#Peyton Garland
reportwire · 2 years
18 Simple Prayers to Offer Up for Your Marriage
In five years of marriage, my husband and I, combined, have moved six times, changed careers five times, brushed off Valentine’s Day four times, recovered from three surgeries, adopted two terrible dogs, and created one child (a boy on the way!).  We’ve gone through more than most couples in our short time. Josh lost his grandfather to liver cancer, and I lost one of my dearest college friends to…
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olipeaksforever · 6 months
Twin Peaks Extended Media
Whether it is for the lack of knowledge in mainstream Twin Peaks spaces regarding them or how some of these things are hard to get, the extended media of Twin Peaks but especially the books are constantly overlooked and ignored for various reasons.
I had done an (incomplete) index of it that blew up in my original account, and I had redone it (but as a more extensive guide that also included the order to watch the show). However, I changed my mind and decided to redo it, since the third time's a charm, right?
Most of these things include spoilers of the three seasons and the movie, so watch and read at your own risk.
The audiobooks consist of Laura's diary, the last two books narrated by cast members of the show, while Cooper's tapes were done by Kyle MacLachlan around the time the show was created, and (believe it or not) earned him a Grammy nomination for it.
Laura Palmer’s Diary (narrated by Sheryl Lee).
Diane: The Twin Peaks Tapes by Agent Cooper (narrated by Kyle MacLachlan).
The Secret History of Twin Peaks (narrated by Mark Frost, Len Cariou, Michael Horse, Mat Hostetler, Amy Shiels, Chris Mulkey, David Patrick Kelly, Robert Knepper, Kyle MacLachlan and James Morrison).
The Final Dossier (narrated by Annie Wersching).
Possibly the most overlooked section in Twin Peaks media. Mostly because some fanboys wrongfully think that because David Lynch didn't write them, it doesn't add to the story and canon, which is a wrong thing to say since these books were written by people involved in the show. Especifically, the writers wrote them and were given notes by Frost and Lynch.
The Secret History and The Final Dossier contain spoilers for the three seasons, so read them at your own discretion.
(*) Laura's diary and Cooper's autobiography are the only texts available in Glastonberry Grove. My recommendation is to copy the text and paste it on a google document, since the PDF has the pages ordered in a way you can later print it and build the book on your own.
The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (written by Jennifer Lynch)*: Laura's diary is written on the day of her 12th birthday, and ends on February the 23rd, 1989. The book (like Cooper's) is very graphic since Laura has to constantly face BOB in her dreams and in real life, and struggles with how others perceive her as well as harm herself in order to avoid BOB hurting the ones she loves. It does not include the missing pages of her diary.
Internet Archive Link
Glastonberry Grove PDF + Text
Twin Peaks: Access Guide to The Town (by Gregg Almquist, Tricia Brock, Robert Engels, Lise Friedman and Harley Peyton with David Lynch, Mark Frost and Richard Saul Wurman): It's the hardest book to get from the books that were released in the nineties. The Access Guide is somewhat of a predecessor of The Secret History, since it includes some of the origins of Twin Peaks. However, the Access Guide also includes newspaper articles, a donuts recipe, and more fun stuff!
Link of the PDF (It won't show a preview because of how heavy the document is, so simply download it)
The Autobiography of Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes (written by Scott Frost)*: Cooper's autobiography starts in 1967 and ends on February the 24th, 1989. It featured short interviews from Cooper's friends and other people connected to him and transcripts from his tapes. Like Laura's, Cooper experiences tons of horrifying and sad things, from sexual abuse to murder so reader discretion is advised.
Internet Archive Link
Glastonberry Grove PDF + Text
The Secret History of Twin Peaks (written by Mark Frost): A dossier of Garland Briggs that narrates the history of the town as well as the families that ahve stayed there, alongside relationships in the FBI, it includes letters, menus, classified FBI documents, drawings, fragments of books with notes done by Agent Tamara "Tammy" Preston.
Internet Archive link
The Final Dossier (written by Mark Frost): After the events of The Return, Gordon Cole assigns to Tammy the mission to interview people that were missing in The Return (Annie, Audrey, Donna, Harry, etc).
Internet Archive link
Star Pics Cards: A limited edition series of cards done by the writers of the show including the information of most of the characters, items and spaces featured on the first two seasons (With the exception of Denise Bryson).
Glastonberry Grove index
The Music of Twin Peaks introduction: A small text that came with the album "The Music of Twin Peaks", released in 1990.
Glastonberry Grove link
Twin Peaks scripts: The scripts and transcripts for the first two seasons as well as other texts.
Glastonberry Grove text index
Blue Velvet (dir. David Lynch, 1986): Some could say this is the predecessor of Twin Peaks, considering Jeffrey Beaumont (Kyle MacLachlan), Sandy Williams (Laura Dern) and Frank Booth (Dennis Hopper) are considered prototypes for Cooper, Diane and BOB by Dern, Lynch and MacLachlan. Set in a 50s ambiented town in North Carolina in 1984, Blue Velvet is about a 21 year old college dropout named Jeffrey Beaumont who finds an ear on his way home after visiting his hospitalized father. The movie includes three, very graphic scenes, so watch it at your own risk.
Blue Velvet trailer
Internet Archive link
Mulholland Drive (dir. David Lynch, 2001): Originally going to be an Audrey Horne spin-off for TV, Mulholland Drive is considered to be one of the best films done in history and the best of David Lynch's filmography by many alongside Blue Velvet, Fire Walk With Me and Lost Highway. After Rita (Laura Harring) survives a car accident on Mulholland Drive but suffers mass amnesia, she meets a up-and-coming star Diane (Naomi Watts) who's deeply intrigued about Rita's past, and together, try to solve the mystery of her past.
Mulholland Drive Trailer
Wrapped in Plastic Magazine: Released for the first time in October of 1992, Wrapped in Plastic Magazine is the most recognizable out of the Twin Peaks related magazines that exist since the start of the show. The issues include essays, theories and even interviews to the stars as well as issues dedicated to other shows and movies like The X-Files!
Music is also one of the most important things in the show (and also one of the best things), as it sets the mood and the personality of each character without having to say anything.
In Glastonberry Grove, you can find the music notations of Angelo Badalamenti for Laura’s theme, the music from the intro (also known as the Falling instrumental), Into The Night, Falling, Dance of the Dream Man, Audrey’s Dance and more.
Floating Into The Night (All of the songs but Mysteries of Love, I Float Alone, The Swan, Floating and I Remember are featured in the show) by Julee Cruise.
The first season Soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti
The second season Soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti (including unreleased tracks!).
