#this only took me 2 weeks! everyone clap and cheer
tea-cat-arts · 11 months
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Preemptively apologizing for the white text on a yellow background. Anyways, Golden Deer Trainer Cards!
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jo-harrington · 10 months
Promotion (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: You take a Tuesday night off to surprise Eddie at a Corroded Coffin show and you both get more than you bargained for.
Previous Part: Team Building
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. (Do I need to say this anymore?) Fluffy, a little angsty, culmination of a lot of big feelings on both Eddie and Readers parts.
Note: I have been working on this part. Since January 15th. This has always been (and if you've read Peak Sales Hours you know) the way they finally reveal their feelings for one another. DAMN TOOK THEM AND ME A REALLY LONG TIME. The idea has evolved a little, but I hope the wait has been worth it. (Really gonna suck when we go back to the 2 parts of the story where they...aren't together yet but I promise both of those parts will be worth it and it's gonna make a few things towards the end of this part make sense...) We're almost at the end.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other Eddie stories and writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
“Nice fake, kid,” the gruff bartender scoffed, taking a quick glance over your ID. “Illinois huh?”
“Yeah, Illinois,” you insisted. “And it’s not a fake.”
“Whatever,” he sighed. “Enough of you kids home from college, I can’t keep up. In for a penny, in for a pound. What can I getcha?”
You ordered then turned to survey the ambience of The Hideout.
Bars weren't typically your scene.
You really didn't have a scene, if you were honest. Work and school had been your life for the longest time. If you had a social life, it was garage beers with your friends back home, or going out with coworkers after a really difficult holiday season or something. Your old Store Manager had certainly forced you to join her at dive bars and parties now and again. And now, you guessed...outings with Eddie and his friends.
When he had first told you about Corroded Coffin and their gigs, he said that the Hideout wasn't typically busy.
"It's like...like Cheers, you know? A place where everyone knows your name," he explained that first night you two had hung out. "Off the highway, used to be the local watering hole for everyone at the plant to wet their whistle after quitting time, according to Wayne. Lately, not as much.
"But the owner lets us play every Tuesday and it's good if we want to make it big someday. Even though right now it's really just...you know, a few regulars who tolerate us and clap if they're sober enough."
This, though, was most certainly not a few regulars.
Just like the bartender had said, there were a lot of kids home from college for Thanksgiving week, looking to get away from their families for a night. They'd already been milling about StarCourt; you'd seen a lot of unfamiliar faces. You wondered if this was just a convenient place to get a drink with friends now that they were back; it wasn't like the bartender was really taking anyone's ID seriously, real or fake.
Everyone was here for a good time, regardless. An old house-turned-bar with a few tables, mostly occupied, and a pool table that a group of guys were crowded around. Only a few open spots at the bar, one of which you had claimed for yourself.
It wasn't a club, it wasn't really even a bar.
It was just...kind of a shithole.
But if you were to remove all the people who were here tonight who didn't seem to fit in anyway, you felt it was the perfect venue for Corroded Coffin.
The stage was small and makeshift and illuminated by the many neon signs on the adjacent walls touting Coors and Old Style and PBR, and even though you were a little ways back you could easily enjoy the show.
You were actually planning to hang back anyhow. You usually closed on Tuesdays so you wanted to surprise Eddie.
He had mentioned, way back during your first Sunday night hangout, that you should come and see the band if you were ever free. You had brought up your schedule to him then, and immediately felt bad when he looked a little disappointed. And even more so the dozen or more times you tried to bring up the topic again, especially as you spent more time with him and his friends. Music was something you two had quickly bonded over, so you were hoping you could come and support him. But he never took the cue and never extended the invitation again.
It took a lot of bribery to get Mindy to take the Tuesday shift, and thankfully with the impending holidays, she had some time-off needs of her own. So a little quid pro quo and you had your night off.
Not to mention a covert trip to Tape World to grab one of the flyers for the show, disguised as a run to the bathroom, when you had lunch together a few weeks ago. Eddie's manager Kyle always let him have his homemade flyers on the counter when he was Manager on Duty, but they always went home with Eddie after his shift was over.
"I just have this bad feeling," he admitted to you once. "That someone would come in just to fuck with them, you know. At least while I'm there, I can...I don't know. Protect them." You understood, having been witness to how shitty some of the people in Hawkins were to him. You had dealt with bullies before, and it had gotten better for Eddie in the past few months but...he was still cautious and you didn't blame him.
So now, sitting here in this crowded bar, sipping kind of bad beer, wearing one of your brother's band tees that must have gotten mixed up with your shit from your last visit home, and waiting for the boys to appear "on stage," you felt happy that you'd be able to show Eddie just how much you cared for him. How much you wanted to be there for him the way he'd been there for you the past 6 months.
How worth...all of it he was.
And the other boys. Of course.
Eddie was the only one you wanted to kiss though.
He was the only one you wanted to do any of those sweet, sickening...ahem...sexy...things with. You really had wanted it all since you met him, and you'd gotten your taste and that was enough to smolder and turn your craving into an actual thirst.
Unfortunately, what you'd hoped was mutual attraction...never went anywhere, so friendship it had stayed.
You could always indulge in your little crush-fueled fantasies after you hung out. As pathetic as that was. Especially when you realized he was a touchy kind of guy. Hugs at the ready whenever you wanted them and even sometimes when you didn't. Hands always grabbing your shoulders to shake you when he was trying to make a point. He'd popped the arm rest up when you went to the movies so you could put your head on his shoulder. And then he would cover your eyes with his hand whenever there was something especially gorey or steamy on the screen.
"Otherwise, I’ll have to wash your eyes out young lady," he mocked with a very stern voice to mock your overprotective father, who Eddie had met once.
And on one of the toughest days of your life when his attention had fully been on you so how he remembered your dad enough to get his voice down like that...
You shook your head to release you from your thoughts as you noticed Gareth and Jeff haul in Gareth's drum kit from some back hallway and onto the ramshackle stage.
It wouldn't do to get lost in your daydreams when they were about to perform. Because yeah, Eddie was always doing things like that-- remembering things you said off-handedly, surprising you with things he thought would make you laugh or smile--and you tried to do the same for him, but coming to see one of his performances was gonna be different.
It meant more than quoting his favorite movie or getting him that snack he liked at the gas station.
This was his dream.
And you wanted to be fully present for it.
A couple people clapped kindly as all four boys took the stage and Eddie said a quick, slightly shy "hey" into the microphone, clearly unused to the crowd. You let out a tenuous whoop, and Eddie squinted in your direction and waved, but with the haze of cigarette smoke lingering in the air and the bustle of bodies that swarmed the bar to refresh their drinks, you doubted he could see who it actually came from.
So maybe you would need to worm your way up eventually. Maybe.
Once they started playing, though, you knew you would have to.
They were...
Ok they were not the best, but they were certainly getting there. They could be something great if they took the time, and you knew that was a high priority for the boys.
You didn't know what you expected though.
Certainly not like something professionally recorded or the one or two concerts you'd been to with friends over the years. Surely something closer to the bands that played during street fairs or the local venues back home.
Corroded Coffin was something in-between. Eddie's proficiency at the guitar and his overly confident stage presence once he got going, paired with Jeff and Dave who matched his energy with their endless strumming and head banging and enthusiastic vocals. And of course Gareth on the drums, who kept them in line as though he was simply amplifying the beating of his heart.
They were...one-of-a-kind.
It was a sight to behold and had you enraptured by their entire performance.
And you were surely not alone, as there was a good bit of applause after every song--none louder than you, you hoped--that caused the boys to preen with the attention. Especially Eddie, who would showboat if more than 5 people clapped.
"And now," he rumbled into the microphone, voice a little croaky, as the others set up a thrum of drumbeats and repetitive notes on their respective instruments. "Lend me your ear as I weave a tale of adventure and destruction."
You shifted on your stool with a grin, excited to see this. He'd explained it to you, how he and Jeff had been working on these little attention grabbers...stage patter...in tandem with his campaigns for Hellfire Club.
"Being a frontman is more than just singing, it's about...captivating the audience."
He told you it would make more sense once they had some more original songs and not just covers. But they were still working on it.
Thus, Eddie began talking about Lord of the Rings, of all things. Of a great journey with perilous consequences if the Fellowship were to fail, of the jaunts through Rivendell and encounters in Khazad-dûm and finally the terrible task on Mount Doom.
"And none of it would be possible without..." he started plucking at his own guitar strings, running his fingers up and down the frets, creating a haunting sound in place of a harmonica. "The Wizard."
You jumped from the stool and let out a whoop, beer sloshing over the rim of your glass and onto your hand. But it didn't matter, because when Eddie's eyes zeroed in on you, he beamed brightly and it was magical.
The moment would be burned into your brain forever, the way his big, void-like eyes got all round and soft and those lips stretched over his teeth to grin, lines carving deeper into his face in a look of sheer joy. And then glanced back down at his Sweetheart as he began to play his best performance of the night.
Or so you thought, but you were a little biased.
You were torn away from the performance as someone took the glass out of your hand and pressed some napkins over your beer-soaked skin.
"Here, watch out, you spilled some on the floor too," a deep, teasing voice said. "Jules, can you grab some more napkins?"
"Yeah. For sure."
"You Corroded Coffin's number one fan or something?" the guy asked as you kept trying to look back at the stage. You looked at him and felt uneasy. He was tall but unremarkable and had a plaid shirt under a denim jacket, a few patches similar to ones you'd seen adorned on Eddie's battle vest. He seemed like someone who might enjoy the music but there was a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his mouth that seemed...off to you.
"First time hearing them," you tried to dismiss. "Thanks for the help."
His friend or...maybe date returned with a stack of napkins and she handed them to you with her own tight smile, latching herself to his side.
"I thought it was music time, not story time," she joked snidely as you dropped the napkins on the floor to clean up the spill. "Are we gonna get out of here soon Mick?"
"Yeah don't worry," he patted her shoulder and then looked back at you. "So, not number their one fan. You dating Munson or something then?"
Jules let out a laugh.
"None of your business, who are you again?" You put on the hard city exterior you grew up with--the one that often clashed with your tight-knit community and customer service exteriors, each an interchangeable mask—and turned away from him, glad to put some distance between you.
You asked the bartender for another beer but there was already a bitter taste in your mouth and you knew you wouldn't enjoy the drink.
Mick and Jules…
You were happy when everyone gave them an outstanding applause at the end of the set, but the boys were quick to dismantle the stage after a stern look from the bartender.
Eddie had tried his best to have an encore performance.
"Come on Phil." He batted his eyelashes enticingly. "You know you love us."
"This isn't Madison Square Garden," Phil ran a finger over his throat. "You'll run up my electric bill."
"Make sure you tip your bartender everyone," Eddie quickly announced with a mock salute, then pulled the plug on their equipment and dashed offstage.
Dave, Jeff, and Gareth made their way back in sometime after they broke down their equipment, as some the crowd started to dissipate, and were ecstatic to find you at the bar.
"It's seriously so busy in here," Gareth exclaimed after he chugged his Coke and belched obnoxiously. "I don't think we've played a crowd like this ever."
"I don't think we've seen this many people in the Hideout ever," Dave gave you a hopeful grin and pressed his hands together in prayer. "You sure you don't want to buy us a round of beers to celebrate?" You pushed his shoulder good-naturedly but got them a round of the cheap, watered down stuff nonetheless.
"Ok and listen, I was supposed to do the intro to The Wizard," Jeff started, hand on your shoulder as though he was telling you a secret. "But I chickened out. I don't think I would have been able to do it with all of these people here."
"You would have crushed it," you reassured him. "Next time."
"No, because Eddie destroyed it up there," Jeff hollered. "I almost forgot the chords, he was so good. You seriously need to come to Hellfire one time...or Eddie can have a special session over Christmas break. That was on par with a Munson Death Monologue, if I ever heard one. Right guys?"
"Where is he anyway?" you asked.
Instantly, all three boys got nervous and it had you on edge.
"The bathroom."
"Just having a smoke."
"Had to restring his guitar."
They fumbled over each other with their excuses.
"Don't make me pull the mom card," you crossed your arms over your chest and glared at them. "You know I hate that shit."
"Only the freshman call you mom," Dave attempted to deflect.
You rolled your eyes and simply turned on your heel and exited the bar. You heard the three of them bicker as you walked away.
"Nice cover shithead."
"Me? What about you? Restring his guitar?"
"Fuck off."
When you got out to the parking lot, you heard talking. Bickering, much like the boys had been inside.
"...I'm trying to give you a compliment."
"A backhanded compliment isn't a compliment."
Eddie's voice. And another one.
You didn't want to interfere, but you were from the midwest and as a result, you were nosy.
And Eddie was your friend, if he needed help, you'd be there for him.
You rounded the corner of the building and saw Eddie sitting in the open side door of the van, cigarette smoldering between his fingers as he gestured wildly while talking.
"I don't know why you think you can just show your face here," he told the other guy.
Mick...the guy who'd helped you out inside.
"Come on Ed," he scoffed. "This doesn't have to be painful for either of us. I moved on, so can you."
"That's right Mickey, you moved on," Eddie argued. He dropped his cigarette to the ground and stomped on it aggressively. "You decided it wasn't worth it to be my friend anymore and you and Jack moved on."
Mickey and Jack. Eddie's old friends, the former members of Corroded Coffin.
He'd told you about them...in passing. You never really got the full story from him, you never wanted to pry. But seeing this guy...now...
"You decided not to be friends anymore, when we wouldn't throw our futures away for a stupid garage band! And look, two years later and you're still here? Heard my mom say you're still at Hawkins High too. Look at you, Ed. A waste of fucking space."
Well you didn't know whether to walk away or butt in and give the guy a piece of your mind.
It was a good thing that Eddie got to his feet and got right into Mickey's smug face.
"Go fuck yourself Mick." His hands planted on Mickey's shoulders and he shoved his old friend a few feet. Not to knock him down, enough to disrupt his balance though.
The aggression left Mickey then, and even from where you stood you could see his eyes go wide.
"Come on Eddie," he whined. "I didn't come out here for this. I've got friends in there and I told them I could get weed. Julie's in there."
"Julie fucking Williams," Eddie rolled his head back and let out a sardonic laugh.
You vaguely realized why Jules had sounded familiar. Jason Carver had mentioned her way back when, when he tried to play the macho protector act.
"He was sniffing around this girl Julie Williams a few years ago too..."
"She still got her claws in you?" Eddie continued. "You here to rub it in my face that you're still with her too? High School Sweethearts and all of that?"
"Stop being an asshole. I made them all come and sit through your stupid show, Eddie. You should be thanking me."
"Thanking you?" he scoffed. "You...you're just rubbing salt in the wound now Mick. Throwing me a bone thinking I’m hard up for cash. Bringing people along cuz no one would come to our shows way back when, so now I gotta know that the only way they would, is if you bribed them with weed? And Julie? Julie only fooled around with me, dated me, so she could get closer to you and you fell for her like an idiot."
"I don't know why you care Eddie, I saw your girlfriend in there. Besides, you two were never dating. So if anyone is the idiot here, it's you."
"Fuck off, Michael," Eddie muttered, turning his back to his former friend. "If you want weed, go to Rick."
There was a beat and you watched Eddie's still back and Mickey shuffling on the gravel drive, looking simultaneously like he wanted to say something, and regretting that he even said anything in the first place.
Finally, he stalked off, hands shoved in his pockets.
You ducked against the side of the building to avoid being noticed as he passed and headed back into the Hideout.
You didn't know what to do. You didn't...yeah you were nosy, but you knew you should have probably walked away when Eddie told him to go fuck himself the first time.
Still...then no one would have been out here for Eddie now. Even after all these months of getting closer to him, months of friendship and learning more and more about him, all it took was an overheard conversation to make the pieces click. You needed to make sure he was alright because that...that hadn't been good.
He'd already been in some kind of state of constant self-deprecation when you first met him, you didn't want him to fall back into it because of some asshole. You understood now why Jeff had been so protective of him at the start. You were that way now. You wanted your friend to be happy.
To see how much he mattered. That's why you came tonight in the first place.
At the sound of something crashing in the back of the van, you shuffled back around the corner and got closer.
"Fuck," he muttered pathetically. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
There was the twang of a string on one of the guitars snapping, and then Eddie's heaving breath.
"FUCK!" He turned around and kicked at the gravel, and it sprayed across the lot before landing at your feet. He ran his hands through his hair and stopped at the sight of you.
You froze too, unable to stomach the sight of his red, tear-filled eyes and the wetness of his cheeks illuminated by the streetlamp overhead.
"So uh," he sniffed and quickly ran the cuff of his sleeve across his nose. “Dunno if you heard but that was my old friend. Who's dating...well I guess she wasn’t my girlfriend. So she’s not an ex either.”
He rolled his eyes and hung his head pathetically.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered and took a few steps closer. “I’m sorry that they did that to you. Both of them. All of them. You deserve so much more than that.”
“Do I?” He scoffed. “I’m a freak, a loser. Too stupid to finish high school or get out of this town.”
“Stop it!”
"No, Mickey's right. My stupid band, my stupid friends."
"I'm your friend, am I stupid?" you asked. You knew it was a little shifty, trying to turn this onto you, but you needed him to see that he was being...well...
"Maybe," he shrugged.
"And Jeff? And Dave? And Gareth?"
"Fine," you pointed back at the Hideout. "But those people in there...they couldn't have all been Mickey's friends. They clapped for your stupid band. Are they all idiots too? Freaks. Losers."
"That was a really good crowd, you were great up there. I was so surprised. So impressed."
"Well you shouldn't be."
"Eddie," you said in a chastising tone.
He mimicked you in a childlike fashion, said your name in the same tone, and then ran his hands over his face and groaned.
"I don't want to let him get to me like that," he shouted into the sky. "I don't...want my stupid, dumb, shithead old best friend to get to me like that. To act like it's some favor he's doing me by rolling back into town and bringing some people to my show. When it still should have been our show. Together.
"I had to very nearly give up on all of my fucking dreams because our friendship wasn't worth it to him. Because he pretended to grow up. He...he barely got accepted into a college. He was going to take classes at Tri County and keep working at Bradley's forever and we were gonna have this band and make it big one day and now..."
He trailed off and heaved.
"And now?" You pressed after a few minutes of silence.
"And now..." He waved his hand dismissively. "I don't know...nothing I guess."
You put your hands on your hips and scowled at him.
"And now you have friends in there that actually support your dream, who actually believe you've got a chance as a band. Jeff's a better best friend than Mickey. And you've got a job at TapeWorld and have Kyle and the guys there. They all believe in you. What did you tell me a couple weeks ago? Kyle wants to see if he can make you an ASM after you graduate?"
"You've got...a future...and new dreams...just like Mickey does," you tried again. "Losing old friends is hard. It's a hole in your heart that doesn't ever go away.
"My high school best friend moved away and I don't talk to her anymore. We had...maybe one phone call after she went off to some out-of-state school. It hurt when I tried to call her and she never made time for me. But...then I made other friends. It's not the same as her, but sometimes it's better. Because I have Jen, and the girls at the old store and now this store and now I have...now I have you too.
"You're better than my high school best friend ever was. Tell me I'm not a better friend than Mickey...whatever his last name is."
Eddie's face went gaunt then, his eyes evaded yours and immediately went down to his feet, hands wrapped around his stomach defensively, like you wounded him.
You breathed heavily for a few moments and then softened.
Maybe you went a little too hard.
"Eddie, I'm sorry, I..." You backtracked a little. "I know I don't know the whole story. I just...I want you to know how much I value you as my friend."
"Stop saying that!" He shut his eyes and scrunched his face.
"What? You need to hear it! I know it's hard to hear how good you are--"
"No," he opened his eyes and took a step back, holding his hands out beside him, as though he was offering himself up for the slaughter. "Stop saying that you're my friend."
"But I am your friend!"
"But I don't...I don't want you to be."
Your eyes went wide this time and your mind raced.
At first you just...you thought this was him saying he didn't want to be friends anymore. Maybe you'd overstepped boundaries and had gone too far. The little insidious self-conscious voice inside of your head told you that you were dumb and too stupid to realize all the signs of him pushing you away. Overanalyzing every interaction for some indication that he didn't want you there.
But then he kept talking and you realized you were dumb just not dumb in that way.
"I...I have...kind of always thought you were pretty," he let out a dry laugh. "Well...actually I thought you were awful...way, way back...at the beginning before I even knew your name. I thought...wow it's another mean popular pretty girl coming to tease me and make my life hell. Only...you didn’t. You’re not mean and you're not a popular girl."
"And I'm not pretty," you joked.
"But you are," he disagreed. "And you didn’t make my life hell. You're everything I...well...I know this is gonna ruin everything. So fuck it. But I have the biggest, stupidest crush on you and everyone fucking knows about it and won't stop teasing me about it and I thought...after that night at the trailer that maybe...you know, you felt the same way. That we were just two dummies. I got my hopes up. I was coming to ask you out that Friday. I even skipped school."
Your heart skipped a beat, thinking about that night.
About that kiss and about...
"And then your grandpa..." he trailed off. "And how could I bring anything up after that? I just needed to be a good friend. Be there for you, like you're always there for me. Just like you're here for me tonight.
"Sweetheart, do you know how fucking happy I was to see you back there?" he asked, eyes big and round and wet with tears. "Shit you took a Tuesday night off?"
"Of course I did," you laughed. "I told you way back at the beginning I could move things around."
"Yeah but..."
"I get it," you nodded and then felt your heart ache with longing. "Eddie..."
"So no," he continued sadly. "I don't want to be your friend anymore because I just...want you."
He backed away a little, on weak legs as though he had been wounded. Especially when you took too long to process all of your thoughts and he probably took it as rejection. He turned back to the van to try and finish packing everything up.
And your mind finally caught up to your body.
Eddie liked you and he wanted to...not be your friend anymore because he wanted more than friendship.
Right? Was that it?
Fuck, why had you been so...
You walked right up to him and grabbed him by the sleeve and turned him around.
"If you're an idiot," you told him, vulnerably. "Then so am I."
You surged forward and captured his lips with yours.
It was...admittedly not like a John Hughes movie. It was sweet for a second and your heart was soaring and then his nose bonked into yours and you both broke into a little bit of laughter.
"You're not that good at kissing," Eddie teased.
"Me?" you guffawed. "It was your nose."
"Maybe we're just both out of practice," he suggested.
"Yeah." You reached out and shook him by his vest. "One uh...maybe extra high kiss on your couch two months ago is not the warmup we needed."
He smiled at you.
"Are we both just...stupid?"
"Yeah I think so."
"How long has Mindy been mocking you?" he asked.
"Pretty much since Day 1. Kyle?"
"Before Day 1," he ran a hand through his hair and blew a frustrated breath through pursed lips. "He was the one who told me I should go up and ask you out."
"No he didn't!" You slapped a hand against his chest and stared at him incredulously.
"Scouts honor." He crossed over his heart. "So uh...you wanna try again?"
Eddie waited for your little nod before he pressed a kiss to your lips. His hands sought your waist and pulled you closer to him, body flush with his as your hands became trapped on his chest. You grabbed him by the vest and held him to you.
It was sweet exploration at first, lips tentative and pliant. Then tongues got involved, painting your tastes sweetly to the seams of each other's mouth, taking turns until they gained the courage to dance together.
Before long though...you both got a little impatient and you were pressed up against the side of his van, one hand in his hair as he kissed down the side of your throat, fingers plucking at the neckline of your t-shirt to gain more access to skin.
"Didn't know you liked Pantera," he muttered and licked back up the length of your throat then lightly bit the softness of your jaw. "S'this Jimmy's shirt?"
"Please don't say my brother's name right now."
You gently pulled him by the hair and led him right back to your lips to shut him up.
Sweetness turned into impatience, where 6 months of friendship and unrequited feelings were released--for real this time. Eddie's body slotted between your legs, hands roamed, giggles turned into moans, and just as he was about to scoot you into the van for some private time away from the elements of the Hideout Parking lot--
"Mom and Dad, sitting in a tree..."
--the guys exited the bar and found you in your...compromising position.
Eddie, ever the gentleman, made sure your shirt was on the right way and your hair not...too disheveled before turning to shoot his friends with the most scathing glare.
"Alright you fucking pervs," he shouted. "Nothing to see here."
"Are you kidding?" Dave exclaimed. "This is like...Christmas."
"Yeah, about time Eddie," Jeff clapped a hand on Gareth and Dave's shoulders. "We were about to start a bet to see if it was even gonna happen."
"It was Wheeler's idea," Gareth confessed.
"Of course it was," Eddie rolled his eyes. "Little rat."
"Mike's nice," you poked Eddie in the side and he jumped. "Stop picking on him so much."
The guys all started their whooping and hollering again until you sent your own dead stare their way to shut them up.
Eddie shouted for them all to pile into the van, and once they were all inside he turned to you and awkwardly stuck his hands in his pockets.
"So," he ran his tongue over his lips nervously. "Uh...I mean...that was nice."
"It was," you beamed. "Changed your mind about if I'm a bad kisser?"
"Yeah, oh," he nodded vigorously. "I...yes...I mean, no. You're a really...good kisser."
"Not so bad yourself Casanova."
"So we gonna...do that more often?"
You both burst out laughing and then jumped as someone inside the van honked the horn.
"You wanna come to Benny's with us?" Eddie thumbed over his shoulder. "Post-show patty melts? Kind of a tradition."
