#Pop Culture Pantheon
stormwaterwitch · 2 years
Idk if you've been asked this recently (very sorry if have, feel free to just delete this), but do you have any tips for creating your own pantheon? I'm currently trying to make one for my own fantasy world (that could easily become just my own personal pantheon to work with as a witch), but I keep hitting roadblocks. Mainly due to the fact that I want them to have multiple domains (ideally 3-4 things they're considered to be connected with) but, like, how do I know which ones? How do I decide their symbolism? Do they have holy tenants they would like their followers to adhere to?
Basically, I get very overwhelmed trying to create the small details before I really even have the big details and it's very frustrating. Any advice? Or maybe just a list of details that need to be known/created first. I don't even know at this point.
Heya!! :D I do have some tips and links that might be able to help in this regard!
When I was first making/working with The Jeweled Court I found this discussion by @thiscrookedcrown to be the most helpful thing ever! Here's more info from a previous ask I answered that goes into some more detail about how I made my pantheon! As for details to know/ think about:
This is a lot so I'mma cut it to save your dash :'D
Step 1: BARE BONES- WHO ARE THEY? One thing that really helped me was deciding what "element" my god/desses would reside over first. I had 12 elements and 10 gods to work with so from there it was just divvying up who got what. That being said YES there are STILL some overlaps. The link/discussion by @thiscrookedcrown was the most helpful to me here as it talked about Realms of Influence which helped me get things into perspective when figuring out who everyone was. Example: +The Sapphire Queen is my Goddess of the Oceans +The Pearl Empress is my Goddess of Freshwater/Lakes and Rivers Both are technically water based but The Sapphire Queen is the one who I associate the most with Water as an element because Oceans are just that much bigger than lakes and rivers.
Example: +The Sapphire Queen's realm of influence includes Travel (By Boat) +Lord Diamond God of Wind's realm of influence also includes Travel (By Land) Example: +The Emerald God is the God of the Harvest (Food related) +The Pearl Empress is the Goddess of the Harvest (Season related) AND HEY: It's okay if there is overlap! There is nothing wrong with overlap just as long as you can know at a glance who goes with what.
Step 2: BROAD DETAILS- GROUPING THINGS TOGETHER So that was my first real step in piecing it all together. So once I got my Elements placed with my Gods I went further into ANYTHING that could be associated with that element (granted this took me a long time to iron out and a lot of musing and thinking 'Oh hey that might be cool for XYZ' Example: +The Gold Knight- God of the Sun and Elemental Master of Light +Lord Ruby- God of the Hearth and Elemental Master of Flames
Both of these guys have Candles as part of their associations as candles have both Flame and produce Light. HOWEVER: Bonfires would be ONLY for Lord Ruby as it is definitely more flame related and Lanterns would be ONLY for The Gold Knight as they are there to produce light. Something else I found really helpful was to go by Aesthetics and what felt right/seemed right for each god/dess. (The Pearl Empress got a lot of fruit associations this way as she's a Goddess of seasons)
Step 3: SYMBOLISM- +AESTHETICS GALORE+ Since my Pantheon is partially Pop Culture inspired I had a base starting point for what I could count as symbols for several of my god/desses.
Example: +The Silver Lady- Goddess of the Moon and Elemental Master of Space (a very loose interpretation from Princess/Neo Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon. Thus from that I was able to start with a basic idea of symbolic things)
Associated with:The Stars, Navigation, Darkness, The Moon, Hope Other Names: Serenity, Luna,Selene Symbols: (Most things found/referenced in the Manga/anime) Rabbits Crescent Moon Rhinestones Compasses  Lotus blossoms Dresses Cats Crystals Sweets Star Candy Opal Moonstone Silver
Colors: (When choosing Colors I got a flash of the Silver Millennium Kingdom set against the backdrop of space) Dark Blues Deep Purples Silver White Mythical Animals: Pegasus (Helios Reference)
So for those particular God/desses it was easier and from that base I was able to have similar ideas for the other gods who weren't from other pop culture. Some were very basic/bare bones for a long time.
Example: +The Obsidian Emperor
Death, Protection, Spirit
Associated with:
Smithing, Metalwork, Death, Omens, Divination, Mining
Other Names: N/A
Metallic colors
Metal Jewlery
So don't worry if you don't have the exact specifics right away. Building is a long journey and discovering things as you go along is part of the fun :)
Step 4: RELATIONSHIPS- TOUGH LOVE OR GENTLE GUIDE? Using your current base from steps 1-3 can help identify what kind of personality they might exhibit. If you still feel stumped feel free to lean on an alignment chart for guidance!
From learning HOW your god/dess acts you can then figure out what kinds of people will follow them.
Example: +The Gold Knight- God of the Sun and Keeper of Justice +Lord Diamond- God of Wind and Trickster Deity
A thief would most likely follow Lord Diamond's teachings than The Gold Knight's.
Now you can move into how to followers might show reverence to the gods by looking through your symbols and their personalities.
Example: +Princess Amethyst- Goddess of Time and Knowledge: Followers often wear necklaces that contain sand in them to represent an hourglass +The Sapphire Queen- Followers will carve hair ornaments out of driftwood to wear showing their devotion.
This step was hard for me, for a while they had no real forms but I decided that had to change and so I made designs for them keeping everything from the previous steps in mind. The drawing was the easy part once I had all my ducks in a row ^^
From Top to Bottom: Princess Amethyst, Lord Diamond, The Emerald God, The Gold Knight, The Obsidian Emperor, The Pearl Empress, Princess Rose Quartz, The Sapphire Queen and The Silver Lady
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And to shamelessly plug my own story
This whole group is featured along with a lot of their world building/lore in my story Fragments of Magic: Shards of Allunatia Book 1.
