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naughtygirl286 · 2 years ago
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While out and about yesterday during the super nice weather I stopped into the Dollar store and they had put out some new Knock-off Transformers or "Robot Vehicle" as these ones are being called. They're very cheap looking and well this one looked very Optimus Primeish so I picked him up. He was $2 and well you can't really go wrong for for $2 but he is a cool lil toy for the price.
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Dancer and celebrity Cléo de Mérode
French vintage Reutlinger postcard, mailed in 1903 to Donnemarie-en-Montois, France
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valentin10 · 4 months ago
PRO D2 Saison 2024-2025 J10 - Résumé Stade Montois Rugby - Biarritz Olympique PB
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conatic · 11 months ago
L’association des PMR de Mons-Borinage s’associe au dessinateur montois Diel pour relayer les difficultés vécues au quotidien - La DH/Les Sports+
Source: dhnet
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rugbyprime · 11 months ago
Pro D2 : Vannes reprend la tête, Béziers, Mont-de-Marsan et Grenoble en feu… les résultats de la 26e journée
Le Stade Montois a surclassé Biarritz – Icon Sport, Scoop Dyga La 26e journée de Pro D2 s’est soldé, vendredi, par une victoire de Mont-de-Marsan à domicile face à Biarritz (38-7). Les Montois ont rendu hommage à André Boniface de la meilleure des manières. Jeudi, Brivistes et Columérins ouvraient le bal de cette 26e journée de Pro D2 et ce sont les locaux qui se sont imposés 35-23. S’en…
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ilcontephotography · 11 months ago
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Sheikh Nasser Al-Sabah Mosque, by Bureau d'Architecture Henri Montois (1980-1981).
Kuwait City, Kuwait.
© Roberto Conte (2023)
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axeltr342 · 8 months ago
Callout to @denisbored
// TW NSFW proshipping/comshipping, zoophilia, underage, non consent, age gaps
Denis is a user who supported a zoo comshiper nsfw artist called DLMB_Wilson, which is known for his fixation of drawing nsfw of the character Bill Dickey from The Eltingville Club, even to the point of drawing zoo nsfw of him being f*cked by a dog and a full 12 page comic about his 47 year old self insert gr**ming and having non consent s*x with a 14 year old version of Bill.
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There's also his facebook profile called Wilson Montoy in which he admitted everything he is into.
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So how does @denisbored fit into this? In the fact that even acknowledging all of this, she stayed in his discord server (her discord username used to be ronnette), interacting and supporting him, even stating that he is doing "justice" for the low amount of porn the protagonists have (the four protagonists of the eltingville club comics and pilot are minors btw).
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What is the proof of her acknowledging the weird stuff? Well, in one of Wilson's facebook posts that I've previously mentioned, she reacted with a "love" reaction, specifically to the one confessing all his problematic fetishes (Denis's username on Facebook is Spot Mari).
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And when I confronted her about all of this, well...
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I hope everyone that reads this takes it into consideration for how they are gonna interact with the user @denisbored from now onwards. Since I confronted her she has been escaping any sort of callout or reflection, even to the point of keeping interaction with users who have proshippers on their DNI.
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prettyinpikk · 2 months ago
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This is a multi-part series. Credit for both OCs in this goes to @norvstforthvwickvd, and I want to thank my bestie @sologenny for helping me write this series.♡
Terry Richmond x OC! Stormi Montoya
18+, Augst, fluff, mention of shooting, killing, dying, and death, blood, childhood friends to lovers dynamic, choking, kissing, dom and sub, p in v, bondage, blindfolding, gagging, roleplaying, and hair pulling (eventually).
This is part 1 of A Soldier's Duty
Hector’s POV:
“ALL RIGHT CADETS! GET READY TO FIRE!” screamed my sergeant.
We were currently in Berlin, Germany for war. I was ready for anything to come my way. I had both guns loaded, and a cannon behind me just in case the enemy got too close, or tried to come from behind. My other team members were lined up just how we were taught, and how we practiced. We were just waiting for the German army to strike before us. Anyone or thing that tried to come at us would be completely debunked because of how much we’ve prepared for this very moment.
I saw a German soldier running toward our line, and our sergeant screamed “FIRE!” That was the only thing I heard before all the shots started firing. I watched each and every German soldier’s body drop towards the floor while our soldiers ran towards their bodies and stole their guns. We needed their guns to make sure that we had extra supplies since the US didn’t want to send more until the middle of December.
