#Pokémon Dawn
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chellychuu · 6 months ago
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somesaiyanarts · 1 year ago
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I like to imagine Akari would share her work with the Pokedex with Ingo.
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pokenoire · 6 months ago
Yuri-fication in everything related to Dawn/Hikari is é my roman empire 🧡🤍💙
Cr : @love-is-a-pearl
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Edit: Ash Tomboy lesbian or non-binary lesbian my belevoled
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lexiesdoodles · 6 months ago
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Timeskip Dawn
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alolanrain · 8 months ago
I have an interesting take on Ash being the Chosen One-namely, that he's not really a trie Chosen One for anything other than Shamouti.
There are multiple "Chosen Ones", but they're all his friends.
Misty and Brock are Gym Leaders and hold significance to the future of Kanto. May and Max are related to the People of the Water, with May's destiny leading to Samiya and awakening the Temple's power, while Max's to unlocking greater secrets of Mega Evolution. Iris is a Once-and-Future Unova Champion who will one day play a role in the fates of the Uneven Dragons. Lillie (at least in my version) will be sent to the past of the PMD Universe to save Dialga and the Dark Future. (AKA she's the Explorers of Sky protagonist.) And most importantly, Dawn is THE Chosen One, the one who Arceus has selected to be his Champion, and the one who will save Hisui.
Ash is not Chosen. He's "destined" to be just a supporting character in their journeys. And yet, by being their friend and supporting so many Chosen Ones on their journeys, Ash has become one himself.
(If you've ever played KOTOR 2, then think of how the Exile uses the Force. If not: it's basically that Ash isn't Chosen, but he can use/draw upon his friends' "Chosen One"-ness thanks to his emotional connection to them. He's Chosen By Proxy-which is why he has so many Legendary Experiences.)
I fucking love this, anon.
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penfaerie · 10 months ago
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Dawn! Been a while since I've drawn Pokémon fanart!
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andi-dromeda · 6 months ago
So this an edit for my combat child au. Basically I asked myself how many Pokémon protagonists could I squish into each other and ended up with Combat Child (Leaf, Lyra, Rosa, Gloria, Juliana), Ethan (who is also Cheren, Lucas, Elio, Calem), Hero (Hilbert, Trace, Victor, Florian), Moon (Selene, May, Serena), and then Dawn is just Akari. She’s the most normal. Other protagonists also are important like Hilda, Nate, Elaine, Chase and Kris. Rip to Brendan ig.
The basics of Combat Child is that she grew up in a simulation, woke up in the future but to her that was her present, then got dumped by Celebi into the past and realised she aged way slower than other humans. She was ten for one hundred years but she was still physically and mentally ten so she was running around committing crimes and beating up people twice her size as Combat Child. Then she ran into Ethan who through shenanigans got her to age normally and from there she ends up having to come to terms with mortality and finally having to grow up.
Another part is the protagonists with multiple names all have time/space powers. Combat’s is she can slow down time, Ethan’s is he can rewind time like reloading a video game, Hero’s is he can speed time up which he mostly uses to give himself super speed, Dawn’s is she can travel through time and space so when she met the pearl and diamond clans she had a hard time choosing between them, Moon’s is she can manipulate space but specifically only her and the other timey-wimey kids aka she can shapeshift and then there is one more timey-wimey kid but they’re a secret for now.
To sum up their personalities in a few words:
⭐️ Combat is a freak gremlin child who’s favourite hobbies are martial arts, vigilantism, helping other kids and fighting rich guys. Her main motivation in life is running from all her problems and destroying anyone who reminds her of Lysandre.
⭐️ Ethan is a child of divorce with severe identity issues who goes to literally space and back for his friends. He’s one of the more responsible ones of the group but just bc he’s normal compared to them, doesn’t mean he’s actually normal. He became a teacher when he was 14, a lab assistant when he was 15 and then an Interpol agent when he was 16. Him and Combat are ride or die for each other but also disagree a lot as I’m sure you could guess.
