#pallas || answered meme
masteryoftheseas · 2 months
@takenamiss asked: You can’t believe I’m doing it or that I possess the nerve to do so?
"It's a bit of both really," Pallas answered as his hand ran nervously through his hair. It was his ultimate dream for Styx to become his mate and wife; for everyone to recognize their union. Granted, his father wouldn't approve but at this point, he didn't care for his father's approval anymore. He had the perfect mate with Metis but Crius and his disgust with non titans for his sons blinded him to that. He would have Styx now. Hate herself.
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"Believe me, I am more than happy but I'm keeping my mouth shut because you despise sentiment." Pallas added with a teasing grin. His hands gripped her upper arms and leaned in to kiss her forehead. "We'll take this at your pace since this was your decision after all. The wedding. Honeymoon. Although we'll be staying by your river. We can't live anywhere else."
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So at the behest of a couple of friends, I've made this thing for what it's worth.
My name is Cooper Chevalier, and let's just get this out of the way now-- yes, I am, in fact, a Samurott. If you've heard about a Pokemon becoming a Trainer somewhere in the Johto region, that would be me. If you're wondering how or why this is even possible, then I guess I don't mind answering questions, but for now just know that the League had to make a few accommodations for me when I was first starting out and I've managed to take that all the way to the top and become one of the region's champions. Lance is still the guy running the Indigo Plateau, though--I mostly get called on to resolve issues in Kanto-Johto that he'd normally need to step away for. It's a nice little arrangement.
Anyway. I was convinced to make this by a friend in Galar, so I'm hoping this place is as good as they've made it out to be.
I'm also hoping that not having a Rotom won't bite me on the tail later... how the heck did those things become mainstream anyway--
EDIT: Saw a lot of people putting their Pokemon on these, too, and I'm finally sitting down and doing it. I could probably tell you about Shia and Pallas while I'm here but this should show up in the post they reblogged too so I can be lazy.
Anyway, here's my five mainstays-- they've been with me since near the start of my journey.
Mason (Gengar, M): Kind of a shy fella, but he's really loyal. Easily the partner I trust the most, and though I'm a bit sad to admit it, he's definitely gotten me out of a lot of sticky scenarios the painful way... I've been a lot more careful not to let that sort of thing happen since.
Sypha (Ampharos, F): Serious to a fault and speaks to the point. Proud of her power, but aware of her limits, though that doesn't mean she can't throw a mean Thunderbolt.
Juste (Togekiss, M): I raised him from an egg, and he's easily the most optimistic member of my team. He's also my ride around the two regions, usually, so props to him for carrying around a ~220 lb Samurott through the sky, ehehe...
Nora (Umbreon, F): Strong and steadfast, and fiercely devoted to her friends. She's usually serious, but she's got her playful side. Took a bit to warm up to me, though.
Katsuko (Dragonite, F): Hilariously, though I doubt she played any part in her upbringing, Katsuko is like if you took Clair's competitive spirit and put it in a dragon. Most eager to fight out of everyone, and was easily my second ace once she fully evolved.
Feel free to ask about them--I can ask them questions on your behalf if you want me to.
Hey! This is a rotomblr I made using my pokesona after a friend of mine held me at rotarypoint convinced me to try making one. I'm pretty new to this stuff in general, but we'll see how this pans out in the end. I'll be figuring things out as I go for the most part. I'll probably just label my ooc stuff with (ooc) or something of the like. Lemme know if you have any tips, tricks, or whatever that you'd like to share! I'll probably follow you from @kupkastdashboard since I don't have the patience to manually switch over to Cooper's dash anytime I wanna like or rb something--
Also! Any ask memes I rb are technically open forever, since I don't think they deserve to happen just once and then never again. Just be sure to post the question associated with whatever you're referencing so I know what I'm answering! Links to my specific RBs of my favorites are below. I've answered some of these with Cooper, but with Pallas and Shia on the board, they're also open to be asked things. Just specify who you're looking for, otherwise I'll default to Cooper being the subject or pick one of my muses at random if he's already answered something.
Pelipper Mail! (Malice Coming Soon)
Memory Meme (#cooper's memories)
Thought Bubbles (#cooper's thoughts)
Fossil Ask Game
Headcanon Asks (Answered OOC)
Major Arcana Reversed
Muse In The News
Posts that look directly into Cooper's headspace at any given moment are labeled [#cooper's thoughts], and posts that describe a memory of his that's already happened will be labeled [#cooper's memories]. Neither of these are canonically posted by him, so keep that in mind if you want to make reference to them or leverage them for better or worse!
