#Planet humans Sammy
lovegiroke · 2 days
The magician, high priestess, shitpost, and chart meme stuck in my head
the tarot cards I did before
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crying-over-ocs · 2 months
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loawonder · 1 month
You are NOT the only person in the whole planet that manifesting doesn't work for. You are NOT the only poor human that decided manifesting isn't for you. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT! MANIFESTING ALWAYS, ALWAYS WORKS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. The important question is HOW it will work for you?
If i need to slap you right now, i WILL do that. Your ONLY job is to AFFIRM & PERSIST. Yes, what you hear all the time here is true. Affirm troughout the day as much as possible, to not have those doubts in your head and just DON'T GIVE UP!
Pls give yourself at least 2 weeks of NOT DOUBTING, NOT WAVERING, believing in YOURSELF and your control over your reality and just persist and affirm and PUSH as hard as you can. If you are doubting, that is a clear sign for you to AFFIRM MORE! (Cr: @ shestheon3 on x)
You either HAVE IT or you DON'T. That's how this works. So choose your option. And STICK to it!! Stick to it until you don't get it in your reality. Idc which techniques you use, as long as you DO NOT GIVE UP!
As Sammy said "your affirmations are your safety net". So repeat them when you feel anxious, when your doubtful, when your scared, when you are met with a circumstance. Repeat them over & over.
Manifestation IS real. It IS easy for you. You are so good at manifesting. It is the TRUTH. so just stick to ur affirmations and do NOT stop until you see it fold infront of you. Do not. I do not care how long it took for you, NO. Don't keep track of that. Hold yourself accountable, be disciplined and AFFIRM, AFFIRM, AFFIRM.
You can have whatever you want, ALWAYS!
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melded-galaxy · 3 months
Ultimis Richtofen: Throughout the years
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Part 3 of 3: The peak of insanity and the fall from power
Tranzit: Takes place on 21st October 2035 in Hanford, Washington, U.S.A. Richtofen took over the MPD in 2025, meaning this is the 10th year since the Earth became an irradiated, lava and zombie-infested wasteland.
I think it's safe to say Richtofen is more off his rocker than ever, having reigned over the zombies and being connected to the Aether for a decade. He's incredibly zany, raunchy and childish, has uncontrollable mood swings, his emotions flipping from absolute rage to joy at a moment's notice. His attitude towards Stuhlinger ranges from trying to be somewhat supportive and friendly to sexually harassing him to savagely insulting and threatening him, depending on the map and how well Samuel is following his instructions.
Over the years, both Richtofen and Maxis found ways to contact the surviving humans, both men vying for the surviving humans' loyalty for their own goals. Battles were fought on behalf of the two scientists between differing groups of survivors.
Richtofen often pitted the remaining members of both the CDC and CIA against each other for his own amusement. Seen in the 8-player BO2 Zombies Grief mode on maps Town, Farm and Borough.
George Barkley, former assistant director of the CDC, reports that Element 115 has seemingly spread across the globe, similar to an air-born virus, with infected survivors listing 'short-term memory loss, psychosis, delusion, and paranoia' as side effects. Tellingly, Richtofen suffers from all of these.
It quickly becomes apparent that Richtofen can only communicate with any human that has eaten zombie flesh. Stuhlinger, a member of Victis, and a previous member of a cult named The Flesh, is the only one in the group that can hear Richtofen. The rest of the team is in contact with Maxis. Despite Stuhlinger's pleas, Victis ultimately sides with Maxis.
Similar to at the end of Moon's easter egg, as Richtofen is in control of the zombies he is once again the demonic announcer.
Richtofen is unamused by Victis and is starting to miss his old teammates, especially Nikolai. 'Gah, you guys are boring!' 'Blah blah blah vodka vodka blah blah. *sighs* I think I'm starting to miss that drunk...' 'You know, I think I'm starting to miss the other three...'
Despite being unimpressed with Victis, Richtofen does enjoy trolling them. 'Oh look, you got the Wunderwaffe DG2... JUST KIDDING!' 'It looks like a Max Ammo but I can't be sure... I can only see EVERYTHING at the same time.' 'You know, I never like how that little brat never told us how anything worked, so the secret to survive is *gibberish* ... AND THAT'S HOW YOU WIN!'
Tells Stuhlinger that he wants to heal the Earth, though also admits only so he can use the survivors as playthings. Also mentions to Stu that Maxis will kill all surviving humans... he's right. 'Soon, this beautiful planet will be healed once more and the flesh will cover the Earth!' 'You will be the heroes that saved all the Earth... for ME TO PLAY WITH!' 'Maxis WILL KILL YOU ALL!' 'We must hurry because Maxis is a busy little beaver unt the dam he builds will kill you all! Trust me!'
The doc enjoys calling Stuhlinger nicknames. 'Sammy! Sammy boy! Are you ignoring me?' 'The clock is ticking my little pink sausage... you better move those porky little legs!'
The tactic of leaving a single crawler at the end of the round to take a break, Pack a Punch or complete Easter Egg steps seems to be a canon method Richtofen and the rest of Ultimis used throughout their journey to Moon. 'Ah. Trying to take a break I see.' 'Now which one of you is going to take care of that little bastard while everyone else runs around?'
He is acquainted with Nacht Der Untoten's main building and quotes that it looks familiar.
Die Rise: Interestingly enough, the events of Die Rise take place only a day after Tranzit, on the 22nd of October, 2035 in Shanghai, China.
The opening cutscene shows us that a demonic-sounding voice is ordering Samuel around and instructing him to 'mend the rift'. When Stuhlinger argues back, the voice reveals that it knows of Samuel's past acts of cannibalism when he was still a member of The Flesh and threatens to tell the others.
I'm not sure if this demonic voice is supposed to be Richtofen, or an Apothicon speaking to Stuhlinger, as we do hear the doc later on in the cutscene when he's telling Victis to 'Accept their fate. Begin anew.'
The cutscene also reveals that Richtofen teleported them from Washington to Shanghai and that when Victis dies, Richtofen has the power to rewind time, bringing them back to life and effectively giving them another chance to aid him against Maxis. Victis have no memory of their former deaths, only a sense of deja vu.
Strangely enough, Richtofen does this despite Victis siding with Maxis before in Tranzit and for some reason either chooses not to or can't rewind time after Victis previously chose to aid Maxis.
Once again, Victis ultimately sides with Maxis.
Unfortunately, one part of the Easter Egg involves getting balls wet with the Sliquifier. This proves too much for Richtofen, who becomes even hornier than usual and more sexually-frustrated than ever. This is made doubly uncomfortable by the fact that he is still currently in the body of a little girl. Oh, and he calls Stuhlinger a whore (...projection). "Look to the dragon. The energy flows! Oh, how it flows on my face." "JAA! MAKE THOSE BALLS WET, YOU WHORE!" "More! Keep going...(whispering) ugh you cannot have dry balls, dry balls ugh not good." "Ahhh, that was good. Maxis will no longer be able to get his filthy hands on those balls, those all-so-wet balls."
Buried: Takes place on 31st of December, 2035 in Angola, Africa. The opening cinematic shows Victis travelling on foot, so Richtofen most likely didn't teleport them to the location.
It's implied in the opening dialogue Richtofen and Stuhlinger engage in that the doctor hasn't been in contact with Stu as frequently, most likely because of Victis siding with Maxis on Tranzit and again on Die Rise. It's possible Richtofen was trying to contact other survivors to do his bidding in Victis' place. Nevertheless, Richtofen ultimately tries once more to get Samuel to convince the rest of Victis to do as he says, with no success.
Victis for the final time sides with Maxis, setting up the last polarisation tower to open the ‘rift’ for Maxis. This results in Maxis harnessing the power of the Aether and taking control of the zombies. Maxis kicks Richtofen out of Samantha's body and into the body of a zombie as a punishment. When the zombie is killed, Richtofen's soul enters another zombie nearby, damning the doctor to die over and over again at the hands of Victis. Maxis, powered by the Aether, sets out to reunite with Samantha, which will unfortunately lead to the destruction of Earth and all its inhabitants. This is the canonical ending.
In the non-canon ending where Victis sides with Richtofen in all the maps, he gains full control over the Aether and zombies and proceeds to erase Maxis from existence. Edward seems disinterested in returning to his own body and now has the power to rejoin the physical world, which he does by taking over Stuhlinger's body... or at least attempts to. Much to the doctor's surprise, Samuel survives Richtofen's body-snatching attempt and the two now must share/fight for control over Stuhlinger's body. Richtofen appears stuck in Stuhlinger's body and admits that he didn't think this through.
Similar to Die Rise, Richtofen is ridiculously horny in this map. 'Aha, you are making an old German very happy... unt stiff.' 'Keep going! I do not want you to stop... not even for breathe... ahaha.' 'You are reaching the climatic moment... oh it feels good ja?'
He's also ridiculously childish, repeatedly yapping about playing games and having fun. 'Curse you Maxis! You and your stupid girl! You are always ruining my fun unt games!' 'Now, throw the pennies into the fountain and we get to play a fun little game ahaha.' 'Now you go from grumbly hateful to hungry grateful ahahaha! I rhymed!' 'Ah, it's really not that different from how things were before, Sammy. We get to talk to each other, play games! It's really quite exciting! You'll like the fact that we're gonna be eating more salad.'
Alludes to 'the cycle', a big part of the zombie storyline we see in B03 and BO4. 'Nein. It cannot be like this forever. There has to be a way to break the cycle.'
He knows the rest of Victis disliked Stuhlinger. 'Now search their cold, dead bodies aha. It shouldn't be too upsetting - I know you weren't close!'
Interestingly, similar to his Primis counterpart, he feels a strong urge to be needed by others/meet their approval. Also like his Primis self, he is disgusted by dirt and mess. 'I just want to feel needed again!' 'Ahh! The bodies are so filthy! So dirty so stinky! Would it kill you to stop eating brains and take a shower!'
Richtofen acts self-pitying and disgusted when stuck in the body of a zombie, and seems to feel its hunger for flesh. 'This is horrible!' 'What have I ever done to deserve this torment?!' 'I'm trapped! I'm rotting! I'm hungry!'
So we've reached the end of Black Ops 2 Zombies Richtofen! This is where I think Richtofen's comedic elements and insanity reached its apex— time for the gradual come down.
Time Zombified/comics: So there was a miniseries of comics by Dark Horse Comics and published by Activision that followed Victis attempting to escape the end of the world caused by Maxis in Buried. In the comics, we see that the Victis crew is being pursued by an intelligent zombie that is uncannily dressed in a Nazi General's uniform. The zombie is, of course, Ultimis Richtofen, who turns out to be working with his Primis counterpart to acquire Victis and help Primis Richtofen attain the Kronorium.
Undead Richtofen retains his intelligence and ability to plan, as well as having a newfound ability to control the movements of other zombies in the nearby vicinity.
Sometime after the comics, Undead Richtofen teleports to Groom Lake, where the rest of Ultimis, who teleported from the Moon after the completion of the Moon Easter Egg, are captured and experimented on by the Americans. Undead Richtofen found his old body, comatose after the events of Buried, and transferred his soul into it. He was subsequently imprisoned with the rest of Ultimis and experimented on and had to be sedated multiple times due to how animated he was.