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nerdy-grimiore · 2 months
. : Guide - Making Dungeons and Dragons character servitors : .
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There are many different ways to incorporate TTRPG mechanics into your practice! We all know about dice divination, but i’ll be approaching this from a pop culture spirit work/energy work perspective. Stuff here applies to Baldur’s gate 3 too!
“So, where do I begin?”
Well, do you have a bunch of unused character sheets? Turn them into a servitor!
“Wait, what’s a Servitor?”
Glad you asked! A servitor is a type of thoughtform that you, the practitioner creates for a magical purpose! People make them for protection, enhancing manifestations, or to carry out specific tasks! Like any magical creature, they need to be ‘fed’ and taken care of properly. Sometimes servitors are/become aware they are servitors and wish to leave. You should program a ‘Kill code’ if that happens!
So now that we’ve got that covered, let’s talk about how you can make your character sheets into one!
First off, race.
To me, Races and sub races aren’t key to making your servitor. Just keep in mind how the general population of the race acts in D&D lore. For example, High elves are very kind and sweet, and would be good for self-love and divination. While drow are much more sadistic and cruel, and would be good for baneful work.
Second, class.
Now this is where things get interesting. Class determines what your character will be able to accomplish! I’ll put my personal correspondences below, but feel free to come up with your own!
. : Barbarian : .
Energy work, Protection, Motivation
. : Bard : .
Creativity, Inspiration, Protection
. : Cleric : .
Divination, Spirit/Deity work, Healing
. : Druid : .
Healing, Herbalism, Elemental work
. : Fighter : .
Protection, Warding, Baneful reversal
. : Monk : .
Manifestation, Meditation, Protection
. : Paladin : .
Warding, Deity/Entity Work, Healing
. : Ranger : .
Familiar/Pet care, Baneful magic, Protection
. : Rogue : .
Baneful magic, Warding, Baneful reversal
. : Sorcerer : .
Divination, Spellwork, Manifestation
. : Warlock : .
Deity/Entity work, Baneful magic, Protection
. : Wizard : .
Spellwork, Divination, Enchantment
Now that you’ve chosen your characters race and class, you should consider drawing them and making a sigil to summon/dismiss them! This’ll help make them recognisable to you and it’ll aid you in your ritual to create them.
That’ll be all for this guide! If you have any extra questions, feel free to ask them in my ask box!
Here’s some more resources for servitor care and creation. Take care!
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sarafangirlart · 27 days
It really rubs me the wrong way how Caeneus is killed in this show, in mythology he was a powerful warrior and a king with invulnerable skin and he was killed in a war against the centaurs who buried him alive bc they couldn’t stab him with swords and spears, a hell of a way to go but still a badass to the bitter end, and bro had a bit of an ego and worshiped his spear.
He even killed a centaur who misgendered him.
In the show he is an exiled Amazon who is outed by his mother and the amazons misgender him before killing him. I’m not trans but I can tell this is iffy af.
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An Introduction to Arthurian Paganism
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Hey, everyone! I’m back with another practice-related post. This time, we’re talking about Arthurian Paganism.
It should be noted that I am still researching and learning about the Arthurian Canon, and Tumblr’s #Arthuriana tag has been, unironically, extremely helpful. They have massive blog posts with links to copies of books that have been published and translated, abridged or unabridged, compilations and separate short stories, etc. which are becoming quite useful to me in my research. And for that, to the people who post and follow the Arthuriana tags, I say thank you. Your work—be it memes, academic compilations of sources, or artwork—has made this not only easier, but very fun.
With that out of the way, let’s talk about the Arthurian Pantheon, starting with what it exactly is at this point in my research and spirituality.
What is Arthurian Paganism and How did I get here?
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The what and the how are where I want to start. Simply put, I think this is the easiest thing to understand before we go down the rabbit hole of me assigning correspondences, working with festivals, etc.
Plus, anyone, especially in the Western World, has some vague understanding of what the King Arthur story is about. This gives us some equal playing field for a good understanding of the jumping off point of my spiritual path with the Arthurian Pantheon.
So to begin, the Arthurian Pantheon is the characters of King Arthur Stories being honored as deities.
I stumbled across this accidentally when I was trying to worship the Lord and Lady of the Land. A lot of how envisioned these deities came across as King Arthur and Lady Morgan Le Fay—and I was quite intrigued and confused. I had done some honoring of Morgan Le Fay in the past, but not much, and yet could not shake the feeling that there was something here for me to explore.
And as a child, I was always in love with the King Arthur stories and retellings I came across.
It took me a few months to fully embrace, but, by the time Lunasdagh arrived, I began considering in earnest how to honor King Arthur and Lady Morgan within their respective mythos.
King Arthur Pendragon is a mythic King of Britain. While there’s no real historical evidence that states he was a real person, to my knowledge at time of writing, we can trace his story specifically back to Wales as a folk hero in the Mabinogion. Here Arthur is usually portrayed as a vaguely supernatural entity who helps other travelers on their quests.
One such notable one is of Arthur helping his cousin win the hand of a giantess in marriage, if I remember correctly.
His time as a Welsh folk hero is discussed, briefly, in the Mythillogical podcast’s episode on YouTube. The link can be found here.
This version of Arthur is quite different from what he will become, as he is a wanderer and has a lot more agency in these tales. King Arthur tends to lose a bit of focus and agency over the overarching story of Camelot as the Canon grows both in characters and gets codified over time.
This loss of agency or lack of focus, whichever you prefer to call it, reminds me quite a bit of the human life cycle. Arthur, as people add on to his legends starting with Geoffrey of Monmouth and his Welsh Counterparts going all the way up to the modern day, goes through the cycle of birth, childhood, young adulthood, adulthood, elder, death, and finally rebirth. He represents a very human experience—from making mistakes (sleeping with his sister Morgause and in a fit of regret and anger at what he did goes to try and drown every child born on May Day in order to not eventually die at the child’s hand) to just trying to be a genuinely good man and king (his attempts at trying to persuade his Knights and Lords to have Mercy on Queen Guinevere when she was falsely accused of murder and rightfully accused of adultery).
