#Private washington
nando161mando · 5 months
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youbutstupid · 5 months
Category is: TV show characters who altered my brain chemistry growing up because for some reason, the writers could never give them a break
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culperscomet · 6 months
rip caleb brewster. you would’ve loved this specific genre of image
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johnnyutah · 3 days
duuuude DUDE. ok im sending on anon cuz im an itty bitty bit embarrassed BUT. BUT!!!!!
ok so theres a lot of horror film content I got exposed to when I was like. 6 or 7. and that includes scenes from saw AND LIKE fucking spongebob saw and shit ☠️ my black tar heroin as a kid BUT BASICALLY EVERY SCENE IVE SEEN FROM THE ACTUAL *FILMS* HAS BEEN AGAINST MY WILL.
and after seeing the beetlejuice sequel, I was reminiscing on horror stuff I saw at a really young age. and thought back to saw. and went around on Youtube watching clips. and then I thought “huh! maybe it’d be cool to actually sit down and watch the movies now that im almost like Twenty Years Old!”
but u wanna know. what character has been calling to me as ive been watching these clips.
Mark. Hoffman. Ok. HGGHRRGGAAAAHGHHH RIPS MY SHIRT OPEN hey boy 💜. Cuteness aggression but it’s Just aggression and im clinging onto his face like a parasite and gnawing on his flesh. My inner demons have prompted me to consult The Tumblr for more Mark Hoffman (average thought process for all of my spontaneous hyperfixations Oops) and now I am a Best Running Wild
ok thank you walks off the stage
you’re in big real fucking danger and i’m saying this as a friend. and as an expert. i was once an anti-horror freak who decried all horror SPECIFICALLY saw. i would proselytize the evils of saw (specifically saw iii, hilariously) to anyone who would listen. it only takes ONE character to really get you deep into the shit, and if you already acknowledge wanting to chew on hoffmans face— embarrassment be damned— you are on the precipice of a real fucking shit show buddy. and again i’m saying this with SOOO much love and understanding. you’re fucked
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Rest in Peace to the incomparable Dame Maggie Smith B. 28 December 1934 D. 27 September 2024 #damemaggiesmith #ripmaggiesmith #filmicon #theatreicon #tvicon #downtonabbey #harrypotter #professormcgonagall #theprimeofmissjeanbrodie #travelswithmyaunt #othello #gosfordpark #theladyinthevan #divinesecretsoftheyayasisterhood #myhouseinumbria #ladiesinlavender #thebestexoticmarigoldhotel #aroomwithaview #thesecretgarden #washingtonsquare #quartet #aprivatefunction #loveandpainandthewholedamnthing #deathonthenile #evilunderthesun #sisteract #thefirstwivesclub #teawithmussolini #thevips #youngcassidy
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i forgot how homoerotic tucker and wash are in season 11 until my rewatch. like theres’s a lot of tension there
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culpeppercheckers721 · 4 months
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I regard this as one of the best jokes I have ever created
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velvet4510 · 6 months
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seabeck · 1 year
*posts a picture of a patch of trees without any memorable features besides trees*
someone, almost instantly: where is this?
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mrbopst · 4 months
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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recursive360 · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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sophieswundergarten · 2 years
New Idea:
You know how Miss Perumal makes a point of Reynie wearing matching socks? What if, as a joke, she starts gifting him purposefully mismatched socks? What if that became a little tradition of theirs?
Whenever there's a gift-giving occasion like a holiday, an important/exciting event, or maybe just because, she'll give him purposefully non-matching socks. The boy doesn't even own any matching socks anymore. The white ones he wears when they have to dress nice have very different patterns below the shoe line.
However, the other kids see this, and get quite confused. It's an inside joke, so Reynie and Miss Perumal don't explain it, because they don't think about it. Everyone else just watches it happen the first couple of times, and by then most of the adults have shrugged it off as simply a Thing those two do. But not the kids.
Kate, Sticky, and Constance take it upon themselves to figure out what the socks mean (In the most complicated way possible). So, after a lot of theorizing and observing of Reynie's clothing (He wears pretty average stuff, aside from his collection of sweater vests), they conclude that he must like strangely patterned things. (No, they can't ask him directly. That ruins the point of the whole mission)
It starts with Kate giving him a truly hideous tie (Because it was the most unique looking one she could find). Reynie accepts it with puzzled gratitude (He hardly ever wears ties), and moves on, expecting it to be a one-time thing. But it's not. The next holiday that rolls around, Sticky gives him a scarf (He's been practicing knitting with Number Two) that has so many patterns on it it's twice as long as it needs to be. The last straw is when Constance gleefully hands him a box with one red and blue sneaker and one purple rain boot. (She took things a bit too far, according to Sticky and Kate, but could not be dissuaded)
After he confronts his friends about the increasingly strange and worrying trend, Kate and Sticky sheepishly confess their plan and subsequent wildly inaccurate guesses. Reynie, being the good-natured kid he is, bursts out laughing at this. He explains the significance of the joke, and tells them that, in the future, they are welcome to just ask.
