#Poison Master
shugister · 3 months
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Don't make angry your potions master
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onejellyfishplease · 4 months
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I wanted to do something for mermay, so here are my designs for some merturtles!
Leo is a Leafy seadragon,
Donnie is a Vampire squid
Mikey is a Epaulette shark
And Raph is a Scorpionfish!
Also heres a bonus drawing of a young April holding her little aquatic friends (dont worry they can breathe air just fine)
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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A smattering of DC super-villains circa 1976.
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ungoliantschilde · 11 months
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more pencils by Adam Hughes.
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ashyart · 7 months
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I recently got Tox the master of poison for my Ninjago collection and I wanted to try out some hair accessories to see which looks the best for her
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waitingforthet · 1 year
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Check my Patreon out if you’d like to support the comic, even a little bit helps. Or just to check out the reward tiers, there’s some neat bonus stuff and I tried to make them fun: https://www.patreon.com/waitingforthet
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luckytiggertalia · 5 months
I'll homelander post again soon but right now my heart belongs to another piece of shit white cup man
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human shake design belongs to @bestosunglass
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guinevereslancelot · 7 months
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jigglywater · 24 days
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they were the original old man yaoi to me quite honestly
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demonzoro · 11 months
i am once again wishing that reiju was written in a more interesting way in fics. i think she wld be fucked up in the way of "every day i tightrope a line of protecting my brother against a family that wld gladly revoke my favored position" and "am i my brother's keeper". contradictions in contradictions. unable to empathise/incapable of excising her sympathy. equal parts wondrous and revolted by the depth of human emotion that sanji feels. the only one in her family that takes after both her parents' will - her father's soldier and her mother's daughter. yeah sure you could write her as tepid and simply dust your hands off after damning her for her compliance in the abuse cycle but what if we made her interesting.
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lesbicosmos · 5 months
thinking abt the fact that whenever anyone tries to tell merlin that he's just arthur's servant and he has no reason to care about him as much as he does, he's so quick to be like "no actually he's my friend" but then whenever it's the other way around and someone tries to tell him arthur cares about him too, he's all "no im just his servant"
these two are from the SAME episode
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saltynachobeliever · 1 year
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sagesolsticewrites · 3 days
Love’s Light Wings: Chapter 2 (“The course of true love never did run smooth”)
John Brady x Juliet Thompson (OFC)
Job interviews, wedding planning, and first meetings, oh my! John and Jules navigate his homecoming and start planning for their future while reckoning with the impact the past two years have had. Juliet finally puts a face to a name regarding a certain dear pen pal, along with several other new friends.
Word count: 6.4k
Warnings: description of a panic attack and PTSD symptoms (please let me know if there's anything I missed!)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Hugest of huge shoutouts to @winniemaywebber and @blakelysco-pilot for reading this many many times before I posted it; our girls are finally together! 🥹 I love y’all 💕
Masterlist | Prologue | Chapter 1 
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Juliet wakes, as she always does these days, with a smile.
It’s been around two weeks since her Johnny came home— two wonderful weeks since he’d proposed in the back garden— and she’d loved every second. John had been settling back into life at home in sleepy Victor, New York, taking the time to grieve the friends he’d lost overseas and process the passing of his father, happy to have his mother fussing over him while he took a break before resuming the search for a job.
Juliet had indeed asked around as promised and found that Victor High School was in the market for a second music teacher— poor Mr. Brown was getting overwhelmed with the class load and was looking forward to some help. So today, John had an interview with the principal, and Juliet was coming along to introduce him.
Beaming, she rolls out of bed to get ready for the day. Once her face is washed and she’s donned her favorite light green shirtwaist dress, she races to her vanity for her new favorite part of her morning routine: slipping on her engagement ring.
A warm wave of joy rushes through her feeling the subtle weight of it on her finger, the emerald and two tiny diamonds sparkling in the sunlight.
She skips downstairs once she’s deemed herself presentable, greeting her parents with a kiss on the cheek.
“Good morning,” her mother laughs, “you’re certainly in a good mood today.”
“It’s a good day,” Juliet shrugs, trying to downplay her excitement.
“Because you get to see John?” 
“Yes…” she drags out at her mother’s knowing look, unable to hide her smile, “And because of my lunch date with the girls, remember?”
“Oh yes,” her father laughs from his place at the table, “How could we forget?” In a more sincere tone, he continues, “I hope you plan on thanking Olive for all her letters when you meet her.”
“Of course, Daddy,” Juliet replies, “She was such a wonderful friend to have when Johnny was…”
She trails off, then clears her throat, continuing with an unbothered smile. 
