#agent superball
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glitchedjunk · 6 months ago
Today is the only day you can reblog this.
Happy Superball day
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the-knife-consumer · 5 months ago
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Some funnies to offset my alt max torture from yesterday
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reythensomethingelse · 6 months ago
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sam and max doodles 😛😛
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oddtree-art · 1 year ago
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sam n max sketches 👍
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thymehallward · 1 year ago
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Just realized I never uploaded this here :3 (original tweet under readmore)
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sketchedspiders · 6 months ago
The silly birthday
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ojchartoonzsstuff · 1 year ago
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HI DOODLE DUMP !!!!! Gang gang gang
Drew Sam and Max along with Sybil and Agent Superball ((kinda hate how Sybil turned out but I like how Agent Superball looks))
Also inconsistent style is inconsistent
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mtsodie · 7 months ago
transmasc king superball plea?se
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i didnt even realize he said that before yesterday
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littlemywashere · 5 months ago
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Bonus doodle!
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sammunmak · 1 year ago
Specs & Max Freelance Police in: Hells-A-Poppin'!
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+ sam’s vices !!
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this is basically an au idea i had for the alt timeline! i wrote out all the changes to the first two seasons, but it's a bit on the longer side so i'm sticking it under the cut.
this takes place immediately after sam and max steal the elevator from their future selves. there’s no obvious changes at first. the director gives them another contract after telling her they misplaced the first one, but not without threat of not giving them another one if they manage to misplace this one. once they wrap up the case and free myra stump from the hypnosis, they take the elevator (and their music contract) with them and put it away in storage, vowing to never speak of the possibility that they just killed their future selves again. ah well, knowing themselves, they probably survive. everything else afterwards is pretty much the same, though when sam and max see superball for the first time sam asks max if he looks familiar. max takes one look at him and proudly declares nope, not at all, and that’s the end of that.
the first major change happens in 106.
hugh: for in all the universe, there’s only one force chaotic and destructive enough to stop me now! but you wouldn’t do that, would you max?
max: who, ME? well, i’m- i’m flattered, but-
hugh: no you wouldn’t, not without your trusty partner, at least.
max: huh?
sam: what exactly are you implying?
hugh: i’m going to… drumroll, please… [drumroll] separate your bliss!
max: really?
sam: what does that even mean?!
hugh: it means i chop off every part of you i don’t like! it’s like circumcision, but double the laughs.
max: he-ey!
sam: quiet, knucklehead.
sam gets split into 3 vices. gluttony, greed, and wrath. wrath is formed from sam’s right ear, greed is formed from sam’s left hand (it even keeps the wedding band!), and gluttony is formed from. well, the stomach. max loses all romantic interest he had in hugh bliss in that moment. 
max is very annoyed about the whole situation. he never has to do work on their cases, and suddenly he’s being forced to figure everything out on his own! but seeing sam’s awful blissed-out state is worse. blissed-out sam is basically just a big puppy. all smiles, completely clueless about everything around him, and has to be led around by his remaining hand if max wants him to go anywhere. max considers shooting him every time he makes a comment about hugging trees or something sentimental crap like that, but one look at that big dopey grin on sam’s face and he just can’t do it. he needs to turn sam back quickly, he’s turning into a sap just being near this… shell of his partner.
wrath is in the sanctuary, threatening the COPS for information on max’s whereabouts (yes it’s just noir sam lol). when max and bliss sam finally make their appearance, wrath almost immediately tries to shoot bliss sam. max stops it, of course. it seems like max is the only person wrath won’t lash out against. max has to open one of bluster blaster’s side panels, then get wrath close enough to it to shut the panel on his ear, pulling it off wrath when it tries freeing itself.
once sam gets his ear back, he seems to randomly decide to shoot at max.
max: what was that for?!
sam: i dunno, it just felt right.
