#pokemon galar
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poffim · 5 months ago
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Galarian rapidash for my friend <3
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mewsjournal · 4 months ago
Currently my cities getting hit by some terrible annual kyogre vs Groudon rain that blows in from hoenn. I hate it but my mimikyu loves it. This is him this morning outside my classroom.
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Why he stand in the wet :(
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shyblacksheep · 6 months ago
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mattkenzie · 7 months ago
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Credited goes to d4ggerfish (not sure what social media platform though)
Galarian Golett and Golurk (Steel/Ghost)
Another Pokémon that I wanted was a Galarian Golett and Golurk, you see I was hoping that Pokémon Sword and Shield would give us Armour evolutions to be the gimmick (like Mega Evolutions) instead of Gigantamax because I associated the Galar region with the word ‘Gallant’ so I wanted Pokémon to become knights akin to the Arthurian tales Knights of the round table (I kind of feel robbed).
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months ago
Hey idk if you write for Grusha, but I really like the way you write! Could I ask for some relationship headcanons for Grusha with a Galarian s/o (who confessed to Grusha in true Galarian fashion, giving him an Applin.)? Its okay if not though :>
Are you kidding me! I love this so much! I have been WAITING for someone to request Grusha, so i thank you for this adorable request! To add an extra little bit of cuteness i am giving you a shiny Applin because he deserves it! I also sprinkled in some general head cannons in there.
No Warnings just fluff
Grusha Relationship Headcannons | Galarian Reader
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Let’s get the Applin thing out the way first: When you presented the Applin to him, he was EXTREMELY confused, why are you giving him a grass/dragon Pokemon? But when he sees your flushed face looking away from him with your arms extended out to him with the little green Applin - The gears start turning.
Then it clicks, you are confessing to him! Finally remembering you are from Galar and not Paldea dude turns bright red. He’d read up on some of the Galarian customs to make you feel more at home in this new region and he did find out about the Applin confession. Though usually the Applin was red. Did you find a shiny one just for him?
This man is speechless, he literally cannot utter a word over his own shaking breath, But he will take the Applin once he’s back down on earth again. And he is not letting the lil guy go.
He is cold all of the time. Even when away from his gym, he is cold. It could be the middle of summer on a beach and he’s there in a winter coat, fuzzy hat and gloves. And yes, he has bought you both matching scarfs, even if you don’t wear it, if you just have it that's enough for him.
Speaking of matching scarfs, you also have matching gloves, hats, warmers, anything. For some reason he just loves matching with you. That reason? Because I said so. That being said he’s also an opposite kinda guy too. If he’s wearing white, you’re in black and vice versa. Essentially its: Colours = Matching, Shades = Opposites.
Will not take you snowboarding unless you practically beg him to take you, or you already did snowboarding or any other winter sports before meeting him. You getting hurt is the last thing he ever wants to happen, so expect him to dot on you alot.
Grusha worries about you ALL OF THE TIME. If you are not in the same room as him, he worries. He is by no means possessive of you, he just cares so much about you that he tends to come off as clingy.
PDA is a no to him. He does not like being touched in public, he can’t explain it, he will rub your arms if you get too cold or give you his scarf though so don’t worry about any cute form of affection like that. 
In private though, kisses, hugs, cuddles, dancing, laughing you name it. Privacy is his thing.
Speaking on privacy, your relationship didn’t get announced until you were closing in on your 1 year anniversary. Thanks to his fame as a gym leader and a snowboarder, his personal life is something he doesn’t get to have.
You are the only thing he has left to keep him grounded so please let him keep you to himself whilst he still can. Before the Media gets they’re grubby paws on you.
The first time he visits your home region is when your relationship goes public. Raihan ain’t about to let this go unposted!
Jealousy is a difficult thing for him. Not because it makes him difficult but because he doesn’t exactly… experience it. When Grusha sees you uncomfortable or someone invading your personal space, he doesn’t go into jealous boyfriend mode, he goes to protective boyfriend mode. Asking if you are okay, if you need anything, if you want to go somewhere, if you want him to leave ect ect. He may not even register that the other party is even there at all.
When he met Leon it was an… interesting experience to say the least. Leon legit spent the first hour of your meeting walking into everything because he was so busy asking Grusha questions about Paldea. Surprisingly enough, Leon is one of the few people from Galar he keeps in contact with. The others being Piers, Melony and Milo.
