#Pallas the Titan
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superscrub323 · 3 days ago
If the birth of the War Gods we know were to be tied to certain events.
Alright I should probably come upfront and say that even within any classic mythological world or headcanon I come up with these stories these will be treated as myths within myths (if that makes any sense). Basically there's no way I'll verify if they're true in-universe and the only ones who possibly can know or verify if they're true in-universe swore upon the river Styx to never confirm if they are. Besides, a little mystery is fun~...
But having said that, it is interesting that the Gods of War could possibly be tied to the birth of so many divine conflicts. Which is why I'm going to introduce my head canon on which Titan and/or God of War was born during which event.
Pallas the Titan, The Prime Mover of Violence and Titan of War, The Titan Rebellion: Pallas the Titan (not to be confused with Pallas the Giant or Pallas, Daughter of Triton) would be born right as Kronos castrated his father Oranous. From that very day he would be the Prime Mover of Violence among the Titans and Kronos's Victory would also mark the birth of Pallas's and Styx's children Nike, Bia, Kratos (not that one), and Zelus. Unfortunately for Kronos, if one rebellion of the spawn can succeed why can't another? And even more unfortunately...he didn't chew his food after the first one...
Athena, Goddess of Divine Warfare and Wisdom, The Titanomachy: After Zeus ate Metis to prevent his next children from rising against him, he would lead his siblings and sympathetic Titans to he cause and defeat his father Kronos with the Wisdom he gained from eating Metis and unborn Athena. Her birth, inside of Zeus's head, would forever mark the birth of conflict among Gods and the Wisdom of Warfare. Fortunately for humans, they would be spared this fate, unfortunately for them, Zeus really wanted the meat of sacrifices, really unfortunately for them, Zeus caught Prometheus dealing fire and wanted to punish mortal kind and are Hera and Nyx with children?
Ares and Eris, God of Mortal Warfare and Goddess of Strife, The Opening of Pandora's Jar: The whisper among mortalkind is that when Pandora first opened the jar there was the scream like 1000 men dying in pain and chaos but it was actually Ares and Eris taking their first breaths for the first time. Eris would forever be known as a representation of the horrors and evils of Pandora's Jar and be the Winged Goddess of Strife Incarnate, while Ares would be the God who's cries and presence would cause men to fight, to kill, and to die to each other for good or for ill. Ironically enough Ares would go on to befriend Eris and have her limit her influence so wars didn't turn into genocide and both would also still have the unintentional gift of hope inside of them.
Phobos and Deimos, Fear and Terror Incarnate, The Aftermath of the Flood of Deucalion: When Zeus was disappointed in something he asked to have happen on people who had nothing to do with it, he flooded the world leaving humanity to start over, incidentally the God of War would eventually grow up and meet the Goddess of Passion and they would have two children born right as humanity first step foot on the flooded land, Phobos and Deimos, when humanity first walked upon the earth and realized how small and weak they were in the face of true divine wrath, they felt fear and dread for the first time, and that would be when Fear and Terror would breath their first breaths.
Enyo, Goddess of Destruction, The Creation of Typhon: When Gaia created Typhon to first wage war on the Olympians for...several reasons, up to and including the Titans imprisonment, Hera would give birth to another Goddess to give voice to the destruction of the Olympians...Enyo. Born during the Typhon War, when she would grow up she would revel in the bloodshed and hold impartiality between the sides just to see the war go on longer and when Zeus wanted to punish her, Ares stepped in and defended her and made her work with him so that they may revel in the destruction of war and bloodshed.
Enyalius, God of International Warfare, The Dionysis War: When war started to reach beyond the borders of the Olympian's Domain and into other countries like India where Dionysus waged his war, Enyo would give birth to a child of Ares born from Enyo's amorous fever during the deaths of 49 men. His birth would forever mark the day War became something bigger beyond the borders of men and women who paid tribute to the Olympians but also his domain paradoxically he wouldn't be seen much.
Alright I know Aphrodite Areia is missing but considering we know how she was born and what she represents I'd figure it would go without saying.
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averagecontentenjoyer121 · 5 months ago
Random Greek Mythology thought
So Pallas is the name of a daughter of Triton. She was a friend of Athena.
