"9/10...Perfect score."
72 posts
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mrtelevisionlover · 6 days ago
Guess who’s watching avatar… again… 😫
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mrtelevisionlover · 7 days ago
New theme because I still had my Christmas one 😭🙏
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mrtelevisionlover · 8 days ago
The amount of films I’ve watched just because my celebrity crush is in them is actually embarrassing. My Letterboxd looks horrendous 😭🙏
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mrtelevisionlover · 9 days ago
Not inside starting on my birthday 👀😫😝
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mrtelevisionlover · 9 days ago
Divas I got some piercings. I can’t sleep on my side 😔🙏
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mrtelevisionlover · 9 days ago
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mrtelevisionlover · 12 days ago
Hello! Sorry i haven't posted in ages but i've just realised that round 4 from this fic was missing!? i've added it in now so...yay!
can i request a chrismd one where you where one if the girls in the 20 women vs 1 youtuber football edition and fans start to ship you two? even the guys haha! loving your work btw!!
Yes!! Loved writing this, enjoy!
(Can you tell I know nothing about football?)
words: 1500+
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When Y/n got a DM from Chris’ manager asking her to be in this video, she wasn’t too sure what to think. She wasn’t very lucky in the dating scene, only going on a few first dates, and had never had a boyfriend. She didn’t really want to embarrass herself in front of his millions of subscribers but she had been a fan of his work for a while and had always wanted to meet him so…why not?
The morning of, she was very nervous. She had bought a new shirt to wear, and paired it with some shorts. She braided her hair into a simple french braid and stepped into some worn out trainers. She decided to go without makeup, as she was probably going to sweat it off. Also the weather outside was horrible and she didn’t want mascara dripping down her face…And she was late for the train.
When she arrived on the pitch, she saw 19 other girls, all very pretty. She suddenly felt insecure, especially as no-one was talking to her. She decided to go over her pickup line, seeing as that would be his first impression of her.
Soon, the cameras started rolling and one by one, the girls would introduce themselves to Chris and his two friends, Calfreezy and ArthurTV. Eventually, it was just her left. She watched Chris say goodbye to Loretta, who she eventually learnt had been on a few dates with Chris already. Once his manager gave her the green light, she walked over to the table.
“Wow-Hello!” Chris smiles. He takes a moment to look at her face, admiring her.
“Hi! I’m Y/n and uh…Can you be your striker? I'm only aiming for your heart.” Y/n giggles slightly, and the sound brings blush to Chris’ cheeks. 
“Aww, that’s quite sweet.” Arthur coos.
Freezy pauses, then points, nodding his head. “You know what, I like it.” 
Chris shakes his head slightly, and presses a hand to his cheek. “Are you any good at football?”
“I play with my dog sometimes?...” She shrugs, embarrassment painting her cheeks slightly.
“Oh…Okay. Well, I wish you the best of luck.” He smiles.
“Thank you!” She takes a few steps away from the ball before running towards it and kicking it with all her might. Unfortunately, the ball narrowly misses the goal, and goes over the top.
“Ooh! That was good, I’ll give you that.” Chris exclaims, clapping his hands together in celebration.
Cal sighs, “That almost made it too.”
“I’m actually surprised I got it that close. I thought it’d end up behind me.” Y/n gasps as two hands cover her mouth. She was quite awful at football and really surprised herself.
“So, what’s the verdict?” Arthur looks towards Chris in anticipation. He knows Chris already likes her, he can see the look in his eye– it was the same in school.
“Yeah, you’re through.” He smiles. Freezy takes note that this is the widest he’s smiled so far.
“Really? Thank you!” Y/n does a little jump before waving goodbye. She walks over to the rest of the girls where they actually start to talk to her. She starts talking to Rose, an American streamer who flew all the way over to be on this video. She seemed to really like Chris and Y/n started to get a little nervous, Rose was very pretty.
“She seems really sweet.” Arthur whispers to Chris as you walk away.
“She’s really pretty too.” Chris blushes, sending a shy smile towards him.
Freezy perks up, “Uh-oh, Chris is falling already.” He laughs.
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Soon after, they moved into round two. Twelve girls remained, Y/n included, and they had three free kicks. Chris, Freezy, and Arthur stood in a line a few metres in front of the goal while the girls aimed for it, the 3 of them often getting hit. 
“Hello Y/n.” Chris beams. Cal laughs at him while Arthur nudges his shoulder. 
“Hi again.” She smiles, waving to the 3 of them. She’s incredibly nervous. She worries her luck has run out and has a bad feeling she’s going to hit one of them.
“Any technique you're aiming for?”