when max walks into bosco’s store, he immediately makes eye contact with gluttony sam, who’s sitting on the floor eating a giant tub of ice cream. it doesn’t seem very interested in eating actual people (haha foreshadowing?) in the freezer are a bunch of popsicles. max can grab one and give it to gluttony, who’ll chomp it down wrapper and all. max has to put jimmy two-teeth into one of the wrappers in order to get gluttony to eat him, then pull out jimmy and sam’s stomach with the magic hat.
sam: anyone else suddenly got a hankerin’ for a fudgie freeze?
max: you don’t know how glad i am to hear you say those words.
greed is inside the office, hoarding just about everything in there and more. somehow there’s items in here max didn’t even know they had. or maybe greed just grabbed everything not bolted down to the floor on the way back to the office.
max has to buy bosco’s invention (which is just a big magnet), then use the spoon bending talisman to pull the spork out of the hugh bliss statue’s hand, give it to greed, and then use the magnet to drag its ass towards him and just yank sam’s hand off it.
sam: are you using that magnet?
max: nope! it’s all yours.
upon collecting all 3 vices, sam returns to normal, and they can now go fight hugh bliss. cue world of max :)
not much else changes until 204.
once they enter momma bosco’s store and accidentally reveal max’s lack of interest in girls, momma bosco becomes infatuated with him. sam and max try and argue against this for a while, until max tells her that he’s a married man.
ms b: i don’t see a ring on your finger.
max: well check again!
max flashes his left hand, revealing a bare ring finger. oh. he didn’t put on his ring today. sam is missing his ring as well. seems they got a bit excited when flint invited them on a case with him and forgot them.
(not gonna lie this whole puzzle isnt fully fleshed out. the whole plan would be that they have to go back to their prom and essentially crash it in order to help max realize he doesn’t like girls. i did also have the idea of superball printing marriage certificates instead of patents, which they’d need to grab one from him and hang it on the corkboard in the near future, then go to the distant future and take their wedding rings from their future selves. if i do ever have an idea of how exactly this all pans out i’ll make it into a fic or something. for now tho this is the best i could come up with.)
max is very proud to show off his new wedding ring to momma bosco.
later on, sam is glad he kept that music contract on him, once one of the pedros asks for one.
of course, despite keeping their past selves from boarding the UFO, the elevator is still oddly enough missing when they run back to it.
max: hey, the elevator’s gone! what gives?
sam: hmm… remember what got us into this whole mess, the temporal anomalies and whatnot? maybe it’s another one of those? maybe this is the universe’s way of trying to correct the timeline, and we have to leave the same way our future selves did, since we’re-
max: alright, alright! less talky more- figuring out how to get off this dang ship!
ah well, having two elevators seems a bit overkill anyway. 
not so long later, in 205:
sam: you better release our pals’ souls from hell, cause my excitable little friend is getting angry.
max: and i’m angry, too!
satan: there’s no need for that kind of talk. i’ll gladly release your friends. just sign this release.
max: hold on sam, i got this!
sam: …you sure, max? 
max: positive! watch this. [he pulls out a crayon and scribbles his name on the contract]
satan: and that’s that.
sam: well that was pretty easy.
satan: now just do me a favor and think of the most horrible thing you can imagine.
max: ooh, that might take a second, there’s so many- oh, maybe- wait no, i’ve got it!
satan: good. now off you go!
[max disappears]
sam: sweet summering sausages sweltering on a busy sidewalk, what did you do?!
satan: he traded his soul for that of all your friends. they never read the fine print. now max will spend eternity in his own personal hell!
max: back in the office? where’s my partner?
specs: i’m over here!
max finds himself stuck inside a now very tidy office with specs, the neat freak of the soda poppers.
max: so where’s my REAL partner?
specs: what are you talking about, i AM your real partner.
max: uh, no. last i checked my partner was a six foot tall dog in a suit, not… you.
specs: oh, max. clearly you’re confused. you’ve always had a terrible memory. but don’t worry, i’m here to keep everything in order for you.
max is just about ready to start ripping out patches of his fur when he sees sam, sticking his big nose through the hole in their office wall. after a bit of arguing, max remembers the key card. he yells at sam to use it so they can kick demon’s spec’s ass together. when sam gets in there they do just that, ending in sam throwing the demon out the open window. with max’s personal hell defeated and leonard’s soul free they leave and finally go and confront satan.
as a bonus, a fun change to a piece of dialogue in 201:
sam: how long do you think it’ll take for one of us to kick the bucket?
max: i dunno, but i think if one of us were to go, the other would follow very close behind. maybe not even by choice!
sam: does that mean if i go first, i can take you with me?
max: sure does! in fact, i encourage it!
