#Pokémon Victor
cryptid-called-ash · 3 months
Some of the protags from my lesser known fics
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Eltrys Mulharaynd, the black dragon coalition (mhw)
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Victor Morning, the eccentric Dr. Morning (Pokémon swsh)
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Captain Veles Donderek, captain Veles’ guide to the outer worlds (the outer words)
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certainvictori · 4 months
After a long hiatus i managed to get enough brainworms again to continue writing this story!! ty for those who stood by me and were patient with me; i will do my best to continue writing again hehe
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andi-dromeda · 1 day
So this an edit for my combat child au. Basically I asked myself how many Pokémon protagonists could I squish into each other and ended up with Combat Child (Leaf, Lyra, Rosa, Gloria, Juliana), Ethan (who is also Cheren, Lucas, Elio, Calem), Hero (Hilbert, Trace, Victor, Florian), Moon (Selene, May, Serena), and then Dawn is just Akari. She’s the most normal. Other protagonists also are important like Hilda, Nate, Elaine, Chase and Kris. Rip to Brendan ig.
The basics of Combat Child is that she grew up in a simulation, woke up in the future but to her that was her present, then got dumped by Celebi into the past and realised she aged way slower than other humans. She was ten for one hundred years but she was still physically and mentally ten so she was running around committing crimes and beating up people twice her size as Combat Child. Then she ran into Ethan who through shenanigans got her to age normally and from there she ends up having to come to terms with mortality and finally having to grow up.
Another part is the protagonists with multiple names all have time/space powers. Combat’s is she can slow down time, Ethan’s is he can rewind time like reloading a video game, Hero’s is he can speed time up which he mostly uses to give himself super speed, Dawn’s is she can travel through time and space so when she met the pearl and diamond clans she had a hard time choosing between them, Moon’s is she can manipulate space but specifically only her and the other timey-wimey kids aka she can shapeshift and then there is one more timey-wimey kid but they’re a secret for now.
To sum up their personalities in a few words:
⭐️ Combat is a freak gremlin child who’s favourite hobbies are martial arts, vigilantism, helping other kids and fighting rich guys. Her main motivation in life is running from all her problems and destroying anyone who reminds her of Lysandre.
⭐️ Ethan is a child of divorce with severe identity issues who goes to literally space and back for his friends. He’s one of the more responsible ones of the group but just bc he’s normal compared to them, doesn’t mean he’s actually normal. He became a teacher when he was 14, a lab assistant when he was 15 and then an Interpol agent when he was 16. Him and Combat are ride or die for each other but also disagree a lot as I’m sure you could guess.
⭐️ Hero was dumped from the past into the present so he’s the opposite of Combat. Unlike Combat who gave up on getting back to the future, Hero desperately wants to go home. He’s fairly chill and likes to go with the flow but since all his friends’ flows are nuts, he ends up acting nuts too. To be fair tho, before he met any of them he fought eternatus on the original darkest day so it’s not like he’s not reckless too. For the most part he’s content to do whatever Combat’s up to whenever he isn’t looking for a way home. He likes pranks and mischief but equally enjoys slacking off. His favourite hobby tho is cooking/baking. Which is great bc the other two people he lives with are Combat who cooks like Yor from Spy x family and Watcher (Looker’s sister I made up) who only eats healthy. If she could survive purely off of protein powder and kale she would.
⭐️ Moon is chaotic too but her brand of chaos is different to Combat’s. She’s known about her powers all her life and mostly uses them to run off and explore as much as she can. She loves to prank people with her powers but most of all loves exploring and Pokémon. She’s a dare devil and going to ultra space which was basically a dream come true for her. The main thing that sets her apart from Combat is that whilst Combat has absolute blind confidence in herself for the most part and it takes a lot for her to realise she was wrong, Moon’s a bit insecure. She likes to play characters instead of herself because she’s scared that when she isn’t performing she’s boring or annoying.
⭐️ Dawn was a normal girl, living a normal life until she became champion of the Sinnoh region. Then Arceus dropped her into the past to go fix things and she’s forced to learn her powers and save the world… again. She’s more of a reluctant hero than the others. If the worlds in danger, of course she’s going to save it. She’s a good person. She’s just more likely to complain about constantly having to save the world. Like in a Percy Jackson way. Her main motivation is she wants to live a normal life however, she can’t live a normal life if the world’ destroyed so she’ll do what she has to to be a normal girl who just so happens to be a contest star, the Sinnoh champion and Arceus’ chosen.
