#Park Dong Goo
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angelseraphines · 1 month ago
what k-drama should i watch next?? by association the one you guys choose is also the one i will be writing fanfictions for!!! i have started mr. sunshine and strangers from hell but i’m only at the beginning episodes, and i have had friends recommend my name and sweet home to me!! lmk!! 😇
honestly send requests for any characters from these shows because good chance i’ll watch them all!!
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adlcrz · 1 year ago
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First Generation Oppas: Hyun Bin, Lee Dong Wook, Gong Yoo, So Ji Sub
Second Generation Oppas: Lee Jong Suk, Park Seo Joon, Lee Min Ho, Kim Soo Hyun
Third Generation Oppas: Ahn Hyo Seop, Song Kang, Cha Eun Woo, Yeo Jin Goo
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lovespink101 · 1 month ago
My updated Favorite TOP 5 Korean Dramas
Hospital Playlist
Descendants Of The Sun
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lookismaddict · 2 years ago
Charles Choi Recruiting Gun & Goo
Charles Choi: *approaches Gun & Goo while clearing his throat, preparing himself for the dialogue he had practiced for hours*
Gun & Goo: *stops in their tracks to see a rich old guy standing a few feet away from them*
Charles Choi: *takes a deep breath* “Ayo dawgs, what’s tight? You guys crackin’ for sum hot dough?”
Gun: *furrows eyebrows, unable to form any words*
Goo: *looks off to his sides, making sure that the old man wasn’t delusional* “…You talking to me?”
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gulongming · 2 years ago
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이번 생도 잘 부탁해 SEE YOU IN MY 19th LIFE (2023)
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somanykdramas · 7 months ago
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GENRES: Comedy, Romance
SUMMARY: A shy, reformed gangster-turned-CEO and a confident content creator reunite and become the cutest couple ever.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Cupcakes, sausages, animal dances, orphanages, Daddy issues, fluffy cats, professional rivals, romantic players, soccer players, impeccable suits, and earnest redemption.
HOT TAKE: From the interviews I've been reading with Uhm Tae Goo, it seems like he is juts as shy in real life as his role in this drama and I love that for him. A perfect fit!
This show is super corny and super trope-y, but also super progressive and really emphasizes earnest communication when it comes to love and friendship. At face-value it's not the kind of show that I really go for, but its totally worth throwing expectations aside for.
My only gripe is that the last episode was kinda meh, but not meh enough to ruin my time with the rest of it.
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bayfics · 1 year ago
Ya, why am I just now realizing that Ahn Dong Goo and Bae In Hyuk look so much alike!! They're both so equally handsome!!!!
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korelist · 2 months ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,9 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: See You in My 19th Life
Hangul: 이번 생도 잘 부탁해
Director: Lee Na-Jeong
Writer: Lee Hye (webcomic), Choi Young-Rin
Date: 2023
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Shin Hye-Sun, Ahn Bo-Hyun, Ha Yoon-Kyung, Ahn Dong-Goo, Park So-Yi, Kim Si-A, Ki So-Yu, Cha Chung-Hwa, Choi Jin-Ho
Ayrı ayrı bu kadar mükemmel iki oyuncunun birbirine bu kadar yakışmadığını ilk defa görüyorum. Aralarında kimya, biyoloji, fizik, itme, çekme hiçbir şey yoktu ya... Aceleyle karalanmış bir senaryoya başarılı oyuncuları yerleştirmişler. İlk yapacağım yorum budur. 12 bölümlük kısa bir dizi olduğu için konu çabuk toparlanır, hikaye uzamaz diye düşünmüştüm. Onun yerine sona doğru yeni düğümler atıp evirip çevirip, al bitti bu dediler. Lee Hye’ye ait webtoondan uyarlanan dizi çizime sadık kaldı mı yoksa kendisi mi bir son yazdı bilmiyorum.
Hikaye küçük bir kız olan Ban Ji-Eum ( Park So-Yi )’nin geçmiş hayatlarını hatırladığını anlatması ile başlıyor. Şuan ki 19. hayatında içinde bulunduğu aile fakirdir ve annesi evi terk etmiştir. Babası ve küçük kardeşi ile sefalet içinde yaşarken böyle olamayacağını fark edip evden kaçar. 17.hayatında bir erkek olarak yeğeni ile sirkte yaşarken hastalanıp ölmüştür. 19.hayatında o zamanki yeğenini bulur.
Kim Ae-Gyeong(Cha Chung-Hwa), kendi başına çok zorluklarla büyümüş kocaman kadın olmuştur. Küçük bir yahni dükkanı işletmektedir. Cha Chung-Hwa bence şahane bir oyuncu bu arada. Aynı zamanda da Shin Hye-Sun ile Mr. Queen dizisinde beraber oynamışlardı. Böyle geçmiş hayatlar üzerine bir dizi yapıp neden Mr. Queen’e bir gönderme yapılmadığına anlam veremedim. Önceki hayatımda kraliçeydim dese bile olurmuş. Çok tatlı bir dokunuş olurdu. Geçmiş hayatlar konusunu çok büyük harcadıklarını düşünüyorum. Uçsuz bucaksız bir fırsat varken ellerinde yalnızca bir konuk geldi; Chae Jong-Hyeop. Farklı isimlerinde kısacık da olsa görünmelerini bekledim.
