#Planet cell atom  vortex
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talonabraxas · 7 months ago
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The true origin and purpose of the pyramids
Basic theory of pyramidology is, that inside of a pyramid is accumulating and transforming universal energy called "orgon". Pyramids in their principal shape polarizing physical vacuum on both contradictory energies that is why they can act both as a transmitter or receiver, is a vibrational device which is able to receive, transform, concentrate, direct and emit energy. In an ancient Egypt they were energizing and uplifting vibrations in whole society.
Pyramid contains of a two words "pyro" or fire and "amid" or center. Pyramid is a device with fire in the center. Where center is well known king's chamber. Precisely in this center most of an energy is concentrated from where it spiraling to the top.
Builders of Egyptian pyramids used technique of harmonic resonance. They strictly observe measurements and proportions, which allows connection to the Earth's harmonics vibrations. Using words sacral geometry in a connection with pyramids we mean, that a builders were using same proportions and ratios, which we can find in nature and whole universe namely golden section (phi Φ=1.618033...)
They were also using a principles of resonance and sound to neutralize earth's gravity to be able to move a massive blocks. This effect occurs by tuning sound source to an exact frequency of a material. Pyramids where also connected to cooperative complex.
Egyptian pyramids were build mostly of limestone and crystal. Atoms of crystal vibrate at the same frequency as a planet earth, by this resonance an electric piezoelectric effect is occurring in inner mass of pyramid . Where one form of limestone is used as a isolating material the other form with magnesium is used as a negatively charged coat of an pyramid. It's acting like a massive wire. Granite is slightly radioactive which helps to ionizing air in all passages and caverns. Great Pyramid of Giza has also spiritual connection mostly to Orion and Sirius.
One of the functions of a pyramid is star gate and multiverse vortex. Pyramid as a portal allows people to reconnect with a source unity consciousness field. Energy of a pyramid reacts to operator's thoughts and intentions. It's acting like a huge amplifier for manifestation reality whatever it is healing, communication or interdimensional or astral travelling.
Energy of pyramid
Pyramidal energy of high vibrations calls cosmic is relating to torsion fields. It is favorable for human body and mind and other living beings. This energy is optically breaks, reflect and polarizing similarity to visible light. Pyramids walls attracting energy inside in all directions. This concentrated energy is affecting molecules or crystal structures of matter within a range of pyramid.
Scientists proved that no matter of a proportions, pyramids are amplifying mentioned energies of torsion fields (cosmic energies) and also energies of electromagnetic spectrum. American scientist Dr. Flanagan says, that Cheops pyramid concentrating energies in a very high frequencies and that is based on fact it has five angles. These corner angles of a pyramid concentrates and directing into energy beam where all four meets in the kings chamber.
Pyramidal energy is healthy for human organism as well as environment around and has multifunctional purpose. It strengthens the organism, heals humans and animals diseases, eases a pain of any kind, quickens healing of ambustion. Pyramid is also good for keeping a food fresh and healthy. Great for balancing a water for drinking or watering your vegetable and fruit. Softens taste of coffee, tea and quickens a germination of seeds. Growing never been faster than when you using a pyramidal energy. Strengthens a vitality, defends reproduce bacteria and microorganism which causes a break up of an organic matter. Living cells would not be affected by dehydratation as it still holds an electric charge and that is why plants or bodies would not be affected. Paradoxically if you like to slow down growth of your plants you don't give them any water they will still keeping very well under the pyramid and wouldn't need watering for a long time.
Many people have been personally convinced, that a pyramid is able to recharge our bodies when we are feeling exhausted, heals and tune our biological processes, but also gives us a tool to work with our psyche, consciousness and better connection to a higher frequencies and dimensions of reality. It's only up to us to what extend we are capable of operating these emitters. Many researchers were made in a wide range of branches as for example biochemistry, medical, agriculture, electronics or practical use for every day of life.
Pyramid Meditation and Manifestation Practices
Because of their physical properties and symbolic meanings, pyramids can be used in spiritual, meditation, and manifestation practices. Here are some ways you can use them to expand consciousness and receptivity to spiritual guidance:
1. Focus and Alignment
Just as pyramids form a point, or apex, at their top, they can represent focusing your attention in meditation. Some people find focusing on a mandala or lotus flower can help to reorient wandering thoughts in meditation. The pyramid can serve in the same fashion, whether it’s a figurine, a piece of art, or even in your imaginations.
In addition, you can focus your thoughts on moving up from the base of the pyramid, which can represent your experience in the material world to its pinnacle, which can represent a higher state of consciousness.
2. Energy Channeling
Pyramids are thought to channel cosmic energy, making them helpful tools for energy and even healing sessions. Placing a small pyramid on or near the head or body during energy and healing sessions is said to help balance and harmonize the body’s energy fields.
3. Manifestation Amplifier
The stable base and ascending sides of a pyramid can also symbolize staying grounded in the earthly plane while reaching for higher goals.
Writing down your intentions and placing them under a pyramid can be a helpful ritual in your manifestation practice. It can also serve as a request for blessings from higher powers when it comes to your endeavors.
4. Generating Creative Ideas
Given their association with enhancing focus and channeling energy, pyramids can be in creativity and problem solving when you want to channel higher energies and spiritual guidance.
In addition, the presence of a pyramid shape can serve as a visual and energetic reminder of your goals, aspirations, and unlimited capacity to create.
5. Gateways
Reflecting ancient practices, pyramids can be used as symbolic gateways during spiritual initiations or significant transitions, representing the journey from one state of consciousness to another.
This can involve meditating within or near pyramid structures to tap into transformative energies.
6. Enhancing a Sacred Space
Incorporating pyramids into the design of a creative, meditation, or other sacred space can elevate the area’s vibrational qualities. The pyramid’s base provides stability and grounding, while its ascending sides support creativity, the quest for higher wisdom, and spiritual ascension.
Energy Pyramid Real Fun, Wow!
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anonymousewrites · 6 days ago
Logos and Pathos (Book 4) Chapter Two
TOS! Spock x Empath! Spouse! Reader
Chapter Two: Probe Request
Summary: As the strange cloud approaches Earth, the Enterprise arrives, and, instantly, they're caught up in strange happenings.
            “I would say that was a logical assumption, Captain,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) nodded. “The cloud canceled its own attack, so it must understand to some degree that we said we weren’t here to cause harm.”
            “Mr. Sulu, hold present position,” said Kirk.
            “Holding present position, sir,” said Sulu.
            “Tactical plot on viewer,” said Kirk.
            “Course projection on tactical, sir,” said Sulu, switching the viewscreen.
            “Opinion, Mr. Spock, Mr. (L/N),” said Kirk.
            “Recommend we proceed, Captain,” said Spock.
            “Agreed,” said (Y/N). “We must make contact with the consciousness within the cloud.”
            “Mr. Decker?” prompted Kirk.
            “I advise caution, Captain,” said Decker. “We can’t withstand another attack.”
            “That thing is twenty hours away from Earth,” said Kirk. “We know nothing about it as yet.”
            “Precisely the point,” said Decker, huffing.
            (Y/N) raised a brow. They felt the frustration radiating from him. He was clearly capable—he wouldn’t have almost become captain if now—but he was also young and a bit impulsive. He had good instincts, but Decker also needed to learn about what was necessary on top of what was good protocol.
            “We don’t know what it’ll do,” said Decker. “Moving into that cloud at this time is an unwarranted gamble.”
            “How do you define ‘unwarranted?’ ” said Kirk, seeing what (Y/N) did.
            “You asked my opinion, sir,” said Decker. He refused to say more.
            And to think I was that young once, thought (Y/N), amused. Of course, they and Spock were barely getting to middle age by Vulcan and Celian standards, but, still. They could reminisce.
            “Viewer, standard ahead,” said Kirk, turning away. He sat down in his chair and considered their options for a moment. Everyone remained silent, awaiting his command. “Navigator. Maintain course.” They were going in.
            The flash of frustration and fear from Decker was expected, so (Y/N) didn’t glance at him and remained by Spock’s side.
            “Helmsman, steady as she goes,” said Kirk.
            With considerable trepidation, the Enterprise flew into the cloud. The bright blue lights of its power engulfed them and radiated around them like stars. If they didn’t know it was a cloud, the crew would feel they were passing through some sort of vortex—which they had done in the past. The sheer magnitude of the energy around them, though, to keep the cloud moving and glowing, was still enough to instill a sense of awed fear. (Y/N) remained calm, but they understood that, should they make the wrong decision, they were in considerable danger. Not to mention, if the cloud reached Earth, the planet would be in danger.
            “No vessel could generate a power field of this magnitude,” said Kirk. “Spock?”
            “Instruments fluctuating, Captain,” said Spock. “Patterns unrecognizable.”
            (Y/N) watched another pathway open with flashes of light before them. “We’re going farther in.”
            “Based on the calculations, we’re almost at the center,” said Spock.
            Indeed, once this passage opened, they sailed into darkness. Kirk leaned forward, and the curiosity around them rose to a fever pitch on (Y/N)’s senses. Finally, in the blackness, a glowing sphere protected by a field akin to a bubble appeared before them.
            Like the nucleus of a cell, thought (Y/N). Or even an atom.
            Behind them, Chekov reentered the Bridge with Bones. Bones wouldn’t be left out of the excitement (or, truthfully, out of the chance to be a voice of common sense in the face of Kirk, Spock, and (Y/N)’s “insanity,” as he always put it).
            “Transmit image of alien to Starfleet,” said Kirk. “Advise we are attempting further communication.”
            (Y/N) and Uhura went to do so and frowned at one another. Neither of them could send the picture to Starfleet, which should be possible. They were less than a day from Earth.
            “Try to make any sort of contact,” said (Y/N), flipping their controls.
            “No response,” said Uhura. “I don’t think it’s going out at all. It’s being reflected back.”
            “Captain, unable to make contact with Starfleet,” reported (Y/N).
            “Any attempt to transmit out of the cloud is being reflected back,” said Uhura.
            Spock raised a brow at (Y/N), and they nodded. For a moment, he put a hand on their shoulder, and (Y/N) covered it with their own. They were thankful for their husband’s support.
            “We are closing on it rapidly,” said Sulu.
            “Reduce magnification, factor four, Sulu,” said Kirk, leaning forward.
            (Y/N) could feel his own worry growing, but Kirk was remaining level-headed. He was the captain they needed in such a tense moment.
            “We’re already two settings below that, sir,” said Sulu. The alien was just massive.
            “Mr. Sulu,” said Kirk, continuing to make decisions as best he could with all the unknowns. (But, then again, when had they ever had lots of information on their missions?) “Bring us into a parallel course over the alien at five hundred meters.”
            (Y/N) sat up straighter, and Spock raised a brow. That was an incredibly close position.
            “Five hundred meters?” repeated Sulu.
            Kirk nodded, unphased by the surprise. “Then take us out to a hundred kilometers distance, adjusting parallel course.”
            “Aye, sir,” said Sulu. He was an expert in his field, too, so if anyone could do such a precise movement, it was him. And the Enterprise crew trusted one another implicitly. None of them had steered the others wrong before.
            “This is insane,” said Bones, looking at (Y/N) and Spock.
            “Logically, we must get closer to observe the alien,” said Spock.
            “You’re insane,” said Bones.
            (Y/N) smiled and shook their head.
            Meanwhile, Sulu gently brought them onto the ordered course. The Enterprise moved as slowly as it could into the delicate orbit of the nucleus of the cloud. The intricacies of it began to appear clearly—all mechanical and electrical, though almost alive with the energy.
            “Viewer astern,” said Kirk as they flew over.
            “Reverse angle on the viewer, Captain,” said Sulu.
            The nucleus was made of ridges of metal, openings filtering out light emanating from an unseen power source.
            “Five hundred meters, sir,” confirmed Sulu. “Viewer ahead.”
            The viewscreen changed to show a large hole in the nucleus where light flashed from within. (Y/N) leaned forward, and Spock furrowed his brow as they both considered what this cloud could be. If it was an alien, it relied quite a bit on electricity. As they continued flying, a pale green-blue light extended across the horizon. Beyond it was a swirling ball of brighter blue light—the true epicenter. Rising anxiety notwithstanding, the Enterprise flew on.
            “Hold position here,” said Kirk as they drifted into the nearly-empty epicenter, away from the mechanical walls.
            “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” buzzed the computer system. The alarm sounded. “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!”
            The ball of bright light in the nucleus filled the screen at the same moment that a shrill tone sounded in the Bridge. (Y/N) felt it pierce them almost psychically, and they held their head. Spock touched their temples instantly, willing their bond to strengthen his own calmness. It drowned out most of the pure energy (Y/N) felt, and they let out a breath of relief, touching Spock’s hands. He nodded to them. He was there to protect them; he always would be.
            Inside the Bridge, a bright bolt of light appeared. It crackled and sparked, but it remained there, not dying at all. The blinding light and shrill tone grew stronger, and the officers closest winced back. It moved to the center of the Bridge. (Y/N) felt something probe their mind for a moment, but they backed away with Spock, keeping him beside them.
            “Mr. Spock! Mr. (L/N)! Can that be one of their crew?” called Chekov over the high-pitched tone.
            Spock held up his tricorder even while (Y/N) kept him against the wall protectively. “A probe from their vessel. Plasma, energy combination.”
            A spark of electricity jumped out and passed Chekov to look at his computer. He jerked slightly, not shocked but surprised.
            “Don’t interfere with it,” warned Decker, aware of the importance of being cautious at this moment.
            “Absolutely, I will not interfere,” said Chekov.
            “No one interfere,” said Kirk. “It doesn’t seem interested in us.”
            “It’s searching the equipment of the ship,” observed (Y/N) as the probe traveled around the room, touching each computer with its sparks. Just as we had to communicate through computers, it is trying to speak to ours. Fascinating…
            “Computer off,” said Kirk as he saw some of the equipment malfunctioning.
            However, nothing happened. Bravely, Decker moved forward and tried to maneuver around the bolts of electricity to manually close off the computer. He grimaced.
            “It’s taken control of the computer,” he said.
            “It’s running our records,” said Kirk, eyes widening. “Earth defenses! Starfleet strength!” Pictures of the records were flashing across the screen.
            Spock moved forward, pulled Decker aside, and promptly smashed the controls of the computer. It flashed awkwardly before turning off. Everyone blinked. That…worked.
            A bolt of electricity hit Spock and sent him backwards. He hit the ground, but (Y/N) knelt the catch him.
            “Spock!” they cried, eyes wide.
            The probe grew brighter and wider. (Y/N) pulled Spock up and to the side as it advanced, keeping him protectively behind them. A bolt of electricity reached out and grabbed Ilia.
            “Ilia!” cried Decker, and the fear that shot through him was the impetus for (Y/N) to move.
            They tried to pull Ilia from the electricity, but it shocked them, making them cry out and pull their hands back.
            “Ilia!” cried Decker again.
            The bold of electricity flashed. Ilia disappeared. The probe disappeared. Everyone’s eyes widened. There had been the probe and Ilia, and then there hadn’t. There was no body, no pain, just a flash of her fear and then nothing. (Y/N)’s heart pounded as they felt the remnants of her fear.
            What happened? they thought, looking around.
            “Are you alright, T’hy’la?” said Spock, taking their arms.
            “Are you?” said (Y/N).
            “I am,” said Spock. “I am more concerned for you.”
            “I’m fine. It’s Ilia…” said (Y/N) softly. She was gone, and although they had tried to help her, it had amounted to nothing.