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elisa6102 · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, and 22 for the ask meme to start?
Thanks for the ask! I just picked the 2nd ask meme you suggested as the 1st one has gotten me relatively confused
Anyhow, here are my answers!
1. Elisa Gaxio
2. Female, She/Her
3. 26 yrs old
5. A cat named Pallas, based on the real Pallas cat (also referred as a 'manul')
6. In my Stardew universe, things considered supernatural are more prominent (such as magic and elves). The rivalry between Humans and Elves is notorious in Zuzu city, although it wasn't anything significant, she did not enjoy getting centered around that as she's mainly uninterested, wishing to live a more secluded and peaceful lifestyle, she decided to move to the valley. Although she isn't very fond of the farmwork itself, the effort is well worth it as it keeps her financially secure (with the benefit of having cooking ingredients to experiment with)
7. Alex & Gus!
8. N/A
9. Victor Jenkins <3
19. Winter, she appreciates the absence of farm work so she's able to prioritize other things
22. Fishing & Artisan! She enjoys discovering new things
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thefunkwitch · 5 months
thank you so much for your Pallas Through the Asteroids signs! I left a bunch of tags but I wanted to make sure I sent a thank you too! This myth has always stuck with my because Pallas Athena. Two names, two women. I could not get a answer on Pallas and I KNEW she was important because well, joined NAMES. Hence why I always look up to Athena for wisdom as a Libra.
I'm Libra dominated. I strongly believe in equality to the point where I have went toe to toe verbally with several Aries in my family the last 5 months that I have cut them off emotionally after my doctor almost punched a wall when I was recounting what they did to me. I'm really sick (but getting better!!!!!! thank the gods!) And he is a guy that would give you the shirt off his back and then walk you to the cops in the rain? Yeah, so I had a MOMENT.
But it was for the best. He handled my tower moment (aka mental breakdown I didn't realize I was having), like a CHAMPION. He literally saved my life. I had been praying for help and he came in and went I GOT YOU. I cried several days from relief.
I did all this by words. Writing and gesturing. Talking. Lots of post its. But words. Not fighting with my strength (i have it lmao) but I did this all with words.
I believe in extending a hand before raising it. Because I do weigh pros and cons very closely. But I also have a scorpio rising. So sometimes, that TINY spark of Scorpio, lmaooooooo, says, nah, not today. You wrong, I know you wrong, You been wrong, You know You wrong, I have YEARS of receipts, you caught me on the wrong day today, I'm not letting this go any further quietly.
Libras will truly give you every chance and then one day, it's like, well, that's not working huh? And then, I balance it my way. And use lyrics and dance and a make over in a room to do it.
Nice remodeling they say! It is. Not for you, and I had yours picked out to look better, but why bother? You don't care about them, therefore you don't care about me, so, yeah. :/ This would be awkward if I cared more but I don't, so, bye!
The Scorpio rising with a Libra dominant chart is kinda iconic I admit. Because I'll literally bend over backwards to meet you a tenth of the way, but disrespect someone in front of me?
It's a complete record skip. I look calm and poised but in my head is the math lady meme and I am going AIN'T NO WAY THIS ADDING UP. IT AIN'T. IT JUST AIN'T! THEY DID SOMETHING WRONG. I RECALCULATED 3X ALREADY THEY FUCKED UP. OH MY GODS??? AND THEY HAVE NO SHAME ABOUT IT?! Aphrodite? Ma'am? You see this?????????????????????????? Hathor???????????? Lakshmi! GREEN TARA! WHAT DO I DO?
I walk away and go not today. I cannot fight the whole world like Wonder Woman. But I do be ready. I admit that.
sorry for the essay! but I loved your work so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333
Hey, my darling! I’m soooooooo sorry for taking so long to respond to you, my life has gotten busy. I’m sorry all that has happened to you in your life and I hope things get better. I get the tension between those challenges placements as I am a Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Gemini Rising. Um, so yeah I’m new to Tumblr and I appreciate you commenting good things about my work, Thank you so much! Please make sure to follow my other social media accounts as they are in an older previous post I made. Again, thank you so much for enjoying my work there will definitely be more to come. Make sure you follow me here if you haven’t already 💖🤪
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Please do specter and gladiia next for the shipping game!
