#Principal Kobayakawa
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embretheworld · 6 months ago
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vashtijoy · 1 year ago
shido's conspiracy is big: koenkai (supporters associations) in japanese politics
How do you take over Japan, if you're a corrupt piece of shit?
On 11/25, when the Shido's Palace mission starts and you're finally released from captivity in Leblanc, the Modest Housewife in the Shibuya underground mall suddenly becomes the Not-So-Modest Housewife. And what does she tell us?
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shido has a what now
What's the "supporters association"? In Japanese, it's a 後援会 kouenkai. From Wikipedia:
Koenkai (後援会, lit. "local support groups") are an invaluable tool of Japanese Diet members, especially of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). (note: in P5, this is the "Liberal Co-Prosperity Party" or LCP, Shido's original party and the original ruling party.) These groups serve as pipelines through which funds and other support are conveyed to legislators and through which the legislators can distribute favors to constituents in return.
The article is fascinating; do give it a read, as I can't possibly do it justice here. These are massive organisations, and relay vast amounts of cash to their members. They organise endless activities for their members—that meeting at the Wilton Hotel on 5/5 is one. They often require a personal connection to be invited, which is why the Housewife says this to her friend:
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... she knows she wasn't invited.
Though koenkai are weaker in modern times, there are many examples of them being involved with corruption; here are a couple.
"The Asahi reported in the mid-1970s that the [koenkai of former Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei] "virtually controls… agricultural committees, popular welfare committees, election management committees". This thorough penetration of Tanaka's koenkai into all important facets of Niigata's people's lives propelled him into becoming the father figure of the district. After his arrest in 1976 on corruption charges, many of Niigata's residents still expressed deep respect towards him."
"Due to the huge support [former Prime Minister] Takeshita Noboru enjoyed as a result of his koenkai, his electoral district in Shimane came to be known as ‘Takeshita Kingdom'. Despite being embroiled in many political scandals, related to insider trading and corruption (for which he was never charged), Takeshita's immense local support never waned."
so what does this tell us
In short, Shido's conspiracy is not a few corrupt high-level officials. It's not just Shido, Akechi, the SIU Director and those people on the ship. It is a vast organisation.
It recruits people by reputation (remember those five recommendations in the Palace?) from all levels of society—and those recruits then operate as a bloc, networking, doing favours for each other, advancing their mutual interests, connected via a hierarchy to Shido at the top. This is why Shido can control everything.
It also explains why everyone seems to be linked to the conspiracy—including the hapless Principal Kobayakawa. Did you think it was unrealistic for him to be involved? It seems likely that he was just a low-level member of Shido's koenkai.
When Shido needed someone at Shujin to investigate the Phantom Thieves, Kobayakawa was there—because they have people everywhere. A quick phone call from a higher-up in the organisation—the SIU Director, most likely, who we know Kobayakawa speaks to—and he's eating out of Shido's hand. And will do anything he wants....
So Kobayakawa wasn't anybody at all. He wasn't important. He wasn't somehow part of the deep state. He was just one of likely hundreds of thousands of paid-up Shido supporters looking to advance themselves, getting the vote out, and funding the cause.
He was in the right place at the right time. After all, the koenkai got Kobayakawa his job at Shujin. All his hopes for advancement are centred on it:
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Because just like the two housewives in the underground mall, and probably like everyone else in the koenkai, Kobayakawa is a desperate social climber, impressed by wealth and fame and power and flashy titles.
I hope he thought it was worth it.
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2023/10/31)—first posted.
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katsona-the-katsequel · 9 months ago
Only including some of those who have died before AND you get to meet.
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correct-phantom-thieves · 30 days ago
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transparent-p5 · 1 year ago
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rollthedice-playthecards · 1 year ago
A Righteous Rebellion has another chapter already? WOW!
It's time to unveil the hype y'all been waiting for (I'm sorry, I had to!) - the dreaded assembly of May 2nd!
... and, like, the two days leading up to it.
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kamoshidakun · 6 months ago
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Title: Agreement Fandom: Persona 5 Ship: Makoto Niijima x Principal Kobayakawa Rating: Explicit | R-18 Warnings: Age Gap, Teacher/student vibes
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afterthelambs · 11 months ago
The fact that the 3 people we see Akechi kill directly onscreen are:
okumura aka fast food elon musk
principal kobayakawa, who let a sexual predator run wild among students for years
the corrupt misogynist SIU director who sexually harasses Sae
And the fandom wants me to be upset at Akechi for that? Akechi (a teenager who was groomed into violence) is somehow the evil douchebag of the game? Every time someone yells that Akechi killed those people I'm hissing "omg BASED" under my breath
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megaderping · 8 months ago
A while ago, I made a post going into parts of the missable Sae Palace arc text messages, such as these:
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However, that post neglected to include a full transcript. I have since transcribed all of these texts, which occur on 10/30, 11/3, 11/7, and 11/11. You must not infiltrate Sae's Palace until after these dates in order to get these.
Transcripts below the cut! Crossposted to the P5 sub.
The first of these texts takes place on 10/30. You will miss this text if you infiltrate the Palace on the first available day.
Ryuji: Yo, Akechi.
Akechi: What is it?
Ryuji: You got any idea who the true culprit might be?
Futaba: Oh yeah! You said you saw a masked guy, right?
Haru: I wanted to ask about that too.
Futaba: Did you really see him? The masked guy's gotta be the true culprit, right?
Akechi: If this so-called true culprit is acting alone, then there can be no mistake about it.
Futaba: I see.
Yusuke: The next question is, who is that masked man?
Akechi: Unfortunately, I do not know that much.
Futaba: Ugh, you're useless.
Akechi: That is quite harsh.
Futaba: Aw, you're making me blush!
Ann: That wasn't a compliment...
Akechi: At this point, I have yet to even grasp any clues. But once this is dealt with, I will surely capture him. I promise you that.
We'll be counting on you.
Akechi: Perfect. Leave it to me. It may sound somewhat odd for me to say this, but I am an exceptional detective. I assure you, I will catch this culprit. Look forward to it.
Can you do it?
Akechi: Hm? Do you not trust me?
[The rest plays out the same as the other option.]
What's funny about this exchange is how the Thieves know Akechi's deal and are just playing along. It makes some of the reactions (especially from Haru and Futaba) read as comically passive aggressive. However, the more interesting texts start coming on 11/03, 11/07, and 11/11.
Starting with 11/03.
Ryuji: Goddamit. People're acting like we were the ones who killed 'em.
Yusuke: I have even heard them say we are assassins hired to deal with psychotic breakdown victims.
Ann: Ugh, that's obviously not what we're trying to do.
Akechi: This must be part of the plan to shift blame onto the Phantom Thieves. After all, the true culprit is the one killing the people on that ranking list.
This is unforgivable
Akechi: Indeed. I have no intentions of letting this slide.
This is total BS
Akechi: But that is the truth for the general public at the moment.
[Both lead to...]
Futaba: Man, this culprit guy really won't let up. I don't remember ever doing anything that'd make someone hate us THIS much.
Haru: He used my father as well...
Akechi: I cannot fathom what his motive may be... We will just have to capture and interrogate him.
Makoto: But before that, we need to change my sister's heart. That's our first step toward stopping him.
Akechi: I must agree. The true culprit will be caught, but before that we must deal with Sae-san. If ranking is being taken into consideration, perhaps I will be targeted too... Just kidding.
This tells us that Shido is deliberately having Akechi target high ranking targets on the PhanSite in order to terrify the public with abhorrent acts of violence, much like he did in April. It's a way to make people feel scared and more reliant on Shido to be the change that Japan needs. But if you secure the treasure as quickly as possible, you will miss this added information that really deepens how cruel he truly is by ordering hits just to paint a convenient narrative.
And this is definitely Shido's idea, because on 11/7 we get this gem...
Haru: Do you think the culprit could be someone at our school?
Yusuke: That seems somewhat sudden.
Haru: I mean, didn't they find a calling card in Principal Kobayakawa's office? I thought you had suggested that idea yourself, Yusuke.
Yusuke: That was just a generalization.
Haru: But if Mako-chan noticed what was going on with you guys, somebody else might have too.
Ann: So you think that "somebody else" is trying to frame us? What's gotten into you so suddenly?
Haru: Nothing has gotten into me. I just think there's a chance the culprit is related to Shujin...
You might be right. / There's no way.
