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La depresión, en todos sus niveles de gravedad, siempre encuentra ese cruce de caminos entre el abatimiento, la infelicidad y muchas otras veces, con la culpa. Y ahí es donde estamos nosotros, en silencio y desesperados, remando en una gran laguna gris interior dentro de un exhausto cascarón exterior, donde ningún tipo de comprensión puede calmar ese nudo en la garganta que siempre nos deja al borde de las lágrimas. Buscamos la fuerza necesaria para llevar a cabo hasta las tareas más simples de nuestro día a día. Muchas pueden ser las causas: la frustración generada por aquellas metas que no pudimos alcanzar en el trabajo, en nuestros estudios y hasta en el amor. Y como si no fuera suficiente, todo el peso de nuestra culpa se metaboliza en forma de una enorme roca que poco a poco empieza a hundir nuestro bote, haciendo que sea cada vez más difícil poder llegar a la costa.
Incluso la depresión, siendo un sentimiento común en casi la totalidad de la humanidad, continúa siendo un tema casi prohibido entre nuestros yo interiores. Intentamos llevar nuestra dura existencia con normalidad, como si el pedir un abrazo y un poco de entendimiento fuera el peor de los pecados. Con una sociedad que aparentemente goza de un oasis de alegría, terminamos no solo luchando contra la pena, sino contra nuestro orgullo de pedir ayuda, ahogándonos aún más en un vaso de agua, empeorando como si en realidad no hubiera algo más normal y rutinario que el sentimiento de pesar.
La melancolía es aquel sentimiento que nos hace brotar lágrimas cuanto más apretamos el puño. Cuando las cosas se ponen más difíciles, es aquel sentimiento que nos ata al sufrimiento, producto de nuestra decepción, fruto de nuestros sentimientos sobre las experiencias que nos vemos obligados a atravesar como seres humanos. Nuevamente nos sentimos obligados a buscar empatía donde no la hay, donde la sociedad pretende que tenemos que mantenernos positivos ante cualquier adversidad. Sentirnos incomprendidos es nuestra primera reacción ante todas las cosas, creyendo injustificada tanta ira contra el mundo, producto de la falta de empatía que tiene nuestro entorno con nosotros. Pero es ahí donde deberíamos sentirnos en paz, sentir que podemos amar y ser amados, pero nunca va a ser tan simple como eso.
Sentirnos tristes a veces funciona como una droga; uno poco a poco le va agarrando el gusto. Miramos con ojos incrédulos la posibilidad de que toda aquella gente decente y normal no pueda sentirse tan alienada e incomprendida como nosotros. ¿Acaso merezco cada uno de los golpes de la vida? ¿Acaso los tiempos duros son el resultado de tantos pasos en falso? ¿Acaso soy responsable de tanto dolor? Pero dentro, y muy en lo profundo de nuestro ser, el sentimiento de infelicidad es algo casi tan básico que costaría no encontrarle un sentido.
Queremos creer que, lamentablemente, nunca aprendemos de nuestros errores y que siempre es demasiado tarde para poder intentarlo de nuevo. Así perdemos meses y años, autoflagelándonos día a día con la fantasía: ¿qué hubiera pasado si...? en vez de tomar nuevamente las riendas de nuestra existencia dejando un poco de lado la imaginación y esa agridulce fantasía, en lugar de seguir engordando aquel sentimiento de ira y desesperación. Quizás deberíamos hacernos más tolerantes, amables, mejores personas para concentrarnos en lo que realmente importa. Es tan simple y tan difícil como eso. ¿Acaso no existen suficientes razones en nuestra vida para sentirnos felices? Es complicado porque siempre vamos a ser nosotros quienes debemos quitar la venda de la infelicidad.
