#kinshiro morooka
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katsona-the-katsequel · 9 months ago
Only including some of those who have died before AND you get to meet.
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personachampions · 6 months ago
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I've been waiting for this! Round 1 continues with Matches 26-30!
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larranciaa · 1 month ago
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life journals and my places
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the-rocky-of-naniwa · 1 year ago
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rollthedice-playthecards · 1 year ago
A new teacher enters to fill in for the late Ms. Kashiwagi, and the team later discusses her passing after school. However, their convo is interrupted by a not-as-ursine investigator.
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adachimoe · 2 months ago
Morooka and his rotten oranges
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When the protagonist asks Morooka if he's calling him a loser, Morooka responds by saying he'll put the protag on his shit list. In Japanese, Morooka instead says he will put him in his "rotten orange book" (or rotten mikan) which is a reference to a Japanese drama about a high school teacher called Kinpachi-sensei.
Morooka then proceeds to call students "rotten oranges" throughout the game, and I thought it was disappointing that it's never translated as "shit (list)" ever again.
When Morooka shit talks Kanji, "rotten orange" was translated as "lazy punk":
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During the camping trip, he says it while he's drunk and checking if students are out of their tents, and here it's become rotten apple (makes sense; rotten apple is something you say in english):
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And then during Void Quest, in the RPG text, it actually is just rotten orange:
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The first time it shows up is on floor 2, and there's no text surrounding it that indicates that Mitsuo is encountering Morooka, so the "rotten orange" (and pronoun; see below) bit is how you're supposed to know it's Morooka.
As mentioned in PClub P4 and the Premium Fun Book, Mitsuo used to be a Yasogami High student, but he got caught messing around outside of school by Morooka, got suspended, and then he was so ego butthurt mad that he dropped out of Yasogami and went to another school. So this text is referring back to that incident where Mitsuo got suspended by Morooka, why he held a grudge against him, etc.
(I think the text is oddly worded here too - "stand against me *for* being a rotten orange" could be interpreted as Mitsuo saying this while fighting Morooka, but it's Morooka saying it. Maybe more like, "You've got some nerve defying me, you rotten orange"? In Japanese, the text uses Morooka's pronoun (ワシ), so there's no ambiguity about who is speaking.)
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Anyho, the 2nd time this appears is on Void Quest floor 8, and this time it explicitly says, "Morooka has appeared", so you know it's him.
Personally, I really like the "shit list" localization. Like it works really well since it gets Morooka's crass nature across. I feel like there's a missed opportunity that they didn't keep translating it as "shit" for the rest of the game: "Kanji Tatsumi, that shit", "Are there any little shits out of their tents?!", "You stand against me, you piece of shit", blah blah. This totally sounds like Morooka in my head lol.
Also related to Kinpachi-sensei is that Morooka seems to be named after him too. Kinpachi-sensei's name comes from the timeslot the show aired: Friday at 8pm. Friday in Japanese is "Kin"yobi, and 8 is "hachi/pachi", thus "Kinpachi".
Similarly, Morooka's first name Kinshiro uses the same "Kin" character as "Kinyobi" and "Kinpachi", and then "shi" is 4, and he's in Persona "4". (Hey the first character being "gold" works out too cause Golden came out later.)
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ammstify · 5 months ago
A few months ago, I read an exchange between a mutual of mine and a person about their experience with Persona 4 Golden, more specifically, about the queer writing within it, how they felt about Naoto Shirogane's story, and how the game treated (or mistreated) Naoto's gender identity.
Today, I decided I wanted to put in my two cents and discuss the truth of what Naoto Shirogane's social link/story is ACTUALLY about (at least, from my own interpretations while using empirical evidence from the game!)
***BIG FAT NOTE: To avoid controversy, but also out of personal preference and headcanon, I will be referring to Naoto by they/them pronouns.
This does NOT MEAN I AM TRANSPHOBIC! I am a queer person who imagines Naoto as genderfluid, similar to Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club, but if you view Naoto as a transman, that is PERFECTLY OKAY! I have no judgement for those who do, and support many headcanons, including Kanji Tatsumi being bisexual, or Yosuke being a closeted gay guy!
(Also spoilers for Persona 4 Golden's major story beats and Naoto Shirogane's Social Link!!)
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Let's begin with a general summary of the story prior to entry into Naoto's Social link, which can be accessed as early as
We first meet Naoto Shirogane, a young male-presenting detective known as the "Detective Prince" by the media, who we find talking to Kanji, believing that he may be the next victim in the recent rising kidnapping cases. We learn through both Naoto and our uncle that Naoto was sent to Inaba for the purpose of aiding the local police department. For what purpose? To provide aid in investigating the increasingly bizarre murder cases and the kidnappings of local teenagers, much to the chagrin of both Dojima, Adachi, and many of the older officers presiding over the case.