"Yeah. I'd love to."
"Kay, we'll see you there then."
He was about to back away and head towards the driver side of the van, and you back to the front lot to get into your car, when he swept in and cupped your face with his hands. Thumbs running gently over cheekbones, lips gently ghosting over yours.
And you couldn't help but think as you covered his hands with yours, this was definitely a perk you were going to take advantage of in this...
...promotion from friend to something more.
Next Part: Peak Sales Hours
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xhollandlilsx · 2 years
Red Card (pt 2) - (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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Concept- Leah and Y/N have been broken up for months, but things kick off when Leah gets jealous during the game against Y/Ns team.
Warnings: Shit Ending.
Pt 1 << Here.
“You ready?” Ella asked as I sat down next to her on the bus, we were still waiting for a few players to arrive but because of the cold they let us on the coach early.
“Of course!” I replied excitedly. The recovery period was awful. 6 weeks of not playing, my first training session back I could not keep up, I knew I’d be on the bench at the start of the game, Marc had an idea of me being a ‘Super Sub’.
I’d only been back for one game before international break started and we were thrown into the England base camp, we had a game against
“You heard from-“
“Yep. A good amount of messages and calls”
“Did you answer?” She asked as we waited at a traffic light and I put ABBA on for her.
“Nope.” I sighed, “She tried to talk to me at training this week too, I just walked away, I couldn’t.”
She did refrain from asking any more, when she realised my tone had changed. It hurt me to ignore Leah but she messed up. Big time.
I pulled my AirPods from my England puffer jacket I had wrapped around me, and offered one to Ella. I wanted to get my head in focus, so I put mine in as Ella shrugged and accepted it putting it in her ear.
We got off the coach and I took a deep breath, before stepping off after Lucy, I’d spent the week with Georgia, Lucy and Kiera, whenever they weren’t with Leah. I wasn’t petty, I was pissed off.
I looked into the camera to the right of us as we walked into Wembley, preparing for the game against Brazil. Raised a fist up and silently cheered before laughing and carrying on walking.
We all made our way to the changing room as I walked over to my shirt, putting my duffel bag on the floor. I smiled at my name in big letters along with the number 11, taking a deep breath I left it on its hanger and sat under it, seeing Georgia pull her phone out and take a photo, so I posed for it before grabbing my shin pads and throwing them on under my joggers.
When it was time to go out and warm up, the atmosphere was insane, ever since the euros there has been a massive influx of fans. I jogged over to the other side line, as fans cheered and clapped, I ran along side Alessia and Chloe. All of us running almost in waves to the side line as fans cheered, the three of us ran over and started to pass one of the balls back and forth between us.
“You alright?” I asked Less, as she looked slightly nervous, like something was bothering her.
“Yeah!” She smiled before kicking the ball to Chloe.
After we’d all warmed up, we began to walk back inside. I shoved my hands in my pockets, only taking them out to wave at a few fans sat around the tunnel.
The game kicked off, and I was not in the starting eleven. If I’m honest I didn’t want to be. I liked the idea of being a ‘super sub’ for this game, I knew the way Brazil operated.
I sat on the side rubbing my hands together trying to generate some heat, the whistle blew for the kick off after everyone took the knee.
The game started off with England having most possession, but Brazil were putting up a good fight. I spent most of the first half an hour ruining my vocal chords, screaming and shouting while sat next to Alessia and Nikita.
“We aren’t playing wide enough” Nikita spoke as she watched. I nodded before I saw one of the Brazilian players collide, hard, with Leah.
“Ref!” I shouted from the side line. It was dirty and anyone with eyes could see that. Leah was stopping that player at any opportunity Brazil made, so you could tell the player had enough, “What the fuck!”
I shook my head as I crossed my arms and watched the ref hold up a yellow card, though Leah was limping back into position.
“Serena, how long?” I asked, hoping to go on soon. My eyes stayed trained on Leah, how she was limping.
“Not yet” She shook her head, I trusted her more than anything, I knew she was only keeping me off because of my injury, and worry that I wouldn’t be 100% like I usually am.
Half way through the second half I saw Serena wave me over. I quickly threw my bib off and warmed up, running up and down the side line a couple times.
I adjusted my socks before the ref called for the substitution, Chloe ran over to me and high-fived me before whispering ‘number 15’ in my ear. Meaning number 18 is gonna be my biggest problem.
I nodded before jogging on and into position, where there was a throw in being taken.
‘Substitution for England, coming off, number eighteen, Chloe Kelly. Being substituted for number eleven, Y/N Y/L/N.’
It always felt good when fans screamed when your name was called out, but nothing like Wembley. The crowd erupted, making Georgia look at me with a ‘what the-‘ look to which I mirrored.
I tucked my fly always behind my ears and waited for the ref to blow the whistle to start again. When she did we were off.
It didn’t take long for me to get the ball from one of their players, passing it out wide to Ella. I didn’t waste any time in running up the pitch, Ella made it around the players coming at her and attempted a cross, at which when I went to connect my foot to it, I felt a huge shove to the back by a pair of hands making me fall forward to my knees.
“What the fuck!” I shouted standing up again, as the ref blew the whistle, almost squaring up to the girl.
“Não havia nada de errado com isso. Eu mal toquei em você!” She argued to which I lost it.
“Você me empurrou pelas costas! Foda-se cara.” I shook my head as the ref came and stood between us, holding up a yellow card, booking her.
“Back into position!” Leah shouted over the fans cheering at the ref’s decision, I shook my head before walking back into position, fans chanting ‘my’ chant, the reaction from fans never ceases to amaze me, especially when you actually look up and see signs with your name on, or backs with your name on.
Around the 80th minute we were drawing 1-1, Leah had been subbed off due to her limp along with Lauren and Fran. My eyes scanned every player wearing a white shirt and nodded to myself a million plays taking place in my head. I waited until I had the ball at my feet, before passing it long out wide to Ella again, only I just about made it to the edge of the box when a cross came in from Ella.
My foot made contact with it sending it above the goalkeepers hands and into the back of the net. Excitement filling my body as I ran over to the side and jumped turning mid air and pointing to the name on the back of my shirt with my thumbs.
The crowd was ecstatic, I smiled as Georgia jumped into my arms. I lifted her up and laughed as a bunch of the other girls ran over and hugged us too. On my run back to my position I looked over to see Leah cheering too ^^, giving me a proud nod.
I kept my head down for the rest of the game managing two more goals in the space of 11 minutes, including five minutes added time. I couldn’t have done it without the amazing assists from the girls but I was happy for once with the way I’d played.
On the walk back to the changing room we made our way to the tunnel, and Kiera jumped on my back, messing my ponytail up.
I shook my head before shrugging her off and smiling at a group of fans with their phones out and holding signs up with my name on it. I saw a little girl smiling with her beanie on a little too low and a United shirt with my name on for me to sign.
I shook my head before pointing to the pen in her hand, and mouthing ‘pen’ to her knowing she wouldn’t hear me over the music and the fans, and she threw it down to me. I saw Leah stop beside me looking up in confusion as to what I was doing.
I took my England shirt from over my head and told Leah to turn around so I could sign it on her back. She did so without any protest, silently hoping this was a sign we were good again. I just knew there was no point being at odds when there’s this many cameras on us.
I signed it and wrapped it up in a ball with the pen and threw it up to the little girl. I saw her begin to cry as I blew her a kiss and waved at a few others before walking inside with Leah and now Georgia.
The game ended on a 2-1 win to England, Lucy and I scoring the goals for England. Once in the changing room after I sat next to Georgia as she was wearing number 10, and we were talking about the game when I saw her look over to the other side of the room and nod.
I followed her eyes but there was a few of them, so I didn’t know who she was nodding to.
“Y’alright?” I asked her to which she nodded and closed her duffel bag.
“Please talk to her. I know what happened, and it was shitty. But please” Georgia begged me before walking out with a few of the other girls, leaving just Leah, Ellie and I.
Although I think Ellie got the picture when she looked between us and excused herself taking her half opened bag with her.
“Y/N.” She started before stopping obviously not having planned this out, “You have every reason to hate me. Like really hate me. I already hate myself, If I could take it back I would, I don’t even know what came over me. I was blind with anger.”
“W-when I saw you… with Russo. I lost it… I thought you’d moved on, and I couldn’t bare to see you move on. I know it’s selfish.” She sighed sitting opposite me, resting her elbows on her knees like I was.
“Leah you fractured my ribs.” I told her, with a heavy breath, “Alessia told me you had been giving her the cold shoulder all week too. I told you time and time again when we were together that I had no interest in Less. That I only wanted you, but you never accepted that. But what you did, Leah…”
“I know. God Y/N I know, I hate myself for what I did, when I saw you in that hospital room I was disgusted with myself, and I know I was a dick to you, but Y/N I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I just… I’m not asking you to be with me, I just need you to hear that I’m sorry.”
“I hear you.” I nodded, my tone a little more blunt than I intended to be, before picking my duffel bag up from the floor and attempting to walk out of the door to my left when she shot up and stopped me by placing her hands either side of my cheeks, with a ‘no…’.
We both stumbled slightly before she placed her forehead against mine, “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. Im sorry, I’m sorry.”
She repeated like a prayer whispering, as I closed my eyes, as much as she hurt me, I couldn’t deny the full feeling in my heart, the small ache when she stood so close to me. We’ve all done things we regret when angry, said things, punched things, threw things, but this wasn’t something I was gonna take lightly.
The way her hair eyes watered as she let a small sob interrupt her ‘sorry’s’. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck, I sighed, realising no matter what happens, I will love this girl with every fibre of my being.
I knew I couldn’t forgive her fully yet, but I also knew I couldn’t stay mad at her, I wanted to forgive her, but I had to take the first step.
A/N: I hate this. I hate the ending but oh well, Bon appetite.
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its-jaytothemee · 7 months
A Burden Shared - Part 1: The Fight (2/2)
Pairings: Astarion x Tav, Halsin x Tav, Astarion x Tav x Halsin
Word count: 4,241; Tav and Astarion POVs
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Read on AO3
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Summary: A group sparring session turns sour, and Astarion becomes very protective of Tav. Halsin goes to comfort Tav afterwards and ends up confessing some feelings he's had for a while now.
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Feelings Confessions, Spoilers for Act 3, Sparring, Protective Astarion, Soft Halsin, Tav needs a fucking hug.
Author's Note: The tadfools get a filler episode. No explicit material yet, but will be present in a later chapter. Part 1 is finished, hopefully part 2 can be uploaded sometime in the next week or so. Will switch between a few character POVs, for now I only have Tav and Astarion. Enjoy! :)
Karlach and Tav cleared out a large area of the camp to give themselves plenty of space. Wyll and Astarion went to fetch the large stash of various weapons they had collected along their journey for them to choose from. Everyone else gathered around, admiring their makeshift arena.
“Alright gang, here’s the rules!” Karlach’s voice was full of excitement. “The challenger gets to decide which weapon Tav gets to use against them. No magic!” She looked at Gale, whose shoulders slumped slightly. “If anyone disarms her, they win!” Karlach was talking so fast, obviously anxious to get to the sparring.
“Wait, what exactly are we winning?” Shadowheart asked.
“I don’t know…you just…you win!” Karlach shouted back. Shadowheart just shrugged in response. “If Tav knocks you down before you’re able to disarm her, she wins.”
Tav took her place at one end of the sparring zone, she couldn’t help but feel a little excited.
“Okay then…who’s first?” She yelled out the challenge. Shadowheart started to move forward, but Karlach plowed past her, knocking over everyone and everything in her way.
“ME!” She yelled, radiating pure joy. “Don’t worry Soldier. I’ll be gentle.”
“And my weapon?” Tav asked, smiling back at her.
“Take the greatsword.” She replied, grabbing her own greataxe.
They took their positions standing opposite of one another. Tav steadied her breathing, never taking her eyes off of Karlach. She took a relaxed ready position, her greatsword held low at her side, waiting. Karlach’s lips twitched into a half smile as she let out a roaring scream. Now.
Karlach had a few moments when she entered her rage where she was most vulnerable. Usually, Tav would take those moments to protect her in a fight, but not today. The second the yell left her lips, Tav lunged at her. She reached her friend just before her rage started to take effect. Tav brought her sword up to catch her greataxe in just the right spot where it caught onto her blade. She twirled around the front of Karlach, ripping the axe from her hands before she could strengthen her grip. Disarmed, she would be much easier to topple. Tav kicked the weapon away, forcing Karlach to decide whether she would push forward attacking, or risk turning her back to grab her weapon. She chose to attack, of course. She took a step towards Tav, arm extending to try and wrestle her sword from her grasp. Tav let one of her wrists lag behind her as she moved away and Karlach took the bait. She turned so her back was facing Karlach, her arm wrapped around Tav, still holding her wrist. Still off balance from lunging at her, Tav was able to throw her weight forward and send Karlach tumbling to the ground in front of her. She moved to stand over her, hovering the tip of her greatsword above Karlach’s chest.
“Dead.” Tav said, smiling down at her. Their fellow companions clapped and let out a few cheers.
“Fucks’ sake, mate.” Karlach said, laughing. Tav offered her hand to help her up from the ground.
Wyll was already taking Karlach’s place as she was finally standing up.
“Let’s see how you handle a weapon that takes a little more finesse.” Wyll teased. He tossed a rapier towards Tav. She caught it by the hilt and gave Wyll a knowing smile. He knew she relied mostly on her strength to overpower opponents. She handed Karlach the greatsword as she sauntered back over to the others.
They stood only ten or so paces apart. Wyll gave a low bow, always the gentleman. Tav couldn’t help but laugh in response, returning the gesture. He began to move around her, his quick and graceful steps were much harder to anticipate than Karlach’s stomping. She opted to stay in one place, slowly turning her body to keep aligned with Wyll’s. He suddenly lunged at her. The swift fluid motion was perfectly timed with his steps. Tav moved her blade to block the attack, swatting it to the side. She made a couple of slashing movements that looked clumsy compared to his, trying to keep Wyll on his toes. She knew if she could wear him down, she would get an opening. He continued to dance around her, every now and then attempting a flourishing swipe at her. After a few minutes, she noticed a slight change in his breathing, and he slightly lost his balance trying to feign a step towards her. Gotcha. She took the opportunity to step to the side, just out of reach of his blade. Once clear of his sword’s arc, she ran to get behind him. Before he knew it, her foot was colliding with the back of his knees. He let out a small yell before dropping to his knees. She kicked his blade out of his hand and jumped in front of him. She smiled and pointed the sharp tip of the rapier at his throat, other hand on his shoulder.
Wyll pursed his lips in response, but smiled as he took her hand to help him off the ground. More clapping and cheers from the sidelines brought another smile to her face. Astarion let out a loud whistle.
Gale was the next one to take the challenge, holding two quarterstaffs, he made his way to stand across from her.
“Gale, what are you doing? Tav could kill you with her bare hands, let alone with a weapon.” Karlach teased.
“Kill him Tav! Kill him! It would be so funny!” Astarion yelled, making himself laugh so hard he fell off of the barrel he was sitting on. Roaring laughter came from everyone else at the sight. There was no way to deny it now, Tav was having a very good time.
Gale gave her a slightly concerned look. She shook her head slightly, reassuring him that she would not in fact, kill him.
“Quarterstaff.” He said, tossing the extra staff her way. She caught it in one hand and twirled it above her head. She gripped the staff with both hands and held it out in front of her.
Gale took a small step back, getting into a low, defensive stance. He knew he wouldn’t be able to overpower her, she would have to draw him out or go to him. Gale was deadly quick with his spells but was no match for Tav in hand-to-hand combat. She held the staff in her right hand and sprinted forward. Gale held his position, preparing himself for her impact. When she was a few steps out, she jumped and lifted the staff over her head. She tried to aim at the end of his staff to throw him off balance. He moved at the last second and caught her strike right in the center of his own staff with a loud crack. Tav raised her eyebrows at him, she was rather impressed with that block. However, Gale seemed all too happy for the silent praise and lost his concentration for a moment. It was just enough time for her to spin around the other side of him and sweep his legs out from under him using her staff.
“Very dead.” She said with a laugh, her quarterstaff gently resting on his chest.
“Just drag me away. My knees will never let me get up from this.” Gale simply held his arms up waiting for someone to move him. Tav continued to laugh as Karlach came over to help pick him back up onto his feet.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Shadowheart moving in to claim the next round.
“Mace and Shield.” She said, already equipped with a spear and shield.
Clever, Tav thought to herself with a smile. Shadowheart was cunning, she knew that if both of Tav’s hands were tied up she would have a harder time grappling anything away from her. She walked over to the pile of weapons, grabbing a simple mace and shield.
“Wait, we can use shields?!” Gale yelled from his seat. Tav laughed in response.
“I’ll allow it.” She said, already trying to anticipate Shadowheart’s movements.
They circled each other, each tracking the other’s movements carefully. The shield added more weight that could easily fatigue her, so she would have to make this quick. Tav decided to make the first move. She needed to test the range Shadowheart had with that spear. As expected, Shadowheart lunged at her as soon as she reached the very edge of her range. Tav turned to the side to avoid being hit by the spear. As it rushed past her, Tav had the perfect opportunity to smack the shaft of the spear away with her shield. Shadowheart was able to maintain her grip on the weapon, but she was thrown off balance. Tav was able to take another step forward, putting her within range to strike with her mace. Using her momentum from her shield bash, Tav spun back around to strike Shadowheart’s shield. She hit the edge of the shield with a loud crunching sound. Shadowheart let out a grunt and her shield went flying off to the side. The sudden movement caused Shadowheart to twist away from Tav, giving her an opening. She hit the middle of the spear, causing Shadowheart to fumble and fall to the ground. Tav pinned her spear hand to the ground, mace still held high.
“Dead.” Tav said, still standing over her. Shadowheart gave an approving smile before wincing suddenly. Tav looked over to the arm that had been holding the shield to see her forearm horribly bruised, and slightly disfigured.
“Shit! Oh shit! Shit, shit! I’m so sorry, Shadowheart.” Her excitement disappeared as she stared at the injury, tears stinging her eyes. She jumped up, releasing her other arm. Carefully, she leaned Shadowheart back up off of the ground. Tav was breathing more heavily now and starting to feel some heaviness in her arms from the first few rounds of sparring.
“It’s alright, Tav, really. These things happen when we’re fighting, even during practice. Besides, I can take care of this easily.” She gave her a reassuring smile. Halsin was making his way towards them.
“Allow me.” He said, kneeling to their level. His familiar healing incantation prompted the warm soothing magic to fill the air around them. Tav watched as Shadowheart’s arm returned to its normal color and shape. Unexpectedly, she felt the healing surge over to her as well, taking away some of the soreness in her muscles. She looked at Halsin, who gave her a quick wink. It caused her heart to skip a beat.
“See? Nothing to worry about.” He said, helping Shadowheart up to her feet.
“Maybe we should stop…” Tav said, her guilt causing her chest to tighten.
“Of course not, darling!” Astarion jumped to his feet. “We haven’t all had a chance to best you yet, don’t tell me you’re scared.” He flashed a teasing smile at her.
“I…I don’t want to hurt anyone.” Tav folded her arms in front of her chest.
“Oh come on, Soldier. Shadowheart’s fine! We were just starting to have fun.” Karlach complained from her seat.
“I’ll go next, I know you won’t hurt me.” Astarion’s tone was teasing, but Tav could see something else in his expression too. It was important to him that they keep doing this.
“Okay then,” she said with a deep breath, “what weapon?” She smiled back at him.
“Weapons.” Astarion responded, his expression was pure mischief. “Pick any two you like, my sweet.”
She went over to the mess of weapons and picked up two shortswords. Astarion was holding both of his daggers, crouched and ready to strike.
Tav moved back to her starting spot. She held the two swords out in front of her, their light weight a relief from the previous round. She knew she would have to watch him closely. Astarion was fast. Tav knew him well, but he also knew her. She would either have to wait for him to tire himself out or lure him into a false sense of security. Astarion moved first, dashing towards her quickly. She sidestepped his attack, taking a swing at his arm using the flat side of her blade. He easily evaded her swipe. He continued running back and forth, making small slashes at her swords, trying to get them out of her grip. She feigned a move to her right, luring Astarion to her side. He looked confident, likely thinking that she had tripped. Tav waited for his signature twirling move he did with his daggers when he was sure he was going to hit something. That was when his grip was weakest. As soon as she saw the dagger flash, her foot came up to collide with his wrist, causing him to drop the small blade. He let out a small chuckle as he rubbed his hand and wrist.
“Oh darling, I didn’t want to have to do this to you.” He shook his head slightly, a playful smile on his lips.
“I’m sure I can take it, love.” She responded, keeping her voice as innocent as possible.
To her surprise, he placed his dagger back on his belt and started walking over towards her. He had a very serious, sultry look on his face. Tav felt herself smiling like a fool. She shook her head fondly, she knew exactly what he was doing.
Astarion stopped right in front of her, in a position where she could easily topple him over, but she decided to play along for a moment. He reached out and placed one hand on her hip, and the other on her cheek. She leaned into his touch a little, but also subtly moved her left leg to be in between his.
“Oh, look at you melting into my touch.” His voice was as sweet as honey. “I sometimes forget how devastatingly beautiful you can be when you’re fighting. The way your skin gleams, that…intense look in your eyes.”
“Boooo! Go back to fighting!” Karlach yelled from the sidelines, eliciting a laugh from the others.
Tav did not miss the fact that the hand by her hip had moved ever so slightly towards her sword’s hilt. But she felt Astarion relax slightly as he stroked her cheek. There it is, she thought to herself. She hooked her readily positioned leg around his and kicked it back hard. The look of surprise on his face was worth every second of his silly teasing. His legs flew out from under him, and he fell to the ground with a loud thump, seemingly knocking the wind out of him. Tav smiled and kneeled over him, pinning the hand still holding a dagger to the ground with her knee. She crossed the two shortswords over his neck. His smile widened – he was enjoying this.
“Nice try. Still dead.” Tav whispered. She gave him a quick kiss on his nose before standing back up. He took her outstretched hand, taking a small bow after he stood up. More cheers and laughter came from their companions.
“Well, my dear, we have to use all of our strengths after all.” He turned to go and sit next to the others.
She kept smiling as she watched him walk away, realizing that he may have suggested this entire spectacle to try and cheer her up. And it worked.
While she was staring after Astarion, Tav failed to notice that Lae’zel had made her way out of the small group to face her. She was a little surprised as the indifferent githyanki usually avoided their group activities. Tav smiled at her and gestured to the weapons off to the side.
“Which weapon, Lae’zel?” Tav asked.
“Pick what you would like, elf. It makes no difference to me.” Her tone was cool and steady.
“Very well.” Tav responded, her smile fading. She went back to her greatsword to match Lae’zel’s.
Lae’zel’s strength rivaled her own. She was cold and calculating in a fight and was not known for her mercy. The strange thing was that she didn’t seem to want any mercy either. Tav carefully took her place in front of Lae’zel, taking a moment to slow her breathing. They stood there staring each other down for a few moments, when Lae’zel finally lunged towards Tav.
Tav swung her blade up to catch Lae’zel’s first swing. The metal rang in the quiet air. They held their position, staring at each other through the crossed blades. Tav pushed Lae’zel away with a grunt. Lae’zel made a large, slashing swipe at Tav, causing her to jump back. Luckily, Lae’zel was caught a little off balance, giving Tav a chance to recover. She lunged at the githyanki, aiming a low blow with the flat side of her blade. Lae’zel was barely able to swing her sword back around to block her. Tav recovered quickly, bringing her blade back up to try and make a hit to loosen Lae’zel’s grip on her weapon. She lifted her hands at the last second to avoid the blow. They each aimed another powerful swing at the other, causing their blades to meet directly in front of them again. As they held their swords crossed at their faces, the muscles in their arms began to shake under the strain. Tav broke away suddenly in an attempt to force Lae’zel off balance again. She recovered quickly, but not before Tav was able to kick the side of Lae’zel’s thigh.
“Chk.” Lae’zel hissed toward Tav.
Tav immediately went in for another hit, this time aiming for her arm. Lae’zel parried her swing, bringing her own blade down on Tav. Tav was almost able to move out of the way, but the sword’s edge grazed her left arm, leaving a shallow gash. She winced in pain, almost losing grip on her sword, but her right hand maintained its hold. Tav did have to bend over slightly while trying to keep her balance and keep her weapon in her hand. Lae’zel was standing in front of her, sword held high, moving to strike. Tav kneeled at the last second, catching Lae’zel’s attack with her sword. The impact sending pain up her already injured arm. Her strength faltered slightly, and Lae’zel pressed her advantage. With Tav close to the ground, Lae’zel pushed all of her weight into her sword, causing Tav’s hand to slip slightly and slice across the edge of Lae’zel’s sword. The sight of blood running down Tav’s arm and their blades did not give Lae’zel any pause. She was starting to worry that Lae’zel wouldn’t let up even if she yielded or dropped her weapon. Tav took a couple of quick breaths and very quickly rolled out of the lunge she had trapped herself in. Lae’zel fell forward, almost hitting the ground, but used her sword to catch herself. Tav spun around with one leg, sweeping Lae’zel’s feet out from under her, causing her to land flat on her back.
Tav slowly stood up and walked over to her, holding her greatsword just over her throat in her uninjured hand.