[Both get the same response:]
Yusuke: What is all of this about? It's too soon to be jumping to conclusions like this.
Haru: Well, I was hoping to hear a professional opinion on the matter... What are your thoughts, Akechi-kun?
Akechi: The possibility is not zero, but it does seem a bit unlikely.
Haru: Why do you ask?
Akechi: A normal person would never do such a thing. They would have no reason to callously murder your principal.
Haru: And what if they weren't normal?
Akechi: Are you implying they kill for the sheer pleasure of it?
Haru: No, not like that. What I mean is, you need certain special abilities to navigate through that world, yes?
Akechi: Ah, so you're saying the culprit is a Persona-user.
Haru: Yes.
Akehci: I see... How perceptive. Truthfully, I was considering that possibility myself. But it is difficult to think they have ties to Shujin Academy.
Haru: Why?
Akechi: There would be no motive for them to carry out such a cruel plot. Clearly our culprit is acting behind the scenes to accomplish some grand objective. He likely has accomplices. It is even possible that he is being controlled by someone.
Makoto: Controlled? By whom?
Akechi: If I knew that, I do not think we would be in this much trouble.
Haru: I see... So even someone like you doesn't know, Akechi-kun.
Futaba: Looks like our genius detective's not so much of a genius after all.
Akechi: Haha, harsh as always. If there is one thing I know, it is that the culprit behind all of this is extremely shrewd. But don't worry. I will catch him, no matter what it takes.
I'm looking forward to that. / I wonder if you can do it.
Akechi: More importantly, we need to focus on changing Sae-san's heart for the time being. If we cannot do that, everything we have done will be for naught. We absolutely must succeed here.
There is so much to unpack here. By far, it's my favorite of these texts because of the light it sheds on Akechi's motivations and intentions. First, we have Haru pressing the subject. She clearly wants to squeeze answers out of Akechi. She's subtly putting him on the spot because she knows...
But Akechi lets slip that no, actually, he doesn't do this for pleasure. That actually, he is being controlled and that the true mastermind is someone shrewd that he intends to take down. Amidst all of Akechi's lies and platitudes during this part of the story, we see a crack in his perfectly prepared mask. In a way, this is the most honest we've seen Akechi outside of his Royal confidant and on 8/28 and 9/3. In a way, he's sharing little slivers of himself with the rest of the team (either begrudgingly or for reasons he doesn't fully understand) the way he already has with Joker.
And it actually explains a few things that happen later. Namely, the way he downplays the need to kill the other Phantom Thieves until after the election (keep in mind, he does intend to knock Shido down from his pedestal) as well as treating Morgana as "just a cat." Obviously, this doesn't absolve Akechi of his guilt, but it does make it clear that he isn't as remorseless as a lot of people believe, even if no amount of sunk cost fallacy is gonna undo the damage he's done.
Hell, when combined with his lamentation that he didn't meet Joker years ago in the engine room and his reaction to Morgana explaining changes of heart, these texts further solidify that his feelings toward both Joker and the Thieves are extremely complex and absurdly messy.
Plus we get Haru and Futaba both taking shots at him, which is fun and also extremely deserved. :p
Moving on, there's one final missable November text on 11/11. It goes as follows:
Akechi: So, about the investigation... It seems they have no evidence that can truly be called as such.
Ryuji: Well duh.
Akechi: However, it seems they have no intentions of changing their plans.
Ann: They're going to investigate at both Shujin Academy and Leblanc, right?
Akechi: Indeed.
Makoto: Hm. I can understand Shujin... But why Leblanc?
Akechi: The key is Wakaba Isshiki.
Futaba: Is it cause of my mom's research?
Akechi: Correct. Her study of cognitive psience is closely connected to this case. Of that, there can be no doubt.
Futaba: Then this guy's really the mastermind behind all of this?
Akechi: That would be the case. There can be no mistake... The one who erased cognitive psience from this world is surely the culprit behind everything.
Makoto: And getting rid of the research was the only way they could use its powers?
Akechi: How perceptive of you. Yes, that is the only logical conclusion. Both Sae-san and I were searching for clues about that research. But just as we were about to deepen our investigation, this commotion began. And to make things even more troublesome... There was only one person with strong connections to both Shujin Academy and Leblanc. And that person turned out to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves.
Yusuke: So the culprit had calculated all of this in advance?
Akechi: Heavens no. That would be impossible. This was a miracle created by the coinciding of multiple chance situations.
Ryuji: Dude, you hear that? He says you got miraculously bad luck. Don't that make you feel good?
I'm so lucky.
Ryuji: Y'know, shitty luck is still luck.
That's not funny.
Ryuji: C'mon, you gotta be able to laugh it off at this point.
Haru: Yes, your luck really is impressive.
Akechi: At any rate, that's the current state of things. And that's why we must obstruct the investigation at all costs.
Makoto: Yes, that's our intention.
Once again, we have Akechi laying it on thick that Shido is the one behind everything, as he was the one who ordered the hit on Wakaba, stole her research, and had his own research team develop it further. And keep in mind, Shido's own words, first on 11/21...
"Those who get in the way must be eliminated at times—that's the correct way to use the Metaverse."
And later, his Shadow states, "Moreover, it was thanks to me that Akechi was able to properly use his power to begin with."
So we know that even the idea of inducing mental shutdowns came from him, even if Akechi offered his Metaverse abilities as part of his stupid revenge plan.
What this shows is Akechi wants to hint that there is this bigger puppet master, even if he's going to betray the Thieves, and this is actually really consistent with his Royal confidant. In Rank 7, he uses a billiard games as a metaphor for the upcoming betrayal kill and gives Joker an out, even if he's much happier if you assert your rivalry instead. This makes his warnings about the connections to Wakaba carry a very similar feeling, and since these texts were in Vanilla, it's likely that the Royal confidant built on this foundation.
But then there's the fact that the Thieves are fully in the know that Akechi is going to betray them, so it recontextualizes all these texts where they are genuinely trying to squeeze as much info out of him as they can and likely having to restrain themselves hard (especially Futaba and Haru).
And all of this you will never see unless you delay the infiltration until 11/12. So, the next time you play Persona 5 Royal, it might be worthwhile to delay Sae's Palace to see these in-game! They're really cool and it's a shame they aren't scripted events.
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themememerchant · 4 months ago
Persona 5 Arcana Swap: Queenpin Of The Metaverse
I had this idea when I was awake one night and before I knew it I was opening a google doc to start writing a new Arcana Swap fic.
I have A LOT of ideas for all of the characters involved in this. Mostly revolving around various 'what-ifs' and headcanons I have in regards to the original story of P5R.
There's still a lot of kinks I Ned to iron out, specifically the confidants.
But the general idea of the phantom thieves has been sorted out in a way that I think I'm pretty satisfied with.
So keep in mind that some of these ideas may change later as I think of new plot threads to introduce, but for the most part the stories of the new Phantom Thieves of Hearts has been pretty well thought out.
So here we go! Introducing...
My Arcana Swapped Phantom Thieves:
Sumire Yoshizawa-Maruki - The Fool
Codename: Queenpin
Persona: Queenie
Despite being the protagonist and the fool, she doesn't have the wildcard ability, since I don't feel the need to include it from a literary standpoint.
MUCH different than her canon counterpart in behavior, as well as the fact that my version of her is trans and autistic (ME?! PROJECTING?! NOOO...)
The story of her arrest is that she came from an abusive household, one day she punched her father in a fit of rage while he insulted her for not being as good as her sister. The next night, the police crash into her room claiming they had an anonymous tip that Sumire had guns and narcotics in her possession, sure enough, when they searched her backpack, that's exactly what they found.
Her parents also hired someone to rig the trial she was forced to attend, they made it so they would be able to disown Sumire and people would think it was her own fault for being a criminal. When everything was said and done, her parents were all too happy to package her stuff up and send her to live with a foster caretaker to the other side of Tokyo.
After Sumire got to experience true freedom when she stood up to her parents, even if only for a moment, she vowed to never let people walk on her again. Which is exactly how her persona is able to coax her into having an awakening.
She's much less blindly polite than her canon counterpart. She's not insulting people left and right or anything, but she can and will call someone out on their bullshit. She's also not above some light jabs with her friends.
She flirts with every cute girl or hot guy with all the confidence of a maxed charm stat, but she immediately turns into a blushing puddle if anyone actually flirts back.
