#Pluto Cazimi
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thesagedahlia · 1 month ago
Transit Check-Ins: Pluto Cazimi (at 1 degree)
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Cardinal Signs (Aries ♈️, Cancer ♋️, Libra ♎️, Capricorn ♑️)
DISCLAIMER: this reading is for entertainment purposes only & is meant to read Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) *personal* placements. Take what resonates, leave the rest. Use discernment for your own personal situation and exercise ‘free will’ at all times.
You may be overcoming a lot of emotional grieving or trying to fight it. You’re trying to let go of something mentally that is weighing heavily on you and you may be overthinking about an ending in your recent past. You or someone you are connected with has been denying/defensive about their feelings for you + the connection. You may have felt like you needed to fight for this person‘s affection and feeling at a disadvantage because of this. Someone is coming to terms that ego is what caused the connection to come to an end. Someone is even coming up as a hater in your energy, whether it is this specific person or not.Not only that, there was an indecision to move forward with the commitment that may have been overlooked/not acted upon. It’s likely you removed yourself and decided to focus on your own stability outside of the relationship. At this time moving forward, it will be much of your focus to realigning with your purpose after what feels like a betrayal. After a time of stagnancy and reflection, you are back to creating for yourself and what meets your heart’s desires. This is a reminder to you that you are in control of your own life and you create what you want. This includes your own stagnancy and movements; everything outside of that is a distraction. Some of you may need to allow yourself more time to move on from something if you haven’t already. A lot of you may be done with the situation from the past, but it seems to be coming back around, not only within your mental energy, but your physical energy as well. You’re coming to a point in your life where you can feel when things aren’t working for you/what is anchoring you down. Finding ancestral energy in certain animals is something you may find comfort in, so let this be confirmation for you as well. A tower moment had to happen for you to see certain things revealed to you.
✨ confirmation ✨
‘Tower moment’, ‘Teacher of the Masses’ (major life lessons), ‘here today, gone tomorrow’, ‘Listen to the Earth’, Hater Alert/Hidden Enemies, ‘sloth’, ‘forced closure’, Foreshadowing, Waterfall, Twin Flame, Spiritual Union, Love- *new* love coming in, no turning back, 222, 888, 999, 444, ‘ready for the risk’, cycles, entrepreneur, rejection, grounding, 9th House (Jupiter, Sagittarius), 8th House (Pluto, Scorpio), Aquarius, Trine (flow, supports, aids, benefits, enriches, eases), Cancer, Aries, Gemini
Dragon: seeing one’s most true self, balancing the ego, solar plexus chakra
Cheetah: Solar force, action, achievement, masc. energy, reconnect to purpose
Crow: spiritually strong, creative, watchful, daily meditation practice, seeing the unseen and knowing the unknown
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 1 month ago
An Era-Defining Pluto Cazimi
This Week's Astrology, Jan. 20 - 25, 2026
Happy MLK Day! Since last week’s Cancer full moon, Aquarius season has begun. TikTok was banned in the U.S. for about 10 hours before it was resuscitated. (Not that I freaked out or anything.) Oh, and I don’t know if you’ve heard the other news (ie: read your Aquarius Season Horoscopes), but there’s also a sinister era-defining, once-every-248-year Pluto Cazimi in Aquarius. And that’s just on Tuesday. The rest of this week’s astrology sees swaths of activity swirling around plans, commitments and follow-throughs. You may also expect to see some surprise actions, changes in direction, unexpected connections, and a brief but nonetheless potent moment for heightened emotional connection, sensitivity, and care.
But I’m sure you’re more curious about the Pluto cazimi—I know I am. A cazimi puts a planet “in the heart” of the Sun, which basically means two things: 1) that planet gets a reboot, like a new season of a sitcom—it’s the same characters, same location, but different plot twists are about to unfold; and 2) the Sun shines a light on the story that planet is already telling. With the Sun conjunct Pluto (Pluto cazimi), the Sun is bringing to the surface all of Pluto’s hidden power, wealth, and influence, illuminating the pre-existing Pluto in Aquarius storyline of supremacy (read: corruption, collapse, and regeneration) through technology.
How I see this Pluto Cazimi most obviously taking shape right now is: the mob of billionaire tech bros (Musk, Zuck, Bezos, and all the Crypto enthusiasts) saddled up to Trump. These guys aren’t just attending the U.S. Inauguration on Jan. 20, they have courtside seats, and they are the same techno-crypto fat cats who either lined Trump’s pockets to helped him get elected (looking at you, Musk), or simply “donated” millions to Trump’s Inauguration Ball. Either way, they used some of their massive wealth and influence (Pluto) to fund a powerful leader (the Sun).
The billionaire tech giants literally own social media; they own the platforms through which swaths of people receive their news and/or spend the majority of their time doomscrolling. So, the Pluto Cazimi is shining a light on that. It’s very plainly saying to the people, to the collective (which is what Aquarius rules): these few, wealthy bros who are already in power, want more power. Over tech. Over government. And probably over you. Remember: Pluto is power. It is influence, massive wealth and hidden riches; and it can describe both the people who wield such things and the destructive force therein. Because Pluto is destructive. It’s also regenerative, typifying the whole death-and-rebirth cliche.