“Um…To score? Hopefully” She laughs. Chris giggles, Arthur and Freezy give each other a look
“Okay, Well…Best of luck.” He smiles.
Y/n steps back from the ball, lets out a little breath, and kicks the ball. It goes over their heads, and misses the goal. “Aww, come on!”
“It’s alright, you got two more!”
She kicks the ball again, she uses less power and it rolls towards the goal slowly. Arthur lets out a little laugh and Chris hits his chest with a scowl. 
“One more, give it some power!”
“Okay.” She mutters to herself as she walks back to the line. “Just score one, please.” She whispers, closing her eyes.
Y/n lets out another little breath before kicking the ball with all her strength. She watches the ball fly through the air and…Hit Chris right in the groin.
Arthur screams, “OHH!” as Chris falls to the floor, Calfeezy struggling to breathe from laughter. 
“Oh my-Are you okay!?” Y/n quickly runs towards him, leaning down to check on him.
“There goes my ability to have kids.” He groans, rolling on the floor.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t even know I could do that-” She apologises as her face is flooded in guilt. 
“It’s okay, I’m okay.” Chris slowly gets up, Y/n helping him.
“Are you sure? I’m just gonna go-”
“No! You’re through.”
“Wait, what!?” Cal exclaims as Arthur gives the camera a look of bewilderment. 
“Really?” She gasps.
“Yeah, you’re really sweet.” Chris rubs his hand down her arm, soothing her slightly.
“Oh, thank you. Again, I’m really sorry.” Y/n face plants as she walks away, her face flushed with embarrassment.
“You are insane.” Arthur mutters.
“What can I say, I really like her.” Chris shrugs, then wincing
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 For the third round, the nine remaining girls had to show a talent. Y/n watched girls throw and kick footballs, recite poems, and participate in an arm wrestling contest. She decided to do some gymnastics, as that was the only thing she could come up with. 
“Hello Y/n, what will you be showing us today?”
“I will be doing some gymnastics.” 
“Oh cool! Ready when you are.” 
She starts by doing a handstand, then holding it for a few seconds before falling into a bridge. She stands up and does a simple cartwheel, then falls into the splits. She hears the guys cheering her on and she giggles slightly. She decides to finish it off with a few flips, landing in front of the table. 
“Wow…” Chris stares in awe.
“That was so cool” Arthur exclaimed, shaking Chris slightly.
“It’s a yes!” 
“Really? Thank you! See you later.” You wave them off. Chris watches you walk off, subtly checking you out. Freezy notices this and laughs at him, smacking him over the head.
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 Now onto round 4. There were only five girls left and they were to be interrogated by Chris’ two friends. 
“So Y/n…What is your biggest turn off?”
“Uh…Not telling me how they’re feeling. I think it’s really attractive when a man tells me how he’s feeling — whether if he’s happy or sad, I think it’s really important.” She nods.
Arthur smiles. “That’s a really good answer.”
“Yeah. I’m really open about mental health on my YouTube, I like to use my platform for good, sometimes.”
“Really? Men’s mental health is so important, I think a lot of guys watching your channel would really benefit from it.” Y/n praises.
“Thank you.” He blushes.
“Chris…What makes Y/n different to the other 4 girls?”
“She’s really sweet, and seems very genuine. She’s…alright at football and…she’s beautiful.”
“Aww” Both Cal and Arthur coo.
Y/n covers her face, her cheeks feeling warm. She peaks between her fingers to see Chris smiling nervously. 
“And Y/n, what’s your favourite thing about Chris?” 
“I love how much he cares. He clearly cares so much about his friends, his videos, his fans. It makes him so enjoyable to watch and honestly? He’s such an inspiration.”
“Oh wow.” Chris breathes, his heart skpping a beat. 
“Right were running out of time but quickly—rate each other out of ten.” Calfreezy interrupts, turning to the two.
“Ten.” “Ten!”
“Really?” “Really?” They both stare at each other in surprise, blushing blooming on their cheeks.
“Chris? A ten?” Arthur teases.
“What? I really like his hair, and his freckles.” Y/n tuns to Chris and takes a moment, looking at all his features. “And he has a really lovely personality.”
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“So…It’s Y/n and Rose, right? Those 2 you were smiling the entire time.“
“Yeah…Yeah, it’s them.”
“So…We’ve made a decision and we’ve decided to put Y/n and Rose into the final.”
“Woo!” The rest of the girls clap.
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Both girls did rock, paper, scissors to decide who was starting first and Y/n won. Chris held an Umbrella over her head as he led her to the goal.
“So uh…What baby names do you like?”
“I like classic ones like Charlotte, or Henry.”
“Oh nice. I like Heather.” 
“Aww, that’s really cute. How many kids do you want?”
