#Person of interest spoilers
asexual-squidward · 1 month
After hearing about Jim Caviezel being an asshole on set, I had a brief thought about an alternate universe where the show killed Reece off instead of Carter and now I’m obsessed with this AU
John dies and in grief Carter tracks Finch down (also grieving and at a loss now he can’t help the numbers) to the library and demands an explanation. Finch explains and asks for help saving at least one number while he tries to figure out what to do.
The plot plays out in a similar way - Root still kidnaps Finch, Shaw joins the team, they adopt Bear (via Shaw rather than Reece), and Fusco is still here.
But instead of Reece, it’s Carter hanging out with Finch at the library and having to juggle her job as a cop with herding Team Machine like a bunch of cats while trying to save numbers.
I just like the idea of Finch and Carter bonding as besties
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deadlesbianfight · 1 year
Dead Lesbian Fight - Semifinals
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Lexa (The 100) vs Root (Person of Interest)
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willowmosby · 1 year
Listen I told my self that I wasn't going to get invested enough in Person of Interest to talk about here but here I am anyway. It was chugging along being a good background show with Some really fun, if a little trope-y, cop characters and watching Harold Finch and John Reese act kinda gay and stop crime. I'm a big Amy Acker fan ( that's actually why I even started the show) so I wasn't upset about the shift in focus towards Root and Shaw a little bit as I entered season 3.
The problem I have actually run into is fucking season 3 episode 9: The Crossing. It just made me angry at a show's choices in a way I haven't felt in a while - please note I haven't watched past that episode as of writing this but I will eventually do so.
An the assumption that she really is dead( that looked pretty fucking fatal) I will miss Joss Carter a lot but that's not necessarily what made me angry. It seemed to me that the writers knew that the actor wanted out of the show from the start of the season as the whole season 3 arc was a seemingly slow moving suicide. It wasn't poorly written but it was obvious that this was a different type of Joss Carter than season 1 & 2.
No my problem wasn't necessarily her death. It's the "romantic" declarations of the episode. Now before you look back at the start of this and post and think I'm just mad because it wasn't my very unlikely to ever be a cannon ship that got confirmed, well you're only partially right.
Yes I'm a Rinch shipper( if follow my blog at all you've probably put together that I often root if the queer ships) but I genuinely would have been fine resigning myself to fanfiction while they get hopelessly paired up with some unsuspecting women. I understand that's how crime drama TV operates. And you know I actually like John and Zoe as a ship, if they were developed a bit more I think they could've been a lot of fun.
My problem is not that the whole you "saved me from commiting suicide" speech John gives Carter is equally, if not more, applicable to his relationship with Finch. Well, okay my problem is not only that. My problem is where was any of the romantic build up between Carter and John, like literally anything? They work great as narrative foils when Carter was still on the "the law is the only law" train. And they work great as friends as Carter steps more into the "some minor crime for the greater good is okay" camp. But not once did I think " oh these two are about to fall in love". Not even when Shaw asked about it earlier in season 3 did I think the show was going to actually pair them up like this. Now I hear you when you say that there are examples of characters with less chemistry have become couples. It's just, I'm not sure what the narrative gain is here. They had to know they were killing off Carter that same episode and this "revelation" doesn't add anything to the character. If anything it doesn't make sense with the revenge for Cal Becher (Beacher? Beecher?- You know who I'm talking about) angle that the writers have been using all season. And if it's about furthering John's character that's just dumb. I wouldn't consider it fridgeing as I'm pretty sure this is an actor who wants an out of contract situation(feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), but that doesn't excuse it as a narrative choice. John unequivocally cares about Carter and would be upset about her death regardless or romantic inclinations, as would Lionel and Finch. They already have an in on the revenge story line (which is where I assume they are going with this). Why bother with the romance especially when John already has the lost love story in his background. Like what Jessica isn't enough of a dead romance they needed to shoe in Joss as well.
Anyway I also wish this was like a mid season finale not episode like 9. Like bro why are you putting away one of your biggest villains so far and this is only a third of the way in the season.
And I wish that Lionel wasn't just suddenly back in the plot, like I know you have a bigger cast now and I m glad he's here but build the guy up a little bit better please.
I also think the Root in a cage thing is a little weird like I know all of these people are chugging the " the ends justify the means" juice but it still seems like there are other options Finch would choose. ( that being said Root and Finch's conversation about the machine somehow come off like " I had sex with your daughter, and I don't care if you know” which was hilarious to me)
Anyway sorry for the rant thanks for listening and I do hope the show gets back into a groove.
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historywench · 1 year
Desperate to know what the Bear custody arrangement is between Reese and Finch in season four. How long were the negotiations? Did it get emotionally heated?
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booasaur · 2 years
i only watched poi last year and even going in knowing spoilers, hated the ending. i knew they’d have losses but reese was enough to me. plus shaw finally escaping and her and root finally starting something only for root to die—shaw told her to leave too! ugh talk about extra pain—like that? CRUEL! i think if Shaw hadn’t been taken and they’d gotten a season or more together i might have angrily accepted root’s death how it happened really pissed me. it just felt like extra trauma for no reason. or i guess i should say their “reason” (i read the showrunner said root was meant to die form the beginning 🙄) didn’t move me.