Honestly, I have no idea how Ultimis Richtofen wasn't straight up murdered by the rest of Ultimis given both his betrayal and the fact they now remember he performed unethical experiments on them back in Siberia. Instead, he's seen just uneasily chilling with them again. They had plenty of opportunites to do so as well, considering they were all held in the same cell and not restrained. Perhaps the attempted brainwashing/mind control Richtofen had previously done to the rest of Ultimis prevented them from outright killing him or maybe Ultimis Richtofen managed to persuade them that he'd be able to break them out. It's also possible that the rest of Ultimis was simply too depressed/traumatized to bother killing Richtofen.
According to a quote from Dempsey in Alpha Omega, Ultimis were captured, tortured and experimented on for a few months.
As shown in Classified's easter egg ending, a post-moon Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey and a post-buried Richtofen now back in his own body are held captive in a cell in Hanger 4 by the Americans. It's implied that all 4 are suffering from overexposure to element 115 and are unethically experimented on. Abruptly, the Primis crew arrive and free Ultimis from their imprisonment, bringing them to Camp Edward.
Alpha Omega: Ah, Alpha Omega. This marks the last time Ultimis Richtofen, as well as the rest of Ultimis and Primis are playable and the only time both crews are playable on one map. There's plenty of dialogue and interactions in this map to get through, so let's get started.
Richtofen is happy to be reunited with his old team and urges them to 'forgive unt forget' when it comes to the small matter of him betraying and torturing them and dooming the planet. 'Anyway, Dempsey, I think we've got off on the wrong feet. I'm a changed man! I've got absolutely zero intentions of blowing anything... up.' 'Hooray! The gangs all here again! Isn't it so nice to be reunited! Especially after all that nasty business on the moon.'
He's absolutely ecstatic to be back to slaughtering zombies. 'BLEED FOR ME, I LOVE IT!' 'More blood! I can NEVER HAVE ENOUGH!' 'I'm so happy I cry!'
Edward seems to no longer hear the voices/the apothicons and may be slightly saner because of it. He doesn't mention them in Alpha Omega or Tag der Toten.
Once again, Richtofen fails to contain his horniness. 'I swear, I'll put anything down my throat...' 'Mmm, just like gargling ball sweat - oops! I meant boar sweat.' 'You're very precise, Takeo! Almost anally so...'
He did not like the experiments the Americans ran on him while imprisoned in Groom Lake. 'I do so love experiments, especially devious ones... BUT ONLY WHEN I AM THE DOCTOR!'
Richtofen acts more antagonistic towards both Ultimis and Primis Nikolai on this map, probably because Primis Nikolai is leading both groups and both Richtofens are put out by that fact. Despite still claiming to hate Dempsey, he acts slightly less antagonistic to both versions in Alpha Omega. 'I cannot believe I am taking orders from Nikolai Dummkopf Belinski!' 'You are too kind! Especially to Nikolai. He's an idiot.' 'I would applaud, Dempsey, but my handsss are kinda busy.' 'Dempsey, dear Dempsey, I am not quite as self-obsessed as you seem to think. Not everything is about me you know!'
Ultimis Richtofen apparently owns a summer cabin in Bulgaria, that has regular poison gas leaks.
He's aware that he's melodramatic. 'You're being very melodramatic, Takeo. And coming from me that's... that's really saying something.'
Ultimis Richtofen considers his Primis self better looking, but claims he has no sense of humour. He also claims his other self ultimately failed to achieve his goals and that he wets the bed. 'That other Richtofen may be younger unt better looking, but he has no sense of humour!' 'And how did my overly emotional doppelganger do? He failed. He messed everything up. Just like when he wet the bed.'
Edward wears contact lenses. 'Someone come help me find my contact lenses.. and maybe restart my heart.'
Like Ultimis Dempsey often does, Richtofen breaks the fourth wall a few times. 'Did you try shouting for your player friends?!' 'You answered the crawl of duty, wink wink, unt you paid the price!'
Ultimis Nikolai, Dempsey and Takeo along with the Primis crew actively despise Ultimis Richtofen for obvious reasons. 'Aw what happened Richtofen? Nuke go off?' 'Frankly, if he's still standing at the end of this, I'm gonna be pissed.' 'I know my other self can be rather... eccentric. Annoying, even. But we really are quite different!' 'I find that very hard to believe, Richtofen. You are all equally unlikeable and unreliable.' 'One fact remains undeniable: you are an evil that must be stopped.'
He's salty about the fact/somehow knows about that his Primis self shot a version of Ultimis Richtofen in the face, as seen in bo3's the giant opening. 'What did my other self ever do to you? Did he shoot you in the face??' 'Remember it? Of course, I don't remember it! When you're shot in the head, memory loss is one the most common side effects.'
Ultimis Richtofen's much more absent-minded in this map in particular and struggles with memory issues that seem to be getting worse. He has definitely cognitively declined since the days of Shi No Numa. 'this reminds me, I really do need to do laundry.' 'Hello, orb! My name's Edward and I fight the undead. What exactly do you do?' 'Finally! Now I can get back to pursuing my own interests! Hmm...' 'Okay Edward, don't forget you have this... this... what was I talking about?'
Despite his more happy-go-lucky attitude in this map, Richtofen has bouts of suicidal ideation. 'Sometimes I think death would have been a mercy...' 'I'm surprised you didn't just put me out my misery.'
Tag Der Toten: The sanest version of Ultimis Richtofen we see in any map. Takes place on October 13th 2025. This is the final appearance of Ultimis Richtofen and at the end, he's incredibly calm, almost melancholy. His voice is much deeper-pitched than usual, and he sounds almost like his Primis counterpart.
Interestingly enough, it seems to legitimately pain Richtofen to have to lie to and manipulate Stuhlinger again. He's much kinder to Samuel in this map than he was in bo2, and seems fond of him. 'Oh, I'm watching Sammy. Kudos on the headshot.' 'I know, Sammy. I found you mildly amusing too.' 'It's them or you, Sammy and who would I talk to if you were gone?' 'I'm proud of you, Sammy. You are a veritable killing machine today!'
We hear in the campfire quotes in Tag Der Toten, that Ultimis and Primis spent one last night together, sharing stories, drinking together and acting like friends. Around the campfire, Ultimis Richtofen stated honestly that 'he just wanted power, preferably absolute' and that he 'wasn't sorry for anything and had the time of his life'. He was also surprised by his Primis self admitting he once saw Maxis as a father figure and commented he only ever saw Maxis as a bitter rival. Ultimis Richtofen's hatred of Samantha has also seemed to lesson somewhat by Tag Der Toten.
Unbeknown to Ultimis and the rest of Primis, Primis Nikolai secretly poisoned their drinks, killing Ultimis Nikolai, Ultimis Takeo, Ultimis Dempsey, Primis Richtofen, Primis Dempsey and Primis Takeo. Instead of dying, Ultimis Richtofen reverts to his Zombified state and begins instructing Stuhlinger and by extension, the rest of Victis throughout their last journey to build the Agarthan Device.
At the end of the easter egg, Ultimis Richtofen apologises to Samuel just as he and the rest of Victis is banished into the dark aether. Richtofen is then shot in the head by Primis Nikolai, killing him instantly. Primis Nikolai then goes on end the multiverse in the hopes of creating a better timeline, free of corruption and his last act is to have Samantha shoot him.
As Samantha and Eddie, a child version of Richtofen, travel to the new world, we hear the final wishes of Ultimis and Primis. Ultimis Richtofen's final wish is to relax and perhaps open his own morgue.
Bonus Fun Facts/Stuff I Forgot To Mention!
Edward is somewhere in his late 50s to early 60s, by the time Ultimis arrives at Shi No Numa.
Richtofen first joined the Illuminati in 1925 and left the organisation in 1942. When he first joined the Illuminati, Edward would have likely been somewhere in his late 30's to early 40's.
He joined Group 935 in 1936, originally to leak intel back to the Illuminati. He would have likely been around his late 40's to early 50's when he started working with Group 935.
Edward went to boarding school, according to a quote on Alpha Omega.
He references Germany's financial collapse after WW1 in Ascension. 'The inflation is killing me.'
Ultimis Dempsey hates Richtofen, Ultimis Nikolai is neutral towards Richtofen until the latter's betrayal on Moon and Ultimis Takeo liked Richtofen until he started regaining his memories on Ascension. From then on, Takeo only pretends to be friendly towards Richtofen, while secretly scheming behind his back. The 'Takeo is the first to remember' sub-plot from bo1 never really goes anywhere, however, as Richtofen ultimately succeeds in taking over the MPD and betrays the rest of Ultimis anyway on Moon.
Richtofen liked/respected Dr. Groph and Dr. Schuster and acted favourably towards them even after he lost his mind. 'Excellent, Dr. Schuster. Commence test number 151.' 'And you, Dr. Groph, are now the lead scientist here at Griffin Station.' 'Don't worry Dr. Schuster. I had you go with the Americans. It'd be good for your softer side.' However, as he grew more paranoid and his madness took root, it's clear he distanced himself from them, treating them more like pawns and with less respect. 'I'm more than alive, Mr. Schuster. Is the device still intact?' 'Yes, I will dispose of Dr. Maxis and that little brat personally. Do not. Touch. Anything.'
While Richtofen hates Dempsey and looks down on him/enjoys mocking him for his simple nature and lack of intelligence, he may be begrudgingly attracted to the marine, depending on the map/Richtofen's depiction. He has made flirtatious remarks and even grabbed his...yeah, in Call of the Dead. 'Hello Dempsey! Aren't you a sight for my sore eyes.' 'I hate you, Dempsey. I even hate your eyes.' 'Big Dempsey... you're so BIG!' Conversely: 'Oh Dempsey, have you always been this ugly?' 'I hate you, Dempsey. I hate your ugly voice.' 'Dempsey, you annoy me. And you're disgusting. AND I HATE YOUR FACE AND YOUR NECK!'
Richtofen is amused by and has a crush on Nikolai, which seems to fade by the time Alpha Omega takes place. 'Look Nikolai! How romantic!' 'Come on my big strong Russian bear! Arrr!' 'It's so slippery unt wet unt joyful! Just like you, Nikolai!' 'Maybe we should strap explosives to Nikolai's back!' 'I know it must be hard, having your smart, handsome, sober brother showing up... waving his big, fat soul in your face.' 'I wish my Nikolai knew how to shoot straight - or in fact do anything of use.'
Richtofen is either indifferent to or mildly dislikes Takeo. 'Oh, it's a picture of the monkey bomb.' 'Takeo has always been so quiet. For some reason, no matter the pain, he was always so respectful. I hate that.' 'I always liked you, Takeo! Even when I didn't.'
The entire Primis crew hates Ultimis Richtofen, especially his Primis self for obvious reasons.
The Shadowman thinks favourably of Ultimis Richtofen, according to his dialogue in Revelations. 'You do know that Richtofen is a friend of mine? I say friend, but really he's so much more than that. At one point, I almost considered him my apprentice.' 'At one point he did everything I told him to. I keep hoping he'll remember the promise he made to me, so long ago.'