The Double R Jukebox playlist I made taken from the Access Guide! It features most of the songs but since some of them aren’t on Spotify, you can also find it here.
The Fire Walk With Me Soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti, Julee Cruise and David Lynch.
The Return Soundtrack that features bands like Chromatics to singers like Rebekah del Rio and Eddie Vedder, as well as Julee Cruise and Angelo Badalamenti, of course.
A Slice of Lynch: David Lynch interviews Kyle Maclachlan, Mädchen Amick and post-production supervisor John Wentworth to discuss about Twin Peaks.
A Talk with Kyle MacLachlan and Sheryl Lee: A preview of an interview Kyle and Sheryl did for the Twin Peaks: From Z to A boxset where they talk about Laura and Cooper.
COOP Visits the set of Twin Peaks: David Lynch, Frank Silva (BOB) and more thank the members of C.O.O.P. for helping save "Twin Peaks" after its close cancellation in 1991.
David Lynch interviews the Palmer family: What it says on the title! Lynch interviews Laura, Leland and Sarah 25 years after Laura's murder. This was done as a way to promote The Missing Pieces DVD, which are the scenes that were cut from Fire Walk With Me.
Fire Walk With Me (+deleted scenes, aka "The Missing Pieces"): The extended version of Fire Walk With Me that features the deleted scenes, considered by many the definitive cut of FWWM.
Fire Walk With Me discussed by David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Sheryl Lee: An interview they did in 2003 where they talk about FWWM.
Georgia Coffee commercials: The Georgia Coffee commercials were a series of ads directed by David Lynch for a Japan only Coca-Cola line of canned coffee featuring Cooper and the police station trying to help a mysterious man named Ken, whose girlfriend is stuck in the Black Lodge.
Invitation to Love: In the show, Lucy, Nadine and other characters are obsessed with an exaggerated soap opera named “Invitation to Love”. You can see the whole show (16 minutes) here! The band Her’s named their album “Invitation To Her’s” after this parody.
Kyle MacLachlan Twin Peaks SNL parody: The Twin Peaks parody Kyle MacLachlan did in the episode he hosted of Saturday Night Live in late 1990.
Making Bets: A deleted scene featuring Cooper and Harry set around season two where they make bets on the Seahawks game.
Meet the Makers: A series of interviews with the writers and crew of Twin Peaks.
Mauve Zone: A photo archive featuring promo photos, Richard Beymer's polaroids, polaroids of the actors on the costume tests, behind the scenes footage of the three seasons and the movie, as well as outtakes, spoofs and deleted scenes.
Scenes Deleted: A YouTube channel who uploaded most of the deleted scenes of the first two seasons.
Twin Peaks: The Return behind the scenes: These were short films filmed by Richard Beymer during the production of the return. Most of them are featured in the DVDs of the complete series, but you can find the following on YouTube:
David Lynch as Gordon Cole
I Had Bad Milk in Dehradun
The Man With the Gray Elevated Hair
The Woodsman
Glastonberry Grove: A great website filled with content from the original series. I'm very glad this site exists!
@laughingpinecone 's blog: If it weren't for Eva's amazing blog, I wouldn't have known half of these amazing web pages and sites. Go check out her amazing blog if you love Twin Peaks, Disco Elysium, Myst and more!
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fibula-rasa · 1 year
Cosplaying Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara in Valley of the Dolls (1967)
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Take one of my closet cosplay of Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara in the telethon scene in Valley of the Dolls (1967)
Or, as Patty Duke herself called it, “Valley of the Dreck.”
Why Duke would continue to feel chagrin over Dolls and her performance even after the film developed a devoted cult following is no great mystery. Dolls was Duke’s first film after the end of her sitcom, The Patty Duke Show. What Duke envisioned as a potential first step in a full career of proper adult work was marred by an abusive work environment and resulted in a funhouse mirror reflection of the novel and, eventually,  a cornerstone of Camp.
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Take two of my closet cosplay of Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara
Duke wasn’t the only one in the cast hot off major television roles: Barbara Parkins and Lee Grant had prominent roles on Peyton Place, Martin Milner and Paul Burke  starred in Route 66 and 12 O’Clock High, respectively. However, for Duke, Dolls held extra weight: between the end of her sitcom and the production of Dolls she had been institutionalized for her mental illness and she had finally been able to seek work free from the abusive management team she had as a child. There would naturally be a lot riding on Dolls for her, professionally and personally. For Dolls to not only be a shitty filming experience but a dud of a film—garnering Duke bad reviews—would understandably leave a lasting bad taste in her mouth.
Despite Duke’s negative recollections of the production and release of Dolls, it’s clear in her memoir, Call Me Anna, that Duke approached the role of Neely in earnest. She would be immediately dispirited, however, witnessing first hand the poor treatment of Judy Garland, originally cast as Helen Lawson, and experiencing abuse of her own from the director Mark Robson. Duke even alleged that casting Garland in the role was a publicity stunt; as it was long rumored that Duke’s role of Neely O’Hara was inspired by Garland.
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A troubled production isn’t always destined to fail and, in fact, Dolls was successful at the box office. However, in this case, what resulted was a sort of “passionate failure”—to quote Susan Sontag—which has cemented its place in Camp canon over the fifty-six years since its release. Quite a few writers have examined that more thoroughly than I could here, so rather than doing a full literature review, let me instead recommend you do some reading on your own about Dolls’ Camp pedigree. Instead, taking note that I love Valley of the Dolls, I can provide some context on how the film became what it is—and why Patty Duke suffered for it.
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Take three of my closet cosplay of Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara
Read on BELOW the JUMP
Buy me a ☕
Jacqueline Susann’s bestselling novel, Valley of the Dolls, published in 1966, is also a Camp classic (in a wholly different manner than the film—another story for another time). Regardless of Camp status, the novel pushed a lot of boundaries in terms of the social mores of the 1960s. Susann frankly depicted drug abuse, queerness, female friendships, and the difficult realities of living life on your own terms as a woman in the social climate of mid-century America. As you might imagine, a Hollywood film made in 1967 would hardly be able to present much of that effectively.
To start with, the filmmakers heavily sanitized the entire work and also condensed the timeline of the story significantly.* The language used and nature of conversations are heavily censored or completely removed. The events that form the basis of the three lead characters forming their friendship are elided or rewritten, making the intertwining of their lives/careers feel like little more than a narrative device.** In my opinion, the most obvious victim of the changes is Duke’s Neely O’Hara.
