#Patreon Launch Date Decided!
vintagesimstress · 3 months
can u put ur ccs into curseforge
Nope, sorry. I looked into it back when Curseforge launched, but in the end decided that moving everything I ever made there and then maintaining my cc on two different sites (or three if we count tumblr) would take too much of my time. And I really don't have much of it those days 😣 You can find my original statement in the post I wrote after coming back from my 'maternity leave', HERE (scroll down to point 4) - everything I wrote back then still holds.
Besides, there's the whole thing with Curseforge having some... rather unpleasant links to the situation in Gaza, and while I don't have the capacity to delve into it properly (again, free time is scarce) and fully make up my mind as for whether they are indeed evil bastards or not, I feel zero inclination to be affiliated with that site in any way. Sorry to the Curseforge team if that's unfair to them and I'm just operating on hearsay here, but I'd rather play it safe. They will be fine without me.
I'm sorry if that's disappointing to you or anyone else. The good news is, I always keep my downloads page (HERE) up to date, so you can easily have an overview of everything I ever created. A bit more clicks, as it sends you first to tumblr post and only then to Patreon - but on the other hand, better filters/search system than on Curseforge, from what I've seen 😉
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anim-ttrpgs · 8 months
Want to play Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy with its creators for free? Join the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club Discord Server!
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As any of you who have been reading our posts know, to help our our fellow developers we run a TTRPG Book Club server where the group nominates TTRPGs, votes on them, and then we all read, discuss, and play the winning RPG—then repeat.
This time around, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy has won the vote, so we will be reading it and playing it! Book club members are encouraged to purchase the winning game as a way to support independent developers, such as by going through our Patreon or Ko-fi, but if for any reason at all you cannot afford to do that, a PDF copy will be provided for you free of charge so that you can still participate!
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is a realistic noir/horror mystery investigation TTRPG with a very unique supernatural twist! (Any member of the party could secretly be a supernatural monster, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the killer!)
Here's the invite link!
Sign-ups are running from now (January 26th 2024) to the morning of Monday, January 29th 2024, but if you show up after the sign-ups are already closed, we still might be able to squeeze you in! The actual session dates are not yet decided, but they will be some time between February 7th 2024 and February 21st 2024! That’ll give everyone plenty of time to read their rulebook and make a PC, and give us plenty of time to discuss!
Just a reminder that we also have the Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy Kickstarter launch planned for April 2024!
Check out our website and/or this post for more information on what Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy even is, and you can download the free demo from our website too!
Visit our Ko-fi or Patreon to help support us and all that we do to support the indie TTRPG community! There's tons of rewards in it for you too!
If you are a TTRPG developer yourself, come join the TTRPG Book Club and nominate your game to get the eyes of our community of 70+ members on it! We made this to support people like you!
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eddyki · 7 months
​The actual changelog at first, then a rather large note towards the end.
Chapter 6 released!
𓅓 Explore two paths even deeper, up until their conclusion (be sure to check both Cleias's and Grandfather's route)
𓅓 Meet an enigmatic child on Cleias's route or join your Grandfather in his strange adventures and learn more about the world
𓅓  Explore Kalya's optional companion quest (rather beefy)
𓅓 Meet a goddess
𓅓 If you got to this point, have you ever interacted with Puck? He's a part of the secret interactions. Good luck finding him!
Please let me know if you found any bugs, because we all know how they just like showing up uninvited.
And now, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support. Your encouragement and kind words mean a lot to me. I'm not accustomed to receiving so many good wishes and kind words
To further increase the scale of Trust, I have decided to launch a Patreon page, where you can choose to offer additional support if you wish. It's optional of course. Please note that Trust the Owls will always be free to play. I already dedicate a significant amount of time to the game and am willing to dedicate even more. (we're approaching the 1st year anniversary, yey!)
On Patreon, I plan on having three tiers with various rewards. As of now, there will be a single tier. Due to the nature of how my interactive fiction book is created, the following will fit the story quite well in the future. (The game will shift after becoming a Voievod and the other tiers will be available depending on the interest)
Some will be available from the start, while others at a later date*:
- The opportunity to introduce a side character of your wishes to the story, (all very immersive, of course)*
- New dilemmas and situations for when you'll reign on the throne (similar to the situation of the poor man in Chapter 1)
- Add a new spell: Contribute to the magic of Trust by suggesting and naming a new spell for your chosen element*
- Spoons (just because)
- Voting polls
- Lore bits - Future short stories in the same universe
- Short romance stories for when characters will be older*
- 1 week early access
- More that will be added later*
Thank you.
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/eddyki
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EddyK
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popculturebuffet · 29 days
Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse Retrospective Part 1: The Penal Zone Review (Patreon Review for WeirdKev)
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Hello all you happy psychic lagomorphs and welcome back! For those just tuning in last year I started a look at the Telltale Sam and Max Games. Kev, who comissioned these reviews, is a massive fan, bought me a copy and over 12 months, a lot of fun nonsense and some other sam and max reviews I too became a massive fan of this not all that ambigiously gay duo. You can find the previous retrospectives here
So it's been a while since we've seen our faviorite not really all that ambigiously gay duo of sam and max on this blog. There hasn't been a review since What's New Beelzebub as the intended plan of reviewing various episodes of Freelance Police gave way to other projects Kev wanted to use his patreon review for. On the bright side I did get to at least draw the two when we did a top 12 wedding's list a while back.
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But otherwise it was mostly spent doing other stuff while waitingpaitently for Sam and Max to arrive. Hell the book seen in this little joke the book of bill both came out AND I reviewed it before we finally got to the Devil's Playhouse.
The reason is simple. For this retrospective i've been using the remasters done by Skunkape games, as until just last month, the switch was my only modern platform and the easiest way to play them, so kev got my copies there. I didn't have a way to play the original and even if I did... I prefer the consistency of having played the remasters for all three and on the same console. It allows me to track what's improved between games and remasters a lot easier.
So I simply waited mildly patiently. While it was a nearly year long wait after promised release dates of last fall and this spring, I dont' hold it against Skunkape in the slightest. I'd rather they take a good long time making the best remaster possible than rush one out no one likes or has to be patched constantly. There's also the simple fact that having a game day and date launch on all consoles.. is a lot. It just is. They have to map buttons for three consoles, convert the game to the console layout three times over and generally do a LOT of shit and that's before getting approved. IT's why i'm no longer a dick about something not getting ported to switch right away: it sucks, but it takes time to do it and Steam is an easier platform. So i'm just greatful Skunkape put in the hard work to make sure I could play the game day one.
Speaking of Skunkape it's time I do something long overdue and talk about SKunkape themselves. It's something I Should've done upfront and callously didn't think to, but at least fits given the namesake for the company debuts in this chapter. I only read their history recently but it's a neat one you can find on their website.