King Arthur is very human and that is necessary for a chief god of a pantheon that I believe in, because I could never get behind a perfect god or a supposed son of god who is meant to share a human experience to understand us better but yet simultaneously is meant to be perfect.
So King Arthur became a comfort as a chief god, even if I haven’t really worked with him yet.
I do say good morning to him every morning though, because I associate King Arthur with the sun.
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I mainly got here through Lady Morgan Le Fay, though. She reached out to me about a year ago through a vision I had while working at my part time job. I saw myself following her through mists in an indigo cloak with silver embroidery. So I began to honor her the best I could—I even picked up the Mists of Avalon, and read it for a while, to get her perspective on Arthurian Canon. Then, as the stress of finding a full time job and then having two jobs all began to bubble up, I fell off.
(Which I will get back to the novel eventually. I’m going to be reading a lot of Arthurian books and romances for the foreseeable future.)
Recently, through the attempt at honoring the Lord and Lady of the Land, I found my way back to Lady Morgan. When I reach out to a goddess in divination, I ask for her. When I do my kitchen witchcraft, I do it in her name. When I think of making something for my craft, I think of making it for her.
I wanted to do this seriously and the best I can.
Doing so led to me realizing that it’s not just King Arthur and Lady Morgan who gained spiritual/magickal/etc. independent being status through the centuries of rewriting, retelling, and rediscovering the Arthurian tradition again and again. They all were alive in their own way. Entities in their own rights with their own domains and their own things to teach us, the characters of King Arthur’s stories are alive.
And I had that realization relatively recently. Just a bit before my “Sir Gawain Type of Day” post.
So that’s how I got here.
Now let’s talk about my recent experiences.
My Experiences with the Pantheon:
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This section will be quite short as my experiences aren’t much in the grand scheme of things—and a few are a bit personal. The findings are rather few as of right now, but I am starting out and the Arthurian Pantheon as a whole requested that I focus on the research aspect first as a way to honor them before I do anything big like celebrate Sabbats and stuff.
Lady Morgan also reiterated this fact with me last week, and reminded me that I do need to practice patience with myself.
And I’m trying, promise.
For my experiences with the pantheon, I’ve mainly interacted with Lady Morgan. She helped me pass my excel certification exam which allowed me to get my current full time position, and I asked that of her because I thought I’d be quitting my part time job once I got a full time position. I would have more time for the craft, which I promised her that I would make. However, the current state of the economy, and the cost of living where I live specifically, required me to work both jobs in order to pay bills and save up for an apartment.
So, I never really kept up my end of the deal—despite trying to for a while.
Lady Morgan’s energy never seems to give much away about her emotions. I’ve only ever felt an ancient patience and kindness with her. Much like a dusty old library on a misty spring morning, Lady Morgan’s energy is that of learning the art of patience and being okay with waiting—leading you down the path at your own pace.
Her energy also is heavily linked to the moon, mists, and rainstorms from what I’ve found.
The moon is something that she always radiated to me. Lady Morgan guides the way through the night, providing light and guidance through moonlight and stars. The moon tends to show its phase in a very different way if I’ve just been speaking to Lady Morgan earlier that evening and the stars seem much brighter despite the light pollution.
In my limited dealings with Lady Morgan, I’ve also found that, if I did something she was particularly proud of, a morning mist greeted me the next day. I feel the most comfortable in the mists, especially in the morning, so I always appreciate that little treat.
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Lord, or more accurately, King Arthur has a different energy that I am sometimes able to connect to in the mornings.
King Arthur’s energy to me is very much the sun. It’s bright and welcoming and even protective to an extent. He’s constant, strong, and reliable. I also associate him with stags, not only because of the whole White Stag search that may or may not have ruined his wedding to Queen Guinevere (depending on the version you’re reading), but also because deer are quite common where I live. Does are definitely more common than stags, yes, but the few times I see a Stag I just immediately think it’s King Arthur.
I think this association began with the Mists of Avalon. Especially when there’s a whole trial by deer that Arthur needs to go through in order to be accepted by the Tribes and it results in his son with Morgaine, Mordred.
Beyond that association, stags tend to be connected to nobility and dependability in our modern media symbolism shorthand, with the most prominent example coming to mind being Elijah Mikaelson from the Vampire Diaries extended universe. Elijah’s nicknamed the Noble Stag for being a Mikaelson the people can trust to keep his word to the letter. He usually acts as the consciousness of his brother, Klaus, and tries to put family above all else.
In my mind, King Arthur is much the same. His energy is that of a stag—a man who keeps his word, puts the people he loves before himself, and is a just king.
And, finally, I felt Sir Gawain’s energy once. I wrote a blog about it, just a small musing really. But to me Gawain’s energy is that of liminal tidings. His energy is soft and comforting as the wheel of the year turns and we shift from one season to the next. At Yuletide/Winter Solstice, he deals the blow to the Green Knight—which rings in the warmer half of the year. And at Litha/Summer Solstice, he faces the Green Knight once more to bring in the colder half of the year.
I think this may change as Sir Gawain is definitely a god of the seasons and their shifts, but I can’t tell if it’s Sir Gawain who rings in the different parts of the year, or if it’s King Arthur, or someone else I have yet to interact with, or no one in the pantheon at all.
But, for now, I will say it’s Sir Gawain and the Green Knight that ring in the colder and warmer halves of the year.
But that is the extent of my experiences with the Arthurian Pantheon thus far. I am reading up on them still, as a part of my research and way to honor them.