Neyse kızımız geliyor yahniciye, ben senin amcanım diyor. Kadıncağız da hemen inanıyor, 10 yaşındaki kıza amca amca diyerek beraber yaşamaya başlıyorlar. Aradan yıllar geçiyor. Ban Ji-Eum burada yeni bir hayat kurduğundan beri 18.hayatında beraber yaşadığı küçük çocuğu arıyor. 18.hayatında daha çocuk yaştayken bir trafik kazasında ölmüş. Kaza sırasında Mun Seo-Ha(Jeong Hyun-Jun)’da onunla beraber olan aile dostlarının oğluymuş. Ufak bir çocuk olmasına rağmen bütün zamanlarını beraber geçiren bu çocukların özel bir bağı varmış. Ji-Eum da bu özel arkadaşını 19.yaşında arayıp bulmuş. Seo-Ha’nın babasının şirketinde parmakla gösterilen bir çalışan olmuş. Basamakları tek tek çıkarak ona ulaşmaya çalışıyormuş.
Ve geliyoruz günümüze Mun Seo-Ha büyüyor, oyuncusu Ahn Bo-Hyun’a dönüşüyor. Yaşadığı araba kazası nedeniyle bir kulağında duyma kaybı ve ilk aşkı/çocukluk arkadaşını kucağında kaybetmesinin travmalarını yaşıyor. Ölen annesine ait otelin işletmesini üstlenip, oteli eski görkemli günlerine döndürmeyi planlıyor. Ban Ji-Eum ise büyüyüp Shin Hye-Sun’a dönüşüyor. Karakterimiz işinden istifa ederek Mun Seo-Ha ‘nun oteline iş başvurusunda bulunuyor.
18.hayatındaki küçük kız kardeşi Yoon Cho-Won( küçük- Ki So-Yu, büyük Ha Yoon-Kyung) hep Seo-Ha’nın etrafında büyümüş. Peyzaj mimarı olan bu sevimli kızımız da Seo-Ha’nı sekreteri Ha Do-Yun(Ahn Dong-Goo) ile ilgileniyordu. Aslında bakarsanız bu çiftimiz çok daha uyumluydular. Uyumun yanı sıra çok daha da sevimliydiler. İkilinin aşkı, acısı, hissi izleyiciye çok daha fazla geçiyordu.
Daha önce dediğim gibi, oyuncular tek başlarına şahaneydiler. Shin Hye-Sun bir diziyi tek başına alıp götürebilecek potansiyele sahip dev kadro bir oyuncu. Ahn Bo-Hyun ise hem kötü adamı hem aksiyonu hem de aşık erkek rolünü hakkını vererek yaptığını kanıtladı. Itaewon Class, My Name, Yumi’s Cells gibi yapımlarla bu tezimi kanıtlayabilirim. Ayrıca ilk kötü adam olarak izledikten sonra bendeki imajını alaşağı ederek benim sapsabit fikrimi değiştirmeyi başaran çok nadir oyunculardan biridir. İşte tam burada kocaman bir ama! Ama işte olmamışlar beraber ya. İki dev oyuncunun birbirleri ile hiç mi kimyası uymaz arkadaş, uymamış işte.
Birazda senaryo hakkında konuşayım. Korelilerin çokça sevdiği bir konu olan reenkarnasyon mevzusu ana çıkış noktası. Hoş olmuş, güzel başlamış. Bütün hayatlarının her seferinde farklı bir suret farklı cinsiyet ile resmedilmesi de ayrıca güzel olmuş. Son 3 hayatının kısa sürmesi nedeni ile birden fazla hayatının iç içe geçmesini de çok güzel bağlamış birleştirmişler. Hikayeye verilen amaç yerine tam oturacakken, birden farklı bir boyut açmaları ise hiç diziye gitmemiş. Dizinin kaldıramayacağı bir karmaşa eklemişler. En başında bu insan neden sürekli geçmiş hayatlarını hatırlıyor diye sorgulamadan dizinin %80’ini izletip, sonra aslında her şey neden hatırladığına başlı diyemezsiniz. İzleyiciye ayıp olmuyor mu birazcık sizce de?
Çok gereksiz yükselip, verdiği açıklama ile tatmin etmeyen bir son yaşandı. Bana bir tık “Bulgasal” dizisini anımsattı. Keşke o dizideki gibi ilk bölümden bu lanetin sinyallerini verseydi. Kimin neden yaptığını söylemesine gerek yoktu, sadece böyle bir final yaşanacak mesajı bile yeterli olurdu. O yüzden hikayeyi çok zayıf buldum. Karakter gelişimi yok denebilecek kadar kötüydü. 18.hayatlarında birbirleri ile zaman geçiren iki çocuk… gerçekten çocuk. İzleyiciye, bir sonraki hayatlarında birbirlerini bulacakları kadar büyük bir bağ yansıtmıyorlar. Üstelik kız çocuktan büyük, ona ablalık yapıyor gibi bir hava hakim. Daha en başta çocukların arasında bir aşk var diye düşünüyorsunuz.
Bütün bu etkileşimi düşünerek izlediğinizde de, 1.bölümün sonunda ve fragmanda da gösterdiği o meşhur sahne geliyor karşınıza; iş görüşmesine gelmiş bir kadın, görüşme sonunda “beni işe almıyorsanız benimle çıkar mısınız” diye soruyor. Sen ne ara o kafaya geldin? Kardeşin gibi takıldığın çocuğa ölünce mi abayı yaktın. Hadi çocuğun kendinden büyük kıza açık olması normal. Her küçük erkek çocuğu zamanında bakıcısına, öğretmenine, komşunun büyük kızına vuruluştur. Onda da şöyle bir saçmalık hakimdi; yakışıklı patronumuz kızımızı gördü ve hiç etkilenmedi. Çok uzun süre kızımız çocuğun etrafında saçmalıklar yaptı, sülük gibi yapıştı. Yırtık dondan çıkar gibi “hadi çıkalım”, “senden hoşlanıyorum”, “öbüşek mi” tadında dolaştı. Sonra, sizde artık izlerken tamam hadi aşık oldu kız o kadar sene peşinde koşunca diye ikna oluyorsunuz. Bu seferde diğer tarafın mantıksızlığı suratınıza çarpıyor. Arkadaşım sen karşındaki kişiden hiç birazcık dahi hoşlanmazken onun aslında hoşlandığın kişi olduğunu öğrenince aşkında ölme moduna nasıl bu kadar çabuk geçebildin. Düğmesi mi var bunun aç kapat, nedir yani?