Skunkape Games came out of the ashes of Telltale Games, ironically starting for the same reasons Telltale once had: the publisher that made sam and max was imploding and someone had to take care of it. I had assumed Skunkape was behind the other telltale remasters but to my shock no... while that company gladly helped them on a few logistical things, Skunkape was formed by several founding telltale members who worked on this game for one reason: To Save Sam and Max. With the company falling apart they wanted to make sure someone not only kept the licensees but helped keep the games out there. So they bought it up.
Originally the plan was to just patch the games as was, maybe relrease them. But a combination of the old code being built on an old engine that was long since dead, and thinking of so many ways to spice the games up they decided fuck it, and have since dedicated themselves to remastering all 3 games in the telltale trilogy. I wanted to go into this as it's thanks to them I can even do this: The remasters are what I played and thanks to them everyone can enjoy these stellar games for themselves. It's also a stern reminder that
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Has always been a terrible strategy. When someone else has it they'll.. actually do something, you get a tidy check, and fans will stop pestering you to do something with it like you should've. Skunkape is proof if you just give the people who created a thing (or in this case an adaptation of the thing), the rights, they'll make sure said thing is kept safe instead of locked in a vault for pennies. I may be just a touch bitter can you tell. But this story... is thankfully not that.
So with all that out of the way, join me under the cut as we open the final chapter as our heroes fight aliens.. for real this time, we find out how the heck Max is still president, and can rejoice that the soda poppers are fucking dead.
Devil's Playhouse begins.. with a narrator
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Yeah we have a narrrator now, a weird wrinkly faced man with a rod serling flair who talks about the dark imaginings we're about to face and such. And having been spoiled on this long ago let me say two things 1) If you don't know you won't possibly guest and 2) what he actually is is a brilliant twist I won't spoil. I'll nudge at the two big spoilers I do know, but if your reading this since you can't play the games for whatever reasons. Let's just say it's wild.
Anyways we jump right in the middle of the story's climax: Sam and Max are trying to stop the evil general Skunk'ape, but i'll just spell it skunkape from taking over the earth in his giant braniac-styled face ship. The intro is fun as while Beyond Time and Space's "Night of the Raving Dead" had this sort of weird flash forward this time you not only get to play it, but it serves a vital purpose: introducing the new gameplay mechanics.
The first two games were largely the same, with Beyond Time and Space only really adding mini games, most of which were forgetable except that motherfucking surfboard may it rot in hell, which are thankfully absent from this game. Just like the soda poppers as while death is not the end in the sam and max universe, theirs thankfully stuck. And.. just give me a moment to celebrate
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Okay i'm good. Anyways my point is the games largely pointed and clicked the same way, with a few quality of life adjustments in Beyond Time and Space.
While the core gameplay is largely the same, pionting and clicking, asking questions, going to a guide on occasion when the puzzle is obtuse and the hints are not remotely helpful, there's one big wrinkle that helps spice up Devil's Playhouse: The Toys of Power. The Toys of Power are the mysterious macguffins at the center of this story, which only a few chosen indviduals with the right potetial for psychic powers can wield. Lucky for us and a defcon five for everyone who isn't sam and also possibly sam, MAX is the one who can. So this go round you can play BOTH freelance police. Sam only has the toys as his inventory, but said powers vary up the puzzle solving. You still use items a lot, but sometimes you'lll have to think how they combine with whatever toys you got. Chapter 1 largely leaves you with the future vision, in the form of a view master that allows you to seeee the fuuuuttuuuree and a toy telephone that can teleport you to any number you have memorized but I also got to try some cards that I forgot what they do and some rhinoplasty putty, silly puttiy in a nose that allows you to transform into objects in this intro.
Along the way we found out the guys befriended a brain, stinky is skunkape's queen and harry moleman is going through some stuff.
So we end by throwing Skunkape into the titular penal zone by throwing a homing beacon onto him and sucking him into a hideous void.
And with that we snap back to reality op there goes gravity as it turns out this was max SEEEING THE FUUUTURE.
Rather than start where the game does let's go back a few seconds before we were all caught up: Sam and Max are outside their building, with it being condemend due to massive cracks in the pavement left from the last game. It's been 6 months and max picks up the haunted viewmaster off the ground and thus awakens his psychic powers. Sam's reactions about what you'd expect
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Said power give him a grisly version of the future.. and Sam.. somehow. So our heroes know not to trust Skunkape when he arrives soon after.
Skunkape is a gorillia man from space whose come seeking the toys.. and even if they hadn't had a vision of them fighting him, our heroes kidna got the impression from his creepy ship. He came to meet our heroes since Max is leader of the free world which he admits after a great joke about there being many great nations and oh no one's present.
We also get an explination for HOW Max is still president given his 80 impeachment trials, war crimes and general jackassery. The answer is he hired Jimmy Two Teeth and friends to spread a plauge that brought his numbers up because Max actually knows how to manage a pandemic.
Somehow Max being good at crisis managment isn't the only shocker. Turns out this whole time this trilogy, and likely sam and max as a whole has been set in new york. Yes really. HOme of the x-men, the teenage mutant ninja turtles, the teen titans for a while in the 80s, The Fantastic Four and countless others, is also home to Sam and Max. I Assumed they just were housed in some generic new york like city like the tick. This is of course a big joke as the bulk of each chapter takes place on some nondiscprit street but it's a good one.
So circling back around, Jimmy's exit is one of MANY this game. In addition to the soda poppers who are dead.. which.. again need a moment
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Thank you, so anyways bittersweetly after 2 games as a mainstay, if in and out of the second, Sybil is gone and will only return for the finale, having an extended honeymoon with that bastard lincoln. Lincoln is also gone and for my thoughts on that please look up at the happy muk thank you.
Much more sadly Bosco is gone and as far as I know does not come back. This is a huge blow as he was one of the funneist parts of both games, and while like Sybil he had a reduced role in the second, he was still great. He's gone to Vegas with an even bigger loss.. Buster Blaster
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Yes while I've heard, i'm so thankful for this spiler he'll be back.. Bluster Blaster is sadly gone for most of this adventure. Why.. I have no idea. He could split from the COPS and still show up. Fate is a cruel bitch sometimes I swears its. I'll try to go on but it's rough.
That said while I will MISS Sybil's, whose poseesisons are now in boxes outside her store thanks to our heroes and Bosco's... it was the right call. They clearly ran out of ideas for Sybil's place after the first game and her arc with lincoln makes me want to wretch, so her taking most of the game off is needed and with Bosco they probably just felt they had way more they could do with his replacement while also giving us a fresh setting.
