Hall of Landvidi, is where the silent god’s palace is located. Surrounded by an even greater portion of earth’s natural beauty that paints a picture of solitude, for no being other than the retired warrior god could reach.
And as the protector of these lands, filled with ambition and strength, he is determined to ensure it remains that way. He has seen what destruction is like, lived it himself during the great battle of the destruction of the cosmos and all that lived within them, and will stop at nothing to keep the peace. 
Bakugou is the strongest of the gods, following Thor, and after fulfilling his fate as an avenger and brave warrior, his rebirth after Ragnarök symbolizes sustainability and regrowth. Being the only god known to be tied with nature, as most gods were connected to the sea through Heimdall, the watchman of the gods, Bakugou had always felt his soul to be more at peace within the wide lands. And even though he swore to never allow any trespassers into his territory, ever since he heard your cries all those winters ago, something within him told him you'd be the exception.
As you descend down the stoned path towards the small tunnel under the large oak trees, you take in a deep breath when the soft breeze hits your skin, the tunnel is formed by the widened crowns of the trees that spread and reached the branches of the oak trees on the opposite side, creating a beautiful passage towards the hidden waterfall ahead. 
From the oak branches, bellflowers of all colors hanged down decorating the path with a mesmerizing view. You reached up and collected some of the violet-blue flowers, making sure to grab several of their leaves as well. Although their petals had a mild taste, the leaves can be quite refreshing, and you knew the one you seeked would enjoy them. 
Securing them inside your basket next to the fresh apples you'd collected from your orchard, you resumed your way down the oak passage as the sound of the waterfall filled your ears. The Querencia Waterfall is the most beautiful of all the waterfalls in Landvidi, located just at the entrance of The Hall a few miles from the palace. It's the only waterfall in the land that’s so high, when the sun is at its peak some of its rays seep through the tall crowns of the oak trees, forming rainbows that look like they're cascading down along with the stream when they capture the water.
Surrounded by ancient willow trees, the lake where it pools contains powerful waters filled with passion and love from the root of the weeping willows that are believed to provide a nourishing embrace of fertility and healing. These were the only willow trees in all of Landvidi, after Ragnarök they became quite rare to find throughout the realms, so you were astonished when the white stag brought you here on one of your visits. Welcoming you into the water to bathe while he feasted on some of the exotic flowers that floated around different areas of the lake. 
You smiled to yourself as you think back on that day, remembering how nurturing the water felt around your body for the first time as its magic began to absorb into your skin. Your heart swelling when you recall feeling something being placed atop your head, only to find the stag adorning your hair with the water hyacinths he collected, rounding them on your head by tangling them with strands of your hair to the best of his abilities until it formed a circlet as his own way of thanking you for the crown you gave him on your first encounter.
You've been coming to Querencia ever since to meet with the stag, bringing him only the freshest fruits from your orchard and collecting flowers from the forest on your journeys to make more crowns for him as a thank you for all the treasures he leaves on the threshold for you. Sometimes he'd wait for your arrival near the berry bushes just off the edge of the forest and escort you through the wide lands filled with birch trees where many wildflowers favor growing near their roots so you can collect them. Other times, you venture into the forest at first daylight and wait for him in the water.
Today was one of those days as you reach the willow trees closest to the waterfall, settling your basket down near its roots as you begin to strip your garbs, folding them by the basket before entering the water. 
Submerging yourself deeper as the warm water sinks into your skin, the soft current wraps you in a state of tranquility whilst you absorb its properties before soon enough you spot the majestic antlers of the white stag. Smiling when you meet his gaze, noticing how his doe eyes seem to light up when he meets yours before entering the water with you, gracefully making his way towards you as water splashes around him from the force of his hooves. Giggling when he presses his wet nose against yours before lowering his soft furred forehead to your damped one. Something that had become a habit when greeting each other.
“God morgon, you came rather quickly today!”, you whisper against him as you greet him in the old language.
Although the old tongue was not commonly used anymore after the great destruction, you noticed you get a reaction from the stag when using some of the old words, almost as if he understood them better than the modern tongue. 