The novel takes place between the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s, with relevant flashbacks/backstory for many of the characters. Neely is only a teen at the start of the book and is in her mid-thirties by the end. Obviously adapting a novel to a single feature-length film requires truncations. Characters are removed/reduced/remixed and a lot of backstory is erased—understandable and expected. But, a puzzling choice in the case of Dolls is that the bulk of the events of the nineteen years of the book are still included in the film. Which means packing a lot of pretty serious life events into a drastically shorter timeframe—a move destined to produce absurdity.
“Neely had no education, but she had the inborn intelligence of a mongrel puppy, plus the added sparkle that causes one puppy to stand out in a litter. This puppy was clumsy, frank and eager, with a streak of unexpected worldliness running through her innocence.” — Valley of the Dolls, Jaqueline Susann
In the case of Neely, she has her big break, gets married, gets a Hollywood contract, gets addicted to pills and booze, her marriage falls apart and she has an affair with/marries her costume designer who then cheats on her and they divorce, she hits rock bottom and she’s institutionalized, then she steals Anne’s boyfriend and when she’s poised to make her big comeback, she gets sloshed and can’t go on. All of that goes on in the film with little to no change in fashion or styling to indicate time passing. This makes Neely’s rise and fall and rise and fall come off as absolutely outrageous.
No matter how earnestly Duke might have pursued her characterization of Neely originally, she was going to emerge looking ridiculous. [IMO, ridiculous in a highly entertaining, non-mocking way, but nevertheless ridiculous.] Whether it was possible to foresee this outcome at the time, I can’t know for certain. However, Susan Hayward’s insistence on having her hair white, instead of being bald from cancer treatment (screenplay) or hair treatment gone awry (book), makes me wonder if the more seasoned performer saw the writing on the wall and wasn’t willing to commit to such extremities?
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Take four of my closet cosplay of Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara
With the benefit of time, fifty six years after the film’s initial release, the Camp factor of Dolls has only increased. If it had been competently adapted and had better direction, I feel confident that we wouldn’t still be talking about it in 2023. And, if Patty Duke’s performance hadn’t been so wildly over the top, Dolls might have been kind of dour and slightly boring. That’s not to deride Barbara Parkins, Sharon Tate, Susan Hayward or Lee Grant, they did great work with what they were given—but they also weren’t given jobs as impossible as the adapted Neely.
Duke’s performance is often derided (even by herself) and Dolls did end up being deleterious to her transition to adult screen roles. But, her Neely O’Hara is a Camp icon and I have a great affection for her work. It’s a performance that’ll stick with you—love it, hate it, or laugh at it. Maybe it’s the irony of having such a young actress (only twenty two!) so convincingly portray a performer that’s already been chewed up and spit out by the industry. Maybe it’s the energy she brings—the bottled up ambition to make it stick and no longer be thought of as a kid. If nothing else, Duke’s Neely is one of a kind.
“Camp taste is, above all, a mode of enjoyment, of appreciation—not judgment. Camp is generous. It wants to enjoy. It only seems like malice, cynicism. (Or, if it is cynicism, it’s not a ruthless but a sweet cynicism.) Camp taste doesn’t propose that it is in bad taste to be serious; it doesn’t sneer at someone who succeeds in being seriously dramatic. What it does is to find the success in certain passionate failures.” — Notes on Camp, Susan Sontag
What do you all think about this film? It’s divisive for a lot of very good reasons! And also bad reasons!
*Only in writing this did I learn that one of the two screenwriters credited for Dolls, Helen Deutsch, is also the screenwriter who adapted Paul Gallico’s The Love of Seven Dolls into Lili (1953). If you have also read the book and seen that film, the, um… creative choices there would also leave you questioning some things. Though maybe I should give her some leeway and assume that they weren’t strictly her creative choices given that, under the studio system in Hollywood at the time, it’s not likely that a closer adaptation of the book could have passed the censors or been palatable to studio heads. Ditto with Dolls.
**Most instances of queerness of the characters (mostly Jennifer and Anne) are erased entirely. I will talk about this more in future posts!
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movies I watched in 2023
(taking a cue from @stenka-razin)
The Power of the Dog (2021, dir. Jane Campion)
Love, Simon (2018, dir. Greg Berlant)
Gamer (2009, dir. Brian Taylor & Mark Neveldine)
Men (2022, dir. Alex Garland)
The Menu (2022, dir. Mark Mylod)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2013, dir. Jim Jarmusch)
The Dead Don’t Die (2019, dir. Jim Jarmusch)
A Touch of Sin (2013, dir. Jia Zhangke)
Lost Girls & Love Hotels (2020, dir. William Olsson)
Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist (2008, dir. Peter Sollett)
In the Mood for Love (2000, dir. Wong Kar-Wai)
The Woman King (2022, dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood)
Charlie’s Angels (2000, dir. McG)
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (2003, dir. Tsai Ming-Liang)
Nope (2022, dir. Jordan Peele)
Ash is Purest White (2018, dir. Jia Zhangke)
Shoplifters (2018, dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda)
Three (2016, dir. Johnnie To)
Nobody (2021, dir. Ilya Naishuller)
Charlie’s Angels (2019, dir. Elizabeth Banks)
The Wonderland (2019, dir. Keiichi Hara)
Rebels of the Neon God (1992, dir. Tsai Ming-Liang)
Tetris (2023, dir. Jon S. Baird)
There’s Something About Mary (1998, dir. Bobby and Peter Farrely)
The Whale (2022, dir. Darren Aronofsky)
The Fabelmans (2022, dir. Steven Spielberg)
Throw Down (2004, dir. Johnnie To)
Tár (2022, dir. Todd Field)
Yi Yi (2000, dir. Edward Yang)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022, dir. Ryan Coogler)
