#Pokémon Courage and Wisdom
Trainer Profile: The Happy Mask Salesman
“You say some young hooligans stole your masks?”
“As luck would have it, I’m looking for a stolen mask as well.”
“Perhaps we should search together.”
A mysterious traveling merchant who, when asked for his name, only insists that he’s “a mask salesman”. People call him the Happy Mask Salesman because he always seems to be grinning, even when he’s screaming in rage.
Some of the masks he sells have magical powers. One mask prevents even the most aggressive pokémon from attacking unprovoked, while another allows its wearer to hear and see that which is normally imperceivable. Rumors claim that he even has a mask that makes shiny pokémon more likely to appear.
Wherever he goes, the Happy Mask Salesman is accompanied by a pokémon called Ogerpon. She always wears a teal mask, leaving her true appearance a mystery.
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determinedowl23 · 1 year
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Linktober Day 11: Monsters/Beasts
uh pocket monsters divine beasts or whatever
Vah Rudania inspired regional variant of Sceptile! I’ve mentioned a few time ages ago about a Zelda themed pokemon game (yes I know of Bilsu art. I love his work but I started this before I learned about him. My idea for a game would be more like a traditional pokemon game and less like Link Dimension tho) and feel like Divine Beast Pokémon would be good inclusions. In reality, I would probably make them regional evolutions instead of variants (this would evolve from Grovyle with a special Sheikah item) but I wanted to get this out today. It’s a Psychic/Fire type, and the blue coloration is its shiny.
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The concept of Vah Rudania being inspired by Sceptile comes from Pokémon Infinite Fusion! This art was made by slowforest (other fusions by them) and they also made sprites for the other four Divine Beasts, that I might get to in the future.
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epicspheal · 4 months
Not Yet! We can fight on! An Iris Analysis
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Ah Iris…I remember when we first got information about her through anime leaks how Serebii.net forums were going wild. A dark-skinned female as Ash’s companion? I was fighting for my life trying to defend her because people were…not that accepting of her to say the least.
I like Iris, both her anime and game counterparts. But this analysis is going to be centered on her game counterpart (since this blog is mostly gameverse centered). While our time with her in both Black/White and Black 2/White 2 is overall pretty limited we can still gain a lot of information about who she is in the game’s world
Let’s start with her name. Fun fact! Iris is the only champion (bar Red) whose name is the same in both English and Japanese. The name Iris comes from the plant genus named Iris which actually comes from the Greek Goddess of Rainbows, Iris. Now this Greek Goddess doesn’t have a whole lot of mythology around her, but her key role was to be the connection between humans and gods. A divine messenger of sorts. Given Iris’ ability to understand the hearts of dragons, the Tao Trio being revered in Unova, and her being from a Village that lives as one with dragon types it makes sense why this is her name. She’s a bridge between humans and dragon types which I think is really sweet.
Now back to the Iris flowers, we know Pokemon loves floral and plant symbolism. And the Iris flower has no shortage of symbolism with it meaning faith, courage, valor, hope and wisdom. Iris as a character certainly has a lot of courage being a dragon tamer of some pretty fierce dragon types at such a young age. She has a lot of faith and hope in her and her team’s power. She shows plenty of valor by offering to be Bianca’s bodyguard in Castelia city and stepping up against Team Plasma in the Plasma Castle. And as we see in Pokemas, she is growing in her wisdom.
But wait there’s more! Even the individual colors of the Iris flower (of which there are many) also have their own unique meanings. Since Iris is very much related to the color purple, let’s use that one for more analysis. The purple iris symbolizes royalty, wisdom, strength and courage. Wisdom and Courage are repeated themes for Iris as we see. Strength and Royalty can be tied to her status as champion as they’re the strongest trainers of the regions and (especially in places like Galar) can be seen as royalty among the league.
Now let’s take a look at her team. For this I’m going to be only using her normal mode team
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We see here that she uses a mix of Dragon-Type Pokemon and Pokemon that are dragon-adjacent much like Lance. However unlike Lance, she doesn’t repeat any species (which is mainly due to Unova having more variety in Dragon Types). She uses 12 of then (at the time) 17 types with a fair spread of both physical and special damaging moves showing that she does value coverage a lot. She has a lot of coverage for ice types with fire and fighting to combat ice, and fire, fighting and ground to combat steel which resists dragon moves. Even though the fairy type had not yet debuted, it seems like Iris was already future-proofing her team with the addition of Aggron. She also tends to favorite spread moves (Surf, Earthquake, Rock Slide) and some high-risk/high-reward moves (Double Edge, Focus Blast, Endeavor, etc) which gives the impression her style of battling is very high-powered and likely means her champion room needs to be pretty sturdy to withstand the level of her attacks.
"I heard this lady's scream and ran after the thief as fast as I could. But this city is so big and so crowded… I'm afraid I lost them. […] But that's so bad! Taking people's Pokémon is really bad! 'Cause it's really nice when people and Pokémon are together! They each have something the other doesn't, and they help each other!"
This is our first introduction to Iris after she helps out Bianca after she gets her Pokemon stolen from her. We can see right off the bat that despite being young she’s very eager to help others, which gives me the vibes that in another universe she’d be a perfect Pokemon Protagonist. Also we see that she truly values the relationship between people and Pokemon which again tracks since she not only grew up in the Village of Dragons, her empathic abilities that allow her to connect with Dragon types at a deeper level would increase her love on the bond people and Pokemon typically share.