Growing up with strict parents who were trying to raise a perfect Olympic gymnast leaves her to feel the need to ask permission for the littlest things from any adults near her. She's fine in a room with just her friends or other kids, but when an adult is in the room she goes stiff and doesn't speak unless spoken to, the other thieves compare it to her almost going into a trance.
On the note from the above statement, she feels a little weird about being around people her age that are fine with acting relaxed around adults. it almost triggers a flight or fight or freeze response when one of the thieves so much as moves when an adult is talking.
She eventually starts a running gag with the thieves of calling Principal Kobayakawa, "Principal Humpty-Dumpty".
Her persona Queenie is called the godmother of Harlem, similar to how Arsene was called the pillager of twilight in the original. Queenie was the alias of an early 20th century mob boss, a woman who's own gang was so strong that she was able to keep Harlem clear of much more dangerous threats, she also employed many Harlem citizens with positions in her numbers-game schemes.
Queenie helps Sumire remain attached to reality whenever she's having a particularly rough time. Going from such a strict household to total freedom can give you some serious whiplash, so Queenie makes sure Sumire doesn't completely lose her mind from the sudden shift, while simultaneously helping her learn more about freedom.
Goro - The Magician
Codename: Ace
Persona: Sherlock Holmes
An ally who helps Sumire and Makoto by providing the information on palaces and changes of heart.
He doesn't fully take canon Mona's place, as he is completely human rather than the embodiment of humanity's hope. He does act as the resident expert on the metaverse due to the fact that he was once involved in the research of cogninitve psience, specifically, he was the first successful case of a person being transported to the metaverse when he was 13. Unfortunately, he ended up being trapped in Mementos for around 4 months without knowing how to escape.
The distortions of the metaverse affected him by turning his skin pure white with constantly changing black patterns, similar to Loki's design, he also has large crow wings on his back. In the real world, his skin turns it's normal color and his wings and dazzle-camouflage turn into tattoos all over his body.
He obviously doesn't have the ability to make people turn violent like he did in canon, nor does he have the ability to hold more than one persona. He's simply a guy who happens to know a lot about the metaverse and chooses to use that knowledge to fulfill his long-lost childhood dream of becoming a hero, he also has the hopes of making his mom proud from heaven.
Despite not going down the path of becoming a personal hit man for Shido, he still keeps his patented Goro snark that he had in the canon third semester. Though it's in much more of a-"I'm to tired to be polite"- way, and less of a-"Fuck you, just let me die already"-way.
My favorite line I've written for him so far is: "I'm Joe Schmoe from Shits-ville, DOES IT MATTER?!"
^This is right after Makoto tries to ask who he is.
Since he doesn't take on a different form in this AU, it means that he can't transform into a bus like Mona can. But he IS able to conjure a rather large trolley car thanks to his distortions giving him an understanding of how Mementos functions on a fundamental level
There's a running gag between the phantom thieves that Goro is homeless,-(think that one bit between Dream and Technoblade)-since nobody has ever actually seen where Goro lives. He likes to join in on the joke sometimes by coming up with increasingly ridiculous excuses as to why they can't come over.
^"Sorry, my house just got destroyed by an asteroid the other day. That's the third time this week too...OH WELL!"
His persona is Sherlock Holmes, not because he's a detective, but because in the early writings, Holmes was described as being a "Bohemian Genius", as well as being very antisocial and more like a renegade P.I. rather a straight-laced detective.
Holmes basically acts as Goro's impulse control, he also helps Goro realize whenever he needs to actually talk to his friends instead of being a smartass 24/7.
Makoto Niijima - The Chariot
Codename: Panda
Persona: Shek Yeung
Sumire's first friend at Shujin Academy, as well as the one who helps her investigate the newfound metaverse with Goro.
She used to be the same "good-girl type of pushover" that she was in canon, until her first day of high school when Kamoshida reeled her in as his newest catch. Halfway through her second year, she decided enough was enough and confronted Kamoshida about how he treated the students, unfortunately, Kamoshida being Kamoshida, tried to sexually assault her while in the student council room. She fought back at him, but he overpowered her and did the same thing that was implied to have happened to Suzui in canon.
After Makoto recovered from the...incident, she tried going straight to the principal about the issues, but he shut her down and called her delusional for insinuating that Mr. Kamoshida could have done something like that. Before she knew what was happening, her position as student council president went out the window, and she was suddenly known as "The girl who tried to whore herself out to Kamoshida-sensei"
To Makoto, it was almost liberating to have all of the expectations of the student council ripped off of her back-(minus the sexual assault part). She turned lemons into lemonade and decided that if people were going to give her dirty looks, she might as well have fun while doing it! So she dyed her hair all kinds of colors (mostly blonde), ditched the school blazer in favour of a customized bomber jacket, and fully embraced becoming a sukeban.
She swears a LOT, more than even Ryuji did in canon.
Chie had steak, Ryuji had ramen, and Makoto has pocky sticks. She always has at least two boxes on her person at all times, and always has one in her mouth, only eating it if shit starts to get real. If she looks you dead in the eye and starts chewing her pocky, you better start running before she swallows...
Makoto has, and will continue to start fights whenever some punk-ass thinks they can get away with being transphobic or ableist to Sumire, or any of the other thieves for that matter.
Less of an overprotective-mom and more like a badass-mom who's fresh out of jail. She's very lax most time but will instantly get on your ass if you do something stupid enough.
Her persona, Shek Yeung, was a woman from a brothel who married a pirate. After the death of her husband, she took his place as the captain of the Guangdong Pirate federation, who ravaged the coast of South China.
Shek Yeung helps Makoto fill the void that was left when Sae stopped trying to talk to her, acting as a big sister that supports Makoto when she can't support herself. She reminds Makoto to give herself some time to be selfish, as well as helping her be more open about what she actually wants in life.
Futaba Ishiki-Sakura - The Lovers
Codename: Rumor
Persona: Cleopatra
The chaotic gremlin child who unfortunately gets caught in Kamoshida's perverted grip when she first starts high school.
She joins the group a lot earlier than canon Ann did, mostly because she's a lot more pragmatic when thinking of solutions to her problems. She realizes pretty quickly that Sumire, Makoto, and "The guy with the weird tattoos" are scheming something that has to do with Kamoshida's obvious crimes, and she's not going to sit back and be a victim while everyone else starts taking action.
She overhears the three talking about how they need "-a third member to safely explore the palace." and decides to come to them directly.
^"Look, I don't care if you're blackmailing him, or planning to break his knees with a bat. Whatever it is you're doing, count me in!"
Her story doesn't revolve around being a shut-in,-(Though she still has social anxiety)-but rather that these new people she's met are really the first to actually make her feel valued as a person, and that she is someone worthy of respect.
Since she's not a shut-in, she's a lot less savvy when it comes to hacking and data mining, but she's sort of like the middle man between the thieves and some more...questionable sources of intelligence and resources. Whenever there comes a time for needing to analyze data, Futaba adjusts her glasses and calmly states: "Hehehe...I think I know a guy for that..." Nobody wants to ask what exactly she means by that, and it's probably for the best they don't know.
She has at least 157 different accounts built for browsing the dark web without the risk of collecting viruses or privacy-invasion. All of which have multiple fake IDs, credit cards, cryptocurrency, and other things necessary for her shady connections.
Her mom isn't dead in this AU, she was able to safely go into hiding with the help of Sojiro, whom she is now engaged to. Futaba has some repressed mommy issues since she still feels neglected from her mom needing to work, as well as her new fiance sweeping her off her feet at every turn.
Cleopatra, who needs no introduction, was the final Pharaoh of ancient Egypt. She was sought after by ancient rulers far and wide for her beauty, yet only in the modern day did people actually appreciate her for her intelligence and leadership.
Cleopatra sort of fills the motherly roll Futaba's needed for a long time, it's very helpful since Cleo knows exactly what Futaba needs to hear when she's upset. She praises Futaba for her work with the phantom thieves, gives Futaba reassurance on her appearance and behavior, and helps calm Futaba down from her frequent anxiety attacks.
Futaba once started bawling her eyes out in her sleep when she talked with her persona in a dream, and Cleo said: "I am very proud of you, Futaba...I love you..."
Yuuki Mishima - The Sun
Codename: Trickster
Persona: Geronimo
The fifth and final member of the founding phantom thieves.