And there’s also Pallas the Titan of Warcraft, husband of Styx, son of Crius and Eurybia.
So what if at a Family reunion for the gods Athena hears Pallas’ name called, the titan, and thinks that they mean her childhood friend, which she accidentally killed, only to be greeted by the Titan.
Then she would probably apologize saying she thought he was someone else whilst crying on the inside.
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froggyart · 5 days ago
could you draw the Titan Pallas?
[Click for better quality]
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Here ya go bud!
(He so cool)
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dreamconsumer · 4 months ago
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Prometheus creates man from clay and Athena gives him life.
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skitterjitter · 1 year ago
thinking about God of War and names --
do they know of the legacies they bear?
Kratos, named for a son of Styx and Pallas, brother of Nike, pledged to the Olympians during the Titanomachy, strength and might personified
Atreus, who was named no trembles, fearless, an innocent boy with a name steeped in the blood of kin
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rain-on-wax-feathers · 6 months ago
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pallas !
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masteryoftheseas · 8 months ago
@takenamiss asked: You can’t believe I’m doing it or that I possess the nerve to do so?
"It's a bit of both really," Pallas answered as his hand ran nervously through his hair. It was his ultimate dream for Styx to become his mate and wife; for everyone to recognize their union. Granted, his father wouldn't approve but at this point, he didn't care for his father's approval anymore. He had the perfect mate with Metis but Crius and his disgust with non titans for his sons blinded him to that. He would have Styx now. Hate herself.
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"Believe me, I am more than happy but I'm keeping my mouth shut because you despise sentiment." Pallas added with a teasing grin. His hands gripped her upper arms and leaned in to kiss her forehead. "We'll take this at your pace since this was your decision after all. The wedding. Honeymoon. Although we'll be staying by your river. We can't live anywhere else."
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melodyartist · 27 days ago
which pallas lives in athenas helmet? daughter of triton? the titan? another one?
also is their spirit just hanging out. is athena aware her helmet is haunted. does she go "hold on let me get a second opinion" and then take off her helmet and ask what pallas thinks. alternatively if shes unaware are people like "dude your helmet is staring at me" and she has no idea what theyre talking about. i love ur concept of athenas helmet being haunted sm nsndfbshdsjf
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It's Pallas the daughter of Triton, Athena's "childhood " friend, I mean Athena never been a child but you catch my drift
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About the haunting, she is more than aware, after Pallas' death instead of placing her soul in the palladium she moved her soul in her helmet, something she would carry with her and keep close.
Rarely the two of them have contrasting feelings, but when they do Athena just tries to ignore her, but she can still "hear" her.
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It's like Hermes eyes/glasses when they blink, when people notice, they get unsettled at first but get over it quickly, but if you ask Athena she answer by saying:"That's just Pallas" and move on with the conversation without giving you a proper explanation on why her helmet it's moving
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evermore-grimoire · 1 year ago
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The Evermore Grimoire: Greek Mythology
Styx (Στυξ meaning "Hated") was the Titan goddess of the underworld River Styx in Greek mythology. She was the embodiment of hatred and detestation. This made her one of the most feard Titans. During the "Golden Age" of the Titans, Styx was the guardian of the Underworld. Before the war, she was married to her cousin Pallas (god of warcraft), son of Crius (god of heavenly constellations) and Eurybia (goddess of mastery of the sea). However, Pallas was killed during the war. Throughout most of the war, Styx remained neutral, like her parents and siblings, the River gods and Ocean nymphs. During the last battle of the Titan War, she chose to side with Zeus (king of the gods) and the Olympians, giving her four children, Bia (goddess of force), Cratus (god of power), Zelos (god of rivalry) and Nike (goddess of victory) in her service. To honour her, Zeus decreed that the solemn oaths of the gods be sworn by the water of Styx
artwork by Yliade
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facts-i-just-made-up · 2 years ago
Facts about Greek Myths?
There are a great many figures in Greek myth and they can be hard to keep track of, so here is a quick guide to which is which:
Ajax- Warrior who invented detergent.
Antigone- Funeral enthusiast who invented civil disobedience.
Atlas- First winner of the Olympic strong titan competition.