After the return to school from summer break, as well as the rescuing of both Kanji and Rise by the Investigation Team, Naoto enrolls at Yasogami High School as a first year student, attracting the attention of all students, especially the female students who find Naoto to be handsome. He even receives multiple love letters from girls, yet remains disinterested, finding romance to be "entangling" and "callow". The boys on the other hand though are a bit mixed about Naoto, with some jealous of the interest he gets from girls, while others find Naoto to be cool and suave.
Eventually, we interact a bit more with Naoto during the investigations about the disappearance of Mitsuo Kubo, after the recent murder of local Yasogami High School teach Kinshiro Morooka. Many individuals, including our own team, the police department, and Naoto believe that Mitsuo is the true culprit and murderer of the prior cases, and the kidnappings.
As we question Naoto though, they become annoyed and question why we're so involved in this case, and why it matters to us. The group, and the protagonist himself, answers that its for justice and to seek the truth, which leaves Naoto a bit surprised and perplexed, as if they didn't expect that. It leaves Naoto contemplating as we hurry off to save Mitsuo from the Shadow World, and prevent him from dying so he can face justice.
But, after Mitsuo is apprehended, we come to find out that Naoto ends up becoming the next victim, despite deciding that the case was over and done.
Knowing all this and what comes next, you might think "oh, so Naoto's story is about his struggle with being a female at birth, and wanting to transition!" Not exactly...
This is where we get to the point of my post; Naoto's story isn't just about gender, sex, or sexism within the police force, its about age.
Specifically, how people perceive and treat Naoto based on their age, and how Naoto molds their appearance to affect that perception!
Let's first start with analyzing the main elephant in the room, Shadow Naoto. Prior to the battle, when we finally find the boss room, Shadow Naoto isn't acting like a woman or someone repressed by a sexist establishment; Shadow Naoto acts like a lonely child, begging for Naoto to not leave while sobbing and clinging to them.
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The Shadow questions why Naoto is leaving, with Naoto rejecting it as they attempt to leave. Instantly, the Shadow's personality changes to a deluded attempt at maturity, as it states "These childish gestures are no mere affection..." and implies quotes from adults like "You're only a child" and "Keep out of our business kid."
This is definitely shown throughout the story and when we meet Naoto, who in comparison to their peers, whom of which adore them regardless if they present as male, female, or otherwise, is treated by adults as one thing; A child.
Even after the reveal of Naoto being a female at birth, neither Dojima, Adachi, or any of the police officers on the investigation change their treatment towards Naoto, viewing them as a child and annoying kid who is ruining their work. They all view Naoto as a rookie, and think that they should be sent back to the city and not meddle with their affairs.
Despite this though, Shadow Naoto regresses back, stating that they want to "be a big boy right now" and how the adults will "see who I am." Many people confuse this for Naoto wanting to be trans, which I admit, I thought so too! But as the conversation continues, we learn that Naoto doesn't necessarily want to be a man.... But be like the detectives in fiction, who are often older, mature, adult men, rather than women, or even teenagers for that matter.
But, even if Naoto were to appear or be a male, none of their older peers in the detective and police forces will ever respect them, because they're a teenager. So, even if they were to go through this change for their body using the machine created by Shadow Naoto, they would never truly be happy. This is further implied during the battle with Shadow Naoto, who states that "children can't do anything at all!"
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We eventually fight our way through the battle, where in the end Naoto is left vulnerable as they explain the truth; Naoto is indeed a female at birth, who as a child, lost both their parents and was raised by their grandfather. Due to depression and struggling to make friends, Naoto read detective novels to pass their time, and fell in love with the idea of becoming a detective, both like their parents, grandfather, and the ones in the novels.
Over time, they began to aid their grandfather with his clients, earning them the nickname "Junior Detective." But even with their intelligence, not many accept their collaboration with cases due to their age. There, they wisely then state that "But though I will one day change from a child to an adult, I will never change from a woman to a man..."
They reveal that their gender and sex on the other hand didn't fit their image of an ideal detective, representing the lack of women in the force at the time, and a struggle with their own identity because of this. They state that it would give officers another reason to look down on them, saying that "no one would need me anymore..."
