#Poltergeists For A Better Future
inhindsight · 2 months
Had the motivation to make an intro post !! Keep in mind this is bound to change as time goes on!!
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Backporch Poltergeist is an inclusive safe space for good faith identities, all pluralfolk, alterhumans, selfship/proship folks, and honestly a lot more!
Hai !
My name - the main geist using the account, and the system host - is Esper ! You may see a few others, but it is safe to assume you're interacting with me!
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I use hy/hymn/hy's , shy/hyr/hyr's , et/et's pronouns most usually, but for folks who struggle with neo/xenos I am perfectly okay with it/it's !
We ask you to remain respectful, and that's pretty much it. We love and appreciate asks, no matter the topic and will do our best to respond to all of them no matter the topic. The only thing I doubt we'll respond to is hate, for fairly obvious reasons.
We don't have a very strict DNI.
We ask that you keep in mind we are bodily a Minor. While virtually none of our headmates are the body's age, we still abide by rules to keep us safe. We are comfortable with adults interacting, so long as we are not sexualized and you're comfortable following a minor.
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We enjoy being interacted with.
Ask games, reblog games, all of it is welcome! Mutuals, followers, or even just passersby are always allowed to interact as they please, no matter what it is or if they'll interact again.
Our favorite thing ever at the moment is reblog games, and we want to start one rather than just participating !!
Random content and post schedule !
We are super weird. We're a part of a handful of niche and "weird communities", and we try to interact with all of them!
We love posting for self shipping, it makes us very happy is generally very validating and heart warming. We're very active in pro-endo communities (more so on an older account we don't use anymore) and advocating for plural voices and plurals appreciating each other. We are less active in alterhuman spaces, but Many of our headmates use the label as a broad descriptor for their experiences!
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Content may vary .
There's no telling when we'll post or what we'll post, but we'll try to tag it appropriately. Having such a wide variety of topics can be super confusing, so we'll try to keep it organized for everyone's sake ::
#Floorboards Tell Stories Via Stains :: Our personal rambles tag. Random, unthemed posts that may happen at any given point.
#Poltergeists For A Better Future :: A tag for our disability related posts. May be used for physical or mental disabilities, and will not have a distinguisher.
#Pluralgeist :: A silly tag for plurality related posts.
#Poltergeists In Love :: Our self ship tag! No telling what it may be specifically. Could vary from mindless babbles about F/Os, reblog games, related reblogs, ask games, relates asks, etc! Genuinely no telling what you'll find.
#Non-geist(?) Poltergeists :: Another silly tag, this time for alterhuman stuff.
Our posts will include our organizing tag and general tags for reach/viewing in no specific order. Some posts may have two organizing tags. If so, it's likely the subject tag and our personal ramblings tag.
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webshood · 7 months
silly Duke Thomas headcanons:
He likes to do journaling
Whenever he has time he helps Alfred around the kitchen
He'll cry sometimes after a patrol, he feels very touched whenever he notices he actually makes a difference and that his presence makes people feel more safe
Learned how to knit to make Christmas sweaters for everyone, every year he makes a new set however everyone keeps using the ones he made the first time (it was so bad they look like they're on life support)
He enjoys being close to his siblings, sometimes he'll go hang out on Tim's bedroom and sit on a bean bag/his bed, not uttering a word, Tim gets jump scared by his presence quit a lot
Duke is more of a R&B guy, but he's an active supporter of Gotham's rap scene (financially) , he likes to watch street rap battles and when ppl notice him they'll start hyping him up until he does a cool flip
His love language is sending bad memes in other languages on the batfam gc whenever he's bored during the day
He'll sometimes bleach his buzz cut and paint it with different patterns/colours
He accidentally became a BTS army, he started it to annoy Bruce when he had the aux on the batmobile – dynamite on loop during their entire patrol –, but he's gotten too invested
Duke learned sign language so he could speak better with Cass, just to find out she didn't actually know a lot of sign language, they learn it together now
Duke and Jason usually don't hang out with each other a lot, Jason keeps more to himself, but as the resident meta and magic user they'll text each other all the time about spook shit.
Jason: poltergeist bowery
Duke: will keep an eye on it thnks, any new visions of the future to share?
A week later...
Jason: something with Tim on wednesday, keep alert
Duke: will do !!
Three weeks later...
*Jason realized a transference to your account*
Duke: ??
Jason: Lunch money
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ddarker-dreams · 6 months
HI! I just wanted to let you know I think absolutely nobody writes about Johan Liebert better than you do!
AAA THANK YOU i've been thinking about johan lately... i recently had this long conversation with a friend about monster and man. johan really is the it girl of antagonists. it gives so many fun qualities to play around with when characterizing him as a yandere.
specifically, how he goes about keeping you from leaving. some yans use force, physical confinement, threats and manipulation, but johan doesn't really have to. you're in this position that burdens you with responsibility. it's your conscience that shackles you. johan is a person who, officially, doesn't exist. every alias he takes on has been meticulously forged. his crimes are largely carried out by others and aren't considered related. no one knows what they're contending with.
no one aside from you.
maybe you can't undo all the harm he's done, or prevent the tragedies he will enact, but you can do something. this knowledge is a pesky, trying thing. what starts as a nagging thought becomes a poltergeist that can't be exorcised. johan won't kill, maim, or significantly impair you in any meaningful way. his affection that grants this immunity makes you his achilles heel. what-ifs become the force that keep you awake at night.
what if your interference, meager as it may seem, saves one life? what if you uncover something that could finally see him brought to justice? what if by fleeing, you're inadvertently dooming those he'll raze in the future? these possibilities fester and proliferate by his goading. he tasks you with convincing him that human life is valuable. he'll quietly sit through every argument you make, granting you as much time as you want.
occasionally, he makes concessions.
if you see so much value in this person's life, then so be it, he'll leave them be. the rush of relief that comes from saving someone turns to cold dread. in your absence, he considers nothing sacred. it's your involvement that prevents everything from descending into chaos. the time you willingly spend with him would be impossible if society itself unraveled, after all. he delays his more malicious machinations just for a taste of your undivided attention.
the worst prisons are those with the doors left open.
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soapoet · 1 year
how are you, october?
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+3 Taylor Swift songs each because she's striving and so should you.
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Soapy scribbles: I already did a general energy reading for this autumn season here, but there's quite a bit of energies at play this autumn, so I felt the need to look at October specifically as it feels very important.
Shufflemancy: Taylor Swift ‐ Don't blame me, I did something bad, Red.
How long have you kept the light on? Sitting there, staring at the door, waiting for someone who never seems to come? The radio is on, playing two stations at once. The flower petals all say maybe, not he loves me, he loves me not. You are frustrated and confused, yearning for clarity but outside the sun just won't rise and the only light is the one lit outside your house. Have you given your time at a discount, or is the free trial still running? Someone needs to draw the line in the sand further from the waves that keep washing them away. You want more, and for love to not feel like agony. Red is the colour of passion, both love and hate. I see you wearing their white t-shirt, your heart bleeding and staining it red as you watch them sleep. Safe and sound, whilst you howl to the moon. You're growing territorial. A desperate act to ward off the wolves that prowl your prey. You saw them first, but they don't seem to see you.
It seems as though your thoughts and feelings are silly until somebody else echos them, word for word, and then they're liquid gold. You're not a ghost, but you feel your outlines blur. Where do you end and where do they begin? You haunt their halls, but they're fast asleep and never notice a bump in the night. You've felt powerless, like the quietest poltergeist, unable to move and shake the silverware, never able to rattle the cupboards or the picture frames. Somebody treats you like they would give you their last name, yet make no such commitments, not a single step in that direction. It is all up in the air, and you feel like the rug beneath your feet will get pulled at any moment. Is it not tiring to lie awake, watching the shadows, wondering what beasts may strike if you let your guard down in slumber? Without certainty, you're the one in fear under the covers, certain it wasn't just the wind. Because in your experience, it never really is.