That said even with all these shakeups who helps our heroes is about the same as Stinky's Diner and the COPS return.
Let's give it to the COPS first as their a pretty big change as they've joined our heroes.. even though Sam and Max would prefer they move out. After most of the block was shut down, they let the cops move into their car and they haven't left, but their now working as a crime computer, though their only able to do it once the dynamic duo find Sally, an old crime analyizer in some garbage. They add in another gimmick: crime anaysis pop in evidence and you'll get a clue, popping in two gets you a new location as your new way to unlock new locations. While ti can be frustrating doing it againd and again till you get a match, it's a fun more engaging way to open up new places.
As for STinky's things aren't going great for either stinky. Girl Stinky is mad Stinky is back and made the restraunt hav ea coherent theme again, and Stinky is mad she won't let him commit serial murders via food. He's also mad the duo stole his recipie last game, something I did't think was going to come back but did.
It also brings up something I noticed about the writing that's a vast improvement over the previous game: the tone is a LOT less cruel. oh there' sstill some black comedy as we'll get to, we still do some awful stuff.. but it's tone back down to save the world's less over the top cruelty. You still do awful shit, but it's less spiteful and more just our heroes being who they are and the targets, at least so far, tend to either get saved or are less terrible.
Stinky won't give us his broth and turns out we need it as inspecting the ship we use the viewmaster on the brain who thanks us. And this is another neat feature and one badly needed: the seeing the future.. means you get a clue about where to go. Granted they won't tell you HOW you solved the puzzle, as that'd be too easy, but generally it tells you what you need to do. It can be ocasoinally opaque as flint paper whose eating at the diner gets a hatchet to the head and given his constitution and this series approach to death in general I assumed it wasn't a big deal. Turns out we need to save our old friend whose looking for mama bosco's power core. We need that and the broth.
Naturally this involves a bunch of puzzles I only vaugely remember, but mostly involves getting everyone out of there so we can use Stinky's secret entrance and get that sweet broth. That's going to take, as usual a lot of moving around so we need to visit our last area. via flier and some other stuff we're able to get our first location, boscotech labs.
Boscotech Labs is our new go to get gadgets place since the COPS changed gimmicks and Bosco took all of Sam and Max's money to vegas.. that's.. that's canon. He left with all the money from the first adventure he still had left.
I was a bit antsy about Mama Bosco as a replacment because her one real gag in the previous game was straw feminist
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Thankfully this game and likely several decades and being turned into a ghost she's more a mildly sarcastic, as she knwos what she's dealing with, but kindly scientest. She's also still a ghost after Sam and Max blew her up real good last game. Again the contrast is just staggering. Here the worst we're doing is stealing her power core.. which even then is to save an innocent creatre and the planet. She can probably build another to power her "I'm not a ghost anymore machine" and would likely give it if she was aware skunkape was evil. We've come a long way from "condemming a child to hell to move the plot along" and i'm here fo rit.
We do get one her of devices and more importantly run into her univnited guest: harry moleman. Harry is here because he wants a job and instead of asking for it just.. tunneled in. So I don't feel bad for the attrocities we're about to commit. Earlier our heroes found out that molemen are getting sent into a processing chamber on skunkape's ship via a free vacation ticket scam leaving us with one of those and a helmet.
Thanks to seeing the future, we can see the lottery ticket harry has will win an dtrade it for the vacation pass. He leaves to his doom and somehow.. this is still not only the worst our duo gets up to this episode.. but is still not as bad. Harry was being a dip, and while we cost him a million dollars it's going to Grandpa Stinky, who we horribbly wronged last time. He's getting it for entirely self serving reasons sure, but it's still a bit easier to swallow.
So with all the items it's time to get everything. The broth is easy, just give grandpa stinky the lottery ticket, he forgives you and he's gone. Next is flint who we give a helmet as Girl Stinky is trying to murder him. And not just in the obvious way his foods laced with peanuts, which he has an allergy to. Which is a great payoff and proves my instinct was right: you really CAN'T kill flint paper with a hatchet to the skull.
This does lead me to something I like about this chapter and another improvment over the other games: the difficulty. With the previous two, ESPECIALLY beyond time and space, I had to use a guide often... or if I was running behind. This time, I largely winged it. I'll need to take better notes next time to remember order of events, as things are a bit tighter this go round, and frankly should've for the last game, but otherwise this experince was easier but not painfully easy. Ther'es a lot of clever solutions to the puzzles often involving max's ability to teleport he gets after this stretch.
With that we simply have to call stinky, getting her private number from the future, then calling her. She thinks we're skunkape who she's kinda dating? It's complicated. This gets rid of her , we get sally from her underground passage and get the core from said passage.
With that we can finally ressurect the brain in a jar, a fairly nice fellow whose willing to help. He's been used by Skunkape as his proxy since while having psychic powers himself, as his origin video telltale put out outlines he was an abused outcast on his own planet who when fired from his job threw a tantrum and got a piece of rebar in his head that unlocked his powers and conquered the planet., he can't use the toys and it also makes it clear max is in terrible danger. It's kinda telling every villian's big evil scheme relies on max in some way.
Brain guy is also a lot of fun, especially how skunkape got him as he claimed to be a nice stranger and when Max points out how stupid that is, we get the all time line of "HE SAID HE HAD CANDY".
The good news is brain guy waking up actually made skunkape run aground, as it's clear his story wouldn't hold up with witnesses who aren't rabbits of questionable character. The bad is we need to find him. The gooder news is Superball is now not only on our side for a change but has the cure: turns out Skunkapes a fugitive from the law having escaped the penal zone.
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So we need to send him back to the penal zone for hard time. We need his beacon and his remote... but first the brain forces us to use teleport because he wants to see it so we can't go investigate the mole murder room. It's unecessary backtracking and it annoys me.
SO my first teleport was naturally mama bosco as she created a remote. Unfortuntaely doing so gets max strangled by an ape
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While I simply teleported him out turns out you need to stand on the flag above Boscotech, teleport max in and have the ape fall on top of the ape guarding the place
As for why they went in there and took over, Mama Bosco naturally has the solution to their problems, a one use one way teleport to the wang place.
Next is the badge. Getting this was something I simply didn't think of but how you do so is great. First you need to check out the mole murder room: Turns out Skunkape is sweating moles... TO DEATH.
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Going in nearly gets you killed and your possesions dumped out..s o you need to do it to Grandpa Stinky. Thankfully he was very stupid with the money he won thanks to you giving it to Skukape and insults both our heroes when they fake wanting to enlist, with Sam ready to murder him and Grandpa Stinky VERY lucky he's so short and dose'nt have any knives... though if he wakes up in a future chapter with a butcher knive in his head I won't be suprised.. nor will I when he comes to work anyway.