But, through the support of Kanji and Yukiko, they realize that its not about age or gender, but the fact that they shouldn't have to listen to the misguided judgment of adults. Nor do they have to change theirself to fit others views, and should be comfortable with their own body and age. And with a smile, they accept their Shadow, and create their Persona, Sukuna-Hikona!
(Who btw, is a male Persona, similar to how Ken's Persona, Nemesis, in Persona 3's was female! Perhaps this is due to Naoto's ideal idea of a detective/their grandfather, like how Ken's might reflect his mother and his view of her being strong?)
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Next, we then focus upon their Social Link!
Over the entire course of Naoto's social link, they are sent upon a scavenger hunt around Inaba, led by a series of mysterious cards written by an anonymous person who calls theirself a "Phantom Thief" (later to be revealed to be Naoto's grandfather). When we go to the respective locations listed on each card though, we come across a series of various clues and seven detectives tools that relate to their love of mystery novels.
Some of these tools include:
A handmade detectives badge
A children's digital watch, with a bright backlight meant to blind enemies
A ballpoint pen that functions as a penlight and telescope
A knife-shaped radio
And a detectives pocketbook
Seeing these objects help Naoto remember their childhood, and make them realize what they have been longing for all along: To be seen. According to Naoto, when they were young, their parents passed away, leaving them to live with their grandfather. Because of this, Naoto was fairly lonely and had little to no friends, and spent much of their childhood enjoying detective novels, admiring their grandfather, and wanting to be like a detective.
This formulated not only their want to be seen as an adult, but as a male adult due to most detectives in their novels being depicted as such, hence Naoto's more mature personality, but also style of dress. They often try to take care of theirself and do things by theirself, out of fear of not being seen as mature or feminine.
Despite that though, Naoto realizes that not only do they not have to be seen as an adult, since they are only a teen, but also to accept help from others including the protagonist. This is especially shown when you meet Yakushiji, the secretary of Naoto's grandfather, who was sent to Inaba in order to send the protagonist and Naoto on the scavenger hunt. The purpose was to aid Naoto in not only gaining friends, but to also "regain the joy (she) felt in days past. To regain the feelings of when all that (she) wanted was to be a detective, regardless of (her) heritage or gender..."
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They realize that being a detective doesn't mean getting respect or recognition, regardless of your age or gender, and remember why they wanted to become one: To help people by solving the mysteries that intrigued them.
And lastly, this means the entirety of Naoto's social link was focused on helping Naoto live in the present, and enjoy their life not only as a teen, but look fondly on their past when they were a child. This in turn allows Naoto to be more willing to be seen as immature like a teenager, and enjoy the joys of being a teen more happily with their friends, but also realize how they want to help their friends and Inaba, and bring the killer to justice.
In the end, while gender is a fairly large part of Naoto's story, age is also just as equally important if not moreso, and together, Naoto's realization helps them better understand theirself and be their true self: A young teenage detective, who loves their friends and family, and only wants the approval of those that love them and their own. Not from their peers or the adults around them.
(Also wanna note cause I saw this: ASKING NAOTO TO DRESS IN THE GIRLS UNIFORM IS OPTIONAL, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT! I don't know if Naoto will still wear it during the Christmas date, but as far as I'm aware, that dialogue choice is once again OPTIONAL.)
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this analysis, and maybe learned a bit more stuff about Naoto that you might've not expected!
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gayest-persona-character · 2 years ago
Round 1!
Vote for who you think is more queer/gay (doesn't matter if you think they're bi, pan, gay, lesbian, etc. Who's the most not straight!)
I will allow propaganda in the form of asks or notes (tags and comments)
Be nice and respectful. Not everyone has the same headcanons.