Do not sign the dotted line without examination of the fine print. Better yet, do not sell your heart and soul to someone who will keep you on a shelf, saved for a rainy day, but will not puncture breathing holes into the lid and care for you truly. Do not let yourself be kept for a season, wings clipped and left to asphyxiate in a jar. You have given enough benefits of the doubt, but nobody is so daft, so oblivious, they would not embrace love they find worthy and good. Do not let yourself be kept as an option or as something good enough until something better, new and shiny, comes along. Close up shop and demand full subscription for your time and effort. If they won't pay the price, you'll find better in no time whilst karma chews them out. Especially if you feel like you can't do better, or have felt like love keeps avoiding you and you're somehow faulty and too broken to be loved, there really is someone around the next few corners who won't play you like a game or stick around only in fair weather but your storms too. So don't settle, you deserve better than okay and fine and good enough. For a select few, there really is love here, but may be drowning in addiction or fears of some kind. Remember that you can't help someone who doesn't want help, because change is made when they want change. This change may very well be coming up in the near future, and wrongs may be made right slowly. If this is somebody you love, whether romantically or platonically, even in a familial sense, make sure you keep your head above water and put your own oxygen mask on first before helping another. You can extend a helping hand, but do so when they ask, not because you're expected to do it because you always have. New beginnings in old relationships are possible if you want it.
Additional details: Amethysts, Ayurveda, moths, mixed signals, love languages, uquizzes and other such tests, purple, blue, red, bus rides, tattoos, job offers, writing, poetry, thesis, message in a bottle, missing an ex, addiction, healing, birds and squirrels, starting over, second chances, reminiscing, old photos or journal entries or ig posts, synastry charts, girl in red, Phoebe Bridgers, Noah Kahan, Bishop Briggs, YA book series, maladaptive daydreaming, BPD, lighters, short trips, parties or other get togethers, double dates, life path 8, birthdays, sanrio, studying, Scorpio/Aries/Virgo/Capricorn/Pisces, 3H/4H/5H/12H, Saturn/Mars/Uranus, Lilith/Chiron, 25/89/222/555.
Shufflemancy: Taylor Swift - Gorgeous, Paper rings, I think he knows.
Luck seems to be on your side, or it soon will be. After a long drought, you have stumbled upon an oasis. Prayers whispered in the dark, sometimes choked out by tears, are now proven to have been heard after all. Endless night and harsh winter is over, even though seasonally speaking it's right ahead of us in the northern hemisphere. In your life, however, you're coming out of a very long and hard winter. You have felt cold and lost, sometimes frozen in place, as though your icicle bones and frosted skin wouldn't let your body decompose when you thought you were dead. You were stuck up to your thighs in snow. Every step was a challenge, and harsh winds threatened you like frail branches bending and snapping in storms. Now the snow is melting, trampled into slush beneath your boots and making way for spring flowers to bloom.
Forward movement is happening in many areas of your life. New beginnings are popping up like wildflowers in a meadow for you to frolic in. You're making changes and changes are making you. Immovable objects begin to roll down the hilltop where you've felt stranded like a lone celltower sending and receiving signals. You may have felt in your heart and soul that the winds are changing. Your intuition has been wide open and receptive for some time now, hasn't it? But rooted in place unable to move you have felt unable to take action. That is changing now as not only can you move forward, but things you have wished for begin to arrive like ships to your shores. You sowed and nurtured the seeds and it is time to harvest your crops. If you have dealt with mental terrors and grief, you should see those slowly begin to heal, circumstances improve, and help becoming available to you and you finally feel ready and able to take it.
If you've been engaging in some good old fashioned yearning, know that it's a case of mutual pining. Someone whose freckles, birth marks, or scars you have mapped out like an astronomer the night sky in stolen glances has stolen just as many of you. Either one of you, perhaps both, have been closing doors as of late, gone through endings and made space for the new and found the keys to the doors once shut and chained and locked. There is a distinct sense of leveling up here, like entering a new region in a game at last when the requirements have been met, and you're now free to explore new and unknown territory. I see unwavering eye contact where before it was a game of cat and mouse. I see a church, two people side by side in the pews sharing quiet confessions. Words previously only thought find a voice and get spoken, not to the moon but the heart they were meant for. There can be some secrecy involved, but less like the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet it's keeping something sacred between two souls, keeping each other like an oath. Sheltering a flame, for some of you one rekindled, between four hands and promising to meet in the woods at night. This secrecy is not one grown from shame, but one of dedication. A solid foundation, a home and sturdy fortress is being built or rebuilt in the dark of the night so its eventual beauty and intricacies may be admired by all in the sun. You may have manifested this, or simply known this was inevitable. All you really had to do was accept it as fate and wait for it to unfold. This is a cozy kind of love, but also devout like two souls looking upon each other in reverence. It feels as close as it feels free. There's something to lean on but also room to grow. You hold each other tightly, but loosen the grip as needed, and always ready to catch the other if they fall. For some of you this marks the end of a third party situation, an entirely new love, and for others this is reworking an existing or past love with a new set of rules and making magic together after tough challenges.
Additional details: Full moon, abundance, sudden income, lottery luck, gifts, receiving or giving flowers, dancing, swimming, guided meditations, listening to higher frequencies, therapy or counselling, lists and plans, entrepreneurship, editing, finishing tasks, cats, rabbits and ferrets or rodents, pancakes and waffles, sunflowers and dandelions, espresso, heavy rain, holding hands, nostalgic scents or environments, coughing, PTSD, neurodivergence, artificial intelligence, fidget toys or stress balls, colouring books, arts and crafts, dainty jewellery, body language, law of assumption, dreams, blue, green, black, glasses, kpop, punk, indie, Stray Kids, Ateez, Dreamcatcher, Daft Punk, Sabaton, Avenged Sevenfold, Korn, Virgo/Leo/Cancer/Aquarius/Sagittarius, 1H/3H/5H/11H, Jupiter/Moon/Mercury/Pluto, North and South Node/Ceres, 12/13/33/555/888.
Shufflemancy: Taylor Swift - The archer, Mean, Anti-hero.
Narcissus and Echo, a tragedy of old. You may have been at the mercy of fluctuating between the two. This can be a dance between you and another, or you and your own reflection. You may have pushed someone away. A friend, a family member, yourself, or an authority figure of sorts. Demanding they leave you alone, left them on read or never bothered to open their letters at all, after so long of clinging to their every word. Certain of your independence, a need to put yourself first, desperate self love wholly unrequited. Or perhaps you fought viciously for yourself, but your voice was never heard. As though you always needed someone else to speak your words for them to be taken as right and true. Perhaps you were sent on a glitched quest, "ask your mother" only met with "ask your father", leaving you in the uncertainty of the in between, alone and filled to the brim with unanswered questions and no sense of direction.