“Dead.” Tav said. This time, there weren’t any laughs or cheers from her companions, just a few murmurs and awkward claps.
“Chk. Make it so then.” Lae’zel said up to her.
“That’s not how we do things here, Lae’zel.” Tav said, trying not to show how exhausted she was now. She dropped her sword to the side and offered Lae’zel her hand. She promptly refused and got up on her own. Tav gave a small nod and turned to walk away towards the rest of the camp. Suddenly, Astarion’s voice called out to her.
“Tav! Look out!”
His warning came just a moment too late as she felt a sharp pain across the back of her head, it brought tears to her eyes. Her vision swam momentarily, but she soon realized that Lae’zel had hit her with the pommel of her sword. She fell to one knee, trying to shake off the pain. It was barely a second later before Astarion and Karlach were standing over her. Karlach was pulling Lae’zel away from Tav as Astarion huddled over her protectively, daggers drawn. The others came running over right after. They managed to wrestle the large sword from Lae’zel’s hands.
“Kainyank!” Lae’zel growled at Tav. “We still carry ghaik parasites and yet you waste our day with this useless game!”
At this point, Tav had managed to stand back up. Astarion stepped forward so that he was slightly between her and Lae’zel.
“You stop to help every mewling istik we pass. We could have been here over a tenday ago if you would not insist on using us all to fulfill some hero’s purpose! You trust a ghaik with our lives, our futures!” Lae’zel let out a frustrated yell as she tore her arms away from Karlach and Wyll.
“You have no right to lead us. Your weakness will be the ruin of us all. I will have no part of it.” She moved towards Tav again, fists held up and ready to fight.
Unable to hold back her frustration any longer, Tav yelled and dove towards Lae’zel. She caught her right around the waist and tackled her to the ground. Lae’zel fought her, but Tav had the advantage. She was able to grapple Lae’zel into a chokehold of sorts.
“Stand down, Lae’zel!” She shouted.
Lae’zel struggled against her grip, scratching her long nails on Tav’s arms. She caught the small gash in her arm from earlier, causing Tav to cry out in pain. The cut on her hand was still bleeding and Tav felt Lae’zel starting to squirm free of her clutches, headbutting Tav in the process. She decided to let go, hoping she could roll out of the way before she took another hit to the head. But once she was free, Lae’zel simply rolled away from her.
She stood up and glared at Tav. With one final growl, she turned on her heels and stormed away from the group.
Astarion helped Tav to her feet as all eyes turned to her. Her head was pounding, she could feel blood running from her nose, and her vision was a little blurry. Although she couldn’t tell if her vision was struggling from the hits she took or the tears.
“I uh,” she stammered, still trying to fight off the dizzy feeling, “I think we should call it a day.”
Astarion gently wiped a trail of blood from her face with his sleeve.
“I think you need some healing, my dear.” He said gently.
“No I…” She could barely think straight. “I just want to go and clear my head. I’ll uh, I’ll be back soon.” She turned away before anyone could respond and started walking towards the trees at the edge of camp.
Astarion watched as Tav sulked off into the trees. She wouldn’t talk with anyone about it, but he knew she was starting to feel the weight of being their assigned leader. He couldn’t imagine that he helped with that, being one of the rowdy vagabonds she was trying to manage. He wanted to help her, really, he did, but he had no idea where to start. Everything was going so well today until the fight with Lae’zel. He didn’t think he had ever seen Tav laugh so much. A moment after she disappeared from his sight, he saw Halsin start to walk after her. For some reason, he felt a small spike of pain in his chest watching him follow her. He was relatively certain that Halsin wanted to be with Tav. It was obvious in the way he talked to her, how he hung on to her every word and watched her walk away for just a moment too long. He trusted Tav, but he still couldn’t help but feel a little upset at the two of them together alone. While he was hopelessly pining and fighting off waves of jealousy, Karlach had somehow managed to sneak up on him.
“Hey soldier…” She was trying to be quiet yet still managed to be the loudest person in the camp. “Maybe you should go and check on Tav. Since you two are…you know…”
Astarion shot her a look “What? Together?”
“Sure. I was gonna say ‘fucking’ but same thing really.” Karlach shrugged.
“Ugh must you be so vulgar?” Astarion said, rolling his eyes. “Besides we’re not…I mean we haven’t since…” He suddenly felt flustered. “It doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t even know what to say anyway. I’m not exactly skilled in the art of comforting others.” He looked up again to see Halsin disappearing into the trees.
“Aw come on, Fangs. I’ve really been rooting for you two. Besides, from what I gather from Tav, you’re very skilled at the art of– ” He shot her another look that cut her off abruptly, and she tried to hide a smile. “Sometimes all you need to do is be there, even if you don’t know what to say.” Karlach nudged him slightly with her elbow.
“Halsin will be able to help her much more than I could.” He responded, surprised by how sad admitting that made him. He shook off the feeling, and instead turned to where Lae’zel was standing near her tent.
“Besides…” He started, his temper rising, “I think maybe Lae’zel and I need to have a friendly little chat.”
“Fuck yes.” Karlach whispered under her breath, following closely behind Astarion.
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gumballavocadoharry · 5 months
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Estrangement 2:
*This is a continuation of the emotional trauma that Kaitlin is suffering from yn and Harry. Note that mentions and depictions of mental and emotional neglect are displayed here.*
I waited impatiently for that diploma to be mailed. When is that paper coming? It's been 2 weeks? I pondered to myself. I picked my dry lips, peeling off the important layers that brace me against a bloody sore lip from peeling off to much of the lip skin.
I heard the sound of a heavy vehicle pull up not too far from the house. I raced downstairs in hopes that the awaited piece of paper I desperately wanted to cherish would be here. I opened the front door where I was handed a large letter and package from the mail man. "Enjoy you're day miss." He said with friendly smile. "Thank you."
I went back inside and darted to my bedroom to see if this was it. It ended up being more than what I bargained for. My diploma and cap and gown came at the same time! I leaped out of my skin when I carefully opened the letter carrying my future job security ticket. I read it proudly, making sure not to miss a single word of my attainment. I excitedly took the black cap and gown that I sprung for eagerly and carefully pulled over my lavender shirt and blue stoned washed jeans. I gazed at myself in the mirror feeling an overwhelming sense of pride. I stood boldly in the mirror as my triumphant smile glistened through the empty pieces.
I knew only one person would want to see such an accomplish, so I called in Kira to my bedroom. She trailed in unsuspecting until she saw me in my graduate uniform. "Katie!" She gleamed before hugging my thigh. I picked her up and held her on my side as I took a picture of the two of us. The only two people who mattered in this very moment. I set my little sister down and continued with my boasting pride. I would be handed another degree, that would be framed and only attainable at the ceremony that I was desperate to attend. I pictured myself walking on stage after being handed my trophy in a brown framed picture case that was protecting the piece of paper inside. My lips stung as they formed a memorable smile. My eyes blinked back the tears forming in the corner of them as not to wet my gown with any salty waterfalls.
I constantly checked the school homepage to see the due date of my ceremony that was soon to come. This Friday. That was the day of one of the most important and meaningful events of my life. I had to be there. It was set.
"The ceremony starts at 5," I said beyond everyone's bedroom doors as I was already packing away my dress and cap and gown for tonight. Kira bounced up and down with excitement, as Kameron was coming out of his bedroom. "Five?" He questioned rubbing his eyes from his choice of dim lighting bedroom. I nodded firmly. "Yep, be ready." 
Mom and Dad stumbled out of their bedrooms looking emotionless as expected. On Kim's high school graduation, you should've seen them: cheering, clapping, whistling with their fingers to grasp her attention as she was handed her diploma. I admit I was deeply proud of my older sister as well, but it still stung that they were nothing like that for mine. As a matter of fact, one of the most painful memories I'll have is hearing Kylie's voice asking dad where he was going, only to swiftly turn from the stage for me to see him getting up and not coming back until another student was accepting his diploma.
Mom just stayed on her phone the whole time, partially confused as to what was going on around her. But I tired hard to shake that thought off. After all I was doing this for Kira to watch, otherwise I would be going to the ceremony myself. 
The time came when I was already dressed in my cap and gown and everyone shuffled themselves into the car. Dad was deliberately holding us up until Kylie who was coming out late as well, ushered him out. He begrudgingly settled himself into the car as if it was a waste of time, pulling time out of his busy schedule to do something that he hated to do so much. I shook my head at the two passengers sitting up front, one in the driver's seat and the other in the passengers. "Thanks Kylie." I whispered discreetly to which she replied with a smile and a wink.
We drove until we reached the Thomas Hall where the ceremony would take place. I leaped out of the car and ran to the auditorium where I was ushered to the backstage where all the other graduates were taking place. I grew anxious about what was to happen on stage. I would never want to embarrass myself while thousands of people looked on. I wanted to be proud of myself.
The school official came out onto the stage and started the ceremony. I stood dubiously as the speaker was announcing names and handing out diplomas. I glanced over in the audience to see Kira smiling in awe and Kristopher filming it on his phone. I smiled gently at them before turning back to the stage. In the corner of my eye, I could see dad sitting there impatiently with a surfeited look on his face. Mom was no better, gutsy rolling her eyes and checking her phone. 
Soon enough it was my turn to accept my diploma. I couldn't even turn to the audience to see my parents faces, I couldn't be bothered to look at such fallacious expressions as I was receiving something that meant a lot to me. "Miss Kaitlin Styles, a top of the class honor student who has written exceptional papers! We are all very proud of you here at Berklin's digital university!" The speaker said while looking from me to the audience of people clapping. I took my diploma and shook his hand before being invited to give a speech.
I cleared my throat and looked squarely into the audience, eyes focused on my family, especially Kira who was intent on hearing every word spoken. It was a fluke my parents were still in their seats, actually wanting to pay attention to the speech I was about to give.
I took a deep breath and spoke true words from the heart.
"First I'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for being here and for being given the chance to accept something very dear to me," I swallowed before speaking with determination.
"I want to thank only a few people who have personally been a consistent support system for me through this happy and challenging time. They were always there for me when I needed them the most and they have always been kind to me, even when I hadn't been the most kind to myself. The first person is my little sister Kira who is here today...she is actually a big reason why I am on this stage tonight. For her. Never underestimate the power of kindness and real love. Real love is attentive, kind, patient, considerate, strong and reasonable and it never falters due to a personality or a difficult situation...and I will forever be thankful to her for showing me that I was never alone in this world. The second person is my other younger sister Kylie who has been supplying me with little nudges to help for things to go my way, like tonight how she was able to usher everyone into the car for this special night," I chuckled along with the audience.
"She had always been a best friend to me and has never failed to show that type of compassion ever. I have learned important lessons from these ones...to not remember the ones who have turned away from you with a cold shoulder, but to remember the ones who did help you along the way." I stepped down and watched as everyone gave a standing ovation for me as I walked off the stage with tears streaming from my face. 
Kylie and Kira cried as I made my way around to their section, only to my parents looking almost ashamed. Their faces were red and anguished, yet they still clapped loudly as all eyes were on me making my way down to where the rest of the other graduates were. Kris, Kim and Kam clapped loudly too as they saw me exit the auditorium.
The frozen smile on my face spelled volumes. It wasn't about to go anywhere even when it attracted attention from the other graduates who chatted with me while I waited for the ceremony to be over. It finally ended with everyone getting their diplomas and celebrating. My family came and found me, with Kristopher giving me a side hug along with Kimberly and Kameron. Kylie ran to me with proud tears streaming down her face. She held Kira tightly in her arms as the both kissed my cheek with immense affection. 
I glanced with my peripheral vision towards my parents who were coming up to us. I wanted to excuse myself, maybe in a way of reprisal for how I was treated by them for years. But I didn't...today was a fresh start for me. "Kaitlin....we just wanted to congratulate you for a job well done." My dad sheepishly said, looking around everytime his eyes met mine. Mom put a silent hand on my shoulder, that I had no intention to rub off. I licked my lips before pursing them. "Thank you," I swallowed hard and sniffled. I forced a pursed smile and continued on with the with the afterparty. 
Later that night, when we came home, I went straight to my room and packed away my diploma and cap and gown. Of course there was no party at the house because my parents only seemed to show interest in me when their names weren't mentioned in my speech as people who were there for me. No surprise for me at least but I wasn't interested in a pity party for them after everything they've done. Nothing would change fate's design for me.
I got started packing things early, late into the night putting away my curtains, my laptop, my clothes. Then the items on my desk were being packaged nicely and put into the moving boxes along with my jewelry and perfume, dainty things that needed to be packed with special care. I made it on minimum sleep, and in the morning I finished where I had left off.
I had sealed a deal working for a blog that would pay a very decent amount and I was to start in two days so that meant I was leaving tonight. My mom walked past my room every now and then seeing more and more things being packed away. "Kaitlin....breakfast is ready." She said almost choking on her words, holding back a guilty conscience racked with tears of realization. "Oh thanks....but I think I'll pass." I knew I didn't have to say the last part, but it made my stomach turn seeing at how it took a graduation speech for them to finally reconfigure their choices as parents. A little too late for that now.
I barely even so much as glanced at my mother's face because I was so busy trying to pack up everything. I waited till she went downstairs to give Kira her goodbye gift. I knocked one last time on the oak colored door that separated Kira's bedroom from the hallway that was right across from Kameron's room. The door opened as I entered the princesses pink room decorated in butterflies and pastel rainbow stickers, the bed that held a pink glittery canopy over it and the yellow rug with a toy horse and fairy barbie dolls scattered across it. "Kira...I'm going to be leaving very soon as you know right?" She nodded, already gaining watery eyes and hung onto me a little tighter.
It broke me to see her about to cry as I was hasten to cry myself. I held her cheek in my hand softly. "I-I want you to have this so that way we'll always be close." A lump in my throat appeared that made me internally hyperventilate with sobs. "It's a reminder...t-that I-I'll always be your big sister." I hugged her tightly before finally give way to the sobs that were choking me. We both cried as the realization of what goodbye really meant. I gifted Kira my book of poems and even wrote a special story and poem for her in my last page. I pulled away and looked into her red glossy teary eyes. "This is for you to read at bedtime okay?" I sniffled, desperate to cry again.
"I love you Kaitlin," She hugged me again crying. "I love you too." I said with shaky voice that cried weakly into her arms. I pulled away one last time and walked back to my room. The white bedspread with orange flowers on it, the gray and purple covers that tucked me in every night and the earthy poster I had hanging on the wall above my bed were all packed and ready to go. All the pictures, desk, decorations that I personally hung with the mellow help of a towering Kristopher, were all taken down and packed in the brown moving boxes. Even the light switch cover that was customized for me was packed. Everything I owned was somewhere in a box.
I sniffled looking back one last time at my bedroom where I watched the sun rise, the sun set and the afternoon blue sky and blazing balmy sun that frowned down at the green grass and pink and yellow flowers that laced the front lawn in all it's glory.
I bit my lip and packed the last box before sealing it up and going downstairs to pull my car around. My family was at the table eating breakfast in a mundane silence. I pretended as if they weren't there and went to garage and pulled my car around to the front before going back inside, ready to fit some boxes into this CRV. I went back and fourth, putting boxes in my car and then shooting upstairs to get another one, then another one, then another....then none.
Everything was set. My parents were sitting on the couch while everyone else sat in the dining room, eye glued on my parents. I was nonplussed with what was going on when my parents ushered me to sit across from them.
Memories of the last conversation sitting across from my dad flooded my mind. The despondent thought was only an example of my ambition to leave. "Kate, we wanted to tell you that we're all going to miss you and that....." My mother started to cry. "You can stay if you want. You don't have to leave."
I compressed my lips together looking coldly into their eyes. "I don't think it's really up for debate now." I interrupted. My dad charged in. "Kaitlin....we do love you...and we admit we really messed up. We're sorry and we can try to make this right if we all work together-"
"Goodbye." I said getting up and started to walk away. Dad bolted after me and begged me not to go. "Katy please!" Dad allowed for tears to stream down his cheeks. "I know we can't give you that time back.....but...please allow us to make this better?" He choked. I looked at him, then mom and then towards everyone else before shaking my head. 
"Exactly. Time that was precious and worth spending every minute and effort and energy into me was never used. For a long time I had thought there was something wrong with me....like I was never meant to exist...but then I realized that circumstances and peoples actions are not your own, no matter how responsible someone tries to make you for them. You have not even begun to be parents to me, sure everyone else you were perfect...but not to me. So please, let me walk away and use the rest of my life to be happy....that is what you can do."
Dad let me go, somberly ceasing this fight. You can't fix what's broken all the time and sometimes walking away is part of starting over. It was time to let go....so I picked up my suitcases and walked to my car...and then driving off to something better.
My life. My fresh start.
Hope you guys really liked this angst story!!! Sorry if it's not as good as the first part!!!
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thes0lstice · 1 year
Surprise! (Movie!Cole x reader)
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Summary: (Y/N) is a soldier in the army and comes home to surprise her boyfriend, Cole, and their friends. But he has a surprise for her too.
Warnings: Fluff?
(Y/N) = your name
(Y/M/N) = your middle name
(Y/L/N) = your last name
(C/P/N) = college president name
(P/N) = professor name
(Also! This is a college AU! Cole and the other ninja are ordinary and all go to college together while (Y/N) wanted to go into the Army. Also I apologize if I get anything wrong! Please feel free to correct me politely!)
11 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, and 13 minutes I have been away from home. But now I’m back for awhile. We were allowed to go home and I couldn’t be happier. I had called Cole and told him I couldn’t come home just yet, but that wasn’t the case. I wanted to surprise him. We’ve been dating since sophomore year of high school and he and the others are now in their senior year of college! I had called our friend, Zane, and we planned out my coming home surprise. He had talked to his professor and the president of the college and they were excited to help. I had gotten a taxi and it dropped me off at the college. I walked into the main building and smiled at the college president. She smiled back at me and led me to where Cole and the others were in class. I smoothed out my uniform and fixed my posture as we approached the door.
“Wait here. I’ll call you in.” The college president smiled at me. I nodded at her and she opened the door and walked into the classroom.
“Ah, Mrs (C/P/N). What a nice surprise.” (P/N) greeted.
“I apologize if I’m interrupting, but I need to speak with your class.” (C/P/N) said.
“Of course.” (P/N) gestured to his class. (C/P/N) nodded at him and turned to stare at everyone. I peeked through the doors window and smiled when I spotted Cole and our friends. They were sitting in the very back and seemed half interested in what (C/P/N) had to say. Well, Zane, Lloyd, Nya, and Jay were interested while Cole and Kai didn’t seem that interested.
“It has come to my attention that one of you has been breaking some of the rules I’ve set. Mr. Brookstone.” (C/P/N) called Cole out, making the class ooh him teasingly. I covered my mouth to stifle my laugh at his shocked expression.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mrs. President.” Cole said, confused.
“I think you do, Mr. Brookstone. I have called someone here to take care of you. Leave your things with your friends, you’ll be leaving the campus immediately.” (C/P/N) informed.
“What?” Cole asked in disbelief.
“He’s in here. Come on in.” (C/P/N) called to me. I smiled as I opened the door and walked in. Gasps rang out throughout the class and I laughed at Cole’s and the others shocked faces.
“(Y/N)!” Cole shouted, jumping out of his seat and running to me. I laughed as he picked me up and spun me around, the class cheering and clapping around us. He set me down and immediately cupped my face, kissing me passionately. We eventually pulled away and rested our foreheads against each other, our arms wrapped around each other. “I thought you said you couldn’t make it.” Cole said, staring into my eyes.
“I might’ve lied about that so I could surprise you.” I smiled. Cole breathed out a laugh and kissed my forehead before pulling back to stare at me. A throat cleared and we turned to Zane, who was sending Cole a look.
“What?” Cole questioned him before his eyes widened. “You knew! That’s why you told me to bring it!” He realized. I glanced between them with a confused look.
“Bring what?” I questioned. Cole took a deep breath and stepped away from me. “Cole?” I questioned only for my eyes to widen when he got down on one knee and pulled something out of his pocket. My hands flew to cover my mouth as tears sprung to my eyes as he opened the little box to reveal a beautiful ring.
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), you have made me the happiest I have ever been in my life. You’ve made me laugh and smile, as you are the only one I will laugh and smile for. You’ve made me love, as you are the only one that I have and will ever love. You’ve made me dream, because us being together feels like a dream. I know it’s taken me awhile to do this, but I’m ready now. (Y/N), will you make my life compete and marry me?” Cole asked.
“Yes!” I gasped out, throwing my arms around him. I felt Cole relax as his arms wrapped around me and held me to him, everyone cheering around us. We eventually pulled back to stand up and Cole slipped the ring onto my finger. We kissed again before going back to holding each other with smiles on our faces. “I love you.” I whispered in Cole’s ear.
“I love you too.” He whispered back.
The ring-
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box-of-roses · 9 months
༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ Testing, Testing◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Characters: Bokuto, Y/N
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Warnings: Profanity, Light Hurt/Comfort
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Synopsis: You’re best friend is also your Music Director and both of you are pining over the other. Who will confess first though?
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Words: 2K
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The lights dimmed as Y/N stood in the center of the stage guitar in their hands. “You got this Y/N!” A smile crept onto their lips hearing the ever so familiar voice of their best friend. “2…3…4…Kill…it…go.” They lifted their head and leaned into the mic as they started strumming.
“You’re all I need? That’s all you have to say to me! You’re all I want? What you wanted wasn’t enough! Kiss my boot, that's all you’re gonna get from me!” They stepped away from the mic a little bit and nodded towards their drummer, quieting down to let the other person be heard more.
“Get…it!” The metronome and helpful voice chided off in your ear. “Verse…2..3..4”
“Who’s sorry now? Cause it sure as hell ain’t me. I’m on stage having fans cheer for me. Where are you now? Cause it sure as hell ain’t with me. He’s all you’ll never be!” It’s a good thing their best friend hasn’t put together that the subject of the song is him. Because he is all that their ex could never be and so, so much more. He’s the one who gets to see you perform, he’s the one who holds you when you cry, he’s the one who wishes you goodnight. He’s the one who has your heart.
“On…fire!” There he is, the one who captured their heart. Maybe after a couple more runs of the song he’ll figure it out. For now though Y/N had a show to finish and they weren’t going to disappoint.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
After the show was finished Y/N was a little sweaty and very exhausted but still had more work to do. After all there was a fan meet and greet. “Hi! Good evening! Did you enjoy the show?” They asked as two girls walked up smiling widely at them.
“It was awesome!” She clapped her hands as her excitement grew. “We know you’ve never said it before but who’s the song about?” Y/N smiled and shook their head.
“I’m the only one who needs to worry about that. It’ll stay a secret till he figures out it’s him.” They put a finger up to their lip and made a shushing sound. “To let you in on a little secret though, he’s a little dense so maybe there’ll be a special edition coming out soon.” They winked and the girls were absolutely giddy about being in on a special release. The meet and greet was only two and a half hours though so the girls quickly took their picture and left.
Everyone was really nice throughout, which was expected but still. It was nice to know there weren’t any weirdos. Maybe they spoke too soon though as they saw a familiar head of hair on the last person in line. Bokuto Kotaro, their best friend, their crush, their weirdo. “Y/NNNN!!!!! You did so good!!!” He hugged them and they rolled their eyes hoping no one caught the blush or goofy smile that accompanied it.
“Ko, we’re both still technically at work. So come get your picture and then out.” As much as they enjoyed seeing him they didn’t want too many rumors to spiral again after the last incident. They had sat on their couch for months because someone saw them out and thought they were dating and Bokuto replied to say they were just friends.
“But Y/N!” He deflated a little bit and pouted.
“No, buts! I’ll see you when I get home. You know the drill.” He nodded and smiled again to get his picture before moving along so Y/N could get home faster. Home for this week was a nice hotel far enough away from the venue that people wouldn’t follow them easily but not far enough away that it was necessary to leave 3 hours earlier than normal.
Soon enough Y/N was back at the hotel and after a quick shower was ready to give Bokuto their full attention. “Finally! I was so bored Y/N!” He has started pouting again but they quickly put a stop to it by placing his head in their lap and running their fingers through his hair.
“You know how it is Meet ‘N Greet night Ko.”
“I still can’t believe you haven’t told me who your song’s about.” He huffs but can’t stand to be mad at them. How could he? It’s not their fault he was in love with them and the thought of them finding someone else to spend their time with or even worse already having found that person was distressing. He wants Y/N to be happy of course but the hurt that Y/N might not love him was enough for him to be upset every time he heard the song.
“Now I know that look, what’s wrong Ko?” They looked down, clear concern in their eyes. Bokuto’s saving grace was that they were still wearing the necklace he gave them. Nothing too flashy, just a simple heart.
“I just missed you.”
“You were literally talking to me the entire show.”
“Not the same thing. You weren’t able to reply.” Their reply was the song. The song where they basically professed their love to him. If only he got it. Maybe he did. Maybe he just didn’t want to hurt them by not reciprocating their feelings.
Bokuto sat up abruptly and turned to face Y/N. He cupped their face and leaned his forehead against theirs. “Now you're the one that’s sad. What’s wrong Y/N?” They leaned into the touch they craved so much and smiled.
