#Parental love
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 year ago
May I request Husk with young daughter reader? Like reader is his daughter from his overlord days and reader stayed by his side by her father when he was taken under Alastor? She a little sweet, genuine darling who loves her papa.
Hehe! Awww! I love Husk and I am so excited to write for him independently! Let’s give our grumpy cat bartender lots of love~!
Husker- Precious Kitten
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May I remind you all that it’s canon that Husk is great with children and is extremely patient? So, you know that Husk is the best dad in Hazbin Hotel and his daughter is very cared for
Husk regrets losing his Overlord power to Alastor but apart of his deal with Alastor is that he doesn’t touch you nor does he keep you away from Husk. So, even though this deal is complete bullshit, he has the one thing keeping him happy
You never leave his side and Husk will fight anybody to make sure you’ll be right there. He isn’t a fan of you being around his bar but he doesn’t trust anybody with you, he wants you to be at arm’s length all the time
Husk is naturally overprotective over his young daughter because of Alastor. He went from protective, because of Hell and the dangers of being a child in Hell but now, it’s bumped up to a extreme level since he is afraid Alastor may try something to torment him
Husk may hate the domestic cat instincts and habits his current form has but that doesn’t stop him from licking your fur when he feels like you need to be clean. He’ll pick you up with his mouth, put you down on his counter and lick your fur. It’s quite cute since it’s much like a mama cat and her kitten
You’re his human child as well, hence why he is so close to you. The daughter whose birth was responsible for the love who killed his ability to love’s death. Whilst he lost his love, he gained a new one and since you did some shady things in your childhood, always linked to your father’s hand. You dropped into Hell with him when you were both shot to death
Husk won’t ever let you be around anything adult. So, that means he is much more harsh and strict with Angel Dust, demanding he acts child friendly whilst at his bar and gets into arguments with the spider sinner over you. You’re his sunshine, his limelight, his little angel. Husk won’t let anybody taint you… anymore than you already are
Husk is a bit more desperate to get back his Overlord powers since he can barely protect you in this realm, even if he is always around so he is trying to confront Alastor to break the contract. He needs to keep his babygirl safe at all causes
Husk likes to hold you in one of his arms whilst doing his bartending work with the other. Feeling his soft kitten sleeping on his chest and laying in his arm is such a comforting feeling, makes the tension blow away… it’s the only real comfort he gets in this shit sandwich of a demon life
Husk is amazing at playing with you, trust me. He is grumpy and calloused but he is actually very childish and has a vivid imagination that enables yours. He will keep you entertained and constantly learns new magic tricks to blow your cute little mind
Yes, Husk cannot stop himself from purring anytime he holds you. It’s a reflection of his joy when around you and whilst he dislikes the cat features, he can excuse the purring to focus on you
Husk has been working much later at his bar. Cleaning up bottles with his beloved little kitten, the little girl who was right there the entire time. Right next to him when Alastor first summoned Husk to the Hotel and right there when Husk became an Overlord then lost his identity to Alastor but he didn’t lose everything. He managed to keep you, Husk managed to convince the Radio Demon to let him take care of his own daughter
Husk silently stacks up the sparkling alcohol glasses, being quiet as possible. The only hearable noises are his paws shuffling on the ground, two sets of gentle breathing and light clinks of gorgeous clean glasses. Husk is staying quiet so his babygirl, Leitora, can sleep peacefully
As usual, you’ve been with him since the beginning of his shift and you’re here with him to the end of it
You’re much younger than most Sinners here. The youngest is eighteen… you’re eight. Having died so young and only at Hell because you mimicked your gambling and crime-filled father(you didn’t drink— fuck, you didn’t drink!). But Husk is so glad you’re here, he’d be suffering and entirely miserable if you were up in Heaven
He isn’t happy that you’re in the worst realm after your short life was taken away from you so abruptly and cruelly but he is also thankful that you’re okay and that you’re thriving in a area he can always overlook you