Bellerophon- Plot point in Mission Impossible 2.
Cerberus- 7 headed dog tragically born with only 3 heads.
Charon- Lead rower for Styx.
Cratus- God of strength, but not THAT god of strength.
Cyclops- Inventor of the monocle.
Daedalus- Inventor of the Labyrinth, and thus of David Bowie.
Dionysus- Drank 24/7 but very responsibly never drove.
Eris- Goddess of fighting with each other.
Eros- God of doing something else with each other.
Euronymous- God of Mayhem.
Fates- Least creatively named destiny gods ever.
Hera- Goddess of marriage yet only Zeus's third wife.
Hylia- Goddess of triangles and disjointed timelines.
Icarus- God of disappointing ones father.
Io- Space captain and epic 3D short film, still not on blu-ray.
Jocasta- Originator of Jo Mama jokes, mother of Oedipus.
Leda- Swan enthusiast and feathery-fandom originator.
Medea- Even worse mom than Jocasta.
Medusa- Inventor of reptile-safe shampoo.
Megaclite- LOL her name is "Megaclite." Pronounced like "Clitty."
Narcissus- Basically Trump.
Odysseus- Sailor who refused to ask for directions.
Orpheus- Inventor of impatiently checking the download bar.
Ouranos- Spelling that could've avoided a lot of planet butt jokes.
Pallas- Inventor of weird looking cats.
Persephone- Pomegranate fan, looked like Monica Bellucci.
Prometheus- Stupid fucking movie, especially for using some of H.R. Giger's original designs then putting them up next to a fucking plain white squid. Also let's make the space jockey a tall guy in a suit. How did Scott think that was a good idea? Fuck that shit and double fuck Covenant for somehow doing even fucking worse.
Rhode- Sea nymph yet not technically an island.
Siren- Inverse groupie.
Sisyphus- Limp Biscuit fan who never stopped rolling.
Tantalus- I'll tell you in a minute...
Thanatos- God of dying as easily as snapping your fingers.
Zeus- When the earth was still flat and the clouds made of fire, and mountains stretched up to the sky, sometimes higher- Folks roamed the earth like big rolling kegs. They had two sets of arms, they had two sets of legs. They had two faces peering out of one giant head so they could watch all around them as they talked and they read. And they never knew nothing of love. It was before the origin of love. There were three sexes then: One that looked like two men glued up back to back, called the children of the sun. Similar in shape and girth were the children of the earth. They looked like two girls rolled up in one. The children of the moon were like a fork shoved on a spoon, they were part sun, part earth- Part daughter, part son. Now the gods grew quite scared of our strength and defiance and Thor said, "I'm gonna kill them all with my hammer, like I killed the giants." And Zeus said, "No, you better let me use my lightening like scissors, like I cut the legs off the whales, and dinosaurs into lizards." Then he grabbed up some bolts and he let out a laugh, and said, "I'll split them right down the middle. Gonna cut them right up in half." And then storm clouds gathered above into great balls of fire, and fire shot down from the sky in bolts like shining blades of a knife and it ripped right through the flesh of the children of the sun and the moon and the earth. If you want the rest, see Hedwig and the Angry Inch cuz this is taking way longer to type than I expected.
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whencyclopedia · 8 days ago
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The ancient Greek goddess Nike was the personification of the ideal of victory. Such personifications of ideal terms were common in ancient Greek culture; other examples include Wisdom, Knowledge, and Justice. Unlike other gods in the Greek pantheon, such personifying deities were not usually given human personalities and histories. For this reason, little is said about Nike in Greek culture beyond that her mother was Styx (daughter of Ocean) and her father was Pallas, the Titan. She had three sisters, also personified deities: Zelus (Rivalry), Cratos (Supremacy), and Bia (Force) who, with Nike, were always seated by mighty Zeus on Mt. Olympus.
The goddess was a popular figure in ancient Greek art, appearing in sculpture, on pottery, and on coins. Usually fitting Hesiod's description as 'beautiful-ankled Nike', she is depicted with wings and often carries before her a wreath of victory, which she presents either to other gods or to victorious heroes and athletes. The oldest surviving winged Nike in sculpture is from Delos and dates to 550 BCE and was most probably sculpted by Archermos. The statue is in the Archaic style and strikes the typical pose of the period with bent knees and running. On Attic 5th to 4th century BCE pottery, Nike also often rides a chariot or sometimes stands next to an altar or a sacrificial bull.