“Nothing Ko, it’s getting late and we have a plane to catch in the morning. We finally get to go home, I love being on tour but I’ve missed my bed.” They laughed and stood up. “Now, let’s get you ready for bed mister.” They held out their hand and led him to the bathroom. He sat down on the toilet and closed his eyes already knowing what was coming. His favorite part of the night.
They calmly applied the face cream to his face. It was their favorite part of the night too. They got to enjoy the peace of his face in a quiet secluded place. A safe place. Here it was alright that they were in love with their best friend. Here it was alright if he didn’t love them back. Because here they could pretend. “I’m gonna pat your face to get the cream off now. Don’t fall asleep on me yet Ko, I’ve still got to put on some moisturizer.” He hummed, clearly falling asleep at the gentle hands patting his face. Bokuto frowned when the actions stopped and that made Y/N chuckle. “Come on sleepy, let’s get you to bed.” They turned over their hand and held it out, Bokuto’s face heated up and his brow furrowed.
“Sleep already? I thought we were gonna talk?” His head tilted to the side and a piece of hair fell in front of his eyes. Before he could move it though soft skin gently pushed it back up. Their smile was gentle, their eyes filled with love and face heating up.
“We can’t talk tonight silly. You’re too sleepy to even keep your eyes open.” They leaned down a bit, their face coming much closer to his.
“Obviously that’s gonna happen when you play with my hair.” He was pouting again as his eyes drooped. It wasn’t his fault their nails felt so good against his head.
“We can talk in the morning while I get ready.”
“We’re going to the airport.”
“And? People will see me and I’ll let you hold my hand if we can go to sleep now.” His face lit up at that. Getting to hold hands with the love of his life? Sign him up right now. One more concert in their home city and then he could have their undivided attention for a few months before inspiration stuck again. The smiles on their faces were growing as Y/N grabbed Bokuto’s hand, rough calluses touching warm skin. They pulled him back into the room, they laughed and fell back onto one of the beds as Bokuto followed them.
“You’re so silly.” They kissed his forehead and held his head to their chest returning to combing their fingers through his soft hair again.
“I don’t want to move back to my bed, I’m comfy right here.” Y/N rolled their eyes.
“Either way we’ll have to move to get under the covers. Might as well move now if you’re wanting to cuddle.” Seriously? Cuddling the love of their life? This wasn’t going to help either person’s predicament. The only thing that could would be if they actually talked to each other. One might say they’re always talking, another would point out that talking about random things and about how you felt about each other were two entirely different situations.
Spending the night in Bokuto’s arms sounded lovely. They’ve done it before, falling asleep during a movie and waking up in the morning to see the other curled up against them and arms wrapped around the other. Like a hug but much closer. Of course those mornings always sounded awkward but it was more comfortable than anything, the warmth of the sun slowly waking them up and hands held up to block the sun from the other’s face. Sleeping together never happened on purpose, it was always an accident of one of them falling asleep and the other following soon behind.
This meant a lot to both of them, in similar but different ways. So began the slow shuffling of getting under the covers and arms gently cradling the other person. Shapes being made on skin, soft breath hitting cheeks, and hearts sounding off rapidly. The more Y/N thought about it a public confession didn’t sound right. A confession didn’t make them sick when they thought of it in moments like this when the world is quiet and their breathing is in sync. Not now. Bokuto’s eyes were struggling to stay open even as Y/N kept his attention with their eyes looking around his face like they wanted to remember exactly how he looked in this minute. With that contentment his eyes finally slipped shut and they faded off into the calm.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
When the alarm went off both of them groaned as Y/N rolled over to try and snooze it. “I don’t wanna get up, I’m comfy right where I am.” They frowned and sighed. Nine more minutes couldn’t hurt.
“Don’t leave yet!”
“I’m not, I’m not. I hit snooze. We have nine more minutes.” They closed their eyes and rested their head against Bokuto’s chest again. He hoped that they couldn’t feel his heart hammering in his chest. He reached up and gently rested his hand on the back of their head. “Ko? Can we talk?”
“Serious sit up talk?”
“Serious, yes. Sit up, no. Because I don’t want to get up. Can we stay like this?”
“Of course.” His brow furrowed and he frowned a bit as he grew concerned. It can’t be too serious otherwise Y/N would have them sit up. “What do you need to talk about? I’m right here, always.”
“I think I’m in love with you.” They squeezed their eyes closed and held their breath. Bokuto’s breath was also caught in his throat as his face heated up.
“I’m in love with you Bokuto Kotaro.” Good news at least was he didn’t seem immediately disgusted. Bad news he still hadn’t really replied. “Will you say something?” They finally looked up at him, the love in his eyes evident.
“I love you too Y/N. I’ve been in love with you for a while honestly, probably since the day you saved me.”
“I didn’t save you.” They rolled their eyes before realizing what he said. “You love me? You really love me? Not just saying it because I did?” He moved his hands to cup their face and he looked at them seriously.
“L/N Y/N I have been in love with you for so long I don’t remember what it’s like not to love you. Loving you feels like breathing.”
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The first time I’ve written for this boy so I hope you liked it. :) my requests are open currently and if you want another part of how their relationship is now that they confessed just ask :D !
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masonmiamor · 2 years
Officially - - Mason Mount x reader.
pt.2 to surprise surprise!
currently accepting requests!
“She’s your girlfriend? Mason why the fuck would you hide this precious angel from us?” his mother rambled making you blush. She laughed before attacking you into a warm hug.
“Sweetheart! She's gorgeous Mason! I was so confused as to why you had a key, knew his house from the back of your hand, knowing some of the stories we told already,” she told you, making you chuckle. “I knew!” Lewis chirped, making Mason send him daggers.
“What? And you didn’t… nevermind. How long have you two been together?” she asked, looking at the two of you now wrapped in each other’s arms. “7 months in a week,” Mason confirmed, kissing your cheek when you looked at him surprised.
“Geez! 7 months? And you never told us her name, even yet showed us what she looked like. Me and Tony were starting to think you were going crazy and made up an imaginary friend” she joked, making you laugh hard and cover your mouth.
“Mom!” Mason said embarrassed, a tint of blush covering his cheeks.
“Well Y/n that was a surprise, an amazing surprise! We felt so comfortable and free talking to you. Too bad you’re stuck with this one, he can be a handful and goofy at times,” Tony said, patting your boyfriend's chest.
“What is it with everyone laughing and coming at me?” He complained. “We just love you, that’s all,” you said looking at his brown eyes glimmering. “I love you…” he whispered only so you could hear.
“Mason! Come on, we have to warm up!” a teammate urged. He hugged everyone goodbye and gave you a kiss, to which everyone cheered and oohed. “Goodluck I love you.”
His sister came towards you with her daughter and husband. “Hi it’s nice to meet you love, I'm Jasmine, this is Sam my husband and my daughter Summer,” you shook hands and greeted back in respect, looking at the little girl who hid in her fathers neck.
You tickled her back and ribs making her giggle, “Hi Summer, Uncle Masey talks a lot of you, you’re so pretty sweetheart!” you cooed. She motioned to carry her which surprised both you and the couple. You rocked her and looked up to them, “She loves you already. Let’s sit, we can catch up and meet each other,” she offered, to which you agreed.
After the successful game, Jaz left shortly as Summer fell asleep. You got to know everyone quite well, they wanted to know more of you. You explained you’re in your last year at uni, the passion you have for painting and gardening. And a little of your family, how you’re closer to your cousins when they visit.
“If you’d like to go down and see him, go ahead. We’re gonna wait in the parking lot,” Tony said while putting on his coat. You said goodbye to Debbie who took a selfie of the three of you. You promised to meet them out there with Mason.
After showing your badge to the multiple security guards you stood by the field watching as Mason clapped and thanked the fans. When he spotted you he ran and picked you up. Your legs wrapped around his torso hugging him tight. “God I missed you,” he mumbled.
Once he set you down he wasted no time and grabbed your cheeks, smashing his lips onto yours. The passion and fierceness taking our breath away. Not caring about the fans behind you. “Hi… congratulations handsome,” you whispered and rested your forehead against his. A media team offered to photograph both of you, to which you agreed. “We need it for our memory box,” Mason replied after.
Ah the memory box. Filled with loads of pictures from your polaroid camera, from the photo booth that held your first kiss, the wristbands from a concert, small notes he left when leaving for training, even a small origami heart you made and left in his training bag. So much stuff.
After waiting for him below the stands, you saw him appear in a black hoodie and green cargo pants. The black training bag in his left hand, the other carrying his phone and small headphone cases. He looked good, the cargos pointing out and defining the look a bit more.
When meeting his parents and Lewis outside, they settled having dinner at a nearby Italian place. In the car, you both sang music from the playlist you had made. Him grabbing your hands and kissing your knuckles. Such a simple yet intimate touch.
After being seated he grabbed your attention toward his phone. “Can I post it?” he asked nervously. This was a topic that frequently came up, you were scared of the backlash and how people would react. After today you didn’t care, all that mattered was that now you met and got along with his family.
“Yes. You can post it, only if I can post this one,” you showed him the one Lewis secretly took when he confirmed the months of your relationship, him looking at you in full admiration.
“Yes I look good in that,” he teased, narrowing your eyes, “You always look good, why lie?”
“So is this us making it public… officially?” he asked anxiously, biting his nails. You grabbed his hands and repeated what he’d done in the car, kissing over his knuckles and replied.
“It’s official Masey.”
yourusername added to their insta stories!
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forgetmyreality · 2 years
Phantom of the House of Dragons. Chapter 1:
Phantom of the House Targaryen 
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Aemond Targaryen x Reader, Lucerys Velaryon x reader 
Summary: Mashup between House of the Dragon and Phantom of the Opera, Aemond as the Phantom/Eric, Luce as Raoul and our darling reader as Christine. With 2 different endings, one for each lover man. 
Warning: typical cannon violence and warnings in both fandoms, potential smut in later parts 
A/N: English isn't my first language and it's not edited. Please let me know what you think and where you would like to see this go?
Chapter One: Angel of Music
The Opera House of Dragons was the most popular opera house of the time. Spectacular shows of love, romantics, tragedies and comedies alike. Everyone knew the name and vied to even be in the building let alone see a show. But there was a hidden secret whispered among the people… that it was haunted by a ghost, the phantom of the opera, he was known as. 
During a rehearsal of the current show the manager, Lefevre interrupted “Ladies and gentlemen,- may I have your attention, please?” the cast stops and circles around him “As you know, for some weeks there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true and... it is my pleasure to introduce to you the two gentlemen who now own the House of Dragons: Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Gilles Andre. I'm sure you've read of their recent fortune in the junk business” Lefevre held his hand in the direction of two older looking men. Both were dressed as wealthy businessmen. One was short with balding gray hair and a lecherous look on his face and the other was taller and even taller hair, spiked to a point and a pompous look etched into his features . 
“Scrap metal, actually” Firmin -the shorter man of the two- jutted out “And we're deeply honoured to introduce our new patron,.. ” he spoke louder to the group of the now gathered cast.
The remaining owner with the mustache piped up, shouting over and interrupting his colleague in excitement “The Prince Lucerys Velaryon!!!” and the crowd cheered, loud claps heard all over the halls. As all attention was moved to the Prince. He had a lithe but strong build, curly chocolate brown hair styled to perfection and plump lips, but the real show stopper was his beautiful brown eyes, so deep someone could get lost in them. Screams of bravo and salutations shook the room to let the Prince know he was welcome. 
Unbeknownst to him his childhood friend and crush, Y/N Daae, only stood a few feet from him.
“Its Luc” Y/N she said under her breath as to not be heard but the others. She whispered to her friend Haelena, who stood by her side “Before my father died... at the castle by the sea... you could say we were childhood sweethearts... He called me “his little dragon””. She whispered to her friend Meg, who stood by her side watching the scene unfold and seeing Y/n eye’s light up. 
“Oh Y/N he is so handsome” she whispered back 
The Prince’s words interrupted the private conversation while he addressed the group “My parents and I are honoured to support all the arts, especially the world renowned Opera House of Dragons”. He looked around the audience. “I believe I'm keeping you for your rehearsal. I will be here this evening to share your great triumph” and with those parting words he exited the stage passing by Y/N in a hurry.
“He would not recognize me” she whispered again to Haelena ”we were but children at the time.” Haelena could see the sadness in her eyes and watched Y/N’s shoulders slump. 
“He didn't see you” she said softly in order to cheer her friend up and they exchanged a soft smile.
Madame Alicent entered their view followed by the new owners, ushering the chorus girls to start dancing, so Haelena and Y/n took their places in the line up. They eased into the flowing dance, matching the rhythm of the music and the others. 
Alicent led them around the dancers “We take a particular pride here in the excellence of our ballets, Monsieurs” 
“I see why” he lechery pointed as Haelena “especially that little white haired angel”
“My daughter, Haelena, Monsieur” 
“And that exceptional beauty? No relation, I trust?” the taller owner spoke, proud of himself for the jab”
“Y/N Daae. Promising talent. Monsieurs, very promising” Alicent said in a very proud way
“Daae, did you say? No relation to the famous dragon dreamer?” he looked questionably at Alicent as he fiddled with his mustache.
“His only child... orphaned at seven when she came to live and train in the ballet dormitories…” 
Almost salivating Firmin utters out “An orphan you say?” 
“I think of her as a daughter also. Gentlemen, if you would kindly stand to one side?” as the dancers moved towards the area in which they stood. And the chorus picks up with our leading diva, Carlotta headed to the center, visibly irritated with the lack of attention from the new managers who were gawking at the dancing girls. 
After almost screaming her final note she spats loudly “I hope the prince is excited by dancing, girls as your new managers... because I will not be singing!!!” and glared at the pair, Andre and Firmin look at eachother panic on their faces and carlotta starts to storm off. 
The new managers turn their panicked faces towards Alicent and the previous manager who still lingered
“Grovel” they say in unison “grovel”
Andre and Firmin dash across the stage.
“Signora please” Andre pleads
Carlotta raises her hand in a shoo-ing manner “see you later because I'm going now! It is finished” she yells dramatically 
“World renowned artist and great beauty…” Firmin attempted to save the situation  
Carlotta slows down.
“Principessa! Bella diva…” she smirks at his words, adoring the attention 
Adnre turns to the Monsieur Lefevre “... isn't there a rather marvelous aria for Elissa in Act Three of Hannibal? Perhaps the Bella…”
Firmin interrupts with “as a personal favour if you would oblige us with a private rendition? Unless, of course, Monsieur Reyer objects…”  he looked back to Reyer, the old Maestro. 
“If my managers command” Carlotta won over by their flattering words 
“as My diva commands” Firmin bows his head, ushering her back to center stage. 
Carlotta whips her head to the conductor “Maestro”.
The cleaners could be seen putting earplugs in as preparation for the private showing” Carlotta clears her throat and belts out “Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while - please promise me you'll try”
Suddenly a scream was heard as the room noticed the falling of a backdrop, but it was too late to save the diva, she was knocked to the ground. The Cast rushing to her “lift it up, lift it up” was heard under the set piece. Finally free, dusting off her gown and her entourage starting to comfort her.
Andre rushed over “Signora, please... These things do happen…” 
she glared at Lefevre menacingly “For the past years these things do happen and do you stop them from happening? No!” then whips her rage to Andre and Firmin and with a threatening point “and you two - you’re as bad as him. ”These things do happen!“ Ma... until you stop these things from happening,” pointing between herself and the stage “this thing does not happen! Bye-bye and ciao. Now you see, I’m really leaving.” drawing even more attention to herself. Then silence except the clicking of her shoes as she stormed out. 
Both Andre and Firmin were frozen in their place, scared for their now questionable success. Madame Alicent came up behind them holding a white envelope, a broken red wax skull seal. “I have a message from the opera ghost” 
“Oh God in heaven, you're all obsessed!” Firmin yelled
Alicent not acknowledging is protest “He welcomes you to his opera house-
“His opera house?” Firmin said even more angrily 
“- and commands that you continue to leave Box Five empty for his use” pointing to the viewing box.
Firmin places his hand on his face in stress “obviously we shall now have to cancel as it appears we have lost our star!”
“Yeah, but surely there should be an understudy” Andre pleads 
“Understudy? There is no understudy for La Carlotta” Reyer, the maestro interjects 
Alicent moves back to stand in front of the dancers they were watching before “Y/N Daae could sing it, sir.”
All attention turns to Y/n who was stretching her leg. The new attention prompted her to stand
“What, a chorus girl? Don't be silly” 
“She has been taking lessons from a great teacher.” Alicent protests
Y/N looks nervously between Alicent and the managers. 
“Who?” Firmin straightens his tie regain his composure
Y/n hesitates “I don't know his name, Monsieur.”  Alicent looks knowingly at Y/N.
“Let her sing for you, monsieur. She has been well taught.”
“All right.” Andre, the more positive of the two managers said “come on, don't be shy... Come on. Come along. Just, just…” moving her to the center of the stage.
Then the conductor taped his baton against the music stand, cleared his throat “from the top then mam’selle”
Everyone watches as Christine cautiously moves to the center of the stage.
“Andre, this is doing nothing for my nerves.” Firmin whispered over his shoulder at Andre, who shook his head in response. 
Then Reyer started the orchestra to the same song Carlotta had sung earlier but the reactions of the crew were completely different. 
“Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye” Y/n started slowly “Remember me once in a while - please promise me you'll try.” She looked back at the managers hopefully. “When you find that, once again, you long to take your heart back and be free if you ever find a moment to spare a thought for me…” everyone slowly stops their actions to stare as Y/N lovingly, seemingly entranced by her voice. Y/N voice was definitely well trained. 
“Shes angel” Andre whisper
“We found our star” Firmin responded. 
“We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea - but if you can still remember stop and think of me…” Y/n continued. Unknown to her 2 sets of eyes watched her from afar. 
One familiar pair, those of her childhood sweetheart, Prince Lucarys, “Can it be? Can it be Y/N” he said to himself as he watched her sing. His heart picked up in rhythm, old memories of their love flowed back. The flames of his love reigniting. 
The other, possessed only one eye, which was more sinister, more possessive of HIS Y/N. The owner of the lavender eye hidden from view, masked by the rafters, clouded in shadows, also listened to her lyrics, not that he hasn't heard her voice before. He needed his passion to be known by her, to be adored by her. He can not have this unwanted suitor stealing her from him. 
She. is. His.
Part 2
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candy8448 · 4 months
Physics paper 2 (final exam!!!)
Gcse rambles
Our school let us come in after break time if we didnt do geography so i got to lay in 3 extra hours (i had fallen asleep at 6pm last night, woke at 2am, slept again at 4am and woke again at 6am 0.0) and i walked to school.
Because i wouldnt be able to get the dinner ladies to sign my shirt or notebook cuz they wouldnt be in school after school, i got them to sign my notebook and they all thanked me for involving them all in this becausd nobody else had asled them (we couldnt sogn shirts just yet cuz we couldnt take them into the exam woth writing on)
There is a cleaner in the school who is really nice and she is so sweet and i made her a card but the past two or so weeks she was nowhere to be seen and im so sad i couldnt give it to her, or get her to sign my shirt or notebook
The exam honestly was just a blur because i was too excited to get to signing sjirts that i dont remember anything
Anyways right after we ran outside and they had hired an icecream truck!! And they paid for each of us to have a free icecream!! And we went around signing shirts and it was fun and all (this is my favorite "tradition" that we do in school, i had come PREPARED with all of the colours and a pouch to carry them all in that my grandma made like almost 2 years ago)
One of the history teachers signed my shirt and i noticed he had a prigress pride pin which was tiny, but as i walked away, i said "nice pin" and he looked kinda bamboozled and a bit embarased as i quickly scrambled away. Later i found out from my friends who were actually taught bt him that he has two lesbian daughters! So that's really nice to know, that's a great thing for him to do, that's so nice and sweet!!
Then we had a leavers assembly where they gave out prizes apointed by each teacher of each subject (i didnt get one :( ) and one girl got a special prize for attendance. She only missed HALF A DAY in the PAST 5 YEARS?!?!? HOW??!?!? everyone was shocked cuz we would all go insane, they gave her a £40 voucher and a massive art folder with art supplies because she is going to do art in college and honestly she deserves it cuz that is crazy!
One of my friend got a gift bag (one of the prizes) and another friend gave him another so he had 3 so i half begged/asked him to give me one and he gave me one with a plant sprout which coincidentally my sister is obssesed with house plants
The rewards were so fun, usually uts jut mediokre claps but this time there was full cheers, claps, celebrations, and it was so loud and fun and great
They gave us free copies of our whole year group photo and tutor group photos which was really cool of them, and my tutor gave us all in our tutor group a photo of our tutor in year 7 (aww) with a message on it. It was super sweet cuz she was the best, she joined the school the same year we had but in yr 10 we couldnt have her as a tutor and half way thru year 11 they gave us a maths teacher to teach us maths in the mornings instead, but my tutor was my safe-space and i could go to her for my problems and home situations and she was the best. I started tearing up when i gave her a hug good-bye.
I wanted to get my drama teacher's sign but she had already left since we had gone an hour after school time :(
I took last minute selfies with all the friends who i talk to less but are still like best friends and such, one of them wrote his phone number on my shirt since i didnt have it yet (I messeged him when i got home) and it was honestly sad seeing the hall emptying.
In year 7 they told us "in the year 2024 you guys will be leaving us, isnt that crazy" and it felt like forever away, it started feeling like this would never end and even until the last week, while i knew it was going to end factually, i still hadn't processed what that actually meant, i still dont hink ive processed that i will never come back again, and that is crazy!
Me and my friend since when i moved down here in year 2 stayed behind to take photos of the school building, and we started walking to the bus stop and it was all sentimental. This was the only time ever where i didn't want to go to school.
Its crazy how my best friend since year 2 is continuing with me into the same college. Im glad.
Its sad ill probably lose contact with many of my friends. As much as we say we will stay in contact, its hard, ive not been in contact with my primary school friends and we stopped contact with my yr 8 friend so close after she moved away. Its really sad tbh. I will miss them
Our leaver's hoodies were apparently delayed to we will be invited one last time to collect them. I wont be able to be there for results day so im glad i have one more chance
Anyway, here are some memes, im going to make a seperate post with my entire gcse slander compilation very very very soon, keep an eye on my blog!
Enjoy your summer! We've all deserved it!
And it felt like it would never end and that this would be our whole lives, and it was hell most of the time, but goodbye secondary school!
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Jamie Hayter Birthday Crush (female)
Special Request and idea: @wreslingaddicttt
Happy Belated Birthday!
Jamie Hayter POV
“10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1!” I cheer and clap with some of my closest friends Brit Baker, Sky Blue, Kiera Hogan, and Willow. It’s officially July 28 12:01 am and we are here in a random club in the middle of Boston (because that’s where Dynamite was at this week) to celebrate our friends and best makeup artist at AEW Sasha’s birthday. I watch as the other girls hug Sasha. They are just friends I remind myself. I have no right to be jealous, Sasha is only just my friend too. I am the last one to hug her as I wrap my arms around her. I feel my whole body warm up and my skin that touches her tingles. The club is loud and pack and even though we are right next to each other I have to yell “Happy Birthday,” in her ear. Sasha lightly plays with my hair, something she always does (and only with me. She’s the reason why I always wear my hair down) before we step back from each other. Our group clinks our glasses together, before Sasha screams “let's dance.”
I stay back to watch our drinks. At least that’s what I tell everyone. In reality I don’t think I can handle being that close to Sasha on a crowded dance floor, without touching her. I imagine pulling her into me, grabbing her hips, maybe Sasha would gasp, with her lips slightly parted, it would be so easy to press mine against hers. My mind is racing, and I need to calm myself down. In between deep breaths I slip my drink.
When I returned from my shoulder injury. I could’t even focus or care about what my makeup would look like for my first match back. I sat down in the chair; I looked up from my phone to tell whoever to just go with whatever they like. My mouth turned to mush when Sasha appeared in front of me. She was so beautiful; it took me a whole minute to introduce myself. When she was working on my makeup I couldn’t really talk, it was the first time in my life I felt intimidated. Thank God I was able to shake myself out of it and become friends with. Last week I found out she was interested in men and women. And know I was waiting for the perfect time to ask her out.
I have calmed down enough to find Sasha on the dance floor. It's easy to find her. Her braids are perfect and look extra cute swinging around her. Sasha is wearing a crop shirt that shows off her smooth black skin. A random dude steps in front of her and partially blocks my view. It's not a big deal until I see him trying to grind on her. I try to tell myself that Sasha is a grown woman. If she doesn’t want to dance with him, she will tell him to get lost. But Im already by her side by the time Im done thinking that.
Sasha grins when she shes me, not even noticing the random hands on her anymore. The random guy sees that his target isn’t interested and moves on. “YAY!” Sasha steps closer to me. “Ive been waiting for you.” I want to ask her if that’s really true. But before I can Sasha grabs my hips and pulls me closer to her. I can't stop myself from gasping. Sasha licks her lips as my lips part and then kisses me. My body freezes in complete surprise. She pulls away “Im sorry I must have been making up signals in my head. Can we just forget this and still be friends?”
“NO.” I yell so loud, others on the dance floor I look over at me.
Sasha face falls, “I understa..”
I cut her off. “No, I mean I don’t want to be friends. I want to be so much more than that.” I quickly re-close the space between us and pull her into a deep kiss. As I slip my tongue into her mouth, I hear our friends cheer and Willow shouting out ‘finally.”
