greypetrel · 1 year
Under 25 is TOO COLD?! I'm getting a heat rash even thinking it
Ahahahaha it's not "too cold", but you'll find me with a sweater on. xD I'm very South Mediterranean in that sense, and used to temperatures here. (I was in summer in Ireland and England and both times it was "Why is it so COLD. WHY. It's JULY and- people are on the beach?? in their SWIMSUITS???? WITH 18°C AND WIND?????" *wraps in her sweater an becomes green with envy*)
I don't like wearing extra layers such as sweaters and so on, and shoes. Shoes are despicable and the first thing I do at home is take them off. I would live in sandals if I could, so summer's the way. I'm a Hobbit and Hobbit's nature wants your feet bare. u_u
Between 25 and 30 is my ideal temperature, it's not scorching hot but you don't need many extra layers, you can wear sandals without socks, you can lay in the sun, hopefully plants have slowed down with their pollens...
And yes, before you reply: my pressure is constantly under my feet and yes, in summer and with the heath it gets lower, and I get sunburnt if you look at me for long enough ... Still would take that over my skin cracking because with cold it gets super dry. People coughing or sneezing over you on public transportation. And flus and throataches. And seasonal depression.
Just personal preference and habit of course, I highly envy people who are able to survive in winter and be comfortable, I'm serious. x°D
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softwaring · 3 months
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got all this for $20 from the local farmers co op 😋
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Summer Fruit Salad (Raw Vegan)
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vortahoney · 3 months
The only thing you absolutely need to do every summer is eat stone fruits
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eduurun · 2 months
best thing about summer is fruit, and nobody will change my mind
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unexpectedplantblr · 5 months
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absolutely fascinating this is such a thrill to watch
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bumblebeeappletree · 9 months
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Artist Sam Van Aken shares the breathtaking work behind the "Tree of 40 Fruit," an ongoing series of hybridized fruit trees that grow 40 different varieties of peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines and cherries -- all on the same tree. What began as an art project to showcase beautiful, multi-hued blossoms has become a living archive of rare heirloom specimens and their histories, a hands-on (and delicious!) way to teach people about cultivation and a vivid symbol of the need for biodiversity to ensure food security. "More than just food, embedded in these fruit is our culture ... In many ways, these fruit are our story," Van Aken says.
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Originally posted on YouTube on October 1st 2019
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thecupidwitch · 24 days
Fruit Correspondences
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Apple: spirit work, offerings, love, healing, beauty, wisdom, harvest
Apricot: love, self love
Avocado: beauty, love, lust, fertility, spell work
Banana: wealth, luck, spirituality, religion, masculinity
Blueberry: protection, banishment, curses
Blackberry: protection, fertility, femininity, funerals, afterlife, moving on
Cantaloupe: spell work, protection, grounding, energy work
Cherry: lust, love, fertility
Clementine: childhood, dreams
Coconut: protection, cleansing, femininity
Cranberry: holidays, blood magic, spirit work
Date: fertility, luck, money
Dragon fruit: lust, passion, spell work
Durian: curses, cleansing, protection
Fig: happiness, divination, love
Grapefruit: cleansing
Grape: money, spell work, fertility, offerings
Guava: love, self love, lust
Honeydew: cleansing, energy, love
Jackfruit: divination, spell work, happiness
Kiwifruit: health, love, lust, happiness
Kumquat: luck, health, money
Lemon: cleansing, purification, protection, curse breaking
Lime: cleansing, protection, love
Lychee: love, self love, femininity, beauty
Mango: love, lust, fertility
Nectarine: love, self love, spell work
Orange: cleansing, protection, divination
Papaya: curse breaking, banishing, spirit work, love
Passion fruit: lust, love, passion
Peach: fertility, love, happiness, spirit work
Pear: offerings, happiness, luck, money, confidence
Persimmon: healing, love, luck, protection
Pineapple: protection, health, offerings, money, luck
Plantain: fertility, masculinity, lust, passion
Plum: love, healing, offerings
Pomegranate: offerings, blood magic, fertility, divination, spell work
Prune: cleansing, protection
Raspberry: love, dreams, health
Strawberry: love, wishes, dreams, happiness
Starfruit: lunar/solar magic, spell work, cleansing
Tangerine: solar magic, strength, energy work
Tomato: protection, cleansing, love, passion
Watermelon: healing, femininity, lust, love, spirit work, cleansing
Tip Jar
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secretceremonials · 2 years
Okay, I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately
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transsextual · 2 years
*fruits listed were chosen according to wikipedia's list of stone fruits :)
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Summer Fruit Salad with Vanilla Balsamic Dressing (Vegan)
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hwatermelons · 1 year
unconventional gender neutral terms of endearment ^^
(mostly made this cause my drafts always have "baby" a million times and then i replace them lol)
- pretty (as in pretty girl/boy, but without the gender word attached) - starlight/my star, sunshine - honestly if you put "my" before anything it could probably work as an endearment - animals: firefly (got the idea from sufjan stevens), bunny, dove, mouse, hamster, hummingbird, penguin, monkey 😭, kitten (this one's kinda popular) - flowers: tulip, rose, sunflower, a flower that's special between your characters - fruits/vegetables: pumpkin, bean, mango, lychee, kiwi, peach, nectarine, apricot, berry(!!), blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, cherry, etc - sweets! a special weakness of mine is sweets from the person saying the endearment's culture. like if someone who was also indian called me their kaju katli i'd melt (but probably not laddu unless it's clear they're teasing and i get back at them 💀). maybe runs the risk of being cringey tho? honestly as long as it's from the sayer's culture and suits their personality it's fine - examples of sweets that don't belong to a certain culture: cookie, brownie - nature: snowflake, raindrop?? (i guess it works if your character has something to do with water), sprout, sapling
and here's some classic gn terms of endearment if your character's more into that: - darling (i see this as a perfect alternative to princess/prince) - love/my love - lovely/beautiful - baby/babe (can be used in both cute and teasing/suggestive moods) - angel (personal favorite of mine!) - dear (it's so "grown old together" vibes, i'm in love with this one for this purpose) - honey, honey pie, sugar, sweet(ie). honestly if they're used for s/os, it feels kinda old-fashioned. but for parent figures saying it to someone much younger that they care about, children or otherwise? (i'm imagining a southern (from america) beekeeper with no children or spouse of her own who sells her famous honey to buy food for the small army of orphaned children that shows up on her front porch every morning for breakfast. and these are the kinds of things she'd call them. perfection.)