“I brought you something!”, you eagerly tell him, causing his ears to perk up at your announcement as you lift yourself from the water and start walking back towards the willow roots where you left your basket, the stag sauntering alongside you. 
Watching as you open your basket to reveal the shiniest of apples, his tongue dragging against his snout at the sight as he leans forward to eat one when you offer it to him, knowing your orchard produced some of the juiciest and most delicious ones in the realm after you watered them with the water you'd collected from the Querencia river. Offering him the bellflower leaves next as he accepted them and eating one yourself before diving back into the water. 
Fully submerging yourself as the stag followed suit, his smooth white fur now a light gray as it clung to him, droplets of water dripping from his antlers and falling against your skin when he circled closer for you to hold on to him as you swam together.
This was your usual routine on the days you'd meet on the waterfall, bathing together and feeding each other different fruit and flowers you'd bring to one another until the sun would start to disappear behind the mountains, indicating it was time to return home before nightfall. Currently seated on his back while he paraded you around the lake while eating some of the fruits on the bushes near the waterfall, sighing as you wished the stag could communicate with you further, even though you already communicated in your own unique way, exchanging gazes and gifts, and sharing intimate moments such as these that many would thought impossible to be as close to a rare white stag as you are with this one, you still wished he could speak sometimes and be able to tell you stories from the forest he knew so well.
“I wished you could speak to me”, you express as you rest your head against his neck, feeling the patches of hair beginning to fluff up from the breeze hitting his back where you laid. Ceasing his chewing at the sound of your voice as his ears flick at your words, turning his head to the side to look at you before softly snorting while rattling his antlers to signal you to alight and join him in the water again, to which you comply as you sink back in and circle him until you're facing him again. 
Smiling when he presses his cold wet nose against your stomach, snuffling up the center of your chest while leaving gentle licks on your skin before reaching your neck to nuzzle his jaw there as your hands pet along his broad shoulders and trailing them up his slender neck. He gives your side another lick before stepping back a few steps further from you as you stare back at him confused. Unsure of his behavior since he has never done this before when bathing together. 
But just as you begin to approach him again, you stop when the water around him changes its movements, once a steady stream now rapidly swirling with such force you could feel it pull you in closer. Trying your best to steady yourself in the water to swim away but as quickly as it came it dissipated, the water returned to its peaceful flow as if nothing had changed. Except now the white stag was no longer there, and in his place stood a man you'd never seen before.
A tall blonde with a strong physique of that of a warrior, adorned with battle scars and tattoos of old nordic runes on his chest traveling all the way down his abdomen and disappearing below his waist submerged in the water that you couldn't quite make out from your position. Rows of different stone necklaces, identical to the ones you gifted the stag a few winters back embellished his neck and a circlet of flowers sat atop his ash locks, the same crown of flowers you had placed on the stag not so long ago when you were riding him. 
You stood there frozen in place, still confused as to what had happened to the stag that was just standing before your eyes mere moments ago. Snapping out of your daze when the man started to come closer to you, water rippling around him with each step, similar to when the stag enters the water and it splashes from the might of his hooves. The man stopped in front of you as you peered up at him, the sun seeping through the trees hitting his chiseled face to reveal his piercing vermilion eyes.
The same pools of red that you'd recognize anywhere, the eyes staring back at you were the ones of the stag, eyes you'd look forward to seeing everyday when you woke up, a deep crimson you'd come to find in all things that reminded you of the stag, in the ripe apples of your orchard that he loved so much, in the rare red lilies that only bloomed during the early times of spring in the valley near the waterfall, in the polished pyropes stones he’d bring you every late winter and now in the body of a man whose presence felt familiar the more you took in the energy around him. 
He smiled when he noticed everything beginning to make sense to you when your widened eyes began to soften. 
“Elskan mín”, his voice low but eager as he wraps his arms around your waist and hoists you up to spin you around in the air, causing you to secure your arms around his neck while laughing before holding you close to him. Wet skin pressed against each other while strong arms keep you close as your legs instinctively wrap around his center.
Lowering your face towards him to nudge your nose against his before pressing your foreheads together, just like you would with the stag only now his nose is warm and the dampness of his forehead matches yours. 