Remember, this is mostly just for fun! We have a few submitted characters for this exact purpose, so don't take things too seriously. (It doesn't matter what the results are, most persona characters will be queer-coded in my heart)
The list of polls is as follows:
Labrys vs. Daisuke Todoroki
Principal Kobayakawa vs. Yukiko Amagi
Mayumi Yamano vs. Suguru Kamoshida
Bebe vs. Sho Minazuki
Isako Toriumi (Maya) vs. Ann Takamaki
Ichiryusai Madarame vs. Ichiko Ohya
Chihiro Fushimi vs. Ai Ebihara
Philemon vs.Shibusawa
Kou Ichijo vs. Fuuka Yamagishi
Munehisa Iwai vs. Miyabi Hanakouji
President Tanaka vs. Akihiko Sanada
Ryuji Sakamoto vs. Taro Namatame
Kanami Mashita vs. Haru Okumura
Nozomi Suemitsu vs. Angel and Julian
Ryotaro Dojima vs. Rio Iwasaki
Sadayo Kawakami vs. Maya Amano
Nagi vs. Saori Hasegawa
Cashier from Peace Diner vs. Junpei Iori
Chizuru Ishigami vs. Minoru Inoue
Chihaya Mifune vs. Mamoru Hayase
Misuzu Hiiragi vs. Lala Escargot
Setsuko Sonomura vs. Junko Kurosu
Eri Minami vs. Tae Takemi
Zen vs. Kenji Tomochika
Eriko Kirishima vs. Takeharu Kirijo
Mika vs. Metis
Junya Kaneshiro vs. Takuto Maruki
Moel Gas Station Attendant vs. Hanako Ohtani
Maya Okamura vs. Igor
Sayoko Uehara vs. Makoto Yuki
Lesbian Student from P3 vs. Mami Shibata
Shunsuke Fujii vs. Saki Konishi
Tatsuya Suou vs. Akinari Kashihara
Miho Ogishima vs. Kinshiro Morooka
Hisano Kuroda vs. Ayane Matsunaga
Kanji Tatsumi vs. Makoto Nijiima
Marie vs. Tatsuya Sudou
SIU Director vs. Reiji Kido
Baofu vs. Takahisa Kandori
Yuuki Mishima vs. Tamaki Uchida
Zenkichi Hasegawa vs. Yosuke Hanamura
Mitsuo Kubo vs. Aigis
Kei Nanjo vs. Margaret
Masao Inaba vs. Noriko Katayama
Yukino Mayuzumi vs. Saeko Takami
Tadashi Satomi vs. Chidori Yoshino
Yumi Ozawa vs. Gay Demons P2
Kasumi Yoshizawa vs. Yuka Ayase
Hidetoshi Odagiri vs. Mutatsu
Shinjiro Aragaki vs. Kazushi Miyamoto
Localized version of Naoya vs. Ren Amamiya
Coach Hiraguchi vs. Chie Satonaka
Shuji Ikutsuki vs. Shiho Suzui
Futaba Sakura vs. Naoto Shirogane
Jin Shirato vs. Hifumi Togo
Keisuke Hiraga vs. Eikichi Mishina
Maki Sonomura vs. Toranosuke Yoshida
Rise Kujikawa vs. Elizabeth
Goro Akechi vs. Yuko Nishiwaki
Noriko Kashiwagi vs. Ulala Serizawa
Yuko Himeno vs. Anna Yoshizaka
Hikari vs. Joker (IS)
Mitsuru Kirijo vs. Hidehiko Uesugi
Masayoshi Shido vs. Youichi Makimura
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year ago
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International student from Russia. She's that student who does all work and then either sleeps in class or reads some complicated literature or books. Teachers either hate her or like her, she is the student that keeps getting on Kinshiro Morooka (King Moron) nerves because she's smart, a prodigy and he knows it by seeing her grades and giving her tests. He makes it very clear that he does NOT like her, she's on his shit list and will never recover (not like she wants to). Very opinionated and straightforward. She has many people who circle around her as she's known to be charming and charismatic, but she also doesn't seem to really belong to any group.
Moved to Inaba the same time P4 Protagonist (Souji Seta/Yu Narukami), they're also in the same class since it was just easier on the school to keep tabs on new students and 'maybe two new students might get along.' Zarina joined the class a couple of days after P4 Protagonist (Souji Seta/Yu Narukami) because she was moving in.
Sokolova lives alone despite her age. Only if you get close to her will you learn she lives alone, but aside from that people think she lives with her grandparents. It's quite obvious that her family is rich and she is rich as well, but she does work on some days, which makes her unavailable to hang out with on certain days.
Zarina doesn't have a palace and doesn't have a moment where she must face her true self. She is the character that is fully aware of herself and her inner self without denial of herself. This is why her persona doesn't 'evolve' or change. She is the constant and 'stagnant' character who may not always be present in the labyrinths as well.
Her Arcana is DEATH and her Persona is MORANA. She is the never-changing Persona User, her elements are double of Dark and Ice. She is weak to Fire instead of Light.
She joins the crew as a Persona user by following the main gang when they dive into Yukiko's Castle. Teddy finds her first and gives her the glasses and they find her hold her own against shadows but they find her being pushed back because she's looking exhausted and tired. It's obvious she awakened her Persona without the presence of the main team. Upon asking, Sokolova would explain what she was doing there (following them) and that she awakened this new power on her own without any help but the awakening made her feel weak and she's glad they came to help her out.
