so tempted to ask what wip people would like me to finish first but i’ve asked this twice already and gotten the same. fucking. answer both times.
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slytherizz · 1 year
A Different Kind of Wager - Sebastian Sallow x Female!MC/Reader
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Summary: Sebastian makes a wager with his girlfriend that will make the outcome of their final Crossed Wands duel before their graduation far more interesting.
My main fic has been sucking the life out of me with the angst and suffering. So here is some shameless smut I've been working on!
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit sexual content, duelling as a questionable form of foreplay, Lucan Brattleby runs an illegal gambling operation
You can find all the tags on Ao3 :)
She nibbled idly on the end of her quill her brows drawn together in that cute little frown as it always graced her features when she was deep in concentration. With their NEWT’s closing in fast Sebastian felt like he’d barely seen anywhere but the inside of his dormitory and the dusty shelves of this library for weeks. 
Not that he was getting much work done. 
The blazing summer sun pouring through the windows made even the normally cool library stiflingly hot. Her tie was pulled loose where it hung around her neck, the top buttons of her blouse undone exposing the heat and blossoming beads of sweat on her clavicle were more than a bit distracting.
Over the last few weeks, Sebastian barely had enough time to sleep around his revision let alone spend any quality time with her outside of the library. Which had left him more than a bit frustrated that even a glimpse of skin was enough to have his thoughts so far from his own Potion’s essay.
So, he’d settled himself into the comfortable position of twirling her hair around one of his fingers whilst staring directly down her shirt. Sebastian hoped if he kept this up for long enough she’d eventually snap at his annoying prodding. If he got her wound up enough it would more often than not end in a frustrated fumble and if he got her seething which with how badly her history of magic revision seemed to be going was likely he’d work her up enough that she’d let him fuck her in the restricted section to release the tension.
A loud bang rang out echoing through the library as the heavy oak doors slammed pulling Sebastian abruptly from his fantasies. Sebastian cringed internally for the poor sod who had surely invoked Scribner’s wrath. He heard muffled apologies answer Scribner’s shrill scolding which rang through the echoing library like a bell. He’d been on the receiving end of one of the aged librarians foul moods more times than he cared to remember and did not envy the recipient.
Flushed with embarrassment, Lucan Brattleby scouted sheepishly once Scribner was satisfied he’d had an earful and moved her attentions elsewhere. Although taller now the fifth year was no less baby faced the scarlet of his robes accentuating the flush in his cheeks. As he spotted them from the far side of the library and hurried towards the back table where they’d sequestered themselves away.
“Ah, there you both are! Been looking all over the bloody castle for you.”
“Seventh-year Lucan,” she sighed rolling up her parchment with a smile “If we’re not in the library we’re crying in the toilets.”
“Not too busy for tonight I hope,” he smiled nervously, eyes wide in a pleading stare. 
Sebastian had forgotten, between preparation for NEWT’s and spending the week desperately trying to get his girlfriend alone a final match of the Crossed Wands was far from the top on his list of priorities.
“Don’t you worry we’ll be there,” she smiled before Sebastian could disagree with more than a few ideas of what he'd rather do with her in his free time.
Lucan breathed a sigh of relief “Good that would throw the entire betting pool out of sorts. Not that I can let you two in on the fun I’m afraid. Can’t have one of you throwing a match and making off with the pot,” he grinned, brown eyes alight with mischief “I have some class as to not allow insider betting…that and the Ravenclaws would have my head.”  
“Surely you can spare a kickback for old friends?” Sebastian quirked.
“You do it for the glory Sallow and you know it,” she grinned at him.
“Slight change of plans for tonight,” added Lucan blushing clearly seeing it painted across Sebastian’s face exactly what he’d rather be doing tonight. “We’re in the Astronomy Tower. Too many close calls with Professor Weasley in the Clocktower Courtyard.”   
“Don’t you worry we’ll be there. One last hurrah before exams completely destroy our social lives,” she sighed.
“I’ll see you both tonight!” Lucan clapped his hands together with glee looking between them conspiratorially before hurrying off.
If Sebastian was frustrated with their lack of time for each other now, he realised that would only get worse with exams looming over them edging closer. Sebastian leaned back in his chair and sighed dramatically, and he swore he saw her roll her eyes.
“It’s been ages since we duelled. It’ll be nice to do something apart from our usual verbal sparring,” she encouraged. But Sebastian’s thoughts were far from duelling when the idea struck him.
“Shame to let Lucan have all the fun," he said slowly leaning in close enough so his breath could disturb the loose hairs around her face "Care to make this more interesting?”
“I know that look. What are you plotting?”
“How about a little wager?”
“What kind of wager?” she narrowed her eyes at him.
Sebastian's eyes flicked around the room, as Lucan slammed the door a second time sending Scribner once again on the warpath. Directing her spitting rage towards some poor Gryffindor second-years who had tried to smuggle pumpkin pasties into the library and had gotten crumbs and oily fingerprints all over their books.
Satisfied they were secluded away from any prying eyes he hooked his finger under the hem of her long skirt where it had ridden up over her crossed legs. His hand stroked purposefully up the bare skin underneath, ghosting up the inside of her thighs teasing the soft skin with a gentle scratch of his fingernails that sent a shiver through her.
She looked at him half amused, but he could see how her pupils had been blown wide from the lightest touch that promised everything.
“I have some ideas.”
Even Sebastian was baffled at the sheer number of students who’d managed to sneak out of their common rooms to make the long trek to the Astronomy tower that night. Whoever had done the imperturbable charm had done an impressive job not a sound could be heard from outside of the classroom, despite the deafening din inside. There had to be at least fifty students crammed into the observation deck. They clang to the railings hitching themselves up high to get the best view.
“Last call to get your bets in. Come on don’t be shy!” Lucan shouted over the hectic crowd that had surrounded him. Students jostled each other as they attempted to push forward to get closer to the board. “I’ve got some 20:1 odds-on Prewitt - put your money on the Underdog and you could walk away with half the pot.”
Lucan was truly in his element. His left fist clutched full of betting slips, he scratched frantically with his chalk at the betting pool he’d meticulously crafted on the blackboard he must have nicked from the arithmancy classroom and lugged up to the tallest point of the castle. Students inspected the match-ups before shoving galleons into his waiting hands.
Sebastian really did admire his entrepreneurial spirit. Taking over an unsanctioned duelling club in your third year was one thing but making a profit off of it was a stroke of genius. He’d begun his enterprise last year started in with a few well-meaning bets and had now spiralled to a size where even students who’d never participated in the duelling themselves would attend every match just for a piece of the action.
Sebastian cast his eyes over the crowded room, a couple of overeager fourth years were stretching relishing that they’d made it this far in the tournament at all. A few Slytherin second-years in their pyjamas who looked very pleased with themselves for having managed to sneak out of the common room to watch the show were whispering huddled in the corner.
His eyes connected with hers across the far side of the room. She was leaning against the rickety balcony he suspected was only still standing due to magic embedded in the castle. She was smiling at him, the moon high in the sky illuminating her features bathing her in an ethereal glow. Despite the commotion in the tower, the nerves of competitors were so palpable Sebastian felt he could cut the tension with a knife she looked beautiful and serene. For a moment he considered doing away with the tournament and their wager all together and dragging her off to her secret hideaway opposite the tapestry of Barnabus the Barmy.
Sebastian battled against the grain of the crowd towards her. Weasley tried to grab his attention and pull him into a conversation about some combat-enhancing potions he was brewing but Sebastian patted the redhead on the shoulder placatingly never letting his eyes leave hers.
She smiled up at him a devilish glint in her eye as he came to lean against the banister beside her.
“You know if you want to back out of the bet I’ve thought of some creative forfeits,” he nudged her arm. She rolled her eyes; at the smug look he knew was plastered over his face. But he liked the way the small smile played on her lips. Lips that if he had his way wrapped around his cock before the night was up.
“Not scared of losing are you, Sallow?”
“Oh, not at all,” he leaned in closer, wrapping a strand of her hair around his finger to push it behind her ear. The smell of mallowsweet that always clung to her hair and clothes invaded his senses only making him more impatient to have that scent coating his skin “Just giving you the chance to save your knees while you still can.” He whispered into her ear low enough that only she could hear, relishing in the way she licked her lips instinctively at the thought. Despite the cool night breeze that came in through the open sides of the tower Sebastian could feel the heat creeping up his neck. Just as he’d decided to sack off the duels entirely and drag her away Lucan’s voice sounded over the muddle of raised voices.
“Right that it - Bets are closed. Sallow. Prewitt. Duellists take your marks for preliminaries!”
“See you in the final,” she winked and pushed him towards the middle of the tower. The red-head was already waiting looking insufferably smug as ever. Despite Sebastian’s general disdain for Prewitt, he did often find it amusing how even though he’d never once bested him in a duel he could delude himself into thinking this time could be any different.  
“This is my year, Sallow,” he called across from him taking an offensive stance.
“Sorry Prewitt, I have too much on the line to go easy on you tonight,” Sebastian replied not meeting the Gryffindor’s eyes instead turning slightly to wink at her.  
It wasn’t fate that landed her opposite him in the final duel that night. Sebastian had been quietly confident when he’d made his wager with her that it would always come down to the two of them. As much as Lucan insisted that his matchups were done completely at random, and he’d never sully his reputation with such cheap tricks. Lucan also knew people liked a show of seeing their two best duellers face off against each other. Having them knock each other out in the first round, well that would be bad for business.
Sebastian was certain he could live a hundred lifetimes and still remember the way she moved. As if it was seared into his brain that first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. She was like a raging storm, and he was a lost ship being pulled out to sea. That ancient magic in her veins practically glowing like an azure snake crackled amongst her fingertips like the poised lightning of a vengeful god ready to send his sails and crew to a watery grave.  
Their dance began. She still duelled as if she was some untamed wind whirling reactively and unrefined. Her wand lashing out from her fast like a whip, she cast with her whole body. The wand was not just a tool but a very extension of herself. Never one for fancy charms she sent a confringo towards him that singed the edges of his cloak and sent the crowd quickly leaping from their view around the railings as the curse hurtled towards them. She’d leave her left side fully exposed and just as fast as he’d send a curse flying in her direction, she’d pivot so quickly the vulnerability was lost in a flurry of robes and hair. He parried and struck with his wand missing his mark again and again as she moved like a knife through butter. As they twirled around the moving iron plates marked with stars, they used this new terrain to their advantage. Taking cover when the discs shifted blocking their opponent and their spells from view only to spring from the other side with curses of their own. Sweat glistened faintly on her brow, and a wide grin spread across her face that he knew was mirrored on his own.
His eyes met her across the devilish glint in her eyes practically stopping his heart for a moment. The rest of the world, the crowds slipped away and there was only her. Her fire, her perfect storm.
It took his brain a moment to right itself and realised he’d been hit, and he was now meeting her piercing gaze with his arse firmly on the floor. Her brow gleamed with sweat, hair tangled and wild, blazing with victory. A goddess of war, triumphant. And she was his.
As suddenly as they disappeared the crowds seemed to come flooding back in a riotous cheer as they surrounded her. Weasley slapped her on the back his face broken into a wide toothy grin. He peeled off from the crowd hand outstretched to assist Sebastian to his feet. He gratefully took it dusting himself off, chuckling to himself.
“Tough luck mate,” he smiled placatingly. “I would say there’s always next time but that was your last shot. I’m afraid you’re out of the history books now. I lost eight sickles betting on you as well.” He ran his fingers through his ginger hair frowning to himself stewing over his lost winnings.
Sebastian smiled at him apologetically despite the fact he couldn’t give two shits about Weasley’s shrapnel not when he had a debt of his own, one that he was eager to pay.
Sebastian leaned against the railings in wait for her. The crowd swarmed around her dragging her this way and that, chattering over each other each eager to get her ear. Some cheered some muttering reluctant congratulations looking away enviously as Lucan handed those who had bet on her their winnings. Not nearly as much as the house would take however as Lucan lined his pockets.
Sebastian was beginning to grow impatient, it felt like an eternity as he waited for the crowds to finally disperse. This earned him a few smirking looks, everyone thought he was embarrassed, and Hogwarts' self-proclaimed ‘best dueller’ had been bested yet again. He played the part of the good sport despite his growing frustration, laughing off the snide little barbs from the likes of the insatiably competitive Imelda and most shockingly even a mocking glare from old Puffskein Dunkein. The audacity of a man afraid of puffskein to look at him like that Sebastian almost laughed out loud.
When at last a pair of gushing fourth-year Hufflepuffs girls had finally left her side whispering and giggling as they left the tower to follow the rest of the crowd. Sebastian slipped up behind clearing his throat as she turned to him eyes bright with triumph.
“So…what was all that about saving my knees?”
“No need to show off, pet. It doesn’t suit you,” he grinned slowly encroaching in on her. The once deafening tower was now quiet and still. The only lights left were the soft moonlight and glowing stars. Sebastian thought if he listened hard enough, he could hear her heartbeat increase with every step he took towards her.
She released a loud undignified snort of laughter “That’s rich coming from you.”
Sebastian silenced her pressing his lips hard against hers in a desperate kiss that ignited a fire in his bones. With the pressure of NEWTs, he hadn’t realised how starving he was for her touch. He nipped at her bottom lip and she gasped parting her lips just enough so he could slip his tongue between them to tangle with her own. His hands ghosted down her sides wrapping around her so he could pull her flush against him. He knew she’d already be able to feel his already hardening length exposing exactly where his thoughts were as they pressed into her. He pulled away from her a little breathless, freckled hands coming up to clasp her cheeks.
“A debt is owed, pet. Ready to collect?”
“What now? Here?”
“Did I not mention it’s a time-sensitive offer?”
She huffed out a surprised laugh as she met his eyes. But he noticed that telltale way she bit down on the inside of her cheek, noted how even in the low light her pupils were blown wide as saucers. He kissed her again more passionately this time, edging her towards the small table in the corner covered in ripped-up betting slips from sore losers and broken astronomy equipment.
In his haste, Sebastian swept the papers and objects littering the table a telescope clattered to the floor with a loud metallic clang. He gripped her hips forcefully and lifted her to plant her on the edge of the desk. He kissed up the column of her throat savouring every rasping vibration against his lips as her breathing caught in her throat.
“You were excellent, darling. Thought you might actually finish me off,” he murmured against her skin as he loosened her tie around her neck as he had done his own. He could already see a flush creeping up her clavicle as he worked the buttons exposing more of the stained flesh beneath. Her skin was salty on his tongue but after a week of nothing but longing looks and stolen kisses it tasted like ambrosia. He pulled the offending garment from around her shoulders throwing it unceremoniously to the floor. He pulled at the ribbons letting her stays flutter open before pulling the thin silky chamise over her head. Her nipples pebbled fully exposed as the night air swept in through the tower, mussing her hair. He brought the crown between his teeth tongue flicking out to tease the flesh and she groaned. Her hand came to settle on her neglected left breast pinching the twin between her own fingers. Wickedly gorgeous a movement that he knew meant she ached as much for him this last week as he did her. He released her from his teeth and kissed her quickly. Grinning Sebastian ran his hands up her thighs fingers pressing hard into those sinfully tight trousers she wore.
He hooked his fingers into her waistband as she lifted her hips assisting him as he peels her trousers and knickers off of her legs. She wriggled her feet out of the bottom and Sebastian discarded them next to her shirt in a pile on the floor. Bare and laid out before him he cursed himself for ever letting her wear clothes at all.
Dropping to his knees Sebastian coaxed her legs apart by peppering kisses along the inside of her thighs. Pausing momentarily to nip and suck small bruises on the tender flesh as he worked up towards the apex of her thighs. He bent her knees up to rest them on either side of his shoulders, he pulled her hips sharply forward spreading her out before him like his last meal.
“Did you like seeing me on my back as much as you do between your thighs?” he goaded. Her lips parted to reply but all that came out was a low whine as Sebastian flicked his tongue across her bundle of nerves. Her hips jolted forward in search of reprieve. More pleasure only he could give to her. A pleasure he now owed her.
He dragged his tongue across her clit more purposefully this time. Her hands shot down to knot almost painfully in his hair, as he kept him close to her aching heat demanding the payment that was due. Sebastian was a lot of things; ruthless at worst, an insufferable show-off at best but he was not a sore loser. He sealed his mouth over her aching heat, burying her tongue in her folds.
The sight of her above him he doubted there was a more perfect sight in this world. She was bare and spread out like a nymph from some Greek tragedy and he was a mere disciple who had come to pray at her altar. He chased her sounds, swirling his tongue around her nub lapping up every drop she offered to him. He dragged his tongue across her weeping entrance, a broad stroke with the flat part of his tongue. From the way her legs had already begun to tremble, he knew she had been aching for this, for his touch just as much as he had. He always marvelled at how quickly she came undone when he used his tongue, but with how much he’d been driven practically mad with need all week he wanted to savour this. Every flash of skin, the sway of her hips, when she leaned in too close, and her scent seeped into his mind had him as pent up as he had been before they were together and all thought of her had been a mere albeit all-consuming fantasy. So, he wanted to take his time with her, use that control he had over her and bring her to the brink and back until she was a crumpled mess.
She writhed sinful curses and breathy moans slipping from her lips as she ground her hips forward seeking relief on the flat part of his tongue. He was teasing her he knew. Edging her closer and closer towards that summit of bliss and that wasn’t part of their deal. But after a week of nothing but stolen kisses and fumbles above their clothes in quiet classrooms and hidden alcoves, he wanted her to come crashing down when she was near breaking and begging for release.
Just as he felt her legs begin to clamp together practically suffocating him between her thighs he ceased his ministrations of his tongue, sucking small bruises on the inside of her thighs. Not that Sebastian thought suffocating between her thighs was a particularly bad way to go out. He released her clit switching between sinking his teeth into her soft skin before swiping the marks with his tongue.
“Seb- what the fuck?” she groaned in protest, she bucked her hips towards him practically at breaking point in need of her release. Her fingers smoothing his mop of chestnut hair he guessed now looked even more tangled and wild than usual as she desperately tried to pull him back towards her aching heat.
Sebastian released his grip on her thighs, skimming his fingers along the inside of her thighs leaving goosebumps in his wake before he slid his fingers into her tight heat. Her eyelashes fluttered as he teased her open with two freckled fingers. He crooked his fingers and grinned as her light panting transformed into keening mewls as he hit that sweet spot inside of her that made her crumble from the inside out. He knew it was cruel to make her wait, she had earnt her prize fair and square, but he’d been starving for her for all week, and he wanted to feel her come undone harder than he ever had. Even if it took all night. He pumped his digits slowly coaxing her towards the brink again with each purposeful thrust. She was practically vibrating, so dangerously close to the edge Sebastian thought he saw the ghosts of tears in her eyes as she writhed desperately.  
