rtiodev · 2 days
I've been a local PHP community/meetup organizer for about 10 years, and I also run Discord/Telegram groups on the same topic. I was thinking, why not start a PHP Tumblr community as well? If you want to join, follow https://www.tumblr.com/communities/phpeanuts
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prokopetz · 5 months
Entry-level baddie in an indie Legend of Zelda clone: *uses an elementary pathfinding algorithm to walk around a one-tile obstacle rather than rubbing its face against it trying to take the shortest path*
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somos-deseos · 5 months
ⓘ Este usuario está haciendo todo lo posible.
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kaiasky · 1 year
its not net zero information if u clearly fuckin know a new thing at the end!! net zero information meme is when the original post was untrue and so the only fact you've learned is 'it is not true that [untrue thing]', which is a useless thing to know (especially if you already knew the true thing)
if posts go back and forth and at the end u have a good idea what's going on, better than what you'd know from any post individually, that's not a time for 'net zero info'. u learned! we all learned! yippee
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chamiryokuroi · 5 months
Boss: So I talked to the design team this morning and remember all the work you did for the last two weeks? Delete it, we don’t need it anymore
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nixcraft · 2 years
logic gate
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cabl-art · 5 days
idk if any1 cares but i put the thing i wrote for displaying a image gallery type thing for my site on github that u can use if u want
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alan-p-49 · 1 year
Programing isn't that bad.
Yeah sure, you'll mash your head on the wall but once you figure it out it's not bad and the dopamine rush you get when you squish a bug is so awesome.
Yeah sure, you need to be a masochist to do programing but various languages require different masochism levels so some of them aren't bad and the dopamine you get from figuring something out is so awesome.
Yeah sure, programing can be hard,
but it's oh so worth it.
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smak-annihilation · 10 months
yeah sorry guys but the machine escaped containment and is no longer in my control or control of any human. yeah if it does anything mortifying it's on me guys, sorry
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not-a-python · 27 days
I feel bad for my ideas because they're trapped in the mind of someone who lacks the skill and drive to make them real.
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prokopetz · 1 year
"RPG Maker lets you create games without knowing how to program!" is both technically a true statement and a trap.
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somos-deseos · 5 months
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fights4users · 11 months
What are some good computing terms to incorporate into Tron works? There’s a lot that influences the language and objects of canon and game works, however there’s still more out there. Stuff that’d be good for both program biology, general speak and world building. I don’t know a thing about programming or computers in general so if you have some good terms and computer related stuff you use in works, want to be used or think would be neat to start using please Lemme know!
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chamiryokuroi · 5 months
Being a full stack developer on a team of only backend developers sucks ass because none of these fuckers can go over my front end code and find bugs, I am alone in this and it is awful.
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nixcraft · 1 year
me explaining my code
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