You have sought help, asked for assistance, asked all the right questions and really pushed your own cart forwards though it has been uphill. And something or someone always cast stones on your path forward, shoved stick between the wheels to make the process feel so hopeless. There are wounds that you bear that have been left unhealed for years. Still raw and bleeding you dry whilst you try to keep yourself together like cupping water in your hands as it spills through your fingers. But though your path is full of traps and spikes and is uncertain and winding, you know the way forward all within yourself. Because you carry with you the only light you need to find your way. You may cross paths with kind advisors who unseathe their swords to fight for you, and some of them may already be in your life. Those who see the injustice and tear down the thicket ahead to make way for you and protect you whilst you stitch your wounds and ready yourself for battle yourself. Accept the help, encouragement, and follow these kind mercenaries when you get lost. Allow them to carry your burdens when as Atlas you need a break from carrying the world upon your shoulders. Soon you'll be strong enough to do what you need to do. Be better, stronger, healthier, if not for you right now then for those who need you and cherish you and want you by their side in the quests of life. Eventually your actions will prove to be the best for you, and a faint portrait of a future you smiles upon your present self for your decision to keep moving forward.
If you need to put your foot down, do so in earnest. Shoo away guilt and shame, and let go of the idea that you must suffer in silence and weather unnecessary storms, speak when spoken to and follow another's commands so often not in favour of your own well-being. Fight your inner demons, but know you need not fight them alone. Dip a quill in ink and rewrite the rules. Break into the library which holds the book of life and black out that what does not serve you, and take ownership of your own story. If Narcissus treats you poorly, trample him under your foot on your way out the door. He is only a flower now and seasons change, and he will wilt and wither away as you no longer shine upon his petals.
Additional details: Violins, literature, art galleries, sisters and fathers, divorce, babies or children, psychotherapy, CBT, law, changing your name, lgbt+, jazz, classical music, Regina Spektor, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Fiona Apple, borzoi, dog videos, playing instruments, writing a book, storytelling, unknown address, exotic animals, spiders, ED, OCD, teddy bears, squishmallows, studying for a test, doctor's appointments, funerals, chill covers/lofi, slowed/reverb/acoustic versions, subliminals, affirmations, lace, fuzzy socks or woolen socks, bruises, house plants, monstera, ivy, pothos, tea collection, cold hands, Taurus/Gemini/Libra/Scorpio/Capricorn, 2H/6H/8H/10H, Saturn/Pluto/Neptune/Venus, IC/MC, 17/23/95/11:11/000/444.
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milfjagger · 2 months
horror recs 2024
categories are a little broad but take from it what you will. personal favs are in bold and a * next to the name means this movie genuinely scared me
serial killers/stalkers/home invasion the black phone (2021) the invisible man (2020) hannibal (series; 2013-2015) maniac (2012) american psycho (2000) the silence of the lambs (1991) opera (1987) tourist trap (1979) halloween (1978) deep red (1975) black christmas (1974) the texas chain saw massacre (1974) peeping tom (1960)
ghosts/hauntings talk to me (2022) the haunting of hill house (series; 2018) i am the pretty thing that lives in the house (2016) under the shadow (2016) crimson peak (2015) mama (2013) the orphanage (2007) lake mungo (2008)* dark water (2005) the ring (2002) the others (2001) the devil's backbone (2001) ring (1998)* candyman (1992) poltergeist (1982) the haunting (1963) the innocents (1961)
vampires interview with the vampire (series; 2022- ) midnight mass (series; 2021) let the right one in (2008) bram stoker's dracula (1992) near dark (1987) the lost boys (1987) fright night (1985) dracula (1958) nosferatu (1922)
werewolves dog soldiers (2002) ginger snaps (2000) & ginger snaps 2 (2004) the howling (1981) an american werewolf in london (1981)
demons/witches longlegs (2024)* smile (2022)* incantation (2022)* hereditary (2018)* suspiria (2018) veronica (2017)* terrified (2017)* pyewacket (2017)* the autopsy of jane doe (2016) the exorcist (series; 2016-2018) the blackcoat's daughter (2015) the witch (2015)* evil dead (2013) the exorcism of emily rose (2005) the blair witch project (1999) the craft (1996) hellraiser (1987) suspiria (1977) the exorcist (1973) the devil rides out (1968) rosemary's baby (1968) black sunday (1960)
survival horror yellowjackets (series; 2021 - ) the terror (series; 2017) rogue (2007) the descent (2005)* open water (2003)
sci-fi horror crimes of the future (2022) annihilation (2018)* the fly (1986) the thing (1982) alien (1979) & aliens (1986)
monster movies willow creek (2013)* troll hunter (2010) the host (2006) pumpkinhead (1988)
folk horror the ritual (2017)* wake wood (2009)* the hallow (2015) pet sematary (1989) the wicker man (1973) the blood on satan's claw (1971) night of the demon (1957)
fantasy/fairytale horror gretel and hansel (2020) red riding hood (2011) the juniper tree (1990) the company of wolves (1984) psychological horror (that doesn't fit better into another category) candyman (2021) the lighthouse (2019) us (2019) get out (2017) gerald's game (2017) a cure for wellness (2016) the invitation (2015) it follows (2014)* excision (2012) may (2002) frailty (2001) dead ringers (1988) gothic (1986) carrie (1976) cat people (1942)
indie/experimental (mileage may vary) enys men (2022) skinamarink (2022) bones and all (2022) men (2022) the house (2022) relic (2020)* saint maud (2019) mandy (2018) the wind (2018) raw (2016)
balls to the wall crazy/fun as hell evil dead rise (2023) fall of the house of usher (series; 2023) late night with the devil (2023) saw movies (2004-2023) the menu (2022) nope (2022) malignant (2021) escape room (2019) & escape room: tournament of champions (2021) run (2020) the chilling adventures of sabrina (series; 2018-2020) 31 (2016) the boy (2016) american mary (2012) repo! the genetic opera (2007) trick 'r' treat (2007) sweeney todd (2007) dead silence (2007) house of wax (2005) house of 1000 corpses (2003) final destination (2000) ravenous (1999) lair of the white worm (1988) brain damage (1988) the texas chainsaw massacre 2 (1986) re-animator (1985) & bride of re-animator (1990) evil dead movies (1981-1992) phantom of the paradise (1974)
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tiktowafel · 1 year
Headcanons for Neito Monoma?