My Recent Findings on the Pantheon:
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Through my research, as I currently read “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” as translated by Jessie Weston, I have found that King Arthur likes to hear stories of great feats from his knights and/or songs, or see a good game before he eats a feast, so that will be implemented during times I offer some food up to him. He also refuses to eat until everyone at court is sitting and served when hosting a grand feast, so if I invite people over I will try and do the same. King Arthur and The Knights of the Round Table love to have feasts with dried meats and honey wine ( AKA mead ).
When I get my apartment, I will practice making honey wine for libations to the King and his Knights.
My time browsing the Arthuriana tag on Tumblr, and the abridged version of Le Morte d'Arthur read by Derek Jacobi, indicated that Sir Gawain loves apples. So when I honor Sir Gawain specifically, I’ll see if I can make apples ready for the occasion.
The abridged version of Le Morte d’Arthur previously mentioned also pointed two days that I specifically took note of: Arthur’s birthday, being around December 24th, and Arthur’s king making which was on Candlemas, February 2nd. So I will definitely be celebrating Candlemas, and King Arthur’s birthday, which falls during Yuletide.
The Mists of Avalon audiobook that I’m listening to on Spotify indicates that Lady Morgan is knowledgeable in herb lore and is gifted with the Sight. So any form of herbalism and divination could be considered devotional acts to Lady Morgan. Or working with the Fair Folk, as in that telling of Arthurian canon has Lady Morgan descended from the Fae Folk of the British Isles.
And that’s all I have at the moment research wise. I haven’t had time to sit down and finish “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” in order to move on to the next pieces of Arthuriana on the docket.
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As you can see, I don’t have much in the way of research or experiences yet. Really, this Introduction to the Arthurian Pantheon is just me trying to get my thoughts and early findings down on paper so I can continue forward.
I really can’t wait to learn about and from this very large and very diverse pantheon.
I’m not even sure if I’ll get to everyone—or if this counts as Celtic or Pop Culture paganism! I tag it as Celtic since these stories tend to be leaning more Celtic in nature and its birth in the British Isles.
But I hope you guys enjoyed this introduction into the pantheon and my experiences with it! I’ll make a more comprehensive and scholarly introduction when I have more time, knowledge, and experience under my belt with the pantheon if necessary. For now though, this is where I end the introduction post.
Until next time!
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popculturealtar · 6 months
normal-type pokemon pantheon
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for an introduction, how i have decided to split this up is into major deities, minor deities, major spirits, and minor spirits. i will not be creating anything in-depth in terms of the actual spirits in question, as this is not a correspondence list but rather just a loose guide for constructing a pantheon. this will involve a few concepts to get you started in working with certain pokemon, but again, it is not extensive.
in my personal belief, these spirits are standalone and evolution is completely within the pokemon universe, as opposed to our universe - however, you are free to experiment as you like, and even work with multiple pokemon of an evolutionary tree. this will also be put under a cut for length.
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the "major" deities would be equated to the legendary pokemon; the ones with more inherent strength and govern over more powerful concepts that we encounter in the universe (such as governing over the sea as opposed to water). they are less involved in our personal lives, but are still worth reaching out to.
the "minor" deities would be equated to the non-legendary, but still significantly powerful pokemon within the type. they are usually fully evolved. while they do not govern over powerful concepts such as the major deities, they are still powerful enough to be considered a deity as opposed to a spirit. there is a sense of stronger importance with minor deities than major and minor spirits. they are more involved in our personal lives than major deities, but are still less involved than major and minor spirits.
the "major" spirits would be equated with non-fully evolved pokemon, usually a middle evolution. what they govern over is less powerful than the major and minor deities, but are still stronger than the minor spirits. they are more involved in our lives than the major and minor deities, but less so than minor spirits.
the "minor" spirits would be equated with base-level pokemon. what they govern over is the least powerful of all, but are the most approachable and workable spirits to involve yourself with. they are very involved in our personal lives.
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major deities...
terapagos → change. regigigas → strong bonds. arceus → the divine will. meloetta → creativity. type: null / silvally → growth.
minor deities...
( pidgeot - fearow - farfetch'd - dodrio - noctowl - swellow - staraptor - chatot - unfezant - braviary - toucannon - maushold - squawkabilly) → beauty, elegance, air, dignity.
(ratticate - furret - linoone - bibarel - lopunny - watchog - cinccino - diggersby - gumshoos - greedent - obstagoon) → ferocity, unkempt, wilderness, earth, unpredictability.
(wigglytuff - blissey - lickilicky - audino - bewear - indeedee - arboliva) → healing, fairies, love.
(persian - delcatty - purugly - stoutland - zoroark - pyroar - furfrou - oinkologne) → patience, loyalty, comfort, protection.
(kangaskhan - tauros - snorlax - miltank - slaking - exploud - zangoose - sawsbuck - boufallant - oranguru - drampa - dubwool - wyrdeer - ursaluna - cyclizar - farigiraf) → power, familial love, protection, foundations, sturdiness, the home.
(ditto - castform - porygon-z) → transformation, adaptability, magic, biology.
(smeargle - spinda - kecleon - ambipom - heliolisk - komala - grafaiai - dundunsparce) → the arts, human affairs, working hard, sleep.
major spirits...
(pidgeotto - staravia - tranquill - trumbeak) → transitions, wisdom.
(jigglytuff - chansey - dolliv) → music, songs, expressing yourself.
(ursaring - vigoroth - loudred) → power, volume, violent energy.
(porygon2) → modern technology.
(linoone (galarian)) → volume.
(herdier) → pets and animal companions.
minor spirits...