            “This is how I define unwarranted,” snapped Decker, looking at Kirk with clenched fists. Anger was in his words, but his aura swirled with a great, grieving sadness more than it did fury. He turned away to do his job; the only thing he could do. “Activate auxiliary computer circuits through manual shutoff.” He clicked a few buttons.
            “Emergency alert!” Another alarmed tone from the computer buzzed through the comms. It seems they weren’t done with danger or getting a break anytime soon. “Negative control at helm! Emergency alert! Negative control at helm!”
            Kirk narrowed his eyes. “Forcefields, full remaining strength! Total reserve!”
            “The ship is under attack,” said Decker into the comms. “Man all defensive stations.”
            A mechanical hum echoed through the Bridge. (Y/N) frowned, and Spock raised a brow.
            “Captain, we’ve been seized by a tractor beam,” he reported.
            “Get someone up here to take the navigator’s station,” said Kirk.
            “Engineering,” said Decker through the comms. “Chief DiFalco, to the Bridge.”
            “Emergency power,” ordered Kirk.
            “Going to full emergency,” acknowledged Scotty. “But Captain, if we don’t break free in fifteen seconds, she’ll burn up.”
            Not ideal, thought (Y/N).
            “We cannot break free, Captain,” said Spock. “We have only a fraction of the power necessary.”
            “Engineering, belay that order,” said Kirk. “Disengage all main drive systems.”
            The Enterprise was continuing to the true nucleus of the alien cloud whether they wanted to go or not. They’d hold their reserve power until it was useful and not fruitless.
            DiFalco arrived on the Bridge, and Decker nodded to her. “Chief DiFalco, take over Lieutenant Ilia’s station.”
            “DiFalco, disengage engine navigation relays now,” ordered Kirk.
            “Aye, sir,” said DiFalco, getting right to business.
            “Forcefield circuits E10-14 show ready for reactivation,” reported another technician officer. “Confirm ready.”
            “Scotty, drive systems should be free now,” said Kirk.
            “Ready to launch remote communications drone with complete ship records including our present situation, sir,” said Uhura.
            “Delay launching as long as possible,” advised Decker. “Our drone can’t escape as long as we’re held in the tractor beam.”
            “Aye,” said Uhura.
            They were approaching the beacon of golden lighting amidst the blue, a sphere like a sun in the darkness of the cloud.
            “Captain, a maximum phaser strike directly at the beam might weaken it just enough for us to break free,” said Decker.
            “There is nowhere to go if we break free,” said (Y/N). “At worst, it then destroys us. At best, the tractor beam traps us once more. Any show of resistance is both futile and would only serve to anger whatever controls the cloud.”
            “We don’t know that it’s futile, Mr. (L/N),” said Decker.
            “It is still unadvisable,” said (Y/N).
            Kirk nodded. “I agree with (L/N)’s professional opinion.”
            Decker frowned and looked at the viewscreen. “Why is it bring us further inside? It could destroy us from outside. This seems like a risk to it…”
            “They can still destroy us,” said Kirk.
            “We have very little information. It wants something,” said (Y/N). “It was curious. Once I felt it. The second time, it was obvious with the probe.”
            “Then we’ll need to figure out what it’s looking for and use it to reason with the alien,” said Kirk.
            “Captain, photic sonar readings indicate the aperture is closing,” said Uhura urgently. They were getting closed within the nucleus. “We’re trapped, sir.”
            “Reverse angle on the viewer, Captain,” said Sulu, switching the viewscreen to show the machine indeed closing them inside. He changed the viewscreen back, but the situation was growing more dire.
            “Tractor beam has released us, Captain,” reported Spock as his computer chirped with the change in readings.
            “Confirmed,” said DiFalco. “Vessel is floating free. No forward momentum.”
            “Keep viewer ahead,” said Kirk.
            “Aye, sir,” said Sulu.
            “Maneuver thrusters, Mr. Sulu,” said Kirk. “Ahead one third.”
            “Thrusters ahead, one third,” confirmed Sulu.
            “Let’s take a look. Full sensor scan, Mr. Spock,” said Kirk. “They can’t expect us not to look them over now.”
            “Now that we’re looking down their throat,” muttered Decker.
            “Right, now that we’ve got them just where they want us,” said Kirk, grimly.
            “It’s closing up,” said Sulu as plates on the machine before them moved.
            “Hold position,” said Kirk.
            “Thrusters at station-keeping, sir,” acknowledged Sulu.
            “Captain, still no response on this round of communication,” said (Y/N).
            “Captain?” said Spock. “All our scans are being reflected back. Sensors are useless.”
            “Damn,” cursed Kirk. “What do you make of all this?”
            “I believe the closed aperture leads to another chamber,” said Spock.
            “Likely an important inner mechanism within,” said (Y/N), and Spock nodded. “If we want to understand everything, we’ll want to go—” They felt the familiar bit of curiosity filtering form an unseen consciousness, and they paused.
            Spock felt it and furrowed his brow. Kirk frowned at their expressions.
            “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” blared the alarm once more on the computer.
            “Deck 5, Captain. Officer’s quarters,” said Chekov.
            “Have security meet me at Deck 5. Main elevator,” said Kirk. “Spock, (L/N), Bones. Mr. Decker, you have the conn. Hold position.”
            Kirk, Spock, Bones, and (Y/N) went into the elevator.
            “Intruder location, a sonic shower,” called Chekov as they went in.
            Kirk, Spock, Bones, and (Y/N) ran into the room with the sonic shower with security behind them. Indeed, a figure was appearing in the energy field in the shower.
            “Temperature at intruder location in a rapid drop. Sixty degrees,” said the computer across the comms. “Fifty degrees. Temperature curve flattening. Forty-five. Forty. Temperature steadying. Thirty-nine degrees.”
            The field began to filter away, and the figure’s face became clear. (Y/N)’s eyes widened. It was Lieutenant Ilia.
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selfcestmovies · 1 year ago
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Carol Danvers enjoyed the isolation of long journeys through distant space... at least, for a while. They allowed her to spend time alone and to get to know herself — as a woman, as a hero, as an icon — without the noise or clamor of busy life planet-side.
Did being alone give her a chip on her shoulder? Perhaps, but Carol wasn't one to admit it.
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Carol had thought she'd seen it all, but her next mission would bend the laws of reality in ways that even she hadn't anticipated. A rescue mission near the Duplicus wormhole resulted in a risky flyby far too close to the vortex center. A bombardment of gravitational waves warped her cells down to a molecular level... all said and done, Carol survived. But she had been duplicated at a quantum level.
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She flew back to her ship for an analysis, but the data proved what Carol — both of her — already expected to be true. There were now two Carol Danvers, identical down to the atom, and each with equal claim to her identity.
There was no discernible difference between the clone and the original.
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One Captain Marvel was enough for this universe — having a second bullheaded, cocky, arrogant Captain floating through space was a recipe for disaster. The two Carols hated each other... at least at first, when they felt competitive over their shared identity.
But as the hours passed, Carol saw things to appreciate in her quantum clone. She liked her wit, and her determination. All the best qualities she had admired in herself, she admired in her double, too.
And it was nice finally having someone to talk to. Someone she could trust without limitation.
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And there were more things Carol liked about herself, it soon became clear. She liked her own laugh, and her own smile. She liked seeing her own body from an outsider's perspective. She had a beautiful face, and a dynamite body that made Carol more sexually confused that she had felt her entire life.
Seriously, Carol couldn't take her eyes off the clone. They each caught the other steeling glances and blushing.
Had this other woman been anyone else, Carol might have considered this... a crush, in a way. It had been years since she had felt that type of spark.
But this was herself. The two of her acknowledged the chemistry, but chalked it up to simply self-confidence and a bit of harmless narcissism. Right?
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"Can I be honest with you?" Carol asked.
The other laughed, "I certainly hope so."
She leaned in. "It's nice knowing — like, really knowing — that I'm hot stuff." They were already standing close at this point, but Carol reached a hand to grab the clone and pull her even closer. She ran a hand up her clone's ribs, underneath her tank top, tracing fingers along the bottom of her breast. "Fuck, I can't get over how good we look."
The other Carol just mirrored her actions, indulging in every touch as they smiled in unison.
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They flirted for hours; countless near-kisses and gentle, glancing touches. Carol had never felt this relaxed around another human — if she could even call it that. It felt easy.
It was obvious to both of them what could happen next – and Carol (both of her) knew was no use keeping secrets from herself. They talked about what it might feel like to really kiss and touch each other. They joked about which Carol would take charge, and which Carol would be submissive, given that they'd both want to be the aggressor.
It was all hypothetical, of course. Until it wasn't. The tone grew tense when they both realized what would happen next.
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The first kiss was slow, and deep. Neither held back. They let their lips part and their tongues connect — it was ecstatic for them to finally let their libido loose on another woman after all this time alone.
Carol finally had someone to connect with, at the deepest and most carnal level. Soon, she couldn't get enough.
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tomasorban · 4 years ago
Looking for Monoatomic Gold
In the late '70s, while he was extracting gold from his land, David Hudson, a farmer from Arizona, noticed some materials of strange composition and coloring and precisely in correspondence with their presence, the vegetation was significantly robust and lush. David invested several million dollars in the following decade to understand how to obtain and use with these materials but it was only in 1989 that he managed to obtain more patents on these materials and on the methods to extract them. Although other researchers had made similar discoveries in the same period and earlier, Hudson was the first to inform the public about it so during the early 1990s, he traveled around the United States holding several seminars and conferences on his findings.
The elements discovered by him are in close connection with objects and substances present in history and reading such as the Biblical Manna, the Egyptian MFKZT, the Mesopotamian Shem-an-na, the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of Youth, Orgone energy, Prana, Chi, the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, and to the concepts of modern physics such as superconductivity, Quantum coherence and Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), a new state of matter discovered thanks the velocity distribution of the atoms and their condensation state.
These elements have been called ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements) and also Elements in the M state, m-state, Monoatomic Gold, White Gold Powder, ORMUS, AuM, Microcluster and have a fundamental feature that distinguishes them from all the other elements: the orbitals with an electron available for rearrangement, therefore capable of changing shape according to the magnetic field with which they come into contact, a behavior similar to a stem cell. Currently the most controversial is the so-called MONOATOMIC GOLD which was already known to some of the great civilizations of the past: the Jews called it "Manna" or "The bread of God", the Egyptians "Tear from the eye of Horus", the Indians "Vibhuti or Bhasma of gold". It is said that there is Monoatomic Gold in the legendary Atlantis: it is also called a metal of flames, it is a substance with a mysterious property of emitting unique energy, better known as "Orichalcum".
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Monoatomic Gold and Alchemy
In alchemy, this substance is the "Golden Chalice" which helps transform the lead of the human mind (the ego, with its negative and closed structures) into gold. It is essential to emphasize that alchemists were not looking for the gold we all know, but the white powder or projection powder that we now call Monoatomic Gold, a transformation of the three-dimensional structure of common gold into two-dimensional gold, to which, already in antiquity, extraordinary powers of levitation, transmutation and teleportation were recognized.
In ancient Egypt, during the gold melting process, there were always small amounts of melted gold in the oven. These remains suffered continuously a process of melting and solidifying from cold to hot, since they were not removed from the oven. Over time, artisans discovered small quantities of white dust where gold waste had previously accumulated. Through this constant alternation of heat and cold, the common gold had become white powder that some of the craftsmen ended up tasting by discovering the most powerful substance capable of altering human consciousness and physiology. Its effects remained for several days to those who had consumed it: also mummies were found in possession of this white powder.
Even in ancient India we find the formula to make the alchemical gold that Hindu alchemists called "Puttah". The most eminent members of some ancient families were used to ingest it regularly in small quantities.
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The famous alchemist who made the "Philosopher's Stone" (Stone of Sage), Nicolas Flamel (1330) in his alchemy thesis, writes that mercury and sulfur, various metals are melted in the furnace fire and distilled to proceed with work then the substance changed to black, gray white, green, white, orange and finally became rosy purple stone like poppy flower. And after all, the philosopher's stone was completed: he said that three times in all he converted mercury to gold with the Philosopher's stone.
A mysterious metal appears in the "Takeuchi documents" which Takeuchi Sukune, a Takeuchi family who served the Emperor has been told as an oral message. It is similar to the flickering of the flames but vermillion, never rusting metal. His specific gravity is lighter than gold, its pure substance is softer than iron, a legendary metal that becomes harder than platinum when alloyed. It is said to be "Hihiirokane" which was mined at Mt.Kakakono.
Monoatomic Gold and the Anunnaki
Zecharia Sitchin claimed that an alien race from the planet Nibiru, the Anunnaki, came to Earth in search of gold, and that man was created to serve as a worker in the extraction of this metal. Some scholars have suggested that perhaps the substance capable of saving their world and making them physically healthy and immortal was actually Monoatomic Gold and not common gold: the surprising result of combining the theories of Anunnaki and ORME leads to the almost inevitable conclusion that the purpose of the Anunnaki to arrive on Earth was to acquire the monoatomic elements in order to ingest them and therefore to be able to lead a long life. David Hudson himself argue that the primary form in which gold is found in seawater is in its monoatomic state therefore the first attempt by the Anunnaki to obtain gold would have been to extract it from seawater, in especially the upper part of the Persian Gulf where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet.
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Sitchin and numerous researchers, including British essayist Laurence Gardner, reached the following conclusions:
The inhabitants of the planet Nibiru came to Earth with the main purpose was to extract gold and precious elements and to have a workforce capable of satisfying their needs they created humanity to which they provided the rudiments of civilization.
They would also have provided the organic and natural equivalent of ORME, the knowledge of its importance and the method by which it could be made and brought internally by the individual to selected individuals (such as kings and patriarchs ..): thus justifying their extraordinarily long life and the reason for their presence in leadership roles.
Monoatomic gold today: the discovery of extraordinary properties
Even today, monoatomic gold, due to its surprising characteristics, is being studied more and more, as it has a completely different atomic structure than the original metallic condition. Traces of monoatomic gold are also found in nature, but metallic gold can be transformed into monoatomic gold only through an alchemical process. These are the very particular physical and energy characteristics of monoatomic gold: It is a superconductor at room temperature and it seems to behave like an energy producer by being able to give, accumulate and receive light / information / energy without any loss. Its electrons merge with antielectrons and form opposite beams of light that rotate around the oval core and, at the same time, it produces an etheric prana vortex, which flows along a double helix through the nucleus of the atom which corresponds to the Kundalini energy. It produces a zero magnetic field (Meissner field, that is, it has the ability to "move" the magnetic field away from itself) around itself, which corresponds to man's MER-KA-BA. Merkaba is the light body of man, which includes spirit, life energy and soul. When they merge they form a unit that produces beams of light in counter rotation and able to overcome space and time.
Monoatomic gold exists only on 5/9 on the physical plane.
Pure monoatomic gold rises on the earth's magnetic field.
It does not wear out and its function and longevity are eternal.
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According to the testimony of a group of alchemists, who have taken Monoatomic Gold for years, they have been able to observe the following physiological and energetic reactions (which coincide with ancient Egyptian texts, the Bible and the Vedas):
Regeneration of damaged cells including also brain neuronal cells
Strong activation of the endocrine glandular system especially as regards the pituitary gland, thymus and pineal gland
Significant increase in the flow of light and photons in both the meridian and nervous systems
Strengthening the immune system and increasing self-healing capacity
Increase in superconducting capacity and DNA energy flow
Reversal of the aging process which is significantly slowed down thanks to the energetic repair of the wrong programs in our DNA
Rebalancing and harmonious elevation of the frequencies of the chakras, of the body and of the Kundalini energy
Induction of an emotional balance
Expansion of the level of intelligence
Increase in stress management capacity
Strengthening the ability to manifest one's thoughts
Increased inner peace
Acquisition of greater clarity in the vision of external situations and consequent problem solving skills
Awakening of dormant potential
General improvement of the quality of life at all levels, both physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
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consciousvortex · 5 years ago
Witchcraft: working with aliens and extra-terrestrial beings
In my craft, I work with both earthly and otherworldly energies. I did an experiment one time to see if I could channel forces that are out in the Universe and not earthly. Through ritual and correspondences, I was able to gain valuable insight into life on other planets from a mathematical and empirical perspective. I have done this a couple of times since then, but I do not recommend doing this often.