yup here you go! tagging @fabpops1 because she also asked for Monoma headcanons
no coloring today because the one i made two years ago sucks and i don't feel like remaking it :'D honestly i feel like Horikoshi and I both half-assed his casual clothing sketch lol
him and his parents were all born in Japan but he has some relatives in Belgium, whom he really enjoys visiting. it's the main reason why he seems so interested in european culture (his profile page states he likes french cuisine and franco-belgian comics)
he can also speak french very well thanks to that
he's also fluent in english (though he has trouble understanding Pony sometimes - he's much better at reading and writing than he is at listening) and has a basic knowledge of several other languages. he doesn't really expect it to come handy at any point in the future, he just learns them because he finds it fun
besides that he also likes history, classic literature, theatre... yeah this guy is a huge humanities-leaning nerd and i don't accept criticism
nor do i accept the fact that he's supposed to be a bad student in canon?? like, he's so smart and also competitive, no way he isn't top of the class... he may not be as good in science and math as he is in japanese and history, but nothing an all-nighter can't fix
in middle school he was part of the drama and debate clubs. and while hero course students aren't supposed to join clubs because they should focus on hero work, he managed to argue his way into the same clubs in UA by saying that his theatrics and speeches are an important part of his hero persona. Kuroiro joined the drama club alongside him (didn't contribute to the argument at all, just nodded wisely every time Monoma presented a point)
class 1-B's culture festival performance being a stage play was actually his idea! it didn't really go the way he intended (he did NOT expect it to turn into a four-way crossover more ambitious than infinity war) but he greatly enjoyed performing in it anyway! maybe even too much
his knowledge of quirks rivals Midoriya's. he researches them a lot mostly to help his copy quirk but also out of genuine curiosity
he often helps his classmates with training their quirks and comes up with new techniques to try out. he's particularly good at it because he can actually try other people's quirks himself, which gives him a better understanding of how they function and what their limitations are
^ which is why i believe he'd make an awesome hero course teacher!! (in all might's role - i don't think making him anyone's homeroom teacher would be a good idea, he'd be just as biased towards his class as he is now lmao) it's definitely one of my favorite "future" headcanons
he praises his classmates' quirks a lot and says he considers them all great, but he does have preferences when it comes to copying them
his favorites are Yanagi's poltergeist (somewhat boring, but easy to understand and very versatile both in battle and everyday life), Tokage's lizard tail splitter (he almost died when he copied it for the first time because he barely managed to put his body back together before his quirk's time limit ran out, but that didn't stop him - he always found Tokage's quirk very fun and useful, so he put a lot of work into fully figuring it out and now he uses it pretty often), Shoda's twin impact (Monoma's physical strength.... leaves a lot to be desired, and the second impact always being significantly stronger than the first helps make up for it) and Kuroiro's black (you can move around very fast and it's fun :) )
quirks he does not like copying Honenuki's softening (fun, but quite difficult to control and avoiding collateral damage with such a destructive quirk is a pain in the ass. Honenuki understands that perfectly) and Shishida's beast (just... really not his thing lol)
for some reason i see a lot of people headcanon that he has pet ferrets, and you know what? i agree. he does seem like a ferret person
prefers smart clothing, a polo shirt is the most casual he'll go. he only ever wears tshirts for exercise (which he hates doing lol) and probably doesn't own a single hoodie
in general i think he has a good eye for elegant design... his dorm room is very stylish and nicely coordinated too. i think one of the light novels also describes it as "vaguely french" and yeah that fits
while he tries to keep his room neat and tidy on the outside, all his drawers and cabinets are horribly messy
he's that one kid who has like 17 different allergies and is completely useless if he forgets his meds on a spring day (spring is his least favorite season due to this. i think winter would be his fave)
luckily he is not allergic to dairy so he can eat as much stinky french cheese as he wants 👍
speaking of food i think he's a pretty good cook actually
prefers listening to older (and mostly foreign) music and is a huge snob about it
honestly he probably acts the same about movies and books too
arguing with people on the internet is one of his favorite ways to spend his free time. if there are no 1-A students around, you can always show off your impressive vocabulary by bullying random internet strangers with bad taste in movies!
almost everyone in 1-B considers him a friend despite his... anti-1a bullshit, because he's just really nice and helpful to people he likes + he's a great leader! however he's closest to Kuroiro (friendly drama king rivals! they're constantly arguing about dumb shit using the fanciest words they can think of and they're always trying to outperform each other in the drama club meetings they both attend, but they love each other trust me <3 also Monoma helps Kuroiro with studying because he sucks at school), Pony (when he's not trying to trick her into insulting 1-A he can be pretty helpful with japanese, he also likes listening to her talk about her home country), Honenuki (he's Pony's best friend, so you usually befriend them both at once, but Monoma thinks he's also interesting to talk to by himself) and Tetsutetsu (they don't share many interests but Monoma hates exercising so he has Tetsutetsu force him to do it. his positive energy certainly helps a lot)
ever since they got to know each other during their joint training fight, Monoma's been using 100% of his persuasion skills to convince Shinso to join 1-B instead of 1-A. Shinso is conflicted to say the least
aaand that's all i have for him! hope you enjoyed these!!
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dinogoofy · 1 year
I'm back with another poll! Going on in the future, polls will definitely have a shorter list of characters simply because of the personality traits I can picture with the scenario!
(I know the other one hasn't ended yet, but I posted that pretty late for me and I'm changing it up so that it works with my schedule better. I will post the winner when it's finished though!)
Sorry if you had to vote twice, forgot to add an option on the poll and had to delete it!
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You moved into an old house last year, and strange things have been happening every time you bring a new date home. Doors opening, dishes rattling... Thing is- they only seem to happen around your dates. After the last guy breaks three of his fingers due to a cabinet slamming shut on him, you contact a friend that sends over her cooky spiritual aunt. She does some weird shit with some animal bones, and your house gets struck by lightning. Somehow, this must have charged the energies in the house, because now you can actually see your poltergeist. Turns out, he's in love with you, and has been jealous of all the living men who You've brought home.
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kilroyart · 10 months
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As a yearly tradition at this point. I put on a special Halloween DnD one-shot. This year in particular there were enough people interested from outside my normal group that I had enough for two full parties. Friends of friends or co-workers that were interested in seeing what all the talk was about. I couldn't possibly have 10 people at my table, not including myself. So I split them in to two separate days, for the Saturday and Sunday before Halloween.
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Now I take great care in crafting a theme for the one-shot. I think about it way ahead of time. This year I got my inspiration through an nothing in particular conversation with my girlfriend who mentioned the phrase "mimic house". It was a spark in my mind immediately and had to play it cool and not explode with enthusiasm, as she would be one of the future players. Since mid-August I plotted and schemed and researched and homebrewed.
By early September my premise was set and a whole Mimic theme was set forth. Now I knew the jig would be up if everything they encountered was a mimic in different forms. Instead I scrounged for monsters which appear mundane until they decide to strike. Vine blights, animated armors, and of course a standard mimic chest made their way in.
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The mystery was set up to look like a haunting. Some noble's manor was experiencing supernatural threats. Any and all poltergeist type manifestations still work, especially if everything is mimicry. The progression was structured by finding the correct keys for the correct doors or locks. Any attempts at picking were futile, as the lock simple moved the pins out of the way making it impossible. I banked on my player's better judgement to not try battering down doors, which paid off. Find the key, unlock the door to find the next key.
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At the end they found the hidden sub-basement. The house's heart dangled. Tendons would lash out and attack the players. After a bit of damage on the heart, the entire house would reveal itself to be a gargantuan mimic and run off.
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The boss fight took place in the woods as the mimic house thrashed about. The wooden siding and shingles were invulnerable, but the fleshy underside was exposed. The heart itself was vulnerable to slashing and piercing damage, balancing the fight for the lv 6 party. The only way to fight it was to get underneath the house. That is also where the mimic could whip with its tendrils or thrust jagged wooden planks.
It was a great time, across two very different parties. It was also very interesting seeing how different groups approached the same problems; I have never run the same campaign twice. Everyone enjoyed the classic mimic chest, carefully hidden in the attic, and all were blown away by the surprise and scale of the mimic house.
P.S. Credit to the movie Monster House for its unconscious influence. I didn't realize the resemblance or remember the movie until early October when I mentioned the concept to a friend (who was not a player) and they brought it up. Love that movie.
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
Hey! Can you write a story between Donnie x ghost reader where the reader is trying to be in contact with Donnie but he tries to ignore the signs of a ghost due to their “nonexistent presence”? I felt inspired by Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist by Roy Webley!
This seems like so much fun to write!! Hope you like it!
Ghosts Aren’t Real
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Rise!Donnie X Ghost!Reader
Genre: Angst; Fluff in Part 2
Relationship: Dating
Pronouns: Feminine (She/Her)
Timeline: Post-Movie
Warnings ⚠️: Mentions of death, mild language
When (Y/N) died during the Kraang invasion, Donnie locked himself in his lab for weeks the second he and his brothers returned to the lair.
He refused to talk about her and actively avoided Leo as he reminded him of (Y/N)‘s sacrifice, whether he spoke about it or not.
Donnie had met her before he met April. When he was overstimulated, (Y/N) was the only person that could distract him. She worked alongside him in his lab almost daily. They made great progress in so many projects. Now they were all scraped.
Donnie was making something better.
Maybe it was morally irresponsible, but he needed (Y/N) back.
