#Pilot Plants
gohiljadav95 · 8 days
Pilot Plant Systems and Solutions | Goel Impex
Goel Impex offers superior Kilo lab glassware for your pilot plant. Our industrial-grade glassware is designed for durability and precision, ensuring optimal performance in your experiments and processes. Please browse our selection today and upgrade your lab with the best equipment available. For more visit https://goelequipments.com/industrial-glassware/kilolab/pilot-plant/ and call 9825318944.
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dr-frankenstims · 8 days
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"running late so i didn't have the time, to scrape the frosted windshield like we're barely scraping by"
midwest indigo by twenty one pilots stimboard for anon!! hope you enjoy :)
☁️ 🌾 ❄️ / 🌨️ 🎼 🌨️ / ❄️ 🌾 ☁️
like what you see? consider supporting me and buying me a kofi :)
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stormvanari · 1 month
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revisiting my Loonatics OCs in the basement
for note of who’s who:
• Merrie M Frog (Blue)
• Terran Hopper (Brown)
• Onyx Vulture (Black)
• Cosma Martian (Gray)
• Fabrette Pussycat (White)
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partyofthemind · 2 months
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A little Stone Temple Pilots this morning. For what it's worth, I think No. 4 is one of their best albums.
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fern-spotting · 4 months
Columbo S0E2: "Ransom for a Dead Man" (1971)
Fern spotted at 46:48! I believe it's a Kimberly Queen Fern, but at this resolution it's hard to tell.
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Bonus fiddle-leaf fig at 00:53.
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phoeeling · 2 years
everyone is talking about the TOH pilot's audio and whatnot being leaked. here's my two cents: I think it's supposed to be spelled Pollena, not Paulina. like Pollen.
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femmemortes · 9 months
So a thing about me is that I’m an absolute nerd for stuff to do with nuclear disasters, science and history. It’s so amazing. Everything about it is. From the mere notion that chain reactions that create energy can just be made by placing radioactive isotopes near each other and the fact we can utilise that for our own benefit is so cool to me. It can deliver power to homes, towns and cities. It can provide power on a lesser scale too, but in much more remote areas in the form of RTGs. The possibilities are nearly endless and is best step we have for energy going into the future.
But if treated carelessly, it can destroy so much.
Talking to the Future
One of the things I learnt about while just going through videos and articles on anything to do with nuclear was a place called the W.I.P.P (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant) in the New Mexico desert. This place is a giant underground storage facility that will be used to store high level nuclear waste that is incredibly radioactive, will cause significant harm and lasts for a very long time. This means that the area that all this waste will be stored in will be dangerous if dug into, etc. This, for the most part is fine. We know today that we shouldn’t dig down and uncover the waste that is in there because we know what it is and how dangerous it is.
The problem is that this waste is planned to be stored for 10,000 years.
(Thanks, Plutonium-239 and your long ass half-life)
So then arises the problem of communicating with people of the future. Think about how much culture changes in 100, 200 years. Where were we as humans 10,000 years ago compared to now? Our languages now are nothing like the ones we had even 1,000 years ago. So how do we warn far future generations, other civilisations of the danger the WIPP holds without words or significant use of current language?
Simple symbols wouldn’t be enough because they face a similar issue. Meanings of symbols can changed, warped or entirely unrecognised. Who’s to say the the meaning of the trefoil sign, the symbol that warns against ionizing radiation, couldn't be lost so many years down the line?
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We have to consider, what could this symbol possibly mean to someone who’s never even seen it before?
So a programme was put together to try and form a marking system for the WIPP that would be enough to last 10,000 years to effectively warn the future of the danger that the site held. There were are variety of ideas pitched and devised by different people and here are some of them:
General warning messages with images of horrified faces, comic-like depictions of people becoming contaminated by radiation and the consequences of digging at the site.
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A written message giving a background and warning, I imagine this wouldn’t be very efficient at all the further we get into the future but it is still interesting to read. Here it is as follows:
“This place is a message...and part of a system of messages...pay attention to it!