⭐️ Hero was dumped from the past into the present so he’s the opposite of Combat. Unlike Combat who gave up on getting back to the future, Hero desperately wants to go home. He’s fairly chill and likes to go with the flow but since all his friends’ flows are nuts, he ends up acting nuts too. To be fair tho, before he met any of them he fought eternatus on the original darkest day so it’s not like he’s not reckless too. For the most part he’s content to do whatever Combat’s up to whenever he isn’t looking for a way home. He likes pranks and mischief but equally enjoys slacking off. His favourite hobby tho is cooking/baking. Which is great bc the other two people he lives with are Combat who cooks like Yor from Spy x family and Watcher (Looker’s sister I made up) who only eats healthy. If she could survive purely off of protein powder and kale she would.
⭐️ Moon is chaotic too but her brand of chaos is different to Combat’s. She’s known about her powers all her life and mostly uses them to run off and explore as much as she can. She loves to prank people with her powers but most of all loves exploring and Pokémon. She’s a dare devil and going to ultra space which was basically a dream come true for her. The main thing that sets her apart from Combat is that whilst Combat has absolute blind confidence in herself for the most part and it takes a lot for her to realise she was wrong, Moon’s a bit insecure. She likes to play characters instead of herself because she’s scared that when she isn’t performing she’s boring or annoying.
⭐️ Dawn was a normal girl, living a normal life until she became champion of the Sinnoh region. Then Arceus dropped her into the past to go fix things and she’s forced to learn her powers and save the world… again. She’s more of a reluctant hero than the others. If the worlds in danger, of course she’s going to save it. She’s a good person. She’s just more likely to complain about constantly having to save the world. Like in a Percy Jackson way. Her main motivation is she wants to live a normal life however, she can’t live a normal life if the world’ destroyed so she’ll do what she has to to be a normal girl who just so happens to be a contest star, the Sinnoh champion and Arceus’ chosen.
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jollyyoshi · 1 year ago
She’s Back! [Dawn from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl]
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I was unsatisfied with my previous result of Dawn this I drew her again. This result is a little more satisfying as it is more than just a head. However, the head does feel a little tall and the scarf is a little off. There will always be next time!
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ourvanishingghosts · 1 year ago
Hello! If you're confortable with this
Can you make a: Dawn, Hilda and Rosa with a female!girlfriend!reader that is really strong and scary when she wants but with them she is super sweet??
I'm sorry if i'm bothering you
Thanks for reading :)
You’re welcome and you aren’t bothering me. I’ve been swamped with finishing up some drawings. Dawn’s girlfriends partner Pokémon is Walrein. Hilda’s girlfriends partner Pokémon is Annihilape. Rosa’s girlfriends partner Pokémon is Gengar. Hilda’s and Rosa’s are under the read more.
Scary Girlfriend Privilege
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You and Dawn were on a beach date. Piplup and Walrein were playing with each other in the shallow water. You were braiding Dawns hair when two boys around you and Dawns age approached you two.
“Hey there pretty ladies. My friend and I were wondering if you two would like to go on a date with us.”
You finished braiding Dawns hair and looked between the boys. You noticed that one was standing off to the side being a little shy. You decided to ask them a question.
“Is that what your friend wants? He seems a little shy and uncomfortable.”
“Oh he totally wants to go on a date with one of you. He’s just a little intimidating by you.”
The confident boy said gesturing to you. You stood up and Walrein suddenly appeared beside you.
“Well thank you for the offer, but we are going to have to decline. We are declining because we are currently in a romantic relationship with each other. If you don’t take no for an answer my Walrein and I will gladly battle you for you to leave us alone.”
The two boys take one look at Walrein and decided not to take the chance of battle you. Dawn hugs you from behind and pets Walrein. You are so glad that you chose Spheal as your partner Pokémon and she evolved into an intimating Walrein, but you’re also glad that you stand taller than most girls your age.
“Let’s go get ice cream.”
Dawns suggests as she picks up Piplup and you have Walrein return to her Pokéball so that she doesn’t hurt the skin on her stomach. You pass by the two boys and you glare at them and then kiss Dawn on the cheek.
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You and Hilda were hanging at her house. You heard something shatter in a different room in the house. Hilda grabbed Tepig in order to protect them. You look at her and give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“You stay here with Tepig while Annihilape and I go check it out.”
She nods as you let Annihilape out of his Pokéball. You and Annihilape go and check each room. You reach Hilda’s parents room with Annihilape behind you. You open the door only to see some guy stealing jewelry.