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flowerishness · 6 months
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Prunus spinosa (blackthorn)
Prunus is a genus of shrubs and trees that includes plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, and almonds. A lot of them have white flowers and a lot of them bloom in the spring. This species, (probably) Prunus spinosa, is in my neighbor's back garden. It seems to take the approach that 'more is better' and is totally covered in these snow white blooms.
Blackthorn was brought to North America by British settlers and it's very hard, dense wood was at one time used to make Irish shillelaghs (a cross between a walking stick and a hefty club). As a food crop it fails compared to many other members of the genus but it sure knows how to turn on the charm on a sunny, spring morning.
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discworldwitches · 2 months
my dear friend avi is in need of help. i reblogged their old-er donation post with updates a few days ago but wanted to make a cleaned up one.
avi has been enduring complex health issues made worse by a traumatic loss a year ago as well as the grief of losing their father in the last few months. avi has also been supporting their wife liira, who is currently in hospital due to spinal MRSA.
the staff at liira's hospital are misgendering her, neglecting her hygiene, and delaying meds such as MAT and ibuprofen. avi is currently trying to get her moved a new hospital. they need money for the transport copay on the shuttle (with an iv & their wife in critical condition, transport by avi's car isn't feasible) , copay for meds (including aforementioned iv meds), and to replace liira's phone. their fixed income is still weeks away.
please help any way you can! if you can't donate please please reblog.
cashapp: $nrnwv Paypal: [email protected] Venmo: @Reduxwv
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bumblebeeappletree · 9 months
Sam Van Aken's "Tree of 40 Fruit" is a single tree with the capacity to grow 40 different varieties of stone fruit including peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, cherries, and almonds. Created through the process of grafting, the tree results in blossoms of variegated tones of pink, crimson, and white that bloom throughout spring and will eventually become laden with a multitude of fruit through late summer and early fall. Preserving heirloom and antique fruits, the Tree of 40 Fruit is artwork as a form of conservation, representing the agricultural and cultural history of California and Silicon Valley.
The tree, located on Roth Way near the Cantor Art Center and Rodin Sculpture Garden, is one of more than 80 pieces of public art accessible on Stanford’s campus year-round.
Narration: Andrew Catanese, MA '22 and Sam Van Aken
Film: Connor Lee O'Keefe, MFA '22, and Alexandra Stergiou, MFA '22
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themanicnami · 1 year
💖Witchcraft Correspondence: Love💖
Love is one of the parts of life humans chase after in many ways. Not just in ways of romantic desire and sexual interactions but the love of family, friends and love of oneself. It is a common topic when it comes to magic and divination so with that - may this be an easy reference for all of you looking to incorporate love of any kind into your craft. Please note: this isn't every possible correspondence out there - this is more a quick reference guide. Happy witching~
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💖Herbs for Love: Anise, Basil, Bay, Catnip, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Coriander/Cilantro, Clove, Damiana, Dill, Fennel, Ginger, Hawthorne, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Meadowsweet, Myrrh, Parsley, Rose, Rose Hip, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Spearmint, Thyme, Vanilla, Valerian, Yarrow
💖 Flowers for Love: Aster, Baby's-Breath, Bleeding Heart, Carnation, Cherry Blossom, Daffodil, Geranium, Hyacinth, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Orchid, Rose, Sunflower, Tulip
💖 Fruit for Love: Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Cherry, Cranberry, Fig, Guava, Lemon, Lime, Mango, Nectarine, Orange, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Pomegranate, Peach, Pear, Plum, Raspberry, Strawberry
💖 Vegetables for Love: Artichoke, Asparagus, Beet, Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Endive, Leek, Lettuce, Onion, Peas, Pumpkin, Radish, Sweet Pea, Tomato, Zucchini
💖 Foods for Love: Chocolate, Pistachio, Rye Bread, Sugar (sweets), Wine
💖 Crystals for Love: Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Emerald, Garnet, Green Aventurine, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Onyx, Pink Topaz, Pink Tourmaline, Pink Quartz (dyed), Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Tiger's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
💖 Oils for Love: Anise, Basil, Bay, Birch, Cardamom, Clove, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Juniper, Lemongrass, Lemon, Lime, Marjoram, Mints, Myrrh, Rose, Rosemary, Vanilla
💖 Incense/Scents for Love: Amber, Bamboo, Catnip, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Dragon's Blood, Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Patchouli, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Ylang-ylang
💖 Colors for Love: Pink, Red, White, Orange, Purple, Gold, Silver
💖 Moon Phase for Love: New Moon, Waxing, Full Moon
💖 Day of Week for Love: Friday
💖 Elements for Love: Fire, Water
💖 Zodiac for Love Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Gemini, Pisces
💖 Planets for Love: Venus, Moon
💖 Animals for Love: Beaver, Butterfly, Cow, Crane, Dolphin, Dove, Elephant, Flamingo, Hare, Horse, Ladybug, Lion, Lovebird, Owl, Penguin, Starfish, Swan
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