He-(sort of)-takes the place of Shiho in this AU, where he has a breakdown on the school rooftop and strongly considers jumping, luckily Sumire, Makoto, and Futaba are able to shove their way through the crowd so they can talk him down and help him.
The story is that Kamoshida, after the gang starts screwing around with the stuff in his palace, finally snaps and decides that merely beating poor innocent Yuuki is not enough for him anymore. So he calls Yuuki into his office one day and decides to "Try something different..."
After the whole mess on the rooftop happens, the gang decides that Yuuki deserves to get some revenge on Kamoshida for what he did. They bring him into the palace and, sure enough, after seeing just how Kamoshida treats not just him, but the whole school, he awakens out of pure anger and desire to be a hero for once.
He's much more jokey than canon, usually opting to make hilariously bad puns and occasional innuendos. He also has no idea about anything involving the real world.
^Yuuki: "I'm inside her heart-shaped-box." ^Futaba: "You know what that means right?" ^Yuuki: "No actually I just know it's a song-" ^Makoto: "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YUUKI!"
He's just about as awkward as he is in canon, but rather than being treated like shit for it, his awkward jokes are usually just met with a slight pat on the shoulder and a comforting "......we'll work on it, sweetie" from Sumire or Makoto.
He still creates, opens, and monitors the phansite on his downtime. Futaba and Sophia usually help him with how often the requests get backed up.
Even though some of his jokes end up falling flat, he's still really good at coming up with zingers on the spot. The thieves have dubbed him as "The official phantom-comedian", to the point that he, Akira, Futaba, and Sophia all collectively come together to annoy the shit out of Goro
His persona is Geronimo of the Bedonkohe band of the Chirihacua Apache, an American-Indian shaman who fought against Spanish soldiers after his family was murdered. He was said to have converged with a spirit to become immune to bullets, and it took all of 5,000 U.S. soldiers to drag him back to the San Carlos reservation, which he escaped later again
Geronimo fucking loves Yuuki's stupid-ass jokes and will always be his #1 fan, but despite Yuuki's quips, Geronimo knows he's hiding a lot of pain from what he went through with Kamoshida, so he always encourages his other self to admit there's nothing wrong with being upset or afraid because of the circumstances.
Akira Amamiya - The Emperor
Codename: Ghoul
Persona: Brutus
The pupil of Madarame who writes poems, plays, and dables in art which Madarame, of course, plagiarizes from him.
The thieves hear about how Akira is the only pupil who has not left Madarame from another source, and they try to ask him about the plagiarism and accusations of abuse. Akira, of course, denies all of it, but the thieves can see that there's something in his eyes begging for an escape from his situation.
Things pretty much proceed as they do in canon with Madarame's palace, but rather than the whole "Nude painting incident", Sumire pretends to go on a date with Akira at his shack so Goro can sneak in and open the necessary door to help their progress. Madarame comes home, Akira has a panic attack, and they discover the room with the supposedly stolen painting and it's copies before dipping into the metaverse to escape the security.
The painting that Akira is obsessed with isn't the Sayouri, but rather, a self portrait of his father. Akira, of course, has no idea until Madarame's shadow reveals this at the end, but it explains Akira's fascination with it.
Even though he is a gifted painter, he is much more interested with acting and script-writing. He is 100% a gayass theater kid who joins Yuuki's bad jokes to give people headaches.
He is the king of random talents and parlor tricks; he can do a hand stand walk, write and type with his feet, he's very good with sleight of hand tricks, and can even use throwing knives to catch flies.
He's personality is pretty much that of Gomez Addams, he's a hopeless romantic who flirts with anyone and anything that moves, and is constantly down to do the weirdest shit for his loved ones.
His persona is Brutus, the trusted ally of Julius Caesar who later joined a conspiracy to end his life for the benefit of Rome. He realized that Caesar was a dictator and decided to side with his own lofty ideals and morals. He is best known for his role in the Shakespearean play: 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar'.
Akira often consults Brutus whenever he faces a complicated situation that requires thinking of things from a different perspective, Brutus, being a master of rationalization, is always there to give Akira a push in the direction that will certainly benefit him in the long run, even if Akira doesn't like it.
Sophia Ishiki-Sakura - The Star
Codename: Rogue
Persona: Peter Pan
A 10 year old girl whose abusive mother was run clean-over by a truck 10 months before the events of the story-(not Ichinose). She spent the last several months being tossed around the abysmal foster care system until she ended up at the Ishiki-Sakura household with Futaba. When she moves in, Futaba's meta-nav pings in on a "semi-palace" that has begun forming.
The thieves begin brainstorming ideas on how to help Sophia, then Goro chimes in with: "Why don't we just help her confront her shadow?" and the rest of the team's like: "...what?". So Goro gives the gist that, theoretically, someone can change their own heart by directly confronting their shadow. The thieves decide they have no other choice to prevent Sophia from becoming fully distorted, and bring her into the semi-palace.
Things happen, Sophia awakens to her persona on the 2nd visit with the help of her shadow, but the semi-palace doesn't disappear. The thieves learn that the semi-palace is actually ruled by a cognition, (similar to canon Futaba), she confronts it and is able to change her own heart. After everything is said and done, she basically twists the thieves arms until they allow her to become a permanent member.
Sophia becomes much happier after her semi-palace is destroyed, up until then she was the poster child for gifted kids who were forced to grow up too fast. Her shadow and persona helped her tap into her inner child, now she gets a lot more enjoyment from being so smart, while still acting like a dumbass kid sometimes.
She goes to Shujin with the rest of the thieves, she was actually smart enough to skip a few grades and go straight to being a first-year.
She's basically the thieves collective little sister. Sumire and her bond over being neurodivergent and stim together, Makoto takes her out for rides on her motorcycle, Futaba is actually her sister and they bond over making immature jokes, Akira and her have actually started a club within the thieves for trauma dumping about abusive parents, and Yuuki and her bond over a shared experience with being sheltered and needing to learn more about real life.
As for her and Goro's relationship...
^Goro: "I've only had Sophia for less than a day, but if anything happened to her, I would kill every shadow in Mementos and then myself."
Her persona is Peter Pan, the forever child who resides in the fantastical world of Neverland, where he leads the group of lost boys and learned magic from sprites. His childishness is meant to be depicted as negative, but here is something to be said for seeing even life itself as another grand adventure.
Even after the thieves take her in as one of them, she still has a lot of trouble with allowing herself to act and play like a little kid, Pan is usually the one to help her indulge in those things she feels ashamed of. He acts like the reverse version of impulse control, encouraging Sophia to enjoy herself with dumb fun instead of trying to live up to her reputation as a gifted kid, Sophia of course, is grateful and tries to listen to his advice.
Haru Okumura - The High Priestess
Codename: Vigilante
Persona: Calamity Jane
She takes the place of Kobayakawa's lap dog, but not by being the student council president, she is simply encouraged by most people in her life to "-have good connections early on." Most of the pressure she experiences comes from her father, who is no stranger to cooking the books.
Unlike canon Makoto, she is much more reluctant to blindly follow the orders of the teachers, but she feels as though she doesn't have a choice in regards to what she does. Mostly in the fact that Kobayakawa has close ties to her father, and threatens to speak to him unless Haru spies on the new transfer student he's obsessed with trying to expel.
Haru befriends Sumire under false pretenses, but goes back on her spying when she learns that Kobayakawa has a personal connection to a local "mafia" and has been exploiting the student body for a long time now. So she goes to Sumire and the thieves to come clean, as well as ask them to change the principal's heart.
Eventually, the thieves need Haru's help with proceeding through the palace, in doing so, she awakens to her persona and begins working towards earning the thieves' trust once again.
Once she gains their trust, she officially joins the thieves as a valued friend. They all forgive her fairly quickly once they proceed further in Kobayakawa's palace
She's slightly more unhinged than she is in canon, constantly saying the most out-of-pocket shit you've ever heard.
^Haru: "Do you think stabbing someone in the dark could be used as a legal loophole for assault?"
She and Goro are absolute besties in this AU. They constantly shit talk random people behind their back, especially the people whose hearts the thieves have changed. She also does this with Sumire and the "Principal Humpty-Dumpty" joke.
She and Ann have a secret "shit-talking-tea-date" that nobody else is allowed to know about. They talk about the stunts pulled by the other thieves.