No to beat him you need to piss off max then teleport everyone to the murder chamber after leaving Girl Stinky's cell phone in there. You can find it by going there and it's the key to many a puzzle. I also almost forgot to mention the reason for our title picture and the best scene in the chapter: when you teleport hte first time we get a surreal mindscape of maxes.. and .. this
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So while we're scarred for life we can teleport baby. Skunkape gave Grandpa Stinky the beacon as a badge as leader of his massive fleet and as a convient skapegoat. So to get it we have to piss max off. As said Max's short height means that won't be as bloody as you'd expect, but it does mean going back to the death room where Grandpa Stinky learns the awful truth... he's a frycook.. 8th class!
Disgusted he got conned out of his millions Stinky leaves, having saved us and we get the badge and his stuff including a meesta pizza shot glass. This brings up a running gag I hadn't mentioned in the previous two as while I loved it , it was rarely plot relevant: Sam could use the phone in the office to call up meesta pizza, with no one answering. It always struck me as just some weird gag he was doing and I never assumed anything was on the other line. But low in behold... IT EXISTS...
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And we get to VISIT IT. Sadly it's not a fully rendered location but to find Skukape we follow his trail using the shot glass and a recepit we found earlier to go to meesta pizza, where Girl Stinky and Him had a romantic date and some light indgjesticion. Our heroes can go inside which I like, as even if we can't I love Sam's jolly love of food places that are objectively terrible. I relate to it you know? Sometimes you just want a pile of grease you don't have to pay a mortgage for you know?
It's here we get one of the few puzzles that's just... what the fuck is this. Most of my getting stuck in this part of the story is simply not thinking to use my new powers. IN this one though.. it relies on you putting an engagment ring you find earlier on a pizza box so a pidgeon can eat it.
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It gets up on the roof we get the ring back and we're happy. You can also use the ring for proposal shenanigans which I wish i'd done more of. Doing it to max nets you a hilaroius diamonds are forever parody add. Dated? Yes. Hilarous? Yes. Gay as hell? HELL YES. I also like that the gay jokes have evolved from HAHA queers to "eh sam would enjoy it but decides not to right now". That's more my speed.
So we track skunkape to a toy store he went to.. only to get trapped! Skunkape arrives with his henchman and Girl Stinky
So we're back about where we started. We convince Girl Stinky to accept her role as Skuknapes concubine. Apparently even when self preservation is on the line she's still awful.. but once she finds that finally someone will let her out of her cage since time for her ins't nothing and she ain't counting no age, she agrees.
And then..... we get a hell of a twist: Turns out while we were captured, Skunkape used the viewfinder.. and thus SAW how his defeat would playout and wisely removed the two toys you swiped in the intro. He then sends our heroes to the penis place and our heroes have to escape. Thankfully we can just.. casually teleport out of danger, but it leaves the threat of the giant ape man shooting at us with his big space ship. I do love this twist.. that you saw how it WOULD'VE playe dout.. but the very thing that gave you a leg up leaves you twisting in the wind.
We got to boscotech as Mama Bosco pulls us out , working closely with superball. The bad news is the escape collapsed the penal zone. The good is they can make another. The worse is our heroes wil lhave to give up their office and frakly.. I really miss it. I miss the trophies and it's sad to know I won't see the piling trophies from past chapters ever again. Also Leonard's probably dead but given he was stuck in an abandoned building for 6 months with no food or air he probably was anyway.
So for our final showdown we need to plug her portal thing into a big enough power source which means we're going deepr underground there's just too much panic in this town. It's here we go into a secret entrance and find MORE MOLES... and also a cult. Sadly no lambs and weirdly max isn't leading it this time. But he is their christ figure as the prophecy fortold him getting the toys and his head lighting on fire. Sure he's fine.
Turns out their a splitner who worships the devil's toybox, a powerful box and where the toys of power came from which max is the chosen one for. It makes a handy power source though and with skunkape blasting in we're able to open the all new all diffrent dong depot and suck him in... after making it nice and sweaty of course. Phrasing.
With that our heroes have won, the universe is saved... but the narrator warns we still have a cliffhanger.. OUR HEROES SKELETONS!
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The Penal Zone is one of the best sam nad max chapters i've played so far and a great start for the Penal Zone. This feels like the best of both previous games, having save the world's still irrevernt but less cruel humor mixed with the refinements from beyond time and space, and then adding it's own flair. While the toy puzzles can be complex, they add a lot more variety than just "get the thing use the thing" now using the things in new ways, the joke writing is at the top of it's game and the game itself looks crips and gorgeous in the remaster. You can also already see the more seralized story I heard this game has creeping in: we get tons of omnius hints for max, and rather than the mystery of the last two of "whose behind it all", which is barely threaded through both and only fullyc omes together in the last chapter, here we get a bunch of mysteries and plot threads up front: where does the devil's toybox come from, why is max the chosen one, can anyone else use the toys, why are skeletons of our heroes in present day, will max survivie when everything from medical advice to omnius foreshadowing says his head's going to catch fire, and why do we suddenly have a narrator? It leave sme stoked for the next chapter and shows the evolution of how telltale was telling these tales: Before it was more self contined chunks, now with more games getting made around this time like back to the future, we're seeing them start to captalize on cliffhangers to keep you hooked and it works well. While I know WHY skeletons thanks to chapter summaries, it's still a good hook if you didn't know the next chapter was about their ancestors
Next Time:A full chapter flashback. Goodie? Thanks for reading.
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I'm giving up dates
Most of you know as of lately I make Metalocalypse fanarts, whenever school and work lets me. But I always wanted to make those lineart colorbook pages, that you can color for yourself,
So I'm inviting you over here to my soupcan: https://www.patreon.com/george_etel on patreon where I continue to cook, so you can print/save and color the linearts (with proper credit in case of sharing).
I'm only launching the site now, so the actual experience starts with the next early access that I'll be releasing soon.
I'll continue posting here the finished artworks and early accesses, which are just a bit different from the patreon's early access versions (full picture, no cropping).
But there will be benefits like seeing some projects that I do not post here on tumblr due to their uncertainty of me ever finishing them. Until they are done.
So with that I really mean to say that my patreon site is only for those of you who would like to support me financially, so I can keep making fanarts (hopefully with better quality and better supplies as time goes).
This way noone would miss out on anything, well except for the NSFWs if I decide to reconstruct those paper sketches. But that's not for certain either atm.
If you want to see my old fanarts, you can find them in the fanarts tier too, and here you click on the category tag, I added them to each and every one of them.
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beastygames · 11 months
Progress Update
I have a few updates to share with you:
I've written approximately 12k words that will push our little salamander's journey forward. I've also made an effort to retroactively introduce more choices, allowing players to have greater control over the narrative. While I can't provide an exact release date for this update, I'm actively polishing the code and writing new content every day, but you can expect the update within a week or two.