Pluto transits can take us to a dark place, decimating and demolishing to eventually rebuild. They also encourage us to compost the dark, decayed, mucky feelings that are getting in the way of growth and transformation. So, on a personal level—as in, for you as a person who is part of the collective—this Pluto cazimi is a chance to think about how much of your power you’ve given over to tech, to social media, or to other destructive forces in your life. And how you can transform. Not right this second—not even next week, but slowly over time.
Get the Full Scoop on the Pluto Cazimi, as well as the other need-to-know astrology of the week, with your FREE Weekly Forecast on the Cosmic Almanac:
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saturniandevil · 9 months ago
June 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's June Forecast. Cohost Austin Coppock is back, now as a new father!
Notable mundane alignments in May: through May 10th-13th we had intense geomagnetic storms from solar radiation cause auroras over a huge area in the world, happening right as the Sun in Taurus conjoined Uranus (electricity/unexpected) and Jupiter (expansion). On May 19th the president of Iran died in a helicopter crash due officially to poor visibility in foggy mountains (but with assassination suspected), the day Mars conjoined the North Node in Aries (with the Moon opposing them)--a date that Chris & Diana singled out last forecast as hitting eclipse points affecting world leaders & Iran specifically (during the April eclipses Iran fired back at Israel to retaliate for the destruction of its embassy). The ICC arrest warrants were also issued during this Mars-Node conjunction, a continuation of the eclipse story (both in April and October). In the sign of Aries, this is the time when hostilities became overt, and generally the Aries April eclipse was an exalted Sun being eclipsed, boding ill for leaders and heads of state. The North Node is also called "the head of the dragon," so it's fitting that leaders of three countries were affected--especially since these leaders were born under eclipses as well.
In celebrity news, Kendrick Lamar and Drake released a series of diss tracks at each other from late March to early May, also aligning with eclipse season this year. The precursor to this was a line from Like That, released March 22nd under an eclipse in Libra--Kendrick's rising sign. Drake was born after an Aries eclipse, and it was just after the April eclipse that this heated up with his track release. Mars joined the fray entering Aries and that's when the beef really heated up. Mars-Rahu (North Node) contacts indicate fights where parties cross the line because they can't see it, and indeed these shots went below the belt.
On April 30th the DEA announced it may reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug, which Chris connects to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus as a sudden change around a medicinal plant. Austin also connects int to Neptune in Pisces--he's been wondering if marijuana will finally be legally recognized before Neptune leaves. Also Uranus in Taurus: BitCoin and Etherium have approved ETFs now, bringing crypto to mainstream investment like retirement funds (Pluto's last peek into Capricorn is connected too, as it was invented when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2009). Also in currency, the BRICS group of nations are discussing bringing in a new currency as an alternative to the US Dollar and cryptocurrency is on the table--these talks also first began in 2009. The next BRICS meeting is in October in Russia, around the time of another eclipse. In other Saturn in Pisces finance news, Red Lobster has gone bankrupt, possibly because they gave away too much free shrimp (limits and seafood; the discussions were taking place during Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces even though the announcement was under an Aries Mars).
We're going into the month of June just as many planets shift into Gemini, a key signature for the month. We've had one stellium after another this year, but that trend will change as June wraps up.
June 2nd - Jupiter trine retrograde Pluto In Gemini this is good for travel, such as Boeing launching a new spacecraft (right before Mercury enters Gemini). This aspect is great for enabling Pluto's Aquarian endeavors like transformative new technologies or sci-fi...but mileage may vary for Jupiter. Chris relates this to voice AI translations opening up communication as Jupiter transits Gemini. With Mercury nearby, this month has a tone of trying a little bit of many different things, generally with positive growth and stability in the Gemini parts of our charts. Jupiter is also bound, decan, and triplicity ruler of the early part of the Gemini and has lots of power here. It's a great time to learn enough of something to do what you need with it, rather than pursuing deep expertise.
June 3rd - Mercury enters Gemini, Auspicious election
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Taking advantage of Mercury in Gemini this chart is at about 12:05PM local time. You'll want early Virgo rising and Mercury on the degree of the Midheaven at 0-1 Gemini. This places the Ascendant ruler (most important planet in elections) both in domicile and applying to a conjunction with Jupiter at 2 Gemini. In the 10th house this emphasizes career, reputation and work. Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto form a trine which bodes well for communication and technology, and is furthermore close in date to the Venus cazimi (exact conjunction to Sun) in the middle of Gemini. The Moon is exalted in the 10th house and applies to a trine with Saturn in Pisces. Overall this is great not only for career matters, but also communication, short travel, and other Mercury matters. This is one of the last days this week while Mercury will be visible, so there's a small window to take advantage of this auspicious Mercury-Jupiter conjunction.