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
Shining Hearts Chapter 16 ~ The True Fairest One
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Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2 |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |
Chapter 6 |  Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9  | Chapter 10 |
Chapter 11 |  Chapter 12  |  Chapter 13  | Chapter 14  | Chapter 15
Chapter Summary: The Vocal and Dance Championship finally comes to a conclusion and the winners are announced. With plenty of heartache along with triumph. Be sure to read the A/N at the end of the chapter.
A/N: Thank you all for your patience with me as I originally posted this chapter last week but decided to delete it and rework several passages. I am SO MUCH HAPPIER with how this chapter is now, even if the content is still hella angsty. 😭
⚠General Warning For Chapters 12-17⚠: First off, thank you for sticking around with this fic for this long. As we inch closer to the moment of the overblot and it’s aftermath, be forewarned, the final chapters of this fic are gonna get…kind of intense. And may or may not include the following: Vil being mean, Rook being tactless, canon typical violence, language, sex*al harassment, misogyny, near de*th experiences, suic*dal thoughts and very, VERY HEAVY angst.
Warnings Specific To This Chapter:  IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY
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“Winning the girls’ division of this year’s Vocal and Dance Championship, by a RECORD BREAKING landslide is…”
A loud and suspenseful drumroll held everyone’s breath, followed by a few seconds of silence before the announcer declared the winners. Danica briefly closed her eyes and held onto Taima and Ione’s hands. Across from them, Lilianne and Minette held onto each other, hearts racing as they all silently prayed for the same outcome.
Please let them win. That’s all I want! Let Dani win!
Please, please, pleeeeaaassee! Let us be victorious.
A thunderous roar of applause followed that was momentarily deafening. Danica was still holding her breath. When she finally opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was their school emblem along with her face, and those of her teammates, illuminating the jumbo screens of the coliseum. She still hadn’t comprehended what was happening and it was only when Taima and Iman threw their arms around her that it all began to sink in.
I…we…we won? We really won?!
“WE DID IT!!!” Taima cried. “YES! WE DID IT! WE REALLY DID IT!!!”
More golden confetti rained down upon them and Danica watched their reflections on the jumbo screens, tears streaming down their eyes as they were all seized with excitement and joy. Jumping up and down, confetti in their hair, and holding each other as the audience cheered and shared in their euphoria.
“Night Raven Colleges girls unit, the Black Swan Quintet, is led by the phenomenal Miss Danica Ledelle,” the announcer continued. “Their powerful vocals and incredible dancing made for an amazing performance! They left the entire audience spellbound, myself included!”
“YAYYYYY!!!!” Kalim smiled and clapped his hands wildly. “Go Black Swans! You brought home the gold for NRC!”
“C'est beaute!” Rook smiled as well. “Félicitations, mesdemoiselles!”
“If the Black Swans won, that makes me confident for us too!” Deuce grinned.
“It’s so awesome. They really deserve it!” Epel added. “Especially you, Danica! You’re extra-awesome! A badass black swan!”
“Thank you, Epel! Ohhh…it’s…unreal…we really won!” Danica cried happily. “I can’t believe it!”
“Believe it, Missy!” Iman smiled through joyful tears. “And don’t look so shocked. We won by a landslide!”
“The first real victory over RSA in decades,” Taima grinned. “And we did this!”
“It’s like a dream!” Vidaria added.
“The most wonderful, beautiful dream!” Ione wept happily. “One I never want to wake from!”
“Black Swan Quintet, please step forward to claim your prize!!”
Two shimmering silver trophies stood at the center podium; the announcer picked one up and handed it to Danica graciously. Several blinding camera clicks went off as she accepted the award, and her teammates each took turns holding up the trophy for the eager press photographers. Danica held it a little longer than the rest of them, looking reverently at the full fruit of all of her labor. And not just hers. In her hand, she held the result of all their determination and drive. This trophy represented Ione’s blossoming confidence, Taima’s unwavering loyalty, Iman and Vidaria’s softening personalities, and most of all, Danica’s leadership.
Through the ups and downs, successes and setbacks, the Black Swan Quintet had conquered all that was thrown their way. And now, together, each of them would be a stronger person because of it.
“This trophy is as much yours as it is mine,” said Danica, holding it up to her teammates, tears falling down her face. “We all earned this. Thank you, you guys, for helping make this dream a reality!”
“Yes, and thank you, Danica,” Vidaria smiled. “Thank you for putting up with us and leading us to this amazing victory.”
The girls turned their heads to the NRC Tribe, who were clapping with genuine joy for their female counterparts. For a brief moment, Vil and Danica locked glances. His smile, proud and knowing, conveyed a world of unspoken congratulations, and she mirrored his expression with a heartfelt grin.
Well done, my little potato. You’ve earned this moment; I hope you are proud of yourself.
I finally kept my promise, Vil-san! I know this wasn’t what you had in mind, but I hope you’re still pleased.
From the other side of the stage, Lilianne watched the Black Swan Quintet with not even the smallest measurement of sadness at her defeat. For her, Danica’s victory was as much hers as a much-needed relief after weeks of distress. She never wanted to compete against her friends in the first place, and finally, it was all over. With the victory of the NRC girls came half of her bet with Neige settled. She would not have to kiss him after all and very soon, he would leave her alone completely.
“Thank you, girls,” Lilianne smiled at her teammates. “We put on the best show we could, and thanks to Dani’s help, it wasn’t a complete mess. You should all be proud.”
“But also, thank you for voting for the Black Swan Quintet,” Minette added. “I’m sure that was difficult, but it was needed for Lili’s sake.”
“It wasn’t difficult at all!” exclaimed Ivy. “Their performance was amazing. My eyes were glued to them every moment they were on stage! I still would have voted for them if I were in the audience!”
“Same here! Those girls got skill,” Nadia added. “The boys too. They earned our votes, each and every one of them.”
“And it was the least we could do after Danica helped us with our routine!” Ayse smiled.
“Now, the NRC Tribe needs to win, and everything will finally be right with the world!” Isabel said. “And then we can celebrate with the NRC ladies!”
The RSA Divas accepted their defeat with all the grace and nobility befitting their school’s mission statement, clapping and feeling a genuine sense of happiness for their rivals only in name. Meanwhile, not too far from them, Neige and his dwarf friends clapped for the Black Swan Quintet as well. Grum, one of the dwarves, softly complained about how they weren’t as good as the RSA Diva’s but Neige secretly disagreed. He smiled, but inside, a sharpness seized his stomach.
As disappointing as it was that he now wouldn’t be able to kiss Lilianne, he had to admit that the NRC ladies had an incredible stage presence. Considering that Danica was Vil’s protégé, it only made sense as he was another that Neige felt was a performer above all others. He grudgingly accepted that their victory was well-earned, yet it reignited his fears about how he and his friends would fare.
And with his decision to cast votes for both NRC teams, Neige wouldn't be shocked if RSA found themselves in an unprecedented second place for the first time in decades. He watched Lilianne and the other RSA Divas approach the Black Swan Quintet, Lilianne shook Danica’s hand and then threw her arms around her in a public display of goodwill and friendship. It warmed his heart but also sank it at the same time.
She looks so happy, and she’ll probably be happier when Vil wins. I wonder, if we win, will she be happy too? Will she…
“Hey, Neige!” Grum snapped at him, roughly yanking on his sleeve. “Get your head out the clouds, will ya?! They’re about to announce the boy winners!”
Neige quickly shook himself out of his thoughts as the announcer took the mic again to continue announcing the other winners.
“Let’s hear it one more time for the Black Swan Quintet!” he said to the continued applause of the audience. “And now, it’s the moment of truth for the boys! First place in the boy’s division of this year's Vocal and Dance Championship is…”
Neige, the dwarves, and the NRC Tribe all held their breaths, hearts racing as the announcer unfolded and opened another envelope with the winners of the boys’ division folded inside. Another suspenseful drumroll preceded the fateful announcement.
“The entire audience was captivated by their fairy tale performance! They warmed the hearts of everyone in the coliseum!”
The calm, kind look Vil wore as Danica and her team accepted their victory immediately melted into horror. At first, he thought he might have misheard, but as the seconds passed, he felt his hands tremble, and his eyes began to burn at the realization of his worst nightmare. A nightmare years in the making, tormenting him throughout his professional life and wreaking havoc all throughout the VDC training camp. A nightmare and a curse that Vil now understood he would never be free of.
No…no…and after all we…I’ve done, and it still wasn’t…no…
He had failed. Once again second best to Neige Leblanche. And worst of all, he had brought this defeat upon himself. In his unsightly display of ugliness, he nearly cursed Neige and doomed his teammates. And his paranoia and cruelty to Danica forced her to become a black swan, destroying the one hope they had for victory even if everything else went up in smoke. Now once again, the world was enamored by the infantile charms of Vil’s rival, leaving him with no place except as the clear villain in this story.
And in the end, villains never won, and they certainly never stood upon the stage until the end. It didn’t matter how hard he worked, how determined he was, or even that he refused to ever take the easy way out. It never would. Villains were never rewarded in real life, so why should this be any different?
At that moment, Vil wanted so badly to retreat back into the coliseum, lock himself in his dressing room, and cry and lament all that was lost. But though this was the most recent in a string of losses to his adorable rival, it was one brought upon by his own actions. For that reason alone, Vil knew he had no right to feel anything but anger at himself. He had done this, and he had no one else but himself to blame. And yet…
Even if I momentarily contemplated the unthinkable. Even if we weren’t at our best. We were outdone by a children's song! How could we be outdone by a children's song, coupled with such lackluster stage presence? What did we do wrong? What did I do…no…no…
Neige Leblanche was the true fairest one. He always was, and he always would be, regardless of whatever Vil did. This was a reality Vil accepted a long time ago. And yet…and yet…
It's always been this way! Why can’t they see?! Why won’t anyone ever acknowledge how hard I work?! I’m not resting on laurels or familial ties.  So why can’t they see for once everything I do to…no…no…
“Night Raven College comes in second place. They lost out to first place by only a single vote, but their vocals and moves were a tour de force! Let’s give them a round of applause as well!”
A…SINGLE VOTE?! Really?!
Danica and her teammates immediately went over to their defeated boys. Each trying to fix her face in one befitting sympathy, but their mutual shock betrayed them. That their boys, their talented and determined boys, could really be upstaged by a performance so childish it would barely be suitable for kindergarteners. That Vil, with all of his incredible talent and drive, was still considered second best to Neige after it was clear as day how much work he put into his performance. That Neige would be rewarded for something so clearly inferior without even putting in half the work if Lilianne’s words were to be believed. And all by a single vote no less, to their mind, it should have easily been another landslide victory.
And in Vil’s eyes, Danica once again saw all the anguish and loss she had seen when she was confronted by his overblotted form. It was beyond heartbreaking, so much so that for a few frantic moments, she honestly worried that he might suffer the same affliction a second time right there on the stage. She began to open her arms, looking as if she were about to embrace him, but Vil sharply shook his head. His eyes, though brimming with a silent plea for tenderness, conveyed a clear message—don’t even think about it, not here, not now. Even in his deepest despair, he would not allow his vulnerabilities to be laid bare before the world.
“Oh…oh my gosh! We really got the top spot? Really?!”
“No…no…NONONONONONO!!! It can’t be!”
From the leaders of both RSA teams, came two vastly different responses to Neige’s victory. Lilianne’s heart sank and she suddenly found herself short of breath as her teammates consoled her. She had been so close, so very close, all they needed was one more vote and she would finally be free. But even if she no longer had to kiss Neige, a promise was still a promise and she would be compelled to go out with him immediately after the VDC was over.
Neige was unlikely to waste any time after pressuring her for this for weeks and so it also went unsaid that her team’s plans with the Black Swan Quintet were now canceled. And Neige was unlikely to end his pursuit of Lilianne now that they were about to spend more time together.
Why?! Why did I make this bargain with him?! I was so sure Vil would win but…it’s all over now!
The one who gave Neige the winning vote, whoever they were, would never know the devastation their decision would cause Lilianne. On the other hand, they would also never realize that their decision allowed for Neige’s greatest wish to finally come true. He almost didn’t care about the prize money or even the acclaim his victory would bring to his career. For Neige, the greatest thing was that now, Lilianne would keep her end of their bargain and go out with him. Whatever fears he previously had about losing, were now nonexistent. He had wished, dreamed, hoped, and now his hopes were answered.
And surely, in time, Lilianne would come around and he would see her smile once again, at him. After all, just like the fairytales and storybooks he read as a child, Neige and Lilianne were brought together by song. Surely that meant she was destined to be his one true love. All he had to do now was be a little more patient and true love’s kiss was sure to follow.
She…looks kind of sad, maybe because Vi-kun lost. But it’s okay, we’ll have ice cream together and soon her smile will return—this time, for me.
“We won!” Neige beamed. “We really won!”
“Oh, pick your jaw up off the floor, Neige!” Grum snapped, but he was smiling. “Let’s go get that trophy!”
He, Neige, and the six other dwarves scurried over to the podium as the announcer handed them a glittering trophy identical to the one given to Danica. Neige graciously accepted this holding the trophy in much the same way Danica held hers, with reverence and disbelief. He smiled as several photographers took pictures of Neige with his prize but Grum soon snatched it from him, wanting to hold it for himself. Another of the dwarves snatched it from Grum and soon enough they were all loudly squabbling among themselves over who could hold the trophy next. Neige tried to calm them down but they wouldn’t listen and ended up dropping the trophy in the process.
The audience seemed enamored by their antics but the NRC performers watched with equal parts astoundment and disgust. They couldn’t even accept their victory with integrity.
The winning teams were then called to give an encore performance of their songs, Danica and her teammates began to step forward but in their excitement, the dwarves all began singing over them. The audience’s response to this was once again endearing and the cheerful melody of their song began to play. Neige took the mic and began singing with them—completely ignoring that Danica had also won and was called to sing as well.
But his obliviousness was just as well as in truth, neither Danica nor any of the Black Swans were up to singing after watching their boys get robbed, as they felt it to be. As Neige and his friends continued to sing, the RSA Divas approached the NRC performers, with Danica wrapping her arms around Lilianne again as the latter tried her best to hold back her tears.
“It’s not fair!” Lilianne whimpered, her voice breaking. “Their song sucked! I don’t want to date him!”
“I know, I know, Lili. It’s alright,” Danica tried to comfort her, despite feeling quite the opposite. “I know you’re disappointed, so am I, but keep your head up,”
“PLEASE tell me we’re being trolled!” Taima shook her head.  “Someone say sike! Please say sike right now 'cause this ain’t funny!”
“How the hell could this happen?!” Vidaria snapped. “This is an outrage!”
“I would be inclined to agree with you, Your Highness,” Ayse sighed. “This is pretty cruddy.”
“Maaaaaaan, just one vote!” Ace sulked. “We were so close!”
“RIGHT?!” Iman fumed, gritting her teeth. “To think! Some idiot really saw Jamil’s moves and thought ‘no, lemme give it to Neige and his seven little clowns, I trust them!’ I demand a recount!”
“Yeah a recount might be in order, methinks,” replied Taima.
“No, guys. Rule 445 of the Queen of Hearts states that all votes are final once the people have spoken,” Ione sighed. “Regardless of how idiotic their opinions are.”
“If it’s any consolation, we all voted for you guys,” said Isabel, trying to offer comfort.
“And after we worked so hard,” Epel murmured, a few tears running down his face.
“Nooooooo,” tears formed in Kalim’s eyes that he tried to repress, but his intense disappointment was too much for him and he loudly began weeping. “I’m trying to hold back but… it buuurrrnsss…it burns so baaaadddd…”
“Oh, Kalim…” Seeing her normally jovial clubmate so forlorn was enough for Danica to temporarily forget herself as she was also betrayed to tears. “I know it burns…it…you guys were so good, I’m so sorry!”
“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Vil barked. “You’re all still on stage, cease with this pitiful display at once! Especially you, Danica! Your team was victorious so act accordingly!”
“No buts! As for you boys, stand tall, and don’t forget to give our rivals a sporting round of applause.”
“Y…yes, Sir…”
Danica had to commend Vil for his ability to remain calm and poised in such a painful moment. She realized at once that she had underestimated him to think he might overblot again and managed to smile at him in spite of what they were both surely feeling at that moment. Yet he appeared as he always did, not giving even the slightest hint at his anguish or anger. Though she was certain she saw tears in the corner of his eyes—a testament to the struggle he concealed.
“It’s not fair, but he’s so calm,” Lilianne whispered to her. “He’s so admirable.”
“He is pretty calm, almost too calm,” Danica replied, and then said to Vil, “It couldn’t be me, but I guess you’re used to this by now. Right, Vil-san?”
“Heh, heh. Calm? Used to it?” Vil chuckled, but there was no humor in his tone nor gaze. More tears formed at the corner of his eyes that he quickly blinked away. Replaced with fiery rage. “OF COURSE I’M NOT!”
“I want to walk over there and kick all those boys right off the stage!”
At this, Vil’s fellow NRC performers stared at him and he took a deep breath as he felt the tears burn past his eyes. His sorrow was as shocking to him as it was for them. Villains had no right to cry, he knew this, knew it all too well. But he couldn’t help it, regardless of everything else, their performance was still so poor. How could this happen?
“Someone knock me out before I unleash a tirade of verbal abuse that will mince them to shreds!”
Danica bit back a small giggle. As unprofessional as such would be, at that moment, she couldn’t help but want to see something like that more than anything in the world.
“Ah Roi du Poison, I hope you can forgive me,” Rook sighed. “But I’m afraid the one more deserving of your ire is me.”
“What?” Vil momentarily forgot his anger long enough to look curiously at Rook. “What do you mean? You’re the one most deserving of my ire?”
“Rook…” Danica looked at him as well. “What do you…you didn’t, did you…surely…”
Sadly for her, Rook then held up his phone to them—confirming the worst. On the screen was his VDC vote for the best boys’ team, a vote for Royal Sword Academy. Rook had given the deciding vote and in doing so, had betrayed not only Vil and his teammates, but all of NRC.
Rook gave a wistful smile but Vil was speechless and whatever resolve he had to remain calm quickly vanished.
Vil’s tears now flowed freely down his face, coupled with very visible shaking in his hands. A whirlwind of emotions all seized him at once but, interestingly enough, none of them was rage. Rather than feeling angry at his faithless dorm leader, Vil felt devastated.
“How…how could you?!”
“Whoa! Vil, hold it together!” Kalim and Jamil quickly went to hold Vil up as he appeared close to collapsing. Both of them were as baffled as he.
“ROOK ARE YOU NUTS?!” shouted Ace. “Why would you vote for RSA?!”
“NRC Tribe could have won if you had voted for them!” Danica cried. “Why, Rook?! WHY?!”
Ace and Danica’s voices were loud enough to be within the hearing range of the RSA Divas. Minette and Isabel, already tense, saw as Vil’s face crumbled and then looked at the source of that anguish. The very same who physically accosted Minette earlier. And the reason why none of them felt safe in the coliseum.
It wasn’t enough for him to make unwelcome advances on them. Rook had now doomed their team leader to a date she didn’t want to go on and probably months of continued advances she would be hard-pressed to refuse. They both glared at him with poison that could rival any crafted by Vil.
“WHAT?!” Ayse shouted. “Vil-san lost because of him?! And now Lili has to go on that date with Neige because of HIM?!”
“Why?! WHY?! What could possibly be his reasoning?!” added Athena.
Rook then went into an impassioned speech regarding his vote. Despite all that he and his teammates had gone through, he felt that Neige and his friends sang with all their hearts and believed in themselves. For that reason alone, he found their performance superior to Vil’s. Rook believed Vil lacked the confidence to give a truly beautiful performance, and his lack of confidence made Neige superior by comparison.
He said this, but would never know how Neige’s heart raced with insecurity as he beheld theirs, prompting him to give NRC Tribe his own vote.
“Rook, you honestly felt they outperformed you and the rest of NRC Tribe?!” Danica asked, biting back more tears. “You really think that?!”
“Oui!” Rook smiled. “Seeing them together on stage, they struck me as powerful. The fairest of all in that moment!”
“Powerful…” Danica quickly found herself becoming dizzy, so much so that Taima and Ione went to her in case she also needed to be kept upright. “Powerful…but…we were powerful too. Why…what power could you see when…”
“Rook…” Vil sniffed, looking more defeated than ever. “Rook…”
“Vil, nobody should believe in your beauty more than yourself,” said Rook. “It is most becoming, the way you maintain such self-restraint while polishing yourself over your rival. But no amount of validation from the rest of the world will ever leave you fulfilled.” He smiled again. “At this moment you are truly the fairest one of all.”
“Roi du Poison, fairest Vil, I implore you to believe in yourself more. The strength and pride to believe in yourself is what marks the true fairest one of all.”
For once, Vil was at a loss for words, his head hung with sorrow as tried to comprehend what Rook was saying to him. But he couldn’t for the life of him. He was confident in his performance, he had believed in himself and they had all done their best. But it still wasn’t enough in the end, even for Rook. Why should Vil feel any confidence when it would always be this way? When he would always be seen as something he wasn’t? When he couldn’t even convince the one closest to him of his beauty?
Any confidence, in that case, would only be considered arrogance. It was easier for Vil to concede that he would never be the fairest one of all. He knew it, Danica knew it, the entire world knew it, and it was now clear Rook knew it as well. His struggle to reconcile his self-perception with the apparent perception of others left him isolated, even in the midst of his those around him.
“Poor Vil,”
The RSA Divas were still watching this exchange but the longer they stood there listening, the more incensed they all became. Minette in particular couldn’t believe what she was hearing and before she knew it, a tight fist was forming in her hand.
“But Vil…his team…they were so…UGHHH WHAT IS HIS DEAL?!”
“Hell no, I ain’t going for this,” Isabel began walking over to Rook with Minette following behind her. “Screw being nice, retribution is called for!”
“Stop it, you guys!” Lilianne placed herself in front of her teammates before they could do anything unwise, though her eyes remained on Rook. “I won’t have either of you starting something you can’t finish!”
“I don’t start fights Lili, I finish them!” Minette sharply replied. “You know that!”
“I won’t have you finishing anything either!” Lilianne pushed a little harder upon her teammates. “Neither of you is getting in trouble because of him! Calm down, you and Isabel are both better than this!”
“But Lili…”
“You both are better than this…but…” she pushed her friends back, rage burning in her eyes. “BUT I’M NOT! LET ME DO IT!”
“No! You stop too!" Despite all the feelings crushing upon Danica’s heart, she could see her friend was close to doing something she would regret. She hugged Lilianne even as Lilianne began to cry and struggled against her.“Lili, I know you’re hurt, but please think! You don’t want to do this!”
“YES I DO!” She continued pushing violently against Danica, thrashing and crying and wanting nothing more than to tear Rook apart. “Let me go, Dani! It’s not right and you know it!”
“I know it’s not fair, trust me I know!” Danica gently pushed her back once she stopped struggling and she was sure she wouldn’t go after Rook. “None of this is fair, but life often isn’t fair…” She squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth through more tears. “Life isn’t fair, that’s…something Vil-san has always said to me.
“Everyone is still watching us so you’ve gotta calm down, Lili. And you’ve gotta smile. We all have to.”
Danica said this, and she did indeed smile for good measure, even if it galled her to do so. The other Black Swans smiled as well to be sure. It was all too much for Lilianne and she returned Danica’s embrace, burying her face in her neck as she continued crying. Danica gently rubbed her back, soothing her and managing to forget her own devastation long enough to be a comfort to her friend. Giving her the comfort she couldn’t give to Vil. Taima soon joined in on the hug and Minette did as well.
Meanwhile, Vil and the rest of NRC Tribe continued to stare at their traitorous, detached teammate, who in turn continued watching Neige and his friends sing without a care in the world. Completely oblivious to the turmoil he had caused.
When the song was over, Neige waved to the enchanted audience and then went over to the other side of the stage where the other performers were standing. It was his intention to congratulate the Black Swan Quintet and show his trophy to Lilianne, a symbol of their developing romance in his mind. But he was immediately caught off guard at the sight of Vil.
“Vi!” he gasped. “I’ve…never seen you cry outside of an acting role before…”
“Well, you caught me at a bad time,” Vil replied amiably. “Heh, I’m…always second best to you…”
Even with tears in his eyes, Vil managed to smile at Neige. His rival and the catalyst for everything wrong and cruel in his world, a symbol of everything he wasn’t and never would be. He smiled as though his heart wasn’t shattered in the slightest. A testament to his professionalism, Danica thought.
“Maybe that’s what the numbers said,” Neige smiled. “But your group is number one in the hearts of everybody who voted for you.”
And mine…you were number one in my heart too…
“Roi des Neiges is right,” Rook chuckled. “Your smile is far more becoming than your tears, Vil.”
“Yeah! So smile, Vi-kun! You still gave a performance no one else could pull off!”
That’s easy for you to say, you’ll always be number one!
Danica bit down on her tongue, hard enough to taste the salty tinge of her own blood. She glared at Neige and Taima took her hand in case she were to do something impulsive. But just when they thought things were terrible enough, things were about to take another turn in the worst way imaginable.
“Hey, you’re the one who hailed me down earlier!” Neige said to Rook, a large smile blooming on his face. “You’re ‘R’ aren’t you? The one who comes to all of my fan meets and writes all me all of those letters?”