The scientist removed his mask and wiped his brow, sighing as he stared up at his invention.
Although he hadn’t eaten in several hours, he was ready to finally begin his biggest experiment of all time.
The purple turtle slowly walked over to the lever jutting up from the ground before remembering something crucial. He ambled over to his desk and grabbed one of (Y/N)’s many possessions: a red sweater.
After placing it in the middle of his invention, he walked back over to the lever and took a deep breath. Donnie went to pull it down, but he hesitated.
“Fuck…” he cursed. He knew he would question his own actions. He knew (Y/N) would question his actions. His brothers. April and Casey.
Donnie’s fear wasn’t that the people around him would reprimand him of bringing someone back to life.
His fear was his karma.
The invasion had drastically changed the turtle’s mindset. Despite being extremely logical, Donnie now feared that he would change his future the same way he and his brothers had. One wrong move and this could come back to bite him worse than any invasion ever could.
Donnie forcibly shook himself out of that mindset. He had spent countless hours on designing a machine that could coincide with his Ninpō and synthetic DNA recreation. All of this couldn’t have been for nothing.
Readjusting his grip on the handle, Donnie flung the lever to the other side, and the machine began to power up. The red sweater slowly floated up, his purple-hued Ninpō suspending the clothing item in the air.
Once the machine was fully powered, the turtle grabbed a remote with a singular red button on it.
“Here goes everything…” Donnie exhaled before pushing the button down with his thumb.
Before he could lift his finger up, the machine exploded, sending rippling vibrations throughout the lab. The turtle was forced back into his desk, papers scattering and mugs half filled with cold coffee shattering on the ground.
When the kicked up debris finally dissipated, Donnie realized that his invention was destroyed.
He spent the night cursing himself wondering why he thought he could play God by bringing someone back from the dead. He should’ve known it would end in disaster.
• • •
Upon waking up in the morning… afternoon, rather, Donnie stretched before scratching the back of his neck. He groaned as he’d realized that he’d fallen asleep in his cold, desolate lab instead of his comfortable bed.
Knowing his shell would eventually make him pay—as he aged—for his posture, the turtle quickly sat up and began his journey to his bathroom.
He tried not to think of his previous failure of bringing his late girlfriend back, but the thought consumed him as he stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. Donnie imagined himself with (Y/N) for the rest of his foreseeable future. She was his everything; she even rivaled his love for science. If she wasn’t there, then who would hand him his morning, afternoon, and evening coffee? Who would bring him metal scraps from the surface—not out of demand, but kindness? Who would bring him out of his overstimulated funks?
Would he have to do all of that himself again?
After thinking of that last question, the air disturbingly changed. It was unusually cold in the bathroom as Donnie looked around for the source of the freezing temperature.
Only after a few seconds, the cold subsided and the uneasy feeling left with it.
• • •
A few days passed and Donnie hadn’t made any progress on any of his projects. But not because of a lack a creativity caused of (Y/N)‘s death, rather, every since the strange incident in the bathroom, more odd occurrences had taken place.
Two days prior, a pile of blueprints fell to the ground despite being pushed away from the edge of his desk. And once he placed them back with a paperweight on top, they fell again within a couple minutes.
The next day, he was freezing cold for the majority of the morning. The thermostat was at a decent level, so he decided to just wrap himself in a blanket until the cold subsided later in the day.
Now today… nothing happened. Everything proceeded as normal: Donnie worked relentlessly on creating another plan to bring back (Y/N), his conscience drowned out by his ambition.
But later that night while the scientist attempted to sleep, he suddenly had the creeping feeling that he was being watched.
Donatello pushed the covers off of him and glanced around his room. He didn’t see anybody. The turtle turned on his flashlight on his phone and looked around again. And again, nothing. Nobody. But there had to have been somebody somewhere watching him, otherwise why would he be feeling a pair of eyes on him?
As the thought passed, Donnie could’ve sworn that he’d heard a whisper. It was faint and intelligible, but unnerving.
It was as clear as day. Donnie had heard the whisper again.
The turtle leapt from his bed, landing hard on the concrete floor. “Fuck!” He swore before looking up towards his bed. “Who’s there?!”
There was no answer.
“Goddamnit…” Donnie swore again as he picked up his bow staff and began his search of the lab.
After searching the lab and turning up nothing, Donnie expected to feel calmer, but he felt exactly the opposite. That whisper of his name happened directly into his ear. Inches away from his head. There was no way that somebody could whisper in his ear and then dart back into the lab without Donnie seeing them.
Despite his nerves, he began the journey back to his room.
The scientist spun around. Surely he was crazy; he’d just heard the voice again. It was much louder and uncannily familiar.
“Boo…!” The voice was right next to the scientist’s left ear.
Donnie yelped as he threw himself to the ground and aimed his phone to his left. Unlike the other times he’d turn and see nobody…
…he did see somebody.
The girl laughed. “You don’t know how entertaining this has been.”
I’m splitting this into two parts bc this is getting too long 😭 will have part 2 up soon!
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Writeblr Summoning Circle Intro
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Hello and welcome to my shrine place of power writing blog. I'm Ceph, they/them, and despite the ghostly username I am, in fact, a regular human adult with a job, college homework, skin, blood, etc. Video games, houseplants, and buying books faster than I read them are just a few of my hobbies.
I write different flavors of fantasy mostly, with sprinkles of horror and romance/spice thrown in for pizzazz. If you're interested in...
Vampires, werecreatures, necromancers, merfolk, and/or passive-aggressive poltergeists
Resourceful protagonists in terrible peril who sometimes make choices that change things forever, for better or worse
Lovers becoming enemies becoming forced allies and maybe more in some cases
Themes of solidarity, the myriad facets of love, and people fighting for a better future
Slow burns
Worldbuilding that I definitely don't make up on the fly
Mortals becoming deities and vice versa
Telepathic monsters that could devour your soul -OR- become your best friend
Liminal spaces like roadside diners at 3 a.m
...you might find my WIPs tolerable. Possibly even fun.
Follow my sideblogs @dysthanasia-series and/or @the-primrose-path-story to get notifications for new chapters and other neat story-related stuff. Check out @coven-archives to see what I'm reblogging from fellow writers. Or just ask to be put on a taglist for a WIP you're interested in.
I welcome asks, prompts, writblr events (Worldbuilding Wednesday, etc.), and any interactions that lead to transmutating Internet strangers into friends. Do tell me about your characters and lore. I want to devour know all of it. Yes, even the obscure facts that never really make it into the story despite hours of research poured into them. Especially those.
That's pretty much it. Feel free to reblog or like this post or invite me into an object you own at the stroke of midnight if you want me to give a follow.
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Below the cut you'll find a list of WIPs and links to read them which will increase my power every time you click one. Content advisories are at the top of each work and chapter.
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Genre(s): Urban/Paranormal fantasy, vampires, post-apocalyptic
Status: Redraft in progress
Mermaids don't exist. Every agent of the Coven, the organization that researches and governs the supernatural community, knows that. Accepting a classified assignment to investigate sightings along the Broken Coast is just an easy paycheck as far as Isaac Soto is concerned (not to mention another way to avoid dealing with his trauma and relationship issues).
A chance meeting with a charming stranger in a roadside diner changes not only the course of Isaac's assignment but the trajectory of his life. A life now in danger of being cut short unless he figures out how to escape the bloodborn who takes him hostage, a necromancer out to kill both of them, and the corruption at the heart of the organization he thought he believed in.