“And I can’t wait to meet Val, she sounded like quite the character in Olive's letters.”
“You’ll be home in time for dinner, yes?”
“Yes, mama, I will.”
Breakfast passes quickly with quiet conversation, and promptly at 10 o’clock there’s a knock at the door.
Juliet jumps up from her chair with a squeal, racing to the front door. She pauses, taking a moment to brush any wrinkles from her dress and adjust her favorite brooch before opening the door to a smiling John Brady.
“Hi sweetheart.”
Butterflies flurry to life in her stomach as he leans in to press a chaste kiss to her cheek, mindful of her parents nearby.
“Hi, Johnny,” she smiles, “You look very nice, honey.”
Her boy preens in that shy way he does whenever she compliments him, stepping into the foyer.
“And you look lovely as always, Jules.” He nods to her parents lingering in the hall with a smile, “Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson.”
Greetings are exchanged, going over the schedule once more— interview, then John will drop Juliet off at the station so she can take the train into town for her lunch, he’ll be driving into town later to meet up with his fellow members of the 100th and dropping Juliet at home promptly at dinnertime.
Juliet’s parents wish John luck, reminding them to be safe, her mother urging her to say hello to all of the girls for her, and with some difficulty they manage to get out the door and into the car.
“You have your resume?”
John’s lips twitch slightly as he holds back a soft laugh, nodding to the glovebox, “Yes, dear—”
“And your c—”
“— and my cover letter, yes. As well as a few references.” He looks fondly over at his fiancée, “I have done this before, honey.”
“I know,” Juliet flushes a rosy pink, “I know, I just— I want to help in any way I can, Johnny.”
“You are helping, Jules,” he assures her, reaching to clasp her hand in his, thumb stroking gently over the back of it, “You’re introducing me to the new principal, you absolutely didn’t have to do that.”
“I want to,” she insists, “And besides, someone has to come in there and show you off,” she teases sweetly, “Knowing you, you’ll be the humble gentleman you always are and downplay all your experience.”
His lips quirk up into a smile reminiscing on his time as a teacher, which had come to an end when he enlisted after the Pearl Harbor attacks.
“Ah yes, my whole one semester of experience.”
“Hey,” she scolds at his sarcastic tone, “One semester is more than most people wanting this job have.” Her tone softens, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, “You’ve got this, Johnny.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
Upon arriving at the school, Juliet directs him to the principal’s office, occupied by a man who seems to be about the same age as her father. The two exchange a friendly greeting, Juliet turning on her brilliant, most charming smile as she turns to her fiancé, making the brief introductions and subtly slipping in a comment about how John’s “looking forward to being back.”
“Well, I’ll let you two talk,” she smiles demurely, slipping quietly out the door and clicking it closed behind her.
An hour later, a familiar figure stands in the doorway of her classroom where she’d decided to make some progress on her curriculum preparations. Looking up, she can barely hold back a squeal.
“Johnny! How did it go?”
His smile tells her everything she needs to know, even as he says, “I think it went really, really well. Mr. Asher said I should hear from them in a few days with their decision.”
She flings her arms around him, beaming.
“I knew they’d see how amazing you are. We’ll be working together again!”
“Honey, did you hear the part where I have to wait a few days to hear their decision?”
“That’s just a formality, Johnny,” she assures him as they begin the walk back to the car, “If I know Mr. Asher, he wanted to give you the job right away.”
Her fiancée just laughs, pulling her close to press a kiss to her temple as he opens the door for her.
He drops her off at the station with a kiss and a “Say hi to Olive and Val for me— they’ll love you, honey, I promise,” and she passes the time quickly with the paperback tucked into her purse.
At the station, Juliet scans the crowd for her friends— despite her protests, they’d insisted they meet her there and walk to lunch together.
She grins as she spots Jo and Jean standing with two other women, racing towards them.
“Jo! Hi darling!” She says, flinging her arms around her friends, “And Mrs. Croz, looking lovely as always.”
“Thank you, honey,” Jean laughs.
“So good to see you, Jules.” Jo beams, and then her attention turns to the stylish brunette standing beside her, “This is—”
“Val DiRosano,” the woman beams, reaching over for a handshake, which Jules ignores as she goes in for a hug.
“So wonderful to meet you at last, Val.” She says, “I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things from Johnny.”
“I should hope so,” she grins, green eyes sparkling as she gestures towards the woman beside her, “Same here, from both Brady and Olive.”
The sweet brown-haired, hazel-eyed girl gives Juliet a wave.