Yok bak kalp çarpıntısı yaptı düşünürken bile. Sözün kısası, oyuncuların uyumu olmadığı gibi senaryoda oldukça tutarsızdı. Benim fikrim, şahane bir konuyu, şahane oyuncularla harcamışlar. OST’sini de inceledim. Müzik de yoktu diyebilirim. En azından diziyi izlerken dikkatinizi çeken bir müzik olmuyor. Yine de ayrıca dinlerken iki tane seçtim. Yani kütüphanemede bu oyuncuların bütün yapımları olsun derseniz izleyin atın. Derseniz o kadar boş vaktim yok, izlemeyin.
Colde – Star
Jo Yuri – Down ( juicy Juicy )
Raven Melus
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thememoryofthatday · 1 year ago
I want a director's cut of WBDS with every single scene they left on the editing room floor. I NEED TO SEE ALL OF IT. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WRITE WHEN I DON'T KNOW EVERY DETAIL.
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I wish they would’ve kept these scenes..^_^
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dangermousie · 2 months ago
What kdramas or cdramas do you have your eyes open for in 2025?
Ooooh, I love this ask!
Cdramas: I did this post recently which should sum it up
Can This Love Be Translated? - love the cast, love the set up!
Dear Bandit - sageuk about lady bandit and prince who swap souls. Nam Ji Hyun and Moon Sang Min. I am indifferent to the cast but the premise could be great (or terrible, but let's be optimistic.)
The First Night with the Duke - manhua soapy deliciousness
The Good Man - Lee Dong Wook as a mobster in love? Gimme.
Haesi's Shinru - not sure if it's still on but it's a sageuk with Ahn Bo Hyun.
The Haunted Palace - this sound kinda insane but I am so desperate for a period kdrama.
Hong Rang - sageuk, fakecest, angstttttt
Human from Today - gumihos for the win
Kiss Me For No Reason - adore both Ahn Eun Jin and Jang Ki Yong and the romance sounds choice.
Last Summer - romance with Lee Jae Wook. He's picked some awful projects but he's a great actor so here is hoping.
The Moon Flows in This River - "he is a mysterious person with a dark past but a strong will even in loneliness. His life is in solitude, but one day, he meets his heroine fatefully, and light begins to shine on his life. She has a bright and pure charm, and they seep into each other's lives and discover true love and hope."
Our Movie - aaaaangsty romantic melo with Namgoong Min? OH YES PLS
The Remarried Empress - sometimes I just want trashy makjang with A-list actors.
The Scandal of Chun Hwa - sexy sageuk romance, bring it on!
The Scent of Plum Flower - sageuk! I am desperate for a decent sageuk.
Serenade - not sure if it's still on but Yeo Jin Goo in a sageuk OH GOD PLSSSSS
Soulmate - Taecyeon in a Japanese x Korean BL coproduction? Yes pls.
The Tyrant's Chef - sageuk AND Park Sung Hoon as ML. Not a fan of Yoona but one of the few times I liked her in was in a sageuk (TKL) so here is hoping.
When Life Gives You Tangerines - Park Bo Gum and IU and this one sentence from the synopsis: "he doesn’t know how to act if Ae Sun cries or laughs, but he is a silent warrior who only loves Ae Sun from the very beginning and pours his all into loving her." AAAAAAAAA
When the Stars Gossip - If liking Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin in old school romance is basic, I will gladly be basic.
Wife of a 21st Century Prince - IU and Byeon Woo Seok in something that sounds like a Goong AU? Yes pls.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years ago
you write characters pretty accurately so i was wondering what you think their reaction would be to reading the fanfics people write about them? also love your work💜💜
lol... thanks anon. I mean technically this is a request and I have been deleting them but-
Lookism/HTF react to their fanfics...
Doesn't want to think about it. Doesn't want to go anywhere near it. Leave them alone.
Johan Seong: C'mon, be serious. This edgelord will hate how people depict him. If it's accurate then he will get defensive, if it's not then he will get offended. Fluff, angst, soft, smut, doesn't matter. Does enjoy when Eden and/or Miro makes an appearance though.
No interest in reading about it, makes them embarrassed and flustered to know that the fandom thinks about them that way.
+ Daniel Park, Jay Hong, Vasco Tabasco, Jace Park, Lineman, Brad Lee, Jerry Kwon, Han Wangguk
Skims over fanfics. In awe, reluctantly impressed.
Jake Kim: Wow they think he's that handsome huh? That much of a green flag? Nice! A little disturbed but chuckles at Jake/Samuel shipping. What will these crazy fans think of next.
Ji Yeonwoo: Would blush but used to the thirst from his Study Newtuber days.
Ryuhei Kuroda: Damnit. Look at all the possibilities if only his dong works properly.
+ Zack Lee, Sinu Han, Eli Jang, Warren Chae, Jibeom Kwak, Jason Yoon, Kim Munseong
Doesn't give a shit
^ what more is there to say.
