#Polene bag
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donewithnothing · 1 year ago
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aretis · 11 months ago
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xjunkoftheheartx · 4 months ago
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mina-is-not-available · 11 months ago
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silentium-soul · 4 months ago
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Polène Cyme - Edition Alpaga
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dolcestilenova · 2 years ago
Princess of Wales's bags in.........blue (part 3)
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narrie · 5 months ago
https://www.tumblr.com/narrie/762887876430135296/225-for-a-tote-bag-if-pleasing-has-no-haters?source=share His internal organs better come with that $225 tote bag so that I can resell it to Black Market to make up for that $225 + shipping costs.
for a CANVAS bag...
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outfitsinspiration · 9 months ago
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Who: Alex Segura Sanz (alexsegurasanz)
What: Polène Neiti Bag in Metallic (260.0€) Where: Instagram - May 30, 2024
Worn with: Aligne top, Laagam pants, Parfois sandals
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rostra · 11 months ago
Polène's new bag is beyond gorgeous. not a want, but a need.
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keirametzbrassknuckles · 2 years ago
Going to secure The Bag
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donewithnothing · 1 year ago
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bbltheque · 6 months ago
girl in september
Back to school after European Summer. Enjoying fall. Getting caramel lattes because she is tired of matcha. Knitted dress and high knee boots combo. Her Polene Cyme bag in brown is heavy. Minimal make up. Wearing her glasses seriously this time. Deep red nails. Studying in the library after class. Watching 2000's romcoms at night. Wake up at 5 am so she can get her bag. Already planning her fall vacation in NYC.
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Not to be a big fat nerd but I’ve been thinking so much about Johanna’s relationship to a body she doesn’t understand growing up. Her medical records say her blood is O-, but that’s because it has none of the usual membrane proteins that would allow it to be classified into the ABO or the Rh systems; her ears are pointier than any other kid in her class’s, but that’s gotta be genetic, right? Like those genes that make it so the lobe is stuck or loose? But she can’t know, her auntie is the only family she has and she insists she doesn’t feel comfortable showing her ears, for some reason. Many of her classmates say they’re allergic to polen, but she doesn’t get it! How come, she only feels awesome when she’s in nature. She does feel her throat tighten sometimes, though, and her skin break out in rashes. But that’s only ever when she eats red meat (and beans, too, but only if she drinks orange juice along with it. It never made a lot of sense to her) or touched something with rust in it. She feels the most alert at dawn and dusk; thats kind of odd, most people her age feel groggy at school in the early mornings. But everyone has different circadian rhythms, she supposes.
She grows up, and gets pregnant; her obgyn is worried, her body is giving signs of rejecting the fetus, it’s producing antibodies against it. Johanna is horrified. Her aunt only chuckles and says her mother had something similar, she gives Johanna a homemade herbal tea and an amulet and all the symptoms disappear. The problem goes undiagnosed. They test the child’s blood,right after the c section (the pregnancy had been too freaky, the gynecologist didn’t want to risk a normal birth). Her results came back O- as well, but how is this possible? The father is an AB+, after all. Doesn’t matter. It’s not the doctor’s business if she’s cheating — but it is their business if the baby’s blood test was mistaken and the Rh- mother came into contact with Rh+ blood. That’s what they say when they connect a bag of anti Rh+ antibodies to her IV access. Better to be safe than to risk fetal erythroblastosis next time she has a kid. They explain this to her, and it makes no sense — she isn’t cheating. But the doctors don’t seem to be willing to listen to her, just like they aren’t willing to believe that blue hair runs in the family. They call the hospital’s social worker to talk to her; maybe she’s drunk, maybe there’s a reason she lies so much. She walks away from that hospital angry and frustrated.
Her daughter doesn’t have her pointy ears. But the allergy to iron, she seems to have inherited. She just hid it better, behind the explanation of a vegan diet. Neither of them ever suffered from the low blood iron. No blood test ever says her daughter is Rh positive, but she knows Anders’ was, she knows it. Is that even possible? She looks it up, finds out it is, actually, if he was a heterozygous positive. But nothing justifies her being O, it should have been A or B. Has Johanna done that herself? Single-handedly bent the actual rules of genetics and made it so it’d be harder for her daughter to get blood, should she ever need it? Sounds unlikely, but it’s not, really, right? Many people have O- blood. And autoimmune conditions. And allergy to iron. It’s normal. It’s all normal. She isn’t special. She’s not in danger. But isn’t there something you’re forgetting? Isn’t there something you’re forgetting? Isn’t there something you’re forgetting?
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tanker-om-kon · 3 months ago
My Voice, My Choice
Du kan skrive under for at sikre abortrettigheder i alle EU lande. My Voice, My Choice er en kampagne for fri abort i hele EU. De skal bruge 1 million underskrifter fra personer med statsborgerskab i et EU-land.