Once they've processed this, the other three laugh as well (Or, at least, Sticky and Kate laugh. Constance just looks smug that she was able to slip the shoes in before the truth was found out). Thus begins the tradition among the Mysterious Benedict Society to keep a running list of gift ideas. They have a notebook (Kept in Kate's desk, as she's the least likely to misplace it with how neat she keeps everything) that whenever one of them finds a new interest, or hears about a certain book/article of clothing/product they like, they'll write it down. This way they are all able to look at it if they need help choosing a good gift, but it still allows the present to be somewhat of a surprise.
(As time goes on, they use it less and less, because they are better able to predict each other's preferences, but there were at least a few times in the beginning that it saved one or the other members from being stalked through the air vents for a week while Kate practiced her spy skills in order to choose a gift)
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lifesliced · 8 months
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the beach? ❝ sure, it's cold, but that means no one will be there, ❞ he says, making his point. ❝ just wear some boots. i have an extra pair. oh, and wear a windbreaker —— you'll be fine. ❞ // * @cursedblessed liked for a starter from romeo !!
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taylortastingtour · 11 months
Taylor Tasting Tours: Your Gateway to Washington's Private Wine Adventures
Experience the essence of Washington's finest wineries with Taylor Tasting Tours. Our dedicated sommelier designs exclusive private wine tours, tailored to your preferences. From Seattle to Yakima, Lake Chelan to Woodinville, we lead you through a world of flavors and vintages. Join our Seattle Urban Evening Tour and Seattle Evening Tour, guided by the region's top experts. Immerse yourself in the Pacific Northwest's wine excellence. Taylor Tasting Tours is your trusted choice for an unforgettable journey. Contact us at (206) 281-0193 or visit our website at taylortastingtours.com to book your Washington private wine tour today. visit our website: https://taylortastingtours.com
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xtruss · 1 year
Behind Maui Wildfires: US is Never a Positive Agent in Climate Change Fight
— Anthony Moretti | August 16, 2023
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Illustration: Xia Qing/Global Times
Maui, one of the most awe-inspiring places on Earth, has been devastated. Horrible fires - exacerbated by increasing temperatures and drought associated with climate change - have turned this paradise into something resembling a war zone. The pictures do not lie.
Fair or not, because climate change showed up in such a brutal way on Maui, a place the rich (and perhaps not so rich) consider one of their playgrounds, the challenge to re-create paradise will be carefully watched. Much like the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, damaged by fire more than four years ago, it has to be repaired perfectly - because global audiences are demanding it - Maui will have to be made perfect, or as close to it, because global eyes are watching.
This is the short-term problem: Make Maui great again. And compared to the long-term problem, it will be the easier one to handle. The more vexing, time-consuming and difficult challenge is combating climate change, and there is legitimate worry across the globe that the US is not committed to addressing it.
Unfortunately, President Joe Biden and his administration are not doing enough to be a force for good as burning wildfires and intense heat continue to define the summer of 2023. Yes, his administration has committed $370 billion to clean energy and other climate-supporting projects, which have also spurred job growth. On top of that, one of the more symbolic, but important, steps the White House recently took was sending climate envoy John Kerry to China. There, he examined with Chinese officials a variety of ways the two countries can ensure a safer climate for decades to come.
Yet, Biden has not used his so-called Bully Pulpit, the power that comes with being president and therefore framing the narrative on specific issues, to spur oil companies to do the right thing. A recent New York Times editorial called out big oil for "prioritizing dividends, share buybacks and continued fossil fuel production over increasing their clean energy investments" as this fact "suggests they are unable or unwilling to power the transition forward." Audiences must ask if those words "unable or unwilling" also apply to the president: Why is he not saying forcefully and often that oil companies must champion newer and cleaner energies? If he will not demand more, then who will? And if he will not do it now, then what will the ramifications be in the years to come?
And remember that there are darker clouds on the horizon. On the one hand, results from a recent Pew Research Center poll indicate Americans are aware of the problems associated with climate change and the opportunities the US could take to address it. However, almost one-in-three respondents still wanted the US to continue investing in what can be described in 20th century energy sources such as oil and coal.
Let's take these somewhat sanitary data and summarize them this way: Should Republicans are given the majority in the House of Representatives and Senate in 2024, the US will not be at the epicenter in the fight for a healthier, greener and sustainable planet.
With Republicans running Washington, the aforementioned climate envoy John Kerry will be sent into retirement. The global community, including organizations such as the United Nations, will be laughed at when it calls on the US to engage in meaningful conversations about the climate.
Not possible? It is definitely possible. Forget for a moment whether Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee in 2024. Keep in mind that he maintains a vise-like hold on the party; even if someone else is chosen to challenge President Biden in the general election, no Republican who hopes to maintain his or her political power can stray from Trump's beliefs. And one of those beliefs is that climate change is nonsense.
Despite the overwhelming evidence that climate change is real and is causing havoc across the globe and despite America clinging to an outdated idea that it is a place of "exceptionalism," there is no promise that political elites will lead on the issue. Closely related to this, there is no certainty that the public will rally to the cause. If the world's current No.1 economy draws a conclusion that it can remain in that spot by ignoring climate change, then the world can forget about the US being a positive agent in the fight against climate change.
— The author is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication and Organizational Leadership at Robert Morris University.
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