#Performance de Sites
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blogpopular · 6 months ago
WP Rocket: Otimize Seu Site WordPress com este Plugin
O WP Rocket é ideal para WordPress. Sua função é tornar seu site mais rápido. Isso melhora seu desempenho e nota no Google PageSpeed Insights. Com um grupo de especialistas trabalhando, ele pode mudar a forma como as pessoas veem seu site. Principais Destaques Acelera a velocidade de carregamento do seu site WordPress Otimiza o desempenho usando recursos de cache de páginas, compactação Gzip e…
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ostiore · 3 months ago
7 maneiras de segmentar campanhas de Google Shopping e Performance Max
Técnicas de segmentação que ajudam a alinhar suas estratégias de anúncios com seus objetivos de negócios e maximizam o desempenho da campanha. por Kevin Rea Ao configurar campanhas Performance Max ou Shopping, a estrutura e a segmentação geralmente estão entre as primeiras considerações. Sua abordagem depende do tamanho da conta, do volume de conversão e dos objetivos gerais do seu…
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argentsurleweb · 5 months ago
LWS : Hébergeur web français de confiance pour tous vos besoins
Vous cherchez un hébergeur web fiable et performant pour votre site web ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que LWS ! Hébergeur web français depuis plus de 20 ans, LWS propose une large gamme de solutions d’hébergement pour répondre à tous vos besoins, du simple site web personnel à la boutique en ligne high-tech. Un large éventail de solutions d’hébergement pour répondre à tous vos besoins: Que vous…
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edsonjnovaes · 1 year ago
Inteligência Artificial para criar sites 1.2
Agora, você tem todos os dados e informações em mãos para ganhar tempo e se concentrar cada vez mais em atividades estratégicas para o seu negócio. Gabriel Camargo – rockcontent. 9 jul 2023 Imagine que você começou um negócio novo, como um e-commerce, e precisa de rapidez para criar um site. O problema é: você não tem conhecimento técnico para fazer isso e nem mesmo uma equipe completa para…
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ouipay · 1 year ago
Comment prendre la meilleure décision pour son business ? - L’édito de Ouipay.fr
Quelle couleur choisir pour mon logo ? À quel moment dois-je lancer mon offre ? Est-ce que je peux faire confiance à cette personne ? Est-ce que je travaille de chez moi ou d’un espace de coworking ? Quel tapis de souris est le plus ergonomique ? Bref, vous le savez autant que moi, quand on monte son business, une foule de questions nous traversent la tête. Pourtant, elles n’ont pas toutes la même urgence.
Pour vous aider à y voir plus clair et à avoir une prise de décision efficace, Ouipay.fr l’expert anti-crash de votre business vous invite à lire la suite de cet article. Les prochaines lignes vous aideront à prendre des décisions rationnelles et à éviter les pièges et pensées qui peuvent avoir une influence dans votre processus décisionnel.
Attitude de leader :  prendre les bonnes décisions !
Prise de décision : comment être sûr d’avoir raison ?
Avant même de vous donner la liste des questions à se poser pour monter un business en ligne rentable et surtout durable, il est essentiel de faire le point sur une chose : votre capacité à prendre de bonnes décisions stratégiques.
Se poser les bonnes questions, c’est important. Encore faut-il être capable d’avoir le sens des affaires pour trouver la réponse adéquate, celle qui vous permettra de mettre en place un plan d’action clair et percutant, en lien direct avec vos objectifs professionnels.
Pour faciliter la prise de décision éclairée et pertinente : 
d’avoir un objectif clair ;
d’avoir pesé le pour et le contre ;
d’avoir toutes les informations possibles en votre possession ;
d’agir comme un professionnel. 
Si vous n’avez pas d’objectif, comment pouvez-vous savoir si votre réponse va dans le sens de votre réussite professionnelle comme de votre réussite financière ou l’inverse ? Soyons clairs, pour prendre de bonnes décisions et développer la croissance de votre activité, prenez le temps de vous construire des bases solides.
S’émanciper des biais cognitifs qui biaisent la situation
Au-delà de vos compétences techniques et opérationnelles, vous aurez également besoin de travailler sur vous pour prendre les bonnes décisions et trancher sur les opportunités stratégiques de votre business. Le tout, de façon rationnelle en connectant à votre leadership et vos capacités de décideur.