Samuel Seo: doesn't give a shit until he decides to compare how popular he is next to Jake Kim. And then... wtf! Prepare for another mental breakdown. Jake/Samuel shipping? He hates it. (Hates it less when he's the top though.)
Gun Park: Gives zero fucks. Barely reacts when they mention him as a dom. Well, of course. Have you seen him? Cracks the tiniest smirk when he realises the fandom likes to write Goo as the whiniest mf-ing sub ever.
+ James Lee, Hudson Ahn, Jihan Kwak, Xiaolong, Baek Hangyeol, Seong Taehoon, Lee Jinho, Seo Haesu
Expected, surprised there isn't more.
They have fans, they have ego, they have a reputation. Of course they would expect fanfics of them.
+ Vin Jin, DG, Baek Seongjun
Writes their own
Goo Kim: Excuse me?? Why are there so many Gun simps and so few Goo simps? He doesn't even care how he is depicted.
This degenerate will write whatever to push his numbers up. X reader, canon shipping, him breaking the verse. Anything.
Sinu Han: writes the Jake/Samuel fics
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queenoftsage · 8 months ago
I always see these ToP 10 KoReAn AcToRs ThAt ArE sO GrEAt [OmG] on... Fail Tube...
And to be honest, they always fail me. Come the F on peoples. Where are my faves?
Yeah yeah I know. I'm not general audiences. So.... Let's make my own.
Behind this read on, you will find my TOP 10 South Korean Actors of .... Well all time. Including NEWBIES, and Honorable Mentions.
P.S. this list is based on ACTING talent. Yes, most of these men or male presenting peoples I'm about to name may be good looking, but they have the TALENT to keep me entertained. ME, who is very picky for... pretty much anything, especially a whole ass show or movie I'm gonna give hours upon hours of my time to watch. If you can't act, your looks to me are gonna go down the drain. You can't be a bad actor and be good looking, because then I'll be like... yeah... that mofo is on that screen just cause of looks. They have no freakin' talent. GET ME OUTTA HERE. lol.
Ready to hate me cause I didn't include your faves? lol. READ ON, or forever hold your peas and carrots,. and MOVE ON. [aka- don't click 'keep reading'] [Warning: LONG ASS post.]
Park Hae Soo
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Listen.... It took 'Narco Saints' for me to realize that... I do love watching him on screen. I have also seen him in other things, and I honestly have loved his performances.
He manages to hold my attention long enough to acknowledge that... Yeah, I like this guy, he is very good at his craft. Let's go see more stuff with him in it! So that's how I decided he's a fave. lol.
My nickname for him: Mr. Narco Saint.
Kim Jae Wook
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I have seen him in SO MANY series/dramas, and every single time, every SINGLE time, he makes me root for his characters. Yes, even when he's playing evil AF characters. I think high key, he fits the villain characters a little more. I don't know, it's something about his elegant looks that make it easy for him to play villains. His most memorable being in 'VOICE', and in 'DEATH'S GAME'.
ALSO, he has a very special place in my heart. Way back when, Tumblr used to be a fun place for online RP. I had an amazing RP partner that used his beautiful face as an FC for a very fun character. I don't remember his name too much. If I remember it, I'll come back and edit it in, but... still... That particular character was villain-ous. lol
My Nickname For Him: 'That Character's Name!' ... I'll find it...
Park Hyung Sik
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This man is just adorable AF. He's fun to watch in most of the series/dramas he's in, and my favorite performance of his was in the series 'Happiness'. Despite him being a favorite, a lot of the stuff he's in is ... not really a personal favorite, [save for 'Happiness' which I really liked.] but his acting is always a breath of fresh air. Like I said, he's fun to watch on screen, even when the writing is bad. lol
My Nicknames For Him: The Cute One
Yoo Seung Ho
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Just like Park Hyung Sik, this man is adorable and very fun to watch, but sometimes the stuff he's in is... not so great. However, he is great, and I have yet to watch him in Warrior Baek Dong Soo. I hear that was a great performance of his. Honestly, all his performances are great. Also, his eyes are a thing that keeps me glued to the screen. He's just beautiful.
Anyway... Favorite. I always enjoy watching him on screen, even if the stuff he's in has insanely terrible writing.
My Nickname's For Him: Jingoo's Older Brother [yeah Yeo Jin Goo, no they're not related... but still.], Yesung part 2, Orange Blossom.
Yoo Ah In
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Another top performer, and reason why I'll stay and watch something. Despite all that bullshit controversy going on about drugs and this man [I would go off tangent and explain why I don't give a fuck when actresses or actors end up being junkies. That's their choice and their body. It's something they have to fight with.] , I still find it very fulfilling to watch him on screen. He's very very good at what he does, and well... You know he's also very easy on MY EYES. lol
Whatever the case, I thank that lady Song Hye Kyo, for being his friend and sticking with him through thick and thin and helping him out as the friend that she is. I hope he gets the help he needs and is able to come back to acting. I know it won't be unscathed, because South Korean audiences are very harsh on drug accusations [in which they should be harsher on GRAPE accusations, but go figure. They're very ass backwards. I won't get into it. That's all I'm saying.] , but me personally, I'll be waiting patiently for him to return.
Hope to see him in more new performances. In the meantime, I'll continue to watch what he's been in.
My Nicknames For Him: Hottie, Mr. Chicago Typewriter
Steven Yeun
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GLENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... you know... Because yes. Also, he's great, overall. He's got a charm that just keeps me watching every time he's in anything. He's one of the reasons I continued to watch 'The Walking Dead' for as long as I did. Him and Michone, but that's another story for another time.