“How come you hadn’t done this earlier?”, your eyes searching his as you notice him peering at your lips while you speak before meeting your curious gaze again. 
“Didn’t want to scare you away”, he answers simply whilst pressing kisses along your jaw sporadically. 
“Why now then?”, you push while allowing your digits to travel up and down his nape, tangling with his hair. 
“It just felt right”, he whispers while fondling one of your braids with the charms of your mother, she had removed them from her locks and secured them in yours before passing so you could have a piece of her with you when she could no longer be present in body but carry on in soul and spirit.
His hand traveled down to your shoulder where old nordic runes adorned your skin as well, only yours possessed sacred sigils of the old elven folklore, while his runes were of a time before Ragnarök. Which made you wonder if this was the retired god of vengeance everyone was so wary of, he evidently possessed the powers of one and if anyone was to allow the welcoming treatment the forest has presented you with all these years, it was him. 
You reach for the hand still tracing the runes on your skin to cradle it in yours as you turn it so his palm could be facing you, whilst he watched as you inspected his hand. Smiling again when you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, almost able to see the ripples of electricity in your head as you put all the details together, a habit of yours that he loved to observe throughout the years since meeting each other.
To Bakugou, out of all the creatures that had stepped foot inside his forest seeking his aid, you were the most beautiful he had ever seen, no flower from his garden could compare to you, and since the day he met you he swore that one day you would become his goddess, and he has remained by your side since, waiting for this exact moment that he'd be able to finally show himself to you and solidify your love. 
He watched as you traced the scar on his palm, a reminder of the path he once walked guided by the burdens of fate. Your eyes meet his again when you finally put all the clues together, noticing how he looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered, and to him you were, for you had become his purpose after no longer having interest in matters of war and retiring to spend eternity within the silence of the wide lands. 
“You're him… the silent one”, only receiving a nod in return as more answers arise in your head, but settling on the one that dominated your thoughts the most.
“Why me?” 
“It's always been you, elskan mín… and now we are able to seal our love for one another.” 
All your questions are melted away when he pulls you towards him and captures your lips in a kiss so fervent that causes your insides to stir with emotion. Only pulling away when the need for air becomes inescapable as you pant against each other's lips. 
“I’ve waited so long to do that”, he exhales while making his way towards the shore with you still secured in his arms. 
The fresh spring breeze hitting your skin when you leave the comfort of the water makes you shiver, a small hint of winter still present in the air as the forest was still transitioning from the stabbing cold into the warm energetic glow that this season brought along with it.
Your nipples pebbling at the loss of heat from the god’s body when he sets you down on the soft clearing of moss and wildflowers under the tallest willow tree. Something that doesn't go unnoticed by him as he peers down at you, now able to openly devour you with his eyes whilst you lay under him, strong tatted arms caging you between them as he lowers himself to capture your lips once again.
All the tales of the remaining son of the once All-Father were of his brash and merciless demeanour, ones that were bound to inflict fear upon anyone that heard them, but all those stories drifted into distant whispers of the wind the more you got lost in him. His touch was firm yet delicate, something that would seem impossible for his physique with such imposing structure, but it was possible. His touch was filled with love and spoke the words his voice failed to express. And only now that his lips trailed open-mouthed kisses along your skin, is that it becomes evident to you the extent of said love as you look back on all the years you've spent together. 
Courting the other in the shape of flowers, stones and apples, in a dance of mighty passion that led to this exact moment as he settled himself between your legs, positioning your thighs above his broad shoulders whilst his fingers traced informal shapes on them. His eyes fixated on the tuft of hair above your cunt as he sinks down to bury his nose in it, inhaling your scent as you watch his eyes darken from finally being able to delve in the thing he craved the most after so long.
Maroon eyes meeting yours while his lips follow the trail of hair down towards your sensitive lips, the feel of his hot breath alone making you clench around nothing as you watch him hover above your cunt, puckering his lips so a long strip of spit falls from them and lands on your clit. Watching as it slides through your folds before pressing his tongue flat on your entrance and licking all the way up to your clit, repeating the action as he falls into rhythm. Feeling yourself get increasingly wetter with each swipe of his tongue while your chest starts to rise and fall unevenly. 
