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laurachouettepoetry · 2 months ago
All the things that happened to us Are like roaring oceans. When the awareness of life Turns into the awareness of being alive, We become what we write about, Sharing each other's words to tell about. We turn into ghosts like the falling leaves. Ending and letting go are not the same. - Laura Chouette
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astramari1212 · 5 months ago
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In the Ashes of Words
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arscaelestis · 1 year ago
Dystopian Moon: Revelation of a Dream
Upon the farmhouse stoop we stood, beneath the azure gaze, Where Luna's sphere in daylight hung, a celestial maze. With continents and briny deeps, so stark against the blue, A sphere estranged from astral norms, presented in false hue.
"They've aestheticized the moon," he spoke, a statement darkly cast, A tapestry of power's weave, dystopian and vast. A projection in the heavens, where truth once freely roamed, Now an orb of grand deception, in silent sky it domed.
I turned away, a heart awash with anxious, pounding tides, Into the shelter of my abode, where uncertainty abides. "Why dost thou flee?" the shadow asked, a specter in my wake, Yet no solace found in walls that breathe, no refuge there to take.
The world outside, a stage of veils, where puppeteers convene, To drape the stars and script the clouds, to mask what must be seen. And we, but actors in the ruse, with sightless eyes we dance, To tunes composed by hidden hands, in ignorance's trance.
What doctrines sown among the rows of intellect's vast field, Are but the chaff of phantom minds, in gilded falsehoods sealed. The ruling kin, with threads of myth, weave cloaks of night so sheer, To swaddle firm the minds of men, in cradles wrought of fear.
And so we question bedrock truths, foundations turn to mist, As phantoms rule the firmament, by alchemists' own twist. Reality, a whispered dream, that slips through grasping thoughts, While overlords in silence scheme, in cryptic shadows wrought.
The moon, a sentinel of night, now cast in doubting role, Reflects the turmoil of our souls, the chaos of our whole. For what are we, if not but pawns in grand celestial play, Where truth is pawned for pageantry, and night consumes the day?
Our spirits, restless, seek the dawn, where certainty might dwell, Yet find ourselves on checkered grounds, betwixt our heaven and hell. The wool, so thick upon our eyes, obscures the paths we tread, With every step, the ground gives way to more doubt's web instead.
So in the dream, the moon revolved, a symbol of our plight, A globe of artifice so vast, it shunned the natural light. Yet in its counterfeit rotation, a truth begins to cleave, That even in constructed lies, the heart will still believe.
Arouse, arise, O slumbering minds, and cast the veils aside, For in the light of piercing day, no shadows can abide. The dream, though heart to heart may race, a truth within it vies, To question all, to seek, unveil, the truth behind the lies.
---------- Backstory:
I had a dream last night, wherein I found myself on the porch of a quaint house nestled in the heart of the countryside, with verdant fields stretching into the horizon. Beside me stood a figure whose identity remained shrouded in mystery. Together, we gazed upwards, our eyes drawn to the moon that hung in the broad daylight sky. This was no ordinary moon though, it boasted distinct continents and vast oceans, mimicking the Earth's surface, complete with delineated national borders akin to those on a terrestrial globe. Unnaturally, it rotated, offering a panoramic view of its transformed facade.
I remarked to my companion, perplexed, "That's impossible. We only ever see the same side of the moon." His reply was cryptic yet revealing, "They've aestheticized the moon." The implication was clear, what we beheld was nothing more than an elaborate facade, a mere projection in the celestial dome.
A wave of unease washed over me, compelling me to retreat into the sanctuary of my home. The man inquired about my sudden disquiet, but before I could respond, the dream dissolved, and I awoke. My heart raced, the anxiety from the dream lingering like a shadow, refusing to depart even as I returned to the waking world.
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kavielthranos · 5 days ago
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rageof-gaia · 17 days ago
{Human nature/deepwounds and battle Scars
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{Human nature/deep wounds and battle Scars}
-is my latest poem is about the concept of choice & human nature
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safeerray · 4 months ago
ग़ज़ल और नज़्म क्या हैं? उर्दू कविता की आत्मा का परिचय
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ग़ज़ल क्या है?
ग़ज़ल एक काव्य रूप है, जिसे उसकी रोमांटिक और रहस्यमयी गहराई के लिए सराहा जाता है। इसमें तुकांत मक्तियाँ और दोहराई जाने वाली पंक्तियाँ होती हैं, जो भावनात्मक रूप से जटिल विषयों को पेश करती हैं। ग़ज़ल की उत्पत्ति फारसी और अरबी साहित्य में हुई, और यह उर्दू साहित्य का अहम हिस्सा बन गई, जिसे भारत और पाकिस्तान में बेहद पसंद किया जाता है। प्रेम और विरह की मार्मिक अभिव्यक्ति के लिए जानी जाने वाली ग़ज़ल, रूपक भाषा और प्रतीकात्मक छवियों का उपयोग करने का अनोखा ढंग रखती है। नज़्म क्या है?