If Makoto is the fresh-outta-jail mom, Haru is 100% the sassy aunt who encourages her nieces and nephews schemes in an effort to mess with the mother. In most cases, Haru usually just sits back and watches the chaos while calmly sipping a cup of tea.
Calamity Jane was an old West heroine who got her name for her reckless nature on the battlefield, as well as being known for riding straight into an enemy ambush to save her ally. She was a heedless, foul-mouthed, and heavily opinionated woman who made her name famous with her sharpshooting skills.
Whereas many of the thieves directly consult their personas for help, Jane acts more like a spectator with a bucket of popcorn while Haru hilariously flails around without contributing anything to creating a solution. If Jane is really feeling like a nuisance, she will interject with the most batshit things at the worst times.
^Haru: *Taking a test and trying to remember the answer* ^Jane: "Pssst-I think the answer is 25..." ^Haru: ".......this is an English test, Jane..."
Yusuke Maruki - The Hermit
Codename: Prophet
Persona: Paimon
Maruki's son whom he adopted in secret after the suspicious death of Yusuke's mother.
Things happen in a similar manner as canon, medjed threatens everyone, Futaba tries and fails to find a way to stop them, Yusuke contacts them under the alias of "Avra" saying that he can help them track down the one responsible for the threats if they change the heart of Yusuke Maruki.
Sumire investigates, finds out about Yusuke's story, and her and the thieves agree to change Yusuke's heart for him.
His palace takes the form of haunted catacombs, with a cognitions of the men in black suits being the true rulers, while his shadow is an imprisoned spirit who's desperate for freedom.
Sophia proposes that since the circumstances are similar, they could just bring Yusuke into his own palace to confront this shadow like she did. Goro interjects, saying that Sophie's semi-palace was no where near as large or dangerous as a full-blown palace, meaning that things are more likely to escalate poorly.
Yusuke comes in on his own during the thieves' heist, he awakens, and the team has a brand new navigator on their side.
Even though he is similar to canon Futaba with hacking skills, he has much more of an occult aesthetic rather than being a super-nerd. He simply picked up coding and hacking as a hobby when he ran out of books to read.
He's still as eccentric as ever, constantly joining Akira in being a drama queen about everything. He 100% knows how to commit to the bit.
Somehow he is even more deadpaningly hilarious than canon. Contending with Haru for saying the most out-of-pocket things, causing people's heads to turn.
^Futaba: "Why do you always say the most outta-pocket shit?!"
^Yusuke: *Deadly serious voice* "It would appear that the pocket has barely been opened at this point..."
His persona Paimon is the ninth spirit listed in the Ars Goetia, as well as a revered king of hell. Said to be a master of "all matter of secret things", he will bestow his conjurer with otherworldly knowledge whenever summoned.
Jane is a spectator who enjoys Haru's lighthearted suffering, and Paimon is a spectator who constantly wants to bash his head against a wall for all the things Yusuke is clueless about. He constantly has to put up with an antisocial teenager who can't so much as read a subway map correctly, despite living in Tokyo his whole life. Paimon is also forced to suffer second-hand embarrassment when his other self unknowingly drops the ball when talking to people.
Ann Takamaki - The Empress
Codename: Knight
Persona: St. Jeanne d'Arc
A friend of Sumire who has suspected her of being a phantom thief ever since the incident with Kamoshida, and later, the Principal. She later came to Sumire requesting that she change her mother's heart.
Instead of Okumura being the one who exploits workers and is involved with the mental shutdowns, Ann's mother is the CEO of a small-scale conglomerate who plans on ascending into politics.
Ann has known Sumire for a good minute, so she trusts her when it is resealed that she and her friends are the phantom thieves, but Ann still wants to see a change of heart in-person so she knows whether or not it is as justified as they say. It also helps that Ann has been hearing the faint voice of her persona over the course of a few months, so Sumire believes she can help with the awakening process.
The exact details of how the thieves prove their methods to Ann will be revealed later on, but the bottom line is that the thieves encounter another semi-palace that they need to take care of as quickly as possible.
Unbeknownst to the thieves, Ann has been very close to having an awakening and forming a semi-palace for several months, and she is beginning to reach the end of her rope. This all culminates in her trying to wrestle her own shadow to death whilst her persona tries to stop her.
When all the madness ends, Ann awakens, she helps the thieves destroy the semi-palace of their target, and she agrees to go forward with the plan to change her mother's heart.
She and Sumire bond over their conjoined "trans girl swag". She's pretty good with helping Sumire out with any lingering dysphoria that she's not comfortable about sharing with the rest of the thieves.
She has a weekly shit-talking session with Haru which usually happens over tea and sweets. They basically just talk about the stupidest things that the other thieves have attempted that week.
She and Futaba often unite to sow chaos amongst the group, they plot, they scheme, and then they make some popcorn to watch the chaos.
Her persona is St. Jeanne d'Arc, the woman in charge of flying the French flag before battles during the 100 years' war. Despite the fact that she had no formal position in the army, she was always found on bravely rushing to the battlefield, she was even known to give the troops tactical advice during meetings.
Jeanne is Ann's biggest enabler whenever she wants to have some harmless fun, basically, her favorite thing to say in response to Ann's ideas is: "Do it." But she also helps Ann come to terms with the fact that she needs to take responsibility and take things seriously.
Ryuji Sakamato - The Justice
Codename: Crook/Black mask
Persona(s): Nezumi Kozo/Maximilien
Takes the place of the culprit behind the mental shutdowns and rampage incidents, as well as taking the role of being the traitor who works with the conspiracy Shido runs.
His story is similar to canon Akechi, his mother was a prostitute who was killed by Shido one night. Ryuji, instead of becoming a detective, decided to become an extremist dedicated to bringing Shido, and the entire Japanese government, to it's knees.
He willingly signed up for some unethical cognitive psience research experiments so he could get close to Shido, there were other people who underwent the training, but Ryuji was the only one that actually survived long enough to gain his powers.
He climbed his way up the ladder until finally getting an audience with Shido, and he offered to become his hitman for the same reasons as canon Akechi. By this point in his life, Ryuji had become so jaded by everything he's been through, that he's convinced himself that everyone he killed needed to die for the greater good.
Ryuji's main cover story is that he's a justified rebel who uses graffiti art and peaceful protests to speak out against corruption, not only does this help him publicly detest the phantom thieves, but it helps Shido's reputation when they publicly join together around the election time.
He's not quite as irredeemable as canon Akechi, but when it does come time for him and the thieves to reunite in the 3rd semester, it basically boils down to: "YOU ARE GOING TO BE A GOOD PERSON! AND YOU ARE GONNA LIKE IT!!!"
During his "redemption" phase he still has to get over the fact that he's very cynical in how he views the world, as well as people in general. His philosophy is that since everybody has a shadow self, that means everyone is automatically at least a little evil.
He and Sumire have more of a "frenemies" type of relationship rather than the homoerotic undertones of canon Akechi and Joker. They insult and antagonize each other constantly, but Sumire is the only one Ryuji will allow it with, if it were anyone else insulting him, he's break their spine.
His "false" persona, Nezumi Kozo, was the "rat kid" who plagued noblemen across all of Japan during the Edo period. Even though his status as a vigilante is widely debated by historians, many folk songs and Kabuki plays portray him as an outlawed hero of justice.
His "true" persona is Maximilien, the man who was credited with leading the French reign of terror, which ended up being the most violent time of the French revolution. He encouraged the peasants and common folk to go on an execution spree against all royals, nobles, and anyone suspected of corruption. Ironically, he himself, was executed in July of 1794.
Nezumi Kozo started out as nothing more than a farce Ryuji created to help him get closer to the phantom thieves, a way to conceal his true nature. As the thieves helped him mentally recover from...everything, Nezumi seemed to gain consciousness, becoming his own separate entity from Maximilien and showing that Ryuji is on the right path and is dedicated to being better.
Maximilien is sort of like Ryuji's reluctant assistant who knows that what's happening is wrong, but is trying his best to support his friend in the hopes he will make the right choice in the end. As Ryuji becomes more distorted with the need for revenge, Maximilien talks to him less and less, and eventually Ryuji doesn't hear or see him unless he summons him in the metaverse.
Maximilien and Nezumi have a lot of friction when they need to share the space within Ryuji's heart, at first it's like the classic "angel and devil" situation. Luckily though, the two manage to work things out and work together to do their best for helping Ryuji becomes his best self.