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The Primrose Path
Genre(s): High fantasy, romance/erotica
Status: Rough draft in progress
When his village is taken captive by an enemy nation, Illuminator Ân's priority is to make sure his people survive to fight another day. Faced with everything he's stood against as a priest of Cyanos, god of light and life, Ân prays for the strength to overcome and do what he must. It's not long before he receives signs that his petitions have been heard. Just not by the deity he serves.
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Beyond & Between
Genre(s): High fantasy, portal fantasy, whump
Status: Occasional, out-of-order updates
Sail beyond where the seas turn red, until the sky is filled with unfamiliar stars, to the lands between realities. Magic and the power to leave one's old life behind awaits for those brave enough to seek it.
Beyond & Between is a collection of stories set in the strange places settled by ancient people, deities, and creatures from Earth who fell through the cracks.
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Whumptober 2022
Each prompt followed by the story series it's set in and the MC. Content guidelines at the start of each story.
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lyanmeart · 3 months
Ghost, Faust and Kai.
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A strange large mansion hidden amongst the dense forest. The closest town is about 10 miles away. There's shops, cafes and other little stores in front of the building, smaller houses line behind them.
Covered around a dome of thick fog to keep curious eyes away. A university dedicated to those with strange and wondrous talents. Three students come together as people begin to go missing, murdered or even lost into a void hole around the school.
Kai is just trying to get her degree with honors and leave for a better future, however she gets stuck on a major group project with two even stranger outlasted beings. Faust and Ghost are two insperateable beings obsessed with learning all the odds and ends of the school. It's spotty history, when was it really built, what do the disappearances and killing have to do with the school itself? Who are the people really that run the mini village in front of the school?
Ghost, a devious sprite of a being. Had a rough upbringing but kept headstrong in every situation. Can phase between almost any material or person, can even possesses others and cause poltergeist activity. Is able to go into others dreams and walk within the Aetheral Plane at will.
Faust, a very shy and quiet person. Always has been connected to Ghost since they were in an orphanage for supernatural beings together. He likes to keep to himself while Ghost is constantly pulling him out of his comfort zone. Fire are his talents. Flames can consume him when he is pushed past the breaking point. When focusing he uses his flames like dagger. Small short bursts.
Kai, just trying to survive till gradation. Specialty is the ability to control water and bend it to her will. Caused a hurricane by accident when she was a young teen. Has been on the schools radar even since. They sent a guidance counselor to live with her family until she turned 18 and was ready for the university.
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raelyn-dreams · 1 year
Hi hi!! Did you read the valkyrie climax event? What are your thoughts on it? Do you think it was a good development for Valkyrie as a unit (and for shumika)? 🤔
Hi!!! It's lovely to see you again :)
So originally this post started off with a Le temps des fleurs analysis...that got so long that rather than subject everyone to a five page post, I've decided I'll post separately in the future lol.
But yes, I have read through Raison D'etre! To be honest, I don't think this post will be able to sum up all my thoughts, but I'll try to hit the important parts!
I feel that first I need to define what, to me, makes a good climax event. A good climax event, by my personal definition, ties up loose threads of the current storyline, addresses built-up conflicts with good pacing and in-character reactions, and resolves the current story thread of the unit while still allowing many more narratives to be weaved in the future. So far, of the other units we've gotten climax events of (fine, Crazy:B, Ra*bits, Double Face, and as of recently, 2wink), I think this has all been done fairly well - a couple character slip-ups, a few pacing issues here and there, a shoved-in conflict or two - but ultimately, they did their job, and I came away feeling fairly satisfied by their current conclusions.
I think I also need to state that I do not expect, nor frankly want, all of the character's issues and relationships to come away squeaky clean and unproblematic. I'm always for development of course (Neverland's garbage talk made me sob over how far Shu and Mika have come), but ultimately, this game is about a bunch of screwed-up kids in an exploitative industry, and how they navigate it while facing their own personal issues. Like other gacha games, from otomes like Obey Me to fellow joseimukes like Twisted Wonderland, the end goal is not to make the characters perfect, or even relatively good people. It's to weave a satisfying narrative, something that hooks and engages people. And while I will be the first to say the Enstars writing is not always "good" and can be riddled with problems, I still see a lot of potential in it and ultimately enjoy it, which is why I'm writing this.
I'm happy to say that Valkyrie did not break the pattern of satisfying climax events for me, and in fact, has come away as my favorite of them thus far. I readily admit that bias does in fact play a factor in my enjoyment - as it did with 2wink's and I'm sure it will when Alkaloid's drops - but I truly did feel that Valkyrie's climax event was incredibly satisfying for both of them.
So, onto the story!
Some of my favorite bits:
Shu defending Nazuna's autonomy was so asdfghjkl 😭 GODDAMN that hit me right in the feels! I liked that despite Nazuna being part of the event, the writing didn't try to dredge up ex-valk issues, and instead used Nazuna as a person close to them in order to forward their development, rather than as an angst tool, if that makes sense? He also seems to be doing a lot better since Ra*bits climax (poor man finally caught a break), so good for him! Also, Mika gaining weight! He is finally eating properly 🥺 I'm so proud.
Ok, so adding onto the above, initially the Kuro-Nazuna crossdressing subplot made me wary since I was afraid enstars was backtracking into some of its more...iffy writing choices (*stares at Poltergeist*). However, after reading the story through, I can safely say that the way it ties back into the theme was good, and ultimately, neither Kuro nor Nazuna exhibited any behavior that impacted my enjoyment of the story (+ this thread addressing issues people had with Kuro here, because my dude was getting attacked when this dropped).
Instead of "haha man in a dress", it showed a good progression of attitudes with old vs new era and Japan vs West that I felt was explored pretty thoughtfully, and the way Shu and Mika honored that by having such gnc stage costumes was very lovely! Kuro and Nazuna's good reactions to it also showed how much more open-minded they were as compared to Shu's grandfathers era, and also showed a reflection of enstars own writing changes between ! and !! era (ex. Koga and Subaru dropping their slur usage towards Arashi, Kaoru being more thoughtful towards Adonis's background, etc). I'm not trying to be a suck-up to the writers, since there is some stuff they've written that is...less than lovely. However, I don't think this situation was one of them, and overall, it tied back into Shu's journey well.
One scene I really want to talk about is the foie gras conversation because that was just!!! so!!! It's a very small scene in the grand scheme of things, but I thought it showed their development really well (Raelyn get new phrases challenge lol), so I wanted to mention it here! Mika wants to try foie gras, and Shu is like "why. it's gross and inhumane and there are so many better foods" which is totally fair (foie gras is often inhumanely created). However, Mika doesn't automatically apologize and back down like he would in the past, stating that he knows, but he still finds it interesting. Shu also does not shut Mika down; he states that maybe at another time, though he sticks to his own boundaries of not having it himself.
What I really like about this scene on Shu's end (and his relationship with Mika as a whole) is that he does not regress into treating Mika like he did Nazuna; he does not try to insist that Mika is perfect and should not soil himself with such indelicacies, nor does he put him on a pedestal and automatically throw out his own opinions for Mika (essentially, treating him as Mika treated him). Shu truly treats him as an equal here, by stating his own opinion and having an open and meaningful conversation with Mika, getting his view on it without completely sacrificing his own thoughts. Mika, in turn, does not treat Shu's words as gospel, nor does he feel the need to plead his case; the conversation is entirely casual, a mere exchange between partners, but its so important because its one of the first times they've demonstrated that they've made it to this point. The whole thing is wrapped very nicely in a bow by Shu creating something with a similar taste and texture to foie gras to give Mika a similar experience, without having to cook the actual thing - its a great compromise both are satisfied with, and gives us a look into how their current art and performances are being created.