One of the goddess Athena's most common epithets was Athena Nike and a temple to Athena as Victory was built on the Acropolis of Athens in the late 420's BCE. Bronze akroteria (added decoration) on the corners and central ridge of the temple roof represented Nike, and the temple itself was surrounded by a balustrade decorated with a frieze which depicted figures of Nike leading bulls to sacrifice and erecting various trophies such as weapons and armour.
Nike also appeared in decorative sculpture on other buildings, both in friezes and on many temple roofs as an akroteria and on many coins from Thrace to Macedonia, for example, she appears on a silver decadrachm of Syracuse (Sicily) where she is crowning a charioteer (c. 400 BCE). Statues of Nike were also set up to commemorate military victories, a famous example being the 1.4 m tall Nike (490-480 BCE) on the acropolis dedicated to the general Kallimachos who was killed at the battle of Marathon where the Greeks were victorious over the Persians.
In antiquity, the most celebrated representations of Nike were as part of the great 5th century BCE statues of the deities Athena and Zeus which stood, respectively, within the Parthenon of Athens and the Temple of Zeus at Olympia. These larger-than-life chryselephantine statues were made from an inner core of wood sumptuously covered in carved ivory and burnished gold. Face, torso, legs, and arms were in carved ivory and hair and clothes were made of sheet gold. In both cases, the god held in their right hand a statue of Nike, always closely associated with Athena, and in the case of Zeus and the pan-Hellenic games of Olympia, significant in her role as bestower of prizes. The statue of Zeus was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the father of the gods is shown seated on a massive, richly decorated throne with more figures of Nike on its legs. Neither statue survives but descriptions by Pausanias, smaller Roman copies, and coin designs help give us a glimpse of the magnificence that we have lost.
A third representation which must have struck a certain degree of awe into the ancients was the statue of Nike by Paionios, which stood on a nine metre tall triangular pedestal just outside the Temple of Zeus at Olympia. Dedicated to the sanctuary by the Messenians and Naupaktians following their victory over the Spartans at Sphakteria in 424 BCE, the Nike itself was three metres tall and would have dominated all of the other dedications at the site. The statue is sculpted in the rich style popular in the late 5th century BCE, and with a chiton that is at once billowing and clinging and with wings widespread, the impression is that the goddess has just that moment softly alighted onto the pedestal.
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englandsgirl18181234 · 2 months ago
how shocked will Annabeth and her siblings be to see the difference in Athena? If her mind has been degrading and she didn’t start to make kids until quite a long time after the Odyssey, I don’t see how Athena’s children would have ever known her true self.
Also, I hope the gods find out just how important Odysseus, Penelope and Telemachus are to her, and that Apollo makes it clear how much Athena was suffering in mind and body, that they really made an already horrible situation even worse. Especially with Demeter’s needless cruelty towards Athena for petitioning Hades respectfully and the attack on the Olive tree bed. Athena’s grief sounds like it was on a similar (if less outwardly destructive) level as Demeter’s own when Persephone was taken (and in a sense, Telemachus was Athena’s child—Demeter was being cruel to a mother who wanted to see her spouses and child just once more). Also, Hera’s actions towards Athena anger me, Athena was Zeus’s first child by his first wife, who was not Hera. Hera acted like Athena was a bastard when she is just as legitimate as Hera’s own children.
also, also, how is Triton—who was a father figure to Athena before Zeus’s actions caused Pallas to be lost (and in all the myths I have read, it was him, not Athena, who caused Pallas’s death by distracting her during a friendly spar)—going to react when he learns Zeus murdered her? I mean, unless there were no witnesses I don’t think it’s likely that by the time Athena dies Triton didn’t know what happened. So now Zeus has brought about the deaths of both of Triton’s daughters.
this whole mess is gonna bring up some bad memories for Hera, Demeter, Poseidon, Hades and Hestia
And that's the tragedy of Athena and her children, isn't it? They didn't know their real mother. None of them did. Even the earliest children that she was allowed to be closely involved with only ever knew her through a haze of grief and trauma and brain damage. To see her without all that is something they'll barely even be able to comprehend. And when they realize just how much she had suffered and how hard she had to fight just to present in their lives in even the faintest way, they're going to realize that she loved them so much more than she was ever able to show.