Dr. Monty thinks of Ultimis Richtofen as evil, childish and an idiot. 'Richtofen, crazy Richtofen, evil Richtofen, remember him? Fucking idiot blew up the Earth! It didn't really all go to plan though, did it? He never even had a plan. He ended up trying to enlist the help of some other idiots left in the apocalyptic wasteland.'
Russman, Misty and Marlton dislike/distrust all versions of Richtofen. Stuhlinger likes/looks up to Ultimis Richtofen despite his axe-crazy personality and called him 'the sweetest guy in the whole universe' in Tag Der Toten. Likewise, I believe Richtofen did develop a soft spot for Samuel over time as he's the only person Ultimis Richtofen has ever expressed genuine remorse for. At the end of Tag Der Toten's Easter Egg: 'I know. And I'm so sorry.'
While the voices Richtofen heard after touching the MPD on the moon were never an auditory hallucination brought on by Schizophrenia, they were real entities that we later find out were the Apothicons/Shadowman, he may have also developed schizophrenia later on anyway due to the effects the voices had on his mental state. Some of Richtofen's in-game quotes hint at him hearing and seeing things that clearly aren't there. When interacting with Nikolai's portrait in Kino: 'His eyes are following me...' When getting the monkey bomb: 'Do you hear him talking to you, Nikolai?' When getting the Wunderwaffe DG2: Do you hear it talking to me?' Furthermore, Edward is also aware of the fact he's mentally ill: 'Carefully balanced... much like my mental state!' 'It's not always fun being like this...'
Richtofen's favourite food is potato salad. His favourite drink may be root beer.
Edward may have arthritis, according to a quote in der riese.
Despite claiming to hate monkeys, Richtofen apparently considered adopting one and enjoys spanking them according to a sus quote on Alpha Omega. 'I find monkeys annoying. I spank them every chance I get...' Furthermore, Dempsey implies Richtofen may have done obscene things with the monkey bombs. 'Richtofen, stop trying to hump the stuffed monkey, man! It's creeping me out.' 'If anyone's done anything... borderline with that monkey, it's Richtofen, man.' 'Richtofen, don't get any ideas. I don't think it's legal!'
For some reason, Richtofen owns an MP3 player. Where he got it is never elaborated on. He also somehow might have watched Back To The Future at some point, as he makes a reference to the film in Ascension. '1.21 Gigawatts! Now where have I heard that before?'
Why Richtofen wears a WW2 Nazi General's uniform is never explained in any of the games. It's especially confusing as in the lore, it's clear that Richtofen disliked the Nazi party and especially Group 935's secret affiliation with them, courtesy of Maxis. Out of Universe, Richtofen's model was taken from the WAW campaign; he shares the same model as Amsel. World at War Richtofen was originally meant to be a Nazi Officer/interrogator, which is shown in Richtofen's WAW bio: '"Beware The Doc". A message that was scrawled across walls of every town under Axis control. Starvation may cripple you, dysentery may wreck you, and gunfire may rip the flesh from your bones, but "Beware the Doctor". This is Dr. Richtofen, known affectionately as "The Butcher" to his victims as they scream in agony moments before he snuffs out their light. All through his career, Richtofen has been at the forefront of torture and information extraction research. Richtofen is an incurable sociopath and sees no moral distinction between natural death and murder; the victim is the victim, regardless of how their demise manifests itself.'
However, this was later softly retconned; Richtofen became a scientist of Group 935 only affiliated with the Nazi party through a deal Maxis secretly made, though he was previously a member of the Illuminati of his own volition. Personally, I think Ultimis Richtofen wears the uniform just because he thinks it looks good and gives off an air of authority. It also probably helped him blend in with the other members of Ultimis, as they were all military figures. However, this is all mostly speculation.
Richtofen has shown sexual attraction to both men and, rarely, women - he's most likely Bi or Pansexual with a preference for men. 'Oh, she sounds like a sweet little specimen!' 'Hm, I hope this drink doesn't affect my fertility... oh the thought of little Doctors!'
Richtofen is a serial molester who belongs on the sex offender registry, according to the Call of the Dead Easter Egg and numerous other quotes. 'Ow! Let go! That's not a LEVER. RICHTOFEN!!' 'Just because the lights aren't on doesn't mean I can't kick your ass, Richtofen. *Dempsey slaps Richtofen hard enough for the German to fall over* Now get your finger out of mine!' 'You remind me of a patient, except you make less noise when I stick things in you...' 'that's... that's still not a lever, Richtofen.'
Speaking of Call of the Dead, Edward is also likely to be physically weaker and less durable than his super soldier test subjects. A single slap from Dempsey in cotd was enough to floor him.
Richtofen has cannibalistic tendencies. 'First I will cook them, then I will eat them!' 'I will help you, Dempsey, but only because I want to be the one to eat your heart!'
Richtofen may have necrophilic tendencies. 'Their screams are so... erotic, ja...' 'Oh, could you FEEL it going in?' 'Oh, how I love the sexy undead!' 'Shame, Takeo. His head was his only redeeming feature. Such a pretty mouth...'
Edward is a narcissist and has a god complex. 'I am all powerful!' 'I AM A GOD!' 'You know, I used to be in your shoes... then I became an all powerful, omnipotent being haha!'
Along with being a sadist, Edward is a hardcore masochist, to the point he enjoys having spikes rammed up his backside. 'Oh! Oh, that's... that's good, that's okay, buy me dinner next time.' 'Oh, you have spikes in you now! You like that? The spikes? I do...' 'I would hurt so good if I put my hand in there...'
Richtofen may have also prostituted himself at some point, according to more sussy quotes from shangri-la. 'Ah, t-that's usually an extra fifty!' 'Hey Richtofen, how 'bout some knee time? What, you like that anyway!' 'Ten points a pull, bet Rectalfun would do it for free.'
According to Ultimis Dempsey, Richtofen's got small dick energy. 'This portrait's bigger than everyone else's. Must be tryna compensate for something.' '.5 millimetres of love, just like Richtofen!'
Richtofen takes pride in his appearance and is fashion-conscious. 'Not the prettiest thing I've ever worn but it will do.' 'Ugh, these stains will never come out of my uniform!' 'The steel is so clean I can almost see my reflection - Oh you handsome devil...' 'Oh, I may need this but I do hate to mess up my hair.'
Richtofen has an unhealthy obsession with spleens, a trait he shares with Samantha. Perhaps due to Apothicon influence? Maybe Samantha and Richtofen inherited their love for spleens after getting corrupted.
Speaking of Samantha, Richtofen enjoyed being in her body, and called his child self a 'little girl' on Moon. Make of that as you will.
Given that 10 years passed from the events of Moon to Tranzit and then presumably a few months to a year from Tranzit to the end of the Call of duty zombies' comics, at a rough estimate, Ultimis Richtofen would have been in his late 60's to early 70's at the time of his death in Tag Der Toten.
As a last note, I want to highlight the absolute mental decline and personality change that Ultimis Richtofen went through, from all the way back in 1939 before he was corrupted by the apothicons/shadowman to the end of Buried where we see him at his absolute most insane. He went from acting and sounding like this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/2/2c/Moon_Audio_Log_1_BO.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20130811020209
To this: https://youtu.be/2UxWGDwIpg4
The difference is just staggering. And yet the evolution of his character doesn't end there. On Alpha Omega, Richtofen is more mentally stable than when he was in bo2, serving as the demonic announcer, thanks in part to apparently no longer hearing the voices and having time to reflect on everything that has happened to him during his imprisonment at Groom Lake.
By Tag Der Toten, Ultimis Richtofen is sounding nearly as calm as his Primis self: https://youtu.be/JudP0Eo634E Not to say he fully regains his sanity, but he does become more sound of mind before his death.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this in-depth analysis of Ultimis Richtofen and his transformation throughout the games! This was fun to write, but goddamn took me a long time. I hope it's an informative and interesting read. Feel free to add anything I've missed or got wrong in replies/tags :)
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eggybug · 3 months
guess what time it is! its end of season 4 thoughts time!!!!
they are going to be a lot more insane and outta order than in the past
1. the entire season they were yelling at us that lilith was the final seal and it pissed me off jfc
2. i forgot what it was like to lowkey hate sam, i hate it.
3. so cas was in love the whole time, right? RIGHT. like i know ive been ranting about it all season but are you KIDDING me
4. ruby is a bitch and i hate her so bad. but she was in it for the long game thats for damn sure
5. im REALLY not looking forward to the whole "sam gets haunted by lucifer" bit
6. i love cas, i really do, but he looked right in deans eyes, knew that he was doing this shit to him, and did it anyway. like he was probably tortured by the legions of heaven, but goddamn it
7. when i start making cain and abel comparisons all next season, i don't wanna hear shit about it. itll be my bout of insanity and i apologize in advance
8. i fuckin LOVE bobby
9. no body liked john winchester, they loved him, but they hated the son of a bitch
10. i never got to the point where chuck became TRULY the worst guy ever, but i know we as a fandom hate him, so i hate him.
11. i think demons eat babies and i don't know how i feel about that
12. i don't know who i hate more, uriel or zachariah. maybe im glad cas killed all the angels
13. like i get it but HOW did it take dean so long to realize heaven wanted the war too. they disappeared for weeks while lilith was breaking seals like a bull in a damn china shop
14. they keep doing that thing where one of the capital A angels does something shameful to dean, or dean questions his faith in the "Plan" and the camera cuts to cas looking like a sad puppy
15. ik ive said it 1000 times but goddamn those stupid lil boys need therapy
17. hey, in the last episode they killed a bunch of nuns, which like damn
18. back to sam, his dumbass really fell for the devil on his shoulder bit jfc
19. like i understand camera work, but two straight men don't stand that close to have a conversation. they just don't.
20. hey sammy, you throw a lady in a trunk, you stop being the good guy
21. at any point did they just consider... not doing that. maybe perhaps, waiting a week?
22. there was a thing with the mirrors and zachariah in the last ep, wasn't there? like that wasn't unintentional. mirrors are notoriously terrible to work with, that can't be unintentional.
23. i love that biblical fanfiction always somehow ends with an angel, a demon, and a human coming together to stop heaven and hell playing out a war on earth.
24. spn just proved you can't leave a bunch of corporate assholes in charge of a planet.
26. im really not looking forward to sam whining about starting the apocalypse for a whole season.
27. dean fighting tooth and nail for cas to see the truth in humanity. to find faith outside of heaven. cas seeing that and it breaking his morale a little bit more and more every time. cas repeatedly seeing dean, perfect vessel, perfect soldier, dean be willing to lose the promise of heaven, of peace for his little bit of humanity. it broke cas. and dean keeps begging cas to see it too. and they're going to drive. me. INSANE.
28. "we're done" those were the exact words dean said to cas.
29. so cas and dean can talk without saying anything, and i hate to say that means they're in love... but thats exactly what that means.
30. cas did it! he broke his faith, he sacrificed himself for dean. and now they're gonna kiss (ik they don't kiss but a boy can dream)
31. have i mentioned that sam pisses me the FUCK off! like yeah i blame ruby but goddamn.
32. this season was hell in a handbasket, jfc (no ounce intended)
omg! season for is done!! woooo! onto the most annoying and lowkey painful season ever! my takes and thoughts for season 5 are going to be annoying, so be prepared !