“Hi, Jules,” she says softly, her accented voice a surprise to Juliet’s ears, “So happy to finally meet you.”
A wave of emotion wells up in Juliet as she recalls the dozens of letters she’d exchanged with the girl before her, pouring out her worries about John, her dreams for when the war was over, essays pages long in which they rambled about Shakespeare, eagerly forming a friendship on countless sheets of paper. She recalled the two letters she’d gotten on that awful October day— one from her friend wishing her the happiest of birthdays, no doubt informed by Johnny, the other in which Olive somberly informed her that her boy had gone down, with a promise— soon fulfilled— that she’d write as soon as she had any more news. This was the girl who had talked her through some of the most horrible months of her life an ocean away, and before she knows it, Juliet is moving to pull Olive into a tight hug, tears welling up in her eyes.
“I’m so, so happy to meet you,” she murmurs, “Thank you for—” she swallows around the sudden lump in her throat, her voice tight, “for everything.”
Olive’s arms squeeze around her just as fiercely.
“Of course, darling.” She whispers, “I wish I could’ve done more—”
“No,” Juliet insists, “You were a lifeline when I needed one most, and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for it.”
With one final squeeze, the girls separate, matching teary smiles on their faces.
“Well,” Juliet giggles, trying to lighten the mood as she brushes her tears away, “I knew you were a Brit, but somehow the accent was still a surprise.”
“It was for me, too,” Val laughs.
“It seems I’m just surprising in general,” Olive smiles, “Now come on, ladies, I’m starving.”
They soon find themselves seated in a booth at a sweet little diner, laughing like they’ve known each other their whole lives.
“No, really! Baseball superstar Val over here decided to take over entertaining Meatball and threw it right into the briefing room!”
“You know I didn’t mean to!” Val laughs, “And besides, Chicky wasn’t too mad at us.”
“Chicky?” Jean’s brow furrows, Jo mirroring her confused expression, and Olive snorts.
“Her little nickname for Colonel Chick Harding.”
“Oh please, I know he liked it no matter how many times he complained,” Val laughs, tucking away a stray hair behind her ear.
It’s then that Juliet catches a glimpse of a lovely emerald ring glinting in the light.
“Oh Val!,” she gushes, “That ring is gorgeous.”
“Oh! Thank you,” the girl seems to go soft as she glances down at her left hand, and the girls swoon as she recounts the story of Everett Blakely’s proposal, a wide smile lighting up her dignified face.
“That’s so sweet,” Juliet says, pressing a hand to her heart, and the other girls lean in to examine it as Val holds her hand out proudly.
“Wait, Jules, we haven’t gotten to see yours yet!”
Jo was right, Jules realized, she had phoned her and Jean as soon as she could to gush about John’s proposal, but in the excitement of meeting Olive and Val, actually showing them the ring as she’d promised had slipped her mind.
She politely waits until the girls are done ooohing and aaahing over Val’s exquisite ring to extend her own for inspection.
Olive’s eyes nearly bug out of her head.
“Juliet Thompson, Brady proposed and you didn’t tell me!”
“I’m telling you now!” Juliet laughs, “It was such a surprise… apparently he asked my parents for permission the night he came home,” she says, visibly softening at the memory, “and the next day he was down on one knee in our back garden with his grandmother’s ring.” She locks eyes with Olive, knowing she’ll appreciate this next part as she squeals, “He quoted Tempest.”
Olive lets out an outright gasp, “He did not!”
She nods fervently, beaming, “I would not wish—”
Olive finishes the quote with her, “— any companion in the world but you! Oh, that’s lovely, Jules.”
Val grins as she examines Juliet’s ring, extending her hand next to hers so the two emeralds are sparkling in the light.
“Brady’s got good taste, I see.”
“Looks like your Everett does, too,” Juliet laughs.
“Well of course he does,” Val says with a playful toss of her hair, “He’s with me, isn’t he?”
Jean lets out a happy sigh, her gaze scanning over the girls huddled together in the booth.
“It’s so wonderful that we’re all together now, isn’t it?”
“Almost all of us,” Jules reminds her kindly, “Vika wasn’t able to get away from the hotel— but she promised she’ll be at our next little get-together.”
“Vika?” Olive asks, the unfamiliar name having piqued her interest.
“One of my school friends,” Juliet replies, the glow of happiness surrounding her seeming to intensify, “We drifted apart a bit after graduation, but we’ve since reconnected and it’s been wonderful.”
“She’s been a darling addition to our little group here, you two will absolutely adore her,” Jean assures Olive and Val.