Sending this message was impotant to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor...no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here...nothing valued is here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location...it increases toward a center...the center of danger is here...of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.”
Below I’m linking an artistic representation of the message I found on YouTube, which is also how I initially found out about the WIPP, it activated my fight or flight like crazy and was pretty unnerving:
Hostile and threatening looking infrastructure was also an idea that was raised to ward people away from the site, if anything, these are probably the images you've seen before whether or not you had prior knowledge of the WIPP:
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“Spike Field” view 1 and 2:
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“Spikes Bursting Through Grid” view 1 and 2:
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“Landscape of Thorns”:
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“Menacing Earthworks” view 1 and 2:
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I believe this one in particular pertained to the idea of not having anything significant at the "centre" as humans throughout many cultures have placed a sense of holiness or importance on the centre of places, "the middle". This is a place that is meant to be shunned, so to have nothing of significance in the centre, the largest point of danger, would work to deter people from investigating as there is seemingly nothing there of interest:
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“Forbidding Blocks” view 1 and 2:
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There are more infrastructure ideas than these but I will link the WIPP info website, a website created to summarise the Sandia Report titled "Expert Judgement on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant" written in 1993, and leave you to read about them if you so wish. All screenshots in this segment were also obtained from there also.
Some other more out-there ideas were also put forward, one being an "Atomic Priesthood." Which sounds metal as fuck. According to their website, The Atomic Priesthood Project : "The Atomic Priesthood was a proposed system of communicating the history, infrastructures, and science of nuclear waste materials on geologic timescales through the use of ritual, allegory, and superstition."
As insane as it sounds, I do believe this would be a good option the only problem is is that we can't be for certain whether this priesthood would last. After all, infrastructure would last a lot longer than humans.
Another proposal was to genetically modify cats so that they glowed whilst near radiation, create a legend that would be passed between generations which would then mean once people saw this actually happening they would know to get out immediately. I really like this one, I think it's silly.
I'm interested to see if these plans develop at all within my lifetime. I do personally believe that nuclear power is the next step and there are already ways we can reduce and even reuse a large amount of the waste but, thanks to public concerns and fears, these avenues aren't being invested into. That being said we do need a way to store this waste we have created and cannot recycle.
I feel like I should have something clever and poignant to say about this, but my brain is going flat, so I'll quote section 5.3 (c) of the 1993 Sandia Report:
"The very exercise of designing, building, and viewing the markers creates a powerful testimony addressed to today's society about the full environmental, social, and economic costs of using nuclear materials. We can never know if we indeed have successfully communicated with our descendants 400 generations removed, but we can, in any case, perhaps convey an important message to ourselves."
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impsandstars · 1 month
I want to know the back story behind every single one of these characters.
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jellyfisharesatan · 1 year
The one truly unifying Irish experience is learning the name of the third guy who went on the moon landing expedition and going "fucking WHO?!?"
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yhancik · 1 year
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subsequentibis · 2 months
FINALLY started titanfall 2, the movement will take a little getting used to but i'm pleased to find it's way easier to pull off than i thought it would be, the ghost runner is so helpful and i like the game's clever ways of giving you Cool Badass Moments very organically.
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gonerbird · 4 months
thinking about DRAG PATH (devil's eyes) thinking about DRAG PATH (devil's eyes) thinking about DRAG PATH (devil's eyes) thinking about DRAG PATH (devil's eyes) thinking abou-
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randolphbellmd · 1 year
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the IT people did some work on the internet server that “shouldn’t affect anything else” and now every single file on every single computer in the lab is *gone*
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extractionpoints · 1 year
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micron pen delight on a rainy day
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scribshade · 2 years
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yeeheeheeehee trickster/scientist Zombie Hero, Cheshire!!
Despite being one of Z-Tech's best robotics engineers, he'd rather goof off with the Z-Mech imp pilots than create something that'll be helpful. At least whatever's considered helpful to Zomboss.
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vanvelding · 1 year
I'm am learning a lot about Twilight Imperium's defensive combat paradigm.
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