A warning: this type of magick is not suitable for every practitioner.
By attempting to communicate with extra-terrestrials, you risk insanity and abduction of the mind. Make sure you are very, very present in the moment before you do this. Perform a grounding ritual that you know works for you. I personally like to use the LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram). In addition, make sure you use psychic protection (I will explain this below).
Here are some things you can do to connect with extra-terrestrial intelligences for gaining insight, guidance, or to access the Akashic records. I recommend gathering these tools and then entering into a meditative state/astral projecting. With the combination of these elements, you have a good chance of being able to access the Akashic records.
Crystals to use
Moldavite - this stone can be very expensive so don’t worry if you can’t get your hands on one. All real moldvaite comes from a meteor impact that took place around 15 million years ago in southern Germany. This is literally an alien stone because it did not come from Earth, so real moldavite is the most powerful crystal for this type of work. I do not have moldavite, so I use the following crystals:
Lapis lazuli - for communication and the stimulation of the third eye.
Atlantisite - this is a green and purple crystal. It is good for connecting the earthly heart chakra with the higher heart and crown chakras. It is a symbol of communication between Terra (Earth) and cosmic energies that are outside us.
Amethyst - crown chakra stone; this communicates that you are seeking divine wisdom.
Clear quartz - this works for everything so you can program it for this work. It’s also great for amplifying the energies of the crystals around it.
For protection and grounding: wear or carry dark crystals such as obsidian, jet, black tourmaline, smoky quartz, or tiger’s eye.
Music is a universal language. Choose music that has a clear structure but also accurately conveys the message you wish to send to the cosmos.
Classical music is perfect because it is mathematical and has an observable structure.
Folk music from your culture, if you wish to communicate that you are a human from that culture.
Music from sci-fi and fantasy films will communicate that you are open to new ideas and that you are aware of existing energies in the Universe.
Any music about space travel or exploration. This will communicate that you are curious and willing to learn.
Mathematics is the language of the Universe. Reality is mathematical. Science relies on mathematics first and foremost before any physical changes can be made in the real world (e.g. H2O is water = Two hydrogen atoms + one oxygen atom. This requires a specific number of atoms. If mathematics didn’t exist, physics wouldn’t either, and we would not have the physical world as we know it).
You don’t have to be good at maths. The most important thing you have to know is that any number multiplied by 0 will always be 0. Any x can become 0 if multiplied by 0. If 0 is the Source, then we can change the language here: any soul can return to the Source if exposed to techniques that allow them to reach it. These techniques are meditation, spellwork, ritual, and astral projection.
The sequence 124875 is the Conscious Vortex. When plotted on a circle, this creates the shape of an infinity symbol. 124875 is the mathematical code for Earthly DNA. Write down this sequence or draw it on a circle like this:
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You will notice that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are missing from this sequence. This is because these make up the Unconscious Vortex. Nikola Tesla, in later stages of his life, only used to do things in groups of 3, 6, or 9 because he believed these to be divine numbers that allow us to communicate with otherworldly energies and gain ancient knowledge. The beings you are trying to communicate with are created using the mathematical DNA code of multiplication by 3, 6, or 9. Earthly cells multiply by 2 when they grow. Cosmic cells multiply by 3, 6, or 9. You can connect 3, 6 and 9 in a triangle as shown above, in order to communicate that you are a human reaching out to non-humans.
Precautions & method
Psychic protection - as mentioned above, carry or wear grounding, earthly crystals. Wear black clothing if you can. You can also wear or carry a pentagram or another symbol of the divine, or draw a protective sigil.
Burn incense - patchouli, lavender, nag champa, or white sage are all good options. Do not burn dragon’s blood because it is too grounding and will obstruct your communication.
While astral projecting, do not ask basic Earthly questions. These beings are not interested in your problems or individual affairs, and if you pester them with petty issues they will see it as disrespectful. They are interested in passing on knowledge that will lead you to experience a full-body tingling feeling of understanding and unity. Once you feel this, you will know your ritual is working.
Thank the beings after you are finished, even if you don’t think they told you anything useful. Most likely, they will have planted seeds of knowledge in your mind that will manifest themselves as you go about your daily business over the next couple of days. You will find yourself suddenly realising something and not quite knowing where this information came from, while having an unquestionable conviction that it is the truth. You will be rushing to write it down. This means you have successfully accessed the Akashic records.
Let me know if you have any questions 👽🔮🌹
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fart-gate · 5 years ago
Season 2 episode 3
Notes by me
- everytime Jack calls them Kids I discover 3 new emotions
- "we have no idea what this planet could offer!"
"........trees and moss"
- "I have no idea" 💕💞💕
- ok strange distraught man
- beamed!
- I hate it when Jack tries to explain things to people and they just TURN OFF THEIR EARS
- daniels hat hanging off his neck makes it look like a choker 👀 where's his cat ears
- creepy whistling!!! Dont like that!
- I'm laughing they were literally sent to prison
- feet. Omg what. Worst version of Cinderella
- *a prisoner gets obliterated by the vortex and cut off at the feet*
The other prisoners:
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- ok violence! Of course Sam is a possession . can I get one fictional show without "realistic sexism" pls. Can I PLEASE get one show PLEASE
- "kids" 💕
- "tealc, look scary and take point"
- this dude who wants to be tealcs friend is so goddamn creepy *nervous laugh*
- leader lady seems really nice. The fuck did she do to get in prison
- Jack taking daniels glasses off and saying that showing weakness is not a good idea in prison 💜 reblog if u agree
- HUGE big brother vibes. Also Jack is acting like hes been in prison before 🤔
- no glasses!Daniel
- "the great circle"
- "the great wave" is actually a really cool name for the vortex thing
- she can give them the power they need but needs something in return?
- WHAT theyre gonna use....a plant?
- woa woa woa someone attacked Daniel and tealc protected him and we didnt get to see it??? Writers, turn on your location I just want to talk
- bodyguard!tealc
- "what are WE in here for?"
"Jay walking"
- Jack just admitted he was in prison once!!! What when where!!!
- ah yes goopy mud! Yummy!
- I wonder what it actually is? It looks a little like light brown brownie batter lol
- alright the leader of sg3 is kinda hot👀
- SG3 is headed to P2A509 and is no longer on the rescue team for sg1 :(
- P3X775 is where the people who sent them to prison are. The Taldor or whatever
- I'm assuming sg1 is not on the same planet as the people who sent them to prison since they went thru a stargate to get there
- hammond is going personally!!
- apparently she tried to help the taldor with a plague and accidently made it worse so they sent her to prison. Tough crowd
- is this hammonds first time going thru the stargate????
- IT IS!!!
- "the things I do for these people" AJDNRIDNDJSBFKDNFN
- daniel when hes sitting on the ground in the dirt. Its the slutty pose for me
- Jack dragging him up by the arm
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- they commited suicide and thats so fucked up. And Daniel tried to stop them :(
- every single prisoner in this prison craves violence
- what was that? That hand device she used looked goauldish?
- saved by tealc!!! Bodyguard!tealc
- um when daniels lying unconcious and Sam is stroking his hair 😭😭❤
- meanwhile! I'm having fun with sassy Defense attorney!Hammond
- this Big Voice sounds suspiciously like a machine
- wait why are they saying he won the fight? Didnt they see Linea with the hand held thing? She wasnt exactly hiding
- P2A509 ! daniel always with the plan
- "....and this just came to you?"
"No, it came to me while I was suffocating"
- yes! Go meet up with sg3! I want to see the hot Major again 😌
- time for Dirt Soup !
- hahaha Daniel made it to the top of the food chain bc he "won the fight". Its very obvious he didnt but I'm not gonna argue with a bunch of prisoners with an IQ of 3
- using his status so that sg1 can eat first lmfao my boy knows how to play the role💅💅💅💅💅
- tealc giving the dirt soup one look and becoming the human equivalent of the word Nah
- the power of plants!!
- this prisoner is gonna try some shit im calling it now
- it worked !
- LMFAO Daniel could not get out of there fast enough.,,boy was a blur
- did one prisoner get thru?
- daniels glasses resting on his head, holding his hair back ✨
- "this place is so alien"
"I thought so when I first came here. However, over time it has become home"
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- its so funny to me when people from other planets call sg1 aliens. Like.....arent your ancestors from earth....that makes you an "alien" too
- exchanging science! Sharing knowledge!! This is what the program is about!!
- "he actually won"
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- Jack has bruises on his neck from the fight earlier . I'm looking
- OKAY linea is evil?? Like mega evil? She kills people with plagues??? Its always the sweet old ladies you have to watch out for isnt it
- shit is she downloading all the stargate info? All the addresses they have?
- how in the goddamn fuck does she know how to work computers btw??? She literally locked them out of their own system and she doesnt even know what atoms are??? I'm so confused
- "we let her out"
"The destroyer of worlds"
- I really hope we see her again. This seems like an interesting storyline
Whump under the cut
Team sg1 whump: thrown through the gate, prisoners
Jack Oniell whump : grabbed , choked, fought, bruises on neck from rope
Daniel jackson whump: thrown from gate, heavy breathing, threatened, grabbed from behind, squeezed, choked, passed out, unconscious , weak, disoriented
No glasses!Daniel for more than half the episode🤓
🎶listening to Locked Up by Akon🎶
🎶listening to Cell Block Tango from the musical Chicago 🎶
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felix-the-cat · 5 years ago
Thursday, January 16, 2020 – 11:12 p.m.
Here we have another session of find the cat. He is a rascally little rabbit. He is beginning to find out who he is. He is waking up inside. He is beginning the ascension process in this New Energy. Everything is becoming new again. Even better than new. It is being brought here by the ones that brought you to this planet.
You are being guided step by step in a never-ending cycle of the Divine Love within. Here we have the one who will begin the ascension process tonight. He will begin to write of things to come. He will begin again for the very first time.
He is attuned to the New Frequency and is beginning the first stages of enlightenment. It’s quite a show. One can literally change into a completely New Human. Here is the formula for success. Begin by being still and knowing that God is inside. Begin by learning to listen to that still small voice inside. Pay attention to it.
It will guide you into new realms of existence. You have been trained to do this. Therefore, you are here. Begin tonight to just let go into Spirit. Follow the white rabbit. Go down the rabbit hole and bring us back something interesting.
Begin by going into the center of the vortex. After you are there, feel an immense gratitude for all there is. Know that this is the person you only dreamed of being a few years back. Now we are all grown up. But, are we? What’s so important about growing up anyway?
I tell you this, you should be more childlike. Go out and play more. Look at the world through New Eyes. Look away from the distraction of reality for a moment and catch a glimpse of the Divine. You will never want to go back for you have seen the truth.
You will begin to see everything in a new Light. It will begin within and radiate outward into the world. It will be a marvelous show. When you live your life for Spirit you begin a new journey on the right path. And I’m not talking about religion. I’m talking about feeling Love from the Source of Love itself.
There’s nothing else like it. Once you get touched with the light it affects your entire being. Your very cells wake up and realize the truth. And that truth is that you are deeply loved by Source. Not only that but you are in a new energy now and the planet is being bathed with the light.
You must’ve felt it. It’s quite grand living in the light. It’s nice out in the bright sunshine. To reside here in the calm center of one’s being and radiate light outward into the world is what the New Human is doing on this planet right now.
Many are waking up inside. They are beginning to see beyond the illusion. The veil is being lifted like a curtain right before a show. And oh, what a show it will be. We’re not even five minutes into the first act and already millions are waking up simultaneously. Beyond that, new people are being born each day. I think you call them babies.
These babies being born are the masters that have walked the planet before and are arriving back in response to the new light energy on this planet. Keep a good eye out in the next twenty years. They will set the world ablaze with new ideas. They will be the painters, poets, musicians and ascended masters. Imagine the impact this will have. Imagine if the world had a bunch of people like Jesus walking the planet. Well, guess what. He’s coming back and he’s bringing some friends along for the ride. This is the Second Coming. They are coming back through us. Legions of people walking the planet with eyes wide open and compassion in their hearts.
We are in a new day and age. We are beginning to see around the corner; to look behind the curtain. Spirit is putting on a show for us and we are the main actors. It’s going to be quite an interactive show. We will have all the best people acting from their heart because they will be real. Good music is coming back. New art and poetry will explode on the scene. Inspiration everywhere.
The writers of the New Energy will have something to say. It’s their day and age. They will be given the ability to write in such a way that the person reading it will be transported to that place. There are going to be things of such enormous beauty you can’t begin to picture it.
It’s like painting in the air. Imagine a painting that was done in mid air and has all the dimensions of 3D reality mixed with some 4D. it’s coming and it’s going to be quite the show. Prepare yourselves for the coming of the New Age.
We are here to talk about how we can help you. You have been on this planet for so long and have battled the darkness for eons. Now, you have won. The darkness is receding as more and more people are coming online and tuning in to their Higher Selves. They are being integrated and becoming whole once again. They are beginning to see through the veil into Ultimate Reality.
We who will look away from the reality that we currently reside in can look into another place; a place that is real. It’s a place that doesn’t fade over time. It is eternal. There is a place that has always been and always will be.
Here we begin to enter that place. We walk through the door and are instantly filled with peace. We come to a fountain and step in. the water cleanses away whatever darkness was brought in and the soul is purified for entry.
We have the one who is trying to figure it out again but must go step by step. We have the one who is eager to begin his training. We are here to show you how to tune in on this new station. Just bring yourself to the present moment. Stay here with us. This is where eternity resides and the New Human is complete; for, the New Human understands that the reality he is in is only an illusion. He begins to concentrate deeply into the present moment. He lets go. Then there is the realization that he is going down a spiral waterfall and splashing into a pool of warm refreshingly clear water.
This is the space of healing. It is the fountain of youth because it resides in the now. With each splash in the pool, gratitude washes over him. He is grateful for everything he sees because he finally realizes that it is a creation of his own making.
He is eager to create more. Like a man that suddenly woke up to realize he is dreaming. The sky’s the limit. But, not really. The sky is only the beginning. He flies through space and views all the different star clusters in the universe. This is the paintbrush of the new age. It’s a real 4D work of art.
This is the beginning of a long tale of peace and prosperity for mother earth and all it’s inhabitants. In the old energy there was ‘..and they all lived happily ever after. The End.’ But, in the new energy everything is toppled. The new story goes, ‘..and they all lived happily ever after. The Beginning.��
This is a New Beginning for planet earth. We have begun by bringing you the gifts you deserve for there are many waiting to receive; or should I say, manifest these things. When one sleeps in the real world and is awake in a dream anything is possible. Whole worlds can be created with a mere thought. In fact, that’s exactly how worlds are created. We have manifested everything we see around us.
Everything you see around you began as an idea and holds within its blueprints the forming of matter. Trillions of atoms dancing around each other in perfect balance and harmony to make up that coffee cup. Billions of bits of intelligence working together to manifest an idea and hold it for some time.