Eventually finishing up wiping down the front bar counter with a slightly damp soft cloth through those few more minutes of silent and steady working, the dark emptiness of the Hotel foyer looming over his head. Husk readjusts the way he holds you to his fluffy chest so you’re more comfortable. Ignoring how numb his forearm and hand feels, he just loves hugging you to him
It fills the void called his heart. He doesn’t have much luck with romance nor gambling but he has the best prize any man could ever want
You’re sweet, you’re precious, you’re very loving and attached to him, you’re such a nice little angel. You resemble Charlie Morningstar almost perfectly and you even have matching cat features to his. It ties the father-daughter dynamic you two share even more, making it stronger and making your bond stronger. Husk’s sharp golden yellow eyes switch inbetween hanging up the damp rag to air dry to your head laid on his shoulder, your small little face sleeping peacefully, your soft pretty eyes fluttered close
In a single blink, Husk is brought back into a livid memory. The moment resembles one he had when he was rocking a four year old you asleep on his chest, back when both of you were humans and he can’t help but feel his undead heart swell with pride and a overwhelming sense of joy at that memory
His life was quite shit, even on Earth but he had the single card of positivity in the deck of darkness, and that card is the little girl his longtime wife gave him whose ended up with him through all of eternity
As soon as he finished with this shift, the menacing darkness of the spacious room begins to linger even further but it doesn’t intimidate Husk in any fashion. He opens the employee-only entrance gate from the back-around column built into the back of the bar so he can get out. Taking his daughter with him, his glowing yellow eyes making a resemblance of a flashlight so he can lead himself through the Hotel’s extravagant hallways
Husk eventually, after a single elevator ride and a bit of rocking you in his arms so you don’t get jolted awake every time he steps in his relaxed pace, softly pushes open the door of the hotel room he shares with you and whilst he is quite tired, he prioritises your comfort and ability to sleep over his. Walking up to the cute child bed right besides his own casual big one, the colourful bed Charlie had made for you
Husk places you into the bed, drawing back the cute vibrant blankets then tucking the two layers of thick cool fabric so you’re cuddled up and comfy, the mere second he plops you onto the mattress and the pillow holding up your head. The soft purring coming out inbetween every breath sends waves of serotonin over the Hazbin Hotel bartender, enabling his own instinctive purring
Tucking his beloved child in is a familiar act Husk is quite accustom to; putting you to bed, getting you food, picking you up, playing with you, dressing you, making you smile and laugh at his magic tricks, making sure nobody will try feed you alcohol
Husk can’t help but admire his little kitten sleep for a bit longer, maybe a few seconds at most. Yeah, you’ve been with him all day, every day but he can never get tired of your presence. You’re his precious gemstone and his love for you far surpasses everything. Running a hand through your soft shorter fur, he eventually pulls away to let you rest on your own, you’ve been asleep for maybe two to three hours now and he wants you to get the needed amount undisturbed
Husk undoes his uniform, messy and too tired to even bother being tidy and sophisticated with his belongings, due to how shit this day has been, and flops onto his bed to immediately pass out. But he doesn’t do any of that before whispering out one more thing, certain that you won’t hear him and kissing your little forehead
He isn’t aware that you heard him, slightly waking up at the feel of his lips on your skin
“Goodnight, Kitten…”
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frisbys-artwork · 8 days ago
Dad, Son & Coffee
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Dr. Korom enjoys a nice, hot coffee outside with his son Onkar, after almost a month of relishing life as a new dad at home.
Familiar faces stop by to say hello, and congratulate him on becoming a father.
Previous Post
Hey guys! I really love how this piece turned out. For those of your following this series, this is still before Korom meets Charun.
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pinkypkmntrainer · 5 months ago
crazy that the english-language-speaking people of the world have unanimously agreed on a word that means so much and so many things, a word that takes so many unique forms, a word that carries so much weight and trust and admiration and emotion. and it's only four letters long. four letters that mean everything to some people. screaming crying throwing up.