And Athena here actually communicated with her children more regularly than all the other gods. She wasn't allowed to be overt, wasn't able to assist and assure them of her love the way she wanted to. But they still got signs from her that she cared, even if they didn't always understand that that's what they were.
Not a single child of Athena went unclaimed for more than a day, and even that long was often only because of her seizures. Many were claimed as soon as they hit the border of camp. The rest of the campers, and particularly the unclaimed, were always extremely jealous of how all of Athena's kids were claimed so quickly. And Annabeth's Yankee's cap was not a one off in this verse, it was just the one that was the most difficult to hide. All of Athena's children got some kind of gift, it was just a concentrated effort by the rest of the cabin to make sure that went unknown because of how upset it would have made the rest of camp and potentially the other gods.
Apollo and Athena are actually the only cabins that didn't have anyone go over to Kronos in the Titan War in this verse too, because Apollo did pretty much the same thing. He couldn't get away with gifts to the same extent, because he and his children were watched much more closely than Athena, but all of his kids were claimed by the next dawn.
(I promise there'll be an explanation for the Mark Of Athena and Annabeth's treatment in it, it's just gonna take a while to get there because Athena needs to heal first)
And oh boy, are the rest of the gods gonna find out. Apollo is not pulling any of his punches on that front, he is going to show them Exactly how much Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus meant to her. Because he knows how the others viewed Athena, how they saw her as distant and uptight and emotionless. But he knows better than them all that she Wasn't that. That it was all a product of brain damage and all the masks she wore to keep the others from using her love against her like Zeus did.
Apollo is about one more badly timed comment away from hitting them all with a plague that would mimic the worst of Athena's symptoms, just to make them all truly understand how badly she'd been suffering. Because she was suffering, and all he could do was watch as she slowly got worse and worse. Knowing all the while that there was nothing he could do beyond be there for her because none of his treatments ever worked.
And the other gods are going to realize how shitty they were, at least most of them, it just might take a little bit because they're all still in shock at this point.
Hera is... not great in this verse. To anyone really. She's pretty much based her entire life and personality around being Zeus's wife, and Athena is a glaring reminder of both the fact that it Wasn't always her at his side, and the fact that she's replaceable, which is why she's so much more awful to Athena than the others.
And Triton? Boy oh boy is Poseidon having a Rough time with Triton. Poseidon is physically unable to not tell Triton about what happened. He literally could not stomach the idea of not telling his son about Athena's death the moment he got back. He even made sure to tell the rest of the Council that he was going to before he left.
And Triton. Goes. Ballistic.
He is two seconds away from flashing to Olympus and going after Zeus with nothing but his gods-damned teeth.
And he is only being kept from doing so by Poseidon doing the godly power equivalent of sitting on him to keep him in place. The very second Poseidon's attention wavers enough for him to get out, he is going to be in that throne room ripping out Zeus's throat with his bare hands.
This is both of his children that Zeus has now killed, both of his beloved daughters that had been stolen from him by the so called King. And Triton is determined to destroy him for it.
Sorry this took so long to answer, you had me thinking about a lot of things and it took me a while to find the right words
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superscrub323 · 25 days ago
On this blog I may or may not have slightly over dunked on Diomedes of Argos...
But that's only because I'm a little disappointed by what people SAY he did and what he ACTUALLY did.
What people say he did was 1v1 Ares, the Greek God of War, in a fair fight and send him crying to his daddy.
