#Ozpin lives AU
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syntiment · 2 years ago
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It appears that the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated --
Had a dream about this Ozpin Lives AU + Lore/backstory rewrite, and for some reason despite all the time that's passed since I last even thought about RWBY, I was overcome with the compulsion to draw him again so here he is in this design I tweaked for him.
Maybe if it's requested enough or I am suddenly overtaken by insanity, I'll sit down and actually do a lil write up for how I picture this AU and rewrite to go.
In the meantime though take this bit of nostalgia from yours truly.
EDIT: read about the Ozpin Lives AU here
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gmain13 · 3 months ago
Here's Ozpin Vacuo design. As I promised :)
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miss-writes-a-lot · 2 years ago
Ozqrow Week 2023 Day 4: Stranded Together
(DAY 4! Give it up for Day 4 of @ozqrowweek 2023! We might actually make it all 7 days. Crazy, right? This is an Ozpin lives au that takes place after the Fall of Atlas and our heroines into the Ever After. Content warnings for mentions violence, death and explosions. Without further ado, here we go!)
Ozqrow Week 2023 Day 4: Stranded Together (Aka the ‘Ozpin Lives and falls into the Ever After Au)
Qrow’s eyes burned from the direct sunlight hitting his face when he first opened them, but that mild annoyance was just a precursor to the aches and burning pain that seared his skin and muscle when he fully regained consciousness.
He felt like one giant walking bruise, with each minor flex or movement of any part of his body sending shocks through his entire nervous system. He squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself to sit up despite being racked with pain and fatigue. He propped himself up onto an elbow and sat up.
He blinked the sun’s sting and some sand out of his eyes and started to look around. 
And once he did, he realized that he definitely wasn’t in Atlas anymore. From the looks of it, he wasn’t in Vacuo either. 
In front of him was the ocean - or, an ocean - blue and tinted yellow like the oddly tinted sky above him. To his left and behind him was a lush forest of tall green trees and a rainbow of other colors drawn throughout, both things that the aforementioned kingdoms did not have. He scooped up a handful of sand, letting it slowly fall between his fingers as he tried to recall how he came to this unfamiliar place.
Through a pulsing headache behind his eyes, he could recall a bridge.
That’s right; Ruby and her friends got the Relic of Creation from the Vault while the rest either went to stop Jimmy Ironwood or gather the citizens of both cities and get them to safety. They made portals and bridges to Vacuo, but then-
Then they showed up.
Cinder and that girl - Neo? - they got the jump on them and Yang, she-
She was the first to fall.
She got knocked off the edge and disappeared into gold, into that darkness. And then everything else went to shit from there.
Fire from the explosions, people being knocked off the edge from the ensuing conflict. One by one, the remaining members of Team RWBY were all tossed away into the darkness. 
He remembered going back for them. 
He had to - They were his nieces, the closest things to daughters he would ever get, of course he had to go back for them. Someone told him to stop, tried to reason with him. 
He’d fall too, they said. He’d fall and he would probably never come back.
That only pushed him further toward the screaming.
He did fall - how, he doesn’t really remember - he just did and whoever was trying to talk him down fell with him.
Yang, Blake, Ruby, Weiss, he thinks that kid Jaune, him….someone in green.
Green. Dark green, forest green, the deepest shade that green could possibly appear in -
With new urgency, he shot up on his feet and scanned the rest of the beach.
“Oz!”  he shouted, searching wildly, “Oz! Ruby! Yang! Can anybody hear me?”
He ran along the shoreline, shoes submerged in water and pins and needles in his feet. He ran while his head spun like a top for signs of someone. Someone alive from the fall. Someone or all of them, he just needed to find them.
He turned a corner along some of the rocky cliff sides and spotted Long Memory stabbed into the sand, and only a few feet away from it being taken by the tide was its unconscious owner. Qrow dove to save him, dragging the silver haired man out of the water and tossing him onto the sand.
He felt his neck for a pulse, sighing when he found one - a faint one - pushing against his two fingers. He put his hands to the center of Ozpin’s chest and started compressions, counting 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4.
“C’mon, Ozzy. C’mon,” he muttered.
After a few more sets of counting fours, he pinched Ozpin’s nose, tilted his head back, and blew air into his mouth, counting again 1, 2, 3, 4-
Ozpin coughed. Qrow pulled away, letting out an audible sigh of relief as Ozpin turned onto his side and hacked up sand and sea water. Qrow patted his back to help get the rest out.
“Easy, Ozzy. I gotcha. I gotcha.”
“Qrow?” Ozpin wheezed, “It’s...you’re-”
“-Okay, Oz. I’m okay!”
“Oh, Qrow!”
Ozpin lunged at him, wrapping him up in a bone-crushing hug. Qrow almost started crying as he grabbed onto his shirt for dear life in fear that the world would crumble underneath them and they would fall again. 
Qrow pulled away, checking over his companion. “Are you okay? You hurt anywhere?”
“I’m fine. A few bumps and bruises, but nothing I can’t handle. And you?”
“I should be good right now.”
“I’m glad.”
Qrow searched behind him, looking for any signs that someone else might have been in the same spot. Still nothing.
“You remember what happened? Back in Atlas?” Qrow asked.