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theplightofthepterodactyl · 4 months ago
If there is a heaven, I want it for my father.
He has suffered, his whole life he has suffered. He has worked for everyone but himself - first for his mother, then for his wife, and then for me. He's gritted his teeth and persisted, praying to a god I don't believe in anymore.
But I hope that when he dies, and we lay his beaten, battered body in the ground, his cold brain sparks. The chemicals collide and conjure up a vision of Heaven, of the thing he's believed in with all his might. He will meet God, and God will take him in His arms, and tell him that He is proud. Proud of his son, who deserved more than the world gave him.
I hope with my entire being that I am wrong, and God does exist. Even if I burn for eternity because I didn't believe, I will take the flames gladly if only my father could finally be happy.
And even if I'm right, I hope that the brain, with all its secrets, takes mercy on my father. Even if it's nothing more than a mirage, even if it's nothing more than the swan song of his dying synapses.
Because if there is nothing but emptiness after we die, I will scream until my throat shreds and my lungs burst, and sob for my poor father, who shouldn't have lived every day for the promise of a better tomorrow.
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anxietyfrappuccino · 1 year ago
i feel pretty secure this valentines so far. multiple people know i'm aromantic asexual. it's ash wednesday, which deviates some of the focus. my parents each bought me a squishmallow, one of which i received the day before. aromantic is trending as we come together in solidarity. i'm wearing a nice green and black outfit. i get to eat one of my favorite foods tonight. it's beautifully gloomy outside.
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tazabel · 3 months ago
Ok, Odysseus, the raining* king of Ithaca, is my Roman Empire.
And I don't particularly mean all the "adventures" he went through or the wrong he might have done.
It's the pain of a parent who has not been able to watch his child grow up.
He remembers him as a baby. He was once very close to home, to be able to see (and raise) him still as a child, but that too was taken from him. If it weren't for the right circumstances, he might not have recongnise him in adulthood.
* I apologize for this silly joke that still makes me smile.
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brienneoftarth1989 · 1 year ago
The Simulator
Phasma x young f reader
Summary: “Basically Phasma is inspecting the ship while a new bunch of Cadets is training. F!reader is a Cadet who is obsessed with getting the highest scores on the simulator training, which is starting to affect her health. This becomes apparent when she passes out while the Captain is inspecting her unit on parade. The Captain is very impressed by her scores, and takes her to the medical bay herself. Later on, she gets a message from the medics that the Cadet has sneaked away from the medical bay and finds the reader in the simulator room. Angry that the Cadet has broken medical orders, Phasma gives her smack and decides to supervise her in the Captain's quarters instead, where she can keep an eye on her” requested by reddragon30000 on tumblr
Warnings: passing out, dehydration, exhaustion, young reader, comfort, parental Phasma
Requests open
Being a young cadet always required a lot of training and you were doing your utter best to make sure you were at the top of the class in all your training. At 13 years old it can be hard though. You were already considered one of the best cadets in your age bracket but you were also beating some of the older cadets in much higher age brackets.
There was one thing you were being defeated by though. It was called the simulator. It trains you to fly the aircrafts as well as your shooting and aiming. Each time you finish the simulator it saves your scores but you still weren’t the top scorer on the simulator and this bothered you massively.
You would spend every opportunity on the simulator to the point it was starting to affect your health. You were staying up late and getting up early to make sure you could spend as much time on the simulator as possible. This meant you were only getting about 4 hours of sleep a day which wasn’t healthy for someone of your age.
On top of that the simulator itself is mentally challenging as it requires a lot of focus which was probably why you weren’t getting the top score. Maybe if you let yourself rest then you could work at getting the top score.