One by one, people were falling to their knees and I saw so many lifeless bodies, wondering if this was the end of any families’ hope and faith. Making sure that I wouldn’t be one of those bodies. I couldn’t leave the family I had back in America. Not now. Not today. Especially when I have Stormi waiting for me to come home.
“SHOOT THE CANNON!” We all heard Sergeant yelling repeatedly. A group of three, myself and two other soldiers, went towards the cannon. I completely forgot that I wasn’t supposed to leave the barricades that we’d set up abandoned. I had left my other team members to fend for themselves, when I’m one of the strongest people who’s enrolled, well that’s what I thought. I quickly realized my mistake after I shot the cannon and felt a warm feeling in my chest. I looked down to see blood coming straight out of my chest while I tried to put my hand over my chest to try to stop the bleeding. It wasn’t working. All I could think of at this moment was Stormi. And how she might never see me again if I don’t get medical help right now.
“While he entangled his hands in my hair, I made sure to open my mouth as wide as possible- WOAH! Stormi, what the hell do you have me reading?” I asked my younger sister as she wanted to show me this new book she’s been writing.
“What? It’s just called smut Hector. The writing class that I signed up for wants me to step out of my comfort zone, and the teacher said that it could be anything. It’s not like I’m gonna share this one out though.” She said as she shrugged her shoulders while eating a gogurt pack.
“Well tell your teacher to stop making you step out of your comfort zone. Got me reading shit that YOU don’t even need to be writing OR experiencing. Don’t let me catch you actually doing this shit Stormi.” I said while I mugged her and handed her book back.
Her teacher can keep the whole assignment. I want nothing to do with it and I hope she gets an A on whatever the hell that was.
I tried my hardest to run and get some help so they could dislodge the bullet. But I was too late. I didn’t know what to do. I was falling over my own feet and everything around me was fading. My vision was getting blurry and I just barely saw two soldiers coming to pick me up. I fought to keep my eyes open, but it wasn’t working. The only thing left on my mind was my sister. I can’t let her forget about me. “M-make sure t-to tell Stormi Montoy-ya I love h-her.” And with that, I officially closed my eyes.
~A week later ~
Stormi’s POV:
I was sitting in my office writing an overview for this article that my boss needed for a deadline that was pretty close before receiving a knock on the door. “Coming!” I yelled out at the continuing knock.
“Alright, alright I’m here!” I opened the door to see two marines standing there in their camo uniforms with an envelope, a folded flag, and a plaque of medals. “Are you Stormi Montoya?” one of the soldiers asked. “Yes, I am w-what’s going on?” I held onto the door for support not wanting to believe what was happening in front of me. “We as soldiers of this country are here to present you the medals and flag of your late brother Cadet Hector Montoya who passed in the line of duty Monday-” “OH GOD NOOO!” I let out my cries of terror as the cadet continued with the speech but I couldn’t care less my brother was dead. I stood there with my legs barely able to hold my body up as tears fell from my face and my body shaking with sorrow as I took the things from the soldiers and just closed the door, left with a big empty feeling in my chest. 
I looked down at the envelope that had my name on it in his handwriting on the front. Tears overflowed my vision as I broke down more, the grief taking over every inch of my body finally falling to my knees, cradling everything to my chest. “Hector!…. HECTOR!” I called and cried for my big brother pleading for him to come back. It was the same feeling that took over my life when our parents passed after I went to college. “Please Hector, I can’t be alone like this, you know I hate that. You promised to always come back.”
“Hector, where are you going?” I asked him as he packed a bag to go by Terry’s for the weekend. “I’m going by Terry’s house for the weekend. You know this Stormer I told you this five times already.” He said with a roll of his eyes but I knew he wasn’t really annoyed with me because of the affectionate nickname he always called me when he knew I was actually worried. “You’ll come back right?” I asked as I stood next to him. My 7-year-old self said in my Disney princess nightgown and bunny slippers. “Yea I'm coming back Stormer it’s only for the weekend and plus I’m your big brother I always come back.” Was the last thing he said before he gave a gap tooth smile.
I finally calmed down enough after a while to look at the letter that Hector wrote to me. I flipped it over to the back taking out the folded piece of paper, I felt another wave of tears wanting to come out again. I opened it to read:
Dear Stormer,
 “Oh God,” I said my voice cracking.