Catch .44 (2011, dir. Aaron Harvey)
Spaceballs (1987, dir. Mel Brooks)
Bottle Rocket (1996, dir. Wes Anderson)
An Autumn Afternoon (1962, dir. Yasujiro Ozu)
Ant Man & The Wasp: Quantumania (2023, dir. Peyton Reed)
Flight of the Red Balloon (2007, dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien)
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023, dir. Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013, dir. Joel and Ethan Coen)
Good Morning (1959, dir. Yasujiro Ozu)
Casino Royale (2006, dir. Martin Campbell)
Quantum of Solace (2008, dir. Marc Forster)
Skyfall (2012, dir. Sam Mendes)
Spectre 2015, dir. Sam Mendes)
No Time To Die (2021, dir. Cary Joji Fukunaga)
Octopussy (1983, dir. John Glen)
GoldenEye (1995, dir. Martin Campbell)
First Reformed (2017, dir. Paul Schrader)
Zoolander (2001, dir. Ben Stiller)
The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie (2022, dir. Masato Jinbo)
Mainstream (2020, dir. Gia Coppola)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005, dir. Tim Burton)
Equinox Flower (1958, dir. Yasujiro Ozu)
You Only Live Twice (1967, dir. Lewis Gilbert)
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 (2023, dir. James Gunn)
The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil (2019, dir. Lee Won-tae)
Leap Year (2010, dir. Anand Tucker)
The Worst Person in the World (2021, dir. Joachim Trier)
Palm Springs (2020, dir. Max Barbakow)
Days (2020, dir. Tsai Ming-liang)
Kindergarten Cop (1990, dir. Ivan Reitman)
Barbie (2023, dir. Greta Gerwig)
Babylon (2022, dir. Damien Chazelle)
Shin Godzilla (2016, dir. Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi)
The Flash (2023, dir. Andy Muschietti)
Asteroid City (2023, dir. Wes Anderson)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023, dir. Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic)
The Little Mermaid (2023, dir. Rob Marshall)
Mulan (2020, dir. Niki Caro)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984, dir. Wes Craven)
Fitzcarraldo (1982, dir. Werner Herzog)
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022, dir. Halina Reijn)
Frances Ha (2012, dir. Noah Baumbach)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003, dir. Peter Weir)
A Nightmare on Elm Street, Part 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985, dir. Jack Sholder)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987, dir. Chuck Russell)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988, dir. Renny Harlin)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989, dir. Stephen Hopkins)
Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991, dir. Rachel Talalay)
Wes Craven’s New Nightmare (1994, dir. Wes Craven)
Renfield (2023, dir. Chris McKay)
Theater Camp (2023, dir. Molly Gordon and Nick Lieberman)
Shiva Baby (2020, dir. Emma Seligman)
Friday the 13th (1980, dir. Sean S. Cunningham)
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981, dir. Steve Miner)
Friday the 13th - Part III (1982, dir. Steve Miner)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984, dir. Joseph Zito)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985, dir. Danny Steinmann)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986, dir. Tom McLoughlin)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988, dir. John Carl Beuchler)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989, dir. Rob Hedden)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993, dir. Adam Marcus)
Jason X (2001, dir. James Isaac)
Freddy vs. Jason (2003, dir. Ronny Yu)
Friday the 13th (2009, dir. Marcus Nispel)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010, dir. Samuel Bayer)
Easy A (2010, dir. Will Gluck)
Saw (2004, dir. James Wan)
Saw II (2005, dir. Darren Lynn Bousman)
Saw III (2006, dir. Darren Lynn Bousman)
Saw IV (2007, dir. Darren Lynn Bousman)
Saw V (2008, dir. David Hackl)
Saw VI (2009, dir. Kevin Greutert)
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010, dir. Kevin Greutert)
A History of Violence (2005, dir. David Cronenberg)
Infinity Pool (2023, dir. Brandon Cronenberg)
Dracula 2000 (2000, dir. Patrick Lussier)
Mean Girls (2004, dir. Mark Waters)
Jennifer’s Body (2009, dir. Karyn Kusama)
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972, dir. Werner Herzog)
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979, dir. Werner Herzog)
Murder on the Orient Express (2017, dir. Kenneth Branagh)
Death on the Nile (2022, dir. Kenneth Branagh)
A Haunting in Venice (2023, dir. Kenneth Branagh)
The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023, dir. André Øvredal)
Samurai Reincarnation (1981, dir. Kinji Fukasaku)
Legally Blonde (2001, dir. Robert Luketic)
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (2019, dir. Katt Shea)
The Last Duel (2021, dir. Ridley Scott)
Paint Your Wagon (1969, dir. Joshua Logan)
Thanksgiving (2023, dir. Eli Roth)
The Devil Wears Prada (2006, dir. David Frankel)
Shogun’s Shadow (1989, dir. Yasuo Furuhata)
The Conjuring (2013, dir. James Wan)
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton (2004, dir. Robert Luketic)
The Conjuring 2 (2016, dir. James Wan)
The Nun (2018, dir. Corin Hardy)
Le Samouraï (1967, dir. Jean-Pierre Melville)
The Nun II (2023, dir. Michael Chaves)
Bottoms (2023, dir. Emma Seligman)
Annabelle (2014, dir. John R. Leonetti)
Gran Turismo (2023, dir. Neill Blomkamp)
Battles Without Honor And Humanity (1973, dir. Kinji Fukasaku)
Jigsaw (2017, dir. The Spierig Brothers)
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021, dir. Darren Lynn Bousman)
Saw X (2023, dir. Kevin Greutert)
Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse (2023, dir. Joaquim Dos Santos, et. al.)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023, dir. Jeff Rowe)
Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny (2023, dir. James Mangold)
Air Doll (2009, dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda)
The End of Summer (1961, dir. Yasujiro Ozu)
Air (2023, dir. Ben Affleck)
No Hard Feelings (2023, dir. Gene Stupnitsky)
Oppenheimer (2023, dir. Christopher Nolan)
Yakuza Wolf (1972, dir. Ryuichi Takamori)
Yakuza: Like A Dragon (2007, dir. Takashi Miike)
Spencer (2021, dir. Pablo Larraín)
Moneyball (2011, dir. Bennett Miller)
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023, dir. Steve Caple, Jr.)