But you couldn’t let that happen. Not today. You had overheard that Captain Phasma was doing an inspection of the ship today and there was a high probability that she would be coming through to check on the training of the new cadets. You were inspired by Captain Phasma and you so desperately wanted to impress her with the top score.
Therefore you weren’t going to let yourself stop until you were getting closer and closer to beating the top scorer. So the rest of the morning you solely spent your time on the simulator and it really was starting to affect you.
You heard the door to your training unit open and you could see Phasma walking through starting her inspection. “Oh god, I need to look busy!” You whispered to yourself. You continued on with the simulator but you were starting to feel weird. Your head was starting to hurt and the simulator felt like it was starting to spin. “I need to get out of this” you said to yourself but as you went to stand the whole world went black.
Phasma continued to walk around the room but what caught her eye was the score on the simulator. Phasma couldn’t help but be impressed that someone was getting closer and closer to beating her impossible score. They were only about 200 points from beating her.
Phasma had to know who this person was considering the cadet unit was for beginners. Phasma knocked on the door waiting for a response but no one responded. She opened the door and was greeted by your limp body on the floor.
Phasma was quick to react and quickly picked you up bridal style and ran you to the infirmary. She looked down at you and realised you were just a child. She was impressed but deeply concerned that someone your age had passed out. When she got you to the infirmary she was greeted by a doctor who guided her to a bed to place you down on.
“What happened?” The doctor asked Phasma. “I have no idea. I was doing my inspection of the ship when I came into her unit’s training room. I was drawn to the simulator and when I opened the door I found her on the floor passed out and white as a ghost” Phasma informed the doctor.
“Ok thank you for bringing her here. We are going to run some tests. I will inform you of the results Captain” the doctor told Phasma. Until you woke up there wasn’t a lot she could do so she went back to what she was doing and hoped that she would get an update quickly.
Phasma went back to work and continued to do her inspection of the ship. After about half an hour she was being beckoned to come back to the infirmary. Hopefully it was about your test results. She made her way to the infirmary and when she arrived she could still see you passed out in bed with a drip next to your bed.
“So did we figure out what was wrong with her?” Phasma asked the doctor. “Yes we did. After conducting a number of tests we found out she is severely dehydrated and she also has strained her eyes so we believe she hasn’t been sleeping either. If she is, it's not for a very long period of time” the doctor told her.
“Oh god that is terrible. Let me know when she awakes. I would like to speak to her” Phasma told the doctor before making her way back to the ship to continue on with her inspection. Phasma spent the rest of her time finishing her inspection which took about another hour to complete.
In this time period she hasn’t heard anything from the doctor so assumed you still hadn’t awoken. You must have been tired, Phasma thought to herself. With Phasma’s inspection finally completed she made her way back to the infirmary to see if you had woken up.
When she arrived at the infirmary she went straight to the bed where she had seen you early. To her surprise though the bed was empty. Phasma quickly called for the doctor to come quickly. “Where is she?” Phasma asked the doctor when he finally got to your bed.
“She was here 15 minutes ago when I came to check on her. She was still asleep. I don’t understand where she could have gone” the doctor said with a hint of worry in his voice. “Oh for god sake. You check the infirmary. I have an idea as to where she may have gone” Phasma said, turning on her heels and making her way straight to the simulator.
When she arrived at the training room she was not surprised to see the score on the simulator keep getting higher and higher before coming to a stop. Just before you could start up the simulator again Phasma was quick to open the door to the simulator.
Before you could even process what was going on you felt her hand collide with your hand. She just slapped your hand. You looked down at your hand before looking up at your captain. You were taken aback and then all the emotions came out of nowhere. You could feel the tears starting to stream down your face.
All Phasma could do was look at you feeling slightly bad for what she had just done. She didn’t slap you that hard did she? Phasma was quick to turn the simulator off before grabbing your hand and leading you to her quarters.