“What?!” Danica and Vil looked at Rook with sudden shock and Danica added, “Rook! Do you…know Neige Leblanche?”
Before Rook could say anything further, Neige continued, exposing his devoted fan to his bewildered, betrayed teammates.
“There’s only one fan of mine who writes me letters addressing me as Roi des Neiges. And I knew R buys each of my photos at fan events and composes poems to share their impression of each picture…”
“FAN EVENTS?!” Ace gasped.
“And…PHOTOS?!” added Epel. “Rook is a fan of Neige Leblanche?!”
“Wait a minute, what about that heavy photo album you brought with you to the training camp,” Jamil thought aloud before his face was also betrayed into shock. “Wait…was that ENTIRE album nothing but photos of Neige Leblanche?!”
“The photo album he didn’t want any of us looking at?! So…that means…
Taima’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped, not just with surprise but also guilt. She was so convinced that the album was full of photos of Danica, a thought she had led Danica to believe. But just like her belief of Rook’s feelings for her, turned out not to be the case.
The other boys suggested Rook approach Neige for an autograph, which he did with some surprising hesitation before he actually began weeping, to the further bewilderment of his teammates.
“Heh, feeling awkward aren’t we, Rook?” Vil smirked, allowing himself to take back a small amount of power in this situation.
Rook did not hear him, he was too busy addressing Neige in the way he wished he could earlier when he stopped him from coming under Vil’s poisoned curse. A vision of tender perfection set against Vil’s intense regality. Not only was Rook a fan of Neige Leblanche, he was apparently also a member of his fan club and had a membership number in the single digits—meaning he had been following Neige’s work for a very long time. Long before coming to NRC and long before meeting Vil.
But for Danica, none of this mattered. What was most heartbreaking to her wasn’t that Rook had betrayed Vil or even that he was a fan of Neige. It was the way Rook looked at Neige as he was shaking his hand. And the words Rook spoke to him that hit a little too close to home for her.
“Roi des Neiges, Neige Leblanche, your work has shone a light upon my life and allowed me to live with hope in my heart,” Rook smiled through his tears. “You truly are an angel walking among mortals and your work holds a very special place in my heart, stirring it in ways I cannot describe.”
She saw in Rook’s eyes the very same he often had when gazing at her, whenever they were alone. It was a look he gave her when he expressed his desire they become lovers. But she had seen him give to Athena earlier that day, to Minette when he cornered her and Isabel in the hallway, and now a look he was giving to Vil’s the source of all Vil’s anguish.
Did Rook even realize what he was saying? How he had used these exact words with Danica and how much they meant to her? She doubted it more than ever.
You stir my heart in a way I cannot describe…you are an angel walking among mortals, cherie…you are very special to me…
Rook…why…this is a nightmare…I thought…no… THIS IS A NIGHTMARE AND I CAN’T WAKE UP!!!
“To add to everything else, he’s also a Neige-stan!” Now it was Lilianne’s turn to comfort Danica as she and the other RSA Divas crowded around her, shielding her from view so none could see her cry. “Are you SURE I can’t beat his ass?!”
“No, Lili!” Athena firmly shook her head. “You know you can’t, regardless of how deserving he is of such.”
“That horrid beast!” Vidaria murmured, taking Danica’s hand while Taima held the other. “Danica, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” Taima whispered. “I was so sure…so sure that…”
“So was I…” Danica replied, lowering her head with sadness. “So was I, but that goes to show what an idiot I was to believe he really liked me. After all,” she sighed. “A black swan can never stand by the side of a prince.”
“That might make sense,” Ione interjected. “IF Rook was ACTUALLY a prince!”
“Both he and Vil hurt you,” Iman added sharply. “But at least we won in the end despite Vil’s bitching! Rook on the other hand…ugh!!!”
The girls from both teams stood together in mutual comfort of the heartbroken Danica and somehow, Danica managed to dry her eyes. Long enough to remember that the world was still watching and she had to put on a fitting face. And it was just as well because a member of the press soon approached them, looking to take a picture of both winning team leaders with their trophies. Danica quickly fixed her face with help from her teammates and reluctantly stood beside Neige as they were both photographed.
“You were so great, Dani-chan!” Neige smiled at her. “Congratulations!”
“I told you to call me Danica!” Danica sharply replied, though the smile she wore gave no indication of her contempt. Her smile was such that it even fooled Vil and Rook gently nudged his arm.
“Lovely, aren’t they?” he smiled. “Roi de Neiges and our parfait petit cygne. A storybook prince and his très élégant princesse. Such a beautiful image they make together. Don’t you think so, Vil?”
Vil didn’t respond with words, but nodded sadly. He was trying both to dissociate and remain alert at the same time, but seeing Danica at Neige’s side wasn’t helping. Rook was right—they did look lovely together. From the commercial they shot for Danica’s family to this moment, they presented the image of fairy tale perfection—far more an ideal than any farce Vil had attempted to create with her.
And such a beautiful jewel was worthy only of the fairest one of all, the complete opposite of all that Vil was.  
But as soon as the photos were taken, Danica made a point of turning her back on Neige and running back to her teammates. Unfortunately for her, this nightmare wasn’t yet over as Neige then suggested that they all sing together. Of course, they wouldn’t be singing Guilty Heart . He and his dwarf friends began singing and Vil gave them all a look that told them that they should join in.
And from the way Vil sang, one would never guess how much he was dying inside. Clearly, Rook didn’t either as he loudly mused about how beautiful it was to see Vil and Neige together. Further twisting the knife. Neige then grabbed Lilianne’s arm and encouraged her to sing along with them. For the sake of peace, she did so, but she made a point of yanking her arm away from Neige to sing at Epel’s side instead.
Ace, Deuce, and Jamil contributed their voices too, albeit awkwardly, and even Kalim struggled to mask his discomfort. Rook on the other hand was enjoying every moment of this. Danica and her teammates sang along as well, with joyful smiles on their faces that gave not a single inkling to how they were truly feeling.
They had won, after all, the first victory against RSA in decades and the beginning of what would surely be a bright future for them. Danica and Taima had often thought about reviving their idol club at NRC, bringing on new talent, and developing their talent to better fit this new stage in their lives. And considering this victory, and the fact that each of the girls was likely to give their portion of the prize money back to the school as charity, Crowley was sure to grant them this.
All things considered, they had every reason to be happy. And yet all Danica could think of as she sang this childish song was the haunting look in her dorm leader’s eyes. The tears in the corner of his eyes were juxtaposed with his cheerful smile. Vil truly was an incredible actor, more than ready to be a hero. Rook would never realize how much his actions that day had hurt not just Vil but her as well. Making everything sting all the more.
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Before leaving the coliseum and the training camp for the last time, Vil made it clear to the girls that he didn’t want them spreading any gossip about the VDC results. To his mind, he was wholly responsible for Rook’s decision and his lack of beauty was the reason Rook chose to do what he did. Vil did not want to see his vice dorm leader come under fire for something that was his fault, despite having no hand in Rook’s misleading behavior towards Danica.
And as expected, Neige wasted no time asking Lilianne out on their ice cream date. She had no choice but to accept this but that also meant that she wouldn’t be hanging out with Taima and their family after all, nor would there be any celebration at Ramshackle. Instead, all of the NRC performers returned to their own dorm that evening, each with varying emotions.
Despite Vil ordering the Black Swan Quintet to keep quiet about the VDC results, Danica considered Rook’s betrayal a Pomefiore affair and saw no issue in telling others in their dorm. She took it upon herself to release all of her pinned-up frustrations and rage in a magicam group chat which was reserved only for Pomefiore students sans the dorm leaders. By the time she, Vil, Epel and Rook returned to the dorm that evening, nearly every Pomefiore student already aware of why NRC was once again second best to RSA, resulting in some rather awkward tension as those sitting in the lounge both applauded Danica’s victory but stared at Vil and Rook with great uneasiness.
Vil went off down the hallway by himself, Epel decided he needed time alone and went to his room. But Danica and Rook stayed behind for a few moments. Sidonie was actually sitting in the lounge and was the first to greet Danica when she walked in. This was the first time either girl had seen each other since the older one left the training camp and despite all that happened, Danica was glad to see her.
“You were wonderful, my dear!” Sidonie smiled, hugging her tight. “Farron, Savvy, Maxim, and I were watching from the front and we loved every minute of it!”
“Thank you, Sidonie,” Danica returned her hug. “And we won too! I just wish…” hesitantly, “I wish you could have stayed with us until the end.”
“I know, I know, but I’m so proud of you, Danica. You stuck to your beliefs even when it meant defying our dorm leader,” Sidonie pulled back from the embrace to smile at her. “I hope you’re proud of yourself too because you were amazing.”
“Yes, she was,” Rook came up behind them. He smiled, though his voice lacked its usual jovial tone. “Even as a black swan, our petit cygne is indeed amazing.”
Danica turned to glare at him, not at all taken with his flattery if that was even what it was. Sidonie found his statement somewhat uncalled for but she didn’t say anything just yet. She realized that Danica’s eyes were puffy and red.
“Did…something happen?”
This was a question not exactly directed at either of them as she already was aware of most that had transpired in the coliseum, minus Vil’s overblot. Sidonie was hoping that Danica would confide more to her now that the VDC was over as her messages in their group chat contained more anger than actual information. She was even half hoping Rook might admit to more of what happened. But he remained behind them with a silence that was strangely out of character for him.
“Dani, what’s wrong?” Sidonie asked again. “You won. Shouldn’t you be…”
“I’m sorry…” Danica pulled away from Sidonie before her tears could overtake her again in front of others. “I…it’s just been a long day. And I…I need some time to decompress. I’m going to my room, excuse me, Sidonie-san…”
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Danica ran down the hallway, not realizing that Rook and Sidonie both took it upon themselves to follow behind her. Initially, it was her intention to go back to her room for some much-needed rest and to think about the events of that day in a quiet place. But as she made her way down the hall, she saw Vil, standing outside the entrance to the ballroom.
He quietly opened the door and slipped inside without noticing her watching. Immediately she thought about following behind him. There were so many things she needed to talk to him about, and now back in their dorm, without the rest of the world watching, she could finally do so.
“Danica, Mademoiselle Chanteuse, please wait up!”
She clenched her teeth at the sound of Rook’s voice behind her, the last person in all Twisted Wonderland that she wanted to see at that moment. Vil disappeared into the ballroom, shutting the door and leaving Danica alone in the hallway with Rook approaching her and Sidonie following behind him. His smile told her that he was still completely oblivious to the hurt he had caused everyone, especially to her.
In fact, he seemed somewhat confused by her dejected expression, expecting her to still be on cloud nine after winning the VDC despite going against what both he and Vil thought was best for her. She should have been happy, and with that thought, Rook felt it was time to finally get an answer to something he had been wondering for several hours now.
“What is it, Rook-san?” Danica asked blankly. “I’m very tired, I want to rest.”
“I understand your exhaustion, cherie,” he replied. “But before you retire…”
“Do you really understand?!” She turned around, letting him see her angry face. “If you understood, you’d leave me alone! I don’t want to talk now!”
“Very well, but please, will you allow me one question before you return to your room?”
She turned herself fully around to face him, giving an exasperated sigh. “Fine! Just one question! What do you want to ask me.”
Rook hesitated before allowing himself to take a few steps closer to Danica, not noticing at all how she took one step back for every step he made toward her. He reached his hand out to her but she recoiled, a gesture that made a mockery of tenderness and a reminder of how terribly he had deceived her.
“Do you recall what we were discussing?” he asked. “Right before everything happened?”
Danica thought for a moment. In truth, everything, before she lost consciousness, was something of a blur to her. She closed her eyes but for a while all she could recall was confronting Vil before his overblot. Danica tried searching her mind for anything beyond that, and that’s when it hit her. She and Rook were indeed discussing something, and the recollection of that conversation was the last thing she needed at that moment for her state of mind.
She scoffed, feeling the weight of those memories pressing down on her. She turned to walk away, but Rook stepped closer, his presence too close for comfort.
“I remember!” she snapped. “I remember everything! And to answer your question, well, you’ve answered it yourself already!”
“What do you mean?”
“I asked what it would mean if we became lovers, and you answered me the entire fucking day with your behavior!” Her heart ached with every painful memory of that day, returning to her in swift succession as she spoke. “The way you were flirting with Athena, the way you assaulted Minette, and the way you put Neige above both me and Vil!”
She lowered her head as she felt her face becoming hot with her rage, fists formed in both of her hands and she had to turn her back to Rook again, biting on them. “HOW CAN I STILL WANT SUCH A PERSON AS MY LOVER?!”
Sidonie had caught up to them just in time to hear the last part of Danica’s brief tirade. Her thoughts flashed back to the training camp, to the discovery of Rook’s secret album, and the subsequent message from Danica detailing the events that led to NRC Tribe’s loss. Even if she was aware of the album for weeks prior, something in Sidonie still wanted to believe that Rook wouldn’t be so careless to go against their school, their dorm, and her friend in such a way. But the heartbroken look in Danica’s eyes told her all she needed to know.
“Rook! How…could you?!”
“I do not understand, mademoiselle,” Rook shook her head. “I put no one above you or Vil! My adoration for Neige is something different entirely! And even if I did, why should it matter?”
“Why should it matter? WHY SHOULD IT MATTER?!” Danica banged her fists against the wall. “Rook! For all you claim to know about Vil-san, for all you pay attention to regarding him, you really have no idea how much winning the VDC would have meant to him, do you?! How much it would have meant to all of us! And for all your adoration of me, do you honestly think I’d want to kiss a man who grabbed my best friends’ tail?! How can you be so dense?!”
“I’m sorry, WHAT?!” Sidonie’s eyes widened. “What the hell happened after I dropped out of the training camp?!”
“Oh, I could write a book about it all, Sidonie-san!” Danica sharply replied, her sarcasm barely masking her hurt.
“What is there to be dense about?” Rook asked in an infuriatingly calm manner. “I chose to vote for Neige and his team not because of some prior preference I have for him over Vil, but because I felt his performance was far more beautiful than ours!”
“That doesn’t make any sense! Make it make sense to me, Rook! Cause I really do want to understand your logic!” Danica bit back more tears. “After…all you’ve told me about beauty, what makes someone beautiful…I want to understand. I don’t want to believe you were just…just…”
Were you being insincere to me the entire time? Do I really mean so little to you?
“Mademoiselle, even with their errors, their song, their movements, came from a place of purity and not caring about anything but making the audience happy,” Rook smiled. “That is where their power lay. That is why I gave them my vote.”
Danica glanced down at the sleek black stage costume she was still wearing, a symbol of her own form of power. Though clearly what she felt was different from what Rook was describing. The power she felt indeed came from her desire to captivate her audience, but there was always something deeper, more passionate to the power she desired. She knew it and Rook knew it too. In that moment, she began to wrap her arms around herself, shielding herself from the shame she could feel brewing in her chest.
“And…what about…us? What about the other boys? Do you honestly think we lacked the power to win?”
Rook sighed. “I’m afraid so, cherie. In my humble opinion, neither NRC team could match the pure wholesomeness of Neige Leblanche or the RSA Divas. And because of that, Vil couldn’t possibly have the confidence to…”
“Danica!” Sidonie gasped, having never seen her friend like this. “I know you’re upset, but could you please…”
Sidonie sighed, she was certainly right about not feeling heard. Perhaps Danica’s rage was as much her frustration at all Vil had subjected her to over the last month as it was heartbreak where Rook was concerned. And perhaps after she allowed herself to fully give herself over to her anger, could she finally know peace.
“Maybe approval from the rest of the world won’t give long-lasting validation,” Danica went on. “But sometimes, when people are confused and hurt, they need to be told that they are enough. They need to know they are loved and that they are beautiful!” Tears now streamed freely down her eyes. “We all saw firsthand how deep Vil’s sadness lies and you had the perfect moment to validate him and what did you do?! You humiliated him and then want to wonder why he isn’t more confident!”
“Enough, mademoiselle!” Rook had taken all of this with calm understanding for the most part. But the longer Danica spoke, the more he felt himself being given over to emotions he neither wanted nor felt he could handle.
“Vil’s turmoil is his alone and it’s not my place to believe I could help pull him out of it. I chose to vote for Neige as my way of showing Vil the direction he needs to be upon if he wishes to succeed in the future.”
“That may be so, but it also wasn’t your place to teach him that lesson, Rook,’ replied Danica. “You can’t say it’s not your place to step in to help Vil but then decide it is your place to teach him a lesson!”
“That…does seem a tad hypocritical,” Sidonie admitted.
“Well, who is to say we would have still lost had Vil not…”
Sidonie was still standing with them and Danica did not yet want her to know about Vil’s overblot. Rook seemed to understand this at least, even if he still did not understand everything else. He sighed, perhaps a more personal approach would help her understand his perspective and why he felt it to be the right one.
“In the end, mademoiselle, Vil’s pursuit of beauty led him down the path of madness and his inability to be confident in his performance is why I voted for Neige,” Rook said. “It is a lesson you yourself could stand to learn as well, Danica.”
“What do you mean by that?!”
“If you had more confidence in yourself, it wouldn’t matter if your family continues to compare you to your sister. And your anguish at trying to live up to her legacy would not be so severe. After all, do you think a dancer as radiant as Fiona Ledelle had any care about what the world thought of her?”
“Rook…what the…why would you say…”
Even Sidonie was taken aback by this and placed a comforting hand on Danica’s shoulder. But Danica did not feel it or take notice of anything after Rook’s words. And the mention of Fiona was enough to have Danica seeing red. Without even realizing it, Rook had turned a knife in a wound that was never fully healed.  No, he didn’t understand, and he never would.
That he could even make such a careless comment spoke volumes of how little he understood about the girl he claimed to adore. And how little he cared about how deeply such a comment would hurt her. Even as Danica closed her eyes, the entire room was spinning with an array of dark thoughts and emotions assaulting her mind at once.
And when she opened them, there she saw the source of them all. The one she had foolishly given her heart to. Only to have it thrown back into her face with his apathy. Sidonie tried to get her attention one more time but she was blind to her, and blind to everything else besides her anger at Rook. Everything else went black.
“You…you know nothing…” she muttered. “And don’t you dare…”
From his place in the ballroom, Vil had heard everything that led up to that moment. Despite finding Danica’s volume grating, he did not have it in him at that moment to go out to the hallway to stop her. He knew she was upset and unlike him, Danica was allowed to be upset at Rook. Vil was tired, he was frustrated, and he knew she was likely frustrated as well as he had been anything but easy on her. A part of him was still upset with Rook himself even if he knew it wasn’t his right. For those reasons alone he was willing to allow Danica to release her anger while he sat alone in the ballroom, his own dark thoughts barely managing to drown out all the screaming.
But the proceeding loud cracking sound followed by a high pitched shriek from Sidonie was enough to fully catch Vil’s attention. Both sounds loudly echoed throughout the hallways and half out of curiosity and half out of annoyance, he finally, very reluctantly, left his solitude. And what Vil came upon when he found Rook, Danica and Sidonie together shocked him even more than the initial argument. He actually gasped out and stopped short of making himself known.
Sidonie’s response immediately brought Danica back to reality. The first thing she saw was the large red wilt she had harshly imprinted on Rook’s face. He stared blankly at her, so completely baffled that there was no room in his heart to be angry or even to feel hurt as his cheek stung from the force of her hand.
Rook only stared at Danica, heavily breathing with a fire in her eyes he never expected to see in one normally so docile and serene. It was as though the girl in front of him now wasn’t Danica at all, not the Danica he was enraptured with, but someone else entirely. Someone vicious, someone intense, with passion beyond her years. He found it strangely enchanting but, more than anything, he found it terrifying.
“Danica…what…what has happened to you?” was all he could ask, and even then, Rook was unsure what else to say to her, or even if anything he could say could possibly get through to her. “This isn’t you. What happened to our parfait petit cygne? What happened to the sweet girl that we all…”
“Sweet girl?! SWEET GIRL?!” Danica began laughing frantically. “First of all, keep my sister’s name out of this! Second of all, nothing has happened! That sweet girl? SHE’S GONE! She’s never coming back and it’s all your fault! And lastly, for all your talk about beauty, you really don’t seem to understand it as well as you think!”
She stepped forward and for the first time since knowing her, Rook found himself stepping back from her. Retreating from the black swan whose passion consumed the girl he adored. Vil on the other hand continued to watch from a corner in the hallway, intrigued by this new side of Danica previously unknown to him. Another facet of her character hidden from him until now.
He certainly felt her anger was uncalled for, and far from befitting a Pomefiore student. But at the same time, Vil felt that Rook had no business bringing up Fiona and therefore deserved rebuke. Beyond that, there was something almost riveting in the way Danica expressed her rage. And all in defense of him no less.
Besides his father, he had never once known someone to advocate so fiercely for him and it made Vil reconsider his initial impression of her reaction; perhaps there was a validity in her anger. And it was enough for Vil to find himself strangely taken with her at that moment and, stranger still, curious as to what she would say next.
“Lastly, you think Vil’s performance wasn’t as beautiful as Neige’s, well do you want to know what I think is beautiful? In spite of all he has gone through, despite going through the darkest moment of his life, Vil was still able to stand upon the stage until the end and give the best performance he could! Perseverance against all odds, against a world that seems to hate him!”
“Oh, Danica,” Sidonie went over to Danica, trying to comfort her but she wouldn’t have it. She actually pushed Sidonie away as she continued her tirade.
“THAT is what truly makes Vil the fairest one of all! THAT IS WHAT MAKES HIM MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN NEIGE!”
No…oh no…she’s…right…no…
Vil was afraid of something like this and soon felt a pang of validation mixed with unease, quickening his heart. Danica had made a perfectly valid point that was both soothing and stinging. It was enough to make Vil briefly resent his vice dorm leader if a freshman could see what he clearly couldn’t.
He quickly pinched himself, reminding himself that what he was feeling was objectively wrong. And yet…and yet…
“Even if he wasn’t feeling confident, he was still able to set all of that aside for the good of his team!” Danica went on. “It’s easy to be beautiful when everything is going right in your world, but if you ask me, being able to present yourself to the world with a smile on your face even when it's not easy, even when you're struggling and your heart is breaking, is the most beautiful thing someone can do!”
No…no…SHE’S RIGHT! Vil gritted his teeth. I worked so hard on Absolutely Beautiful, even composing the music myself as well as the lyrics! We all worked hard and stood on the stage together, and for what?! To be outplayed by such childish tactics!
Vil was wrong for briefly giving himself over to his frustration, and he was wrong for wanting to use Danica to manipulate the audience. But in the end, Vil remained true to his principles and for the most part, never once considered taking the easy way out. Despite the temptations.
Neige would never know the depth of Vil’s struggles. He could never understand what it was like to have the world have preconceived notions of him before ever knowing him. He would never know the anguish of being a villain and knowing people hated him for no other reason besides being beautiful and remarkable. And Neige would certainly never know the lewd objectification Danica had been subjected to.
It’s always been this way! Since we were children! I was never adored! Never given a chance! WHEN WILL MY CHANCE COME?!
These thoughts, while driving him to the brink, made something alarmingly clear. Even if the world was an unfair place, it didn’t mean Vil had to accept it. He was swiftly beginning to see Rook—and perhaps even Danica herself—in a new light. Vil stood conflicted, not knowing whether to respect Danica for her insight or hate her for it.
“I see now that ideas of beauty are based upon nothing but fantasies! You were so caught up in how wholesome Neige was on stage you couldn't see how much they sucked! And for what?! What struggles has Neige ever had, huh?!”
“Neige HAS had his own struggles!” Rook responded, rather sharply. “Vil knows that as well as anyone who pays attention to him on a deeper level! You are clouded by your resentment of him that YOU can’t see all the hard work he put in and the obstacles he had to overcome! Both you and Vil were born with many blessings Neige was not afforded so…”
“So Neige deserved to win because he came from a less fortunate background?” asked Danica. “Not because he’s more talented than Vil, but because…”
“And yet despite all his struggles, Neige continues to strive to be the best version of himself, greeting everyone he encounters with a smile.” Rook folded his arms and, still unaware of Vil’s presence, continued, “That is why he is able to move others in a way Vil will never achieve. After all, Vil couldn’t even handle that there might be one fairer than he, and you see what happened…”
You see what happened…
This statement hit Vil like a truck because of course, it was true. After seeing how well-received Neige was, he couldn’t handle that NRC Tribe was likely to lose. He couldn’t handle it and in a moment of blind rage, acted out in a way that could have been disastrous, nearly costing Danica her life.
A poison derived from an obsession with beauty bordering on madness…
“Vil obsession with defeating Neige drove him to madness. He couldn’t handle the madness and that’s why I chose to vote against him.”
Once again, Rook was holding up a mirror, revealing the monster Vil truly was. No. It didn’t matter how hard he worked, it didn’t matter if Neige’s performance was objectively worse. At least Neige’s heart was pure, and it remained pure in spite of all of his aforementioned hardships. He would never think to poison a rival performer and he would never behave in such an undignified manner when things weren’t going his way.
“How can anyone be so mean? He must be pretty messed up.”
“He’s probably just as twisted in his private life.”
“He can never pull off being a hero.”
No. Danica was wrong, she was naive and couldn’t see Vil for the monster he truly was. He had heard enough, he could no longer stand by and listen to how she wrongfully berated his vice dorm leader. When all Rook was ever guilty of was seeing beauty in everything, almost to a fault, and being the only person in Vil’s life willing to be honest with him. He left his corner, walking over to the three as Danica began crying again.