I've decided to launch a Patreon account for those who wish to support me. I'm putting a lot of thought into offering valuable perks for patrons to make it a worthwhile experience for them. However, please note that joining my Patreon will be entirely optional, as I intend to keep the story accessible to everyone.
Finally, I want to express my immense gratitude for the overwhelming support from this community over the past week. I genuinely appreciate each and every one of you, and I hope that as the story progresses, you'll continue to enjoy it more and more. Thank you.
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herstarlitdreams · 2 months
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Join the Kiwi Kitty Sticker Club!
Today I officially re-launched my Patreon after 5 years of having no time to work on it, and I'm coming in with a bang! All tiered members (so $5.00 or more!) will automatically become a part of my new sticker club. Every month, a sticker pack will be shipped out to patrons between the 25th and the 30th (this gives more people a chance to nab the stickers they want!)
My Patreon now runs on a subscription billing schedule. This means that unlike the previous system where Patreon would charge you the day you joined, and then every month on the first (meaning people who joined on, say, the 30th, would get charged again on the first), you will now get paid every month on the same day! So if you join on the 15th, the 15th will always be your billing date.
Since this is launch month, I've taken the liberty of picking the theme for the stickers myself, and I've decided to go with.....
My Hero Academia!
In honor of the final chapter of the manga being released, this month's stickers will include this beautiful baddie (printed at 3" tall):
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In addition to this one, members of the Sticker Club will also get 2 smaller stickers (2" tall each) of Izuku and Katsuki, as well as a handful (5-10) of miniature stickers! These ones will be more random/doodle type art, and will be printed between 0.25 and 0.5 inches tall/long.
If you join by the 15th, you'll also get a chance to vote on next month's sticker theme. Hope to see you all there!
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rissi-chan · 8 months
Patreon Launch!
Hey, fellow fanatics!
I decided to finally take the plunge and launch a Patreon for my art (fanart and original) and writing (fanfic and original). Both becaue it will motivate me to draw and write more often, and because of my current life situation (which will be explained as best I can under the cut, for those that care to read).
There will be NSFW content in certain pledges, so MDNI with the subscription levels that include that stuff!
Fanart will mostly be BG3 as that is my most recent and current hyperfixation, but other fandoms I am likely to produce content from include:
Dungeons and Dragons, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Touchstarved
AND potentially the occasional/rare otome/dating sim fandoms, Fire Emblem, and various anime and/or manga.
Along with original content and characters that live in my head rent free!
I will also most likely periodically do commissions—but I will have to set up a pricing breakdown/separate web page for that, probably.
Here is the link to my freshly launched page!:
Now, the life ramble that explains my current situation:
So, life is hard.
I've been lucky. I don't pay rent (I still live with my mother). I only have to help pay for groceries on occasion. I have a job (barely, but we'll get into that) with probably the most freedom/flexibility on could possibly imagine. I have free time—loads.
So what's the problem?
The job I mentioned is hard to really call a job. I'm all but officially unemployed. My parents (when my dad was still alive) bought the local newspaper that my mom has worked at for nearly as long as I've been alive. We live in a small, SMALL town. The run of each weekly issue is maybe in the 2,000-4,000 range. We make most of our money selling ads (which is gross, but the newspaper industry is failing in general, and we are a just a local, rural print and many choose other, more advanced forms of advertisement which reach a broader audience). We've been in the red for the past 2 years, my mother often skipping her own pay check to ensure that she can pay the 2 other elderly employees that are on staff. I make less than $400 a month. Much less.
That's the price you pay for freedom. Little pay, LOTS of time. The reverse is also true, which is something I'm sure a vast majority of people can relate to.
Capitalism is so much fun, isn't it?
Those that are out of college and live with a parent may also be able to relate to what comes next.
The relationship between my mother and I has always had its strained moments, to put it mildly. We are very different people. We have different life experiences, we cope with stress differently. There is a running joke on social media that living with your parents after college/as an adult has the financial advantages, but at the cost of your mental health—and that is very much the reality of our situation.
My biggest insecurity in recent years—since the sudden passing of my father in 2018—has been the feeling of being a burden.
I've never been a healthy person. We always joke that I got all the sickly genetics and my brother got all the cosmic bad luck. I'm autistic. I have anxiety and depression. I have an autoimmune disease. I inherited the genetic heart condition that killed my father. I had a blood clot 2 years ago. I no longer have health insurance. None of this is uncommon, certainly. But I avoid healthcare entirely unless it's an absolute necessity (like the blood clot).
I limit my eating, so we don't have to buy groceries as often.
But my mother has always had a temper, especially when she's stressed. And with the business so up-in-the-air and the constant worry of having to close our doors and find new jobs in a VERY small town + in a society with very limited options, spam job listings, and bogus opportunities, she is almost ALWAYS stressed these days.
She takes it out on me. I'm the only one here.
My feelings of being a burden are all but confirmed for me in those moments. She knows just what to say to hurt me most (whether she realizes it or not, she uses my insecurities against me), and my mental and emotional health worsen, as does the relationship between my mother and I.
I play games or draw or write to feel happy. To have some reprieve from reality.
But "it doesn't make money" and therefore it's a waste of time.
And that brings me to where I am now.
I may make next-to-nothing by launching a Patreon, but it will still be more than the next-to-nothing I make now as well as the LITERAL nothing I will be making if the business is forced to close.
I continue to job hunt on a daily basis, mostly for remote work given my middle-of-nowhere location (if anyone knows of any legit positions I could look into PLEASE let me know—send me a PM, reply to this post, anything). But this will both motivate me to keep doing the things that make me happy and also provide a tiny bit of support to our financial situation.
I have also been in a long distance relationship going on 9 years now. Long distance as in nearly 9,000 miles and an entire ocean away. I try to visit every year, but obviously during Covid that was not an option (totally and completely understandable), and with our finances so precarious, it gets more and more difficult to see my now (as of my visit last year) fiance.
If I can manage to get the money together, we plan to elope during my visit this year. But our future is undeniably going to be difficult without money. Moving isn't cheap. Immigrating isn't easy.
But that's all on the back-burner for now, while we address the more immediate concerns.
I am motivated to do what I can to make ANY extra money while looking for a legitimate job to provide a more stable situation.
Any support—a reblog, a share, a pledge/subscription, a job listing suggestion, ANYTHING will be MASSIVELY appreciated.
I know life is difficult for pretty much everyone on the planet right now. If we could all help each other easily, we would. But I understand that that's not an easy ask for most people at this point in time. I hate having to resort to monetizing my passions, and asking people for support (not pressuring, but even asking is hard in the current state of the world).