The only time he ever showed visible irritation was to Raihan. Leon’s questioning didn’t bother him at all, Raihan’s constant social presents however? That got under his skin.
If it wasn’t for the fact you were with him; when Raihan announced your relationship on live he almost punched him. Dude just revealed the most important detail of his personal life to most of the Galar region and new spreads FAST! Things are gonna boil up in him but, instead Grusha just gives him the cold shoulder for the rest of the trip's duration. They have made up since but he still won’t talk to Raihan unless he absolutely has to.
Sleep. He sleeps all the time. If he isn’t training, talking to the media, battling, or spending time with you. This man can be found sprawled out on his stomach, one arm under his head, the other dangling of the bed, legs in some kind of cross pose on the bed, hair a mess
He is an indoor person when it comes to personal time. Grusha spends so much of it outside; being able to lay back on the sofa with you encased in his arms, warming up by the fire is his ideal pass time. 
Cannot cook for anything. He will set the oven on fire and most likely burn his hands trying to put it out. Baking on the other hand now THAT is something he can do. Rika still hasn’t forgiven him for beating her at a gingerbread contest.
He didn’t confess first but he did say I love you first. This man didn;t even realise he had even said it, he was so in the zone just admiring what was happening and boom he said it and now he matches a cherish ball. 
Sleep schedule, what's that? Grusha sleep is completely random. He could be up at 4am and asleep at 12am: Or he's asleep by 10am and awake at 3am the next morning. Sometimes he sleeps for 3 hours, sometimes 15 hours. It's honestly a game trying to guess how long he’ll be out for.
With that said however, he is NEVER late to anything important. Whether that be a day out with you, a gym challenge, a meeting. Sometimes though, if he’s in a bad mood that day he will be late on purpose. 
Sour food is his enemy, his sour tolerance is in the negatives, he might actually die if you gave him toxic wastes so for your sake and his stomach please don’t. 
Hand kisser, that is how he greets you, says goodbye, randomly shows affection. Grusha will lift your hand up, lower his scarf if he’s wearing it and gently kiss the back of your hand then won’t say anything after.
Not a note leaver. If you are asleep and he needs to go, he is waking you up to tell you he is going and that he loves you. “No piece of paper is worthy of his love for you.” At least that's how Tulip put it.
Athletic as hell, he snowboards for Arceus sake! He’s gotta have some athletic ability. Grusha’s climbing ability is honestly scary. This man could give Sneasler a run for its money
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hexmaniaq · 4 months ago
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coming out of your cocoon, taking a weight off your shoulders
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evany-star · 6 months ago
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chubbiichii · 7 months ago
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such a good lil boy!
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cryborgmechs · 7 months ago
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slow cooking together,,
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cephalosaur · 2 years ago
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It's dangerous to go alone! Here, take this:
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extensionallydefined · 9 months ago
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And another one! Ability forms for Cursola!
This is another one of my favorite mons, best gen 8 one for sure!
For Weak Armor the idea was to evoke the Corsola-Galar kind of coral as if it was still partly on it, like... Weak Armor (peak fiction)
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And for Perish Body, I went full spooky-vibes, giving it swirls and a more intimidating ghost-face.
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I feel like these are a bit subtler than my previous ones, but I like them all the same! I hope you guys like them too - Cursola deserves more love.
And sorry @n0rtist, I feel like I'm spamming you with these but the ability forms concepts is just too good lol
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mrlemonshark · 1 year ago
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IM ALIVEEE ARGHHGRRAAHHH hi.. i love raihan pokémon sword and shield.. i never got around to drawing him because the first time i did it (granted i was like 14) it was so shit i wanted to explode, NEVER GIVE UP!! hes so fun and silly i love him lots
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teapopp · 1 year ago
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my comfies
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featherfal · 1 month ago
Who's everyone's favorite poison type? I'll go first: Galarian slowking!!
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(I'll rate your faves out of ten hehe)
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wrightwrongs · 4 months ago
My friends been explaining them dammit romper games to me recently
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Usually I’m A lot better at pairing up characters with Pokémon but I know only a surface level of information about these games so I’m going purely based off vibes (and the fact than when hangry morpeko turns purple and that matches his hair)
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himurino · 3 months ago
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