studentofparfaedia · 1 year
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Oils I made for Pure Vanilla and Sherbet Cookie :3
I technically remade Sherbet’s buuuut yea! I’m gonna anoint their candles with them :3
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studentofparfaedia · 1 year
Pinned post :3
Hiii I’m Taffy !!!! I’m an 18 year old witch/Pagan and I use he/him pronouns (+ some neos)
This is my witchcraft/pop culture paganism blog! I don’t reblog much so it’s mostly kind of a diary for my practice XP
I’m autistic and have VERY strong special interests, thus why I incorporate pop culture magic into my practice a lot (usually Cookie Run, but sometimes other things I’m passionate about!)
I worship/work with egregores of Hollyberry, Sherbet, and Pure Vanilla Cookie, but I believe in other pop culture deities from the games’ pantheon(s)! Mainly the Ancient Heroes (demigods if we’re being technical lol), Dragons, and Legendaries (+ Sherbet and Stardust, being directly involved with Legendaries)
Note: I understand that not everyone will believe in my practice, and people will inevitably find it “cringe.” Just please respect that my practice isn’t hurting anyone and mind your own business. I don’t care if you find it silly or weird, or if you don’t believe in it yourself, just don’t be rude about it and we’re golden!
Further context: I believe that all higher beings/deities/entities have truth to them! That includes egregores and other unorthodox beings that not many would find “acceptable/normal” to work with. Since I believe in all gods existing in some plane of existence, it only makes sense to me that egregores would exist!
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studentofparfaedia · 1 year
Pop culture entity/egregore | Pure Vanilla Cookie
(Demi)god of truth and healing
Note: This isn’t so much of a guide to worship as it is a journal to keep track of how I worship/work with his spirit!
Colors: Yellow, sky blue, white
Plants: Vanilla orchids, sunflowers, white lilies (sob), chamomile, any white or yellow flowers
Animals: Sheep, bluebirds, doves
Stones: Selenite, clear quartz, citrine, lapis lazuli, pearl
Scents: Vanilla (lmao), chamomile, anything floral, lavender, honey
General imagery: Clouds/the sky, light of truth emblem
Acts of worship/non-tangible offerings
Spending time with loved ones, especially reuniting with loved ones
Acts of kindness
Being kind to animals/nature
Prayer/showing thankfulness
Coping with trauma/mental health
Music or poetry
 Devotional acts (dedicating an act to him)
Generally bonding with him
Tangible/physical offerings
Water (moon water, ocean water, etc.)
Flowers of any kind (especially vanilla orchids or lilies)
Art/crafts (especially with the light of truth emblem on them)
Associated imagery
Sweets (candy, desserts, etc.)
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studentofparfaedia · 1 year
I originally had a post in the works for worshiping/working with Pure Vanilla Cookie (egregore) but it didn’t save so I’m just gonna share my mini travel altar for him until I have the energy to rewrite it 😭
Hard to see but there’s a white lily petal at the bottom from our garden (sobs)
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Also hiii happy first actually published post <3!!!
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