But I see few other options.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my rant and please reblog/share <3
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askagamedev · 2 years
American Mcgee is trying to get his new game greenlit. I know that his games are profitable and well received. However, it's taking aver 4 years for a response, and I'm puzzled to why it is so. What exactly causes a company to consider greenleting a game? Does it require more than the creators reputation?
There are many reasons one would pass on a game pitch, many of which have nothing to do with the pitch itself. Finding a publisher is very much like dating - the game being pitched must meet a bunch of the publisher's needs in order for them to run with it. Imagine you're the one in charge of green lighting new external projects. Here is a non-exhaustive list of potential reasons you might say no that have very little to do with the pitched game.
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Your company doesn't have the budget available. You're strapped for cash and just don't have the money currently available. Maybe you just bought a studio. Maybe your games from the last year didn't sell well. Maybe you'll have some room in the budget after the current game launches during the holiday season and starts earning some money, but you just don't have the money available right now - it's going to all of the other projects you're already funding. Regardless, you just don't have the money available to fund another game, no matter how good it sounds.
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You're already working on a similar game. You probably don't want to cannibalize the sales of the game you're already paying to develop, and you don't want to split the audience. You've already got one African Mythology-inspired Action RPG with card mechanics in development, you really don't need a second slightly-different one.
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You've already got another major release planned for that release window. Cannibalizing sales is a thing if two games are released too closely to each other, especially if there's some general overlap in the kind of game they are. You can't really control other publishers, but doing it to yourself is kind of shooting yourself in the foot.
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Your company and the pitched game are going in different directions. Maybe the pitch is for a short form linear single player narrative experience and your company has decided to grow its catalogue of multiplayer lifestyle games. Maybe it's for a dialogue-driven narrative story, but your expertise is in competitive esports titles.
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The pitched game is for a platform you're scaling back on (or not supporting altogether). Maybe you decided that VR isn't working or mobile marketing costs too much, or that there just aren't enough sales on the Nintendo consoles to justify it. Maybe you're sunsetting all of your last-gen development and the pitch is for the PS4/Xbone. If your company just isn't supporting that platform anymore, you're probably not going to green light a new game for it.
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These reasons don't take any of the details of the pitch itself into account either - the budget, the marketing, the licensing, the business plan, the game design, the development team, the project leadership, and so on are all incredibly important to whether you would say yes. Remember, as the one in charge of green lighting new projects, you need to be judicious. You only have so much funding and so many release slots per year you can fill. Even if the game sounds great, it might not be the best fit for your company and its needs right now. You absolutely must make the best choices you can for the good of the company and its shareholders, and there's a hundred more pitches after this one that are all hoping for your attention and funding.
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jules-has-notes · 8 months
VoicePlay's Patreon pizza party launch promos
The creative gentlemen of VoicePlay rarely do anything by half measures. So when they decided to join crowdfunding platform Patreon, they didn't just write a blog post or make a simple video talking to a camera. No, they decided it was time for a whole scripted skit, complete with multiple song excerpts and a location shoot.
The original YouTube video has since been made private, but they reposted it to their Facebook page the following summer.
Beleaguered business boy Geoff tries to browbeat his hungry buddies into listening to his pitch, despite the many interruptions and digressions. (Yeah, I don't feel like doing any more alliteration.)
title: Patreon pizza party — ep. 1
original songs / performers: "Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen; "My Prerogative" by Bobby Brown
written by: "Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen; "My Prerogative" by Bobby Brown, Teddy Riley, & Gene Griffin
arranged by: VoicePlay
release date: 13 November 2015; reposted to Facebook on 1 August 2016
Once the guys are finally onboard with the plan, the close quarters of the restaurant cause a different problem.
title: Patreon pizza party — ep. 2 "The Pizza Awakens"
original song / performer: "Womanizer" by Britney Spears
written by: The Outsyders — Dean "Deaneaux" Beresford, Kamran "KAM" Main, Ervin "Wiz Kid" Ward, & Rapheal "Ro.A" Akinyemi
arranged by: VoicePlay
release date: reposted to Facebook on 2 August 2016
How do you defuse a fraught situation? If you're a professional a cappella group, you sing it out and maybe even start a dance party.
title: Patreon pizza party — ep. 3 "Dances with Pizza"
original songs / performers: "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift, featuring Kendrick Lamar; "Ms. Jackson" by Outkast; "Apologize" by Timbaland, featuring One Republic; "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon
written by: "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "Ms. Jackson" by "André 3000" Benjamin, Antwan "Big Boi" Patton, & David "Mr. DJ" Sheats; "Apologize" by Ryan Tedder; "Shut Up and Dance" by Ben Berger, Eli Maiman, Ryan McMahon, Nicholas Petricca, Kevin Ray, & Sean Waugaman
arranged by: VoicePlay
release date: reposted to Facebook on 4 August 2016
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The alliterative waitress is played by VP's production manager extraordinaire, Kathy Castellucci, a talented performer in her own right.
The affronted mom is played by Jaimz Dillman, who has also appeared in several PattyCake productions, mostly as Mary Sanderson from Hocus Pocus.
The diners at the surrounding tables include Layne's parents and his step-daughter Lilly, audio engineer Paul Kaleka, theme park pal Jonathon Timpanelli, and Eli's then-girlfriend Ashley.
These videos were filmed overnight at a Winter Park pizza place called Carlucci's, which has since closed.
VoicePlay had previously included "Bad Blood" and "Shut Up and Dance" in their "Aca Top 10 — Summer Hits 2015" countdown.
One of the sillier Patreon perks for early supporters was that Layne would "snore your name" as he napped, a reference to an incident during the 2014 Sing-Off tour when he started beatboxing in his sleep on the tour bus.
The fans met the first milestone of $500 per video in the first day, and hit the second just three days later.
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Episode 34 Review
Originally posted December 18th, 2015
Let’s get ready to fight some Androids.
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There is a lot of ground covered by “News of Future Past,” which makes sense, as it’s the longest episode of Dragonball Z: Abridged to date (excluding the season finales). However, despite its length, it’s still so filled to the brim with story that it feels a little rushed at times, with some of the story beats near the end feeling more like one off jokes than relevant parts of the story.
Those story beats are funny enough to stand on their own, however, and the confidence with which Team Four Star cuts between these different stories near the end shows just how much they’ve grown since Season 1.
The first third of the episode is essentially an exposition dump, with Trunks revealing his identity as a time traveler to Goku and telling him of the androids that he must fight in three years. Of course, what we’re given is more than a simple exposition dump, as the core of the scene is not Trunks telling us what’s up, but Trunks finally getting to meet the man his mother told him so much about.