Ozpin’s face fell. He tilted his head down and turned it away, “We were running away when the others...it was after Ruby and Blake fell. You went after Cinder and the Neapolitan girl, and you tried to go after them too. I tried to stop you, but you were inconsolable. So I went with you instead. Cinder stole the staff and the bridge started to collapse and-”
“And we fell.”
Ozpin bit his lip, “I’m sorry. I should have been with them. I could have stopped them from-”
“Hey,” Qrow grabbed his shoulders, “Let’s not focus on that right now, okay? I’m here, you’re here, and if we fell down and came out mostly alright, then the others too, right?”
Ozpin nodded slowly.
“So, all we have to do is find the others and find our way out of here. That is,” he turned his head up to the forest hanging over the cliffside in front of them, “-If we can find out where here even is…”
“I may have an idea, but you’re not going to like it.”
Qrow raised a brow, “What is it?”
Ozpin gave him a knowing glance, “Do you remember the tale of The Girl Who Fell Through THe World?”
Qrow frowned, a heavy sigh escaping his nose. “‘Course it’s another one of your fairytales. Alright-”
He pushed himself onto his feet, turned to Ozpin, and stretched out a hand.
“Guess that means you lead the way then.”
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gmain13 · 3 months ago
Ohh my god thank you so much!!!! I really love this post it's so cool and cute!!!!
Hi Lira! Good to see you here. Do you have any Ozpin Lives Au headcanons? And do you have any Oscar&Ozpin vol.4 headcanons?
Hey! I was pretty excited to see you on here too, if the spam liking your posts wasn't any indication, lol. And oh boy do I have a lot to say, I'm just gonna put it under the cut.
Okay. So. For Ozpin Lives AUs. There's so many ways to go about it. I'm a fan of Ozpin Lives but with Consequences of the Soul kind, because how else are you supposed to tie in our favourite farm boy? Whether this is some kind of half baked merge, or a kind of platonic soulmates, or just a Connection, Ozpin deserves a chance to actually parent the kid the universe randomly assigned to him.
I imagine he'd be very tactile, hands on shoulders, hair ruffles, holding hands, helping Oscar learn to fight, the whole nine yards.
And I imagine Oscar would, at some point, start to reciprocate. Initiating hugs, poking Ozpin, gently kicking Ozpin when Oscar thinks he's being stupid (Oscar should get to kick Ozpin in the shin at least once, he deserves it).
What's the point in being shy about physical contact when their very souls are intertwined?
Now in Haven, I feel like Qrow would be baffled by the presence of Oscar but more releived and focused on the fact that Ozpin's alive. Oscar has an easier time making friends with RNJR when he doesn't have their dead Headmaster in his head and constantly hovering over his shoulders. Though, I do think in contrast, Yang will be more aggressive with Ozpin since he's physically there and doesn't have Oscar as a kind of buffer between them.
In the Haven fight, Oscar would still be the one to fight Lionheart, because Ozpin will be very occupied with Hazel trying to beat his head in. I think there could be a sweet moment in there where Oscar covers for Ozpin there. Ozpin protests that this is his fight, but Oscar replies that they're supposed to be a team aren't they? And that means no one has to face anything alone! Hazel, of course, would get even more pissed off at what he sees as another child trying to fight Ozpin's battles so the moment is quickly broken up.
Now, when it comes to Jinn... it's hard to say. RWBYQ will definitely know that Ozpin's hiding things from them, but how would they get the Lamp's password without Oscar giving it to them? And without Oscar in Ozpin's head and vice versa, how would they even get there? I don't think it makes sense for them to get the Lamp's password, though I definitely think they'll be frosty with Ozpin because they know he's hiding things from them, they just can't tell how much.
Now the Apathy, however... oh boy. With all of Ozpin's repressed trauma I expect he'd be taken the fuck out. Could probably fit in a reveal in there, with the Apathy impacting Ozpin's ability to see the point of hiding his secrets since Salem's unkillable anyways, and they never did technically get a divorce and killing your spouse is frowned on though that hasn't stopped her yet and wow he's so useless at protecting people, all of his children have died, he's so sorry to Oscar for bringing him into this, he's just getting another one of his kids killed-.
Yeah. I. I really don't think Ozpin and the Apathy would get along.
(I know you asked for Ozpin Lives AU headcanons but you're getting an entire AU, whoops.)
Jaune definitely punches Ozpin in the face in Argus. No argument there. I do feel like Oscar would still go off on his own to go shopping and also have some time alone to reflect. What does he really want out of this? He's just another one of Ozpin's kids, how much does he really matter? He's not a Huntsman either, he's the youngest of everyone, just a kid, is he a burden? In the end, I feel like Oscar would come to the conclusion that he's not stuck here, but he wants to be here. He wants to do more, he wants to help, he wants to fight. It might have felt like he was just getting dragged along from his Aunt's farm but now... Now it's his choice. And he chooses to fight. He chooses to save lives. He chooses to stay. He chooses Ozpin.
Ozpin, meanwhile, is freaking the fuck out over where his kid went. Everyone's kind of shocked to see how much their perpetually in control Headmaster is panicking, meanwhile Ozpin's in the corner catastrophizing because oh no, what if he's been kidnapped what if he tried to go home but then got kidnapped what if there was a Grimm attack what if he's dead-.