“Sebastian, please. I can’t- Fuck,” she groaned desperately. Sebastian sealed his mouth over her clit and sucked - devouring the quivering nub.
The combination of sensations must practically set fire to all her nerves. Even if no one had heard the unsanctioned duelling tournament he still wouldn’t be surprised if they heard her now. The loud unabashed cry that she released as her earth shattered even her legs clamped around his ears did little to muffle her glorious sounds. Despite his own need twitching almost painfully in his trousers at the sight of her shuddering release; all Sebastian cared about was prolonging her bliss. He lapped purposefully at her swollen flesh as she rode his fingers forcing her hips down onto them. Each thrust is more forceful than the last. He’d gladly let her wake the whole castle with her strangled cries. Let them all hear the pretty sounds the Hero of Hogwarts only made for him.
Her legs at last went boneless panting hard as she collapsed back on her elbows. Her head lolled helplessly to the side as she gazed at him through hooded eyes of admiration and desire. She looked practically drunk at the sight of him still buried between her legs.
“My congratulations to the victor,” he said smugly. Licking the residual wetness that still coated his lips as he at last removed his fingers from her tight heat. His tongue laved at the bruises he sucked on the inside of her thighs soothing their ache. He travelled up her pausing only to run his nose through the sparse hairs at the apex of her thighs which made her groan again as his heated breath tickled her still-sensitive nub. Impatient at his torturous pursuit up her body her hands clasped his freckled cheeks to pull him towards her. She claimed his lips not caring to wipe his mouth. She nipped greedily at his bottom lip her tongue flicking out to meet his won as she tasted the need her body had for him still sweet on his lips.
Her hands ghosted across his hipbones that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. The scratch of her fingernails had Sebastian’s hips instinctively jerked towards her. Chasing his own need for release rutting forward his still-clothed member twitching against her exposed heat. She captured the grunt he released with her lips her deft fingers frantically working the buckle of his belt. He encircled her wrists with a large hand stopping her pursuit.
“Ah- Ah. You won fair and square. No need for that,” he grinned. He could practically feel his own body cursing the part of his mind that wasn’t completely overcome with desire for the witch spread out before him and was still capable of rational thought. He focused on the need his cock had to claim her into his lips fastening his teeth over her fluttering pulse.
“Don’t make me beg,” she groaned. With the little room she had to move her hands in his grip she pulled him forward by his belt loops more forcefully until his hips were flushed against her. Even through his trousers, he could feel the heat from between her thighs that made his cock twitch demandingly.
“But I so love it when you do.” His hands buried into her hair in a possessive grip to pepper kissed along her jaw.
“Shut up and fuck me already,” she practically growled, palming his cock through the fabric. Sebastian knew he would grant any request from her lips. Taking her hips in a bruising grip she yelped as her backside was pulled sharply over the edge of the rickety table. He didn’t let her fall instead letting her weight pass to him flipping her around so she could take a firm hold of the table and steady herself. She turned to look at him, her eyes hooded pupils blown wide biting so hard on her bottom lip he thought she might draw blood. To the world, she was a triumphant warrior, a heroine forged in fire and bloodshed but for him and only him in secret moments stolen under darkness and moonlight, she would shed that armour. And give herself to being his to claim and conquer.
Sebastian shucked his trousers down forcefully kicking them off from around his ankles. His cock sprang free of its prison, arching proudly in front of him. Sebastian swiped his fingers through her still soaking folds coating his fingers in her slick and his spit.
“Please Sebastian-” she whimpered at the contact, desperate to feel more than just his fingers inside her. He teased her kiss-swollen bottom lip down, pushing his digits roughly into her mouth. She closed her mouth greedily around his fingers languidly dragging her tongue to clean them off. Her pupils were blown wide as black as the night sky; he almost came completely undone just at the lusty look she was giving him. He could wait any longer to be inside her and feel her around him. Sebastian angled his hips and breached her walls with a strong deliberate thrust. She released a strangled cry her head lolled against her shoulder her desperation to finally be filled by him satiated.
“Fuck-” Sebastian hissed. He didn’t wait for her to adjust to him as he took her hip in a bruising grip thrusting his hips forward. Still tender and swollen from how he’d already made her quake her oversensitive walls fluttered around his cock as she took the entirety of him. As he rocked his hips into her Sebastian thought he could rename every star in the sky with the speed with which filthy moans and praise to him and everything he made her feel tumbled from her lips. Each is more wonderous than the last.
He hastily undid the remaining buttons on his shirt to admire his incessant plunges into her warmth. Only caring about how she practically swallowed him whole.  
“Taking me so well,” he grunted, rough and low. Her spine curved at his praise drawing him in deeper. The head of his cock teased that sweet spot inside her. The more of her weight shifted backwards the more she arched towards him until she was flushed against him and rutting her hips back frantically in search of more friction. He slowed his pace to draw himself almost fully out of her before filling her again with a languid thrust. “Tell me how it feels darling.”
“Incredible. Fuck- I’ve needed you all week- inside me. Please Seb more,” she whimpered.
He wondered how many students dreamt of having her and how even they in all their wildest fantasies couldn’t begin to imagine what it was like to take her under the stars.
He pressed his forehead into her shoulder, wrapping his arm around her to settle on the curve of her stomach. Holding her in place so he could increase his tempo slamming home hard. Each thrust into her tight heat drew keening mewls as he edged her closer towards her second climax.
Sebastian could feel that coil inside him tightening threatening to snap. He wanted to feel her crash down around him. He didn’t just crave it. He needed it. Like a man lost in the desert and she was his oasis gulping down water greedily until he was sick with it. Sebastian curled his hand around her throat, squeezing just enough that a choked whine could still escape from her lips as her head began to spin. Each finger that pressed around her delicate neck said the words his sex-addled mind couldn’t make his mouth form.
Only I can make you feel like this. You are mine. I am yours. I love you.
He pulled her backwards harder onto his cock by her throat, spearing her with brutal efficiency. Curling his fingers tighter his other hand slipped down the planes of her stomach to apply soft pressure to her hooded bundle of nerves sending a shock through her like a burst of electricity. He could feel her body begin to clench and tremble around him in a way that was maddening. Whatever words she tried to speak came out as little more than a garbled cry over the grip around her delicate neck.
“Come for me, darling. Please- I can’t hold back any longer. I need to feel you come undone all over my cock,” Sebastian groaned into the shell of her ear as he began to tease furious circles over her still-swollen clit.
Sebastian doubted there was a more beautiful sight than the witch he loved unravelling under the full force of his fingers and his cock. Her walls clenched around him. Spasming and contracting as they sucked him in impossibly deeper into her cunt as she let out a shriek. With a final uneven snap of his hips that coil inside him snapped and his own release spilling inside her. His hips spluttered, pumping it deeper into her, her name and filthy praise erupting from his lips in a sound he could only liken to a primal whine.
Her body was flushed with a thin sheen of sweat that coated her glittering under the moonlight. His forehead came to rest between her shoulder blades he released his hold on her throat to wrap his arms around her as she struggled to stay upright on weakened trembling legs. He peppered soft apologetic kisses across the small bruises that were beginning to bloom around her throat. Still buried deep inside her his thumb stroking her nub gently, she whined and bucked her hips to try and shake off the overstimulation. She chuckled against her skin, and at last, releasing the small bundle of nerves she sighed with relief.
He removed himself from her aching core and she groaned at the loss of him inside her. As if she only felt whole when he was filling her completely. On shaking legs, he guided her over to rest gently on the edge of the desk again. He kissed her more gently now and she hummed against his lips. A pleasureful little sound that even despite being completely spent had him wondering if he could muster up the energy to take her again as his tongue flicked lazily out tangling with her own.
“I love you,” he smiled and she practically glowed. To him, she was brighter and more beautiful than any star that any astronomer could find in the farther reaches of the cosmos.
“You let me win, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mused, pushing her hair behind her ears absentmindedly. 
“Either way the result was the same. You’ve been looking up at me from your back since you were fifteen,” she smiled slyly, her eyes twinkling with mirth. She bent down to scoop up her trousers before shimmying back into the tight material that he still had no idea how she got away with wearing the wildly inappropriate attire on the school grounds.
“Oh- You want a rematch? I’d be more than happy to take my winnings.”
“Oh, I’m sure you would be.”
“Care to make it more interesting?”
“I’m listening,” she grinned. His little witch had always been a thrill seeker, but their rematch was a contest he wasn’t willing to lose. He didn’t just want her mouth. He wanted her hand.
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leclerc-s · 10 months
big reputations - part two
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user1 nah, the interviewer was so wrong for this. you know he wanted to say himself.
user2 daniel's blushing over this. i just know it.
user3 fernando is probably giggling over all of this. we've all see the tiktoks he's posted.
user4 daniel dragged his best friend along to see his future gf at a concert.
user5 this man is giggling like a schoolgirl over a woman who's not even his girlfriend.
user6 daniel, baby, this isn't like you. what about our farm, our six dogs, 3 kids, 2 goats, 12 chickens, and 4 cows?
↳ user7 babygorl, delulu is not the solulu. not this time.
↳ user8 girl wants to raise a whole ass fucking zoo
↳ user6 i've grown up in the country, i am surrounded by animals
↳ user8 that explains it
user9 the interviewer heard we wanted the tea on what happened at the eras tour and she was not going to stop until she got answers. too bad daniel is good at keeping secrets
user10 oh this man so desperately wanted to say himself but had to stop from doing so.
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alex albon i get asked about the eras tour one more time i will lose it!
max verstappen someone's bitter they didn't get a chance to go. alex albon YES! I AM! IT'S ALL LILY WILL TALK ABOUT! WE DESERVED THE RIGHT TO GO!
daniel ricciardo well that's up for debate. i waited ages in line to buy those tickets. did you?
daniel ricciardo i only had three extra tickets??
lando norris THREE? WHO WAS THE THIRD??
daniel ricciardo kelly? penelope's mom?
lando norris oh. i forgot about that.
charles leclerc you forgot penelope had a mother?
lando norris i plead the fifth
logan sargeant YOU'RE BRITISH?? THAT DOESN'T WORK ON YOU! lando norris I CAN BE WHATEVER I WANT TO BE! logan sargeant OF COURSE YOU CAN YOU'RE A COLONIZER! lando norris AT LEAST WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS! logan sargeant YOU CAN'T USE THE SAME FUCKING COMEBACK EVERY TIME ASSHOLE! oscar piastri okay, we are not doing this again logan sargeant YOU STAY OUT OF THIS KOALA!
lewis hamilton can you three be mature?
logan sargeant in the words of the colonizer, 'i don't wanna mature'
fernando alonso por dios, estan locos. (my god, they're crazy)
sergio perez obvio, no estan nada normal (obviously, they're not normal)
george russell i don't speak spanish but all i understood was normal.
alex albon because it's spelled the same way in spanish and english
carlos sainz they're talking shit about the three stooges.
george russell thank you siri!
kevin magnussen so daniel how's your hand?
daniel ricciardo thanks for asking kevin! at least i know someone here cares about my wellbeing.
daniel ricciardo i'm currently texting with one hand because i have to go into surgery soon. it's only a broken bone. if i don't make it back don't let fernando date daphne jones!
max verstappen glad to know you have your priorities straight.
daniel ricciardo of course.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! you cannot convince me that logan and lando haven't had a similar argument at least once and poor oscar was stuck as mediator between them.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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mj-iza-writer · 9 months
This is experimental, and anonymous gave me the idea for doomy and gloomy, and I've been rolling it in my brain for the day. I can't help but brighten the end though. -MJ
Sorry it's long, I put in 'read more' to shorten it. I hope you enjoy.
Post Apocalyptic Whump.
"We'll stop here for tonight", Leader nearly collapsed with the weight of Whumpee on their back, "how are you doing Whumpee?"
"Hmmm", Whumpee moaned.
"That's what I was afraid of", Leader sighed as the team helped get Whumpee down from their back.
"Please just kill me", Whumpee whispered as the team unwrapped their bandaged arm, "I'm slowing you down."
"I'm not doing that", Leader looked over the arm, "we are going to get you medical help, and you will be okay. I promise you. You are just as essential to our team as the rest of us."
Whumpee fell quiet as they looked over the arm.
"I'm not going to sugar coat it. Your flesh seems to be rotting away from your body", the medic carefully moved the arm, "this infection has spread really fast."
"There must have been something more in that rust you got cut on", Leader frowned.
"It hurts", Whumpee looked at Leader and Medic.
Medic pulled out their stash of painkillers and eyed Leader, "we need to get them to that Doctor before I run out of these."
"I'll be okay", Whumpee quickly stated, "I don't need any right now, see if anyone else needs them."
"Whumpee?", Leader sadly scratched Whumpee's head.
"I'll be okay, I know others in our group are hiding their pain. They need it too", Whumpee frowned, "can we wrap that up so I can go to sleep."
The night was long for Whumpee they kept as quietly as possible as the others slept. They thought about the doctor, hoping they would actually help.
'Medical help is scarce nowadays', Whumpee reminded themself, 'I may be too far gone when we get their. They won't want to waste it on me.'
They heard Leader wake up, they faked sleeping.
"I know you're awake", Leader leaned over to them, "you need to get some sleep."
"What if.... what if they won't help us?", Whumpee whispered, "what if I'm too far gone?"
"We can't dwell on that. We can only go there and see. If that happens, then we will think about our next steps", Leader patted their head, "please keep your hopes alive. In our current world, we need to hold onto hope."
Leader wrapped Whumpee in a hug and they both managed to fall asleep.
The next day, they made it to the City of Sanctuary, these were places where many top doctors, scientists, and many others were kept protected. People could come in for a few days at a time for rest and to see the doctors.
"Sanctuary please", Leader almost pleaded as they knocked at the gate.
A screen opened and a face peaked out.
"What do you seek?", the person asked.
"We are five survivors from City D, we seek medical. Four of us need to be checked, but our fifth member has a bad infection on their arm", Leader stated, "we beg of you."
"You said City D, that's a long walk", the person looked at them all, they glanced at Whumpee on Leader's back, "is that the one with the infection?"
"Yes sir", Leader sighed, "you were our closest City of Sanctuary, our closest hope."
"Okay come in", the person closed the screen, then opened the gate to let them in.
As they walked through the settlement, many others sanctuary seekers watched them with saddened faces.
They were led into a private room to rest.
"Let me see the infection and see how bad it is", the person came around to a table and patted it.
Leader carefully set Whumpee down on the table and watched the person unwrap the arm.
Whumpee winced as the bandage pulled rotten skin off. They all watched as the skin dropped to the person's shoes.
"That's not good", the person sighed as they looked over the arm, "I have two people in mind, can you other four wait for us to take care of the arm, or should I bring some doctors to do your checkups as well?"
Leader looked at all the team members. They all agreed that Whumpee would need to be the main priority for right now.
"Whumpee needs to be treated as soon as possible", Leader looked at Whumpee, "we can wait."
Two doctors came in. One instantly looked at Whumpee and left shaking their head.
"That's not good", Whumpee looked at Leader.
"Don't mind them", the second doctor stepped up to the table, "let's see what's going on, my name is Caretaker."
Leader introduced everyone in the group.
"We can't lose Whumpee sir", Leader frowned, "they are important to our group."
"I'll see what I can do", the doctor looked over the arm, "what exactly happened?"
"Our home in City D was attacked by another group, it was burnt down in the end", Medic sighed, "on our way out a few of us got some minor burns. I was able to take care of these. Whumpee got their arm sliced open by some rusty metal. It looked fine at first, and I was treating it as normal. I think there was something in the rust though."
"Are you a doctor?", Caretaker looked up shocked.
"Not quite, I'm a nurse practitioner though", Medic sighed.
"Got you", Caretaker smiled, "I'd hate say it, but I can't save the arm."
Whumpee looked at Leader then looked down.
"Now, now don't look so sad. We have two options. I can amputate this arm to the shoulder and give medicine to fight any infection coursing through your blood. You'll be here for a few weeks while you recover, I'll need to monitor your healing. You'll all receive sanctuary for that long as well.
"What's the second option?", Leader looked at them.
"We offer medicine to Whumpee to make them comfortable until they die. They won't survive much longer like this", Caretaker watched their reactions, "again you will all receive sanctuary until they pass."
"What's the survival rate if you amputate the arm", Leader looked at Whumpee.
"If it's successful and heals well, they have a good chance", Caretaker sat down beside Whumpee, "I can have that arm removed in 60 minutes give or take. A colleague and I will do it together along with a few nurses. We've done this before."
Leader kept staring at Whumpee.
"Whumpee I suggest you let them do the amputation", Medic spoke up.
"It's Whumpee's choice", Leader sighed, "although I agree and don't want to lose Whumpee, they have to be the one losing the arm."
Everyone, including Caretaker, turned to Whumpee, but before an answer could be given the door was slammed open.
"Caretaker, we can't use our services to save a dying person", the doctor that had walked away earlier came in quickly. Clearly, he was eavesdropping.
"What?", Leader looked at then angrily, "is this not a City of Sanctuary. We seaked you out, walked all the way here, and you deny us."
"You four can receive care...."
"Stop", Caretaker cut in, "I will not allow you to stop me from treating this team. I can save them, and I am going to do it. Whether you like it or not."
The person scoffed.
"Go get Benjamin we have a person to save", Caretaker turned to Whumpee, "let's try to amputate, I promise you I think it will work."
The person stormed away as Whumpee nodded.
The team sat outside as the procedure was done. Several teams had come by to talk about their travels, and what was next for this world they were trapped in.
Caretaker and Benjamin came out a while later both grinning.
"It was successful", Caretaker announced, "Whumpee will be out for a while, so we have time to take care of you four."
"Let them be seen first, I'll wait", Leader looked at them, "I want my team to be taken care of."
After the other three were taken care of, Caretaker came out for Leader, who was leaned up against the wall.
Medic came out with a big smile and a fully stocked medical bag.
"Great", Leader grinned.
"You got some goodies", Leader grinned.
Medic nodded enthusiastically.
"I'll see you next", Caretaker opened the door.
Caretaker waited while Leader undressed and got ready for the exam.
"You know you're one of the better leaders that have come through here", Caretaker started to turn to Leader, "you take good care of your te.... what the heck is that?"
Leader smiled weakly, "the day before the world went to hell, I had open heart surgery. I wasn't able to return to have the stitches removed. No one on my team knows about this, and it needs to stay that way."
"May I", Caretaker started to walk over to them.
"Yep that's fine", Leader sighed.
"Your skin has grown around the stitches now, it will hurt a lot to take these out", Caretaker ran their fingers down the stitches.
"Yes I know. I'm fine with them staying their, they don't bother me anymore", Leader sighed, "it's part of me I guess. Please don't tell my team though, I don't need them to worry."