The Investigation Team will only learn of Zarina's... 'unique' views on life and very different outlook when Naoto joins in because she starts to snipe the other with some remarks that have never been shot at anyone else. What does it mean? Zarina's cynical and survivalist self may just throw some sprinkles here and there.
It becomes quite obvious the longer you spend with her that she does NOT fear speaking up against adults or speaking with adults about topics that teenagers her age do not speak about, especially when it comes to research and crime related discussions. Dojima could say that kids like Zarina probably suffered in childhood from some life-changing experience, which he would be correct about. .
Is she a part of Russian mafia still? Yes. However, in Persona 4, she actually wants to become a lawyer or... maybe something else. Currently, she is trying to find what she wants to do aside from her family business and that's why she wants to live in a 'normal' environment. Thus, seeing the murders in Inaba, she knows it cannot be a normal human who did that. She's seen enough death to know a variety of ways how someone can be killed. Upon anyone asking how does she know so much, she says that she's an avid fan of crime documentaries and crime studies.
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sapphsquared · 1 year ago
A few new ideas for the Homeroom Teacher and Principal or Headmaster in Persona 6.
The Protagonist's homeroom teacher is a middle-aged man named Benjiro Nishi. he's not like Kinshiro Morooka from Persona 4, but students still find him as unpopular.
The Headmaster is a woman named Azusa Ryuujin. she does express a harsh and strict personality like Persona 1 and 2's Takashi Hanya and Persona 4's Kinshiro Morooka.
The school's name is Akinokaze Academy.
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katsona-the-katsequel · 11 months ago
Persona Timeline Pt. 5: 2011-2015
This one covers Persona 4. Just a quick note: Unlike the previous games, P4 and P5 are more flexible of when you confront the bosses, so dates vary from playthrough to playthrough. This is just personal preference, but consider the days where you beat the bosses that suit you best.
? ??
- With humanity's wish changing away from the truth, Izanami-no-Mikoto's personalities split into Kusumi-no-Okami, Kunino-sagiri, Ameno-sagiri and Izanami-no-Okami (Game: Persona 4 Golden).
- Kusumi-no-Okami was sent by Ameno-sagiri and Izanami to spy on humans to find out their wish, but she became amnesiac and took the name of "Marie" (Game: Persona 4 Golden).
March 5
- Yukari, Fuuka, Kenji, Junpei, Rio, and Yuko graduated from Gekkoukan High School.
March ??
- Natsuki graduated from an unnamed high school.
April ??
- Naoto and Rise began to attend unnamed high schools.
- Naoki, Kanji, and Ayane began to attend Yasogami High School (Game: Persona 4).
- Due to a mistake, Adachi was dispatched to Inaba as Dojima's assistant (Game: Persona 4).
- Adachi shook a disguised Izanami's hand when he came to Inaba (Game: Persona 4).
April 9
- Mayumi left for Inaba and Adachi was assigned to protect her (Game: Persona 4).
- Namatame tried to contact Mayumi to apologize for the problems their affair brought her, but he was unable to reach her (Game: Persona 4).
April 10
- Namatame returned to Inaba and shook hands with a disguised Izanami, who told him about the Midnight Channel (Game: Persona 4).
- Namatame saw Mayumi in the Midnight Channel (Game: Persona 4).
April 11
- Namatame was hired by his family's company in Inaba after being fired from his job (Game: Persona 4).
- Yu arrived to Inaba, met Dojima, Nanako, and Marie, and shook hands with a disguised Izanami (Game: Persona 4 Golden).
- Adachi pushed Mayumi through a TV (Game: Persona 4).
April 12
- Yu transferred to Yasogami High School, met Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko (Game: Persona 4).
- Mayumi's body was found by Saki hanging from an antenna (Game: Persona 4).
April 13
- Saki appeared in the Midnight Channel (Game: Persona 4).
April 14
- Yu, Yosuke, and Chie entered the TV World for the first time and met Teddie (Game: Persona 4).
- Adachi pushed Saki through a TV (Game: Persona 4).
April 15
- Saki's body was found hanging from an antenna (Game: Persona 4).
- Yu awoke to his Persona (Game: Persona 4).
- Yosuke confronted his Shadow and awoke to his Persona as well (Game: Persona 4).
- When Namatame called the police, Adachi manipulated him into thinking he could save people by placing them in the TV World (Game: Persona 4).
April 16
- Namatame pushed Yukiko into a TV (Game: Persona 4).
April 17
- Chie confronted her Shadow and awoke to her Persona (Game: Persona 4).
April 27
- Yukiko confronted her Shadow and awoke to her Persona (Game: Persona 4).
April 30
- Yukiko joined the newly formed Investigation Team (Game: Persona 4).