When the two of you arrived Phasma was quick to guide you to the sofa, grabbing a blanket to wrap you up in. “You need to rest. You passed out due to dehydration and exhaustion. If I catch you on that simulator again before you get the all clear I will be removing you from the cadet program! Am I clear?” Phasma said sternly.
Did you hear that right? You weren’t allowed on the simulator until you were better. “But Capt…” but before you could finish Phasma interrupted you again. “Am I clear y/n?” She once again asked.
“Yes Captain” you sighed knowing there was no point in trying to fight this. Phasma was always going to have the final say. She left you to rest in her quarters before making her way to the kitchen to make dinner. Phasma decided on making comfort food so just put a pizza in the oven to cook.
There was an awkward silence in her quarters until the pizza was done. Phasma was quick to plate up the food and bring it out so you could both have some dinner. Phasma was getting slightly tired with the awkward silence so tried to start a conversation with you.
“So why are you trying your hardest to beat the top scorer?” She asked. You had a little think before answering. “Well I’ve always wanted to prove that I’m the best at what I do so if I was able to beat the score then I would finally prove that I am the best” you smiled slightly. Phasma knew deep down you just wanted to feel accepted by everyone and if you could show that you were the best then they would have to accept you.
“Do you want to know something y/n?” Phasma asked you. “Sure, why not?” You smiled as you continued to eat your pizza. You were kinda glad to actually rest. “I’m the top scorer. I got that score when I was 17 years old. I was 4 years older than you and the fact that you are getting so close to beating my score at your age is an accomplishment on its own” she said, smiling at you.
You really had to let that sink in. Your captain had the top score and the fact you were so close to beating at your age was an accomplishment! “You just need to let yourself rest y/n. No one has beaten my score. Well not yet anyway. If you actually let yourself recover you might finally be able to beat it” Phasma said trying to reassure you.
“Thank you Captain. I promise I will let myself recover before going back on the simulator” you said as you finished off your pizza. “How about we just relax for the rest of the day. We could have a movie evening?” Phasma offered. “Yeah, that sounds like a brilliant idea” you said excitedly.
So that is what you did. The two of you spent the rest of the evening watching a variation of films ranging from animation to comedies providing they were age appropriate. By the end of the night you were snuggled up in Phasma’s arms drifting off into a deep sleep. Phasma could only hope that you will listen to her advice.
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billypilgrim-irl · 2 years ago
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just some dad appreciation
Father, Where Do the Wild Swans Go? - Ludvig Holstein | The Passing of Shah Jahan - Abanindranath Tagore | Father and Daughter - Amanda Strand | Book of Dreams - Peter Reich | Ferris Bueller’s Day Off | Connect the Dots (Saga of Frank Sinatra) - Car Seat Headrest | Me and My Dad - Onfim (ancient child)
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months ago
If you take Request for Stories / One-Shots, what about Velvette finds a lost Demon Child took it in and now has to deal with not only a very clingly toddler but also two Vee Uncles who annoy her with Ideas of making more Power and a good Name Image for the Vees newest Member? ^^
Haha. Awww. A solo Velvette as basically a ‘Mom’. I mean, I did do Dad Vox and Dad Valentino. Why not end it with Vel. Alrighty! Let’s try this out, shall we?
Velvette- Hourly Craze
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Velvette’s a social media-obsessed teenager at the depths of her soul so when she finds a lost tiny demon toddler in her disposable ‘fashion’ bin, she was holding you out in front of her and going around asking ‘who’s baby is this?’. She doesn’t like babies!