Caretaker studied Leader, "I'm going to say it again, I've seen pretty good leaders come through here, you are a great leader though", Caretaker marveled, "I wish I could help you with that.... do you want me to try."
"No, no. I don't need any open wounds to deal with", Leader frowned, "like I said it doesn't bother me anymore, and I don't have to worry about infections with them left in."
Caretaker shook their head, "okay, um, I guess let's get you taken care of."
Leader stepped out of the room after all was done. The team was waiting outside.
Caretaker came out a few minutes after.
"Whumpee is awake, but a little loopy from the drugs and the infection. I believe they will make a full recovery though", Caretaker looked at Leader, "you made it just in time, any longer would have probably been different.
"Thankyou... for everything", Leader smiled.
Everyone also thanked Caretaker.
"I'll be in to check on you in a while", Caretaker walked away, "I'll bring dinner."
Everyone went into see Whumpee. It would take a while to get use to, they knew that. They were happy to have Whumpee, that's all that mattered.
Later, Caretaker came in with someone else, both carried food.
"This is one of the leaders in this Sanctuary City", Caretaker introduced as they handed the food out.
Leader helped Whumpee, who was struggling to figure out their one arm.
"I need to ask", the cities leader handed one last food item, "I heard one of your team members is a nurse practioner."
"You've kept your team healthy this whole time, that just shows how good you are at your job", the leader continued, "would you be interested in staying in our city."
"Yes", Medic raised their hand as they hurried to eat.
"I-I would, but I can't leave my team they need me", Medic looked at the members.
"You wouldn't have to", the leader continued, "your team can stay here, I understand your hideout was burnt down. You could all stay in our City of Sanctuary. Caretaker can keep an eye on the injured members of the team as well. We need a nurse practitioner here."
"Injured?", Medic looked around, "you mean just Whumpee, right?"
Leader shot a glare at Caretaker.
"Yes Whumpee of course", Caretaker jumped in.
"Can we talk about this and give an answer tomorrow?", Medic replied.
When the five were alone they eyed Leader.
"What do we think", Leader sighed and looked at everyone.
"Where else do we have to go, City D doesn't feel like home anymore", someone replied.
"We traveled all the way here. I was getting sick of being nomadic, honestly", another stated, "we will be close to medicine and have shelter."
"It would be nice to be in a protected area, maybe even get updated quickly on the world's progress", Leader watched Whumpee struggle to open their water canteen, "plus Whumpee may have a better chance in case the infection did spread", Leader reached for the canteen.
Whumpee looked at them all in defeat.
"I think most of us are in agreement, but it is up to Medic. The city seems to be most interested in them", Leader looked at Medic, who was in deep thought, "Medic would be working hard for us to stay here. I will agree with whatever Medic wants to do, and follow their lead."
Whumpee sighed, "I miss my arm", they smiled a little, "I agree with Leader, though. I'll follow what Medic wants to do."
"I have to agree", Medic finally answered, "their isn't much else out their for us. City D was getting to be dangerous, and the nomadic lifestyle isn't safe. We could be in areas where we won't get news and updates", Medic paused.
"I know I will be busy, but that's what I signed up for isn't it? I wanted to help people. This may be my chance to use my skills", Medic looked at Leader, "I think we should stay here, at least as long as we can."
They all sat together quietly, enjoying the peace they felt.
"I have to be honest", Leader finally stated, "it's been something I've kept secret for this long, and I think Caretaker is pulling a few more strings than what we think."
"What do you mean?", Medic looked at them along with everyone else.
"Before all of this, I had open heart surgery. Quite literally the day before", Leader pulled up their shirt to reveal the old stitches, "I was never able to get them taken out after, and I couldn't risk having an open wound."
They all gasped.
"Your skin has grown over it now, that's going to be hard to remove", Medic looked closer, "why didn't you tell us?"
"They never bothered me. It's fully healed, so I let them go", Leader smiled sheepishly, "Caretaker saw them when I had my check up, I'm sure they are going to try to remove them sometime. I might allow it even."
"You're getting these removed", Medic scolded, "you're crazy for letting that go this long."
"It was safer for one thing, instead of going around with opened wounds. It was long healed by the time you joined our group so you wouldn't have been able to do it either. Plus where wasni supposed to go?", Leader argued, "I'll let them take it out when they are ready."
After a while, they all started to relax again. They huddled close together, and within a few minutes, all of them were fast asleep.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @weirdthingweee
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sometimesbrave · 9 months
warnings: slapping
June 1985
"You'll be the saddest part of me
A part of me that'll never be mine.
It's obvious. Tonight is gonna be the lonliest"
- The Lonliest by Måneskin
Baba came up with the plan: a series of dropoffs, which will make tracking Deva and Amma more difficult. The fifth driver said that he was supposed to hand them over to the next driver in Hyderabad. When he went away to get them some food in the morning and returned, Deva and Amma were gone. After Deva and Amma's escape from Khansaar, Raja Mannar had his goons round up everyone involved in the matter.
All the seven drivers and Baba were beaten brutally and imprisoned. The fifth driver was tortured the most. He pleaded for his life but he never changed his answer.
Varadha remembers that he was slapped by his father across his face so hard that he fell to the ground. He remembers his father spat on the floor and walked away. After that, the rest of that day was blurry.
The search for Deva and Amma continued.
Now, Varadha's only priority was to get Baba and the drivers out of prison. He requested to meet his father everyday to no avail. He met every Dhora who gave him a chance. Most of them only agreed to meet him to reiterate his pathetic position and feel superior. Those who were sympathetic wanted him to let go of this issue, clean his hands of it and let others bear the burden of his decisions. They wanted him to understand his luck that he is not dead or rotting in prison because his father spared him.
Varadha did not stop. He and Baachi needed Baba. The only solace Varadha had during this year was his brother. Baachi was only 5 years old and he missed Baba very much. Varadha played with his brother and dodged every question the kid had about Baba, their mother or their father. He lied that Aai is in heaven because she turned into an angel on his birthday. He lied that their father doesn't visit them anymore because he is an astronaut on the moon. He lied that Baba will come home soon after defeating all the evil monsters in the forest. Because Baachi was only a child, he didn't need the truth. He only needed a story. Sometimes, Varadha only needed a story to get through the day.
Months passed. Every second ticking at the slowest pace.
Varadha celebrated New Year 1986 in the balcony of their house with his brother sitting in his lap. Baachi was giggling and clapping his chubby fists when he saw the fireworks light up in the sky. Varadha hugged him tightly and desperately wished for Aai, Baba, Amma and Deva to appear before him. He just wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family.
tags: @deadloverscity @ghostdriftexistence @sambaridli, @rambheem-is-real @sinistergooseberries @vardhamannartitties, @moonnpaww @literariyumi @sana2410 @varadevaficrecs
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verybadatwriting · 1 year
The Healer 4
Summary: Reader is captured by Hydra again. 
Warnings: Blood, torture, needles, gore, angsty stuff. Major character death (temporary)
Notes: Writing this has helped get me out of a stretch of writer’s block. I hope to be more active going forward. If y’all have any requests, be they new stories entirely, or continuations of existing ones, don’t hesitate to send an ask!
Words: 4,336
You were just starting to get a feel for how this team operated. Learning how to triage and when to conserve your strength. Dr. Cho was interested to learn more, so you often hung out in the medbay with her. She taught you how to operate almost all the medical equipment, and together you had healed a whole range of injuries. Gunshots were common, but they caused a lot of blood loss, making them hard to fix. Burns were surprisingly difficult, seeing as the damaged tissue was unlikely to comply with the process. 
On most missions, you’d sit on the jet with a com in one ear, and the injured would be brought to you. This worked really well for large-scale stuff, where there were SHIELD agents working in tandem with the Avengers. Today, you were paired with an Avenger to go inside the area.
“Now, Y/n,” Natasha said when the plan was proposed, “If you don’t feel comfortable being back in a HYDRA base, we can sort something else out.”
“Nobody’s going to force you to go,” Steve added.
“But?” You prompted.
“But it’s the best way to ensure everyone comes back from the mission.”
There was a moment where they seemed to hold their breath, and you realized that they were more worried than you. 
“Yeah,” You said, “I’m fine with going in with one of y’all.”
“Thank you so much.” Nat said. Their fears were unfounded. You knew you could operate just fine with the rest of them. The funny thing is, none of them could heal as fast as you, so the worry should have been reversed.
Today was your fifth mission with them, the first time you went in with them. They were tipped off about a small new base, in a strategically compromising place. Their plan was to wipe it out before it became too much of a problem.
You and Natasha were dropped off near the southern entrance, and instructed to wait till Steve drew attention at the western one. It was only the three of you on this mission, as it wasn’t that high-stakes.
Not too long after, the order was sent out, and Natasha cracked open the vault-like door. She took a few steps inside and waved for you to follow her. She took you through a descending maze of tunnels. You kept going, even after Steve’s com went silent. Even through the seemingly endless waves of HYDRA agents. 
As the tunnels kept twisting and turning, a realization dawned on you. The maps were wrong, this place was much larger than anyone had thought.
“Y/n?” Natasha turned to you. Her voice was strained. It felt strange to hear someone speak in such a place, especially after hours of silence broken only by footsteps, water dripping down the damp walls, and an occasional scuffle.
“Yes?” You replied.
“I’m afraid that we must now shift our priorities to getting ourselves out.”
“But what about Steve?” You asked. 
“I’m sorry, kid.” She said, “But we have to leave him.”
“No… No, we have to go find him! He wouldn't just leave us if we were missing! He could be alive out there. If they caught him-”
“Stop!” Her voice ricocheted around the hall, ripping you out of your spiraling thoughts. For a second the word hung in the air, waiting to be followed up.
“Stop.” She repeated, her voice much quieter now, almost pleading. “I know you were close with Steve, and this can’t be easy for you, but we have to assume he is dead. We are both worn out. Even if we were to find him, we would be of no help. I need you to focus on right here, right now.”
“Okay.” You wiped your eyes. Natasha knelt down next to you to get to eye level.
“I’m sorry for yelling,” She said.
“It’s okay.” You murmured, avoiding eye contact. “It’s not easy for you, either.”
“It’s not, no, but that doesn’t mean I can yell at you.” She said, “Do you think we can keep going or do you need a hug first?”
One hug later, you were retracing your steps along the cold tunnel. It was now oddly quiet. Like the walls dampened any sound, or the darkness swallowed it.
“Natasha Romanoff, put your weapon down.” Natasha tightened her grip as a man emerged from the shadows. He was a sharply-dressed, impossibly smug, older man. Obviously HYDRA. 
“Nope.” She aimed it at his head. “You're gonna stay right there, and tell me how you're still alive."
“Miss Romanoff, I suggest you drop the pistol.” Dozens more HYDRA agents materialized out of the darkness in front of and behind you. 
“Half of my men have their aim set for them,” He gestured to you, “You and I both know even they can’t heal a shot through the skull.” He was right, and she was worn out after walking and fighting for hours. Finally she relented and dropped the gun. Immediately, an agent with dark hair stepped forward and wrangled her into handcuffs. She resisted a little, but one reminder that your life was hanging in the balance put that to an end.
The dark haired agent then opened a small briefcase, and removed a syringe and vial. He filled it slowly and injected it into Natasha’s inner arm. She winced for a moment, then her eyes rolled back and she lost consciousness.
You gasped.
“Not to worry.” The smug agent said, “This is simply a precaution. She will wake up shortly after we relocate her.” 
“Who are you?” Your voice wavered. 
“I am Alexander Pierce.” He said, “But you will only need to address me as 'sir.' Rumlow here is going to sedate you as well.”
“No!” You managed to scramble a few feet back before someone grabbed you by your shoulder, and dragged you towards Rumlow, who had now filled another syringe. 
As you lost consciousness, Pierce spoke to you.
“It seems we have quite a bit of re-training to do.”
Once again, you found yourself waking up in a cold, dark cell. You opened your eyes, and the room spun violently. You curled and uncurled your fingers as you slowly started getting your senses back. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, they all seemed to be back, though the room still spun.
A man was walking down the hall. When he peered in and saw you were awake, he swung the cell door open, and grabbed you by your forearm. 
“Up.” He said bluntly, “This way.”
You tried your best to walk, but despite your efforts, your legs refused to cooperate, and you ended up being dragged behind him. The cold floor was almost a relief. It was a jarring start back to reality, and helped you to fully regain consciousness. By the time you reached your destination, you were walking behind the man. 
“Sit here.” He ordered. “And wait.”
The room was blank, only a small drain in the center, and a wooden chair bolted to the floor to the right of it, and a rolling cart filled with shining tools to the left. You quickly slipped back into the familiar routine of following commands, and sat. Instinctively, you attempted to make yourself as small as possible, shrinking down as much as the chair would allow.
Not a minute ticked by before the door swung open again. In walked Alexander Pierce, followed closely by Rumlow. 
“Ah, Y/n.” Pierce said, “I was beginning to think that we’d given you a little too much sedative. I need you to tell me about the Avengers.”
“But they’re my friends,” You meekly replied, “They loved me.”
With one swift movement he snatched a knife from the cart and plunged it straight through the palm of your hand. Your eyes widened in surprise and more than a little pain, but you didn’t make a noise.
“Y/n,” He sighed, “This was all a test. And I’m sorry to say that you failed. You betrayed HYDRA the very first chance you got.”
Blood dripped down the arm of the chair. Your hand started to heal around the knife, and Pierce noticed this. 
“For your betrayal, you must be punished.” He wrenched the knife out of your hand, and stabbed it back through. The skin was fresh and tender, which made it hurt all the more. Still, you choked back any reaction.
“Sir,” Another HYDRA agent entered the room, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but the Captain is awake.”
“I’ll go speak with him.” Pierce sighed and turned to Rumlow, “Rumlow, could you take over here? It seems I have more important matters to deal with.”
“Happily, sir.” 
Before he left, Pierce yanked the knife from your palm. You held pressure on the wound, trying to slow the bleeding. A moment later, you removed your hand, and saw the skin knitting itself back together. 
“That’s a neat trick.” Rumlow said. “Hope you’re good at it. When I’m done, a small scratch will be the least of your concern.”
He pulled his arm back and landed a blow to the side of your head.
Hours later, even with your increased healing, you were bloody and broken. Ribs cracked, probably a concussion, four fingernails ripped off, and Rumlow had done something to your arm which made it bend the wrong way. Blood and vomit trickled into the drain. Sweat beaded down your face. All you wanted to do was slip into the darkness, but you still fought to keep your eyes open. 
“Bring them back to their cell.” Rumlow ordered.
“But sir, shouldn’t the medic–?” He protested.
“They’ll be fine.” Rumlow cut him off. And so you were dragged back through the halls, and thrown into the cell once more. Now that the drugs were mostly out of your system, you could take a look around the room. It had a cot pushed against one wall, and a joint toilet/sink combo on the other. The concrete walls were rough, and the only light came from a yellow bulb down the hall.
You lugged yourself to the cot and wrapped the thin blanket around your shoulders before flopping over. The coarse fabric was like a potato sack, but it was better than lying directly on the hard bunk. Most of your injuries had stopped bleeding by now, and the rest of them could be dealt with in the morning. For now, resting was the most important thing you could do.
It felt like your eyes had just drifted closed, when a uniformed man rattled the bars, waking you up. As you opened your eyes, familiar pain washed over you. You walked over to the cell door, only a little groggy and off-balance. The agent guided you across the hall and up a staircase. He led you into a room, with an unconscious Natasha, tied to a chair. Alexander Pierce was waiting patiently beside her. 
“Here we have Ms. Romanoff.” Pierce said to you, “She used to work for HYDRA, but she decided to turn her back on us in favor of the Avengers.”
You nodded. You already knew that Nat had escaped the Red Room, having bonded with her over shared stories of HYDRA’s brutality. 
“I need you to know what happens when someone betrays HYDRA.” He motioned to the man who escorted you there. He was now holding a gun to the back of Nat’s head. Pierce crouched down in front of you, taking your hands in his. He was now at eye level, and you could see the pure evil in his eyes.
“She will not wake up.” Pierce said, looking you straight in the eye, “Ever.”
Hearing that, something snapped. Something deep inside you gave way. Years of pain came bubbling to the surface, along with something new. A novel emotion, one you hadn't felt before.
It coursed through your veins and even a decade of HYDRA’s conditioning couldn’t hold it back. The energy you felt, the glow when you healed someone prickled at your skin, but it was colder, more painful.
Suddenly, Pierce recoiled, clutching his hand. A hole went straight through his palm, an identical wound to the one he gave you earlier. You lunged towards the man threatening Nat, and snatched his weapon. Without any hesitation, you shot him. He crumpled to the floor. 
Then you turned to Pierce.
“Pierce,” You said, pointedly not calling him ‘sir.’ 
“There has been something I’ve been dying to try. Turns out it works. Can you guess what it is?”
Pierce scrambled backwards, still holding his hand, trying to stop the bleeding.
“That’s right,” You said through gritted teeth, “I gave you back the injury you so graciously gifted me. Except, I don’t need a weapon.” With that, you crouched next to him, mirroring the movement he had done just moments before. You closed your eyes, recalling an extra-painful gunshot wound you’d healed, you touched Pierce’s arm. The cold flash of pain only lasted a split second for you, but as you opened your eyes, you saw the pain and terror on his face, and knew it worked.
You had successfully transferred an injury to someone. Standing, you looked at his shirt, which blood was starting to stain. 
“Pierce,” You said, “You still have a few seconds to do something good in your life before you bleed out. I just need to know two things. How do I wake Natasha up, and where is Steve?”
“I’ll…” He sputtered, “I-I’ll never t-tell.”
“That’s too bad. I guess I’ll just have to figure it out myself.” 
A moment passed, then Pierce wheezed two final words.
“Hail HYDRA.” Then he slumped back against the wall. Just to be sure, you unloaded the rest of the clip into his head before walking back to Nat’s chair. 
Finally, you had a moment to take in the room, you saw she was hooked up to an IV of what you assumed was a sedative. You carefully removed the needle, and took a quick assessment of her state. 
She was bloody and bruised, with a nasty laceration on her calf, which was probably going to make walking hard, but ultimately not anything she couldn’t handle. You desperately wanted to take it from her, but decided against it since you were already overloaded with healing your own injuries.
It felt so strange. She was the person who came and rescued you from HYDRA, and now she was tied up in one of their bases. Every day, Nat was so strong. Always protecting you, making sure you felt welcome and safe, and helping you through the memories of HYDRA.
The adrenaline from discovering part of your powers was still flowing through you, and you managed to push the spiraling anxiety down. After all, you had to get Nat out of here. 
She stirred slightly.
“Hey Nat. Can you hear me?” You asked, undoing the cuffs holding her wrists to the chair, “You’re gonna be fine. We’re getting out of here.”