Le développement personnel est un excellent moyen de prendre du recul sur son fonctionnement et donc de s’observer. En apprenant à déceler vos comportements, pensées automatiques et schémas de pensée, vous aurez plus de facilité à vous libérer des biais cognitifs. 
Si ces mécanismes de pensée sont initialement créés par votre mental pour vous faciliter la vie (= vous assurer d’être apprécié de tous et donc de survivre dans cette jungle qu’est le monde), ils peuvent freiner votre évolution professionnelle et être la cause du crash de votre business en ligne.
Les 6 biais cognitifs dont vous devrez vous libérer pour réussir dans le business 
Il est grand temps de vous présenter la team des biais cognitifs. Sachez que nous avons tous notre mode de fonctionnement. Toutefois, nous nous retrouvons plus ou moins dans les différents biais cognitifs suivants : 
le biais de confirmation ;
le biais d’ancrage mental ;
le biais de négativité ;
le biais de statu quo ;
le biais de l’aversion à la perte ;
le biais de faux consensus.
En fonction de notre éducation et de nos expériences passées, certains biais seront plus marqués que d’autres dans notre comportement. Un article détaillé sur les 6 biais cognitifs qui causeront votre perte, vous aidera à mieux comprendre ce qui se joue mentalement et émotionnellement dans ces schémas de pensée.
Comment développer un business en ligne rentable ?
Les questions à se poser pour prendre une décision importante, liée à l’évolution de son entreprise
Maintenant que vous savez sur quoi focaliser votre attention, lors du processus de décision et que vous avez conscience des différents biais cognitifs qui peuvent influencer vos choix, voilà la liste des bonnes questions à se poser pour éviter le crash de votre business.
Question 1 : Est-ce que ce choix me permet d’avancer ?
Question 2 : En prenant cette décision, suis-je conforme à mes valeurs ?
Question 3 : Si je fais ça, est-ce que je vais dans le sens de mon ambition initiale ?
Question 4 :  Quelles sont les conséquences de cette décision ?
Question 5  : Est-ce que cette décision entraîne des conséquences réversibles ?
Question 6 : Mon choix peut-il minimiser le coût d’une perte d’opportunité ?
Question 7 : Aurais-je pris cette direction si je n’avais pas parlé avec untel ?
Je vous vois venir ! Ce n’est pas la liste de questions à laquelle vous vous attendiez. Vous pensiez davantage à ce genre de liste : 
Quel est le meilleur réseau social pour développer ma notoriété ?
Comment puis-je attirer les clients ?
Quelles sont les tendances qui feront grimper les ventes ?
Comment créer une identité visuelle qui attire ?
Site web ou réseaux sociaux : quel choix faire pour gagner de l’argent rapidement ?
Les cinq questions ci-dessus sont effectivement des questions importantes. Cependant, si vous y répondez sans avoir en tête les sept interrogations énoncées plus haut, vous n’irez pas bien loin. Pourquoi ? Parce que vous ne pourrez pas vous assurer d’avoir pris la bonne décision pour votre business.
Et après ? Comment mettre en place des actions percutantes ?
Une fois la phase théorique terminée, il ne vous reste qu’à agir. Attention, pas n'importe comment ! Vous avez fixé vos objectifs, vous avez la réponse à vos questions… Pensez à intégrer des KPI (indicateurs clés de performance) pertinents à votre stratégie afin de mesurer l’efficacité de vos actions. 
Cette étape est essentielle puisqu’elle vous permet de vous rendre compte de manière factuelle du résultat de vos actions.
Exemple concret :  Vous décidez de créer un compte TikTok et Instagram pour faire évoluer la notoriété de vos business en ligne en prenant en compte votre cœur de cible comme votre cible secondaire.
Les KPI à utiliser dans cette situation peuvent-être les suivants : 
nombre de vues par publication sur les 3 prochains mois ;
nombre d’abonnés sur les 3 prochains mois ;
type d’audience touchée sur les 3 prochains mois.
De cette manière vous pourriez vérifier si Instagram et TikTok vous permettent réellement de gagner en visibilité, tout en vous assurant que vous gagnez en notoriété auprès du public cible visé. 