June 4th - Mercury conjunt Jupiter, Sun conjunct Venus Also known as a Venus cazimi, the Venus-Sun exact conjunction marks a reset point in Venus's synodic cycle and a new epoch for Venusian themes, including women in society. Interestingly, Mexico's election is in early June with two female candidates (spoiler alert: a woman won!), and the Venus synodic cycle was been central to Mesoamerican astrology in the past--the 2012 news was due in part to a calendar marking these calculations. Mexico's inauguration takes place in September on a Mercury cazimi in Libra (Venus-ruled sign) and the day before a solar eclipse in Libra. Four years ago in June 2020 the Sun conjoined Venus during Black Lives Matter protests after George Floyd's and Breonna Taylor's murders, connecting Venus cazimi to questions of equality and fairness in society. However, a square from Saturn in Pisces days later brings obstacles to our hope. In fact, all the Gemini planets will go through this optimism & speed before hitting Pisces Saturn's big melancholy iceberg this month. The last Venus-Sun conjunction in Gemini was June of 2016, so it's a good time to look back and see how far we've come over the past 8 years, as well as to sow the seeds for a new cycle. With Venus invisible during a cazimi, much of this work is internal; similarly, often the biggest advancements made possible during these times isn't visible until later.
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On this graph of Venus's synodic cycle we're at the superior conjunction, where Venus is obscured from us by going behind the Sun. Her conjunctions when retrograde are also important turning points--April 2025 is the next conjunction (in Aries).
June 6th - New Moon in Gemini
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At this point Mercury is already separating from the conjunction with Jupiter but is still close, while the Sun, Moon, and Venus are all conjunct at 16 Gemini. Thus the Gemini stellium is really concentrated at this lunation. We have so many new beginnings in Gemini on different scales at this time; the events set into motion here won't go away when planets move into Cancer. Whatever was brought up by the cazimi on the 4th will continue here, though in mid-Gemini the lights & Venus are poised to square Saturn. Venus wants to connect people, while Saturn wants to push away, so the immediate aftermath of the New Moon may see cooling in relationships. Communication is important; can we address the obstacle hanging over us? Sometimes you can't talk your way out of the emotions freezing each other out. On a positive note, this can be productive for setting boundaries and expectations. Saturn in Pisces generally can indicate emotional, professional, or spiritual exhaustion: now's the time to take a rest and a step back. Darkness and silence are often needed for mental healing to begin.
June 9th - Mars enters Taurus This brings a tone shift, as Mars was activating eclipse points while he traversed Aries in April in May. On the 11th he'll immediately square Pluto (1♒), raising issues like the abusive of power, going overboard in conflict, and crossing the line because we can't see it. We can see disproportionate escalations where the person doesn't even really know why they did it, but also the very real power of those who aren't in the public eye, pulling strings behind the scenes. Mars-Pluto brings up control, manipulation, power plays, and covert actions--and the paranoia that makes us worry about these things when they're not there. Though an unpleasant introduction, this doesn't last for most of the sign.
As soon as he enters Taurus Mars also approaches a conjunction with Uranus (culminating in mid-July). We've had Jupiter transiting Taurus for the past year bringing a positive spin on events, but now we have the explosive tension on its own. A famous Mars-Uranus conjunction without Jupiter there was January 6th events. However, there are about 20 degrees between the Pluto and Uranus aspects, during which time Mars will make some nice sextiles to Mercury and Venus in Cancer, so we'll have a chill period for some time. Mars in Taurus is also generally less fiery (in detriment), which can be an advantage for us.
June 14th - Mercury conjunct Sun (cazimi) At 24 Gemini, this is the fourth and final peak/reset point in Gemini. In his home sign, Mercury really locks in the preceding resets. This also really marks the second half of the year where we won't have all these massive pileups in one particular sign. He also brushes past a square to Neptune (29♓) while conjoining Venus in the last 10 minutes of this sign. Beware of miscommunications.
June 17th - Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, Mercury conjunct Venus Venus and Mercury enter Cancer together, bringing communication and relationships together. Both planets are invisible at this point, but are working their way out from under the Sun's beams as evening stars and will be visible by the end of the month. Mercury-Venus connects our minds with the arts, giving us the technical know-how to implement aesthetic ideas and the charm to communicate our ideas in a beautiful way. Diplomacy and agreements are also signified here.
June 20th - Sun enters Cancer
June 21st - Full Moon in Capricorn
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This lunation occurs just a day after the Sun's ingress into Cancer and right after Mercury & Venus sextiling Mars, bringing a great directness and mental acuity. Once in Capricorn the Moon begins applying to Venus, though Neptune's proximity to the cardinal signs means its square to all the Cancer/Capricorn planets weighs in on things. Saturn has also begun to move within conjunction distance of Neptune, bringing questions around what's real and what's not to the end of June and into July. Some of the clarity we had before will seem to dissolve. We saw a lot of new tech developments earlier this month, but now it's muddied the waters.
June 29th - Saturn stations Retrograde This will likely activate news stories around danger in the water, water-borne pathogens, and events like the submarine disaster (A/N: or naval blockades). Jupiter will also square Saturn and later Neptune later this summer (Saturn entering Pisces corresponded with a spike in inflation) so continued issues with inflation and economy will likely come into play. Neptune stations within a week of Saturn as well, intensifying these issues and bringing what Austin calls season 2 of the Saturn-Neptune story--though season 3 is where things will get really crazy. This is another indicator of what kinds of contraction we'll experience in the Pisces parts of our charts. Saturn doesn't leave Pisces until next year, and even after entering Aries he'll retrograde back into Pisces for a bit.