- Sho began to secretly stalk the Investigation Team, hoping to find some hint that they would understand him (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
May 2
- Elizabeth won her annual fight against Erebus (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
May 16
- The Investigation Team met Naoto while investigating Kanji (Game: Persona 4).
May 17
- Namatane pushed Kanji inside a TV (Game: Persona 4).
May 25
- Kanji confronted his Shadow and awoke to his Persona (Game: Persona 4).
June 6
- Kanji joined the Investigation Team (Game: Persona 4).
June 22
- The Investigation Team met Rise while trying to warn her of her imminent danger (Game: Persona 4).
- Namatame pushed Rise into a TV (Game: Persona 4).
June 23
- The police arrested a wandering Risette fan, believing him to have something to do with the murders (Game: Persona 4).
July 1
- Rise and Teddie confronted their Shadows and awoke to their Personas (Game: Persona 4).
July 9
- Kubo killed Kinshiro Morooka and hung him from a water tower (Game: Persona 4).
July 10
- Rise joined the Investigation Team and developed a crush on Yu (Game: Persona 4).
July 27
- Kubo confessed to the murders out of nihilism and was arrested (Game: Persona 4).
- Adachi pushed Kubo into a TV out of sadism (Game: Persona 4).
July 29
- Kubo rejected his Shadow and was taken into police custody (Game: Persona 4).
September 9
- The Investigation Team drunkenly told Naoto about Personas, but they weren't believed (Game: Persona 4).
September 14
- Namatame pushed Naoto into a TV (Game: Persona 4).
September 17
- Naoto confronted her Shadow and awoke to her Persona (Game: Persona 4).
October 6
- Naoto joined the Investigation Team (Game: Persona 4).
October 20
- Adachi sent an anonymous threatening letter to Yu in an effort to make him drop the case (Game: Persona 4).
November 5
- Dojima found out the letter Yu had been sent and detained him. Yu tried to explain the truth but wasn't believed (Game: Persona 4).
- Namatame kidnapped Nanako and fled to the TV World (Game: Persona 4).
- Dojima ended up in the hospital after a car chase against Namatame (Game: Persona 4).
November 6
- The Investigation Team saved Nanako, but she was hospitalized due to the vibes of the TV World (Game: Persona 4).
- Namatame was arrested by the police (Game: Persona 4).
December 3
- The fog from the TV World began to slip into the physical world (Game: Persona 4).
- Nanako seemingly died in the hospital, and the Investigation Team went to Namatame's room to make sure Dojima didn't do anything (Game: Persona 4).
- Nanako stabilized again (Game: Persona 4).
- Teddie went missing (Game: Persona 4).
December 5
- The Investigation Team began to have suspicions that Adachi was the true culprit and went to confront him (Game: Persona 4).
- Adachi fled into the TV in Namatame's hospital room (Game: Persona 4).
December 6
- Teddie returned to the Investigation Team (Game: Persona 4).
December 7
- Adachi confessed to the murders and challenged the Investigation Team to defeat him (Game: Persona 4).
- Yu confronted Adachi later that night (Game: Persona 4).
December 22
- The Investigation Team defeated Adachi and the police arrested him (Game: Persona 4).
December 25
- Nanako finally recovered enough to return home (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Yukari pursued college with a modeling career on the side (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
- Sae passed the bar exam while still in high school (Game: Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight).
BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012
March 5
- Hidetoshi and Kazushi graduated from Gekkoukan High School.
? ??
- Hidetoshi decided to become a teacher (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Mitsuru founded the Security Department, Shadow Response Unit / Shadow Operatives. She was joined by Akihiko and Aigis. The rest of SEES stayed as Reserve Members (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Akihiko dropped out of college to travel the world, master his punch and become stronger (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Akihiko learned how to summon his Persona without an Evoker (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Yukari was hired as the Pink Argus for Phoenix Ranger Featherman Victory (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
- Junpei became a little league coach (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
January 3
- Marie said goodbye to Yu in a dream after her memories returned (Game: Persona 4 Golden).
January 20
- Dojima and Nanako were completely cleared out from the hospital (Game: Persona 4).
February 3
- Margaret managed to locate Marie (Game: Persona 4 Golden).
February 13
- The Investigation Team rescued Marie (Game: Persona 4 Golden).
March 5
- Chihiro graduated from Gekkoukan High School.
March 20
- The Investigation Team defeated Izanami (Game: Persona 4).
March 21
- Namatame was released from prison (Game: Persona 4).
- Yu left Inaba (Game: Persona 4).
March ??