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pandemikz · 6 months ago
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big day for awesome people
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glitchedjunk · 8 months ago
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Sybil if she chose the right suitor
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inkyboy2 · 4 months ago
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YIPPIE INKY BOY ART!!! The girl in the pink with flint paper and is a ghost in another picture is my oc cassie! I love her so much also fun fact I love clowns just in case anyone wanted to know yeah um anyway flintball (Flint paper and superball) for life!!
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apolocheesetpu · 1 year ago
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Eggman: grr who took my chaos emeralds???? Superball: (this was funnier in my head)
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oddtree-art · 1 year ago
collection of sam n max doodles from the past month or so :3
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blorbosdotcom · 8 months ago
roleplay request?
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I know I've been advertising my RP server for Sam & Max quite a bit, but I'm also open for 1x1 roleplaying! I'll be putting my information under the cut, so feel free to message me AFTER reading it over if you'd be interested in RP!
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.. Basic Information ..
Open (1/3.)
As I am 18+, I do not roleplay with minors. I am just not comfortable with it whatsoever especially since the genres I tend to write.
I try to keep my portrayals close to canon, though I do tend to add my own personal flare to them as well. If you do something similar/have headcanons about the canon you're portraying, please reach out! I think adding to characters just makes things more fun. 
In all honesty, I mainly just rolelplay Freelance Husbands. Nothing much with OCs or focus on characters outside of the pair. Well, aside from when I do JURGEN focused stuff, usually shipping him with Superball.
If you don't reply to me without notice after a week or so, I will close our DM. If you need a break/want to end RP, just tell me. I know how it is. But ghosting is just not cool.
I roleplay over discord, exclusively.
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I write in a third person, semi to literate format. I typically write three paragraphs as a minimum and expect partners to match my length. Often I write more like 3-5+ paragraphs, it just depends on my muse and what's going on in the roleplay. In order to be my RP partner, I do require an example of your writing. I can send one back as well.  This is simply a measure to ensure we both vibe with each other’s styles before getting into roleplay! 
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Timezones and availability.
I will not always be available as I am an adult with a significant other, work and other responsibilities. Please respect that and don't spam me for replies. If I have an event coming up I will try to keep you informed + hope you'd do the same. I live in Central Time.
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Non-con, ageplay, p3dophilia and that other nasty stuff. I don't mind writing heavier topics, but going into graphic details with things such as Eating Disorders and Self-H@rm is too much. No other specific triggers come to my mind, but I will be sure to tell you if something makes me uncomfortable. 
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Types of roleplay.
Admittedly my primary interest in roleplaying is shipping. I tend to get bored with platonic roleplays. I am a sucker for a good hurt/comfort! Some genres I enjoy are angst, thriller and AUs of all kinds. I do not roleplay unless there is a plot, either. I do love brainstorming them together+hearing your ideas, and I also have some ideas already. I will add I tend to go hardcore into angst at times so if that isn't for you, I may not be the best fit for roleplaying. That being said, a good fluff or other genre can be just as fun. It really depends. I do ERP as well, but only if there's a plot involved. I can't get invested otherwise. DM me for more ERP specifics.
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Max the Lagomorph.
You know him, you love him - the rabbity thing ever.
Jurgen the Vampire.
The guy ever.
I can do other characters as side characters, as well!
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Freelance Husbands (obviously)
Jurgen x Superball (my guilty pleasure)
Jurgen x Papierwaite (I saw the light)
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If you've made it this far, congratulations. Feel free to message me with any other questions I haven't answered in post, and of course - if you're looking to roleplay. Cheers!
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