Jo, Jean, and Juliet fill Olive and Val in about their time spent with Vika, as if trying to fill the space where she should be.
“I can’t wait to meet her,” Val says, red lips turned up into a sweet smile, “She sounds lovely.”
They talk for hours, though it seems like no time has passed at all when John enters the diner, scanning the room for Juliet, followed by several other men.
“Oh goodness, is it that time already?” Juliet glances at her watch as her fiancé makes his way over to their little booth.
“Hi sweetheart,” John says, bending down to press a chaste kiss to her cheek, then nodding to the rest of the girls, “Ladies. Olive, Val, very good to see you again.”
“Wonderful to see you, Brady.” Val grins. 
“Congratulations, by the way,” Olive says in a mock-offended tone, “I can't believe I had to wait two entire weeks to find out you proposed, Brady.”
The smile on his face stretches into a wide grin, seeing right through the act, “Well, you’re all invited to the wedding, will that be enough to make it up to you?”
“I suppose, “ Olive replies with a smile, her eyes going soft as her gaze drifts to the blue-eyed mustachioed man standing next to Brady, “Hi, honey.”
“Hey, Ollie,” the man replies sweetly, sliding into the booth next to her, then turning back to Brady, gesturing to the little group gathered around, “So, Brady, you gonna introduce us?”
With a good-natured roll of his eyes, John settles next to Juliet in the booth, gesturing between her and the boys.
“Gentlemen, this is my fiancée. Juliet.”
She gives him a tender smile, a swell of warmth rushing through her at her name on his lips alongside fiancée, though she soon remembers her manners and turns her attention back to the men, the names of whom John is currently listing— she had heard lots about them from the girls, but seeing them and putting faces to names was another thing entirely.
Rosie Rosenthal— the man Jo had been worrying over for months since he signed up for a second tour— gives her a kind smile, mustache twitching upwards. Harry Crosby— Jean’s beloved Bing— a softspoken man with kind brown eyes, greets her with a “Pleasure to meet you.” Everett Blakely beams, reaching over to greet her with a firm handshake, hazel eyes sparkling as he tells her how happy he is to finally meet the girl “Brady wouldn’t shut up about”, the comment bringing a blush to her cheeks. James Douglass— the man settled next to Olive, blue eyes bright and happy— perks up at her name.
“So I have you to thank for the Shakespeare lessons!”
“Yes, I’m glad they came in handy,” Juliet laughs, glancing pointedly at Olive. In one of his early letters, Johnny had asked for some of her particular favorite passages to pass on to Dougie in an attempt to help him woo Olive, and she was happy to see that they had helped— especially after she’d heard about the “I hope” incident.
“I mean, I don’t think I was that bad before, but—”
“‘I hope,’ sweetheart.”
“You are never gonna let that go, are you Ollie?”
“Never,” Olive beams, her smile matching the one on Dougie’s face.
The introductions quickly turn into another hour of talking before Juliet realizes how much time has passed. After a series of rushed goodbyes and long hugs, John ushers her into the car to begin the drive back upstate.
“Well? What did you think?”
“Of your friends? Johnny, they’re all wonderful,” Juliet smiles, “I'm so looking forward to getting to know them more. And Olive and Val! I feel like I’ve known them forever.”
She turns smiling to look out the window at the blur of trees passing by, green eyes turned golden in the setting sun.
“Yes, I think we’ll all be very good friends.”
“It was nice of Benny to offer to escort Vika home,” John observes a week later on their way home from their informal engagement party— they had gathered all of their friends at one of their favorite restaurants in the city, with the addition of Benny DeMarco and Juliet’s dear friend Ruthvika Patel— formerly “Ruthie”, now “Vika” thanks to the encouragement of the girls.
“Well of course he did,” Juliet laughs, “He’s absolutely smitten.” She sighs happily, “I knew he’d like her.”
“Really? How could you tell?”
“Are you joking, honey? He could hardly take his eyes off her the whole time,” she reaches over to poke him playfully, “Very similar to a certain someone I met in college.”
“Wha—? Okay, I was not that obvious…” John glances over at her, “Was I?”
“A little bit.”
“Well anyway,” he glosses over this revelation entirely, “I know DeMarco, if he likes her that much he’ll be asking her out in no time.”
“No, I hope he takes his time,” Juliet says, “Vika’s shy, and I don’t think she’s ever been in a relationship before. It’ll be better if they get to know each other as friends first.”
“Well, it’ll be interesting to see how it goes. They seemed to be getting along.”
“We’ll see if there’s any progress next week.”
“Next week?”