“Mhm…” She murmured, “Pierce?”
“Don’t worry. He can’t hurt you, me, or anyone else ever again.” 
“Steve?” She asked, opening her eyes, but quickly shutting them again.
“I don’t know where he is, sorry.”
“We’ll find him…” She sighed. Natasha opened her eyes – slowly this time – and looked at you. 
“Oh, little зайчик [bunny], when did you get this?” She reached out and touched the side of your face, which you realized still had dried blood on it from yesterday. 
“You’ve been asleep for a long time.” You replied, “If I had to guess, a whole day has passed since we got here.”
“That’s good,” She said. You looked at her, and the confusion on your face was clear, so she explained.
“If we don’t get back today, the others will know something went wrong…”
“And they’ll come get us!” You filled in the rest.
The two of you stayed there for a few more minutes as Natasha fully regained consciousness. You filled her in on the few events between being caught and now.
“Yesterday really sucked, but I did overhear something good.” You said, “Pierce was going to interrogate me or something, but he had to leave when one of his goons came in and told him ‘the Captain’ was awake. So – as of yesterday at least – Cap’s alive! Isn’t that awesome?”
Nat started to nod, but stopped.
“Dizzy, right?” You asked.
“Whatever that stuff was,” She said, “It was strong. How long did you say I was out for, a whole day?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, “I think they dosed you with way more than Steve and I. They didn’t really care if they gave you too much, since they were planning on killing you right here, just a few minutes ago.”
“How’d you stop them? No offense, you’re not too good at hand-to-hand combat.”
“I…” You started, not exactly sure how to explain, “So… I can take injuries from people, you know that, and I was thinking about that a lot, and I thought ‘Hey, I can take them, what if I can give injuries to people?’ I had no way of testing this, because I didn’t want to hurt anyone. Today I finally got a chance to try it out.”
“I’m impressed,” She said, looking around the room at both Pierce and the unnamed guard’s bodies. 
“I bet someone’s gonna get worried about Pierce disappearing.” You said, “We should get moving.”
“Mhm,” Nat agreed, “Help me stand up.”
At first, she was a bit wobbly, but she was fine so long as she could lean on you.
“See if either of them have weapons.” Nat said.
“I already snagged his,” You motioned to the guard. You had pocketed Pierce’s pistol, which you passed to Nat. She probably wouldn’t be very helpful, since she was half-draped across your shoulders. It was better than nothing, though. Her being armed made you feel a little safer.
Just as you were starting towards the door, you heard the muted sounds of raised voices and fighting.
“Stay here,” You said.
“Are you sure?” Nat questioned.
“I can handle this.” You reassured her, and she lowered herself back into the chair. You poked your head out of the room quietly. All the way down the hall, you could see half a dozen men fighting Cap. His movements were sloppy, so he was probably still under some form of sedative. 
Rushing down the hall, you got there just as the HYDRA agents started to get the upper hand. Once again channeling your anger, you extended a hand to the arm of a tall agent, and conjured an injury you’d healed before: a broken arm. For a split second you felt a flash of pain in your own arm, then you felt the bones of the agent’s arm splinter and snap, as if they were tearing themselves apart from the inside.
He yelled and turned, swinging at you with this other arm. You ducked and swiped at his torso, transferring another injury. This time red quickly started seeping through his shirt and he collapsed.
By now the other HYDRA agents had noticed, and one approached you with a knife. This might have posed a bit of a problem, seeing as you had to touch him to utilize your powers.
“Hey kid,” He said, smiling strangely, “I don’t wanna hurt you. If you just–” Before he could say any more you lunged towards him, and threw all your weight into it, knocking him over. Your hands touched either side of his head as you recalled a nasty head injury Stark had once needed help healing.
As you were inflicting brain damage, he stabbed you. While he did manage to puncture a lung, it was a futile attempt at escape. You simply transferred the knife wound to him. His breath sputtered, and he gasped for breath. 
Rolling off of the agent, you saw Steve was able to take out three of the others. You walked through the hall – now littered with bodies – towards Steve. He still looked off-balance, although not that bad now that adrenaline was pumping through his veins. Super soldier serum was helping with the sedative.
“Thank God you’re alright, Y/n.” He said, “Is Nat oka–”
A gunshot reverberated through the hall, and a HYDRA agent that had slipped behind Steve unnoticed fell to the ground. Both you and Steve’s attention quickly snapped to where the shot had come from. Leaning against the door frame, gun in hand, was Nat.
“You missed one,” She said.
“Thanks,” You said, “Now, does anyone know how to get out of here?”
“I remember the path I came in through,” Said Steve, “But there’s quite a few HYDRA agents that route.” 
“I’ll be okay,” Nat said, still more than a little loopy. “We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah,” You said, the concern slipping into your voice, “How about you two sit down? I’ll grab these guy’s weapons, while you rest a bit.” 
They put up a little resistance, but ultimately slid down the wall to rest. Your mind raced as you took inventory of the supplies you had. How were you meant to get two semi-sedated adults and yourself out of here with only a few handguns, a pocket knife, and a whole base of HYDRA agents after you?
You glanced at the two woozy fighters slumped against the wall. Even in their doped-up state, they were bandaging each other up.
“Hey Cap,” You said, walking over, “Are you just about ready?”
“Yeah.” He said, “Right after I finish dealing with this.” He gestured towards Nat’s lower leg. Steve was almost done wrapping it up using a torn strip of a HYDRA uniform.
“Can you support Nat while we move?” You asked.
“I could, but then it would be up to you to fight anyone we encounter.”
“Don’t you worry about that.” Nat laughed.
You simply shrugged him off, “Just show me the way, and we’ll be out in no time.”
You helped Steve up, and he helped Natasha to her feet. Nat was still rather wobbly, but Steve adapted quickly. The three of you hobbled along, with Steve occasionally stopping to readjust his hold on Nat or to give directions. 
The first time HYDRA agents stumbled across your trio, it was at a junction between two tunnels. Steve nearly dropped Nat in an attempt to throw himself between you and them. By the time he got into position, you had already killed them.
“How did…?” He started.
“I discovered some new aspects of my powers.” You replied. Making a mental note to check up with you back at the Tower, Steve nodded towards the left hallway. 
“It’s this way.” He said. Onwards you went, only encountering a few more groups, and you dealt with them as swiftly as the first. Gradually the walls became less moldy, and the air less musty.
“We’re coming up on the exit,” Steve said, rounding a corner. 
“Be careful, we should expect some–” Nat started, but was cut off by the sound of gunfire. Quickly you smushed back around the corner, against the wall, but not quick enough. Steve wasn’t hit. Neither were you. 
But Nat.
Nat didn’t look good.
A bullet had ripped through the left side of her chest. Her skin was growing paler by the second. She didn’t even get to finish her sentence.
Not thinking in the slightest, you immediately started healing her. Steve tried to push you away, you’d never healed someone this far gone. Even your healing capabilities had limits. Your rage fueled you, blinding you to the pain and stupidity of trying to heal someone who was already dead. 
Life slowly came back to Natasha. Her eyes flickered open, filling with horror at seeing blood now seeping through your shirt.
“Y/n,” Steve said, dread dripping from his words, “What did you do?”
“I took the injury.” You gasped, coughing up blood, “There wasn’t anything else I could do.” You stood up, and turned the corner straight into the sights of countless HYDRA agents.
You were at death’s door, and only rage kept you on your feet. Only anger allowed you to extend your powers over the hall full of cruel, evil people. Only wrath fueled the transfer of this horrible pain from your chest to them instead. 
With a sickening thunk, everyone in the hall fell to the floor, bearing identical wounds across their chests. A moment later, you lost balance. Pain radiated from where your head hit the concrete beneath you, but at least you had gotten rid of the hole in your chest. Distantly, you saw Steve rush towards you, but you blacked out before he reached you.
A dull ache.
That’s all it was.
Distant and floating in an endless void, the only thing tethering you to your body was a dull ache in your head.
Well, that and you could hear voices.
They weren’t talking to you, but still you listened. They were worried. Then the rumble of an engine covered what little you could hear, and you slipped back into the endless void.
You opened your eyes, more than a little confused as to how you got here. You knew where you were, it was obviously the medbay. Moonlight filtered through the windows over the machines that beeped around you. Annoying wires and tubes poked into the skin of your arm. 
You disconnected the machines from you, carefully following the proper protocols so as to not set off any blaring alarms. It was night, after all. Nobody wanted to wake up to the thought of a medical emergency. 
Next to you there was another bed and an armchair. Both of them were occupied by familiar faces. Nat was in the bed, while Steve seemed to have fallen asleep while reading. A smile grew across your face.
You padded over to Natasha, and curled up beside her. 
She was in for a surprise when she woke up. A welcome one, but a surprise nonetheless. 
Part 3, Hair (Medium/Long), Hair (Buzzed)
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littleone088 · 8 months
Angie Bouchard -
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"How sweet..."
Angelique Bouchard eyed the girl from across the room, her little secret plaything. She was dressed to the nines, giggling with her friends in a far corner. The moonlight splayed in via a window and made her skin shine like milky stars.
The older woman smirked, blue eyes admiring her. Isabella had no idea how precious she looked in this lighting. How tempting.
Her secretary Donna, the only one who knew of their little fling, cleared her throat as she searched the faces of the crowd.
"Miss Bouchard, I think you should be careful-"
"And why is that, Donna?"
"It's just... If Elizabeth sees you looking at her niece like that-"
Angelique chuckled into her wine glass, never taking her eyes off of the young creature.
"Elizabeth Collins? Am I supposed to be intimidated?" Her scoff was audible. Angelique wasn't scared of anything. Well, she didn't think she was.
On her fifth glass of wine, she was more than a little tipsy. Angelique searched the crowd for the little apiterif that tainted her palete. Her Ice Queen facade on display, the Witch brushed aside acquaintances and business partners. She had bigger fish to fry.
The room was empty for Angelique. No one mattered, not Elizabeth or Barnabas. Not anyone. Her predatory senses were zoned in on one mortal in particular, but thus far her presence was elusive.
Her lip curled in a sneer, Julia Hoffman had her hand on the back of a beautiful young girl, Her beautiful girl, leading her outside onto a balcony. Angelique gripped her wine glass so harshly it began to crack, until she tossed it aside in favour of the knife strapped to her thigh. She let her fingers skirt over the blade as she rushed to the window overlooking the two women.
The doctor had her hands on the girl. Angelique saw red. She felt the bubbling of such intense hatred she hadn't felt in almost two centuries. Her hands in her hair, lips on her beautiful untainted skin.
Isabella was... Still. Silent. She let her beautiful brown eyes drift to the window Angelique stood in priority of. Her nails became claws that ripped the hardwood pillar in two. Her fury was as if a dragon gushed it's flames through her blood and set her ablaze.
Her fine, porcelain skin began to crack. Becoming brittle and broken as breaks separated her once perfect skin. Angelique wasn't flawless now. She was a being of infernal jealousy and murderous fury.
Isabella mouthed something, soft little pink lips parting for a moment to utter a single word. Angie.
Angelique was gone in an instant, well dressed guests that got in her way were sent flying with surprising force from a single brush of her hand. The path she made for herself was quickly followed by a younger, more frightened woman.
Isabella found herself in the cold outside, shivering as she pleaded with the Witch to be reasonable. Angelique barked an order at the attendant for her car to be retrieved, all whilst staring at the wind whistled trees in the far distance.
Isabella twitched to take the Older woman's hand but flinched backward as a single finger was raised, silencing her sniffling pleads for forgiveness. Angelique breathed in, rasping against the chilled night air.
The wind slithered between them like a serpent, carrying the hiccups and sobs from Isabella to Angelique's ears. She raised her electricity filled gaze to pulverise Isabella.
"I'm so- I'm so sorry, Angie. I thought... you said-" her voice shook with fear and guilt "-we were nothing serious"
In an instant, Angelique had her hand raised high above Isabella's face. The crippling effect of her powers took hold.
Her throat squeezed against itself as Isabella croaked and wheezed, clawing at her skin in an attempt to free herself from the strangling grip.
"Nothing... Serious." Angelique mused, frighteningly calm even as glassy tears collected in her eyes. Her fingers twitched as if she wanted to grab hold of Isabella and... What, hold her? Finish the job with her bare hands? She did not know.
Isabella heaved onto her knees as Angelique lowered her hand, in doing so releasing the force that nearly killed her. She spluttered, coughing. The gravel dug into her shins.
"I don't want to share you, Isabella"
Her voice, although calm on the surface, trembled with anger. Angelique looked down at Isabella Collins with unmasked resentment. Angelique hated her, hated her for making her feel this way, for making her this emotional mess.
Her voice grew softer, still coarse.
"If I can't have you my love..." Her tears of anger and pain trickled down onto her bitter-sweet grin "I'll destroy you"
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twcfaces · 1 year
wanted poster bounty creator
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"I plead the fifth... if the fifth is a thing yet."
WANTED: Harvey Dent, dead or alive.
REASON: Murdered 2 citizens.
LAST SEEN: 7/8/1862 in Oregon.
BOUNTY: $6,000
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"Only $6,000? That's not a good deal..."
WANTED: Two-Face, dead or alive.
REASON: Murdered 2 citizens.
LAST SEEN: 12/4/1892 in South Carolina.
BOUNTY: $6,000
tagging : @awolxsiblings @question-marked @jp-todd-rp @cxpperhead @ you
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slavghters · 11 months
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*     CLOSED  STARTER       ›       @st1gyan  .
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it  was  the  fifth  time  jack  tried,  and  it  was  the  fifth  time  she  got  a  no  for  an  answer.    her  pout  had  started  to  show,  slightly,  barely  there,  but  accompanied  by  the  doe  shape  of  her  eyes,  looking  at  josephine  through  her  eyelashes,  it  looked  a  lot  more  lethal    —    and  she  was  just  starting.    the  moment  the  scavenger  had  made  her  way  towards  the  exit,  jack  was  right  behind  her,  a  quick  shout  strong  from  the  back  of  her  throat  letting  sebastian  know  she  was  going  for  her  smoking  break.   she  had  found  her  alone  in  the  shadows,  just  as  she  had  expected  to  ( gloomy  fucker,  jack  thought,  a  fond  smile  briefly  skimming  her  face ),  and  then  trapped  her  once  again  in  an  overload  of  the  same  pleads  she’s  been  repeating  for  days  now.  so  when  a  new  negative  came,  the  blonde’s  name  fell  from  jack’s  lips  with  a  dramatic  whine.      “  but  why  not  ?  ”      she  inquired,  stubborn,  pout  growing  ever  so  little,  yet  she  managed  to  hold  back  from  stomping  her  foot.  to  have  grown  up  in  a  creepy  building  having  to  share  everything  with  other  sixty  kids,  never  a  priority  to  anyone,  never  having  anyone  around  to  fuel  her  whims,  jack  behrens  was  particularly  terrible  at  not  getting  her  way.     “ please,  jo,  it’s  been—  what ?   five  months ?   i  need  new  books  and  you’re  going  to  the  next  city  in  your  next  out  and—  ”     a  huff  gave  her  pause  and  her  tone  laced  with  imploration  rang  softly  through  the  music  waves  in  the  whispered,  soft     “ please ? ”     that  followed,  jack’s  eyebrows  furrowing  low,  low,  low   —   sorrow  used  as  a  weapon  painting  her  gentle  countenance,  a  look  that  would  have  bent  anyone  else’s  will  by  now,  but  not  jo’s.  never  jo’s.   the  scavenger  had  a  talent  for  seeing  right  through  her  caprices  and  machinations,  hardly  ever  having  any  of  her  bullshit,  and  even  when  it  frustrated  jack  to  no  end,  she’d  be  lying  if  she  said  she  didn’t  love  the  challenge.
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mcalhenwrites · 3 months
Keep your head up -Opal & Hazel
Some part of Hazel will always miss his daddy.
Not the Willie who must serve hours of community service. Not the man who refused to call Ferdinand by his name once he realized his son was dating that florist. Not the Willie who wanted a clone of his personality in Hazel.
Hazel has to go back much further, all the way to his earliest childhood years. He misses the daddy with the indulgent smile and fond gaze, who always found time to play with and read to his kids.
They used to have so much fun together. There were always new adventures. Family vacations. When Willie came home from work, he knelt down with arms wide open for Opal and Hazel to fling into his embrace and receive dozens of kisses.
He would say he saved all his kisses for the day for his family.
But that was a lie, wasn’t it? He kissed plenty of women other than his wife and pretended it made him a better family man.
Their mother pretended too, even though she knew the truth.
Hazel aches for something that never really existed. That perfect daddy took advantage of his children’s naiveté and ruined their family by cheating on them. Then he nearly threaten others’ families by ignoring dangerous flaws in an airship’s design.
No matter what Hazel wants, he can never forget what Willie is. Doing so would go against his values and betray the people he cares about.
Some days it’s easier to move on and only look forward to the future rather than check over his shoulder at the past. He has friends and family who support him. He has Ferdinand.
They’re all rebuilding their lives.
That doesn’t mean it never hurts. That becomes more evident on days when Hazel hears a tidbit about William in the news cycle. The reminder that Hazel has a father forces him to think about what used to be and how he felt about Willie back then.
How precious those moments were.
How fun his childhood could be.
It’s impossible to go back in time, and maybe it would be futile, but Hazel wishes he had the power to change the past. (But what would he even do to effectively alter their painful history? Willie had affairs long before Hazel was born. He wanted to build airships before he met Edith Anne. Besides, he never listened to Hazel when he said he had different interests or that he loved Ferdinand. Why would anything change a second time around?)
Hazel is having these thoughts as he sits in his sister’s office. It used to be Willie’s, and Hazel recalls spending time with his father here. Before Willie cared more about teaching his children to take over his business, Hazel used to run up to the glass windows and press his nose and fingers against it to look out over the city.
That was before Hazel knew what the cityscape represented. Before he understood that the factories Willie owned and overlooked were choking the sky with dangerous smog while draining their water reservoirs.
Now those factories’ productions have slowed. No regulations have been placed, but Opal made the choice to provide cleaner production and work toward developing technology that is both safer to use and produce.
That should make Hazel feel better.
Instead, he feels rotten inside.
“Why are you sulking in my office?” asks Opal when she walks in. “We’re supposed to go to lunch. You’re treating me, aren’t you?”
“I thought you were treating me?”
“If I must. Are you so poor on your nut salary that you must plead with a busy mother for a bite to eat?”
“You like being busy, and if I didn’t let you treat me sometimes, you’d be the one sulking.”
“I don’t sulk.”
Hazel scowls when he realizes he can never keep up with his sister’s strange sense of humor.
“Please feed me. I’m an orphan now.”
Opal grins mischievously as she dips down to fetch something off her desk. “Oh, do tell Mommy that. I’d love to hear what she has to say.”