Intentamos buscar culpables exteriores de aquellos sentimientos cuando somos nosotros los encargados de que ese río encuentre el mar. Nuestra vida siempre va a estar rodeada de malas decisiones. Muchas veces nos vamos a equivocar y vamos a ser testigos involuntarios del amor y del odio ajeno antes de que decidamos abandonar nuestro hogar y entregar la llave de la vida al siguiente inquilino. Junto con nuestro día a día, y a medida que vamos creciendo, vamos tomando conciencia del complejo entramado del vivir e ingenuamente creemos que somos incapaces de comprender algo tan complicado, cuando en realidad nadie puede.
Aunque constantemente seamos bombardeados por las malas noticias en un mundo sin lugar para los débiles, nos autoconsolamos interiormente con la promesa de que el mañana será mejor. Pero, lamentablemente, un día la gallina infinita de los huevos de amor simplemente muere. ¿Entonces acaso ese dolor es el producto de nuestro fracaso? Rechazamos cual tabú uno de los sentimientos más primitivos que tenemos como humanidad, avergonzados de ser seres sensibles como si el mundo no nos estuviera poniendo en constante prueba. Somos nosotros quienes debemos poner peso a nuestra existencia y entender que los sentimientos no son positivos o negativos, simplemente son.
¿Acaso estás dispuesto a llevar esa pesada mochila al resto de tu vida, o peor aún, terminar con ella cuando solo bastaba vaciarla de piedras? Somos prisioneros, captores y guardias de nuestro mismo exilio, y a su vez somos aquellos quienes portan la llave para salir caminando de esa prisión de tonos grisáceos. Tenemos terror a nuestros defectos como si fuéramos la mismísima representación de todo lo que está mal en el mundo, cuando son los mismos problemas que día a día combate tu vecino, tu amigo, el presidente y el hombre más rico de la tierra. Tan solo si por un segundo pudiéramos entrar en la cabeza de aquella persona que tanto anhelamos ser, te sorprendería saber que está pasando, pasó o pasará por lo mismo que nosotros.
Aquellas inquietudes existenciales son la respuesta de nuestra propia interpretación al dolor y a la tristeza. Sobre todas las cosas, nos sentiríamos mucho menos solos. Debe haber pocas confesiones más vergonzosas para nosotros mismos que admitir que estamos solos. Y es gracioso, como si rodearnos de personas nos convirtiera en individuos más o menos respetables. Pero contra nuestro terco yo, esto es una característica casi innegable de que somos personas sensibles y la soledad es su fruto. Ser incomprendidos nos vuelve solitarios, y el no poder saciar aquella necesidad de compartir nos vuelve aún más alienados.
Vivimos en una contradicción constante entre la honestidad y la aceptación. El ser nosotros mismos nos hace culpables de ser rechazados. Vivimos constantemente bombardeados con la disyuntiva de elegir entre ser aceptados o dejar abierta la posibilidad de poder hacer daño. No podemos culpar a otros por no querer aceptar quiénes somos y menos castigarnos por ello. Cargamos casi orgullosamente el estandarte de la soledad como si quisiéramos disfrutar solo nosotros de nuestro dolor. Y por más que nuestro entorno quiera ayudar, nos hacemos oídos sordos.
En realidad, quieres seguir nadando solo en el océano, sabiendo que tu barco ya se hundió. Y aunque sepas que la felicidad te está esperando en la orilla con los brazos abiertos, cuando te des cuenta de que ese orgullo que te impide pedir ayuda es el resultado de una sociedad que nos preparó psicológicamente para que los hombres sean fuertes, carguen los rieles de la vida y puedan, en su peor instancia, ir a la guerra y salir ilesos, vas a comprender que rechazar tus sensibilidades es un acto de traición a ti mismo.