Ouipay.fr, l’expert anti-crash de votre business !
Pour vous accompagner dans la création de votre business et surtout éviter le crash de votre activité en ligne, retrouvez les conseils de Ouipay.fr sur son blog et sur sa chaîne YouTube.
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webmaster-wordpress · 2 years ago
Un Hébergement Web performant avant tout ! Comparatif de 4 hébergeurs rapides : https://kawuk.com/comparatif-hebergeurs-web-rapides
#HébergementWeb #Joomla #HébergeurWeb #WordPress #Web #Performance #SEO 
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metamatar · 4 days ago
In 2005, the tellingly named studio After Stone wall Productions released a film titled Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World. Featuring interviews with various LGBT activists from different countries outside the West, spliced up and lumped together haphazardly, the film delivers the following overarching messages: that it is not safe to be queer in the "developing world," that what queer spaces do exist in the "developing world" are to be found in certain metropolises: Cairo, Kuala Lumpur, Calcutta, Rio de Janeiro—and that these sites trace their genealogy to the Stonewall riots. Furthermore, according to the film, queerness/gayness and sometimes transness (when it is acknowledged) were invented in the West. Epistemic breaking points such as the Stone wall riots and canonized locales such as San Francisco and Greenwich Village are the originating points of this innovation against the backdrop of a timeless, pervasive heterosexism. This cosmopolitan gayness/queerness then "spreads" from the metropole to the periphery, forming a web from city to city This coincides with Jack Halberstam's (excruciatingly white) analysis in his book In a Queer Time and Place: the idea of "metronorma tivity" that "the rural is made to function as a closet for urban sexualities in most accounts of rural queer migration" and that "the metronormative narrative maps a story of migration onto the coming-out narrative" (2005, 36-37). We can extend Halberstam's analysis further and see the ways that the closet/rural/(post)colony as well as out/urban/metropole get col lapsed onto each other—the queer is always pulled closer to the heart of capital.
The overarching savior narrative occurs towards the end of the film, when each interviewee, in clips spliced together, tells his or her story of emigrating to the West. After a particularly heart-wrenching story of Ashraf Zanati's departure from Egypt, the narrator comments that "Ashraf Zanati left Egypt. Ashraf had become part of a planetary minority." Although the film purports to care about the status of queers in the "developing world," it actually forms a wounded attachment that fetishizes displacement and bifurcates the queer from his or her society. This narration of non-Western countries as inherently unsafe for queer subjects produces the very displacement it describes, in a manner similar to the ways nine teenthcentury colonial archaeology laid the foundations for Zionism and the dispossession of Arab Jews. Writing about the European "discovery" and destruction of the Cairo Geniza—a building that had housed pieces of paper documenting centuries of jewish Egyptian history—Shohat (2006) shows us that the discursive/ archival dislocation of Egyptian Jews by the forces of European/Ashkenazi colonialism anticipated the later dislocation of Egyptian Jews. This dislocation would form part of the backbone of Zionist historiography's production of a "morbidly selective 'tracing the dots' from pogrom to pogrom." The fetishization of queer displacement, as projected by Dangerous Living, performs a similar historical flip to the one Shohat documents: "If at the time of the 'Geniza discovery' Egyptian Jews were still seen as part of the colonized Arab world, with the partition of Palestine, Arab-Jews, in a historical shift, suddenly became simply 'Jews'" (Shohat 2006, 205). Through various colonial practices, there was a discursive bifurcation between the "Arab" and the "Jew"; in the case of case of Dangerous Living there is a similar bifurcation between the "Egyptian" and the "Queer."
Papantonopoulou, Saffo. “‘Even a Freak Like You Would Be Safe in Tel Aviv’: Transgender Subjects, Wounded Attachments, and the Zionist Economy of Gratitude.” Women’s Studies Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 1/2, 2014, pp. 278–93. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/24364930. Accessed 11 Nov. 2024.