Why is he in this list, if he's mostly in Western productions? Actually, no. He was in a few South Korean productions as well, and he was great in them. Hell, he even did a variety show in South Korea and was adorable in it. So... THERE. lol.
My Nicknames For Him: The only reason I liked 'The Walking Dead', lol... Well that's not a nickname, but that's what always comes to my mind when I see him. Him and Michone were EVERYTHING to me. Aka- GLENN.
Lee Do Hyun
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The first time I saw this dude was in 'Hotel Del Luna'. And I thought he was great, not gonna lie. Unfortunately, at that time, someone else had grabbed my attention. However, fastforward to a lot of performances later, including 'Exhuma' where he was superb! and I realized that this man is AMAZINg. Also, he played Shin Ha Kyun's younger self in 'Beyond Evil'. So technically he's Lee DongSik Too! How much better can we get?
That aside he's super talented. And of the new boys that are usually in Top 10s, he's the only one that made it on mine. Also, he will forever be Baby! Shin Ha Kyun to me, because I believe he can achieve such heights as an actor.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby!HaKyun [yeah... Shin Ha Kyun]
Shin Ha Kyun
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........... I don't think I need to explain WHY, this man is in this list? Or do I? If I do, just know this, he's nicknamed 'The GOD of Acting' by his fellow South Koreans. So.......... Yeah. Either way, and God of acting nickname aside, he lives up to that expectation all the time. No matter what character he's playing, he always puts his soul into it. I love that about him.
My Nicknames For Him: My Husband, The MOOD, My Twin [Gemini Twin]
Doh Kyung Soo
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.... Listen... Idol actors get a lot of shit when they decide to go into acting, because they're often accused of being BAD at acting. Kyungsoo, is one of those that has surprised audiences with his acting. And honestly, I feel it. I have seen most of everything he's been in [save for that one series with Zo In Sung], and I gotta say, I loved the performances through and through. Whether he was playing a high school kid with problems, and or a crazy prosecutor, and or an astronaut stranded on the moon. The feeling has been there the whole time, as well as the SOUL. This man, knows how to act, he was born for it. And of the many many MANY idol actors out there doing their thing, he's in my opinion, THE BEST of the BEST.
Also helps that he's one of my top favorites, but that's another story for another time.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby Boy, el Ojon ['big eyes' this one from my mom too, cause that's what she calls him, and that's how she knows we're gonna see him on screen.] , Crayon Shin Chan, Baby! Ranier, itty bitty KyungSoo, [too many to be honest... I come up with nicknames every other Friday. Stay Tuned... lol.]
Honorable Mentions:
Ji Sung
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This man came into my radar, thanks to 'The Devil Judge'. I have yet to sit down and see him in more things. The only other series I have seen him in is 'Adamas', and I gotta say, it was very fun time. I'm not gonna lie that I chose to watch him because I don't mind watching him on screen. He's absolute eye candy in every sense of the damn word.
However... I hope that as I keep trying to watch stuff he's been in or is in 'currently', I can appreciate his acting more.
My Nicknames For Him: Kang YoHan [I know that's a character he played, but that's all I see when I see him... I KNOW, I need to see more.]
Seo Ji Hoon
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I'm not gonna lie... I had seen this kid in other series, and he did kind of grabbed my attention. However, the stories were so good, I was actually invested in the stories [ie. 'Revenge of Others', 'Meow The Secret Boy']. However, enter 'Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency' and... That was it. I immediately remembered his face from the previous stories/series and how in those series, he was the one that had caught my attention. Then here in this series Marriage Agency... I was SOLD.
This beautiful man is up and coming, true. So I'm waiting patiently for him to get more 'STARRING' roles. He's only gotten a few. He has yet to have that one HIT that catapults him to getting even more attention. However, with what he's done, he's done enough for me to pay attention. He's good, and he was so good, that in Marriage Agency, he managed to get my attention, when that series features some of the most beautiful men South Korea has to offer. Shout out to the other Jihoon, he's beautiful too.
Either way... This kid is on my radar. I can't wait to see more of him and determine WHERE in this list he fits. Will he be Top 10? or Top 20? We'll see.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby King! [he's a little itty bitty king... no of course he's not... he's way taller than probably most of the dudes I have here on this list. lol. But still... He's so baby faced. That's all I think about when I see him.]
Park Ji Hoon
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Ok, so the same thing that happened with Seo Jihoon, happened to me with this Jihoon. He's Park Jihoon. So the first time I saw him was in 'Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency'. I did take notice at how pretty and cute he was. I mean, this freakin series had some very beautiful people in it and I did notice. However, the Jihoon that caught my attention there was Seo Jihoon. Fastforward to a few months later and me watching 'Weak Hero Class 1' and I lost it. I remembered who this kid was, and I remembered where I had seen him. He is amazing in this series, so now I'm a little lost in the rabbit hole. I am currently going through his list of works. It's not that big, so I feel like I'm almost over. Currently and at the time I'm about to post this, I have started 'At a Distance Spring is Green', and I gotta say, he's adorable and he's entertaining to watch.
We'll see in the future, where he ends up in the list. Will he be Top 10? or Top 20? I will figure it out eventually. In the meantime, I also love watching him in variety shows and doing that cute gesture with his hands. You know the one....
My Nicknames For Him: THE EYES [no yeah for real. That's what comes to mind when I see him. lol.] , Tiny Boy [it fits him cause I believe he's the youngest in this list.] , Baby Tiger, My Son, and lately I realized he's 'LITTLE RED' my OC. Like seriously, fits like a glove.