I kind of already did them (or at least got started) in the Skadi shipping ask, so I'll just cover the options that are unrelated in any way. I feel like I'd be able to give a better answer after the Under Tides sequel event where we get Specter the Unchained, but I'll go ahead and share what thoughts I have now anyway.
Specter x Doctor: not as much canon support as Skadi x Doctor, but we still do get these two talk lines:
"Will this position be a new source of joy for me...? Or... will working for you become my life's joy...?"
"Doctor... How can you make me so maddeningly happy? Just who are you...?"
These indicate that (crazy) Specter holds the Doc in high regard and seems to enjoy being in their presence. They imply some level of respect, at least, and the second one is obviously super easy to read as shippy if you're so inclined. Again, a lot could change once Specter the Unchained's lines are translated, but right now I think there's enough to build off of if you really want to.
On top of that, I think boisterous brawler Specter and outwardly-professional-but-actually-a-problem-causing-gremlin Doctor would actually get along quite well, at the cost of giving Kal'tsit and Gladiia ulcers. Sane Specter will happily participate in mischief when given the opportunity, and Doc is also quite willing to do the same with even a bare-bones excuse. On top of that, we know Doc gets along well with the Warrior Types, given their ability to get characters like Skadi, Schwarz, Mudrock, Pallas, etc. to open up to them, so I feel like they could develop a pretty solid connection with Specter.
Specter x Gladiia: as I mentioned in the Skadi post, Specter is a little brat who needs to get railed, and Gladiia gives me real "great at pounding you into the mattress" vibes. We also get forbidden romance between the captain of Squad 2 and her soldier.
I think Gladiia also works well with Specter as a platonic relationship, given that the idea of her trying to force Specter to behave offers a great deal of comedy potential. The way she deals with Specter and Skadi is basically this meme:
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but in fish, and it's very clear that she cares deeply about her Abyssal Hunters despite her cold exterior.
I don't really have any other romantic options for Specter, but I think in terms of friendships, she'd get along great with all the fighters at Rhodes Island, the operators like Indra and Lappland and Gavial who are always ready for a brawl. She'd get along great with Lappland in particular, given that they're both a bit violent and unhinged even without cancer rocks eating their brains, but also quite friendly and gregarious and capable of acting polite and refined when they want to on top of being bratty little shits under normal circumstances.
Mudrock + Specter is a good friendship because Mudrock is a weirdo who talks to rocks and Specter likes to sculpt, meaning that Mudrock could find her rocks to sculpt and kind of guide her into unlocking the inner beauty of those rocks. I think the idea of Mudrock talking to her rocks, getting an idea of what they want to be sculpted into, and then going to Specter to make that dream a reality is cute and intriguing.
Now for Gladiia:
As with Specter, I've already covered a couple Gladiia ships, but I do have a couple options here.
Gladiia x Doctor: they can both bond over being smart people surrounded by horny, belligerent idiots. On top of that, Gladiia's profile and talk lines convey the idea that she's fond of Doctor in some capacity when read together: her profile implies that she's generally ruder and more emotional around the people she likes and cares about, and the first thing she does when appointed as their assistant is boot them out of their own office. That's practically a marriage proposal in Gladiia-land. Her talk lines read to me in a very similar fashion to Skadi's, like she's trying very hard not to form an emotional connection to the Doctor and failing miserably. On top of that, she invites them to dance with her and offers to teach them how if they don't know, and I'm not really sure I need to explain how that can be construed as romantic.
Gladiia x Kal'tsit: Gladiia was ready to bust into an Iberian prison for this woman. Since I doubt it was because she enjoys listening to long, pretentious monologues, I'm forced to assume that it was because she wanted to bust in this woman. Any middle ground is significantly less funny.
They're both smart, somewhat brusque, and very dedicated to doing good for the world. They're both capable of being terrifying when they want to be. They both have subordinates and organizations they cherish deeply and will put themselves at great personal risk to defend, even if they're not always great at showing it. They both have to deal with their personal Mischief Gremlins (Specter/Skadi for Gladiia, Doctor and... well, 50% at minimum of Rhodes Island's staff for Kal'tsit). There's a lot of similarities here that make me like the ship.