Eventually, Velvette has to bring the baby… being you, into the Vees Tower and almost begged Vox and/or Valentino to take you instead but both decline rather quickly, leaving her STUCK with this brat! She was so pissed
So, when Velvette brought you back to her personal tower with how unhappy she is over this problem she’s in, she just threw you at her crowd of shaky employees hastily and ordered them to look after you. Continuing on, still on her phone and not caring
Although, Velvette begins to feel weird… very weird. She doesn’t get why but she is thinking about you, thinking about where you are. How you feel, what you’re doing or what you’re in but she tries and does well to ignore it
Velvette, after a few days, ends up way too frustrated with her own thoughts and wonder, to ignore them anymore so she finds whichever one of her employees that have you and demand you back. She doesn’t know what to do but she’s taking you anyway
Velvette, by the time she has you back, doesn’t know what to do with a infant so she struggles on how to look after you, even how to feed you so she has to rely on internet and social media and frequent calls to her friends on how to figure this out
Velvette struggles to adapt to your routines. Why are you always waking up SO early in the morning?! She gets so mad but then again, she looks at your face as she picks you up and her heart melts and she calms down instantly then this repeats
Velvette gets puffy a lot when you don’t eat your food or wonder out of your room but it’s because she has no experience with children but whenever she yells at you for annoying her, she instantly regrets it and apologises over and over and hugs you as you cry in her arms
Velvette cannot say she loves you but she doesn’t necessarily hate you either. She just kinda is now passively dealing with you, yet, she hates anybody else being near you nor even touching you so her relationship with this little toddler called you is a bit complicated
Velvette is always just a bit alarmed when she finds you clung onto her. She doesn’t know why you love her so much but than again, she appreciates it and has grown to like it too much to just stop it as whilst she has to half limp around to do her duties, it’s because you’re clung on her leg
Velvette will totally raise you as a iPad baby but she is also the same type to filter the shit out of the internet access so you’ll never ever find anything bad and if you do, she’ll force Vox to make a heavily modified tech piece for you to keep you safe from internet dangers
Velvette has grown more and more to liking you. She is not the best caretaker mother ever but she does actually try yet she isn’t that competent, however, she has her employees and her phone to help satisfy your needs better
Velvette likes to dress you up, put you adorable little outfits she either makes for her latest fashion lines or a piece of her own style that’s a direct copy, to fit you perfectly so you match her. She finds it pretty cute and she can’t help but takes pictures of whatever she dresses you in then shows it to her employees as a ‘learning’ moment since you rock the look better
Yes, Velvette does take pictures of you and posts them on her Voxtagram and many other social media platforms as she is quite proud of how cute and precious you are. You’re the cutest toddler in Hell and she wants everybody to know you’re hers!
Velvette gets quite pissy at Vox and Valentino for bothering her about you. Just leave you alone and trust me, she isn’t gonna be quiet about those feelings, she doesn’t like it when they even try to mention that raising you to be the next Vee would help raise more power. That isn’t happening
Velvette will absolutely name you something staring with ‘V’, such as ‘Vance’ or ‘Vienna’ or ‘Vernee’ as soon as she can. She just thinks ‘V’ fits you much better
Velvette may not know what she feels but she loves you, she really does love you. She is kinda rocky with caring for you but she is trying her best
“Babycakes! Come here! Yes! Look at the phone, come to the phone! Come to Momette! Good bubba! You’re doing it! Yes, this is perfect for my Voxtagram”
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seasonal-brotp-prompts · 1 year ago
big fan of the term sonboything. is that his son? well, no, definitely not. but it'd be wrong to say that's not his son. but it'd be more accurate to say "that's his boy." what is the dynamic, exactly? it's something! that's his sonboything.
(pr*sh*ppers stay the hell away from this post)
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killunia · 2 years ago
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My troll druid Aji'ika reuniting with their close person and a father figure, Janzu
Art done by the amazing @nidarosis, thank you so, so much! They're absolutely perfect... 💜💜💜
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frisbys-artwork · 5 months ago
My Son, Onkar
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“Hello! I’m your father,” Dr. Korom began, relishing every second of this moment. “Sleep easy, my son, my little Onkar.”
Korom struggled to put into words how he felt, but he didn’t have to. He was still overcome with nothing but love and joy sharing it with his newborn son.