KAI [Kim Jong In]
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Just like the photo above, I've been sleeping on Kim JongIn as an actor. And I not only blame myself, but also blame my love for watching him as a performer/singer better than an actor. I have never given him a chance as an actor. I am aware that he has done a few series, and the bits and pieces I have seen I have liked a lot.
I feel I need to give myself the time to watch him in these and then figure out where in the list he will end up. Either way, he's an honorable mention because even when I'm not watching him in acting action, I am always watching him in dancing and performing action, so.... yeh...
My Nicknames For Him: Art In Motion, Baby Nini, Tedi Bear, El Sexy Boy, Bolita de Algodon [little ball of fluff], The CAT Boy[alternately 'Omi in RL']
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You saw this coming, right? Either you did or didn't, but you should know by now. This man took me by the horns and hasn't let me go yet. Listen....Might as well be the devil here and say, yes this man makes me feel things every time I see him acting. Whether he's playing a robot, a hotel manager, a disgruntled king, it doesn't matter. He puts so much soul into whatever he does, that it makes me feel like I am there experiencing what the character is experiencing.
He has a long history, which has been amazing to look through. And honestly, up to this day, I still haven't watched everything he's ever been in. He has an extensive list of works that he's been part of, and his participation in each project has, honestly, always stood out to me. At least in the projects/series/dramas I've been able to see.
Thank you, Yeo Jin Goo, for sharing your insane acting talent with all of us. I consider myself lucky to be alive in this era, and to be able to witness this. Greatly appreciated. Hope to be able to live long enough to see you thrive for many many years.
His Best Characters [Top 5]:
Gu Chan Seong [Hotel Del Luna]
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King YiHeon & Ha Sun [The Man Who Became King]
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Han JooWon [Beyond Evil]
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Hwayi [Hwayi: A Monster Boy]
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King Gwanghae [Warriors of The Dawn]
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My Nicknames For Him: Baby Child, Peach, and KaiSoo Love Child.
And that's it... Are any of your faves in this Top 10, or are they honorable mentions? Either way, these are MINE. If I made a video about it, these are the men it would feature.
Maybe later on I'll make the Female actress version. That one would be really hard, because I absolutely LOVE the female actresses more than I do the male actors. And I have tons of faves.
However... I'll try to make the effort to do it eventually. Don't know when.
Anyway... Hope you enjoyed this post, if you read it all.
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mizldrizl · 2 years ago
Funny moments from the Beyond Evil BTSs 1/7
Yeo Jin Goo - Han Joo Won
Choi Dae Hoon - Park Jung Je
Shim Na Yeon - Director
Shin Ha Kyun - Lee Dong Sik
Choi Sung Eun - Yoo Jae Yi
Kim Shin Rok - Oh Ji Hwa
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Yeo Jin Goo: I've never been to a police substation before.
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Yeo Jin Goo: Because I've been a good citizen 🙂
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Yeo Jin Goo (to Choi Dae Hoon): Don't you think spending too much time here--
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Yeo Jin Goo: --has led you make those weird drawings?
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Yeo Jin Goo: Go out and take a walk time to time.
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Shim Na Yeon: What a ruined man you are.
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Choi Dae Hoon: This place feels like a sewer.
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Choi Dae Hoon: One day I'm going to escape to the outer world...
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Choi Dae Hoon: During the filming yesterday, Councilwoman Do--
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Choi Dae Hoon: --was supposed to say "a city of zero crime, Munju," but--
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Shim Na Yeon: --she accidentally said "a city of zero corpse, Munju" 😂
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Caption: Joo Won went in too late and encountered Dong Sik face to face.
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Staff: That could've ended our show with only three episodes 🤣
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Caption: Thank you for watching, apparently this is the last Beyond Evil BTS 😭
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Caption: Big heart for you, Assistant Inspector Lee ❤️
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Shin Ha Kyun: Shhh!
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Shin Ha Kyun: Are we really friends?
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Choi Dae Hoon: Dong Sik only says to Jung Je things like "Leave the room" or--
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Choi Dae Hoon: --"Shhh!"
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Shin Ha Kyun: This is something I do to my dog all the time.
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Shin Ha Kyun: Shhh! Stay!
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Choi Dae Hoon: Woof! 🐶
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Choi Sung Eun: Have you ever been egged?
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Yeo Jin Goo: Egged??
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Yeo Jin Goo: In my life?
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Yeo Jin Goo: No, never...
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Kim Shin Rok: Let me try.
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Caption: (Something's off...)
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Shin Ha Kyun: You've never cuffed someone, have you?
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Caption: Dong Sik teaches her how to cuff step by step.
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kdramaxoxo · 1 year ago
Can you recommend like a fun, silly, summery drama? I'm looking for similar vibes as Cheer Up or Age of Youth (female friendships are a plus). It's hard to find something without melodrama.
First off, I LOVE your user icon! (- ‿◦ )
And I definitely want to help you find something silly and easy to watch, especially as we enter the depths of winter! Some of these are a little less slice of life but still fun. Also I know you already watched/mentioned a couple of these but I'm adding them to the list for everyone else who might be game!
Light Hearted Fun K-dramas (little or no melo)
Soundtrack #1 (slice of life/romance) Best friends for almost 20 years, the two leads start having feelings for one another while working on a project. This drama only has a few episodes which is a shame because it's really cute! As a Park Hyung Sik Stan (sorry but Happiness broke me), he's great in this one and he hasn't lost all of his military weight yet which I LOVE :D
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Fanletter Please! (slice of life/ romance) A sick child writes fan letters to her favorite star, an actress who for kdrama reasons is afraid of fan letters. This was a super sweet, short drama - I really liked it so much!
