#Palladium rifts
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homebrew-rifts · 8 months ago
Coalition IAR-2 Abolisher Robot
Originally released on p. 35 of Rifts Sourcebook 1
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The Abolisher, Infantry Assault Robot (IAR-2), is another giant vehicle that is part of the Coalition States' military forces. Unlike the UAR-1 Enforcer, which is designed specifically to combat ground troops in an urban/city environment, the Abolisher is a frontline infantry unit with long-range capabilities and heavy firepower for obliterating enemy troops. The focus of its armaments is anti-robot and anti-tank, hence the six heavy cannons bristling around what appears to be the head. The rim of cannons has given the 30 foot (9 m) robot the nickname 'Thorn Head."
The heavily armored bot is a massive, humanoid shaped, all terrain assault vehicle designed to withstand heavy bombardment. However, in keeping with the frightening Death's Head motif, the Abolisher is designed to look like a massive skull with arms and legs. The two eyes are infra-red and conventional light searchlights for night assaults. The upper skull body can rotate 360 degrees and is operated by a five-man crew. Two soldiers are gunners operating three cannons each, the pilot and the copilot/communications engineer (either the pilot or copilot can fire the small, forward facing, dual laser turret) and the top hatch gunner, usually a SAMAS.
The big guns are devastating weapons that can blast an enemy from all sides simultaneously. The robot's arms and hands are powerful and lethal in hand to hand confrontations (can rotate 180 degrees at the shoulders). On top of the behemoth is a Gunner's Hatch which allows a SAMAS or soldier to perch himself on the head and fire at the enemy from the top of the robot. An inner hatch locks automatically, preventing the enemy from easy access should the top gunner be killed; the inner hatch can only be opened by one of the pilots.
The only real disadvantage to the 30 foot (9 m) giant is that its incredible weight and large size reduce its speed and maneuvering capabilities. Although great in the field as an outer perimeter defense or as an infantry assault unit (tank with arms and legs), its speed and size make it an easy target (hence the heavy armor). Unless one wishes to destroy a city, the bot is not well suited for city conflicts. Its weapons are too powerful for use in the city, able to demolish an S.D.C. skyscraper in mere moments, and its size and bulk makes maneuvering through narrow streets difficult. Still, it is excellent for city defense, being able to be placed wherever needed, and ideal for infantry combat.
IAR-2 Abolisher: Size 9 (Huge), Crew 5+2, Strength d12+10, Toughness 60 (36), Pace 14+d10 (70 MPH)
Notes: MDC Armor, Shoulder STS-Cluster -4 to hit and 24 Hardness.
6 x C-144 Auto-Cannons (Spaced 360 degrees around the crown of the bot; Range 100/200/400, 5d12+5 Mega Damage, AP 12, RoF 1)
Anti-Personnel Lasers (belly gun)
Black Market Cost: 80 Million credits, Rarity -4
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legionofmyth · 4 months ago
The Rifter #11: Hidden Answers That Could Boost Your Gameplay
Could the Q&A in The Rifter #11 be the key to unlocking new adventures in your Palladium RPGs? 🔑 Find out how these insights can impact your games today! Don't stay in the dark when answers are at your fingertips. Watch now! #TheRifter #PalladiumBooks #RPG
The Rifter #11 Rifts Ultimate Edition Unlock invaluable insights with our analysis of The Rifter #11’s Q&A section and discover how it impacts your Palladium Books games today! Join us as we reveal answers to burning questions that could enhance your gameplay and storytelling. In this enlightening video, we delve into the Q&A section of The Rifter #11, uncovering clarifications and expert advice…
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salad-juice-enjoyer · 2 years ago
If I was designing an RPG where you head seperate psionics and magic systems, I would simply not give the magical energy points a name that contains "psychic".
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Rifts Adventure Guide Cover Art by John Zeleznik
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funeralprocessor · 6 months ago
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RIFTS is a silly setting and a questionable game, but the art has always absolutely activated my neurons, and a big part of that is my boy Chuck Walton
His power armor/robot designs are some of my favorites ever.
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vintagerpg · 1 year ago
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Rifts of horror! This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, we look at Beyond the Supernatural (1987), Palladium’s horror RPG that anticipates a bunch of mechanics and lore that would be important for Rifts and the Megaversal system. Richard Corben on the cover, Steve Bissette doing tons of interiors, this books is worth it for the art alone.
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casside-sionnach · 2 years ago
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The Coalition States is a genocidal human supremacist power of North America in the the dystopian post-apocalyptic future of Palladium's Rifts roleplaying game.
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libraryogre · 6 months ago
The first image is, I shit you not, straight out of Rifts.
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Fury Beetle with Rider by Kevin Long
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Techno-wizard wingboard by Kevin Long
Why does nobody's 'Ghibli-inspired' TTRPG ever look like this?
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homebrew-rifts · 9 months ago
Originally release in Palladium Fantasy TTRPG and converted into Rifts on page 86 of the Rifts Conversion Book 1.