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em-harlsnow · 4 months
everyone talks about how much they hate Debbie. WHERE IS THE LIP HATE????
okay, so I dont hate lip, I find it hard to HATE people when they aren't inherently evil (Terry) or have done some awful things (Frank, Monica, Sammy) but I definitely dont like the guy.
I understand where a lot of his behaviours come from, like the yelling and anger issues, but I find it so hard to watch. He constantly takes his issues out on Fiona by yelling, not allowing her any of the 'benefit of the doubt' that she gave him. She pushed him to go to school, helped him get help for his alcoholism and when she struggled, he screamed at her. When she made mistakes, like letting Monica back into their lives, causing her to take their money, Lip completely blamed her.
Again, I understand it's a deflection. He's mad at Monica or Frank or himself half the time (although yes he also gets mad at Fiona directly) and takes it out on her. It's also a learnt behaviour, copying Frank's anger and shouting.
Even so, it pisses me off.
Also, the arrogance?? Now, I'm self aware, I know my faults and personally I know that I'm an arrogant shit. I try not to be, but it mainly stems from insecurity. I get that, but still. It makes me mad that he thinks he's better than everyone, when in reality he makes just as many stupid mistakes.
Anyway, I have a lot of sympathy for all shameless characters, (aside from a few) and find it difficult to actually dislike or hate them. Lip has many redeemable qualities.
I just find it unreasonable and annoying that Lip is often praised while EVERYONE hates Debbie. I blame it on the fact that it's okay for a man to be annoying, but the moment a woman is annoying she is immediately the worst human on the planet.
Debbie is annoying, Lip is annoying, and both are also lovable and have really good qualities.
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Traveling nearby Earth, Galaxy Milkshake was just on their way back to their home planet when a stray meteor hit their ship unexpectedly. Forced to do an emergency landing, they crash-landed on Earth and landed in a rural area that was a few miles away from the city. Seeing their ship broken and unrepairable, they tried to get in contact with their home planet but they had no such luck. Frustrated and stuck on a foreign planet, they try their best in their situation and do their best to blend in with the locals (the locals however are amused with their quirky new neighbor that just moved in as it's hilarious watching them do everyday tasks in the oddest ways possible). The only hope they have in order to get back home is to meet a fellow alien with a teleporter or ship that could assist them back home. Unluckily for Galaxy Milkshake however, is that their reputation precedes them. Any fellow illegal aliens that are on the planet remember them as a member of the Space Council who was a huge stickler for rules so looking for a fellow alien that could help them may be harder than they thought... Welp, since they're stuck here, why not get a teaching job at the local high school? After all, isn't a school the best way to learn about the human race?
Traits: Squeamish, Ambitious, Romantic
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
EDIT: Had to repost this several times since Tumblr apparently doesn't allow topless photos ugh... sorry to those who are tagged since this keeps on showing up and that must be super annoying ;_;
I am SUPER late but I finally did @saruin's cas milkshake challenge! :D I kept getting purple and blue for all the colors so I thought of making a galaxy milkshake foodsim^^ (also yes for the clothes I took liberties with that one shhh) I'm not the best when it comes to creating aliens so they look kinda basic ngl but hopefully I'll get more chances to experiment with them soon ^_^
Special thanks to the following!: @simandy @berrynooboos @pralinesims @obscurus-sims @squea @angissi @saruin @magichandcc @ir7770 @crazysimmer99 @magnetic-sims4 @simbience @sammi-xox @zaozzaa-sims
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calisources · 1 year
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CW'S   SUPERNATURAL   SENTENCE   QUOTES.   all   sentences   have   been   taken   from   mostly   the   kripke   era   (season   1   to   season   5)   of   erik   kripke's   supernatural,   mainly   season   four   and   five.   change   names/pronouns/locations   as   you   see   fit.
If you're going to shoot, shoot! Don't talk!
Please. Dean, maybe angels can pull you out of Hell but no one can do that.
So, you guys are like Mulder and Scully or something, and the X-Files are real?
It was beauty that killed the beast.
Anna may have sent the angels to the outfield, but sooner or later, they're gonna be back.
I suppose some dumb bastard stood here, felt a jolt of his holy juice and thought 'I'm going to build me a nun factory.' Well, it was the right idea... wrong angel.
Tell me something. Where's God in all this?
I'm not sure if he's my brother any more. If he ever was.
Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good? Make you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family.
If you walk out that door, don't you ever come back.
You don't know me. You never did, and you never will.
Congrats, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the Apocalypse.
I serve Heaven, I don't serve man. And I certainly don't serve you.
Forever. The demons will never stop. You can never be with your family. So, you either get as far away from them as possible. Or you put a bullet in your head, And that's how you keep your family safe.
You know I finally get why you and dad butted heads so much. You two are practically the same person. 
I mean I worshipped the guy, y'know: I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listened to the same music. But you are more like him than I will ever be. I see that now.
Okay, so basically you're saying that every movie monster, every nightmare that I've ever had, that's all real.
He's a Winchester. He's already cursed.
It was too preposterous. Not to mention arrogant! I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? That's like M. Night level douchiness.
Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison. Ask anyone.
 I'm not a hero, I'm not strong enough.
 I know our fate rests with you.
I couldn't break him, pulled out all the stops, but John, he was made of something unique. The stuff of heroes. 
You need to learn how to manage a damn devil's trap.
Tell me something, geniuses. Even if you do break into the Veil and you find the Reaper. how are you going to save it?
The only thing you're going to see out there is Michael killing your brother.
I'm gonna rip you apart from the inside out. Do you understand me?
No doubt - endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it?
You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. 
Dean, even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid.
Sorry if it's a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It's actually quite the opposite.
Well, I got to ask. How old are you?
As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless - at the end, I'll reap him, too.
That's the beauty about improv, Sammy. You never know what's gonna come out of your mouth.
You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be.
World's gonna end, seems silly to get all precious over one little soul.
Why? Because Crowley said so? Because we trust him now?
You think you own the planet? What gives you the right?!?
No one gives us the right. We take it.
You're not my father. And you ain't in my shoes. 
I mean, whatever happened to personal loyalty? How long have I worked for these guys. Five millennia? Six?
 It's funnier in Enochian.
 This creature has the power to take a human's form, read minds. 
And you think you know better than my father? The one unimportant little man. What makes you think you get to choose?
 It's a plan that is playing itself out perfectly. Free will's an illusion, Dean. That's why you're going to say yes.
Think of the million random choices that you make--and yet how each and everyone of them brings you closer to your destiny.
As it is in Heaven, so it must be on Earth. One brother has to kill the other.
Well, call it personal experience. Nobody gets that angry unless they're talking about their own family.
You know why God cast me down? Because I loved him. More than anything.
Now, tell me... does the punishment fit the crime? Especially when I was right? 
 Look at what six billion of you have done to this thing, and how many of you blame me for it?
Honestly, people don't need a reason to kill each other. I mean, you seen the Irish? They're all Irish.
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lunars-frogs-owls-2 · 1 month
Finally figured out how to copy paste a fic also I kinda made lunar like a mixture of Ford and Sammy Lawrence also this is only part one so yeah enjoy :3
“My Muse” My muse talked to me in my dreams tonight and… I don’t even have the words to describe it. They were telling me I was doing a good job controlling my powers and one day we’ll be together forever. I just can’t believe it. They called me pretty and a good boy . My muse also saw my drawings of them, and they said I was so good at art and how they wanted me to draw more pictures of them. They asked me about my day but when I mentioned I hung out with Helpie they got jealous and said he wasn’t worth my time that he doesn’t deserve to be in my presence and that he will only weigh me down. Aside from that my muse was happy with me. They even… picked me up and laid me down on the grass before joining me and saying we will be happy just them and me, the artist with their muse. They almost kissed me too before I woke up. I tried to fall back asleep, but I couldn’t. I left my muse hanging there alone. My poor muse. My muse visiting me is rare but every time they do it’s wonderful. Last time we watched the moon, and they told me I was beyond perfection and filled with beauty only a being like them could ever understand. They even said I should be *their* muse but no they are too perfect and I’m not I could never be their muse but every time they say things like that to me, I feel more and more special. That one day we will be happy and one day we’ll see the stars. I can’t wait to join them their hand in hand exploring space together but until then I could admire the stars from down here as I feel them watching me from up there. Oh, my muse I can’t wait to see you when you finally take me to the stars to explore galaxies beyond any human comprehension as I lay in your arms watching distant moons and planets with you. But until then I’ll be forever grateful for your presence even if it's only in dreams. And when you finally show up, I’ll be there hugging you as you cradle me in your warm body playing with your stardust hair.
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rocks-in-space · 2 years
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1. Welcome to Night Vale, Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor // 2. via @1five1two // 3. Cosmos, Carl Sagan // 4. A Psalm for the Wild-Built, Becky Chambers // 5. "Point B,” Sarah Kay // 6. @sammy-whamm // 7. “Song of Myself,” Walt Whitman // 8. "Phenomenon of Floating,” Rob Gonsalves// 9. "Wild Geese,” Mary Oliver// 10. “End Poem,” Julian Gough. 
[Image IDs:
1: Text reading “Be proud of your place in the cosmos. It is small, and yet it is. How unlikely! How fantastic!”
2: A semi-realistic painting of dark blue ocean with a small silhouette of a person standing on the beach. The sky is black on the horizon and transitions to a galactic blue starry sky.
3: Text reading "The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff."
4: Text reading “Do you not find consciousness alone to be the most exhilarating thing? Here we are, in this incomprehensibly large universe, on this one tiny moon around this one incidental planet, and in all the time this entire scenario has existed, every component has been recycled over and over and over again into infinitely incredible configurations, and sometimes, those configurations are special enough to be able to see the world around them. You and I—we’re just atoms that arranged themselves the right way, and we can understand that about ourselves. Is that not amazing?”
5: Text reading “I want her to look at the world through the underside of a  glass bottomed boat/ To look at through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind.”
6: A drawing of a person with dark skin, blond hair, and glowing yellow eyes wearing a peach dress. They are kneeling and are surrounded by multi-colored planetary rings. A number of small moons and a small Saturn float around their head.
7: Text reading “I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars.”
8: An optical illusion painting of a person with light skin, long brown hair, and a purple swim suit floating on their back in a lake. The lake is surrounded by rocks and pine trees. The sky above is blue with white and peach clouds which starts to look more like Earth from space on the right side of the painting. The trees become a starry night sky on the right side as well.
9: Text reading “Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,/ the world offers itself to your imagination,/calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting - / over and over announcing your place/ in the family of things.”
10: Text reading “and the universe said you are not alone / and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing / and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code/ and the universe said I love you because you are love.”
end ID]
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lovegiroke · 28 days
Beach Fanart + additional meme
TW nosebleed
I made this cause I thought it was funny and I thought if Marshal say Yuri in a speedo, be would definitely pass out to blood loss + headcanon swimsuit ideas.
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tiredflowercrown · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes: NCLB version part 2
Camille , to Harriet: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Adrian : Hey, that’s not very nice-
Harriet: There are only eight planets, you uncultured swine!
Adrian , forgetting about Camille : VIVA LA PLUTO, FUCK YOU!
Harriet: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Anthony: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Harriet: Wait. Where's Camille ? They love Dungeons and Dragons.