Gladiia x Ulpian: I don't actually know much about Ulpian beyond what's been posted on tumblr, but apparently he was Skadi's captain, which means Ulpian and Gladiia trying to co-parent Idiot Duo Skadi and Specter, who share one brain cell between them (which always goes to the one who needs it least at any given moment) without resorting to drink has considerable comedy potential, if nothing else.
Gladiia x Hoshiguma/Shining/Saria/Indra/Siege/Blaze/Nearl/Eunectes
Sorry, my monkey brain took over for a moment. Anyway, these are all tall, strong, tough warrior women who I think would get along well with Gladiia. Special mention goes to Saria for being very similar to Gladiia in the sense that she hides how deeply she cares behind a stoic exterior. They're both cold and intimidating, but will do absolutely anything for the people they love, think of themselves partially as monsters, and give off serious dommy mommy vibes.
I think Gladiia also gets along pretty well with the engineering/research operators at Rhodes Island and is basically the unofficial (extremely unofficial) Nerd Mom to all of Rhodes Island's million Baby Nerds. I think she takes something of a mentorship role for the young warriors, engineers, and scientists on the landship. She'll never admit it even under torture, but she very, very secretly likes the position. She'll act all annoyed about it, but she also won't hesitate to punt an mf through the nearest wall if they bully the kids (Specter and Indra found this out the hard way).
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theiceandbones · 4 years
21 questions
tagged by @squeakingcleopatraboy (thank you!!) rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better
1: Nickname? i don’t think i have one but Lucky calls me Shan sometimes (only they may do so tho)
2: Name? Shannon
3: Zodiac? Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Capricorn rising (i don’t feel like a scorpio tho)
4: Favourite musicians or groups? haven’t thot about this in a while but Lord Huron, Hozier, The Mountain Goats, Stan Rogers, Fleet Foxes, Jackie Oates, The Grizzly Folk, Nick Drake, Wellington Sea Shanty Society, The Longest Johns, The Oh Hellos, The Decemberists, Beirut, Lotus Plaza, Beach House 
5: Favourite sports teams? does Terrebus FC count (i don’t follow sports jfjkhfgkh)
6: Other blogs? Not really they are inactive now. But I do plan to start up a history blog on blogspot soon! If only i could get over this writer’s block.
7: Do I get asks? From time to time, if you’ve ever indulged me in an ask meme thank you!
8: How many blogs do you follow? lots
9: Tumblr crushes? what that
10: Lucky numbers? i have no idea i cannot be bothered to pay attention but i think 9 is a pretty cool number
11: What are you wearing now? A sweater that says “bon voyage” and some harem pants from my fav boutique 
12: Dream vacation? That’s a hard one bc it’s anywhere right now but i would like to go to the UK to see some of the floating museums from the age of sail! HMS Victory and Trincomalee are right up there. as well as the Chesapeake Mill cafe! I’ve also wanted to go to Japan for a long time and to the Palermo Catacombs. 
13: Dream car? Hearse
14: Favourite food? I’ve been obsessed with quesadillas and souvlaki lately, and uhhhh spicy chicken burger
15: Drink of choice? It’s usually tea with milk and lots of sugar but i’m also all about iced coffee
16: Instruments? Bass and acoustic guitar although i’ve fallen out of the habit of playing them lately. But i would die to be able to play the hurdy gurdy or the dulcimer. and i also want an accordion. 
17: Languages? English, conversational German, can understand French but am bad at it :c
18: Celebrity crushes? there is a hint on my blog (is this really a secret)
19: Random fact? Once started a mosh pit to Johnny B. Goode 
20: Favourite ecosystem? Definitely am about oceans, tundra, taiga, and bogs/wetlands
21: Favourite cat species? Oriental Shorthair, Norwegian Forest, Pallas Cat, this is very hard and all cats are the best cat
Bonus question: Feminist text everyone should read? I’m sorry but i’m bad at recommending lit so i’m going to rec a song instead. I’ve been vibing to Katie Shaw by Kerfuffle as of late. A girl who runs away to become a coal miner and fools everyone? hell yeah. 
tagging:  @longwalk-shortpier @awildprancingbaratheon@bloodydroolingmaw @radiojamming @abvolt @andrewsblogforstuff @anthropoperipherism @carpe-mamilia @uglyjetta @ceilingninja @entwinedmoon @glorioustidalwavedefendor @actualmichelle @singersargent @norvegiae @zucchinigal no pressure as always and also anyone else who wants to do this!