“Remember, your golf game with the boys? The girls and I are going shopping for the wedding while you all are out.”
“Shopping? But I thought you already had a dress, honey.”
Juliet shoots him a look.
“I need other things besides a dress, my love.”
“Of course, of course,” John says, holding one hand up in surrender, “I hope you girls have fun.”
“Thank you, honey.” Her tone is sincere as she reaches to intertwine her fingers, the car slowing as they pull up to the Thompson home.
“Hey,” he murmurs, turning to face her, “I love you.”
Her heart goes soft as he leans in to press a tender kiss to her mouth, pulling away just enough to meet her eyes.
“And I can’t wait to marry you.”
“I love you so much,” Juliet says softly, leaning in for another quick kiss, lingering as their eyes meet before she reluctantly slips out of the car, “I’ll see you soon, honey.” 
“Oh!” She calls, pausing as she makes her way up the front walk, “Do you still want help with putting together those lesson plans?”
“I'd love that,” he smiles, “Come over tomorrow? I know my mother would love to see her future daughter-in-law.”
“Yes! I can’t wait to catch up with her,” Juliet replies, lighting up at the prospect of seeing Mrs. Alice Brady.
John shakes his head, “Sometimes I wonder if you’re marrying me just to get to her.”
“Oh no, you caught me,” Juliet laughs, “What can I say, honey? We bonded.”
He chuckles, giving his fiancée a fond smile, “I’m glad you two get along so well. See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow,” she confirms, blowing one last kiss his way before making her way inside, John only pulling away once the door is closed behind her.
One week— and one delightful visit to Mrs. Alice Brady— later, she and John are once again driving into the city.
“What are you girls shopping for again?”
“Just some accessories. And Jean said she was looking for a new dress— oh, and Olive wanted to stop by a bookstore at some point if there’s time—”
The corner of his smile twitches, just barely holding back a fond laugh, but all her fiancé says is, “Sounds like you have quite the day planned. I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
“Careful what you wish for, sweetheart,” Juliet laughs, “The girls and I will be talking your ear off at dinner.”
“I’ll tell the fellas to be prepared.”
“You girls have fun!”
“We’ll meet you for dinner at 6, alright?”
Juliet, Jo, Jean, Val, and Olive all wave off their respective men— and Vika shyly waves off Benny— with promises that they’d be at the restaurant at the agreed-upon time.
The boys went off to their golf game, and the girls drag Juliet along the bustling New York streets for the most important shopping day of her life.
“Oh Jules, look at that!” Jean gushes from her place beside her friend, pointing to a lace and tulle fascinator displayed in a boutique window.
Giggling, they descend upon the boutique, searching through the merchandise with girlish delight.
“Remind me, what does your dress look like, Jules?” Jo asks, picking through a selection of white gloves.
“Mama’s fixing up her own dress for me,” Juliet says with a wistful sigh, “I’ve always loved it. Ivory satin, gorgeous full skirt, pearls on the bodice…”
“Oh, it sounds lovely,” Val smiles, “Don’t you think, Vika?”
Vika glances up from where she’s fiddling with the lace of a fascinator, looking almost surprised to be included in the conversation even after several months of being embraced as a part of their little group.
“Hm? Oh!” She smiles shyly, “Yes, it sounds beautiful, Jules.”
“Oooh, what about this?” Olive holds up a truly ostentatious floral headdress bursting with tulle, “It’ll go perfectly with your bouquet.”
“I think that might be a bit much for Johnny.” Juliet laughs, glancing to make sure the woman who’d greeted them as they walked in is still busy helping another customer before whispering, “Is that what people wear to weddings in the future?”
“Not quite,” Olive giggles, “But you’re right, let’s find something else.”
“Jules,” Vika calls from a secluded corner of the store, “What about this?”
Juliet and Olive exchange a glance and follow her voice to the rest of the girls examining a selection of hats. Vika is standing next to a sweet ivory pillbox hat, a tulle veil attached at the top beneath a cluster of pearls.
Juliet is speechless.
“Isn’t it perfect?” Vika asks, brown eyes sparkling.
“It is,” Juliet squeals, rushing over to pick it up.
The girls cluster around a nearby mirror as she tries it on, and squeals of “gorgeous!” and “oh, you look beautiful, Jules!” echo out from their little corner of the boutique, tapering off awkwardly at the glares of the other customers.
Juliet laughs as she takes it off, then blanches when she sees the price tag.
“Well… it is gorgeous, but maybe we can find something else.” She says regretfully as she places it back on the display.
“What? No!” Jean frowns, “Honey, you’ve waited so long for this, you deserve it!”