Knights of the Zodiac (2023, dir. Tomek Baginski)
Dragonball Evolution (2009, dir. James Wong)
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scaredbi · 2 years
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12/20/22 (first viewing) Chucky (2021-) Season 1 (2021) Created by Don Mancini, Dir. Don Mancini, Dermott Downs, Leslie Libman, Samir Rehem, & Jeff Renfroe, Written by Don Mancini, Harley Peyton, Nick Zigler, Sarah Acosta, Mallory Westfall, Kim Garland, Rachael Paradis, & Isabella Gutierrez
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goalhofer · 1 year
Every Goal Of The 2023 IIHF Worlds: Day 12
U.S.A. Vs. Sweden
#21 Leo Carlsson (2)(PP) Tömmernes (9), Lindberg (3) 9:10 1st (U.S.A. 0-1 Sweden)
#13 Nick Bonino (3)(PP) Gauthier (2), Tynan (8) 16:49 1st (U.S.A. 1-1 Sweden)
#83 Conor Garland (2)(PP) Mazur (2), Grimaldi (5) 13:54 2nd (U.S.A. 2-1 Sweden)
#20 Lane Hutson (2) unassisted 19:30 2nd (U.S.A. 3-1 Sweden)
#21 Leo Carlsson (3) Berggren (5), L. Johansson (2) 14:51 3rd (U.S.A. 3-2 Sweden)
#37 Timothy Liljegren (1) Tömmernes (10), Lindberg (4) 17:29 3rd (U.S.A. 3-3 Sweden)
#12 Dylan Samberg (1) Mazur (3), Tynan (9) 1:37 OT (U.S.A. 4-3 Sweden)
Germany Vs. France
#40 Alexander Ehl (2) Stachowiak (3), Tuomie (3) 3:31 1st (Germany 1-0 France)
#95 Fredrik Tiffels (1) Peterka (5), Kahun (1) 15:55 1st (Germany 2-0 France)
#33 John-Jason Peterka (4) unassisted 2:07 2nd (Germany 3-0 France)
#77 Daniel Fischbuch (1)(PP) Wissmann (6), Noebels (4) 3:51 3rd (Germany 4-0 France)
#7 Maximilian Kastner (1)(PP) Noebels (5), Wissmann (7) 13:34 3rd (Germany 5-0 France)
Denmark Vs. Finland
#12 Marko Anttila (2) Matinpalo (2), Björninen (4) 2:39 1st (Denmark 0-1 Finland)
#55 Atte Ohtamaa (2) Rantanen (7), Manninen (3) 3:31 1st (Denmark 0-2 Finland)
#2 Ville Pokka (1) Seppälä (1), Kakko (2) 18:36 1st (Denmark 0-3 Finland)
#24 Hannes Björninen (1) Pesonen (4), Seppälä (2) 2:54 2nd (Denmark 0-4 Finland)
#91 Juho Lammikko (2)(SH) Seppälä (3) 15:07 2nd (Denmark 0-5 Finland)
#42 Samu Kapanen (3) Kakko (3), Suomela (2) 18:11 2nd (Denmark 0-6 Finland)
#23 Nikolas Matinpalo (1) Björninen (5), Oksanen (2) 2:41 3rd (Denmark 0-7 Finland)
#24 Nikolaj Ehlers (5) Krogsgaard (1), Gammelgaard (2) 2:53 3rd (Denmark 1-7 Finland)
Slovakia Vs. Norway
#27 Marek Hrivík (2) Pánik (2), Regenda (2) 3:58 1st (Slovakia 1-0 Norway)
#34 Peter Cehlárik (2) Rosandić (2), Kňažko (2) 7:30 1st (Slovakia 2-0 Norway)
#16 Róbert Lantoši (1) Gajdoš (1) 15:43 1st (Slovakia 3-0 Norway)
#37 Markus Vikingstad (1) Berg-Paulsen (1), Olsen (1) 3:10 2nd (Slovakia 3-1 Norway)
#28 Richard Pánik (3)(EN) unassisted 18:41 3rd (Slovakia 4-1 Norway)
Canada Vs. Czech Republic
#19 Peyton Krebs (1)(PP) Glass (2), Hunt (3) 19:12 1st (Canada 1-0 Czech Republic)
#61 Martin Kaut (1) Flek (1), Dvořák (4) 2:06 2nd (Canada 1-1 Czech Republic)
#57 Tyler Myers (1) Quinn (4), Laughton (3) 4:09 3rd (Canada 2-1 Czech Republic)
#67 Lawson Crouse (5)(EN) Laughton (4) 19:24 3rd (Canada 3-1 Czech Republic)
Switzerland Vs. Latvia
#29 Ralfs Freibergs (1) Indrašis (3) 1:43 2nd (Switzerland 0-1 Latvia)
#21 Kevin Fiala (1) Corvi (4) 6:02 2nd (Switzerland 1-1 Latvia)
#18 Rodrigo Ābols (5) Balcers (6), Freibergs (3) 6:34 2nd (Switzerland 1-2 Latvia)
#98 Marco Miranda (2) Riat (3), Corvi (5) 7:03 3rd (Switzerland 2-2 Latvia)
#10 Andres Ambühl (4) Fiala (4), Corvi (6) 13:46 3rd (Switzerland 3-2 Latvia)
#16 Kaspers Daugaviņš (3) Ābols (2), Balcers (7) 14:56 3rd (Switzerland 3-3 Latvia)
#21 Rūdolfs Balcers (1)(PP) Balinskis (2), Jaks (3) 2:25 OT (Switzerland 3-4 Latvia)
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rjhamster · 1 year
How to Get Back into Church
Read How to Get Back into Church by Peyton Garland. Christian women faith articles, encouragement, growth. — Read on www.ibelieve.com/faith/how-to-get-back-into-church.html
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ooluwole · 2 years
10 Destructive Phrases We Must Stop Speaking to Ourselves
Peyton Garland iBelieve Editor To be in God’s presence, sin and all, means you aren’t in the presence of lightning bolts but the presence of love. God adores a repentant heart not because he craves control but because nothing bolsters his joy more than when we are free of hurt. Humans have mastered the art of hauling hateful words at the masses: the person who cut us off in traffic, the…
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itsyourbizme · 2 years
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When people drive by Cary and Simon’s 1830s farmhouse in Ghent, New York, they usually think it’s a restaurant b/c of the façade. The Façade, by artist Robert Venturi, was inspired by the Halfpenny Brothers chinoiserie pattern book from England.
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Believe it or not, Dollar Store finds mingle with the art and antiques. The mushroom center hall table is from a discount store children’s garden set.
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Their house exudes a madcap whimsy- in a sitting room, rainbow streamers hang from the ceiling, leftover holiday trimmings were strung up by Simon. When they started drooping, he was going to take them down, but then strung a streamer across the middle instead.
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This Empire sofa has Grandma Moses fabric and a Doggie doll pillow by Peyton Jefferson.
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Then there are the giant corn-on-the-cob side tables (I have one!)  Wing chairs are upholstered in Obama fabric.
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They share a wicked sense of humor, and it shows throughout the house. Flip a switch on the wall and that painting begins to spin.
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I’m obsessed with the big pink faux fireplace made by artist Robert Venturi.  Chairs and table are by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown.
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In the powder room; plaster figurines of U.S. presidents.
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The house itself is a wonderful mishmash of old and new.
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Collection of group photos around “Mount Vernon with George Washington,” 1975, by Alex Katz, in the center.
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Going up the stairs, they hung a purple flower garland from the Dollar Store to soften the look. 
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This guest room features a giant packet of Sweet ‘n Low. 
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I thought this was a pony tail, but it’s called “Endless Column.” The suitcase belonged to late actress Carol Channing. What great decor.