(pidgey - spearow - doduo - hoothoot - taillow - swablu - starly - pidove - rufflet - fletchling - pikipek) → reliability, guidance
(rattata - sentret - zigzagoon - bidoof - buneary - patrat - minccino - bunnelby - yungoos - skwovet - tandemaus) → new beginnings, starting an adventure
(meowth - skitty - glameow - lillipup - zorua (hisuian) - litleo) → baby animals, and baby animal spirits.
(igglybuff - azurill - teddiursa - slakoth - whismur - happiny - munchlax - stufful - smoliv) → starting small, youthfulness.
(eevee - porygon) → hidden potential, growing potential.
(aipom - dunsparce - lickitung - helioptile - shroodle) → the eccentric, the odd-ones-out.
(girafarig - stantler - deerling - wooloo - lechonk) → popularity.
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divider credit.
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alexsgrimoire · 7 months
Hyrule(an Magic) Historia: An Effort for Archival
Greetings. It's my first time posting on this blog, so it's nice to meet you all.
The purpose of this post is to detail my behind-the-scenes effort to archive as many of the lost Hyrulean Paganism/Magic blogs and posts as possible. For those unaware, in the mid-2010s, there was a "renaissance" of The Legend of Zelda Pop Culture Pagan posts and blogs. The pantheon/practice went by many names, such as Mudoran Magic, Hyrulean/Hylian Magic, Hyrulean Paganism, etc. As a result, efforts to find remaining content can be complicated, especially when perusing tags. Different phrases were used for various blogs and posts, sometimes leading to dead ends.
Thankfully, there are some leads. @lostwoodstarryskies made a list of blogs, both old and new, here. This is a good start and helps navigate search engines such as Google more efficiently. Additionally, this post by the now-defunct @/hylianshrinemaiden (more on her later) lists additional blogs.
Now, to Twili (hylianshrinemaiden). While we (the Magic Collective) weren't in the same Pop Culture Pagan circles at the same time, it's clear she was a pillar in the community. It's a shame that she and other active members deleted their blogs, as Tumblr's archival system is half-functional at best. There is some hope of recovering her blog, however. @hyrulian-legends reblogged this post from her, listing various spells and resources from her. While it's not entirely clear if this list is her complete work, it at least gives names to her work. Through this list, I've had some luck on Google, and a surviving reblog of her Minish Cap Glamour was found here. I'm not sure what else is available, as I became un-frontstuck when I was planning on searching further. (Such is the way of systems.)
I plan on delving further into what remains, and I'm very grateful to the remaining community members for their advice on where to look. Many thanks, in particular, to @knightofhylia, @knightofhylia-sageofthetriforce, @wind-sage-serin, and @lostwoodstarryskies. Additionally, those in the Community of Hyrulean Faiths Discord server provide resources.
There remain some posts in the Collective's communal Likes that we plan on sharing upon adding to our Grimoire document, so expect those somewhere down the line. In the meantime, I'll continue my search and bring updates whenever possible.
Vaati the Wind Mage 🌪️
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0crooked-arcade0 · 2 months
I know this is a curveball due to the fact that I'm just now mentioning the fact that I'm part of the pop culture dietes circle, but, fuck I gotta share this.
Ok, for context, I used to closely work with the Black Pharoah, Nyarlathotep.
Separated myself from his influence a while back so I'd mostly packed that baggage away for later (long story, long, weird story-)
So, the small town where I live went from a small and aging hamlet with practically no crime to an absolute mad house around a month a go. Crime has spiked and its big shit
-Missing children
-There's a mysterious arsonist and a smash and grab robber
-Increased danger after sunset, there's some...guys wandering around stalking people, I personally got chased by one and nearly died of fear-
-People leaving jobs all at the same time creating a worker shortage at essential business.
-EMS is sent to an emergency as many as FIVE TIMES A DAY, DAY AFTER DAY BUT HAVE NO REPORT OF ANYTHING???
And more, but heres the point at this post.
I practically live at the library these days, talk to the librarian and other frequent visitors a lot. Leading us to discuss the rather upsetting news flooding town lately, ones pagan, the librarian has a friend in the local coven.
The librarian would state her friend would be almost obsessively trying to warn her about something vague but possibly dangerous shifting as of late. A lot of people have said that actually-
So guess what my reaction was when Mr. Gay Prismatic Robes crossed my path for the first time in forever-
The crawling chaos...
That tracks, but also he needs to fuck off.
Am i just going crazy or has anyone else seen him??? He's acting suspicious again-
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I use this meme too much but I can't help but attach it because ot conveys exactly how I feel rn.
OH FUCK, EDIT: I forgot to mention my town is Allied with freemasons of a more spiritual variety and they are scattered to fuck RN
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curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
having one of those moments where you learn something new that changes your world view, which has been happening a lot lately honestly-
anyway i've been doing more research into conpantheons / popculture pantheons and generally speaking a lot of it is really drawing me in!
idk maybe it's just because everything about my craft is very very personal to me? as much as i want Tithonus to be well known as all the other gods there's something so special and personal to me about our bond, that he picked me of all humans, that i was lucky enough to see his signs
idk i think i should go out into the forest and meditate, maybe see if anything calls to me or something? honestly if i hadn't have learned about Tithonus before learning about conpantheons / popculture pantheons i would have probably assumed i had found a deity that was unrecorded!
i guess what i'm trying to say is that my world view has gotten bigger and more welcoming with time and learning and i've loved every second of it
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knightofhylia · 1 year
this is a neat little tool if you have an eclectic pantheon, you can make pillars that represent deities and customize them!
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thewritehag · 10 months
I have a hypothesis that folk- and crone magic (respectively) would work well within popular culture witchcraft. No, really.
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I've got some research and thinking to do on the idea, but all I need to do is write up the conventions, correlations, and the beginning of construction (this isn't a one-and-done paper endeavor, this is like doing doctoral level work in folklore, but for fun).