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taratarotgreene · 9 months ago
Rare Billionaire Astrology opportunity June 2-4
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alchemylight · 1 year ago
Precision and Wisdom: Full Moon in Virgo with Pisces Stellium
Prepare to immerse yourself in the cosmic symphony as the Full Moon illuminates the sign of Virgo on February 23/24, 2024. This lunation is marked by a Sun-Mercury-Saturn triple conjunction in Pisces opposing the Moon in Virgo. This celestial dance invites us to explore the delicate balance between dreams and discernment, intuition and practicality. Additionally, a tight sextile between Saturn in…
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xsarahsunshinex · 2 years ago
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Let’s discuss more about #Aprill11th and how it’s the just the MOST!
✨The #JupiterCazimi is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the planet Jupiter is in the heart of the Sun. This rare occurrence is a moment of celestial magic, where the planet's energy is magnified by the warmth and power of the #Sun - The #Cazimi moment lasts for a fleeting few minutes, but its impact on our cosmic consciousness is immeasurable and happens at 6:06pm EST.
🪐As #Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, its influence on our lives as a whole cannot be understated. When #Jupiter enters the #Cazimi phase, its power and energy are amplified, creating a potent cosmic force that radiates throughout the galaxy. This vibrant energy can bring us a renewed sense of purpose and direction in life.
🪐The #Cazimi moment is a time of great potential and opportunity, where the boundaries of what is possible are pushed to their limits. This #CosmicEvent can bring forth new ideas, revelations, and insights, leading to a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it. It is a moment of cosmic awakening, where our minds and spirits are elevated to new heights of consciousness.
✨In #AncientAstrology, #Jupiter was known as the planet of growth, abundance, and prosperity. Its #Cazimi moment can bring us great blessings in these areas of our lives, opening up new paths and opportunities for growth and success.
💫The #JupiterCazimi moment is a reminder of the infinite possibilities that exist within the universe. It is a cosmic dance of energy and light, a moment of pure potential and creation. As we bask in the glow of this celestial event, we are reminded of our connection to the universe and the eternal nature of our souls.
💫The #JupiterCazimi is a rare and magical event that offers us a glimpse into the infinite potential of the universe. Its cosmic energy is a force of growth, abundance, and prosperity, and its impact on our consciousness is immeasurable. So take a moment to bask in the ethereal glow of this cosmic event! Artwork from upcoming #CelestialCycles ✨ #astrology #astrofacts #jacksonmichigan #jacksonmi #astrologersofinstagram #michiganartist #astrologyart
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astroartmuse · 9 months ago
Sun Venus Cazimi 14°-15° ♊️ June 4th 2024
23 March 2025 – 2 Aries, Venus retrograde.
6 January 2026 – 16 Capricorn
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satsangat · 9 months ago
Gemini overload already in the first week of June favors a profound transformation in communications, learning, conceptualization, ideology. Cultural, educational, religious, morality and justice issues could come up on the table, to learn, exchange ideas, change concepts, read, write, inform and receive information. The air waves are overloaded, there is a lot to take in and it may be difficult to handle.
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whitlovealways8 · 9 months ago
Astro Observations Pt 3
I am not a professional astrologer but I have been studying for some years and have made some accurate world predictions; as well as, predictions for myself and loved ones.
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Having 12H synastry with someone is like being tethered no matter the distance or time.
Having South Node synastry with someone represents past life connections. I dislike the term karmic for not all past life connections are bad. My son & I have SN synastry.
My 5h is pisces and my son's rising sign is Pisces. 5h definitely does indicate a placement of the big 3 of your first child.
Jupiter transiting the 5h or 5h profection year can bring about children. Speaking from experience.
9H placements would do well in mentorship or educating professions. Sometimes I think I should refocus my career path.
Uranus transits to your personal planets is a great time to learn astrology.
4h synastry feels like a sense of obligation but not in a way that it feels burdensome. U feel you must have that person's back. Like a mother who loves her child even after disappointment.
Cancer moons are very intuitive. They reject people with nasty auras. This is especially true in the children.
I have seen some post about signs of an absent father and I can confirm three. Myself, sun in the 8h. My son, has Saturn in the 12H and SN in the 9H. The 9h too represents the father. I also read the SN in 9h represents the child carrying on the karma from the father, however, generational karam/trauma breakers are born everyday :)
Moon-Saturn harsh aspects & 8h moon endure so much emotional turmoil. I want to hug them all.
I have observed this in a couple people, but I do believe Virgo moons carry a lot of shame. Especially if they had less than an ideal living circumstances as a child.
Capricorn placements are so independent! I wish they would ease up off the hyperindependence.
Pisces rising people have the most beautiful eyes. My son has bright, doe eyes.
Libra & Taurus placements are effortlessly attractive!
Pluto on an angle, esp 1H gives a lot of major life transformations than the average.
The irony of Scorpio risings with a Leo MC, when scorpio wants to be mysterious and leo energy wants to be seen.
I don't like the gossipy trash talk that follows gemini placements/3housers. Like Penelope Bridgerton said, "Gossip is merely information". I do believe these placements, esp geminis tell truthful information. Though I will not discredit that some gossip on a whole can be false.
Libra is to be all about justice but I often find that libra suns (esp the men) lie sooo much. Idk if its because the sun is in detriment.