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90smovies · 7 years
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Twin Peaks
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reportwire · 3 years
The Love Letters (a series)
The Love Letters (a series)
Hey, friend! I have a story (or fourteen) for you: Whenever you pledge to a sorority, it’s common to receive a nickname. I lightheartedly bounced between two: Sister Saint and Boot Chaser. The first came from my staunch stance against wild parties and wilder guys. The next was born from my unhealthy obsession with men in uniforms. I’d unofficially talk to a Coast Guardsmen here, go on a date or…
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boxscorehockey · 2 years
2021-22 Alphabetical Directory Fwd A-M
Aho Sebastian Alexandrov Nikita Altybarmakian Andrei Amirov Rodion Anderson- Dolan Jared Andersson Lias Arvidsson Viktor Asplund Rasmus Atkinson Cam Backstrom Nicklas Bailey Josh Balcers Rudolfs Bankier Caedan Barkov Aleksander Barratt Evan Barre-Boulet Alex Barzal Mathew Batherson Drake Beaucage Alex Beauvillier Anthony Beckman Adam Bellows Kieffer Bemstrom Emil Beniers Matt Benn Jamie Bennett Sam Bergeron Patrice Berggren Jonatan Bertuzzi Tyler Bjorkstrand Oliver Blichfeld Joachim Boeser Brock Bokk Dominik Bolduc Zachary Boldy Matthew Bordeleau Thomas Borgstrom Henrik Boucher Tyler Bourgault Xavier Bourque Mavrik Bowers Shane Brabenec Jakub Bratt Jesper Brink Bobby Brisson Brendan Brown Connor Broz Tristan Buchnevich Pavel Bunting Michael Burakovsky Andre Buyalsky Andrei Byfield Quinton Caufield Cole Cehlarik Peter Chekhovich Ivan Chibrikov Nikita Chinakhov Yegor Chromiak Martin Chytil Filip Cirelli Anthony Coe Brandon Colangelo Sam Coleman Blake Colton Ross Compher J.T. Comtois Maxime Connor Kyle Copp Andrew Coronato Matthew Cotton David Couture Logan Couturier Sean Coyle Charlie Cozens Dylan Crosby Sidney Crouse Lawson Cuylle Will Dach Colton Dach Kirby Dadonov Evgenii Dahlen Jonathan Damiani Riley Danault Philip Dean Zach DeBrincat Alex DeBrusk Jake Dellandrea Ty Denisenko Grigori Doan Josh Domi Max Donato Ryan Dorofeyev Pavel Draisaitl Leon Drury Jack Dube Dillon Dubois Pierre- Luc Duchene Matt Duclair Anthony Dugan Jack Duke Dylan Dvorak Christian Eberle Jordan Ehlers Nikolaj Eichel Jack Eklund William Elvenes Lucas Eriksson Ek Joel Ertel Justin Evangelista Luke Fabbri Robby Fagemo Samuel Farabee Joel Farrell Sean Fedotov Ilya Fiala Kevin Finley Jack Firstov Vladislav Fix- Wolansky Trey Foerster Tyson Foote Nolan Formenton Alex Forsbacka- Karlsson Jakob Forsberg Filip Foudy Jean-Luc Foudy Liam Francis Ryan Frost Morgan Gallagher Brendan Gallant Zachary Garland Conor Gaudreau Johnny Giroux Claude Glass Cody Golyshev Anatoly Goncalves Gage Gourde Yani Granlund Mikael Greig Ridly Gritsyuk Arseny Groulx Benoit-Olivier Grundstrom Carl Guenther Dylan Guentzel Jake Gunler Noel Gurianov Denis Gusev Nikita Gushchin Danil Hagel Brandon Hall Taylor Hallander Filip Harrison Brett Hartman Ryan Hawryluk Jayce Hayes Kevin Hayton Barrett Heineman Emil Helenius Sami Henriksson Karl Henrique Adam Hertl Tomas Hintz Roope Hirose Taro Hirvonen Roni Hischier Nico Hoffman Mike Hoglander Nils Holloway Dylan Holmstrom Simon Holtz Alexander Horvat Bo Howden Brett Huberdeau Jonathan Huckins Cole Hughes Jack Hyman Zach Iaffalo Alex Jarventie Roby Jarvis Seth Jeannot Tanner Jenik Jan Jenner Boone Johansen Ryan Johnson Kent Johnson Wyatt Jost Tyson Kadri Nazem Kakko Kaapo Kaliyev Arthur Kalynuk Wyatt Kane Evander Kane Patrick Kapanen Kasperi Kapanen Oliver Kaprizov Kirill Kase Ondrej Karlsson William Katchouk Boris Kaut Martin Kayumov Artur Keller Clayton Kempe Adrian Kerfoot Alexander Khovanov Alexander Khusnutdinov Marat Kidney Riley Killorn Alex Kirk Liam Kisakov Aleksandr Klimovich Danila Knies Matthew Koivula Otto Koivunen Ville Konecny Travis Kopitar Anze Korczak Ryder Koshtov Yegor Kostin Klim Kotkaniemi Jesperi Kravtsov Vitali Krebs Peyton Kreider Chris Kubalik Dominik Kucherov Nikita Kunin Luke Kuokkanen Janne Kupari Rasmus Kuznetsov Evgeny Kyrou Jordan L’Heureux Zachary Labanc Kevin Lafreniere Alexis Laine Patrik Landeskog Gabriel Lapierre Hendrix Larkin Dylan Lauko Jakub Leason Brett Lee Anders Leschyshyn Jake Lindholm Elias Lucius Chaz Lundell Anton Lundestrom Isac Lysell Fabian MacKinnon Nathan Madden Tyler Malatesta James Malkin Evgeni Mangiapane Andrew Mantha Anthony Marchand Brad Marchenko Kirill Marchessault Jonathan Marchment Mason Marner Mitch Martino Ayrton Matthews Auston Mazur Carter Mcbain Jack McCann Jared McDavid Connor Mcleod Ryan McMichael Connor McTavish Mason Meier Timo Mercer Dawson Meyers Ben Miettinen Veeti Mikheyev Mikhail Milano Sonny Miller J.T. Mittelstadt Casey Monahan Sean Mysak Jan
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Season 1 Gilmore Girls References (Breakdown)
Yay! All the season 1 references have been posted. Before I start posting season 2, I wanted to post this little breakdown for your enjoyment :) It starts with some statistics and then below the cut is a list of all the specific references.
Overall amount of references in season 1: 605
Top 10 Most Common References: NSYNC (5), Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (5), Taylor Hanson (6), Leo Tolstoy (7), Lucky Spencer (7), Marcel Proust (7), PJ Harvey (7), The Bangles (8), The Donna Reed Show (8), William Shakespeare (10)
Which episodes had the most references: #1 is That Damn Donna Reed with 55 references. #2 is Christopher Returns with 44 references 
What characters made the most references (Only including characters/actors who were in the opening credits): Lorelai had the most with 237 references, Rory had second most with 118, and Lane had third most with 48.