ग़ज़ल से अलग, नज़्म किसी विशेष थीम या कहानी पर आधारित होती है। इसकी जड़ें फारसी में हैं, लेकिन यह उर्दू कविता में अपनी अलग पहचान बनाने में सफल रही। नज़्म के माध्यम से कवि सामाजिक, दार्शनिक और भावनात्मक मुद्दों पर अभिव्यक्ति देते हैं। नज़्म का लचीला ढांचा इसे रोमांटिक विचारों, राजनीतिक कथाओं और दार्शनिक चिंतन के लिए एक आदर्श माध्यम बनाता है। मुक्त छंद की शैली में नज़्म आधुनिक अभिव्यक्ति और सामाजिक आलोचना का एक महत्वपूर्ण साधन बन चुकी है। ग़ज़ल और नज़्म के प्रमुख अंतर संरचना: ग़ज़ल स्वतंत्र मक्तियों से बनी होती है, जिनमें हर एक अलग भावनात्मक परत को उजागर करती है, जबकि नज़्म एक सुसंगत कथा के माध्यम से बहती है।
विषय और भावनाएँ: ग़ज़ल में अक्सर अनंत भावनाएँ जैसे प्रेम, सुंदरता, और रहस्यवाद होते हैं, जबकि नज़्म आध्यात्मिकता से लेकर राजनीति तक के विषयों को पेश करती है।
तुकांत और लय: ग़ज़ल में एक सख्त तुकांत योजना और रदीफ़ होती है, जबकि नज़्म अधिक लचीली संरचना का पालन करती है, अक्सर मुक्त छंद में होती है।
उत्पत्ति और सांस्कृतिक महत्त्व ग़ज़ल की शुरुआत 7वीं शताब्दी के अरब से हुई, जो फ़ारसी साहित्य के माध्यम से उर्दू में पहुँची, जहाँ यह एक सांस्कृतिक धरोहर बन गई। इसके विपरीत, नज़्म का विकास उर्दू में हुआ और यह दक्षिण एशियाई विरासत को दर्शाती है, जिसमें व्यक्तिगत से लेकर दार्शनिक विषयों का समावेश होता है। आज भी, ग़ज़ल और नज़्म उर्दू-भाषी क्षेत्रों की कलात्मक पहचान का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बने हुए हैं, जो दक्षिण एशियाई संस्कृति की भावनात्मक और बौद्धिक गहराई का प्रतीक हैं।
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wendel-luxor · 1 year ago
Days - A Poem on Life
Stories told, Lives on hold,  Destinies constantly changing.
Clock bells toll, Death marches roll, But we still stand waiting.
Furious people, Like ravaging animals, That are constantly searching,
Once they find, Nothing left behind, They leave, still not knowing.
Standing again, Clocks will bend, And people still are waiting.
And the things they find, Will leave behind, A path of what they're still searching.
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divyashana · 6 months ago
"Whispers Between Petals and Wings!"
"Find the divine in everyday moments with 'Whispers Between Petals and Wings.'" #Poetry #DivinePurpose #NatureInspired #ReflectivePoetry #JoyAndConnection #LiteraryReflection #PoeticJourney #NectarOfLife #PhilosophicalPoetry #InspirationThroughNature
One day, the flower asked the bee,"What does nectar taste like to thee?"Her petals danced in morning light,A shimmer soft, a question bright.The bee, with wings that hummed the air,Paused to reflect, a thoughtful stare."I do not taste like humans do,But I feel its pull, a force that's true.""For in its golden, glowing stream,Lies something more than just a dream.It’s not for pleasure, but for…
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scotthastiepoet · 1 year ago
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Only just newly published on the website… This time round, a much sweeter piece for early Spring…
See - ‘To know’ - http://www.scotthastie.com/?p=6030
To know
True beauty
Is to never
Be a slave again.
This such
Sweet music
To my heart.
So, shall
I do my best
To settle here awhile,
Amidst treasures
That still prevail
As if to appease heaven.
Call me the breeze then,
As I pass on through.
Hoping I too
Will bring the best
Of my presence
To bear.
Leaving behind me
At least
Some sweet song
For others to hear.
