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I could, as always, probably use more graphic novels in my life! But I'll just go through what I have here on my shelf:
I really enjoy comic anthologies, I tend to pick those up whenever comics shopping. Some of those include books from the Flight series, and Cautionary Fables and Fairy Tales.
I have Alan Moore's biggest classics, Watchmen and V for Vendetta.
I have real fond memories reading Akiko, Tellos and Herobear and the Kid.
Please please be sure to check out Digger if you haven't yet!
And I do have some foreign books too, including Blacksad and all of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.
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I'm building a collection of GIFs in this genre. Please contribute.
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Code-switching mid-sentence will never stop being funny to me.
obsessed with the girl who says that if you lie on the floor long enough you will start to cry and shake because your body is 'releasing excess cortisol' like i just think you might be going through something girl
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I got to play the hard mode of that at my day job in Animate (Flash): The Phantom Dots.
If you deleted the content of a symbol but left the blank symbol itself in the file, you would _sometimes_ get a big white dot that would render out. Then you have to find The Symbol That Isn't.
If someone left a little paint dot on the main stage layer, no-one would see it, unless someone renders out the layers in After Effects, and finds a little dot suddenly haunting all their layers.
all digital artists like to play a game called what fucking layer is that dot on
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I think you might be thinking of the Ewok cartoons, which were animated by Nelvana and chased by floppy eared aliens. Those were the Duloks though.
Seeing people refer to the BanG Dream! franchise as "Bandori" always gives me a moment because my brain is absolutely convinced that "the Bandori" was the name of the villainous faction from one of those cheesy Nelvana cartoons from the 1980s, some sort of comically sinister big-eared fuzzy aliens who spent all of their time tormenting a bunch of legally-not-Care-Bears – which is a problem, because as far as I've been able to determine, no such cartoon exists. I'm genuinely not sure whether I'm misremembering a real cartoon whose baddies are named something similar to "the Bandori", or whether the recollection is wholly invented.
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I live in vancouver. The office I worked in was used as the set for a couple shows.
have you ever lived in a town (or area you see a lot ig) where a popular show/movie was filmed? (i use to live near the town where stranger things was filmed, was jarring to see my hometown in the show)
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i’ve seen a lot of really messed up images in my time on the internet, weird fetish shit, even a few IRL gore images but nothing. NOTHING evokes such a deep seated, gut wrenching fear in me like this image of the fucking water slide from Action Park with the loop in it

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"Were-Dolphin". Unless we're breaking into the water park or swimming pool at night, I'm probably gonna get my ass beached.
Uh oh! You are now a were-animal! This means you become a human-sized animal hybrid with uncontrollable bloodlust every night!
Spin this wheel to get your species
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And of course:
Folks keep assuming that just because the RPGs I write don't have specific game mechanics for fucking, that means they're not horny. This is not a safe assumption to make.
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My political philosophy is pretty simple.
1: Freedom is the ability to achieve our goals.
2: Power is the means by which we are able to achieve our goals.
Sources of power can be broken into broad categories:
Physical power (the power of mechanical advantage)
Intellectual power (knowledge, education, problem solving, emotional resilience)
Economic power (The power of possessions)
Social power (The power provided by others through co-operation or coercion)
and potentially others...
3: Freedom and power are linked. The more power we have, the more freedom we have.
4: Power has a tendency to concentrate naturally and unequally.
5: Power imbalances between people can easily lead to abuse, when the goals of the powerful conflict with the needs of the powerless.
6: Society can create systems that maximize or minimize the expression of power. (I.e. minimizing the impact of a disability on participation in society, or maximizing the power of individual wealth under capitalism)
Therefore I believe we need to actively create systems to monitor and control for power imbalances between individuals and organizations, so individual freedom can be maximized while abuse can be minimized. The trick is that any group with the power to control another has the potential to use that power harmfully, so finding a balance is not an easy proposition.
As far as which needs and wants should be prioritized, we can look to Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs as a rough guide. I think a government that prioritizes "Safety" over "Basic Physiological Needs" (I.e. criminalizing feeding the homeless over "health concerns", arresting people for sleeping outdoors without providing shelter) is an unjust government. The fundamental role of government should be ensuring that every resident has healthy food, clean water, safe shelter and clothing, medical care, and the ability to participate in society through transportation and communication.
I personally think that is best done through a combination of a federal Universal Basic Income, municipal public housing options pegged to that UBI with a target vacancy rate, and basic price controls on agriculture to ensure the affordability and availability of food staples.
Beyond that, people can then participate in the market for improved living conditions,to seek the fulfillment of their personal desires, and obtain luxuries that are not universally available. With the ability to opt out of work or private housing, there is a fundamental real-world anchor that the market needs to adjust to, rather than relying on the coercive elements of "work or stave" or "Pay crazy rental rates or go homeless"
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Typical Goblin jockey frantically searching for a callsign:
It's such a shame Harrison II died from Goblin
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Living Forever
How the RJ'S Van lost its original doors
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