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thepallas · 5 years
What made you ship Pallas with (Arclight) Varus?
           get to know the blogger        
anonymously (or not) ask me any question you’d like to know about me
   //Oh it’s quite a long story, I guess... but if I had to answer - it just happened. They just clicked together and I will never get over it.
   Ever since I started playing League I fell in love with Varus and was very intrigued by the creature in The Temple that ended up corrupting him. I was reading some Varus fanfic and the way they wrote the corruption speaking to him got me even more interested. I jumped on Tumblr, searched for stuff about the archer bae, found some awesome art from ask-arclight-varus and was like omg I wonder what they think about it. She had a “possessive starters” meme rebloged and I got so excited like ‘oh my god I am suuuure the corruption would tell some of these to Varus!!’. I just had to find out how they would reply and totally ruled by an impulse made a blog for my lil demon. Honestly, back then I had no idea what I was doing and even what Pallas would look like xD
   Honestly, when I created the blog I already had thoughts of in in the back of my head, but didn’t think it would actually happen. I remember sending Varus-mun a symbol for a meme that what something like ‘send ♥ and I’ll tell what I think of our muses as a ship’. Well the was kind of excited and so was I. I guess at first it was just curiosity about where it would go and how it could develop. With time we just started noticing things how certain headcanons just fit with each other, started imagining all kinds of different scenarios. Everything just kind of made sense. Both of them had a huge impact on each other’s lives, helped each other to survive, grow and develop, broadened their views - they just seemed to complete each other.
   Besides, I absolutely love that light + dark / good + evil / angel + devil, thing and showing that neither of them are purely good/bad, that they have their own strengths, weaknesses, reasons to be the way they are and the mutual understanding that grows with time. Also, that slow burning is some good shit >w> it gets access to waaayy to many angsty but also as many fluffy scenarios and it feels like heaven.
   I just love the dynamic between them, they’re absolute cuties who love each other more than anything. Perfect husbandos. No, both of them are not perfect, they go through struggles, have flaws, but help each other to deal with it and love each other despite it. Their relationship had had its ups and downs, lots of difficulties (for example regarding hiding Pallas, his way of feeding or things related to Varus’s mental health), but they go through it and grow even closer together.
I just love them with my whole damn heart.
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ncumenia-archived · 6 years
Gimme a #34
the be honest meme.   aka things you lowkey want to talk about but don’t because you don’t know how to bring it up. send me a number and i’ll tell you the honest truth. either a simple yes or no answer or a detailed response. 34. Have you ever cried while writing a reply?// Once it almost happened. I was rping with Riva’s Varus/Raja ( @arrow-of-pallas ), where my muse and theirs were talking about their past, how Ernye has been so alone she became afraid to be friend with someone, as she knew, sooner or later, they were going to die. Since both of our muses share a similar “cursed” fate, they promised each other to be there for each other. And then Ernye cried, recalling her best friend while they hugged her, how she embraced her that last night so thigh she barely was able to breathe… Because the latter realized she was going to die.Yeah, here I was about to cry, I’ve always been quite sensitive about some subject such as loneliness and abandonment… Ernye, before her death, had basically everything: friends, family, a prosperous future…And then nothing, she knew loneliness, madness, sorrow…
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wyvern-dork · 6 years
Palla and Tine (from FE4) for the meme!
Oh don’t mind if I do!
What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her.
I’ve dedicated more than a year of my life to screaming about Minerva, and Palla is always there with it because I love both of them so much. Palla is absolutely fantastic in canon, she’s a people-pleaser but also a very dedicated knight and genuinely caring soul. Though she’s even more fantastic when given more space to grow in a written format - she has room to be sad and scared while canon states that none of that will ever make her stray from Minerva’s side and god damn she’s absolutely beautiful. 
Is he/she important to the general plot?
No, sadly. But she’s very imporant in the back lines, supporting Minerva
Can you relate to this character at all? Does he/she grip you emotionally?
Oh does she ever. Is there a day when I don’t internally cry over Palla? I don’t think so
Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by his/her relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic)
Take a guess. 
I sure hope you guessed Minerva.
I love Minerva/Palla so gosh darn much
Is there anything about the character you would change?