#Poetry #RomanticPoetry #RomanticPoems #RomanticPoet #SpiritualPoetry #SpiritualPoems #SpritualPoet #Philosophy #PhilosophicalPoetry #ScottHastie #ScottHastiePoet #ScottHastiePoems #ScottHastiePoetry #Quotes #PoetryQuotes #ClassicQuotes #FamousQuotes #ScottHastieQuotes #PranicPoetry #PandemicPoetry #PoetryofInstagram #PoetryLovers #LovePoetry #PoetryLove
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hufflepuff-havoc · 5 years ago
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Hey peeps! This is my first book on Amazon and I’d love for people to give it a read! A collection of poetry reflecting on my first semester in college. Happy reading!
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astramari1212 · 5 months ago
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A Step Away
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Our focus is the ultimate power, in eyes still. There are many things out of our control but what is, our focus. Things may sway us to one way or the next, but focus is ever present. There is serenity in the flow of focus, a fire that rages in beauty. It ignites our purpose in life and tells us what to look for in existence and what to look for in our self. . . . . . ‪#INsight #inspiringINsight # #natureandpoetry #poetry #wordsofwonder #thoughtstoponder #quotestoliveby #philosophicalpoetry #thinkfree #reflection #meditations #spilledwords #spilledthoughts #nature #naturephotography #writing ‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4p4iWkAsMh/?igshid=j595b2dsl3zz
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lovatopoetry · 6 years ago
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purplesky777-blog · 6 years ago
Free will
Mirror mirror on the wall
Am i the one to cease the war
Am i the one to save them all
To redeem the pain
To cast the blame
Whatever can i say
This system needs to be slain
But This system needs to be
Cause otherwise
How could it be?
Cain told one once upon a time
That one and one is eleven, skipping the nine
This was predicted since ancient times
The plan thats planned
A race from a different land
Conquered all
The light of the star
Lucifer refused to bow
We did not want to see what is showed
This was all foretold
But humanity ignored
The evil was bestowed
Upon this land of ours
Since the moment that Eve could not resist the power
The power of creation
Is either the fall of the nation
Or a instrument so gracious
What can be said
Free will is certainly our own damnation
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hallofsidney · 4 years ago
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This past week has made me dizzy and restless, quickly swinging from one direction to another — a good reminder that life changes all the time, and we are just along for the ride. I hope you are all staying healthy and safe, and I wish each and every one of you a restful weekend ahead. ❤️ - - - - - #hallofsidney #sidneyhallpoetry #sidneyhall #rechargeyoursoul #reviveyourheart #focusonwhatmattersmost #selfcarepoetry #philosophyoflife #philosophicalpoetry #quietthemind #writetobreathe #writetoinspire #poetryinmotion #notebooktherapy #poetrytherapy #anxiousminds #iwrotethisforyou #tiredsoul #tiredmind #poetryforlife #poetryfortheheart #poetryforthemind #poetryforthemoment #spilledwordsofmine #spilledthoughts #poeticramblings https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJZR0OlS1e/?utm_medium=tumblr
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safeerray · 4 months ago
Introduction to Ghazal and Nazm
What is Ghazal? A Ghazal is a poetic form celebrated for its romantic and mystical depth, using rhyming couplets and repeated refrains to weave complex emotional themes. Rooted in Persian and Arabic poetry, the Ghazal became an essential part of Urdu literature and is cherished across India and Pakistan. Known for its poignant expression of love and heartbreak, the Ghazal has a unique structure that allows for metaphorical language and symbolic imagery. What is Nazm?
A Nazm is distinct from a Ghazal in that it doesn’t rely on couplets but follows a continuous theme or storyline. Originating from Persian roots, Nazm flourished in Urdu poetry, offering social, philosophical, and emotional commentary. With its flexible format, a Nazm can address romantic ideals, political narratives, or philosophical reflections. The free verse style of Nazm has made it a popular medium for modern expression and social critique.
Key Differences between Ghazal and Nazm
Structure: A Ghazal consists of couplets that can stand alone, each one exploring a different emotional layer, while a Nazm flows through a continuous narrative.
Themes and Emotions: Ghazals frequently explore timeless emotions like love, beauty, and mysticism, while Nazms address more focused themes, from the spiritual to the political.
Rhyme and Rhythm: A Ghazal has a strict rhyme scheme with a refrain (radeef) and meter, whereas a Nazm is more flexible in form, often adopting free verse. Origins and Cultural Significance The Ghazal traces its beginnings to 7th-century Arabia, journeying through Persian literature before settling in Urdu, where it transformed into a cultural treasure. In contrast, the Nazm developed in Urdu, reflecting South Asian heritage with themes that range from the personal to the philosophical. Today, both Ghazal and Nazm remain integral to the artistic identity of Urdu-speaking regions, representing the emotional and intellectual depths of South Asian culture.
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