Yeah. Panicking. Ozpin hugs the life out of Oscar when they see each other again (codependency says what) and doesn't even bother trying to play it off. Cue heartfelt speech of how though he may seem implaceable, he deeply cares for people. He cares for his friends, his students, his kids. He thought the best way to keep people safe, keep his friends safe, was to seem invincible, and the only way to do that was to keep everyone at arms length. But looking at everyone, they find strength in their closeness, and not letting people know how much they mean to him seems to only have been hurting them in the long run. Cue promises to do his best and to try to trust other people more. Oscar's still grounded for the heart attack he gave Ozpin (hey!).
The Cordovan issue is not automatically fixed. Ozpin lost his scroll and by extension his ID when Beacon fell. Cordovan thinks there's no way this burn scarred ragamuffin is the former Headmaster of Beacon Academy, fraud is a crime you know! They still steal an airship. Oscar gets to commit a felony. As a treat.
Now Atlas is... hmm, a toss up based on how you characterize Ironwood. I believe he has the potential to make the right decisions, to be a good person, but he also very much obviously has the capacity to make terrible decisions and be a bastard. Would having Ozpin there fix that? Fuck if I know! Still won't stop Salem from showing up.
Now, for funsies, I think Ozpin should be the one getting kidnapped by the Hound. Let him be a Damsel in Distress, it'll be fun. Oscar should get to go rescue his father figure, it'll be enriching. Bonding time in the evil whale!
That's as far as I've got for Ozpin Lives AU (headcanons, I wrote so much, this was just supposed to be headcanons, ahhh-). Now for Oscar and Ozpin volume 4 headcanons!
In the show Oscar seems to spend most of the time ignoring Ozpin where he can, so it'd be up to Ozpin to fill the silence. I think Ozpin tells stories about people he once knew, about heroes. Teams at Beacon when he was a Headmaster, teams when he was a student, the people that were the basis for fairytales and ones that have been forgotten to time.
Oscar ignores the fact that he can picture the faces of every single person his hallucination talks about. Though the stories are nice.
But less nice stories would be the nightmares. Oscar definitely has nightmares of Beacon's Fall, Ozpin's death, past deaths as well. He has hardly gotten a single good night's rest since Ozpin showed up in his head.
I think more than just breathing exercises and talking Oscar through his panic, I think it'd be cool if Ozpin taught Oscar how Huntsmen check themselves for wounds. Adrenaline can numb pain, and Aura could be actively healing the wounds too, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. It's both educational and grounding, allowing Oscar to root himself in his body and not in the body of the person who he just remembered (lived) dying.
Ozpin tries to hide it but he feels very guilty for these nightmares. He knows they come from him.
Immediately after these nightmares is the most Oscar's willing to engage with Ozpin at the beginning, before Oscar accepts that this is happening, that it's real.
As you can see I have a lot of thoughts about this. Thank you for the ask! ✨️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜✨️
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maskyartist · 2 years ago
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lil break doodle before i get back to the commission grind
actively missing Ozpin has me wanting Dadpin Lives content so expect me to be super annoying while i try to figure out a design
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eternalstarlightmakeup · 3 months ago
When you fallen down the RWBY rabbit hole again and you just start writing a fanfic just have new content.
Bringing back my OCs and I want maiden Pyrrah (fight me)
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razorblade180 · 2 months ago
Actor AU6
Ruby:You know what’s funny about filming a movie where you’re aged up? *steps aside*
Summer:*in DC costume* Sup.
Ruby:I wonder how many people are going to notice the difference.
Summer:They’ll know it’s me when the acting improves.
Blake:Excuse me ma’am. Where’s the bathroom?
Yang:Oh it’s just…*flexes bicep* That way to the left.
Blake:Haha, why thank you.
Yang:There’s also one to the…*flexes tricep* right over here.
Nora:Stop it before you pull something you dork.
Interviewer: So, Yang Xiao Long, fans have noticed you got a few gains for this movie.
Yang:Yep! Never again haha!
Interviewer:What? Why not.
Weiss:She was such a baby off set.
Yang:Mad respect for personal trainers and gym enthusiasts. I like to feel a burn but I missed my arms not being sore. Adam would literally be nice enough to make me oatmeal and I’d just look at sadly because I don’t want to lift the spoon.
Interviewer:Was it as painful for the rest of you?
Blake:I actually think I like protein shakes now and that’s deeply upsetting.
Weiss:I’ve always lived the gym life. They wanted more squats so I gave them more squats.
Ruby:*sitting sadly*
Superman:*sits beside her* It seems you have a lot on your mind?
Ruby:A lot has changed since we last met; big changes. Atlas fell, my sister and I got into a fight, now we’re here and…Jessica keeps asking about Jaune.
Superman:*tucks lips in* Mmhmm..
Ruby:Like…damn bitch, it was adventure. Let it go.
Crew laughing in the background
Ruby:I got dozens with this guy. Get in line!
Ozpin:*swinging cane*
Ruby:*getting beaten*
Jessica:*off screen*…I’m actually the director on this episode.
Ruby:*having a panic attack*
Jessica:I wish I was joking. I needed the experience.
Blake:Guys, I think I know where we are.
Beautiful wide panning shot
Blake:…I think we’re in Candy Land~
Weiss:Fuck ooooffff. *covers face* That was so random! Ahaha!