Getting lost in the pleasure as your hips begin to buck when his tongue focuses on your clit, circling it before rapidly flicking against it causing something to ripple inside of you. He wraps his lips around the sensitive bud while his eyes look up in awe at the way you arch into him, your cries unleashing the might in him that had been forgotten for centuries as he sucks on your clit with more vehemence, needing to hear you sing for him louder. 
Increasing his movements as he begins to suck on your folds, the feeling of his lips messily fondling with yours sends chills across your skin as you slowly rock your hips along with him. Your hands reach for his where they rest on your hip bones as he easily opens them for you to tangle your fingers with his whilst he continues to increasingly devour your cunt. The wet smacking sounds of his lips clashing with the ones of the waterfall as you feel yourself get closer and closer to your release.
The sweet taste of your fluids on his tongue drove Bakugou into a frenzy, lapping and eating your cunt while whined grunts resonated from deep in his chest, the vibrations pushing you over the edge. Arching deeper into his touch as wanton moans escape your lips, white spots clouding your vision when he buries his face further into your cunt, nose rubbing on your clit while he drinks every last drop of your release, not stopping until he gets his fill. 
Parting from your cunt once your whines die down into heavy breaths, face stained with your fluids that he pays no mind to as he dives back in to place a tender kiss against your clit before trailing up to the tuft of hair, savoring your scent as he buries his nose in them again and runs his lips against them. Pulling your hairs between them, the slight tug making you peer down at him as you meet his eyes, filled with love and adoration mixed with something else, something more sinister and hungrier that hasn't been sated completely.
Watching as he presses a kiss to your hairs as well before continuing to trail them up your abdomen, never breaking eye contact as he reaches the valley of your breast. His hands untangle from yours as they glide against your sides to cup your boobs, shaking them in his grasp before capturing one of your pert nipples in his mouth. Swirling his tongue around it while he sucks them harder and slowly pulls back until it flicks out of his mouth with a wet slurp, to then switch and give the other nipple the same treatment. Alternating between both breasts as your whines encouraged him on, not stopping his ministrations until your chest was swollen and overstimulated, almost making you reach your climax once again but pulling away to edge you on as he continued to lay kisses against your chest before moving towards your neck. 
Shifting from tender to ravenous when he starts to mark your skin with his teeth, nipping across your throat until settling where your neck meets your shoulder. Feeling his tongue drag against your skin followed by a sloppy kiss before his teeth scrape your delicate skin, your cunt clenching in anticipation as you wait for him to finally give in to his desires. 
Bakugou could hear his heart beat loudly inside his ears as he began to sink his teeth in you, pressing down until the skin gave away against his force, the rush of blood drowning his taste buds making the loud beating cease into silence as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
The mighty god had left the path of war behind a long time ago, but one's nature can’t be so easily avoided as the craving for disaster and vengeance haunted him at times from a period where the blood of his enemies would quench his skin, finding its way to his lips, reminding him what victory tastes like.
So as the savory metallic taste pours down his throat, he can't contain the groan that escapes him as a chill runs down his spine making him grind against you whilst your sweet cries pull him from his silence. Withdrawing from your skin to lap up the remaining rush of blood before cradling your face in his hand, holding your jaw firmly as he presses his lips to yours. Kissing you with such might you feel he could almost devour you through the kiss as the taste of your own blood mixing with each other's spit sends you both in a trance as you continue savoring it.
Bucking your hips to grind against his cock as his hips follow suit, beads of precum mixing with your arousal as he rubs his length between your folds whilst his tongue tangles with yours. Too engrossed in the kiss to pull away, you sneak your hand between your bodies and guide his cock to align with you as he slowly begins to sink into your cunt. The stretch of his cock sends a hot wave of pleasure down your back as your cunt sucks him in further, inch by inch as your fingers curl around ash blonde strands. 