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lostparadox · 1 year
Pokémon Sword and Shield (Rewrite Fanfic)
For the main protagonist; Victor @#-+$ (I couldn’t come up with a last name for him or Gloria, since their siblings)(or their mom’s name[she’s divorced].
For his team, I’m gonna need some help. I want to make a team with little to no type overlap. A type diverse team. A team with Pokémon from the regular Sword and Shield Pokédex, plus the Isle of Armor Pokédex. No Pokémon from the Crown Tundra Pokédex, no legendary (maybe Kubfu/Urshifu), and no Pokémon not in the game in general.
I also want the team to have Pokémon from multiple generations, not just Generation 8. And be different from his sister’s, Gloria, team. Also different from Hop’s team, which will be slightly different than his in-game team.
My Victor is one who wants to complete the Pokédex, so he would have a large amount of options, and there will be no version exclusives.
However, there are two staples that will stay on Victor’s team:
His starter is gonna be the fire bunny; Scorbunny, and then Cinderace (maybe with Libero)
His next Pokémon is the fossil gen 8 dragon; Dracovish
Another option I like is Krookodile, because why not. I like the ‘mon and it’s a diverse Pokémon from the IoA.
Another maybe that Victor does have but I’m not sure will be in his champion team, is Kubfu/Urshifu, thought it’s more of an option than a guaranteed spot.
Victor will also be the one who catches Eternatus. He will also catch Calyrex (Ice rider) later on in the story.
I do want your opinion on what other Pokémon should be on Victor’s team.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
"Who's Hotter?" Pride Month Event: Canon vs Fanon LGBTQ+ Characters
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a-stone-slab · 10 months
Hey. Hey pokemon shippers. See this art?
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Look closer.
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These details don’t happen by accident.
Enjoy your semi-canon ship content, everyone :)
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tea-cat-arts · 11 months
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Preemptively apologizing for the white text on a yellow background. Anyways, Golden Deer Trainer Cards!
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trainerjoshie · 7 months
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Pokémon TCG DP Supreme Victors (2009) Evolutionary set illustrated by Kanako Eo ⭐️❤️
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mizuno-marmalade · 11 months
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early post today cus i haven't slept and it's 7:30 am lol. screw you guys i love pokemon swsh
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snowyy133 · 2 years
another episode of "me remembering I have a Tumblr I can post art on" today we have a piece of Pokemon gen 9 fanart i did as sort of a spiritual successor to a gen 8 drawing I did back in 2019
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the1entirecircus · 7 months
The kind of Pokémon team I think each member of the Justice League would have and why:
Marowak- This one is obvious, but Batman having a Marowak seems like a no-brainer. They both lost their parents at an early age (or at least before Cubone evolved into a Marowak since age does not equal level) and they're both seen as angry fighters.
Crobat- another obvious pick, out of all the bat pokemon, Crobat felt like the best choice as it was the first.
Urshifu (Single-Strike)- I know some are going to feel iffy about me picking a legendary pokemon for Batman. But considering how much in common this pokemon has with the Dark Knight, I had to pick him. It mostly involves the one-punch it took for Batman to knock out Guy Gardner and the fact Batman can surpass most enemy defenses.
Zangoose- To compare his relationship with the joker, Zangoose has the natural rivalry with Seviper.
Dragapult- Dragapult reflects the combined elements of Batman's stealth, his batwing, and his Robins. Sure, batman doesn't launch Dick Grayson at supersonic speeds, but he has him along with the others fight alongside him.
Greninja- A stealthy pokemon which incorporates projectiles into its attacks
I can also see Batman having a direct access to his Pokemon Boxes so he can swap in other pokemon. Knowing him, he'd probably have an Annihilape, Tyrantrum, and a bunch of Zubat and other bat pokemon. He would also have various pokemon that would be useful for crime-fighting like Gumshoos (Although Jim Gordon would most definitely have one already).
Solgaleo- Considering his alien origins, it would be of no surprise that Clark would have obtained an alien pokemon. Especially one that is associated with the Sun. Also, given that Solgaleo is prone to possession from Necrozma, it also reflects Superman's reoccurring problem of being used as an evil character in writing.