We also see in the Castelia City events that she does struggle bit with getting around the city, but that seems to be more of a result of Castelia being so unfamiliar to her versus her being like Lillie or Leon who have more overall struggles with with direction, since she can navigate Opelucid City just fine.
"That single Dragon Pokémon, along with twin heroes, brought a new region into being. And people and Pokémon had happy lives!! In its pursuit of truth, the white Dragon-type Pokémon sought to usher in a new and better world… Its name was Reshiram. And the other, the black Dragon-type Pokémon, sought ideals and to usher in a new world--a world of hope. Its name was Zekrom. But, but… The two heroes' sons started the battle again! And an instant later, Reshiram and Zekrom destroyed Unova with fire and lightning! Then, they disappeared! But, but… If people work with Pokémon in the right way, we don't have to worry anymore about the world being destroyed. I mean, Reshiram and Zekrom worked hard for everyone and made a new region! So, it should be all right, I think."
Iris is also the one in both versions to tell us the origin story of Reshiram and Zekrom showing her deep knowledge of Unova cultural history. Now here we get a bit of a divide where in Black she is Drayden’s apprentice and will teach the move Draco Meteor to your Pokemon, but in White we actually face her as the gym leader.
"The pain of my Pokémon… I feel it, too!"
Here we get a glimpse of her powers in action, albeit subtly. It’s very clear she’s an empath and that the bond between her and her Pokemon is so strong that she can feel when they take hits. Which when you think of the attacks she puts on her teams, shows that she tries to finish battles quickly to minimize the shared pain.
We see her again at N’s castle bravely fighting against the seven sages so Hilda/Hilbert can face N, once again showing her courage and I swear in another universe she was the BW protagonist. She fits the bill so well
"Sometimes I think about the village where I was born, but I'm totally OK! Because I met lots of Pokémon--and all of you!"
This quote comes from Caitlin’s Villa where she remarks about her time in the Village of Dragons, showing that she doesn’t mind being away from it because she’s made so many new friends!
"… Looking for Team Plasma? But Team Plasma disbanded two years ago!"
Fast forward two years in-universe and meet her once again in Castelia City as Hugh and Nate/Rosa are giving chase to Neo Team Plasma. As she helps them to the sewers we can see she’s gotten a better grasp on navigating the big city as she no longer complains of getting lost. We can see though, she is taken aback a bit by the claims that Team Plasma is still around, but nevertheless she still helps out.
"Yahoo! I haven't seen you since I ran into you in Castelia City! Are you here to battle Grandpa? Yep! Opelucid City's Gym Leader, Drayden, is my grandpa. We're not really related, though! Oh! The Gym is that way! Before challenging it, you might want to go to Route 9! Still, your Pokémon really respect you! I feel how much fun your Pokémon are having, even from inside their Poké Balls! Good luck!"
We meet up with her again in Opelucid City where we see in both versions that Drayden is now the one gym leader for the city which is foreshadowing that Iris has ascended to a higher position. But also we get a confirmation that Drayden and Iris have a grandparent-grandchild relationship even if they aren’t blood related. And once again we get a bit of hint of her powers as she can sense the fun the player’s Pokemon are having, showing that although her powers seem most related to draconic , she can still sense the feelings of other Pokemon too.
"Know what? I really look forward to having serious battles with strong Trainers! I mean, come on! The Trainers who make it here are Trainers who desire victory with every fiber of their being! And they are battling alongside Pokémon that have been through countless difficult battles! If I battle with people like that, not only will I get stronger, my Pokémon will, too! And we'll get to know each other even better! OK! Brace yourself! I'm Iris, the Pokémon League Champion, and I'm going to defeat you!"
I really love this quote in particular because it shows how much she looks forward to tough fights as it helps her deepen the bonds between her and her Pokemon. This is in contrast to at the time, the only other kid champion of the series, Blue, who was more concerned about gloating about his tactical mindset in assembling a powerful and versatile team. It shows the different mindsets we see between the two child-prodigies (thankfully though, Blue does change his mindset). The fact that we both began and end the 2D era of the franchise (Gen 1 to Gen 5) with the champion being a child is a nice way to bring it all together for that time of Pokemon.
Iris’ pre-champion fight quote also ties into a quote you can only access in the memory link cutscenes
"I've already decided! I know what kind of Champion I will be! There's a myth in Sinnoh that says that the reason why Pokémon jump out is because they want to thank people. I'm sure that we and Pokémon have helped each other and enriched the world since ancient times. These memories have been engraved in each Pokémon's heart! So, I want Pokémon and people to get closer and closer! As the Champion, I want to tell that to everybody!"
Here we can see once again how knowledgeable she is about myths, not just in Unova but Sinnoh as well. But also we can see how this helps inform how she wants to be a champion. That she wants to help facilitate the bonds between Pokemon and People. This really shows her mindset as being quite mature for her age as she’s not focused on showing off her strength as much, even though yes she still doesn’t like to lose.
"So, this room is the Hall of Fame! Your name and your Pokémon's names will be recorded here so these important things will never be forgotten: That you are an excellent and kind Trainer! That you are considerate toward your Pokémon, and you give them your whole heart! And that your wonderful Pokémon believe in their Trainer with all their hearts, and together you have a strength that knows no bounds! Hey, c'mon! Oh, excuse me… ! To the Trainer standing before me! And to the Pokémon at your side! Your beautiful bond has grown strong through battle! In order to make this bond an eternal treasure, your names shall be recorded here!"
I also find this quote really endearing as you can see that even though she’s giving a serious impactful speech, she’s still just a kid and sometimes slips up a bit. She is really trying to live up to the role of being champion which we see impacts her a lot in one of the Pokemon Masters EX events- The Shining Hearts of Dragons
Is he saying…I'd be an embarrassment to Unova?"