Your breaths become labored as you part from each other, lips swollen and red as he fully sinks into your warmth. The grip from your silken walls forces him to brace himself as he places his arms next to your head to keep himself from collapsing when he feels his thighs twitch. Pressing his forehead to yours when his hips start to rock into you, slow and steady at first before gradually increasing his thrusts into a brutal pace that drives both of you into a babbling mess. 
Your wetness gushing messily, soaking the untamed strands of ash hair on his pelvis as they bounce against your own, before dribbling onto your skin causing it to spread in sticky strands every time his hips part from yours to snap against them again. Strangled moans mixing with the sloppy sounds of your bodies as the sensations become overwhelmingly good.
Tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you look up at him, trying your best to answer him when he asks you to tell him how good it feels between the curses in old tongue and heavy grunts that escape him. Responding to what feels like incoherent babbles as your mind melts away the more he pounds into your sloppy pussy. 
Bakugou could feel his balls twitch as he neared his release, but he needed you to come undone with him and make an even greater mess on his cock for him. Shifting his weight on one arm while the other gives your breast a quick tug before reaching between your bodies as he starts drawing quick circles against your clit with his thumb. Sending an electric shock of pleasure through your body as your breath gets stuck in your throat before you start coming apart. 
Squeezing around him hard as a flow of arousal gushes between your bodies as it stains both of you and leaks down into the soil beneath you. Your walls clenching around him mixed with the obscene sounds coming from your pussy sending him over the edge as well as he buries his cock to the hilt, filling you up as the hand on the side of your head tangles with your hair when yours tug harder at the one on his nape.
The tears finally spilling from your eyes as hot - impossibly hot - globs of creamy cum spill against your sultry cunt, searing your insides as you find yourself never wanting this moment to end, wishing to always be plugged full of the vengeful gods mighty cum. Feeling the final pulses of his cock inside you as his head falls down against your shoulder, smiling to yourself between heavy breaths at the wet feel of his ecstasy filled tears smearing against your skin but choosing not to say anything as he fully allows his weight on top of your whilst your arms wrap around him. 
Giggling at the soft lips pressing feather-light kisses on the side of your neck as they slowly trail up towards your lips, capturing them in a gentle kiss while his fingers caress your scalp where he previously had a grip on your hair.  
A cold breeze pulls you both from your trance as the rustling of the willow tree above you fills your ears, once again reminding of the remnants from the harsh winter as goosebumps erupt from your skin. You notice how the waterfall no longer has a rainbow flowing through it, indicating that the sun has already begun to set, and you need to return home quickly.
You've never stayed in the forest long enough to see nightfall, and the stag would always make sure to escort you back to the treeline safely before sunset, but today time had slipped from your hands and you began to worry. Bakugou is quick to notice your concern as he wraps his arms around your center to hold you close, burying his head in the crook of your neck again and taking a deep breath as he inhales your warm scent. 
“I have to leave”, you remind him but still reciprocate his actions by wrapping your arms around him again as you also hated the idea of having to depart from this moment. 
“Stay”, he whispers against your skin followed by a swipe of his tongue against the dried blood around the punctures on your neck. 
“There is nowhere for us to st-”, you began to dissent, but the forest god silenced you by quickly pulling you into a kiss once more. Grin on his features that you couldn't help but smile in return despite your disapproving eyes.
“I want to show you something”, he guides your legs to wrap around his waist before rising from the ground with you secured in his arms as he carries you through a path of the forest you hadn't explored before. The sun was already halfway past the mountains, making it hard to see, but just as you were about to express your concerns to him, a light in the corner of your eye caught your attention. A small blinking light followed by another until an entire cloud of dancing lights was illuminating your path.
After Ragnarök, it was rare to catch a glimpse of certain insects, fireflies being one of them, so seeing so many in one place had your jaw slack as you watched how they gracefully danced under the upcoming moonlight whilst they guided you through the forest. 
Bakugou kept walking through the field of thinning willow trees that started to morph into magnificent maple trees that even with only the dim light of the fireflies, you could vividly see their vibrant colors. These acer trees had also become a rarity after the great destruction, and the analgesic in their bark was of high command to aid as a remedy for some illnesses, which made you wonder why he hadn't shown you this part of the forest before. The stag had always granted you access to all the rare medicinal flora found in these lands so you found it odd that he kept this area hidden from you. 