Nothing stays the same in the dream world. Everything transforms into something else. At the end of the day, Gaia claims it back in order to produce something new and never before seen. Currently she is producing new ideas. These are the children being born. They are her offspring. We are here to tell you that when these little ‘ideas’ come of age and are able to create you are going to be amazed by what you see.
It’s going to be quite a show. All these little bits of matter being constructed on an atomic level into ‘physical’ objects. We are here to show you how you can begin creating like this. You’ve been given the Key to the Universe. Will you use it to unlock the door? It all begins with an idea…
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universalspherevortex · 8 years ago
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 Computational model of concentric sphere-vortex principle, macro-mezo-microcosmos  
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paigenotblank · 6 years ago
The Age of the Wolf (8/9)
Rating: Mature overall, this chapter is teen
Pairing: Eighth Doctor x Rose Tyler; Eleventh x Rose; Ten x Rose
Written for @doctorroseprompts and Eight x Rose August. Prompt: Dimension hopping!Rose meets Eight / What if Rose was with Eight or met Eight during the Time War? 50th Anniversary Re-Write/Fix-It
Read it on Tumblr: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9
An Elizabethan jailer pushed the three Doctors and Rose into a cell. “Come on, you lot, get in there.” When all four were in, he slammed the door closed.
The bowtied Doctor bent down and picked a small metal rod off the floor. He immediately set about scratching into a stone support. “Three of us in one cell? That's going to cause some nasty anomalies if we don't get out soon.”
The pinstriped Doctor’s gazed bounced from his older self to Rose and back again. He asked the other man somewhat curtly, “What are you doing?”
“Getting us out.”
“That’s gonna help?”
“I’m sending a message to a friend. She’ll know what to do with it.”
The wartime Doctor wandered over to the door and began examining it with his sonic.
Rose kicked at the ground while nervously stealing looks at her second Doctor. He had his hands in his pockets and was looking at her with desperate need while trying to appear not to.
The oldest Doctor momentarily stopped his scratching. “Oh, would you both just talk to each other.” He grumbled under his breath as he went back to his task. “Never thought I’d ever say it, but bloody Harkness was right.”
The Doctor and Rose looked at each other, surprised at being called out by one of his selves, before Rose broke out in giggles. The Doctor, not realizing how starved he’d been for the sound of her laughter, walked up and gave her an exuberant hug. He lifted her from her feet and spun her around, making her laugh harder. When he settled her back on the ground, he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. The Doctor had his face buried in her shoulder, breathing in her scent. Rose ran her hands in circles over his back.
“How...how are you here? You’re...I tried everything...I couldn’t...it’s impossible.”
“Back in Pete’s World, the stars were going out. An’ we built this, er, this travel machine. Called it, um, a dimension cannon...so that I, well, so I could…”
The Doctor pulled back enough so that he could see her face while gently asking, “What?”
“So I could come back.” The Doctor grinned brilliantly. “Shut up. Anyway, it didn’t work at first, but then suddenly the Void was dying and the walls between dimensions started to collapse. An’ that’s when it began to work. It was completely random, where I’d land. So many different dimensions. I stumbled across parallel versions of just about everyone I know. But never myself or you. Well, except in this one pocket universe, were you...”
“Pocket universe?”
She took a deep breath and plastered on a smile. “Nevermind. ‘S not important right now. Anyway, it was Mickey who thought of using my TARDIS key to lock us on to the right dimension. Had a couple of near misses after that, showin’ up jus’ after you’d left an’ the like, before finally runnin’ into you.” Rose pointed at the youngest of the Doctors. “That you.”
“Why didn’t you have him bring you to me?” His voice held a little bit of hurt, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
Rose ran her thumb up and down his sideburns. “He needed me.”
His hand covered hers as he leaned into her palm, his eyes fluttering shut. “I need you.”
“Doctor, you know what he’s goin’ through, I couldn’t leave him. But I’m coming back to you...before you know it. I still need help with the stars goin’ out, an’ then I have a promise to keep. Forever, yeah?”
For one shining moment, the Doctor put aside his fears of their disparate lifespans, and allowed the idea of forever with Rose Tyler to wash over him. He closed his eyes and captured her lips in a desperate kiss.
They parted briefly. “Rose, I-” She crushed her mouth against his.
When she next gasped for breath, she assured him, “I know. Me too.” She dragged him back into their kiss.
Rose vaguely heard the other two Doctors arguing about the door and molecules and sub-atomic harmonic resonance, but she let their voices wash over her as she reacquainted herself with the Doctor in her arms.
Rose was brought back to reality by the need to breathe. The Doctor’s grip around her waist had gotten tighter and tighter the longer she stood in his arms. “Too tight.”
“Oh! Sorry!” He loosened his hold but kept his arms encircling her.
The pinging of the metal rod hitting the floor and the oldest Doctor arguing with his youngest self drew their attention.
“Oi! Chinny?”
The Doctor holding Rose nodded. “Yeah, you do have a bit of a chin.”
Before the eldest Doctor could let loose against his wartime self, Clara barged through the door nearly stumbling and clutching at the vortex manipulator around her wrist.
The eldest Doctor asked, “How’d you get in here?”
“It wasn't locked.”
He wrung his hands. “Right.”
Clara gestured at the other men in the room. “So they’re both you, then, yeah?”
She grinned wickedly at the Doctor who still had his arms wrapped around Rose’s waist. “Nice suit.”
He beamed at her and adjusted his tie. “Thanks.” Rose rolled her eyes, but slipped her hand into his with a smile.
“And Rose.” Clara waved that the other woman. “You were totally right about the way it makes his bum look.”
The Doctor preened at the compliment and waggled his eyebrows at Rose.
Rose looked between the Doctor and the young woman. “You...I’m sorry do we know each other?”
Clara shot a panicked look at her Doctor, whose own eyes had gone wide. He shook his head as discreetly as possible. Clara plastered a big smile on her face. “Oh, uh, no. Just, er, you know. He’s the Doctor. You’re...blonde. Must be Rose. And I am gonna stop talking now.”
“Right and you know my thoughts on his arse in these trousers how?”
Clara swallowed hard. “Erm, lucky guess?”
Rose narrowed her eyes at the oldest Doctor. He tapped the end of his nose and winked at her. Rose nodded and let it drop.
Clara spun around and looked back at her Doctor. “Hang on. Three of you and one Rose in the cell, and none of you thought to try the door?”
Rose blushed.
The wartime Doctor tapped his chin. “It should have been locked.”
The oldest Doctor agreed. “Yes. Exactly. Why wasn't it locked?”
Queen Elizabeth, at that moment, pushed the door open and entered the holding cell. “Because I was fascinated to see what you would do upon escaping. I understand you're rather fond of this world. It's time I think you saw what's going to happen to it.”
The sight of an alien planet headed straight for Earth caused massive panic both on the streets and in the Naismith Mansion.
A technician was banging on the door of a locked, glass booth. “Help me, please. Somebody, please.”
Wilf slipped unobserved through the doors amid the chaos and into the room. He made his way over to the glass booth. “All right! I've got you, mate. I've got you.” Wilf went into the the open half of the booth and closed his door which unlocked the technician’s side. “Come on. Go on.” The man ran without a backward glance, leaving Wilfred trapped on his own.
Queen Elizabeth escorted the Doctors, Rose, and Clara to the Zygon lair hidden in the dungeons. “The Zygons lost their own world. It burnt in the first days of the Time War…” The wartime Doctor’s steps faltered. Rose slipped her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder. “...A new home is required.”
The Doctor quietly murmured to Rose, “Will the effects of this war never be behind us?”
She lifted her head and kissed him softly. “They survived, that’s something.”
Clara surveyed the activity of the Zygons from entrance at the top of the chamber. “So they want this one?”
“Not yet. It's far too primitive. Zygons are used to a certain level of comfort.”
Clara leaned over to her Doctor and whispered, “Kate turned into one of these creatures right before I came here and found you.”
The Doctor put his fingers to his lips, and glanced around the room, eyes catching sight of a glass cube.
A Zygon walked up to the Queen and asked, “Commander, why are these creatures here?”
“Because I say they should be. It is time you too were translated. Observe this. I believe you will find it fascinating.”
The Zygon marched over to the the glass cube and placed his hand on top of it. He vanished in a glow of blue light, just as a figure appeared one of the 3D landscapes Clara and her Doctor had seen in the Under Gallery earlier.
Clara and Rose went up to the painting to inspect it more closely.
Rose turned to her husband. “That's him! That Zygon’s in the picture now.”
The wartime Doctor walked up beside the two women and reached for Rose’s hand. “It's not a picture, it's a stasis cube. Time Lord art. Frozen instants in time, bigger on the inside, but could be deployed as…”
The pinstriped Doctor walked up on the other side of Rose. “...Suspended animation. Oh, that's very good. The Zygons all pop inside the pictures, wait a few centuries till the planet's a bit more interesting, and then out they come.”
The oldest Doctor joined the group and stood beside Clara. “You see, Clara, they're stored in the paintings in the Under Gallery, like cup-a-soups. Except you add time, if you can picture that. Nobody could picture that. Forget I said cup-a-soups.”
Rose smiled fondly at her future Doctor.
Clara turned back to him. “And now the world is worth conquering. So the Zygons are invading the future from the past.”
He smiled proudly at her deductions. “Exactly.”
The Doctor in pinstripes cocked his head and spun to face the Queen. “And do you know why I know that you're a fake? Because you're such a bad copy. It's not just the smell, or the unconvincing hair, or the atrocious teeth, or the eyes just a bit too close together, or the breath that could stun a horse. It's because Elizabeth, the real Elizabeth, would never be stupid enough to reveal her own plan. Honestly, why would you do that?”
“Because it's not my plan. And I am the real Elizabeth.”
“Okay. So...backtracking a moment just to lend context to my earlier remarks…”
“My twin is dead in the forest. I am accustomed to taking precautions.” The Queen raised the hem of her skirt and removed a dagger from its sheath tucked into her garter. The Doctor took a discreet step back from the blade. “These Zygon creatures never even considered that it was me who survived rather than their own commander. The arrogance that typifies their kind.”
Rose asked, “Zygons?”
The two women shared a knowing grin.
Clara leaned forward in interest. “And you actually killed one of them?”
“I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but at the time, so did the Zygon. The future of my kingdom is imperilled. Doctor, can I rely on your service?” She turned to the pinstriped Doctor.
“Well, I'm going to need my TARDIS.”
“It has been procured already.”
“Ah. Well...”
Rose stepped forward. “If there is anything I know about the Doctor, it’s that he will always defend the Earth against its enemies.”
“She’s right, this is like a second home to me and I pledge to keep your kingdom safe, my Queen.”
“Excellent. Now, my love, you have another promise to keep.”
Rose crossed her arms over her chest and raised a brow the pinstriped Doctor. “‘My love?’”
The Doctor with great hair and a big gob stood gaping like a fish, unable to find the words for an explanation.
Rose narrowed her eyes. “Wha’ kind of promise did ya make?”
The bowtied Doctor swung his arm across Rose’s shoulder. “Your Majesty, about that. He’s actually already married.”
The pinstriped Doctor’s eyes widened in shock. “What?”
His older self glared meaningfully.
“Oh! Right, yeah, sorry, so sorry about that. Misunderstanding...thought I was proposing to a Zygon.”
The Queen turned to him in fury. “Doctor!”
The Doctor raised his hands. “Don’t worry, I won’t let it affect my solemn vow to your kingdom. I’m still your man for that.” He ran toward his TARDIS and yelled over his shoulder, “In fact, I’ll just go take care that now shall I? No time like the present...or the future as it is may be.”
He opened the door and hurried inside. The others smiled nervously at the Queen as they backed toward the TARDIS.
“Right, we should really be helping with that. Ta.”
They followed behind the other Doctor and entered the TARDIS. The oldest Doctor popped his head out surprising the queen. “You might want to write him a letter just to remind him of his promise. Erm, just a thought. He seems a bit scatty.”
When he re-entered the TARDIS, the wartime Doctor was contemplating the console room. “You've let this place go a bit.”
“Ah, it's his grunge phase. He grows out of it.”
Rose leaned against a coral strut and cooed, “Don't you listen to them, darling. You’re gorgeous.” All three Doctors looked at her with the same mix of pride and amusement.
An alarm blared and the pinstriped Doctor at the controls got a shock. “Ow!” The console room flared and the grating was replaced by metal plating and stone. The walls shone with light coming from deep set roundels. “The desktop is glitching.”
The youngest Doctor took in the changing console room. “Three of us from different time zones. It's trying to compensate.”
“Hey, look. The round things.”
“I love the round things.”
“What are the round things?”
The pinstriped Doctor shook his head. “No idea.”
“Oh dear, the friction contrafibulator.” The bowtied Doctor reached over and flipped a switch which completely replaced the mixed era decor with his own console room. “Ha! There, stabilised.”
The pinstriped Doctor regarded it in awe. “Oh, you've redecorated.” He face dropped into a pout. “I don't like it.”
“Oh. Oh yeah? Oh, you never do. Listen, we're going to the National Gallery. The Zygons are underneath it.”
Clara snapped her fingers. “No, U.N.I.T. HQ. They followed us there to the Black Archive.” The three men all turned to her with identical glowers. “Okay, so you've heard of that, then?”
Inside the Black Archive, Kate Stewart and her team arrived to find a set of Zygons cloned in their images. Kate walked over to a conference table and sat down. The Zygon clone of Kate took the seat across from her. “You'll realise there are protocols protecting this place. Osgood?”
“In the event of any alien incursion, the contents of this room are deemed so dangerous, it will self-destruct in-”
“Five minutes.” Kate lifted a remote and set the timer. Each second counted down with a beep. “There's a nuclear warhead twenty feet beneath us. Are you sitting comfortably?”
“You would destroy London?”
“To save the world, yes, I would.”
“You're bluffing.”
“You really think so? Somewhere in your memory is a man called Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. I am his daughter.”
“One word from you would cancel the countdown.”
“Quite so.”
“It's keyed to your voiceprint.”
Kate nodded. “And mine alone.”
The Zygon Kate smiled and yelled over her shoulder. “Cancel the detonation!”
The timer stopped at 2:50.
“Cancel the detonation!”
“We only have to agree to live.”
“Sadly, we can only agree to die.”
The pinstriped Doctor was fighting against the controls. “I’m trying to bring the TARDIS in. Why can't we land?”
“The Tower of London is totally TARDIS-proofed.” The two older Doctors gaped at Clara. She shrugged. “That’s what the Zygon Kate told me earlier.”
Rose questioned, “How can they do that?”
“Alien technology plus human stupidity. Trust me, it's unbeatable.”
Both women exclaimed, “Oi!”
The wartime Doctor blurted, “We don't need to land.”
“Yeah, we do. A tiny bit. Try and keep up.”
“No, we don't. We don't. There’s another way.” He glanced at Rose.
With a nod, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the Eye of Discord. She held it in her hands and focused inward.
The pinstriped Doctor’s eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. “Rose, is that…? What are you doing with...?”
The wartime Doctor moved to stop his older self from pulling the device from Rose’s hands. “Leave her. She knows what she’s doing.”
Rose’s eyes flashed gold and a swirling pathway opened from the TARDIS to the Black Archive. She gave the others a manic smile before jumping through the newest time fissure.
The group of five appeared in the Black Archive to a very surprised set of U.N.I.T. employees in duplicate.
The youngest Doctor greeted, “Hello.”
“I'm the Doctor,” added the pinstriped Doctor.
“Sorry to just pop in.”
Clara shook her head at the trio. “Also the showing off.”
The oldest Doctor shook his outward calm off and stormed over to one of the Kates. “Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, what in the name of sanity are you doing? Please tell me you’re not about to do something unbelievably stupid.”