First reference of the season: Jack Kerouac referenced by Lorelai 
Final reference of the season: Adolf Eichmann referenced by Michel 
  Movies/TV Shows/Episodes/Characters, Commercials, Cartoons/Cartoon Characters, Plays, Documentaries:
9 1/2 Weeks, Alex Stone, Alfalfa, An Affair To Remember, A Streetcar Named Desire, Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman, Avon Commercials, Bambi, Beethoven, Boogie Nights, Cabaret, Casablanca, Charlie's Angels, Charlie Brown cartoons, Christine, Cinderella, Citizen Kane, Daisy Duke, Damien Thorn, Dawson Leery, Donna Stone, Double Indemnity, Double Mint Commercials, Ethel Mertz, Everest, Felix Unger, Fiddler On The Roof, Footloose, Freaky Friday, Fred Mertz, Gaslight, General Hospital, G.I. Jane, Gone With The Wind, Grease, Hamlet, Heathers, Hee Haw, House On Haunted Hill, Ice Castles, I Love Lucy, Iron Chef, Ishtar, Jeff Stone, Joanie Loves Chachi, John Shaft, Lady And The Tramp, Life With Judy Garland: Me And My Shadows, Love Story, Lucky Spencer, Lucy Raises Chickens, Lucy Ricardo, Lucy Van Pelt, Macbeth,  Magnolia, Mary Stone, Mask, Midnight Express, Misery, Norman Bates, Officer Krupke, Oompa Loompas, Old Yeller, Oscar Madison, Out Of Africa, Patton, Pepe Le Pew, Peyton Place, Pink Ladies, Pinky Tuscadero, Ponyboy, Psycho, Queen Of Outer Space, Rapunzel, Richard III, Ricky Ricardo, Rocky Dennis, Romeo And Juliet, Rosemary's Baby, Sandy Olsson, Saved By The Bell, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Schroeder, Sesame Street, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Sex And The City, Sixteen Candles, Sleeping Beauty, Star Trek, Stanley Kowalski, Stella Kowalski, Stretch Cunningham, The Champ, The Comedy Of Errors, The Crucible, The Donna Reed Show, The Duke's Of Hazzard, The Fly, The Great Santini, The Little Match Girl, The Matrix, The Miracle Worker, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Outsiders, The Shining, The Sixth Sense, The View, The Waltons, The Way We Were, The Scarecrow, This Old House, V.I.P., Valley Of The Dolls, Vulcans, Wild Kingdom, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, Wheel Of Fortune, Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf, Working Girl, Yogi Bear, You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
Bands, Songs, CDs:
98 Degrees, Air Supply, Apple Venus Volume 2, Backstreet Boys, Bee Gees, Black Sabbath, Blue Man Group, Blur, Bon Jovi, Boston, Bush, Duran Duran, Everlong, Foo Fighters, Fugazi, Grandaddy, Hanson, I'm Too Sexy, Joy Division, Jumpin' Jack Flash, Kraftwerk, Like A Virgin, Livin La Vida Loca, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Man I Feel Like A Woman, Metallica, Money Money, My Ding-A-Ling, NSYNC, On The Good Ship Lollipop, Pink Moon, Queen, Rancid, Sergeant Pepper, Shake Your Bon Bon, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Sister Sledge, Smoke On The Water, Steely Dan, Suppertime, Tambourine Man, The B-52s, The Bangles, The Beatles, The Best Of Blondie, The Cranberries, The Cure, The Offspring, The Sugarplastic, The Wallflowers, The Velvet Underground, Walk Like An Egyptian, XTC, Ya Got Trouble, Young Marble Giants
Books/Book Characters, Comic Books/Comic Book Characters, Comic Strips: 
A Mencken Chrestomathy, A Tale Of Two Cities, Anna Karenina, Belle Watling, Boo Radley, Carrie, David Copperfield, Dick Tracy, Dopey (One of the seven dwarfs) Goofus And Gallant, Great Expectations, Grinch, Hannibal Lecter, Hansel And Gretel, Harry Potter (book as well as character referenced), Huckleberry Finn, Little Dorrit, Madame Bovary, Moby Dick, Mommie Dearest, Moose Mason, Nancy Drew, Out Of Africa, Pinocchio, Swann's Way, The Amityville Horror, The Art Of Fiction, The Bell Jar, The Grapes Of Wrath, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The Lost Weekend, The Metamorphosis, The Portable Dorothy Parker, The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath, The Witch Tree Symbol, There's A Certain Slant Of Light, Tuesdays With Morrie, War And Peace, Wonder Woman
Public Figures:
Adolf Eichmann, Alfred Hitchcock, Angelina Jolie, Anna Nicole Smith, Annie Oakley, Antonio Banderas, Arthur Miller, Artie Shaw, Barbara Hutton, Barbara Stanwyck, Barbra Streisand, Beck, Ben Jonson, Benito Mussolini, Billy Bob Thornton, Billy Crudup, Bob Barker, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Catherine The Great, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Charles I, Charles Dickens, Charles Manson, Charlie Parker, Charlotte Bronte, Charlton Heston, Charo, Cher, Cheryl Ladd, Chris Penn, Christiane Amanpour, Christopher Marlowe, Chuck Berry, Claudine Longet, Cleopatra, Cokie Roberts, Courtney Love, Dalai Lama, Damon Albarn, Dante Alighieri, David Mamet, Donna Reed, Edith Wharton, Edna O'Brien, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Webber, Elle Macpherson, Elsa Klensch, Elvis, Emeril Lagasse, Emily Dickinson, Emily Post, Eminem, Emma Goldman, Errol Flynn, Fabio, Farrah Fawcett, Fawn Hall, Flo Jo, Francis Bacon, Frank Sinatra, Franz Kafka, Fred MacMurray, Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Gene Hackman, Gene Wilder, George Clooney, George Sand, George W. Bush, Harry Houdini, Harvey Fierstein, Henny Youngman, Henry David Thoreau, Henry James, Henry VIII, Herman Melville, Homer, Honore De Balzac, Howard Cosell, Hugh Grant, Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Jaclyn Smith, James Dean, Jane Austen, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Tandy, Jim Carey, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hoffa, Joan Of Arc, Joan Rivers, Jocelyn Wildenstein, Joel Grey, John Cage, John Gardner, John Muir, John Paul II, John Webster, Johnny Cash, Johnny Depp, Joseph Merrick AKA Elephant Man, Judy Blume, Judy Garland, Julian Lennon, Justin Timberlake, Karen Blixen AKA Isak Dinesen, Kate Jackson, Kathy Bates, Kevin Bacon, Kreskin, Lee Harvey Oswald, Leo Tolstoy, Leopold and Loeb, Lewis Carroll, Linda McCartney, Liz Phair, Liza Minnelli, Lou Reed, M Night Shyamalan, Macy