Your confusion only grew more as you made your way deeper into the darker trails of the maples, where the path seemed to end by a sealed corridor blocked off with an impenetrable wall of large roots and maple leaves.
“Blómi”, you hear Bakugou whisper as the sound of creaking wood follows, watching as the roots begin to untangle from each other and the leaves falls to the ground revealing a path of lit stones descending into a large garden with a great abundance of flowers, leading towards a large structure. 
Your jaw fell slack again, as you wouldn't have imagined  that this is where the silent god kept his palace, nor that such a vibrant area filled with such sublime greatness of nature could be hidden amid the sacred gloom of the maples. Bakugou couldn't help but smile as he carried you through his garden whilst you stared in complete enchantment, filled with joy that he could finally share his greatest treasures with you. 
The inside of the palace was equally as marvelous as the outside and had a beautiful golden fountain at the very center with small creeks that led to other corridors of the palace, ones you couldn't wait to explore once daylight came again. As for now, the mighty god was still carrying you towards what you could only imagine were his chambers as he ascended the grand staircase near the main entryway. Revealing an archway adorned with flowy white curtains that led inside his bedchamber where he set you down on the spacious bed at the center of the room. The bedding was soft and cozy as you sink deeper into the comfort of them, noticing how the moon sat perfectly above the palace where you had a clear view through the sunroof above the bed.
“Hí, elska”, you heard Bakugou whisper next to you, offering you a coconut shell filled with water. 
“Takk!”, you smile while grabbing the shell and drinking from it, finishing its contents before settling back down on the bed as a yawn escapes you, sleep finally catching up to you after such a fulfilling day. Settling against his chest whilst Bakugou worked his fingers through some of the tangles bathing earlier might have caused.
“God natt, ásynja mín”, he boasts, a grin spreading at your widened eyes looking up at him. 
“Ásynja?”, you ask, unsure if you heard him correctly to which he only nods in return as you match his smile. 
“Yes, ásynja mín, for everything I own is now yours as well”, he adds while nodding towards the room, confirming that he meant the palace and everything within his forest was now yours to rule alongside him for eternity. 
And you couldn't be happier as you drift off to sleep against the god’s chest, neither could him as he placed a gentle kiss against your forehead before peering up at the moon. Asking his father if he was watching as he finally found the one with whom his soul delights in after many years of hard battles, he has completed the prophecy he set for himself all those winters ago when he met you, now with a content smile as he buried his nose in your head, excited for what the future awaits as the rulers of Landvidi.
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novlr · 1 year
How to write the passage of time
Time is a crucial element in writing that shapes the narrative. From linear progression, to flashbacks and foreshadowing, it gives you complete control of how your story unfolds.
Here are some tips to describe the passage of time to make your narratives more compelling.
Use the natural world
Describe the changing seasons
Show plant growth and death
Visualise the ebb and flow of tides
Describe the decomposition of flora and fauna
Describe the ways that landscapes change on long journeys
Use the weather to illustrate time jumps
Illustrate the affect that shifting shadows have on a location
Use heavenly bodies like stars, the rise and set of the sun, and phases of the moon
Describe physical activities
Show family gatherings and how they change over the years
Describe the process of finishing a creative pursuit
Create repetitive activities and routines
Have a character engage in an activity, like gardening, that visually changes
Have your characters learn a new skill
Write a change in location that requires a journey to get from point A to point B
Use your setting's seasonal celebrations to illustrate a time shift for individual characters and their world
Use sound
Describe the ticking of clocks
Have your characters' voice change with their age
Illustrate changing musical styles
Have your characters improve an audible skill like singing, swordplay, or learning a musical instrument
Show a character's conversational style changing as they grow
Use the sounds of nature, like leaves becoming brittle as they crunch underfoot, or rain turning into storms
Use silence to illustrate it getting late
Describe objects
Have food left out go mouldy
Illustrate buildings and settings being overtaken by nature
Show the lifecycle of a family heirloom
Describe textiles fading and degrading over time
Describe the freshness of paint; is it wet and glistening, or cracked and dry?