What he actually did was be used by Athena as a misdirection so she could get the actual stab in while wearing Hades's invisible helmet which he used to fight Titans followed by Ares calling out Zeus for his favoritism of Athena.*
Sure he wounded the wrist of a chickified Aphrodite but once writers remembered that she's...well...Aphrodite she got her get back because Diomedes just messed with a Goddess who LOVES to be patronized, wounded, and have her children put in danger.**
Still I suppose I forget that Diomedes breathing within spitting distance of Ares without dying of sheer horror and that Athena's willingness to fight dirty against one of the few Gods that's in her ballpark to guarantee a victory is impressive in it's own way just...not in a...snaps fingers...'600 Strike' way but more in a 'Fight Little Wolf' way
*Homer, Iliad 5. 699 ff :"Then in turn the goddess grey-0eyed Athene answered him : ‘Son of Tydeus, you who delight my heart, Diomedes, no longer be thus afraid of Ares, nor of any other immortal; such a helper shall I be standing beside you. Come then, first against Ares steer your single-foot horses, and strike him from close. Be not afraid of violent Ares, that thing of fury, evil-wrought, that double-faced liar who even now protested to Hera and me, promising that he would fight against the Trojans and stand by the Argives. Now, all promises forgotten, he stands by the Trojans.’ So speaking she pushed Sthenelos [the charioteer of Diomedes] to the ground from the chariot, driving him back with her hand, and he leapt away from it lightly, and she herself, a goddess in anger, stepped in to the chariot beside brilliant Diomedes, and the oaken axle groaned aloud under the weight, carrying the dread goddess and a great man. Pallas Athene then took up the whip and the reins, steering first of all straight on against Ares the single foot horses. Ares was in the act of striping gigantic Periphas, shining son of Okheios, far the best of the men of Aitolia. Blood-stained Ares was in the act of stripping him. But Athene put on the helm of Death [Haides], that stark Ares might not discern her. Now as manslaughtering Ares caught sight of Diomedes the brilliant, he let gigantic Periphas lie in the place where he had first cut him down and taken the life away from him, and made straight against Diomedes, breaker of horses. Now as they in their advance had come close together, Ares lunged first over the yoke and the reins of his horses with the bronze spear, furious to take the life from him. But the goddess grey-eyed Athene in her hand catching the spear pushed it away from the car, so he missed and stabled vainly. After him Diomedes of the great war cry drove forward with the bronze spear; and Pallas Athene, leaning in on it, drove it into the depth of the belly where the war belt girt him. Picking this place she stabbed and driving it deep in the air flesh wrenched the spear out again. Then Ares the brazen bellowed with a sound as great as nine thousand men make, or ten thousand, when they cry as they carry in to the fighting the fury of the war god. And a shivering seized hold alike on Akhaians and Trojans in their feet at the bellowing of battle-insatiate Ares. As when out of the thunderhead the air shows darkening after a day's heat when the storm wind uprises, thus to Tydeus' son Diomedes Ares the brazen showed as he went up with the clouds into the wide heaven. Lightly he came to the gods' citadel, headlong Olympos, and sat down beside Kronian Zeus, grieving in his spirit, and showed him the immortal blood dripping from the spear cut. So in sorrow for himself he addressed him in winged words : ‘Father Zeus, are you not angry looking on these acts of violence? We who are gods forever have to endure the most horrible hurts, by each other's hatred, as we try to give favour to mortals. It is your fault we fight, since you brought forth this maniac daughter accursed, whose mind is fixed forever on unjust action. For all the rest, as many as are gods on Olympos, are obedient to you, and we all have rendered ourselves submissive. Yet you say nothing and you do nothing to check this girl, letting her go free, since yourself you begot this child of perdition. See now, the son of Tydeus, Diomedes the haughty, she has egged on to lash out in fury against the immortal gods. First he stabbed the Kyprian [Aphrodite] in the arm by the wrist. Then like something more than human he swept on even against me. But my swift feet took me out of the way. Otherwise I should long be lying there in pain among the stark dead men, or go living without strength because of the strokes of the bronze spear.’"
**Homer, Iliad 5. 370 ff (trans. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) : "Bright Aphrodite [wounded at Troy by Diomedes fled back to Olympos and] fell at the knees of her mother, Dione, who gathered her daughter into her arms' fold and stroked her with her hand and called her by name and spoke to her : ‘. . . It was the goddess grey-eyed Athene who drove on this man [Diomedes] against you; poor fool, the heart of Tydeus' son knows nothing of how that man who fights the immortals lives no long time, his children do not gather to his knees to welcome their father when he returns home after the fighting and the bitter warfare. Then, though he be very strong indeed, let the son of Tydeus take care lest someone even better than he might fight with him, lest for a long time Aigialeia, wise child of Adrastos, mourning wake out of sleep her household's beloved companions, longing for the best of the Akhaians, her lord by marriage, she, the strong wife of Diomedes, breaker of horses.’" [N.B. Dione here suggests that Aphrodite use the wife of Diomedes as the agent of her revenge]. (Also I know I probably shouldn't laugh but...it does...way too hard)
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mer-acle · 1 month ago
Did some lore for Slipping Through my fingers, today, sacred animals and animal forms.