That's all I'm going to be doing for now, I do plan on making bios for Morgana as the hope and Zenkichi as the charity, plus all of the confidants in royal, but I need to save that for another time.
This took way too long for me to make, but I'm very proud of it.
I do plan on making this full-blown story on ao3, and I'm working on the prologue right now. Hopefully I'll be able to start publishing chapters soon.
Until then,
Farewell bozos
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swordsfaires · 5 months ago
for love and country
rating: T
pairings: Persona 5 Protagonist/Goro Akechi, Ann Takamaki/Shiho Suzui, Ryuji Sakamoto/Haru Okumura
characters: Goro Akechi, Persona 5 Protagonist, Sophia, Ryuji Sakamoto, Haru Okumura, Ann Takamaki, Sumire Yoshizawa, Shiho Suzui, Futaba Sakura, Sojiro Sakura, Makoto Niijima, Sae Niijima, Yusuke Kitagawa, Hanae Oda, Zenkichi Hasegawa, Akane Hasegawa, Toshiro Kasukabe, Eri Natsuhara, Ichiryusai Madarame, Suguru Kamoshida, Junya Kaneshiro, Principal Kobayakawa
tags: silly premise treated (mostly) seriously, Alternate Universe - SPY x FAMILY Fusion, Inspired by SPY x FAMILY, Goro is Yor, Joker is Loid, Sophia is Anya, Minor Character Death, Minor Violence, Family, Family Fluff, Family Dynamics, Family Bonding, First Dates, First Kiss, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Developing Relationship, Strangers to Lovers, everyone tagged is featured in some capacity! even if it’s just a one line reference, Akechi Goro and Sakura Futaba Are Half-Siblings, Based on chapters 1-3 of the manga
“Joker” is an international spy determined to stop his homeland from falling back into war. Goro Akechi, code name Thorn Prince, is an assassin dispatched to destroy traitors to the government. Sophia is a young orphaned girl with the gift of telepathy. All of their paths cross when Joker is assigned his latest mission: to marry and have a child in order to infiltrate Shujin Academy’s elite and cross paths with Hanae Oda, whose political provocations threaten to ignite the flames of war once more.
An Akeshuake Spy x Family AU written for the zine Every Universe, Every Lifetime with collaboration art done by Rain (@lowrezcats on Twitter)!
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embretheworld · 5 months ago
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Principal Kobayakawa stop ruining everything for Makoto challenge. (IMPOSSIBLE)
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vashtijoy · 2 years ago
news from NG+: 7/9
So on 7/9, Akechi has his post-Kaneshiro-takedown flail about the PTs in the morning....
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... only to then send you one of his obligatory text invitations in the evening—that's to say, he always texts you on 7/9, and he always has that tantrum in the morning.
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For me, that text is confidant stage 4, but other examples of the 7/9 text I've seen have been non-rank-up invitations, I think because I blew him off for Kawakami that once. shamefaced sorry, Goro.
Do what you will with this information. I love that he's clearly been stewing about it all day. "I can't believe he's interfering with my plans/catching up with me/shitting up the Metaverse again/pushing me out of the public eye when I haven't been in it FIVE MINUTES/ugh that SHIT that piece of TRASH i HATE him i HA... this is absurd. I'm being absurd. I will ask him on a date. Yes. I will investigate him over crepes, he will never suspect a thing hahahAHAHA."
That corner he's tucked away in is the back of the Ginza Line Gate / Teikyu Building, by the way:
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He's literally found a nice, friendly wall to tuck himself behind, to check his phone and have his tantrum. He's facing the stairs, but unless someone comes up the stairs, nobody can see him. Nice little detail.
Another nice detail is that I already had a feeling he uses the Ginza Line—it, of course, runs between Shibuya and Akasaka Mitsuke, where the TV studio is. By the time you get this sequence, you've probably already met Akechi at Yon Germain, which is further back in shot below the blue sign—so both his appearances at the station are here.
Actually, the station platform you run into him on is also the Ginza Line platform—Aoyama-Itchome (where Shujin is) is between Shibuya and Akasaka.
Those two women chattering in the background, by the way, are the Middle-Aged Lady and the Young-Looking Woman, the latter of which has a daughter at Shujin, and spends the year talking to her friend about how hot Akechi is and, apparently, stalking his ass:
Middle-Aged Lady: So Akechi-kun was saying on TV... The Phantom Thieves are dangerous, aren't they? Young-Looking Woman: Yeah, Akechi-kun! The way his eyes look to the side is pretty sexy... Young-Looking Woman: I love the way he runs his hands through his hair too... Middle-Aged Lady: Did you hear what I just said? You really like younger guys...
The last thing you might have missed on 7/9 is that, after his abortive conversation with Makoto earlier in the day ("the Phantom Thieves are justice and I'm afraid I know nothing c:"), and getting hung out to dry by the SIU Director, you can also find Principal Kobayakawa moping to himself on Harmony Alley:
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So yeah, big conspiracy energy in Kichijoji on the evening of 7/9.
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symphonic-scream · 6 months ago
Some Okujima/MakoHaru from the Transboy Haru arcana swap au
Okay so Makoto is just another schoolmate to them until Kobayakawa tells her he needs her to find out what they want and why they're connected to Kamoshida
So Makoto investigates.
Haru sniffs out how pathetic she is instantly and he just. "Goddamn. I need her to break"
Shiho: oh, that's Niijima-Senpai. She's just a puppet for the principal, thinks it'll get her into a good school.
Haru: "thinks"?
Shiho: ...the last two who did what she did? They work at Wild Duck burger.
Haru: that's not fair!
Futaba: well he let Kamoshida continue his bullshit, so I wouldn't expect him to be very fair
Haru: but what about Niijima? We can't just leave her to suffer...
Shiho: she got herself into this, I mean,, but. We can look into it, I guess
Shiho isn't super keen on helping Makoto at first. But then she finds out Makoto had actually tried to get the school to install an elevator while Shiho was recovering. And that Makoto nearly lost her spot for that
So then she's *extra* eager to help
Shiho: I couldn't see it, but she was always trying to help us, the other students... Fuck, and we screwed her over! We played into Kobayakawa's hand!
Cause his plan was to turn Makoto into a shell by distancing her from her peers and it worked
Until Haru and the gang trick her into going into the Metaverse and she awakens and goes to stay on the Yoshida couch while taking down the man that ruined her teen years
Makoto: I'm sorry I couldn't stop those rumours about you not being a guy
Haru: ...I am trans, like. For real
Makoto: ...oh. STILL-
Makoto all drowsy after their awakening, having to be half carried back to Yongen. Haru gets them a blanket and PJs from their basement and head back to the beef bowl shop
Makoto: hey, Yoshida,,
Haru: Haru. We're friends now
Makoto: r-right,, Haru,, thank you. For saving me
Haru: everyone deserves a chance, Makoto.
Makoto: ...yeah. I'll, see you in the morning,
Makoto is crushing instantly
Makoto hugs Haru on impulse when the change of heart takes place. Big, warm hug. Soft tears in his shoulder
The next day, Makoto comes to school from their first night back with Sae, proudly wearing a new pronoun pin and pants, and they look so at eade
Their social link with Haru is. Haru comes along while Makoto apologizes to their classmates and students they screwed over with Kobayakawa, and setting up for uni applications
And then the ROMANCE
Cause one student Makoto apologizes to is Eiko, who thanks Makoto for stopping her from ruining her life when they were friends as kids. And they keep talking. And Makoto invites Haru on a double date
Makoto: it, doesn't have to be romantic. But this is her first girlfriend and, we're the queerest people she knows- but- i wouldn't mind if it was romantic-
Haru: I'd love to go on a date with you
They kiss in an alley after the date, Makoto's back to a wall, arms around Haru's neck, basically making out, Haru's hands under their little dress sweater, just
Makoto: I've liked you since you first saved me,
Haru: damn,, I can't tell when I fell. Just, all I know is you make my stomach spin and my head float
Makoto: I can't wait to have things with you. Hand over my jacket when it's cold, cuddle with you in the mornings and evenings, to kiss you goodnight and good morning and-
Haru: you're hot
Post plot like. Man,,
Makoto wants to be a school administrator. To make things better. They're starting low, as an education assistant, and they excitedly tell the teachers about the vacation they're taking to help their husband heal from surgery, and then a small trip with their friends for a reunion
Haru, with his nice little neighbourhood restaurant and cafe, and scheduled dick surgery, all set for their first year post secondary school
They got married, went on a trip with their friends, and it was Strikers Strikers happens much later here for funnies and they meet the Shadow OPS fully
Haru and Makoto not having their own kids. But they babysit the three young children of a former teacher, his husband and their wife
Strikers but it's been like 4-5 years not like a few months and it's CRAZY
Makoto: damn, I almost missed this
Morgana: *loud eating noises*
Futaba: NEVER!!!!