“You’ll come to my funeral when she murders me?”
“I’ll try to fit it into my busy schedule. You are my baby brother. I suppose that gives you fifth priority in my life.”
“Fifth? Why do I fall so low on the list?”
Opal straightens up, a set of keys in her hand and wallet in the other. “My children are first, I come second, and my husband third. Then there is my dog.”
“You don’t have a dog.”
“Not yet I don’t. When the children are old enough to start begging John for one, I’ll get them to join my important cause. That’s why they come first, you know—what good are they if they can’t turn their doe eyes at my husband and beg him for a dog or two?”
“Now you’ve got two?”
“To start. They need companionship, don’t they?” Opal winks at him and begins making her way toward the door. “Let’s be quick. I want to find a good table.”
“I thought you made a reservation?”
Opal hums but doesn’t answer.
Hazel sighs and rises from his seat. He glances around the office one last time, thinking once again of the memories tied to the room. Then he trudges out of the room, shoes shuffling over the carpet.
“If you keep looking down all the time when you feel bad, you’ll miss the handsome man that comes up and smacks you on the ass,” Opal whispers.
Those words are enough to make Hazel straighten up. It takes all his self-discipline not to put his hands over his backside instinctively.
“Keep your chin high so all the cute men can see you,” says Opal approvingly.
“I don’t need them. I have Ferdinand.”
“He must be the handsome man I mentioned earlier. I bet he wants you to feel better too.” She suddenly picks up her pace, her shoes clipping against the tiles on the way to the elevator.
“Can’t you say ‘keep your head up’ in a normal way?” Hazel shouts after her.
Opal smiles serenely over her shoulder. “Never.”
0 notes
learn your place
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pairing: dom!mob!tom holland x reader
request: Dom!Mob!Tom making u edge urself but after a few edges u cum without his permission n he punishes u. Throw in some cunt slaps will ya. Love ur writing!! Totally ok if u don't wanna write this!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤  by anonymous
warnings: the request gives a good idea + spitting, overstimulation, degradation, violence, guns
word count: 5.6k
notes: please the “throw in some cunt slaps will ya” sent me, hope you enjoy, i added some like backstory to it so hope it turned out okay
It was very clear what the dynamic was between you and Tom, and everyone could see it. It was obvious to all of Tom’s men that he called the shots, he was in charge. But it was just as clear that Tom would do anything for you if you asked––you were the only one who had power over the boss.
You and Tom were crazy for each other and the both of you together had such a domineering and powerful presence that everyone knew not to mess with you. But although your boyfriend was a man feared by many all across the country, you were the only one who dared to challenge him, aching for it, instead of fearing the consequences. 
He adored you nonetheless. He often couldn’t stand having to be apart from you, but at the same time, he knew that sometimes he was the only one capable of getting the job done the way he needed––with the necessary amount of precision, skill, ruthlessness required. You and his job were his top two priorities, so he found a way to compromise and take care of both at the same time.
Sometimes, if you were too needy, or if he was craving you, he’d simply bring you with him. Not physically, just in the hands of one of his men, on his phone. Which is what you’d decided to do tonight. He knew that the supposed deal was really a set up, he wasn’t easily fooled, he was smart and damn good at his job. Which is why he brought back up, guns, ammo, and everything he ever could have needed. 
Before he left, he briefly warned you about what he was walking into, but to be honest he was more focused on the sight in front of him. His fingers were pumping in and out of your tight opening as you lied on the bed for him, your legs spread out as he sat between them. His digits were curling up precisely inside you, pressing against your spot roughly as you bit your lip, your eyes starting to tear up. His free hand was pressing your hip down as his eyes zeroed in on the way you were squeezing around him perfectly. The noises you were making were obscene and loud but they were only turning the both of you on even more. 
Tom was fully hard in his trousers, refusing to let you touch him or even look at him. It wasn’t supposed to be a punishment, really, but he knew that if he let you even look at him the way you do, your eyes dark, completely focused on him, he wouldn’t leave this bedroom. While normally he would do just that, today’s job was urgent and he couldn’t let his men go in alone, he needed their support just as much as they needed his. 
Your hips were straining under his hold as the pressure started to build up for what had to be the fifth time now. You whined lowly in the back of your throat without meaning to and he grinned down at you, his eyes darting up to catch your pathetic, pleading stare. You knew he wouldn’t let you tip over the edge––he was being cruel, but he truly didn’t see it that way. He knew that in the end, when he came back home, you’d be more than ready for him, sensitive to the slightest of touches that would have you screaming for him as he finally let you release over and over.  
“Can tell you’re getting close again, princess. Can feel that cunt tightening around me.” He sped up his fingers and you let out a sob, “Just aching for my cock to fill you up, aren’t you?”
You knew it was futile to beg––when he had his mind set on something, he was done for, but you also knew that he loved hearing you beg, loved having you at his mercy––and honestly you did too, so you indulged him. “Please Tommy. Please let me cum, fill me with your cock and fuck me hard.” 
His eyes darkened and his grin faded away, his lips parted as he watched you, his hand sliding up to your neck as he sat up on his knees between your legs, his fingers ruthlessly thrusting into your slippery cunt. “Such a desperate little whore, aren’t you? Naughty little thing.” He slipped his fingers out of you and rubbed his palm around your pussy harshly as he squeezed his fingers around your throat. 
“F––Fuck Tom!”  
Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt the blood rushing to your head, the tingles running down your lower body to your toes and you gasped, your body lurching as best it could under his hold as he pulled his hands away from you at the last second. 
You opened your eyes to find him staring between your legs, his lip caught between his teeth. He let go of your neck and you took in a gulp of air and he rubbed your thigh as you settled down. “Never get tired of watching this pussy clench and throb––God, you’re such a precious girl.” He brought his hand that he was using on you up to your mouth and your eyes lit up. “Clean me up, pretty.”
You took his wrist in your two hands and licked up his palm, slowly, watching him as he watched you, his free hand squeezing your thigh. You licked up to the tips of his fingers and took each of them into your mouth, sucking thoroughly and sensually and biting his thumb teasingly when you were finished. He chuckled fondly and leaned in to kiss you deeply. “Always so good for me.”
He got up from the bed and put his suit jacket on, fixing his hair and you couldn’t help but stare as he got ready. He was going out into danger, to most likely take lives, but he got dressed as though he were going to a formal event––the absurdity of it all was almost comical, but more than that it was weirdly attractive and only made your situation even worse. 
He turned to you as he fixed his belt, his eyes raking up and down your sweaty figure on the bed, splayed out for him to see everything. “You know what to do, yeah?” He asked, taking his phone and your vibrator as he approached the bed. You nodded and he smiled mischievously, leaning over to kiss your forehead as he set the toy down and prepared to leave. “Good girl.” He walked over to the door and looked over his shoulder as he stepped out, saying goodbye before he closed the door. 
You took a deep breath as you laid there for a few moments, trying to calm yourself down and prepare for the upcoming torture. You placed your phone at the foot of your bed and propped it up, teasing your nipples as you waited for the call. It wasn’t until twenty minutes later that your phone buzzed, Tom’s name showing up on your lit up screen. You immediately answered the call and waited patiently for it to connect. Once it did, you were met with Tom’s face backing up slightly from the camera. His jaw was clenched, brows furrowed in concentration and once the sound came in you heard a few shouts in the background, noises from all around as if people were being thrown around the place.You vaguely see smoke filling the dim-lit room behind him.
“Hi gorgeous.” He dodged a rather large man’s punch and twisted his arm before pushing him out of frame––you weren’t a doctor or anything, but seeing the way the man screamed in pain and the way his arm curved, Tom definitely broke it. It seemed that Tom was of course right, it had in fact been a set up and things seemed to be blowing up right as he called.
You weren’t worried. If Tom was any other man, it would have been a different story, but you knew your boyfriend was capable of taking care of himself, of getting the job done, and doing everything that needed to be done properly so that he could make his way back home to you. 
“Tommy I miss you.” You whined as you settled back into the sheets, opening your legs and spreading your wetness around your pussy. “Look at how wet I am for you.” Tom wasn’t wearing any headphones, but he could still hear you and so could everyone else, but you really couldn’t be bothered to care.
He turned immediately and bit his lip, “Shit, darling. Look at you. You stroking that pretty pussy for me? Keeping it nice and wet for when I get back?” 
You noticed one of the light fixtures in the back get knocked down, a drink flying in the background, but you were too focused on yourself and how enticing Tom looked, even in high stake situations. “Mhm,” you hummed, “Ready for you to come back and fuck me baby.”
He let his eyes focus on your body through the screen for a few moments before his eyes flickered to the side and the camera jolted. You briefly saw him lift a chair and smash it over someone’s head before kicking a table into a group of men, sending them tumbling to the floor. 
The camera raised back up and you could see Tom talking to someone behind the phone. “No, you don’t move this phone, got it? I can take care of myself. This is your one job, the most important one.” You heard a firm yes sir behind the camera and bit your lip, failing to hide your smile. Your man just sounded so sexy when he was commanding his men. You liked to see the contrast between the way his cold eyes bore into their souls, daring them to defy him and the way his pupils would dilate and face would soften from the sight of you––even through a screen. 
He focused back on you and gave you a small smile. “Why don’t you use the toy, baby. You know what to do.” 
You nodded immediately and grabbed the vibrator next to you on the bed before switching it on and pressing it to your clit. You gasped and your back arched as you started to grind your hips along with the vibrations. 
“Fuck,” you heard Tom groan as your eyes fluttered shut for a moment. You opened them back up just to see him turn and jam someone in the head with his elbow, kneeing them in the stomach and throwing them to the side. 
“When will you be––done, Tommy?” You were being needy and selfish, you knew that––but you just really needed him. 
He replied as he dodged a man charging at him with a knife. “Soon princess, okay?” He threw a few punches and kicked the man’s knee in before continuing. “I just need to take care of a few things here, it shouldn’t take long.” 
You whined, “I’m gonna cum––”
He turned immediately after knocking the man out, his voice firm. “No you’re fucking not.” 
You huffed and pulled the toy away, breathing heavily as you felt yourself throb between your legs––you were so close you felt like you could cry. 
“Don’t get bratty with me, love. You know how this works. Be a good girl.” 
You whimpered, putting the toy back on you once you felt the rush fade away. “I’ll try.” 
And you did try, really. You pressed your toy against your clit, rubbing it into you as you whined and moaned, one hand switching between playing with your tits and grabbing the sheets as you watched Tom in action. Your body was writhing on the bed, twisting in the sheets as your movements became frantic, harsh breaths and pants falling from your mouth in the moments where you weren’t biting your lip. You got so caught up in your own touch, your vision blurring that you didn’t even realize you were about to tip over the edge. 
“Hands off, Y/N.” You whimpered and let your hands fall away with the toy––having to physically stop yourself from closing your legs and finishing the job without meaning to. “Can tell you’re getting desperate, aren’t you love?” 
You nodded, your eyes focusing again on the screen. Tom’s hair was a little more messed up than it was before he left, his shirt a little ruffled, but he still looked sinfully delicious to you. You couldn’t help yourself as you licked your lips, watching him with a hooded gaze. 
“You know what that look does to me, lovie. Christ.”
Your lips curved into a soft smirk and you heard him curse to himself softly, breaking out of his trance when a gunshot fired. He pulled out his gun and turned the safety off within seconds, aiming and shooting behind the camera. But that didn’t stop him from telling you what to do, his eyes trained elsewhere as he directed his speech to you. “Keep going baby girl, you’re not done yet.”
You put the toy back on you and whined when he let out his next words––“And turn it to the highest setting.” You clicked the button four times and gasped, the sped up vibrations feeling like jolts of lightning on your heat. Your eyes rolled back and your back arched, the temperature of the room suddenly feeling dozens of degrees warmer. 
You let the toy bring you to the very edge, pulling it away just before you tipped over—time and time again as Tom knocked men out one by one, barking orders in the chaotic room. You lost count of how many times you’d ruined your own orgasm, tearing it away from you before you could enjoy it.
But as time progressed, your need only got worse, and as things escalated on Tom’s side, he started looking at you less––and you knew it was for good reason, but if he wasn’t touching you, and he wasn’t even looking at you, the least he could let you do is cum. You rolled your hips into the toy, imagining Tom was with you, touching you, whining out his name desperately and you could tell his movements were becoming more aggressive, his hits more brutal, calculated—he wanted to hurry home to you.
You knew that in the end, with how riled up Tom was getting, the outcome could either be really good for you, or really bad. But quite frankly you didn’t care, you couldn’t hold out anymore—or rather you could, but you didn’t want to. You’d suffered long enough.
You held the toy right against you, roughly moving against it, the pace of your hips never faltering. You weren’t trying to be loud, but you weren’t trying to be quiet either. You could almost feel Tom’s eyes piercing your body, the heat of his gaze beaming through the screen.
You were close and he could tell as well. Your eyes were shut and the sound was quickly drowning out around you but you could vaguely hear an angry don’t you dare, and a growl as he shot at someone, but you knew the words were meant for you. 
You let out a quiet and insincere “Sorry Tommy” and your vision blacked out as you reached your peak, your back arching high, your breath hitching. 
You could hear Tom’s voice faintly in the back of your mind, or maybe from the phone, you really couldn’t tell, you were still on cloud nine, your next high quickly approaching. “Oh you’re in for it now, princess.”  His voice was venomous, seductive, playful—almost as if he was silently hoping you’d break the rules. And break them you did.
Might as well go big or go home, you smiled to yourself, still rolling your hips as if you were bucking into your boyfriend's cock. Your stomach was clenching and unclenching, your body feeling like a wild spark that wouldn’t go out. 
You came again, and again and you were so high from your sweet release, your senses simultaneously unaware yet on overdrive. 
You didn’t hear when the last bullets cases hit the ground, when the last few punches were thrown. You weren’t aware when Tom was addressing all of his men, the only sound heard between his pauses being the buzzing of the toy against your skin echoing from his phone, the soft and uncontrolled pants tumbling past your lips. You didn’t hear when he ordered his men to get the money they came for, the diamonds, the contract. 
You failed to hear the change of scenery when they left the building through the back door and got into their cars. You didn’t notice when Tom propped you up against the windshield to watch you as he sped home, definitely running some red lights—his jaw clenched, his fists gripping the wheel until his red knuckles turned white.
You were so focused on your pleasure that you definitely didn’t hear when he got past the gates to the mansion, or when he paused to tell his men to either wear ear plugs or leave the house because it was going to be a long night. 
You didn’t even hear as Tom stepped into the room, only then ending the call. He paused to look at you, his eyes taking over your trembling body shining on the sheets, the sated and mischievous smile on your face as you rode the wave to your next high. He let you have your fun, breathing deeply as he got settled. He made his way into the bathroom, cleaning himself up and washing his hands as you whined and moaned in the other room. Then, he made his way into the walk-in closet and put his shoes and belt away. He paused in front of the special section of his closet where your toys were––the paddles, the plugs, the blindfolds. After a moment, he kept walking, deciding he wanted to use his hands today––he wanted to feel exactly what he was doing to you. 
When he came back into the room he could tell you were about to tip over, just on the cusp and he pulled the toy away from you with no warning, turning it off and throwing it aside as your eyes flew open, a gasp escaping you as you pushed yourself up on your forearms. You were panting up at him, still blinded by the pleasure—you truly had no idea how long you’d been lying there, cumming over and over, but considering he was standing in front of you now, clearly displeased, it’d been a while. You felt satisfied, but you were buzzing all over and especially down there––you were still greedy for more, specifically from Tom.
“Hi baby.” You smirked up at him, biting your lip. Your voice was soft and spent, much like your body.
He clenched his jaw, looking down at you as he rolled up his sleeves. He let his eyes trail down to between your legs where you were still throbbing and dripping. You closed your legs teasingly and his eyes flickered up to yours, a new fire lit behind his irises. 
He climbed onto the bed in no time and spread your legs open with force, sending a jolt of pleasure down your body. He swiped his fingers through your folds before shoving them inside of you making you buck your hips. He was quick to pin you down. “What happened to my sweet girl, hm?” His fingers were curling against your spot, quickly bringing you to the edge. “My girl who followed directions and listened like a good little angel?” 
Your legs tried to shut on their own but Tom was having none of that and pushed them back open, his hand finding its way back to your opening immediately. “Hm?” 
Your mouth opened but all you could let out was a moan as he twisted his fingers inside of you teasingly. There was a smirk on his lips as he watched you, suffering pleasurably underneath him. Soon your back was arching and a small cry was escaping you as you came on his fingers. You felt your body relaxing again but as your mind focused again, temporarily blinded by the pleasure, you realized his fingers hadn’t stopped, in fact they’d sped up.
You looked at him, eyes wide. “Tom… What are you––”
He took his fingers out to rub your clit fast, the wetness of his fingers making everything feel more intense. “Well you wanted to cum, didn’t you?” His voice was deceptively sweet, but his eyes were dark. When you nodded, a small whine escaping you, his gaze hardened. “Then that’s what you’re going to do until I’m satisfied.” He shoved his two fingers back inside of you and you opened up easily, clenching around his digits. “That way you can learn your place like a good girl.”
He was being brutal but precise––Tom’s trademark. He let his thumb come up to rub at your clit and that was all you needed. Your body was tense, your mouth dropping open as he sped up his fingers, letting you gush around him as a silent scream ripped from your throat. 
His hand didn’t slow down. “What do you say, darling? What do you say when I’m giving you everything you want and more?”
“I––” You paused to gasp when you felt your high approaching yet again. You felt like you were on fire and Tom was only adding fuel, enjoying the way you burned underneath him at his mercy. 
He pulled his fingers out of you abruptly when you took too long to respond and you lurched forward—your body feeling like it was trying to rush through water, before he pressed you back into the mattress by your waist. “It’s not nice to not respond when someone asks you a question, darling.” He pushed your thigh back, opening you up to him and slapped your cunt, making you buck up into the air without even thinking about it. 
He raised a brow. “Of course you liked that.” 
He slapped you again and you yelped, your body subconsciously trying to move away and push into him at the same time––your mind not knowing what it wanted. It hurt but it felt so good. “Such a little slut.” You felt the pressure building inside of you and your eyes widened. 
“Tom I’m going to––”
“Cum. Now.” He slid his fingers in and thrusted them into you relentlessly making you moan loudly, your voice echoing in the room as your hips twitched, your hands grabbing at the sheets. There was no doubt that the men and maids on the other floors could hear you, but Tom didn’t care––he wanted them to. 
You let out curses and whines of his name, your body trembling when he still didn’t ease up. He had no mercy for you.
“What do you say, darling?” He alternated between rubbing your pussy and slapping it quickly until pleas and thanks were spilling from your lips desperately.
“Thank you Tom oh my god please––”
“There’s a good girl––where’s she been all night, huh?” He cooed.