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dicasverdes · 2 years ago
Como melhor desempenho do WordPress com o Lighthouse gratuitamente
Como melhor desempenho do WordPress com o Lighthouse gratuitamente
A hospedagem WordPress otimizada para desempenho é um componente necessário de um site WordPress rápido e confiável, mas não é a única variável que influencia a eficiência. Uma variedade de outras considerações devem ser consideradas para garantir que os dados enviados pelo seu site ao navegador sejam recebidos e gerados o mais rápido possível. Como há tantas variáveis ​​a serem consideradas, os…
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unalivejournal · 1 year ago
imagine a tumblr simulator set in the velvet goldmine universe lmfao
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🎹 wilderatz Follow
DNI if you still support br*an sl*de after the shooting hoax. what he did was fucking unacceptable and pathetic. the panic and heartbreak on the dashboard that day was absolutely traumatizing. and the fact that it was all for cheap publicity makes it even more despicable. if you HAVE to listen to his records the least you could do is buy them secondhand
#so glad curt never cut that record with him
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⭐️ glittersisgay
i got new boots! seeing the flaming creatures tonight :-) life is good
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼 wildemons Follow
♻️ 🦷 roxytunes Follow
lmfao WHAT are you talking about. swear to god i’m sick of you invasive freaks trying to make things up about real peoples lives. the part about the labels trying to market slade and wild as a couple isn’t even true. yes they were heavily publicized as close friends but they never admitted to being in a relationship. also receipts on brian being at the death to glitter show???? stop spreading false information
♻️ 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼 wildemons Follow
anyways watch out for my new sladewild maxwell demon tour era fic that will be published in my next zine 💋
#my mutual was literally next to him in the crowd.
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🪩 girlboydragdemon
at the Sombrero Club with the glamrocktuals YAYYYY
♻️ 🪩 girlboydragdemon
#we may have made. mistakes. #also we think brian slade’s former manager was in the booth behind us
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🌟 venusinpurrs
♻️ 🎸 balladofmaxwellsemen Follow
♻️🌟 venusinpurrs
♻️🌟 venusinpurrs
do you people hate dykes
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💋 jack-fairy-fan51 Follow
Anyone else feel like this Tommy stone guy showed up out of nowhere?
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❇️ 20th-cxntury-bxy
Well…. it’s been a fun time on the road with Malcolm & co. (@/theflamingcreatures) but in the months following the hoax and the death to glitter tribute I’ve been feeling more and more inclined to move on. idk. i know there’s still an active tumblr community but in the real life scene it feels like everyone’s just…. given up. I’ll be starting a new job soon and won’t have a lot of time to post. Might delete this blog in the near future. remember to support local shows and keep being yourself
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👨‍🎤 lipstickkissedelbowglove
word on the street is that mandy slade divorced brian???? lmao get his ass
♻️👨‍🎤 lipstickkissedelbowglove
[#finally i have a chance with her]
you’re funny if you think any of us on this site have an inkling of a chance with her
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🎸 balladofmaxwellsemen Follow
Just found this on the sidewalk. does anyone know what it is?
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maiochiruhanabiraaa · 4 months ago
Seville's Heartbeat (Pablo Gavi.)
Summary: Gavi proudly introduces his girlfriend, Y/N, to Seville's rich culture through historic landmarks, local cuisine, and flamenco. Their journey culminates at the Feria de Abril, where Y/N joins in the festivities, deepening their bond and beginning their shared exploration of Seville's traditions.
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Gavi had always been proud of his hometown, Seville, with its rich history and vibrant culture.
When he met Y/N, his foreign girlfriend, he couldn't wait to show her everything that made Seville special.
One sunny morning, Gavi took Y/N on a stroll through the narrow, cobblestone streets of the old town. The air was filled with the scent of orange blossoms as they passed by centuries-old buildings adorned with intricate Moorish architecture.
"This is the Real Alcázar," Gavi explained, pointing to the majestic palace ahead.
"It's a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the gardens are absolutely stunning."
Y/N was captivated by the beauty of the palace and its lush gardens, where peacocks roamed freely among the fountains and orange trees.
She took countless photos, wanting to remember every detail.
As they continued their walk, they stumbled upon a bustling market in Plaza del Salvador.
The aroma of freshly baked bread and grilled meats wafted through the air, tempting them to sample traditional Andalusian delicacies.