Oof…if ever I wanted to jump through my screen and throw hands with NPCs, it was those jerk adults who were calling Iris an embarrassment. It seems being a kid does not protect you from the harsh criticism of people who keep an eye on the league. We see Iris definitely feels pressure as being the youngest champion at the event. All of the other champions are adults (or in Blue’s case an older teen) and she’s coming off the heels of Alder who is a wise veteran champion.
"It's just…Diantha is so pretty, calm, and mature… […] Diantha is amazing…I wanna be that elegant and cool when I grow up, too."
You can see of all the older champions she definitely looks up to Diantha the most. Which is very fitting considering it’s Diantha who ultimately mentors her to help her get out of the funk once her Hydreigon goes berserk thanks to the actions of Team Break
"I wanted to make sure people knew me…and accepted me…I just wanted to make everyone happy. I wanted them to know that I'm the proud Champion of Unova… […]"I remember thinking I'd become a great Champion, just like Alder was! But I don't think I can do it anymore…I don't have the experience…and I'm just a kid…"
We can see how much the incident (and Lance’s stern warning) affected her. Hydreigon going out of control was also a hard blow because we learn in her “Day with Iris (Champion Alt)” story that she struggled to control it initially (again drawing more parallels to Blue as he also couldn’t handle his Aerodactyl at the start of his journey). So having Hydreigon act up again right when she was trying to show how capable she is as champion was a huge blow. She wants to be seen as mature and to be accepted. The acceptance part likely stems from her being from the Village of Dragons which has a vastly different culture than Unova and how she likely feels like an outsider at times. Poor Iris, she needs a hug.
Thankfully though she manages to find her way and get back to her peppy self by the end of the event. Feeling more confident in her abilities as champion. Which is important once we see her in the multiple Unova Neo Champion events where she presides as the main judge. In all the events she definitely seems to prioritize how people and Pokemon connect via their hearts and their ideas of strength
While Iris has certainly stepped up to the plate in showing her ability to be a mature, albeit young, champion. She thankfully still has time to still be a kid. A lot of her dialogue in the Pokemon Center talks about playing and having fun. But more importantly she got to get a whole bunch of candy, and new friends in Allister and Naganadel in the “Otherworldly Encounter” Halloween event. It was really adorable to see her team up with a ghost type expert like Allister who also happens to have supernatural powers much like her and just be able to hang out and enjoy getting a bunch of candy.
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“But I can tell how it's feeling! I bet it was just afraid because it came to a place it doesn't know well!  was the same when I moved to the large cities of Unova from the Village of the Dragons! I was really nervous since there were so many tall buildings–and a lot of people."
I really liked this moment where she stands up to someone as domineering as Lusamine in defense of Poipole as she could relate to how the ultra beast felt being in an unfamiliar place.
“Yeah! I bet a concert with Roxie is gonna be so much fun! I understand how you feel, Roxie! I have an important dream as a Champion too...So I think I can sing with the same feelings as you!"
Lastly, I wanted to point out this small bit of dialogue from “Who’s the best singer” Where we see that Iris not only enjoys Roxie’s music but that she has a bit of musical talent as well. I really love instances like this in Pokemon Master’s where we can see characters step beyond just their defined role in-game. So not only have we gotten a chance to see her play with kids around her age and get candy, but we also get to see her sing with a rockstar! All in all, Game!Iris is a really incredible character who I’ve enjoyed since I first played White all those years ago. She’s certainly gone through a lot in her young life and I’d honestly love to see how she’s grown up since the events of BW2.
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wellnesswhiz-isan · 7 months
🌟 Dive into the Legends of Pokémon! 🌟
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In the vast world of Pokémon, legends are more than just tales—they're the very fabric of the universe, weaving together stories of creation, power, and destiny. Join us as we journey through the annals of Pokémon lore and uncover the mesmerizing tales of five legendary Pokémon that have captured the imaginations of trainers across generations. 🔮✨
Arceus: The Creator Pokémon At the heart of Sinnoh mythology lies Arceus, the mythical Pokémon believed to have shaped the world with its thousand arms. From its celestial origins to its role in creating the Legendary trio of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, Arceus symbolizes divine power and the genesis of all Pokémon life.
Mewtwo: The Genetic Experiment Born from the ambitions of human science, Mewtwo stands as a testament to mankind's hubris. With its unmatched psychic abilities and existential struggle for identity, Mewtwo embodies the complex relationship between Pokémon and their creators, raising questions about ethics, identity, and the nature of consciousness.
Ho-Oh: The Phoenix of Johto Ho-Oh reigns as a symbol of hope and renewal in the skies above Johto. With its dazzling plumage and mysterious origins, Ho-Oh is said to bring blessings to those who encounter it, inspiring hope and wonder in the hearts of all who gaze upon its majestic form.
Rayquaza: The Sky High Pokémon High above the clouds, Rayquaza soars as the guardian of the Hoenn region, maintaining a balance between the primal forces of Kyogre and Groudon. With its mastery over the skies and fearsome power, Rayquaza embodies the raw elemental forces of nature and the enduring spirit of the land and sea.
Lugia: The Guardian of the Seas Deep within the ocean's depths, Lugia dwells as the protector of the Whirl Islands, its Aeroblast attack capable of calming even the fiercest storms. With its serene presence and boundless wisdom, Lugia stands as a beacon of tranquility in a world filled with tumult and chaos.