Xiaobo: I thought you invited them.
Sammy: Uh, I thought Ginny invited them.
Ginny: I thought Anthony invited them.
Anthony: I never invite them.
Camille : I think we should kiss.
Xiaobo: And I think you should die but we don’t always get what we want.
Ginny, at an awards show: Well, first of all, I’d like to thank Harriet, the love of my life, for telling me Sammy was going to win so don’t bother to prepare a speech.
Ginny, laying in bed: Get out of my room.
Anxelin, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
Xiaobo: I’m 80% awesome 20% water and 100% handsome.
Ginny: That’s 200%.
Xiaobo: I’m twice the man you’ll ever be.
Harriet: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Xiaobo, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
*The Squad is gathered in the living room for a meeting*
Camille : *walks in and sits on Xiaobo’s lap*
The Squad: …
Ginny: Why are you sitting there?
Camille : There’s no free seats!
Ginny: But we made sure there was enough room for-
Xiaobo: *hugs Camille tightly* There are no free seats.
Xiaobo: While you were caught up in your heterosexuality, I studied the way of the blade!
Sammy, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs?
Lillianne: It means like in hand-to-hand combat.
Sammy: Ohhhh-
Adrian: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
Anthony: I see the red flags, I acknowledge that they're there, and then I completely ignore them.
Anthony: So anyways have y'all seen Xiaobo?
Ginny: I think they went in Camille's room 'studying'.
Lillianne: Doubt that. I heard groans there.
*Meanwhile in Camille's room*
Xiaobo & Camille, fighting:
Xiaobo: Why are you burning our marriage certificate!?
Camille: Good luck trying to return me without a receipt.
Anthony: Last night I found out Ginny is a sleep talker.
Harriet: Oh, really?
Anthony: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.
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blackstarchanx3new · 11 months
Creations AU FNAF 4, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 3
FNAF 4 pages 60-90
*Warning ahead for heavily abusive language.
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Oh boy I sure hope we get an answer.
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Lmao mom and dad are fighting.
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Yikes Diana that's not very nice.
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Hah nope.
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Okay but why did people think this genuine moment between William and his son was somehow malicious???
Dude is just talking to his son who is currently breaking down wtf is wrong with some people??? XD
This was after Sister Location on webtoon too so there should be no excuse for this bad faith reading of William's character after some of the scenes in that comic. I won't spoil but like...??????????
Like William is a bad person in cannon and this comic but it's legit-
William: *breathes*
Audiance: YOU BASTARD!!!!!
The reference to being a devil will only make more sense as the FNAF 1 ARC draws to a close.
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Oh ho ho hooooooo.
So, that's why Sammy's a fucking weirdo about robots in the FNAF 1 Arc.
Also this gives context to the whole scene where Mike and his sister in law talk about Charlie still being alive while having a grave in the FNAF 1 Arc.
The one walking around is a robot.
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So unlike everything implied in cannon: Creations William loves his children.
He even loves the one that indirectly KILLED one of his others lmao.
I just enjoy giving William an actual character. Lmfao. Unlike a lot of people who get on a high horse for making him a plank of wood. X'D
Yes. he's evil man you wrote the most basic boring bland mother fucker on the planet to be said antagonist. You're very cute making that your antagonist while not thinking about how making him that fucking boring and personalities affects the themes or ideas of your work. Here's a fucking cookie???
I hate this way of writing William if you can't tell lmfao.
"He can't have a motive or you're humanizing him" is such a horse shit take and I won't stfu about it considering how prevalent of an idea that shit was on Twitter. X'D
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Idk if this is a wake up call that women can be abusers too but like, they can be lmao. Trust me on that.
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Oops. The demon thing heard you.
William's default to dealing with Diana is to try and fix things and placate her enough to where she won't go nuclear. Which is sad, but he sucks in different ways.
Really they are a tale of "A match made in hell".
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Everyone makes shitty choices here lmao.
Diana antagonizes somebody off their rocker and William's a spinless bastard to both his wife and his creepy demon.
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He didn't wanna do it himself and I find that amusing.
The poorest of poor choices were made by everyone involved.
There's little sympathy for any parties here lmao. Except maybe Ballora. X'D
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That instant regret lmao. "I MADE A MISTAKE WOOPS"
That's a repeat thing with our good ol Willy boy.
He makes a mistake, and then keeps repeating the same mistake lmao.
William is stuck in a loop of perpetually falling into making the same mistakes over and over and it is a theme of the series WILLIAM is the one who needs to solve HIS OWN problems.
William takes no accountability where it's REALLY NEEDED, blames and pushes it onto others can't find the strength to fight his own inner demons and falls into the same pitfalls over and over.
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Hehe your house is a bit odd there William.
William's just fed up with everyone involved in this situation lmao.
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I mean yeah, the demon thing IS a bad liar.
He directly cause Diana to die lmao.
And I like William calling him out on that. William in some part is scared of his own inner demons taking form as this thing that mimics him.
"The demon" as I call him is important and also a direct reflection of William's own mistakes. William not confronting or taking care of this "Demon" in any meaningful way part of the damn problem.
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Why the fuck you lyyyyyyin.
Why you always lyyyyyyin'-
That bold faced lie will only become more apparent as the story goes on. This bitch has plenty of agency he just likes William to take the fall for everything.
Which in a way is fair. He is a result of William's as well. ;)
Once again have reached the image cap because WHYYYY
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Heaven is a Place on Earth
Dean Winchester x (gn) Reader
Request: Would you mind write a dean x guardian angel!Reader fic, I don't have any specific prompt but make it angsty pls thank you
Summary: After Cas is killed by Lucifer, a strange new Angel turns up claiming to have been sent by him. Dean doesn't like the sound of it, but maybe a Guardian Angel is what he's needed all along.
Warnings: Spoilers for season 13, angst
Word count: 3,097
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Castiel was dead, and Dean was distraught. Burning his body on that pyre was the worst thing he'd had to do in a long time, maybe even the worst. At least when something bad happened to Sammy, Cas was always there to save the day. But now, he was gone, and the brothers were feeling the weakness of their humanity more than ever.
In the days after, Sam urged Dean to get out of the bunker and search for the Nephilim. If anyone could bring the Angel back, it was bound to be him at the end of the day. But Dean could barely think about that being, let alone face him. So when they pulled up at that crappy little diner, he couldn't even fathom going in, letting his brother do the work while he pounded the back door.
"Okay, Chuck... or God, or whatever. I need your help. See, you– you left us. You left us. You went off. You said...you said the earth would be fine because it had me... and Sam, but it's not, and we're not.
We've lost everything... and now you're gonna bring him back. Okay? You're gonna bring back Cas, you're gonna bring back Mom, you're gonna bring 'em all back. All of 'em. Even Crowley.
Cause after everything that you've done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here and you make this right, right here and right now."
Nothing. Not that Dean was surprised. He'd come to set his expectations lower than low at this point.
"He's not listening, Dean. I'm sorry."
Whipping his gun out, Dean spun round to the source of the voice. It was soft, gentle and kind, but he was still wary.
"The hell are you?" He demanded, shaking slightly at the sight of you. Illuminated by the sun, your skin practically glowing and your hair blew gracefully in the breeze.
"My name is Y/N. Castiel sent me."
"Cas? He's alive?"
You gulped at your mistake in sparking hope.
"No, no I'm sorry. What I meant was, he sent me before. I was to come if something happened to him."
"So you're an Angel?" Dean lowered the gun hesitantly, gingerly taking a step towards you.
"Yes. And I swore to Castiel that I would care for you where I could."
The hunter snorted and you winced at his harshness. "I don't need caring for. That's ridiculous. Cas was my friend, not my guardian angel or whatever."
You took a tentative step forward. "Please, Dean. I can help you. I've been keeping tabs on you and your brother for a long time now, and I can help you with the Nephilim."
"Can you bring him back? And my Mom? Crowley?"
"No, I'm sorry-"
"Then you're no help to me. Now get out of here before I smite you off this planet."
You watched him walk away, back to the Impala with tears in your eyes. You knew the Winchester boy was damaged, and you'd seen how him and Castiel interacted. There was a special kind of love there which he was grieving. That was a human emotion you knew you'd never be able to feel yourself, but you could understand it. Castiel had understood it too, which was why he'd sent you here to watch over Dean. He needed you, but it was just a matter of time before he realised that.
“Dean!” You scrambled after him, fist clenched. He pivoted on his heels, groaning and raising his eyebrows with eyes squeezed closed.
“Just-just let me come with you. To find the Nephilim. I can talk to him.”
Dean huffed and placed his hands on his hips. “You know about that?”
“Of course. And I know he’s scared. He’s part Angel, I’m an Angel - maybe he’ll talk to me.”
You had no clue if that was true or not, but it was worth a try. You’d promised Castiel you’d look out for Dean, but you also knew he had a close connection with Kelly Klein and he’d want you to watch over the boy too.
“Fine,” Dean motioned for you to follow him and you scrambled along to catch up. He made you nervous but you couldn’t quite pinpoint why yet.
The drive was tense and speechless. Dean played his music loud, and it was a sound that took a while for you to adjust to. But by the time you pulled up at the sheriffs office, you had relaxed into it, finding yourself bobbling along and humming the tune.
Naturally, Dean was hesitant around the Nephilim. But the child was scared, thrown into a new world he knew little about. While you felt the younger Winchester was adjusting just fine, you saw it as your mission to help build the relationship between Jack and Dean. That said, Jack wasn't the only one facing a whole new world. Having just arrived on Earth yourself, hunting was something you had to learn rapidly, and you were unsure about. Your whole existence was based on love and caring, on making sure the human race thrived. Now, with a blade thrust in your hand, you were being instructed to fight.
"Dean...I don't know if I can do this." You stopped him one evening as he was packing up to follow a new lead surrounding Lucifer's whereabouts. Jack and Sam were packing the car, and Dean was chucking the last few bits into a bag when he felt your hand tug on his flannel lightly.
"What do you mean Y/N? C'mon, we've gotta get moving," he dismissed you, shrugging you off. You gripped tighter and squeezed, making Dean pause. Of course, he was always conscious you were an Angel, but you rarely exerted your true strength around him. In fact, more than often he could convince himself you were just another human being. But now, held steadily in his place, he took a deep breath. Turning back to you, his heart broke as you bit your lip, desperately trying not to let a tell-tale tear slip down your cheek.
"I'm not him, Dean." You whispered with a gulp. "I'm not Castiel. I'm not a fighter. I wish I was, I really do; I'm a Guardian Angel for goodness sake, I'm supposed to be a protector. These past few weeks, I've tried so hard but...I'm sorry. I've let you both down. Castiel expected better from me..."
"No. Stop." You tilted your head up as Dean's rough fingers cupped your chin, his other hand on your shoulder reassuringly. "You've not let anyone down, Y/N. Cas, he knew I could hold my own. He didn't send you to fight for me. He didn't want to you be someone you're not."
"But how am I meant to protect you if I can't fight?"
Dean gave you a lopsided smile. "You don't have to fight to protect someone, ya know. I don't think Cas sent you to physically protect me from monsters. He knew I could do that myself. I think he sent you to protect me up here-" he tapped his temple lightly - "to protect me from myself."