Illustrate technological change and advancement
Describe the repairs in a beloved object
Show a common object like a pencil to describe how it changes with use
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punksocks · 2 months
Astrology Observations: No.29
*only based on my observations, only take what resonates
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(Oml I didn’t realize that I haven’t written out a proper observations post since May?? I’m so sorry y’all life has been crazy b u s y and the world has been on fire due to colonialism, but I’m going to write more again 🙃 I love astrology but existence is wild y’all)
-I had a client say Geminis always get Gemini tattoos.. while getting a Gemini tattoo lol (and they were right!!) (Leo suns are second most likely imo)
-mutable venuses like changes in fashion a lot, they tend to go through fashion phases
-Every Pisces sun I’ve met has said they don’t really like being a Pisces at least once. Which is so interesting because Pisces sun isn’t a placement in determent, Libra is ! And I think 9 times out of 10 Libras will say they love being Libras (or it’s a huge part of their personality fr)
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-My favorite thing I’ve heard from a Libra sun I knew was that they hated doing all of the things that made them appear socially functional so I said “why do you do it? why not just stop doing what you hate?” and they just looked blank like they couldn’t even imagine not conforming (even though they were an aqua moon)
-Ok so I’ve been wondering why I’ve had repetitive instances of some people being passive aggressive and w e i r d at my main job when I literally own the business and I’m their boss?? But it’s that Lilith in 10th. No one is neutral about your energy and you can rub folks the wrong way just by minding your business. I don’t like it but especially at work bc I’m a Capricorn and this isn’t productive >:/ lol
-Oh another Lilith touching Asc observation is when people start a conversation with me like 60-75% of the time they try to challenge me or ask lowkey rude questions (sneak diss shit lol) like 3 different people asked me what tattoo I regret the most and I was like ??? Hello? Who are you? Lol these streets oml…
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-cancer placements can be really centered on defending their self, their perspective, their family, their community (they don’t have to be but it can be a common trait). I just noticed the pattern after ages of wondering why cancer was associated with nationalism on a wide scale. (Pluto in Cancer generation and the rise in nationalism after ww2 for example)
-I feel like Sagittarius placements (especially the big 3) will always be ready to do something new and life changing at any age (moving abroad, going on vacation and exploring new places, getting their first tattoo, anything that seems like it’ll open the door to a set of new experiences)
-Strong mars and mercury energy can make someone brutal in arguments (air mars, Virgo and Gemini mars, even Kendrick is an example he destroyed Drake- and Kendrick has mars conjunct Mercury and a Gemini sun)
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-Sag Venus culture is being clingy because you need a lot of attention/stimulation and suddenly ditching when you don’t get enough attention/stimulation to keep your interest 🥴 (even more with sag mars since they’re action oriented, they’re in the same camp imo lol)
-I blame America’s Aquarius moon for the cultural phobia of being too “irrational” or “emotionally expressive” ….while being known as being too passionate and irrational in many non US cultures (also the US and the emotional detachment for the sake of “progress”, dark side of this placement but thematic nonetheless)
-imo when sun’s transiting your Lilith you can feel like a lot of attention is on you, sometimes good but often pretty scrutinizing. I also feel like you can achieve some impossible things during this transit due to Lilith’s energy (she’s built for rebellion, so when a lot of criticism is pointed her way she finds an unconventional way to come out on top)
-I have so much writing to do but if there are specific placements you want me to do observations on, let me know in the comments and my inbox!
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photoobservatory · 1 year
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moon picture progress part: I
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lunar-witches · 11 months
✨ Creating Your Grimoire ✨
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In the realm of witchcraft and the arcane arts, a grimoire is a sacred vessel—a repository for your magical knowledge, spells, and experiences. To create your very own grimoire is to embark on a magical journey, a testament to your personal growth and a reflection of your unique spiritual path. With each page, you breathe life into a magical world that is uniquely yours. 🌙📜🔮
So, let us delve into the mystic arts and learn how to craft your very own grimoire, a treasured companion on your magical journey:
✨ 1. Choose Your Tools: Begin by selecting a journal or a notebook that resonates with you. It could be leather-bound, handcrafted, or a simple, beautifully designed book. Let your intuition guide you.