What KaiserNeko sells in his performance as Trunks is the bittersweet combination of disappointment and awe, as Trunks seems consistently frustrated with Goku’s dumb optimism while simultaneously revering his incredible power. This balance of disappointment and awe is a great depiction of what it’s actually like to meet your heroes; they’ll never be as great as you pictured them in your mind, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t great nevertheless.
After Trunks leaves, Goku (by which I mean Piccolo) delivers the news of the upcoming android attack to the rest of our heroes, who decide to train as hard as they can over the next three years so that they have a chance at victory. The only person who questions this plan is Bulma, who cleverly bring up the fact that they can just use the Dragonballs to stop the androids from being created in the first place.
And in a great display of toxic masculinity, everyone rejects this plan, on the basis that it will be more fun to fight the androids and potentially lose (Bulma doesn’t bring this up again, because they’re right: it will be more fun, and her plan would basically dismantle the entire plot of the show).
We are then treated to a training montage that covers the entire three years before the arrival of the androids. Krillin, Tenshinhan, and Chiaotzu all get a brief shot in the training montage, while Goku has to convince Chichi to allow him to train Gohan for the fight against the androids. Not only does this not go over well in the slightest, it ends with Goku accidentally launching his wife through the window and a tree.
Of course, Goku later convinces Chichi to let Gohan travel with him on “educational field trips,” which are just training sessions with the two of them and Piccolo. These scenes are the ones that feel a little rushed, and while they establish the intensity of Gohan’s training, they don’t really cover much new ground in the story, as we’ve already seen how intense Goku’s training is, and we know that Chichi isn’t a fan of Gohan risking his life to save the world (which is entirely fair).
Meanwhile, Vegeta gets a scene arguing with Dr. Briefs about the benefits of training at five hundred times earth’s gravity, which Vegeta naturally wins. Then, after a tragic accident, Vegeta decides to foolishly “work through the pain,” leading to a shouting match between him and Bulma over the dangers of this same training. The level of sexual tension in this shouting match are ridiculous (props to Megami33 and Lanipator; their chemistry is fantastic in this scene), and so they do the one thing that could perfectly close out this episode: fuck each other’s brains out.
Rating: 4.5/5
If you enjoyed this review, consider supporting me on Patreon.
Stray Observations
Goku: “Thank God. Or Kami. Or King Kai. I don’t know, that whole thing is screwy.”
Never caught that it’s been two years since Namek until now. That explains a lot about Gohan.
Goku: “Whoa, what happened to your hair? It’s yellow!” Trunks: “So is yours…” Goku: “It is?!”
Goku: “Androids?” Trunks: “Actually the technical term is cyborg-“ Goku: “Androids.”
Trunks: “You die from high cholesterol. From eating too much bacon.” Goku: *goes Super Saiyan* “You take that back.”
As a Doctor Who fan, I have to criticize Team Four Star for not reversing the fade on Trunks’ time machine before he disappears. I mean come on, that’s not even that hard to do. This is, of course, forgiven for the beautiful crossover of Doctor Who and Dragonball Z.
Vegeta: “Galick Gun fire!” Bulma: “Wow. Wait, where’s your condom?” Vegeta: “The fuck’s a condom?”
Piccolo singing Ludacris gives me life.
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milkplusvn · 1 year
Soundless AAA: My Arm Hurts + Patreon Stuff
Tip: You can get posts like this sent directly to your e-mail by subscribing to the Substack!
So! Funny thing about today. I was supposed to finish up the last two CGs in the morning after eons of dealing with freelancing and other adult responsibility nonsense so I could plug them into the opening and render the new opening once and for all. As it turns out, though:
My frazzled stressed body decides whenever it wants to oversleep at random, even when I got enough sleep the night prior.
It turns out you cannot quickly draw CGs with a dozen people in them, even if the vast majority of the people are a faceless mob.
I don’t like having to tell you all that things I said would be out by a certain point did not actually come out. It’s not pleasant. It’s an unfortunate consequence of being a solo developer. I always appreciate any and all patience with the process, because when your work is also drawing and using a mouse and typing you tend to get repeitive strain injuries, which is something I’m desperately trying to mitigate so that I don’t discover one day I can’t use my hand to draw at all because it’s been damaged beyond salvation. (This happens a lot when peoples’ work is art—some become so desperate they learn how to use their non-dominant hand to draw.)
Sadly, no image this time because the CG that did end up getting completed today is a spoilery one. A few variations of the final are available in the supporter-only developer channel, so if you’d like to see that now while still waiting on the Patreon to launch, feel free to make a Ko-Fi account, chuck a few dollars my way, and then connect your Discord account to the Ko-Fi account to get the reward. Your money helps me do things like take care of cats and bills and taxes. Yay.
Speaking of the Patreon
We’re looking at an early July launch still! We won’t be launching it right when the month starts for a variety of reasons that include “most people pay rent on the first and wouldn’t be able to pledge anyways” and “we’d like to take our time ensuring the first month of content is nice and cool”. We will be sending out an e-mail for both when we have a solid launch date and when it does actually launch, so keep your eyes peeled.
Stream Soon?
Yes, stream soon! After the final CG is completed we will be scheduling a “CG marathon” stream where instead of the usual 2 hours you get to see me nonstop* draw some of the “simpler” CGs (that are not spoilery) until I’m done. This marathon will still come with 5-minute breaks, though, for both you and me. Probably will include 10 minute intermissions too if it goes on long enough.
*In the event this takes so long that it’s time to eat dinner, the stream will end at that time regardless of whether or not all the CGs are finished.
Art Patch Progress Summary
4/31 completed (1 in progress)
4/5 opening CGs completed (1 in progress)
All main sprites implemented.
Toggle option implemented
Initial selection screen roughly implemented
Updated art version of opening sequence in progress
You can play Soundless for free with the original art on Itch.io now!
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kitzuneplayz · 1 year
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SURPRISE! I got everything settled in Patreon earlier than I thought.
Sooooo, I decided to Launch it early. We welcome you to....
✨🍄Fūrin’s Fairy Nook🍄✨
Lol. The name debate was hilarious. But we eventually decided on this one. I don’t have a set date for the demo release since it’s been pushed back. But those on Patreon will be receiving the demo early! If you’d like to support the development team and get access to art, merch, and patreon exclusive polls and sneak peeks, please feel free to join us! Those on Patreon will also get the chance to request specific merch items with their favorite characters, and even dictate what’s in the next update. Don’t miss out! And by the way. S&W is still in need of beta testers! The game cannot be released until it is fully tested and debugged so, if you have any free time, please consider lending it to S&W. Beta testers will also get a code for discounts when the merch store is opened. You know just a little something to sweeten the deal. With all that out the way, the Patreon link is down below. We hope to see you there! 💕
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artikgato · 9 months
2023 Retrospective - September & October
Impromptu trip to DragonCon. You know. As you do.