“I don’t know why I’m wasting my breath!” she said. “You know nothing about beauty and nothing about..”
Vil intervened with a forceful tone, appearing as if he had just walked in on this terrible scene and hadn’t been watching for several minutes. He took one look at Rook’s red face and roughly grabbed Danica’s arm, regarding her coldly.
“I saw everything and I know you know better!” he said. “Putting your hands on your own vice dorm leader, I could have you sent to Crowley for expulsion right now!”
“But Vil-san!” Danica cried. “It’s not right and…”
“No buts! You should be ashamed!” He released her arm with equal roughness. “Such crass behavior is something I wouldn’t even expect from Epel! What has gotten into you?!”
Danica took several steps back from Vil, catching her breath as the realization of what she had done came to her. She didn’t know what had come over to her yet at the same time, a part of her really didn’t care either. Rook was in the wrong here and the mention of her sister was the final straw. But it was Vil’s response that was really confusing her.
“Rook has every right to vote for who he wants to and it’s NOT your place to question it!” Vil to Rook, locking eyes with him as they both shared a silent, hurtful understanding. “Rook is not bound to loyalty, even if his actions hurt, they come from a good place. You’re just too naive to understand that!”
“Naive?!” Sidonie pulled Danica away from both Rook and Vil. “You’re both naive if you think…”
“Stop this!” Rook shouted. He was willing to accept Danica’s rejection, accept her rage, and even accept her hands. But he would not accept his devotion to beauty coming into question. He addressed Danica.
“I do not regret my decision and nothing you say will change that! I only regret that my decision has clearly caused you pain.”
“Do not apologize, Rook,” said Vil, glaring at Danica. “Danica, you apologize to Rook for smacking him. You had no right and you ought to be happy in any case. After all, you won the VDC with your seductive wiles and became the black swan you always wanted to be!”
“What? Do you honestly think people voted for you because of your talent and skill? Spare me!”
Vil turned his back to Danica, meant as a sign of contempt but in truth so he wouldn’t have to confront her eyes as he tore into her. On his own tears as he said things that sounded almost foreign to his ears.
“You seduced the crowd like the black swan seduced the prince! Seducing the audience and dooming the RSA Divas to defeat! Whatever tactics Neige used to get the crowd’s attention, you’re just as guilty! Hell, you’re even worse!”
“No…no…you don’t…” for the briefest moment, Danica noticed Vil’s hand trembling behind him, clenching into a fist. She cried out, “YOU DON’T REALLY BELIEVE THAT! I refuse to believe that! Not after you said…”
“You’re just jealous you didn’t win!” snapped Sidonie, holding Danica close, as if to protect her from their dorm leaders. “Don’t take it out on Danica, she did nothing wrong and you know it!”
“Believe whatever you want, Little Potato! The truth still remains regardless!” Vil didn’t even bother acknowledging Sidonie’s statement, as this all was painful enough. “Now, I won’t ask you again, apologize to Rook!”  
Danica couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She stared at both her dorm leaders, feeling short of breath as she struggled to find her words. Far be it from her to apologize to Rook but at the same time, there was one thing she still wished to know.
“Rook-san…” she began, “Will you at least answer me this: which girls’ team did you vote for? Did you at least…”
Rook wasted no words, once again confirming the worst. “Your performance was quite intense, just as you’re acting right now. You and your black swans were incredibly stunning but also frightening. The performance you gave came from a place of anger, just as you are right now,” he shook his head. “Indeed, you are not the same person you once were, and I couldn’t vote for you in good conscience, Danica. I am sorry.”
At this, Danica couldn’t take it anymore. She wouldn’t dare apologize to someone who clearly knew so little about her and thought so little of what he did know.
Wholly overwhelmed, she pressed her hands in her face, screaming loudly as she ran past her dorm leaders and didn’t look back. In the distance, the loud sound of a slamming door echoed down the hallway and the three upperclassmen knew Danica was back in her room. They stared down the hallway in silence for several moments before Sidonie finally spoke.
“Swans are beautiful, but they are not fragile,” she murmured. “Do you remember when I said that to you, Rook?”
Rook turned to her, slowly nodding but not saying anything else. Vil scoffed.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Swans are beautiful, but when they’re provoked, when they’re hurt, they fight back…” she glared at both of her dorm leaders, raising her voice. “All Danica wanted was support but both of you only saw her as an object! A pretty white swan to love and adore and not the actual fucking human that she is!”
“Your language!” Vil snapped. “And what do you mean by that?!”
“Just what I said! You and Rook only saw Danica as a pure white swan and your mistake was thinking she would just be that way forever! But now our swan is realizing her power and because neither of you could value her as she is, she’s biting back! So don’t you dare, either of you, look down on her now when she’s only responding to how badly you’ve both treated her!”
Sidonie ran off to her own room and neither Vil nor Rook tried to stop her. Both of them were rendered speechless by every emotion they were feeling. And both of them were too overwhelmed to even try to comprehend them. They stood in mutual silence for several moments before it was Vil that finally broke it, leaning against the wall as the after-effects of his overblot began to overtake him. A painful whimper escaped him but when Rook reached out to him, he surprised him by fiercely swatting his hand away.
"Why, Rook..." he murmured. "Do you really believe that? That we...I couldn't..."
"Ah, Roi du Poison," Rook sighed. "I understand your ire at Danica, but the way you spoke to her, that was quite harsh."
"Harsh? Harsh?! And you don't believe what you said to her wasn't harsh as well?! You don’t think it was harsh evoking her sister’s memory?! Knowing what a sore spot it is for her?!”
Vil turned to his vice dorm leader with a rage burning in his eyes that the latter was not used to seeing.
"I can understand you not wanting to vote for our team but that was tactless and low, period. After everything Danica has been through, everything she endured, don't you think she at least deserved..."
"Everything Danica has gone through, that you put her through yourself. And everything…”
“This isn’t about ME!”
“But it is,” Rook calmly replied. “Whatever Danica has endured, you were the one to subject her to it. Period.”
Vil hesitated, his steely gaze faltering as he took in Rook’s words. He felt a twinge of guilt, knowing he had no right to judge his vice dorm leader when his own actions were just as egregious, maybe even worse.
“Perhaps we both should focus on reflecting on our own actions rather than casting stones from glass houses.”
Despite Vil's body language indicating for him to stay away, Rook boldly placed his hand on his shoulder. Vil tensed up, but he didn't react further. Only silently gritting his teeth as Rook continued telling him things he really didn't want to hear, even if it was all true.
"Sadly, we were not the only ones to fall short of perfection today. But I suppose I should not be surprised, your harshness towards her was very in character for you."
The anger immediately melted from Vil's face. He was correct after all, as much as Vil didn't want to admit it. However much Rook had hurt her, or even hurt him, Vil's lack of beauty was still the catalyst for it all. His vice dorm leader had no reason to lie to him and his overblot only confirmed all of this anyway.
Attempting to shift blame is the height of childishness. It’s not like my own choices have been fully honorable.
After all, Neige Leblanche would surely never be reduced to such a hideous state, such was his pure nature as different from Vil as night was different than day. He shook his head, shaking away all of the negative feelings against Rook as well.
"You’re right, I was incredibly cruel to her," he said. "It seems to be all that I am capable of."
Indeed, stew in your own reflections, Roi du Poison. Do not look too closely at mine.
"After all, every rose has thorns," Rook smiled a little. "Even the fairest ones of all.”
Pomefiore Dorm ~ Danica’s Room
Finally alone in her own room—her sanctuary from the chaos—Danica collapsed face-first onto her bed. Taking in the familiar scent and soaking the pillows with her tears. Her throat was hoarse from screaming and her limbs were sore, but even then, that wasn’t even the worst of her pain.
Whatever Vil had done, at the very least, Danica could understand his motives even if she did not agree with them. Rook’s actions on the other hand left Danica completely confused and hurt. Her mind returned to winter break and the time they spent together the day before the masquerade.
At that time, Danica was convinced by Rook’s actions that he only had eyes for her, which made her feelings for Vil all the more conflicting. Those moments stayed with her all throughout the training camp and was why she still wished to believe his feelings were true in spite of all she had seen today.
But unlike Vil, who only wished for her to perform the role of a pure white swan, Rook on the other hand expected Danica to be a pure white swan. And when she could not maintain that role in good conscience, he turned his back on her. It was inexcusable, and the more she thought about it, the more she realized how cruel Rook had been to treat her so kindly when he was still capable of such things. This betrayal cut deeper than any critique Vil could have offered.
There was nothing kind about what Rook had done to her or Vil. And Danica knew that if she continued caring for him, she would always only ever be second in his eyes. She would always be second to girls prettier or more charming or to the intriguing beastmen that always caught his attention,
And she would always be second to Neige Leblanche. A person Rook didn’t even really know.But Neige Leblanche was the exact kind of perfect swan that Rook desired and as she had been reminded of for weeks, a black swan couldn’t stand by the side of a prince.
I’m such an idiot! I’m an idiot!  I’M AN IDIOT!
Outside the door, Sidonie could hear the loud, hoarse sobbing coming from within. She didn’t even bother to knock and thankfully, the door was still unlocked. Sidonie entered Danica’s room, gently closing the door and locking it before going over to her heartbroken friend. Sidonie watched her for several moments with a heavy heart, before noticing the music box on the nightstand. She took it and wound it up, the soft melody finally catching Danica’s attention and momentarily putting a stop to her tears.
“It’s a wonder you still have tears left to cry, my dear,” Sidonie sighed, tenderly stroking the younger girls’ hair. “After all that you’ve endured.”
“It hurts, it hurts so bad…” Danica replied, her voice muffled by the pillows. “I can’t stop crying, I try but I can’t, everything hurts but crying hurts too…”
“I know, I know, it’s okay,” Sidonie softly shushed her, coaxing Danica to turn around to face her. She smiled. “I don’t know what has happened between you, Vil and Rook, but I know they hurt you and I cannot forgive that. Especially when you've done nothing wrong.”
“B…but I have…” Danica whimpered, turning her face back to the pillows. “Even if we won, I still became a black swan! Vil is right! And now Rook no longer cares about me! It’s all my fault!”
“Hush!” Sidonie gave the pillow a firm tap. “None of this is your fault! If Rook’s love for you was dependent on you remaining innocent and sweet forever, then he never loved you to begin with! He only loved an idea of you that was never real!”
“But Neige Leblanche is real! He’s innocent and sweet and exactly what Vil and Rook wanted me to be,” she sighed. “And because I couldn’t…”
“No, stop right there. We’ve talked about this once already,” said Sidonie. “At the time I didn’t really understand it but I do now. Danica, do you want to know what innocence really is?”
Danica glanced up at her, nodding as she wiped her face with her hand.
“Innocence isn’t about never changing or staying sweet forever. It’s about being true to yourself, about having the courage to face the world as you are, not as others want you to be,” Sidonie explained, her voice warm and reassuring. “True innocence, my dear, is about retaining the purity of your intentions and your heart, even in the face of adversity and change.”
“Sidonie-san…” Danica listened, her eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and understanding.
“Neige might embody the innocence Rook idolizes, but your journey—your transformation into the black swan—has its own beauty and strength. It’s raw, it’s real, and it’s powerful. Even swans must ruffle their feathers sometimes to truly fly.”
Sidonie pulled Danica into a tender embrace, holding her and allowing her to cry into her chest. She gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Softly rocking back and forth in a way very similar to how she would comfort her when she was still alive.
“I know it hurts, but you aren’t to blame. Fuck Vil for trying to repress you. Fuck Rook for his unwillingness to accept you, and fuck the rest of the world for how they resent people as incredible as you. But you never did anything wrong, and the fact that you won as a black swan is proof of it!”
With teary eyes, Danica gazed up at Sidonie and for the first time in weeks, saw the kindness and support she felt herself lacking for so long. She couldn’t describe it, but something about Sidonie’s gentle manner always reminded her of Fiona. She had been Danica’s greatest support when she was alive and her death left Danica all the more lonely and unsure of herself. But in Sidonie, she felt the same unconditional love and support she could always rely on from her sister and, for the briefest moments, it was enough for her to soothe her.
As the music box continued to play softly in the background, Danica felt a gentle easing of the sadness she had carried. Maybe, just maybe, she could begin to see herself not as a failed attempt at perfection, but as someone beautiful and defiant in her own right.
“You’re the only one who understands,” she sniffed.
“I only want what's best for you, Danica,” replied Sidonie. “Even if they mean well, our dorm leaders really dropped the ball regarding how they’ve treated you.”
And that is why I want to replace Vil. This is why I want to be Pomefiore’s dorm leader.
“You will always be enough, if you continue to strive to be the best performer you can be and compromise yourself for no one.”
“Thank you, Onee…I mean, Sidonie-san…”
“Try to get some rest. Everything will look better and brighter with fresh eyes unsullied by tears.” Sidonie smiled. “I will stay here with you for as long as you need,”
Soon enough, the weight of all Danica was feeling finally became too much for her and mercifully allowed her to finally drift off to sleep. True to her word, Sidonie remained by her side and did not leave for a long time.
As Danica slept, Sionie sat on the bed beside her. On the nightstand next to the music box sat the Pomefiore rosette Farron had crafted for Danica, a commission from a secret admirer. Though Farron was sworn to secrecy, Sidonie was already aware of which of their dorm leaders had requested the gift, as he had let the secret casually drop during a Science Club meeting some weeks prior.
She shook her head, even though she knew, it really was a beautiful accessory and Farron had done a beautiful job crafting it. For that reason, along with how lovely Danica was when she wore it with her dorm uniform, she resolved that she would never tell her that Rook was the one who commissioned it. If she could help it, it would remain a mystery to her forever.
Sometime During Winter Break…
How did I end up in this predicament?
Danica silently asked herself this as she tried to focus her mind on remaining silent and still and away from the pervasive itch crawling up her back. She was doing so well remaining hidden and her pride wouldn’t allow her to give up now. He would surely hear the movement and she would be found faster than the time it would take to soothe the itch and reposition herself in her hiding place.
Yet, paradoxically, a part of her harbored a secret desire to be found. This was an odd twist in her day—playing hide and seek, a game from her childhood, which she hadn’t thought she’d play again until perhaps someday with her own children. And certainly not with Rook Hunt, of all people, and not in his family villa. But that was exactly what she was doing.
To distract herself from her increasing desire to move around, Danica thought about the events that led up to this and how she found herself here in the first place. Soon after Christmas, her parents had allowed her to take a solo trip to Sunset Savanna to visit Taima, Lilianne and their family. They spent the final days of the year working on music Danica would present to Vil when she returned to school and on the last day of her stay, visited the marketplace together.
While exploring on her own, Danica was surprised to run into Rook and was even more surprised when he told her he was spending his winter break there with his family, she had always figured he was from Shaftlands like her and Vil. After chatting for a bit, Rook invited Danica to spend some time with him and Taima and Lilianne convinced her that she should. She required little convincing though she began to feel nervous when they arrived at his home and she realized they were completely alone.
Cut to a few hours later and somehow he had convinced her to play this impromptu game with him, tempting her with the idea that the many empty rooms would provide ample places to hide.
“No corner of this house is off limits to you, not that you will be able to elude me for very long, ma cherie,” he told her with a teasing little grin. “It’s not a matter of if I will find you, but when.”
The closet of an empty bedroom was where she decided to hide from Rook. She even made a point of not turning on any lights and closing the closet door so this room would appear completely untouched. But as the minutes ticked away, her heart began to race at the idea that she could be discovered at any moment. Rook was strangely very good at finding things, especially people, something Danica knew firsthand.
The outcome of this was inevitable, and as she felt the need to move grow stronger by the second, she wondered if preserving her pride was really worth this discomfort. Especially when she secretly was looking forward to what would happen when Pomefiore’s dashing hunter discovered her.
Through the closet keyhole, Danica could see the faintest sliver of light from the hallway, trickling into the room. Her heart stopped and the itch on her back was temporarily replaced with a strangely pleasant tingling sensation as the light became brighter. Rook walked in and turned on the light, and the fact that he didn’t left right away could only mean one thing. But she remained as silent as the grave, maybe Rook wouldn’t notice anything out of the ordinary and move on to another room. If such happened, she would finally leave her hiding spot, having bested him.
Looking through the keyhole, Danica eagerly watched as Rook quietly walked around and, strangely enough, placed the photo frames on the nightstand face down. His head turned to the closet and she held her breath, even closing her eyes so as to not catch even the smallest glint of light. A minute passed, followed by a few, and Rook’s movements went silent.
“It appears mon petit cygne is nowhere to be found in this room,” he mused aloud, turning his head from the closet. “I must search another room, it seems.”
The way he sounded, Danica couldn’t decipher if he was truly talking to himself or trying to lure her out. Either way, she resolved to remain silent. Completely forgetting her discomfort as she listened to his footsteps approach the door, before stopping once again.
“Ah, what a lovely fragrance. Soft and sweet, like mon petit cygne.”
Rook’s footsteps were picking up again and Danica pressed her hands to her lips. Her cheeks burned with the realization that he likely smelled the perfume she wore—a scent she had crafted herself and frequently wore at school. She silently damned herself for wearing it but at the same time, how was she to know that she would be playing this game today?
He continued to muse about the scent, deliberately stopping right at the door of the closet as Danica tried to quietly move back further into her hiding place. She felt her back hit the wall, making a soft thump that she was certain that if she heard, Rook did as well. A soft chuckle all but stopped her heart.
“I wonder, were I to follow this lovely scent…” The doorknob turned and on instinct, Danica squeezed her eyes shut even as light poured in and Rook entered the closet, his quarry within his grasp. “…will it lead me to mon petit cygne?”
His name spoken in a high-pitched gasp was all she could muster before she found herself cornered by her charming vice dorm leader. Rook wasted no time wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her out of the closet with him. Danica put up a half-hearted struggle against him but his embrace tightened and quickly conceded defeat, both of them laughing the entire time.
“To think, twice now I’ve had the privilege to hunt such an enchanting creature,” he whispered against her hair.
“Oh…Rook…” Against his chest, Danica felt the heat rising in her chest and undoubtedly showing on her face. She took in his scent and with it, a powerful desire for Rook to never let her go. Without realizing it, she nuzzled against him. “You knew I was there the entire time, didn’t you?”
“Oui,” he confirmed. “And not just by your perfume, the way you shifted in the closet, your footsteps that I heard from downstairs, and the subtle way your breath hitched as I came to this room and turned on the light. All pointed to me discovering you here.”
“Hmmm, I guess I should have known better to think I could hide from you for long,” a soft chuckle rumbled against her chest followed by a gentle hand running down her back. She gazed up at him before quickly lowering her head. His smile made her blush. “But what do you mean by twice? We’ve…never done anything like this before at school.”
“Ah but we have, cherie,” he gently pulled away just enough to lift her chin, ensuring her eyes met his.  “Even if you do not realize, from the moment we met, I have always had my hunter’s gaze upon you.”
Danica closed her eyes as she pondered his words. She recalled their first meeting, how Rook came across her trying to hurry back to Pomefiore after sneaking off after orientation. She couldn’t help but wonder how long he was watching her walk down the dark empty halls of the school before finally making himself known to her. At the time, her primary concern was returning to her dorm as fast as she could before she could incur Vil’s wrath, but did Rook also consider this a part of their game?
“How could a hunter like myself not desire to chase something so beautiful?” he asked, pressing her closer and bringing his lips to her ear before continuing with, “and how could I ever allow her to escape me now that she is finally in my arms?”
“Rook-san…what do you mean by…haaaaaa…!!”
In a quick and sudden gesture, Rook swept Danica off the ground. A loud shriek escaped her lips before she could finish her question, surprised by his ability to lift her so easily and thrilled by his strength in doing so. She giggled, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as he spun her around, kicking her feet in the air like an excited child.
“I don’t think I could ever escape you, Rook-san,” she blushed. “Even if I wanted to. But could you at least put me down?”
Rook laughed, carrying her over to the bed and placing her back on her feet before taking a seat on the edge of the bed and beckoning her to join him there. She sat beside him, lowering her gaze as he moved closer and placed an arm around her. He was so warm, and she felt a strangely tender sensation being so close to him. It was the same feeling she got whenever she and Vil were alone; tender, comforting, oddly addictive but extremely confusing. Why did her heart have to be so indecisive?
“You were kind enough to indulge one of my deepest whims, ma cherie,” Rook smiled warmly at her. “And for that, merci. May I now have the honor of fulfilling one of your desires?”
“I…really?” She felt the heat return to her face. “If…all you wanted was to play this game with me, I think we could have arranged it sooner. I wouldn’t have minded, maybe not in the dorm though so Vil-san wouldn’t scold us.”
He laughed again, lifting her gaze to his. He murmured something to her in French that Danica only partially understood, but the words “adorable” and “my precious heart” made her heart flutter. Rook was often flirtatious with her, but never like this.
The words he was using, how close he was now, the fact they were alone, everything about their dynamic was quickly taking on a whole new meaning the longer she spent in his presence. There was a strong sense of intimacy in the way he regarded her though they were barely touching. Her heart was confused but he continued in this manner, she wondered if she might finally find the answer she was looking for.
“You…want to grant me one of my desires…?” she softly asked. “I’m afraid I have many, and I’m not sure where to begin.”
“Ahhh, and I would grant every last one if given the opportunity,” he replied, slightly narrowing his gaze towards her face, and leaning into her lips. “But for now, allow me to give you this…”
For the last few hours, Danica sat with Rook and felt as his words slowly began to take on a more intimate feel. She looked into his eyes and felt her heart pounding every time he would smile or compliment her. She agreed to play hide and seek with him and while she tried to make an effort to find a decent hiding place, secretly looked forward to having him find her.
Looking around her, she had the feeling that they were now in his room as the bed she sat upon had a comforting scent that was strangely familiar. And now, he was closer than ever. She watched how his face leaned into hers. And felt how his fingertips softly brushed against her cheek and pulled her face closer to his. But somehow, Danica could not believe that such a thing could happen. Something out of a fairy tale or like the saccharine sweet song lyrics she wrote in middle school. Something so perfectly in alignment with her deepest, most secret desires. This had to be a dream.
But it wasn’t. And as Danica continued pondering such, Rook finally closed the distance between their lips. A soft, hesitant kiss, as if testing the waters, seeking a response before going deeper. A thousand jolts of electricity went off in her body at once but the warmth of his lips against hers quickly melted away any anxiety in her heart, replaced with glowing realization and a burning desire for more. She responded eagerly at first, kissing him back, but when she felt a hand run down her leg, she pulled away.
“Rook-san!” Danica gasped, her face a bright, hot apple red. “Why…you…”
“What’s wrong, cherie?” Rook asked, “I haven’t made you uncomfortable, have I?”
“N…no…” she took several deep breaths, working up the courage to look up and meet his gaze. “I’m not uncomfortable, just…surprised. I never thought…I never imagined that you…that you actually wanted…”
“As I’ve said before, cherie, it is not in my nature to ignore something so beautiful when it is right in front of me.” he gently framed her face with his hands . “It is my greatest desire that you will allow me to pay tribute to your radiance.”
She placed her hands on top of his and wanted to move them away, but found she couldn’t. But soon enough, he removed them himself, replaced with his arms fully enfolding her as he pushed them back onto the bed.
“You are an angel walking amongst mortals, cherie, and I see in your eyes what your lips hesitate to say.” Rook kissed her again, and again, and again, not leaving a single inch of her face untouched by his lips. “You want this don’t you? So why do you deny your heart what it so earnestly desires?”
Danica didn’t realize that her eyes were closed and when she finally opened them again, she felt her face go ablaze at the way Rook was looking at her. Kindness and desire illuminated in his emerald gaze. She was at a loss for words but knew she had to find them soon before her silence allowed him to do something she feared she might regret.
After all, it would be so much easier if Rook was the only person preoccupying her heart. But he wasn’t. And until she could finally make a decision and cease being so fickle, Rook did not deserve to give his heart to someone who was only half-sure of him. With all the strength she possessed, she forced her body forward, removing herself from his warmth, a very difficult task indeed.
“You’re…right, I do want this,” she sighed. “I want this more than anything in the world right now.”
“Ah, then allow me to grant you your desire, mon petit cygne."
Rook held her again against his chest, peppering her cheek with soft little kisses as she trembled in his embrace. He tried pushing her back on the bed, but she resisted.
"There’s no need to be nervous," he whispered. "I will cherish every inch of you. In the way that lovers do.”
“But that’s just it,” Danica summoned further courage to further pull away. “I…this is a lot…I’ve never felt this way before. No one has ever made me feel so…” she blushed. “…special…I…I need time to think about this…I don’t…ahhh…” He appeared as though he were about to kiss her again and she moved further away. “You want us to be lovers, but, will you allow me some time to think about this?”
“You are very special to me, Danica.” Rook smiled. “You stir my heart in ways I cannot describe.” He reached out to her and pulled away a lock of her dark hair, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. “But I understand what I ask is not to be taken lightly and far be it from me to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m sorry,” Danica sighed as she rose to her feet. “I’m sorry I’m like this, but…”
“Please don’t apologize, cherie. I will give you all the time you need to consider my proposal. And when you are ready to give me your answer, let me know."
