#Post 62
kissoflightning · 11 months
Fowler: The pizza's gone.
Hank: What? But...you said there'd be a pizza party!
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Hank: For fucks sake! Who ate the rest of the pizza then?
Fowler: *Raises hands up in defense* I don't know!
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Hank: God damn it Jeffrey! I need to know who ate it!
Fowler: *Frowns*
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Fowler: I'm sorry. It was Perkins.
Hank: *Sighs heavily and storms out*
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Hank: Fuck You!
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Perkins: I got pizza and you didn't!
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November 9th, 2038 - Hank & Connor return to the DPD after speaking with Kamski, only to find out that Perkins ate the last slice of pizza. In a fit of rage, Hank violently attacks him.
Incorrect descriptions of the events of Detroit: Become Human
Incorrect quotes
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gunsoffire · 7 months
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Unholy Trinity Group Photos
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annaflry · 2 years
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Un décor à partir d'une position dynamique de l'aventurier qui ici marche discrètement.
J'ai retravaillé mon personnage en prenant soin de mieux fermer les traits de sa mèche dans un objectif de l'animer.
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senblades · 2 months
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call of chaos
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whateverthought · 19 days
I know there's a lot of debate about the Stans' age, and personally I've calculated it as 62, so Shermie would have had to have His Son(Dip+Mab Dad) at 16 and then the twins were born when their parents were 18 or vice versa. To me, I like the thought that Shermie didn't escape Filbrick's bad parenting and got a girl pregnant as a teenager and his son only managed to be slightly better and married the mother of his children only for their marriage to not work out. Bill Cipher referencing Dipper hearing his parents fighting.
It's the consequences of Bad Parenting and Abuse afflicted by this man that's haunting the narrative.
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lonestarbattleship · 6 months
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Battleship NEW JERSEY entering drydock no. 3 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard for maintenance.
Date: March 28, 2024
Posted on the Battleship New Jersey Facebook page: link, link, link
Posted by Ryan Szimanski: link, link
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******************** Operant Broun will sell or trade me in the moment my usefulness is expended. *****
Thisbe is capable of more, and if I can get her to trust me, I can use that.
***** Operant Broun will protect me. *****
Thisbe wants offworld too, and I want to know what she'd spend to do it.
***** Operant Broun lies to me because they believe I am a person. ***** *** * *** *****
Brnine is like everybody else. They are not a uniquely privileged operant. *****
Thisbe doesn't think I'm significant.
Brnine is capable but brittle. Their success and survival is the only way forward.
Thisbe is an important part of my past.
Brnine is capable but brittle. They deserve a better life than this. Get them to it.
Thisbe is an important part of my life.
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neversetyoufree · 9 months
God it just hit me.
Names are power in VnC. We call the piece of the world formula that defines a vampire their "true name." Learning and altering a vampire's true name gives you near-absolute power over them. Vanitas hides his old name as part of his "Vanitas" persona—a defense mechanism to hide his vulnerable self.
And names are an axis of discrimination too. The main way we've been examining discrimination against the dhampirs is through the lens of vampires refusing to call them by their names. And Luna, the perennial outsider, seems not to have been given a real name. They certainly didn't have a name that they liked or identified with for most of their life.
So with all that context, even more than it might be in another series, Teacher's whole name shtick becomes such an insane power move. He changes his name constantly and will brutally punish anyone that gets it wrong. Nobody has the power that would come from knowing whatever his first/true name was. He has the physical and social power to punish and correct anyone that doesn't call him what he wants to be called. He is in complete control of how people address him, or at least close to complete control, which is such a big deal within this story.
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Iharu chasing Reno like Kafka chases Mina is such a cool detail.
Iharu and Kafka are older, they were supposed to be the leaders, they were supposed to protect!!! Instead, Reno and Mina ended up being on the spotlight as some of the strongest prodigies of their generations.
Reno and Mina's responsibility sense is so strong it is tearing them apart: they think every death and failure is their fault. Mina from chapter 102 to 109, Reno in chapters 59 to 64... It hurts me sooo bad to see the truth they are hiding. No one can shoulder so much alone— and in the end, that's why Iharu ends up becoming like Kafka (or in one more parallel, what Jugo wanted to be for Hikari).
Just like Kafka and Jugo, Iharu struggles with the fact he won't be the person he envisioned he'll be within the Defense Corps. It started as motivation in the form of a rivalry, but the more the prodigies grew and left them behind, the more they realized it was no longer children's play. Hikari is the living example of it: she burned out, sacrificed herself to stop a monster and left Jugo struggling with the survivor guilt.
It drives one of my favorite themes of Kaiju No.8: rivalries that turn into unyielding support for the other, because they won't allow anyone to stay behind / they can't continue if one of them can't keep moving forward.
Kafka and Iharu had to understand that they still had a chance, that Mina and Reno wouldn't leave them alone deliberately because they didn't want to be alone. No one wants that, if they have a say in the matter. Unlike Jugo, who can't do anything else now that Hikari is dead, the new generation can aspire to support their way to victory.
So, really. It's simply cute that we see Kafka and Mina being such an influence to the new gen. The whole "I need to be by her side" and "I'll wait for you to reach me" is an amazing driving force for a story about people fighting a Kaiju apocalypse.
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hishighnesstheprincess · 10 months
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Compilation of the sibs
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lonestarflight · 6 months
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Gemini III final inspection
"Technicians from the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, which was responsible for producing the Gemini capsule, make final inspections to the Gemini III spacecraft. The photo is taken in the white room, a sterile environment where the spacecraft was prepared for launch, atop the Titan launch vehicle at Pad 19 at the Kennedy Space Center. Gus Grissom and John Young would ride the spacecraft into orbit for the first Gemini mission on a five-hour trip into space on March 23, 1965."
Date: March 23, 1965
NASA ID: S65-21090
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kindahoping4forever · 2 months
Ashton interview with Zach Sang
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valkyriellis · 2 years
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"You'd be a rat."
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every-sanji · 3 days
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buffyspeak · 1 year
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shadowhunters rewatch 2023:
alec & jace in 1.12 vs izzy and clary in 2.08
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lonestarbattleship · 6 months
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Battleship NEW JERSEY sitting in a drydock and dry for the first time in over 30 years.
Date: March 30, 2024
Posted by Ryan Szimanski: link, link, link
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