"This is where locals come to shop for fresh produce and enjoy tapas," Gavi said, ordering a plate of jamón ibérico and manchego cheese for them to share. Y/N savored the flavors, delighted by the authenticity of the food.
In the evening, Gavi surprised Y/N with tickets to a flamenco show at a small, intimate tablao.
The passionate music and intricate dance moves left Y/N spellbound, her heart racing with the rhythm of the castanets.
"This is flamenco," Gavi whispered, his eyes fixed on the stage.
"It's more than just a dance; it's a way of expressing emotions and telling stories."
Y/N nodded, understanding the intensity and passion behind the performance. She could feel the energy reverberating through the room, connecting her to centuries of Andalusian culture.
On their final day together, Gavi took Y/N to experience the Feria de Abril, Seville's famous spring fair.
The fairgrounds were alive with color, filled with hundreds of casetas (decorated tents) where families gathered to eat, drink, and dance sevillanas.
"This is our most cherished tradition," Gavi said, leading Y/N into a caseta where his friends and family awaited them.
They were welcomed warmly, and Y/N was introduced to everyone as Gavi's girlfriend from abroad.
Throughout the day, they indulged in traditional dishes like paella and churros, and Y/N even tried on a colorful flamenco dress, joining in the dancing with newfound friends.
As the sun set over the fairgrounds, Gavi and Y/N sat together, savoring the moment.
"Thank you for sharing all of this with me," Y/N said, leaning against Gavi's shoulder.
Gavi smiled, knowing that he had given Y/N a glimpse into the heart and soul of Seville.
"There's so much more to explore," he said softly, his hand finding hers.
And as they watched fireworks light up the night sky, they knew that their adventure together was only just beginning.
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productivefairy · 5 months ago
Your guide to ace MATHS
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So, here I am gonna tell you the way you can make Maths your fav or atleast make a big improvement in it.
Study Maths daily. Math is a habit, and once broken, it is difficult to regain. Give it at least 45-60 minutes per day.
Decide what you are gonna study and once you have decided then read the theory thoroughly or watch youtube theoretical videos on the points you are unable to understand.
Not everything will make sense. You'll have some problems grasping a formula, a concept. So dont get de-motivated and abandon it.
Once you are done with theory then you go through the solved examples. I cant express how cruicial step it is.
Solve those easy questions. You see, first few questions of any maths textbooks are easy so you might be tempted to skip it. DONT. If you lack time then you can mentally go through the process of solving it.
Break the question in steps.
When you cant solve a rather tough problem then set a timer of however long you want and just play with the question in different ways. Dont even try to solve it, just get comfortable with it and trying to do different things with it.
If you still cant solve the question then go through the solution and attempt again by yourself.
PRACTICE. PRACTICE. PRACTICE. There are more than few processes that you have to pick up inutiatively and practicing gives you this. This gives you guts to solve new question and perform well in test.
Be fascinated. Maths is a beautiful subject. So, if you have time or you are interested then you can check out how calculas, algebra or anything were discovered travelled their need and how they advanced, like knowing the whole process.
These two sites are lifesavers. Hope you liked it.
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blogpopular · 11 days ago
Um SITE RÁPIDO ajuda nos resultados de SEO? Entenda os Benefícios para o Ranqueamento
No mundo digital competitivo de hoje, um dos principais fatores que influenciam a experiência do usuário e o desempenho de um site nos resultados de busca é a velocidade de carregamento. Você já se perguntou: Um SITE RÁPIDO ajuda nos resultados de SEO? A resposta é um sonoro “sim”. A velocidade do site não apenas melhora a experiência do usuário, mas também tem um impacto direto nos rankings dos…
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whencyclopedia · 3 months ago
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Georges Bizet
Georges Bizet (1838-1875) was a French Romantic composer best known for his opera Carmen and the instrumental music for the play L'Arlésienne. None of his earlier operas had enjoyed any great success, and even Carmen took several months to gain public and critical acclaim, too late for the composer, who died of a heart attack aged 36, to witness.