Into The Ring (workplace/romcom): The perfect slice-of-life rom com! Goo Se Ra has trouble holding down a job due to her passionate personality so after she loses her latest job working for the ML, she decides to run for a small government office position because it pays a salary. Literally she does it for the money which is just *chef’s kiss.* The show is about her dealing with local politics and it’s SO FUNNY and smart and the OTP is the best! 
King The Land (rom/com): A cold chaebol hotel owner meets his match (literally and figuratively) who is a top notch employee. There's a lot of push pull and the ML (MY BIAS!) Lee Junho's character falls hard and fast. It does have slow moments but if you literally want to watch a happy couple be happy (plus the skinship is chef's kiss and there is so much of it) you'll enjoy this one.
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Melo Is My Nature (slice of life): This drama is by far my favorite slice-of-life drama of 2019. Found family, strong and complex characters, I laughed, I cried. Plus a gay character that’s an actual character, with the gay as a casual side note (classy k-drama!!) It was just a perfect show for me. There’s romance, but all of the stories are super interesting.
Top Management (slice of life) I know this show is mainly on Youtube Premium BUT I just got an email from Youtube basically saying “hey we know you never want to pay to watch our shows so we’re just going to let you ok?” so that’s something… Adorable mini drama about a girl who can see the future and becomes the rookie manager for a kpop band. Fun and easy.
Business Proposal (rom/com) Seriously this drama is almost the exact same plot as The Secret Life of My Secretary. It's really fun and cute (just like the latter) and if you like one, you'll like the other ;-)
True To Love / Bo Rah Deborah (rom/com) Bo Rah is a relationship expert publishing her book. She works with a man who is her total opposite making it a cute enemies to lovers. Yoo in Ah is literally so adorable I love watching her! (If I'm honest I can't remember a TON about this drama but I do remember it being an easy watch).
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Her Private Life (romcom): Park Min Young really knows how to pick dramas. I loved this one about a museum curator who is secretly a fangirl obsessed with an idol. It’s fun and fluffy but does have a very mild childhood trauma thing with his mother but I mean, 99% of dramas like this do? If you like this one, Touch Your Heart and Why Secretary Kim are by the same person and have similar vibes.
Touch Your Heart (rom/com) A sweet, silly and very mild rom com about a serious boss and his hallyu star secretary. This show was an obvious response to the chemistry that Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na had in Goblin so it was nice to see them together again. Yoo In Na is such a fun person to watch!
Fight for My Way (slice of life/romcom): I love this drama! Always a fave for me, this drama is funny and heartwarming! The leading lady is a strong female which I LOVE, and Park Seo Joon plays her really cute down to earth best friend. It’s a childhood friends to lovers trope with a group of regular people (no rich heirs in this show!) and has a happy ending and a lot of cute flirting, cuddling and kissing. Argh I love these two!
Age of Youth 1 (slice of life): Age of Youth/ Hello My Twenties is one of the best k-dramas that centers around strong female friendships. A group of wildly different girls find themselves rooming together in an apartment. Lots of romance too, but the girl’s lives and friendships are the primary focus.
Shopping King Louie (romcom): Ridiculously fun and lighthearted romp following a spoiled and useless chaebol with amnesia who is being taken care of by a country bumpkin in the city. Very low stakes, super adorable couple, and as many tropes as you can fit in your bag, this one is one of my favorites to recommend.
Eulachacha Waikiki / Laughter In Waikiki (slice of life comedy, romance) I hope you’re ready for a crazy amount of unlikely situations and nutty hijinks because this show is probably one the most silly ones I’ve ever watched. It follows a group of friends who own a hostel so it’s a slice of life drama. At certain points I was like “this is TOO silly” but I’m glad I stuck with it cause it was so hilarious. Plus, the baby is a star!
Wok of Love (rom/com) Despite the fact that the show was shortened by two episodes because of sports, this drama is a funny and quirky show worth watching. Many people dropped it because it was SO crazy for the first couple of episodes (it has a talking horse people!), but it does settle into a really sweet and fun story about a chef, a gangster and a rich girl and her family. If you love food, this show is for YOU!
And finally, if you don't mind a bit of melo, I highly recommend Run On!
Enjoy <3
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99snse · 1 year ago
BANNED FCS ⸻ updated, 11/20/23
disclaimer: this list should not be taken as a matter of my own opinion. each individual listed has a source attached for your own education and should be carefully considered in all of your fc choices. if you feel as if any individual has been mistakenly listed here, please feel free to reach out to me privately to discuss the circumstances surrounding their placement. ultimately, i did not create this list as a means of causing negatively, but it is much more important that we hold each other accountable and i hope to provide a running list of fcs that would be inappropriate or otherwise problematic for usage.