✨ 2. Dedicate Your Grimoire: Before you start filling its pages, dedicate your grimoire to your magical practice. Create a ceremony or ritual that signifies its importance in your spiritual journey.
✨ 3. Organize Your Content: Decide on the sections or categories for your grimoire. Common sections include spells, herbs, crystals, divination, moon phases, and personal reflections. Organizing your content will make it easier to reference.
✨ 4. Decorate with Intention: Use art, symbols, and colors that hold significance in your practice. Incorporate symbols, runes, and illustrations that resonate with your magical path. Each stroke of your pen can carry intention.
✨ 5. Record Your Spells and Rituals: Document your spells and rituals with care. Include ingredients, steps, and the outcomes. Personalize them to make them your own and infuse them with your energy.
✨ 6. Herbal and Crystal Wisdom: Devote sections to the properties and uses of herbs and crystals. Describe their magical associations and how to work with them in your spells and rituals.
✨ 7. Lunar and Planetary Magic: Dedicate pages to the phases of the moon and the influence of planetary energies. Include your observations and experiences with these celestial guides.
✨ 8. Divination and Tarot: Share your insights about divination methods like tarot, runes, or scrying. Document your readings and interpretations.
✨ 9. Dream and Meditation Journal: Dedicate a portion to dream and meditation experiences. Record your visions, insights, and messages received during your spiritual journeys.
✨ 10. Personal Reflections: Your grimoire is not just a book of facts but a record of your spiritual evolution. Write about your experiences, your magical progress, and how your practice has shaped you.
✨ 11. Protection and Secrecy: Consider creating a page or section dedicated to protective spells or enchantments to safeguard the contents of your grimoire.
✨ 12. Regularly Update: Your grimoire is a living, evolving document. As you learn, grow, and experience, continue to add to its pages and update your knowledge.
As you craft your grimoire, remember that it is a reflection of your unique connection to the magical world. With each entry, you breathe life into your practice, making it a powerful, personalized tool for your mystical journey. May your grimoire be a testament to your magical evolution, a record of your discoveries, and a key to the secrets of the universe.
📜🔮✨ Blessed be, as you embark on this enchanting journey of grimoire creation. 📜🔮✨
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thetroupemaster · 1 year
I do love the evil Suns AUs, I truly do, but I do think canonical Seven Red Suns deserves love too.
Five Pebbles is a mentally unstable iterator and has been for a long time, this is established multiple times. Suns became his mentor because they wanted to make progress on this sort of mentality, and defends him when Sig points it out, mentioning how they were helping him get better.
Suns is so deeply caring, and the reason they even became Pebbles' mentor was to try to help him, try to coax him out of his shell and assist him in refining his theories. They're research partners and friends, because Suns saw someone in need of just that, and knew they could help.
And, it's very likely Suns doesn't even realize how badly the "bug in a maze" comment hurt him, as it's common for friends to say something and for it to accidentally hurt when they meant it to help, and Pebbles is already a defensive iterator who wouldn't confide that "this comment hurt me". They just had no means of knowing how much it hurt him, up until he lashed out at perceived pity when all they wanted was to gently calm him down.
They also saw he was miserable, and honestly was making no progress (Sig cites that he's plateaued at his angsty phase) and then, and only then, offers what they hope would help make their beloved friend happy. They include specific instructions on how to perform the experiment safely and slowly, and the main reason it fails is because, not due to Moon's interruption, not due to faulty information, but because Pebbles rushed into it far too fast.
And Suns laments about how they shouldn't have given their, again, very mentally unstable iterator friend the plans, because hindsight is perfect and they only then realized how he would have rushed it and hurt himself, and Moon, in the process.
Plus, they adore their weird purple dog, getting attached when they knew they shouldn't, making a messenger they know can return.
Seven Red Suns is a character defined by caring too much in an uncaring world, wanting their friends to be happy and sheer misfortune following them. They are a tragedy because of their love, and that's something fascinating.
And also they've got these vibes.
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