He let you tip over the edge two more times. Your body had never felt more alive, there was a mess between your legs and you had absolutely no control over your body. Just as you were about to for a third time, he pulled his hands away from you and a deep whine emitted from your throat, making him look at you with a stern gaze. “Watch it.” 
He stood up from the bed and took his time taking off his clothes, starting with his shirt. You could see his hand glistening as you watched him undo each button one by one, his eyes stuck on you like an animal stalking its prey. He let the shirt fall to the floor, then pulled off his pants and socks before palming himself through his boxers. 
“Please Tommy.” Your voice was shot. “Let me see you. Want you to fuck me.” When he didn’t say anything, you almost let your thighs shut to relieve some pressure but one look from him had you frozen in place. 
“What a naughty fucking girl you are.” He pulled his boxers off and started to stroke his cock and your eyes shot down, your mouth practically watering at the sight of him. “Eyes up here.” You whimpered and let your eyes find his again. “Such a little brat, cumming without permission for all my men to hear––could see them getting turned on right in front of me, made me want to beat some sense into every single one of them.” You bit your lip and let your hips rock forward slightly, aroused from his words. “Now you think you deserve to get fucked?” He chuckled harshly. “You don’t even deserve to look at me.” 
He climbed back onto the bed, the look in his eyes hungry. “But I’ll admit I’m a little selfish.” He spread your legs even wider, his eyes focusing on your pussy clenching around nothing. “Cause even though you don’t deserve it....I’m fucking aching.” He looked back up at you. “So I’m going to use this pussy,” He rubbed his tip through your folds making you sigh and look up at him pleadingly. “And I’m going to fuck it until I cum.” He slid into you and bottomed out in one go, making you cry out and cling to him desperately, your nails digging into his back, only spurring him on. 
He started pounding into you, giving you close no time to prepare yourself, making whines and moans spill from your lips. “You’re only cumming when and if I say so.” You pouted, looking up at him but he paid you no mind, “Be a good slut and just take it. Be grateful I’m even letting you feel my cock.” 
You mewled, your eyes watering. “O––Okay. Thank you Tommy, thank you––”
He grunted and picked up the pace, placing his hand on your stomach, pressing down as he looked at you hungrily. “You feel me right here baby? Deep inside you?” You whined loudly and he chuckled darkly. “Right where my cock belongs isn’t it? Right in this tight little pussy. My perfect little pussy.” 
You nodded eagerly, making him twitch inside of you. “Fuck––Yes Tommy. S’all for you. Made for you.”
“That’s right.” He thrusted his hips in and out, hard before bringing a hand up to grasp your throat. “Don’t you fucking forget it.”
You gasped, feeling yourself clench around him from the action and he moaned, his pace faltering slightly as his lips grazed yours. “Had me so fucking hard all day. Feels like I’m gonna burst.” He looked deep into your eyes. “You gonna take all my cum baby?” You nodded immediately as best you could and he smirked, tightening his hold around your neck. “Gonna let me fill you up?” 
“Fuck, yes Tommy please––”
“That’s it, shit.” His hips thrusted into yours, desperately chasing his high and soon, he was releasing inside of you, coating your walls as you clenched around him, moaning, a dire need to cum bubbling in your stomach.  
His hips slowed and you whined. “No no––Tom please––”
He shushed you and pulled out, watching his release leak out of you for a moment, his lip caught between his teeth. He lied down on the bed next to you and you felt a few tears slip down your cheeks. You were sensitive, overwhelmed, but you still wanted him, you wanted to come undone with him inside of you.
Your eyes slipped shut and you felt his hand come up to your cheek, his thumb wiping your tears away. “Oh come on, none of that now.” You opened your eyes, a pout on your lips and he’d be lying if he said the sight of you like this didn’t turn him on. 
He lied back down and turned his head to look at you. “If you want to cum, you have to work for it darling.” You looked over at him and your breath hitched, silently asking if he was suggesting what you thought he was. “Come here.”
You sat up and stumbled on top of him, sighing when you glided your pussy over his cock, making a mess all over him. His hands came up to grip your hips and he groaned. “Be a good girl and slide me in, there you go.” 
You took him in one hand and raised yourself up before sliding yourself down on his member. You placed your hands on his chest when you sat down all the way and your head fell forward, your mouth dropping open. “Oh god––”
His hands squeezed your hips. “Come on baby, use my cock to cum.” 
Your body was still tired, your mind fuzzy, but you tried as best as you could, raising yourself before dropping your body back down on top of him. He watched you struggle with a small smirk on his face, his hands barely holding you as you tried and failed to bounce at a solid pace. 
He watched you huff, a furrow between your brows when you gave up that approach, your eyes scanning his body for some sort of answer, a small pout on your face before you put your knees further into the bed and almost lied down on top of him. You put your hands on either side of his head and looked down at him as you pushed your body back with your hands. You managed to build a steady pace, but it still wasn’t enough for you, your body was straining, unable to feel all of him and he took pity on you, placing his hands on your ass before bending his knees and propping his feet up on the bed, making it easier for you to fuck him.  
You let out a moan and your eyes fluttered shut for a moment as you bit your lip, shocked at how deep he went inside of you without warning. 
“Is that better, baby?” He cooed, his voice smooth like velvet. 
You nodded, “Mhm,” you swallowed roughly, feeling the build up to your peak grow again in the pit of your stomach. “So good. So deep––”
He grinned, “Yeah?” He thrusted his hips up, his grin widening when you let out a broken whimper. “You feel me deep inside?”
“Yeah. Gonna make me cum, Tommy.” 
He brought a hand down to your clit and you screamed his name, the bundle of nerves still burning with sensitivity as he thrusted into you, his movements in sync with yours. “Tom I––”
“Go on pretty girl, cum for me like a good little slut.” 
You let out a scream, your walls tightening around him, your legs trembling and your body tensing on top of him as your arms gave out. You were moaning into his neck, your lips soft against his skin as he kept thrusting into you, letting you ride out your high for as long as possible. 
You let out a few quiet whimpers and he stopped, bringing his hands up to rub your back soothingly. “Such a good girl. Came so well, baby girl, fuck, you were shaking so much.” 
You sighed, too tired to move, your eyes slipping shut within seconds. 
When you came to again, you were cleaned up, wearing one of Tom’s shirts, the sheets had been changed and Tom was just getting into bed again by your side. He looked down at you and smiled, his hand coming up to hold your cheek and you gave him a tired smile in response. 
“How are you feeling darling?”
You hummed, clearing your throat gently. “Fucking amazing.” You gave him a dopey smile and he laughed shaking his head slightly.
He pressed his lips against your forehead, then to your lips, moaning when you slipped your tongue into the mix, your hand pulling him in closer, tugging at his hair as you languidly moved together. You gave each other a few small pecks before pulling away and you snuggled into his chest, his arms wrapping around you as you slid your leg between his. 
“Did you guys get everything you needed at the job tonight?” Your voice was small, no louder than a whisper.
“Yeah love, we did.” He held you tighter. “Thanks to my good luck charm.” You felt your cheeks heat up, remembering how you basically exposed yourself to all the men at the job and you nestled into Tom’s chest further. “Was so fucking hot watching you on the phone.”
“Could say the same thing to you.” You admitted and you felt his chest shake as he chuckled. 
“Made me pop a stiffy in the middle of the fight, you know. Couldn’t wait to come home, even though you broke the rules.”
You hummed, “I’m sorry.” 
“No you’re not.” You could hear the smile in his voice and when you tilted your head up to look at him, your suspicions were correct. 
You smiled back at him. “You’re right, I’m not.” You bit your lip for a moment, looking at him innocently. “Thank you for letting me cum, though.”
He smirked. “You know I can’t help myself around you.” He gave you a quick kiss, licking his lips when he pulled away. “Always get what you want, don’t you. Little devil.” 
You shrugged, a small smile on your lips. “You love it.” 
He rolled his eyes, smiling as well. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
tell me what you think!
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leclerc-s · 10 months
track 002. joke's on you
─── ❝ but baby, if I had to choose, the joke's on you ❞ ───
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liked zoyatorres, landonorris, jeremiahbuchanana and others
baileywinters london dump
tagged: landonorris, mclaren
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↳ baileywinters soft launch? what’s a soft launch?
jeremiahbuchanan oh.
↳ user03 my heart kinda breaks for him, he wanted to get back together with her!
↳ user37 but she didn’t. let her move on dude. clearly she’s happy with lando.
landonorris at least post a decent picture of me.
↳ baileywinters i did, can’t you see the one with your car?
↳ landonorris 🙄 you can’t even see me!
↳ user64 i love bailey
user06 there's no way she's hanging out with lando norris, who's close friends with mae jones.
↳ user74 i don't see what the problem is? she's allowed to be friends with whoever she wants.
↳ user06 mae is literally responsible for zoya's heartbreak? she's a slut.
↳ isabellaperez no one is responsible for anyone's heartbreak. leave mae alone already, let her live in peace. is it not enough that she's getting death threats and being slut-shamed everyday?
↳ landonorris being friends with bailey has nothing to do with mae. please stop calling her a slut. i'm sure no one who calls her a slut would like it if they were called a slut for loving someone. just leave her alone.
landonorris and 14 others have followed you
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10:04 am
i'm not dating f1's biggest fuckboy. god i wish i could date jenson button or mark webber.
let me rephrase that ARE YOU DATING LANDO NORRIS??
you don't even watch f1, how did you find that out??
zoya, i never said you weren't but please don't call him a fuckboy
i'm not thinking that but we're just talking and he's a sweetheart. plus weenie loves him!
10:52 am
you have to say something about mae. people are shitting on her in my comments. it's not fair.
i've tried bailey, so many times. no one seems to care about what i have to say. people made their assumptions, and it's not like my management is letting me tell the truth. they say it's good for the numbers, i didn't want this.
god our lives are a fucking mess. guess the joke's on me for thinking any of this could work.
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10:43 am
listen, i don't really care about my reputation that much but i care about mae. she's one of my best friends, i can't just sit back and watch your friends fans shit on her. i think it's best if we part ways.
i understand but we're both under contract lando. i'll talk to zota, see if she can do something or at least say something. it's not fair to mae, she seems like a sweetheart.
thanks for understanding
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bailey winters no lando norris not yet
pierre gasly HE'S FLIRTING!! AHH!! WHAT DO WE DO??
penelope trevino my son? my wittle baby? with a girl? no fucking way. i forbid it.
max verstappen to be fair you can’t prevent it. we’ve seen the articles. we've seen the tweets. he’s a- what do they call it? mae jones a fuckboy
bailey winters what is with people and saying that word today?
lando norris who else said that today? and was it about me?
bailey winters i plead the fifth
max verstappen someone has his priorities straight charles leclerc shut up and go back to your cats!
bailey winters invite me to a gp and maybe you can meet my dog
charles leclerc done. deal. I WANT TO MEET THE DOG!
natalia ruiz wow, if only he was this interested in his love life.
pierre gasly why should he when he's too busy sleeping with you?
natalia ruiz removed pierre gasly
natalia ruiz fuck the french man
penelope trevino that's rowan's job rowan todd fuck you, go fuck your spaniard. isabella perez wow, what would our ancestors think penny? penelope trevino you have no room to talk, you just got back together with your white boy. alex albon honestly isa, just dump his ass already
charles leclerc someone add pierre back, he's annoying me.
max verstappen why don't you add him back? he's your best friend. charles leclerc i'm busy bailey winters busy doing natalia? daniel ricciardo I LOVE THIS KID! daniel ricciardo she get's the way things work around here.
daphne jones added one person
daphne jones i had to put the poor guy out of his misery
pierre gasly thank you daphne, fuck you natalia
natalia ruiz shut it you baguette
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly, nataliaruiz and others
baileywinters loading...
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user73 miss winters, what are you doing?
danielricciardo who's got you smiling like that miss winters??
↳ baileywinters i think you know
↳ danielricciardo that is all the confirmation i needed thank you!
isabellaperez whatcha doin'?
↳ baileywinters who knows
user22 should we be thanking vroom vroom boy in advance for whatever bailey is making in the studio?
↳ user68 we can't give him too much credit yet
zoyatorres oh girl, please tell me it's not another sad song
↳ baileywinters i swear it's not a sad song 🤞
↳ conangray i blame he-who-shall-not-be-named if we get another sad song
jeremiahbuchanana back in the studio? do you ever rest?
↳ baileywinters no, i got another grand prix to be at soon.
↳ user5 i still think they'd be so cute if they got back together
↳ user4 yeah no, get the fuck out of here if you think she should go back to her ex. he's an ex for a reason.
landonorris i still can't believe you betrayed me for charles. all so he could meet weenie.
↳ baileywinters it's charles leclerc, lando. how could i not?
↳ user32 she's so real for that. i would drop everyone and everything for charles
maejones pretty girl
↳ baileywinters that's all you babes.
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baileywinters posted new stories
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i've been put on desert duty. google said whatever i'm making was good and vegan.
is that, the one and only mae jones? i think it is!
cheers mate! or whatever the brits say!
what the hell is this idiot doing? we are officially cutting off his alcohol supply
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zoyatorres posted a new story
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she's too busy at the hungarian grand prix with her new friends to care about me. i'm joking, she still loves me. there's enough room in her heart for all of us.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! oh yeah, we are touching that specific subject. i wasn't going too but i really felt like it was important for the plot. i've also slightly touched on it in previous parts of this.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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121 notes · View notes
Kakashi Week Day 6: Physical Affection
Talk to Me
Words: 1560
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi X Reader
For: @sunflowersenshi who's always so kind and welcoming <3 <3 <3
On the rare days that he has off, Kakashi has a small list of things that he likes to do in order to relax and recharge. From replenishing his food stocks at home to relaxing under a nice tree reading his book, he had come up with the perfect schedule over the years to enjoy those rare days off as much as possible.
It was a schedule that he was quite proud of, even if others did call him ‘lazy’ or ‘unmotivated’ for it. It was the best way to get himself ready for the next mission. Gave him the opportunity to relax completely and prepare himself for whatever Lord Fifth threw at him next.
The only interruptions that were accepted without complaint to his schedule were if Gai also happened to have the day off, in which case he would expect the taijutsu master to show up at some point unannounced asking for a challenge, and when Y/N had some free time to spare for a date.
Today had been one of those lucky days. She had told him how much effort it took to bribe Iruka to take over the last of her paperwork that was due today so that she could sneak away from the academy a bit early. Meeting up with him for lunch had apparently been her top priority all day. Something that she looked forward to, helping her drag herself through a rather boring day of classes with the newest group of Academy students.
Now that she was here though, walking by his side through the streets of Konoha, both arms hooked around his left one, he couldn’t help but notice that she didn’t seem to be all that excited about being there with him. There was a smile on her face whenever she spoke to him, but a distinct lack of excitement in her eyes.
Rather than being full of energy and bursting forward through the crowd while chatting his ear off about all of the things that she wanted to do with him, she was dragging her feet against the ground. Only speaking when he spoke first.
Even the way that she held herself against him was different, clinging to his arms as if she was afraid he would disappear if she dared to let go.
After another failed attempt at getting her to talk to him, he came to a stop in the middle of the street and turned to face her. Ignoring the murmured protests of people whose path he had blocked with his sudden halt.
“Kakashi, what-”
“Is there something wrong?” She stared at him, confusion settling onto her face. “You’re not your usual self. Is there something bothering you?”
Had he done something wrong? Was she tired of being around him? Looking for someone new and interesting to spend her time with.
He leaves the last few questions unspoken, wanting to give her a chance to respond before he lets his mind wander to all of the worst possibilities. Though, he can’t help but notice the way that her fingers curl into his biceps. Nails digging into his skin, almost as if she’s afraid that he’ll vanish if she lets go of him.
“It’s nothing,” she smiled up at him, her eyes focused on the road in front of them. “I just have a lot on my mind. We shouldn’t let it ruin our day out, right? I mean...we haven’t seen each other for a few days.”
A few days was a bit of an understatement. It had actually been two weeks since he had been able to secure a day off. With the Akasuki’s activities rising, and rumors about Konoha’s strength wavering, Tsunade-sama had been sending him out on more missions than he was used to.
“I can ask for a few more days off,” he suggested, wondering if that was what she needed. A little extra time with him. “Or even-”
“Kakashi,” she cut him off, hugging herself a bit closer to his arm. “I mean it. I don’t want to waste the time that we have together, and you can’t just ask for more days off. Tsunade-sama, all of Konoha needs you right now. The work you’re doing is important and I wouldn’t dream of keeping you away.”
Even with her reassurance, he felt like there was something she wasn’t telling him. Something that she was keeping hidden away, possibly even from herself. An experience that he knew all too well.
“You can talk to me, you know,” he offered in much the same way she often did with him. “I know I'm not the best at talking about my own feelings, but I can listen if t-” Her left hand shot up, covering his mouth and effectively preventing him from finishing the rest of his sentence.
“You know how sometimes when I ask you to talk to me you tell me that it’s not something you can really do at the moment?” he nodded his head, a little confused by what she was trying to get at. “Well, today it’s my turn ok? I’m just not ready to talk about it, but it’s nothing bad about you or us. I promise.”
It took a minute for him to process what she was trying to tell him, not used to having her tell him that she wasn’t able to talk about her feelings. That she needed time before she could actually address whatever was bothering her. Once he understood though, he switched gears.
Retracting his arm from the hold she still had on it with her other hand, he took a step back and gave himself a second to examine her. With eyes still devoid of the sparkle of excitement that usually shown back at him, she gave him the best smile that she could manage. Nothing close to that blinding, toothy white smile that she would always have on her face whenever he came to visit her at the academy, but a smile that told him that she was alright.
That everything would be ok.
Feeling a heavy weight lifting off of his shoulders with that smile, he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. The hug was possibly a little tighter than it usually would be, but he assumed she didn’t mind when she melted into his hold. Her head dropping against his shoulder.
“I’m here when you’re ready,” he whispered, burying his face into her hair and letting the scent of singed hair settling into his nostrils. ‘Did you have to stop a fight between some students today?”
“I do not want to talk about it.” The annoyed hint in her voice told him that he had been correct, and there was no doubt a pair of academy kids who had gotten an ear full from one very angry Sensei.
“Alright,” releasing his hold on her, he took a step back and gave her his best smile. “Well, let’s go to lunch then. If you’re still up for it.” Holding out a hand towards her, he watched as she stared at it. Almost as if she was contemplating if she actually wanted to take it.
After what felt like an eternity, she finally took his hand. Her fingers finding their place between his with ease. “Does that mean that for once you’re going to pay for lunch?” with the biggest pair of puppy dog eyes that he had ever seen, she stepped right up into his space and pressed her body into his. Her hand gripped his a bit tighter than usual, leaving him no chance to make a run for it.