I got this book and flipped first to the "Inscriptions of Power" chapter:
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(Crone's Book of Charms & Spells by Valerie Worth)
And I'm seeing how popculture witchery has great potential using crone magic (and folk magic) intentions. This isn't a matter of creation, but of revealing some unexplored practices.
I want to detail my study on my other wordpress blog and I'll post here as I do. This is a teaser post, but I literally just now gave words to nebulous thought.
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(Jessica Fletcher: a crone avatar I never thought to incorporate in my practice beyond a quick reference)
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solvicrafts · 1 year
I'm gonna put together a polytheistic resource for Vhaeraun and Eilistraee.
Y'all can use it as a guide for role-playing, world-building, writing, or hell IDC if you use it for like some sort of pop-culture paganism thing.
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anthologiemystika · 2 years
Pop Culture Paganism | The Dalish Pantheon | Dragon Age
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In the world of Thedas, the Dalish elves show respect for and worship five gods and four goddesses they refer to as "The Creators." The All-Father, Elgar'nan, leads this Pantheon. He is known as the god of fatherhood and vengeance. Beside him rules Mythal, the goddess of motherhood and justice. Opposite the nine Creators are the precursor gods known by the Dalish as "The Forgotten Ones."
This post focuses on the Creators; I will include basic information on their mythology and things you can leave them as offerings and elemental correspondences.
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Long ago, when time itself was young, the only things in existence were the Sun and the Land. The Sun, curious about the Land, bowed his head close to her body, and Elgar'nan was born in the place where they touched. The Sun and the Land loved Elgar'nan greatly, for he was beautiful and clever. As a gift to Elgar'nan, the Land brought forth great birds and beasts of sky and forest and all manner of wonderful green things. Elgar'nan loved his mother's gifts, praised them highly, and walked amongst them often.
- Codex Entry: Elgar'nan: God of Vengence
Elgar'nan was the first of the ancient elven Gods, born of Earth and Sun. According to Dalish myth, the Sun had grown jealous of the Earth's favor of Elgar'nan and burned its creations to ashes. Enraged, Elgar'nan fought with his father and threw him from the sky. He only later restored the Sun's place with the help of Mythal's intervention, on the condition that the Sun set every night.
Most elves invoke Elgar'nan when seeking retribution or vengeance.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Colors: yellow, white
• Sun
• Black onyx
• bamboo, chili pepper, cinnamon, thistle, linden (flowers and leaves), nutmeg
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It was at this moment that Mythal walked out of the sea of the Earth's tears and onto the Land. She placed her hand on Elgar'nan's brow, and at her touch, he grew calm and knew that his anger had led him astray. Humbled, Elgar'nan went to the place where the Sun was buried and spoke to him. Elgar'nan said he would release the Sun if the Sun promised to be gentle and to return to the Earth each night. The Sun, feeling remorse at what he had done, agreed.
- Codex Entry: Mythal: The Great Protector
The Dalish believe Mythal was born from the Sea after Elgar'nan threw the Sun out of the sky. She is said to have calmed and shown him that his anger had betrayed him. Thus, Mythal convinced Elgar'nan to free the Sun. On the first night of the Sun's freedom, Mythal created the moon out of the Earth around the Sun's bed to be a pale reflection of the Sun's true glory.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Colors: Purple, blue
• Dragons
• Moon
• Carnelian, kyanite
• Nettle, garlic, St. John's Wort, mugwort, chestnut
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In ancient times, the People were ageless and eternal, and instead of dying would enter uthenera—the long sleep—and walk the shifting paths beyond the Veil with Falon'Din and his brother Dirthamen. Those elders would learn the secrets of dreams, and some returned to the People with newfound knowledge.
But we quickened and became mortal. Those of the People who passed walked with Falon'Din into the Beyond and never returned. If they took counsel with Dirthamen on their passage, his wisdom was lost, for it went with them into the Beyond also and never came to the People.
- Codex entry: Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, The Guide
In Dalish mythologies, Falon'Din and Dirthamen are the eldest twin children of Mythal and Elgar'nan. Falon'Din had no fear of the dark and could walk where The People (elves) could not live.
Legends say that the twins were inseparable spirits from birth through adulthood. They were separated when Falon'Din took pity on a dying deer and carried her across the Veil, somewhere tricky for Dirthamen to follow. As Falon'Din watched the deer's spirit release from her body and prance around again, he vowed to remain behind the Veil to guide the dead to their place in the Beyond.
The elves invoke Falon'Din on their deathbeds or before quests they do not expect to return from.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Colors: black, gray
• Owl
• Tigers Eye
• Bay leaves, elder, eucalyptus, grapefruit
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Dirthamen wandered aimlessly till he came across two ravens. "You are lost, and soon you will fade," the raven named Fear said to Dirthamen. "Your brother has abandoned you. He no longer loves you," said the other, named Deceit. "I am not lost, and Falon'Din has not abandoned me," replied Dirthamen. He subdued the ravens and bade them carry him to Falon'Din.
- Codex Entry: Dirthamen: Keeper of Secrets
When Falon'Din crossed the Veil, Dirthamen lost track of him and wandered the gray spaces and roads of the Fade, searching for him. There he found the two ravens, Fear, and Deceit. When Dirthamen outwitted them, they brought him to Falon'Din, and the twins were never separated again.
According to elven lore, Dirthamen gave the gift of knowledge to The People and taught them loyalty and faith in family.
Dirthamen counseled elder elves who walked the Fade in search of the secrets of dreams. In one tale, he granted a secret to each creature of Thedas. Only the bears managed to keep their secret and are therefore honored by Dirthamen.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Colors: Dark blue, Purple, Silver
• Bears
• Ravens
• Sapphire, turquoise
• Apple, hazel, sage
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Andruil, blood, and force, your people pray to you. Grant that your eye may not fall upon us. Spare us the moment we become Your prey.