(Translations below by mika_enstars)
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Shu's whole-hearted acceptance of Mika also comes back into play during the grave-robbing aftermath, which is something I have a lot of thoughts on, so I'll save it for a separate post.
Getting into what blew every enstars fan's mind, time to discuss the very queer themes of Raison D'etre. This shocked me when the translations first came out - I think the closest we've EVER gotten to this amount of explicit rep was Beasts and Pretty Mission, and even those can be argued for different interpretations, though I feel their text is pretty clear. Lots of queer fans (including me) gravitate to Valkyrie, and enstars as a whole tbh, for good reason - lots of their story aspects can be considered queer, from Shu's feminine interests and subsequent bullying, Nazuna feeling "trapped" by ex-Valk's expectations, and Mika's alt interests and unwavering devotion.
The doll plot was confusing as hell lol, but I get why it was done in such a convoluted manner, since it was supposed to be left up to interpretation, and force Shu and Mika to come to their own conclusions. Shu's grandfather deliberately set it up in such a way that Shu would be forced to weave the story he wants, and in doing so, accept the parts of himself he had hidden away - a fairly thin parallel to his grandfather's queer youth.
However, the difference here is that Shu does not plan on hiding, he does not plan on bundling away his feelings in a neat little box (or journal, in this case), and leaving them behind. In Antique Legend, we see that Shu's grandfather clearly tried to conform to what was expected of him, and impart those same values onto Shu - though Shu never fully stuck to those principles in favor of forging his own path, which I think his grandfather was secretly proud of him for.
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(Antique Legend: Dumps of Dreams, Ep 8)
Shu internally monologues about how different his grandfather's time and the current one he lives in are, and how things are evolving in such a way that he can stand on stage without the ridicule his grandfather may have faced. This, along with the ending of "Let's live together happily, Kagehira" as an ode to his grandfather's dreams, really does read like a love story to me, especially the part right before where Mika compares the love Shu's grandmother has for his grandfather as the same love Shu has for him - which Shu doesn't deny.
A couple other things to wrap up:
I found it so interesting how Mika and Shu had different takes on his grandfather's life, and trying to unravel the truth was both fun and a chore and a half for me lol. All in all, the audience isn't meant to know fully, but I think Mika's theory might hold a bit more water (Shu's grandfather being gnc and dating the landlady), since he had extra info and is bffs with Naru, giving him a bit more insight. However, I can definitely see why Shu went with his theory of "grandpa had many different male lovers in his youth", as not only is it the one that does not imply cheating, but it is a closer representation of how Shu feels, and I think that's what grandpa was trying to get at.
The use of "boku" and "ore" was also pretty good storytelling imo, and adds an extra layer of projection, since Shu uses "boku" while Mika uses "ore" in day-to-day life. "Boku" is also seen as politer and more formal, while "ore" is more casual and was at one point seen as crass, which reflected their story roles well!
The fact that Shu's grandfather just??? Fakes his death on a regular basis is???? So???? I can't even asdfghjkl. Kuro being like "yeah, I comforted him the first 5 times, but then I got kinda sick of it" is so funny too. I wonder if any of the rich enstars kids are gonna do this in the future, my money's on Eichi (for profit), Ritsu (for fun), or Hiyori (for drama) personally.
I know I said I wouldn't talk about it here, but the grave-robbing aftermath where Shu describes Mika as a fairy during their first meeting, as a contrast to how he had always described him as a ghost? That got me so good, especially since it's something so idealistic being used when Mika is currently cold and covered in dirt. It's just such wholehearted acceptance of his partner, it's so beautiful.
Anyways, I think I'll end it here, but again, thank you so much for the ask and patience Dia!!!
(Edit: accidentally included RYUSEITAI with the climax units, it's fixed now)
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robynator · 2 years
since we're talking about renewing lockwood & co, here's a list of things i personally want to see in season 2. there is honestly so much stuff in the hollow boy, that im only adding stuff from that book
spoilers, obviously
first and foremost, HOLLY MUNRO my beloved. she's incredible and i love her. im looking less forward to the portrayal of lucy's internalized misogyny but the angst will be great
LOCKWOOD'S PAST!!!!! obviously i want to see how they handle the room but the whole story will be great to see on screen. also lucy snooping, both in the library and the part where she goes to the room to spy, seeing the picture and eventually using her talents
lucy and holly's fight at the end. the poltergeist, holly mentioning that she knows that lucy spied on lockwood, bobby vernon trying to get them to stop and them finally putting away their differences once they know they fucked up
(chronologically) the lavender lodge, with the tentacles and all. also the whole "there were times we were perfectly in sync as a team... this was not one of those times" scene, which will be absolutely hilarious
lucy experimenting with her talents
the skull being the pettiest motherfucker, always suggesting murder
the footprints, the chase between ghosts, lucy realising she got it all wrong, the blood running down the ghost's hands, lockwood knocking himself out trying to save lucy, holly (who was terrified at being in the field) actually being the one to save her
lucy feeling guilty about everything and struggling with the fact holly saved her life
lucy and lockwood's fight
barnes seeing lockwood in his pyjamas and bloody headwear
the whole visual of the carnival
how they're going to change that scene with leopold
steve rotwell
lockwood meeting sir rupert gale, recognizing the man who tried to kill him multiple times. the added context of sir rupert actually having shot him will make this so much more fun
the assassination attempt, the ghosts, the chaos, steve rotwell straight up killing one of the assassins
the balloon chase?? like i genuinely find it so difficult to picture, i can't wait to see what they do with it
lucy and lockwood having a moment only for sir rupert gale to drop in with "i hope im not interrupting anything"
the passive aggressive snipes between lockwood and sir rupert gale. "i almost want him to get away" "well i imagine it's pretty difficult to get away from you, only the best must manage it" and (after that man fell into the thames from 30ft up) "well, he's dead and drowned, i suppose" "yeah, you'd assume that but we all know better don't we?"
sir rupert gale trying to casually kill lockwood and lockwood blocking a strike that would have pierced his heart otherwise (can you tell i love sir rupert gale?)
i actually want them to have a mini duel in that scene before george and the others interrupt them, unlike in the book
that picture of lockwood in the newspapers
"im gonna put that picture in the album" "if you have to, put the one from the guardian, that one has lucy's knee in it"
the chelsea outbreak
george's maps
lockwood & co and the kipps team teaming up
that fucking tree at aickmere's
"don't mess with the tree" "okay" *the group proceeds to tear up the entire shop, including the tree*
lucy and holly being grouped together
"lucy, are you talking to yourself?"
the skull being as unhelpful as always
finding bobby vernon in the elevator
the others' perspective on what happened
holly's past in the field
again, the fucking poltergeist
lockwood almost getting lucy in the iron circle before being thrown away, lucy falling down the hole in the ground
lucy talking with the ghosts
the whole scene with the hollow boy
"sometimes it's the future that's being shown instead"
lockwood slicing the ghost in half
lucy admitting to lockwood that she spied on him
aickmere's being absolutely trashed beyond recognition
"i hope you're not the cleaning staff"
george's fight with the rotwell agents
lucy and holly finally getting along while the skull is still telling her to kill her
lucy leaving.
after all that time spent setting up the trauma and abandonment issues of lockwood, i really want to see how this affects him. in a potential third season id love to see him becoming even more reckless and suicidal than before, to the point where even george is concerned. i want to see lockwood being on the front page, with his trademark grin in place, while he's actually dying inside
(all the quotes are obviously paraphrased)
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dr-cross · 19 days
Some Bunny Man Facts and Fun
Thought I’d throw my hat in the ring here since I prefer to use Twitter to browse funny stuff, save cool art, and look at news. It’s been 2 months since Tales of the Bunny Man released and from what I’ve seen, it was received very positively with the hope for a sequel of sorts coming sometime. The latter is happening, but not for a while since the team are sort of in recess to some extent. (We’re working when we can.)