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Most of the sacred animals (except Triton, Pallas, and Metis) are based on mythology, with the "default" animal forms being "what Tasha felt like or alternatively what exists in Greece". The idea is that all the first and second-gen gods can shift into any variant of their sacred animal, so Athena for example can shift into any kind of owl she wants, but the barn owl is her usual choice. (I know it should be a little owl, don't kill me I just love barn owls)
It is also still possible for them to shift into other animals as long as they know what it looks like, but it is frowned upon to appear as the animal of higher-ranking gods, for example the second generation Olympians would not shift into an eagle unless they really want trouble. They can technically "use" the Titans' sacred animals without repercussions but it's considered impolite and will def put you on their bad side. The first gen Olympians can literally do whatever they want, and if you know any stories of Zeus, you know he takes that very seriously (Hestia is less than amused about his bull shenanigans)
Before a god is born, their sacred animals will be drawn to the mother, and after they're born, their sacred animals will behave according to their relationships, Athena for example is liked by dogs when she encounters them, and Poseidon gets avoided by owls (not that he would notice he lives on sea). (thank you to @luskaandsissi for this idea) It's not quite Disney Princess level of being sought out by animals left and right because you're friends with a god, but it's quite obvious for domesticated animals, and every once in a while, a wild animal might show up too if you're in their habitat.
It's common for a young god to shift for the first time when they're the mortal equivalent of 5-8 years old (aging completely depends on the god in question. Hermes shifted into like three different animals on his first day alive.) The first time is more difficult because you have to visualize the animal and channel your divine energy correctly, the subsequent shifts are more like changing clothes.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to recover from the image of a fledgling owl nestled against a pallas kitten for the next 5-7 business days.
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masteryoftheseas · 2 years ago
@takenamiss asked: "Why are you looking at me like that?" (Styx to Pallas)
Pallas offered his wife a pleasant smile despite the annoyed look on her face. She made it no secret she despised being pregnant. The fact that she even agreed so in the first place shocked him beyond belief. But he was grateful and was at her beck and call whenever she needed something. Anything.
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He kept his smile as he leaned over to kiss her temple and rub a gentle hand upon her growing belly. "I thought you appreciated adoration. My fierce beautiful consort carrying my child lying beside me. What more could I want?" He mused, not hiding his sentimental tone. Styx could roll her eyes and scold him for his emotions but she must have liked hearing so or else she could have left him already. He wasn't afraid to let her know how much he loved her.
"And I'll be even happier when I can hold our baby. They will have powerful lungs like yours. Screaming as they enter this world like how you enjoy screaming at me." Pallas added with a laugh before his lips replaced his hand on her stomach. He kissed her there before looking up at her again. His smile turning into a smirk.
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apollon-quotes · 1 year ago
"First, in this prayer of mine, I give the place of highest honor among the gods to the first prophet, Earth; and after her to Themis, for she was the second to take this oracular seat of her mother, as legend tells.
And in the third allotment, with Themis’ consent and not by force, another Titan, child of Earth, Phoebe, took her seat here. She gave it as a birthday gift to Phoebus, who has his name from Phoebe.
Leaving the lakeband ridge of Delos, he landed on Pallas’ ship-frequented shores, and came to this region and the dwelling places on Parnassus. The children of Hephaistos, road-builders taming the wildness of the untamed land, escorted him with mighty reverence.
And at his arrival, the people and Delphus, helmsman and lord of this land, made a great celebration for him. Zeus inspired his heart with prophetic skill and established him as the fourth prophet on this throne; but Loxias is the spokesman of Zeus, his father.”
- Aeschylus, Oresteia
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