You sniffled and frowned, unsure what he meant. "Y/N, sometimes I can get in my head a lot. Hell, after Cas...after Cas died, I did. But you, you've pulled me out. I know I wasn't the nicest to you when we first met, but honestly, you've saved me. So you don't have to fight, Y/N, not physically. But I need you here still, to fight for me, against me. You think you can do that?"
You nodded, letting him brush away your tears and smiled. "C'mon, lets load up. You don't have to do anything, but we're gonna need you for moral support. Oh, and those amazing psychic Angel powers too."
Things changed after that. You became the Winchester's confidant, and you supported them on each and every hunt with intel only you could gather. You felt Dean start to thrive again, and you took pride in knowing you were actually making a difference. Even Sam had stopped you one night to thank you for being around, for being the ray of sunlight his brother needed. Dean laughed more now, he relaxed on days off. He enjoyed teaching you human things, and laughed when you and Jack attempted something he thought so mundane but the two of you found incredibly mortal. You were part of their small, dysfunctional family now, and you couldn't imagine it any other way.
Sure, you were having a positive impact on Dean, but what he didn't know was that he was having the same on you. As you spent more time together, you were starting to feel actual emotions. Happiness, anger, upset, frustration, hurt, hate. All these things you'd never even believed in when you were in Heaven, and now they were flooding you. It was amazing. Everyone in the little group had the same impact on you, but with Dean, it was markedly different. There was another emotion, one that felt like another you shared with Sam and Jack, but more emphasised. With them, you wanted to keep them safe, you wanted to keep them happy, you wanted to care for them. They were your family now. But with Dean, it was all that and more. You wanted to hold onto him and never let go. You wanted him to stare at you with those gorgeous green eyes until they burned through your skull. You wanted to nestle into his flannels, coat yourself in his scent. This new emotion, this thing you couldn't name for so long, gnawed at you. It scared you, too, which was why you never spoke about it, never asked Sam what it was. You just stayed quiet, and hoped to figure it out with time.
Because, at the end of the day, you supposed you had all the time in the world. You hadn't even considered that might not be the case. That was, until you were sitting in the back of the Impala, returning from a ghost hunt. You'd already scolded Dean for his little 'momentary death' stunt, trying not to let him know that it had scared the shit out of you. Seeing him dead was something you never wanted to witness again, especially by his own hand. But then the phone rang.
"Yeah?...What..." Dean froze in the front seat, his hand hovering by his ear. Sam frowned at him and you pulled yourself forward, peering between the seats. Without warning, you were flung backwards as Dean stepped on the gas, driving full pelt into the darkness. He wouldn't say a word, no matter how much you and Sam pressed him. He was in shock, and it was clear he didn't want to say anything incase whatever he had just been told was a lie. You resisted going into his head, knowing no good would ever come out of that.
The first light you saw was that of a phone box, positioned on the left down a dampened alleyway. A figure stood outside it, facing away, shrouded in a long coat. You blinked to try get a clearer view of the figure as you drew closer, but Sam and Dean had leapt from the car before it had even stopped. You climbed out slowly behind them, a feeling of dread filling your vessel's bones. It was him. The being that had sent you here. The dead being that had sent you here.
"Cas, is that really you?" Dean's voice hitched in his throat as his best friend turned round.
"No. You're-you're dead," Sam couldn't believe his eyes. Neither could you. How could you not have known Castiel was alive? Surely something on the Angel radar must have gone off?
"Yeah, I was. But then I… annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back." You studied the Angel's face closely, questioning the truth.
Sam shook his head with disbelief. "I don't even know what to say."
"I do." Dean stepped forward, arms out. "Welcome home, pal." He gripped onto the Angel tight, embracing him in a way that made you flinch. Dean had never hugged anyone like that before. Not Sam, not Jack, not you.
As the three of them hugged, you found yourself tiptoeing back. Your breath was all caught up, not that you even needed to breathe, but all of a sudden you felt incredibly human. Vulnerable; that was a feeling only a human could feel. Because at that moment, you could name it. You could name that feeling that plagued you when you were around Dean, the one you couldn't name for so long. Now you knew was it was. And it wasn't a good one.
"Y/N?" As Cas finished hugging Sam, he looked over the brother's shoulders, having seen your figure lingering. He frowned at the silence.
"The hell they'd go? They were here a second?" Dean scratched his head in confusion and Sam shrugged. They were too happy to have Cas back to worry about anything else. Wherever you had gone, they were sure you'd turn up at some point.
In the end, it was them who caught up with you. You'd teleported straight back to the bunker to pack your things. You weren't needed now Cas was back, and you only hoped you could be gone before they got home.
Of course, you underestimated the speed Dean could get up to in that Impala.
"Y/N, you here?" You heard Dean holler as you stuffed your bag full. You tried to hurry, but the door flung open before you even had a chance. With a gasp, you pulled it against your chest, staring beady-eyed at the figure before it. It wasn't Dean; it was Castiel.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" He approached you slowly, not turning the light on. "I haven't had a chance to thank you."
"Th-thank me?"
"Yes. For protecting Dean. I understand it can be, well, quite a challenging job at times. But you did good, as I knew you would. So I need to thank you."
"Oh, er, that won't be necessary, sir. You're back now, which is good, which is amazing! So, erm, I should be off." You mumbled as you tried to move past him.
"You're leaving?" Dean's broken words stopped you in your tracks. He emerged from behind the wall, turning the corner into your room. His eyes were wide with confusion, his mouth open slightly. "Why?"
Tears started running down your face. "You don't need me anymore. Castiel is back. My job is done."
Dean pushed pass Cas, blocking your exit. "Your job? Is that all this was to you? A job?"
"No, Dean, I just-"
"Cause from where I've been standing, I thought you wanted to be here. I thought you were part of the family, Y/N. I thought you were in this for the long haul. I didn't realise this - I didn't realise I - was just another job to you." Oh he was angry. This was anger.
"I'm sorry, Dean...I just figured you wouldn't need me anymore." You couldn't even look at him, although you could feel Castiel's disappointment as he glared at you.
"Castiel is back now. You don't need me."
"Of course I need you, Y/N. Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon that Cas is back, he's my best friend. But you were never a replacement for him. It hasn't gotta be one or the other, has it?"
"I..." you honestly didn't know what to say. You took a peak at Castiel, who only looked sad, before taking the risk and gazing up at Dean. To your horror, he was crying now too. But why? Had you upset him? How?
"Y/N, you are not the Angel I knew when I trusted you with this task. You've changed, like I have changed. Humanity teaches us many lessons, and I can see you've learned a lot." Castiel's wise words echoed into your vessel's brain. "I know its hard, but if there is one thing being on this Earth, and dying on this Earth, has taught me, its to be honest. Say how you feel, Y/N. Name it."
As you sobbed, you looked at him and he responded with a soft smile and nod, before sliding out the door back towards the kitchen. You whimpered as you caught Dean's eye, his face a contortion of confusion.
"Love," you breathed. "It's love I feel. I didn't know what it was, not for a long time. But now I know. I love you, Dean."
Dean's jawed dropped, and for a moment it felt like the universe froze. But then he took a step forward, and his hand took yours. "You do?"
You nodded, tears streaming. "I realised thats what it was when Castiel came back. But I figured you couldn't love me, not when I was just a placeholder for him. Thats why I had to leave."
With a sigh, Dean reached up and wrapped him arms round you, drawing you in close. He rested his chin on your head as you nestled your face into his flannel, just as you had dreamed.
"I love you too, Y/N." You wouldn't have believed your ears had you been human, but with your Angel hearing there was no mistaking it. He planted a kiss on your head before you pulled away, gazing up at him.
"You do? But...how?"
He chuckled. "All too easy. After Cas died, I could've gone down a very dark path. The only reason I didn't was because of you. Y/N, you pulled me back, you got me on the straight and narrow. You were never a replacement for him, you are something entirely different. You were exactly what I needed. Hell, I still need you. I've just got my best friend back. Don't make me lose the one I love now."
You nodded greedily, knowing now it all made sense. Castiel hadn't chosen you because you were a fighter, or because you were a peacemaker. There were plenty of other Angels he could have chosen if that was the case. No, he chose you because he knew the type of person Dean actually needed deep down, and he saw that in you.
"C'mon, Sammy's making enchiladas. I wanna eat some, and I wanna watch you and Cas watch us eating them. Lets go." He scooped an arm round your neck as he guided you down the hall, grins across both your faces.
Heaven could wait - this was your home now.
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vansmaybeonthewall · 2 years
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a/n: had part of it in the drafts and only had the will to finish and expand it now. should it stand alone or be continued, inquire within
Searing Pain.
The feeling of hopelessness.
The pain of being pushed to the brink.
She didn’t want to do it, she knew falling would only bring more pain. But if it got her away from her stupid brothers, then maybe it could be worth it.
Free falling until she hit the center of the country, creating shockwaves felt everywhere. Many thought of it as a sign of the Apocalypse, and maybe it was. No, not The Apocalypse, but one no one would see coming.
Hitting the Earth knocked the breath out of her vessel, but it remained intact. A crater that would puzzle the planet was left behind.
What fell from space and created a hole in the shape of a bird?
An angry archangel with broken wings.
Hundreds of years later...
Murdering her brothers and sisters isn’t what Y/N planned for her future, but it’s what it came to be. After all, they were destroying her creations. The angels wouldn’t stop until every one of them was gone, and they were succeeding.
The Dark Angels appeared after Y/N hit the Earth all those years ago. An army of them soon emerged and a war was started.
A rogue archangel against Heaven.
Of course, she lost as Heaven was still under God’s rule. And it only made her angrier.
All that was left were three, the Queen of Dark Angels herself and two loyal followers. The others were slaughtered or turned into one of God’s angels. With every Dark Angel lost, the more hopelessness and despair she felt. The loneliness only grew.
“Mistress, I...I’ve come bearing bad news.”
“What is it, Lira.”
“Nathan and I were scouting the area per your request and the angels....they attacked before we even knew they were there. We tried to leave but the battle had already started. Nathan’s gone and soon I will be too.”
“Lira, what are you saying...” She turned to see Lira with her dark angel blade sticking out of her chest.
“Didn’t let them take my blade,” she laughed breathily, “but damn do they hurt like hell. Get it?”
“Lira!” Y/N caught her as she fell. 
“It’s okay, it isn’t your fault. I made this choice and I’m happy I did. I met someone who believed in me.”
“Don’t say-”
“This is goodbye Y/N, thank you...for everything.”
Her body fell limp. The last was gone. The angels had succeeded. Y/N was nothing once more. If she made more Dark Angels, it would only be a matter of time before Heaven found her. 
The wind picked up. A storm was brewing. Rain poured and lightning struck.
Y/N let out an agonizing scream and the Earth shook with it. 
She stood with Lira’s body in her arms, red eyes blazing, wings flared. 
“You want a fight. Well Dad you’re gonna get one.”
The Winchesters, 3 Months Later...
“What kind of supernatural bitch would cause all that? A demon Sam.”
“I’m telling you, it’s way too powerful to just be a couple of demons.”
“Well what else is it gonna be Sammy? Some rogue angel? Please.”
“That’s where you’re right Dean-o.”