Aunque constantemente vivamos con la idea platónica de encontrar a nuestra alma gemela que nos comprenda perfectamente, deberíamos entender que la vida nos enseña a todos de distinta manera y en diferentes momentos. Ciertamente nunca vamos a encontrar esas personas súper preparadas para entender nuestro dolor, pero sin duda alguna existen. Lo que sí te aseguro es que nunca vamos a poder sobrellevar ese dolor con la mentalidad egoísta de guardarnos todas nuestras penas para nosotros mismos. Es algo inevitable, pero sin darnos cuenta estamos siendo más crueles con nosotros mismos de lo que seríamos con nuestro peor enemigo.
Carecemos de un factor importantísimo en el camino hacia la felicidad: el perdón. Esa disculpa que no le negaríamos a nadie que, de rodillas y con lágrimas en los ojos, te gritara con el corazón abierto "estoy muriendo por dentro." Aunque la idea de dejar de sentir te susurre en cada esquina y la presencia de quienes nos quieran se sienta muy, pero muy lejos, te lo digo de corazón, como alguien que lo vivió: no dejes de sentir. Si tomas esa decisión ahora, en este momento tan lúgubre de tu existencia, puedes ver cómo todo se desvanecerá. Pero tienes que mirar un poco a largo plazo. El mañana realmente puede llevarse ese dolor, y todas esas cosas que no podíamos soportar se harán poco a poco soportables. Junto con una mentalidad meramente positiva, pasarán a la eternidad como tópicos casi tan insignificantes como lo fueron alguna vez cuando se nos cayó un dulce en nuestra niñez.
La cualidad más importante de nuestra miseria, y que muchos ignoran, es que nos hace poco a poco, día a día, un tanto más humanos.
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Minister of Health in India- Mansukh L. Mandavia. The condition of the person's body or the well-being of a person's mind and body. There are many health issues a person can experience- Depression is a state of a person where he/she is not able to recognize anything or not feeling to do anything and doesn't like to talk to anyone. Periods- this is a problem experienced by a girl or a woman. The problem of bleeding or the problem of extreme pain and cramps. Cold and cough- A cold is an infection of the nose, throat, and upper airways. It can be spread easily from one person to another. Allergies- Allergies are an immune response triggered by allergens, an ordinarily harmful substance. Allergies are the infection of a person caused by spoiled food, or any bad type of cloth. It can cause many types of allergies- body, face etc. Anxiety disorders are disorders caused by anything that happened in past or present. Some people have social anxiety means many people can't be able to talk in public as they have social fear or any other public problems. We can overcome this problem by helping others or by listening to a person suffering from this.
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two days after i killed myself
the day after i killed myself, i had no regrets. i was finally free—no more of that crushing weight, no more dark water filling my lungs until i was sure i’d suffocate. i didn’t have to think to myself, one more day. just try to survive one more day because i had no days left. it was over. i didn’t have to hurt anyone ever again. my family wouldn’t have to worry anymore now that i was gone. selfishly, i was relieved that i would never have to face them after what i’d done. i didn’t want to see how it hurt them. i didn’t want to know.
but i saw. from my place in death, i saw what i had done, the damage i caused. it was irreparable. my mother barely got out of bed. our dog barked and whined, begging for her attention, her love, asking where i had gone, but when she never responded, the dog simply climbed into bed and lay in silence with her. my cat, once confined to my room, now roamed the house as he howled, calling out to me, a living, breathing reminder of the daughter my mother lost and the love i had for cats.
my father, on the other hand, drowned himself in his work. he logged up to a hundred hours a week, only leaving himself enough time to miss me when he returned home at night to see my empty bedroom, the lights all switched off, the door cracked slightly open the way it always was when i lived there, eternally unchanging. he had begun to adjust the thermostat from his phone instead of passing by my doorway to do it manually. he didn’t want to think about me and what i left behind more often than necessary.
my little sister, who was only sixteen, still traveled between our parents’ houses. when she was at our dad’s, she kept the door to my bedroom from our shared bathroom tightly closed. she locked it when she showered, and sometimes expected me to burst into her room and scold her for leaving it locked after she was done. but i never did, and she eventually stopped unlocking it.