Yang:Honestly falling from your world into Candy Land sounds more terrifying than a place like Wonderland.
Blake:I think we’re in Wonderland.
Director Roman:Ever After…
Blake:*nods*…I said that so confidently to. Holy hell…
Jaune:Today I met a little girl who was a RWBY fan. She asked me if there was any way to come back stage to pet Juniper. *bites muffin* I couldn’t tell her that Juniper was a prop.
Neo:So what did you say?
Jaune:I told her I actually don’t get to see him either. Now both of our days are ruined. This job is cruel.
Pyrrha:Sup guys. It’s me, here to traumatize you again. *flips camera*
Penny:I’m here for the kill assist.
Pyrrha:You think we’ll be in final episode somehow?
Penny:Oh absolutely. I signed up for the role of “Ruby’s friend” and somehow landed “ghost of the narrative” by mistake.
Pyrrha:Saaame! Funny how that works out.
Weiss:Where are Blake and Yang?
Jaune:Must’ve had bigger things to work out.
Meanwhile on storming bridge
Yang:Bl- what the!?
Adam:*draws sword* THIS ONE IS FOR ALL THE MARBLES!!
Blake:Sorry! The more I tried to not of the worst situation, the harder it got!
Yang:…*looks at camera* Can we keep this?
Yang:But I want another cool fight!
Oscar:*getting makeup done*
Penny:Ready to die on screen?
Oscar:Yeah. I took notes from the best.
Penny:So you’ve been looking at me?
Oscar:Whenever I can.
Coco:Hold still and stop flirting!
Jabberwok:*crumbles into Neo*
Neo:*finger guns*…..*makes Adam*
Blake:Oh my gooood!
Ruby:At this point you should just put him at the tea party.
Nora:You don’t even canonically know him!
Ruby:But it would be hilarious!
Weiss:What kills me is an army of Adams would probably be more effective than the Jabberwoks.
Ruby:*in a bat suit* This is the secret life option the blacksmith didn’t want to reveal.
Weiss:Ruby calls on quits and chooses Gotham over Remnant.
Blake:Willingly going to Gotham City is crazy. Life is not that bad.
Ruby:I don’t wanna take this off.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 11 months ago
This is cool
Ozpin as a Jod figure could be interesting
This makes me think of the one theory where Summer was the summer maiden, and of how the original maidens were either Ozpin and Salem's daughters or were based on said daughters.
Which is to say, now I'm thinking of a GtN AU but Ozpin is Ruby's grandfather instead of her father. The Wake figure in this permutation of the AU that I'm thinking of would've decided to raise 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer Left Blooming Alone as a child instead of a sacrifice, but Summer would find out anyways the truth behind her conception and flee to the Ninth, planning on killing a necro there while using her own blood to unlock the tomb. On the way, though, Summer would meet a lyctor's cav (I'm leaning towards either Taiyang or Raven) and become pregnant. This doesn't change Summer's plans one bit, not until the haz suit only has enough oxygen for one of these two silver-eyed girls.
Silver, just like the eye color that the being in the tomb currently has. (I'm not saying they're Maria, but...)
Going off the post yesterday, consider: Locked Tomb NnD au where Penny is Ruby’s cavalier, who sacrifices herself for Ruby like Gideon does for Harrow.
Overall, it would be a pretty straightforward au in terms of GtN’s narrative (Ozpin as a Jod figure could be interesting. I think maybe Cinder in Cytherea’s place?)
Admittedly I just really like the imagery of necromancer!Ruby and Penny works well for her protector, and don't have many more thoughts here.
Also, (and partly why I’m focusing on NnD here when I may have some continued thoughts later for the fake!necro Jaune/necro!ruby/cav!pyrrha angle)
Nona has been a point of inspiration for how I write Copper. Since Nona's also a character who's had a relatively short life, knows very little about the world, but has a lot of Plot Things going on around her that she's not entirely aware of, and is linked to two main characters. It's not a 1:1 comparison, but thinking back on how Tazmuir executed such a POV has been part of my considerations with Copper.
All this is to say, I find the concept of a full Locked Tomb au with the three of them deeply entertaining bc Reasons and wanted to share that thought
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zacs-of-rwby · 5 months ago
One of the reasons I love writing for AUs so much is being able to create crazy situations for characters that would never interact in canon.
Like, how else could I create a coherent storyline where Qrow and Merc bond over shitty childhoods and Qrow becomes Mercury's main role model.
How else am I gonna be able to make Oscar, Emerald, and Whitley a best friend trio that sticks together through their whole lives.
How else am I gonna get to create a situation in which Ozpin and Tyrian bond over being quirky, queer teachers working at the same school.
And these are all from one AU! AUs are beautiful and I love them.
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meadowindreams · 15 days ago
Yandere RWBY AU: Weiss schnee
Getting close to Jaune?
Weiss is cold", to jaune's face, but behind his back? she loves him to the point that there should an, she has both money and influence, so if he wants something? she will get it for him, anything, expensive merchandise, ticket to movies, or to travel, she would probably pay for everything, to make Jaune, she could also pay off anyone that was trying tog et close, leaving him alone, and make him rely on her more, because of this, like going on mission, hell she would pay Ozpin to get them to live together, her love language is gifts so that how she would play out.
She could easily pay her way into getting to know everything about Jaune, including his family and his entire life, paying off spies and stalkers to get info on him, to get info to use for blackmail or get closer to her.