“Jean, you’re sweet, but I just don’t have enough to be spending like that right now,” Juliet explains, “Come on, I’m sure we can find another option.”
Even as she says it and turns away, her eyes drift longingly back to the hat waiting on the shelf, settling there for just a moment before Juliet shakes herself and begins wandering back through the store.
There’s a series of whispers behind her, which Juliet assumes is the girls figuring out which section to peruse next, and the future Mrs. Brady finds herself back in front of the fascinators, trying to muster up the same enthusiasm she had when she first walked in.
“Jules?” Vika’s voice comes from behind her, and she jumps.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” Her friend says apologetically, “ But, well… I think we’re ready to go if you are.”
Juliet turns, seeing the girls clustered behind Vika with poorly hidden smiles and a small hatbox held in Jean’s arms.
“Oh girls, you didn’t…”
“We all chipped in.” Jo beams.
“You deserve it, chicken,” Olive says, “It’s your wedding.”
A swell of emotion rises in Juliet’s chest, and it’s all she can do to squeak out a soft “I love you girls” before pulling them into a group hug.
“So do the two of you have a plan for after the wedding?” Jo asks as they stroll down to yet another boutique.
“I’m sure they do,” Olive says, eyebrows waggling.
“Oh hush!” Jo scolds with a playful swat to Olive’s arm, “Not like that. Jules, you know what I mean.”
Juliet nods, the blush at Olive’s comment fading in favor of a brilliant smile threatening to overtake her.
“There’s the sweetest little house for sale a few streets away from us,” she gushes, “Johnny’s been saving up, and his mother and my parents have offered to pitch in as well.”
“That’s very kind of them,” Jean says, “I can’t imagine how excited you must be— I remember how much I was looking forward to starting a life with Bing.”
“I am…”
Despite the joy in her voice, Juliet’s smile has dimmed the slightest bit.
 “I am, it’s just…”
The girls pause, identical frowns on their faces as they drift over to an awning over a dark storefront and wait patiently for Juliet to find the words.
“Sometimes it doesn’t feel real?” She finally says, her voice distant and soft, fingers worrying at the ring snug on her finger, “Like… like I’m in this wonderful dream, and at some point I’m going to wake up and he’ll be back in that place, and I’m alone again—”
“Oh, honey.”
Jo and Jean are the first to wrap their arms around her, the ones who know exactly how she feels— even after all the hoping and praying that their boys would come home safe, they knew that once they were home it took time to remember they were home for good now, that they were finally allowed to stop worrying and focus on the future ahead.
The girls said as much as they held their friend, trying to impart as much comfort as they could.
“Oh goodness,” Jules lets out a watery laugh, carefully brushing away the tears threatening to spill over and doing her best not to smudge her makeup, “I’m sorry, girls, this was supposed to be a fun day…”
“No, Jules, you have nothing to apologize for,” Olive assures her, “We’re all adjusting to life now that the war’s over, this is part of it. You and John will work through what you have to and build a beautiful life together, I just know it.”
Juliet shoots a grateful smile at the girls surrounding her, gratitude for the friendships they’d formed in such a dark time warming her to her core.
With one final squeeze, she returns to the subject that had gotten them on this path as they continue onward.
“You all absolutely have to come over once we’re all moved in, I’m dying to play hostess for you girls…”
They arrive at dinner promptly at six, the boys already waiting outside for them.
“Did you boys have a good time?” Juliet asks, already beaming as she brushes a chaste kiss to her fiancé’s lips.
“We did,” he smiles into the kiss, “How was your shopping trip? Can I have a peek?”
He makes a show of trying to peek into the hatbox in Juliet’s hands as she playfully swats him away.
“Absolutely not, John Brady, this is for mine and the girls’ eyes only until the wedding.”
“As you wish,” he says, the teasing sparkle in his eyes visibly softening at the mention of their wedding, “I know you’ll look beautiful no matter what, sweetheart.”
She rewards his tender words with another kiss as girls store their purchases safely in their respective vehicles, and the group heads in for dinner.
As promised, the girls chatter away about their shopping day, the boys doing their best to look interested, and vice versa when the topic turns to the boys’ golf game. The one quieter spot at the table is thanks to Benny and Vika— despite the orchestrations of Val and Jules to have them sit together, the two of them are still too shy to do more than say hello to each other when they’re surrounded by the excited conversation of their friends. 
Jules catches Val hiss something in Italian to Benny, to which he hisses something in return and redirects his attention to Rosie’s story about the fifth hole.
“How are they doing?” John whispers in her ear, his eyes flicking over to their mostly silent friends.