“Oi! What do you think you’re doing?!”
The robber turns to face you and all he sees is you with Annihilape. Annihilape’s eyes are glowing and his hair is waving faster in the air.
“You better put the stuff you stole back or Annihilape will beat you up and you up while I call the police.”
“Oh yeah? Why would I listen to a little girl?”
“Annihilape use Rage Fist!”
After 5 minutes the police arrive and arrest the guy. Hilda’s parents asked what happened and you explain that the guy broke in through their bedroom window and that you had Annihilape tie him up while you called the police. They gave you and Hilda a hug.
Hilda was walking you home.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“You’re welcome, Hilda. I will protect you no matter the situation.”
You kiss Hilda and went inside. You did make her promise that she would text you that she made home safe. You and Annihilape ended up on the front page of the newspaper the next day.
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You and Rosa decided to dress up as your Pokémon for Halloween. She wore a green dress and tail that resembles Serperior while you wore a purple dress and ears that resemble Gengar. You two were walking to a party at Nate’s house. You two were holding hands and talking about how you two are doing at the gym battles.
Just then these two bullies showed up and started to make fun of Rosa’s costume.
“You do know that no one likes Snivy, right?”
“Yeah everyone likes Tepig and Oshawott more than Snivy.”
“Snivy is the weakest one of the three. I bet you’re just as weak.”
They started laughing and you see that Rosa started crying. You stepped in front of her.
“I’ll have you know that Snivy is the best of the three. I’m fact Snivy is the strongest. If you say one more rude thing to my girlfriend I will have no choice but to beat you two up.”
“Oh yeah? You and what Pokémon?”
“Turn around and you’ll see.”
They turn around only to see your Gengar with its mouth wide open. It looks like it’s about to eat them. They turn back around to look at you and it looks like they both are about to cry.
“Apologize to my girlfriend and that you didn’t mean the things you said.”
“We’re so sorry and didn’t mean what we said. Please don’t let your Gengar eat us.”
“Thank you. You may leave.”
They run off and you turn to Rosa and hug her. After you hug her your Gengar hugs her. You and Rosa laugh. You recall Gengar to his Dusk Ball.
“Do you feel better?”
“A little bit.”
“Do you still want to go to Nate’s party?”
“Yeah. I think that will make me feel better.”
“Okay. Let’s go.”
You kiss Rosa and you two continue to walk to Nate’s party.
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screechingmusicstarfish · 2 years ago
This was based of another comic dub
Ash: [looks at Serena being so happy]
Ash: lady Hikari I didn’t see you-
Dawn: I like that honey, blonde of yours
Ash: honey blonde? what honey blonde? I don’t see a honey blonde anywhere
Dawn: Satoshi. Shh we both knew what we were signing up for when we entered this arrangement we had to make some sacrifices for the people that we love.
Dawn: go to her, you’re not hurting my feelings (I’ll even distract Takeshi for a few hours)
Serena: notices and turns her head around to see him
Serena: …❤️
Ash: …❤️
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lilacc-the-cat · 1 year ago
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Another drawing for my Legends Arceus au, nothing much just showing the differences between Dawn, Akari, Lucas, and Rei. I headcanon anime Dawn and Lucas are twins that were separated when they were really young so that's why he's here.
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disorentedfae · 2 years ago
I have a strange habit of being drawn to all the the blue haired characters in a franchise
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jrockzart · 1 year ago
Dawn from Pokémon.
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pokenoire · 6 months ago
(gosh sometimes I really wish I could ship them) at the show 😭
I want rewrite them in wlw/ F/F SO FAST) who knows maybe I'll change my mind a little
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lightning-jedi · 1 year ago
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Silly little drawing challenge I decided to do.
Dawn from Pokémon but drawn: From memory, with my left hand, with my eyes shut, in one minute, in pen and finally with a reference.
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alolanrain · 2 years ago
The moment Ash see’s Rowan for the first time after coming back to Hisui: you’re ancestor is a fucking asshole
Rowan so used to Ash’s weird greetings also trying his best not to shiver form the way Dawn is staring at him with a Look™: Yeah, I have no doubt.
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