"protecting jaune"
If anyone was bothering him like Cardin, or people that Jaune doesn't like too, she would either, give them money to get them to leave him alone, or hired someone to "remove" them, she can turn them into ice statues and easily depose of them later on, and whenever they can’t be together, she would kust buy out someone’s services, hire a few bodyguard, of course they can’t be seen but to her Jaune is worth every Penny after graduating, marriage, to make sure no one gets the chance, buy his heart and body, hell she probably doesn’t even need to use money just make promises that his mother that she will give her a bunch of grandbabies.
Getting to date jaune?
Jaune needs cash, and Weiss "needs" a date to high profile parties so she would pay him to be with her, and he cant be with anyone else as this would ruin her reputation which she will use on him, to make him stay "loyal" to him, and slowing shifting his life to where he can rely on her on everything, he will just be at home looking after the children and working the company, so that she can return to a loving house full of warmth, unlike her parent's marriage.
Marriage and Family?
Yes and yes, Weiss would definitely want to be married, for many reason, the main being that no one can claim jaune and take him away from her. She would like to have a few children (like 7), as I doubt she can handle so many, they would probably live in the same mansion letting her mother and sibling play with her kids.Klein would be a major help though, and u think he would be happy to serve another generation. She would be somewhat clingy to her children too as she has witness first hand how the lack of love from a parent can effect children especially the spouse, she would woke only when absolutely necessary, and spend time with Jaune and the kids, and she really doesn’t want to be like her father at all. she would buy him out, such as having him as a house husband, keeping him confided in the mansion which will be his new home. She can’t risk letting him leave the house and being kidnapped, he is far to valuable
How would other react?
Willow would be happy that her daughter found someone that makes her happy and would also want jaune to join their family as her own husband isnt that loving or as kind as Jaune is,
Winter, and Whitley are both happy for her, they know she was kind of stuck up, and was usually rude and self centred but now that Jaune is with her? She is so much nicer, and they actually started to bond
Klien would also be supportive of Jaune, he is kind, and usually helps out, and put effort, so he would say that he would love to serve jaune as the new head of the house in the future, as he is much nicer than the current “head”
She would bring him to any high profile party, to use him as a warding sign to get other suitors away from her but also make it clear that he is off the market, she can feel the jealousy of girls that wanted him at the party that she took him too.
Her father Jacque (jackass) would care but not like a caring father but most like a greedy man who wants Weiss to marry another high class person for wealth, power and profit, but considering that Weiss would do anything, he would be too distracted, or was threaten by her secertly that Willow would take the company back, since its in her name and not his, but would just not care, since he has 2 other children he could use for his own personal gain, then again, Weiss would do a hostile takeover to make sure there’s no chance of him getting rid of the love of her life.
Rejection and Resisting?
she would be devastated. why did he reject her? did she not give him everything he wanted? was there someone else? if (not when mind you) Jaune decided to break up, she would use all her connection and money to make sure that he wouldn't be happy with anyone else, paying the partner to leave him, or paying other to ruin the dates he goes on without her. She would kidnap her knight and keep him confined in the house, she would be like her father but for love instead of money, the other would want him to stay since she is more nicer this way.
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howlingday · 8 months ago
Beast AU.
Ironwood, Ozpin, glynda, and winter in a meeting room discussing rumors of an underground fight club. And rumors of a strange faunus in the arena.
"Thank you again for having us, Professor Ozpin." Winter gave a half-bow to the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. "We will return in a few months with any new information regarding the Vytal Festival."
"Please do." The white-haired gentleman smiled with a nod. "If I may, though, I do have a few questions pertaining to... other matters."
"Other matters such as what?" General Ironwood asked, quirking his non-plated brow.
"Nothing sinister, I should hope." Ozpin waved his hand. "Just a simple... rumor, if you would. Regarding something happening within the Kingdom of Atlas."
"Something like what, Oz?" James gave a huff, already tired of his old friend's bad habit of not being as straight as possible.
"Something like an underground fight ring in Mantle."
"There's no rumor, Oz." The general shook his head. "If anything, it's old news. It was an illegal gambling ring for disgraced huntsmen and drunkards alike."
"Yeah, but there's more to it than that." The group turned to see Qrow Branwen, personal huntsman of Ozpin himself, walking in with a bit of a stumble in his steps.
"Speaking of disgraced drunkards." Winter said under her breath.
"Not disgraced yet, Ice Queen." Qrow smirked. "And definitely not as bad as those guys forcing people to fight for their lives."
"But you're still a drunk." Winter lifted a tissue to her face, looking ill just from speaking to him.
"Eh..." Qrow shrugged. "Can't win 'em all." He opened his flask and lifted it to his lips. "Well, 'cept for that one kid who got away."
"What kid?" Professor Goodwitch asked. Her eyes narrowed on the two from Atlas and Qrow with significant heat in her glare. Glynda was a strict teacher, but what really got under her skin were issues involving children. Hearing 'kid' piqued her interest in this story, if only so she could either help the child or harm the ones who thought it a good idea to bring children into this mess. "James?"
The Headmaster General sighed. "During our investigation, we found one of the... competitors," he emphasized the word as if it were only a loose definition, a slang term, "was a young male with animal traits. Before we could bring him in for questioning, he escaped through a secret entrance we didn't anticipate."