- Rise left Inaba to return to her idol career (Game: Persona 4).
April ??
- Yu, Naoto, and Rise transferred to unnamed high schools.
- Ryuji met Ann (Game: Persona 5).
April 30
- Naoto was hired by public safety to spy on the Kirijo Group (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
May 1
- Labrys was stolen by Hi-no-Kagutsuchi and Sho while Mitsuru and Aigis were transporting her, and they went to Inaba to look for her (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Labrys ended in the TV World where her Shadow Self organized the P-1 Grand Prix, all so Hi-no-Kagutsuchi could absorb the Shadow Selves of Persona Users (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Rise, Kanji, and Teddie went missing (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Yu returned to Inaba (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
May 2
- Elizabeth won her annual fight against Erebus (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Aigis ventured to the TV Worls to find Labrys, followed by Naoto (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Yu, Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko returned to the TV World to fight in the P-1 Grand Prix against their wills (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- The Persona Users defeated Labrys' Shadow Self, who was accepted and became a Persona. They also saved their missing friends (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Hi-no-Kagutsuchi briefly took control over Labrys before being overridden by Fuuka (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
- Labrys joined the Shadow Operatives (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
May 3
- Inaba was engulfed in a red fog (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
- The Shadow Operatives and Investigation Team battled in the P-1 Climax (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
- Sho was possessed by Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, which was defeated by the Persona Users. Minazuki also disappeared for good (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
- Sho managed to escape, vowing to one day kill Yu (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
- Ken left the Shadow Operatives to enjoy the rest of his childhood (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
May 5
- Yu left Inaba again (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
Between July and August
- Suguru Kamoshida participated in the Summer Olympics and won gold (Game: Persona 5).
September ??
- Rise recruited her friends to dance with her in the Love Meets Bonds Festival (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
- Kanamin Kitchen, except Kanami, was kidnapped by Mikuratana-no-Kami to the Midnight Stage. Ochimizu was kidnapped as well (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
- The Investigation Team saved Kanamin Kitchen and defeated Mikuratana-no-Kami, who returned them to the physical world (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
December 16
- Yoshida lost his sixth elections.
- Owada won his ninth term as a legislator.
? ??
- Kanji began a puppet-making class (Game: Persona 4).
- Sayoko transferred out of the Inaba Municipal Hospital (Game: Persona 4).
- Marie, under the name Mariko Kusumi, became Inaba's weather girl while also being a minor goddess of Inaba (Game: Persona 4 Golden).
- Akihiko returned to college to become a police officer (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
BETWEEN 2012 AND 2014
March ??
- Hanako and Yumi graduated from Yasogami High School.
BETWEEN 2012 AND 2015
? ??
- Ryuji borrowed money from Ann during a school trip to buy his mother a gift and never paid her back (Game: Persona 5).
March ??
- Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Kou, Daisuke, and Ai graduated from Yasogami High School.
- Yu graduated from an unnamed high school.
May 2
- Elizabeth won her annual fight against Erebus (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
? ??
- Chie began to attend a police academy (Game: Persona 4).
- Sae and Makoto's father died while solving a case. Sae had to assume legal responsibility for Makoto (Game: Persona 5).
- Sae began to work as a prosecutor (Game: Persona 5).
- Kou left Japan to study overseas (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Alice Hiiragi attended and graduated from Shujin Academy (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
? ??
- Yaldabaoth took over the Velvet Room and separated Lavenza into Caroline and Justine (Game: Persona 5).
- Morgana was created by Igor at the last moment (Game: Persona 5).
February 3
March ??
- Rumi's parents were murdered during a home invasion and she fell into a catatonic depression (Game: Persona 5 Royal).
- Naoki, Kanji, and Ayane graduated from Yasogami High School.
- Naoto and Rise graduated from an unnamed high school.
April 6
- Makoto and Haru began to attend Shujin Academy (Game: Persona 5).
April 8
- Ken began to attend Gekkoukan High School (Game: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax).
April ??
- Akechi began to attend an unnamed high school.
May 2
August 21
- Elizabeth won her annual fight against Erebus (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
May 21
- Yaldabaoth granted Akechi his Persona abilities and put him in the path of Shido to begin the Conspiracy's activities (Game: Persona 5).
- Akechi began to plot against Shido to get his revenge (Game: Persona 5).
- Wakaba died due to a mental shutdown induced by Akechi in front of Futaba (Game: Persona 5).
- The Conspiracy forged a suicide note from Wakaba blaming Futaba, in order to steal her research (Game: Persona 5).