He stood up as well, pulling her into one final embrace. It didn’t occur to him at all to feel disappointed by her answer. Rather, he saw her response merely as extending the game between them. There was nothing wrong with a little resistance, it made the hunt all the more intriguing, and all the more delightful when Danica finally surrendered.
“I am looking forward to the day you will allow me to shower you with all my adoration. Just like the prince who adored the white swan.”
With the sound of her music box playing in the darkness, Danica began to rise from her sleep. Bitter memories of sweeter times long gone haunting her dreams, reminding her of the cruelty of her reality and not allowing her to rest. And when she finally opened her eyes again she realized it was already night time. 
Sidonie was long gone, but it didn’t bother her much as she looked at her phone and saw it was past midnight. And she also saw a single text from Iman. 
Call me or Taima when you get a chance, and don’t look at magicam until you do.
(A/N: I really hope you all like this chapter, because it really was a labor to complete it and everytime I came back to it, I was also coming back to some extremely painful memories that I’d rather bury in my past forever. 
I’m not going to get into this again but for those who know me, know that I have very deep and personal feelings about all of Book 5 but especially the ending. It’s because of how Book 5 ended is why I ended up throwing out what I originally planned for this story and honestly while I think this fic is much better than what I originally planned, writing it has been quite an emotional journey and not always in a good way. It’s rather remarkable, but also frustrating, how many feelings this anime mickey mouse bishie mobile game can give me but maybe that’s just a testament to the writing.
But now we are almost to the end. The final chapter of this fic will come out a week from today and the remaining VDC dress vignettes will be uploaded within that time. Please look forward to it. And as always, thank you for reading and feedback is appreciated! ❤️)
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writingescapades · 1 year
Lyney & Merlin 2
“You’re late!” Sylvester chided as Merlin walked through the door.
“I’m not!” Merlin protested even through the time read 8:30 am.
Sylvester glowered as he handed the doctor her patient’s files.
“Michael called again. St. Glen Hospice might be able to squeeze Marvin Trout in, but not until April”
Merlin groaned. “And what state would Marvin be in by then? He can’t wait five months. He needs something now!”
“I know Merlin,” Sylvester gently murmured.
“If you know, then get on St. Glen and hammer them to get off their asses and squeeze Marvin Trout in early!”
“Already on it grouchy pants!”
“Sorry, but, aah!” Merlin exclaimed and kicked the reception desk. “It ticks me off. If he had the money, he would have been accepted a long time back”.
As the doctor headed back to get ready for her day, Sylvester stared at the black telephone, hoping that the call they wanted would come.
“Go on, take it doc,” Micky urged.
“No really, it’s not expected. I just did my job”.
“Nonsense, thanks to you and Sylvester we found out that Ducky has high cholesterol. It’s my gratitude,” Micky urged again pushing the tickets into Merlin’s hands.
The tickets were to Fountain’s magical show. Childish, Merlin couldn’t help but think. It wasn’t the first time this magic show was brought up. Apparently, the show was famous throughout the nation and attracted huge crowds and celebrities. Merlin didn’t see the big deal. It was just a show.
“Do you want these tickets,” Merlin asked Sylvester at the end of the day.
“Oh, a magic show! And you’re giving this to me?” Sylvester cooed, but his eyes spoke of slyer intentions. He handed one back to Merlin.
“See you at 8, doc”.
“No, I don’t want to join. I’m busy,” Merlin pushed the ticket back.
Sylvester rolled his eyes. “Ya, sitting in a room with takeout, staring at a wall”. He pushed the ticket back to Merlin.
“Live a little doc”.
That was how Merlin found herself trapped in a crowded theatre. The lights dimmed and a young man entered the stage. With his top hat, costume, and voice it was to no surprise that he commanded the audience’s attention. He thanked everyone for attending and proceeded to surprise and bedazzle the theatre. Even Merlin found herself mesmerized by the tricks, caring little for how the magician did it, only that he did. Eventually another magician joined and together they brought the show to higher levels. When it all ended and the curtains fell, Merlin found herself calmly clapping along the cheering crowd.
“Wasn’t it lovely, doc?” Sylvester rambled, stars in his eyes.
Merlin nodded. “A nice distraction”.
“You need to take a vacation doc,” Sylvester chided as he tided up the receptionist desk.
Merlin melted into a chair in the waiting area.
“I’ve had just about every form of fluid thrown on my shirt today. I think I will have to burn it”.
“Serves you right,” Sylvester muttered.
“You’re sympathy is overwhelming, Sylvester”.
“You’ve been ignoring my suggestions to take a vacation, and now you’re grumpy. It’s been more than 2 years since you took time off. Just take it and get your mood off my back!”
“If I don’t bitch to you Sylvester, who else is there?”
“Get a boyfriend”.
Merlin tried to picture this. Tried to imagine confessing to someone that she didn’t love them, she just wanted an ear to complain to. Tried to picture explaining to someone that yes, someone’s urine did matter more than a date. She laughed.
“I should get a cat”.
Sylvester marched over to Merlin.
“Look, the money’s in your account. Either take a vacation or learn to zip it”.
Saying so, he marched out of the clinic, leaving Merlin to close up.
Walking home, Merlin heard the exclamations of children and a familiar voice. Approaching the noise, she saw the magician from the show. It had been a few weeks, but she did recognize his voice. It looked like he was putting on a street performance for the children. Unfortunately, his show was in her path and there was no alternate route to take. Doing her best to squeeze by, Merlin found herself being stopped by another familiar voice.
“Doctor Levine?”
Merlin turned towards the caller. It was a woman with hair messily tied back, sunken eyes, and pallor skin.
“Ms. Margroove, didn’t I tell you to get enough rest,” Merlin gently chided as she approached her.
Ms. Margroove looked away like a child caught.
“Lucy wanted to see Lyney and I couldn’t say no,” Ms. Margroove trailed off and looked pointedly at the happy face of her young daughter. Lucy was starstruck with the magician and wore a carefree expression.
“Do you have any news?” Ms. Margroove asked. A trace of anxiety flashed through her eyes.
Merlin crouched down to where Ms. Margroove was sitting and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Nothing from what we already know. But we’re trying everything. You’re not alone Ms. Margroove”.
Ms. Margoove nodded and returned to her relaxed state, sharing her daughter’s happiness.
Taking advantage of the distraction, Merlin slipped away and went home.
A few days later Merlin saw an unexpected figure near the clinic.
“It’s open if you want,” she said to the magician. What was his name again? Limmy?
The magician turned, a charming smile on his face with his hands reaching for his top hat, only to find the voice who called out to him crouching on the alley floor. He watched quietly as she reached into a bag and pulled out cat food and poured it into a large dish. The dish was soon surrounded by many cats.
“Sorry guys. No fancy food this time. Gotta save up, you know”.
As she quietly petted a few of the cats, the magician found himself scrambling for words, what with his initial attempt at conversation tarnished by cats.
“Lyney,” came a soft voice. Merlin looked up towards the magician and nodded. Right, Lyney.
“Can I help you?”
The magician, Lyney, took a moment to compose himself before brandishing his usual performance charm.
“Are you, mon ami, the doctor of this fine establishment?”
“Yes, and you’re the magician. Nice show”.
The magician’s eyes sparkled at the compliment and he thanked her magnanimously. His demeanour quickly changed as he got to his point.
“A few days ago, you spoke to one of my guests. The mother of a young girl named Lucy”. Here Lyney took off his hat and gripped it.
“Is Lucy okay?”
“Why do you want to know?”
Lyney shrugged pathetically. “I don’t like seeing children suffer. I... I have an eye for such things. Too many years of practising with kids”.
“Well sir,” Merlin started.
“Well Lyney, I’m afraid it’s not my place to tell you”.
Lyney looked at Merlin, and she caught of twinge of desperation she could not place in his eyes. It disappeared as quickly as it revealed itself.
“Not even for good intentions?” Lyney almost whispered.
“Especially, not for such intentions,” Merlin replied. Then she smiled, trying to pass on some hope to this magician who clearly cared for the child.
“Well,” Lyney started, placing the hat on himself and returning Merlin’s smile. “Let me know if you need anything. I’m usually at the theatre house”.
He made move to leave the ally but then paused and turned back.
“Did you really enjoy my show?”
Surprised at his question, Merlin could only answer with hesitation, as if she wasn’t sure whether she enjoyed something. The familiarity with such a feeling irritated her.
“Why?” the magician persisted.
“You did your job as a magician. You distracted me”.
Lyney looked deep in thought as he pondered over Merlin’s words. Then he nodded and waved before leaving.
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 1 year
Hospital Flowers pt.2
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She didn't wake up.
Yes, Aurelia's heart was beating and she had some brain activity, but she wasn't awake. The only sign she was alive was the steady rising and falling of her chest and the beeping from the heart monitor.
Her favorite flowers filled the room along with balloons and 'get well soon' cards.
Someone was always at Aurelia's side, trying to get her to wake up. Telling stories in hopes of her brain recognizing them in her post surgery, comatose state.
Seventy-five hours later and some people were slowly beginning to lose hope. Others clung to it like a lifeline and refused to let go.
Tony sat by her side, holding her hand, talking about how he felt when he heard he was having a daughter. When he first saw her big green eyes and heard her first cry, how that was possibly the greatest moment of his entire life.
"When I heard, I was terrified, of course. . . I didn't want to be like my father, and so I was involved as much I could be during your mom's pregnancy. . . By the forty week mark, she was pretty tired of both of us, but she loved you. I loved you then and I love you now. . ."
Ha! I wasn't even born yet and she was already tired of me. I miss mom.
Silence filled the room.
"Then when you were born at forty weeks and two days, I had a new fear. . . That you'd be exactly like me— a hard-headed genius with anxiety levels through the roof. . . But the moment I saw you open those stunning green eyes of yours, my heart absolutely melted and I knew right then that you'd be amazing, and I was right. . . I'm lucky to have such an amazingly sweet girl as my daughter, even if her fiancé does wear spandex. . . I love you, Aurelia Marie Stark. . . Please wake up."
I'm trying to. . . I love you most, dad.
He stood and kissed her forehead, letting Peter have his seat. "Talk to her, kid. The doctors recommend it."
Peter nodded and Tony left.
"Hey, Lia! Its me, Peter. . . I remember this one time you picked me up from school, and I had been having a bad day. I didn't want to talk about it, so you took me to McDonald's and we sat in the far corner, away from everyone."
I remember that too. . .
He teared up and attempted to blink them away, before giving up and letting them fall.
"You didn't pressure me into talking or anything. . . But you told me some embarrassing stories from your childhood, like the time you face planted at a pageant and laughed so hard you snorted." He smiled lightly as the tears continued to fall.
Dad laughed so hard with me that he got kicked out and I got disqualified, I don't think I ever told you that part. . . Oops.
"It really cheered me up. . . You've always been good at cheering people up, which is why you can't leave us. You have to fight and come back. Mr Stark will be lost without you. . . And so would I. You're my sister." He cried.
"I wouldn't want to live in a world where my sister was gone. . . I couldn't handle it. . . We love you so much."
I love all of you so much, I'm trying so hard to come back to all of you. . . Be my brave little brother until I'm back. I love you so, so much Pete.
"You did good, Queens." Steve said, clapping his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Your aunt has to leave, but she says you can stay as long as you're with one of us."
Peter stood from the chair and embraced Steve — something he had never done before. Shocked, Steve took a moment to process it before returning the embrace.
"Get my sister to wake up. . . Please."
"I plan to."
"Good." Peter said before leaving the room.
Steve sat in the chair and scooted closer to the bed. He recited every healing prayer he learned from the church and his mom at least once before sighing and dropping his head to the bed.
Almost eighty hours and there was still hope.
"I need you to wake up for me, Sweetheart. . . We have plans, you know? We're getting married next October and going wherever you want to go for the honeymoon, and we'll get out of Brooklyn, as much as I love the place, I can't hold on to my past like that, especially since you're my future. . . Maybe I'll take a page out of Clint's book and build you a farm and let you have as many animals as you want and name them whatever you please. . . I'm sure Maverick would be much happier on a farm than in the city." He smiled lightly, grasping her hand.
"If you can hear me, I need you to know I love you. . . And once we're married, I want to start a family. . . As many children as your heart desires."
I can hear you loud and clear, Captain. . . I want Three. Two boys, one girl, but I'll be happy regardless. . .
"We can paint the nursery and put together the furniture, and I already know you'd be the most fantastic mother because of how you've been with Peter and the trick or treaters on Halloween. . . Knowing you, you have everything planned out, especially the names for our children and the color swatches for the entire house, including the nursery."
Of course I do, I'm a Stark, we're professional planners. . . I miss you, Steve. I'm going to come back to you, I promise.
He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it.
Then there was something so light he almost missed it. Almost.
The feeling of her hand tightening around his.
I'm coming home.
He released her hand. "I promise you, I'll be right back."
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Sound was an odd thing.
She thought they were conversations in her head, but they weren't. With most of her senses asleep, she heard with a clarity she hadn't had before.
As soon as Aurelia felt a shift, sound began fading away like the music does at the end of a song. Then it started low and garbled. It slowly rose in volume and became more clear, like she was mentally turning a radio dial.
She sucked in a shallow breath and winced. It felt like she inhaled sandpaper.
She opened her eyes and everything was bright and blurry. She saw vague shapes that looked like multiple people, but quite frankly she was confused, tired, frustrated, and overall done.
"What?" She rasped, moving her head to the side and closing her eyes again.
"Well miss Stark, you're awake. Welcome back."
"Clearly." She groaned
"You should get some rest to reacclimate. We'll check on you in a little bit to make sure you're readjusting to your surroundings."
"Water?" She let the obvious question pierce the air as she opened her eyes once again. Everything was less blurry.
Tony and Steve helped her sit up and Natasha passed her the water. Aurelia downed it within seconds.
"We'll let you get some rest, but don't think about the situation too much. Everything will be alright now. . . We're glad you're awake again." Natasha patted her knee lightly and escorted everyone out of the room, except three.
Moment by moment things were coming back. Memories. Unobstructed vision. But it wasn't instantaneous.
That's how it remained for a week. . . Aurelia trying to figure out where she was (though she was reminded daily), frustration, anxiety, resting, talking more and more every day.
After the week she was almost back to how she was before.
Even at almost, Steve loved her anyway.
She remembered that she loved Steve.
Another two days and she went home with everyone, Tony deciding the tower was the safest bet until she was back to 100%, or as close as she would ever get again.
They knew she was better when they found her play fighting Thor outside of a cushion fort with foam swords. What? A girl has to play a little bit sometimes.
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What happened after?
Aurelia learned to kinda trust cars again.
Steve and Aurelia got married the next October 31st in a private ceremony at an undisclosed location in New York City.
They spent sixteen days in Italy as their honeymoon.
They arrived home just in time for Thanksgiving and to announce their first pregnancy.
They bought an old farm house in Connecticut
Sarah Natalia Rogers was born September thirteenth the following year.
Two years later, Elijah James Rogers stole hearts on November 3rd.
Almost two years after that, Catherine Virginia Rogers was born on March 10th.
Natasha was named the godmother of all three.
Bucky is Sarah's Godfather.
Sam is Elijah's Godfather.
Thor is Catherine's Godfather. (Literally)
They grew old and had a good life together.
Everyone else did the same.
Because at the end of it all, they deserved to be happy.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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My allergies are really bugging me right now and I'm pretty uncomfortable. But hopefully by the time I'm done this my meds will have kicked in and I'll feel better.
Today was a pretty good day. The kids weren't as awesome but I still had fun.
I also slept better last night. Still not fabulous but it's getting better. And when I woke up I didn't feel like I was dying. So that was good.
I got dressed and I actually loved my outfit and my hair today. I don't love my picture sadly. But it's whatever. There are worse things.
I made a bagel and left on time. But because I didn't stop I got to the musuem early. Which was fine. I was happy to go say no good morning to my James.
I had a pretty easy morning. I didn't have to set anything up. Only had to show Rosia how to turn on the DVD player. My group has movie and lunch first. So no stress for me!
And once the school came so did everyone else. Just busy busy! But we got everyone in and they were all super nice. I found my group in the hoard and when I told them they had movie first they cheered. So cute.
I went to the back and got to hear some drama and stuff and then just walked around for a bit. I got them from the movie and took them to lunch and went to make sure my neighborhood stuff was ready to go. And then I was on my way to get them for programming.
And neighborhood went super well. Besides some loudness they were doing so good. We did have one friend who was a little all over the place. And some boys who wouldn't stop hitting each other. But we all did our shopping and buying and counting and clapping and it was fun.
At the end we didn't have as much bank time as I nor ally like but it's all good. We had to get out of the way of Jessica's tour. Because Jessica was teaching. And Mike. And Adam was almost two hours late because of some confusion. And!! Kristen was even back from the other building teaching. It was a very busy day.
My last program of the day was lights on. And it didn't go as well as yesterday's. But their work was still really fun and I had a good time. The problem came at the end when the teacher left the room to go deal with something and we kind of melted down. It wasn't all of them. But the half that was loud made everything a lot for me. And then regular guests of the museum just. Opened the door and came in the room. And I was very frustrated.
But it was close enough to the end of the day. So I gathered them up and took them to get their stuff.
I went back to the room to clean everything up. Took my materials to restoration. And took a moment. I was just a bit tired.
I was pleased though to find I had emails. I emailed Anna at awah about materials this weekend as well as following up on my stress from yesterday's emails. And she forwarded my question to Jake and it turns out I was totally in the right so there was no issue. And then emails from our insurance agent with a possible way to bundle our renters and car insurance and save some money. And a lovely message from my mom just telling me I helped her and it made me feel so good.
I sat with James for a bit and we discussed finances. We got paid today so things aren't so dire feeling. And nice for us it's a 3 paycheck month! I might be able to get my savings back to where it was before.
Plus I'm working a lot next month in preparation for being away for two weeks. For our honeymoon. Which is coming up and I'm super excited about!!
I would leave James at the desk to go do supplies with Meril and Adam. And we chit chatted and talked about feildtrips we took and kids that made our lives difficult and just worked on oysters and cans and it was nice.
And at 2 I went to head out. I would end up staying behind a bit longer to stand outside with Jessica to gossip and also fill in my calendar even more. Busy busy busy.
I decided I wouldn't go home yet. I would go get taco bell. I would go walk around the thrift store. It was going to be great.
And it was! I had fun looking around. Not as much goofy stuff. I did find two large pads of art paper. And I had fun looking at the toys. A woman approached me and asked if I was Italian and told me I was beautiful (and that she was heterosexual and then she was like that was weird why did I say that?? Which was objectively hilarious). And I tried on some shoes.
I didn't pick much up though. So I let myself look at clothes. And found three pieces I lied a lot. Two comfy at home ones and one nicer one. So I am a little over my hope of keeping my clothing purchases to 3 a month. With these brining me to 6. But I'm still trying!
I went and had my tacobell next. I got two tacos. A bean and a potato. And after I ate in the car I headed home.
It was beautiful out. And once I got home I opened the windows and the backdoor and just enjoyed the breeze.
I tried on the clothes and loved them. And once everything was put away I decided to take am early shower. And curl up on the couch to draw a peep bunny. Meril said I of course have to if I like them so much. And I do so it makes sense.
James got home. And would give me a big kiss and make lasagna for dinner. They soon jumped on their podcast call. And I have been just having a good night. Hanging out with Sweetp. Watching videos. Scrolling. Just resting. It was a good day.
Tomorrow I have a good day at the museum. A tour. Training/watching Cindy lead balls and track. And then I lead a cannery. So let's hope it's a fun day.
Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourself!!
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dashawfrostart · 9 months
This Week In "Time & Again" #9: LINEART IS DONE!!! And My Adventures With Krita Assistants! [Longread warning]
First things first! It took me a while (again) to make yet another one post, but taking a small social hiatus was totally and utterly worth it, let me tell you!!! Because here's the news:
(happy cheering, happy music playing (my personal favourite is Skinny Puppy - very happy indeed), sounds of jolly hand clapping, and a cake, somebody please bring in the cake!.. wait... the cake is a lie... 😱 hmmm, every time I refer to this joke, I want to alter it and say, "A pie is a lie, but the cake is fake!" Personally, makes me happy, but also makes me sound a bit like Mad Hatter to everyone around😅 which is fine, I love "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland")
Not gonna lie, it feels like I spend a little bit more time on lineart alone comparing to what I've been expecting from myself: different factors have contributed to the delay, and among of them was a short-term loss of a creative spark as well (which is always incredibly unpleasant, yaaarrrr!), but nonetheless! It is done!!! And let me tell you - it is done in style 😎 Ich bin sehr froh 🥳 However, contrary to what I've just written above simply for fun, it's not time to celebrate just yet. I'll probably take a small 24 hour break from my project - to take a breather and recalibrate my brain to successfully switch to colouring mode, ya know - and I'll just keep working on it to keep up the pace! The Colouring Stage is waiting for me, wheeeeeee!!! ... Wait, but so happened I already had my 24 hours off drawing yesterday. 🤔 WELL, NO TIME TO SPARE NOW: BACK TO WORK!!!...
But only after I'm done writing this post, for I have a moral obligation to finish it up 😁
So, earlier I promised to share my experience with Krita Assistant Tool with you. This is going to be very technical, so prepare yourselves, happy folks. Here goes.
I've used Krita's Assistant Tool before. I started to use it quite extensively as the work on Chapter 2 began, for I had to represent strictly geometric shapes of rooms, and corridors, and even the whole floors, for almost the entire set of events was happening indoors. In a peculiar place. The entirety of Chapter 1 with the exception of, say, 2 or 3 panels at most, took place within Lothar's mansion in Sweden. That one also required quite a few geometric shapes, but for some reason I did well without any help of Assistant Tool - I don't remember for sure by now, but I only used it briefly for some panels/frames. And it did not require anything particularly complex then. Mind you, during the development of Chapter 1 I've been still learning my newly obtained graphic tablet - that was the first time I ever used one (and now I don't want to go back to neither mouse and keyboard drawing or a "blind" tablet - eff that! 🤣). In this respect, Chapter 2 was a game changer. I wanted to raise the plank further up and challenge myself to do even better with the perspectives of urban buildings and interiors. And since approximately that time, I believe, Assistant Tool has become a precious little helper for me. Thank you so much, Krita devs!
As you can see in the documentation, Assistant Tool has many features and different modes. I primarily use those tools to draw perfect - or almost perfect - urban perspectives, for those might be a bit tricky to do right off the bat. However, some of those tools might be used in a non-conventional or less expected ways. Let me show you some of my experiments with them.
Starting off with the basics, of course.
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Above you can see the screenshot that illustrates how I used to normally set up the perspective assistant grid for the more correct view of a room - I've been doing that very thing beginning from Chapter 2. Basically I create a bunch of perspective grids and join them to create an imitated 3D view of a room. That really helps a lot.
I mentioned a certain video tutorial that really helped me out on my journey of meowstering - sorry, mastering the Assistant Tool in a way that's helpful to me. It was this incredibly helpful little video I watched trying to figure out how to build a one point perspective view for one of the panels I challenged myself to draw. However... I discovered something else instead: Parallel Rulers and an obvious "Snap To Assistants" function. Both of which are super helpful to use. I never paid attention to "snap to assistants" before. Now I wonder why 😅
Parallel Rulers help to draw totally straight lines when working on a perspective view - like the one that I was having a hard time dealing with when trying to portray an extremely skewed backstreet perspective. All of that is done without the use of the Line Tool.
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While parallel rulers are something that I'm still learning and practising, the self-explanatory "snap to assistants" is an excellent function that just makes your life significantly easier.
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I used a combination of Ellipse and Vanishing Point with "snap to assistants" function on to create spectacularly precise and nice looking sports wristwatch for Lothar. This is just how I love it: extremely geometric and correct, but with slight imperfections that make it lively and natural, with a visible hand-drawn "fluctation" to the outlines:
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For example, here's a good comparison for you to see what I'm talking about: to the left it's a gif illustrating how I drew the wristwatch outlines with an Assistant with Ellipse setting that snaps to the assistants, and to the right there's a gif showing how to do the same (but way worse) simply using the separate Ellipse Tool using the same brush as an outline. Behold the difference:
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For the record, I used the same neat trick to draw the nice lines around that "Hit!" special effect on another one page, to make it look cleaner and more professional:
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Spline is yet another one type of assistant that might come in handy in certain situations, for some artists. In my case this time, I used it so add extra thickness to a certain line that has already been drawn to make it look more appealing and lively:
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Thus, instead of trying numerous times to reproduce the same brush stroke (and inevitably failing at it repeatedly) to add just a little thickness to already existing stroke, one can simply draw a Spline "vector path" on top of it, turn "snap to assistants" on and draw a perfect, non-shaky line that doesn't stray somewhere you don't want to. Neat-o! If you're somewhat familiar with vector software (like I am), using Spline and making it exactly the shape you need is easy-peasy: it has two handles so that you could adjust the position and the curve of the assistant line. Works exactly as a basic Bezier Curve. Super simple!
That's gonna be enough for now. Since this post has grown fairly large in size (I never change, eh?), I'm thinking about taking a longer break in posting again. So I might return in about 2 weeks with more news on how the colouring of Chapter 5 is going!
Stay tuned, and have fun! Lothar is on his way back to you, and Jeanny will follow up, too 😉 Take care!
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