#Owl-like creature
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hamsterdads · 2 months
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isolated and hellbent <3
collab between me and @starrytrees
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 99
Tucker feels like tearing out his hair and screaming until reality warps. 
Visit Gotham, they said. They have great scholarships, they said. It’s not that bad, they said. Yeah well they can go shove it, because he bets that they didn’t have a bunch of golden-eyed not-ghosts following them around like Cujo does with Danny!
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ivytea · 1 year
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cycle of autumnal nutkin
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puppyeared · 1 year
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@ask-willowleafeon @ask-shiny-umbreon
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rileyclaw · 2 years
waking willow - the owl house human realm fan animatic
tumblr didnt want me to put the file on here so i had to link it . crime
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c0d33 · 7 months
i want what they have tbh
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Diversity win! This girl who dies and gets brought back to life by god with cool magic powers in an episode that aired on easter weekend has no specified religion!
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reallyghostlypost · 3 months
[Fic] The dangers of camping in the valley's forests
You know what Stardew Valley needs? More cryptids and unknown creatures. Also more fics with Jadu and Gill.
Jadu wrapped his cloak tighter around him. He actually liked whenever Camilla was sending him to visit Marlon, listening to him and Gill share stories and gossip around the campfire was always a delight, but he really couldn't get used with the weather in the Valley. Autumn nights here were always bitter cold for him, used with either the desert heat or the dry cold nights of the Badlands, not these humid winds that seem to seep into your bones. He took another gulp of hot mulled wine and looked up at the mountains.
The nature surrounding them was already shrouded in darkness despite the sky still having a greyish orange tint from the setting sun. The vegetation was too thick to see even a foot forward and to someone trained to fight in open terrain of the corrupted desert it felt really claustrophobic. Shadow brutes, or any monster really, could be just a few steps away from him and he wouldn't be any wiser.
Jadu moved closer to the fire, feeling his teeth start to clatter. Really, he wasn't a child any longer to get scared by creepy stories told around the fire. But he couldn't help but feel that the shadows between the trees were unnaturally dark. He realized that Marlon stopped speaking a while ago and that made him tense suddenly. What was happening?
Looking up he noticed both Marlon and Gill staring at the same spot... tree? Jadu tried to see whatever got their attention but there didn't seem to be anything there. A sound then came from the darkness, like a stream of water running over rocks. Were they this close to the river? But listening closer he could also hear whispers, like a group of people were close by speaking silently with each other. Jadu gripped the wand stashed in his robes.
He was started to feel dizzy. This odd noise of water and whispers reminded him when he was training with Camilla by the river. He still didn't know what potion she gave him that time, but it was supposed to help him communicate with the elementals. The river then started to speak with him in a similar way, to call him with whispers hidden beneath the clear sound of running water, awfully familiar, and Jadu knew that he would be able to understand what it was telling him if only he could get a little closer. He could feel his mouth numb, a weird sweet taste on his tongue. He was so close to the water now, only a step forward and he could fall in the river to join the whispers, when a hand shot up to stop him from drowning himself.
Jadu jumped violently pulling the wand from his robes only to point it at Gill. "Sorry lad, but you looked really out of it." Gill apologized before removing his hand from his shoulder. Jadu was still panting trying to figure out what was happening. He could feel sweat on his back despite the cold air surrounding them.
"That owl is back." Marlon said in a tired voice. Jadu looked at the scarred adventurer then back at the same tree Marlon has been watching before, but he still couldn't see anything. Gill patted his shoulder without a word and pointed at a branch higher up in the tree and that's when Jadu noticed it. It was a small white owlet with black spots all over its feathers, small enough that could fit in the palm of his hand, but it was... wrong. Its almond shaped eyes were pitch black, with no pupils or irises, and was that a third eye on its forehead or just another black spot?
As soon as he laid eyes on the small owl his head cleared and most of the cold and dread was gone. Were they caused by the critter? Now that he was less confused Jadu could definitely recognize it as a dark elemental, inhuman spirit birthed from the darkness of the forests covering so much of the southern part of the Ferngill Republic.
The owlet opened its small black beak and the same weird water sounds mixed with whispers came out from it. Jadu could feel his ears getting stuffy, and the same coldness was starting to encroach him again. Marlon picked a rock and threw it at the bird who flew off with a horrible scream, like dozens of bats screeching at the same time. Just as it disappeared into the brown dry foliage Jadu noticed that it had a second identical face on the back of its head, it's second pair of eyes staring straight at him, making the hair at the back of his head stand up.
"Don't worry." Marlon reassured him as he poured more hot wine in his mug and urging him to drink. The heat of the wine felt good. "You'll get used with its magic soon enough and it won't affect you this badly."
"It hid into a crack of our roof for a while and we couldn't understand why we kept having nightmares or hallucinated in the middle of the day." Gill chuckled. "It wasn't pleasant, but the owl seems otherwise harmless. It keeps following us around and tries to get back into that crack before we chase it away, so we got used with it by now."
"More and more spirits like that have started to appear. Magnus has been working overtime trying to keep the dangerous ones from getting close to the town so he doesn't have time to chase away the smaller elementals from mingling with humans. We considered requesting a meeting with Camilla but things are under control for now and we don't want to take more of her time."
"Weird." Jadu managed to say before starting to cough. His throat felt weird and dry which made him scowl. Why was he so affected that small spirit?
Marlon gave him a sympathetic look. "Don't beat yourself up lad. You're trained to deal with desert spirits not forest ones. Spend more time here and you'll recognize their magic before they can charm you."
"Yeah." Gill remarked dryly. "Like we did last week when we started accusing each other of whispering in the middle of the night." Marlon huffed amused at that before taking a sip from his own mug.
"I'll speak with Camilla about this, maybe she can think of some solution without the need of a whole council meeting." Jadu picked a dry fish from the pile of food placed between them. "When did it start to happen?"
Marlon and Gill looked at each other for a second before Gill cleared his throat. "When spring came around and the new farmer moved in the valley."
"Farmer?" Jadu was confused. What did a farmer had to do with spirits and elementals acting weird?
"Oh, kid." Marlon sighted. "You have no idea what a long history that cursed farm has."
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Torn between the idea of Hunter loving any wolf derivative, like coyotes and dogs, and the idea of him looking at a purse dog in dismay at how the mystical, majestic wolf has been reduced to this tiny yippy thing
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purplequay · 1 year
monster belos for the doodles? 👀
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strange looking bloke that one
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owlmylove · 2 years
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fuck it (starts knitting btw creature at 1am)
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iamtrashboatsworld · 2 months
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I interrupt my usual 911 content to bring a fake cover of a comic I did forever ago that I might or might not actually make so yeahhhhhhhhhh
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puppyeared · 1 year
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couldnt decide on drawing fish or horsies
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thebadchoicemachine · 2 years
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finally. transparent support creatures (offense creatures) (defense creatures) 
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lexcorecreations · 1 month
been workin on raging she-demon shimmer redesign for idk how long and i haven’t gotten to a design i like quite yet… any tips or suggestions ?
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