The gives years later with Haru looking mostly the same but slightly more buff? And Makoto, dressing in darker, baggier clothes. With ties and sweaters for work and big tees and shit otherwise, Undercut with a lil ponytail with it, glasses
Makoto: this is my husband!
Haru: my partner,,,
Toranosuke being so excited to have more of his sons home. It's been just him and Morgana for a little while. Bear hugs Haru when he and Makoto come back for his surgery
Tora: my boy! Haru,, oh and Makoto! You both look so well, welcome home
Makoto always eats so well. They were just having instant ramen while living with Kobayakawa, and now? Haru is so loving and cooks to show love
They have their own little apartment in a smaller neighborhood, close to the smaller school Makoto works for, with Haru's diner at the end of the street
Makoto: ready for your dick surgery, babe?
Haru: I was born ready. Are you ready to deal with me post op?
Makoto: I was born to care for you
Naoto, Kanji, and Rise show up with their three crotch goblins to help out after, cause one of them has had said surgery and the other two? Were there to help heal
They have an older daughter and then two twin boys. The daughter is Kanji and Rise's, and the boys are Naoto and Rise's cause au magic trans people can have kids cause I said so
Rise: no, no- you can't climb on cousin Haru, he's not feeling well
Twin 1: is he sick?
Twin 2: is he dying?!
Naoto: hush, boys. Cousin Haru will be fine, you just can't climb on him. He had surgery
Daughter: oh! That's why he's got the ice on his lap?
Makoto: yup, and it's why everyone needs to be a little more quiet. We want him to heal well
The trio give Haru little forehead and top of head kisses. Cause they always saw him as like a little brother or little cousin
Makoto: my brave guy,
Haru: heyyyy!!! Doc,, thaz my partner,, they luuuuuuve me!
Makoto: oh, poor boy, they got you on the good stuff, huh?
Haru: I'm penis man now
Makoto: youre penis man now, yeah. Let's get you home, penis man
A few days after the nerves connect, they're on a train back to Yongen to stay with the Yoshida family once more, before they end up on a roadtrip that'll end with the world bringing back two lost souls
Anyways. Ywah
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izurusstuff · 4 months ago
“Maybe I’m okay with accepting his deal…”
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summary: phantom thief reader (gender neutral) x takuto maruki (but a secret relationship woahhh). yeah this involves guidance counselor x student reader but i’m having the reader be a third year or some sort of teaching assistant because the law and not being morally fucked up is cool!! also this is a bit all over the place so beware
message from izurusstuff: hey guys sorry it’s been crazy 🙏🏼🙏🏼 i’ve been super duper busy with university and i lost all motivation to write outside of academia (boooo, useless writing) but c.ai keeps annoying the hell out of me with “can i ask you a question?” so i decided to say fuck it and do it myself. also my life kinda got turned upside down because a hurricane wiped my hometown off the map so that’s not very fun :((
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This all started the day Takuto Maruki was sent to Shujin Academy to console the victims of Suguru Kamoshida. Y/N wasn’t necessarily one of them, but they knew of what was happening since they were assisting some of the extracurricular teachers during that time. Honestly? If it weren’t for the Phantom Thieves, Y/N probably would’ve gone after Kamoshida anyway…
Yet some sort of fate led Y/N to cross the path of the Phantom Thieves— whether it was the work of some cruel deity or sheer bad luck, Y/N figured out the identity of all the Thieves and awakened to their persona after the death of Principal Kobayakawa (they accidentally got drawn in to Okumura’s palace). So when they noticed Dr. Maruki was researching cognitive pscience, Y/N warned the other Thieves. Apparently, Y/N was the last to know. They trusted Maruki wholeheartedly for some reason, which made Y/N even more cold to the poor guidance counsellor…
Then Okumura died. On live television, in front of his only daughter, he became the newest victim of a mental shutdown. Y/N’s trust in the Phantom Thieves went down the drain. Did they really kill Haru’s dad?! Why the HELL would they do that?! He wasn’t the best person, but to execute him in front of his daughter? Who WERE these people that Y/N was working with?
So now, they found comfort in the guidance counsellor they mistrusted at the beginning. Y/N would spend all their free time in the office of the tenured Maruki— and it was the most relaxing thing they experienced. He had snacks, juices, games, beds… everything; obviously he was a good listener too, so that made it easier. But what would never be easy to deal with was Maruki’s approaching departure— he was only contracted to be at Shujin for six months. And to make it worse? Y/N had fallen for him. Hard. But little did Y/N know that he felt the same…
“Takuto…” Y/N murmured, causing him to perk up with his eager brown eyes. And God… that smile… it could melt anyone’s heart…
“Hm? What is it, Y/N?” Maruki responded with a warm tone.
“I’m… going to really miss you. Do you have to leave?”
“I do. I’m so sorry, Y/N. But being a counsellor isn’t my calling… I would gladly renegotiate my contract in order to spend more time with you, but-“ Wait. What? Did Maruki just confess to wanting to spend more time with Y/N?! They remained baffled but pulled him into a close hug nonetheless. Now both of them were blushing with their tears dusting their eyes.
“If I had the chance to change fate so we could have more time together, I absolutely would take it.” Maruki said, pulling them tighter into the embrace while cupping their face. He wiped their tears with the pads of his thumb before leaning into a passionate kiss with them. Ugh. Why couldn’t Y/N have sucked up their disdain for him sooner?! They couldn’t help but blame themself for the reason why they didn’t have more time together; tears fell even faster down Y/N’s cheeks while they reciprocated the kiss— a feeling so great, yet so painful.
“You won’t forget about me here, will you?”
“I could never forget about someone like you, Y/N.”
And that was the last time they had spoken in his office. Of course, they kept in contact while having their love blossom, but it never could replace how much Y/N craved to be held by Maruki again. Yes, he was off doing what he always wanted to, but Y/N couldn’t help how empty it felt without their new lover…
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January 1st, 20XX.
While Y/N’s friends got to spend New Years and Christmas with their significant others, they remained lonely in their apartment. Sure, they texted Maruki and video called him multiple times, but it just… didn’t feel the same. So when the new year rolled around, Y/N didn’t feel anything other than the absence of their beloved Maruki.
Until they got a text.
“Hey, my Y/N! <3 I’m outside! I’m not sure whether or not you wanted iced coffee or hot, so I got both!”
It was from Maruki? He wasn’t supposed to be back in Tokyo for at LEAST two more months. Why was he outside? Was this a prank? Y/N rushed outside to see if it was some cruel joke, but it wasn’t. Maruki was in front of them, holding their favorite coffee in his gloved hands. They stared up at him in disbelief for a bit then pulled him in for a kiss. Then another text came in from Y/N’s… friend…? Enemy? What even was he? Not the point. It was Goro Akechi, who they all assumed to be dead since they literally saw his demise in his father’s palace.
“Please tell me you didn’t fall into this false reality too. Someone must be smart enough to tell that something’s off.”
Y/N looked at their phone, then back at Maruki in even more disbelief. This was reality, wasn’t it?
Y/N’s internal question was answered nearly soon after they thought of it— Okumura was nearby with his daughter, Haru.
What had Maruki done?
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thebigpapilio · 1 year ago
so everyone knows my ASAU of Persona 5 Royal, A Righteous Rebellion. right? And we're all also aware of @scruffyturtles' Adult Confidant AU?
well I sorta fused them? tldr: i made a (mostly) Adult Confidant AU for ARR! Details below, if you're interested - and if you have any questions about it, please ask @rollthedice-playthecards or this blog here!
The Fool and Strength (i.e. Igor & Caroline/Justine/Lavenza) are the same. Otherwise, everyone's changed.
The World (i.e. Protagonist) is Tae Takemi!
Her parents were abusive shitheads to her, and she got into a program that helped her escape for Tokyo.