Infernape- Given that Infernape is based on Son Goku, the japanese version of Sun Wukong, and that Goku is based on Son Goku, it would be natural for him to have this pokemon.
Krypotnian Boltund- On Krypton, a variant of Boltund existed that could perform similar feats compared to that of the regular Boltund. Except instead of being Electric type, its a fire type. Superman has this pokemon as a reference to Krypto the Super Dog.
Palafin- This one is an obvious choice as Palafin is just a Superman Dolphin. I think Clark would have either been inspired by or found it humorous that its transformation method is similar to his own.
Dragonite- Another obvious pick, given that Superman is seen as an all powerful person, many tend to forget he's also just a nice guy. Dragonite is also a nice fellow that is very powerful.
Snorlax- Superman of course needs a Normal type pokemon to reflect his normalness, and I think that Snorlax is inherently the best option here. Snorlax is often seen as lazy and lethargic but is powerful when needed to be.
Superman would also keep many extra-terrestrial and other kinds of Pokemon in his Fortress of Solitude. He might even lend a few to Ma and Pa Kent. Imagine that! Pa Kent having Buzzwole help him with the farm.
Wonder Woman
Themysciran Nidoqueen- A Fairy/Fighting type, Nidoqueen on Themyscira are more than capable fighters. Their bodily armor on its wrists can withstand many attacks due to a mystical aura they have. They have one of two abilities: Magic Guard or Battle Armor. They even have a new move called Wrist Clang, a special fairy-type move which hits all opponents.
Falinks- Wonder Woman's father is Zeus in the current continuity of DC Comics. Since Falinks is based on the ancient Greek Battle Formation called a Phalanx, its connection to Greece is perfect for Diana. Since, she is also a warrior taught in Greek combat-style.
Armarouge- Another warrior pokemon, Armarouge is meant to reflect the explosion attack Diana can do with her gauntlets.
Chestnaught- Yeah, I know theres type overlap, but Chestnaught is a living shield pokemon, of course I'm going to pick it to replace Diana's shield.
Kangaskan- Everyone remebers Diana's Kangaroo, Kanga, right? Because this is the only Kangaroo-Adjacent pokemon I could choose.
Zacian- On Themyscira, Zacian and Zamazenta are a two sisters rather than a brother and a sister (still genderless in the pokedex tho). In this island hidden away from man, Zacian is regularly a Fairy type, but with the Sword of Athena, her strength is increased ten fold. Different from her counterpart in Galar, this form of Zacian is referred to as the Wondrous Sword. With its new move, Warrior Strike, a critical hit is landed on the enemy.
Most of these pokemon are female as Themyscira is consisted of only women. So, the pokemon of the island would also consist of only female pokemon that would fit Diana's personality. A Salazzle, Tsareena, or a Hatterene wouldn't fit as they don't have attributes that fit Diana (unless we're talking the Frank Miller version, which we aren't).
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Alolan Raichu- This feels like an obvious pick because Raichu's tail resembles the lightning bolt symbol on his chest. I would also say that his Raichu is a meta-pokemon with the Speed-Force Ability, which gives priorty to all attacks.
Midday Lycanroc- Not only is it a quick-moving pokemon, but being a wolf pokemon, its hunting skill would be useful for investigating a crime-scene.
Cinderace- Another pokemon that would be imbued with Speed-Force ability, Cinderace has similar design elements that remind me of the Flash (check his belt).
Pawmot- Barry Allen is often seen as slow-moving until he becomes the Flash in which he is lightning-fast. Its similar acts in battle. You also need to evolve it by walking with it. Barry would've evolved Pawmot in no time.
Linoone- This pokemon would probably be used when Barry is in his civilian form. Yes, Linoone is fast, but thats besides the point
Miraidon- Barry created the cosmic treadmil, which in an alternate universe was bike. Barry's Miraidon has that ability as well, and we're going to say he travels with the speed force naturally.
I wish I had come up with a better team for him, but this is the best I could come up with. I considered pokemon like Gardevoir and Gallade, but neither felt fitting for him to me. Zeraora was chosen because, while a fitting pokemon, felt too obvious to me. Suggestions for Barry's pokemon would be helpful.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) (Yes, I'm picking him over the others, cry about it)
Garchomp- Being a pilot, Hal having a Garchomp made sense to me considering its also a fast-flying pokemon inspired by a jet plane.