Have I yelled about the Archanea cast being given more interactions yet? I yell again. Seriously. It would be so cool to give her just one support with a character outside her sisters in Echoes, too. Like, Sonia? Or Genny! She’d adopt Genny as her little sister in a heartbeat.
If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how would you see yourself interacting with him/her?
If it was a person that was exactly like Palla I guess I wouldn’t be scared of studying together with her, or just generally hanging out. 
Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites?
YES! 100 % YES
Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about this character (if you dislike) to someone new to fandom?
Would I EVER hype about her. I know I’d probably just bore people by trying to talk them into playing FE11 by rambling about Palla, since I just have SO MUCH TO SAY, but I don’t care. I love her
Is this character popular with the fanbase?
With the Archanea fanbase? Gotta give a shrug at that one. I can’t give an unbiased answer here I don’t think
What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her.
Like Tailtiu, she makes me sad. I would have liked for her to have her mom around.
Is he/she important to the general plot?
Can you relate to this character at all? Does he/she grip you emotionally?
All the gen2 orphans crush me internally, Tinne and Lene especially
Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by his/her relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic)
Altena, actually. I don’t know, why but they were always hanging by each other in my playthrough. It’s not that serious of a ship, though, Altena might be Tinne’s first crush (one-sided) but they are just buds. I also support the idea of Altena kicking Bloom in the face
Platonically, it’s awesome that she gets reunited with her brother! Good frend
Is there anything about the character you would change?
No, not really. Although, yes, give us gay support options please
If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how would you see yourself interacting with him/her?
“Cool hair bands, buddy”
Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites?
No, not really. 
Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about this character (if you dislike) to someone new to fandom?
Is this character popular with the fanbase?
I really don’t think so. I barely remember to think of her when I think of Jugdral
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kaylynn-langerak · 6 years
pascal and jonee curious for the ultimate ship meme? :o
Thanks so much for the ask! I 💙 Joscal!
Tagging @thatcurioussimmer to makes sure she sees this!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Forever!💙
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Faster than either of them expected. They’ve just clicked since day 1. 
How was their first kiss? - Sudden and unplanned. They hadn’t even known each other for a week, let alone went on an actual date yet. But there they were, having a great time together and it just seemed like the right thing to do. They were both surprised with themselves when it happened. They giggled afterward, then walked away holding hands.
Who proposed? - Pascal
Who is the best man/men? - Lazlo, Vidcund, PT9 and Johnny
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Chloe, Lola, Erin and Jenny (Kristen decided she rather be the photographer than a bridesmaid)
Who did the most planning? - Jonee, but Pascal helped. He was quite busy his work schedule and raising a toddler.
Who stressed the most? - Pascal. He wanted everything to be perfect for Jonee on her special day!
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - The Beakers. And General Buzz! Well really the entire Grunt clan, just to be safe. But Johnny kinda invited Ripp anyway. He wasn’t able to sneak out and attend, but Johnny couldn’t just not invite him. 
This wasn’t asked but I think it’s worth mentioning - Jill was the flower girl, and Pascal’s son, Pallas, was the ring bearer.
I’m sorry, I’m not comfortable answering this portion.
How many children will they have naturally? - 2, maybe 3.
How many children will they adopt? - They won’t adopt any from the orphanage, but Jonee will adopt Pascal’s alien children and raise them as her own. He’ll have 3 alien babies.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - It’s about equal. 
Who is the stricter parent? - Pascal, mostly when it concerns their education. He wants all of his children to be at the top of their class, just like him and his brothers.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Jonee. Pascal is more likely to turn their dangerous stunts into a physics lesson.
Who remembers to pack the lunches? - Jonee. She packs one for Pascal too! It always contains a sweet little love note. 
Who is the more loved parent? - It’s totally equal! They’re both awesome parents!
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Either one, or sometimes both. They’re a busy couple so it really comes down to scheduling.
Who cried the most at graduation? - They both cried a lot, but Pascal cried a little more. They hugged and cried on each other. They were a mess, but a proud, happy mess. And yes they were just as emotional at every child’s graduation, both high school and college.
Who is more likely to bail the children out of trouble with the law? - Honestly if any of their children were ever in trouble with the law they’d probably turn to their uncles Lazlo and Vidcund to bail them out. 
Who does the most cooking? - Jonee
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Pascal
Who does the grocery shopping? - They do most of the shopping together, children included.