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The most civilized and powerful of the three canine races is the Wolfen. The wolfen were a fierce warrior people divided into 13 warring tribes. Their constant infighting and their insistence on clinging to barbaric warrior ways, held them back for centuries. However, in the last few decades the wolfen tribes have united and have quickly grown into a well organized, disciplined and orderly society. They still hold to the ways of the warrior, but have developed into a sophisticated military machine, extremely reminiscent of the ancient Romans of Earth.
~ Text from Pg 86 of Rifts Conversion Book 1
Code of Honor (Hindrance) [-2]: Wolfen society places great importance on honor, justice and rule of law.
D-Bee [-2]: They are treated with hostility by human supremacists, distrusted by commoners, spurned everywhere, and have no rights except in the most cosmopolitan areas. They should expect frequent trouble and violence, depending on the crowd and situation, and Reactions of others typically starts at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists. Failed social checks with Hostile parties often result in violence. 
Nonstandard Build [-2]: The species has proportions which make common equipment problematic. Armor and clothing must be custom-tailored at triple normal cost. Glitter Boy armor (and the Framework) and most human power armor is not an option. Wolfen take a -2 on Trait rolls to use equipment designed for humans.
Size +1 [+1]:
Bite [+2]: Strength +d6 damage.
Enhanced Senses [+1]: +1 Bonus to Notice checks that rely on sense of smell and hearing.
Enhanced Strength [+2]: Strength is increased by i die-type and the Wolfen’s maximum strength is d12+1.
Darkvision [+1]: The species can see in the dark, ignoring all illumination penalties.
Born to Warfare [+1]: The Wolfen begins with a d4 in Fighting.
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legionofmyth · 4 months ago
The Rifter #11: How Alternate Combat Rules Can Elevate Your Game
Are you making the most of your combat encounters in Rifts? ⚔️ Unveil the alternate combat rules from The Rifter #11 that could change your game forever! Don't let outdated tactics hold you back. Click to level up your battles! #TheRifter #RiftsRPG #TabletopGaming
The Rifter #11 Rifts Ultimate Edition Experience combat like never before with our in-depth exploration of The Rifter #11’s alternate combat rules for Rifts! Watch now to discover how these innovative rules can redefine your battles and elevate your gaming sessions. Dive into the action as we break down the alternate combat mechanics introduced in The Rifter #11, designed to add depth and…
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odysseypublicacoes · 4 months ago
O Suprassumo da Selvageria em Savage Rifts®
Rifts (ou Fendas) é um cenário criado originalmente pela Palladium Books. Vinda da mente criativa de Kevin Siembieda, que junto de seu xará Kevin Long criaram a maior partes das icônicas artes do Rifts RPG clássico.  A Palladium também havia feito outros RPGs em sua época, como o Palladium Fantasy (o universo de fantasia da mesma) e rpgs licenciados de marcas famosas, como o de Tartarugas Ninjas…
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baronfulmen · 2 years ago
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I'll never need a reminder because I grew up playing Palladium Games RPGs and they didn't have an editor so they just pasted the same equipment section into every single book they ever made no matter how little it made sense, though they sometimes remembered to change the cost from gold to dollars or whatever.
Friendly reminder
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Rifts Coalition Wars Book 3: Sorcerers' Revenge Cover Art by Dave Dorman
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rjkingofdirewolwes · 4 months ago
Rifts Chronicles: Conquest of the Dark Empires
https://archiveofourown.org/works/60265711 Series concluded, for those living in america, take it as a good luck gift for tomorrow. Most of all, please, vote.
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dragoneer99 · 7 months ago
can i get four trannies to play rifts? can I please get four trannies to play rifts with? ill run it at this point idgaf
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kitsunestudios · 2 months ago
As someone who played a lot of both D&D and many of the Palladium games, I could feel this one in my bones. Palladium systems were ripe for power-gamer manipulation. Like, when someone has a mutant wolverine from TMNT with the Juicer stat block in Rifts, or create a cyborg with enough enough mini-missiles to glass a town... yeesh.
I think we need to go further actually. Which ttrpg is the best at producing gm burnout?
(With respect to this post here.)
That's a fairly tricky question. As outlined in the linked thread, D&D5E is more prone to produce GM burnout than many systems which are objectively more demanding of the GM's time, energy and skill because of its toxic culture of play. There just aren't a lot of other tabletop RPGs that have both the ubiquity and the right kind of perverse incentives built into their play culture to pull that off – indeed, many of the smaller indie titles lack discernible cultures of play altogether, owing to how fragmented their respective fanbases are ��� and it's hard to produce GM burnout on the strength of a game's rules alone, because rules alone have no power to compel anyone to do anything. You've gotta get the GM trapped in a dysfunctional social contract to truly fuck them up.
Back in the pre-2000s era, I might have said RIFTS, but these days? It probably is genuinely D&D.
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