Celesteela- Considering he's a space cop, Hal was bound to run across an Ultra Beast at some point. Celesteela was chosen because of its connection to spaceships.
Shiny Lurantis- Not only does this pokemon reflect the phrase of the GL oath "in brightest day" as this pokemon needs to evolve in the day, but it also reflects green lantern ring constructs. When it was first introduced, Lurantis was shown using its signature move: Solar Blade. a solid green beam which slices its enemies.
Gallade- Given that Gallade can sense thoughts and evolved from a pokemon sensitive to the emotions around it, it feels like a good pokemon for Hal Jordan to have.
Dusknoir- This is a subtle reference to the time when Hal Jordan had to be the Specter after his whole Parallax arc.
Gigalith- Considering that Gigalith is a waking laser canon, this would make sense for Hal. But due to its weak Special Attack, Hal's Gigalith is now a Meta-Pokemon now imbued with immense will power to achieve its new form. The green crystals on its body have provided a stronger special attack.
Like with Barry, this one was a little hard to do. Not a lot of pokemon share similarities with Hal or the Green Lanterns in general.
Passimian- Due to the accident that gave Victor his appearance and abilities, it affected some of his pokemon. One of them being Passimian. Now a Steel/Fighting type, Meta Passimian utilizes spheres of energy to fight. Its new ability Cannon Hand increases the power of special attacks. This pokemon was chosen because of Victor being into sports.
Apokolipsian Bronzong- Bronzong from Apokolips are the ancestors of the Bronzong and Bronzor found on earth. They can open gateways to other worlds, including ultra space. They're a Electric/Psychic type with the ability Levitate/Steelworker. So because of his merging with both the Mother Box and Father Box, Cyborg has lots of cosmic power at hand. So much so that he can create boom and hush tubes as well as have a connection to the multiverse.
Leafeon- I wanted to give him a pokemon that's relatively normal but also reflected one of his powers. And wouldn't you know, Cyborg has the ability to photosynthesize (its a summary of one of his powers, but you get the point).
Golurk- Golurk is a giant machine pokemon said to have a source of infinite energy powering it. Cyborg is also capable of producing infinite energy.
Iron Hands- If you look at the origin of Iron Hands, you can clearly tell that the pokemon is based off Cyborg.
Mega Blastoise- A reflection of Cyborg's cybernetic abilities and his large cannon gun that he can form with his hand.
Initially, I partly struggled with making his team until I did some edits.
Martian Manhunter
Beeheeyem- I wasn't initially certain if I should give this pokemon to J'onn because of how Beeheeyem are sentient Pokemon who can build their own space ships. Then again, humans have Beeheeyem, so why not?
Naganadel- Another alien pokemon, Naganadel's pre-evolution, Poipole, is said to be the starter pokemon of many trainers in Ultra Megalopis. Now, I know that place isn't on Mars, but given that its an alien pokemon, I would not be surprised if they found their way there.
Grappoloct- While not an alien Pokemon, Octopuses are seen as very alien-like animals. I could see M.M.'s Grappoloct being a meta-pokemon with great control of not only its muscular strength but its mind too, being capable of psychic attacks.
Ditto- One of Martian Manhunter's most famous abilities is his capability to Shape-Shift. Ditto is also iconic for this power.
Clefable- Another alien Pokemon, I can see Clefable being one of the first pokemon that J'onn obtained alonged with Beeheeyem.
Deoxys- The Mythical Pokemon Deoxys is known for its ability to change its form to improve its Attack, Defense, and Speed. While Ditto also reflects his ability to shape-shift, Deoxys reflects the form Martian Manhunter takes to better beat down opponents when he needs to get physical.
I'm overall satisfied with what I did here with Martian Manhunter.
Aquaman (Almost forgot about him lol)
Kingdra- Everyone remember's Storm the Seahorse, right?
Wishiwashi- Aquaman's main ability is to command sea life, this ability is reflected through Wishiwashi's ability to form giant creatures.
Poliwrath- "Although its skilled in a style of dynamic swimming that uses all its muscles, for some reason, it lives on land."
Golisopod- Everyone's opinion on Aquaman was initially that he was a wimpy, pathetic, good-for-nothing superhero. That changed obviously
Swampert- Originally I was going to pick Empoleon for his starter, but I realized that Swampert made more sense given that it reflects how Aquaman is a child of both the sea and Land.
