#robot vehicle
savagerifts · 2 months
Coalition IAR-2 Abolisher Robot
Originally released on p. 35 of Rifts Sourcebook 1
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The Abolisher, Infantry Assault Robot (IAR-2), is another giant vehicle that is part of the Coalition States' military forces. Unlike the UAR-1 Enforcer, which is designed specifically to combat ground troops in an urban/city environment, the Abolisher is a frontline infantry unit with long-range capabilities and heavy firepower for obliterating enemy troops. The focus of its armaments is anti-robot and anti-tank, hence the six heavy cannons bristling around what appears to be the head. The rim of cannons has given the 30 foot (9 m) robot the nickname 'Thorn Head."
The heavily armored bot is a massive, humanoid shaped, all terrain assault vehicle designed to withstand heavy bombardment. However, in keeping with the frightening Death's Head motif, the Abolisher is designed to look like a massive skull with arms and legs. The two eyes are infra-red and conventional light searchlights for night assaults. The upper skull body can rotate 360 degrees and is operated by a five-man crew. Two soldiers are gunners operating three cannons each, the pilot and the copilot/communications engineer (either the pilot or copilot can fire the small, forward facing, dual laser turret) and the top hatch gunner, usually a SAMAS.
The big guns are devastating weapons that can blast an enemy from all sides simultaneously. The robot's arms and hands are powerful and lethal in hand to hand confrontations (can rotate 180 degrees at the shoulders). On top of the behemoth is a Gunner's Hatch which allows a SAMAS or soldier to perch himself on the head and fire at the enemy from the top of the robot. An inner hatch locks automatically, preventing the enemy from easy access should the top gunner be killed; the inner hatch can only be opened by one of the pilots.
The only real disadvantage to the 30 foot (9 m) giant is that its incredible weight and large size reduce its speed and maneuvering capabilities. Although great in the field as an outer perimeter defense or as an infantry assault unit (tank with arms and legs), its speed and size make it an easy target (hence the heavy armor). Unless one wishes to destroy a city, the bot is not well suited for city conflicts. Its weapons are too powerful for use in the city, able to demolish an S.D.C. skyscraper in mere moments, and its size and bulk makes maneuvering through narrow streets difficult. Still, it is excellent for city defense, being able to be placed wherever needed, and ideal for infantry combat.
IAR-2 Abolisher: Size 9 (Huge), Crew 5+2, Strength d12+10, Toughness 60 (36), Pace 14+d10 (70 MPH)
Notes: MDC Armor, Shoulder STS-Cluster -4 to hit and 24 Hardness.
6 x C-144 Auto-Cannons (Spaced 360 degrees around the crown of the bot; Range 100/200/400, 5d12+5 Mega Damage, AP 12, RoF 1)
Anti-Personnel Lasers (belly gun)
Black Market Cost: 80 Million credits, Rarity -4
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naughtygirl286 · 1 year
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While out and about yesterday during the super nice weather I stopped into the Dollar store and they had put out some new Knock-off Transformers or "Robot Vehicle" as these ones are being called. They're very cheap looking and well this one looked very Optimus Primeish so I picked him up. He was $2 and well you can't really go wrong for for $2 but he is a cool lil toy for the price.
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Why learn to draw people when I can learn to draw vehicles…….
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eggnogo · 5 months
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nestedneons · 11 months
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By John Seru
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Via print:
Looks like a toy. I love it!
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pencilbrony · 7 months
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Motorbiking mode available
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beesgav · 1 month
Are the Toa Mata a sentai team?
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darksilvania · 2 years
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New forms of ROTOM found in the Kroel Region This forms of ROTOM can be found within the abandoned ruins of the first "Neo-Kroel Mega Plaza", a large scale multi level mall that was meant to be one of Neo-Kroel largest shopping centers, but one day its construction simply stopped and the site was abbandoned in a hurry, after a long series of mysterious accidents and disappearences, among many other paranormal events. This ROTOMS have made the ruins their homes and have possesed the powe tools left on site.
Their types are: Hedge Trimmer - Electric/Bug Power Drill - Electric/Steel Roller Compactor - Electric/Ground Jackhammer - Electric/Rock Cement Mixer - Electric/Poison
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After progressing in the history and returning back to the abbandoned plaza, you would gain access to a deeper area of the construction site where larger equipment was stored, if you take the Kroelian ROTOMS to this area and get them close its matching construction vehicle, ROTOM will evolve into ROTOMEISTER
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ROTOMEISTER keeps the same typing as its previous form but will not be able to change forms like ROTOM does, but the signature move they had will be also upgraded into a more powerful move
Trimmer Form - Electric/Bug Drill Form - Electric/Steel Roller Form - Electric/Ground Hammer Form - Electric/Rock   Mixer Form- Electric/Poison
They all have the ability Technician, but can have the Hidden Ability "Heavy Gear", this ability raises the pokemon ATK if its SPD is raised, and raises its DEF if its SPD is lowered
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And after further progress in the story, you should be able to reach the lowest level of the Abandoned site, where an Item can be found, it is called the Supercharger, this item is special battery that can power up several machines at the same time and was still in its testing phase during the original site construction to energize the machinery
If this item is given to ROTOMEISTER and then it is activated close to the other machines, a new form can be achieved: ROTOMEISTER-V
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ROTOMEISTER-V is the combined form of all possible ROTOMEISTER forms, it is an Electric/Fighting type Any signature move it previously had will become a new even more powerfull move called Demolition  Demolition  Fighting Type  PP 5  Power 150  Acc 90%  -A powerful punch using its arm drill charged with all its energy, this move is treated as Electric type as well, user must   recharge the turn after.  It has the ability Heavy Gear by default
This form can be reverted by taking the Supercharger from ROTOMEISTER-V, returning to a normal ROTOMEISTER
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I noticed that a lesser known part of the objectum/posic community is the Instagram Transport community. So I’m shedding light here:
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ryuki-draws · 9 months
I'm gonna be real I've barely consumed any transformers content and barely know the basics of the lore but I am deeply in love with your local trains au. Like YES dude two "enemies" insisting that their working towards a common goal and will split paths once all is said and done but through their journey get close and fall in love and suddenly they don't really WANNA leave the other but a deal is a deal. And now their going through a little divorce so what I'm sure it will be fine-
.... Right?
First of all, it makes me incredibly happy that the silly trains could've transcended the boundaries of Transformers knowledge and captivate you even without knowing much about TF in general, it means a lot :') Thank you so much! ♥
And yeah, they're experiencing the first real separation after like a year and a half, I'm sure they both have a lot to think about these days. Organize their priorities in life and such. They'll be fiiiine
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acidhydraart · 4 months
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mech sketches
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toacody · 6 months
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KZ.20 Mech [Advanced Design]
An even greater tool for the dispensing of sweet DEMOCRACY!!!!
Creator: marcomarozzi
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present-future · 1 year
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Ceramic 水熊蟲 Water bear by An9620
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macadam · 1 year
If I ever made a tf comic or fanfic or au of any kind I think it would focus entirely on a transformer exploring completely alien worlds
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lastconcourse · 9 months
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1: an apology for limited artistic abilities
2: a schematic for a kinematic poem
#1 Combine dark gray rainclouds with murky beige sunlight in the soft glass in a dragonfly's pond.
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