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I Danmark har vi haft fri abort siden 1973
Siden aborten blev fri herhjemme, har man gratis og uden forklaring på hvorfor man ønskede det kunne få en abort til og med 12 ugers graviditet.
I maj 2024 fik vi ny abortlov. Her blev det besluttet at aborten skal være fri op til 18 uger. OG at 15 til 17 årige kan få abort uden deres forældre bliver indblandet.
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Abortrettigheder er ikke kun kvindekamp!
Det er en kamp for alle mennesker, der kan blive gravide, uanset deres køn.
Det er klart at der er et stort fokus på ciskvinder i kampen for abort, men når jeg ser skilte med tekst som "Hvis mænd kunne blive gravide, ..." så bliver jeg sgu træt.
Nogle transmænd kan blive gravide. Ligesom nogle nonbinære kan blive gravide.
Kropsautonomi for alle
Det er vigtigt at alle, der kan blive gravide uanset køn, har ret til sikker sex og har ret til at få en abort når de har brug for det.
I EU er det desværre ikke en selvfølge. I Polen og Malta er det næsten umuligt at få en abort, uanset årsagen. I andre lande er abort lovligt, men svært at få adgang til som i Kroatien og Italien.
Jeg håber, at I har lyst til at skrive under på EU borgerforslaget. I kan læse mere om aktivisterne bag borgerforlaget her.
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toomanystoriessolittletime · 5 months ago
People I'd Like To Get To Know Better
Thanks for the tag @pedroswife69 & @burntheedges 💜
Last song I listened to: Radio Gaga by Queen
Currently Watching: Worst roommates Ever on Netflix
Last movie: Matrix Revolutions
Current obsession: soup recipes, that one Polene bag that sold out before I could buy it, getting my garden winter ready, chocolate truffles, that one fic idea I've had since yesterday
Relationship status: fictionally dating pre outbreak Joel Miller (single)
Last thing I googled: opening times of the post office
no pressure tags: @jolapeno @sizzlingcloudmentality @evolnoomym @gasolinerainbowpuddles
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babblingpipit · 2 years ago
was on Sunday and as usual I spoilt myself to death. Kurasa karena sehari-harinya kita hidup banyak compromise banget ya jadi biasanya pas hari ulang tahun I will eat and buy anything that I want without overthinking it. This is my little tradition and when Adit comes to the scene it became our ritual, I think he prefers it as well since he doesn’t need to think of gifts, we just need to allocate a budget to fund this (although this year he surprised me with a little koala doll that can function as heat/cold pack to help with menstruation cramp hihi). 
So, he made a reservation to ramsay’s kitchen (both of us are fans of Gordon Ramsay’s TV) and we biked to the city! Kebetulan blue bike (rented bike di Boston) lagi ada promo jadi gratis tiap hari minggu di bulan mei. The weather couldn’t be more perfect! It was sunny and warm but still breezy. I wore my new flats (given as a birthday gift from my ciwiciwi geng) and my favorite polene bag in the backpack setting. So convenient for biking. I want to ramble a bit for these two things:
- The flats are from allbirds, which is SO COMFORTABLE but I think I got a wrong size so I need to exchange this. It is light, machine washable, no blisters, empuk. 
- The bag is the perfect size and color and can be used to many occasion because it can transform to crossbody and backpack.
Right. So we arrived at the restaurant just 5minutes late from our reservation. Ordered crab cake for entrees, salmon for me and lobster roll for him (we ended up switch setengah-setengah because both are so good), and toffee pudding for dessert. Everything was superb, and not that expensive too which is surprising. Tapi ini emang bukan resto yang michelin-starred gitu sih lebih casual so I guess there’s that.
Then, we shop around. Masuk saks liat-liat tas edisi spring, coba-coba baju gamis sebagai alasan untuk masuk fitting room buat numpang solat wk. Terus ke sephora buat claiming birthday gifts (lumayan dapet blush stick sama maskara mini), terus ke glossier coba-coba dan beli beberapa item. Tokonya konsepnya lucu banget kita bisa nyoba segala yang ada disana dan kalo mau pesen tinggal panggil mbaknya. Jadi di tokonya gaada display stok barang. Semua yang didisplay bisa dicobain. Jadi kamu technically bisa masuk dengan muka bare terus dandan full didalem. I ended up with the brow gel and 2 shades of ultralip. The lip products are SO GOOOD now I want to buy more shades!! Beneran yang hydrating tapi berwarna dan glossy gitu love banget. Terus semprot-semprot parfumnya juga dan sampe malem masih awet terus baunya enak dipuji Adit. I will definitely buy the perfume once mine runs out hihi. 
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