How often do they bake desserts? - Pretty often. With that many kids they’ve gotta something sweet on hand. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Salad eaters. Lazlo does a lot of organic gardening, so they’re always stocked with fresh fruits and veggies.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Neither, only because they always do something for their anniversary, so it’s not really a surprise it’s just what they do.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Pascal.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Pascal, because he decided to try one of Vidcund’s robotic kitchen creations. Turns out he didn’t quite have all the kinks worked out.
Who cleans the room? - Pascal.
Who is really against chores? - Neither, really. Jonee doesn't enjoy them, but knows they must be done. Pascal loves them.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Pascal, but only because he’s a total neat freak so cleaning is very high on his list of priorities.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Jonee, only because Pascal would never sweep anything under the rug. He would vacuum the rug then move it to sweep underneath it.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Neither, because they both know that Pascal keeps the place spotless, so there’s no need to stress.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Pascal. He removes the cushions to vacuum the couch crevices.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Jonee. Erin makes fantastic homemade bath bombs and always keeps Jonee stocked up.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Pascal. He’s more accustomed to the Strangetown desert heat. He wouldn’t want his lovely lady getting sunburned!
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Jonee likes to decorate for and celebrate Spooky Day. She just loves the supernatural aura that surrounds that time of year. Pascal enjoys creating grand electrical displays for Snowflake Day.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Um, achieved? Seriously though, they’re so sweet and loving. They rarely disagree on things, and if they do they have no problem compromising. They just work. They’re pretty much the Homer and Beulah Land of Strangetown.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Pascal. He's always operated on his own schedule.
Who plays the most pranks? - They don’t prank each other, but Lazlo pranks Pascal quite often, so every now and then Pascal has to get him back.
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masteryoftheseas · 1 year
@takenamiss asked: "Why are you looking at me like that?" (Styx to Pallas)
Pallas offered his wife a pleasant smile despite the annoyed look on her face. She made it no secret she despised being pregnant. The fact that she even agreed so in the first place shocked him beyond belief. But he was grateful and was at her beck and call whenever she needed something. Anything.
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He kept his smile as he leaned over to kiss her temple and rub a gentle hand upon her growing belly. "I thought you appreciated adoration. My fierce beautiful consort carrying my child lying beside me. What more could I want?" He mused, not hiding his sentimental tone. Styx could roll her eyes and scold him for his emotions but she must have liked hearing so or else she could have left him already. He wasn't afraid to let her know how much he loved her.
"And I'll be even happier when I can hold our baby. They will have powerful lungs like yours. Screaming as they enter this world like how you enjoy screaming at me." Pallas added with a laugh before his lips replaced his hand on her stomach. He kissed her there before looking up at her again. His smile turning into a smirk.
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ex-retributionem · 6 years
✔ (I dunno if you'll want to interact with this version of Varus and I dunno if it would be possible for them to interact (depends on how you'll play him and it's tricky because this darkin is literally Pallas in the new lore) so I'm kinda curious how/if you'd imagine some interaction)
A quick and easy plotting guide
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
Alternative universes exists sweety
ItFeelsSoWeirdDoingThis GimmeMyBaesBack
My muse(s): Varus
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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aerluminate-blog · 6 years
Erika, Ephiram, Alphonse and Shareena
Fire Emblem Lords Ask meme (not accepting) @rakurxi
Eirika: Which game would you most like to see a sequel (or prequel) to?
already answered
Ephraim: Favorite sibling relationship?
Palla, Est, and Catria were entertaining to watch in Echoes. I’m looking forward to seeing what they’re like in Shadow Dragon. It’s heartwarming to see how hard Palla and Catria look for Est when she was kidnapped. They support each other and portray their care very realistically. Palla is very motherly.
I wish I could say more about Erika and Ephraim. I’m still working through Sacred Stones, but I do like both of them. 
Alfonse: What character in Heroes can you just not seem to be able to get?
I’ve had varied luck in gachas. I’ve wanted Alm or Gray for my Echoes group, but I haven’t had luck with them. I tried a bit for Mia too. Usually I take what I can get and adapt with the units I’m given until certain units are out then I go crazy wanting to get them.
Shareena: What character in Heroes have you gotten far too many of?
I’ve started to get Soren after I ascended my 4 star to a 5 already. I get a decent number of the other 4 star wind mages. I’ve answered this question somewhere else too. 