Let me hit you with a big fact; did you know the game had to be remade because my PC died? The graphics for 90% of the modelling was done on a laptop, so it was ultimately a case of “it works, let’s move on” with that period of time. There won’t be a repeat of that this time. I’m actually in a mindset of remaking the models; keeping the designs the same, just improving and getting shit together. I’m glad my PC died because what we have now is better than what we could’ve had, and it would’ve been awful on my end.
Another fun fact is originally this wasn’t going to be a game. When we first thought of ideas for it. Zeriq proposed it to be analog horror at first, while I suggested we have an entry for a game somewhere. Suffice to say, it’s kind of both, minus the realistic monochrome eyes and the crappy vhs filter.
Sparky the dog is in the game somewhere. He exists and is very real.
If the sequel does come to fruition and releases, then this game will be the only one with a custom night. Since people only play for challenges, we’ve got you covered and there will be quite a variety.
At one point, a Weezer themed cheat screen existed during the old version’s development. It was designed to erase your data if you changed certain troll values in the saves.
The reason Poltergeist isn’t like the other Phantoms is because it’s more tangible than the others, meaning it is as close to a physical entity as they get. Phantom Fredbear, BB, or Puppet aren’t a thing because spoilers.
Vincent’s fate is unknown.
The main day segments didn’t have the markers to show your objectives, but they got added during testing. Thank goodness.
JJ was set to appear at one point during development, but it wouldn’t make sense to add another kid to the pile of possessed characters already.
Outside of the additional Mimic stuff, the story and plans have remained consistent for two years straight. Suffice to say, having a document to reference is a very good thing. We’re continuing to use these.
Originally, the gameplay was going to be free roaming with an At Dead of Night style to it. Since the building is so small and there are up to six roaming characters, it wouldn’t work logically. Post-night tasks were going to be a thing too, but those would mess with the pace of the story. This was before we had everything written down.
Development started with me setting a challenge to Zeriq. I said we weren’t allowed to have a phone guy at all and no other door in the office, so that the player feels cornered constantly. That’s where the comics and the idea of giving characters different behaviours came from. These may return in some ways.
Lastly, Tales of the Bunny Man is the game that’s sort of made me like FNaF again. At times, the boat was shaky and uncertain, but we locked in and made something that Dawko of all people took interest in. A project that for once, I know I’m happy with and one that outdoes anything I’ve done before on a serious level. Things are getting better going forward, so stay for the ride if you feel inclined.
That’s a lot of rambling, but I felt this was the best outlet to spill some beans, say some facts off the top of my head, and allude to the future. What comes next? You’ll have to bark up another tree for that answer.
See ya.
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roleplaybook · 3 months
My previous post was about ghosts, too — because that’s the main complaint I see from the roleplay community! I’d also like to touch on dealing with ghosts — ie., keeping your sanity in check when it happens — in a future post. Check out the ghost tag if you’d like to see everything I’ve written on the topic.
Without further ado,
Who Ghosts?
The truth is, most of us, at one point or another. Some of us are deeply ashamed chronic phantoms. Others are proud poltergeists. The shorter answer is this: anyone can be a ghost.
It happens, and sometimes it’s outside our control. This, however, seems to be the rarest form of ghosting, even if it’s the most understandable and one of the most legitimate reasons.
Hell, if you want to get really fuckin’ literal about it (and dark), one day, each and every one of us will “log off” for the last time. There’s a good chance you won’t know it’s your last time, so yeah — in theory, you’re probably going to “ghost” a couple people who won’t know what happened to you.
Hopefully not for a good, long time, though! So, who is more likely to ghost?
The Anxious
That is absolutely not to say anxiety is a red flag in the roleplay community. In fact, I think you would be very fuckin’ hard pressed to find a collaborative writer who doesn’t suffer from anxiety. Maybe this is part of the reason ghosting is so very prolific — but when anxiety is the root cause, the thought process tends to be something like this:
Oh, shit. It’s been a while since I replied, last. My writing partners muse be so tired of me. I should apologize, but I doubt my words mean anything at this point since it keeps happening. Is it awkward to just post, now? If I say something, are they gonna be mad at me?
I have no idea how to reply to this, but they’re going to blow up at me if I ask them to edit their post — I just know it.
The Depressed
I just can’t scrounge up the energy. What’s another burned bridged? I’ll eventually lose their interest, anyway.
The Oft-Scorned
Yeah, no. Last time I told someone I’d lost interest in the plot, they stalked me across the Internet, doxxed me, threatened my life, and blew up my socials for a month. I’m just gonna dip. ✌
The Distracted
Didn’t I have a post I owed…? Wait, what’s this show? This is— ope, annnnd hyperfixated.
The Too-Kind
It doesn’t feel kind to be ghosted, and maybe it’s ultimately not kind — but these people really do have the best of intentions.
It’s gonna make her so sad if I tell her outright that her writing isn’t quite up to par with my standards. Better to just disappear.
The Oblivious
I’m guilty of this one.
Oh, shit — yeah, makes sense they’d check in. It’s been a while since I replied, last. I’ll let them know I am still totally interested in this plot. Because I am! I AM INTERESTED. I’ll totally reply, I just need a few more days to gather muse. I’ll definitely regain interest in this and it’ll be great.
AKA, some of us need to learn to tell when we’re lying to ourselves and stringing people along unintentionally.
The Takeaway
Ghosting reflects more on the ghost than on the ghostee.
If you’d like to read more about ghosting outside the collaborative writing context, check out this article from Psychology Today.
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demcnsinmymind · 2 months
🔮 What do you see in your muse’s future? 
Mun talks about the Muse | Accepting!
The fun part about Lance is that I really do not know a definite answer to that. Well, one thing I do see and know is that he'll be alive and more or less well, and live a long life because he's too stubborn and too lucky to die. I also believe that he'll overcome his trauma and that it actually won't dominate the rest of his life and that one day it will just be a thing of the past that he's moved on from.
A lot of times I keep saying that I can see two distinctive paths for him.
1.) Canon has made him see his flaws and problems and has actually made him a better person despite or because of his trauma. I won't go so far as to say that he'll be a proper and selfless hero in the end, I don't think he'll ever be. But I can see a version where he'll recognize his 'flaws' whenever they come up and actively try to be a better person by whatever means necessary. Kinder. Humbler. With his passion focused on something that betters something for more people than just himself. A lot of times I can picture him and Az become their own version of a 'hunter'. Where they get rid of shady beings like other demons and poltergeists and the likes, but ('sadly') also cults and criminals if they happen to cross paths with them. But even here I don't think he'd make it an active and super passionate career the way some other hunters do it.
2.) My symbiont verse. There is a very real possibility that Az could succeed in making him entirely focused on it as a 'friend' and someone he can 'depend' on. Lance has a string of character traits that have him selfcentered, selfish and greedy for recognition, fame and money, so of course there's the threat of him being entirely overcome by Az's hyper focus on him, keeping him safe, making him happy, hurting anyone who looks at him wrong or doesn't give them what they want. Lance also enjoys Azzy's supernatural aspects and powers. So he might just lean heavily into a proper symbiotic relationship and well, this one will emphasize his 'lesser' characteristics and turn him entirely selfish and indifferent to other people's wants and needs.
Either way, I see him thriving and persevering with some hiccups. Other than that - this man is a cockroach. There's no way I'm seeing him go down early, or see him bathing in self hatred and self pity forever. He's too headstrong and self centered to keep that up forever.
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