"And you didn't hear him wrong, either. Traitsss." Qrow hissed the letter for further emphasis. "As in more than one. Long bunny ears, bwoop~!" Qrow lifted his hands up over his head, careful not to spill his flask. "Funny bunny fur." He looked at his arms as if the arm hair multiplied like, well, like rabbits. "And a fluffy bunny tail." He turned to shake his rear but was held in place by Glynda.
"How old?" She asked. The room was quiet. Her weapon snapped, shaking the room itself. Her voice came out cold. "I will not ask again."
"It's..." Winter cleared her throat. "It's difficult to give an exact age, but the subject-"
"The child." Glynda corrected.
"The child is old enough to be a Huntsman Beginner School student, if not a graduate."
There was shouting coming from inside the diner. A young man, no older than twenty, trudged out with a heavy bag of garbage. Tossing it into the dumpster, he clapped his hands together before blowing into them. He cursed something about how cold it was outside before returning in.
A short time later, something crawled to the dumpster from the shadows, keeping low to the ground. Lifting the lid to the garbage container, he carefully slid into the foul-smelling receptacle. It was disgusting, and cold, and dark, but it was out of the wind. And with his nose, Jaune could smell what food he could still eat.
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syntiment · 2 years ago
I haven't thought about anything RWBY related in so fucking long and for some reason my brain decided "hey, wanna have a dream about that Ozpin Lives AU you made forever ago?" during my nap earlier and now it's just sitting fresh in my brain
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evenmorefatallyobsessed · 2 years ago
Prof. Schnee AU Concept
To be clear this isn't the only Au/ comic I'll put the model in but it is the one that comes to mind for me most often.
All of team RWBY are born into the previous generation. Weiss along with her brother Whitley secured and manage the SDC. Though in truth Whitley takes care of most of the actual work. Though she was far from dull she did have to admit that Whitley was solely groomed to manage the company while her time was decided between it and her combat training.
Weiss herself still had power and plenty of a say but her Huntress duties took priority... And obligations as a teacher as well, yes. She was a instructor at Beacon. Helping to groom the next generation into respectable Hunters.
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Mostly she was pleaded into it by her partner Ruby but still she took her job seriously.
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Which was more then she could say for the rest of her team! All three of them off gallivanting across Remnant taking missions. Honestly sometimes they could be such a headache. But she supposed Ozpin had sent them all on those missions...
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Regardless she was determined to perform no less admirably this year then any other. And considering that Pyrrha Nikos would be entering this year she believed it would be a very worthwhile year given her skill.
But there was always room for surprises like miss Valkyrie, who was frankly a Yang level ridiculous powerhouse.
Yes, this year would've been a valuable one even if those were the only two of note... But they weren't. No, the third would be...
"Please Go Out With Me!"
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Would be Jaune Arc, a paradoxically lacking student and yet one worth her admiration. He was a special case like Blake had been according to Ozpin. A boy who secured counterfeit transcripts to earn a chance to try out Initiation. Though whereas her teams resident Faunus had been a member of the White Fang mister Arc had been a civilian out in one of Remnant's frontier villages. A simple boy with some dreams of heroics and knighthood.
He was actually like her partner Ruby in several ways but with a father who denied his dreams instead of supporting them like Ruby had... That, that was something she could relate to, could sympathize with and it was not all.
He wanted to live up to his family's name, to bring honor to it, to be anything to stop being the one to be protected but to protect others Instead. He was many things, foolish, naïve and certainly stubborn… But he was brave. What else could you call a boy who entered the Emerald Forest prepared to face monsters but courageous.
Jaune Arc had a long way to go, had a tough road ahead of him, if she’d thought catching Ruby up on their studies back in the day was hard this would be a true trial. But, but she wanted him to succeed, she wasn’t the same girl she’d been back in the day, who viewed people so callously, so superficially. She saw how much Jaune wanted this, how willing he was to put his life on the line for complete strangers as he fought the Death Stalker.
Apparently he wasn’t the most studious student but she never had issues, he may have lacked proper knowledge of Dust in her class but he was always quick to learn and put in the effort. Offering to help however he could.
Then he was being bullied, and then he stopped it, she knew how, she saw the recordings, saw Winchester Threaten him with blackmail. Saw her student being used like a lackey and distant from his team… And then she saw him refuse to follow Cardin’s order when it affected someone else. And then witnessed him save said tormentor when his teammates had ran.
Jaune Arc just like her partner embodied what it meant to be a Huntsman, he just needed some help on the way… And then he asked her out.
Flustered, nervous, clearly embarrassed, it was a sight she wasn’t used to, every man and woman who courted her had done so with annoying confidence in their status or family ties, had saw her as a particularly beneficial tool to use or trophy to own or worst of all… A knot on the metaphorical belt.
But Jaune, despite the way he entered Beacon was a rather earnest man, which was why she would do this in the kindest but also most direct way possible. Because she remembered being rejected as well. And wanted him to suffer as little as possible.
"Jaune, I'm your teacher..." He looked sad but accepting.
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"R-right... I'm sorry I know it was wrong t-"
"That's why I don't want you going around and telling anyone." She blinked that the words she said it seeming to finally catch up with her brain her... Wait? That wasn't what she was supposed to say! Jaune seemed to be under the same impression as her thoughts as he spoke with a  dumbfounded look on his precious youthful face.