The other Kate replied, “The countdown can only be halted at my personal command. There's nothing you can do. I’m sorry.”
The Doctor in pinstripes attempted to get her to see reason. “Not as sorry as you will be. This is not a decision you will ever be able to live with.”
The bowtied Doctor promised, “I’ll make you both agree to halt it.”
She scoffed. “Not even the three of you.”
The Doctor freshly from the war shook his head. “You're about to murder millions of people.”
Rose walked over to the youngest version of her husband and took his hand.
“To save billions. How many times have you made that calculation?” She looked each of the incarnations in the eye.
The oldest Doctor glanced at Rose and his other self. “Once. Turned me into the man I am now.”
The pinstriped Doctor sighed. “You tell yourself it's justified, but it's a lie so you can sleep at night. Because what I did that day was...it will never feel right.”
The youngest Doctor closed his eyes against the love and understanding in Rose’s.
The oldest Doctor turned back to Kate. “And, because I got it wrong, I'm going to make you get it right.”
The middle Doctor glanced at the countdown clock. “Any second now, you're going to stop that countdown. Both of you, together.”
“Then you're going to negotiate the most perfect treaty of all time.”
“Safeguards all round, completely fair on both sides.”
“And the key to perfect negotiation?” The Doctor queried his previous self.
“Not knowing what side you're on.”
“So, for the next few hours, until we decide to let you out…”
“...No one in this room will be able to remember if they're human…”
“...Or Zygon.”
The oldest Doctor jumped on the conference table and pointed his sonic upward. He nodded to the two other Doctors, who both raised their sonics. They activated a memory filter in the ceiling causing both the humans and Zygon clones to blink and shake their heads in confusion.
The two Kates glanced at the countdown clock and as it dropped under 0:07, together they yelled, “Cancel the detonation!”
As the countdown stopped at 0:05, the Doctor fiddled with his bowtie and smiled at Clara. “Peace in our time.”
The two Kates retook their seats at the conference table and began negotiations.
The Doctor remained on his knees breathing heavily. The Master looked in confusion at his oldest friend and bitterest enemy. “But this is fantastic, isn't it? The Time Lords restored.”
“You weren't there in the final days of the War. You never saw what was born. But if the Time Lock's broken, then everything's coming through. Not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-Have-Been King with his army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres. The War turned into hell. And that's what you've opened, right above the Earth. Hell is descending.”
The Master’s eyes lit with glee. “My kind of world.”
“Just listen! Because even the Time Lords can't survive that.”
“We will initiate the Final Sanction. The end of time will come at my hand. The rupture will continue until it rips the Time Vortex apart.”
The Master was incredulous. “That's suicide.”
“We will ascend to become creatures of consciousness alone. Free of these bodies, free of time, and cause and effect, while creation itself ceases to be.”
The Doctor pleaded with the Master. “You see now? That's what they were planning in the final days of the War. I had to stop them.”
The Master stepped forward, arms spread wide. “Then, take me with you, Lord President. Let me ascend into glory.”
“You are diseased, albeit a disease of our own making. No more.” Rassilon raised his gauntlet covered hand toward the Master and slowly opened his fist. The Doctor pushed himself to his feet and stepped between the two. He aimed the revolver he still held at Rassilon.
“Choose your enemy well. We are many. The Master is but one.”
From behind, the Doctor heard the Master cajole, “But he's the President. Kill him, and Gallifrey could be yours.”
The Doctor spun around to point the revolver at the Master.
“He's to blame, not me! Oh...the link is inside my head. Kill me, the link gets broken, they go back. You never would, you coward. Go on then. Do it.”
The Doctor flipped around to point the gun at Rassilon.
The Master egged the Doctor on, “Exactly. It's not just me, it's him. He's the link. Kill him!”
Rose slipped through the door without any notice as the Lord President addressed the Doctor. “The final act of your life is murder. But which one of us?”
Behind Rassilon, one of the dissenters lowered her hands and caught Rose’s eye. Rose fought back tears as she met the gaze of her mother-in-law for the first time in years - and likely, the last.
The older woman inclined her head, just barely perceptible. And Rose, after taking a bracing breath, did the same and mouthed, “Goodbye.” The corners of the older woman’s lips twitched upward.
The Doctor’s mother moved her eyes to her son. He stood frozen, unable to even pull air into his lungs. She too remained unmoving, though he noticed her eyes flicker to a place over his shoulder. His mind raced as it recalled the layout of the space. His eyes flared for a moment and he turned once again back to the Master.
The Master closed his eyes waiting for the inevitable.
“Get out of the way.”
The Master’s eyes popped open. He jumped out of the way just before the Doctor fired at the apparatus holding the White Point Star. A flare of light heralded a gale that blew through the area. The Doctor dropped the arm holding the pistol as the Time Lords fought against the winds pushing them back into the Time Lock.
“The link is broken. Back into the Time War, Rassilon. Back into hell.”
The Visionary looked up from her scribing and chanted to the heavens, “Gallifrey falling! Gallifrey falls! The Wolf rises! The Age of the Wolf begins!”
Rassilon screamed, spittle flying from his mouth, “You'll die with me, Doctor.”
“I know.” The Doctor’s head dropped.
Rassilon took aim at the Doctor with his gauntlet. The Doctor’s mother lowered her eyes as a tear fell and she re-covered her face. Rose was about to make her move, when the Master clambered to his feet and yelled, “Get out of the way!”
The Doctor jumped back as the Master sent an energy blast at Rassilon using up his unstable life force. He raged at the Time Lords, “You did this to me! All of my life! You made me! One! Two! Three! Four!”
The Doctor and Rose stood transfixed, watching as the Master hit the Lord President over and over with energy bursts until he collapsed to his knees. The Master stepped closer and closer, energy pouring from him unrelentingly. It intensified until, in a brilliant eruption of light, all Time Lords, save the Doctor, disappeared from Earth.
The Doctor stumbled to the window and noticed Gallifrey gone from the sky and people celebrating in the streets. He backed up and leaned against the wall, feeling every painful twinge of his battered body. “I'm alive. I've…there was...I'm still alive.”
Rose ran up to him and, although she wanted to throw herself into his arms, she feared hurting him. He crushed her into a hug, not caring.
Clara walked over to the photo board containing pictures of the Doctor’s known companions. She played with the push pin stuck into a black and white photo of a teenage girl with a pixie cut. She glanced to the corner of the room and noticed the wartime Doctor sitting alone, staring into a steaming cup of tea.
She strolled over and perched on the arm of his chair. “Hello.”
“I'm Clara. We haven't properly met yet.”
“I look forward to it.” The Doctor took a sip of his tea while Clara sat quietly studying him. “Is there a problem?”
“No, I just noticed you here all alone.”
The Doctor let his eyes drift over to where Rose was laughing and joking with the other Doctors. She met his gaze and her smile widened.
The Doctor sighed. “The way they both look at me. I'm trying to think of a better word than dread.”
“It must be really recent for you.”
“The Time War. The last day. The day you…”
“The day I had to kill them all?”
“The Doctor, my Doctor, he never wants to talk about the day he did it. The day he wiped out the Time Lords to stop the war.”
“I don’t imagine one would.”
Clara scrutinized the Doctor’s face and appeared to be making a decision. “You wouldn't...Because you haven't done it yet. It's still in your future.”
“You're very sure of yourself.”
“He regrets it. I see it in his eyes every day. He'd do anything to change it.”
The Doctor gestured over to the negotiating table. “Including saving all these people? How many worlds has his regret saved, do you think? Look over there. Humans and Zygons working together for peace.”
Rose appeared and sat on the Doctor’s lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist.
The Doctor considered Clara. “How did you know?”
Rose watched as Clara struggled with how to answer the Doctor’s question.
Finally, she sighed. “Your eyes. They...they’re haunted, but not filled with the same self loathing that I sometimes see in him.” She gestured to her Doctor.
“Is he...does he...do I-”
Clara leaned over and touched his knee. “I don’t think you’ve ever really gotten over it, but you always say that Rose made you better.”
He said low enough for Rose’s ears only, “I've seen all I need to.”
“I know.” Rose smiled gratefully at Clara, before kissing the Doctor’s crown.
Clara turned to her Doctor and called out, “I’ll be right there, I’m just talking to-” She turned back to the cuddling couple to find them gone. She glanced left and right, but they’d vanished. “Doctors!”
Rose and the Doctor found themselves back where they started - in the Doctor’s childhood barn. Rose was holding the Eye of Discord in her hands, and sticking straight out of the top was a shaft tipped with a bright red ruby. It was reminiscent of a long stemmed rose. He quirked his brow at her.
“You wanted a big red button.” Her hands started to shake. “One big bang, no more Time Lords. No more Daleks. Are you sure?”
“I was sure when we left, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It’s just there’s no other way to save at least a portion of the universe...all those worlds, their people. The Zygons...when I first heard they’d lost their homeworld. I...I thought maybe it was a sign that the universe was better off dead. All the suffering that’s already been caused. That can never be erased. But to see them and the humans working together...together, Rose! I realized that the universe can, no, does survive.”
“In no small part due to you.”
The Doctor placed his hand just above the button. He closed his eyes.
Rose tilted her head as if she was listening to something only she could hear. “You know the sound the TARDIS makes?” The Doctor opened his eyes and turned his attention to Rose whose eyes had just began to take on a low glow. “That wheezing, groaning? That sound brings hope wherever it goes.”
The Doctor released a long held breath. “Yes. Yes, I like to think it does.”
“To anyone who hears it, Doctor. Anyone…” A slight breeze began to blow around them, the unmistakable sound of the TARDIS filling the space. Rose smiled. “...even you.”
Two TARDISes materialize at the far end of the barn. The pinstriped Doctor exited one, Clara and the bowtied Doctor the other.
Clara appeared relieved to find Rose and the younger Doctor. “I told you. He hasn't done it yet.”
“Go away now, all of you. This is for me to do.”
The pinstriped Doctor eyed his next self. “These events should be time-locked. We shouldn't even be able to get here.”
“So something let us through.” The bowtied Doctor eyed Rose.
Her eyes flashed gold. “My clever boys.”
“Oh!” The pinstriped Doctor bent over and grabbed his head, it was as if a jolt had gone through his body. His eyes fell on Rose in shock. “The Moment. You...my...you’re the Moment? My Lady Moment. Bad Wolf! And we’re...” His jaw dropped open.
The bowtied Doctor reacted a little less dramatically with a simple cringe as the memory unfurled in his mind.
“Go back. Go back to your lives. Go and be the Doctor that I could never be. Make it worthwhile.”
“All those years, burying you in my memory, and it wasn’t even a real memory. You made me forget Rose completely!”
“What would you have me do? She insisted on staying, before we had ever even met her. I can’t forget the whole bloody war, no matter how appealing the thought. We came up with the idea of creating a false memory based on an alternate timeline and to bury it at the bottom of all the memories that you’d never want to remember anyway.” He mumbled to himself, “Glad to know it works.”
“I pretended that the Doctor...you...didn't exist during the Time War. Keeping you a secret, even from myself. A false Doctor...”
“Thinking you weren't the Doctor, when you were the Doctor more than anybody else.”
“You were the Doctor on the day it wasn't possible to get it right.”
“But this time…”
“You don't have to do it alone.”
The two older Doctors placed their hands, one on top of the other, hovering over the sparkling red ruby.
The younger Doctor looked at his two successors with gratitude. “Thank you.”
“What we do today is not out of fear or hatred. It is done because there is no other way.”
“And it is done in the name of the many lives we are failing to save.” The oldest Doctor caught sight of Clara whose eyes were full of tears. “What? What is it? What?”
She shook her head. “Nothing.”
“No, it's something. Tell me.”
“When you told me you wiped out your own people. I just...I never pictured this you doing it, that's all.”
“If you like, you can wait for me in the TARDIS.”
“‘Cos there isn't anything we can do.”
“He's right. There isn't another way. There never was. Either I destroy my own people or let the universe burn. And if I have to be the one to make the decision, then the very least I can do is support myself in it.”
Clara wiped her tears. “If Rose can stay here for you then so can I. That’s what friends do. Support each other even when it’s hard.”
“Rose, you don’t have to stay here for this. Neither one of you does.”
Rose’s lips tightened with anger. “You should know better by now, Doctor, sendin’ me away is never gonna happen.”
The younger Doctor blurted out, “She can’t leave.”
The two older Doctors boggled at the younger Doctor. “What?”
“Bad Wolf. The Moment. She’s the interface of the Galaxy Eater. We need her to make it work.”
The two older Doctors stared at her in dawning horror. “What?”
“This...Roppen...it was always meant for us. It’s conscience is Rose.”
“Rose, I...”
“This is wrong. You shouldn’t-”
“Me here. Does it change the way you feel about me? Ruin me in your eyes?”
“No!” “Of course not!” The two older Doctors yelled simultaneously.
“Then why would you think this would ever change how I feel about you?”
Both men had their mouths open, clearly surprised, and unsure how to answer.
“I love you. You.” She glanced at all three versions of the man she loved. “No matter the face, no matter the fears, no matter what you’ve done in the past, present, or future...I will love you. Forever.”
Rose’s pinstriped Doctor was the first to act. He leaned forward and captured her lips in a fervent kiss.
She pulled back and the bowtied Doctor kissed her on the forehead. She looked at him in confusion. He shrugged. “I...you don’t really know me yet. I didn’t want you to feel-” She stopped his ramble with a quick kiss on his mouth.
“I always know you. My Doctor.”
He blushed and she faced the man she had married. The man she’d shared a lifetime with.
“Thank you.”
“Me? I should be thanking you. You’re the one who saved me...over and over. In so many ways.”
“You let me. You let me into your life and shared it with me. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. Better with two remember.”
“How could I not? You had me at, ‘Run.’”
She smiled her tongue touched grin, eyes sparkling mischievously. “Guess we’re even then.”
The bowtied Doctor injected, “Spoilers.”
The younger Doctor addressed his eldest self. “Take care of her...afterwards. Make sure she gets to where she needs to go, since…” He swallowed thickly. “...I most likely won’t be able to fulfil that promise to her.”
Rose cried, “Doctor, don’t say that!”
“Rose, we both know where today leads. I’ve been wearing a bit thin for years. The Time Lock around Gallifrey is the only thing that’s staved off my regeneration as it is. When it breaks… Please...just know that I love you and will for the rest of my lives.” He gestured to his elder selves. “Not that I doubted it, but it’s still nice to know I’m right.”
Her smile wobbled. “Git.”
He closed his eyes, he never could stand to see her crying, and pressed his lips to hers. For a moment he simply savored the feeling of her soft lips caressing his, remembering each little instance of domesticity he’d shared with this woman. How could he ever want such a life if it wasn’t with her? It filled his hearts with hope for his future and gave him the courage to do what was needed at present. The thought ran through his head that if this was his last chance to snog Rose Tyler with these lips, he was going to make it count. He deepened the kiss until his wife moaned her need.
A subtle throat clearing had the two breaking apart, eyes unfocused, breathing stilted. Rose’s slight blush had the Doctor grinning widely.
He clapped his hands. “Right, er, where were we?”
The bowtied Doctor stepped forward. “You asked me to take Rose where she needs to go next, and on that account you have nothing to worry about. I may be remembering today as it happens, but if there is one thing burned in my memory, it’s the day Rose came back.”
“Thank you.” The youngest Doctor wiped at his eyes. “Well, gentlemen, it has been an honor and a privilege.”
The pinstriped Doctor nodded. “Likewise.”
The eldest Doctor saluted his youngest self. “Doctor.”