- Elven Prayer to Andruil
Andruil's parentage is unclear; some legends say she is the daughter of Elgar'nan and Mythal, while others say she was created from the Earth. All stories agree that Sylaise is her sister.
Andruil is the creator of the Vir Tanadhal, or Way of the Three Trees.
1. Vir Assan, or Way of the Arrow: fly straight and do not waver.
2. Vir Bor'assan, or Way of the Bow: bend but never break.
3. Vir Adahlen, or Way of the Forest: receive the gifts of the hunt with mindfulness. Alternatively, together we are stronger than the one.
Andruil watched over the forests and the animals that resided in them, and she taught the people to respect them.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Color: Red
• Hare
• Hawk
• Aquamarine
• Cypress, mistletoe, fuzzy weed, yellow evening primrose, parosela
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It is Sylaise who gave us fire and taught us how to use it. It is Sylaise who showed us how to heal with herbs and with magic, and how to ease the passage of infants into this world. And again, it is Sylaise who showed us how to spin the fibers of plants into thread and rope.
We owe much to Sylaise, and that is why we sing to her when we kindle the fires and when we put them out. That is why we sprinkle our aravels with Sylaise's fragrant tree-moss, and ask that she protect them and all within.
- Codex Entry: Sylaise the Hearthkeeper
In Sylaise's youth, she stayed home while her sister Andruil went out to hunt and play. She enjoyed singing and making art and gifted fire to The People. She taught them how to weave ropes and thread and how to use herbs and healing magic. Sylaise is seen as the protector of all those who stay near the hearth, especially children.
Sylaise's path is Vir Atish'an - the Way of Peace. Elves invoke her name before kindling a fire and after quenching it.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Color: Green
• Fireplace - many shrines to Sylaise incorporated fire
• Jasper, jet, rose quartz, sardonyx
• Basil, chrysanthemum, cyclamen
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We dedicate all our crafts to June, for it is he who taught the People to bend the branches of trees to make our bows, and to fashion coverings of furs and ironbark. Without June, would we have the aravel, or the harnesses for our halla?
- Codex Entry: June: God of the Craft
Dalian legend describes June as either a brother to Andruil and Sylaise or Sylaise's husband; it is even said he created himself.
Before Sylaise and June came to them, the elves wandered the forest without purpose, naked and eating nuts and berries they could find, shivering through cold nights. June taught the elves to craft things they needed and used Sylaise's lessons to teach The People how to make bows, arrows, and knives for hunting.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Color: Yellow
• Anvil
• Alexandrite, kyanite, opal
• Mandrake, tomato, walnut
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One day, while hunting in the forest, Ghilan'nain came across a hunter she did not know. At his feet lay a hawk, shot through the heart by an arrow. Ghilan'nain was filled with rage, for the hawk and the hare are very beloved of Andruil. Ghilan'nain demanded that the hunter make an offering to Andruil in exchange for taking the life of one of her creatures. The hunter refused, and Ghilan'nain called upon the goddess to curse him so he could never again hunt and kill a living creature.
He found Ghilan'nain while she was out on a hunt with her sisters and lured her away from them with lies and false words. He told Ghilan'nain that he had learned his lesson and begged her to come with him, so she could teach him to make a proper offering to Andruil. Moved by his plea, Ghilan'nain followed the hunter, and when they were away from all of her sisters, the hunter turned on Ghilan'nain. He blinded her first, and then bound her as one would bind a kill fresh from the hunt. But because he was cursed, the hunter could not kill her. Instead, he left her for dead in the forest.
- Codex Entry: Ghilan'nan: Mother of the Halla
According to Dalish legend, Ghilan'nan was a huntress of The People who another elven hunter betrayed. After this betrayal, Anduril turned Ghilan'nan into the first of the Halla, raising her to the same rank as the Gods.
The elven people invoke Ghilan'nan when they wish to travel quickly or when their hunters have lost their way home.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Colors: White, blue
• Halla (a white, deer-like creature with elegant antlers)
• Jet, malachite, moonstone, tin
• Basil, comfrey, feverfew, heather, maple, pennyroyal, yew
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There is precious little we know about Fen'Harel, for they say he did not care for our people. Elgar'nan and Mythal created the world as we know it, Andruil taught us the Ways of the Hunter, Sylaise and June gave us fire and crafting, but Fen'Harel kept to himself and plotted the betrayal of all the gods. And after the destruction of Arlathan, when the gods could no longer hear our prayers, it is said that Fen'Harel spent centuries in a far corner of the Earth, giggling madly and hugging himself in glee.
- Codex Entry: Fen'Harel: The Dread Wolf
Fen'Harel is the elven god of betrayal. Many names know him - The Dread Wolf, He Who Hunts Alone, Lord of Tricksters, The Great Wolf, Roamer of the Beyond, The Old Wolf, and The Bringer of Nightmares.
According to legend, he was kin to The Forgotten Ones and The Creators. He is said to be responsible for sealing away both factions of gods in their respective realms, cutting them off from the mortal world.
Due to this legend, the Dalish generally refer to Fen'Harel as an evil god. However, in the past, and still sometimes today, he is called upon for advice in various matters - for a price.
Symbols & Correspondences
• Colors: Black, white, gray
• Wolf
• Pearl, peridot, obsidian, onyx
• Angelica, anise, blue cohosh, mullein
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All Images from Dragon Age Wiki
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nerdy-grimiore · 1 month
. : Correspondences - Shadowheart : .