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Kim Ji-soo (actor), bullying & alleged sexual misconduct (source)
Jung Joon-young, Burning Sun scandal (source)
Choi Jong-hoon, Burning Sun scandal (source)
Lee Seung-hyun (Seungri), Burning Sun scandal (source)
Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE), Burning Sun scandal (source)
Kim Hyung-jun, alleged sexual misconduct (source)
Wendy Son, perpetuating racial stereotypes (source)
Kwon Ji-yong, blackface to imitate Trayvon Martin (source)
Shin Dong-hee (Shindong), blackface to imitate Oprah (source)
Kim Kang-hoon (Yesung), blackface to imitate Nick Fury (source)
Lee Gi-kwang, blackface/perpetuating racial stereotypes (source)
Kim Jong-dae, blackface to imitate a racial caricature (source)
Yoon Bo-mi, blackface to imitate a racial caricature (source)
Jackson Wang, appropriation & ignorance of black protective hairstyles (source)
Henry Lau, homophobia & transphobia (source)
Park Jeong-soo (Leeteuk), fatphobia (source)
Shin Dong-hee (Shindong), fatphobia (source)
Choi Si-won, homophobia & transphobia (source & source)
Kim Kang-hoon (Yesung), fatphobia (source)
Amber Liu, instances of expressed racial prejudice in response to police brutality (source)
Jessica Ho, allegations of assault (charges dropped), homophobia, usage of slurs (source & source)
Kim So-won, "misunderstood" the significance of Nazi symbolism (source)
Wong Kun Hang, weird comments about dreadlocks (source)
Yong Jun-hyung, Burning Sun involvement (never prosecuted)
Roy Kim, Burning Sun involement (never prosecuted)
Eddy Kim, Burning Sun involvement (never prosecuted)
Kim Young-woon (Kangin), present in voyeurism chatroom (source)
Jeong Jin-woon, present in voyeurism chatoom (source)
Lee Chul-woo, present in voyeurism chatroom (source)
Son Chae-young, "misunderstood" the significance of Nazi symbolism & right-wing conspiracy group QAnon (source & source)
Liu Yifei, support of police brutality during Hong Kong protests (source)
Donnie Yen, support of Chinese Communist Party (source)
Fan Bingbing, support of Chinese Communist Party (source)
Jackson Wang, support of Chinese Communist Party & its use of forced labor in Xinjiang (source)
Christian Yu
Park Sun-young (Luna)
Lee Ji-eun (IU)
Kim Jong-hyun, passed away
Tany (Kim Jin-soo), passed away
Ahn So-jin, passed away
Go Eun-bi (EunB), passed away
Kwon Ri-se, passed away
Kim Dong-yoon, passed away
Seo Min-woo, passed away
Goo Ha-ra, passed away
Choi Jin-ri (Sulli), passed away
Moon Bin, passed away
Lee Ji-han, passed away
Im Na-hee, passed away
Park Soo-ryun, passed away
Jeong Joong-ji, passed away
Yoo Joo-eun, passed away
Jennie Kim, taking part in "The Idol"
Kim Min-gyu, general carelessness for perceived support of korean conservative party amid prior (unresolved) allegations of bullying, sexual misconduct, and misogyny (source & source)
Kim Tae-hyung, ignorance surrounding the cultural relationship between black hair & durags (source)
Lee Jeno, fatphobic comments (source)
Park Jisung, colorist & fatphobic comments (source)
Park Chanyeol, colorist comments (source)
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dear-indies · 14 hours ago
Hello! Good morning or good night, everyone. I need some advice regarding old Korean actors and actresses who can portray a grandpa and a grandma. Could you pretty please help me?
Um Aing-ran (1936) Korean.
Kim Young-ok (1937) Korean.
Kim Yong-rim (1940) Korean.
Kim Hye-ja (1941) Korean.
Kang Boo-ja (1941) Korean.
Na Moon-hee (1941) Korean.
Park Jeong-ja (1942) Korean.
Ban Hyo-jung (1942) Korean.
Sunwoo Yong-nyeo (1945) Korean.
Youn Yuh-jung (1947) Korean.
Jung Jae-soon (1947) Korean.
Lee Hyo-choon (1950) Korean.
Go Doo-shim (!951) Korean.
Yoon Mi-ra (1951) Korean.
Yang Hee-kyung (1954) Korean.
Moon Sook (1954) Korean.
Kim Hae-sook (1955) Korean.
Ye Soo-jung (1955) Korean.
Lee Kyung-jin (1956) Korean.
Kim Bo-yeon (1957) Korean.
Kim Hye-ok (1958) Korean.
Sunwoo Eun-sook (1959) Korean.
Shin Shin-ae (1959) Korean.
Im Ye-jin (1960) Korean.
Cha Hwa-yeon (1960) Korean.
Choi Min-sik (1962) Korean.
Lee Soon-jae (1934) Korean.
Shin Goo (1936) Korean.
Lee Ho-jae (1941) Korean.
Jeon Moo-song (1941) Korean.
Park In-hwan (1945) Korean.
Jang Hang-sun (1947) Korean.
Baek Yoon-sik (1947) Korean.
Lee Jang-hee (1947) Korean.
Jung Dong-hwan (1949) Korean.
Yoon Joo-sang (1949) Korean.
Lee Young-ha (1950) Korean.
Ahn Sung-ki (1952) Korean.
Lee Deok-hwa (1952) Korean.
Jang Gwang (1952) Korean.
Jeon Gook-hwan (1952) Korean.
Lee Kye-in (1952) Korean.
Do Gyeong Lee (1953 Korean.
Moon Sung-keun (1953) Korean.
Kim Chang-wan (1954) Korean.
Gi Ju-bong (1955) Korean.
Park Jin-yeong (1955) Korean.
Shin Cheol-jin (1956) Korean.
Yoo Dong-geun (1956) Korean.
Choi Jung-woo (1957) Korean.
Kim Kap-soo (1957) Korean.
Song Seung-hwan (1957) Korean.
Park Sang-won (1959) Korean.
Kim Yon-ja (1959) Korean.
Lee Geung-young (1960) Korean.
Chun Ho-jin (1960) Korean.
Kim Byeong-ok (1960) Korean.
I hope this helps! ✨
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