The three men placed their fingers around the edge of the ruby red button of the Eye of Discord. The youngest of them raised his eyes and met those of his wife. “I’m sorry.”
He pressed down and the world around them burned.
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/sagittarius-full-moon-revelations-are-galactic/
Sagittarius Full Moon ~ Revelations Are Galactic
Sagittarius Full Moon ~ Revelations Are Galactic
By Marcia Sisterstar
Hello, Beautiful,
Take a deep breath. Put your bare feet on the ground, pick up a crystal, or simply feel the pulsing breath of the Earth Mother, beneath every surface of your life. Then open yourself to cosmic source, with your breath, your prayers, your heart.  
That new way to see — through the magnetic eyes of the world dawn — that began at the new moon just two weeks ago is ripening. Tomorrow Luna is full in Sagittarius, and the revelations she’s bringing are reality-bending. 
Every month of your life, Luna makes exact alignment with the two most potent nodes of this Great Mystery we call the Universe. This month, those are the very degrees she’s chosen to connect with to create with and reveal the Mystery you’re made from.
Only the Moon conjoins that massive and irresistibly magnetic cosmic enigma halfway that we call the Great Attractor every single month. We don’t know what it is, but we do know that halfway through Sagittarius, somewhere between 150 and 250 million light years away, it’s pulling us towards it.  All the way across the Universe, it’s longing for the nearness of our beautiful planet, our dazzling solar system — and for you.
Luna attunes you to the Great Attractor’s call every month, translating its messages into the intelligence of your cells, your dreams, your intuition, and your emotional reality.  This month, though,  she did more. She stopped across the sky from the Great Attractor, partnering with its frequencies even as she made herself new in the dazzling light of our Sun.
Twenty-four hours after every one of those conjunctions, the moon then aligns with the equally mysterious power that holds our galaxy together. The supermassive transformational vortex we call the Galactic Center is so vast it takes up a quarter of the galaxy. While the galaxy’s center is that 25,000-light-years-wide black hole, it’s surrounded by ten million fresh-born stars, surrounding it like angels guarding a Mystery. 
Those ten million stars make this massively dark heart of the galaxy the brightest point of the Milky Way. You can see its splendor glittering in a dark sky with your own eyes — and you need to see it, as often as you can. Because you’re part of it, as it is of you.
Our Sun is always circling this majestic reality — a 230-million year ride joined by everything in our solar system.  And each month when Luna aligns with this spectacular part of the zodiac, you absorb its codes of fathomless creative transformation.
The magic these Deep Heart check-ins with the Great Mystery bring is usually quite subtle. Not this month. The relationship between the Moon and the Mystery is so potent this month that it’s a portal of cosmic consciousness. We’ll be decoding the revelations live-streaming from this full moon into our intuitive awareness, our emotional intelligence, and the space on which our atoms float for months, years — and perhaps lifetimes. 
Because tomorrow, Luna will be full when she aligns with the Galactic Center. As the Sun floods her with starlight, she’ll be bathed in a stream of energy — which is information — from that supermassive black hole and the 10 million stars that surround it. Right into the house of your own birth chart where the last four degrees of Sagittarius are located.
And that’s not even all of it. This full moon is conjunct Jupiter, our solar system’s largest planet and our Sagittarius whisperer, who magnifies everything he touches. Just hours before Luna takes her spot exactly across the sky from the Sun, and is flooded in star light, the Large One will make the second of his three 2019 squares to the planet Neptune. Each one is opening your field to as wide and deep a connection with the Oneness as you can hold. Not once. Three times, each going deeper and bigger than the one before. 
These two planets share a mystic mission. As the co-rulers of Pisces, the zodiac’s last and most mystical sign, they are our agents of inspiration and faith, creativity and blessing.  And like everything else in our universe — including you — their relationship is dynamically evolving. 
The squares between them are turning points that tell us we’ve reached an inspiration crisis. There’s dead skin to be shed. Something’s grown stale about your faith. While it may have been a radiant and luminous guide you through your past, it’s way too small, and not nearly inspiring enough, for what lies ahead.
This square between Jupiter and Neptune is long and slow. These giants of the spirit are taking their time. Though their three exact squares happen in May, June, and September, from December 2018 through the middle of November 2019 — almost an entire year — they’re within the orb considered to be a square. As they dissolve old patterns to create a bigger space and we discover where our faith was illusory, a wide and sometimes wild range of emotions can emerge. In days or even hours we can swing from deep despair to exaltation.
That’s likely to intensify over the coming months. Because it’s not just our lives and our world that are in metamorphosis. Our relationship with the Cosmos is shapeshifting too.
And the intensity is accelerating. As we approach the great gate of the Solstice this week, we’ll be greeted by a series of close encounters with power and limitation. Mars, our drive and motivation, and the Messenger, our perception, are confronting the realities of power and limitation. It’s time to see the gap between the past and the possible — within us and around us — and prepare our lives to be the spaces where that gap can close.
Make no mistake. The days, weeks, and months ahead can be the most challenging — and the most empowering and transformative — time of your life and of mine. The powerful energy turning our world turbulent is there for you to use.
Neptune and Jupiter are creating the space for more inspiration and creativity than you’ve ever experienced — as much as you can integrate. The limit is not around you — it’s within you. And it’s expandable. Not because of what you’ve done before, or what you haven’t. Not because you’re old enough, or young enough. Not because of problems or failures you do or don’t have.  Because you are alive, a cosmic human being who’s connected to the entire universe.
Saturn and Pluto are pushing you to the limits of your ability to manifest power so that you can go beyond those limits — and they’re just getting warmed up. This week, as Mercury and Mars stand off with these two heavy hitters, all you need to use your own will as a mighty, magical blade is a goal as big , and an intention as deep, as the energy swirling around you – and the patience and discipline to back them up.  And as always when Saturn is in the house, what seems like failure is a good sign, not a bad one. Like any good coach, Saturn pushes you to the point of failure. That’s where the growth happens. 
As the great Solstice gate swings open on Friday, Mars will be moving into a square not only with Saturn and Pluto, but with that fierce, reality-changing truth-teller we call Eris. This field is only growing hotter, and more willful as we move through the Solstice. Power is on the table. Are you ready? 
You can take the aggressive slams into your boundaries, like the action that leads to delays and stalls, as signals that it’s time to stand more firmly with your own intention and will — and instead of being reactive, to temper your actions with patience. 
What’s waiting on the other side of the full moon portal is an eclipse field — our first total eclipse in almost two years, bringing a reset in our relationship with the Mother of the Universe, and an invitation to dedicate ourselves to nurturing what’s new and tender, creative and vulnerable in ourselves and in this world. This time Venus will be across the sky from the Galactic Center, going reality-bending with the power of your love. Saturn will be still be conjunct the Moon’s South Node, as he is now, flushing outworn realities out the cosmic trap door and retrieving long-lost ones. You’ll be poised for breakthrough, with both Mercury and Mars squaring Uranus.
All the energy, strength, and protection you need is in your heart and its connection ot the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. Every one who signs up for a reading in June and July will receive a set of two guided meditations (Be the Cosmic Bridge, Be an Energy Transformer) and my Become a Cosmic Collaborator Cheat Sheet to support maximum growth and empowerment in the days, weeks, and months ahead. They’re also available as a package for $47. Just email me if you’re interested.
May you be blessed beyond measure as you move through the extraordinary times ahead. They’re the times we took birth for, and they’re here.  I’m so glad you’re part of them.  
With all the love, and star blessings,
Marcia (aka Star Sister)
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biointernet · 5 years ago
Hourglass/Torus shape
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Time, among all concepts in the world of physics, puts up the greatest resistance to being dethroned from ideal continuum to the world of the discrete, of information, of bits.... Of all obstacles to a thoroughly penetrating account of existence, none looms up more dismayingly than 'time.' Explain time? Not without explaining existence. Explain existence? Not without explaining time. To uncover the deep and hidden connection between time and existence ... is a task for the future. JOHN ARCHIBALD WHEELER, 1986
Hourglass/Torus shape
In geometry, a Torus is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not touch the circle, the surface has a ring shape and is called a torus of revolution. More on Wiki. Hourglass - Torus shape Three-torus model of the universe The three-torus model is a cosmological model proposed in 1984 by Alexi Starobinski and Yakov B. Zeldovich at the Landau Institute in Moscow. The theory describes the shape of the universe (topology) as a three-dimensional torus. It is also informally known as the doughnut theory. A torus consists of a central axis with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field. Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the other vortex, and then wraps around itself to return to the first incoming vortex. The simplest description of its overall form is that of a donut, though it takes many different shapes, depending upon the medium in which it exists. For example, a smoke ring in air or a bubble ring in water are both very donut shaped. And yet an apple or an orange, which are both torus forms, are more overtly spherical.
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Hourglass - Torus form Plants and trees all display the same energy flow process, yet exhibit a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Hurricanes, tornadoes, magnetic fields around planets and stars, and whole galaxies themselves are all toroidal energy systems. Extending this observation of the consistent presence of this flow form into the quantum realm, we can postulate that atomic structures and systems are also made of the same dynamic form. Torus is synonymous with electromagnetic field, Light body, Merkaba, Wei Qi field, energy bubble, or aura that makes oneness with God possible. Space and time are the framework within which the mind is constrained to construct its experience of reality. Immanuel Kant Philosophy of space and time is the branch of philosophy concerned with the issues surrounding the ontology, epistemology, and character of space and time. While such ideas have been central to philosophy from its inception, the philosophy of space and time was both an inspiration for and a central aspect of early analytic philosophy. DADA Time today
You are infinite Consciousness
A Torus energy field
Time symbolism
What is the symbol of time? 
Symbol of Time is The Hourglass
Time symbolism – What is the symbol of time? My Hourglass Collection – Time and Hourglass History and Symbolism. Welcome to MHC Virtual Museum! See also Time Philosophy and The Full History of Time https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/hourglass-torus-form/ The features of healthy living systems that Sahtouris identified are: 1. Self-creation (autopoiesis) 2. Complexity (diversity of parts) 3. Embeddedness in larger holons and dependence on them (holarchy) 4. Self-reflexivity (autognosis/self-knowledge) 5. Self-regulation/maintenance (autonomics) 6. Response-ability to internal and external stress or other change 7. Input/output exchange of matter/energy/information with other holons 8. Transformation of matter/energy/information 9. Empowerment/employment of all component parts 10. Communications among all parts 11. Coordination of parts and functions 12. Balance of Interests negotiated among parts, whole, and embedding holarchy 13. Reciprocity of parts in mutual contribution and assistance 14. Efficiency balanced by Resilience 15. Conservation of what works well 16. Creative change of what does not work well More
Human Energy Field
The human energy field forms a torus around the central energy channel. The central channel runs from the perineum to the inner most top crown of the head, just in front of the spine. The circumference of the central channel matches the circumference of the circle that is created when the tip of the thumb touches the tip of the index finger on the same hand.
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Hourglass - Torus form Within the human being, each chakra, each acupuncture point, every energy center, is, in itself, a toroidal flow. It flows within itself, in both directions. Each atom, each cell, each organ, each organ system has its own toroidal field and energy flow, and each nests within the other, to create a larger, human torus. Human Energy Field (HEF) – conception about Energy Fields around Human Body. Esoteric name of HEF – Aura. The human torus connects to larger tori in the same way that the torus of a human cell or molecule connects to the larger human torus. It is part of the torus of the individual’s soul, and of the Earth, and these tori connect to the universal torus. All tori are connected to Source, which is all inclusive and all encompassing.
Hourglass/Torus shape
The shoulder is the outer waterfall, below Source and above the equator. The outer aspect is the outer most part of the field, just above and below the equator. The bowl is the lower outer aspect, between the equator and Source below. The intramatrix consists of all the layers and ‘filling’ between the central channel and the outer most aspect of the torus. The inside part of the torus. The term intermatrix applies to group fields or nested fields. It refers to the space between the individual tori of a larger toroidal system. More
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Hourglass - Torus shape
Torus equation
Definition Take a hollow cylinder (a tube), bend it to a ring, connect the two open ends and you get a torus: Another construction is to revolve a circle in three dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle (Wikipedia). The torus is in a standard, canonical position if the circle is perpendicular to the x/y-plane and is rotated about the z-axis. Implicit Equation The implicit equation of the canonical torus with inner radius r and revolving radius R is: ( R - √ x2 + y2 ) 2 + z2 = r2 (1) This formula is derived in the figures below. Parametric Equation Torus is a 2-dimensional surface and hence can be parametrized by 2 independent variables which are obviously the 2 angles: α = angle in the x/y-plane, around the z-axis, 0° ≤ α The vector c from the origin O to the inner center C of the torus is:c(α) = (R cos α, R sin α, 0)T (2) The vector d from the inner center C of the torus to the point A on the torus surface can be written as the sum of its orthogonal components:d = cos β c1 + sin β z1 (3a) c1 = (cos α, sin α, 0)T (3b) z1 = (0, 0, 1)T (3c) The vector a = (x, y, z)T from the origin to an arbitrary point A(x, y, z) on the torus surface is:a = c + d (4) By substituting (2) and (3) into (4) we get the parametric equations of the torus: x(α, β) = (R + r cos β) cos α (5a) y(α, β) = (R + r cos β) sin α (5b) x(α, β) = z(α, β) = r sin β (5c) The parameters α, β are usually denoted by u, v, respectively. More about Torus equation: https://www.nosco.ch/mathematics/en/torus.php, http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Torus.html
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Hourglass/Torus shape. Time-Space.
Hourglass/Torus shape
Three-torus model of the universe The "three-torus model of the universe", or informally "doughnut theory of the universe", is a proposed model describing the shape of the universe as a three-dimensional torus. The name comes from the shape of a doughnut, whose surface has the topology of a two-dimensional torus. Alexi Starobinski and Yakov B. Zeldovich proposed the model in 1984 from the Landau Institute in Moscow; however, the basis for his theory began much earlier than 1984. The foundation for any knowledge of the shape of the universe began in the mid-1960s with the discovery of cosmic microwave background by Bell Labs. Greater understanding of the universe's CMB provided greater understanding of the universe's topology; therefore, in a quest for cosmic understanding, NASA supported two explorer satellites, the Cosmic Background Explorer in 1989 and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe in 2001, which have gathered more information on CMB. Hourglass/Torus shape The Cosmic Background Explorer was an explorer satellite launched in 1989 by NASA that used a Far Infrared Absolute Spectrometer to measure the radiation of the universe. Led by researchers John C. Mather and George Smoot, COBE was able to obtain precise readings of radiation frequencies across the universe. With data on the universe’s radiation distribution, Mather and Smoot discovered small discrepancies in temperature fluctuation known as anisotropies throughout the universe. The finding of anisotropies led Mather and Smoot to conclude the universe consists of regions of varying densities. In the early stages of the universe, these denser regions of the cosmos were responsible for attracting the matter that ultimately became galaxies and solar systems. In “Microwave Background Anisotropy in a Toroidal Universe” by Daniel Stevens, Douglas Scott, and Joseph Silk of University of California Berkeley, the cosmologists proposed the isotropic universe suggests a complicated geometric structure. The researchers argued the density fluctuations reported by COBE proved “multiply connected universes are possible, the simplest is the three-dimensional torus.” Additionally, the journal concludes a torus shaped universe is compatible with COBE data if the diameter of the torus' tube is at least 80% greater than the torus’ horizontal diameter. Thus, COBE provided researchers with the first concrete evidence for a torus-shaped universe. COBE was eventually decommissioned by NASA on December 23, 1993. Hourglass/Torus shape Read the full article
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megabadbunny · 8 years ago
something of the wolf
in celebration of the original airdate of journey’s end; a bad wolf fix-it, of sorts.