Not that he wanted to. As scary as some people found this look on her, he couldn’t help but love it. For some reason it just fit so well with her personality. A perfect match, just like the two of them.
“Maybe I will,” tilting his head a little to the side, he peered down at her. A playful look in his eyes to counter her pleading one. “But I don’t buy lunch for just anyone you know. I like a little something for my troubles.”
“Oh Kakashi, stepping back, she swatted him in the arm. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you get all of the kisses that you want.”
“And cuddles?” Those were important as well. He just wasn’t a complete man if he couldn’t huddle himself up into her arms and forget about the world for a little bit. To just feel her touch against his skin was a gift that he would gladly pay a thousand lunched for.
“All of the cuddles that you could possibly want.”
Even now, with laughter in her voice and a smile on her face, her eyes were still full of sadness. Little had changed since he first tried to talk to her about whatever it was that was bugging her, but that was fine.
He knew she would talk when she was ready to. She always did.
All he had to do for her was be patient, and as long as he got to hold her in his arms. To press kisses against her skin and whisper in her ear all of the cheesy love lines that he could remember from his Icha Icha books, he was happy to wait as long as she needed him to.
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lilac-den · 3 years
I am surprised I seen that no one asked this Ro ask but how would the Ro react to having to hide in an small closet with the Mc.
Zeus: It'll be like hiding with a stone wall, honestly saying. They'll treat it as if they're really hiding from enemies in every situation, tactically listening in for when it's the opportune time to get out and head for a safe zone.
In the relationship stage, however...Ahahahaha. . .
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Hermes: They're good at being quiet. The odd thing is how calm they would be, putting a hand on MC's mouth to both keep them quiet and to slightly enjoy the opportunity of being this close to the MC (though they would irk at the fact they're thinking of this). If it's hella dangerous, they'll be alert and push the touching thing to a lower priority for safety. Otherwise, they'll just wait till the coast is clear before whispering to MC if they're alright.
When both of them get out of the closet, Hermes would plead the fifth on their stand of having MC pressed up against them.
Dionysus: Lots of heat from Dionysus...Body heat, that is. They would be struggling to stay calm, trying their best not to brush anywhere inappropriate on the MC. Being so close, MC can hear them whisper prayers of forgiveness, whimpers of self-agony and just straight-up embarrassment.
By the time Dionysus and MC are out, Dionysus's legs are complete jellos.
Ares: Considering the closet is small, it'll be hard for MC to not get pressed against Ares. Hell, if the MC is short enough, they'd have their face buries against Ares's torso 🤣But Ares would keep a close eye on how the MC is doing, pressing up against them. If they're in a tense situation, they'll be on alert and focus on the main objective.
If it's just hiding from something non-hostile though (like hiding from questions from busybodies), then Ares would purposely lower their voice when they're speaking to MC, just to tickle their hearing senses and smirking over the reaction while being more in tune with their own senses and how MC excites them.
???: In a dangerous situation, they'll hold their finger up to their own lips to signal MC to be quiet. They also prepare a small weapon they have up their sleeve and be prepared for just in case someone opens the closet doors. ??? would be on-guard, even after getting out of the closet until they found a proper safe place to calm down (though with slight difficulty, given the adrenaline).
If it's a different situation though, like hiding from relatives or certain people, ??? would flash an almost evil grin at MC before teasing them with light, innocent touches that can go both ways or a husky whisper once in a while.
Good luck in keeping quiet, if it escalates...
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forever-rogue · 3 years
could you possibly do 142 and 145 for Javier Peña, all the angst /hurt no comfort (depending on how you feel 🙂)
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Prompts Used:
142. “I waited and waited, but you never came back.”
145. “I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.”
Pairing: Javier x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: language
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Javier swiped a tired hand over his face as he looked around your apartment. It was immaculately clean, which wasn’t far off the mark for you, but it was also empty. Now that was definitely wrong and cause for suspicion. He’d come to yours for dinner, like it had become his custom to do most nights when he wasn’t out working until the wee hours of the morning but this time was different. This time there was nothing he was coming home to. You were gone, all of your things were gone, no note, no call, nothing. It was like you had up and disappeared without a trace.
In his frantic efforts to soothe and ease his anxieties and worries, he had gone back to his apartment to see if you were there for some reason. Hell, he’d even called up Steve and asked him if he’d heard from you or anything. He was growing desperate. You were so open and communicative normally this was highly unlike you. At least he knew you were more than likely safe; it didn’t seem like anyone associated with Escobar knew who you were or that they would just come and pack up your things and take you. No...this was considerably more calculated and cunning. This was something that had been planned. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out. That’s what it made it hurt so much worse; that’s what made his stomach twist and churn and his heart constrict. This was something that you had obviously been planning for a while.
He leaned against the wall before sliding down to the floor and looking at the ceiling as he tried to ground himself. His dark eyes were bloodshot and prickled with the unfamiliar sting of tears as he tried to figure what could have possibly happened. What changed so suddenly?
Javier had been so careful over the years, building so many walls and barriers to protect and guard himself. He’d steeled his heart and cut off displaying most emotions in order to preserve what little feeling and emotion he had left within himself. It seemed to dwindle to less and less every day. 
But then he’d let you; completely by chance and utterly by accident at a bar where he aided in protecting from a man that was relentless in his pursuit of you. You’d approached him with wide doe eyes, mouthing something he couldn’t quite make out - was it the noisy bar or the several drinks he’d already knocked back? - before throwing your arms around him and kissing him till you were both breathless before loudly declaring him your boyfriend for the other man to overhear. 
It wasn’t long after that before you really were calling him your boyfriend - and meaning it. For whatever reason, it was you that had been able to break down all of his walls and defenses, caringly and lovingly day by day. And while it terrified him, he let it happen little bit by bit until he realized why; he loved you. The realization had come to him slowly but surely and then it had hit him like a freight train. At first it had scared him to death; he never thought he’d experience those feelings again and yet here they were. And it all felt so easy, so simple and that’s how he knew. And when those three little words left his lips at the end of a quiet evening, while you two were just relaxing and watching an old film while knocking back a few beers, he didn’t mind at all. The way you’d looked back at him with those sweet, wide eyes and how softly you repeated it back had been everything to him. He hadn’t regretted the decision at all and for once in life, he was happy to be all in. 
But then...why had it led to this? There had been no major fight, no big disagreement that could have explained any of this. But you were just gone. 
A long, deep inhale and exhale escaped past dry, trembling lips. He’d been working more lately, that was for sure. The closer and closer they got to Escobar, the less and less time he’d had for you. And for the most part, you hadn’t questioned him, or anything of the sort; you’d expressed concerns for his health - physical and mental - and his safety, and pleaded with him to slow and not rush into things heads on, but he didn’t listen. Of course he didn’t. And you understood for the most part; he job was in no joke, no walk in the park. But still didn’t make things easier. You tried to be there for him as much as possible in whatever way he needed, but over time it became increasingly difficult. 
Nights spent together turned into Javier slinking into your bed in the early mornings and then leaving again before you were even up. He’d shown up on your doorstep injured more than a time or two, luckily never anything permanent, but it still hurt your heart. Even your weekend outings were becoming less and less frequent, turning into a relic of the past while you just missed him. If there would have been a way to help him, you would have but he had made it a point to keep you a separate part of his life. You didn’t know the horrors and never deserved too, he always claimed. What had started as something unstoppable and wild slowly fizzled into dying touches and unspoken words.
“Fuck,” he sighed to himself more than anything as he buried his face into his hands, “fuck.”
Javier remained there for a few moments, trying to gather his racing thoughts and come up with a logical conclusion on what could have happened. He was a smart man, and it really shouldn’t have been difficult for him to piece together. And then all at once, it hit him.
“Shit,” he jumped to his feet as he grabbed his keys and ran out to his car, ready to race to the airport. He was willing to pull any stunt to keep you grounded until he at least had the chance to speak to you. There was no doubt in his mind that you were planning an escape; from him and Colombia.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Hey!” Javier held up his DEA badge as he ran towards the terminal he had learned you were at. Boarding was set to begin in a few minutes so he was brazenly running like his life depended on it in order to get to you on time. He received more than a few curious glances as he weaved his way through people, his gaze honed in on you. You’d been sitting there, quietly reading, but as soon as you heard his shouts, you’d looked up in horror. He had the sneaking suspicion that you had hoped he wouldn’t put two and two together or if he did, that he wouldn’t find you in time.
“Dulzura!” he stopped directly in front of you as a hand clutched at his chest, his heart beating wildly and practically threatening to burst through, “I waited and waited and you never came back. Figured it out - what are you doing?”
“Javier,” you hissed as you slammed your book shut and put it away in your bag. Curious onlookers were almost staring at the two of you as you put a hand on his shoulder and dragged him off to the side, “what the hell are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” his dark eyes grew wide as he looked at you suspiciously, “what the hell are you doing here at the airport? Your whole apartment was packed and now you’re here?”
“My internship at the University ended last week,” you reminded him as a surprised look crossed his features. Of course he’d known...he was supposed to remember anyway. It had been marked on his calendar, but he’d been so damn busy with everything else he’d completely overlooked it. You’d even had plans to go out and celebrate...but instead he’d forgotten and you’d come home to a dark and empty apartment. 
“I-I knew that…”
“Did you?” you didn’t intend for your response to be so harsh, but it was venomous and biting “because you didn’t say a word. I didn’t even see or hear from you that day.”
“Dulzura, I’m so, so sorry. Please let me-”
“I have nothing keeping me here in Colombia anymore, Javier,” you told him quietly, and you loathed how horrible it sounded. You were trying to get a point across, but wished it didn’t have to be like this, “I’m going back home to the states.”
“You have nothing...you have me,” he reminded you, shock and horror marring his features as he tried to reach for you. You recoiled out of his touch for the first time, shocking you both, "please let me explain…"
"There's nothing to explain, Javier," his name was a soft sigh as you hung your head. Your heart was always feeling heavy as you looked at his crestfallen face, "its just...its not the first thing you've forgotten lately. Our anniversary, my birthday, now this."
"I know your job is important, I know how much this means to you," a shaky exhale left your lips as a single tear rolled down your cheek, "that's why I haven't really complained. But I can't...I can't do this, where I'm the fourth or fifth priority in your life. I know your job needs you, and so many people depend on you. But I need you to be present too. Sometimes I feel like I'm alone more than I'm not. You're here but you're not really here. I know that it sounds selfish but I want you too."
"I know things have been crazy lately," he was tempted to reach up and touch your cheek but stopped himself. He wasn't sure if he could take more heartbreak, "but they’ll settle down...they'll get better and it will all be over soon. I swear it. I just need a little more time."
"And that's what you've been saying for months," it was a sharp, cruel reminder of how things had really been. You didn't want to be mad at him or end up resenting everything about him, which was partially the reason for how things had turned out, why you'd made your decision, "its like there's a whole part of you I don't even know, that happens to be a majority of your life."
"I just want to keep you safe," he huffed, running a hand through his already messy hair, "that's all. It's-"
"Dangerous," you finished for him, "I know, and I get it. I do but I just...I can’t do this anymore. Where I only get half of you, or even less. I know it’s horribly selfish and I might be the worst person alive, but I can’t...I can’t do this anymore, Javi. I want to be able to get all of you, and to know you’re safe and sound and that I don’t have to worry about...you getting hurt...or worse.”
“It won’t always be like this,” he insisted softly, as you nodded in agreement. One day things would come to a head, whether or not they were in his favor was yet to be determined. And you did love him, more than anything. More than life itself, and the idea of having to watch him get hurt over and over or worse...was too much to bear. And while it sounded cruel and horrible, you’d rather create a distance between yourselves and cut ties rather than deal with the insurmountable loss and grief of Javier, “I just need you to hold on a little longer…”
“Javier...I love you, but I...I wasn’t going to wait around forever,” you sighed lightly, “we both knew that my time here wasn’t permanent and we thought..this would be over by now. If I knew, or you could guarantee me that there was a way this would be over soon and you’d be safe, I would stay. I would. But right now there’s no way to know, and you’re getting further and further away from me and that scares me to death. I-I can’t protect you. I can’t do anything to help and I don’t want to be the one to…”
Deal with your death. 
“Okay,” it was a small sound of defeat as he fought back a whimper that threatened to escape past pouted lips. He knew you were right; gods, you deserved the world and he couldn’t even give you himself or even a semblance of a clear future together. He wished things had been different; and he was mad and angry, not at you but at the cruel world that had allowed him to experience a taste of such saccharine bliss before taking it all away again. He knew there was nothing he could do to convince you to say. None of the arguments were in his favor. He took a step back, lightly nodding at himself, trying to remain composed, “I get it. I do. I’m just sorry I wasn’t able to be there for you how you needed. I’m sorry I couldn’t be enough.”
“You are more than enough, Javier,” you promised, reaching for his hand as you offered him a gentle touch, “it’s just the situation - the reality of things. I guess we’re not allotted the things we want in life, huh? I wish things were different. I-I wish I was strong to stay here and wait for you. But I can’t…”
Waste years of my life wondering if you were dead or alive. Worrying about my safety and yours and remaining helpless.
“I know,” he took his chances and leaned over, placing a kiss to the side of your head, “you’re right. You should go.”
“Javier,” you leaned into him, tears cascading down your cheeks as you wished you could hold onto him and never let go, “I’m sorry, I really am. I love you, more than you'll ever know. But I just...I tried to tell you I was leaving. But every time I did, you weren't really there or the time wasn’t right. I’m sorry.”
“I love you,” he promised softly, “that’s why this hurts more than anything else. I… can’t stop you and you need to do what’s right. This is right. So...go home and be safe. Maybe one day…”
“We’ll see each other again, I promise. One way or another, in this life or the next,” you tenderly cradled his face in your hands before kissing him one last time, “but right now I have to go. I love you.”
“Yeah,” he agreed softly as you let go, almost jumping at the boarding announcement. Pulling back, you offered him the ghost of a smile before grabbing your bags and heading to check in. 
Javier didn’t turn around to watch you go, instead hanging his head before exhaling loudly, attempting to shake off this situation. He steeled himself again, willing the Javier he used to be to come back up before he walked away and out of the airport, never so much as casting a glance back.
This part of his life was over and done with and he was going to let it die like so many other things.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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Lost Stars in the Night
The following characters belong to:
Isabella I of Castile, Ferdinand II of Aragon, and Juan Trastámara: @weirdbutdecentart
Isabella Trastámara: @lexartsstuff
Marion Trastámara: @vanessaseymour
Juana 'la loca' de Castile: @ellielovesdrawing
Maria Trastámara, Maria of Jülich-Berg, and Sibylle of Cleves: Yours truly
Characters (Description and characters change with each chapter):
Isabel Trastámara - Age thirty eight years old widow of Fernando Trastámara and has six children. Has a few skills necessary for survival and is currently the acting leader of the group. Is unsure how to go about Joyce’s case.
Isabella Trastámara - Age eighteen years old. Is the oldest child of Isabel. Her current priority is the safety of her siblings and mother. She is starting to doubt her mother’s judgment.
Juan Trastámara - Age ten years old. The second child of Isabel and is currently relying on his mother and oldest sister for care and protection. Readily takes the role of brave big brother for his younger siblings. Unsure of his views and opinions on Joyce and has suspicions on his father's disappearance.
Juana Trastámara - Age nine years old. The third child of Isabel and is currently relying on her mother and oldest sister for care and protection. Looks up to Juan for comfort and reassurance. Is unsure of strangers but accepts Mari and her family but she’s afraid of Joyce.
Maria Trastámara - Age seven years old. She is the fourth child of Isabel and is currently relying on her mother and oldest sister for care and protection. Often sticks close to her twin.
Marion Trastámara - Age seven years old and the fifth child of Isabel. He is currently relying on his mother and oldest sister for care and protection. Often sticks close to his twin.
Catalina Trastámara - Age three years old. The youngest child of Isabel who is currently relying on her mother and oldest sister for care and protection. She has her trusted plush monkey 'Pancho' for comfort and became fast friends with Sibylle.
Maria 'Mari' Jülich - Age twenty and six months pregnant with her second child. Came to Spain with her boyfriend, two year old daughter, and dog to escape the carnage happening in Germany. Currently the resident nurse of the group.
Johann La Marck - Age twenty one. Came to Spain with his girlfriend, two year old daughter, and dog to escape the carnage happening in Germany. Readily does as he is told as long as it’s not to the detriment of his family.
Sibylle Jülich - La Marck - Two years old. Daughter of Mari and Johann and relies on them for care and protection. Made quick friends with Catalina.
Günther - A one year old german shepherd that is fiercely loyal and protective of his owners. Especially his owners’ daughter. Will also protect anyone that isn't a threat to his family as long as pets and treats are involved.
Jocasta ‘Joyce’ Howard - Age twenty nine years old. Came to Spain on a vacation with her family. Found in the backroom of a petrol station convenience store by Isabel. Currently bitten but source of the bite is unknown.
(Before you proceed, be warned that the story contains graphic descriptions of violence, blood, gore, death. Please proceed with caution)
Chapter Four: Tension Brings Togetherness
Things were quickly going south once everyone saw the bite on Joyce’s arm.
Isabel hurled accusations at Joyce, as Johann escorted Mari and Sibylle to the caravan for protection. Isabella followed suit, gathering her siblings in the van.
“You’ve been bitten and you didn’t tell us!?” Isabel accused.
“Please just listen to me! It's a dog bite! I wasn’t bitten by an Infected but by a dog just days ago! You have to believe me!” Joyce pleaded her case. Showing the bite on her arm. Because the bite marks were jagged and misshapen, it was difficult to tell what kind it was just by looking at it. "Please don't leave me here to die! I don't want to die! I swear I'm not Infected!" She keeps begging. As she sobs, she throws herself at Isabel's feet and clings to her.
Isabel's thoughts were conflicted as she was taken aback by this display of desperation. Her priorities are her children, thus leaving this woman and keeping her group safe from a possible Infected would be the obvious thing to do.
...her morals are preventing her from doing so. Here was a woman who, like everyone else, had lost everything in The End, yet unlike her, Mari and Johann still had their families. Joyce had lost hers. She's the only one who's still alive.
This is going to be harder than she thought.
"I'll talk to the others and see what they think about this," Isabel remarked. Shaking her off her leg. Joyce releases her and takes a step back. Pleadingly looking up to her. "You stay here and don't do anything drastic or else," Isabel warned before turning and walking over to the three other adults in the group.
"Mamá. What now?" Isabella asked. Looking at her mother worriedly.
"Ve can't let her stay vith us! She's bitten!" Mari said.
"Joyce said it was a dog bite but it's hard to tell for sure. I don't want to just leave her here on the grounds of blind speculation that she's Infected," Isabel said.