"Really!" Yes Really!? What was she doing accepting his confession, but once more before her conscious could interrupt she parted her lips again.
"Though it isn't against the rules that Beacon upholds it is heavily frowned upon Jaune." Damn her for studying said rules! No! Stop Looking At His Absolutely Beamimg Smile This Instant! Just Because He's A Cute Boy Doesn't Mean We Could Throw Caution To The Wind.
Honestly she couldn't believe she said yes... Moreso that she felt so, so damn giddy about it! Like she was a girl back in her Beacon Days in her first relationship... Okay so technically she was a girl/ woman at Beacon and this was her first relationship but that was beside the point...
She was his teacher and this was... Well, no it wasn't illegal given that Jaune upon passing Initiation was by all legal means a adult under Remnant's Huntsman regulations... But it was still unprofessional! She'd never do anything others could bring into question... Anymore.
Like going out and taking on International criminals, known terrorists cells and preforming vigilante activities while a student.
But all that was besides the point and in the past! She wouldn't play with this boy's heart! She'd do the proper thing and brea-
"Jaune, I hope you understand that I'm not some trollope to be played with I expect you to take this seriously." NO!!! She Did Not Mean That! Shut Up Subconscious!
And oh dear now he was shooting her a very determined, gaze that made her heart skip a beat.
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"Of course not! I'm serious about you miss Schnee!" Oh dear he was closing the distance, and being so assertive... Was, was he always so tall...
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weebsh-t · 1 month ago
I miss the era of the 'Ozpin lives' AUs, I miss them like air
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pilot-boi · 9 months ago
Is Oscar doing anything in the royalty AU? I assume he’s a commoner. Does he interact with Jaune or Ruby?
Yeah he’s a commoner from around the same village as Ruby and Yang (so he lives in the Arc kingdom) He’s just a farmer, but he’s got some natural born magical talent, so he wants to move to the capital city someday and apprentice under the court magician
He interacts with Ruby every so often, during big holidays or at occasional market runs. They both trade stories about what they’re going to do when they get to the capital, and how’s it’s going to be the adventure of a lifetime. They’re good friends, close enough to feel like family, but the Pine farm is far enough away that it’s a hassle to travel to the village except on special occasions
As for Jaune, they interact pretty often once he moves into the castle to start his apprenticeship (for the timeline, this is about a year or two before the betrothal/marriage) Jaune is absolutely terrible at magic, except the healing related stuff, so when he’s not out in the fields or walking the streets he hangs out a lot in Master Ozpin’s study and watches him work
Oscar very much feels like a fish out of water in the city, it’s so MUCH compared to his quiet life in the countryside. Oscar’s never had an older sibling, he’s had a same age one in Ruby, and Jaune has had ample practice, so he really takes the kid under his wing
Takes him out into the fields when he’s missing growing things, to the market to buy him sweets he could never get at home, makes sure that Oscar’s letters to Ruby and his aunt are carried by their swiftest horses, that sort of thing
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maskyartist · 2 years ago
Personal Fears
more drabbles this time from my Dadpin Lives AU
tw for discussions of surgery and amputation
“I won’t lie, Oz…this doesn’t look good.”
Of course it doesn't. Nothing can be easy nowadays, can it? Ozpin frowns as he thumbs at the top of Long Memory, staring at the x-ray of his leg with Pietro. It's a familiar sight to stare at the break of his leg, the one that's never fully recovered, but he can vaguely understand what Pietro means.
The normally small fracture, often held together by small pins drilled into the bone, has extended up his thigh, threatening to grind against his hipbone and beginning to snake down to his knee. The pins are barely doing much to hold it together. All in all? It's a mess.
Pietro turns to Ozpin with a frown. "I thought I told you to be careful with your stance."
"There hasn't been time to be careful." Ozpin counters easily. "Between Mistral, and the travel just to get here, I haven't had time to properly rest and recover. It's been...rather busy, Pietro." Unfortunately, with Salem knocking at their door, Ozpin hasn't felt a desire to stop and rest. For someone so used to the concept itself, he just hasn't had the time to focus on himself.
He's...had too much else on his shoulders to bother with himself.
Pietro sighs at his stubbornness, pinching the bridge of his nose with a huff. "Ozpin, this is serious. I can't just pin this together. The amount of surgery this would take to repair would take longer than it would to simply hack the thing off."
Ozpin's considered it the older he got, but eventually settled for comfortable discomfort. Losing a limb on top of his other many, many losses felt...too much.
But, Pietro's expression tells him all he needs to know. It's either one extreme, or another. Heavy surgery...or amputation.
Both he doesn't have time for.
"Perhaps we should just...leave it be?" Ozpin offers a third, not possible option. Perhaps it's desperation. "I just-"
"I get it. You don't have time for recovery. When have you ever?" Pietro teases lightly, turning fully to Ozpin with a sad smile. "But really, Ozpin. It's either days under anesthetics as I try to repair what little I can, which won’t do you any good...or we amputate. I know which one would take less time."
"Perhaps." He won't lie the logic in that thought process. "But, with Salem this close? I can't be hobbling around with one leg. All that does is leave me vulnerable, and we can't risk-I can't-"
...right. Safe. He's safe here. For now, at least.