Early Life
Alexandre César Leopold Bizet (later known simply as Georges Bizet) was born in Paris on 25 October 1838. His father, Adolphe Bizet, was a wig-maker and hairdresser, but he taught singing occasionally. Georges's mother, Aiméé Delsarte, was the daughter of a successful businessman, and she also had musical talent, this time as a pianist. Georges showed his own great musical talent at an early age, and he was enrolled in the Conservatory in Paris aged just nine (one year younger than was usually permitted, but his aunt and maternal uncle pulled some strings). In 1855, when he was just 17, Georges wrote his Symphony in C. Georges was a star pupil at the Conservatory where he won the 1857 Prix de Rome along with several other prizes such as for composition, his entry being the one-act opera Le docteur miracle. Other prizes were gained for his piano and organ playing and for two cantatas, David and Clovis et Clotilde.
One of Bizet's composition teachers was Fromental Halévy (1799-1862), significantly, a composer of operas. Bizet became a great admirer of the German opera composer Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864), whom he described as "a thundering dramatic genius" (Schonberg, 269). Another influence on the young composer was Charles Gounod (1818-1893) whose operas included Faust (1859). Above all, Bizet believed in melody, and he admired those who could produce it.
Upon graduation in 1858, Bizet went to Rome – paid for out of his prizes – where he spent the next three years visiting the ancient sites and composing. Bizet enjoyed Italy and was beginning to find himself. He said, "I am beginning to think of myself as an artist but what howlers, what failures" (Steen, 585). Here in Italy, he composed a comic opera, Don Procopia (not performed until 1906), and various orchestral works but not the mass he was supposed to have composed as a condition of his grant. The orchestral works would be rearranged into the composer's Roma symphony, not fully completed to his satisfaction until 1871. It was in the Italian capital that Bizet first began to have the problem with his throat that plagued him for the rest of his life.
Continue reading...
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leftistfeminista · 4 months ago
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Feminist activists carried out a protest starting from Providencia: Un Sitio de Memoria para Antofagasta, the former detention site for political prisoners under Pinochet. The object was to raise awareness about the abuses women endured as well as their heroic resistance and defiance. It is necessary to put a human face on what women endured. To overcome the silence. The Junta claimed it was "terrorizing Marxist terrorists". Leftist women were dehumanized as a dangerous threat to society who deserved their rough treatment.
The protest performance memorializes and reenacts what women political prisoners endured. Communist Party women leaders were considered the trophy prizes of the Junta regime. After being worn down by daily beatings and torture, she was stripped. Her bra and panties hung on display to show off the intimate symbols of her conquest. But she herself was the even bigger spoil of political warfare. She was paraded around the prison yard in front of all her comrades. Torn from the embrace of her sister-comrades, she was bound, chained, and presented like a trussed-up human gift, a macabre reward for a high-ranking Junta officer. She was delivered like a wrapped up Valentine's day gift to be enjoyed. Forcing defiant militants to become intimately submissive was the tool to make them politically compliant. The Left was to be broken by breaking its women leaders.
"No abortes" is written over the protester's belly as a grim reminder of the final goal of the repeated abuse. Political prisoners who became pregnant from their violations were denied abortions under Pinochet's draconian laws. The Junta answer to Marxist women's attempt to seize the means of production was to seize their means of reproduction. Misogynists saw the bodies of women political enemies as just a battleground to wage war on. In the neoliberal calculus, leftist women enemies were now a net benefit to the Junta, their bodies providing pleasure and babies for Junta officers.
The Junta Fascists sought the complete destruction of the dignity of political women who threatened it. Making a mockery and spectacle of Communist women leaders who had once been dangerous. Intense relentless humiliation was used to mentally break her so she would no longer think of herself as a political agent. To transform her from a threat to a source of pleasure and amusement to the powerful men of the regime. In the political war against radical egalitarianism, the women of the cause were to be reduced to complete subjugation and slavery, the polar opposite of the equality they fought for. It is precisely because of the immense strength of Marxist women that the total power of the capitalist military state was needed to drag her down into abject weakness.
We must never forget how women have had to pay for their political convictions in such an intimate, personal, violating way. The ways in which misogynist fascists attack the ideas of women through our bodies.