Prepare to embark on a journey through the myths and legends that have shaped the Pokémon world, where every tale is a testament to the enduring power of friendship, courage, and the unbreakable bond between trainers and their Pokémon companions. 🌊🔥💫
Explore my Pokemon collection now
#LegendaryPokémon #PokémonLegends #MythicalJourneys
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askwendyokoopa · 1 year
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons
So, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages just dropped on NSO, as most of you are probably already aware. And I'm playing them in the apparent canon order, according to the mangas and Hyrule Historia, with Seasons first. Honestly it makes sense; Din is the goddess of power, the first Triforce; and Nayru is the goddess of wisdom, the second Triforce; and Farore is the goddess of courage, the third Triforce, and the one game in the trilogy they never got around to making.
Gross oversimplification aside, I got stuck in the very first dungeon... embarrassing, I know. I've played through these games a few times, so I'm not sure what the problem is, was I supposed to get the seed satchel before coming in here? I know I need seeds, the game has been very unsubtle about showing me unlit torches. So I check on GameFAQs and all the dungeons have weird names, and there's just something not quite right here. I scroll up to the top of the page, and clear as day, I'm on the correct Oracle of Seasons section; but as I scroll down I notice it says Oracle of Ages above the FAQs anyhow. Upon further inspection, even though it doesn't lead you to some sort of Ages & Seasons joint page, like it does for all the Pokémon games; it still has the FAQs for both games on the page.
There is no conceivable reason to have Age exclusive FAQs in the Season section. The only FAQs that should appear in both places are the ones that specifically deal with Password/Secret Exchange/Rings, or that one Zelda Series Ending FAQ that appears on literally every game. It's just baffling and infuriating, and not a big enough deal to do anything about except rant on my own blog, so that's what I'm doing.
Also, in case you were wondering, apparently my problem was that I wasn't pushing a block the right way. Not that the FAQs were much help. I saw the classic Zelda 1 staircase surrounded by blocks, and tried pushing the one on the left, nothing. I tried pushing every block in the room, nothing. Obviously this is an 'exit only' deal, so I searched elsewhere. But when I checked the FAQs they said things like "Push aside the block at the left corner of the diamond" and one even explicitly specifies to do it the wrong way that I tried before looking, saying "Push the leftmost block downward." Anyhow, for some incomprehensible reason, they've disabled pushing the block in any direction except up. Really? Then how do you escape after getting the seeds? Well, the block next to it can only be pushed down. I have no idea what purpose this slight change does, and 20 years ago I had more confidence in myself and tried more things before assuming I missed something.
But shoutout to Dark Vortex for being the only one that got that part right. I upvoted your FAQ, even though I have no idea what that does.
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An essay about my ocarina of Time inspired Anipoke au
Okay, just to clarify, this au was made when I had an idea that the Minish/Picori were supposed to be mythical event, Pokémon for getting a copy of Pokémon emerald and Minish cap anyways, the story is Ash and his friends in Hoenn discover a new Pokémon that they call picori but little did they know that picori it’s actually link Who was cursed by Vaati Long story short, they break the curse, link sees his childhood friend called Zelda again, ash mentions Serena to May,Max and brock, link gives the ocarina of time to Ash as a thank you present and they go away Ever, since that day, Ash has been having nightmares about his past life as link, Dawn wake him up in a cold sweat to tell him, that breakfast is ready after breakfast he tells them that he’s going on a walk, he’ll be back when it’s lunchtime, Brock and Dawn Think of that ash is acting strange ever since link gave him that ocarina but they forget about it, do their own thing Meanwhile while he was walking ash senses the master sword and pulls it out of its pedestal, he sleeps for seven years until a Noctowl Named Rauru wakes him up, tells him that he made a mistake by pulling the master sword, he also tells them he’s a Lucario as a punishment for pulling the master sword, in order to turn back, he needs to fix his mistake by awakening the other sages, he gives him the light medallion and sends him on his way while on his journey to a awaken other stages he meets a greninja Who gives him advice and teaches him songs for him to play on his ocarina, after he awakens the other sages, greninja approaches him and tells him about the creation of the world and the Triforce. He also tells him that Lysander found the Triforce and made a wish that came true, but the Triforce split into three triangles Lysander wields the Triforce of power, ash wields the Triforce of courage, and the Sage of time wields The Triforce of wisdom, ash asks Who is the sage of time?, The Triforce piece on One of greninja’s strong and webbed leg shines bright, revealing it’s true form and turns ash back to normal again once it’s stopped he sees where greninja was standing there was a honey blonde princess, ash realises that its Serena and she tells him what happened to her when he was sleeping for seven years, then Lysander kidnapped her, ash rescued her, Lysander became a Yveltal, Ash kills him with the master sword, and Serena seals him to the secret realm, never to be seen again, and everyone is happy that their evil king is gone forever, until Serena realises that ash shouldn’t be in this time so she sent him back before he pulled the master sword from its pedestal causing everyone except ash to lose their memories, he stops his past self from pulling the master sword and goes back to Brock and Dawn, he tells him about his Adventure, but they don’t believe him everything goes the same until he reunites with Serena again, he tells her do you remember me?, everything goes the same, except ash wins the kalos League and he takes a break from travelling to new regions for a while, after that break, he goes to new regions, and then he gets together with Serena, and that’s how this au ends so what did you think? did you like it? Would you like to change and add anything? If so, please tell me what would you like to change and add in this au! I would love to hear your ideas on this I worked really hard on this au
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tabuuatfacetroid · 1 year
What has happened to the Nintendo Realms?