at our mom’s, she did her best to avoid walking down the hallway that led to my room and the bathroom unless she needed to pee. my door was always closed now, and my cat never seemed to figure out why. he would sit in front of it and cry, wailing for me to let him in, unaware that i was not home and i never would be again. my sister cared for him on my behalf, holding him when he cried in the middle of the night, feeding him when he purred and begged for food. he was how she honored me in my death. he was how she showed that she had loved me.
my older sister didn’t live at home anymore, but she felt the loss, too. when she lay in her bed, she sometimes caught herself staring at the candle i made for her in my pharmacy class and began to cry. she couldn’t bring herself to light it, unwilling to let a flame melt away something i had given her. when she felt strong enough, she often visited my social media pages and scrolled through my posts, remembering how i’d ask her opinion of my photos and whether i should post them. she always encouraged me to post them, no matter how other people may react. it was my page and she wanted me to share whatever i felt like sharing. now that i was gone, she was thankful for that.
my boyfriend was surprised by the news. at first, he thought it was a joke, something i’d orchestrated to get a reaction out of him—a sick prank. but he eventually realized that it wasn’t a cruel joke i’d been playing. he still went over to my house, sat on my bed, looked at the rumpled sheets and flattened pillows where we used to sleep together. he thought about how i would always sling one arm and one leg over him when we slept, like a koala hugging a tree, and i could see the ache i had put inside of him.
sometimes he would log onto his computer to play his favorite video game and see the minecraft logo, forced to remember how i made him play it with me the night after our first date when i panicked and made him go home. he remembered the feeling of his arm around my waist in the movie theater as we watched spider-man, of my hand in his while we walked through cedar point, of my skin against his the first time we had sex. he remembered the sound of my heartbeat whenever he rested his head on my chest, the smell of my perfume that he liked to spray on himself, the sound of my laugh when he said something particularly stupid. he couldn’t stop remembering. sometimes i wished he could forget, if only it would stop him from hurting so badly.
the day after i killed myself, i had no regrets—i was proud of myself for my success, relieved i had finally freed everyone from my web of misery and pain—but the day after that, i did.
two days after i killed myself, i regretted it. i wanted to go back. i wanted to push my hands through the earth i’d been buried in, my fingernails caked with dirt, and crawl home to the family i’d left behind. i wanted to wrap them in my arms, tell them i was sorry, promise them i would never hurt them that way again—but i couldn’t. i was dead.
two days after i killed myself, i regretted it more than i ever thought i was capable of.
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Navigating the Path of Functional Depression: Symptoms, Treatment, and Support
Learn strategies to manage high-functioning depression, understand its impact, and discover coping methods for better well-being.
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How do I cope with anxiety and depression? 🌿 In this short video, we’ll share simple and effective tips to help you manage anxiety and depression in your daily life. From breathing techniques and exercise to seeking support, you'll find practical steps to regain a sense of calm and control. Watch now for a positive boost to help you through tough times. 💙
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Overcoming Depression with Our Reiki and Healing Services
Depression is not just a feeling of sadness; it’s a complex mental health condition that can affect every aspect of a person’s life. From emotional turmoil to physical symptoms, depression can be debilitating. However, there is hope. Through holistic healing approaches like Reiki and specialized healing services in Chandigarh, individuals can find relief and embark on a journey towards inner peace and well-being.
Understanding the Challenges:
Finding Solutions:
Healing from depression requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just alleviating symptoms. It involves addressing the root causes, restoring balance, and fostering self-healing. This is where specialized healing services, such as those offered by Healer Sangeeta Jha in Chandigarh, play a pivotal role.
Reiki for Emotional Wellness:
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that channels universal life energy to promote balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. For individuals struggling with depression, Reiki offers a gentle yet powerful way to release emotional blockages, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. By realigning energy centers and restoring vitality, Reiki supports the natural healing process and fosters a sense of inner peace.