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anastasiamaru · 8 months ago
Old Kyiv
"Château de Fleurs"
In 1863, a French entrepreneur opened the entertainment venue "Château de Fleurs" (Castle of Flowers) on the site of the modern-day Dynamo Stadium. The cafe-chantant, as it was called in French style, housed a restaurant, concert halls for performances, a dance hall, a summer theater, and a beer bar. It also featured the city's only park with a paid entrance fee of 40 kopecks on the busiest days. Dining at "Château de Fleurs" was also available only by subscription, costing from 9 to 15 rubles per month, depending on the number of meals one could have per day.
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The name of the park fully reflected its concept. The park was adorned with flower beds featuring a wide variety of flowers.
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Every season at the Château was marked by the emergence of a new pop star, a new spectacle, or attraction.
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Ivan Nechui-Levytsky( Ukrainian writer, one of the founders of Ukrainian realism. His works are known for their depth and humanism)described the Château in his novella "Clouds":
..."At the Château, there was a grand celebration. The posters announced that that evening there would be Tyrolean songs sung in the garden, then fireworks would be set off, and at the end, Bengal lights and a fireworks display. A large crowd gathered! The entire Château in the valley was filled with masses of people."
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Шато Де Флер👆
An old map where the Château de Fleurs still exists
Château de Fleurs closed in 1894 due to financial difficulties and changes in management. Later, Dynamo Stadium was built on its site.
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speckled-jim · 2 months ago
Let’s talk about how Basquiat’s Slave Auction relates to the themes of remembrance & trauma in IWTV.
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All the artwork we see displayed in Dubai is evocative of painful memories. It’s present in every single room we've seen, so much so that I'm surprised it took Louis this long to summon Daniel back for a redo of the ’73 interview.
The Basquiat piece is first seen in 1x3, an episode that starts with Louis telling Lestat about Jackson Square’s ugly history as the site of slave executions, and ends with a race riot caused by Louis’ actions. It also marks the beginning of Louis’ struggle with self-definition: he cannot divorce himself from humanity as easily as Lestat. He cannot divorce himself from the camaraderie, kinship, and mutual support/responsibility so integral to minority communities. Yet, as a vampire, he is now inherently separate from such aspects. By the time we meet Louis in Dubai, he lives in isolation, for all intents and purposes, his contact with humanity limited mainly to the penthouse staff. The art is evidence that he still craves a connection to his roots; however, it's no longer a positive connection centered on belonging, but a reminder that the gap has grown even wider.
Our next encounter with this piece is in 1x4, when Daniel finds "Rashid" praying in the same room.
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The framing choice is quite interesting: the painting doesn’t dominate the shot, but its presence is still prominent. It’s physically behind Rashid/Armand, but more to the side of him than his back, and although there’s light streaming in through the windows, Armand’s just on the outskirts, sharing the shadows with the painting. It’s a rather startling image, considering how closely the piece depicts Armand’s past, not just in terms of the events he can remember but the jumbled manner in which they exist in his head: broken fragments, rather than coherent memories he can recount.
Thus, it connects to the previous episode’s introduction of the painting, which appears in the background just as Daniel casts doubt on the accuracy of Louis’ own memories.
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On the surface, these appear to be lucid and orderly enough that Louis can form an unbroken narrative account of his life, but are they? When Daniel challenges Louis on the stark differences between the story he told in San Francisco and the story he is now telling in Dubai, Louis quotes Daniel’s own words at him, calling the second interview an “odyssey of recollection.” This implies some recognition on Louis’ part that his memory’s imperfect, even when it’s not “an admitted performance.”
Slave Auction likewise contains a chaotic profusion of themes: the lasting scars of slavery, racism, and failed assimilation, overlaid with images of black men as entertainers and athletes, a superficial success applied like a band-aid over a gaping wound. Is that not the very core of Louis de Pointe du Lac? Fathomless, unaddressed anguish buried under a placid façade of wealth? A lifelong attempt to gloss over his innate pain as a man grieving the loss of his family, his community, his connection to humanity?
Not for nothing the arc words of these two seasons have been “memory is a monster.” Many horror enthusiasts say that one of the scariest things you can do is never show the monster in full, instead letting the audience craft its image from their own fears. Louis has spent decades living with just such a monster always at his back, too terrified to turn around and face it for fear of what he’d see there.
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And then, in the final scenes of s2, he finally finds that courage, only to realise that the monster, all along, was just love.
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