Right, and if you watched live, these few moments they got before again something else awful happened were stretched out over so long, people waited through whole seasons of disappearances and hiatuses, just for that ending? I feel like it's not a bad thing to realize that sometimes a character or story has evolved and maybe it's okay to go with something other than the original plan. They would have gone down in history if they'd picked an ending more true to where they'd arrived at that point, they would have literally been that slow burn well written f/f story people could recommend that we're still having trouble with!
Can I ask, if you watched last year and you knew the spoilers, how much did you know? That major characters would die? That Root would die? That she'd die but not the context?
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bladesandstars · 8 months
Oh man it's another one, I need to stop gay crying and go to work but *ratshakes you* THEM
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que-de-metal · 2 years
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Designs for a Person of Interest Android AU
I drew these while I was watching season 4, I think. I had no idea what would happen in season 5. Now to imagine all the things this cute little Machine goes through, to end up dressing up as Root... oof
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fumifooms · 7 months
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Omg guys he just genuinely likes bugs and mollusks and critters 😭💘💔 Forced to noble when he just wanna crouch and watch things skitter in the dirt…
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voltaical-art · 7 months
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do you guys ever think about how Wyll is introduced as an archetypal fantasy hero, but then it turns out he’s a warlock, who made a pact with a devil. Do you ever think about how Ansur is described as this fantastical dragon of myth, but then when you find him, he’s turned into an undead monstrosity. Do you think about how when Wyll does the right thing, he is punished to become more monstrous. Do you think about how as Wyll’s warlock powers grow, his spells get more horrific. Do you think about how Ansur was killed by his closest friend. Do think about how Wyll was cast out by the most important person in his life. do you guys ever think about Ansur and Wyll.
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palaceoftheprophets · 11 months
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I am feeling fine and perfectly normal about them. :)))))))
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lornaka · 6 months
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Love how that episode was all about clone cadets being happy and safe on Pabu and nothing bad happened to anyone
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asexual-squidward · 1 month
Going through Person of Interest fan clubs and comment sections and seeing the old posts of everyone thirsting over Jim Caviezel is so strange to see now, considering all the reports about him being a Very Weird Man.
Meanwhile Michael Emerson, Amy Acker, Kevin Chapman, and Sarah Shah (and the dogs) were off elsewhere on set being goddamn delights.
Additional: Thinking about those comic con interviews with Jim and Michael, where Michael is the one answering the questions and Jim mentions he’s ’never seen him talk so much’. But Michael is known for being a sweetheart and always happy to chat (maybe a natural introvert at most), so it’s like… no Jim, he was just avoiding talking to you on set and doesn’t want you rattling off Cavortex conspiracy theories to these poor tv journalists.
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deadlesbianfight · 1 year
Dead Lesbian Fight - Finals
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Tara Maclay (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Root (Person of Interest)
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imethirdperson · 8 months
What I like most about farcille is that I think its a perfect encapsulation of Ryoko Kui's signature mixture of the cozy and the horrific. Overall Marcille has this clean pristine aura that she breaks only for Falin's sake. She's uppity, rigid and idealistic almost childishly, then she shows this immense drive, gets her hands dirty, and bends and bends. Dungeon Meshi is about how all beings become objects of consumption, and Marcille wouldn't have arrived at that conclusion if Falin hadn't died. She also wouldn't have if she hadn't befriended her in the first place. The course for Marcille's life was set when she was just open-minded enough to follow the weird girl to the cave in the woods. Forever cursed to eat wildlife
It's that contrast between cleanliness and filth that interests me, the interactions between the comfort and the horror, the uncanniness of the familiar and the familiar in the uncanny.
Every bit of Marcille's characterization points to a type of immaturity (the picky eating, the detached romance obsession, the failure at foreseeing the obvious consequences of her actions, the ridiculous plans to equalize all lifespans, the death crisis). Even in her dream she appears as stuck in childhood due to her loss trauma. Her development throughout the manga consists of coming to terms with grime and disgust, learning where food comes from, learning her limitations, coming to terms with death and decay... And it's all powered ironically by her drive to save Falin
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historywench · 10 months
The first time I watched POI Root’s death didn’t really hit because I thought it was the Machine running a simulation. Because at the start of the episode Harold had asked it to figure out a way so that only HE died. On a second watch it plays somewhat better but I still think they should have handled it differently.
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booasaur · 2 years
poi anon again and the spoiler thing for me is actually so annoying because i knew a lot—carter, reese, shaw’s capture and something happening to root (didn’t know that something was death though >:(—like id actually really tired to not spoil the ending and then someone offhandedly mentioned it. and i didn’t google because i hoped they were lying but nope. and by then i was a couple of episodes into s5 so i stuck it through only to feel super let down. i still love the show because a woc with a personality disorder that wasn’t vilified for it is huge and for all the time root x shaw didn’t get to actually be a couple, the actresses made the very best of it but ugh. it’s you said, it’s not bad to acknowledge that the character or their storyline has evolved (eg. root’s death, other than being super brutal and underwhelming, would’ve made sense for her early s3 narrative, not the finale IMO) and then work that evolution into an ending that matches their current character. i get having a vision but fuck that! and more than pride and stubbornness sticking with what you’d initially planned when the story has clearly moved on is also just bad tv!
Ahhh, man, you were prepared juuuust not enough. D: I can imagine, I've had book experiences like that (or actually, a lot of sports...?), where you're just waiting for the inevitability to wind down but you have to see it to the end.
And for sure, exactly, why stay with the initial idea when everything else has changed? It is bad storytelling!
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