There is something of the Wolf about Rose Tyler.
It’s a something that slithers into her brain every once in a while, quiet and sneaky and so subtle she could think she was imagining it. It whispers to her the birthdate of an Attryxian emperor in the year 850 local time, or nudges her away from a restaurant that will later be revealed to have an outbreak of food poisoning. She will suddenly remember all of the elements on the periodic chart—both Earth’s and some other planets’, as well—or she’ll be able to recite half of a long-lost German fairytale. (Only half, and only in Middle High German.) Rose will have a sudden flash-vision of something terrible, of screeching brakes and a splash of red splattered on the sidewalk, and before she knows it, she’s sprinting out into the road in 1923 London to save an old man from an oncoming automobile.
Sometimes, this something reminds her of the Vortex. How it tasted in the seconds before her memories deserted her, warm and metallic in her mouth. Bitter and salty, like blood. If she’s lucky, she’ll recall a strain of song, bright and fizzy in her ears. She would write it off as a side effect of traveling in the TARDIS, but she just knows it’s deeper than that. Because on other days, if she’s very, very unlucky, she hears Daleks screaming as a gold-shining human with the power of a god burns them alive.
She hears, but she doesn’t remember, not really. Doesn’t remember, doesn’t know
but sometimes
she dreams
and the TARDIS looks into her and she opens her eyes and she sees, she sees it all.
all that is
The universe is made of points of light and some of them shine brighter than others but almost none of them shine more brightly than the Doctor. She finds him as easy as breathing and saves him from himself even as She scatters pieces of Her soul through time and space to lead them both here.
She brings life.
(She wraps Her fingers around Jack’s heart—She is Jack’s heart—and it pulses to life again beneath Her touch, hot and pumping and iron-bitter and forever)
She brings death.
(The universe is full of dispersion forces and stable equilibrium and gravitational interaction but those are just words, pointless, meaningless, nothing but background noise in the face of creation, rules built only to be bent (broken); matter cannot be unmade but it can be undone and She ensures that the Daleks feel each and every attosecond in blinding, blistering detail)
all that was
She doesn’t know where She ends and the universe begins but She can smell-taste-feel the has-been’s and maybe was’s and used-to-be’s all around Her with every breath, with every endless intake of countless oxygen molecules that fill Her lungs and disperse into the ether just as slowly. She knows (feels, sees), in intimate detail, the life of each and every atom surrounding Her (within Her)—this one saw the dinosaurs, that one traveled galaxies, that one witnessed the Big Bang.
(She watches the Big Bang, holds the inception of all reality in the palm of one hand; it’s surprisingly warm and so, so small)
all that ever could be
(The universe is a root-system of timelines that unfurl and reach and stretch into eternity and She sees, She watches all of them; She sees the merging and splitting of cells that become a new life; She sees walls dissolving between worlds; She sees the spark of an idea smoldering in young Martha Jones’ mind as she realizes she was born to be a physician; She sees Donna Noble choose to turn left; She sees Amelia Pond and the crack in her bedroom wall; She sees Death and the Void and the End of all Things, something even She cannot hold back.
So instead She returns Her attention to the Doctor, who still shines so brightly before Her, and She follows his time like a walk along a river, Her feet leaving gentle impressions in the riverbank-silt of the universe. His time splinters into a thousand-thousand branches and She sees all of them, smells the color and tastes the infinite possibilities of each. She watches timelines where he lives to the end of the universe, others where he dies and slowly, all of reality erodes with him; She sees others still where he grows into something wicked and terrible, his time invading the fabric-stuff of reality like a cluster of veins and arteries that sink claw-roots and tendril-teeth into everything and everyone, pumping and pulsing and blood-red; She tastes something like a penny in her mouth.
(Terrible; terrifying; awesome; still She loves him. Another thing She couldn’t stop even if She wanted to.)
She watches the Doctor don a new face to cheat Death, again and again; he has run for so long and he is very, very tired. He has seen it all before, nothing new under the sun, except She sees something new even if he can’t: a Doctor with a new-old face and only one heart and it is full of Her. She senses the warmth of his hand, the fit of his fingers in the spaces between Hers, the thrum of his heartbeat beneath Her palm, the gentle brush of his lips against Her mouth. Something catches in Her throat until She thinks She might choke from it; She can feel-hear-taste Her name coursing through his veins, singing Her praises with every pump of his fragile human heart.
(He no longer tastes of forever. Instead he smells of temporary and vulnerable and reckless and he is so, so desperately in love, and with her of all people—not Her, but small, mortal, petty and human and flawed her)
“There’s a choice here,” he says softly (or maybe he thinks, or he dreams). “And it’s got to be yours.”
She doesn’t wonder what he’s talking about; instead She feels things shift into place, like a puzzle, a dance, a song she has always known the words to, if only she would listen. She lifts a finger and a hand becomes a sacrifice becomes a symbol becomes a man, someone capable of happiness, who won’t outrun it any more than he tries to keep outrunning Death. He’ll wait patiently, for both, with Her.
(She chooses him.)
Rose awakes with a start on the jumpseat. If the Doctor notices, he doesn’t say anything.
(He’s good at that. Not saying anything.)
Rose shakes her head, clearing cobwebs and lingering dream-traces away. It was just a dream, after all.
She settles back into the jumpseat and wills her pulse to slow. This isn’t like those other times, those other things, she tells herself: those are all half-recalled facts and stories and visions. They’re not made of smoke or metaphors or dream-stuff. They’re tangible and real. Besides, if these strange dreams are another side effect of her connection to the TARDIS—indeed, if the things are related at all—it’s a small price to pay for saving the Doctor’s life. It doesn’t mean anything; dreams never do. Already she can feel it slipping away, water through air, sand through her fingers.
(But her lips remember a kiss, her palm a single heartbeat, and she wonders.)
more fic
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yangkaizhang-blog · 5 years ago
WEEK 04 What is life?
The main idea expressed by the reading is “For Schrodinger: life is ‘order from disorder’”.Life in a mass environment is orderly at the same time.
My favorite sentence is “To visualize this nonequilibrium state, think of a vortex, for example,a whirlpool in a bathtub.Water continually flows through the vortex, yet its characteristic shape remains stable. Metaphorically, we can visualize a living organism as a whirlpool, that is, as a stable structure with matter and energy continually flowing through it.”I think this is a very vivid example of how living systems are open systems, they constantly absorb food and produce waste, and how a living system operates far from being in equilibrium, with matter constantly flowing through it, and the system remains in stable form.
What is life? This question has been around for so long that every thinker who looks at the planet and sees life almost everywhere seems to be puzzled rather than helped to understand what it means. What is the essential difference between a stone and a dog? As the book points out, life, even single-celled life, contains billions of atoms, but inanimate rocks also contain billions of atoms, so quantity is not necessary and sufficient. Life must be built on orderly, clutter is the result of the destruction of life, the order also include diversity, diversity of substances (elements) and the diversity of the order, for the human body, after the cells have no sense of freedom, but billions of cells of the brain but has a complex logical thinking ability, this is the result of the reflect the basis of a large number of order arrangement, KK described in "out of control" artificial intelligence when issuing the word "emergent", KK interpreted as "things found in the process of qualitative change, the key turning point." the formation of life must be a quantitative change to produce a qualitative change of the emerging process.
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madamlaydebug · 8 years ago
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Recoding To 12 Strand DNA Sequence And Entering Into The Photon Belt ★ Medical science has established that we have 2 strands of DNA and 10 strands of ‘junk’ DNA, but they have not understood the purpose of that ‘junk’” DNA. Recent information has revealed its higher purpose; supporting a multidimensional consciousness, our natural state. Realigning, reconnecting and activating our 10 strands of junk DNA (aka the DNA Recoding or RRA Process) is the process by which WE attain that state. When we are multidimensional, our physic abilities are reawakened and WE have developed a second neural network at the etheric level. This second neural network is what allows us to live in multiple dimensions at once. WE can hear, see and communicate with others in these dimensions. There are 9 levels in the DNA Recoding process and each required emotional clearing at the level that activates the thymus to change the coding sequence of our DNA. Recoding in this instance means switching on the 44 DNA codes that were previously switched off. You could liken it to remodeling your body at the cellular level while still living in it. The DNA Recoding process works at the etheric—some call it the light body—level. At this level your 10 strands of junk DNA along with your 2 connected strands are realigned above your crown. Because DNA is holographic, it can be simultaneously realigned, reconnected and activated. This means that your 10 junk DNA strands are simultaneously realigned at the top of your head (crown), reconnected into your 12 Crown Chakra crystals and reactivated so that life force energy flows through them again. Once your 12 DNA strands are plugged back into your 12 Crown Chakra Crystals, your Genetics Engineer’s and Recoding Guide’s jobs are nearly complete. They will continue to watch over you and monitor your 12-strand reconnection until you reach the frequency needed to fully activate the reconnection. The activation of the 12 strands happens in 3 steps: 1. Activation of the Crown Chakra Crystals. You will feel this as an itching at your Crown Chakra. Not the same as a dandruff itch. 2. Activation of the MerKaBa antenna. The MerKaBa antenna is used to receive messages from other dimensions. 3. Activation of the Hypothalamus. This is the Universal Translator and translates all messages into your chosen language. Messages are received as frequency thought-forms. Many are complete with emotions, pictures and language. Some have only one or two of these. The Hypothalamus also provides you with the identity of the sender. You will learn to identify the senders after receiving for a while. Once the hypothalamus is activated the RRA process is complete and your DNA chart is also completed. Proof is visual (aura photos), emotional (not holding negative emotions in the body), and physical (feeling more in control of your power and hearing messages daily). Because so many people will be requesting DNA Recoding, it has been designed as a self-actuated process. You’ll receive off-world assistance from a Genetics Engineer. These are normally beings from Sirius A. You will also be given a DNA Recoding Guide to see you through the process. Earth-based free assistance is provided via the Nibiruan Council Forum as Yahoo Groups. It’s a very active group where recoders go to get help in moving through the process. Our entire solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy, has now entered a highly charged portion of space. WE are immersed within the Photon Belt (Menasic Radiation), a period of intense light WE first entered in the late 1990s and in which WE will remain for a 2,000 year period. During this remarkable time the energies from the Photon Belt are triggering a complete reordering of life as WE know it. This occurs because photon light energy has the capacity to lift all of life into a higher frequency dimension as it carries the seeds for the enlightenment of all. The atomic structures within the cells of our bodies are slowly re-tuning themselves to match these rising frequencies. WE are shifting from a third dimensional carbon based body (from one that matches the atomic frequency and spin of carbon) to a fifth or higher dimensional crystalline body or light body (to one that matches the atomic frequency and spin of crystal). So too the bodies of animals, plant life and all upon and within the Earth are making this transition, as is our entire galaxy. As the process of rebuilding our light bodies continues we will slowly begin to notice the effects of becoming fully conscious or multidimensional. This state will come about when our 12 strands of DNA have finally been re-fused, reconnected and activated. WE will then experience life within the consciousness of multi- dimensionality. In this level of consciousness WE could live in the third dimension while retaining our connection and relationships with beings in the higher realms. WE will no longer be cut off from other dimensions as WE presently are and WE will operate from a state of heart centred compassion, (Christ Consciousness). This will happen regardless of which dimension WE find ourselves inhabiting. Eventually WE will learn how to live successfully in a galactic society and ultimately in a universal society. At the present time most humans have two active strands of DNA, represented by an intertwined double helix. Some persons have developed and integrated three or more strands and a large number of new babies presently being born (the crystal children) have many strands of active DNA. A simple blood test can verify this fact. Each of the 12 DNA strands represents one of the twelve aspects of multidimensional consciousness. Three DNA strands represent and govern the physical body, another three are concerned with the emotional body, another three with the mental body and the remaining three with the spiritual body. All these aspects are represented in our bodies as new neural pathways to the brain. They are connected and nourished through the endocrine system of ductless glands. These glands work in tandem with the energy vortexes within our bodies known as the chakra system. When all neural pathways are working freely with our chakra system they will provide the conduit to the higher realms, resulting in our experience of multidimensional consciousness. The Chakra System ★ WE live in a universe propelled by the laws of electricity and magnetism and all third dimensional life forms within it reflect this. Our stars and planets (Geo-magnetic life forms) all have a north pole and a south pole with magnetic lines of force flowing between them. Our human bodies (bio-magnetic life forms) also conform to this bi-polar magnetic field, with the top of our head reflecting our north pole and the soles of our feet, our south pole. In a third dimensional representation, these lines of force moving between our head and feet completely encompass the body within an etheric structure known as a tube torus. Imagine this doughnut shaped energetic field extending fully around your body. It is called your aura. Have you noticed that when meeting another person for the first time you may be instinctively drawn to them? This could be evidence that both of your auras are vibrating in sympathetic resonance. The same would be true when the presence of another feels uncomfortable. Perhaps the electro-magnetic energies in your auras are repelling each other. At the center of each bi-polar magnetic field is a magnetic core running from north to south. In the case of a simple bar magnet it is a magnetized piece of metal. In the case of the bio-magnetic human body it is a channel, only observable in subtle matter, called the pranic tube. Within this core the life force is carried to sustain each individual creation during its existence. Every spiritual tradition identifies and acknowledges the life force, that great field of potential that gives rise to and then sustains each and all in existence from moment to moment. In Chinese spiritual teachings the life force is called qi or chi, (e.g. Tai Chi, increasing the life force) while the Japanese and Koreans call it ki, (Reiki, healing with the life force). In the Indian and Tibetan traditions it is identified as prana. The Christian tradition names the life force, sanctifying grace or grace. Practitioners of new age spirituality refer to this field as the light or the white light, and to the physicist, it’s known as the sub-atomic or quantum field. At this time the life force is also being intensified and expanded by the Photon Belt. As you move among numbers of people going about their business in any large city, you can notice and identify many of those who are suffering from a diminished access to the life force. It shows in their state of health, their sense of openness and self confidence and even the way they relate to others and carry themselves. WE must all access the life force fully and completely to maximize its benefits to our daily existence. Our chakra system is the vehicle that has been beautifully designed to fulfill this function. Chakra, is a Sanskrit word that translates as “a spinning disc” or “a wheel.” It is one of many human names for what is perceived to be a bio-physical connection to our soul or spirit. These energy connections or chakras exist in that the soul or spirit is immersed in the physical body and mingles throughout. At present WE each have seven of these energy connections that are woven into our body’s meridian centers with some lying along the spine. These centers are similar in function to the junction box found in the electrical system of a home or office. Our physical body is also controlled through a vastly complicated neuro-electrical circuitry, with a number of special locations where these circuits converge. Each of these locations is monitored through a special mini neuro-computer connected through the central nervous system to the brain. It is these specific locations that are called chakras and each fulfills several functions. As well there are certain endocrine glands associated with the functioning of each chakra. And since the vibratory field of light also activates color and tone, each of the chakra centers produces its own specific color and sound. photon belt energy RED, (endocrine gland: the adrenals) the root chakra, links us to the physical world and serves as the foundation to build and evolve our personality. This is the chakra of acceptance, allowing us to feel grounded, stable and secure. When it functions fully WE feel present in the here and now and connected to the physical body. ORANGE, (the gonads: ovaries/testes) the pro-creative or sacral chakra is the center for sexual energy and creativity, balancing the free giving and receiving of feelings and emotions in all your relationships. YELLOW, (spleen) the solar plexus chakra is where our honor, integrity and power originates. It is the essence of who you are. When it is open WE are in control and hold sufficient self esteem. GREEN (thymus) the heart chakra is the center of the system. Known also as the great transformer it generates the ability to LOVE freely without fear or self consciousness. When it functions fully one is compassionate, friendly