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ask-arclight-varus · 7 years
Otp and notp symbols
Munday Meme Extraordinaire
Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc
♡ - OTP for your muse? 
Pallas x Varus
⚔ - NOTP with your muse? 
Anything with urgot I guess .3. 
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olliveen · 7 years
i was tagged by @walnutroll for this hell yeah
Rules are you answer the questions and then tag 20 followers/people in general you’d like to get to know about!
Name: ollie
Nickname: oj, orange juice, osh, oli, oliver, etc
Gender: nonbinary
Height: 5'4
Star Sign: capricorn
Sexuality: ace
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff
Favorite Animals: pallas cat
Average Hours Spent Sleeping: ≈ very very inconsistent but id say about 6-7
Dogs or Cats: catscatscatscatscatscats
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: varies with the weather but right now 4
Dream Trip: back to france
Dream Job: freelance artist and/or animator 
When I Made this Account: i made it in august 2016 but i didnt start posting until like december 
Why I Made this Account: i saw the memes from afar and wanted in on the action
Number of Followers: 433
Reason for my URL: i think i made it up on the fly with no real context but its supposed to be a play on the word olivine, which is a gemstone
Now to Tag People: @pastelcryptids @gonecryptidhunting @manymari and anyone else who wants to do this!!!!!!
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exalted-majesty · 7 years
for the capri ask meme! 1; 5; 10; 13; 16
(Sorry this answer was a little slow. I underestimated how busy I would be the past few days) THANK YOU FOR THE ASK
1. Favourite book?I’m so conflicted between PG and KR because both are Where It’s At™, but I’m going to have to go with KR because that ending was just 👌🏼🙌🏼👏🏼that was some good shit right there😍👀. Pacat is a GENIUS. And I’ve read it at least 6 times more that the other books.
5. Favourite minor character?I don’t really consider Jord or Nikandros to be minor characters because their character development is Spot On, so probably Lazar? Pallas? Idk can I get both of them together??? Wait no! Paschal. Definitely Paschal.
10. Favourite moment?FRICK FRACK SNICK SNACK this is thEE hardest question I have ever had to answer. Off the top of my head* The scene where Laurent verbally flays Aimeric (I know its horrible sorry) just cuz it’s so intense and telling of how Laurent sees himself. And Damen HANDLES it.* The reunion at the beginning of KR. EmOTioNs* The entire ending of Kings Rising because I’m still not over it and it’s been 2 years* The scenes where Laurents is a Sweetheart™ the love of my life (when he Ices Damen’s bruise, puts the bed by the fire, lays his mat next to Damen’s, SACRIFICES HIMSELF, washes Damen to apologize for the scars, learns how to wrestle for Damen etccc)* The scenes where Laurent metaphorically shocks people -especially Damen- into falling off their horse (ex: THE OKTON, The Dress Scene, fighting govart, griva etcccc)* ALL SCENES WHERE AUGUSTE IS MENTIONED* Laurent vs Jokaste scene* And finally the Olive scene because that hilarity never gets oldsorry I couldn’t make that list shorter
13. If you lived in the CP universe, what country would you belong in? The Artes Empire. Near the capital. Gotta cheer for my Kings! It also probably has perfect weather (not too hot, not too cold)
15. Which do you prefer: Laurent with long hair, medium hair or short hair (you can’t say “everything goes” here)?Aaahhhh oh no! I am an everything goes kind of fan but for the sake of the question -please don’t hate me- my default for Laurents hair is on the shorter side. This is because I read the whole series before even being introduced to Long Haired Laurent. But for canon I have a headcanon that through the progression of the books as Laurent becomes further away from his uncle and closer to freedom he grows it out. So CP he would have short hair (the “Veretian Style”), PG he would have medium hair, and KR he would have long hair.
16. Favourite quote?I’ve been really feeling “I’d work my whole life to be worthy of him.” lately, but here’s some of my others:* My uncle is discriminating. Not like Jord, who’ll take a middle aged mans sloppy seconds and treat it like it’s worth something.* The Charls quote™* Your friend is a fool and courts treason for a keepsake.* He was everything I had.* Not your uncles griva!?* He needs me. I don’t care if you tell the world.* And I am proud to have been his lover.* I loved you, but you wanted a throne more than you wanted a brother.* It was one kingdom once.* King Laurent of Vere
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