Healing Services Tailored to Your Needs:
Healer Sangeeta Jha’s depression healing services in Chandigarh are designed to address the unique needs of each individual. Through a combination of Reiki, energy healing, mindfulness practices, and personalized guidance, clients receive holistic support on their healing journey. Whether it’s releasing past traumas, cultivating self-love and acceptance, or developing coping strategies, these services empower individuals to overcome depression and reclaim their lives.
The Transformative Power of Healing:
What sets apart Healer Sangeeta Jha’s approach is not just the techniques used but the genuine care and compassion she brings to each session. Beyond the physical techniques, the healing space she creates allows clients to feel seen, heard, and understood. This nurturing environment is instrumental in fostering trust, facilitating healing, and promoting long-lasting transformation.
Embracing Hope and Renewal:
Depression may feel like an insurmountable challenge, but with the right support and resources, healing is possible. Through dedicated self-care, professional guidance, and holistic healing modalities like Reiki, individuals can embark on a path of healing, growth, and renewed vitality. With Healer Sangeeta Jha’s depression healing services in Chandigarh, you can embrace hope, reclaim your inner strength, and rediscover the joy of living.
Healing from depression is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and a holistic approach. By incorporating Reiki, energy healing, and personalized support, individuals can overcome the challenges of depression and experience profound transformation. Healer Sangeeta Jha’s healing services in Chandigarh offer a beacon of hope and a pathway to inner peace, empowering clients to embrace life with renewed vitality and joy.
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Depression is a common and serious mental illness that negatively affects how you feel the way you think and how you act. It is a mood disorder. Depression causes feelings of sadness, low self-worth, guilt or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home. It differs from simple grief or mourning, which are appropriate emotional responses to the loss of loved persons or objects. Where there are clear grounds for a person’s unhappiness, depression is present if the depressed mood is disproportionately long or severe. Depression can have many causes. Unfavorable life events can increase a person’s vulnerability to depression or trigger a depressive episode. Negative thoughts about oneself and the world are also important in producing and maintaining depressive symptoms.
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Why We Should Take Depression Seriously?
Depression is one of the most common mental health issues, yet it often goes overlooked and underestimated. According to the World Health Organization, depression affects over 300 million people globally. It is the leading cause of disability worldwide and contributes significantly to the burden of suicide and heart disease.
Despite its prevalence and serious implications, depression is surrounded by stigma and misconceptions. Many people view it merely as temporary sadness or weakness, but this simplistic understanding can prevent people from seeking help and receiving adequate care. Challenging the myths and misunderstandings around depression is crucial to improving awareness and support.
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बिग बॉस के घर में डिप्रेशन के शिकार हुए थे, ये 5 बड़े स्टार्स
रियलिटी शो ‘बिग बॉस’ की लोकप्रियता किसी से छिपी नहीं है। दर्शकों के बीच सलमान खान के इस शो को लेकर अलग ही क्रेज देखने को मिलता है। इस शो में जहां भरपूर मनोरंजन होता है, वहीं यहां वाद-विवाद भी कम नहीं होते। कंट्रोवर्सी के लिए भी यह शो प्रस���द्ध हो चुका है। प्रतिभागियों के … Read more
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Nav Phoenix & Stuart Maximus Livermore Talk | Chapter 9 | The Rise Of The Phoenix
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Unveiling the Shadows: My Journey from Manipulation to Liberation
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Art Therapy for Depression: Unlocking Creativity and Healing
What is depression?
Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, and a range of other emotional and physical symptoms. It is more than just a passing mood or feeling down. Depression affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves and can interfere with their daily functioning and quality of life.
Some common symptoms of depression include:
Persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness.
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed.
Changes in appetite and weight (either significant weight loss or gain).
Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or excessive sleep.
Fatigue or loss of energy.
Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt.
Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering things.
Restlessness or irritability.
Physical symptoms like headaches, digestive problems, or unexplained aches and pains.