Everything I could have possibly wanted. Finally, I have complete unadulterated power in my Hands, and the Realms are close to being mine, and when they are, they will be consumed by the depths of Subspace forever.
I supposed I have @motheratfacetroid and @dsatfacetroid to thank for my rebirth. After years of Master Hand and Crazy Hand domineering the Realms as if the so-called Guardians were their puppets, the overlords of supremacy within the Realms had gotten sick of the Hands' antics and decided to take the reins for themselves. They sieged Final Destination, laid waste to both of the Hands, and incidentally destroyed the Monolith Crystal within the heart of their fortress. That infernal crystal had kept me bound ever since my last conquest ended in failure, all because I foolishly believed I could rely on those same puppets to fulfill my vision... but their inadequacy was the chink in my plot. But with the crystal obliterated, I felt my strength regaining like never before. All those plans, all those dreams, all those vendettas I swore to enact were finally tangible once more, and I finally took vengeance on them: the Guardians, the Hands... All of them.
With the pathetic pantheon of the Realms weakened by Mother Brain, I enslaved both Master Hand and Crazy Hand to my Chains of Light once more, I began my conquest across the Realms with an army of Primids at my side. I started at the precious beacon of innocence and hope for the Realms... Mushroom Kingdom, and in the middle of Princess Peach's 30th Birthday Party, I succeeded in the unthinkable: I killed Mario. I smote him with my amber-blood dagger, trapping his soul inside to fuel my strength. Not even the purest of Green 1UP Mushrooms could save him. The retaliation that came thereafter was violent as I slew Rosalina, the Alpha Yoshi, Wario, Donkey Kong. A select few like the cowardices Luigi, Waluigi, and Princess Daisy managed to escape my blade... but it didn't matter. After I executed Princess Peach, I took her crown, the Relic of Super Mario Galaxy, and crushed the crown in my hands. With the Realm destabilized, I could permanently shroud it in darkness. The left over R.O.B.s I had helped set up a Subspace Bomb, which detonated in the center of Mushroom Kingdom.
It bores me to go over all the little details that followed afterwards, but my conquest only became tedious after that. The crumbling of Super Mario Galaxy sent a rippling warning to the other Realms of my arrival, which only made me move up my timeline instead of relishing every moment of their demise. The next to fall was Hyrule, as I slew the virtuous Zelda and that traitor Ganondorf, using the power of the Hands to extract the Triforce of Power and Wisdom from their souls and into my hands. In the center of Hyrule Castle I detonated another Subspace Bomb, one so powerful it consumed the entire Realm. Only Link and his despicable Master Sword—the Sword that Seals the Darkness—remains as that hero fights in the shadows. But even he cannot survive the depths of Subspace for long. As my shadow bugs hunted down the Ancient Guardians of Hyrule and consumed them, they became my new agents. It won't be long now until the Triforce of Courage, the third and final piece, is mine.
The same story occurred with the Lylax System, Ivalice, Angel Land, and various alternates of a planet known as Earth. I admit, the power I faced when I came to most of these Realms was significant, but once their Guardian and their Relic was crushed, they bent to my will. There are a select few Realms that still evade my submission... the Realm of Pokémon and the Realm of Archanea and Valentia, to name a couple. But the most difficult I had faced after that was Dreamland. It is quite difficult to imagine that such a small, seemingly adorable, pink puff ball could cause so much damage. Kirby was my greatest threat yet... the power of the Star Rod enabled him abilities that could free the Hands. But once I captured his friends and smote Meta Knight and King Dedede, and took the demon's soul, Kirby was without allies any longer. Kirby escaped on a Warp Star, but with him no longer in Dreamland, that gave me the leverage I needed to consume Dreamland in eternal darkness, erupting the largest of Subspace Bombs in the center of Planet Popstar.
The grand conquest has been tiresome, but the consumption of the Realms, devouring the souls of the Guardians, and vanquishing the power of the Relics now leaves me eager to satiate my thirst for total control. I have decided to save the Metroid Realm for last, in gratitude for the inadvertent service of Mother Brain and Dark Samus of releasing me from my bonds. But when I am certain Kirby and Link are destroyed, then and only then will I begin my dominance of the last of the Realms.
And then all will fall under me.
All will fall under Tabuu.
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heartpieced · 4 years
tag dump
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 3 years
Yesterday on a whim I sat down and attempted to figure out a potential version of the Native American Miracle Box seen in the New York Special. Honestly, I’m really proud of how it turned out.
Thus, introducing Mint’s American Miracle Box Headcanons!
First, some random trivia:
Thomas Astruc has confirmed that the top tier is based on the Medicine Wheel, with the Thunderbird in the center
The unknown bottom tier has been somewhat revealed as corresponding to the unofficial Native American Zodiac. However, this raises some problems as:
there’s another Snake, requiring specification
Wolf & Bear repeat as part of said Zodiac, requiring a replacement
Thusly, I have chosen the Rattlesnake, the Coyote, and the Raccoon as substitutes for the overlap.
The Chinese Box rule of only concepts ending in -ion does not seem to apply
And now:
The Miracle Box
Top Tier: Creator
Kwami: Stormm
Concept: Weather
Object: Hair Tie
Weapon: Pellet Drum
Power: Rain Dance
The Thunderbird holds the title of “token mythical creature” of it’s box, similarly to the Chinese box’s Dragon. Fittingly, both have heavy ties to the sky and storms in their respective cultures. Rain Dance is just that, a Weather-controlling ability that can summon rain and more.