"But we also can't just let her come with us when we're not sure if she's Infected or not!" Isabella argues. "Think of the children here, mamá! She might turn and attack one of them!"
"I know! I am thinking about the group here but what if it really is just a dog bite and not an Infected bite? We'd be abandoning her after offering to help her," Isabel rebutted. "She's all alone in a world that's dying. In terms of survival, groups give larger chances of survival and the more able bodied adults in a group, the better," she added.
"So vat now…?" Mari asked. Holding Johann's hand while the other sat protectively over her belly.
"We let her stay and see how her condition goes," Isabel said.
"Mamá!" Isabella exclaims. Clearly wants to protest. Her mother was suggesting that they allow a suspected Infected to remain in their group, putting everyone in peril, because her morality wouldn't allow it.
"Mija, I know what I'm doing," Isabel reasoned.
"Like hell you are! If papá were here he would have protested this decision!" Isabella snapped.
"Do not bring your padre into this discussion, Isabella!" her mother hissed back. The younger of the two glared at her mother but relented with the decision.
That doesn't mean she's going to make it easy for her mother though.
"Fine! But where are you going to place her huh? There's a small child and a pregnant woman in the caravan, the van has your children in it, and there's no way I am allowing her to ride with me in my car," she remarked. Her arms crossed over her chest, she gave her mother an 'I dare you' look. Isabel anticipated this. When it comes to negotiating decisions with others, Fernando constantly uses this method. She often says, 'Like father, like daughter' whenever this type of situation comes up and they both team up against her. Isabella may be named after her, but in more ways than one, she resembles her father.
"Then I drive your car with her and you drive the van," Isabel said with finality. Leaving no room for any more arguments. She fished out the van keys and tossed them to her eldest. Isabella almost dropped them. She looked at her mother in surprise and exclaimed, "w-wait what!? You're driving alone with her!?"
Isabel simply nodded in response. "I trust you to take care of your siblings, mija," she added. Patting her eldest on the head before turning to Mari and Johann, who were talking to each other in german.
"Mari, I would like to ask you to treat Joyce's wound," she said. Mari looked at her in surprise.
"V-Vat…? But Isabel, she's bitten!" she exclaimed. Johann looked at her in confusion. Unable to understand what she said to his partner that got her so upset.
"I know but you only turn into an Infected after you die and she's not dead yet so I think it's safe for now. Just treat her wound quickly and I'll deal with the rest after," Isabel reasoned.
Mari sighs. She turns and tells Johann what Isabel told her. Once he realized what Isabel was asking Mari to do, he flew into a rage.
"Zum Teufel würde ich ihr erlauben, diese Frau zu behandeln! Sie wurde um Himmels willen gebissen!" He shouts. Getting into the Spanish woman's face. Isabel couldn’t understand him but she knew enough that he was angry at her, suggesting that Mari should treat Joyce’s bite.
"Johann! Sich beruhigen!" Mari said. Pulling her partner back to calm him down.
"Sie können niemanden behandeln, der infiziert sein könnte!" Johann said to her. Trying to convince her that treating Joyce’s bite would be a bad idea.
"Ich weiß, aber Isabel sagte, dass du dich erst umdrehst, wenn du tot bist und sie noch nicht tot ist, also könnte ich zumindest versuchen, ihr zu helfen," She reasoned with him. Johann restlessly paced back and forth. He suddenly comes to a stop and looks at Mari. He pulls her close and hugged her. Being mindful of her pregnant belly between them.
"Ich will nur nicht, dass du verletzt wirst,” he whispers. Mari sighs and hugs him back.
“Ich weiß, meine Liebe. Ich weiss,” she said.
Isabel stepped back to give the couple some space. If she's being completely honest, she's envious of their relationship. Mari has Johann and she has no one else. Fernando is no longer with her, and all she has are his memories. She loved him despite his cheating on her twice during their relationship. Right now, she prayed she could have him with her. He was just what she needed. She needed him to console her. Help ease her fears by reassuring her that everything will be alright. Help her in caring for and protecting their children.
But he's not here and she wonders if she’ll ever find someone to love again.
Isabel quickly wiped away the stray tears and composed herself before turning to face Mari.
“Yes?” she asked. The German woman looked at her in worry but opted not to comment.
“I’ll go and treat Joyce’s bite. Johann’s already getting what I need,” she said.
“Good. Gracias for your help, Mari. I’ll go and tell Joyce that you’ll help,” Isabel said. Mari nodded and returned to the caravan to gather the necessary items. Isabel turned her attention to Joyce, who was still seated on the ground. Her legs were tucked towards her chest and she rocked back and forth.
“Mari has agreed to treat your bite and you’ll still be coming with us but I will have to keep a close eye on you,” she said to the woman. Joyce looked at her. Tears of relief brimming her eyes.
“Thank you so much! I promise I’ll do anything to get you to trust me,” she expressed.
“We’ll see.”
Mari arrived shortly after and did her best to treat Joyce's bite. Johann kept a close eye on the situation. Making sure that his partner was safe. Isabel stood nearby, her hand holding Fernando's cane tightly.
“Zat’s all I can do. I’ve cleaned it, disinfected it, and stitched it up. Ve’ll see if ze infection persists,” Mari said. Putting away her things and handing it to Johann.
“Thank you so much, Mari. I owe you one,” Joyce said. Tenderly rubbing her arm that was now wrapped with a clean bandage. Mari just nodded in acknowledgement.
“Let’s get going. The longer we stay here, the less daylight we’ll have. The nearest house is most likely some good hours away from here,” Isabel said.
“Um…I have a map if you want to look,” Joyce offered. Isabel looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
“You have a map?” she asked. Joyce nodded and reached inside her backpack for the item in question.
She takes her map from her bag and hands it to Isabel, who unfolds and examines it. Isabella, Mari, and Johann approached her and peered over her shoulder. She discovered the petrol station where they were currently located, as well as a villa not far off. They could go there first, explore the area, secure the building, and spend the night there. It's a sound strategy.
"We'll be spending the night at this villa here,” she pointed at the villa on the map, “let's hope there are no Infected swarming the area once we get there," Isabel commented. Folding the map again and returning it to Joyce.
"How long will the drive there be, mamá?" Isabella asked.
"Perhaps about twenty to thirty minutes give or take," Isabel speculates.
"I can go ahead and scout the area. Make sure it's safe," the young woman volunteered.
"You are not going there alone," her mother opposed.
“Ich kann mit ihr gehen,” Johann offered. Isabella looked at him in surprise and asked, “bist du sicher?” He nodded.
“Ich möchte sicherstellen, dass der Ort, an dem wir wohnen werden, sicher für meine Familie ist,” he said. Isabella smiled and looked back at her mother.
“Johann and I will scout the area,” she said.
"Alright. Arm yourselves and head on over to the village. Just go straight down the road. Do not engage in any Infected unless necessary okay?" Isabel said. Handing her daughter the map. "Don't worry. We'll be back in an hour or so," Isabella said and she and Johann got ready to leave.
Isabel's gaze shifted to Joyce, and she concluded she needed to understand more about her. She approaches her and asks, "Joyce, do you mind me asking you a few questions?"
"Not at all. Go ahead," Joyce said.
Isabel took a seat on the ground next to her before asking her first question. "How old are you?" She asked.
"I'm twenty nine years old," Joyce answered. "How about you?" she asked.
"I recently turned thirty eight back in April," Isabel answered.
“Oh well, a belated happy birthday to you, I suppose,” Joyce said. Smiling sheepishly. Isabel smiled a small smile. “Gracias though my twins are the ones whose birthday is today,” she remarked.
“Maybe I should greet them later if I’m allowed to,” Joyce said.
“Maybe. What were you before The End happened?” Isabel continues with her interview.
“I was just a simple housewife before The End happened. Tending to the house and my children. Though I was a licensed midwife before I married my second husband,” Joyce answered. Isabel looked at her in surprise.
"Really?" she asked. The other woman nodded in confirmation.
"Well that comes in handy given that we have a pregnant woman with us," Isabel said.
"It does seem like Mari is just about ready to give birth," Joyce commented. Looking across to Mari, who was keeping an eye on the children as they played.
"She told me she's about six to seven months along," Isabel said.
"She's close to her due. I wish I had my tools with me so I can properly help her when the time comes," Joyce said.
"She and Johann have medical supplies from a hospital so perhaps they managed to grab a few of the tools you use just in case."
"That would be nice. At least then I can help with something instead of being a burden."
Isabel looked at her. Studying her closely. This is a woman who really just wanted to help and have a safe space doing so. She had doubts about letting her stay with them but getting to know her now made the doubts in her mind disappear.
"I believe you now," she said. Joyce looked at her in confusion. "What?" she asked.
"Your bite. It's a dog bite. Normally, bites from Infected act quickly and you said you've had that bite for days now. So I believe you," Isabel explained.
Joyce's eyes welled up with tears, and she began profusely thanking her. It's better to have one believer than none, and she's grateful that Isabel is the one.
"Don't thank me just yet. We still have the others to convince so I suggest you keep your head down until your wound heals. Okay?" Joyce nodded and said, "okay."
"Good. Now tell me more about yourself."
"The area is clear and secure. We only found a few stray Infected in the premise, which we quickly disposed of. The villa itself is untouched except for dust and such, but it's in pretty good shape. It even has its own water tank, so we might have water there. Johann even fixed the gate so we're all secured for the night," Isabella reported after she and Johann returned from their scouting mission.
"That's good. Let's head on over there and get settled for the night," Isabel said. Taking the keys to her daughter's car.
They all got in their vehicles and started driving. Isabella is in the van with her siblings, Isabel and Joyce are in Isabella's car, and the Jülich-La Marck family is in their caravan. They left towards the villa once they had accounted for everyone and everything. They reached their destination and drove their cars inside when Johann had unlocked the gate. The little ones started to get excited when they saw the villa.
"Mamá, it looks like our summer home!" Juana excitedly pointed out.
Isabel couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's observation. "It is, Juanita! Though ours was a lot bigger and near the beach," she said. Patting Juana's head.
"Come on! Let's go in and get comfortable. Bring only what we need for the night and leave the rest in the vehicles," she instructed the adults. Already unloading the items from the back of the van. While Johann and Isabella got to work, Mari took the children inside for a quick tour to keep them amused while they waited.
"How can I help?" Joyce asked. Nervously looking around. She didn't want to bother anyone, but she also didn't want to be a bother by doing nothing.
"Why don't you bring these sleeping bags inside?" Isabel suggested. She motioned to the sleeping bags she'd taken out of the van. The younger woman gladly nodded and proceeded to assist as much as she was allowed.
Isabel delegated chores to the group's capable adults after they had everything they needed inside. Isabella was entrusted with determining whether or not they had access to running water. Johann offered to prepare the meal for tonight. Joyce and Isabel will be monitoring the perimeter to ensure that no threats approach. Mari, of course, remains with the children.
"Mamá, can I help?" Juan asked his mother.
"You can look after your siblings for me, mi angél," Isabel said.
"But I wanna help patrolling!" he insists.
Isabel hesitates but relents with a sigh. "Alright. Let's give you a weapon to use first," she said. Reaching for one of the knives she had brought with her.
"I already have one!” Juan excitedly said. Brandishing a small knife he had tucked in his pocket. His mother looked at him in surprise.
“Where did you get that knife?” she asked. She has her suspicions that her husband has something to do with this.
Her suspicions were correct when her son said, “papá gave it to me on my birthday last year.” She's not sure why she's shocked at this point. Fernando was a paranoid man, and providing his family with the means of self-defense likely provided him ease of mind. Juan makes a worried look. He's concerned that having a knife will land him in trouble. His padre had specifically advised him not to tell his mother about the blade.
Isabel sighs and holds out her hand to Juan and asks, “may I have a look?” Juan nodded and handed his knife to his mother.
She removed the knife from its sheath and looked at the blade. The little nicks on the edge and a bit of rust at the base of the blade indicated that it had been used before. It was a basic design for a small blade, but it was clearly an authentic knife manufactured by a skilled craftsman. The sword's handle was solid, and it was covered in thick leather strips for a firm grip. The Trastámara family crest was on the butt of the handle, with Juan's initials beneath it. Fernando went above and beyond.
For his children, nothing but the best will do.
She stowed the knife in its sheath and returned it to her son. "Do you know how to use it?" she asked.
"Sort of. Papá started teaching me how to use it when he gave it to me," Juan said.
"Good enough I suppose. I'll teach you more sometime, okay?" Isabel said. Her son smiled and nodded at this. She smiled back and went to grab Fernando's cane and gun before going to Joyce. Handing her a kitchen knife.
"Here. Best to arm yourself as much as possible," she said.
"Oh no need. I still have my bat with me," Joyce said. Gesturing to the bat in her hand.
"Still. Best to have a backup just in case," the older woman insists. Joyce took the knife and secured it in her belt.
The three then went outside to begin their patrol. Juan stayed close to his mother at the front of the property, while Joyce took care of the back. As they walked the front, Isabel couldn't help but laugh amusedly as Juan marched by her like a soldier. He had his knife in his hand and was holding it out in front of him.
"You don't have to walk like that, mijo," she said. Gently lowering his arm to his side.
"I don't?" he asked. Looking up at his mother. She smiled and nodded. "But soldados do it all the time," he said.
"You can just walk normally while patrolling. You don't have to copy the soldados."
"But how will I be prepared when there's a threat?"
"I'll show you. Tuck your knife in your belt. Now place your hand on the handle. That way you can draw your weapon quickly when there's danger," Isabel said. Demonstrating to Juan what to do. He followed his mother's example. Tucking his knife in his belt to his side and placing his hand on the handle. Isabel smiled proudly at her son.
“Now show me how you’ll draw your knife if there’s a threat?” she asked. Stepping back to give him enough space to demonstrate.
Juan nodded and he drew his blade in a way one would draw a sword out its sheath. It was sloppy and the boy almost cut his in the process.
"You don't need to use your other hand to hold the sheath, Juan. You just need your dominant hand on the handle and pull it out in one swift motion," Isabel said. She demonstrated again by grabbing the hilt of her knife and pulling it out of her belt in one smooth and swift motion. Her other hand is ready to grab or block any incoming attacks. Juan copied his mother's actions and managed to get it right after the third try.
“Very good, mijo! Your papá would be so proud of you!” Isabel praised.
Juan grins then his smile drops. Isabel looked at him with worry when she noticed his change in demeanor.
“Mamá, is papá really coming back?” he asked. His voice was shaking a bit and tears were brimming his eyes. This crushed Isabel's heart. Her son is particularly close to Fernando, and his absence of more than three months has been difficult for him and his siblings, but they have clung to the hope that their father will return home to them.
It truly hurt Isabel to hide her husband’s death from their children.
“Mi angél, I…I’m not so sure anymore. Especially considering the dire times we live in now. I’m not sure your padre is coming back. lo siento mucho hijo mio,” she said. Kneeling down to his height.
Juan let his tears stream down his cheeks. He had a sneaking fear that his father wouldn’t come back to them. He knew that telling his younger siblings would make them sad, and he didn't want them to be sad. Isabel brushed his tears away and drew him into her arms. She tried to comfort him as best she could.
“Mamá…I-I want to keep this a secret. I don’t want the others to know that papá isn’t going to come back. I don’t want them to be sad,” he sobbed. Clinging to his mother tightly. Isabel nodded in understanding.
“Entiendo. I’ll keep this secret between us,” she promised. She wiped away his remaining tears and kissed his forehead.
"Come on. Let's finish up our patrol and then we head back for a nice bath and dinner. Okay?" Juan smiles and nods, putting on a brave face. Isabel gives him another embrace and smiles before moving on with their patrol.
Isabel, Juan, and Joyce return to the villa after patrolling. Isabella cheerfully informs everyone that there is enough running water for everyone to take a bath. The adults were grateful for a soothing bath, and Joyce made it even better by sharing the soaps and shampoos she had brought with her.
The children were bathed first, and then the adults took turns showering. Johann prepared dinner and the group ate it together in the dining room after they had all showered and refreshed.
It was a much-needed peaceful and relaxing experience.
"Danke for the meal, Johann," Isabel said. Wiping Catalina's mouth clean with a handkerchief after spoon feeding her.
"Yeah! It was delicious!" Joyce agrees. Collecting everyone’s empty plates to be cleaned later.
Mari translated their praises to her partner and Johann blushed at the compliments. “Es war nichts. Ich habe mein Bestes gegeben,” he said.
"How about some music to lull the kiddies to sleep?" Isabella suggests.
"Ja! A little music vould be wunderbar!" Mari excitedly said. Clapping her hands.
Isabella smiles as she stands up and goes into one of the rooms. She comes back out with a very familiar guitar in hand.
"You brought your papá's guitar," Isabel said. Her eldest nodded somberly.
"I couldn't just leave it," she said. Isabel nods in understanding.
Isabella tunes the guitar first and moves the capo to the first fret. "Any requests?" she asked.
Juana raised her hand to request a song. Isabella smiles at her younger sister and nods at her.
"Can you play us the song papá plays to us?" she asked.
Isabella turned her gaze to her mother. Asking permission silently. Isabel smiles and nods her head in approval. Her eldest returned the smile and began playing the song that their father frequently sings to them while playing his guitar. It was a song from a movie that the children liked, and Fernando learnt the chords so he could play it for them whenever they wanted. As her oldest played and sang the song, Isabel couldn't help but hear her husband's voice. Hearing the song played on her husband's guitar was a bittersweet experience.
"Isabel," Joyce whispers as she moves over next to Isabel. She turns to face the younger woman.
"Yes?" Isabel asked.
"Can we go outside and talk privately?" Joyce asked. Looking a little anxious.
Isabel shifted her gaze to the group. They were still enjoying Isabella's performance, and her voice was lulling the children to sleep. Catalina and Sibylle were already dozing off next to one other.
"Alright. Go get a flashlight and meet me outside," Isabel said and stood up. Going into one of the rooms to grab a flashlight before heading out.
She stood outside the villa's main door, waiting for Joyce. The beam of h er flashlight swung around in the darkness. The moon shone brightly in the area. It had a mild glow to it, but it was still difficult to see. With her own flashlight in hand, Joyce eventually joins her outside.
"Let's walk," Isabel said and led her around the property. They were silent for half of the walk. Isabel simply waits for Joyce to say something.
After a while, she finally breaks the silence.
“Isabel, I…I forgot to mention another thing to you earlier,” Joyce said. Stopping and shifting around nervously. She refused to meet the Spanish woman’s eyes. Isabel stops and frowns in confusion.
First, the bite, and now this?
What else has this woman failed to mention to them?
“What is it?” she asked. Turning to face her fully. Joyce finally looked up at her. A twinge of fear in her eyes. It’s better to say it now than have them find out later and kick her out when she’s at her most vulnerable.
“I’m pregnant.”
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