- Futaba began to be passed around by uncaring relatives (Game: Persona 5).
December 14
- Sojiro quit his government position and opened Leblanc (Game: Persona 5).
August 23
- Takuto Maruki awoke to his Persona, using it to purge Rumi of her trauma and her memories of Maruki (Game: Persona 5 Royal).
- Yoshida lost his seventh elections.
- Owada won his tenth term as a legislator and became the Chief Cabinet Secretary (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
? ??
- Naoki pursued college to later help his family business (Game: Persona 4).
- Ayane left Inaba to study music abroad (Game: Persona 4).
- Shido became a Cabinet Minister (Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 2014 AND 2016
- Maruki's research was suddenly rejected by his university due to Shido's machinations (Game: Persona 5 Royal).
? ??
- Hifumi began to attend Kosei High School (Game: Persona 5).
? ??
- Ryuji's abusive father left the house forever (Game: Persona 5).
- Kamoshida got into a scandal with a female reporter, but his crime was covered. He retired from his position of leader of the japanese volleyball team (Game: Persona 5 Royal).
February ??
- Mariko Hyodo was betrayed by her staff after they got a faulty snow sculpture to kill a nine-year-old girl, but she chose to keep it secret (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
March ??
- After graduating middle school, Futaba stopped going to school (Game: Persona 5).
April 6
- Kamoshida became the volleyball teacher at Shujin Academy (Game: Persona 5).
- Ann, Ryuji, Mishima, and Shiho began to attend Shujin Academy (Game: Persona 5).
April ??
- Yusuke began to attend Kosei High School (Game: Persona 5).
- Akira began to attend an unnamed high school.
May 2
- Elizabeth won her annual fight against Erebus (Game: Persona 4 Arena).
? ??
- Owada hit Aoi Hasegawa in a hit-and-run while drunk, witnessed by Akane (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
- Owada threatened Akane to stop Zenkichi's investigations (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
- An anime that served as part of Ango Natsume's "inspiration" began airing (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
? ??
- Futaba was adopted by Sojiro by paying her uncle the better part of Futaba's inheritance to leave her alone (Game: Persona 5).
- Yukiko became the proprietess of the Amagi Inn (Game: Persona 5).
- Kamoshida goaded Ryuji into attacking him and broke his leg, all to disband the track team (Game: Persona 5).
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bi-leth-eisner · 2 years ago
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in text: My father, King Morion, received word from Queen Ève that your party was on its way.
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in text: As school starts, there's a large amount of idle chatter and gossip occuring. According to what you hear, you couldn't have had a worse homeroom teacher to be stuck with: Kinshiro Morooka, also known as: King Moron.
the second image is pulled from a Persona 4 guide. here's what King Moron looks like (i refuse to have an image with him saved on my phone so take this screenshot from Google):
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now i'm gonna imagine this fucking guy whenever the name Morion comes up, goddamn it
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larranciaa · 27 days ago
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year ago
The Vengeful Fog
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/kXaAflj by PickledGranite Words: 1732, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Batman (Movie 2022), Persona 4 Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Satonaka Chie, Bruce Wayne, Hanamura Yosuke, Marie (Persona Series), Tatsumi Kanji, Shirogane Naoto, Amagi Yukiko, Adachi Tohru, Dojima Ryotaro, Morooka Kinshiro, Kujikawa Rise, Igor (Persona Series), Margaret (Persona Series), Bruce Wayne has a soft spot for kids Relationships: Bruce Wayne/Naoto Shirogane Additional Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, Is this crack?, first fic ever, Adachi (vine boom), Bruce Wayne is slowly losing it, Bruce Wayne is 16, Bro got plopped into the universe, no beta we die like saki-senpai, Catwoman was platonic ignore the romance scenes pretty please, this is probably shit, I had a hour of sleep, Skipped lunch, and then wrote this, Characters might be a bit ooc, I'm trying though :), Bruce Wayne replaces Narukami Yu AU, Bruce Wayne has a soft spot for kids - Freeform read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/kXaAflj
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shartlord420 · 3 years ago
Honestly, making an au is so fun, ngl. Just one small change and then there's a little ripple effect that impacts everything and you get to just sift through and figure out all the differences.
For example, in my roleswap au, with Tohru as the protagonist.... some social links are fully just. Different. Because there are some that Tohru just............ wouldn't do lmao.
For example. Tohru is absolutely not joining a sports team. So I have to find an alternative for social links like that, which is fun, because it goves me the chance to explore characters that didn't have a social link in the original game.
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One little change impacts a lot of things!!! It's fun.
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stealyourhearts · 3 years ago
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