Ozpin takes a deep breath, looking at Pietro's patient expression with a frown. "...I can't risk it."
"I know. Which is why i'll be making you a new leg in the process."
Well, he didn't consider that. Ozpin blushes lightly in embarrassment, looking away with a quiet "Oh...". He taps at Long Memory in thought. A new leg... Walking without pain does sound appealing...
"How long would it take?"
"For you? A few weeks at most." Pietro admits, his chair walking him to a drawer. "Admittedly? I've already got the base model finished."
"Of course." Ozpin sighs, looking at the build base as Pietro brings it over on his lap. It's already holding much of his own interests. The gears make his eyes sparkle, and the bronze color of the metal skeleton... Pietro really does know him better than himself.
He purses his lips. "How long have you wanted to amputate me?"
Pietro just smiles, innocent as ever. "Ever since you asked me to replace your pins."
Yeah, that tracks. Pietro always loved his personal projects, after all. Ozpin sighs heavily, making Pietro laugh, before continuing to show off the model, flipping it so Ozpin can get a good look at the limb from every angle. "I can have the model done before the surgery. That way, the recovery would be faster. But you can't expect this to be quick. Salem or not, you will need proper rest and physical therapy."
That's what worries him. The recovery process. Any day now, Salem could knock down their door, and if Ozpin were incapacitated... They can't risk his soul moving to another host. Not now. Not when he's so close.
"If you need time to think it over, I under-"
"No." He interrupts, a firm expression on his face as he finally makes his decision. "You're correct. This is the best option. I believe it'd be best if we went through with this."
Not just the best. It's his only option. If this succeeds, he could be in better shape to face that witch, and that... That is more important than his own fears.
The fate of many has always been more important than himself.
"How fast can you prepare this?"
Pietro pauses for a moment, before thinking. Ozpin watching the gears turn in his mind. "...get yourselves to Atlas, first. Once the leg's ready, i'll contact Ironwood and we'll start the process."
Ozpin nods in approval. "Is there anything you can do to keep the bone from breaking now? Reinforcing the pins? Something?"
"Unfortunately, we're a bit too far gone for that. The fracture is too big." A shame, but Ozpin still nods. He had a feeling. "Try and take it easy for this next week or two. I'll make this my top priority."
"Next to Penny's safety, I hope?"
Pietro rolls his eyes. "Penny will always be my only priority. Hate to say it, Oz, but you're second rate compared to my daughter."
"Oh! How cruel of you!" A hand to his chest in dramatics as he crosses his lame leg over his good one. It helps with the ache. "After all we've had...I truly thought I was special, Pietro. Truly, I did."
Pietro laughs deep within his chest, before waving a hand. "I'll contact Ironwood and let him know the plan. You guys just head to Atlas. And-!"
"Yes, yes. I will be more careful from now on." He mutters, hoisting himself off the examination table with a sigh. There's the familiar burn he's gotten so used to... He can't help but wonder how it'll feel to not have this burden weighing him down. Physically speaking.
"I mean it, Ozpin. Keep as much weight off that leg as you can." Pietro warns, helping him to the door. A kind friend. Ozpin was lucky to meet him.
"I can't promise much." He jokes, shrugging Pietro's hand off his arm to make it to the door on his own. "Trouble tends to follow me no matter where I go."
"Tell Qrow to keep a better eye out, then." Pietro teases right back, returning to his computer. Probably to find his blueprints. "Isn't he meant to be your lookout?"
Ozpin simply smiles. He doesn't have the heart to tell Pietro of his dramas. Qrow will speak to him when he's ready, and Ozpin will respect his want for distance. That...is the best he can do.
As he opens the door-
-Ozpin has to practically leap backwards as two familiar heads fall forward, landing face first on the tiled floor. A hand to his chest, his heartbeat dies down as he realizes...
"...Oscar? Were you eavesdropping?" He scolds, a frown on his face. "I thought I told you that was wrong."
"It was Ruby's idea!" Oscar quickly deflects, making Ruby jump up just as fast as him, eyes big in offense.
She points right back at him. "You're the one who went along with it!"
"Yeah, but you thought of it-!"
His shoulders rise as he slowly turns his head to look up at his dad, a nervous smile on his face. "...i'm sorry?"
A sigh. Ozpin offers a hand. "Help me to my seat. We're talking about this later."
"But, Dad-"
"As important as it may be, I wish to discuss this in private." He demands. "Don't argue with me, Oscar. Not now."
Oscar stares right back at him, hazel eyes filled with nothing but worry, before he finally gives in with a sigh. "Right...sorry, Dad." He finally says, standing to take his father's hand and help him back to the comfier seats of the cushioned chairs.
"And, Ms.Rose? I'm sure Qrow won't scold you for this, so allow me to say-" He pauses, looking down at her as she sits on the floor with a pout. Giving the young woman his hardest stare, he frowns. "-I am quite disappointed in you."
"Noooo...." Ruby mourns, melting fully onto the floor into a cape-covered-puddle. "Why can't you just be mad at me?"
"Because I know this hurts far worse." He teases, before finally letting Oscar help him back to his seat properly.
He rubs at his thigh.
Amputation...Glynda always told him his stubbornness would be his downfall, and it seems that's true.
...hopefully, Vale is treating her well, even now.
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