Mars transiting the 6h is a great time to develop a exercise routine that will stick. Mars in the 6h however, is also a great time to stay away from knives. I cut my finger in the worst way possible when I had a mars cazimi in my 6h.
Use ur lunar return to track your monthly themes for 3 months and see what observations u get
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mystic-rubysunflower · 1 month ago
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Pluto Cazimi in Aquarius: A Cosmic Revolution Unveiled
🔮 **The Celestial Alignment Explained**
📅 **Historic Transit Date**
**Exact Conjunction:** January 20, 2024
💥 **Plutonian Energy Decoded**
**Essence:** Transformation, destruction, and rebirth
- Deep psychological metamorphosis
- Power dynamics
- Hidden truths coming to light
- Intense regenerative forces
🌈 **Pluto in Aquarius: Generational Shift**
**Generational Timespan:** 2024-2044
**Generational Nickname:** The Innovators/Disruptors Generation
🧬 **Pluto in Aquarius Generation Characteristics**
**Born:** 2024-2044
**Will Likely Embody:**
- Radical technological innovation
- Collective consciousness
- Humanitarian solutions
- Breaking traditional systems
- Quantum thinking
- Radical social restructuring
🌞 **Solar Essence**
- Core identity
- Creativity
- Life purpose
- Vital energy
- Conscious self-expression
✨ **Sun in Aquarius Vibration**
**Key Themes:**
- Innovative thinking
- Collective progress
- Humanitarian ideals
- Unconventional approaches
- Freedom of thought
- Intellectual rebellion
🔥 **Cazimi: The Heart of the Sun**
**Definition:** When a planet is within 0.17 degrees of the Sun
**Symbolic Meaning:**
- Profound empowerment
- Concentrated energy
- Intense transformation
**Pluto Cazimi in Aquarius: Cosmic Reset**
- Spiritual activation
✨ Let the cosmic energies guide you! ✨
**Collective Potential:**
- Massive systemic transformation
- Technological revolution
- Collective awakening
- Dismantling outdated structures
- Birthing new paradigms of connection
**Rising Sign Insights**
- **🐏 Aries Rising (11th House: Collective Visioning)**
**Title:** "Revolutionizing Social Blueprints"
- **Intention:** Transform community connections and future aspirations
- **Affirmation:** "I activate groundbreaking collective potential"
- **🐂 Taurus Rising (10th House: Career Metamorphosis)**
**Title:** "Reshaping Professional Destiny"
- **Intention:** Revolutionize career path and public image
- **Affirmation:** "My professional purpose transcends traditional boundaries"
- **🐝 Gemini Rising (9th House: Philosophical Expansion)**
**Title:** "Cosmic Perspective Activation"
- **Intention:** Radically transform belief systems and higher learning
- **Affirmation:** "My wisdom reshapes global understanding"
- **🦀 Cancer Rising (8th House: Psychological Alchemy)**
**Title:** "Diving into Transformational Depths"
- **Intention:** Profound psychological metamorphosis and resource sharing
- **Affirmation:** "I embrace radical inner transformation"
- **🦁 Leo Rising (7th House: Relational Revolution)**
**Title:** "Rewriting Relationship Blueprints"
- **Intention:** Revolutionize partnerships and one-on-one connections
- **Affirmation:** "My relationships reflect profound mutual evolution"
- **🕷️ Virgo Rising (6th House: Systemic Optimization)**
**Title:** "Precision Meets Radical Potential"
- **Intention:** Transform daily routines and health systems
- **Affirmation:** "I optimize my life through conscious evolution"
- **⚖️ Libra Rising (5th House: Creative Awakening)**
**Title:** "Unleashing Visionary Expression"
- **Intention:** Revolutionize creative pursuits and self-expression
- **Affirmation:** "My creativity sparks transformative inspiration"
- **🦂 Scorpio Rising (4th House: Foundational Reconstruction)**
**Title:** "Rebuilding Inner Sanctum"
- **Intention:** Transform home, family dynamics, and emotional foundations
- **Affirmation:** "I create a revolutionary internal landscape"
- **🐴 Sagittarius Rising (3rd House: Communication Revolution)**
**Title:** "Downloading Cosmic Conversations"
- **Intention:** Revolutionize communication and thought patterns
- **Affirmation:** "My words catalyze global transformation"
- **🐐 Capricorn Rising (2nd House: Value Reconstruction)**
**Title:** "Reimagining Abundance"
- **Intention:** Revolutionize personal values and resources
- **Affirmation:** "My worth transcends material limitations"
- **⚡ Aquarius Rising (1st House: Self-Revolution)**
**Title:** "Igniting Personal Metamorphosis"
- **Intention:** Complete personal reinvention and identity transformation
- **Affirmation:** "I am the embodiment of radical change"
- **🐟 Pisces Rising (12th House: Spiritual Dissolution)**
**Title:** "Merging with Cosmic Intelligence"
- **Intention:** Transcend spiritual boundaries and subconscious limitations
- **Affirmation:** "I dissolve into universal potential"
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growwithmeastrology · 9 months ago
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Friday, June 14th 2024
Sun in Gemini ♊️💨 Moon in Virgo ♍️🌎 and Libra ♎️💨
We’ve got more big energies at play today, arriving just in time to spice up the weekend. Let’s dive right into it.