Her first Persona is Merit-Ptah, a fictitious woman purported to be a chief physician of an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh and thus one of the oldest known women in medicine and science.
The Magician is Sadamu Niijima (transmasc!Sae)!
The home invasion that killed Mr. Niijima also led to his death, but Igor came upon his soul and reincarnated him into a hound (because of Shadow Sae's tattoos) for The Yaldabaoth Game™.
His first Persona is Turiddu, a Sicilian bandit whose gang was "legally held responsible" for a massacre, although the entirely of their role in it is disputed.
The Priestess is Sadayo Kawakami!
She was a member of Student Council, but when she brought up Kamoshida's abuse to Principal Omon "Bael" Kobayakawa, she lost her seat. Kobayakawa actually replaces Kaneshiro as the third major target.
Her first Persona is Elissa, legendary founder and queen of Carthage... oh, and I will be shipping her with Tae for my Kawakemi agenda. :)
The Empress is Chihaya Fukurai (Mifune)!
Yuichi "Mammon" Fukurai, her adoptive father, runs Fukurai Foods (Big Bang Burger's owner and more). Chihaya was setting up to inherit the business when Yuichi "changed his mind" and prepared to sell her off in an arranged marriage to Rikio Sugimura.
Her first Persona is Lakshmibai, an Indian rani who rebelled against the Bri'ish.
The Emperor is Sojiro Sakura!
He's a culinary prodigy studying under his adoptive parent (I haven't decided who yet, but they're Azazel) - a TV chef who runs a kids' competition a la Chopped Junior. They definitely abuse some of those kids.
His Initial Persona is Hamlet, the famous Shakespearean Prince of Denmark.
The Hierophant is Makoto Niijima, owner of Cafe Bianca.
She's been looking for her estranged younger "sister" for years now.
The Lovers is Munehisa Iwai!
Munehisa is Shujin’s star athlete. Excels in every sport in Shujin except volleyball, from which he was banned after standing up to Suguru "Asmodeus" Kamoshida.
Kaoru, his younger brother here, takes the role of Shiho, and Akimitsu Tsuda and Masa replace Nakaoka and Takeishi.
His Initial Persona is Barrow, a Great Depression-era criminal who robbed small stores, funeral homes and banks with his partner Ms. Parker.
The Chariot is Ichiko Ohya!
Leader of the photography club. She caught photos of Kamoshida’s dirty deeds in the past and is trying to find a way to expose them anonymously. Oh, and she has a long-distance girlfriend named Kayo.
Her Initial Persona is O'Malley, an Irish pirate queen so violent Elizabeth I considered sending the Royal Fleet after.
Justice is Toranosuke Yoshida!
I sort of split Goro's two roles in this AU. Toranosuke plays the Detective Prince trying to solve the case of mental shutdowns (+ the Phantom Thief case), but his brother-by-choice Benzo Kuramoto plays assassin and mental-shutdown-inducer for Masao Kuramoto, his grandfather. Tora joins the team in Oda's Palace, and they fight Benzo in Kuramoto's Palace - that's where Toranosuke achieves his Second Persona.
Speaking of Personas, his Initial one is Greenlefe, Robin Hood's second-in-command and the only one present at his death.
The Hermit is Takuto Niijima (Maruki)!
Makoto had a brief stint as a police officer, but after a influential asshole (Kuramoto) drove drunk and killed one Tomoyo Rumi, she attempted to dig into the situation and was dishonorably discharged. Soon after, she met Rumi's boyfriend, Takuto (an orphan with one shitty relative), and took him in.
He would be a third-year if he was still in school. He’s wasting away as he grieves Rumi's death. He can’t bring himself to kill himself, but he also doesn't want to be alive anymore.
His Initial Persona is Popol Vuh, a religious text of the mythology and history of the Kʼicheʼ Guatemalans.
The Fortune is Hifumi Hibino (Togo)!
After Mitsuyo disowned Hifumi for coming out as lesbian, Hifumi moved in with her wife Haru (they both end up with Makoto later). Hifumi took up busking/street shogi, not wanting to be reliant on Haru.
The Hanged Man is Akira Kurusu!
Not much for this guy right now - like Canon!Munehisa, he's an ex-yakuza who runs Indomptable, an airsoft store. Ren is his adoptive son.
Death is Sumire Yoshizawa!
A medical misdiagnosis (by her biological mother Yui, not that she knows it) left Sumire's sister in a coma. Ever since, Sumire can't see anyone unconscious without thinking of Kasumi.
Temperance is Ryuji Sakamoto!
An orphaned man who teaches PE at Shujin and moonlights in an escort service to take care of himself and his son Morgana.
Just after his college years, his mom's ex-husband killed her and then killed himself to escape the police, so he has no support system. Thus, he got himself into trouble with a duo of loan sharks so he could look presentable enough to replace Kamoshida.
He, Ann and Shiho were friends in high-school, but he never saw them again after graduating.
The Devil is Ann Takamaki!
An up-and-coming actress working hard to make it big. She's keeping her sexuality (and her girlfriends Shiho Suzui and Mika Abe) under wraps from everyone, including her manager.
At the end of the Confidant, she moves in with her old friend (and future boyfriend) Ryuji after Tae mentions him.
The Tower is Goro Shido (Akechi)!
Goro is a very temperamental young man with no methods of healthily and safely letting out his anger at the world and his shitty, abusive father.
After Shido's heart is changed, Ryuji (and Ann and Shiho) take Goro in.
The Star is Zenkichi Hasegawa!
Even if Zen doesn't know it, he's the best player in the shogi club at Kosei. It's discovered their "team" has been fixing matches, and Zenkichi is determined to find out who's cheating.
Jyun Owada, his senpai and club president, is jealous, and is trying to cause strife between him and his girlfriend Aoi to weaken him.
The Moon is Sophia Ichinose!
Sophia is a Greek immigrant who moved to Japan for work opportunities. She's Tae's science teacher, so Tae really likes her. Her daughter Kuon, however, has fallen in with a HORRIBLY nasty crowd - a bigoted group who hates (among other groups of people) Kuon's adoptive mother. Kuon, naturally, is conflicted, and this leads to conflict between her and Sophia.
The Sun is Haru Hibino!
A young politician whose bold eat-the-wealthy mentality does not sit well with older generations - for example, her father Kunikazu, who disowned her and silently smeared her campaigns so she'd waste her inheritance and never expose his criminality.
In the end of the whole story, Haru legalizes polyamorous marriage!
Judgement is Shinya Oda!
Uses they/them pronouns here.
After Shinya's mother Hanae was killed in cold blood, they joined the SIU to find the killer. She did something to piss off Kuramoto, though, so he and the director do everything they can to keep Shinya away from that.
The Faith is Wakaba Isshiki!
Daughter of Shujin's new counselor. A science prodigy.
I don't have much ideas for her yet, never mind her Personas.
The Councillor is Futaba Isshiki!
Shujin's aforementioned new counselor in the wake of Kamoshida's arrest. Believing the world to be "without life" without her deceased fiancee Kana, her Palace becomes a Graveyard, where she "raises the dead" by fixing their problems.
She only has one Persona - Chac Chel, an important Maya goddess of many things, most prominently both creation and destruction.
The Hope is Yuuki (Mishima)!
His ranged weapon is eye lasers. They use both he/him and they/them.
An A.I. made by Katsuo Akiyama, a regretful high-school bully who caused one of his victims to commit suicide.
Their first Persona is Thyrsus - a giant fennel staff that Yuuki uses like a weapon alongside the Persona aspect of it.
The Apostle is Yusuke Kitagawa!
The only original Phantom Thief to keep the power of Persona.
Ordered by Madarame Ichitaro (the killer of his mother and Police Commissioner) to investigate the Phantom Thieves after a series of mass heart-changings occur again.
Akane has a brother, Natsuhiko, and they share the Jail. Their mother, Takayo (Yusuke's beard) is still dead.
His Persona is Enjolras, and he later gets with Akira.
Lastly, a unique Arcana - The Actor, Morgana Sakamoto!
A theater prodigy at his school (not Shujin or Kosei) and Ryuji's son. He has no clues to his past before Ryuji, and he wants to know, but he also wants his dad to be happy. At the end of the Strikers arc, Lavenza becomes human, and he and Goro get the Sakamotos to adopt her as well.
Reminder once again to post any questions about this AU to @rollthedice-playthecards!
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