She shakes her head.
“Looks like still nothing yet,” she whispers back, “but Vika made it sound like they had a very nice time on the way back from the engagement dinner… oh I do wish they’d just talk to each other already.”
“Benny’ll come around,” he assures her, the comforting weight of his hand coming to rest on her knee— nothing improper of course, just letting her know he’s there.
Dinner flies by, aided by laughter and easy conversation, and before she knows it, her Johnny’s dropping her off back at home.
“You’re sure I can’t have just one tiny peek?” He whines once more as he shifts the car into park and she retrieves the hatbox from the backseat.
“No, Johnny,” Juliet replies, doing her best to bite back her smile in an attempt to look scolding and failing utterly, “I promise you’ll see it soon.”
“Soon,” he hums, reaching over to give her hand a squeeze and then tugging her in for a tender kiss.
It’s her turn to beam as he pulls away, warmth filling her as she realizes how soon soon really is.
Still, all she says is “I love you, drive safe, give my love to your mother,” before heading inside her childhood home, a piece of her future tucked inside the box in her arms.
It’s a balmy Saturday afternoon when Juliet takes the car to visit the Brady home. Wedding planning on top of both John and her planning for the upcoming school year has meant their time together is painfully limited, no matter how they try to find time to work together, and frankly? Juliet misses him.
So, an impromptu visit it is.
Armed with a tupperware of her mother’s chocolate chip cookies, she strides up the walk and knocks three times on the blue door, beaming as it opens to reveal Mrs. Alice Brady.
But instead of her usual cheerful smile, John’s mother seems more anxious than she’s seen her since John came home, and concern starts to whirl in the pit of Juliet’s stomach.
“Hello, Mrs. Brady, I— oh. Is everything alright?” 
“Hello, sweetheart,” Mrs. Brady puts on a far weaker version of her usual smile, “I’m sorry, John’s… he isn’t doing too well at the moment, honey—”
“What happened?” Juliet interrupts, her mind jumping to the worst possible scenarios.
Mrs. Brady appears torn, her mouth soundlessly opening and closing until she finally speaks again.
“He was helping me organize his father’s study… I— I dropped a book clearing off one of the bookshelves, and—” she takes a breath, forcing herself to continue, “He seems fine physically for the most part, but…” there’s a hint of fear in her eyes as she continues hesitantly, and the pit in Jules’s stomach grows, “he was shaking, he looked terrified, and I couldn’t… I couldn’t get him to recognize me.”
Jules’s hand flies to her mouth, doing her best to comprehend the situation.
“He seemed to be having some kind of attack, but I can’t help but think…” Alice Brady’s eyes meet Juliet’s, almost pleading now, “Maybe seeing you might help?”
”I… are you sure?”
“Absolutely, Juliet.” Mrs. Brady nods, “He may have missed me, but it wasn’t me he was fighting to come home to so he could propose. I have a feeling you’ll be able to help him through this in a way I can’t.”
With one last sad flicker of a smile, John’s mother leads Juliet through the house to the study that used to belong to Mr. Brady.
Her heart drops as she sees John crouched in a defensive position, blue eyes wild and unseeing, his breaths shallow as his eyes dart around the room looking for some unknown threat.
“Johnny,” she breathes, willing her voice not to break as she approaches him slowly. “Sweetheart?”
He stiffens at the sound but still doesn’t seem to recognize her and it’s breaking her heart to see him like this.
“Johnny,” she breathes again, using slow steady movements to crouch in front of him, “It’s me, honey, it’s Juliet. Your Jules.”
Maybe touching him would help—
It decidedly does not, as he flinches away from her, a sharp, gruff “no!” escaping him when she places a hand on his arm as if she’d brandished a gun in front of him.
Okay, different tactic.
“Can you look at me, Johnny?” She tries, pulling back and thinking for a moment before slowly brushing her fingertips to his.
It’s a soft enough touch that it doesn’t startle him, but it still hasn’t pulled him out of… whatever this attack is.
“Please—” she swallows, trying to keep her voice steady as she slowly, inch by inch, threads their fingers together, “Please, Johnny, it’s me, it’s Jules, please look at me—”
He’s still shaking, but his shallow breathing is slowly returning to normal as he blinks, eyes focusing once more on what’s in front of him.
“Johnny?” She says softly, squeezing his hand gently, trying to ground him.
“Jules?” He breathes distractedly, as if labeling the person in front of him rather than speaking to her.
And then the realization hits, and there’s a sharp inhale as he jerks away.