Thoughts of death or suicide.
Depression can vary in severity and duration. Some people may experience a single episode of depression, while others may have recurring episodes throughout their lives. It can be caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Major life events, chronic illness, substance abuse, and certain medications can also contribute to the development of depression.
Treatment for depression typically involves a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. It's important for individuals experiencing symptoms of depression to seek help from a mental health professional, who can provide an accurate diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
What to do get rid of depression?
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Navigating the challenges of teen depression: Understanding and Overcoming the Struggle
Depression is a common internal health complaint that affects people of all periods, including teenagers. It can be a delicate and inviting experience for teens, who may feel insulated and misknew. Still, it’s important to a flashback that depression is treatable and there are ways to navigate the challenges and overcome the struggle.
One of the first ways in understanding and prostrating teen depression is by feting the signs and symptoms. Common signs of depression in teens include a patient’s feeling of sadness or forlornness, loss of interest in conditioning, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, and studies of tone- detriment or suicide. However, it’s important to seek help from an internal health professional, if a teenager is passing any of these symptoms.
Another important aspect of navigating the challenges of teen depression is creating a support system. This includes talking to family and musketeers, joining a support group, or seeking help from a therapist or counselor. Teens need to know that they aren’t alone in their struggles and that there are people who watch over them and want to help. In addition to seeking support, teens need to take care of themselves physically. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise. Regular physical exertion has been shown to have a positive impact on internal health and can help to reduce symptoms of depression.
Another important step in prostrating teen depression is learning how to manage stress and negative studies. This can include rehearsing relaxation ways similar to deep breathing or contemplation, journaling, or engaging in creative conditioning. It’s also important for teens to learn how to challenge negative studies and reframe them in a more positive light.
Incipiently, it’s important to understand that recovery from depression is a process and it may take time. It’s important for teens to be patient and kind to themselves during this process and to flash back that lapses are normal. With the right support, understanding, and tone- of care, teens can navigate the challenges of depression and overcome the struggle.
In conclusion, depression is a serious internal health complaint that affects numerous teenagers. It's important for teens, parents, and loved bones to be apprehensive of the signs and symptoms of depression and to seek help if demanded. With the right support and tone- of care, teens can navigate the challenges and overcome the struggle of depression. Flashback, there's a stopgap and mending.
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كيف تتعامل النساء مع الاكتئاب؟ قصص حقيقية ونصائح عملية
#youtube#Depression MentalHealth PracticalTips TrueStories PsychologicalSupport StrongWomen ImprovingMood DepressionTreatment OvercomingDepression Re
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When Youre at Your Lowest Look Up and Find Strength | a1000facesWorldWide #shorts
When You’re at Your Lowest, Look Up and Find Strength | a1000facesWorldWide #shorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD24ehb6oFw When you’re down to your knees, the only way is up. In this short, I share how I found strength and faith in my darkest moments. Don't miss this message of hope and resilience. #faith #strength #hope #overcomingdepression #spiritualjourney #godspresence #findinglight #hopeandfaith #shorts via a1000facesWorldWide https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Wcj-DWhwCU9wlHKky2L-Q August 21, 2024 at 12:06AM
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Freedom from Depression Through Meditative Healing: 432Hz Root Chakra Fr...
Freedom from Depression Through Meditative Healing: 432Hz Root Chakra Frequency Immerse yourself in a healing journey with our '432Hz Root Chakra Miracle Frequency' video. Specifically designed to assist those grappling with depression, this powerful meditative healing tool aims to balance your Root Chakra. Website ► https://youtu.be/uRRe4XR2C5w #432Hz #RootChakra #FreedomFromDepression #MeditativeHealing #MiracleFrequency #MentalHealth #Mindfulness #EmotionalWellBeing #HolisticHealing #InnerPeace #EmotionalStability #OvercomingDepression #ChakraBalancing #HealingJourney #MentalResilience
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