Mid Tier: Medicine Wheel
Grizzly Bear
Kwami: Grizz
Concept: Power
Object: Medallion
Weapon: Gauntlet
Power: Growl
The Bear was easy to decide the concept of, seeing as…it’s a freaking BEAR. Grizzly Bears are strong, powerful creatures, able to invoke fear, and for that it’s Miraculous requires a similar Power. Growl is a supersonic…well, growl, able to force foes away and stop people and machines in their tracks.
Kwami: Twilaa
Concept: Loyalty
Object: Feather Charm Bracelet
Weapon: Hoop & Stick
Power: Pack Law
The Wolf was another easy pick, seeing as the Dog from the Chinese box seems from what we know so far to be more based on Detection than Devotion. Which means that I could use the obvious idea of Loyalty. Pack Law can invoke a similar loyalty to that seen real wolf packs, empowering others and forming a temporary team led by the user.
Kwami: Bisoon
Concept: Prosperity
Object: Toe Ring
Weapon: Tomahawk
Power: Golden Fields
The Buffalo was the hardest of the Medicine Wheel tier to figure out, eventually becoming he Miraculous of Prosperity. The Buffalo is an important animal to the Native Americans, and they know how to use every part of it while wasting nothing. Golden Fields causes the user to become similarly in tune with nature, letting them use whatever they have on hand to its fullest potential.
Kwami: Liiri
Concept: Freedom
Object: Talon Pendant
Weapon: Bullroarer
Power: Liberate
The Eagle is the only one of the American box to be fully fleshed out by canon, so there isn’t much to say here about the Miraculous of Freedom. However, I do have to say that I love how open Liberate is in how it can be used, being able to “free” people in more ways than you’d expect.
Bottom Tier: Zodiac
Kwami: Vee
Concept: Courage
Object: Ear Cuffs
Weapon: Javelin
Power: Goose Chase
Did you know Geese symbolize Courage? I certainly didn’t before this project. The Goose is a stubborn animal, though, so I can see it. Goose Chase is a fun power—based on an old idea I had for a Pokémon move called “Confidence Ray”, it can alter someone’s level of courage and make them over- or under-confident, allowing for some interesting scenarios.
Kwami: Athenn
Concept: Vision
Object: Monocle
Weapon: Kalidescope
Power: Owl Eyes
Owls are often thought of as a symbol of Wisdom, of Learning. However, I wanted to do something different. I must admit, making the Owl represent Vision and have a power called Owl Eyes is heavily inspired by the show PJ Masks—but that’s because it really works. Though the power is able to let the user see in more ways than one, think multi-setting.
Kwami: Tapper
Concept: Healing
Object: Barrette
Weapon: Paddleball
Power: Sweet Sap
Originally I was going to choose Penetration for the Woodpecker and let it break through any defense or security as it’s power, but…let me explain. Basically, I looked up what Woodpeckers symbolize…and was very surprised. Luck, Wishes, Healing? I did not expect any of that. So now it has the ability Sweet Sap, which is basically a recovery move.
Kwami: Niike
Concept: Victory
Object: Chatelaine
Weapon: Frisbee
Power: Second Wind
Falcons are symbols of Rulership and Victory. So the ability of the Falcon is obviously built upon this, making it invaluable as an ally, but also a terrifying foe. Second Wind gives the user’s team a helpful boost in any near-loss scenario, not quite guaranteeing a win, but definitely increasing the odds of victory.
Kwami: Allan
Concept: Warning
Object: Bolo Tie
Weapon: Sickle
Power: Omen
“Quoth the Raven, nevermore.” Ravens are omens, signs of bad things to come, harbingers of death and darkness, but also of light. The Raven represents Warning, and the user must be strong in mind to handle the burden it’s power can give. Omen allows a glimpse into the future, a look at things soon to come. A dangerous but rewarding ability.
Kwami: Stagg
Concept: Grace
Object: Headband
Weapon: Twirling Baton
Power: En-Deer-Ment
The Deer is a symbol of Peace and Beauty, and for good reason. The dignity and Grace these animals carry themselves with is near unparalleled. A holder of this Miraculous is privy to the same swift movement and unmatched balance, and by using En-Deer-Ment, can bring a crowd under the spell of this elegance, distracting and calming them.
Kwami: Deww
Concept: Humor
Object: Locket
Weapon: Scimitar
Power: Otter Pop
So one of my brother’s favorite Pokémon is Oshawott. And yes, I made the Otter a reference to it because of that. Otters are some of the most playful creatures, symbols of Humor and Laughter. Otter Pop draws on this well of joy and fun, summoning the unexpected to throw off the flow of the user’s foes.
Kwami: Guuru
Concept: Teamwork
Object: Armlet
Weapon: Racket
Power: Eager Beaver
The Beaver is hardworking, cooperative, constructive. Beavers symbolize Teamwork, and some Native American creation myths feature a beaver helping build the world. Eager Beaver can summon magical beavers to help the user complete a task, whether it be building a shelter, tunneling through a wall, or something else entirely.
Kwami: Rivver
Concept: Perseverance
Object: Anklet
Weapon: Net
Power: Smoltification
Salmon are really cool fish, able to change between living in saltwater to living in freshwater. The Salmon represents Adaptability and Perseverance, to an impressive degree. Smoltification, named for the process of Salmon transformation, can adapt the user to whatever situation they’re in, changing their suit and physical abilities as needed.
Kwami: Venno
Concept: Revenge
Object: Belt Buckle
Weapon: Rattle
Power: Strikeback
Rattlesnakes are symbols of Revenge and Violence, giving people a warning before they strike. The Rattlesnake is a weapon, no doubt about it. Strikeback is a counter move, embodying the essence of “doing to others what they do to you”. Any damage dealt to the user can be reversed onto the one who dealt it, in a dangerous and deadly move.