First, the Virgo Moon squaring Venus in Gemini can create tension in relationships but also desires to try something new or different within them. If you’re always going to the same hangout spot for example, expect someone to want to try the new restaurant that just opened or perhaps the comedy club. Try spontaneity out for a change and don’t let misunderstandings get the best of you.
Next up, we have the Mercury and Sun conjunction in Gemini creating a Cazimi. The mind is on overdrive! New ideas are flowing, and so are conversations. I suggest allowing yourself to share those thoughts or they might drive you crazy. Expect light bulb moments and chatty Cathy’s everywhere talking your ear off.
The Virgo Moon will go on to oppose Neptune in Pisces adding a touch of dreamy and imaginative energy. Great concepts are created under these energies and emotional sensitivity can bring out your creative side. Try not getting lost in a daydream with this one though.
The Moon will enter Libra this afternoon adding some balance and harmony to the day that can spark beautiful interactions, romantic moments or shift the mind from day dreaming to problem solving. The Moon will also trine Pluto in Aquarius during this shift adding emotional depth to the day.
Finally, the Libra Moon will trine Jupiter in Gemini bringing in a big wave of good vibes to the weekend. This is highly social energy that could also bring in new relationships or financial opportunities.
Try to stay grounded today. This is heavy air energy. Avoid illusions, misunderstandings or spontaneous outbursts. Instead, have profound conversations and embrace new concepts. Have a little fun this weekend. This energy is here to help us stay connected!
If you enjoy my daily forecasts please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a consultation.
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thesagedahlia · 1 month ago
Transit Check-Ins: Pluto Cazimi (at 1 degree)
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Mutable Signs (Gemini ♊️, Virgo ♍️, Sagittarius ♐️, and Pisces ♓️)
DISCLAIMER: this reading is for entertainment purposes only & is meant to read Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) *personal* placements. Take what resonates, leave the rest. Use discernment for your own personal situation and exercise ‘free will’ at all times.
You are overcoming your past grief in a way that is going to get you noticed. Instead of blaming the past for what it cost you, you are coming to understand that it did more of a service to you than what you may realize. You’re being asked to have gratitude/be grateful for the past because of how much it taught you. You’re having a reevaluation period after much stress/turmoil you been dealing with by way of repetitive cycles. One of the things this has taught you was creating stronger boundaries with others moving forward. You are seeing the true colors of a lot of people around you and it only goes to show that your intuition was right about them. They are showing themselves because all of the love that you were getting is triggering for them. some of you were sacrificing your comfort zone and demanding stability in your life while disingenuous people around trying to penetrate your focus. These are the same kind of people that helped in the result of sudden destruction of plans/sudden shocking endings that you have experienced. This is also a reminder not to blame yourself for the past as there were decisions that you had to make in your life that were important for positive change, changes that me be unwelcome, but inevitable. Someone who may be resisting these changes will need to take heed of the nudges/signs being shown, as this is the time for gaining clarity. This is also a good time for you to manifest your goals, even if it means only creating concepts/ideas now You’re being guided to embrace the unknown; you may not see the way forward now, but clarity is coming. For those who have been focusing on different/new ways to obtain resources/focusing on the material world a surprise is coming to you, which could either be love or abundance for the work that you put in so far.
✨ confirmation ✨
333, 1010, 111, love/hate, Hater Alert/Hidden Enemies, something’s up with ‘them’, somebody’s pressed/jealous, (BLOCKED) root chakra, ‘lust’, $$$ abundance, closure; take time to rest, surprise coming, Moon (Cancer), Sagittarius, 2nd House (Venus, Taurus), Pisces, Libra, Scorpio
Eagle: All-pervading power, truth seeker, transforms karma - ‘step into the unknown’
Butterfly: undergoing great change + transformation - metamorphosis
Deer: loving, intuitive, graceful, ‘the mother’ - Feminine/receptive
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 1 month ago
2025 Aquarius Season & Pluto Cazimi
What: The Pluto Cazimi in Aquarius
When: Jan. 21, 2025
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. Fixed Signs (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio)
Takeaway: days after the Sun enters the innovative air sign, it aligns with the planet of power and transformation, marking a moment of collective catharsis and personal metamorphosis.
Bye-bye, Capricorn! The Sun is leaving behind the serious, goal-oriented vibes of the Goat and zooming into the quirky, rebellious air sign Aquarius. From Jan. 19 - Feb. 18, Aquarius season brings a surge of independence, innovation, and a bit of chaos (in the best way possible—I think. I hope.). Aquarius is very much the groovy, peace-and-love advocate who’s organizing community sit-ins, brainstorming utopian solutions, and questioning everything about “the system.” So, during Aquarius season we’re summoning our inner hippie, thinking about social progress and experimentation, and challenging the status quo.
Yes, Aquarius is the Water Bearer, but it’s an air sign, and its season is all about innovative (read: revolutionary) ideas, friendly debate, and even friendlier collaboration. Aquarius stabilizes the groundwork Capricorn season laid—just not in a straight-laced way. Like an engineer or (mad) scientist, Aquarius season wants you to analyze previously built goals—career, relationship, life—in order to see what is and what isn’t working. Aquarius wants to rebel, revolt, and challenge the system.