Earlier in the morning his husband had vanished after their son arrived, which was devastating for him, but Korom focused on taking Onkar to the hospital for exams and care. Now he was finally able to handle him again. Nothing else mattered to him at this moment than being a father to this new life, and slowly put the incident behind him for now. His son was his new priority in life, and Korom wanted nothing more than to take advantage of that as soon as he retired.
(I picture the beginning of this song playing during this moment.)
Hey guys, happy Orctober! Thanks again for being patient. For those who genuinely follow these characters, this is BEFORE Dr. Utt met and married Charun.
For context and lore explanations, he was married before, and expected a baby with this young man too. This husband of his turned out to be a literal angel (they’re considered pure myth), whose only purpose in their relationship was to give the orc what he needed most in life; someone to love and was dependent on him, since the orc always felt he would never be with anyone in his life (that’s the entire purpose of angels when they descend to earth, and then once accomplished they descend back to their cosmic plains). Korom never mentioned to anyone about the angel thing, because he knew no one would believe him, so he merely told everyone that his son was born via anonymous surrogate.
Art and story by me.
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worldbuildingwanderlust · 1 year ago
A Poem for My Son
In your eyes
I see my past
My present
And my future.
I see myself reflected
With graying hair
And weary eyes.
I see time unfolded
In folds of skin across
My brow
And the youth that
Was once my own,
Reflected in my
Father's eyes,
Upon your face.
Take it.
Take it all
All my love
My energy
The lessons of my life
And carry them however
You wish.
May I be a suitable
For the future is
To shape.
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year ago
Non-Romantic Song Recommendations
familial/platonic- the lyrics are relatively generic; family or friends
child love- perspective of a child to a guardian
grandchild love- perspective of a grandchild to a grandparent
parental love- perspective of a guardian to a child
sibling love- perspective of a sibling to a sibling
lyrics can tweak platonic- the lyrics are explicitly romantic in nature but can become generic with tweaking
romantic video- the official music video is explicitly romantic in nature; lyric music videos are usually less romantic
(This is my favorite familial/platonic song) Tracy Chapman (familial/platonic): The Promise - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-nqzwIvnZ0
Andrew Gold: Thank You for Being a Friend (familial/platonic)
Andy Grammer: Don't Give Up on Me (lyrics can tweak platonic)
A Great Big World: I Will Always Be There (familial/platonic)
Al Kasha, Joel Hirschhorn, Michael Lloyd: Love Survives (familial/platonic)
Alison Krauss: Baby Mine (parental love)
Alison Krauss: When You Say Nothing at All (familial/platonic)
Anthony Gonzalez: Proud Corazon (child love)
Avicii: Hey Brother (sibling love)
Ben E. King: Stand By Me (familial/platonic)
Bette Midler: Wind Beneath my Wings (child love, familial/platonic)
Bill Withers: Lean on Me (familial/platonic)
Billy Joel: Just the Way You Are (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Billy Joel: Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) (parental love)
Boyz 2 Men: Mama (child love)
Brendan Shine: A Mother's Love's a Blessing (child love)
Celtic Woman: Danny Boy (sibling love)
Christina Perri: A Thousand Years (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Crosby, Stills, and Nash: Teach Your Children (child love, parental love)
Cyndi Lauper: True Colors (familial/platonic)
Dan Fogelberg: Leader of the Band (child love)
Diamond Rio: One More Day (familial/platonic)
Diana Ross: If We Hold On Together (familial/platonic)
Dionne Warwick: That's What Friends are For (familial/platonic)
Donna Lewis: At the Beginning (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Gabriella Flores, Gael Garcia Bernal: Remember Me (child love, parental love)
Imagine Dragons: I Bet My Life (child love)
Jim Croce: I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Jim Croce: Time in a Bottle (parental love)
Josh Groban: You Raise Me Up (familial/platonic)
Katy Perry: Unconditionally (romantic video, familial/platonic)
Kenny Loggins: Return to Pooh Corner (parental love)
Lionel Richie: Angel (familial/platonic)