Second trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, with release date
Ghost Files season 2!
Project Voltage
Sold at the Anime Paradaisu fall flea market
Decided to, at last minute, make slash remake an old cosplay of Xelloss from Slayers to wear to AWA to get a picture with Veronica Taylor, voice of Amelia.
Proceeded to launch myself backwards into a very old OTP of mine (Xelloss/Filia) and read several multi-chapter fanfic obsessively over the course of a couple of days (at least one was 60+ chapters)
The Youtube adblock cold war
Ghost Files live in Atlanta! I got to see the season finale a full week ahead of even the people on the Watcher Patreon! And that was an EXPERIENCE live, let me tell you
I went to the very last AWA at the Cobb Galleria, and debuted a new cosplay - sort of. It was a remake of one of my first cosplays, Xellos from Slayers! AWA was pretty fun, I went to a couple of photoshoots, participated in the cosplay contest, went to panels, got to experience the arcade in the Cumberland Mall, etc. etc.
I ditched the Sunday of AWA to attend SC Comicon Jr. in Greenville, where I had an artist alley table. (And I did REALLY well)
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thisismeracing · 11 months
Call it what you want | CL16
part.1 (All because I liked a boy)
― Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader (she/her) ― Warnings: curse words, typos. ― Summary: After getting hate from half of the fans, Yn went silent for months. But she's back now, and she has something to say. ― A/n: None of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. Everything else is made up by me, and I do not allow it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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✷ my masterlist | my taglist | patreon masterlist ✷ you can support my writing by reblogging, leaving a comment (don’t forget to follow me if you like the piece), or buying me a coffee
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liked by dualipa, sabrinacarpenter, and others
itsyn “Call it what you want” is coming out tomorrow at 8pm EST! It's part of the Reputation album, and I'm happy to share this with you after so long away 🖤 I hope you guys like it!
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ynnation the concept of two sides where both is her, but each person sees in a way. Yn you are a genius!!!!
taylorswift 🤍 can't wait!
sabrinacarpenter I am so ready for this!!!
selenagomez 😍😍😍
zendaya I love youuuuu 💖💖
sza I see a hit comming 😜❤️
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liked by pierregasly, selenagomez, and others
charles_leclerc miami week dump 🩵❤️
view all comments
carlossainz55 🤝❤️
hamiltons44 he’s soft launching, I am NOT okay!!!!
icuferrari three last pics are a soft launch, change my mind
⤷ smoothsainz explain 🧐
⤷ icuferrari this looks like yn's dog, second are kinda obvious, but adding that yn loves glittery shoes
raintyres Idk what you did to get out of that wave of bad luck, but keep doing it!
mickcedes yeah but charles.jpg when???
carlosleclerc I 😭happy 😭 for 😭 you 😭
swiftsainz in my head you’re dating me, and it will still be like this because I’ll pretend I didn't see this soft launch
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liked by troyesivan, lilymhe, and others
itsyn he's terrible at drawing hearts ☹️
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franciscac.gomes This white dress slays so harddd! Lindíssima! 😍😍
sza 🩷🩷🩷🩷 you deserve so much happiness
ynfrance she’s so pretty 😩
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liked by arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, and others
charles_leclerc I have always told you that you were my favorite love, even if we were torn apart, because my love for you is something I have never been more sure of in my life. To this day I don't know how I managed to get someone like you, but I won't ever let you go again, ma chérie. Thank you for letting me into your life and embracing even the parts of me I don't love. You're my treasure. I loved you tomorrow, love you today, and I'll love you forever. Your Charlie.
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, besties! I hope you guys like this piece! I did not plan on a second part, but since a lot of you asked for it I decided to provide hehe Don't forget to reblog and comment, and follow me if you liked this piece ❤️
taglist: @sachaa-ff @mickslover @mishaandthebrits @smiithys @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @fdl305 @saintslewis @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @f1kota @shhhchriss @lunnnix @karmabyfernando @schumacheer @crashingwavesofeuphoria @callsign-scully @v1naco @piggyinthesea @dearxcherry @peachiicherries @elliegrey2803 @he6rtshaker @therealcap @mehrmonga @the-depressed-fellow @cixrosie @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @nichmeddar @f1-ln4-mv33-cl16-dr3-op81 @fastcarsandshit @goldenalbon @skepvids @balekanemohafe @jamie2305 @nzygftoji @leclercdream
comment tags: @bibissparkles @boherahpsody @christinabae @blue1amory @dakotali @1655clean @lovebittenbyevans @hockeyshmockey
©thisismeracing do not copy, steal, or translate my work. do not repost on a different media platform.
― reblogs, comments, and asks are extremely appreciated, make sure to leave yours ❤️ (anon option is on!)
⁕ my masterlist | my taglist here
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theladykoyote · 4 years
Patreon Launch Date Decided!
Good morning, good morning, Koy here.  Yeah, I’m alive.  I’ve got some very exciting news that I wanted to share with all of you.  Thursday, June 18th, I’ll be launching my Patreon Page.  This has been something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time and I am finally in a place where I can.
For those of you who might have been living under a rock and don’t what Patreon is it is a crowdfunding type of website that allows artists to set up a subscription system with rewards for the members that they can’t get anywhere else.  In return, they earn a more stable and sustainable income from their members or Patrons.  In this day and age, I known money is hard to come by, so I am trying to keep Tiers reasonably priced.  For as little as $1 USD you can get exclusive Patreon and behind the scenes content, access to my discord server, early access to art done by me, and downloadable coloring pages.  Each Tier adds new benefits and gains the benefits of all the tiers before it.
This does not mean I’ll be ceasing posting art on other social media, nothing of the sort but there will be some changes and I wish to be transparent with my fans about them.  The biggest is most certainly the loss of access to uncensored NSFW art.  It’s not all negative though, having better workflow and set schedule with plans in place means I will be able to produce more art for you, my fans, and potential Patrons.  It allows me to truly focus on my passion as I have things I wish to produce and get out to all my fans.
I’m hoping you will join me on this journey and I welcome all support no matter how big and small.  You can still make one time contributions to my Ko-Fi and commission me.   Thank you for your support up until now and for your continued support, I adore each and every one of you for it.  As the week goes on I’ll continue to post updates on my progress.  As an added bonus anyone who joins in the $5 tier or any tiers above this will receiver a free, uncolored thigh-up sketch of the character of their choosing*
Thank you all again,
Lady Koyote
*Commission wills and will nots apply.  Must sign 18+ waiver to order any NSFW commission.  Commissions will be posted on or after July 1st, in order of request.
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