This year, Aquarius season starts with a bang: the Pluto Cazimi on Jan. 21. A cazimi occurs when a planet aligns exactly with the Sun, creating a powerful fusion of energies. (It’s similar to a New Moon, and serves as a reset for the planet in question.) This isn’t just a regular Pluto moment, though—it’s the first Pluto Cazimi in Aquarius in 248 years. Yeah, you read that right—TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIGHT YEARS. (Cue dramatic screaming.) So, the last time this happened, wigs were powdered, revolutions were brewing, and people were getting fed up with a power-hungry monarchy.
Work with this Pluto Cazimi with a 2025 Astrology Birth Chart Reading
Now, if you’re (somehow) unfamiliar, Pluto is the planet of transformation, power, hidden riches and shadowy secrets, and when it cozies up to the Sun, it gets a massive power boost. It’s like a reset button, shining a light on hidden truths, especially around wealth, influence, and technology. With this cazimi happening in Aquarius, the sign of rebellion and innovation, the message is clear: it’s time to shake up the system. Lately, we’ve seen Pluto in Aquarius themes popping up everywhere: conversations about democracy, oligarchies, tech-industrial complexes, TikTok bans, and the role of the collective in shaping the future. This Pluto Cazimi is like a spotlight on all of that, but it is also a stark—albeit subtle—reminder who really holds power. So, it’s a loud alarm bell to the masses (aka us). We need to wake up, because we have wayyyy more say than we often realize.
That the U.S. has Inauguration Day on / near the onset of Aquarius season every four years is a reminder of the zodiac season’s connection to democracy and the people; the President, who is elected by the people, is sworn in to serve the people. Plain and simple. That’s what large-scale Aquarius is about: the people, the masses, the collective. Occurring at 1 degree Aquarius, the Pluto Cazimi on Jan. 21 (the day after inauguration day) is indeed an ominous astrological event. When the god of the underworld (Pluto) meets up with Sol in this way, it is both an opportunity for rebirth and empowerment—for society, for the people—as much as it is a wink-wink moment from astrology saying, “guess who’s really in power?”
Get the FULL SCOOP on 2025 Aquarius Season and the 2025 Pluto Cazimi on The Cosmic Almanac:
+2025 has arrived—and with it is some WILD astrology. If you want to know how these major shifts (Neptune in Aries, Uranus in Gemini—just to name a few) are impacting YOUR life, check out my 2025 Rising Sign Reading. This pre-recorded reading tells you exactly what’s happening in 2025 and how YOU can work with the astrology. Best part? It downloads instantly. (Don’t know your Rising sign? Grab a reading for your Sun!)
+Want a more personalized look into the astrology of 2025 and how it’s landing for YOUR life & chart? Get ahead of the curve with a 2025 Astrology Reading. Together, we’ll uncover how the game-changing energies of the year ahead will impact you.
+Need a cosmic break from all the noise? Escape it all with my novel Jupiter Returns, a fresh comedy-romance with heaps of astrology and loads of laughs. Get into the Jupiter groove with the ~official~ Jupiter Returns playlist on Spotify—it’s basically a cosmic soundtrack! And for all the visual feels, check out the Jupiter Returns board on Pinterest.
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mercurytrinemoon · 1 year ago
Astro observations: celebrity edition part 2 aka latest news roundup
⭐️ Dua Lipa announced on her instagram that she's actually a Gemini rising as opposed to Libra. Now my Gemini detector told me that ages ago but I accepted the Libra rising just because it's my default token "plain good looking and polite" sign BUT it actually now makes much more sense in terms of house placements. Her Venus is now cazimi in the 3rd house - house associated with creative writing and thinking. The ever-changing and fast-moving Mercury is now in her 4th house of family and home situation and she's actually been always moving a lot between England and Albania. That healthy domicile Mercury as well as the Sun-Venus conjunction in the 3rd shows her close connection to family overall.
Funnily enough, her discovery took place during Mercury station in her 4th house. Talk about finding out your true roots (astrological, in that instance).
⭐️ We also now have the birth time of Elon Musk, who turns out to be a Cancer rising. Jupiter in his 5th house of children now makes perfect sense with his 11 kids (and probably counting).
⭐️ If you're wondering why Ariana Grande is the way she is, look no further than Moon conjunct Jupiter - aka her 7th house ruler multiply; as well as both being square to the Sun. Usually Sun square Jupiter can point to legal issues and excess while Sun square Moon often points to broken families. Now add that together and you have… a homewrecker, yaaay!
⭐️ I was thinking a lot about Blink 182 and Tom Delonge (his chart resembles mine a bit) due to him rejoining the band last year and now releasing a new Blink album. Natally, he has a retrograde Gemini Mars so I looked at his progressed chart to see the stationary period. Turns out his progressed Mars stationed direct early 2014, followed by progressed Sun entering Aquarius. Early following year the band announced that he left permanently. One of the things he focused on was research on the UFOs and work with the government. Of course, keep in mind progressed Mars stations for quite a while and his issues with the band lasted throughout the whole 2014 so it makes sense that the final split occured a year later. And why Mars? Well it can literally speak about our focus in life and our direction - where we put our energy. Not to mention Mars rules his MC so it brought him a massive turn in his career. So makes sense.