“Oh, God— oh, God, no, you shouldn’t have— when did you—”
“Sweetheart, are you alright?” She asks frantically, trying to get him to meet her eyes.
He’s shaking his head frantically, “What are you doing here, you weren’t supposed to— you can’t see me like this—”
It’s that last part that hits her. That makes her realize this isn’t the first time this has happened.
“This… Johnny, this has happened before?”
“It’s nothing,” he practically spits, refusing to meet her eyes, “just… remembering things from that place, I’m— I’m working on it, I swear.”
That place, she knows, is the stalag. Neither of them have been able to say the word yet, but a trailed off sentence or indeed, that place, shoved in just the right spot and they know what the other means.
“My love,” Juliet says hesitantly, having some idea of what his reaction to this suggestion will be. Still, she persists.
“If you feel like you need to talk about it— I don’t know what happened, but—”
Johnny’s definitely avoiding her eyes now as he says in a low, forceful tone— his voice is distant still, but not as if it’s lost in memory in some far off place, no; this is the detached voice of someone shoving their emotions deep, deep down— “We were stuck there for… for far too long. It wasn’t good. Now I’m home. That’s it.”
Juliet nods, recognizing when to step back even as she murmurs, “I know, sweetheart. But if you ever do want to talk about it… I’m here. I don’t want you to worry about scaring me or anything,” she adds, knowing that that’s at least part of why he avoids this topic with her, “All that matters is that we work through this together. Whenever you’re ready.”
He gives her a wordless nod, and the two of them are left to sit in silence, hands intertwined, until Mrs. Brady comes bustling in with a glass of water.
“Oh, thank goodness,” she breathes a sigh of relief once she sees her son, promptly fussing over him “Are you alright, sweetheart? Here, drink this— let’s get you settled in the chair here—”
John is moved to a soft, squishy dark green armchair nearby, doing his best to calm his mother’s nerves.
“I’m fine, Ma, I promise—”
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart, me and my butterfingers did this—”
“Ma, it’s not your fault, really—”
“Mrs. Brady,” Juliet interrupts, gently placing a hand over Mrs. Brady’s nervously fluttering ones, “he’s okay. It’s alright.” 
John's mother lets out a long exhale, taking a moment before giving Juliet’s hands a grateful squeeze. “Yes. Thank you, darling.”
“Always,” Juliet smiles, her demeanor softening as her gaze drifts from Alice to John.
Always. She’s about to start her always with him, and if she’s honest? It’s a little nerve wracking, thinking about that after what just happened. Not in a bad way, of course, just… it’s going to be an adjustment, navigating what her Johnny brought back from the war with him.
He made it back, she reminds herself, that’s all that matters. 
They’ll work through what they have to, like Olive said, and then… she has forever to be with him. Home and safe and together.
“You alright, sweetheart?” John murmurs, brows furrowing at her silence.
She blinks, then gives him a smile that she hopes conveys even an ounce of the love she feels for him right now.
“I’m fine, Johnny,” she assures him, “I just remembered I brought cookies. And you look like you could use one.”
“The chocolate chip ones your mother makes?” John brightens, eyes lighting up like a child in a candy store.
“They’re in the kitchen, I’ll get them,” Mrs. Brady chimes in, leaving them to try to smother their giggles as they catch a mumble of “as if he didn’t eat the last of my snickerdoodles just yesterday, this boy…”
The moment his mother is gone, John wordlessly draws her into his lap, his arms wrapping around her and squeezing ever so slightly
“You sure you’re alright, darling?” Juliet asks, snuggling into him as he pulls her close..
The smile that greets her as she looks up at him isn’t quite the same one that she knew before he was shipped off. It isn’t stretched quite so wide, doesn’t reach his eyes in the same way. 
But she smiles back just the same as he assures her, “I’m perfect, Jules.”
“Now, are you sure you’re alright?”
She takes a moment to consider it and decides that right here, in her fiancé’s arms, mere weeks from marrying him…
“I’m perfect, too, Johnny.”
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suguwu · 2 months
tempted to write a series of little drabbles of black widow reader trying and failing to kill gojo
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year
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“Hellboy in the Poison Garden”, by P. Craig Russell.
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tweedfrog · 2 months
Everyone who thinks Criston Cole failing upwards is unrealistic in House of The Dragon needs to look at Halotus the food taster who had Emperor Claudius die on his watch (from poison ⁉️) and retained the food taster job under -> Nero and then when Nero died he somehow got a promotion to procurer under -> Emperor Galba like Criston is nowhere near the failure big leagues he needs to start accidentally killing more people and gaining even more promotions
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