The two whipped around to find Gabriel standing with Castiel and…Lucifer?
“What the hell! Why’d you bring him here!” Dean pointed at Lucifer who responded with an annoyed, “relax.”
“Relax? Relax!”
“Dean. Sam. If you would listen to them, we could stop what’s causing all of these problems.”
“Oh Cas, always the voice of reason,” Gabe jokes, “But he’s unfortunately right. We have a problem and it’s a big one.”
“Understatement of the century,” Lucifer mumbled.
“Anyways! This isn’t some demon or angel. It’s an archangel, and she’s pissed.”
“Woah woah woah. Back up. You’re saying you have a sister? And you just happen to bring her up now.” Dean asked.
“Well she wasn’t important until now,” Gabriel responded.
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Well what would you want me to say Lucifer? That she was the best out of all of us? That she did good things for humanity? Sorry bro, she didn’t.”
“Yeah well-”
“Can the two of you stop and tell us what’s going on?” Sam intervened. 
“The one that’s causing these problems is our sister, who just so happens to be the youngest archangel. She couldn’t handle Dad loving humans more than her so she jumped from Heaven years after Lucifer was sent to the cage,” Gabriel began.
“She agreed with Lucifer?”
“Yes, unfortunately, she did.”
“After she hit Earth, she started to create an army of new beings. She called them Dark Angels. Humans were corrupted by her views and grew wings and horns. Normal angel blades can’t kill them unless enough wounds are inflicted upon them or the blade is left in long enough. Only a Dark Angel’s blade can kill a Dark Angel. Heaven managed to get ahold of enough of them for a war and we won. Only a few remained and they were easily extinguished. The last one was killed three months ago.”
“When the destruction started.” Sam realized. Gabriel nodded. 
“That doesn’t explain why Lucifer is here,” Dean spoke.
“We agreed to stop Y/N together because it is the only way she might listen to us. Happy?” 
“Will you stop underestimating us? We have a plan in motion.”
“And what would that be? First of all, who is she really and why haven’t you said her name.”
“Because the bitch tabooed it.”
“Gabriel, don’t.”
“That’s what she is. She acts like some maniacal witch who can warp reality. Haven’t you seen Age of Ultron dude? Where do you think the Scarlet Witch came from? Huh? Inspired character remember? Even got the tragic backstory and accent down.”
“No, I don’t remember because if you can recall I was in a cage the last time you saw her!”
“Okay ladies relax,” Dean said.
“Tabooed? Like Harry Potter,” Sam asked
“Shut up Dean.”
“Anyone who speaks her Angel name is doomed. We don’t know how she did it, but we have lost many because of it,” Castiel explained, “Now we really must go over the plan if we want to prevent any more chaos.”
The Crash Site, middle of Kansas
The crater hadn’t changed much, no one had bothered it in the many years Y/N had been on Earth. It was said to be the mark of the Devil so many stayed away. 
But you’re no Devil Y/N, you’re weak. You’re a hopeless little girl with no family. Everyone you loved is gone.
“I thought I got rid of you.”
“Oh sweetheart, there’s no getting rid of me. I’m Despair, I’ll always be waiting for your depressive thoughts.” 
Y/N turned to see her worst creation. Despair first appeared after Y/N fell to Earth. Her feelings were strong enough to create something hurtful, but it wasn’t intentional. Despair took the form of a trustworthy guy, but he would only make your life worse. 
“I gotta hand it to you Y/N, you look better than when I last saw you. Still can’t fix those wings though, can you?”
“Leave me alone and nothing will happen to you.”
“That’s an empty threat if I’ve ever heard one. You’re weak and you know it. Your little Dark Angels gave you strength, but now there’s no one left. Should’ve stayed in Heaven.”
“Go away. That’s an order.”
“I don’t follow your stupid rules anymore Y/N. Remember, it was your mistake that I’m here. I only came into being because you thought following your brother was better. But he wasn’t on Earth, he was in the cage. And you were all alone. You were all alone in Heaven, alone as you fell, and alone now. That’s just how it’ll be…forever.”
“Stop!” Y/N fell to her knees. It was the truth and the truth only hurt. 
“If you can’t even listen to me, what made you think you could take on your brothers? They were always stronger than you Y/N!”
“Enough!” Her voice echoed and when she looked up, he was gone. She failed to notice the power that radiated from her yell. The red magic would go for miles and capture the attention of the Winchesters & co. It left her weak and allowed her wings to come into the plane of human sight. 
Like I told you, weak.
“I’m gonna go for you first and then teach Dad his lesson. I will not have you be that little devil on my shoulder.”
She flew away, back into hiding.
Abandoned warehouse, Kansas
“So you want us to pray to a rogue angel, an archangel, and hope she appears in the middle of the circle? That’s safe, very safe, and very thought out.” Dean said sarcastically. 
“In summary, yes,” Gabriel replied
“Just give us the paper.” Sam was exhausted from the arguing coming from his brother and the two other archangels. The plan was simple, call upon Y/N and ask for guidance. It was her purpose long ago, but it wasn’t forgotten.
“Harmonia, Archangel of Heaven, we are lost and we are in need of guidance.”
“Well, that was stupid.”
“I wouldn’t insult the one you’ve called upon Dean Winchester.”
Her voice echoed around the room. She wouldn’t appear to them just yet. I mean, it’s the Winchester’s for Dad’s sake, you can’t trust them.
“I don’t need to send any warnings. If you call and I find it in my interest, I’ll come. If you really needed my help, you would know that. What do you want?”
“Dude, Gabriel was right, she’s a bitch.”
“Good job Dean, you gave us away!”
“I’m not the one talking!”
“Yeah, Gabriel.”
“Lucifer, don’t you start.”
Castiel, ever the voice of reason, called upon her again.
“Y/N, we just want to talk.”
“If you wanted to talk, you wouldn’t have set a trap with those bozos.”
A chorus of “Hey’s” came from the others. She stepped out from the shadows, but only enough for her wings to still be hidden in the dark.
“But I always did like you Castiel. We can talk as long as you don’t have any other tricks up your sleeve.”
“Y/N, you-“
“You look like you’ve been dunked in a pool and then rolled around in a pile of dirt.”
“I’m well aware of how I look, Gabriel.” 
Her clothes were tattered, her makeup smeared, and her hair was tangled and knotted. Sweat glistened on her forehead. The past few months had been rough, the stress of trying to destroy Despair was catching up to her. But most importantly, her wings were visible to everyone. Scarred, mangled, ruffled black feathers, some wounds slightly bleeding. They would be able to see just how weak she was if she took another step. 
“But I’m not here to discuss my appearance. What does the Scooby Gang want now?”
“Did she-
“We want to know what's been happening the past three months,” Cas interrupted Dean. 
“If you must know, I’ve been dealing with something and I am handling it. You won’t need to worry about it any longer.”
“That’s reassuring, thanks.”
“I wouldn’t say anything Gabriel, nor you Lucifer, nor any of you actually. All of you have destroyed something or hurt people at some point in your lives. So why does it matter when it's me?”
“Because people are dying Y/N!”
“That is not my fault Lucifer!”
But isn’t it?
“Oh, would you shut up already!” She yelled at the voice in her head. Of course, he would choose to speak to her now. To make her look crazy.
“If you don’t actually need my help, I have things to take care of. Goodbye Castiel, I wish you well. The rest of you can, well, you can just fuck off.”
“Don’t Castiel. I have enough to deal with as it is. I am sorry about the damage I have caused, but I didn’t do it on purpose. As hard as it will be you have to believe me.”
She stepped back into the shadows and prepared to leave when Lucifer spoke up. 
“How are your wings?”
“You heard me. No angel can take that fall without a little damage.”
“It’s none of your business. We are not as close as we used to be and we are certainly not close enough for you to finally care about me.”
“Will you stop being elusive and shit? Just answer the question”
“Oh come on, what’s wrong with you.”
Tension was building up. It was only a matter of time before Y/N’s temper blew. The more her supposed brothers antagonized her about the question, the more her energy grew. It all got to be too much. Her eyes glowed red and she turned, fully coming out of the shadows. 
The crew was smacked against the walls of the warehouse. Y/N stood heaving, her marred wings out for everyone to see. Her maroon, almost black, wings had feathers missing, some even fell as she walked. Her wings were dirty and some places were matted with blood. Some spots where feathers were missing were scared, and feathers would no longer grow there. As they slowly stood back up, the gang took notice of this. Lucifer looked at her with a pang of great sadness, a sadness that no one thought he was capable of. Gabriel just stood in shock, not even he had seen such horror done to an angel. Castiel didn’t know what to think, maybe it was pity, but he didn’t know. Sam and Dean watched in a mixture of awe and a sort of guilt. Angel wings weren’t a thing they should be able to see, it almost felt wrong to look at them. Y/N noticed their eyes locked on her wings causing the feeling of insecurity to rise. It wasn’t something she felt before and it felt strange. Why did she care about how her wings looked to others? She tried to hide them behind her, but what could she do? She couldn’t hide them, so she gave up and let them droop. Her weakness was available for all to see. 
“Don’t look at me like that, don’t act as if you care.”
Gabriel and Lucifer almost looked hurt. I mean, they used to be as thick as thieves, brothers and sister. But they also turned their back on her. 
“You caused this. Everything that has led to this point had something to do with you two, so just stop.” 
Summoning the young archangel turned into something it wasn’t supposed to be. Instead of feeling a deep hatred for her, Dean and Sam kind of understood where she came from. The want for revenge and victory. The needy feeling of being seen by your family. 
“What happened?”
She turned to look at Sam and prepared to snap at him but was stopped by the pure curiosity she felt from him. 
“War. Family. They didn’t agree with me. An order was sent out to put an end to my creation, but it was for the wrong one. Not one of those who came for me cared about what happened to me. They stabbed and wounded whatever they could. My blood has been spilled on almost every continent of this sorry planet.”
“I’m sorry, but the wrong one?” Gabriel jumped into the conversation. 
“What are you not understanding Gabriel? My dark angels were never a threat to humanity, I made sure of that. They were misunderstood and saw me as a person who could bring hope. They were the first people in centuries to believe in me and see me not for my power, but for my nature. However, someone thought otherwise. When that order was put out, everything I had built went to shit. So much blood was spilled for the wrong reason. I have had to burn more bodies than every hunter combined. All of it, for nothing. You all missed the true villain of the story. Despair.”
“You can’t blame it all on your absence of hope Y/N.”
“I am not talking about me Gabriel, I am tal-”
“Talking about me.”
Despair cut her off.
“Howdy doo Scooby gang and magical folk, how ya doing?”
Despair stood on the catwalk of the warehouse, this time in the form of a teenage boy. His black suit almost cloaking him from those below. Y/N just sighed, she didn’t have much energy left to fight with him. 
Not again.
“Oh yes again, beautiful. Why would I leave you behind?”
“And just who are you,” Dean questioned.
“Oh jeez, you really aren’t that bright. I’m Despair, pleased to meet ya. Friendly foe to dear miss Harmonia.”
“For once in your life, shut up,” Y/N said.
“Awww, but mom that’s no fun.”
“Anyone care to explain? Anybody? Y/N?” Gabriel asked. 