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Element: Spirit
Epithets: The Dark Justiciar, The Renewed Selunite
Imagery/Symbolism: Darkness, Night, Moon symbolism, Faith symbolism, ‘Cleric’ symbolism, Devotion symbolism, Dreams
Crystals: Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, Moonstone, Labradorite, Jet, Flourite
Colours: Purple, Black
Tarot Card: The High Priestess, The Star
Scents: Vanilla, Lavander, Anise seeds, Jasmine, Lemongrass, Willow, Cardemom
Numerology: 7 & 9
Herbs: Star Anise, Mugwort, Angelica, Blue Lotus, Wormwood, Peppermint, Thyme
Offerings: Skulls, Orchids, Purple Candles, Scrying mirrors, Incense, Maces, Silver jewellery, Representations of Shar or Selûne (if working with selunite epithet)
Devotional acts: Standing up for yourself, Showing devotion to your guides/deities, Studying religion, Healing others, Stargazing, Working with flowers, Honouring her and Shar or Selûne (if working with selunite epithet)
What to work with her on:
Healing your grief
Overcoming your phobias
Healing childhood trauma
Dream work
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sarafangirlart · 3 months
Y’all don’t find it suspicious that sympathetic depictions of Medusa always portray her as normal and beautiful? You’d never see anyone depict the ugly archaic Medusa as an innocent victim who deserves our empathy…. Smells like pretty privilege.
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chaoticpiglinwitch · 1 year
Pronouns: Any, She/they works but also seen used he/they
Domains: Agriculture, Nature, Pentiful crops, Protector of Farms/earth, Abundance, Knowledge, Flowers, Water/Rainfall, Farm Animals, Child Birth/Protector of children, Herbalism, Protector of small settlements, homes and wanderers. Baking, small parties/gatherings. Morning sunrises
Depictions: Has 2 different forms, more Bull/Cow form and more human. Has mid-dark brown curly long hair in a flowy long dress with off the shoulder sleeves (made with flower petals). Taller in height, wearing some jewellery (ring, bangles, and simple necklace. Cow bull ring in cow form). Holding a basket of flowers, has flowers blooming her hair, and it changes with the seasons.
Consorts: has spouse
Family Members: Syren (raised not birth)
Attendants: Syren, Prime,
Epithets: "Mother Herd" She would help farmers in flocks and farming. Being a protective mothering figure, she would be followed by herds of animals and children.
"Hearty Hearth" Terran would help bake and cook food and offerings would be left in kitchen or at the doorways of farm houses.
"Lady Horn with tea leaves" She would have tea parties and small gatherings with other gods and spirits, they would be offered a cup of tea at tea parties of villagers or morning tea drinkers. Leaving them tea is said to be good luck, allowing you to have more abundant community living and having their protection.
"Iron Bull", "Bull of the Home" and "Ringing Bell of Lady Bull" These are her titles for she was invoked for protection of the home and settlements. It was believed that ringing bells at sunset would inshore that Terran would stand guard of doorways, barns. Sometimes it was believed that she helped Iron golems protect towns and helped them heal.
Mobs/Symbols: Sunflowers, Fish, Cows, dogs, short haired cats, sunrise,
Colors: Brown, Green, Yellow, Pale pink
Herbs/Incense: Sunflower, Cinnamon, any floral, tulips, roses, earthy scents, rosemary, lily of valley, thyme, frankincense, lavender, garden sage, Basil,
Tea/tea parties. love fruit and floral tea
Cow imagery
Flowers, vases with flowers , sunflowers, and tulips are her favourites.
Any music or piece of art
Children's books, toys, stuffies, educational studies
Baking goods
Reading books
Honouring her wife, syren, prime
Spending time outside
Collect rain water
Watching the sunrise
Pressed or dried flowers
Animal and Earth activism, earth education, learning about recycling. Spending with animals or pets.
Watching movies and documentaries with them
Doing your homework, studying anything lol, learning herbalism.
Teaching, going to class, and supporting your local teachers and schools.
Baking cookies, bread, and more.
Supporting your physical and mental health
Supporting children and their rights. Working in childcare, child programs, or child protection
Going to tea shops, hosting tea parties, and small gatherings with friends and family.
Joining your local community farm/gardens or school gardens. Looking after bees
Dancing in the rain, drink water
Making playlists, playing music with her, and singing songs.
Looking after a plant or garden
Playing minecraft, farming for her. Farming simulators in general
Volunteering at shelters
Wearing sun screen, sun glasses, picking up trash outside.
Favours: Herbalists, adventurers/explorers, Nature lovers, Herdpeople, dog lovers, teachers, students, gardeners, farmers, child workers, bakers, librarians.
Don't eat cows or honor/give thanks to animal after eating.
Pick up trash/rubbish outside pls
Be helpful with animals (if you can and are financially able to do so)
Take care of the earth
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studentofparfaedia · 1 year
Pop culture entity/egregore | Pure Vanilla Cookie
(Demi)god of truth and healing
Note: This isn’t so much of a guide to worship as it is a journal to keep track of how I worship/work with his spirit!
Colors: Yellow, sky blue, white
Plants: Vanilla orchids, sunflowers, white lilies (sob), chamomile, any white or yellow flowers
Animals: Sheep, bluebirds, doves
Stones: Selenite, clear quartz, citrine, lapis lazuli, pearl
Scents: Vanilla (lmao), chamomile, anything floral, lavender, honey
General imagery: Clouds/the sky, light of truth emblem
Acts of worship/non-tangible offerings
Spending time with loved ones, especially reuniting with loved ones
Acts of kindness
Being kind to animals/nature
Prayer/showing thankfulness
Coping with trauma/mental health
Music or poetry
 Devotional acts (dedicating an act to him)
Generally bonding with him
Tangible/physical offerings
Water (moon water, ocean water, etc.)
Flowers of any kind (especially vanilla orchids or lilies)
Art/crafts (especially with the light of truth emblem on them)
Associated imagery
Sweets (candy, desserts, etc.)
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