Kwami: Coot
Concept: Wisdom
Object: Hoop Earrings
Weapon: Eskimo Yo-yo
Power: Spirit Guide
The Coyote is a staple of Native American mythology, a recurring trickster in the same vein as the Fox. Cunning and full of Wisdom, Coyotes are powerful foes that can outsmart their opponents with ease. Spirit Guide gives the user advice from beyond, helping them form their plans and lead their allies.
Kwami: Slyy
Concept: Trickery
Object: Pin
Weapon: Cane
Power: Fool’s Gambit
The Raccoon is a thief, plain and simple. Raccoons represent stealth and stealing, and Trickery is the game here. By using Fool’s Gambit, the holder is able to pull a switcheroo of two similar items, usually to steal one of them away from a foe. And yes, this Miraculous is one big Sly Cooper reference.
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Trainer Profile: Volga
The current leader of the Lizalfos, and partner of Eternatus; Volga is a proud and isolationist ruler who avoids getting involved in the affairs of greater Hyrule. Despite this, he is also an avid pokémon battler, who never backs down from a challenge.
In addition to Eternatus; Volga’s pokémon team consists of Gleeok, a Hydreigon; Heatoise, a Turtonator; and Argorok, a rare silver Haxorus.
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determinedowl23 · 11 months
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Linktober Day 16: Dragons
Drakenja- the Sage Pokémon
Drakenja is said to float around the skies of [region], lacking true free will and acting only upon its primal senses. The aurora emanating from the gemstone in its forehead resembles the aurora that appears during the [gimmick] phenomenon.
Legends say Drakenja is the reincarnation an ancient princess sacrificing herself for the safety of her kingdom. It was the first Pokémon to ever utilize [gimmick], and it uses this power to monitor different areas of [region]
A mythical for Pokémon Courage & Wisdom based on our best friend the Light Dragon! I had notes for a Dragon/Fairy type “golden dragon” from way before totk came out, so this was a great coincidence. As you may be able to tell, I’m not a Fakemon artist, so I tried to make it look different enough from the Light Dragon but idk how well I did 😅
(and yes, I do have a name for the region and the gimmick, but I don’t feel like revealing that yet)
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
I have some ideas so here! We have a Pokémon au and a Kirby au so I propose a Zelda au. Also, have we considered a fantasy/dnd-ish au? Another idea: a superhero au?
Superhero au has been made over here
As for Zelda au. I am not sure if you want it to be a straightforward Zelda au or if we’re going to go and have it as a classic Ganon and Zelda and Link. Because you see, the problem I have, is that my brain is saying that Techno should have the Power triforce, Wilbur with the Wisdom triforce, and Tommy with the Courage triforce.
Oh no I’m going to go and make this diverge off of canon like the L’Manberg Falls au did.
Oh god I can already see the god damn story. I can see Dream motherfucking there and trying to get one of the triforce brothers to go and join his side. Shit he’s going to have some sort of weird ass cult based around it. Oh no it’s already making a plot that could legit be a Zelda game where Ganon, Zelda, and Link all work together. 
Shit fuck. We’re going to have the Champions of Hyrule and Niki, Fundy, Tubbo, Quackity, and Ranboo is going to be them. We’re going to have Phil being a good dad because I refuse to make the SBI have a bad neglectful dad who has blatant favoritism. Anon what have you done. Oh god.
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harmonicdust · 3 years
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In some realities he was the leader of the pantheon, in others, the only thing keeping the legendary birds from killing each other and destroying the world...
These thoughts rolled like thundering clouds in Silver’s mind as they lay at the bottom of their lake. These people and Pokémon, they do everything they can to help him; letting him go at his own pace, answering all of his questions, and making sure to remind him that there’s no need to be ready.
All of it buried. Buried by the storm that was drowning out all else with it’s echoing screeches, all of them being Silver’s own doubts and fears. His memories of the encouragement his friends gave couldn’t penetrate the hurricane clouding his judgement. 
Even if these people in particular weren’t, there were people and Pokémon, all over the world, looking to him for wisdom, for strength, for courage. And it was overwhelming. They cared not that he was inexperienced, that he was only a few years of age, that he didn’t even have a proper example to look to. All they seemingly wished was for him to lead them towards balance, peace, and a world that he couldn’t even begin to comprehend yet.
All these expectations, chained to his heart, dragged him further into the abyss of his own negativity. He should be able to handle this, right...? Of course... After all, he was a legendary... Though at this moment he wished he wasn’t...
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Adventure trio thought...
So you know when it comes to things like virtues, there's often like a thing where a number of parts make one whole?
Like faith - hope - charity
Prudence - temperance - courage - justice
That sorta thing.
Somewhat related, but after finishing a Zelda game, I had checked into Pokemon Masters, and then suddenly had this idea.
If I were to relate Nate, Ethan and I to something like the three virtues of the Triforce, it would look like this.
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Ethan would represent Wisdom
Nate would represent Courage
And I would represent Power
Here's why I think this:
Starting with Ethan, he's the explorer type of Trainer. He wants to see the world, so he always keeps his bag extra-packed to bursting with camp gear, refreshments, and items for battle, just in case anyone joined along with him. He keeps his trusty Pokégear on-hand which is his navigational tool, his days of experience with the wilderness of both Johto and Kanto allowed him to develop a natural sense for geography. He is always keeping up to date on regional cultures, legends and lore. Therefore, he is a wise friend and a wise choice to have any adventure even away from civilization.