“Y/N here, best mom award, accidentally created me. Beautiful story really. Crash landing in the middle of Kansas, screaming and crying. Then poof! I appear a grown-ass male in the middle of nowhere. I mean, why Kansas, what is this, Wizard of Oz?”
“Why are you here? And why are you a teenager?” Y/N questioned, tired of his shit. 
“For shits and giggles, duh. But oh, would you look at the time, I’ve got to skedaddle. Toodles!”
And then he was gone. Everyone now looked at Y/N. 
“That’s who should have been eradicated from this realm. Despair is one of the most aggravating beings to be known. Any hope that you have left is sucked out the moment he appears. He doesn’t make himself known as a person, but when he does, all you feel is emptiness and loneliness. He has more of his “fun” as an emotion.”
“So everywhere you’ve been, all this destruction, was him?” Sam asked.
“It was me trying to end him. I have had to deal with him for centuries. That is who Heaven should have rallied against. Not me and certainly not my creations. But it’s too late now, everything I had is gone and I will do anything in my power to get rid of him, even if it kills me.”
With that, Y/N warped outside. She noticed the sleek black car belonging to Sam and Dean and almost scoffed at their trademark. She moved to take a step when she was surrounded by a ring of fire.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she growled.
The Winchesters & co ran outside and found their second trap holding the angry archangel.
“Get me out of here.”
“Y/N if we-”
“Stop it! We are nothing! Nothing! Our little sibling bond means nothing to me anymore. I have more important things to do than have whatever conversation you want to have. So let me out!”
“We can help you if you-”
“Oh now you want to help. You couldn't have done that when I willingly jumped down to Earth. You couldn’t have helped me when everything I have done to help myself was literally being annihilated? I don’t want your help, I’ll kill him myself.”
“Well we don’t want to see you kill yourself in the process! What about that huh?” Gabriel screamed. 
The older archangels may not have seen her or spoken to her for what seemed like an eternity, but something inside of them still cared about their younger sister. That feeling would never go away. Y/N could only look at them with a blank face. 
“Well it’s too little too late for that brother,” she said sarcastically. 
The fire that burned around her went out. Sam had taken it upon himself to help her. 
“Dude, what’re you doing?”
“Dean, who are we to stop her?”
Y/N looked at him with suspicion. No one, especially a human she just met, had trusted her that fast for years. She slowly set her foot outside the circle and was a little surprised to find herself in one piece. 
Sam nodded at her. Castiel noticed a strange feeling coming from Sam. There was a little bit of pity and some guilt, mostly sadness, but there was the tiniest feeling of attraction? Not even Dean had that feeling coming from him. Though, Castiel decided to say nothing about it. He instead chose to speak up about how weak Y/N appeared to be. 
“Y/N, are you alright?”
“When you find yourself in the middle of a Holy fire after talking to Despair, you’re not at your best.”
She then fell to her knees with a grunt, her wings wrapping around her body. Gabriel and Lucifer followed their sibling instincts and went to help Y/N. The amount of energy she released in the warehouse slowly caught up to her. She was fading in and out of consciousness now. Gabriel tried to take her into his arms, but with her wings in the plane of the living, it was difficult. It was best just to have her head lay in his lap. Y/N was muttering nonsense with eyes fluttering, a nonsense only her closest Dark Angels understood. She finally shut her eyes and let sleep take over. 
“Looks like we have a lot more work to do.”
And Gabriel was right.
The Bunker, 2 days later
Y/N was set in a room with no wards set. Sam knew she wouldn’t receive that information well and she was in no state to defend herself against all of them if it came down to it. The rest of them gathered around the table discussing their next move, but they weren’t the only ones in the bunker. Jack was wandering around making his own little discoveries. 
“So what are we going to do about her? She’s not going to be very happy being here.”
“Oh Dean-o, that’s why we come up with a plan to get rid of whatever she’s trying to get rid of before she wakes up.”
“Because that is so easy Gabriel.”
“Lucifer, not a word. Not a word.”
And so began the discussion of what to do about Despair and Y/N’s seemingly endless sleep. Jack, however, had a different idea. He had been walking down the hallways looking for whatever was calling him. It felt like his father and Uncle Gabriel, but weaker. He followed it to a closed door. Whatever was behind it needed help. He opened the door to see a strange sleeping woman. Despite her unconscious state, he felt the call for help. He walked closer and closer until he found the edge of the bed. He reached his hand out and set it on her arm. His palm started to glow and it spread around Y/N’s body. And then…
She woke up. 
She sat up taking in her surroundings. She noticed Jack who still had his hand on her. 
“I’m Jack. Who are you?”
Y/N almost hesitated, “Y/N. What are you? You…aren’t human.”
“I think you mean who…I’m Jack.”
Y/N realized she wouldn’t get anywhere with her questions. But what she did realize was how alive she felt. 
“What're you doing?”
“You were calling me. I could feel your pain, so I came to heal you.”
That’s when the light got a little brighter. It got so bright that Jack took a step back and covered his eyes. His hand was no longer on her, but the light continued to grow. Y/N stood up from the bed and looked at her arms. The light covered her body until Jack could no longer see her body beneath it. But underneath, Y/N started to heal. Her wings easily grew the feathers that were replaceable and her appearance was cleaner. No longer did she wear tattered clothes, nor were her wings visible to the human sight. They returned to the plane where only angels could see them. The light then dissipated. Y/N was still in awe, no being had that power to heal an archangel just like that. Maybe other angels or archangels and maybe…
But it couldn't be…could it?
“Who are you Jack?”
The plan was only getting worse. Any idea Dean had put on the table was met with disapproval from Lucifer with Gabriel mocking him. Sam sat in silence as they continued to argue. But then he heard laughter, and it wasn’t just Jack laughing. There was someone else. He left the room, no one taking immediate notice. He followed the voices to the room Y/N was in. He put his ear to the door only to hear Jack and Y/N?
He opened the door. The two inside looked up immediately. Jack was excited to see Sam, but Y/N was a little suspicious. 
“Hi Sam! Look who I found.”
That’s when Sam noticed Y/N’s new look.
“You’re confused,” Y/N broke the silence, “but so am I. Where are we?”
“A bunker, in Kansas, but uh, what happened?”
“I healed her!”
Y/N smiled at Jack, the pure joy he showed had a place in her once-dead heart. Sam, however, was still confused. 
“He healed you?”
“He did, yes. Why am I here?”
“Your brothers decided to bring you here for protection. They wanted to make sure you would end up okay.”
“That’s hard to believe,” she scoffed, “The only ones who have actually shown me they cared were you and Jack. Why should I believe you?”
“Because it’s the truth.”
He stood in the doorway with his hands in his pocket, a shy smile on his face. He had left after he noticed Sam’s departure. He backed out of the Dean-Lucifer argument to watch in entertainment only to find Sam no longer in his seat. 
“You want me to believe you? You of all people Gabriel?”
He only sighed and gave her a sad look. 
“You just have to Y/N.”
This only made her angry. Her eyes started to glow red and a red mist started to form around her fingers. She was about to take a step forward when Sam blocked her from doing so. He had stood in front of her and put both hands on her shoulders. Her little magic show disappeared and tilted her head up to look at him. 
“You’re tall,” she bluntly stated. 
Sam let out a laugh which caused her to give a soft smile. Gabriel and Jack watched on opposite sides of the room. Jack watched in pure excitement while Gabriel’s sad look was replaced with a little suspicion. But that moment was interrupted by Dean and Lucifer sliding into view. Dean saw Jack in the corner while Sam held Y/N back. Lucifer saw Samuel Winchester sincerely touching his dear sister. 
“What the hell is going on?”
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fobnatura1 · 7 months
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fob natural 2024 masterlist
And that is a wrap! Here is the master post for all the contributions for this year's fobnatural bang. You can also check out the collection here on ao3. Thank you to everyone who participated!
room for one more troubled soul fic by  an_ardent_rain and art by z
One chance meeting with Dean Winchester changes Castiel's life forever. They're reluctant partners, then friends, then something more. But every step forward is two steps back with Dean, and as much as Castiel wants him, it always feels like he's just out of reach. Then one day when they're supposed to meet, Dean doesn't show up. He doesn't call. Something, Castiel knows, is wrong. If there's one person in the world Dean would come out of the woodwork for, it's his little brother Sam. So Castiel drives to California to get Sam and get his help finding Dean. [human!au, non-linear road trip fic, feat. sam and cas as awkward reluctant pals and an absent dean]
Hurricane Heat fic by HeyAssButt (D_O) on ao3/Castiel_TFW on Twitter and art by Fandomite on Threads and Discord.
Dean didn't know what to make of the strange tension between this strung-out Cas and his very own clone, but one thing is for sure: He's gonna kill the devil! And nothing, not even a pesky little thing like being in the wrong universe with a pining angel, was going to stop him.
One More Time fic by GhoulsnHalos (Morgawse) and art by @milfycas
The Winchesters have saved the world again—Chuck is defeated. That's what the media headlines would say, if they had known about God's plans for the planet. So, why does Dean think everything still feel wrong six months later? It's obvious, isn't it? Castiel is dead because of him. Jack, the last time Dean saw him, is not acting like himself. Can he fix it or has Dean finally screwed things up forever? Castiel is content with cashing in his deal. He saved Dean, which is really all that matters. The only problem is that once again, he can't behave like every other being in the Empty. He's awake and having strange conversations with the Cosmic Entity about setting not just this place but the balance of creation to rights. What the heck does that mean?
My Sanctuary, You're Holy to Me fic by theseancequeen, art by @butterfleaz
Post series finale. Dean and Cas are on a mission to a cemetery in New Orleans. They haven't talked since either of them returned. As they find themselves trapped in St. Roch, revelations about their past, and feelings about each other, will come to light. Part of the Fall Out Boy-natural Bang Style Event.
Your Best-Kept Secret (And My Biggest Mistake) fic by butterflyslinky, art by deancodedcastielenby
The Angel Tablet broke through all the mind-control and unlocked many long-lost memories, centering on the demon Castiel had known forever but had also always just met.
Blackout Curtains, fic by Celestial_Starlight, art by spn_fanfic_reblog_writes
John Winchester died last year, torn to shreds by a werewolf. Dean killed the monster and dropped out of high school, taking Sammy on the run. Since then, Dean’s had weekly nightmares of being chased by monsters until a black-haired boy in a trench coat emerges from the shadows and protects him. After Sam gets injured fighting off a nest of vamps, he and Dean hole up in a motel for a few days. Dean notices someone watching them – someone who looks strikingly similar to the boy in his dreams. He confronts the boy, Castiel, who tells them Dean’s nightmares are turning lethal. Sam is ecstatic to have a new friend, one who’s an angel no less, but Dean doesn’t trust Cas, no matter what he says. Cas challenges his superiors and risks everything for the brothers, forcing Dean to rethink the person he’s told himself he is and the life he’s carved for him and Sam, as well as the future he might have with Cas.
choose love or sympathy (but never both) fic by thebatmandiaries and art by Reverie
No one knew. And no one was going to know. Dean was not in a relationship, and as far as the public was concerned, he never will be.
That was showbiz, after all.
Welcome to Hollywood, the home of the rich and famous. Where secrets are made to be kept, no matter what.
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