“As many as my wife will have, I don’t mind.”
Y/n smiles and realizes she's at the line. She says a little goodbye and watches him walk away. 
Eventually, Rose had scored 2 out of her 4 tries, and Y/n only had scored 1 out of her three. If she wanted a chance, she’d have to score. Y/n stands in front of the ball and closes her eyes, and slows down her breathing. She shakes her hands, stretches her neck, and kicks the ball.
She watches the ball fly through the sky, miss the goalie, and hit the net! She hears the guys celebrate behind her and realises she’s back in the game. 
She then watches Rose hit the ball for the final time, and watches as it narrowly misses the goal. Y/n hears gasps next to her as someone shakes her shoulders.
“If you score this, you win! No pressure though.” Arthur smiles at her sheepishly. She nods, still in shock. Y/n turns to Chris as she walks away and he gives her a reassuring smile, and a thumbs up. 
Y/n turns to the ball and eyes up the goal. She lets out one final breath and kicks the ball. It feels like everything is going in slow-motion, and she can’t watch anymore. She turns around and covers her eyes, only opening them when all 3 guys scream in excitement. 
She turns back around to see the ball in the goal and she gasps. “I did it!” Chris runs over and gives her a hug, congratulating her in her ear. She hugs him back, and squeals in surprise when he picks her up. Chris then gives her a gold envelope with a lot of money inside.
“No-I can’t keep this.” Y/n tries to give him back the envelope but he puts up his hands
“Yes you can, you won.”
“No-” She tries.
“A date with you is the prize.” She pleads.
He smiles, before pushing the envelope back in her hands.
The video then cuts to them both skipping into the distance, with cute music playing over the top. It then fades, the video ending.
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Comments: usera: Hello!? The chemestry between the two? SO glad she won
userb: rose was robbed tbh
userd: who's wating for arthurs ai generated comment?
usere: you could see how much chris liked her from the start. who knew he was such a blushy boy!?
userf: so cute! Hope to see her in other videos
userg: him picking her up at the end? they better be together
userh: her talking about men's mental health? chris, she's a keeper!
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Well, I hope you like it. My first real fic, done!! also, ignore any mistakes, i'll go over them tomorrow x
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mrtelevisionlover · 1 month ago
So I watched Bridget Jones mad about the boy last night…I’m still processing…
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mrtelevisionlover · 2 months ago
I’m talking to you beyond the grave (I’m backstage of my actual performance 😈)
I’m talking to you beyond the grave (I’m backstage of my dress rehearsal 😈)
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mrtelevisionlover · 2 months ago
i will give you my left liver if it means we get a part two and a proper ending to ‘stay’
perhaps harry finally realizes the shit he’s pulled and done to yn. the boys find out, call him out on it, give him a hard time and cause he’s been hiding her away from his friends cause they genuinely like her (ie he doesn’t invite her to their events where the other boys gfs/wives attend and yn was always invited but they never questioned why he didn’t bring her). in which he ends up chasing after her (idk maybe she left the country or a diff region cause harry did recently say he tried travelling over boarders for a girl). and yn isn’t too giving in until he proves himself which takes time (ie he’s doing everything he can within a span of xyz to prove to her)
Damn okay, and I like it! Coming soon?…
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mrtelevisionlover · 2 months ago
I’m talking to you beyond the grave (I’m backstage of my dress rehearsal 😈)
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mrtelevisionlover · 2 months ago
you can’t leave us at a cliff hanger! can/will you do a part two to this? 🫣
I mean if you want a part 2, I might just have to 🤔
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mrtelevisionlover · 2 months ago
Okay divas, time to lock in.
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mrtelevisionlover · 2 months ago
Chat I just spent the whole day reading avatar fanfiction this was not a productive day 🙏
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mrtelevisionlover · 2 months ago
I really need to post, huh?
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mrtelevisionlover · 2 months ago
Hey guys, sorry I haven’t posted any fics recently, life has been pretty crazy. I have to learn 5-7 monologues in 10 days and a lot of stuff is going on in my personal life. Hopefully I can get the chance to write soon but please bear with me 💕
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mrtelevisionlover · 3 months ago
Hope you enjoy! 💕
Can you do an angst Harry fic where he is in an established relationship but he is so busy with sidemen etc and she doesn’t feel like a priority or like the relationship is important for him and they have an argument maybe and she’s ready to leave and he has to fight for her to stay?
Hello, tysm for requesting! Low-key got a bit emotional writing this 😬
it's very angssty(?), hope you like it!
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Today was Y/n and Harry’s five year anniversary. She had planned a lovely dinner at their favourite restaurant, then they would go for a walk, and then they would come home and snuggle up on the sofa. It’s perfect…Or it would be perfect if Harry looked at her messages. 