Gray, Madonna, Marcel Marceau, Marcel Proust, Margot Kidder, Marie Antoinette, Marie Curie, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Mark Wahlberg, Marlin Perkins, Martha Stewart, Martha Washington, Martin Luther, Mary Kay Letourneau, Maurice Chevalier, Melissa Rivers, Meryl Streep, Michael Crichton, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer, Miguel De Cervantes, Miss Manners, Mozart, Nancy Kerrigan, Nancy Walker, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Nico, Oliver North, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Levant, Pat Benatar, Paul McCartney, Peter III Of Russia, Peter Frampton, Philip Glass, PJ Harvey, Prince, Queen Elizabeth I, Regis, Richard Simmons, Rick James, Ricky Martin, Robert Duvall, Robert Redford, Robert Smith, Robin Leach, Rosie O'Donnell, Ru Paul, Ruth Gordon, Samuel Barber, Sarah Duchess Of York, Sean Lennon, Sean Penn, Shania Twain, Shelley Hack, Sigmund Freud, Squeaky Fromme, Stephen King, Steven Tyler, Susan Faludi, Susanna Hoffs, Tanya Roberts, Taylor Hanson, Theodore Kaczynski AKA The Unabomber, The Kennedy Family, Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, and Gummo Marx AKA The Marx Brothers, Venus and Serena Williams (The reference was "The Williams Sisters"),Thelonious Monk, Tiger Woods, Tito Puente, Tom Waits, Tony Randall, Tonya Harding, Vaclav Havel, Vanna White, Vivien Leigh, Walt Whitman, William Shakespeare, William Shatner, Yoko Ono, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Camelot, Chernobyl Disaster, Cone Of Silence, Hindenburg Disaster, Iran-Contra Affair, Paul Bunyan, The Menendez Murders, Tribbles, Vulcan Death Grip, Whoville, Winchester Mystery House
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sapphiics · 4 years
congratulations grace, mwah !! can I get all the mutual ones pls <3
thank you viv💕
💃-10 song playlist
Clay by HANA
oh God by Orla Garland
Craigslist Personals by WRENN
Stripes by Alix Page
Time to get over it by Anna of the North
Sick of the Sun by Poppy
Part II by Paramore
Anaphylaxis by PUP
Bad Caffeine by Charli Adams
Losing Grip by Avril Lavinge
🕺- a movie/tv show scene that reminds me of you
One Tree Hill Season 3 ‘you’re my Brooke’ scene it shows Brooke’s insecurities and Peyton wanting to reassure her but them knowing that something happened that neither can take back. it’s also super gay😩 they should’ve kissed i swear by it
👯‍♀️- a handwritten note
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🧍🏻‍♀️- a surprise
i made you a poem(using poem generator)
For My Thoughtful Sunlight
A Love Poem by grace
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your edits are thoughtful,
And so are you.
Orchids are white,
Ghost ones are rare,
Your journey is long,
And so is your hair.
Magnolia grows,
With buds like eggs,
Knowledge is perfect,
And so are your legs.
Sunflowers reach,
Up to the skies,
A movement is expressive,
And so are your eyes.
Foxgloves in hedges,
Surround the farms,
Your room is warm,
And so are your arms.
Daisies are pretty,
Daffies have style,
The area is wide,
And so is your smile.
A sunlight is beautiful,
Just like you.
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worlldburn · 4 years
closed:  peyton  &  leo
location:  peyton’s  house
Autumn  was  beginning  to  take  its  course  on  the  south  and  though  the  shift  in  the  scenery  took  a  bit  longer  in  Georgia,  that  didn’t  seem  to  take  away  from  the  fall  spirit.  Corn  husks  could  be  found  on  all  porches  accompanied  by  armies  of  miscellaneous  sized  pumpkins  and  gords.  Other  families  opted  for  more  eerie  decor  such  as  scarecrows,  cobwebs  and  gaggles  of  skeletons  and  other  blown  up  lawn  decor.  Peyton’s  house  was  elegantly  decorated  with  everything  from  garland  to  assorted  pumpkins  and  even  signs  that  greeted  the  season’s  harvest  with  enthusiasm  that  she  very  clearly  did  not  have.  But  the  redhead  decorated  nevertheless,  sifting  through  boxes  she’d  accumulated  in  her  nearly  two  years  since  leaving  San  Francisco.  “It  may  be  speculated  by  those  in  the  neighborhood  that  the  only  reason  I’m  so  jazzed  about  it  being  October  is  so  I  can  shoo  away  the  neighborhood  children  with  villainy  and  razor  blade  laced  candies  but  that’s  all  just  hearsay  and  dare  I  say,  hocus  pocus.”  Peyton  huffed  as  she  unloaded  a  few  decorative  potion  bottles  and  ceramic  pumpkins  from  one  of  the  last  boxes.  “They’re  just  jealous  that  redheads  are  notorious  for  looking  breath-taking  in  fall  colors  due  to  our  powdered  pale  skin  and  auburn  locks  that  resemble  the  fallen  leaves.  I  can’t  help  that  burgundy  looks  so  good  on  me.”  
Peyton  shrugged  as  she  looked  down  at  her  outfit.  She  wore  her  paint  stained,  torn  up  mom  jeans  that  fit  loosely  around  her  waist  and  ankles  but  hugged  her  curves  just  right.  Leo  knew  these  were  her  house  work  jeans  and  judging  by  how  beautifully  they  fit  her,  it  was  clear  her  intention  was  to  get  him  to  notice  her  for  more  than  her  hard  work.  The  jeans  paired  well  with  her  worn  converse  and  burgundy  sweater  that  hung  lowly  off  her  bare  shoulder.  The  whole  outfit  was  very  unlike  Peyton  but  it  still  held  her  dignity  in  a  shocking  regard.  “Speaking  on  things  looking  good,”  She  hummed  as  she  dug  through  a  box  labeled  Halloween  Costumes  and  dug  out  a  pair  of  bunny  ears  from  college.  They’d  been  apart  of  one  her  infamous  playboy  bunny  outfits  but  she  slipped  them  atop  Leo’s  head  as  if  they  hadn’t  been  worn  with  lingerie  in  a  frat  basement  before.  “These  ears  look  pretty  good  on  you.  Which  only  further  supports  my  point  as  to  why  we  should  be  Jessica  and  Roger  Rabbit  for  Halloween.”
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