⭐️ Britney Spears just released a memoir book. Putting aside the questionable fact on who really wrote it, it stirred up a lot of drama. Her chart is one big mine but today I'm only focusing on current transits: she just had an eclipse in her first house of Libra. That eclipse landed right on her Pluto, which natally squares Venus (talking about toxic relationships and exposing them). Pluto itself is making last hits to those degrees as well as it's stationing direct in the late Capricorn. Interestingly I think Jupiter being in her 8th house can point to this as well - it lights up all the secrets and talks about working on past traumas. Now, you're also probably thinking, why was she involved with so many iffy people in her life? A lot of things in her chart point to that but what always struck me was her 7th house ruler - a malefic Mars - being in her 12th house of enemies. And it squares Neptune so they're also liars and exploiters.
⭐️ There's been A TON of celebrity breakups during this Venus retrograde season but I'm gonna quickly focus on Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner because their charts are an interesting example. Their synastry is mostly having planets in sister signs but this also means that if one of them gets hit with a transit, so is the other. Involve Saturn in that transit and you get trouble. Saturn is currently in early Pisces, where Sophie has some of her planets in the 12th house (loss, enemies). Her Mars (disputes, cutting) is at 4° of Pisces while Joe's Mars is at 7° Virgo - right opposite that. Saturn transit stirred up some proper drama: and Saturn is also coldness, being restrained and cut off. On top of that they also have their rising signs in the opposite signs of Aries and Libra and we just started having eclipses in those signs earlier this year.
Not to mention Joe's Leo Sun got hit by Venus retrograde and a Uranus square. Among other stuff.
FUN FACT: according to my research they met for the first time in October of 2016 when Jupiter was in Libra. So, interestingly, not only they had Jupiter going through their angles but Jupiter in their Davidson chart is in Libra.
⭐️ Taylor Swift is currently going through her 10th house profection year (Leo). It would make sense then that her career would take a turn this year considering that Venus was retrograding in Leo. Of course as it turned out she had a massive succes with her ongoing world tour, which is said to become the highest grossing tour of all time.
⭐️ A Vogue article popped up about Rita Ora's and Taika Waititi's wedding that took place a year earlier (they kept all the info and date private until now). Jupiter played a huge role in them getting married (as it often does, especially for a couple like them, who have it strong in their charts, which I wrote about HERE). At the time of their wedding Jupiter was at 8° Aries, which for Rita is that sweet spot between her Sagittarius Sun and Venus (4° and 10° respectively) and Leo Jupiter (13°) - as it completed a grand trine in her chart. Transiting Sun was also 12° of Leo, highlighting that trine even more.
Man I love astrology.
For Taika it was pretty prominent as well although his Jupiter aspects were more sign-based. He had a Jupiter return; his Moon is somewhere in the middle of Sagittarius so he received these fire trines as well. Interestingly, at the time of the wedding Saturn was at 22° Aquarius - exactly opposite his Leo Sun but also sextile his natal Jupiter. So for him it had a bit of a Saturnian flavour that called for stability and maturity.
⭐️ Similarly, I just read the other day that Frances Bean Cobain got married earlier this month. She has a Venus-Jupiter conjunction on top of her Virgo ascendant (interestingly Kurt had the trine between Venus and Jupiter - so seems like a family pattern). Also interestingly, transiting Jupiter is currently trining both her Venus and Jupiter (on the day of the wedding it was trining Venus exact), thereby her natal pattern got repeated. Jupiter is also her 7th house ruler.
Her now husband, Riley Hawk is having a nice transit of that Jupiter over his Taurus Moon - and remember, Moon rules the women in your family as well as your wife.
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taratarotgreene · 1 year ago
Conspiracies will be proven True. LOTR, Pluto Sun Cazimi January 20/21
January 20, I will be doing a private ceremony to invoke the very rare SUN PLUTO “Cazimi” with Pluto sitting in the heart of the Sun is really a once in 246 years, once-in-a-lifetime event at the last degree of Capricorn starting at 1:52 am EST exact at 8:46 am ESTas the Cazimi begins it, lasts until the Sun enters Aquarius at 9:07 am. Sun and Pluto won’t meet at this degree again for another…
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thescorpionmonarch · 22 days ago
Mercury and sun cazimi in aquarius trine Lilith in libra today. Moon conjunct mars in cancer today.
Uranus stationed direct in taurus.
There's a moon in Leo opposite pluto and then full moon in Leo trine chiron in aries in the coming days.
Watch your emotions and triggers today.
Interesting time to be having the superbowl. These transits are... troubling.
This is sensitive time. People will speak their mind and emotions powerfully. Mars speaks with behavior too.
All types of opinions and actions will be let loose.
If you can stay inside and focus on your own personal space. Do it. Good time to do chores. If you have alone time to calm down, do it. Take that rest. Do self care activities.
"How good are you at hide and seek? How good are they? Are you better at hiding or seeking? And Them?"
Topics about what it means to be a leader are being made public and loud.
Divine feminine rage. Do not underestimate what it can get done. If you been seeing deities/spirits/celestials who deals with heavy topics, pay attention to that.
Watch the contracts you sign. Love your job more than you love money!
"God hires and pays you. Not the people!"
If you have any privilege, use it to defend and protect.
Community makes the dream team.
Your life path is protected and needed!
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