Next, Nate would best represent courage because he would do anything to defend his and others beliefs, to protect his Pokémon the people dear to him, and to achieve his personal goals. He, alongside his Pokémon can get beat down and pushed to the ground over and over again, but he would still get back up on his feet and try again. And he's not afraid to put himself in danger to test himself against fate. Hell, this kid was cornered and nearly got iced by Kyurem, and he stood there ready for it to happen! Nate has guts, and his courageousness earns him a special place in a team of Trainers.
And finally, my reasoning for being in the spot of power.... Well, it mostly comes from my brute force battle style. Compared to the other two reasons for Nate and Ethan, mine sounds like nothing special. But it's not really far from the truth either. When I participate in a Pokémon battle, neither me nor my Pokémon hold anything back, sometimes it's a do or die situation and we really have to think about whether to do or fall back and think of a smarter action to take. The majority of moves in a Pokémon's moveset I tend to choose are attacking moves, be it physical or special. And although it's silly and sometimes detrimental to just always be on the offense, with the risk of fainting looming over, I feel like a turn that could be used to do some damage before the opponent can dish out more damage than I can, is a wasted turn. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and branch out move styles to find a good combination. I tend to just attack attack attack as fast as I can before the opponent can get the edge. But of course I'll have to change strategy when the opponent becomes faster than my Pokémon.
That about sums up my hypothesis on my team's Triforce theory. Do you guys agree? Or do these characters have any qualities that clash with the placements I gave them?
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kitsune-kaos · 4 years
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
Imma do this a little nostalgia themed cause that’s the mood I’m in rn 
1) Something I miss from my childhood is when my family would go to Hollywood Videos and whenever it was available I would pick My Neighborhood Totoro 😆
2) My first two one-player videos games that I played on my own were the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time on the N64 and Pokémon Yellow on my yellow game boy color, and those definitely shaped my love for video games 💕
3) One of my favorite childhood memories is when my bestie (back then) and I would do what we called “missions” which was pretty much make-believe stories and objectives we’d imagine in his backyard and we’d incorporate magic stuff from our favorite shows and games and we’d go on his swings and pretend we were flying to our destination in the sky and we’d pick from the old toys his parents had to arm ourselves with weapons. I’m pretty sure I was always a descendant of Zelda (and had the Triforce of Wisdom) and he was a descendant of Link (and had the Triforce of Courage) and my favorite weapon toy was these two cool rubber-plastic midieval daggers and we’d have pokemon companions and stuff. And in one of the stories we got paired up in an organization we both started working for and for our training we’d set obstacle courses (like walking along the rocks outlining the garden) that we’d try to make it across over and over til we did it flawlessly. And the GAG when we discovered that the head of the organization (a small dog) was a double agent?!?!?! We were so shook 😱😂
Btw these are all true haha 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
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greengargouille · 5 years
At last, Civil War, Koro Q version! But man, there are some really interesting points, aren’t there?
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I mean, this is played as a joke. But look at it properly. The only adult you can pull your trust in after you fell into class E, humiliated you in front of your only comrades. What a jerk.
Korosensei discriminated by weight and purposely gave a small portion to Hara- a growing 14 year old- and just before entering a dungeon at that. And her bug means she needs to be extra careful about keeping her HP high, so keeping her underfed is even more unhealthy.
On top of that, despite Kayano’s insistence, Korosensei came into Kayano’s house without permission, while her family was away, and ate without paying, which is pretty much stealing from his students. He is the Demon King, if he wanted to eat so much he could use an alternative. All those things seems pretty big when put into perspective. No wonder they all have a grudge.
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Wow, this is refreshing. Like, seeing Karma having too much spotlight or filling the assclass tag used to annoy me, but I feel nothing but appreciation for Sir BucketHead. Let’s keep him like that.
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Okay, to come back to Hara. In the main manga I don’t remember her being scared of being fat, only angry when Terasaka insulted her? It doesn’t strike me as her main fear. Of course it could be a “haha she’s fat” joke, but that would be really tasteless, especially on a teenager, right? But, you know. Korosensei gave her a smaller portion because she’s bigger than most girls her age. Being overweight means that Korosensei might just as well continue doing things like that. I would be scared too if I was threatened with being not fed properly. In clear: Korosensei is a jerk and Hara would be invincible if she didn’t have to worry about her weight. Give me Hara as the true hero of the story.
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Whaaaaat the heck that’s super powerful. I mean, with this there’s no need for healing items or spells, and it’s much easier to sell than buckets or bowls. That’s overpowered. It’s like learning that the Splash move you thought was useless can actually raise your Pokémon’s attack of 3 levels when powered up with a  Normalium Z. ...Which is the whole point of the story actually. If you learn to master your bug properly, you can have an overpowered ability. And unlike Nagisa who have an overpowered ability from the start, Karma had to train to harvest his bug’s true power. Holy heck this story makes me wants to side with Karma more than Nagisa now. How did they do that.
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And here’s the last Trial. Of course there are 3 of them. That’s basic Trial making. And you can bet the true test is about the power of Friendship- which is what true Heroes are made of.
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...Or I guess we can use a Kamehameha. Given Akira Toriyama was the one to come up with the Dragon Quest designs, I guess an homage can’t hurt? ...Still, that means an hero doesn’t need to be kind or good. Which... does explain how past Korosensei could become an hero actually. Only need courage, wisdom and... power...
...Dang, when Chairman Pope Asano talked about the Legend of Zelda game, it might have been way more serious than I thought.
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