Luther Vandross: Dance with My Father (child love)
Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Mary Chapin Carpenter: Grow Old Along with Me (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Melissa Wasserman: Twenty Two (sibling love)
Miranda Lambert: Over You (familial/platonic)
Miranda Lambert: The House That Built Me (child love)
OK Go: I Won't Let You Down (familial/platonic)
Phil Collins: You'll Be in My Heart (parental love)
Phillip Phillips: Gone Gone Gone (familial/platonic)
Phillip Phillips: Home (familial/platonic)
Porter Robinson: Shelter (child love)
Queen: You’re My Best Friend (familial/platonic)
Rachel Platten: Better Place (familial/platonic)
Rachel Platten: Stand by You (familial/platonic)
Randy Newman: You've Got a Friend in Me (familial/platonic)
Regina Spektor: The Call (familial/platonic)
Rod Stewart: Forever Young (parental love)
Sarah Mclachlan: I Will Remember You (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Savage Garden: I Knew I Loved You (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Shania Twain: Forever and Always (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Sick Puppies: All the Same (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Sting: Fields of Gold (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Swedish House Mafia: Don't You Worry Child (child love, parental love)
Taylor Swift: marjorie (grandchild love)
Taylor Swift: Safe and Sound (familial/platonic)
Vienna Teng: Lullaby for a Stormy Night (parental love)
Will Smith: Just the Two of Us (parental love)
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arevolutionapproaches · 9 months ago
It is easier
“You hurt me.”
I say with a sad smile.
And you reel back in horror and deny it adamantly,
Because what you hear is:
“You don’t love me.”
And that’s not true is it?
You’ve loved me to the best of your ability.
And I say with a sad smile once again:
“It's okay, I love you too.”
As I clutch my bleeding chest,
Because isn’t that easier,
Than trying to ask you:
“Can you love me different?”
“Can you love me gentler”
“Can you love me honestly?”
But maybe I can’t blame you for that last one,
Because I love you like a liar too.
Because isn’t that easier,
Than admitting that loving each other is killing pieces of the other,
That they’ll never get back
By R.B.M
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sweeter-things · 7 months ago
The first thing you ask your mother is,
Were the walls this close yesterday,
You’d swear on your life they never used to touch your shoulders,
But they've always been this close she says,
How could you have not noticed?
Have I grown overnight you wonder,
The couch is too small for you today,
And yet here is where you slept just last night,
Your father says it has always been this size,
How could you have not noticed?
The boards and beams hem and haw,
The creaking is louder now and your neck is sore,
It spooks you in the night while you try to rest,
But your mother has told you the house was always this loud,
How could you have not noticed?
The roof used to protect you from the downpour but you find yourself damp,
Now the beams have snapped and scraped down your back,
Have you always poked through the roof like this,
Your parents stare at you as though you are some bestial thing to be feared,
And you have outgrown this home now dear.
Your mother and father reach for you as though you are still small,
They ask how did this happen so quick,
And you laugh in a way that curdles the milk,
I have always been growing,
How could you have not noticed?
Anger bubbles in your gut with heat it threatens to cook you alive,
And sadness drips into your blood so slowly,
You're left wishing you had bigger and better words than angry and sad,
But your heart remains small no matter how big you have grown,
Everyone's hearts stay small darling, we are always our parents' children.
These words you use are the only ones you have,
Your have grown but the tongue you carry is young,
It is the tongue of a child and it does what only it can,
It betrays the intensity of the anguish that feasts on your heart with small words that fail to express it,
This I'm sure you have noticed.
So you cry very loudly from the ache in your gut,
And your parents cradle you again as though you are tiny and frail,
No matter how grown you are they hold you with tenderness,
You will always fit in their arms,
We can outgrow houses not love they whisper,
How could you not know this?
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