and able to work harmoniously within all relationships. LIGHT BLUE (thyroid) the throat chakra is where feelings and emotions are transformed into expressions. This chakra center helps you find the balance between silence and speech and assists you to say what you honestly feel. When it is open there are no problems with expressing yourself verbally or artistically. INDIGO (pineal) the “Third eye” between the eyebrows above the nose, connects you to your spiritual being and invites intuition and awareness into your daily life. This center allows us to experience our sixth sense of intuitive knowing and to fantasize. VIOLET (pituitary) the crown chakra connects you to your total being with the awareness that you, the universe and the Great Creator are all ONE. When it functions freely we are unprejudiced and aware of the world, ourselves and other dimensions. The DNA Strands and Endocrine Glands Each of the following twelve DNA strands represents one of the twelve aspects of multi- dimensional consciousness. Strand 1: Courage to move ahead and integrate our fears Strand 2: Ability to focus on something and follow it to completion Strand 3: Maintaining gender balance between male /female power Strand 4: Balance between our energy field and the physical body Strand 5: Living peacefully in a state of acceptance Strand 6: Strength to stand in one’s truth regardless of the outcome Strand 7: Ability to accept both our dark and light sides Strand 8: Ability to hold personal boundaries regardless of outcomes Strand 9: Ability to accept and live within a diverse community Strand 10: Ability to tune into and listen to one’s soul or higher self Strand 11: Power to envision, create and manifest these visions in 3D Strand 12: Ability to be accepting, kind and appreciate the value in all things The Endocrine Glands Hypothalamus – I translate what I believe Pineal – I see or envision what I receive Pituitary – I hear what I receive Thyroid – I speak what I receive Thymus – I clear and transmute what I receive Heart – I feel what I receive Gonads – I create and manifest what I receive Adrenals – I hold true to what I receive And so in the recoding process each strand must be individually reconnected to each gland and then activated. This provides the DNA upgrade needed to sustain full consciousness and communication with the higher realms. These aspects are represented in physicality as new neural pathways to the brain and when the connection is completed our multidimensional consciousness will be fully felt and accessed. The light from the Photon Belt entering through our pituitary and pineal glands is primarily driving this recoding process. Also WE are being reconnected very slowly otherwise our physical bodies and our nervous systems could ‘burn out’ and WE would not survive intact. WE can actively co-operate in this process by trying to reach some understanding about what is happening to us. Our ability to interact with and absorb the new frequencies of light into our physical bodies, will determine how we progress in this next step of our physical and spiritual evolution. And by carefully observing our belief systems and our actions, while using emotion and will as the fuel to advance spiritually, WE will change and clear many undesirable old thought forms and patterns that no longer serve us. Be wary of those who offer techniques to hasten or unduly advance your DNA recoding – particularly if these carry a large price tag. Many higher beings, angelic guides and masters are actively involved with us at this time. They are assisting each of us in this recoding process to ‘stay over our feet’ and not try to rush ahead. Nor is this procedure hastened by anything that WE can read in a book or buy in a bottle. It is occurring in exactly the right time frame regardless of how we might try to interfere. This scenario is immense and includes our entire Milky Way Galaxy. It is happening in response to the Divine Plan for our universe, initiated by the Creator of All That Is. So relax and go with the flow, allowing all of it to manifest in its own good time. Enjoy the ride. The final results will be awesome and will usher all of us into a multidimensional experience of living with compassion in Heaven on Earth. ~ Trey Abernethy ٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ LOVE, ONE Inner Light & a Activation of the 12 Strand of DNA to EveryONE ★
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madamlaydebug · 8 years ago
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Recoding To 12 Strand DNA Sequence And Entering Into The Photon Belt ★ Medical science has established that we have 2 strands of DNA and 10 strands of ‘junk’ DNA, but they have not understood the purpose of that ‘junk’” DNA. Recent information has revealed its higher purpose; supporting a multidimensional consciousness, our natural state. Realigning, reconnecting and activating our 10 strands of junk DNA (aka the DNA Recoding or RRA Process) is the process by which WE attain that state. When we are multidimensional, our physic abilities are reawakened and WE have developed a second neural network at the etheric level. This second neural network is what allows us to live in multiple dimensions at once. WE can hear, see and communicate with others in these dimensions. There are 9 levels in the DNA Recoding process and each required emotional clearing at the level that activates the thymus to change the coding sequence of our DNA. Recoding in this instance means switching on the 44 DNA codes that were previously switched off. You could liken it to remodeling your body at the cellular level while still living in it. The DNA Recoding process works at the etheric—some call it the light body—level. At this level your 10 strands of junk DNA along with your 2 connected strands are realigned above your crown. Because DNA is holographic, it can be simultaneously realigned, reconnected and activated. This means that your 10 junk DNA strands are simultaneously realigned at the top of your head (crown), reconnected into your 12 Crown Chakra crystals and reactivated so that life force energy flows through them again. Once your 12 DNA strands are plugged back into your 12 Crown Chakra Crystals, your Genetics Engineer’s and Recoding Guide’s jobs are nearly complete. They will continue to watch over you and monitor your 12-strand reconnection until you reach the frequency needed to fully activate the reconnection. The activation of the 12 strands happens in 3 steps: 1. Activation of the Crown Chakra Crystals. You will feel this as an itching at your Crown Chakra. Not the same as a dandruff itch. 2. Activation of the MerKaBa antenna. The MerKaBa antenna is used to receive messages from other dimensions. 3. Activation of the Hypothalamus. This is the Universal Translator and translates all messages into your chosen language. Messages are received as frequency thought-forms. Many are complete with emotions, pictures and language. Some have only one or two of these. The Hypothalamus also provides you with the identity of the sender. You will learn to identify the senders after receiving for a while. Once the hypothalamus is activated the RRA process is complete and your DNA chart is also completed. Proof is visual (aura photos), emotional (not holding negative emotions in the body), and physical (feeling more in control of your power and hearing messages daily). Because so many people will be requesting DNA Recoding, it has been designed as a self-actuated process. You’ll receive off-world assistance from a Genetics Engineer. These are normally beings from Sirius A. You will also be given a DNA Recoding Guide to see you through the process. Earth-based free assistance is provided via the Nibiruan Council Forum as Yahoo Groups. It’s a very active group where recoders go to get help in moving through the process. Our entire solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy, has now entered a highly charged portion of space. WE are immersed within the Photon Belt (Menasic Radiation), a period of intense light WE first entered in the late 1990s and in which WE will remain for a 2,000 year period. During this remarkable time the energies from the Photon Belt are triggering a complete reordering of life as WE know it. This occurs because photon light energy has the capacity to lift all of life into a higher frequency dimension as it carries the seeds for the enlightenment of all. The atomic structures within the cells of our bodies are slowly re-tuning themselves to match these rising frequencies. WE are shifting from a third dimensional carbon based body (from one that matches the atomic frequency and spin of carbon) to a fifth or higher dimensional crystalline body or light body (to one that matches the atomic frequency and spin of crystal). So too the bodies of animals, plant life and all upon and within the Earth are making this transition, as is our entire galaxy. As the process of rebuilding our light bodies continues we will slowly begin to notice the effects of becoming fully conscious or multidimensional. This state will come about when our 12 strands of DNA have finally been re-fused, reconnected and activated. WE will then experience life within the consciousness of multi- dimensionality. In this level of consciousness WE could live in the third dimension while retaining our connection and relationships with beings in the higher realms. WE will no longer be cut off from other dimensions as WE presently are and WE will operate from a state of heart centred compassion, (Christ Consciousness). This will happen regardless of which dimension WE find ourselves inhabiting. Eventually WE will learn how to live successfully in a galactic society and ultimately in a universal society. At the present time most humans have two active strands of DNA, represented by an intertwined double helix. Some persons have developed and integrated three or more strands and a large number of new babies presently being born (the crystal children) have many strands of active DNA. A simple blood test can verify this fact. Each of the 12 DNA strands represents one of the twelve aspects of multidimensional consciousness. Three DNA strands represent and govern the physical body, another three are concerned with the emotional body, another three with the mental body and the remaining three with the spiritual body. All these aspects are represented in our bodies as new neural pathways to the brain. They are connected and nourished through the endocrine system of ductless glands. These glands work in tandem with the energy vortexes within our bodies known as the chakra system. When all neural pathways are working freely with our chakra system they will provide the conduit to the higher realms, resulting in our experience of multidimensional consciousness. The Chakra System ★ WE live in a universe propelled by the laws of electricity and magnetism and all third dimensional life forms within it reflect this. Our stars and planets (Geo-magnetic life forms) all have a north pole and a south pole with magnetic lines of force flowing between them. Our human bodies (bio-magnetic life forms) also conform to this bi-polar magnetic field, with the top of our head reflecting our north pole and the soles of our feet, our south pole. In a third dimensional representation, these lines of force moving between our head and feet completely encompass the body within an etheric structure known as a tube torus. Imagine this doughnut shaped energetic field extending fully around your body. It is called your aura. Have you noticed that when meeting another person for the first time you may be instinctively drawn to them? This could be evidence that both of your auras are vibrating in sympathetic resonance. The same would be true when the presence of another feels uncomfortable. Perhaps the electro-magnetic energies in your auras are repelling each other. At the center of each bi-polar magnetic field is a magnetic core running from north to south. In the case of a simple bar magnet it is a magnetized piece of metal. In the case of the bio-magnetic human body it is a channel, only observable in subtle matter, called the pranic tube. Within this core the life force is carried to sustain each individual creation during its existence. Every spiritual tradition identifies and acknowledges the life force, that great field of potential that gives rise to and then sustains each and all in existence from moment to moment. In Chinese spiritual teachings the life force is called qi or chi, (e.g. Tai Chi, increasing the life force) while the Japanese and Koreans call it ki, (Reiki, healing with the life force). In the Indian and Tibetan traditions it is identified as prana. The Christian tradition names the life force, sanctifying grace or grace. Practitioners of new age spirituality refer to this field as the light or the white light, and to the physicist, it’s known as the sub-atomic or quantum field. At this time the life force is also being intensified and expanded by the Photon Belt. As you move among numbers of people going about their business in any large city, you can notice and identify many of those who are suffering from a diminished access to the life force. It shows in their state of health, their sense of openness and self confidence and even the way they relate to others and carry themselves. WE must all access the life force fully and completely to maximize its benefits to our daily existence. Our chakra system is the vehicle that has been beautifully designed to fulfill this function. Chakra, is a Sanskrit word that translates as “a spinning disc” or “a wheel.” It is one of many human names for what is perceived to be a bio-physical connection to our soul or spirit. These energy connections or chakras exist in that the soul or spirit is immersed in the physical body and mingles throughout. At present WE each have seven of these energy connections that are woven into our body’s meridian centers with some lying along the spine. These centers are similar in function to the junction box found in the electrical system of a home or office. Our physical body is also controlled through a vastly complicated neuro-electrical circuitry, with a number of special locations where these circuits converge. Each of these locations is monitored through a special mini neuro-computer connected through the central nervous system to the brain. It is these specific locations that are called chakras and each fulfills several functions. As well there are certain endocrine glands associated with the functioning of each chakra. And since the vibratory field of light also activates color and tone, each of the chakra centers produces its own specific color and sound. photon belt energy RED, (endocrine gland: the adrenals) the root chakra, links us to the physical world and serves as the foundation to build and evolve our personality. This is the chakra of acceptance, allowing us to feel grounded, stable and secure. When it functions fully WE feel present in the here and now and connected to the physical body. ORANGE, (the gonads: ovaries/testes) the pro-creative or sacral chakra is the center for sexual energy and creativity, balancing the free giving and receiving of feelings and emotions in all your relationships. YELLOW, (spleen) the solar plexus chakra is where our honor, integrity and power originates. It is the essence of who you are. When it is open WE are in control and hold sufficient self esteem. GREEN (thymus) the heart chakra is the center of the system. Known also as the great transformer it generates the ability to LOVE freely without fear or self consciousness. When it functions fully one is compassionate, friendly and able to work harmoniously within all relationships. LIGHT BLUE (thyroid) the throat chakra is where feelings and emotions are transformed into expressions. This chakra center helps you find the balance between silence and speech and assists you to say what you honestly feel. When it is open there are no problems with expressing yourself verbally or artistically. INDIGO (pineal) the “Third eye” between the eyebrows above the nose, connects you to your spiritual being and invites intuition and awareness into your daily life. This center allows us to experience our sixth sense of intuitive knowing and to fantasize. VIOLET (pituitary) the crown chakra connects you to your total being with the awareness that you, the universe and the Great Creator are all ONE. When it functions freely we are unprejudiced and aware of the world, ourselves and other dimensions. The DNA Strands and Endocrine Glands Each of the following twelve DNA strands represents one of the twelve aspects of multi- dimensional consciousness. Strand 1: Courage to move ahead and integrate our fears Strand 2: Ability to focus on something and follow it to completion Strand 3: Maintaining gender balance between male /female power Strand 4: Balance between our energy field and the physical body Strand 5: Living peacefully in a state of acceptance Strand 6: Strength to stand in one’s truth regardless of the outcome Strand 7: Ability to accept both our dark and light sides Strand 8: Ability to hold personal boundaries regardless of outcomes Strand 9: Ability to accept and live within a diverse community Strand 10: Ability to tune into and listen to one’s soul or higher self Strand 11: Power to envision, create and manifest these visions in 3D Strand 12: Ability to be accepting, kind and appreciate the value in all things The Endocrine Glands Hypothalamus – I translate what I believe Pineal – I see or envision what I receive Pituitary – I hear what I receive Thyroid – I speak what I receive Thymus – I clear and transmute what I receive Heart – I feel what I receive Gonads – I create and manifest what I receive Adrenals – I hold true to what I receive And so in the recoding process each strand must be individually reconnected to each gland and then activated. This provides the DNA upgrade needed to sustain full consciousness and communication with the higher realms. These aspects are represented in physicality as new neural pathways to the brain and when the connection is completed our multidimensional consciousness will be fully felt and accessed. The light from the Photon Belt entering through our pituitary and pineal glands is primarily driving this recoding process. Also WE are being reconnected very slowly otherwise our physical bodies and our nervous systems could ‘burn out’ and WE would not survive intact. WE can actively co-operate in this process by trying to reach some understanding about what is happening to us. Our ability to interact with and absorb the new frequencies of light into our physical bodies, will determine how we progress in this next step of our physical and spiritual evolution. And by carefully observing our belief systems and our actions, while using emotion and will as the fuel to advance spiritually, WE will change and clear many undesirable old thought forms and patterns that no longer serve us. Be wary of those who offer techniques to hasten or unduly advance your DNA recoding – particularly if these carry a large price tag. Many higher beings, angelic guides and masters are actively involved with us at this time. They are assisting each of us in this recoding process to ‘stay over our feet’ and not try to rush ahead. Nor is this procedure hastened by anything that WE can read in a book or buy in a bottle. It is occurring in exactly the right time frame regardless of how we might try to interfere. This scenario is immense and includes our entire Milky Way Galaxy. It is happening in response to the Divine Plan for our universe, initiated by the Creator of All That Is. So relax and go with the flow, allowing all of it to manifest in its own good time. Enjoy the ride. The final results will be awesome and will usher all of us into a multidimensional experience of living with compassion in Heaven on Earth. ~ Trey Abernethy ٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ LOVE, ONE Inner Light & a Activation of the 12 Strand of DNA to EveryONE ★
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