I missed you very much sis I want wanted to come home and tell ya about the crazy ass training I went through before the war in Berlin for the holidays and taste the cherry pie you said wanted to try to make on your own and to read over your recent works that you wrote. But if you got this letter that sadly means none of that can happen… Now I don’t you to go crying over me and the fact that I’m not here anymore. That doesn't mean I’m not still here for you. I want you to keep writing so maybe in the future you can show your kids all of your work like you did with me, but they’d probably end up being nerds like you and go write novels or something. I don't know, you always had the brains for stuff like this. Anyways I just want you to take care of yourself and even if you feel like you can’t Terry will look out for you. Just call him and he’ll answer for you. He promised me he would pick up where I left off if anything happened to me, to look out for you. I want you to be okay Stormer even if I'm not there. I just want you to be okay and you are not alone.
-Love your big brother, Hector
After reading the whole letter I just sat in the middle of my living room processing what I just read. My mind raced over the words, again and again, my pain flourishing into anger and hurt it was like he was ready to die as if he gave up the moment he stepped foot onto that field but I knew it was my mind and heart going through the stages of grief but I couldn’t help it, I already lost my parents and now my brother I just couldn’t take the pain anymore. 
I got up from the floor, putting my brother’s things down on the coffee table before I headed upstairs to my room and just flopped down on the bed. The side effects of me crying finally caught up to me causing me to drift off to sleep. Maybe I’ll wake up and this would all be a bad dream.
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figtrad · 8 days ago
Will the temptation of the island replicate the viral MONTOY currently on Netflix?
“Island in temptation“He arrived at Netflix with a very spicy story that could give viewers a strong feeling of Deja Vu. The controversial series chose Netflix as his new home after the new wave of interested spectators thanks to the peak entertainment, his sister “La Isla de las Tentaciones”. “Experienced island” is a well-known reality show created with a concept that enables the participants…
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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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Tramway station in Donnemarie-en-Montois, Brie region of France
French vintage postcard
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gamistuff · 8 days ago
Will the temptation of the island replicate the viral MONTOY currently on Netflix?
“Island in temptation“He arrived at Netflix with a very spicy story that could give viewers a strong feeling of Deja Vu. The controversial series chose Netflix as his new home after the new wave of interested spectators thanks to the peak entertainment, his sister “La Isla de las Tentaciones”. “Experienced island” is a well-known reality show created with a concept that enables the participants…
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damindf · 8 days ago
Will the temptation of the island replicate the viral MONTOY currently on Netflix?
“Island in temptation“He arrived at Netflix with a very spicy story that could give viewers a strong feeling of Deja Vu. The controversial series chose Netflix as his new home after the new wave of interested spectators thanks to the peak entertainment, his sister “La Isla de las Tentaciones”. “Experienced island” is a well-known reality show created with a concept that enables the participants…
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jfsabyblogs · 18 days ago
Le village de Saint-Loup-de-Naud (Seine-et-Marne)
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BLOG STOUPAK. Lun 15.04.2024. https://stoupak.jfsaby.fr/le-village-de-saint-loup-de-naud-seine-et-marne/ 1 VIDÉO. Entouré à l'ouest par de grandes plaines typiques de la Brie et au sud par les collines verdoyantes du montois et la vallée du Dragon, le village de Saint-Loup-de-Naud se distingue par son église…
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rugbyprime · 1 year ago
Transferts : Camacho (Bayonne) vers Béziers, Taofifenua prolonge à Biarritz… ça bouge chez les Basques et dans les Landes aussi
Hugo Camacho ne portera plus les couleurs de Bayonne. Il a signé à Béziers pour l’année prochaine – Icon Sport Que ce soit du côté de Bayonne ou du côté de Biarritz, il y a du mouvement sur la côte basque. Il y en a également dans les Landes du côté de Dax. Commençons par l’Aviron Bayonnais qui va laisser filer son jeune demi de mêlée Hugo Camacho (19 ans). Barré par la concurrence de Kléo…
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valentin10 · 28 days ago
Pro D2 : défait à Colomiers, le Stade Montois rechute à l'extérieur et retombe dans ses travers - ici
Mont de Marsan s’est incliné à Colomiers (53-20) lors de la 21e journée de Pro D2, une semaine après la défaite contre Provence Rugby et après deux victoires lors des deux derniers déplacements. Les Montois (11e) voient la quinzième place de barragiste se rapprocher. — À lire sur www.francebleu.fr/sports/rugby/pro-d2-defait-a-colomiers-le-stade-montois-rechute-a-l-exterieur-8190529
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lonesomemao · 5 months ago
Le diacre
Jérôme Montois
Quitte Roubaix
Après 15 années d'engagement
Son travail fini maintenant
Fin d'alien le ciel
Le reptilien méchant
Mercredi 6 novembre 2024
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