Kyogre- He's the king of the sea, of course he has this pokemon
Aquaman's pokemon were fairly easy to do. My only problem is that have type-overlap.
Green Arrow
Decidueye- Oliver Queen's backstory fits very well with Decidueye's evolution line. Specifically with Dartrix being snobby and fussy to evolving into a more deadly pokemon.
Barraskewda- On Starfish island, Oliver gained sustenance from fishing. Given that Arrokewda is partially based on an arrow, this is a reflection of that.
Hitmonchan- Punching glove arrow
Sirfetch'd- Oliver considers himself more honorable that the other heroes.
More pokemon will be added soon.
Meta-Pokemon: Pokemon that have gone through significant alterations during rapid environmental changes, exposure to certain elements, etc. Things that can change in these pokemon vary widely from small stat changes to the changing of types, appearance, and abilities. In the actual Pokemon continuity there are pokemon similar to this discription such as Blood Moon Ursaluna and Rockruff with the ability Own Tempo.
Comment down what you think of these.
Legion of Doom Pokémon Teams
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
victor and hop designs from ‘the eccentric Dr. morning’
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from this picrew, BC as stated i’ve the Constitution of a small Victorian boy
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kuromi-kun · 2 years
Hop headcanons!
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Character: Hop (Pokémon SW and SH)
Genre: Fluff/SFW/Comforting
A/N: Please ask me for requests 😭 I’m dying of writers block slowly. Please don’t let my fav character flop tumblr.
type of reader: GN!
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☆ Common Headcanonstt ☆
•He is very affectionate, platonically and romantically, this makes you guys have a very close relationship
• If you have anxiety, during the Gym Challenge opening he would hold your hand and sometimes even let you hide behind him and try to get both of you out of the situation asap
☆ Dating Headcanons ☆
• He is a very anxious person when it comes to holding hands or anything romantic that is in public.
•More on holding hands, he walks very fast so try and keep up if you don’t want to be pulled along!
•First time you guys held hands he overthinking a lot of it. “Is my grip to tight?” “Are my hands sweaty?”
•Once you guys had dated for about 3 months he was comfortable
•It took you guys pretty long to have your first experience with the L word, with him saying it by accident after the semi-finals
• “I love you Y/N” he shouted right after the match was over and he hugged you.
•The announcer found it adorable
• He steals your food a lot
• “Can I try it?” “Is it good?” “Do you like it?”
☆Sleeping Headcanons☆
• He sleeps very wildly and it took him forever to be comfortable in bed
•After 2 months of being either knocked off the bed or overheating, you two finally found something that works for you
•Hop talks a lot in his sleep, usual stuff he would say in Pokémon battles but sometimes minor stuff he loves about you
• “I will become the greatest trainer ever!” “Zacian use bethmoth blade!” “Zamazenta use crunch!” “I love you Y/N”
•On the train ride back to postiwick after the championship match, he fell asleep on you
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That’s all! I hope you enjoyed this short one shot! Please request stuff I am desperate for human interaction
-Mod Kuromi-Kim🐰🔌
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kibanya · 1 year
I think it’s nice to watch the contrast between Victor/Henry/Soudo’s personality and Bede’s.
I like how it helps the reader read bede’s emotions better and gives his personality a little bit more depth instead of remaining stale and fixated solely on his relationship with rose.
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Bonus: bede being nice to hop for once
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cerpiscool · 10 months
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I made hc picture thingies!!!!!!
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Elio: which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?
Ethan: y-you were putting it in cold water!?!??
Brenden: elio. Answer the question elio
Elio: yeah??? I thought for like 5 years ppl just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process didn’t realize there was a actual reason
Hilbert: you don’t have the patience to microwave it for 3 minutes???
Calem: why are you. Putting it in the microwave to boil it
Hilbert: do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Calem; it takes less then a minute
Hilbert: bestie is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun?
Calem; how long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove?
Hilbert: like 7 minutes
Calem: just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat it boils in like 2 minutes… less then that if you use a saucepan
Lucas: crying you’re putting the whole mug on the stove!? *on medium heat!?* your stove is enchanted
Nate: every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic
Victor: do none of you own a fucking kettle?
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