Over the past few months, Harry has barely been home–constantly filming videos in different countries, on set, etc–and when he is home, he’s always on his phone, or in his office. It feels like he’s purposely ignoring her, barely acknowledging her presence in their own shared home. 
Sometimes, when she’s alone in bed, she thinks he’s out cheating on her. It brings her to tears, knowing Harry is out looking as attractive as he is, mingling with girls in bars or parties. Ones she's never invited to because ‘she wouldn’t like it.’. She would actually really like it, she hasn’t been invited out for so long and she just wants to see her friends.
“Can I come?...”
“Nah, it’s a lads thing.”
A couple hours later, when she’s sick of the silence, she goes on Instagram to see selfies of Faith and Talia, even Sabina and Tennessee. Everyone was there. 
“Ma’am? If you're not going to order, you need to leave.” Her thoughts are suddenly interrupted when the waitress comes over for the umpteenth time.
“He’s just coming, I promise-”
“You’ve been here over an hour, if you don’t order in the next fifteen minutes, you’ll need to give up your table.”
“O-okay…Sorry.” Y/n swallows nervously, showing her a small smile.
Y/n watches the waitress walks away, laughing to her coworker, probably about the loser that’s been sat on her own for over an hour. She pulls out her phone and checks if Harry’s replied. She can see he’s online but her messages have been left on delivered.
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She decided to send him another text, hoping that he’ll see it.
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Another 10 minutes pass, and she can see the waitress looking over. She sends Harry a few more messages, her eyes start to water and she can feel that familiar lump forming in her throat
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Y/n is suddenly pulled from her phone. “Okay, you need to leave.” The waitress starts clearing her table, not taking no for an answer.
“No-He’s coming, He wouldn’t do that-” Y/n tries to grab the cutlery from her hands as her voice wavers.
“He’s not coming, go home.” The waitress sighs.
She shakes her head, “He is-He is, he wouldn’t forget me. He loves me-It’s our fifth Anniversary, I-I think he might propose-” She cries.
She shoves her hands away. “Get out.”
“Please-” Y/n pleads, tears falling down her cheeks.
Y/n wipes her nose, looking around her favourite restaurant to see everyone staring at her. Her face flushes and she looks down. She quickly grabs her bag and phone, running out the door muttering sorrys as she goes. 
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When she finally arrives at their shared apartment, she can hear the television blasting through the walls. She then opens the door to see Harry, drunk, lying on the sofa. He doesn’t even acknowledge her. 
She chokes out a sob, “I can’t do this anymore!”
“Do what?” Harry looks up from the TV. seeing her teary face sobers him up, slightly.
“Us! You-you don’t talk to me, or prioritize me. You don’t love me!” Y/n waves her hands about in frustration.
His eyebrows furrow. “That’s not true, of course I love y-”
“Then why don’t you say it!?”
“I don’t know, I forget!” Harry shrugs.
“You forget? You forget to tell your girlfriend you love her?”
“I have so much Important stuff going on right now-”
“And I’m not? Today was our fifth anniversary for goodness sake!” She presses her palms deep into her eyes.
He pauses, “...Was it?...”
“Yes!!” She cries. “I waited in that restaurant for an hour and a half, I made a fool of myself!”
“That’s all you’ve got? ‘Sorry’? Why don’t you answer my messages? Are they annoying?”
“Yes! Wait, no-”
“You’re mean…” She mutters.
“I love you so much but you keep treating me like I’m some gum on your shoe. I can’t keep living like this-” Y/n rushes into the bedroom, grabbing the nearest bag she could find and starts throwing clothes into it.
“Where are you going!?” Harry rushes in front of her, holding her shoulders.
���You’re leaving?”
Y/n grins sarcastically. “Yes. We’re done. You’re free.”
“No don’t say that-I love you.”
“No you do-”
“I do, I do. I love you so much…The reason I was distant was because I was scared. I was scared of the commitment. Everyone is telling me to settle down a-and I freaked out because I do want to settle down…With you! But, I just wasn’t sure if I was ready” He takes a breath.”I was planning to propose, but I got scared, and I ghosted you…but, I’m not scared anymore. I love you so much and…” He gets on one knee, “Will you marry me?...”
“No!” She cries. “You can’t pretend you didn’t do what you did, you can’t just forget it-You-you-you just, you’re mean!”
Harry holds both her shoulders, trying to pull her into a hug “Hey-hey-!"
“No! I can’t do this right now-” Y/n pushes him away and reaches for her keys. She quickly opens the door, fleeing into the night, slamming the door in his face…
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ignore any mistakes, its midnight!! 😅
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